/ " Ms ot, 3 ' LAWS OF NEW YORK. " : |CoatioMdpiW)ift-Jlnt page. \ » •, ;, for the sevesal hospitals of the state except those in tMe city of New York, (bat bicluding tb« women's hospital, the Jews' hospital, and the ftrtt f Td«k mffifniary. for indigent wotpe'qr and children, together with the" St. Mary's Hos- pital at Rochester, the soldiers' Home in the city of Elatfra,- Rochester city hospital the . .. . -,--- - J - - . _.. Buflelo ireitrW npsjJittt* anttstbe Bndd£:MngH levied and collected, puraunnt to'Chapter let*. lu-h'oepital qf,&eliswr« of cbarlty.) to bedrirluV! <jnt " .-*-.-. ed among*- thoao tuMitutiona on tbe first day of October next, in propbrtiou to the number of benetieiary patients in tbem and the time that suck patient* ahail hare been under treatment during the present liscal year.Tifty thousand ollurs. and tbey *<»all not reject any properiap- plication of sick or wounded soldiers. For the. New Tork ophthalmic hospital six bundled dollars ; the New lirk-ojre nndeaC ib- nrmary nWe handtvd dollars'; t|Hf NevrYork dis- pensary ona tbousaud eight hundred dollars; the northern dispensary one thousand dollars; the • Bond atre«t homeopathic dispensary oue thous- and dollars j the eastern dispensary one thousand Ave hundred dollars; the German dispensary •even hundred dollars i the aispemary: of the Troy hospital live hundred, dollars : the north- | western di*p«iwary seven hundred dollar* ; the New York infirmary dispensary four hundred , dollars* 'title tsuffju..homeopathic-dispensary i one hundred dollars; the northeastern dispeu-< •ary two hundred dollars; the Manhattan dis- pensary two hundred and tifty dollars; the drooklyn dispensary six hundred dollars ; the Brooklyn central dispensary one hundred aud fifty dollars: the^rooklyo Homeopathic dispen- sary one hitfdred dollaw * the New York home- opathic dispensary three huudrcd and buy dol- lars ; the VViBiamshttrgii dispensary six hundred dollars; the. BuflMb cfty dispensary three hund- red rod-bity dollars; the Demllt dispensaryJrt New York city, fourteen bnirfk«d dollars. Td the New York hospital, fifteen thousand dtillarsj for the Rochester city hospital, one thousand dollars jtottoei St Mary's hosplMat Rochester, 1 , two thousaad dollars;forthe Jews' hospital in .the eity of New- York, live Hundred dollars; for the ladies' soldier's aid society of Ithaca, for the maintenance and education uf destitute and or- phan children of soldiers, two thousand fire hundred dollars, on condition that the managers of said society, shall raise from other sources the additional sum of two thousand live hundred dollars. For the pavment of a deficiency in former ap- propriations "fur the maintenance of state pupils at the Institution for the blind in the city ot New York, fifteen thousand dollars, to be drawn from the comptroller, only on the certiticate of the committee on charitable and religious socie- ties of-the Senate, that the financial adairs^ol the Institution are properly conducted. .',,, Fur the prison association ot New York thfee; thousand dollars. . . . For the society for the reformation of juve- nile delinquents in tlie city of Mew York, fur/Re- pairs of buildings and increased necessary ex- peditures ten thousand dollars. For theetiarity foundation of the, Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of Buffalofivehnn- 'red dollars. CHAPTER 77. tN ACT authorizing Patrick Eynch, assignee of J. 0. Lynch, to tile his claim for canal damages. Passed March26,1864—three-fifths being pres- The People of tbe State of New York, rcpre sated in tue Senate and Assembly, do enact as .UoWi: 1 flKCTiox 1. Patrick Lvnch, assignee of John O. tv Lynch* is hereby authprized'to file with the canal appraisers his claim for'damages arising from tne Uswe.'o canal enlargement, with tfe.e same ftfect as though said cla-ip had been filed within one year after'the appropriation of tlie lau.i from saiu JuUti 0. 6. Lyuch's lots for said •cuiargv iiK-nt. . ' - |i. This act shall take unectimnsed lately. CHAPTER 75. AS ACT authorizing Eveline Beer, iofileher claim for canal damages. ^Passed Marvu 2<i. 18<J4—three-fifths being pres- ent. The People of the State of New York, repre- sented in oenaie and Assembly, do enact a fol- lows: Sacrum 1. Eveline Beer, is bertby authorized to file with the canal appraisers her claim for damages arising from the Oswego e^nal enlarge- ment, with the same effect as'though said claim had been hied witiiiu one year after the appro- priation of the land from her lota for said en* Urgement. f 2. T;sls act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 78. AN ACT authorizing Elisha F. Wallace to file his cLiim tor canal damages. Passed Mar. 26, 1864—three-fifths being pres- ent. The People oTthe Stateof New York, rep re- sented iu aeuate and Assembly, do enact as fol- lows : _ SK.cnos 1. Elisha F. Wallace is hereby au- thorized to hie w ith the eanal appraisers his claim for damages arUing from the Oswego en- largement, with the saiiie efiect as though said ckVim had been tiled within oue year after the appropriation of the laud from his lots for a.id euurgeui J:I t. §. 2 This act sual! take efiect immediately. CHAPTER H»9. AN ACT to privide Ways and Means for the rirpport of Governnitnt; to authorize a tax of one and three qu.irters mills on a dollar for pnrpo:-es of the General Fund, two and one •irfht mills for }»vinent of bounties to Voli teers. three quarters Of a mill for imttnteii- unee of eonimon Schools, th" ce eights of h mill l»r redemption ofState indebtedness, and for iniernal improvements. Passed April 25rl*>64; three fifths beihg present, the People of the Stats of New York repre- sented iu Senate and Assembly do enact as follows : Section 1. There shall be imposed fo?"thc fis- cal year commencing on the first day of Octo- ber, eighteen hundred a,nd sixty four, a ?tate t»xof one mill and one forth of one mill on each dollar of the valuation of the real and per- sonal property in this 8»ate subject to taxation ; which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected on and by the annual assessment and collection of taxes for that year in the manner prescribed by kwt4iml shall be paid by the several countv treasurers into the Treasury of this state, to be held by the Treasurer tor application to the purposes of the General Fund, and for the pay- ment'of those claims and demands which shall constitute a lawful charge on that Fund. § 2. There shall alio be imposed for the same fi*c*l year, a State Tax of one hariof one mill on each dollar ot th* valimtiou of real and pergonal property of}hi State siihjevt io taxation, wnieh ' u x shall be assessed, levied and collected -i< •tbresei.1. and -hail >>. paid liy the Several coun- ty tivasurer.S i.uo the Treasury ofMliw" State, lor appUHMioti purpo-«3 of the <VeueraVFtt»d' aud in particalar tor tlwp.«ynient of tlmseclaima. aud demands wiiivh hare bet n omrttituted a law ch-trp<» upon that Fund, 1ri pursuance ot acts passed in the year eighteen hundred and si.-.ty three. §S. There rtwll »l»f> be imposed, as author- iz-d by law, on the fir-t da- of October nest, # State lax of two and one eighth milU, or such p t r t o f thHt iHnouut as the Comptroller aliall yifyc to be neeessary. on .-Meh dollar of the Val- >w'.ioa«4't>M real and pt-rm>iial property in this Strvi« «ubj-etf6 taxation, which tax xluill be a« ne*»4, I'-vi-d and collev'ed as aforesaid, and •bail b. pt.d by the several eoun.v treasurers v;, o th treaMiry this state, to be heldbv the T^.surer fur applicat.ou to the payme.'it of h.nmit-»to volmiteers iu:o the service of the gov?rn.iH»t ot the Unied States, or of a priaiions Mj(heTa'itilie*ot votiti.teeAi. § 4.. The State ta x of fhrei. fourths of one mill o:i each doll.r of valuation of real mid-pertonar pmn-ny in tni* style s.tl.j.Hl to taiitionVshall b* a-^-srd. l.-vi. d and collected for the maJn- tena::c- of '"o.iimon Schools us directed bv. clmpuroae hundred and iIgbly of the hjwftof eighteen huuured and tii'tv six, and shall be paid by the pj^untf treasurer into the treasury of thu "?t«te» to be held by be treasurer for ap- plication ipihe ntuutCDauce of Common School* a* directed pj cliipter one hundred and eighty <eftbel*Paof.ei«tu»enbandred andfiltTfix; mA •bail b>fw«i by the county treasurers into tk# tt^*?^ T°? •Mf ***** to. b* kal4 by tbo J£i£***L •H^**# n «^'**- w^Menaace / ^ e f OooiBojtMiektliroacftonttbiaState; and *••.**?!£? >7 •« f *'*^e»r*throf one mill on each domr-oi vakt.tion of real and perrons! property <«tb}«cl to taxation, shall b»> asses*eil levieAaBd^oUeeted, ppmianr to Chapter t*6 hundred and seventy oa* of-the hiwa-oreieh- V*«t buudrtd and fifty nine, to pay the interest Tjtlagigljg ie State debt and redeem the principal of the State debt of tWo,an,d,one half uiilhop of dollarf »bou Ipgalixej and sban- be paid- Into -fhe -TrtasurV W%i 8tate, to be held by the Treasurer for the pay- ment of interest and redemptipir of prfutipal ol tiiesfoivfiftid debt, as prdvlded In safd[«|;t; aAd] the addirtohal tax of three* sixteenth »Fon mill on'eadi dbllar bfvajuiation M real aWd p*rsoual property srtbject to taxiiffon, shaB'be —»- :a —* of the laws ol cightIleehbK^>t«*rtft d *** ty three, to facilitate the construction of the Albany and the Su«^*e'|^^hhn , ' Railroad and shall be paid by .the veveral County Treasurers intb the Tre"asury*b^"this State, to be held by the treasurer for' the special purpose deai^nat ed by (his act. g 5. Tl|ere<sM! «'SO •»« Impos «d tor the said fiscal year, a State Tax, as a authorized by law, for the purposes here spccilied,; for the exami- nation mid completion of rhe"Snenaijgo canal, ijfl oil eaeWdolhir.of a &AI;V. JHMM^ [STAR'S BAJL8A.M or t VTild gherrv* ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA. V BLB REMEDIES IN THE WOBLD FOR doogh*. Colds, . .iwaLiS ^ unaneniasi three sixteenths of one valuation of real and personal property suuj#cf-I to taxaipn; ,and for the repairs .and immpje-; ment ofWGertesfee Vatll? %arial, 6*£ti* ieenlh o! one mil! on each Hblfar ofthtf-^laa- thion of'Buch taxnble property j and for the improvement, of tlie Charaptaih C^Hal, «n« tenth of one mill^on each dollar of the valua- tion of .the said taxable property; which Wtate tax shall be assessect, levied and collected as aforesaJd, and sliallbe paid by the several coun ty Treasurer* in to the Treasury of tbt? .8tatc, to be hold by the treHftiire'r, foFthe tespe^krVe , purposes designated by the several laws difeei-'j ing the prosecution of the said public works. § 6. In tfie eventjof the renewal afi4 iinbb- sjtion of the direcjt tax upon the taxa|ble property of the United States, provided for by ihe act' of Congress, approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fcikty Ot*, otof apy aim- filar direct tax, the Comptroller is hereby au- thorized to give notice to the Secretary of the Treasury, that the State of New York, will aa? some an J pay its 'quota of such tax and to cause a tax of one raill-aud three fourths upon each dollar of the valuation of real and person- al estate, to be levied, collected and paid into, the Treasury in the usual manaer, to be held by the Treasurer for'the payment of the quota of such direct tax, which may be payablolrom his State to the United States. 8TATE OF NEW YORK, \ OFFJCK OF TIIR JSucRBTAiiy OK STATK. r I have cqmpfired the preceding with the OTIZ - inal oh file Inftiisofllce. and dorertUy thai t:. e eisa correct transcript therclrumaud ol f.l.e whole of said orijritui! CUAUNCEYM. DEP1JTV,,; Secreany t»f *i»'ta» FriemU an<i Relatives - < -nr TOK Bnive : Soldiers and Sailors, appro- tIOILiIX> 4 W A Y ' S l^ILLS a n d O i it t i n o n t. All who have friends and relatives in the army or navy should take especial care that they be amply supplied with these Pills nnd Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better present can bo seiit them by their Friends. They have been proved to .be'the Soldier's never failing friend in the hour of need. Cmif/hg <rt»l ColAn afrrfinr; Troopn, Will be speedily relieved and eileetnally cured be) using these admirable medicines, and by pay- ing proper attention to the Directions which ore attached to each Pot or Box. Hick Headaches and Want of Amietite, Incidental to StJdKrg. Those feelings which so sadden its usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira- tion, or citing and drinking uhate\cri* imwhol- •. thus disturbing the healthful action of the and etoinuv'b. Tlie^o r>r^ain must he re> (1. If you desire ( o be well: The PilK takor according; to the priiUe,' 1 in-'truetioiis. wiHcjuick- ly produce a hcaJthv acri;'a in ix.tti liver and stomach,"' aud as a .mviKaJ coiiscqueuce., a t^ear head ah3 good-iippptTte'." ' * ' • : v - i\'ruhil-*» <.r h-hiOhi l:tdur?djj,; Or<r ntti/pte. Will soon disa^>ear by llie use of these Inval- uable Pills, and the Soldier will quicK.'.v acquire additional-ireiigth. Never let the Hoi! els be cuher confined or timlulv acted upon. It mi'V seem strange, that llollo'wuy's Pil).-. should be re- I'oinuicuded lor Dysentery aud Flux, many per- sons supposing that they' ,\\yujd inurcaee the re- laxatlpn. Tfcnj If n -feat fnfetaUe,forfhese Pills will corrccTtlielnePiind stomach, auff'tlifiS're- ino\e all the acrid humors from the system.— This medicine will -ive touc and vigor to the whole organic sy-tein. however der:uie.cd. while health auoj st reuu:lh follow n^ amaitcr'ot'cQursc. Nothing will stop tbe relaxation of the Bowels so snreas this famous medicine. .\'ittnntter*. Attention^ Indigcntim*of Youth. Soros, and Ulcers, blotches and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills are takeu night and moiuiiug, uiid.tf)e,.<Jlutment be freely used as slated In the• pilatad instruc- tion?. If treated in any other manner, thev drj' up in one part to break out in another. Where- as the Ointment will remove the humors from the system, and leave the Pntfeut a vigorous ajid healthy man. It will require a little perbever- auce iu bad cases jto insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either occasioned by the Jla'/onet, Sabre. or the Ballet, Mut^sZr Xru^s. ' ' -4To-which every Soldier aM Sailor a/e liable, there arc no nftificihes so *tfe* sure, antl coSve-! nient. as Hollo way s Pillsidnd Ointment. The poor wounded and almost dying sutlerer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he wo'ld only provide himself with this matchless Oint- ment, which should be thrust Into the wound and smeared all round it,-then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a kaudkVrchieC Taking, night and morn- ing, 6 or 8 Pills, to cool the system and prevent incarnation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chesj should" be provided with these valuable remedies CACTIO* .'—None areffetHJune/uulesstbe words "Ilolloway, Saw York and London." are dis- cernible as a Water mark in fevery leaf of the Irook of directions around ea«h pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by;Holding the leaf to the right. A handsome-reward will be given to auy one rendering such information as hiav lead to the detection of auy party or parties counter- feiting the medicine^ or vendlpg the same, know- ing them to be, i-purious. (*••". %* Soul at the manufactory of Prof. Hblloway, «o Mai'lcn Lane, New York, and by all respecta- ble Drug-istfe and,De#ler»in Medicine, through- out the civilized world, in boxes at 2o cts. b'2 cts and fl each. <^ ^tSr «tf**VflbBBlderable savlna; by Uklncr the lamer size*. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are afilxed to each box. 13yl O*'Dealers in my wcll-kno_wn medicines can have Show Cards. Circulars, &c. Bent Free of Exi>el»>e. i>y addmsbifr Thomas. Hollowav. 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y. DARLEY'3 AhABIAX HEAVE REMEDY: For the cure of Heaves, thick and tM-oken wind, colds, cou-hs and all diseases which affect ° ' the wind in Norte*, This preparation is in coaimon use with tbe Arabs, who feed it to their horses two or three times a year, for about a week at a time, which SnAM t h e c /* usti of tht!h - remarkableapced; ^ f H IV was introduced into England some >ears ago, by Mr. Darlv of Yorkshire who proeuredtbe recipe, from an -Vrablah Stick or Chief, from whom he purchased a horse H „ l n . his reaMenceln. Syria and wffi *&^ A w a r d s imputed to England and known is Urn ffiv Arabian Iron, whi5b sprang tile lftrwlt SS mostsplendtd horses ever knowq It will not only prevent b»,t effetftoaHy core the aoWe nam ed c o m ^ o l v it eleaoaes tbe breatbl3EmeT tus, bylremortng from the aircelU thSfmn^ « secretfon, which in heaves vk»ga tfflelffi^ " .ttWPS^* 0 *•• thda eqiialldDftthe mAmtSS?**- It may be ntddatalltfaBeawlth perfect « „ « „ we1lThSS?SMS£ **"* ^*» C\rTiox_ErerypTOkac»of thecemflfife ley's ArabwwiHeWe Remedy." bear* tbe'iri si-nauirc of Hard * Dp. Ail other t* tmnrtb*^ i-emembtJrthhn•• •- r D. W. HURD^^ Sole Proprietor, 67 »felde«'UKe«»ew *»•*; For sale by Jobn Doig. Richardson, LowTlUe; Jemee Pedes Martloabargbs Hoiden, Torin. 46 AND CHEST, JeiSttli^SfcicS*?'"''' ' y ~ rs Balsam of Wild Cherry. „» „~nenil lias tbe rise of this remedy becqme, andso popular at It^^ e\'erywriere; that it is UUR«- besaaryTto recoftntllls virtuet. Its*:works speak fordtlMid line utterance ib the abundautfand Vdiunt&y teBtimhhy of the inany who from.Jong sudferkiWd settled dlseaf^ have by Iu uae been restored toiprietine vijrtMP and health. We dan patent a mass of evidence laprool of oun aaaertijms, that * ' f | CANNOT BE DISCREDITED.. mpot-Lnt Teailmnny from Phyelet*»«> Mrom ». T H A T O l t * ! ^ -•?.'&.« 1 rtrfH^^^VrV f K lL\*Lm otMfm*Cherry fflves unl- teraafSitlsfteTibb. 1 It seems to cure a cough by looscnirfgand cleansing the Lunirs. and allaying irrltatloii. thus removing the cause, instead ol drying lip the coiitrh aud l«a,vlng; the cause bc- bind. Il consider the Balsi'im as gimd afari'j', If qot the best Cough Medicine with which 1 am JqcquaiiiUpYl, , ; f , 1>n >-i , • j I H ' I Of Auburn, N. Y. *'I most cheerfully add my testimony in favor of Wistir's Balsam. I havu used, it In my family in Pulmonary Affections, coughs and colds, and esteem it a most valuable remedf; ^mi fctfre^e* <jommelrided it in various complaints of this na- ture with Invariably happy results." flrim H. U. MAttTI.1, M. i I Of Mansfield, Tioira Co., Pa. "HaMng used In my™ practice the last four years, jwistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, with S reot success, I most cheerfully recommend It to tose a Ilicted with obstinate coughs, colds, asth- ma, & c r WlSTARTS BALSAM WILD CIlKpB * Teallmnny of* L*«ly< DKKK Kivttit, N. Y.. Nov. 6. WfiO. Gentlemen—Although averse to this kind o ..r^tattaMS Dr. Winjuir's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at a time when iny recovery from a severe cough nnd 111- ics* was exrrcmely doubtful. As I am confident fhnt It Ivaj Instrumental in my rebtoratfbn. mid v in saving tuy Hfe, I heartily recommend lerswfio require a cough medicine. UiarewpectfuU^, ANN-E^HJUJ^JIM^T. - 'V» BiilMtm H^tift'ft&ri' genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on pir'>»i«T»jr S; ' ' [Dinsmore, N*>. 1!H Broadway. New York. Fowle& Co., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggist*. 7* __,—i<i)'?*»* : 'fe «v** *\ ron A UKDICCCS TUAT WILL ccni Cpa^bs,, Inflaenia» Tickling in the Throat Wijoopirig Cdugh, or 4 '" relieve Consmnptive ' Coughs, As quick aa COE'S COUGH BALSAM ! J. P. s. w Reduing's Kiissiaii Snlvc. FOflTY l r EAR'S EXPERIENCE lion as| Only A iron is| bloud, t-at: blk ks fully established tbe superiority of iRedlin^ i\*$tiM Salve. " Over all other henling preparations. It c ires nil kinds of Sores, Cuts. Scalds, Bum.«JWoils, Ulcersv Salt Rheum, Ecvsipe-hw, Stie«, Piles, Cmns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, Ac, Ac, removing, the pam at once, nnd reducing the ino*t nnur'y looking swellings and inflamuia- ,s 4f by magic. "" cents a box. jDJnanM>re,.4M BrbaawSy; New Ydrk. S. WL Fowle it Co., 18 Tr*raon,t-st., Boston And by oil Druggist*. lfyl TO AM. I ^ V A L I I i S . IROII IN THK BI.OOD. It is well known to tbe medical profession tha ' •" Vital Principle or Life Eh - --• Tld-s is derived cbiell,' trt>ru thcf'oo.1 we. food is not properly digested, or u«c wl ntevcr. the iiueecs'ary quan tity of"jlron is nut taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced; the whole system suffers. The bad bhjod wilt irritate the heart, will clog nptbe lungs, will st upei} the bruin, will obstruct the liver, ttnfl waJl, P > c(nd? * ts diaeaae-prodttfing ele- ments tonlfpartsof the^vstem, and every o c will Biiflfbr in whatever orgoil may be predispos- ed to Idlieeosc.' Tlie great valne of X»*c»n, >IK a Meciicijae Is well known and acknowledged by nil medical men. The difficulty has been to obtain such a preparation of \tftsiviU enter tbe«irciihitten and - -•— : |ate at bjneo with" tlie blood. ' This point, nsshni] says D| been Haysl Massachusetts State Chemist, has gained in the Pentvian Syuuf), by combin- ation ih a way belbroriitknoMu; v-.tttEtttDthU'lliBP : :"- Is a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron. A nen discovery in atedlclne, that Strikes at the Hoot of the Dikeosebystrpplving the blood with its Vital Principle of Life Element—Irtn. THE nmm SYRDP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Fe- ver and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. i THB ?mmm mm Infused strength, vigor, and new \ife into the system, and buikle up an l, iron Constitution." I •' THE PERDVIM STRUP ; : Cures; Cbrgnic Djarrhcea, Scroffula, Boils, Loas pt Cpb^tutlonal Vigor. .eaJfBB PEROVUJi SYRDP' Cures Nervous Affections, Female Com P 1 *ii- and all diseases of the Kidneysand Blad d o THE PERUVUM sVRIP Is a Specific for all diseases originating in a btid state or the blood, or accompanied by Debility or a lo|w state of the system. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and TeVomMeViiJMlous from loMe br-the moA^emlnJ ent Phksicians, dlergjmen,! Arid others; will be sent free to any address. Wc Select'a Tew'of'the names to show tbe character of the teMttootriaU. :. \ JOHN E. WILLIAMS, Baq., . Presidentrol the Metropolitan Bank, New York^ [I Rev. ABEL STKVENS, * Late! Editor Christian Advocate and JournaL Rev. P. CHURCH, i; Editor New York Cbronlcle. ReVL John I'ierpont, Rev. Warren Burton Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, Rev. Gurdon Rohblns' «R»-v. Sylv.-unrs Cobb, Rev. T. Star King, Ri EphriUm Nate, jr.. Rev. Joseph H. Clinch! Rt Henr.v |Upbam. Rev;. P. C. Iteadley, Rev. John Ephritfm Nate, jr.. Rev. Joseph H. Clinch! Rev. Jlenr.v Upbam. Rev;. P. C. Headley, Rev. John ;IW. Olttistcod, Lewis Johnson, M. b . , Roswell Kinney. M. D., S. K. Kendall, M. D!, W R Chisbdlm. M. D„ Frartcls Dnna. M.D.. Jeremiah :Stohe, M. D., Jose Antonio Sanches M D •Abraluim Wendelk >L D.. A. A. Hayes, M. D'' J. K. Chilton, M. D.; H. E. Klhney, M. D. Prepajred by N. L. Clark & Co., exclusively for J. P. Dinsmore, 491 Broadway. JCew York. Sold by all Druggists. ed port,\J; 8E0JIIWS RCSSU.\ S i U E Heals Old Sores, RBuDl.Vli'S BU8S1W SALVg , Gwrea.Barns, 8calda, Cuts. iBuim^miitii ittiB CureaWoand^Lltotlpea,r%pralna. MDBlXfr'a itislil MLJE CmeaB^K Ulei^a, Cancen. . !*Mh ^Bryalp^a. ; - ,.,^falilC--. : N 4Y SHOULD BE WITUOUT IT. 5 centa a box. ; i t •;-. •: a< '• >A ^ T<*C snir-**i«?fc»* ^ ••., i -.-»•.<•' •.-• .'iL'SS'&i'.'^SS&^K;. j alldraggUte and eouatrj storekeepers. 0 VER FIFTY TUO USA ND BOTTLES tiave been sold in it* native town, and not a tin- gle lnstunce of its failure is known. 1 We have In our possession any quantity of t tlflcates, some of them from Ambient Pyysi- is, who have used it In tbelr practice, and given It the pre-emfcftnee over any other com- pound. I t dpcjs not Dry up a Cough! but loosens it. so ns to enable the patient t,o ex- pectorate freely. Twb or three d,oses will Inva- riably cure Tickling in the Throat. - A HALF BorrLRbas often completely cured the mOSt ; "''-' '- Wi.: ;•••• i Stubborn Cough! am) Vet, though It ^ s o sure and speedy In its opr eratul>n, It la perfectly -harmless, being pniely vegetable. It is very agreeable to t he ta»tcv and may be administered to children pf any age. i n <SaSfeB J df Crbnp, we will guarantee a '• ' Cure, if taken in season. v3l , *W^JimkMMife££i , It Is within tt«Tew*h oTalL the price being ["• ' ONLY'40 CENTS ! And if an investment andftboroagh trial does pot •tack up'the itbove stateWent, the money Will be refunded.'' We say this knowing its mer- its, and feel confident that one trial will secure for tl h home IneVery household. : j Do no.t wa^te away with coughing, when so •mall hn investment will cure you. It may be had of ntly respectable fe»r«ggtet iti town,; who will furnish you wiih a circular of genuine ce'i tjifibaterf of cures It Mii hiade. (QTSold by Druggists every where. ! C. G. CLARK AGO., Proprietors; H New Haven, Conn. DENNIS BURNS & CO.. N. Y. General Agcuts. DYSPEPSIA (JURE! WORLD'S GREA T REMEDY DYSPEPSIA, Aud all Diseases of the STOMACH AND BOWELS : ONE BOTTLE Is guaranteed to cure the worst case of Dyspepsia in existence, ami ONE DOSE will iiiHanianeously relieve the most aggravated attacks of Cholera Moi'lius, Sick IlcwWhe, Dysentery, Sickness? at stomach Fever:n»ff AgiiM, lliiirtbnni, CV>liv P a i n s , nnd in fact all diseases procectTmgfrom^tbe ?t<>ni- ueb and bowels. It is a 'sovereign aud perman- ent cttre for T Incligesfion awl General DeWIrfy, and wiHio every in?tnnce regulate and reslorcto a heallhv condition a Disordered Stomach, ena- bling the patieirt to take healthy food without danger ol' distress from it. It is the most wonderful Remedy, and the .most fpeedy in its a>etKm, e?er known to the •world. No one will do without it in the hoitie. that h;i8 ev er used it once. Yon that are Snfiering, we beg of yon, o r yo ar own take, to make jrist one trial of it. PKICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ' O*3old by Druggists, everywhere. CG.CLARK&Ca, Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, New Haven, Conn. DENNIS BURNS & CO., N. Y. Gen. Agents. /"I LARK'S DISTILLED Restorative for the Hair! GRAY OR FADED HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR! fliiiMlfflUT decay. call ScRortJ^JA lurks , In tfite con^ tMtioita of multitudes of men. It either producpS'or. ta • produced b ^feebtat, vitiaile* 8tate I of the bldodj'Wh&rein Cthat fluid becomes iri- Icompetcnt to] sustain ?tlie yita.1 force* in their Ivigorous actipn, | and Cleaves the system ^to _ " fall Into disoridcrj and The scrofiUousWntaTuinatifin IK^SK^i' ^wtBmmmvffmam^ T>UR8UAaN r X. ***** '• byirtventoaJ le#tatfcofGaii (URSUAiTRttoVAN. . "" *" Lewis county ... allpereons'luv' ^.^e of Gaius Alexander, deceased, that they are remiL . . ,. same with their vouchers thereof, to the under- f sighed at Mariinsburgh,'on or before'tbe Jit day 1 of April n e » i **Dated, « | C . l f J l « B i i »7 ' *• . DANIEL LtfUCKS.1 Pt L, (ftM EDWIN MILLER, / *<xpcntor». rioiislyi 1 caused by racrcMtial living, disordered digesth food, impure air, filth the depressing vices, the venereal j infection, origin, it ia hereditary descending "from parents toi cnildi the third and! fourth generation;" aeema to be the rod of Him wha eayi YisU the inignltWs of tab fathers n children." Thje diaeasea it origit Tarious namew, according •*-' • u -* t attacks. In JUNI lungs,-j tubercles, and,'fijiany Cp'n^ukaptidjt glands, awclllngl which «f—^—~-^- como ulceroni sores; in i ijglAe liv«reompla _ cutaflfeoua' .r same origin, parincation at Purify tbe I M S I ti£pi ^r- and Clark's Distilled Restorative f«»r the Hair, Surely eradicates daudruff. Clark's Distilled JS^aJcw*^3m tjj^^air, Prevenu 1^ follhag off. Clarit*'.rObtUM RestQiat^e,Jrjr the Hair, Promotes its NattQrtifiind Healthy Growth. r,Cork's D>tnie#;'.r; » T v Restorative for t the laairit.'-; Causes the Hair to grow on Baldr: HealA wbe*ff tbe roots are not entirely dead:. In sneti ceaea, aottiog wW da tt|':i;./. -; *n. ,i Clark's BlstlDed \. Restorative tor the Hair, i Is a most Luxuriant Dressing. A little one says •'Hike it, it makes my Hair feel so soft and shiny." ; Clark'B Distilled* , Restorative fortheHaHV Contalna no sediment to be shaken before use; Clark's Distilled ,''-,• •&' Restorative for tbe Ha?r, , ^ a ." Is a cleat, transparent flnidweotltaina no olW^ls not a dse~-ha» no dejeterioos properties. Clart'e DUtWed; '/' Re^orative for die Hair, Xa deligbtfully Perfumed, and does noHnrto rtn- . ddln warm weather. - .,. ^/ciark , a,blatlMedi' "'."'." ; Rertorative for the Hair, -.,- Xa tbe only perfect dreeeer and restorer of color combineaV *' :: '"•••• , (. /fa^lr'j) \rm Re^omtivefor.1 H«. tle,anTli8iVe'^giv7aat*«J«toi - -^ ^"-em't^-mm^ ™;.••*.. eon^^^^^f^^^^jf '"XSttSSS ©MQfll BTJWJ84>Oa,«.T( „.-,„_ dnrtempcra leave you. Van feeble, foul^ar corrupted blood,yop cannot Inrre bealtb; with that ^ lire of .the flesh p " healtby, y^ckhnot hate acrofuldtta "' ii'fcdm^bd^^m^enTioeter dotes tUat'tnedical aciehte ba«'di_ this afeleiJnt^dhitempe*, «hdfcr ...-,v-.v w . ,the djsordera H entails. That11 iaWiupe- ;rior to fny pther remedy yet devised, ia : known by all yrholtave given it a trial. ITJia* fit does combine virtues truly cxtrnordiaary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known a/wl remarkable cuireg rit , lias made of the following diseases f Jfjtatf i}i Evil, or Glandular Swellings,. Tumoral ^feTOSSafe; Salt Rheum. Scald Read, Cought from tuberculous d6po4ita m>m lring*~mit<5 Swellfa^i, ^ebiUty, Drp^y, KennOgia, Dyspepsia of Infllge^tUn, BypTiilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diieases, Female Weaknesses,'and, indeed, the whole series of vouiplumts.tuajt.arisefrouji^impurity of the bloocl.' Jiinute reports' of individual cases may bo found in AYER'S AMBRFCAS ALMANAC, wliieh is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which jt jias made 'when all oilier remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are. purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every .reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vihil energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to ditcape and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. 1 he vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a icmedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AYEK'S SARSAFARILILA,' although it is composed of ingredients, some of whidi exceed the best ©f barsapurilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the snifter- ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the Camsee of disease, and vignruns health wil! follow; Uy its pecu- liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers "rvhicli lurk within tlie *>ystcn» or burst out «ii iiny jwt of it. We know the public have been deceived ty irluny cdmpounds of, SarsaparWa, that promised liiuch and did nothing;! but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed jn this. Its virtues have been proven! by abun- dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the-cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very did'erent medicine from any other irhich has been before tlie pco)de, and is far! inure ef- fectual than any other "which has jevei been available to them. | -fiLYER'S ' '' V^ CHERRY PECTORAL. Tho World*a Great Bemtdy fbr Cotxgha, Colds, Incipient Goa- Biixnption, and for the relief of Consumptive patienta ' in advacce'd stages! of tlie disease. Tlif* has been so long used and so uni- versally known, that we need do, no more than rrssnre the public that its quality is kcpl up to the h\?st it ever ba* been, and that it may |,e relied ontodo all it lias ewr done. Prepared by.; I)R . «T.. C. AYER & Co., Kranlical nnd A nali/tical Chemists Lowell, Maae. Sold by all druggists every where. J. Doig, LowviUe; Jas. Peden, MarUnsbnrgh; L. J. Raymond, Copenhagen; W. Isdel, Gggen- hngen; £. B. H^den, Turin; D. Na^h, Dcimmr. And all dealers in medicine cveiywhere, at wholesale by Diekens, ComstoekSs-'Co. Utlca. imuns,late agaioit the Estate of Daniel 6a\ of, the towBofMartlnsburgh Lewis C6.J decease that they are required to present the skme, w' . their vouchers thereof, to C. H. Curtis, at L- v- viile, op or before the eighth day of October, t Dated April5, M6L 4 , .' ' i. 1 ^iS°Jt?iiE »t. SALMONS, Aam'x. q?t.A^g|ar H. ctnms,' 'ite'r. GEEiT ATTRACTIW';; (HEAP BOOT £XD SHOESlQiRB. .- •• v-Hiiwb.-.- We take this occasion to announce our recent removal. We are now*'located.'fat a Spacio'usJ Room, in the new Brick Klock opposite J, Doig's; Urug Store, and are better preparedjp'maet ttie wants of the peop4e than ever bcfor§7> -We have sufllcient room and ample lhclliU«s1fyrthe! HOOT A N T * « I f < ? J C TRADK. We call ^be attenUwtof tlie publicJo bur as^, nt of. Goods, which we feel secure In say- beiairgest «nd best in tbe countv. It will be our aim at till times to select none'bat tbe best goods, and will be sold for what they are and jtoailalike;* , ' T> - Our stock of prime goods is full and complete We have every desiraWe style of '; ; \ . ,; LAPJ$& ANDQENTS'SHOES, . •}:'. : Such as are usually kept in first class, city Bool ;and Shoe stores only. We can not boast iof our •stock of four.bhiUbig pasterboard, Oaiters, and" two:shillings-8nppe«k' We db not design to :kee4(many such goods. JVo. prefer ta excelHp keeping the best^ instead of the poorest quafinr of gopda. Wacontinue toseJlat our usual prices, which defy all competition. : Ladles, caU and seethe :'t . . _. , ..... _ j-".' ONE DOLLAR GAITER^ | Worth, $1,50, the one dollar Moimeo Baijmofai wdrth.ii.:i8, the thick shoe at seven s»H-M IURSD JNT to the order of Carlos; P. Scbyil, Lewis county Judge, notice ht hereby giv- > all persons having claims against the es- tate of Jesse 'Miller, late of West Turin, Lewis county, deceased, toat they are required to present the same with their - vouchees thereof to tbe subsu-lber, executor, of the will of the said deceascaYaft hlsVesfdence, in rtie said tdwiT of West Turin, on or Defcre the 8t|h day of s DatedJ VVeU'^tirln, ISept: 7,^1^'' ^ ' 8ET*l MILLER, Eiecutor. lS*Ctel/AWio an o>der ofjSrtoai*: SCOYITI JT ; LeHrbr County Judge, notice Is hfreby gYv- ' en ^ all persons having claims agamstlthc estsfte of Nicholas AiJderson, late of the towla of Hen^ mark, deceased, that they are required to present! the same with their Vouchers therbfdr, to tne , l anderslgned at the shop of Ira : Atistln,ttithe town ot Denmark, On or before the'teiith day of pecei«HerJne*tJ ' . I.' - '•' "• •" •--*••- J Dated, May 24, «M». ; T.*r jM»MlfaEN SNELL^^Eieeate^, J0UR8UANT TO AN ORDEftlfe HON; JL Carlos;P.- 8eoyll, Lewis Count)! Judge Notice is hereby given to all peraihs having claims against the Eat-**" " e v »"'- 1 •»-•• •-'- P URSUANTto an order Of Carlos P. Hcovll, ' Lewis County Judge, notice is. hereby gi v. en to all ^erspq»b^vin£cdajm»,ngainsi the estate pf Dan') Ooodenoughtiate of Dtanmark, Lewis Ct Hecesed,a that they : ajre-reqHjircd to present th> bamc, .with their vouchers, thereof, tb 11 oratio 8iuimvlay, at bis. office in Copenhagen, on before Nov. 1* 18&1. * , bared,' April 1&, -1864. , HENURiCK J. GOODENOUOH, Adm'r. ^F'^tZ^l'ittf&j- Coc*r>-rXi<«i.*; gggg«^ ,-^ LEGAL. . » ' MORTGAGE SALE. . XTTHEREAS, default has been made in the f f payment of the money secured by a mort^ gage datcil the twenty-first day of Jahhary, 1»C8, executed by Francis M. BeaK of tn«J to»vn ol .Martinsburgh, county of Lewis, and State- M New York, to Ingham Townscnd, im the t6wn J of Floyd, Oneida, county, State of New York; uml which mortgage was recorded In tbe Clerk's office of Lewis county, iu Book X of mortgages, on page2ii2,-Ac, ou the2Istduyof March, 1863, at H o'clock p. m. And whereas, tlie amount ielaimcd to be due upon «iid tuortgsige lit tbe lime of the tirst publlcuitin of this notice, is the sum of sixty-four- dollars and forty cents, arid the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage is the sum of six hundred jmd sixty- .four (lobars and forty cents, Now, "therefore, no- tice is hereby given',' that by virtue of [the power of sale contained in said mortgnge, arid duly re corded as afore-aid, and in pursuance of tbe stat- ute in such case made and providedL the eukl mortgage, will lie foreclosed by ti sale of the pre- mises therein described at publicauctmn, at the law offleu of Mere-nes* <fcDoig, in the viljjigeof Martinsburgh, in the county of Lewis, ou the •2(»th day of October, 1SU4, at ten o'clock in *he iorenooii of that day. The said. premises describedbi said mortgage as ftyiowl viz: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Martiusliurgh, county of Lewis, aim State o New York, being part of township No. 5, be^in niug at the N. YY. corner of the paper mill lot 'and runs thence S. 1> 4 °, E. il ehs. ;>o links to the •left bank of .Roaring Brook, at low water mark, thence N. 87^' = , W. lii.clw. 7<) linkd to a x>oint .JO feet E. of die tenter line of the d. «fc R. rail road, thence along said line of Vail roafl, and par •alle-1 with il. N. % -, E. 9 ehs. 64 Iks.L thence S. *">& ~, ,K. U> ehs- tbJks. to the placb of tjegin- uing «w»taining 1H 5t»-HHl acres.' Also another piece, part of lot No. 27, beirin- nlng at a stake 11 links south of ,-» birch tn marked E. B.. on the S. line of E. B.ild land, awl runs thence S.*>2-links toilJe center oJ lioai-inj; Brook. S. ;>2 =', VV. 1 eb. 7:ij Iks. S. 33 hi -, V. 1 ebs. "-it Iks., S. hi =•, W. 1 ph. 5;? Iks.. .N. 67 =, W. :j ehs. 22 Iks, S. 53^ ^.Tw. 2 c s. .->. IS =, VV. 1 eli. 7'J Iks., S. 11.^,' -, W. Iks., S. SI =>, W. 2 ehs. 71 Iks.. & *»q, VV :>•> Iks., S.81 =>, VV. 1 eh., N. 7 8 - , WL 2c!ts. i.'i Iks., N. 05}-i *, W. 1 tli. 81 Iks., N.fi:i>-'-.VV. itchft-. I*,*., N. 55*, VV, 1 vh. 81 Iks." to tbe bridge on the Osw^gatchfe road, tlie|nce alou" ^aidWul N. . p > => . W. l> ch. 68 Iks. to jibe line ol E. Bald win's.land, theuee along w»iu] line E. 21 ehs. 21 links, to the place of beginning, ruittin- ing tweuty-fonr acres, lo perches trf'laud, more or lesa. Uatetl. the 13tb day of July, 1861. INGHAM TOWNSE.Nl>, Mttctgagee, MKKKXEiM <?i DoMy Attorneys, Mai tinsbtmrh. N. Y. . ' SUPREME COURT^HCOCNTT OF L^wis. Charles Stokes and .Phillip V. Medler") Administrators, &c., of, &<:., Joseph A. Clark, deceased, aytttHst Ezra C. Potter and Cordelia A., hU wife, and Benjamin Rusco'e. In pursnauee of a judgment of this 'Supreme Court of tbe State of New Turk, rendered in the above entitled action, bearing date tie 23d day of August, 18b'4, nnd entered in Lewis county, the subscriber, sherilf of .said coomy of Lewi*, nuiued in said judgment, will cxpost to public aale to the highest bidder. Tin the 4tli[day^uf No- vember, liHU, at 10 o'clock «. m. of that day, at the hotel or inn upou the premises Iheretuultet described, in the village and lowp of Lowtllle, in the county of Lewis, all the following 1 de- scribed real estate, viz: AM thut.tract or parcel of land situate In the village and town of Low- viUe,tothe county of Lewis, bemg the same premise* that were formerly oecupiid by Jared House as ataverb, and' bounded u» jotlows, to wit: liegiuning at a point in the state road bear- ing 8. lli= i-Mfi 85 links from thesoullh-wesf cor- ner of tbeBank building in said village, aud run- ning thence alAng the touth line of'said building K/70® ,E.to a point one link'east of tlie east line of Add buildiiig. the ce alougn llnepjtrall^ and one link fioni theeaat lm« of said buHBmg, N. 21©y W. r 2»links to the- sduth ihie of a lot owned-by £l.'H. Doig, therice-alotig the said D6ig , B*lifie 7 N;'65 c yE. Mhi links t o ^ i d Dt>l. souih-east corner,, thence along the eaSMine-of said Doig'fflot, N. ! * » , W. 7^1'mks [in the cen 1 ere of tbe cross road leading east from said vil- lage from near t?aid buildings, cbence along' the said centre N. 84 J D «80min.Ji. one chain, ^lks to the N. W. cbrner of said ]ot,-neeupjed1>y Bilas" Williams, thehce along, the west line of said Wtt' llanwtot, »-. -WPfm-r"'" " " a lane " LHOttgi ' line of a village^. .„ _.. cbeL thence along saW N; W&i&.n*l 3 chains td-a pomtJn thCialid 8Ute road, i»;-nce along In aula road » ^®; W.?*'&&*&• lteks, tothe ptace'of beginning, cont&fdmg elghtyione hundredths of an acreof land as surveyed byN; B. Sylvester in May, lt»l.'- Also all that otfier piece or parcel at land in tbe tiflage of LowviUe, beginning at a point in tbe esMf odt line of the State road, bearing N. 2 8 * aotriini, W i t f iluka trem the north' cbrner of f a viUaKe/Jot nwned- by OrrittWllbur, and'rdpnfng tbence&ongaaidpm> Hne of said road N . 5 ^ 8 0 mltt^W. «links to; the 8. W. corner of a lot owned bV *gdlttMp.- Potter, (ment*along ; ^Wiotnwn«I^A!drbt^ ter, 1 3 ^ JfO nUn.V K 62 -1M& tbenWawflg 1 tbe line of tbe north side of tlwr **fcorg tM^yu^ur lately occupied by Benedict« Baker, f. «6T«5 tain., W. si Imke to the place pt be^b8n%*sJ . described lot is triangular (bur feet front on< the nfgh way, and converging to a point forty f'^t In ims, thenCe along, the west line of said WuV lot, N. 7 0 * , i t ^ l k s , ^to*w«tJkwof iBtiranm^ssw fa vUlageldt rornwite«#6ea tif^m** e«rre{»,eprrngfci r«htea p fing^n,Be yjaprb^teen^^*' Iifptfrsuanceofao o madeln the abbw <en ' Keleree m pardtmb, 5 der foc:8uchjpurpos& m to the mgtleSt bidder, Court House, in the village o eoupty.bf Lewis, on tbe ^7th day o?fNove A. D:, 1«M;at-W'bNJloctta* it/, «W^oa<*i tractor parcel of land %W»ted bx? tb* t«.wa.of. Greig, in the conrity' df Lewis, 8ta«S ot; l»e# Vork, and is part «f the.spu>h rstetfe of, tkpjsabiu division of Great Lot No. 5 pf M^cumb'sl ^ chfrset nnd is bounded as follpw^ TIK; B«^ tSrJSS6S9'SSf-^BiS& Ua JU, 1^38. » stake upon the bank of t&e^l._ 12 links north, 78 degrees west from a butt . „ _ . tree, cornered, and marked^'-VV. A ».," and ran* r. 8«msi^Wft4^ej3Baiflputli«J^ ttr fnarked VS.^tbeace wuta. r . lluks to a hemlock stake, thence t e*lt 19 chains 50 links to a hemi nered and «Sorked *' ~ " H*l.«lMliJifd-,«l- , red aM marked,,' 4 8-'' thence itS.cTutTlds and 6i HukSto the 1 1 . saWW&frm mem; fTponW of tlie BmuanjdaMn^rart. tnenr according tothe odginai, coui course being north 't% if and 84 link* to where t ilgnt bauk of said rivisr >ot h»*.,u.„ tbeuce up along ^aid, river as it winJs * at low water mark, to the phtce^oT'b* containing UH 7-4-»K) acres^ - : lMted. Lt»Mryilla, 8ept. -Hi. 1801. ,•'-.'! DAVID A. 31'EWART, Re/ereC, At a Surrogate's Couri.held (nandfor tbec<>nn-' •y nt -Lewis, at Martinsburgh, on the twelfth" ( d»yof Sfptember, one- tt»oa*«ad et^bt: bon* drod aiulsixty-oar. ^escutj Ca^ki^P. dcpy% County Jud,.e, •.-,•,, In tbema;ti-r of the appli-" cation oi Milbcrt E. Uool-'i Wbnii tlie admhit^iratoi , ^c, of John NcwkirkJde- j ci-ased, iniesLittu, :tho!-ity to inott^ige, lease, jj or sell the real estate«>f ItDMyn said intestate for the pfljy-' jf iiK-ut of bis debts. nwnw nie'-apviieOTPBn^^i^^n^ «b, ; Wb WE^strtfcorAif all and i>" „ -• bert E. WoolwuAb,,. _ _. ^in^ilnr4lie<t«rte>^mttvl». and crwiWTof John- Newkirk, late of ti*v towu of Plnckuey iu the county of l^i*w, dt>cc^-d, intestate,fcirauthor- ity to i«mgage.' lease; dr self thVrlal estate of litu said intestate for tm<payment of his debts, ft is ordered that all persons interested in tbe es- 1nli>^ t d i , c ' J I..I...%J M 1.1.1. J I late ol the said John Newkirk, deceaseds appeat thecbubiyoT^^ 1 ^ 'h, oh the 31st Oqtober next, at It) o'clock in the;rarettutijuo| at his office in Martbisl before the Couiity Jiidge'bf the couh^oFJuowis. -. L! - _-,_-... "'irjrb, on fbe*l8l4ay^ xlt in therorettotkio| that day, then and there tbshow cause why'wa* thority should not be given to the said aduvauu' trsitor to mortgage, lease, or sell so uujcb of thai real estate of tbe said-John Newkirk^ dccMseo, asUhall be necessary to' pay bi's debts. '•'.," Martinsburgh, 8ept. 1*/, 18W..,. CARLOS P. 8COVIL, ; Lewis County Judge, . KLtCf IO* MOTtCH. STATE.OF NEW YORK, f ©v^*B^.T(»K,SK«»ftTAKi OF STATIC, - <•• Af. BAST, AugUSt 1, lV^l- > '. To the Sherif of (he Ouunlg of Uwis: '"\ Siu—Notice is hereby given^ that at the Gene-' nil EleeLHMvto be held kv tbll ^tfteen.tbe Tues- day succeeding tlie first Monday of November next, the follow ing officers are to be elected, to* " wit: - ^ A Governor, In place ofHorotio Seymour, A' Lieut.enant-Governor, in place of David B'.« Floyd Jones'; A Canal Commissioner, in place of Vmuklia A. Alliortrer; ^ An lu»pi-.utor of State Prisons, in place of 1 ' Abraham B. Tappen-; All wiiu-;e ti-fins of office will expire, on tbe 1 Isu-t day of December next. I'birty-three electors of President and Vice- Prcsuie.it of the Uiutetl States; Also, a Ri-presentaiive in_ the .Thirty-nbitfii Congicsa of tiie Lniteu,iU»MSi.iJi>r thfe'irweiitietbJ C'ougressional District^ composed of itifteftildMea' of Juttereoti, Lewis, add Herkimer. - : . < OUNTY OFt'lCKRS AI-SO TO UK BMSCTK1) KOU SAID.' COCXTV. Onememberof AssemWy^ A Sberilt; »> pltw-v oi' VainRcmi»4in;. r V.V.em; A Coimty Clerk, lupraeeof I ia\ i:t » ^i^v .»rt ; A Superintendent ot the Poor, in i he j.liv.'v of- Cbarle* *. Rice; Two Justices t»f 8essions, in plact of George' 1>. Moiratt and RosweM Bingham; * Three CVirpners, iu place of Samiiei P. Sears,. Asa VYTSpaulding, and 1 Uenry E, Smith. , All whose terms of blllee will -expire on thtr tast day of Dcecmbt-r next. Yours respectfully. . '. •""•', CUAUNCEY. M. DEPEW, . Secretary of State.- . SHKKIKK'S Or-nois, Lewis Conbtyit Augusts, 1864. >> Notice is hereby given, that at tbe GeneraJ 1 Election to be held in ibis State on tne Tues|aV succeeding the first Monday of Noveml>et D e x ^ the followiug officers are to be elected, to wjt: A Governor, in tbe place of Horatio Seymour,- A Lieutenant-Governor, lu tbe place of David' R. Floyd Jones: - " ' A Canal Commissioner in the place of Frank-- HirA. Alberger; ' An Inspector of Statue Prisons, in the place of*" Abraham B. Tappen; Ah whose terms of office will expire on the' last day of L>«cinibi r«e*a; Thirty-three Electom of Presidem; and Vice^- Pre^ideutof the Uni'red;States; •: , Also, a IteproWnt.Mvt; io thev Thirty-ninth Conaress of "Cue United States for theTwentitSa*- Cougressionat'distrFct, composed *>f tbe' conbtte** of Jefferson, L wWaod'0t:rkfani(f..'' iswxTy orFiuans AI^SO. T»»OT;KijarrBO ron-if^fss tMUXTV. ' 4". 1 :.-. -'- One Member of .iveaibl* j ASheriU', iu the place of Van Reassetaer Wa*. !ers- ; ' : : . ••:', - ,.-• •-.• ^ A Comity Clerk, h> the fdace of DavlduA)- Stewart; , ' * ••' .•'••• v ••'•:' '' '* A Superintendent of the4*oor, in tbe pbwe of Charles 8. Rice; 1:> ' *V; Two Justices of Sessions, in tbe^ place'k»f- ieorge D. M<ntatt and Roswell Bingham«i«' li.'v Three Coroners, hi the place «f MrniubU^ Sears; Asa W. SpaubtWg, w.d Henry E^dmitb. Alt whose terms of office will espire on tboe htat day of December nest, V. R. WATERS, Sherid of Lewis county/ . lingfc worth *1,26, tbe cbUds «op . r«b»es* shilling*,worthM eeat% ,tbai ebUda Goat aboe. j shillings, ' , wortbooewita. •--•:, ^ , Ladles'cnU and buy the two dollar GsSter, the two dollar Moroco Balmoral, the good calf shoe 5wiWr «&e. cltWPs c|tf ehoe «OK A31| *eB : We eontlnnetoflfa,nmVtnre.a •aperlorl|iu^> ^•^:j.!f;;"-.)v;;;:; " . • j flg^Ty w w iH¥nm**tv ] AH mad* of ^h> beat aelaeted stoolt, and w»*- . .Tg^^CTiftteiStf^ft^fflt.^ ^^Yti.-mi 8hBH*fof * B. J. BEACH, Attorney. - 1 Lewis County. swsa&H** •iVi.'-J-.-Jltr-'.-'Wr-t-.O XHWHk a Wmt jr Ob. IrfiNSIONg^ W&ski**^';; ABTRlS 6. JOHM ; -•j r " f^onnae^Hat **"*.• T '*• TlbbltU Bloekr81 Genesee St., Utfci, Ili ^ , , WU1 prosecnte^ay. Bounty and Pension Claqne. for Stddiers, or their .wlJowa, fttheri, n»0*her»r. brbthera, .biers or children.;, ? f j'.;%-X-y-./Tt^^fm^ : - : -':!••• >,. Fees only allowed b^ law. K6 xl«amnaUZ4 tne. claimtodecided by Governmeni^^r. 'W^Z Porsousfroni a ^ist^ce \ need not eonlit&» Him,» e1 »e %*l#«i,?#> W;wi**- «*^«^" AFcommunicaHonBbyrnaii,eb„ tagc stamp, will be answered tbe day of 3 ceTpt;' Claimants are criuUoned *i edTn the prosecutfon of GOTernm , _ A9 ^JM^s^,M^t ggfefoSfr trivbd eirbry' N. B—Onc'thousfcaWg^lfcudied and eighty claims vere-saecessfuUy proeecntedattnla ! • » • < cy duringth»year 1868. \ u 1 ./_.n v.) v - ! ' Pkmofr €ea^mcA^m^am K s ^ Bounty and Fay Certlflcatei feaaWWPre^ei^ mm\ ' ' •-—-—- i —- whom I ha). « d arrears of pay.

r^tattaMS ^feTOSSafe;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031789/1864-10-12/ed-1/seq-4.… · Ms ot, 3 ' LAWS OF NEW YORK. ": |CoatioMdpiW)ift-Jlnt page. for the sevesal hospitals

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Page 1: r^tattaMS ^feTOSSafe;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031789/1864-10-12/ed-1/seq-4.… · Ms ot, 3 ' LAWS OF NEW YORK. ": |CoatioMdpiW)ift-Jlnt page. for the sevesal hospitals

/ "

Ms ot ,


" : |CoatioMdpiW)ift-Jlnt page. \ » •, ; , for the sevesal hospitals of the state except

those in tMe city of New York, (bat bicluding tb« women's hospital, the Jews' hospital, and the ftrtt f Td«k mffifniary. for indigent wotpe'qr and children, together with the" St. Mary's Hos­pital at Rochester, the soldiers' Home in the city of Elatfra,- Rochester city hospital the . „ . . . — -,--- - J - - . _ . . Buflelo ireitrW npsjJittt* anttstbe Bndd£:MngH levied and collected, puraunnt to'Chapter let*. lu-h'oepital qf,&eliswr« of cbarlty.) to bedrirluV! <jnt " . - * - . - . • ed among*- thoao tuMitutiona on tbe first day of October next, in propbrtiou to the number of benetieiary patients in tbem and the time that suck patient* ahail hare been under treatment during the present liscal year.Tifty thousand ollurs. and tbey *<»all not reject any properiap-plication of sick or wounded soldiers.

For the. New Tork ophthalmic hospital six bundled dollars ; the New lirk-ojre nndeaC ib-nrmary nWe handtvd dollars'; t|Hf NevrYork dis­pensary ona tbousaud eight hundred dollars; the northern dispensary one thousand dollars; the

• Bond atre«t homeopathic dispensary oue thous­and dollars j the eastern dispensary one thousand Ave hundred dollars; the German dispensary •even hundred dollars i the aispemary: of the Troy hospital live hundred, dollars : the north- | western di*p«iwary seven hundred dollar* ; the New York infirmary dispensary four hundred , dollars* 'title tsuffju..homeopathic-dispensary i one hundred dollars; the northeastern dispeu-< •ary two hundred dollars; the Manhattan dis­pensary two hundred and tifty dollars; the drooklyn dispensary six hundred dollars ; the Brooklyn central dispensary one hundred aud fifty dollars: the^rooklyo Homeopathic dispen­sary one hitfdred dollaw * the New York home­opathic dispensary three huudrcd and buy dol­lars ; the VViBiamshttrgii dispensary six hundred dollars; the. BuflMb cfty dispensary three hund­red rod-bity dollars; the Demllt dispensaryJrt New York city, fourteen bnirfk«d dollars. Td the New York hospital, fifteen thousand dtillarsj for the Rochester city hospital, one thousand dollars j tot toe i S t Mary's hosplMat Rochester,1, two thousaad dollars; for the Jews' hospital in .the eity of New- York, live Hundred dollars; for the ladies' soldier's aid society of Ithaca, for the maintenance and education uf destitute and or­phan children of soldiers, two thousand fire hundred dollars, on condition that the managers of said society, shall raise from other sources the additional sum of two thousand live hundred dollars.

For the pavment of a deficiency in former ap­propriations "fur the maintenance of state pupils at the Institution for the blind in the city ot New York, fifteen thousand dollars, to be drawn from the comptroller, only on the certiticate of the committee on charitable and religious socie­ties of-the Senate, that the financial adairs^ol the Institution are properly conducted. . ' , , ,

Fur the prison association ot New York thfee; thousand dollars. . . .

For the society for the reformation of juve­nile delinquents in tlie city of Mew York, fur/Re­pairs of buildings and increased necessary ex-peditures ten thousand dollars.

For theetiarity foundation of the, Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of Buffalo five hnn-'red dollars.

CHAPTER 77. tN ACT authorizing Patrick Eynch, assignee

of J. 0 . Lynch, to tile his claim for canal damages. Passed March26,1864—three-fifths being pres-

The People of tbe State of New York, rcpre sated in tue Senate and Assembly, do enact as .UoWi: • 1 flKCTiox 1. Patrick Lvnch, assignee of John

O. tv Lynch* is hereby authprized'to file with the canal appraisers his claim for'damages arising from tne Uswe.'o canal enlargement, with tfe.e same ftfect as though said cla-ip had been filed within one year after'the appropriation of tlie lau.i from saiu JuUti 0. 6. Lyuch's lots for said •cuiargv iiK-nt. . ' -

| i . This act shall take unectimnsed lately.

CHAPTER 75. A S ACT authorizing Eveline Beer, io file her

claim for canal damages. ^Passed Marvu 2<i. 18<J4—three-fifths being pres­

ent. The People of the State of New York, repre­

sented in oenaie and Assembly, do enact a fol­lows:

Sacrum 1. Eveline Beer, is bertby authorized to file with the canal appraisers her claim for damages arising from the Oswego e^nal enlarge­ment, with the same effect as'though said claim had been hied witiiiu one year after the appro­priation of the land from her lota for said en* Urgement.

f 2. T;sls act shall take effect immediately.

CHAPTER 78. AN ACT authorizing Elisha F. Wallace to file

his cLiim tor canal damages. Passed Mar. 26, 1864—three-fifths being pres­

ent. The People oTthe Stateof New York, rep re­

sented iu aeuate and Assembly, do enact as fol­lows : _

SK.cnos 1. Elisha F. Wallace is hereby au­thorized to hie w ith the eanal appraisers his claim for damages arUing from the Oswego en­largement, with the saiiie efiect as though said ckVim had been tiled within oue year after the appropriation of the laud from his lots for a.id euurgeui J:I t.

§. 2 This act sual! take efiect immediately. CHAPTER H»9.

AN ACT to privide Ways and Means for the rirpport of Governnitnt; to authorize a tax of one and three qu.irters mills on a dollar for pnrpo:-es of the General Fund, two and one •irfht mills for }»vinent of bounties to Voli teers. three quarters Of a mill for imttnteii-unee of eonimon Schools, th" ce eights of h mill l»r redemption of State indebtedness, and for iniernal improvements. Passed April 25rl*>64; three fifths beihg

present, the People of the Stats of New York repre­sented iu Senate and Assembly do enact as follows : Section 1. There shall be imposed fo?"thc fis­

cal year commencing on the first day of Octo­ber, eighteen hundred a,nd sixty four, a ?tate t»xof one mill and one forth of one mill on each dollar of the valuation of the real and per­sonal property in this 8»ate subject to taxation ; which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected on and by the annual assessment and collection of taxes for that year in the manner prescribed by kwt4iml shall be paid by the several countv treasurers into the Treasury of this state, to be held by the Treasurer tor application to the purposes of the General Fund, and for the pay-ment'of those claims and demands which shall constitute a lawful charge on that Fund.

§ 2. There shall alio be imposed for the same fi*c*l year, a State Tax of one hariof one mill on each dollar ot th* valimtiou of real and pergonal property of}hi State siihjevt io taxation, wnieh ' u x shall be assessed, levied and collected -i< •tbresei.1. and -hail >>.. paid liy the Several coun­ty tivasurer.S i.uo the Treasury ofMliw" State, lor appUHMioti t» purpo-«3 of the <VeueraVFtt»d' aud in particalar tor tlwp.«ynient of tlmseclaima. aud demands wiiivh hare bet n omrttituted a law ch-trp<» upon that Fund, 1ri pursuance ot acts passed in the year eighteen hundred and si.-.ty three.

§ S . There rtwll »l»f> be imposed, as author-iz-d by law, on the fir-t da- of October nest, # State lax of two and one eighth milU, or such ptrtof thHt iHnouut as the Comptroller aliall yifyc to be neeessary. on .-Meh dollar of the Val->w'.ioa«4't>M real and pt-rm>iial property in this Strvi« «ubj-etf6 taxation, which tax xluill be a« ne*»4, I'-vi-d and collev'ed as aforesaid, and •bail b. pt.d by the several eoun.v treasurers v;, o th • treaMiry o» this state, to be heldbv the T^.surer fur applicat.ou to the payme.'it of h.nmit-»to volmiteers iu:o the service of the gov?rn.iH»t ot the Unied States, or of a priaiions Mj(heTa'itilie*ot votiti.teeAi.

§ 4.. The State ta x of fhrei. fourths of one mill o:i each doll.r of valuation of real mid-pertonar pmn-ny in tni* style s.tl.j.Hl to taiitionVshall b* a-^-srd. l.-vi. d and collected for the maJn-tena::c- of '"o.iimon Schools us directed bv. clmpuroae hundred and iIgbly of the hjwftof eighteen huuured and tii'tv six, and shall be paid by the pj^untf treasurer into the treasury of thu "?t«te» to be held by be treasurer for ap­plication ipihe ntuutCDauce of Common School* a* directed pj cliipter one hundred and eighty <eftbel*Paof.ei«tu»enbandred and filtT fix; mA •bail b>fw«i by the county treasurers into t k # tt^*?^ T°? •Mf ***** to . b * kal4 by tbo

J£i£***L • H ^ * * # n «^'**- w^Menaace / ^ e f OooiBojtMiektliroacftonttbiaState; and

*••.**?!£? > 7 •« f *'*^e»r*throf one mill on each domr-oi vakt.tion of real and perrons! property <«tb}«cl to taxation, shall b»> asses*eil levieAaBd^oUeeted, ppmianr to Chapter t*6 hundred and seventy oa* of-the hiwa-oreieh-V*«t buudrtd and fifty nine, to pay the interest

Tjtlagigljg ie State debt and redeem the principal of the State debt of

tWo,an,d,one half uiilhop of dollarf »bou Ipgalixej and sban- be paid- Into -fhe -TrtasurV W%i 8tate, to be held by the Treasurer for the pay­ment of interest and redemptipir of prfutipal ol tiiesfoivfiftid debt, as prdvlded In safd[«|;t; aAd] the addirtohal tax of three* sixteenth »Fon mill on'eadi dbllar bfvajuiation M real aWd p*rsoual property srtbject to taxiiffon, shaB'be —»-:a—*

of the laws ol cightIleehbK^>t«*rtftd *** ty three, to facilitate the construction of the Albany and the Su«^*e'|^^hhn,' Railroad and shall be paid by .the veveral County Treasurers intb the Tre"asury*b^"this State, to be held by the treasurer for' the special purpose deai^nat ed by (his act.

g 5. Tl|ere<sM! «'SO •»« Impos «d tor the said fiscal year, a State Tax, as a authorized by law, for the purposes here spccilied,; for the exami­nation mid completion of rhe"Snenaijgo canal,

ijfl oil eaeWdolhir.of

a &AI;V. JHMM^ [ S T A R ' S BAJL8A.M

or t


.iwaLiS ^ unaneniasi

three sixteenths of one valuation of real and personal property suuj#cf-I to taxaipn; ,and for the repairs .and immpje-; ment o f W Gertesfee Vatll? %arial, 6*£ti* ieenlh o! one mil! on each Hblfar ofthtf-^laa-thion of'Buch taxnble property j and for the improvement, of tlie Charaptaih C^Hal, «n« tenth of one mill^on each dollar of the valua­tion of .the said taxable property; which Wtate tax shall be assessect, levied and collected as aforesaJd, and sliallbe paid by the several coun ty Treasurer* in to the Treasury of tbt? .8tatc, to be hold by the treHftiire'r, foFthe tespe^krVe , purposes designated by the several laws difeei-'j ing the prosecution of the said public works.

§ 6. In tfie eventjof the renewal afi4 iinbb-sjtion of the direcjt tax upon the taxa|ble property of the United States, provided for by ihe act' of Congress, approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fcikty Ot*, o tof apy aim-

filar direct tax, the Comptroller is hereby au­thorized to give notice to the Secretary of the Treasury, that the State of New York, will aa? some an J pay its 'quota of such • tax and to cause a tax of one raill-aud three fourths upon each dollar of the valuation of real and person­al estate, to be levied, collected and paid into, the Treasury in the usual manaer, to be held by the Treasurer for'the payment of the quota of such direct tax, which may be payablolrom his State to the United States.


I have cqmpfired the preceding with the OTIZ -inal oh file In ftiis ofllce. and dorertUy thai t:. e

e i sa correct transcript therclrumaud ol f.l.e whole of said orijritui!

CUAUNCEYM. DEP1JTV,,; • Secreany t»f *i»'ta»

FriemU an<i Relatives - < -nr TOK

Bnive:Soldiers and Sailors,


t I O I L i I X > 4 W A Y ' S l ^ I L L S a n d O i it t i n o n t .

All who have friends and relatives in the army or navy should take especial care that they be amply supplied with these Pills nnd Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better present can bo seiit them by their Friends. They have been proved to .be'the Soldier's never failing friend in the hour of need.

Cmif/hg <rt»l Col An afrrfinr; Troopn, Will be speedily relieved and eileetnally cured

be) using these admirable medicines, and by pay­ing proper attention to the Directions which ore attached to each Pot or Box. Hick Headaches and Want of Amietite, Incidental to

StJdKrg. Those feelings which so sadden its usually arise

from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira­tion, or citing and drinking uhate\cri* imwhol-

•. thus disturbing the healthful action of the and etoinuv'b. Tlie^o r>r^ain must he re> (1. If you desire ( o be well: The PilK takor

according; to the priiUe,'1 in-'truetioiis. wiHcjuick-ly produce a hcaJthv acri;'a in ix.tti liver and stomach,"' aud as a .mviKaJ coiiscqueuce., a t^ear head ah3 good-iippptTte'." ' * ' • : v-

i\'ruhil-*» <.r h-hiOhi l:tdur?djj,; Or<r ntti/pte. Will soon disa^>ear by llie use of these Inval­

uable Pills, and the Soldier will quicK.'.v acquire additional-ireiigth. Never let the Hoi! els be cuher confined or timlulv acted upon. It mi'V seem strange, that llollo'wuy's Pil).-. should be re-I'oinuicuded lor Dysentery aud Flux, many per­sons supposing that they' ,\\yujd inurcaee the re-laxatlpn. Tfcnj If n -feat fnfetaUe,forfhese Pills will corrccTtlielnePiind stomach, auff'tlifiS're-ino\e all the acrid humors from the system.— This medicine will -ive touc and vigor to the whole organic sy-tein. however der:uie.cd. while health auoj st reuu:lh follow n amaitcr'ot'cQursc. Nothing will stop tbe relaxation of the Bowels so snreas this famous medicine.

.\'ittnntter*. Attention^ Indigcntim*of Youth. Soros, and Ulcers, blotches and Swellings, can

with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills are takeu night and moiuiiug, uiid.tf)e,.<Jlutment be freely used as slated In the• pilatad instruc­tion?. If treated in any other manner, thev drj' up in one part to break out in another. Where­as the Ointment will remove the humors from the system, and leave the Pntfeut a vigorous ajid healthy man. It will require a little perbever-auce iu bad cases jto insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either occasioned by the Jla'/onet, Sabre.

or the Ballet, Mut^sZr Xru^s. ' ' -4To-which every Soldier a M Sailor a/e liable,

there arc no nftificihes so *tfe* sure, antl coSve-! nient. as Hollo way s Pillsidnd Ointment. The poor wounded and almost dying sutlerer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he wo'ld only provide himself with this matchless Oint­ment, which should be thrust Into the wound and smeared all round it,-then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a kaudkVrchieC Taking, night and morn­ing, 6 or 8 Pills, to cool the system and prevent incarnation.

Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chesj should" be provided with these valuable remedies

CACTIO* .'—None are ffetHJune/uuless tbe words "Ilolloway, Saw York and London." are dis­cernible as a Water mark in fevery leaf of the Irook of directions around ea«h pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by;Holding the leaf to the right. A handsome-reward will be given to auy one rendering such information as hiav lead to the detection of auy party or parties counter­feiting the medicine^ or vendlpg the same, know­ing them to be, i-purious. ( * • • " .

%* Soul at the manufactory of Prof. Hblloway, «o Mai'lcn Lane, New York, and by all respecta­ble Drug-istfe and,De#ler»in Medicine, through­out the civilized world, in boxes at 2o cts. b'2 cts and f l each. <^

^tSr «tf**VflbBBlderable savlna; by Uklncr the lamer size*.

N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are afilxed to each box. 13yl

O*'Dealers in my wcll-kno_wn medicines can have Show Cards. Circulars, &c . Bent Free of Exi>el»>e. i>y addmsbifr Thomas. Hollowav. 80 Maiden Lane, N. Y.


AhABIAX HEAVE REMEDY: For the cure of

Heaves, thick and tM-oken wind, colds, cou-hs and all diseases which affect ° '

• the wind in Norte*, This preparation is in coaimon use with tbe

Arabs, who feed it to their horses two or three times a year, for about a week at a time, which S n A M t h e c/*usti o f tht !h- remarkableapced; ^ f H IV was introduced into England some >ears ago, by Mr. Darlv of Yorkshire who proeuredtbe recipe, from an -Vrablah Stick or Chief, from whom he purchased a horse H „ l n . his reaMenceln. Syria and wff i*&^ A w a r d s imputed to England and known i s Urn ffiv Arabian Iron, whi5b sprang tile lftrwlt S S mostsplendtd horses ever knowq It will not only prevent b»,t effetftoaHy core the aoWe nam ed c o m ^ o l v it eleaoaes tbe b r e a t b l 3 E m e T tus, bylremortng from the aircelU thSfmn^ « secretfon, which in heaves vk»ga t f f l e l f f i ^

" .ttWPS^*0 *•• thda eqiialldDftthe

mAmtSS?**-It may be ntddatalltfaBeawlth perfect « „ « „

we1lThSS?SMS£ **"* ^ * » C\rTiox_ErerypTOkac»of thecemflfife

ley's ArabwwiHeWe Remedy." bear* tbe'iri si-nauirc of Hard * Dp. Ail other t* tmnrtb*^ i-emembtJrthhn•• •- r D. W. H U R D ^ ^

Sole Proprietor, 67 »felde«'UKe«»ew * » • * ; For sale by Jobn Doig. Richardson, LowTlUe;

Jemee Pedes Martloabargbs Hoiden, Torin. 46


JeiSttli^SfcicS*?'"''' 'y~

rs Balsam of Wild Cherry. „» „~nenil lias tbe rise of this remedy becqme,

andso popular at It^ e\'ery wriere; that i t is UUR«-besaaryTto recoftntllls virtuet. Its*:works speak fordtlMid line utterance ib the abundautfand Vdiunt&y teBtimhhy of the inany who from.Jong sudferkiWd settled dlseaf^ have by Iu uae been restored toiprietine vijrtMP and health. We dan patent a mass of evidence laprool of oun aaaertijms, that * ' f


mpot-Lnt Tea i lmnny f r o m Phyelet*»«>

Mrom ». T H A T O l t * ! ^ -•?.'&.« 1 rtrfH^^^VrV

f K lL\*Lm otMfm*Cherry fflves unl-teraafSitlsfteTibb.1 It seems to cure a cough by looscnirfgand cleansing the Lunirs. and allaying irrltatloii. thus removing the cause, instead ol drying lip the coiitrh aud l«a,vlng; the cause bc-bind. Il consider the Balsi'im as gimd afari'j', If qot the best Cough Medicine with which 1 am

JqcquaiiiUpYl, , ; f , 1 > n >-i , • • j

I H ' I Of Auburn, N. Y. *'I most cheerfully add my testimony in favor

of Wistir's Balsam. I havu used, it In my family in Pulmonary Affections, coughs and colds, and esteem it a most valuable remedf; ^mi fctfre^e* <jommelrided it in various complaints of this na­ture with Invariably happy results."

f l r i m H. U. MAttTI.1 , M. i I Of Mansfield, Tioira Co., Pa.

"HaMng used In my™ practice the last four years, jwistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, with

Sreot success, I most cheerfully recommend It to tose a Ilicted with obstinate coughs, colds, asth­

ma, & c r


T e a l l m n n y o f * L*«ly< DKKK Kivttit, N. Y.. Nov. 6. WfiO.

Gentlemen—Although averse to this kind o

..r^tattaMS Dr. Winjuir's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at a time when iny recovery from a severe cough nnd 111-ics* was exrrcmely doubtful. As I am confident fhnt It Ivaj Instrumental in my rebtoratfbn. mid

v in saving tuy Hfe, I heartily recommend lerswfio require a cough medicine. UiarewpectfuU^, ANN-E^HJUJ^JIM^T. -'V» BiilMtm H^tift'ft&ri' genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on

pir'>»i«T»jr S ; ' ' [Dinsmore, N*>. 1!H Broadway. New York.

Fowle& Co., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggist*.

7 * __,—i<i)'?*»*:'fe «v** *\ ron A UKDICCCS TUAT WILL ccni

Cpa^bs,, Inflaenia» Tickling in the Throat Wijoopirig Cdugh, or 4 '" relieve Consmnptive '


As quick aa


J. P. s. w

R e d u i n g ' s Ki i s s ia i i Sn lvc .


lion as| Only


iron is| bloud, t-at: blk

ks fully established tbe superiority of

iRedlin^ i\*$tiM Salve. " Over all other henling preparations.

It c ires nil kinds of Sores, Cuts. Scalds, Bum.«JWoils, Ulcersv Salt Rheum, Ecvsipe-hw, Stie«, Piles, Cmns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, A c , A c , removing, the pam at once, nnd reducing the ino*t nnur'y looking swellings and inflamuia-, s 4 f by magic.

"" cents a box.

jDJnanM>re,.4M BrbaawSy; New Ydrk. S. WL Fowle it Co., 18 Tr*raon,t-st., Boston

And by oil Druggist*. l fyl



It is well known to tbe medical profession tha ' •" Vital Principle or Life Eh - --•

Tld-s is derived cbiell,' trt>ru thcf'oo.1 we. food is not properly digested, or

u«c wl ntevcr. the iiueecs'ary quan tity of"jlron is nut taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced; the whole system suffers. The bad bhjod wilt irritate the heart, will clog nptbe lungs, will st upei} the bruin, will obstruct the liver, ttnfl waJl,P

>c(nd? * t s diaeaae-prodttfing ele­ments tonlfpartsof the^vstem, and every o c will Biiflfbr in whatever orgoil may be predispos­ed to Idlieeosc.'

Tlie great valne of

X»*c»n, > I K a M e c i i c i j a e Is well known and acknowledged by nil medical men. The difficulty has been to obtain such a preparation of \t fts iviU enter tbe«irciihitten and - -•— :|ate at bjneo with" tlie blood. ' This point, nsshni] says D| been

Haysl Massachusetts State Chemist, has gained in the Pentvian Syuuf), by combin­

ation ih a way belbro riitknoM u;

v-.tttEtttDthU'lliBP ::"-Is a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron. A nen discovery in atedlclne, that Strikes at the Hoot of the Dikeosebystrpplving the blood with its Vital Principle of Life Element—Irtn.

THE nmm SYRDP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Fe­

ver and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits.

i THB ?mmm mm Infused strength, vigor, and new \ife into the system, and buikle up an l ,iron Constitution."

I •' THE PERDVIM STRUP ; : Cures; Cbrgnic Djarrhcea, Scroffula, Boils, Loas

pt Cpb^tutlonal Vigor. .eaJfBB PEROVUJi SYRDP'

Cures Nervous Affections, Female Com P 1 *ii-and all diseases of the Kidneysand Blad d o

THE PERUVUM sVRIP Is a Specific for all diseases originating in a btid state or the blood, or accompanied by Debility or a lo|w state of the system.

Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and TeVomMeViiJMlous from loMe br-the moA^emlnJ ent Phksicians, dlergjmen,! Arid others; will be sent free to any address.

Wc Select'a Tew'of'the names to show tbe character of the teMttootriaU. :. •

\ JOHN E. WILLIAMS, Baq., . Presidentrol the Metropolitan Bank, New York^

[I Rev. ABEL STKVENS, * Late! Editor Christian Advocate and JournaL

Rev. P. CHURCH, i; Editor New York Cbronlcle.

ReVL John I'ierpont, Rev. Warren Burton Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, Rev. Gurdon Rohblns'

«R»-v. Sylv.-unrs Cobb, Rev. T. Star King, Ri EphriUm Nate, jr.. Rev. Joseph H. Clinch! Rt Henr.v |Upbam. Rev;. P. C. Iteadley, Rev. John Ephritfm Nate, jr.. Rev. Joseph H. Clinch! Rev. Jlenr.v Upbam. Rev;. P. C. Headley, Rev. John

;IW. Olttistcod, Lewis Johnson, M. b . , Roswell Kinney. M. D., S. K. Kendall, M. D! , W R Chisbdlm. M. D„ Frartcls Dnna. M.D.. Jeremiah :Stohe, M. D., Jose Antonio Sanches M D •Abraluim Wendelk >L D.. A. A. Hayes, M. D ' ' J. K. Chilton, M. D.; H. E. Klhney, M. D. Prepajred by N. L. Clark & Co., exclusively for

J. P. Dinsmore, 491 Broadway. JCew York. Sold by all Druggists.

ed port,\J;

8E0JIIWS RCSSU.\ SiUE Heals Old Sores,

RBuDl.Vli'S BU8S1W SALVg , Gwrea.Barns, 8calda, Cuts.

iBuim^miitii ittiB CureaWoand^Lltotlpea,r%pralna. MDBlXfr'a itislil MLJE CmeaB^K Ulei^a, Cancen. .

! * M h ^Bryalp^a. ; -

,.,^falilC--. :N

4Y SHOULD BE WITUOUT IT. 5 centa a box. ; i t •;-. •: a< '• >A ^ T<*C snir-**i«?fc»* ^ ••., i -.-»•.<•' •.-•

.'iL'SS'&i'.'^SS&^K;. j alldraggUte and eouatrj storekeepers.


tiave been sold in it* native town, and not a tin­gle lnstunce of its failure is known. • 1 We have In our possession any quantity of

ttlflcates, some of them from Ambient Pyysi-is, who have used it In tbelr practice, and

given It the pre-emfcftnee over any other com­pound.

It dpcjs not Dry up a Cough! but loosens it. so ns to enable the patient t,o ex­pectorate freely. Twb or three d,oses will Inva­riably cure Tickling in the Throat. - A HALF BorrLRbas often completely cured the mOSt ;"''- ' '- Wi.:

;•••• i Stubborn Cough! am) Vet, though It ^ s o sure and speedy In its opr eratul>n, It la perfectly -harmless, being pniely vegetable. It is very agreeable to t he ta»tcv and may be administered to children pf any age.

i n <SaSfeBJdf Crbnp, w e will guarantee a '• ' Cure,

if taken in season. v3l

, *W^JimkMMife££i , It Is within tt«Tew*h oTalL the price being

["• ' ONLY '40 CENTS !

And if an investment andftboroagh trial does pot •tack up' the itbove stateWent, the money Will be refunded.'' We say this knowing its mer­its, and feel confident that one trial will secure for tl h home IneVery household. : j Do no.t wa^te away with coughing, when so •mall hn investment will cure you. It may be had of ntly respectable fe»r«ggtet iti town,; who will furnish you wiih a circular of genuine ce'i tjifibaterf of cures It Mii hiade.

(QTSold by Druggists every where.

! C. G. CLARK AGO., Proprietors; H New Haven, Conn.

DENNIS BURNS & CO.. N. Y. General Agcuts.

D Y S P E P S I A ( J U R E !


D Y S P E P S I A ,

Aud all Diseases of the



Is guaranteed to cure the worst case of Dyspepsia in existence, ami

ONE DOSE will iiiHanianeously relieve the most aggravated attacks of

Cholera Moi'lius, Sick I l c w W h e , Dysentery , Sickness? at s tomach

Fever:n»ff AgiiM, l l i i i r tbnn i , CV>liv Pa ins ,

nnd in fact all diseases procectTmgfrom^tbe ?t<>ni-ueb and bowels. It is a 'sovereign aud perman­ent cttre for T

Incligesfion a w l General DeWIrfy,

and wiHio every in?tnnce regulate and reslorcto a heallhv condition a Disordered Stomach, ena­bling the patieirt to take healthy food without danger ol' distress from it.

It is the most wonderful Remedy, and the .most fpeedy in its a>etKm, e?er known to the •world. No one will do without it in the hoitie. that h;i8 ev er used it once.

Yon that are Snfiering, we beg of yon, o r y o ar own take, to make jrist one trial of it.


' O*3old by Druggists, everywhere.

CG.CLARK&Ca, Wholesale Druggists,

Proprietors, New Haven, Conn.

DENNIS BURNS & CO., N. Y. Gen. Agents.


Restorative for the Hair!





call ScRortJ^JA lurks , In tfite con^ tMtioita of multitudes of men. It either producpS'or. ta

• produced b ^feebtat, vitiaile* 8tate I of the bldodj'Wh&rein Cthat fluid becomes iri-Icompetcnt to] sustain ?tlie yita.1 force* in their Ivigorous actipn, | and Cleaves the system to

_ " fall Into disoridcrj and The scrofiUousWntaTuinatifin

IK^SK^i' ^wtBmmmvffmam^ T>UR8UAaN

r X . ***** '• byirtventoaJ


(URSUAiTRttoVAN. . "" *" Lewis county ... allpereons'luv'

„ . e of Gaius Alexander, deceased, that they are remiL . . ,. same with their vouchers thereof, to the under-

f sighed at Mariinsburgh,'on or before'tbe Jit day 1 of April ne»i **Dated, « | C . l f J l « B i i »7

' *• . DANIEL LtfUCKS.1 P t L , ( f t M EDWIN MILLER, / *<xpcntor».

rioiislyi1 caused by racrcMtial living, disordered digesth food, impure air, filth the depressing vices, the venereal j infection, origin, it ia hereditary descending "from parents toi cnildi the third and! fourth generation;" aeema to be the rod of Him wha eayi YisU the inignltWs of tab fathers n children." Thje diaeasea i t origit Tarious namew, according •*-' •u-*t

attacks. In JUNI lungs,-j tubercles, and,'fijiany Cp'n^ukaptidjt glands, awclllngl which «f—^—~- -como ulceroni sores; in i


liv«reompla _ cutaflfeoua'

.r same origin, parincation at

Purify tbe


ti£pi ^ r -and

Clark's Distilled

Restorative f«»r the Hair, Surely eradicates daudruff.

Clark's Distilled

JS^aJcw*^3m tjj^^air, Prevenu 1^ follhag off.

Clarit*'.rObtUM RestQiat^e,Jrjr the Hair,

Promotes its NattQrtifiind Healthy Growth. r,Cork's D>tnie#;'.r; » T v

Restorat ive for tthe laairit.'-; Causes the Hair to grow on Baldr: HealA wbe*ff tbe roots are not entirely dead:. In sneti ceaea,

aottiog wW da tt|':i;./. -; *n. ,i Clark's BlstlDed \ .

Restorat ive tor t h e Hair , i Is a most Luxuriant Dressing. A little one says

•'Hike it, it makes my Hair feel so soft and shiny." ;

Clark'B Distilled* , Restorative fortheHaHV

Contalna no sediment to be shaken before use; Clark's Distilled , ' ' - , • •&'

Restorat ive for tbe Ha?r, ,^a." Is a cleat, transparent flnidweotltaina no olW^ls

not a dse~-ha» no dejeterioos properties.

Clart'e DUtWed; ' / ' Re^orative for die Hair,

Xa deligbtfully Perfumed, and does noHnrto rtn-. ddln warm weather.

- .,. • ^/ciark ,a,blatlMedi' " ' . " ' . " ; Rertorat ive for the Hair , -.,- •

Xa tbe only perfect dreeeer and restorer of color combineaV * ' : : '"••••

, (. /fa^lr'j) \rm

Re^omtive for .1 H « .


- - "-em't^-mm^ ™;.••*.. e o n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ j f


©MQfl l B T J W J 8 4 > O a , « . T (

„.-,„_ dnrtempcra leave you. Van feeble, foul^ar corrupted blood,yop cannot Inrre bealtb; with that ^ lire of .the fleshp" healtby, y ^ c k h n o t hate acrofuldtta "'

i i ' f c d m ^ b d ^ ^ m ^ e n T i o e t e r dotes tUat'tnedical aciehte ba«'di_ this afeleiJnt^dhitempe*, « h d f c r . . . - ,v- .v w .

,the djsordera H entails. That 11 i a W i u p e -;rior to fny pther remedy yet devised, ia : known by all yrholtave given it a trial. ITJia* fit does combine virtues truly cxtrnordiaary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known a/wl remarkable cuireg rit

, lias made of the following diseases f Jfjtatf i} i

Evil, or Glandular Swellings,. Tumoral

^feTOSSafe; Salt Rheum. Scald Read, Cought from tuberculous d6po4ita m>m lring*~mit<5 Swellfa^i, ^ebiUty, Drp^y, KennOgia, Dyspepsia of Infllge^tUn, BypTiilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diieases, Female Weaknesses,'and, indeed, the whole series of vouiplumts.tuajt.arisefrouji^impurity of the bloocl.' Jiinute reports' of individual cases may bo found in AYER'S AMBRFCAS ALMANAC, wliieh is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which jt j ias made

'when all oilier remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are. purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every .reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vihil energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to ditcape and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. 1 he vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a icmedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AYEK'S SARSAFARILILA,' although it is composed of ingredients, some of whidi exceed the best ©f barsapurilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the snifter­ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the Camsee of disease, and vignruns health wil! follow; Uy its pecu­liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers "rvhicli lurk within tlie *>ystcn» or burst out «ii iiny j w t of it.

We know the public have been deceived ty irluny cdmpounds of, SarsaparWa, that promised liiuch and did nothing;! but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed jn this. Its virtues have been proven! by abun­dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the-cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very did'erent medicine from any other irhich has been before tlie pco)de, and is far! inure ef­fectual than any other "which has jevei been available to them. |

- f i L Y E R ' S ' '' V^

CHERRY PECTORAL. Tho World*a Great Bemtdy fbr

Cotxgha, Colds, Incipient Goa-Biixnption, and for the relief

of Consumptive patienta ' in advacce'd stages!

of tlie disease. Tlif* has been so long used and so uni­

versally known, that we need do, no more than rrssnre the public that its quality is kcpl up to the h\?st it ever ba* been, and that it may |,e relied on to do all it lias e w r done.

Prepared by.; I ) R . «T.. C. AYER & Co., • Kranlical nnd A nali/tical Chemists

Lowell, Maae. Sold by all druggists every where.

J. Doig, LowviUe; Jas. Peden, MarUnsbnrgh; L. J. Raymond, Copenhagen; W. Isdel, Gggen-hngen; £ . B. H^den, Turin; D. Na^h, Dcimmr.

And all dealers in medicine cveiywhere, at wholesale by Diekens, ComstoekSs-'Co. Utlca.

imuns,late agaioit the Estate of Daniel 6a\ of, the towBofMartlnsburgh Lewis C6.J decease that they are required to present the skme, w' . their vouchers thereof, to C. H. Curtis, at L- v-viile, op or before the eighth day of October,

t Dated April5, M6L 4 , .' ' i . 1 ^ iS°J t? i iE »t. SALMONS, Aam'x.

q?t.A^g|ar H. ctnms,' 'ite'r.


(HEAP BOOT £XD SHOESlQiRB. . - •• v-Hiiwb.-.-

We take this occasion to announce our recent removal. We are now*'located.'fat a Spacio'usJ Room, in the new Brick Klock opposite J, Doig's; Urug Store, and are better preparedjp'maet ttie wants of the peop4e than ever bcfor§7> -We have sufllcient room and ample lhclliU«s1 fyr the! H O O T A N T * « I f < ? J C T R A D K .

We call ^be attenUwtof tlie public Jo bur as , nt of. Goods, which we feel secure In say-beiairgest «nd best in tbe countv. It will

be our aim at till times to select none'bat tbe • best goods, and will be sold for what they are and jtoailalike;* , ' T> -

Our stock of prime goods is full and complete We have every desiraWe style of ';

; \ . ,; LAPJ$& ANDQENTS'SHOES, . •}:'.

: Such as are usually kept in first class, city Bool ;and Shoe stores only. We can not boast iof our •stock of four.bhiUbig pasterboard, Oaiters, and" two:shillings-8nppe«k' We db not design to :kee4(many • such goods. JVo. prefer ta excelHp keeping the best^ instead of the poorest quafinr of gopda. Wacontinue toseJlat our usual prices, which defy all competition. :

Ladles, caU and seethe :'t . . _. ,....._ j-".'


Worth, $1,50, the one dollar Moimeo Baijmofai wdrth.ii.:i8, the thick shoe at seven s»H-M

IURSD JNT to the order of Carlos; P. Scbyil, Lewis county Judge, notice ht hereby giv-

> all persons having claims against the es­tate of Jesse 'Miller, late of West Turin, Lewis county, deceased, toat they are required to present the same with their - vouchees thereof to tbe subsu-lber, executor, of the will of the said deceascaYaft hlsVesfdence, in rtie said tdwiT of West Turin, on or Defcre the 8t|h day of

s DatedJ VVeU'^tirln, ISept: 7 , ^ 1 ^ ' ' ^ ' 8ET*l MILLER, Eiecutor.

l S * C t e l / A W i o an o>der ofjSrtoai*: SCOYITI J T ; LeHrbr County Judge, notice Is hfreby gYv- ' en all persons having claims agamstlthc estsfte of Nicholas AiJderson, late of the towla of Hen^ mark, deceased, that they are required to present! the same with their Vouchers therbfdr, to tne,l anderslgned at the shop of Ira: Atistln, tti the town ot Denmark, On or before the'teiith day of pecei«HerJne*tJ ' . I.' - '•' "• •" •--*••-J Dated, May 24, «M». ; • T.*r jM»MlfaEN SNELL^^Eieeate^,

J0UR8UANT TO AN O R D E f t l f e HON; JL Carlos;P.- 8eoyll, Lewis Count)! Judge Notice is hereby given to all peraihs having claims against the Eat-**" "e •v»"'-1 •»-•• •-'-

PURSUANTto an order Of Carlos P. Hcovll, ' Lewis County Judge, notice is. hereby gi v.

en to all ^erspq»b^vin£cdajm»,ngainsi the estate pf Dan') Ooodenoughtiate of Dtanmark, Lewis Ct Hecesed,a that they: ajre-reqHjircd to present th> bamc, .with their vouchers, thereof, tb 11 oratio 8iuimvlay, at bis. office in Copenhagen, on before Nov. 1* 18&1. * , bared,' April 1&, -1864. , HENURiCK J. GOODENOUOH, Adm'r.




,-^ LEGAL. . » ' MORTGAGE SALE. . XTTHEREAS, default has been made in the

f f payment of the money secured by a mort^ gage datcil the twenty-first day of Jahhary, 1»C8, executed by Francis M. BeaK of tn«J to»vn ol .Martinsburgh, county of Lewis, and State- M New York, to Ingham Townscnd, im the t6wnJ

of Floyd, Oneida, county, State of New York; uml which mortgage was recorded In tbe Clerk's office of Lewis county, iu Book X of mortgages, on page2ii2,-Ac, ou the2Istduyof March, 1863, at H o'clock p. m. And whereas, tlie amount ielaimcd to be due upon «iid tuortgsige lit tbe lime of the tirst publlcuitin of this notice, is the sum of sixty-four- dollars and forty cents, arid the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage is the sum of six hundred jmd sixty-.four (lobars and forty cents, Now, "therefore, no­tice is hereby given',' that by virtue of [the power of sale contained in said mortgnge, arid duly r e corded as afore-aid, and in pursuance of tbe stat­ute in such case made and providedL the eukl mortgage, will lie foreclosed by ti sale of the pre­

mises therein described at publicauctmn, at the law offleu of Mere-nes* <fcDoig, in the viljjigeof Martinsburgh, in the county of Lewis, ou the •2(»th day of October, 1SU4, at ten o'clock in *he iorenooii of that day. The said. premises describedbi said mortgage as ftyiowl viz: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Martiusliurgh, county of Lewis, aim State o New York, being part of township No. 5, be^in niug at the N. YY. corner of the paper mill lot

'and runs thence S. 1> 4 ° , E. il ehs. ;>o links to the •left bank of .Roaring Brook, at low water mark, thence N. 87^' = , W. lii.clw. 7<) linkd to a x>oint .JO feet E. of die tenter line of the d. «fc R. rail road, thence along said line of Vail roafl, and par

•alle-1 with il. N. % - , E. 9 ehs. 64 Iks.L thence S. *">& ~, ,K. U> ehs- tbJks. to the placb of tjegin-uing «w»taining 1H 5t»-HHl acres.'

Also another piece, part of lot No. 27, beirin-nlng at a stake 11 links south of ,-» birch tn marked E. B.. on the S. line of E. B.ild land, awl runs thence S.*>2-links toilJe center oJ lioai-inj; Brook. S. ;>2 =', VV. 1 eb. 7:ij Iks. S. 33 hi -, V. 1 ebs. "-it Iks., S. hi =•, W. 1 ph. 5;? Iks..

.N. 67 =, W. :j ehs. 22 Iks, S. 5 3 ^ ^.Tw. 2 c s. .->. IS =, VV. 1 eli. 7'J Iks., S. 11. ,' - , W. Iks., S. SI =>, W. 2 ehs. 71 Iks.. & *»q, VV :>•> Iks., S.81 =>, VV. 1 eh., N. 7 8 - , WL 2c!ts. i.'i Iks., N. 05}-i *, W. 1 tli. 81 Iks., N. fi:i>-'-. VV. itchft-. :« I*,*., N. 55*, VV, 1 vh. 81 Iks." to tbe bridge on the Osw^gatchfe road, tlie|nce alou" ^aidWul N. .p>=>. W. l> ch. 68 Iks. to jibe line ol E. Bald win's.land, theuee along w»iu] line E. 21 ehs. 21 links, to the place of beginning, ruittin-ing tweuty-fonr acres, lo perches trf'laud, more or lesa.

Uatetl. the 13tb day of July, 1861. INGHAM TOWNSE.Nl>, Mttctgagee,

MKKKXEiM <?i DoMy Attorneys, Mai tinsbtmrh. N. Y. . '


Charles Stokes and .Phillip V. Medler") Administrators, &c., of, &<:., Joseph A. Clark, deceased,

aytttHst Ezra C. Potter and Cordelia A., hU

wife, and Benjamin Rusco'e. In pursnauee of a judgment of this 'Supreme

Court of tbe State of New Turk, rendered in the above entitled action, bearing date t ie 23d day of August, 18b'4, nnd entered in Lewis county, the subscriber, sherilf of .said coomy of Lewi*, nuiued in said judgment, will cxpost to public aale to the highest bidder. Tin the 4tli[day^uf No­vember, liHU, at 10 o'clock «. m. of that day, at the hotel or inn upou the premises Iheretuultet described, in the village and lowp of Lowtllle, in the county of Lewis, all the following1 de­scribed real estate, viz: AM thut.tract or parcel of land situate In the village and town of Low­viUe, to the county of Lewis, bemg the same premise* that were formerly oecupiid by Jared House as a ta verb, and' bounded u» jotlows, to wit: liegiuning at a point in the state road bear­ing 8. lli= i-Mfi 85 links from thesoullh-wesf cor­ner of tbeBank building in said village, aud run­ning thence alAng the touth line of'said building K/70® ,E.to a point one link'east of tlie east line of Add buildiiig. the ce alougn llnepjtrall^ and one link fioni theeaat lm« of said buHBmg, N. 21©y W.r 2»links to the- sduth ihie of a lot owned-by £l.'H. Doig, therice-alotig the said D6ig,B*lifie7N;'65cyE. Mhi links t o ^ i d Dt>l. souih-east corner,, thence along the eaSMine-of said Doig'fflot, N. ! * » , W. 7^1'mks [in the cen1

ere of tbe cross road leading east from said vil­lage from near t?aid buildings, cbence along' the said centre N. 84 JD«80min.Ji. one chain, l k s to the N. W. cbrner of said ]ot,-neeupjed1>y Bilas" Williams, thehce along, the west line of said Wtt' llanwtot, »-.-WPfm-r"'" " " a lane "

LHOttgi ' line of a vil lage^. . „ _..

cbeL thence along saW N; W&i&.n*l 3 chains td-a pomtJn thCialid 8Ute road, i»;-nce along In aula road » ^ ® ; W.?*'&&*&• lteks, tothe ptace'of beginning, cont&fdmg elghtyione hundredths of an acreof land as surveyed byN; B. Sylvester in May, lt»l.'- Also all that otfier piece or parcel at land in tbe tiflage of LowviUe, beginning at a point in tbe esMf odt line of the State road, bearing N. 2 8 * aotriini, W i t f iluka trem the north' cbrner off a viUaKe/Jot nwned- by OrrittWllbur, and'rdpnfng tbence&ongaaidpm> Hne of said road N . 5 ^ 8 0 mltt^W. «l inks to; the 8. W. corner of a lot owned bV *gdl ttM p.-Potter, (ment*along ;^Wiotnwn«I^A!drbt^ ter, 13^ JfO nUn.V K 62 -1M& tbenWawflg1 tbe line of tbe north side of tlwr **fcorg tM yu ur lately occupied by Benedict« Baker, f. «6T«5 tain., W. s i Imke to the place pt be^b8n%*sJ . described lot is triangular (bur feet front on< the nfgh way, and converging to a point forty f'^t In

ims, thenCe along, the west line of said WuV lot, N. 7 0 * , i t ^ l k s , ^ t o * w « t J k w o f

iBtiranm^ssw fa vUlageldt rornwite«#6ea tif^m**


r « h t e a p f i n g ^ n , B e y j a p r b ^ t e e n ^ ^ * ' Iifptfrsuanceofao o

madeln the abbw <en '

Keleree m pardtmb,5

der foc:8uchjpurpos& m to the mgtleSt bidder, Court House, in the village o eoupty.bf Lewis, on tbe ^7th day o?fNove A. D:, 1«M;at-W'bNJloctta* it/, «W^oa<*i tractor parcel of land %W»ted bx? tb* t«.wa.of. Greig, in the conrity' df Lewis, 8ta«S ot; l»e# Vork, and is part «f the.spu>h rstetfe of, tkpjsabiu division of Great Lot No. 5 pf M^cumb'sl chfrset nnd is bounded as follpw^ TIK; B«^


JU, 1^38. » stake upon the bank of t&e^l._ 12 links north, 78 degrees west from a butt . „ _ . tree, cornered, and marked^'-VV. A ».," and ran* r. 8«msi^Wft4^ej3Baiflputli«J^ ttr fnarked VS.^tbeace wuta. „r . lluks to a hemlock stake, thence t e*lt 19 chains 50 links to a hemi nered and «Sorked *' ~ "

H*l.«lMliJifd-,«l- , red aM marked,,'48-'' thence itS.cTutTlds and 6i HukSto the11

. saWW&frm mem; fTponW of tlie BmuanjdaMn^rart. tnenr according tothe odginai, coui course being north 't% if and 84 link* to where t ilgnt bauk of said rivisr >ot h » * . , u . „ tbeuce up along aid, river as it winJs * at low water mark, to the phtce^oT'b* containing UH 7-4-»K) acres^ -: lMted. Lt»Mryilla, 8ept. -Hi. 1801. , • ' - . ' !

DAVID A. 31'EWART, Re/ereC,

At a Surrogate's Couri.held (nandfor tbec<>nn-' •y nt -Lewis, at Martinsburgh, on the twelfth"

( d»yof Sfptember, one- tt»oa*«ad et^bt: bon* drod aiulsixty-oar. ^escutj Ca^ki^P. dcpy% County Jud,.e, •.-,•,,

In tbema;ti-r of the appli-" cation oi Milbcrt E. Uool-'i Wbnii tlie admhit^iratoi , ^ c , of John NcwkirkJde- j ci-ased, iniesLittu, :tho!-ity to inott^ige, lease, jj or sell the real estate«>f ItDMyn said intestate for the pfljy-' jf iiK-ut of bis debts.

nwnw nie'-apviieOTPBn^^i^^n^ «b, ; Wb WE^strtfcorAif all and

i > " „ -• bert E. WoolwuAb,,. _ _. ^in^ilnr4lie<t«rte>^mttvl». and crwiWTof John-Newkirk, late of ti*v towu of Plnckuey iu the county of l^i*w, dt>cc^-d, intestate, fcir author­ity to i«mgage. ' lease; dr self thVrlal estate of litu said intestate for tm<payment of his debts, ft is ordered that all persons interested in tbe es-1 n l i > ^ t d i , c ' J I . . I . . . % J M 1 . 1 . 1 . J I • late ol the said John Newkirk, deceaseds appeat

thecbubiyoT^^ 1 ^ 'h, oh the 31st

Oqtober next, at It) o'clock in the; rarettutiju o | at his office in Martbisl before the Couiity Jiidge'bf the couh^oFJuowis. - . L!- _-,_-.. . "'irjrb, on f b e * l 8 l 4 a y ^

xlt in the rorettotki o | that day, then and there tbshow cause why'wa* thority should not be given to the said aduvauu' trsitor to mortgage, lease, or sell so uujcb of thai real estate of tbe said-John Newkirk^ dccMseo, asUhall be necessary to' pay bi's debts. '•'.,"

Martinsburgh, 8ept. 1*/, 18W..,. CARLOS P. 8COVIL,

; Lewis County Judge, .


© v ^ * B ^ . T ( » K , S K « » f t T A K i O F STATIC, - • <•• Af. BAST, AugUSt 1, lV^l- > '.

To the Sherif of (he Ouunlg of Uwis: '"\ Siu—Notice is hereby given^ that at the Gene-'

nil EleeLHMvto be held kv tbll ^tfteen.tbe Tues­day succeeding tlie first Monday of November next, the follow ing officers are to be elected, to* " wit: - ^

A Governor, In place ofHorotio Seymour, A' Lieut.enant-Governor, in place of David B'.«

Floyd Jones'; A Canal Commissioner, in place of Vmuklia

A. Alliortrer; ^ An lu»pi-.utor of State Prisons, in place of1'

Abraham B. Tappen-; All wiiu-;e ti-fins of office will expire, on tbe1

Isu-t day of December next. I'birty-three electors of President and Vice-

Prcsuie.it of the Uiutetl States; Also, a Ri-presentaiive in_ the .Thirty-nbitfii

Congicsa of tiie Lniteu,iU»MSi.iJi>r thfe'irweiitietbJ C'ougressional District^ composed of itifteftildMea' of Juttereoti, Lewis, add Herkimer. - : . < OUNTY OFt'lCKRS AI-SO TO UK BMSCTK1) KOU SAID.'

COCXTV. Onememberof AssemWy^ • A Sberilt; »> pltw-v oi' VainRcmi»4in;. r V.V.em; A Coimty Clerk, lupraeeof I ia\ i:t » ^i^v .»rt ; A Superintendent ot the Poor, in i he j.liv.'v of-

Cbarle* *. Rice; Two Justices t»f 8essions, in plact of George'

1>. Moiratt and RosweM Bingham; * Three CVirpners, iu place of Samiiei P . Sears,.

Asa VYTSpaulding, and1 Uenry E, Smith. , All whose terms of blllee will -expire on thtr

tast day of Dcecmbt-r next. Yours respectfully. . '. •""•',

CUAUNCEY. M. DEPEW, . Secretary of State.- .

SHKKIKK'S Or-nois, Lewis Conbtyit Augusts, 1864. >>

Notice is hereby given, that at tbe GeneraJ1

Election to be held in ibis State on tne Tues|aV succeeding the first Monday of Noveml>et Dex^ the followiug officers are to be elected, to wjt:

A Governor, in tbe place of Horatio Seymour,-A Lieutenant-Governor, lu tbe place of David'

R. Floyd Jones: - " ' A Canal Commissioner in the place of Frank--

HirA. Alberger; ' An Inspector of Statue Prisons, in the place of*"

Abraham B. Tappen; Ah whose terms of office will expire on the'

last day of L>«cinibi r«e*a; Thirty-three Electom of Presidem; and Vice^-

Pre^ideutof the Uni'red;States; •: , Also, a IteproWnt.Mvt; io thev Thirty-ninth

Conaress of "Cue United States for theTwentitSa*-Cougressionat'distrFct, composed *>f tbe' conbtte** of Jefferson, L wWaod'0t:rkfani(f..'' iswxTy orFiuans AI SO. T»» OT; KijarrBO ron-if^fss

tMUXTV. ' 4 " . 1 : . - . -'-One Member of .iveaibl* j ASheriU', iu the place of Van Reassetaer Wa*.

! e r s - ; ' • : • • • : . • • : ' , - , . - • • • - . • ^

A Comity Clerk, h> the fdace of DavlduA)-Stewart; , • ' * ••' .•'••• v ••'•:' '' '*

A Superintendent of the4*oor, in tbe pbwe of Charles 8. Rice; 1 :> ' *V;

Two Justices of Sessions, in tbe place'k»f-ieorge D. M<ntatt and Roswell Bingham«i«' li.'v Three Coroners, hi the place «f MrniubU^

Sears; Asa W. SpaubtWg, w.d Henry E^dmitb. Alt whose terms of office will espire on tboe

htat day of December nest, V. R. WATERS, Sherid of Lewis county/ •

. lingfc worth *1,26, tbe cbUds «op . r«b»es* shilling*,worth M eeat% ,tbai

ebUda Goat aboe. j shillings, ' , wortbooewita. •--•:, ^

, Ladles'cnU and buy the two dollar GsSter, the two dollar Moroco Balmoral, the good calf shoe 5wiWr «&e. cltWPs c|tf ehoe « O K A31| *eB : We eontlnne to flfa,nmVtnre.a •aperlorl|iu^>

^ • ^ : j . ! f ; ; " - . ) v ; ; ; : ; " . • j

flg^Ty w w iH¥nm**tv ] AH mad* of ^h> beat aelaeted stoolt, and w»*- .


^ ^ Y t i . - m i 8hBH*fof *

B. J. BEACH, Attorney. -1 Lewis County.

swsa&H** •iVi.'-J-.-Jltr-'.-'Wr-t-.O

XHWHk a Wmt jr Ob.

I r f i N S I O N g ^

W&ski**^';; A B T R l S 6 . JOHM

; -• j r " f^onnae^Hat**"*.•T'*• TlbbltU Bloekr81 Genesee St., Utfci, Ili ^ , , WU1 prosecnte^ay. Bounty and Pension Claqne. for Stddiers, or their .wlJowa, fttheri, n»0*her»r. brbthera, .biers or children.;, ? f

j'.;%-X-y-./Tt^^fm^:-:-':!••• > , . Fees only allowed b^ law. K6 xl«amnaUZ4

tne. claim to decided by Governmeni^^r. 'W^Z •Porsousfroni a ^ist^ce \ need n o t eonlit&»

Him,»e1»e %*l#«i,?#> W ; w i * * - «*^«^" AFcommunicaHonBby rnaii, eb„

tagc stamp, will be answered tbe day of 3 ceTpt;' Claimants are criuUoned *i

edTn the prosecutfon of GOTernm , _ A9^JM^s^,M^t ggfefoSfr trivbd eirbry'

N. B—Onc'thousfcaWg^lfcudied and eighty claims vere-saecessfuUy proeecntedattnla ! • » • < cy duringth»year 1868. \ u 1 . / _ . n v.) v-!' Pkmofr €ea^mcA^m^amK

s^ Bounty and Fay Certlflcatei feaaWWPre^ei^

mm\ ' ' • - — - — - i — -

whom I h a ) . « d arrears of pay.