JOURNAL Ol!' TBB ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. OCTOBER, 1918. EXTRACTS FaOM THE "LONDON GAZETTE." War Office, September 12, 1918. The following a.re a.mong the Decorations and Medals by the Allied Powers at va.rious <lares to the British Forces for distinguished s!)rvices ra'Cldered during the course of the campaign :- His Majesty the King has given unrestricted permission in all cases to wear the Deaorati<lns .... nd Medals in question. DECORA':rIONS AND MEDALS CONFERRED BY HIs MAJESTY ':rItE KING OF hALY. OllDER OF THE CROWN OF ITALY. Blro,»ze Medal f<Yr Military Valour. 20720 Pte. William Alfred Boyes, Royal Army Medical Corps (Specia.l Reserve), (St. Helens, Lancashire) . 437381 l'te. (Aoting Cpl.) William Harold Ohick, Roya.l Army Medical Corps (Birmingham). Italian Bronze Medal, "della Salute P'II,blica." Capt. John Ja.mes Ha.rkness Beckton, Roya.l Army Medica.! Corps. ORDER OF ST. MAUlUOE AND ST. LAZARUS. Cavalier: Ma.jot George William Webb Wa.re, D.S.O., M.B., Royal Army Medica.l Corps. ORDER OF THE CROWN OF ITALY. Officer: Col. Robert Wa.llace Wright, C.M.G., Roya.l Army Medical Corps. . September 18; 1918. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the a.ward of a Bar to the Military Medal to the undermentioned Non-cpmmissioned Officers and Men :- 461233 Lance.(lpl. A. Goddard, M.M., Royal Army Medica.l Corps (Gosport). 60716 Pte. (Acting Cpl.) W. Olouston, M.M., Royal Army Medical Corps (Ca.terham Valley). 405267 Pta. (Accting Lance.Cpl.) H. Ca.rtier, M.M., Roya.l Army Uedica.l Oorps (Sheffield). (M. M. gazetted February 23, 1918.) Ml/06774 (Aeting Cpl.) J. H. Weatherley, M.M., Army Service Corps (M.T.), attd. Royal Army Medlca.l Corps (Ba.mes). (M.M. gazetted July 16, 1918.) . His Mdojesty the King has heen graciously pleased to the a.ward of the Military Meda.l for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned NOIl-commissioned Officers and Men :- RoYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. 408582 Pte. (Acting Lance-Cpl.) D. ArnoId 132025 Pte. G. Beresford (Walsall). (Woodhouse, Leeds). . 401'1163 Pte. R. E. Bolton (Leeds) • .')6000 Pte. J. Barnes (Ea.ling). 1405272 Pte. (Acting Lance·CpI.) 489076 Pte. F. B. Bea.le (Moreton.in.Marsh) (Sheffield). ,89086 Pte. L. Bell (Ashington). W. Briggs Protected by copyright. on 14 September 2018 by guest. http://jramc.bmj.com/ J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-31-04-11 on 1 October 1918. Downloaded from

ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. - jramc.bmj.com · Temp. Capt. Paul MacDonald Little, M.O., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in attending to

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OCTOBER, 1918.


September 12, 1918. The following a.re a.mong the Decorations and Medals awa.rd~d by the Allied Powers at va.rious

<lares to the British Forces for distinguished s!)rvices ra'Cldered during the course of the campaign :­His Majesty the King has given unrestricted permission in all cases to wear the Deaorati<lns

.... nd Medals in question.



Blro,»ze Medal f<Yr Military Valour. 20720 Pte. William Alfred Boyes, Royal Army Medical Corps (Specia.l Reserve), (St. Helens,

Lancashire) . 437381 l'te. (Aoting Cpl.) William Harold Ohick, Roya.l Army Medical Corps (Birmingham).

Italian Bronze Medal, "della Salute P'II,blica." Capt. John Ja.mes Ha.rkness Beckton, Roya.l Army Medica.! Corps.


Cavalier: Ma.jot George William Webb Wa.re, D.S.O., M.B., Royal Army Medica.l Corps.


Officer: Col. Robert Wa.llace Wright, C.M.G., Roya.l Army Medical Corps. . September 18; 1918.

His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the a.ward of a Bar to the Military Medal to the undermentioned Non-cpmmissioned Officers and Men :-

461233 Lance.(lpl. A. Goddard, M.M., Royal Army Medica.l Corps (Gosport). 60716 Pte. (Acting Cpl.) W. Olouston, M.M., Royal Army Medical Corps (Ca.terham Valley). 405267 Pta. (Accting Lance.Cpl.) H. Ca.rtier, M.M., Roya.l Army Uedica.l Oorps (Sheffield).

(M. M. gazetted February 23, 1918.) Ml/06774 (Aeting Cpl.) J. H. Weatherley, M.M., Army Service Corps (M.T.), attd. Royal

Army Medlca.l Corps (Ba.mes). (M.M. gazetted July 16, 1918.) . His Mdojesty the King has heen graciously pleased to ~pproveof the a.ward of the Military

Meda.l for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned NOIl-commissioned Officers and Men :-


408582 Pte. (Acting Lance-Cpl.) D. ArnoId 132025 Pte. G. Beresford (Walsall). (Woodhouse, Leeds). . 401'1163 Pte. R. E. Bolton (Leeds) •

.')6000 Pte. J. Barnes (Ea.ling). 1405272 Pte. (Acting Lance·CpI.) 489076 Pte. F. B. Bea.le (Moreton.in.Marsh) (Sheffield). ,89086 Pte. L. Bell (Ashington).

W. Briggs

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46014 Pte. O. Brookling (Treharri1ill. 4.0498 Pte. J. Carter (Eastleigh)..


424:-,0 Pte. (Acting Cpl.) G. Cartwright(Flixton). 316286 Pte. G. CorJett (Glasgow). 71849 Pte. O. S. Cox (Burnley). 401089 Serjt. A. Daniels !New~am, nr. Leeds). 4.05019 Pte. (Aoting Lance. Opt) F. Dent

(Sheffield). 4-01891 Pte. A. DiekinsQn (Leeds). 486156 Pte. E. Douglas (Wrexham). 'l'i68 Pte. J. Farrell (Dublin). 66189 Pte. W. J. Ferd (Clutton, nr. Bristol). 40166 Serjt. T. P. Fowler (Ea.st Bethna.l

Green). 584218 Pte. H. E. Freshwater (Ea.st Finehley). 72519 Pte. G. O. Gardnlll' (Northampton). 4030'76 Lanee·Serjt. A. Geairns (Whea.tbottom,

co; Durham). 60408 Pte. (Acting Lanee.Opl.) G. Gilpin

(South Shields). 1J64874 Pte. A. Gra.hame (Newport, Monmouth-

shire). . 405152 Pte. E. Gregory (Sheffield). 52008 l'te. (Acting Lance-Opl.) S. A. Grimes

(Ipswich). 401024 Pte. T. B. Raley (Leeds). 586811 Pte. (Acting Lance-Opl.) W. A. Harry

(Newport, Monmouthshire).

401090 Opl. (Acting Lance·Serjt.) P. Ra.n'S! (Halifax).

405138 Pte. A. C. Hayward (Sheffield). 403549 Pte. (Acting Lance Cpl.) H. Hill (Leeds). 40514,7 Pte. J. H. Jenkinsen (Sheffield). 8047 Pte. W. Johnstou (Houghton.le-Spring~, 408591 Pte. W. KeUett (Leeds). , 88389 Pte. A. Law (Glasgow). 880088 Pte. (Acting Opl.) J. P. Lees, attd,

Yerkshire Light Infantry (Aberdeen). 337 Pte. J. Loxley (Glasgew). 53548 Berjt. E. G. Lumgair (Cowdenbeath). 405199 Pte. H. Maris (Sheffield), 42504 Pte. G. A. McLennall {Methill. 866 Pte. D. Murphy (East Uverpooi). 53486 Pte. J. W. Pa.rtis, (Seaton Dela.vel). 32479 Ploe. (Acting Lance·Opl.) W. Seawaril

(Brixham). 433036 Pte. G. C. B. Sidwiok (Edgbaston). 102518 Pte. S. Skeat (Tydesley), 73000 Pte. L. Stevenson (Nottingham). 403888 Pte. (Acting Lance·Cpl.) P. E. Todd

(KnaresboroUgh). 2218 Pte. (Acting Cpl.) J. J. S. Wa.rd

(Richmond). 60418 Pte. B. WhitQ1y (HaJifllX).

War Office, , fjpptemlJer 24, 1919, ,

His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to appreve of the following awards to the' undermentioned Officers &nd Warrant Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field ;-


Major (Tem'p. Lieut.-Col.) Albert Richard Henchley, Royal Army MediC'l11 Oorps. Fet conspicuOUS gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. In two days he

suoceeded in evacuatiug some 1,1)00 patients. He got away his personnel and lorries under shell and machine-gun fire, and proceeded to. III ho.pital elsewhere from which he evacuated 8O(l wounded by ambulance tua.ins. His unit was the 111.111& to leave the town. His ooolness and resouroe were the means of saving a large number of wounded from falling into the hands efthe enemy.


Capt. (Acting Major) Roger El-rington, M.O .. M.B., Royal Army Medical Oorps. Fer conspicuons gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. He remained in

his dressing station under maChine-gun fire uuiil it W"a'l evacuated. He then took anotheJ! dre~sing station and again under machinE!-gun fire evacuated an patients. It Was entirely due to his coolness and devotion to duty that these wounded did not fall into the hands of the enemy. (M.C. gazetted Ja.nuary 14, 1916.) Temp. Capt. Paul MacDonald Little, M.O., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in attending to wounded in the front line under heavy shell, machitle-gun and rifle fire. His example of coolness .anddevotion to duty oaused a large, number of wounded to be successfullyeva.cuated from the frent line. (M.C. gazetted September 26, 1916.) ,

Temp. Capt. Alan CoWIlJl Mann, M.C., Roya.l Army Medical Corps. For conApicuous gallautry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. Hjl30rlng that a

number of wounded had been left in a dressing station, he organized bearer parties and led tbmn through heavy shell fire to the dressiug station and evacuated all the wounded. Through his devotion to duty many WQUllded were clea.red who would otherwise have been abandoned. (M.C. gazetted July 26, 1918.) Oapt. (.Acting Major) Robert Taylor, M.O., Royal Army Medical Oorps (Special Beserve).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in command of a.n a.dvanced dressing statiOll. He wO'l'ked with untiring energy, attending to. and superVising the loading on to carso! all cases. The dre,sing .. tation was hit several. times, and eventual.ly came under machine-gull fire, but he succeeded in clearing all wounded. He shewed fine determination and devotion to duty. (M.C. gazetted August 16, 1917.)

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Capt. Alfred LlLug B'ldley, Royal Army Medioa.l Corps. ' For cOIl'picu ,u.; gl\.llantry a.nd devotion to duty. When a. dug-out wa.s heavily shelled a.nd

blown in he N~Q1it ld a. ma.n from the most da.ngerous place where three :ruen lay buried. a.nd atliauded to th ~ meu ll.f!"cted, assisting t<) gel; ~hem a.wa.y. In one case he tried for hours to sa.ve a :ruan who had IO$t co lsciollS110;S, and duri 18 thii time lost cotlscionsMss himsdlf. but continued hili! work on recovering. Hid personal example of courage was of the utmost assi"tance. Temp. Ca.pt. WiUlam Cooper, Royal Army Medical Corps.

For llOuspicuoU8 gall tntry and dev,)tioll to duty during an enemy atta.ck. He was tmrernitting in his atlian~ion to wuunded unde-r fire, a.ud sba.yed behir,ld in a village with a. sma.ll salvage pa.rty attending to a-number of wounded a.nd ga.ssed ,officers a.nd men who ca.me in. He behaved splendidly. Temp Capt. Guy de Hoghton Dawson, Royal Army MedfcaJ Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry a.nd devotion to duty. During an arduous perIod of retire:ruent, lasting for some \la.)S, he worked with unfla.gging energy in attending 110 the wllUnded under beavy fire, eva.cuating them successfully. on Olle oceasion'when the enemy were within 40 yards of the rea.r a.id pnIiIt. His exa.mple helped and encoura.ged 'a.!l those under bis command. Oaph. (Acting Ma.jor) Hobert Alfred Greenwood, M,B., Roya.l Army 'Medical Corps.

For conspiouous galla.ntry and devotion to duty in evaculltting thll wounded. When a, bridge was blocked and p>Lrtly suhmerged by a. f~llen tree he supervis.d the oleILring, and helped tlo earry thewaunded aoross und~r heavy shell fire on both banks. Though severely sha.keu by a sbell bursting o.nd partia.lly hurying him, he olW:ried on until all the woul1ded were safely across the canal. Te:rup. Capt. Norl'llMl MoAlister G~gg, M.B., Roval Army Medical Corps.

For conspicnous gallantrya.nd devotion to dnty during a. raid. He untiringlya.ttended to the wounded und'r hea.vy enemy fire ulltil the last mall wa.s cleared, a.nd showed grea.t coolness a.nd devotion to dllty. 'He worlr.ed persistootly throughout the raid in the open. and searched for any wounded tha~ might have been overlooked. He beha.ved splendidly. Capt. H~ry Taylor Lamb, Royal Army Medical Corps (Special Reserve.)· -

For eon"piCllQU8 galla.lltry and devotion to duty when an outpost company were su.tiering numerous oa.-ualties from enemy bO"mbllordment. He proceeded \lO tbe loca.lity at onoe., and nnder heavy shelling got an the wonnded :ruoved to shelliM, remaining with the company until the bombardment ceased. During a trying time he showed splendid devotion to duty. Temp. Oapt. Wlllia.m Lumsdan, M.B., Roya.l Army Medica.! Corps.

For eonspi"uol1S gaJla.ntry and devotion to duty. While in charge of beaters carrying wounded over a.n expolHd hill-side swept bl' shell and ma.chine-gun fite he sa.w a bea.rer fa.U. lIe at On'!8 ran te) him and dr~sed hi-l wounds, after Which ,he re:ruained with him until dusk, the ma.1I being una.ble to walk. He then assisted hl:ru across country tn a pla.ce of safety. His condnet wa.s splendid. Oa.pt. (Aoting Ma.jo.r) KB1ln.eth Arly Porterfield Rynd Murra.y. Royal Ar:ruy 1.fedica.l Corps.

For oon'pi"uous galLtntry aud devotion to duty iR cbarge of lion advanced dressing station during an enemyatta.ck. He worked continuously for two days, often under heavy shell fire, and evacuated OVer 200 ooses. Owing to the constant change 0·£ position be had great difficulty in keeping touch with the medical office·1'il of the regimeuts he was clearing, and only succeeded in doing s\} by visitiug the:ru all personally on several ocoasions. His cowage and ma.gniJioont devotion to duty set a fine exa.:rup1e to a.1l his men. Temp. Lieu&. Thomas Go.rdon Play ford, M.D., Roya.l Army Medica.! Corps.

For Catl'picuous gallantry and devotion to dtlty. Assisted by an orderly, he dressed the wonlllds of stIVllral officers on the roadside under heavy sneU fire. Later, he establillhed a dressing Rta.tion in a village whioh was rapidly being enveloped by the enemy, and suooeedea in clearing all his casualties before it WaS evacuated. Lieut. (Acting l\Ia.jor) Ra.ymond Stowers. Roya.l Army Medica.l Corps.

For cOII~picuous gallantry and devotion to duty in comma.ud of lion a.dvanced dressing station subjeoted for hours to heavy shellillg. He got all ca.~es away in a most expeditIous manner. SubS>'qUl)lltly, on the nea.r approa.ch of the ellilmy. he got his pe):Sollnel aud cars awa.v and opened a. temp'a-a.ry dressing ,,'I;ation elsewhere, and oontinued to evacuate wounded till ordered to retire. He showed fioe devotion to duty. Capt. Ceci! McLaten West, Royal Army M:eilical Corps (Speci.a.l Reserve).

For oonspiouotls gallantry a.nd ddNti m to duty. On three occasions he went through heavy shell fire to attend (l&sua.ities in batteries which were under tire, the roads all the time being hea.vily shelled with high explosives, shra.pnel alld ga.s shells. ' Oa.pt. (Acti,'g Ma.jor) Maorice Ulick W,llllon. Royal Army Medical Oorps. .

For oon.spienollS glI.llantry alld d"votion to duty daring an atta.ck. He continually a.ttended wou.nded &fi the advanced dressiD.g station which was cousta.utly under artillery fire (four shells

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dropped within a few yards of the operating table}. Th0 work was conti,nued without cessation, so that 247 cases were evacuated in thirty-eight hours. :He showed fine devotion to duty under very difficult circumstances.

OQlfl,adian 1J!orctt. Oa.pt. Christopher Matheson Finlayson, Army Medicai Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry and' devotion to duty. During a l;a.id on the enemy's positi~nlil he worked a.1I the a.dvanced aid post with the greatest gallantry and unselfish oourage. Later, he withdrew to the fixed rear aid post and performed valuable duties.

AustmMn ImperiaL Force. Capt. James Iver Mclver Chirnside, Army MedicalOorps. '

For conspicuoull ga;llal!ltry and devotion to duty while attendi,ng to wounded men lUlder heavy shell and machine-gun fire. During the rethement of the rearguard squadron he a.ttended to the wounded while the enemy were firing at a distanoe of SOO yards. He showed grea,t devotion to duty. Capt. John Eric McGlashan, Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry ftlud devotion to dUty in charge of the evacuation of wounded during an attack. He visited hi>; vari01lll posts under heavy shell and maohine·gun fire, and was largely responsible for the successful evacua.tion of the wounded. Oa.pt., Hugh Compson Trumhle, Army Medical Corps.

For conspicMUS gallantry and devotiol). to duty. Under heavy enemy ba.rrage he pushed f~ward some 600 yards with his medical personnel to a ledge, where by his ca.pa\lle orgs.nization he successfully eva.cnated quantities of wounded. He worked for three days and nights, and his quiet courage had an excellent effect on wounded and stretcher-bearers aJike.


The· follOWing is the correct deseription of an Officer upon whom a reward has recently been -conferred :-Major (Temp. Lieut .. CoI.) R. M. Barron, Indian Medical Service. (London Gazette, dated March 26, 1918.) •

The following should be added to the announcement in the London Gasette, No. a0563, da.ted Ma.rch 8, and No. 00856, dated August 22, 1918, against the name of Qmr. and Major G. Merritt, South Africa.n Medica.l Corps: Retired Pay, late Royal Army Medica.l 0001>s.

Octcbf!ll' 8, 1918. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished

Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Non·commissioned Officers and Men, for gallantry and -di.atinguished service in the Field :-390005 Qmr.·Serjt. F. Bell, Royal Army Medical Corps (HuIl).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when with a party which was carrying , twenty wounded men by hand and it was fired on by a party of the enemy which had advanced to about fifty yards from it. With admirable coolness he led his party through houses and then through a forest to a place of safety, a,nd was undoubtedly the cause of saving both persoWilel a.nd w()unded from ca.pture. . 9657 Serjt. A. Brad1ey. Royal Army Medioal Corps (Curragh Ca.mp).

For conspicuous good work a.nd d.evotion to duty. This Non-commissioned Ofilcer led hts stretoher parties and safely brought in all WOUnded under very heavy fire in action. 457394 Pte. E. Olemens, Royal, Army Medical Corps (Cardiff).

For conspicuous g3Alantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. He went again and again through heavy shell fire to bring dressings and instruments hom a dressing station. For four days he worIred without rest. attending to the wounded under very trying conditions, and showed :fine devotion to duty. 48703 l?te. J. Davies, Royal Army Medical Corps ('I'ylOllltoWll, Glamorgan5hire).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, This priva.te was the only European assistant with Lieut. Burnet, R.A.M.C. He acted as his right-hand man, either with stretcher pArties or in the dressing station, and remained out all night attetlding to some wounded who eouldnot be moved till next morning. Later, he was assisting Lieut. Burnet at an amputation when the attack with rifles and m-achine guns took place on the camp, and, although bullets were traversing the tent, he remained stea.dily at his post. He has already shown good service a.rid devoti~n to duty, .

467033 Serjt. C. Hancock, Royal Army Medical Corps (Exeter). For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in a. hea.vy gas shell bombardment of a.n

advanc!ld dressing station whieh was struck repeatedly by sbells. :For thirty-six hours he worked under very difficult conditions, attending to the wounded and supervising the evaouation, and thanks to him the evacua.tion of a great many oas\l8.1ties was rapidly carried oul;,

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38441 Pte. P. Short, Royal Army Medioal Oorps (South HrIton). For oonspiouous gallantry and devotion to duty. When he was out with a party of stretcher

bea1'(ll'S he went to the assistance of a number of wounded, who had collected at a post whieA was under hl'lwy shell fire, and ma.naged to evacuate them all, though the area W8!S beyond the locality to which his duty would bave taken him in his ordinary course. On another occasion. when the stretcher squa.d of another divitlion all became C!U!ua1ties, he a.nd a private went for 3()0 yards under an intense barrage to the assistance of the wounded, One of whom be glliVe his box respirator, covering his OWn mouth with his handkerolaief at a great risk of being gasaed: His action was a fine example of UnSelfi>!fl devotion to dnty and much ooura.ge. 386188 Serjt. R. W. Smith, M.M., Royal Army Medical Oorps (Gateshellld).

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when fmm the m<lment an enemy bombard· ment started be moved about freely in the open collecting and attending to the wounded. After the advanoed dressing station had been evaouated, he made repeated attempts to ,see if any wounded had been left behind, tbe road bei:a:g all the time swept by maohine-gun and shell fire. For three days this Non-oommissioned Offieer continned to do the. same work, setting a. ma,gni:ficent exa,\l:Ipte of conrage and devotion to all who came in c(mta.ct with him. 25593 Pte. (ActiugOpl.) F. Watts, M.M., Royal Army Medical Corps (Oxford).

For cous-picuousgallautry and devotion to duty. This Non·oommissioned Officer led a ~ty of stretcher bearers to the rescue of a. detachment whose dug·outs had been comptetely demolished by shell £ire. After four bours' hard work, whioh was carried on under the dirllctobservation of the enemy and a heavy bombardment witn high explosives and large calibre shells, he succeeded in rescuing the three snfvi'l'ors, the savl~ of whose lives was due to his fine initiative, coolness and complete disregard for his own safety.

AusflraU_ bnperial Force. S10A Opl. Ea.tcock, Australian Army Medical Oorps. _

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in aarrying and dressing sever-a.l wounded men, under machine·gun alld shell fire. At night he w<;)n1; out with a party of streto'her bearers, and personally sa.w that every wounded man was brought in., going out on several occasions in front of the line and nea.rly up to the enemy's trenches. All through the e.ction he worked ga.l1antly a.nd rendered distingllished servioe, going out tepeatedly under heavy fire to bring in. wounded.

S<JUtk 4frwan Force. 2213 Pte. E. H. Anderson, South African Medillal COI'ps.

Fcr conspicuous gallantry a.nd devotion to duty and coolness under :fire when his oommanding officer a.nd six others were hit a.nd he himself wa.s suffering from high fever at the time. 6019 Assistant Surgeon A. B. Hamilton, East African Medieal Service .

. For conspicuous galla.ntry and devotion to duty. This Wa.rrant Officer has doue consistently fine work in every aotion he MS been in. He is invariably sent forward with the bearer partiSE to relieve the regimental aid stations, and at work of this kind he oannot be surpassoo.. It h~s been due largely to his resource and ooolness tha.t the wounded have always been safely a.nd quickly tra.nsferred from the firing line to the ambulanoe. He has been so employed in every a.otion, a.nd in two of them was under very heavy fire. 1128 (JpI. E. F. M. Kasohula, South Africa.n Medi:ca.l Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He did oontinuous goad work, wllioh has. genera,lly been of a high class, but he did especially well on one oooasion when in charge of a post, itisplaying retlouroe, initiative, and ze8iL 2004 Serjt. H. G. Reynolds, South AfrIoan Medica.l Corps.

For consptOuo-us gallantry and devotion to duty. This Non·commissioned Offioer ha.s done most excellent ~rk in the paat eightiee:n months in two separate areas. In e'\'e'ry action at whicn he has been present he has set a very high example of coolness under fire, and by his. conduct in treating the sick and WO'Ilnde.d.


The following is the correct desoription of the Non·Commissioned Officer to whom the Dis· tinguished Conduct Medal has Delen reoently a.warded. 16165 Qmr.·8el'lt. (Temp. Serjt.-Major) Bullough, Royal Army Medica.I Corps, attached South African Medical Cocps. (Looaon Ga~tte, A'Ilgust22, 1918.)


St. James's Pala.ce, S.W. October 4, 191&.

His Ma.jesty the King has been gracionsly pleased to give orders for the following promotlot;t in a.nd Iltppointmen.t to the Most Excelwnt Order of the British Empire for servioes in. or fOl! the OversS3 Dominions, Colonies .and. Protectorates, in connexion with tbe War. The a.ppoint:meht to date from lune 3, 1918 ;-

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To be Ofticer of the said Most Excellent Order:-Lieut.-CoL Arihur SlianIey l1erbeTt, New Zealand Medical Corps. for special SeTvieeB in

oonnexion with military hospitals at Rotorna. War Office,

October 7. 1918. The names of the undermentioned have been brou~ht to the notice of the !)ecretary of Stat;e

for War for valuable services render~d in connexlon WIth Military operations in Hedjaz:-


Royal, Army Medical Corps. Mltjor W. MeConaghy. '1106191 Private E. Genner. 'TeIl1p. Oapt. W. N. Montgomery, M.B.

The following have been mentioned in dispatches ror valuable special services on the Meditermnea.n Lines of Communication:-


Temp. Capt. M. B. Arnold, MoD. I 1128294 Lanc~-Cpl. E. Hargreaves. thpt. B. A. OdIum. I 105 8tafi-Sel'Jt. F. Newman, D.O.1\1. MSLlS Pte. (Acting Serj.) D. R. Evans. 118675 St"ff-8erjt. A. C. Partridge. 527858 Pte. (Acting Opl) F. Fletcher. 527184 Stafi-Serjt. J. R. 'Fhomas.


The names of tbe undermentioned Officers are to be added to those brought to notice for distinguished and gallant services and devotjon to duty by Field Mal'ilhal Sir Douglas Haig, KT., G.O.B., G.O. V.O., K.e.I.E., Command(lr-in-Chief of the British Almies in France, in his dispatch of April 7, In8. (P1l'blisht'd iu the Supplements of the Londoo Gazette, Nos. 80691, 30693,30698,30701, 00704, and 80706, of ~by, 1918):-

'Lieut. (Temp. Oapt.) W. H. FerguBOu, Royal Army Medical Oorps (Special Reserve). Temp. Oapt. A. 0. Mann, M.O., Royal Army M. dicaJ Oorps, att;!;ohed S. W . .Bard. Col. R. M. Simp,on, Canadian Army Medical Oorps. The names of the undermentioned Officers, are to -be added to those brought to notice

for distinguished and gallant services and devotion to dnty by Gen. Sir E. H. ·H. AUenby, ·O.O.M.G., K C.B., Oommander.in·Chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary F'orce, in his dispatch of April 3, 1918. (Published in the Supplement of the London Gazette dated June 14,1918, No. 8074.6):-


Te:n:q>. Ma,jor J. J. Ahrabam., M.D., F.R.C.S. I 001. E. G. R. Evatt, M.B. . Lieut.-Col. (TeIl1p, 001.) G. A. T. Bray. Capt. (Acting Lieut.·Col.) E. C. Lambkin. M.B. Major (Temp. Lieut.-Ool.) M. Dunning, M.B. Temp. Lieut.-Ool. H. Wade, M.D., F.R.C.S.

The names of the undermentioned Oftieers are to be added to those brought to notice for distingui~hed servioes by Lieut.-Gen'. SirJ. L. Van Deventer, X.O.B., Ciommander"in·Ohief .of the British Foroes in Eatst Africa, in his dispatch of January 21, 1918. (Published in the Supplement of the Londotn Gazette dated August 6, 1918. No. 30829):-

Lieut .• Ool. R. T. Brown, D,S.O., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. Major (Temp. Lieut .. Ool.) P. S. Olarke, South African MedioaJ Corps. Capt. '1'. S. Dunn, East African Medical Service. Temp. Major W. J. Gow, Royal Army Medica) Corps. Major R. S. Keunedy. M.O., M B., Indian Medical Service. Oapt. (Aeting Lieut.-Col.) J. A. Manifold, M.B., Royal Army Medical Oorps. Lieut.-Col. P. W. O'Gorman, Indian Medioal Service. The undermentioned Officer has been brought to the notice of the Secretary of state for

War for valuable services rendered in connexion with the War:-Major-Gen. W~ G. A. Bedford, C.B., C.M.G., M.B., Army Medical SeTvice.


The undermentioned are now correctly described :-

Lorllkn Gazette, dated May 95, 1918 (No. 80704). Temp. 001. H. A. BaIlance, Army Medioal Sel'viee. Col. (Temp. Major-Gen.) B. M. Skinner, C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., Army Medioal Service,

Headquarters Staff. Lieut-Ool. (Temp. Ool.) W. Thorburn, C. B , M D., F. R.C S. (Consnlta.nts). T$mp. Oapt. F. R. WHson. M.B., Roy;!;} Army Medioal Corps, at.,taohed West Riding Reserves,

is substituted for Qmr. and Hon. Capt. F. Wilson, Royal Army Medical Corps.

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London fktzette, dated May 28, 1918 (No. 307(6). Major D. M. EmbeUon, Australian Army Medioal Corps (Stafi).

London Gazette, dated Maroh 12, 1918 (No. 0(570). Capt. J. EWip.g, Royal Army Medioal Oorps .

London Gazett-e, datoo May SO, 1918 (No. 8(711).­Temp. Oapt. A. E. Thompson, M.O., M.D., Royal Anny Mediool Oorps.

London Gazette, dated June 11, 1918 (No. 30740). 92433 Pte. W. R. Morris, Royal Army Medioal Corps. 81787 Pte. R. R. Williams; Royal Army Medical Corps.

War Offioe, October 10, 1918.

. The f.ollowing are among the Decoraticns allld Medals awarCled by the Allied Powers a.t ve.rious dates to tbe British Forces for Distinguished Services during the course of the campaign.

His Majesty the Ring has given unrestricted permission in all cases to wear the Decora.mons and Medals in question.



Oraire de Guerre. Temp. Capt. Jobn Beattie McFa.rla.nd, M.C., Royal Army Medic",l Corps.. 35004lil Sergt. Richard Scowcroft, Royal Army Medical Corps (Bradshaw, nea.r Bolton).

aroUe de Ohevalier. 001. Henry Raymond Casgr,a.in, Canadian Army Medical C<»-P\!. Hon. Major Charles Frederick Skipper, Canadian Army Medical Corps.

Oroiro de Guerre. Ca.pt.· (Acting :Ma.jor) Edward Riohardson Lovell, Royal Army Medicaol Oorps (Speciflll Reserve). Capt. Mervyn John Holmes, Australia;u Army Medical Corps. Ma.jqr (Acting Lieut .• Col.) Henry Roraca Alldrews Emerson, D.S.O., lLB., Royal Army

Medical Corps. . uapt. Samuel Russell Foster, M.C., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. Ma~or{Temp. Lieut.-CoL) WilliamJohn Saundry Harvey, D.S.O., Royal Army Medical Corps. l\IaJO-r (Temp. Lieut.-Col.) Frederiok Duke Gwynne HowaU, D.S.O., M.C:, Royal Army

Medica! Corps. Capt. Peter MoEwan, M.B., F.R.C.S., Roya.l Army Medical Corps. Major (Acting Lieut.-Col.) Philip J'auvrin Marett, Royal Army Medical Corps. Qmr. and HQn. Capt. Robert-Daniel Matt,hews, M.C., Royal Army Medical Corps. Col. (Temp. Major .. Gen.) Samuel Guise Mooras, C.B., C.M.G. Capt. (Acting Major) John James McIntosh Shaw, M.C., M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps,

.apecial Reserv~. . Capt. (Acting Major) William Leckie Weooter, M.B., Royal Army Medica! Corps. 407078 Pte. EQward Francis Exon, Royal Army Medical Corps (Bra.dford). 10529 Serj" Edward Selwyn Holmes, Australian Army Medical Corps. Temp. Capt. Alexa,nder Beck Cluckie, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps.


MilitOJrY Order of Avis, 2nd Class. :Majo~ William Henry Gerard Harbert Best, Royal Army Medical CQrps, Special Reserve.


. . Order of the Redeemer, 2%a OlMs, Grand OommC/lllitler. 'Surg.-Gen. Sir Hayward Reader Whitehead, R.e.B., F.R~C.S. .

Order of the Redeemer, Bra mass, 001l1ff1Ullnder. . Lieut.-Oo!. Arthur Russell Aldridge, C.B., C.S.I., C.M.G., M.B. (Reserve of Offioers), Rotal

ArJXIY Mediool Corps. Order of the Redeemer, 5th Olass, Oavalier.

Captain John Percy Litt, M.D., Royl\l Army Mediool Corps.

Order of the 8q,cre4 Treasure, Bra Olass. Col. Tbomaslohn Rashleigh Luoas, C.B., M.B., retired pay.


Corrections, Londo.n Gazette, September 10, 1918. The a'Wltrd of the Order of the White Eagle, 4th Class, to Lieut.-Col. Charles Henry Straton,

Royal Army Mediop,l Corps, shO'Uld be amen.ded to read" Order of St. Sava, 4th Cla.ss.'.'

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War Office, October 7,1918.

His Majesty the King has been graoiously pleased to approve of the award of a Bar to the Military Medal to the undermentioned Non-oommissioned Officers and Men ;-

38887 Pte. J. Miller, M.M., Royal Army Medical Oorps (Wigan). (M.M. gazetted January 20, • 1917.)

1330 Pte. (Acting Lance·Op!.) J. Wilson, M.M., Royal Army Medical Corps (East Southampto:u). '

457350 Opl. (Acting Lance-Serjt.) G. E. Essex, M.M., Royal Army Medical Corps (Exminster). 387100 Serjt. A. N. Morgan, M.M., Royal Arm~ Medioal Corps (Liverpooi). 467811 Pte. E. Haynest M.M., Royal Army MedICa.l Corps (Hunslet). 47173 Pte. E. Davis, M.M., Royal Army Medical Oorps (Sidlesbam). (M.M. gal!letted July 16,

1918.) , , , His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Military

¥edal for Bravery in the Field to the Undermentioned Non-commissioned Officers a.nd Men ;-

ROYAL AIWY MEDICAL CORPS. 45510 Serjt. (Acting Sta.ff-Serjt.) H. W. Abbiss, 473104 Pte. H. A. Mutimer (Ipswich).

D.C.M. (Overstrandj. 124816 Pte. E. J. Owen (Aberdare). 55403 Pte. J. D. Anderson (South Shields). 461392 Berjt. R. N. Parkin (Ohester-Ie-Street)_ 341242 Pte. R. Bates (Bt. Helens). 68565 Pte. C. Pilling (Horwich). 337641 Pte. H. J. Beamer (Liverpool). 388256 Pte. J. RobsoD (Cockfleld). 390082 Lance-Cpl. R. B. Boyntoo (Hull). 42(3028 Berjt. J. D. Rouse (Leicester). 917 pte. (Aoting Serjt.) A. H. Davis (Rosct'ea). 659 Serjt. L. T. Rousell (Sheffield). 341207 Pte. E. Foster (St. Helens). 38403 Pte. M. Rowell (Sunderland). 331056 Pte. G. Praser (Dewsbury). 4931'1'3 Cpl. ~. E. Russell (Snodham). 837532 Pte. E. Gleave (St. Helens). 387596 Pte. J. Bo.mpson (Liverpool). 8315 Pte. F. Green (Pimlico). 457386 Pte. R. Belway (Exeter). 57004 Pte. W. T. Hemming (Birmin~m). 341104 Pte. H. Shard (Widnes). 12947 Btaff.Serjt. (Ac1ling Serjt.-Ma.jor) M. 538443 Cpl. R. J. Shepherd (Leytonatone).

Henderson (Belfast). 457324 Lance-Cpl. J. Blade (Swindon). 337728 Pte. H. Heywood (Bolton). 303254 Pte. A. Smith (Oulter). 68803 pte. H. HiltoD. (Roohdale). 28140 Pte. G. A. Stables (Liversedge). 341391 Cpl. G. Hogan (St. Helens). 457378 Pte. H. Stocker (Exeter). 19855 Pte. (Staff-Berjt.) E. Kerr (Bethnal 20061 Pte. E. Strangeways (Newcastle-on-

Green). . Tyne) .. 101171 Pte. (Acting Serjt.) W. R. Knaggs .18253 Qmr .• Serjt. (Acting Berjt.-Ma.jor) J.

(,Whitby). Suter (Dover). 1~67 Pte. J. W. Lanty (Rotherham). 337326 Pte. T. B. Bye (Liverpool). 72528 Pte. W. E. Lowell (Wellingboro'). 3(}~21Pte. A. Tha.ckery (Broughton-in-Ful'ness). 96594 Pte. P. McElhoney (Lenwood). 463055 Pte. W. Thome (Highampton). 473192 Pte. W. P. Meredith (Eastbourne). 103087 Pte. H. H. Towers (Bury). 102672 pte. J. Miller (Preston). 426003 Staff-Serjt. W. A. Towers (Leicester). 421127 Pte. N. Morrell (Wolverhampton). 437458 Pte. L. Wilson (NorlhMld). 83'1'320 Pte. P. Morris (Liverpool). 4767 Pte. G. Young (Whitburn). 341337 Pte. G. Moss (Southport).

AMlllNDMENTS. The following are the oorrect descriptions of i\![en whose na.mes have appeared in the Londcm

Gazette for the a.ward of Military Medals:-


London Gazette dated July 16, 1918. 65813 Pte. W. J. Arnold, Royal Army Medical Oorps.

London Gazette dated August 6, 1918. 69809 Pte. (Aoting Lanoe-Cpl.) W. M. Foster, Royal Army Medical Oorps. 43754 Pte. T. H. Unoles, Royal Army Medioal Oorps. 33180 Pte. (Aoting Opl.) F. Walley, Royal Army M/ldioaI Corps.

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SIR WM. TAYLOR MEMORIA.L FUND. ~l'IE sub$~iptions collected from brother O:f.Iicers and friends of the late Sur~.Gen. Sir"

William Taylor, R.C.B., amount to £84. The Committee decided that the Memorial should take the form of a Bronze Tablet with suitahle inscription. Th~ design was approved and placed in the hands of an artist early jn the year. He now reports that he is unable to complete the work owing to the prohibition placed on obtaining the necessary metal. A .good site was. seleoted in the chancel at St. George's Ohurch, Aldershot. and permission has been granted by the War Office for its erection. On complet~on of the Tabl~t, a small photograph, together with a list of the names ot all subscribers will be sent to all subcribera.

HorSII Gtu:IIrds Ann(!a;II, O. R. TYBBELL, Oolonel, 12, Oq,rlton House TerrMe, S. W. 1. Hon. SeoreM'I'1J.

October 1, 1918.


NOTIOE. THE Oommittee, with the concurrence of the Actuary, have reduced the extra war premium

for married members from twenty.five to fifteen guineas peer annum, in addition to the normal annual subsociption aocording to scale. Tbis concession is retrospeotive.

The extra premium is now payable only when the member proceeds overseas; so long as he is in this country he is oharged the tabular premium only.

Unmarried members pay an annual. subscription of £2, thereby reducing according to scale the amount of their subscription when they trans-ier to the married class.

The Secretary will be glad to give any further information as to the Fund.


Present: Deputy Surg..Gen. W. G. Don, Viae.President, in the Ohair. Ma~or-Gen. W. S. M. Price, Vice-President. MaJor-Gen. Sir H. R. Whitehead, R.O.B. Lieut.-Ool. P. S. O'Reilly, O.M.G. Lieut.-Ool. G. S. Mans£ield.

,(1) The Minutes of the Meeting of July 15, 1918, were read and confirmed. (2) The accepta.nce of the appointment of Consulting Actuary by Mr. R. R.. Tnt, F.I.A.

baving been reported, the Ohairman. expressed his pleasure thereat and introduced him to the Meeting.

The Oommittee considered a Report which, ill aceordance with a resolution adopted at the last meeting, had been submit.ted by the Actuary on the qnestion of the reduction of the present extra war charge. The essential points in this Report were :-

(a) The Actuary ()t}ncurred in a modification of the present terms for new ootrants, suhjeot to the condition tha.t it remains open to the Committee to increail0 the charge, and close the Fund, to new entrants tit any time during the war, a.nd considered that the e:dra premium might be reduced from twenty· five to fifteen guineas per aunum.

(b) Be suggested that the extra premium be payal!lle when the member prooeeds abroad, charging him the tabular premium only so long as he is iu this country.

• (c) Re recommended that if the Committee decide to reduce the extr!t premium the, concession be ma.de retrospective. '

Proposed by Major-Gen. Sir H. R. Whitehead, seconded by Major-Gell. Priee and carried unanim~sly, that the Actuary's Report be adopted, an.d that the recommendations therein be put into effect. .

The half.yearly instalment of interest on 1t124,OOO National War Loa.n five per cent 1~OO/47 being due on December 1, it was proposed by Major.Gen. Sir H. R. Whitekead, seconded by Lieut.-Ool. O'Reallyand carried unanimously, that subject to the approval of the Trustees, on the·

,reoeipt of this interest, available cash surplus, not exceeding £3,000, he invested in five per cent Natio'llllil War Bonds 1928, and that the Secretary be empowered to take the nmeessary steps.

(5) On the proposal of Major·Gen. Price, seconded by Lieut.-Col. O'Reilly it was resolved unammously that such officers as may be gazetted to Regular Oommissions in the Oorps, up to the date of the meeting of the Oommittee next following this, be eligible for admission as married m~mbers of the Society at the present extra war charge of fifteen guineas per annum.

(6) Payment of annuities to the widows on the list which WillS submitted was &anctioned. ('7) The death W'1S reported of an annuitant" Mrs. T. B. Moriarity; also of It membe'r,

Lieut.·Ool. Eugenius A. Roche, whose widow was placed on the list.

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.. (8) I>ayment of £2 2~ .. being proportion of fee due to the estate of the la.te Mr. H. W.

Andras, F.I.A., was sanctioned. (9) Payment of the Secretary's salary for th~ past quarter was sa.nctioned, also Qf offioo

.a.l11JWlUlee a.nd refund of petty cash expended. . 8, Homejield R()(!J;(],t_ J. T. CLAPHAM,Oaptain,

Wimbledon, S. w. It. Secretary. 0ci0be'I" 18, 1918.



Present: Major.Gen. Sir W. Donovan, K.C.B., one of the Trustees, in the Chair. Major·Gen. S r M. W. &ussell. It a.M.G., Vice-President. 1I1ujor-Gen. Sir H. R. Whhehead, K.C.B. Col. H. W. Murray. Capt. J. T. Clapham .

. (1) The Minutes of the meeting held on July 17 were read and confirmed. (2) The St'cretary reported that as a result of the special appeal made in aooordance with the

·instructions of the Committee Meeting on Feh-rllary 27, 103 subscribers had now joined and 63 other officers had promi.,ed to join a~ from January I, 1919, making a total of 156-also that the expenses of issuing the appeal had only amounted to £5 14$. 10d.

,3) Tbe Secretary reported that the p~nt cash balance at the bankers was £468 8s. 9d. and it was decided to invest a furthfll' sum of £200 in Nat~onal War Bonds five ~r cent 1928 issue.

(4) Two clI.ses of special appeal under Rule 24 wore considered and it was decided to grant the orphan daughter of A. O. E. £20 for tbe purpose of startillg' ber in a. career, and £20 to the orphan children of K. M. O. in aid of their temporary req uirements.


OCTOBER 15, 1918.

Present: Lieut. ·Gen. T. H. J. C. Goodwin, O.B .. C. M. G., D:S.O., Ko H. S., Director-General, in the Ohair. MlI.jor.Gen. G. B. Stanistreet.. C.B , C.M.G., Depllty Director-Genera,l. Maj{)f·Gen. Sir W. Donovan, R.C.B. Col. C. R. Tvrrell, C.B. Major E. Offord. . Capt. E. B. AlInutt, M.C., Band President. (1) The Minutes of the last meeting held on July 17 were read a.nd confirmed. (2) A letter of regret for non-attendunce was read from 001. Sir J. Magill. (8) The replies received from Senior Officers to the circular letter sent out under the instruc­

tions of the Committee at the Meeting held o·n July 17 relating to the Memorial to certain distinguished offioers were read and considered, and it was proposed by Col. C. R. Tyrrell and seconded by Major·Gen. Sir W. Donovan that the nlWles originally suggested should stand, and thab the matter be refe·rred to the Memorial8 Sub.committee for the necessary action.

(4) Correspondence relating to the selection of an ar~ist to paint a special port:ra.it of Lieut .. Gen. Sir A. Keogh was read and it wa.s decided to request Mr. Artbur Hacker, RA., to undertake the ta.sk at the cost agreed upon, viz., 400 guineas exclusive of the frame ...

(5) Two CMes of special distress were considered uuder Rule 5 and it was decided to continue the grant authorized by the Meeting held on July 17 to the widow of F. W. H. D. H. up to& :tota.l of £50. It was considered that the second ease does not come within the scope of the Rule a.nd the applioo.tion was not approved. .

(6) Five 'lopphoo.tions for assistance from the Geueral Relief Branch were considered and the Ifollowing grants were approved-

Mr. A. T. to receive the balance of the amount authorized by the mooting held on July 17; viz. .. .. .. .. •• .. £3 0 0

Mr. W. F. C. and wife (; 0 0 Mr. J. R. S. and wife •• . . 2 0 0 Mr. T. P. (Tbis ca.se is referred to tbe Auxiliary R.A.M.O. Fund) 2 0 0 The widow ohlle late F. T. M... .. .. .... 6 0 ()

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:SAln> FUND.

Statement showing ~eceiptB "nd Expenditure from April to September, 1918.


£ s. d. 181 11 11

64 0 0

;£ $. d. Bala.Jl()e brought forward Feli8 for Pel'fO'mumces on Victoria and Central Piers .•

Salaries of B'lIDilmaster, Band Serjeant a.nd StoFeJ!llan .• Ba.ndItlllster a.nd .Men, Pay for P~noes c>n Viotoda

and Central Piers.. .. Postage and Telegrams Insurance Ba.ndmaster's Uniform Repairs to Instruments Music, Strings a.nd Instruments Balance in hand

79 18 0

32 10 ()

0 7 2

2 17 9

.5 2 6 2 1 9

85 10 0 77 9 9

£235 11 11 £2S5 11 11

Certified oorrect, Blae1cpQool, E. B. ALLNUTT, Captai'll. R.t1.M.O.,

October 21, 1918. Presilknt, B.A.M.O. Band. Certified that the aocounts of the Depot, a.A.M.C., :Band have this day been audited and found correct.

Blackpool, . A. 1AOKSON, Major R.A.M.C. October 10, 1918. A. HYNDMAN. Lieutenant J!.S.L.1.

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(7) The Secretary reported the present oash bala.uoes in both branohes and it was deoided to invest a further amount of £500 on aocount of the General Relief Bzanoh in National War Bonds five .per oent 1928 series.

(8) The Band President submitted the Band accounts for the past six months and a grant of £60 was authorized from the Officer!! Branch. .

(9) The question of a grant 1;0 the Prisoners of War Fund from the General Relief Branch Wo.!! considered and it was decided that it would be better to approach the Central Committee, 4, Thudoe Pla.oe, fm: a!>sistanee should it become neoessary. .

(10) An appeal was read from the Army and Navy Male Nurses' Co.operation and a grant of £20 authorized. .



THE Honora.ry Treasurer has now the pleasure of submitting the fifth List of Contributiollll to the above Fund containing all subscriptions up to the middle of September, from Units ai home and abroad. It will be noticed that many of these are renewed or additional donations, and several Units have generously promised gra.n.ts to be repeated monthly, O'r as their general fuuds permit. .

The Honorary Treasurer trusts that all Officers Commanding will impress upon the Com­mittees of their Regimental Institutes where such exist, the necessity of supporting this Fund for the benefit of their comrades in captivity in.erder that the regula.r supply of parcels of food may be kept up. The large increase in the numbar of prisoners, now exceeding 1,100, and in the cost of provisions. entails a very large monthly expenditure, which has hithertO' been met by the Corps itself and by nUJll6rO'us friends.

If subscriptions are not maintained an appea.l for outsid-e assistance wnI soon be unavoidable. 124, Victoria Street, S. W. E. M. WILSON, Lie'Ut.-Oolemel, .

September 25, 1918. Hem. TreafJ'U!rer. FIFTH LIST.


July 25- Military Hospital Mess,Catteriek Clitl' Military Hospital £3 8 0' and Regimental Institutes· .• £10 2 0

JUil29- . .;

Deta,ahment 1st Birmingham o. 12 Field Ambulance 5 0 0 War Hospital, Kidna.! " 1 HI 0

R.A.M.C. Depot, Bla.ekpool 500 0- 0 Deta.ohment R.A.M.C., Gosport July 30- (3rd donatiO'll) ". . . . . o 14 3

2nd London General Haspital Lieut.-Col. H. P. and Mrs. Cor-(Chelsea) " " ., 41 3 6 kery, Central Haspital, Win·

August- chest6f .. 319 S 6 R.A.M.C. School of Instruction Lieut. ·Col. H. E. Winter and

(Officers), Blackpool.. .. 63 9 6 No. 6 Company 20 0 0 2nd Wess6X Field Ambulance' 4thTraining Ba.ttalion,Blackpool 7 0 0

&T.F.).. .. ., 40 0 0 2nd Wessex Field Ambulance 1\li itary Hospital, Fovant 5 0 0 (Srd donation) .. •. .. 40 0 0 30th G~ral Hospita.l •. 36 15 0 4th NortheJ;!l Genera.l Hospita.l, No. 19 Company, Chester (further R.A.M C. (T.).. .. .. 25 0 0

centribution) . . • . . . 50 0 0 St. George's G.a.rrison Church, Se:aeant's Mess, No. S General Woolwich .. .• .. 20 0 0

ospital .. .. .. 2 0 0 5th Training Battalion, Black. Queen Mary's Military Hospital, pool .. 16 0 0

Whalley (further contri~ution) 25 0 0 1st Training Batt\lJion, Black-7t.h TrainingBaMtalion,R.A.M.C., pool •.. 5 0 0

Bla.ckpool .. 17 19 2 6th Training Ba.ttalion, Black-19th Field Ambulanoe 18 S 4 1'00'1 .. .. 10 0 0 Military Hospital.., Newhawn •. \) 9 0 28th Field Ambulanoe 5 0 0 24th General Hospital .• 3 14 0 Provisional Oempany (now &: 2nd Wessex Fil'M Ambulance serve Battalion) Depot, Black·

(2nd donation) " 40 0 0 pool "Cough Drops" Coneert 2/2nd North Midla,nd Field Am- Party .. 200 0 0

bulance (monthly contribution) 7 6 0 183rd British General Hospital, R.A.M.C. Mess, Sheerness .. 6 6- 0 Mesopotamia, Regimental In-46th Stationary Hospital 33 0 0 stitute •. , 10 6 50th Field Ambulance ., 3 3 0

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0.0. 6th Oompany (additional), Officers No. 25 OILSUa.lty Clear._ Portsmouth • • . • . . £5 2 0 in, S ta.tion, Sa.lonib •• £7 0 0

No. 1 Duchess of Westminster's No. I) Oompany, RA.M.O. i(} 0 0 Hospita.l Wt.,N.O.O.sandMen 16 0 0 2nd Wess~ Field Ambulance

No. 1 Duchess of Westminster's (4th donation) .. • • .• 50 0 0 Hospital Regimental Funds. : 12 0' 0 R.A.M.O. Detachment, Bermud'8.

Conva.l&sC>lnt Hospital, Holy. (further subscription). . • . 1 (} 0 wood, County Down •. 5 0 0 No. 44 Casualty Clearing Station

44th Oasue.lty Clearing Sta.tion •• 7 7 2 Officers, Sisters and other 29th Compa.ny, J amaioa. (2nd ranks 6 0 0

dotlJl,tion) 1 0 0 0.0. No. 6 Oompany, Oosham .. 43 4: 9 4th Stationa.ry Hospital •. 3919 4, 0.0. No. 6 Company, Cosham .. 1 la 0 St. John Ambula.nce Brigade 0.0.1s1l0asualtyClearillg Station I) 0 0

Hospita.l, Fra.nce (630 fr.) 2310 8 'fth Training Battalion,RA.M.O., 65th British General Hospita.l, Blackpool .. .. •. 20 3'2

Mesopotamia. 5 0 0 No. 9 Qompany, Colchester (2nd 5Srd General Hospital, Serjeants' subscription) .• •. 125 11 :3

Mess .. .. .. .. 2 18 0 No. 12 Field Ambulance 5 0 0 No. 6 Company (a.dditional) .. 312 6 4:2nd General Hospital, Salionib 80 10 0 Serjeanlls' Mess, Srd Native 55th Oasua.lty Clearing Sta.tion 4: (} 0

Genera.l Hospital, B.il.F., No. 6 Oompany, R.A.M.C. De. France •.. •• 10 0 0 ta.chment, Parkhursb, Isle of

261;h Company, Bermuda. (fur. Wight .• 4 16 0 tller contribution) • . • . t 5 0 Cliff Milita.-ry Hospital, Harwich

Detachment, 81;h Company, Mid· (further donation) • . . . 2 :2 3 dlesbrough. Yorkshire 2 0 0 8th '1'ra.i~ Battalion, Black.

Srd TrainingBattaJion,Blackpool 5 0 0 pool 5 0 0 No. e Oompa.ny Detachment, 15th Field Ambulance (sports

Dorchester .• i 5 6 oollection) 3 0 0 No. 6 Company, Oosham (addi. Oroydon Wa,r Hospital .• 3 5 6

tional).. .. .. .. 2 2 0 829th Field Ambulance .. 5 0 0 No. 6 Company Detachment, Detachment, R.A-M.C., Fort

Alderney •. •• .. 010 0 George •. o 14 6 No. 6 Company, Romsey 013 3 10th Sanitary Seetion .... •• 2 1 0

August 2'1- 2~nd North Midland Field 8th Training BattaliQn, Black· Ambulance (monthly: sub·

pool (monthly contribution) •• 5 (} 0 seription) 7 6 0 2nd Training Batta.lion, ·Blaok· De-ta.chment, RA.M.O., Jersey .011 0

pool (annual in advance) 12 0 0 2{lst Highland Field Ambulanoo 16 0 0 2jlst WelllSex Field Ambulance .• 6 4 1 Regimental Funds, 1st Tra.ining

August 80- Ba.ttalion, Blackpool .. . . 5 0 0 R.A.M.O. Detachment, Christ- Mr. A. L. Martin and Staff Clerks,

ohurch, 6th Company .. 011 0 R.A.M.C., Sa.lisbury .. 010 0 Nos. 12 and 34 Compa.nies! Royal DeVachment, R.A.M.O., No .. 6

Herbert Hospital, Woo wich .. 20 0 0 Company, Pa.rkhurst, Isle of Nos. 12 and 34: DetachmeniJ, Wight {further Mnm bution) .. o 10 6

Warlingham 11 5 0 srd -Training Battalion, Black· Nos. li and 84 Detachments, pool (monthly subseriton) .; 5 0 0

Dartford 10 0 0 49th Generllil Hospital, lonika 10 0 0 76th Casullilty Olearing Station 2nd Wessex Field Ambulance

(further donation) •. • . o 12 0 (additional) . . . . SO 0 0 6th Training &tta.lion, Black- RA.1Il.0. Depot, Blackpool 400 0 0

pool .. •. •• •• S 18 0 Militars Hospital, Woking 1016 6 No. 20 Casualty Clearing Station 20 0 0 Kent Coun.ty Comforts Fund, O:flleers No. 25 Oasualty Clear· fr<lm Vice· Lieu tenant .. 90 S 6

iDg Station Wt., N.O.O.s and 81;. Thomas's Chu.rch~Shepherd's Men 25 0 0 Bush .. .. .. .• 2 10 0

BIRTH. LONG.-On September 16, at Sandhills, Reading Road, Fleet, .Hants, the wife of Major H. W.

Long, Roya.l Army Medical Corps, a danghter.

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Title of Work and Author Edition Date How obtained

------------.-------- -------1--------The. Diag~O$is and Treat~nt of Venereal Diseases. By

Lieut.·Col. L. W. Harnson, D.S.O., R.A.M.C. Laboratory Manual for the Detection of Poisons and

Powerful Drugs. By Dr. W. Autenrieth. Translated by W. H. Warren

Pathogenic Micro-organisms. By Park and Williams Trea~ment of Joint and Muscle Injuries. By W. R.

Bnstow La Granulation A. uropbi1e. P&r le Dr. L. M. Betal'lus •• British Museum (Natural History). A Map showing the

known. Distribution in England and Wales of the Anophelin,e Mosquitoes. With Explanatory No,tes and Text. By W, D>e./nwn Lang, M.A.

Notes on the Application of the Te$t of. Organic Disease of the Spleen. a.s an easy and certain ~thod of detect. ing Malarial Localities in Hot lllimates. By Surg. T. O. Dempstel'. ]848. Reprinted

Spud Wilkins at Blackpool. By Sergt. H. V. Verriss

B.A.M.c. Magtuine, July II to September 27 •• J(}!Urnalof the ROYQl Naval Medical Service, Ju}.y •• Lond<m County COlUlcil. Report of the County Medioe.l

Officer of Health and School Medical Offic6!I.' for the year 1917

Medical Reseo.rch Committee. Reports of the Special Investigation Committee on Surgical Shock and A11i~ Conditions, No. 5

Reports of the Committee on War Nephrltis, No. 3 Reports of the Chemical Warfare Committee, No. 8 Statistical Reports, No. 1 .• •• •• . Medical Research Institute, Lagos, Nigeria. Report for

the year 1915. By A. ConnaJ, M.D. National Health In...uraDce. Medical Research Com­

mittee, Special Report Series, No. 18. An Investigation into the Epidemiology of Phthisis in Great Britain and Ireland

Special Report Series, No. 19. Reports of the Special Oom­mittee on the Standardization of Pa.thologi~l Methods. The Labora.tory Diagnosis of Gonococcal Infections. Methods far the Detection of Spirochretcs

The Montana. State Board of Entomology:-Fttljlt Biennial Report, 1918·14 •• • • Second ditto, 1915-16

Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol. vii, Edited by F. W. lIilo~t. M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.

Two A.ddres,e$ on War Psycho-Neurosis-(l) Neuras· thenia,. The Disorders and Disabilities of F.ear. (2) The PS'ycholo~y of Soldiers' Dreams. By F. W. Mott, M.D., LL.D., F R.S.

Commonwe,lth of Australia. Depal'tmen.t of Trades alld Oulltoms. Final Report on the Cause of Death and Invalidity in the Commonwealth






19]7 1917

1918 1918



1918 1918 1918


1918 1918 19]8 1918



1914 1916 1918



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War Office, . A.M.D.Q •.

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Lo::don C~tmty COlUloil.

Med;oaI Research Committee.

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War Office, A.M.D.Q.


PresElllted by am;.' Gen. SirD. B.ruce, E..C.B., F.R.S.

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