Please read through and do not misunderstand. The promised goal of today’s New Ager’s is one of Peace and Harmony. The many people motivated into this belief system have found a spiritual reality they did not know before. Most people understand that the “New Age” movement or philosophy is really not so new. The term signifies the beginning of a New Age or period of mankind’s history based on the changing positions of the stars. The most popular accepted belief being that the “Church Age” as symbolized by the fish Pieces is coming to an end. The sign of Aquarius ( the water bearer, as an out pouring), now coming to the forefront. Most also understand that the roots of all practices and Philosophies have their origin from Ancient Babylon. But their are many modified and popularized roots that go back only to the turning of the last century. There was another group of people who were the first New Agers. This group pioneered many of the practices and beliefs that are being applied by millions today without the knowledge or understanding of their source. In this pamphlet I hope to show you these sources. You may be in for quite a surprise! I know I was in my research of this whole matter. In 1878 a book was published in America by a woman of Russian aristocratic descent. Helena P. Blavatski wrote a large two volume book titled “The Secret Doctrine” She based the book on her research and findings from a trip to Tibet. From her base of operations in Madras, India she was allowed to view the “Stanzas of Dyzan” in an underground temple somewhere in the Himalayas. This text has been claimed to have survived the great Biblical flood and describes an “Unknown” History and Cosmology of our planet. Basic beliefs are as follows: The earth is in a sense a “living organism.” It is hollow with mankind’s origin coming from within. All energy and life forces are interconnected. Today this idea is called Monism. The earth and mankind go through many cycles of destruction and rebirth. In this reconstruction, mankind and earth evolve into a higher form. Harmony of thought must take place to ease the transitions. Some of the History describes many different races. Some of these were grotesque failures by the God-men called the Manu. As their powers were abused and they warred with each other, A new master root race was created and trained in the cold rugged mountains of the high country. There this Master root race was trained to lead the other races out of their depravity. Their training caused them to lose touch with their psychic abilities. A religion and symbol were given to them to restore this. The religion was to seek out and obey invisible forces who would lead them into a “New Age”. Their symbol was the “sun wheel sign”. It was their destiny to lead the rest of mankind. They were told to keep separate from others and not dilute their genetic strain. Today Heleina Blavatski is heralded as the “God Mother” of the New Age Movement. More Modern disciples of her new founded Philosophy/Religion -Theosophy, includes American born Anne Basant who did much to bring the Eastern philosophies to America. Soon after the publishing of Secret Doctrines, many of the noble class of Europe eagerly embraced these concepts. In 1917 at a coffeehouse in Vienna, a turning point in European History took place. A clairvoyant, Maria Autche met with very influential leaders of Secret Societies, the Knights Templer and the Thule society. Included were Professor Baron Von Sebottendorff, and Dr.Karl Haushofer. It was revealed at a seance that they would prepare for a new leader to bring in the “New Age”. This meeting inspired many occult lodges and secret societies to work together with a hopeful expectation toward a “New Age” or at least for some of mankind. You see the master root race was the Aryan! The Sun Wheel sign which was on the cover of The Secret Doctrine, and the official symbol of the Theosophical Society was what the world came to know as the swastika!. Here is Sun wheel sign! The religion was Theosophy which was the Philosophical essence of Nazism which is the same beliefs of the New Age movement today! Historical myth states that Hitler choose this symbol and the arm moving in this direction to symbolize the opposite of the ancient reverse sign which was a good-luck symbol. Nothing could be farther from the truth! This sign was first understood by Blavatski as the ancient symbol showing the four corners of the earth,(the inner cross) with the attached four arms which were signifying the four winds.(The pre-flood power of Anti-gravity! - the symbol of the sons of God of Genesis 6) One movement was the migration from the inner earth (opposite of this picture) The other the return of the Aryan to it’s entrance at the South Pole! Hitler choose this direction to signify the Aryans return as would be seen from Thule! This symbol was selected long before Hitler. Did you know: 1.The first to assign a mystical value to the Ancient Ruinic symbols was Guido Von List. He inspired the Pan German Order which led to the Nazi Party. 2.Rudolph Von Gorsleben member of the SS Ahnenerbe first popularized the mystical values of crystals. 3. Gerard Encausse wrote the 1 definitive textbook on st the concealed illuminism of the Tarot. An ardent Nazi. 4. The entire Nazi elite were strict vegetarians and also believed in reincarnation which helped them toward the “Final Solution”. 5. They believed the Orientals to be “Spiritual Aryans” because of their Eastern beliefs of Buddhism, and Taoism. 6. They sent SS Dr. Ernst Schafer to Tibet on an expedition to discover secrets long held by Buddhist Priests. 200 were made SS officers as an advisory staff and relocated to Wewelsburg Castle. This was Himmler’s palace and pinnacle of occult knowledge. 7. A Major expedition and colonization took place in the Antarctic by the Nazi’s in 1938. Nazism was never supposed to be just a political party. I quote from it’s leader. “I’m going to become a religious figure” ...”and the ultimate aim is the coming of the Sons of God”...“Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion: it is the determination to create a new Man.” - Adolf Hitler. The Eastern religious and occult practices and beliefs of the Nazi Elite are the same practices and beliefs of today’s modern “New Agers”. Hitler visioned a society based upon a mixture of ancient Magik, Science and Technology! Exactly what is sweeping our Nation today!

Roots of the New Age

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Understanding the source of what you believe and practice.

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Page 1: Roots of the New Age

Please read through and do not misunderstand. The

promised goal of today’s New Ager’s is one of Peace

and Harmony. The many people motivated into this

belief system have found a spiritual reality they did not

know before.

Most people understand that the “New Age” movement

or philosophy is really not so new. The term signifies

the beginning of a New Age or period of mankind’s

history based on the changing positions of the stars.

The most popular accepted belief being that the

“Church Age” as symbolized by the fish Pieces is

coming to an end. The sign of Aquarius ( the water

bearer, as an out pouring), now coming to the forefront.

Most also understand that the roots of all practices and

Philosophies have their origin from Ancient Babylon.

But their are many modified and popularized roots that

go back only to the turning of the last century. There

was another group of people who were the first New

Agers. This group pioneered many of the practices and

beliefs that are being applied by millions today without

the knowledge or understanding of their source. In this

pamphlet I hope to show you these sources. You may

be in for quite a surprise! I know I was in my research of

this whole matter.

In 1878 a book was published in America by a woman

of Russian aristocratic descent. Helena P. Blavatski

wrote a large two volume book titled “The Secret

Doctrine” She based the book on her research and

findings from a trip to Tibet. From her base of

operations in Madras, India she was allowed to view the

“Stanzas of Dyzan” in an underground temple

somewhere in the Himalayas. This text has been

claimed to have survived the great Biblical flood and

describes an “Unknown” History and Cosmology of our

planet. Basic beliefs are as follows:

The earth is in a sense a “living organism.” It is hollow

with mankind’s origin coming from within. All energy

and life forces are interconnected. Today this idea is

called Monism. The earth and mankind go through many

cycles of destruction and rebirth. In this reconstruction,

mankind and earth evolve into a higher form. Harmony

of thought must take place to ease the transitions.

Some of the History describes many different races.

Some of these were grotesque failures by the God-men

called the Manu. As their powers were abused and they

warred with each other, A new master root race was

created and trained in the cold rugged mountains of the

high country. There this Master root race was trained to

lead the other races out of their depravity. Their training

caused them to lose touch with their psychic abilities. A

religion and symbol were given to them to restore this.

The religion was to seek out and obey invisible forces

who would lead them into a “New Age”. Their symbol

was the “sun wheel sign”. It was their destiny to lead

the rest of mankind. They were told to keep separate

from others and not dilute their genetic strain. Today

Heleina Blavatski is heralded as the “God Mother” of the

New Age Movement. More Modern disciples of her new

founded Philosophy/Religion -Theosophy, includes

American born Anne Basant who did much to bring the

Eastern philosophies to America.

Soon after the publishing of Secret Doctrines, many of

the noble class of Europe eagerly embraced these


In 1917 at a coffeehouse in Vienna, a turning point in

European History took place. A clairvoyant, Maria

Autche met with very influential leaders of Secret

Societies, the Knights Templer and the Thule society.

Included were Professor Baron Von Sebottendorff, and

Dr.Karl Haushofer. It was revealed at a seance that they

would prepare for a new leader to bring in the “New

Age”. This meeting inspired many occult lodges and

secret societies to work together with a hopeful

expectation toward a “New Age” or at least for some of


You see the master root race was the Aryan! The Sun

Wheel sign which was on the cover of The Secret

Doctrine, and the official symbol of the

Theosophical Society was what the world came

to know as the swastika!. Here is Sun wheel sign! The

religion was Theosophy which was the Philosophical

essence of Nazism which is the same beliefs of the New

Age movement today!

Historical myth states that

Hitler choose this symbol and

the arm moving in this

direction to symbolize the

opposite of the ancient

reverse sign which was a

good-luck symbol. Nothing

could be farther from the truth! This sign was first

understood by Blavatski as the ancient symbol showing

the four corners of the earth,(the inner cross) with the

attached four arms which were signifying the four

winds.(The pre-flood power of Anti-gravity! - the symbol

of the sons of God of Genesis 6) One movement was

the migration from the inner earth (opposite of this

picture) The other the return of the Aryan to it’s

entrance at the South Pole! Hitler choose this direction

to signify the Aryans return as would be seen from

Thule! This symbol was selected long before Hitler.

Did you know:

1.The first to assign a mystical value to the Ancient

Ruinic symbols was Guido Von List. He inspired the

Pan German Order which led to the Nazi Party.

2.Rudolph Von Gorsleben member of the SS Ahnenerbe

first popularized the mystical values of crystals.

3. Gerard Encausse wrote the 1 definitive textbook onst

the concealed illuminism of the Tarot. An ardent Nazi.

4. The entire Nazi elite were strict vegetarians and also

believed in reincarnation which helped them toward the

“Final Solution”.

5. They believed the Orientals to be “Spiritual Aryans”

because of their Eastern beliefs of Buddhism, and


6. They sent SS Dr. Ernst Schafer to Tibet on an

expedition to discover secrets long held by Buddhist

Priests. 200 were made SS officers as an advisory staff

and relocated to Wewelsburg Castle. This was

Himmler’s palace and pinnacle of occult knowledge.

7. A Major expedition and colonization took place in the

Antarctic by the Nazi’s in 1938.

Nazism was never supposed to be just a political party.

I quote from it’s leader. “I’m going to become a

religious figure” ...”and the ultimate aim is the coming

of the Sons of God”...“Anyone who interprets National

Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost

nothing about it. It is more than religion: it is the

determination to create a new Man.” - Adolf Hitler.

The Eastern religious and occult practices and beliefs

of the Nazi Elite are the same practices and beliefs of

today’s modern “New Agers”.

Hitler visioned a society based upon a mixture of

ancient Magik, Science and Technology! Exactly what is

sweeping our Nation today!

Page 2: Roots of the New Age

The Political agenda and “Final Solution” are the only

difference from today’s New Agers. This agenda had the

same ultimate goal of today’s New Agers; one of peace

and harmony, but with the Machiavellian idea of the end

justifies the means approach. What History fails to

understand is the real reason for the Holocaust. It was

not the result of blind hatred! This was Social

Darwinism taken to it’s most logical conclusion. The

pragmatic elimination of competitive races that

according to Theosophy was draining the life force

energies from the Aryan. From their twisted point of

view this was an act of self preservation! Disgust or

appalling horror is the typical reaction of today’s New

Ager’s at this connection. Some have angrily accused

me of being judgmental toward them. Nothing could be

farther from the truth! This information is readily and

easily documented. Do your own research on the

Internet. You will find that most New Age practices

today have their origins in Theosophy. You will also

find that this was the adopted Philosophy and Religion

of the Nazi’s. Operation Paperclip is how this was

transplanted into the United States to slowly become

our New World View.

In all of this, I have a warning for you today!

Although you may be far removed from the actions of

the Nazi’s, incorporated into your belief system is the

potential for the same thing to happen again! From

Buddhism, the concept of reincarnation diminishes life

as not being singular and therefore not so precious.

From Taoism, absolutes of right and wrong are reduced

to situational ethics. Whatever fits for the time is ok.

From Hinduism, the act of karma and retribution creates

the cast system of an uncompassionate attitude that

you get and have gotten what you deserve.

With the overall concept of God as an impersonal power

or force with ascended masters, angels or extra-

terrestrial beings who “guide” mankind and truth being

relative, the stage for spiritual chaos is set!

This time the separation is not one of blood and race,

but of ideology. Who is God and what will you do? An

impersonal force? Or a Personal Loving Creator?

What you have unknowingly done is accepted the spirit

of the Antichrist! This is his doctrine, his world-view

and his mark upon your life!

This “Mark of the Beast” may not be a chip or tattoo. It

may be symbolic and consistent to other uses in the

Bible as accepting his World-view and then applying it

into your life! (Ps77:10,Rev22:4)

The Bible warned us that just prior to Christ’s return,

many would depart from believing in a Personal loving

God of the Bible. 1 Tim 4:1...in the latter times some

shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing

spirits, and doctrines of devils; ...for that day shall not

come, except there come a falling away first, and that

man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; II Th 2:3

They would gather to another belief. This other belief is

called the great delusion. (2Thess2:11) This wrong

belief system would lead mankind again to another

holocaust in the process of building a One World

Society! Please take the time to understand why you

believe what you practice and where it came from.

These roots of belief have eternal consequences.

All of your answers are in the Bible. You may have

come from a “Christian” denomination that did not tell

you of a God who loves you, one who desires you to

ask questions, one who desires to give you answers,

one who promises to give you what you need if you just

ask him. In spite of the possible misrepresentations you

may have received in the past, in your quest for

spiritual truth ,let us help direct you to a variety of local

churches from a variety of denominational backgrounds

that will tell you of a God who’s pleasure is to have a

very personal relationship with you and freely gives

answers and hope to those who ask him:

Please contact us:


Understanding the source of what you believe and practice.