minimald6: Simple Feng ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 written by Norbert G. Matausch Roll your attributes with 1d6 Strength, Constitution, Chi, Magic, Intelligence, Charisma. These numbers are ballpark. 1=really bad, 6=really good. You start at Level 2. Pick a weapon melee or ranged, your choice Pick or roll your class (d20) 1. Abomination (2): supernatural being captured by scientists of the future, turned into a fighting machine -- terrifying appearance, fighting machine, Arcanowave Device, Creature Powers 2. Big Bruiser (2): huge guy, mountain of muscle -- won‘t die easily, brawler, intimidation, heart of gold 3. Cyborg (2): failed experiment of scientists of the future, a combination of man and machine -- Arcanowave Device, gun tricks, tactician, martial arts 4. Everyman Hero (2): good old boy, the average Joe Schmoe from the neighborhood; how the fuck did you get into this? -- beer is my elixir, twice as lucky, sports fan (specify) 5. Ex-Special Forces (2): veteran with extensive military training, counter- terrorism specialist, the works -- gun tricks, close quarters combat, bag full of guns 6. Ghost (2): died in the year 69, swore to protect someone forever. You can fly -- insubstantial, creature power, sorcery 7. Karate Cop (2): loyal team player, correct and honest. Backbone of the force -- martial arts, police procedures, convince righteous citizens of your honesty 8. Killer (2): professional assassin (where did you learn that), somewhere along the line something went wrong. Now you want out -- gun tricks, bag full of guns, danger sense 9. Martial Artist (2): best student of your school, seeking physical and spiritual perfection -- martial arts, stunts, harvest Chi 10. Masked Avenger (2): you‘ve watched society sinking into curroption and chaos. Then, something happened to your family. Now it‘s payback time -- gun tricks, martial arts, intimidate mooks and small-time gangsters

Roll your attributes with 1d6 Pick a weapon Pick or roll your ... or roll your class (d20) 1.Abomination (2): supernatural being captured by scientists of the future, turned into a

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Roll your attributes with 1d6 Strength, Constitution, Chi, Magic, Intelligence, Charisma. These numbers are ballpark. 1=really bad, 6=really good. You start at Level 2. Pick a weapon melee or ranged, your choice Pick or roll your class (d20)

1. Abomination (2): supernatural being captured by scientists of the future, turned into a fighting machine -- terrifying appearance, fighting machine, Arcanowave Device, Creature Powers

2. Big Bruiser (2): huge guy, mountain of muscle -- won‘t die easily, brawler, intimidation, heart of gold

3. Cyborg (2): failed experiment of scientists of the future, a combination of man and machine -- Arcanowave Device, gun tricks, tactician, martial arts

4. Everyman Hero (2): good old boy, the average Joe Schmoe from the neighborhood; how the fuck did you get into this? -- beer is my elixir, twice as lucky, sports fan (specify)

5. Ex-Special Forces (2): veteran with extensive military training, counter-terrorism specialist, the works -- gun tricks, close quarters combat, bag full of guns

6. Ghost (2): died in the year 69, swore to protect someone forever. You can fly -- insubstantial, creature power, sorcery

7. Karate Cop (2): loyal team player, correct and honest. Backbone of the force -- martial arts, police procedures, convince righteous citizens of your honesty

8. Killer (2): professional assassin (where did you learn that), somewhere along the line something went wrong. Now you want out -- gun tricks, bag full of guns, danger sense

9. Martial Artist (2): best student of your school, seeking physical and spiritual perfection -- martial arts, stunts, harvest Chi

10. Masked Avenger (2): you‘ve watched society sinking into curroption and chaos. Then, something happened to your family. Now it‘s payback time -- gun tricks, martial arts, intimidate mooks and small-time gangsters



11. Maverick Cop (2): Partners are not your thing, both on and off the job. Alcohol might be, and smoking. You detest rules, but you get the job done -- gun tricks, brawler

12. Monster Hunter (2): former low-level operator of scientists of the future; security is your business, you hunted Abominations -- gun tricks, Arcanowave Device, tactician

13. Ninja (2): stealty and deadly, deception and surprise are your friends -- martial arts, ambush, deception

14. Old Master (2): you‘ve mastered the secrets of internal martial arts; you teach a small group of students -- harvest chi (++), your fighting style is better than that of non-masters, draw conclusions intuitively

15. Scrappy Kid (2): you‘re a kid. Life is simple, black and white, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are still awesome. -- sorcery (always looks like random happenings), skateboarding, BMXing, martial arts (always looks like lucky coincidence)

16. Sorcerer (1): master of the occult arts, you control vast universal powers -- sorcery (++)

17. Spy (2): a ladies‘ man, you used to work for an agency. The Cold War was really awesome, got your blood pumping and your nerves tingling. Now you‘re looking for something new -- gun tricks, people can‘t resist telling you things, close quarters combat, cars

18. Supernatural Monster (2): you are a being from the Underworld. Recently, you discovered something strange: You discovered love and compassion -- Creature Powers, Look like a human being

19. Techie (2): something‘s broken, you‘ll fix it. Somehow, it almost always works -- always the right tool on hand, jury rig, Science!

20. Transformed Animal (1): A very long time ago, your ancestors were animals longing to be humans. They were successful. You look like a human being, too, but you still carry animal DNA in you -- transformed animal powers



Arcanowave Devices Unnatural organic/insect-like looking, writhing devices powered by nasty strangeness that are plugged directly into your body. Need an Arcanowave I/O port for that. Keep them plugged in for too long, and you might suffer an Arcanowave mutation. - or + depending on the specifics. Accumulative.

1-2 cosmetic blemish (1-3: minor)

3 noticeable cosmetic blemish, and minor psychological disorder

4-5 unmistakable monstrous features, serious psychological disorders

6 as above, plus -1 on attribute



Arcanowave Devices Table

1. Aerial Mobility Unit: fly 2. Feedback Enhancer: causes spells directed against you to backlash 3. Helix Rethreader: rerolls cost victims twice as much Chi 4. Helix Ripper: massive damage gun 5. Neural Stimulator: makes you faster 6. Pulser: makes Arcanowave devices work in environments with no or low

magic (like today‘s) 7. Reinforcer: reinforces your armor 8. Robot Limb: arm or leg 9. Slap Patch: total and complete healing within seconds 10. Spirit Shield Generator: spirits circling your body, blocking incoming

attacks (works 1d8 times) 11. Sucker Rounds: work in regular (non-Arcanowave) guns, force victim to

roll for Arcanowave Mutation 12. Threat Evaluator: successful use gives you info on two attributes of an

opposing force 13. Tracer Resin Projector: victim is especially vulnerable against hand-to-

hand, melee and further Arcanowave attacks 14. Wave Scanner: detect sorcerous, chi and arcanowave energy 15. Wave Suppressor: paralyze ghosts, supernatural creatures and

abominations 16. Emergency Jumpstart Arcanowave System: allows someone without

Arcanowave I/O port to use Arcanowave devices 17. Gatemaker: portable gate generator to the Netherworld 18. Gravity Distortion Sphere: sitting in the center, you are harder to hit

with ranged weapons 19. Temporal Perception Suppressor: immobilizes victims (they don‘t know

this happens to them) 20. Transtemporal Vocal Communication Device: make phone calls across

time and space 21. (Bonus) Variable Mass Weaponry: increase damage, sometimes by A LOT



Creature Powers Table Be creative.

1. Absorption 2. Absymal Spines 3. Amphibian 4. Armor 5. Blast 6. Blood Drain 7. Brain Shredder 8. Corruption 9. Damage Immunity (specify) 10. Death Resistance 11. Domination 12. Fly 13. Foul Spew 14. Inevitable Comback 15. Insubstantial 16. Poison 17. Rancid Breath 18. Regeneration 19. Soul Twist 20. Tentacles



Transformed Animals Table Think of the abilities and behaviors of these animals. Then, turn up the dial to 11, Hong Kong action movie-style.

3. Bear 4. Dragon 5. Elephant 6. Fox 7. Monkey 8. Rat 9. Rooster 10. Snake 11. Scorpion 12. Spider 13. Tiger 14. Turtoise 15. Chameleon 16. Crane 17. Mole 18. Toad



Martial Arts Table

d66 d66 d8

11. Buddhist 12. Drunk 13. Lost 14. Daoist 15. Yelling 16. Iron 21. Long 22. Short 23. Tempestous 24. Irrevocable 25. White 26. Yellow 31. Orange 32. Brown 33. Black 34. Northern 35. Eastern 36. Southern

11. Ancestors 12. Animals 13. Blossom 14. Claw 15. Crane 16. Dragon 21. Fist 22. Harmony 23. Leg 24. Head 25. Method 26. Monkey 31. Temple 32. Palm 33. Pokes 34. Prayer 35. Seashell 36. Tiger

1. Eyebrow 2. Feet 3. Fist 4. Braid 5. Peasant 6. King 7. Monk 8. Leaf

d66 d66

41. Western 42. One 43. Two 44. Three 45. Four 46. Five 51. Six 52. Seven 53. Eight 54. Nine 55. Ten 56. Eleven 61. Twelve 62. Ten Thousand 63. Flying 64. Night 65. Day 66. Fat

41. Tiger 42. Duck 43. Turtle 44. Cannon 45. China 46. Cotton 51. Dog 52. Eagle 53. Ground 54. Leopard 55. Sparrow 56. Rat 61. Snake 62. Spring 63. Vest 64. Water 65. Cloud 66. Trigram

„I‘m a student of the Path of...“



Spell Table Roll a few times for spells. Combine different spells for cool effects.

1. Blast: Acid 2. Blast: Chi Disruption 3. Blast: Conjured Weapons 4. Blast: Disease 5. Blast: Disintegration 6. Blast: Fire 7. Blast: Water 8. Blast: Earth 9. Blast: Ice 10. Blast: Lightning 11. Blast: Steam 12. Blast: Transmutation 13. Divination: Revelation, Prediction,Warning against trespassers 14. Fertility: De-Attunement from place, Germination, Harvest Chi, Observe

Chi, Steal Chi, Restore Chi 15. Heal: Cure Diseases, Heal Wounds, Reverse aging process for x years,

Material Restoration, Poison Antidote 16. Influence: Emotion Potions, Enchant, Illusion, Inspiration 17. Movement: Chucking Things around, Flight, Remote Manipulation,

Speed 18. Summoning: Banish supernatural creatures, Corruption/Desecration,

Dominate supernatural creatures,Exorcism, Evocation, Purification 19. Weather: Cold, Heat and Humidity, Fog, Lightning, Rain, Snow,

Thunder, Wind 20. Roll again

Optional: Spells can backfire. This backlash effect could be triggered by rolling a natural 1 when casting AND then rolling between 1 and 3 in a second roll. Backlash is always something related to the spell that backfired. Most common occurence is turning the spell effect on the caster, or twisting its effect into its opposite.



Spellcasting advantages and hindrances Spells are easier to cast in the 69 Juncture (++), in 2056, in Hong Kong and in the Netherworld. Spells are harder to cast in 1850 and in the modern world. Stunts Simple Feng is an action movie rpg. Realism is not what these rules are aiming for. Players: When you narrate a stunt that makes everyone at the table laugh, go wow!, shake their head in appreciative disbelief, or show any other sign of approval, this grants you an advantage to your roll. Everyone at the table: Before starting the game, talk about the over-the-top rating of the stunts narrated in-game. Be sure everyone is on the same page. Gun Tricks Table (d12)

1. Both Guns Blazing: more damage against single target 2. Carnival of Carnage: mow down mooks 3. Eagle Eye 4. Fast Draw 5. Hair-Trigger Neck Hairs: danger sense 6. Lightning Reload 7. Signature Weapon: can‘t get lost permanently, more damage 8. Itchy Trigger Finger: turn any pistol or gun into a full-auto 9. Kamikaze Run: run and shoot like a madman, in slow-mo, disregard

opponent‘s armor 10. So Cool: you are harder to hit with ranged weapons 11. Trenchcoat: hide one ridiculously big/heavy weapon under your coat,

nobody sees it 12. Trick Shot: what the name says



The minimald6 game system: Players Describe what your character is doing. Roll 2d6. A 5 or 6=successful. +1d6 for advantage of any kind (item, high attribute, superior tactics etc). -1d6 for disadvantage of any kind (low attribute, hinderance). Never roll more than 3d6. Never roll less then 1d6. Rolls: to hit, to evade, to try, to save, as the DM asks.

DMs Play the world and everything in it. Roll for it, if necessary. Success in combat=reduce health by 1 point or narrate what happens (high health=they can take a good amount of damage, low health=weak). Major successes are possible (you decide when it happens and what happens). If it’s likely, don’t roll, it happens. If it’s unlikely, roll for it. If it’s impossible, don’t roll, tell them. All rolls change the situation. Skills are likely except when impossible. When it‘s dramatically appropriate, a character reaches a new experience level. They may then pick another item from their own list (or, with your OK, from another). Optional: Roll 1d6 for each point of Constitution/Health. The sum are your hit points. Small melee weapons do 1d6 damage. Medium melee weapons and firearms do 2d6 damage. Huge melee weapons or firearms do 3d6 damage.