SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL I VOL XXXi STANFORD KY TUESDAY AUGUST 1919029 A DLNO T 47 Proceedings In Full of tho Con- vention Held at Danville on August 9th At a meeting of tho Executive Com raltieeo of tbo 13th judicial district ol Kentucky held at tbo Danville Ky court house on AlI U pursuant to a call of the chairman for tbo purpose of determining the plan and time of hold- Ing an election for tbo lolccllon of dem ¬ nominees for tbo olllces of clr1 tcult Judge and Commonwealth ¬ ney to bo voted for at the nominees of the democrotlo party at tbo general November olectlon In 1003 the follow leg member were present R C War- roo of Lincoln county chairman Heed S Nichol Boyle T B Robinson Garrard D Leo Curry Mercer D i Lee Curey of Mercer was placed In nomination for secretary and unanl mously elected f The candidates respectively for clr cut judge and Commonwealths attor ¬ nov were Invited by the committee to appear before It and to submit their t views touching the matter about which the committee bad been COt veDod t Mean Owsloy Hughes Dardlnjiotb and McKeo appeared and an ¬ their candidacy for Common froll attorney Messrs Baufley and the latter by his roprosonta ¬ tin appeared and announced their j candidacy for circuit judge Kaon can dldato stated ho would abide tbo action I t of the committee Messrs Owslev Hug be and SauUey favored a primary i election Metsrs llardln Rothwell and McKoo did not express aoholca for owAny particular method Mr Oardlng t by his representative expressed a i choice In favor of precinct convention these conventions to appoint delegates v to county conventions and these cot ventlons to a district convention Thereupon a motion was made by Mr Warren of Lincoln to adopt the following resolution Whereas there la now pending In the 13tb judicial district of Kentucky a heated campaign for tbo democratic nomination for circuit judge and Corn moo wealths attorney and whereas nominations for those ofllccs through out the State have aready boon settled by party action or are to be fettled this fall by such action and whereas It to the Interest of the democratic party In this district that such action bo tak on as that all party strife may cease at soon as possible after the nomination therefore bo It resolved by tho demo oracle executive committee of the 13th judicial district of Kentucky that a primary election bo held on the 18th day of October 002 In all the voting places of said district for the purpose of making nominations for circuit court judge and Commonwealths att- orney PRIMARY KLECTJONyNOTICE Pabllo notice n a primary election will be held on Satur- day Oct 18 1002 In all the voting pre 4 clncts of the 13th judicial district of Kentucky at tbo regular voting place between the hours of 0 A M and 4 p n for tbo purpose of selecting a dcmo cratlo candidate for circuit judge and Commonwealth attorney for said dis ¬ trict AU the white democrats who are residents of said district and who are legal voters or who will be legal voters on the 15th day of November 1008 arc permitted to voto In their re v spcotlve precincts and arc requested to do to Every candidate who desires to have his name printed on the ballot mutt give written notice to that effect U the secretary by Friday Oct 3 1002 and by that time also deposit with him t 150 each to be used toward defraying the cost of publishing and circulating notices of holding the primary election I and other expenses Incident to the copying registration of voters and the printing of ballots In the counties having cities In which tbo law requires tho registration of voters the demo ¬ cratic committee of such county or the chairman thereof Is authorized and Is directed to cause tbo names of demo crate registered at the last general rOil istration to bo copied for each election precinct of such city Into separate books and delivered to tho officers ap pointed to hold tho election In the 1maoner and within tho time required by law Said election will bo held un der tbo requirements provided by law for holding regular primary elections acd a uniform ballot will be used In every precinct which will be furnished by the chairman and secretary of the district committee to the chairman of eaob county committee and each coun ¬ ty committee or the chairman thereof will cause the same to be furnished and delivered to the olllcors of election In each voting precinct of tho county Tho democratic commltteo of each county will appoint the ofllcers in each pro clnct to hold the election and they are to be selected from lists furnished by the candidates and to be as nearly equally divided as possible as to judges J sheriffs and clerks among the various candidate The commltteo calls for volunteer detrorats who are willing to serve their party as officers without i pay In holding said primary election and that they Indloato their wllllnr ness to do so to all the candidates for circuit judge and Commonwealths at torney and that the officers of election In each precinct be selected from lists of democrats who nro patriotic enough parI re cbalri ¬ toI to 1002I committee shall meet and returns and certify tbo same to tbo chairman of tbo district committee which district committee shall on Oct 20 1002 at 10 A M In Danvlllo Ky meet canvass tho re ¬ turns declare tbo results and Issue a certificate of nomination to the success tul candidates The secretary of this committee Is directed to give public notice of this election as required by- law to wit Forty days before said oleo ¬ tion provided however that no more than one candidate for circuit judge or Commonwealths attorney shall have complied with tho conditions herein Imposed oy Friday Oct 3 1002 then the chairman of tho district Is author- ized ¬ and directed to reconvene the district committee on that day or as soon thereafter as practicable at Dac vllle and to declare such candidate the regular nominee of the democratic par ¬ ty for the office for which he Is a candi ¬ date and to Issue to him a certificate of nomination and tho primary election heroin called will not be held Mr Robinson of Garrard moved to adopt the following resolution as a sub ¬ stitute for Mr Warrens resolution for a primary election Tbe democratic committee for the 11th judlcal district of Kentucky after full consideration of tho rights of all the candidates for circuit judge and Commonwealths attorney to bo voted for at tho November election 1003 an ¬ nounced or who may hereafter announce adopt the following plan of selecting nominees of the democratic party for said offices lit The democratic voters of the dlr trlct are requested to meet at their ser ¬ eral voting precincts In tbo district on tbo fltb day of December at 2 1 M They will be called to order by tbelr precinct county committeeman and will proceed to elect a chairman and secre ¬ tary and then proceed to the election of delegates to a county convention each precinct being entitled to elect one delegate for each 100 votes or frac ¬ lion of 100 over 60 east for tbo demo- cratic candidate In said precinct at the last presidential election and If any precinct did not cast 100 votes in said election said precinct shall never ¬ theless bo entitled to at leant one dol ¬ egate to said county convention Alter nates shall also bo elected to take the place of each delegate who may bo un ¬ able to not or decline to act The chairman of said precinct meeting shall certify the result to and transmit them to the chairmen of the respective coun ¬ ty committees 2nd The delegates to each conven tlon shall meet at the court house of their respective counties on Dec 8lb 1002 and shall be called to order by tbelr respective county committee chairman and after electing a chair- man ¬ and secretary shall proceed to elect delegates to a district convention to bo bold at the court house In Dan vlllc Ky In which Doyle county shall be entitled to 8 votes Garrard to 7 votes Lincoln to 0 votes and Mercer to 0 votes that being their relative strength as shown by their votes fur tbo democratic candidates at the last presidential election Said delegates when assembled will bo called together by the chairman of tbo democratic commltteo for this judicial district to whom tbo returns from the county conventions certified by tbo re ¬ spective chairman and secretary of the county convention shall be delivered Said convention shall assemble at the court house In Danvlllo Ky on Deo 10 1002 and proceed to elect a chairman and secretary and make nominations for judge and Commonwealths attor ¬ ney and perform all acts and functions proper to a democratic convention 3rd At tho precinct meetings dem ¬ ocrats who will support the nominees are entitled to voto In our opinion It can not bo dogmat- ically ¬ asserted that there Is only one fair way of making nominations and in reaching these conclusions wo believe wo have combined the beet features of all plans Every democrat will have a right to voto at his own voting place and It will require a majority of all tbo votes of tbo district to mako a nomination Each county will bavo all tbo In ¬ fluence In making tbo nomination to which It Is entitled and no more Wo bar no ono who wishes to be a candidate for either office There are candlI or more for each office With three or more candidates In different portions a of tho district for the same office U Is practically certain no one could get a majority by a primary election In ¬ deed with four candidates 1200 votes ro11Jtato our no ono can be nominated without securing a majority of the en ¬ tire district which must of necessity satisfy the greatest number Our po ¬ sition Is manifestly just to all If any one gtts any advantage over any one also a majority of all the voters of the district must assist him Upon a call of tbo counties on tbo substitute tbo votes stood thus Boyle county Reed S Nichols aye Garrard T B Robinson aye Lincoln R C Warren no Mercor county D Lee Curry aye The substitute prevail ¬ ed having three ayes and ono no and was duly carried and so declared Thereupon a motion was duly made and carried that the chairman and sec rotary be Instructed to give due notice through the newspapers In this district four weekly insertions of such notice just before the election and that nc tlccs shall bo posted at voting precincts at least 30 days before election and that each candidate fflr office shall pay to the secretary 115 to defray ex ¬ penses of said notices which anount each shall deposit on or before Oct 1 1002 Thereupon the committee ad- journed ¬ sine die r C WAKHBN ohmn POLITICAL Hon E D Drake has been appointed county attorney of Logan vlco E G Vlok resigned Joseph Hermes of Covlngton has announced his candidacy for Congress In the Sixth district fie will run as IndependentR Judge Wm Car ¬ roll for circuit judge In the 12th dis ¬ trlct by a majority bf 2600 Chas San ford was nominated for Common wcatbs attorney Tbo republicans of tho Tenth Con ¬ gressional district met at Winchester and nominated John G White of Clark county for Congress over his protest and several announced candidates toIleo ¬ gle against organized wealth Ho re- Iterates ¬ that be will not be a candi ¬ date That warning of a conspiracy to as ¬ sassinate him conveyed to Gov Goe bel by Mr John G White Is liable to embarrass the latter In his campaign as republican nominee for Congress In the Tenth district such dutiful and humane act not being In keeping with the principles of tho civil liberty allies of tho republican party ville Times The republicans of the Sixth appel late district In convention at Maysvllle nominated W G Dcarlng of Flem Ingsburg for judge of the court of op peals Tho Ninth Congressional die ¬ trict convention was alto held at that place and W H Caitner of Boyd county was nominated for Congress Senator W H Cox and former Con ¬ gressman S J Pugh both refused to al- low ¬ their names to go before the con ¬ vention An Letter dOver ¬ seers Ai tbe season tar working county road approaches and at It requires about 60000 workingI lion to the overseers whose sworn duty It Is to superintend and report tho amount of work done by each hand on their respective rood In order that the county may either obtain better result forth enormous out- lay ¬ of money or that tbo taipayern may at ¬ tach tho blame to the proper persons The court U not opposed to paying In full hands that actually work the time required by taw but It U opposed to paying the hands for any moro time than they actually work Tho court agrees to pay SOo per day of eight hours each not exceeding three days If the hand only works one hour the overseer should so certify to tho court and be paid for that time and no more Curtain ly If he doe not work at all ho should not receive any thing No prudent business- man would do otherwise Yet In many in- stances overseen certify claims to the court where tho claimant was aelther present In person nor represented and In other Instan ¬ ces every hand In the road boundary Is cer ¬ tilled for tell pay when tho overseer himself was not present to sea who was there or tho amount of time put In of actual work Tho sate flagrant Irregularities exist In regard to the teams County roads have been piked with grav ¬ el This Is unauthorized and such claim wilt bo refused Tho overseers are officers whose duty It Is to protect ths interests of the county When they have certified work that is unauthorli payTho preferred ¬ By order of the Lincoln County Fiscal Court A WORLD WIDE REPUTATION Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Las a world wide reputation for Its cure It never falls and Is pleasant pad safe to take For sale by Craig Rocker Druggists Stanford NEWS NOTES Tbo price of anthracite coal has jumped to 80 a ton at Indianapolis pubusher ¬ city A circus performance woe recently given In the penitentiary In Jackson MichFrank Jones was acquitted of tbo murder of Alex Fugate In Letcber countyT Anglln tbo noted Lexington trotting horse breeder aged about 70 Is deadFire at Hamilton 0 destroyed prop ¬ erty worth In the neighborhood of 1210000 Three men were killed by a prema- ture ¬ explosion of dynamite on the East Alabama railroad The next meeting of tho supreme lodge Knights of Pythias In 1004 will be held In Louisville Charles L Fair paid 112000 for the automobile which killed him and his wife near Paris France Fire did 175000 damage In the Pike Opera House building at Cincinnati It was caused by a cigarette Tbe female teachers of Wetzel coun ¬ ty W Va will organize a union to demand and Increase In salaries Grand Bxalted Ruler Cronk of the B pO E has mado Mr R W of Louisville a member of his cabinetHerbert E flllf of Boston who kill ¬ ed his sister and assaulted his mother has been adjudged Insane and commit ted to an asylum Samuel Hughes committed suicide at Muncie Ind because ho felt that he was not good enough for the woman bo was about to marry Tbe sugar planters of Mexico have formed an association to head off a spec ¬ ulative group of buyers who sought to control the Industry Watkln Newman a well to do farm ¬ er living near Jefferson City Tenn was murdered and his home plundered and burned by robbers John M Gerard a Bowling Green undertaker has been adjudged of un sound mind He conducted 3d funerals In 31 days and collapsed under tbo strain James J Hill estimates tbo earnings of tbo Northern Securities Company at 8150000000 for the year beginning July 1 This exceeds last year by 121000 000The miners and operators of tbo Jel llco district have reached an agree ¬ ment on the wage scale which Is ad vanced a cent and a cent and a half a ton Attorney General Taylor of Indiana has decided that tbe governor has no right to Interfere in boxing contests but tbat tbe local police of cities must control them Gov J C W Beckbam and cxGov W O Bradley have accepted the Invi ¬ tation of tbo Typographical Union of Lexington to deliver addresses In that city on Labor Day Chicago detectives are at Fordsvllle working on the case of J H Boatner and A B Schlletzbaum accused of conspiring to defraud the American Express Company of 129000 Tho St Louis Terminal Association comprising all tbo railroads enterlrg St Louis has decided to spend between t4000000 and 5000000 In enlarging terminal facilities In that city An association has been formed to promote the building of a shortcut highway from Chicago to New York reducing the distance from 037 miles to 850 miles and Improving tbe road Tbo American Tlnplato Cos plant at Elwood Ind closed down because of a shortage of orders Two thousand em ¬ ployes who had previously accepted a reduction In wages aro thrown out of employmentDetectives are Investigating tbo sup- posed attempt to assassinate Robert E Pattlcon Democratic candidate for Govenor of Pennsylvania He received a mysterious box believed to contain gunpowder and nitroglycerine The Indiana Board of Health reports smallpox In 00 counties Thus far this month 570 cases and two deaths have been reported In July there were 502 cases and 15 deaths Tho board pre diets that the scourge will last many months In view of the Increase In tbo number of suicides tho Rev Dr W F Lloyd In a sermon preached In Louisville suggested as a remedy that Indignities bo shown the bodies of all suicides Be also advocated Imprisonment for those who try selNdcstructlon but fall Col W A Bempblll ono of the most men In Atlanta Is dead Ho founded the Constitution of which be was business manager for a number of years and later president was president of the Interstate Cotton Exposition In Atlanta and was Mayor of Atlanta ono term CommlulonerYorltel the Inter ¬ nal Revenue Bureau has directed that Immediate stops bn taken for the col- lection of tax on profit and loss ac ¬ counts of banks trust companies or private banks under the war revenue act of 1893 The amount to be collected will approximate It is said 1300000 rOii f Y I = = > 1 rave You Been Waiting 1 R 1for a chance to buy a good suit cheap JI- l lfl jIf so now is the time M fancyX151 m 9 Iin 2 vfjji I ft IT PAYS TO TRADE AT- M 1 iJ THE GLOBE Repairingl ll 4 Your money back It youre not satisfied 1 T D MILLER Danville KB 1 t43J yCnVVi NOTICE To Country Merchants HHlHHIHHiKHIHIlll ClothingandGents per cent on the dollar Terms 30 to 00 days Call on us be- fore ¬ buying Men of Stanford and vicinity should READ THE FOLLOWING Mens shoes worth 350 at 250 Mens shoes worth 175 at 125 Mens shoes worth 150 at 98c Mens 500 suits at 298 Mens 750 suits at 448 Mens 1000 suits guaranteed tailormade 650 Mens 1200 suits go at 750 Mens 1500 suits well finished guaran ¬ tee fit tailormade special price 925 Boys suits at your own price Boys knee pants worth 50c now at 19c C Rosenstein Be Co STANFORD KY r Superior Grain Drills I I Special Features Both wheels drivers solid steel frame each disc and draw bar to independent improved spring pressure v The King of the Field It has Imitators but no equal Higgins a McKinney STANFORD KENTUCKY 1 Sponges Soap and Toilet Articles Bargain Sale Now On Craig ACC Hooker T1rNFORDI a1 tic dc r A preparation for eradicating the dis ¬ agreeable odors arising from perspiration- It is a sure euro for the odors from perspiration on any portion of tho body without injury to2health or clothing All the ingredients are perfectly harmless Prepared by WeB McROBERTS PHARMACIST STANFORD KENTUCKYi

rOii toI cbalri parI 1 rave 1 - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rjd4pmb2k/data/0272.pdfheated campaign for tbo democratic nomination for circuit judge and Corn moo wealths attorney

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Proceedings In Full of tho Con-

vention Held at Danvilleon August 9th

At a meeting of tho Executive Com

raltieeo of tbo 13th judicial district ol

Kentucky held at tbo Danville Ky

court house on AlI U pursuant to acall of the chairman for tbo purpose of

determining the plan and time of hold-

Ing an election for tbo lolccllon of dem ¬

nominees for tbo olllces of clr1tcult Judge and Commonwealth ¬

ney to bo voted for at the nominees of

the democrotlo party at tbo generalNovember olectlon In 1003 the followleg member were present R C War-roo of Lincoln county chairman HeedS Nichol Boyle T B RobinsonGarrard D Leo Curry Mercer D

i Lee Curey of Mercer was placed Innomination for secretary and unanlmously elected

f The candidates respectively for clrcut judge and Commonwealths attor ¬

nov were Invited by the committee toappear before It and to submit their

t views touching the matter about whichthe committee bad been COt veDod

t Mean Owsloy Hughes Dardlnjiotband McKeo appeared and an ¬

their candidacy for Commonfroll attorney Messrs Baufley andthe latter by his roprosonta ¬

tin appeared and announced theirj candidacy for circuit judge Kaon can

dldato stated ho would abide tbo actionIt of the committee Messrs Owslev

Hug be and SauUey favored a primary i

election Metsrs llardln Rothwelland McKoo did not express aoholca for

owAny particular method Mr Oardlngt by his representative expressed a

i choice In favor of precinct conventionthese conventions to appoint delegates

v to county conventions and these cotventlons to a district convention

Thereupon a motion was made byMr Warren of Lincoln to adopt thefollowing resolution

Whereas there la now pending In the13tb judicial district of Kentucky aheated campaign for tbo democraticnomination for circuit judge and Cornmoo wealths attorney and whereasnominations for those ofllccs throughout the State have aready boon settledby party action or are to be fettled thisfall by such action and whereas Itto the Interest of the democratic partyIn this district that such action bo takon as that all party strife may cease atsoon as possible after the nominationtherefore bo It resolved by tho demooracle executive committee of the 13thjudicial district of Kentucky that aprimary election bo held on the 18th

day of October 002 In all the votingplaces of said district for the purposeof making nominations for circuitcourt judge and Commonwealths att-

orneyPRIMARY KLECTJONyNOTICEPabllo notice n a

primary election will be held on Satur-day Oct 18 1002 In all the voting pre

4 clncts of the 13th judicial district of

Kentucky at tbo regular voting placebetween the hours of 0 A M and 4 p nfor tbo purpose of selecting a dcmocratlo candidate for circuit judge and

Commonwealth attorney for said dis ¬

trict AU the white democrats whoare residents of said district and whoare legal voters or who will be legalvoters on the 15th day of November1008 arc permitted to voto In their re

v spcotlve precincts and arc requestedto do to Every candidate who desiresto have his name printed on the ballotmutt give written notice to that effectU the secretary by Friday Oct 3 1002

and by that time also deposit with himt 150 each to be used toward defraying

the cost of publishing and circulatingnotices of holding the primary election

I and other expenses Incident to thecopying registration of voters and theprinting of ballots In the countieshaving cities In which tbo law requirestho registration of voters the demo ¬

cratic committee of such county or thechairman thereof Is authorized and Is

directed to cause tbo names of democrate registered at the last general rOil

istration to bo copied for each electionprecinct of such city Into separatebooks and delivered to tho officers appointed to hold tho election In the

1maoner and within tho time requiredby law Said election will bo held under tbo requirements provided by lawfor holding regular primary electionsacd a uniform ballot will be used In

every precinct which will be furnishedby the chairman and secretary of thedistrict committee to the chairman of

eaob county committee and each coun ¬

ty committee or the chairman thereofwill cause the same to be furnished anddelivered to the olllcors of election In

each voting precinct of tho county Thodemocratic commltteo of each county

will appoint the ofllcers in each pro

clnct to hold the election and they areto be selected from lists furnished by

the candidates and to be as nearlyequally divided as possible as to judges J

sheriffs and clerks among the various

candidate The commltteo calls for

volunteer detrorats who are willing to

serve their party as officers without


pay In holding said primary electionand that they Indloato their wllllnrness to do so to all the candidates forcircuit judge and Commonwealths attorney and that the officers of electionIn each precinct be selected from listsof democrats who nro patriotic enoughparI recbalri¬toIto

1002I committee shall meet andreturns and certify tbo

same to tbo chairman of tbo districtcommittee which district committeeshall on Oct 20 1002 at 10 A M InDanvlllo Ky meet canvass tho re ¬

turns declare tbo results and Issue acertificate of nomination to the successtul candidates The secretary of thiscommittee Is directed to give publicnotice of this election as required by-law to wit Forty days before said oleo ¬

tion provided however that no morethan one candidate for circuit judgeor Commonwealths attorney shall havecomplied with tho conditions hereinImposed oy Friday Oct 3 1002 thenthe chairman of tho district Is author-ized


and directed to reconvene thedistrict committee on that day or assoon thereafter as practicable at Dacvllle and to declare such candidate theregular nominee of the democratic par ¬

ty for the office for which he Is a candi ¬

date and to Issue to him a certificateof nomination and tho primary electionheroin called will not be held

Mr Robinson of Garrard moved toadopt the following resolution as a sub ¬

stitute for Mr Warrens resolution fora primary election

Tbe democratic committee for the11th judlcal district of Kentucky afterfull consideration of tho rights of allthe candidates for circuit judge andCommonwealths attorney to bo votedfor at tho November election 1003 an ¬

nounced or who may hereafter announceadopt the following plan of selectingnominees of the democratic party forsaid offices

lit The democratic voters of the dlrtrlct are requested to meet at their ser ¬

eral voting precincts In tbo district ontbo fltb day of December at 2 1 M

They will be called to order by tbelrprecinct county committeeman and willproceed to elect a chairman and secre ¬

tary and then proceed to the electionof delegates to a county conventioneach precinct being entitled to electone delegate for each 100 votes or frac ¬

lion of 100 over 60 east for tbo demo-cratic candidate In said precinct atthe last presidential election and Ifany precinct did not cast 100 votes insaid election said precinct shall never ¬

theless bo entitled to at leant one dol ¬

egate to said county convention Alternates shall also bo elected to take theplace of each delegate who may bo un ¬

able to not or decline to act Thechairman of said precinct meeting shallcertify the result to and transmit themto the chairmen of the respective coun ¬

ty committees2nd The delegates to each conven

tlon shall meet at the court house oftheir respective counties on Dec 8lb1002 and shall be called to order bytbelr respective county committeechairman and after electing a chair-man


and secretary shall proceed toelect delegates to a district conventionto bo bold at the court house In Danvlllc Ky In which Doyle county shallbe entitled to 8 votes Garrard to 7votes Lincoln to 0 votes and Mercer to0 votes that being their relativestrength as shown by their votes furtbo democratic candidates at the lastpresidential election

Said delegates when assembled will bocalled together by the chairman of tbodemocratic commltteo for this judicialdistrict to whom tbo returns from thecounty conventions certified by tbo re ¬

spective chairman and secretary of thecounty convention shall be deliveredSaid convention shall assemble at thecourt house In Danvlllo Ky on Deo 101002 and proceed to elect a chairmanand secretary and make nominationsfor judge and Commonwealths attor ¬

ney and perform all acts and functionsproper to a democratic convention

3rd At tho precinct meetings dem ¬

ocrats who will support the nomineesare entitled to voto

In our opinion It can not bo dogmat-ically


asserted that there Is only onefair way of making nominations and inreaching these conclusions wo believewo have combined the beet features ofall plans

Every democrat will have a right tovoto at his own voting place and It willrequire a majority of all tbo votes oftbo district to mako a nomination

Each county will bavo all tbo In ¬fluence In making tbo nomination towhich It Is entitled and no more

Wo bar no ono who wishes to be acandidate for either office There arecandlIor more for each office With three ormore candidates In different portions


of tho district for the same office U Ispractically certain no one could get amajority by a primary election In ¬

deed with four candidates 1200 votes

ro11Jtatoour no ono can be nominatedwithout securing a majority of the en ¬

tire district which must of necessitysatisfy the greatest number Our po ¬

sition Is manifestly just to all If anyone gtts any advantage over any onealso a majority of all the voters of thedistrict must assist him

Upon a call of tbo counties on tbosubstitute tbo votes stood thus Boylecounty Reed S Nichols aye GarrardT B Robinson aye Lincoln R CWarren no Mercor county D LeeCurry aye The substitute prevail ¬

ed having three ayes and ono no andwas duly carried and so declared

Thereupon a motion was duly madeand carried that the chairman and secrotary be Instructed to give due noticethrough the newspapers In this districtfour weekly insertions of such noticejust before the election and that nctlccs shall bo posted at voting precinctsat least 30 days before election andthat each candidate fflr office shallpay to the secretary 115 to defray ex ¬

penses of said notices which anounteach shall deposit on or before Oct 1

1002 Thereupon the committee ad-


sine dier C WAKHBN ohmn


Hon E D Drake has been appointedcounty attorney of Logan vlco E GVlok resigned

Joseph Hermes of Covlngton hasannounced his candidacy for CongressIn the Sixth district fie will run as

IndependentRJudge Wm Car ¬

roll for circuit judge In the 12th dis ¬

trlct by a majority bf 2600 Chas Sanford was nominated for Common wcatbsattorney

Tbo republicans of tho Tenth Con ¬

gressional district met at Winchesterand nominated John G White of Clarkcounty for Congress over his protestand several announced candidates


gle against organized wealth Ho re-


that be will not be a candi ¬

dateThat warning of a conspiracy to as ¬

sassinate him conveyed to Gov Goebel by Mr John G White Is liable toembarrass the latter In his campaign asrepublican nominee for Congress In theTenth district such dutiful and humaneact not being In keeping with the

principles of tho civil libertyallies of tho republican partyville Times

The republicans of the Sixth appellate district In convention at Maysvlllenominated W G Dcarlng of FlemIngsburg for judge of the court of oppeals Tho Ninth Congressional die ¬

trict convention was alto held at thatplace and W H Caitner of Boydcounty was nominated for CongressSenator W H Cox and former Con ¬

gressman S J Pugh both refused to al-


their names to go before the con ¬


An Letter dOver ¬

seersAi tbe season tar working county road

approaches and at It requires about 60000workingIlion to the overseers whose sworn duty It Isto superintend and report tho amount ofwork done by each hand on their respectiverood In order that the county may eitherobtain better result forth enormous out-lay


of money or that tbo taipayern may at¬

tach tho blame to the proper personsThe court U not opposed to paying In full

hands that actually work the time requiredby taw but It U opposed to paying thehands for any moro time than they actuallywork Tho court agrees to pay SOo per dayof eight hours each not exceeding threedays If the hand only works one hour theoverseer should so certify to tho court andbe paid for that time and no more Curtainly If he doe not work at all ho should notreceive any thing No prudent business-man would do otherwise Yet In many in-

stances overseen certify claims to the courtwhere tho claimant was aelther present Inperson nor represented and In other Instan ¬

ces every hand In the road boundary Is cer¬

tilled for tell pay when tho overseer himselfwas not present to sea who was there or thoamount of time put In of actual work Thosate flagrant Irregularities exist In regardto the teams

County roads have been piked with grav¬el This Is unauthorized and such claimwilt bo refused

Tho overseers are officers whose duty It Isto protect ths interests of the county Whenthey have certified work that is unauthorlipayThopreferred ¬

By order of the Lincoln County FiscalCourt

A WORLD WIDE REPUTATIONChamberlains Colic Cholera and

Diarrhoea Remedy Las a world widereputation for Its cure It never falls andIs pleasant pad safe to take For sale byCraig Rocker Druggists Stanford


Tbo price of anthracite coal hasjumped to 80 a ton at Indianapolispubusher ¬

cityA circus performance woe recently

given In the penitentiary In JacksonMichFrank

Jones was acquitted of tbomurder of Alex Fugate In LetcbercountyT

Anglln tbo noted Lexingtontrotting horse breeder aged about 70Is

deadFireat Hamilton 0 destroyed prop ¬

erty worth In the neighborhood of1210000

Three men were killed by a prema-ture


explosion of dynamite on the EastAlabama railroad

The next meeting of tho supremelodge Knights of Pythias In 1004 willbe held In Louisville

Charles L Fair paid 112000 for theautomobile which killed him and hiswife near Paris France

Fire did 175000 damage In the PikeOpera House building at Cincinnati Itwas caused by a cigarette

Tbe female teachers of Wetzel coun ¬

ty W Va will organize a union todemand and Increase In salaries

Grand Bxalted Ruler Cronk of theB pO E has mado Mr R W

of Louisville a member of hiscabinetHerbert

E flllf of Boston who kill ¬

ed his sister and assaulted his motherhas been adjudged Insane and committed to an asylum

Samuel Hughes committed suicide atMuncie Ind because ho felt that hewas not good enough for the woman bowas about to marry

Tbe sugar planters of Mexico haveformed an association to head off a spec ¬

ulative group of buyers who sought tocontrol the Industry

Watkln Newman a well to do farm ¬

er living near Jefferson City Tennwas murdered and his home plunderedand burned by robbers

John M Gerard a Bowling Greenundertaker has been adjudged of unsound mind He conducted 3d funerals In31 days and collapsed under tbo strain

James J Hill estimates tbo earningsof tbo Northern Securities Company at8150000000 for the year beginning July1 This exceeds last year by 121000

000Theminers and operators of tbo Jel

llco district have reached an agree ¬

ment on the wage scale which Is advanced a cent and a cent and a half aton

Attorney General Taylor of Indianahas decided that tbe governor has noright to Interfere in boxing contestsbut tbat tbe local police of cities mustcontrol them

Gov J C W Beckbam and cxGovW O Bradley have accepted the Invi ¬

tation of tbo Typographical Union ofLexington to deliver addresses In thatcity on Labor Day

Chicago detectives are at Fordsvllleworking on the case of J H Boatnerand A B Schlletzbaum accused ofconspiring to defraud the AmericanExpress Company of 129000

Tho St Louis Terminal Associationcomprising all tbo railroads enterlrgSt Louis has decided to spend betweent4000000 and 5000000 In enlargingterminal facilities In that city

An association has been formed topromote the building of a shortcuthighway from Chicago to New Yorkreducing the distance from 037 miles to850 miles and Improving tbe road

Tbo American Tlnplato Cos plant atElwood Ind closed down because of ashortage of orders Two thousand em ¬

ployes who had previously accepted areduction In wages aro thrown out of


are Investigating tbo sup-

posed attempt to assassinate Robert EPattlcon Democratic candidate forGovenor of Pennsylvania He receiveda mysterious box believed to containgunpowder and nitroglycerine

The Indiana Board of Health reportssmallpox In 00 counties Thus far thismonth 570 cases and two deaths havebeen reported In July there were 502cases and 15 deaths Tho board prediets that the scourge will last manymonths

In view of the Increase In tbo numberof suicides tho Rev Dr W F LloydIn a sermon preached In Louisvillesuggested as a remedy that Indignitiesbo shown the bodies of all suicides Bealso advocated Imprisonment for thosewho try selNdcstructlon but fall

Col W A Bempblll ono of themost men In Atlanta Isdead Ho founded the Constitution ofwhich be was business manager for anumber of years and later presidentwas president of the Interstate CottonExposition In Atlanta and wasMayor of Atlanta ono term

CommlulonerYorltel the Inter ¬

nal Revenue Bureau has directed thatImmediate stops bn taken for the col-lection of tax on profit and loss ac ¬

counts of banks trust companies orprivate banks under the war revenueact of 1893 The amount to becollected will approximate It is said1300000

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tee fit tailormade special price 925Boys suits at your own price Boys knee

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Craig ACC Hooker T1rNFORDIa1ticdcrA preparation for eradicating the dis ¬

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