| » r » Juatljr proud of tings-—our town Ukd Newspaper; uotu «•• ROCKAWAY RECORD If It's News, Ada., or Job Printing, pbon* Rockaway 220; we are always glad to serve you /OL XLH No. 6 ROCKAWAY. N. I.. THURSDAY, AUG. 14,1930 $1.00 PER YEAR trade Here and Receive Playhouse Tickets Ireast of Lamb - - - 21b. for 25c torequarter of Lamb, lb. - - - 23c Shoulder of Lamb, lb. - - - - 29c of Lamb, lb. - - - - - B2c ;iiuck Roast, lb. 22c tound Steak or Roast, lb. - - - 42c Sirloin Steak, lb. 45c ?resh Ground Beef. lb. - - - - 30c >oss Rib Roast, lb. - - - - 38c 16 qt. bus. Peaches . . . - $1.15 J e r s e y T o m a t o e s - 41b. for 25c |l .urge Golden Bantam Corn, doz. • 30c Hagao's Cash Market IAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROGKAWAY, N. J. It 1 Vacation Time Your Furs are valuable and Should be protected • • • Our modern cold storage vault will protect them from fire, theft and moths. Our rates are reasonable. National Union Bank Dover, N. J. West Mnln Street Rocltfnvny, N. J. Why be anxious about your valuable pap- ers, etc., while on your trip. Rent a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX in our ijiunk, and your vacation will be an enjoyable me. >u can rent a box for as low as $3 per THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK KOCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY Santarg \t Denville Shack >ew ('OIII-H* To he Opened On Aug- ust 16th The newgame of Santarg which IB being ljullt at the Sunshine Miniature (iulf Course at Denville Shack in a welcome addition to ihe variety of 1he miniature* courses. Indeed if in a com- plete course in itw^H, and really etUIs l'or more of the real putting stroke, ot golf than the miniature. Playing over smooth clay treated wltli Hand, the hall must he played with juMI lite proper speed and ac- curacy to find tlie boxed large! of sand after taiiiiu; graded liurdle.B ot viirioiiH character. Very nm<:li like the undulations on a real golf green al- though of much greater Jumping quality. The element of direct competition figures largely an the variously col- ored golf hall.s find renting placets in the different scoring spacing of the turret. AB a rule one putt nhould get the hall to the Hand hut the scoring of tlie game provides that every ex- tra stroke to the target muni lie add- ed to (he indicated count of the apace it finds. Santarg must be played to be ap- preciated. The new game is protected by the U. S. Patent Pending, and the inventor of the Eiimc, under whose direction the new course is being built, lias given Mr. (ireenuerg ex- clusive rights in his district. It is a true novelty and hound to he sensn- tlonal. Try It at the Sunshine. Mr. (ireeuberg assures the public that with the two courses, there will be no hold-up waiting in line to play. One may have their choice of regular or nilniuture golf. John W. Hamilton | Greatly Enjoyed Answers Final Call By Everyone ; WUK MiiHy-mie Years m' Ante, nnd I Chamber of Commerce Affnlr Wa* l.asl Veteran ui Civil War I.Hinic In Ifockaway Hip Success The second annual clambake of tlie j The funeral services of Jolm W. j Roekaway Chamber of Commerce was I Hamilton were held Sunday after- j attended by nearly 12T» members anil noon in the Methodist Church, rim- friends. The bake was served at lour ducted by Rev. William S. Coeyman, I o'clock at the Harnee cloogle Jungle of Indian Lake. There WUH a large \ drove on the new State Highway, honor itf the pits Tlie fooil was exc-llenl and served fit a must efficient manner by Freti Lidle. After Hie bake, athletic events tor- •uskct, and a noldiei j both nun anil women tutik place. TIIK tood in like manner i fjrst event—Potato Rare for men; prize, bi oadeloih Miin, donated by KAU'II CHIUHTMAN Concert Pianist Ndlcil Artists at Cedar Liik* tit afteiiibuiee in honor itf ! away ot the last velentn ol the Civil War living in Rockaway. A soldier I of the Civil Win- stood :it atlention ill | I be head (if lb( i of the late war at the tool ot the casket. With full military honors, In; was i ,Max Kur/.man, was won by Harold laid to rest in Orchard Street feme- | Crampton. (ery, Hover. Mi^iibcru of John Jlicli- i ^nri evenl—Polafo Kaee for ladies, liison Camp, I'nited .Spanish War Vet- j prize, telephone cabinet, donated by eraiiH, of Dover, joined with Rockden | j. o. Johnson and won by Mrs. O(?- I'ost, The American Legion, in paying | d,.n H. Collins, I (he final tribute. A few days before .,,.,, ( , v0 ,, t „„,,llUM(ll .,, (1 yar(1 (lasU his death, Mr. Hamilton reiiuenled ! ,,„. |m , n fi| . Mm.| ZC> „,,,,,_ ( | onat cd by j that bin Amv.rif.nii (1»R be placed wilIi . lm ,;,,,.„,.,(, won liy Frederick . | alongside his bed. This was done. [1JiUllni . s,.t.011(i vrly.c. box of cigars, domited by William 11. Crane, won. j And that same flag which he loved and fought for was carried ill me , |y aai . olu eramntou. Mrs. A. Selden Walker, Presidenl funeral procession by a Legionnaire j ;11)l uvl:ut fifty yard dash lor lad- of Ihe Woman's .Club, of Cedar Luke, j so that It might be with him even In ; j t . K (n . at p r j Zei cn t glass comport, Denville, N. J., annouiiceH that plans j deal 1. Thiy was in accord with a wish [ donated by Edward Doland und; for the forthcoming Club benefit oa j e> vessel! by Mr. Ilainilton before j August 23rd, have been completed, j icaviiiK this mortal world. Such love AmonK the g\iesU urti»tH to appear of 01(1 Glory, such devotion to the will be Ralph Chrlstman, concert j land II represents, will surely be re- pianisl; Hoy Smeck, known as the "wizard of tlie strings", and Vivian Holt, Victor record artist. Mr. Chriytmnn, who is heard daily won by Mrs. A. Proskie; seconds prize, two dollars in cash, donatcil by Sheriff Fred S. Myers, won by Mrs,. Ogden S. Collins. 5th event—egg race for men; firaC Mr. Hamilton, who was ninety-one | , Hi ZCt 10, Hi. bam, donated by Silvle warded on the other side. years of age, died early Friday morn- ing after au illness of nearly two Odierno, won by Fredericks; second prize, one year's subscription to the Uoekaway Record, donated by Oscar tern, will rendur 11 classical program, j West Main street, and up to the time I p ecri WOn by Albert Johnson; third over the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- i weeks. He lived alone in rooms on while Koy Smeck will play some of the selections which have made him one of themost popular string instru- mentalists in the country. Vivian he was talien ill was very active. On the afternoon of tlie evening he was taken down he had walked ov«r Easton Heights to the old homestead The weekly golf tournament was held Tuesday night at the Sunshine Miniature Golf Course, at Denville Shack. The tournament was opened to both men and women with cash Holt will render a group of Soprano j where lie was horn, a distance of BCV- !solos. Oilier features of the Prop;ram ave eral miles each way. He was accom- panied by a young girl, a distant rela- •«"**<>« Ml ' s - W - i uv, iiiiu it niu^icui prizes for awards. A large number j , ug gypsy ) | f e b y a ^ ^ , now|l aj) of spectators was present as well as J ,. The Komanles .. , n tlle ,, ltter will by, and a musical potpourri depict- known as nlayers. The winners oi the men's jirizes were Thomas Gnrrler, ot Uoekaway, first, who broke all records with a score of 49; Frank Vanderlioof, Den- ville, being second with a score of SI, while Eddie Stephinson, of Mt. Tabor, came out third with G3. The ladles' first prize was captured by Mrs. N. M. Sheiips, of Denville. with a score of 60. Mrs. Shepps displayed her ability in plnying golf as she does at the Daily Record Office at Morrlslown, where her services are highly appreciated. Mrs. E. Clark, of Morristown. took the ladles' second prise, obtaining a score of 81. A new attraction at the course is ^he alligator exhibitions. Alligator Bill takes his life in his own hands and wrestles with the alligator put- ting him to sleep. Two performances nightly at S:30 and 10:30. Special attraction Sunday after- noon, at four o'clock, parachute jump i by O. D. Hanimoml, winner of air cir- cus parachute jump at Teeterboro. AVatch these columns for coming attractions. LOCK A BRAKE A BUMPER These are all necessary safeguards for your car. But absolute financial safety conies only with sound, |wieqwate automobile insurance. That's the kind we provide! E. J. MATTHEWS &SONS Houy of Droivnpu Man Found The appearance of the body of John J. Tuohil on the surface of Lake. 11"- patcong, Saturday morning, ended a search of sixdays by State Police ami professional (livers. A diver of the Merrltt-Chapnian Company, <>[ New York, was preparing to descend ap- proximately thirty-five feet to the bot- tom In another attempt to locate tlie corpse when it floated to the surface jn the midst of the boats of the search- ing party. Coroner Thomas A. Lewis ordered the removal of the body to Shuler's morgue, where it was kept until the a playlet entitled "Sauce for tlie tins- five, who was visiting him, and this » : "- Proved to be very fortunate, as he was taken dangerously 111 through the night and would have been all alone. The girl hastened to Harry Gordon, a next door neighbor, who immed- iately summoned Dr. MeElroy. It was found Mr. Hamilton had suffered a heart attack, brought on by his long walk and by eating watermelon late be featured Violin Solos by Freder- ick A. Earle, Jr., Vocal solos by Ethel Berlenbach, Soprano; Mrs. H. E. Berleubach, Contralto; Palmer Chat- field, Tenor; and Theodore M. Ever- prize, six months subscription to the Kockaway Record, won by Geo. Feu- Imore. 6th event—egg race for ladles; prize, auto shade, donated by 15. Ar- thur Lynch, won by Mrs. A. Proskle-. After the athletic events, miniature golf was enjoyed on the new eourso at the Jungles. AU attending thoroughly enjoyed the bake which was a big success. ett, Baritone. Frederick A. Earle is jat lligM . T h ro ugli the efforts of the to he the accompanist. The Benefit will be held at Doctor ana ^ eood nursing by his sister, Mrs. Marietta Rogers, he ral- Odd Fellows Field Day, August 23 Odd Fellows of District oO Finn Entert)lln TIl0nsmml s at the Far j , ,, 1|ls F||Jr Gr01II1( | s lied for several days when complica- tions developed and it was seen the I end was near. A kidney trouble and | Members of the Odd Fellow lodges bed pneumonia was the cause of his 1 nor «> Jersey are to spend a pleas- ,l ea(],_ I ant day and evening at the Far Hills As a veteran of the Civil War' Mr ! Fair "rounds, located on State Hlgh- (Continued on Page 4) o Coming Events At Indian Lake Vnii.L-vlllo ShowTTegnHa, Election j Hamilton served with Co. h. 27th Reg- way route 32, about half way between ,.f Trustees, W,,<er I'ascnt ! « « • He fought in several engage-1 Morristown and Somerville, on Aug- jments. He was a retired Idfeoniotive u s t 2 3 ' as S uests of Dlslrlct 50 ' ot On Friday evening, Aug. loth, there engineer, having been in the service ' «»»<* F _ c - Seymour, of Bernards- will be a drama and farce, "The Bank Account," a short drama staged by Theresa Weber, nod the comedy, "Lend Me Five Shillings" with vaude- ville. Voting for King and Queen will close. On Saturday, August 16th, the Sev- enth Annual Regatta of the Commun- ity Club. This Is one of. the big events of the season. There will also be a dajice. On Sunday, August 17th, Sunday School at 10:110 a. m., and evening song service at S p. m. On Monday, August 18th. Movies. Aug. 1!>, Women's Club meeting. Aug. 20, Junior League and dancing. On Friday, Aug. 22, Coronation of King and Queen, Mrs. Harry A. Ack- ley, directress. On Saturday, Aug. 2;!, a Oraiid Wat- er Pageant will take place at ;i o'clock p. m. The official procession of the King and Queen. Open to all mem- bers. Prizes will he awarded for best decorated motorhoat, rowboat and canoes. On Thursday evening, Aug. ^Sth, the annual meeting of Community of the Central Railroad of New Jer- j «"?• * s Dlstrict Deput5 ' Grull(1 Ma3 " sey. He is survived by two sisters, •• er ' Mrs. Marietta Rogers, of Rockaway, j The committee in charge of. ar- and Mrs. Anna Wright, of Elizabeth, j rangements headed by Joseph W. n ; Messier, of Basking Ridge, has an- ,„, ., .. ..... .. nounced that the final plans have r " e ""••• ( "'«"" t U "™ | been completed and that everything ' ! is in readiness for the big day. Ban.ee (iooKle's Coif Course on the Rev wll , ianl R Blackmail, of Long- new State Highway in Rockaway. had ( Brancllj c i, an i a |n of the Orand LodSer a very successful opening last Satur- ;wj|1 , | e U ] p I)rim . il)al SI)eaker. day. August iith. under the able man- A ml(lway a t U l e groululs will he agement of Silvio Odiernn. The many ;„,„,„ , |urinR thc af, Cnioon and in the j enthusiastic golfers who played upon evPllillBi and lluM. e w i u b e a i)ageball this new course were well pleased and ;pame 1)ctwccll ,, K, Far Hills ami there is no doubt hut that - will be ,, IcIulllam , eams „,- , hp mter-County the most popular Junior Course in i ,_. caEllp !]t ;i . :]0 ,,' (. 1(K. k i n t h p after- tins section as more and more per-i nm)1) an( , 1)anl , mncvrts from :i to 5 SOUK become aciilainted with its many , U|(] _ (() ,, p m ))}. l|u>Essox County . attractions. ]0( , ( , Ppl]ows . rj and. II is tieautifully laid out and while : Athletic events for men liegfimniff tluTo is still somu work to bo dono. it is raiiidly iicnring compU'tiou. It , , . , , , . line-hide a H0-yurd relay racy; ;i is planned to hold tournaments everv i Monday night. Pi'ixos will bo award- j led for the best scores. j There will be music and entertaln- linent by "The Vagabond Orchestra". For B irIs fourteen years and under I of Dover, on Saturday night, August | tl101 ''" wi " h(1 " catch alHl throw cou- at J:30 o'clock in the afternoon will 100- yard dash: a Hi-pound shot put con- test; a tug-ol'-war and a novelty fat. ' man's race. arrival of relatives from Jersey City. ciub~wilT\"»«" held "at the Club" House. Tuohil, a municipal employee there. (started to swim across the lake from Hertraml Island to Mt. Arlington, las: otllcr lmsml( , s9 trnns(u . t ed. Sunday, August Srd, and declined the ; Thls is a very important meeting, elected ami Pour trustees will be Kith, while you iu>lf. (Hal I'ricc to HaKc in September offer of friends (o accompany him .S(]|(p SeIMltnr W()I ,, fr KiiiruSPrt As in a rowboat. lie was one of 800 mem- bers of a Democratic club which hel an outing at the resort. o Counsel Anthracite coal will cost the Morris County consumer at least $1 mere -A I Ion in the full than now. A statement issued Krldny by Sand- , - .. Mayor, ers Wertheim. president of the minis n ° nil "'< Is "lle Serenaded furnishing- BormiRh Council, Friday even- ' Coal Co.. largest distributors In the ; the muail ' alul lIlen ' wi " '"' " snuui test; fur boys and girls there will be> a mixed potato race and for women, the events will include a novelty egK and spoon race and a scarf relay race.. N'o entrance fees will he ehargerf. Dancing will be held from eight o'clock until midnight at the club house with Howard S. Courtney's j At a special meeting of 11 Wlilliam and Samuel flllbi'irt are | hie, on (he recommendation of At-; metropolitan aren, predicted increased " rcw< "' ks ' 'Hsphiy at 10 p. in. building a house on the Gilbert gnr- ngo tract, Dover road, opposite the old "Barney Google" roadstand. A garage In the rear of the new bulld- torney Howard Barrett. Senator Jos- prices September 1. and local dealers Everybody welcome, no admission oph G. Wolher, of Essex County was agreed that (he forecast is correct. or l"""liiiig fee will he charged. engaged as attorney to represent the | Mr. Wertheim said, that beginning, o borough before the Interstate Com- j September 1, the price of anthracite ' The Missionary Society of the Pres- Ing Is already completed. The house ' merce Commission regarding the j would be .10 rents more a Ion than al hyteiian Church will hold a tea at the will be occupied by Mrs. Gilbert, now | abandonment of tbo Lacknwaniiii j present and that an additional charge resilience of Mrs. Emma Stone lvlng in the Flchter building, Main street, and her family. train service from Denville lo Rock- of .10 cents would he made between Friday. August 22nd. from three te-. away nnd thc substitution of buses. October 1 and November 1. five o'clock

ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK

|»r» Juatljr proud oftings-—our town UkdNewspaper; uotu «•• ROCKAWAY RECORD If It's News, Ada., or Job

Printing, pbon* Rockaway220; we are always glad

to serve you

/OL XLH No. 6 ROCKAWAY. N. I.. THURSDAY, AUG. 14,1930 $1.00 PER YEAR

trade Here and Receive Playhouse Tickets

Ireast of Lamb - - - 21b. for 25ctorequarter of Lamb, lb. - - - 23cShoulder of Lamb, lb. - - - - 29c

of Lamb, lb. - - - - - B2c;iiuck Roast, lb. 22ctound Steak or Roast, lb. - - - 42cSirloin Steak, lb. 45c?resh Ground Beef. lb. - - - - 30c>oss Rib Roast, lb. - - - - 38c

16 q t . b u s . P e a c h e s . . . - $ 1 . 1 5J e r s e y T o m a t o e s • • - 4 1 b . f o r 2 5 c

| l .urge Golden Bantam Corn, doz. • 30c

Hagao's Cash MarketIAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROGKAWAY, N . J.

It1 Vacation Time

Your Fursare valuable and

Should be protected • • •Our modern cold storage vault will protectthem from fire, theft and moths. Our ratesare reasonable.

National Union BankDover, N. J.

1« West Mnln Street Rocltfnvny, N. J.

Why be anxious about your valuable pap-ers, etc., while on your trip.

Rent a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX in ourijiunk, and your vacation will be an enjoyable

me.>u can rent a box for as low as $3 per


Santarg \ tDenville Shack

>ew ('OIII-H* To he Opened On Aug-ust 16th

The new game of Santarg which IBbeing ljullt at the Sunshine Miniature(iulf Course at Denville Shack in awelcome addition to ihe variety of 1heminiature* courses. Indeed if in a com-plete course in itw^H, and really etUIsl'or more of the real putting stroke, otgolf than the miniature.

Playing over smooth clay treatedwltli Hand, the hall must he playedwith juMI lite proper speed and ac-curacy to find tlie boxed large! ofsand after taiiiiu; graded liurdle.B otviirioiiH character. Very nm<:li like theundulations on a real golf green al-though of much greater Jumpingquality.

The element of direct competitionfigures largely an the variously col-ored golf hall.s find renting placets inthe different scoring spacing of theturret. AB a rule one putt nhould getthe hall to the Hand hut the scoringof tlie game provides that every ex-tra stroke to the target muni lie add-ed to (he indicated count of the apaceit finds.

Santarg must be played to be ap-preciated. The new game is protectedby the U. S. Patent Pending, and theinventor of the Eiimc, under whosedirection the new course is beingbuilt, lias given Mr. (ireenuerg ex-clusive rights in his district. It is atrue novelty and hound to he sensn-tlonal. Try It at the Sunshine.

Mr. (ireeuberg assures the publicthat with the two courses, there willbe no hold-up waiting in line to play.One may have their choice of regularor nilniuture golf.

John W. Hamilton | Greatly EnjoyedAnswers Final Call By Everyone

; WUK MiiHy-mie Years m' Ante, nnd I Chamber of Commerce Affnlr Wa*l.asl Veteran ui Civil War I.Hinic

In IfockawayHip Success

The second annual clambake of tliej The funeral services of Jolm W. j Roekaway Chamber of Commerce wasI Hamilton were held Sunday after- j attended by nearly 12T» members anilnoon in the Methodist Church, rim- friends. The bake was served at lourducted by Rev. William S. Coeyman, I o'clock at the Harnee cloogle Jungleof Indian Lake. There WUH a large \ drove on the new State Highway,

honor itf the pits Tlie fooil was exc-llenl and served fita must efficient manner by FretiLidle.

After Hie bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nun anil women tutik place. TIIKtood in like manner i fjrst event—Potato Rare for men;

prize, bi oadeloih Miin, donated by


Ndlcil Artists at Cedar Liik*tit

afteiiibuiee in honor itf! away ot the last velentn ol the CivilWar living in Rockaway. A soldier

I of the Civil Win- stood :it atlention ill| I be head (if lb(i of the late warat the tool ot the casket.

With full military honors, In; was i ,Max Kur/.man, was won by Haroldlaid to rest in Orchard Street feme- | Crampton.(ery, Hover. Mi^iibcru of John Jlicli- i ^nri evenl—Polafo Kaee for ladies,liison Camp, I'nited .Spanish War Vet- j prize, telephone cabinet, donated byeraiiH, of Dover, joined with Rockden | j . o. Johnson and won by Mrs. O(?-I'ost, The American Legion, in paying | d,.n H. Collins,

I (he final tribute. A few days before .,,.,, ( , v 0 , , t „„,, llUM(ll.,,(1 y a r ( 1 ( l a s U

his death, Mr. Hamilton reiiuenled ! ,,„. | m , n f i | .M m.|ZC> „,,,,,_ ( | o n a t c d byj that bin Amv.rif.nii (1»R be placed w i l I i . l m ,;,,,.„,.,(, won liy Frederick

. | alongside his bed. This was done. [ 1 J i U l l n i . s,.t.011(i vrly.c. box of cigars,

domited by William 11. Crane, won.j And that same flag which he lovedand fought for was carried ill me , | y a a i . o l u eramntou.

Mrs. A. Selden Walker, Presidenl funeral procession by a Legionnaire j ;11)l uvl:ut fifty yard dash lor lad-of Ihe Woman's .Club, of Cedar Luke, j so that It might be with him even In ; j t . K ( n . a t p r j Z e i c n t glass comport,Denville, N. J., annouiiceH that plans j deal 1. Thiy was in accord with a wish [ donated by Edward Doland und;for the forthcoming Club benefit oa j e> vessel! by Mr. Ilainilton beforejAugust 23rd, have been completed, j icaviiiK this mortal world. Such love

AmonK the g\iesU urti»tH to appear of 01(1 Glory, such devotion to thewill be Ralph Chrlstman, concert j land II represents, will surely be re-pianisl; Hoy Smeck, known as the"wizard of tlie strings", and VivianHolt, Victor record artist.

Mr. Chriytmnn, who is heard daily

won by Mrs. A. Proskie; secondsprize, two dollars in cash, donatcilby Sheriff Fred S. Myers, won by Mrs,.Ogden S. Collins.

5th event—egg race for men; firaCMr. Hamilton, who was ninety-one | ,H iZ C t 10, Hi. bam, donated by Silvle

warded on the other side.

years of age, died early Friday morn-ing after au illness of nearly two

Odierno, won by Fredericks; secondprize, one year's subscription to theUoekaway Record, donated by Oscar

tern, will rendur 11 classical program, j West Main street, and up to the time I p e c r i WOn by Albert Johnson; thirdover the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- i weeks. He lived alone in rooms on

while Koy Smeck will play some ofthe selections which have made himone of the most popular string instru-mentalists in the country. Vivian

he was talien ill was very active.On the afternoon of tlie evening hewas taken down he had walked ov«rEaston Heights to the old homestead

The weekly golf tournament washeld Tuesday night at the SunshineMiniature Golf Course, at DenvilleShack. The tournament was openedto both men and women with cash

Holt will render a group of Soprano j where lie was horn, a distance of BCV-!solos.

Oilier features of the Prop;ram aveeral miles each way. He was accom-panied by a young girl, a distant rela-

•«"**<>« M l ' s- W -i uv, iiiiu it niu^icui

prizes for awards. A large number j , u g g y p s y ) | f e b y a ^ ^ , n o w | l a j )

of spectators was present as well as J , . T h e K o m a n l e s . . , n t l l e , , l t t e r w i l l

by, and a musical potpourri depict-known as

nlayers.The winners oi the men's jirizes

were Thomas Gnrrler, ot Uoekaway,first, who broke all records with ascore of 49; Frank Vanderlioof, Den-ville, being second with a score of SI,while Eddie Stephinson, of Mt. Tabor,came out third with G3.

The ladles' first prize was capturedby Mrs. N. M. Sheiips, of Denville. witha score of 60. Mrs. Shepps displayedher ability in plnying golf as shedoes at the Daily Record Office atMorrlslown, where her services arehighly appreciated. Mrs. E. Clark, ofMorristown. took the ladles' secondprise, obtaining a score of 81.

A new attraction at the course is^he alligator exhibitions. AlligatorBill takes his life in his own handsand wrestles with the alligator put-ting him to sleep. Two performancesnightly at S:30 and 10:30.

Special attraction Sunday after-noon, at four o'clock, parachute jump

i by O. D. Hanimoml, winner of air cir-cus parachute jump at Teeterboro.

AVatch these columns for comingattractions.


A BUMPERThese are all necessary safeguards for your car.But absolute financial safety conies only with sound,

|wieqwate automobile insurance.

That's the kind we provide!


Houy of Droivnpu Man Found

The appearance of the body of JohnJ. Tuohil on the surface of Lake. 11"-patcong, Saturday morning, ended asearch of six days by State Police amiprofessional (livers. A diver of theMerrltt-Chapnian Company, <>[ NewYork, was preparing to descend ap-proximately thirty-five feet to the bot-tom In another attempt to locate tliecorpse when it floated to the surfacejn the midst of the boats of the search-ing party.

Coroner Thomas A. Lewis orderedthe removal of the body to Shuler'smorgue, where it was kept until the

a playlet entitled "Sauce for tlie tins- five, who was visiting him, and this

» : " - Proved to be very fortunate, as hewas taken dangerously 111 through thenight and would have been all alone.The girl hastened to Harry Gordon,a next door neighbor, who immed-iately summoned Dr. MeElroy. It wasfound Mr. Hamilton had suffered aheart attack, brought on by his longwalk and by eating watermelon late

be featured Violin Solos by Freder-ick A. Earle, Jr., Vocal solos by EthelBerlenbach, Soprano; Mrs. H. E.Berleubach, Contralto; Palmer Chat-field, Tenor; and Theodore M. Ever-

prize, six months subscription to theKockaway Record, won by Geo. Feu-Imore.

6th event—egg race for ladles;prize, auto shade, donated by 15. Ar-thur Lynch, won by Mrs. A. Proskle-.

After the athletic events, miniaturegolf was enjoyed on the new eoursoat the Jungles.

AU attending thoroughly enjoyedthe bake which was a big success.

ett, Baritone. Frederick A. Earle is j a t l l i g M . Th r ougli the efforts of theto he the accompanist.

The Benefit will be held atD o c t o r ana ^ eood nursing by hissister, Mrs. Marietta Rogers, he ral-

Odd Fellows FieldDay, August 23

Odd Fellows of District oO Finn t»E n t e r t ) l l n T I l 0 n s m m l s at the Far

j , , ,1 | l s F | | J r Gr01II1(|slied for several days when complica-tions developed and it was seen the Iend was near. A kidney trouble and | Members of the Odd Fellow lodgesbed pneumonia was the cause of his 1 o £ nor«> Jersey are to spend a pleas-,lea(],_ I ant day and evening at the Far Hills

As a veteran of the Civil War' Mr ! F a i r "rounds, located on State Hlgh-

(Continued on Page 4)o

Coming Events AtIndian Lake

Vnii.L-vlllo ShowTTegnHa, Election j Hamilton served with Co. h. 27th Reg- way route 32, about half way between,.f Trustees, W,,<er I ' ascnt ! « « • He fought in several engage-1 Morristown and Somerville, on Aug-

jments. He was a retired Idfeoniotive u s t 2 3 ' a s S u e s t s o f D l s l r l c t 5 0 ' o t

On Friday evening, Aug. loth, there engineer, having been in the service ' «»»<* F _ c - Seymour, of Bernards-will be a drama and farce, "The BankAccount," a short drama staged byTheresa Weber, nod the comedy,"Lend Me Five Shillings" with vaude-ville. Voting for King and Queen willclose.

On Saturday, August 16th, the Sev-enth Annual Regatta of the Commun-ity Club. This Is one of. the big eventsof the season. There will also be adajice.

On Sunday, August 17th, SundaySchool at 10:110 a. m., and eveningsong service at S p. m.

On Monday, August 18th. Movies.Aug. 1!>, Women's Club meeting. Aug.20, Junior League and dancing.

On Friday, Aug. 22, Coronation ofKing and Queen, Mrs. Harry A. Ack-ley, directress.

On Saturday, Aug. 2;!, a Oraiid Wat-er Pageant will take place at ;i o'clockp. m. The official procession of theKing and Queen. Open to all mem-bers. Prizes will he awarded for bestdecorated motorhoat, rowboat andcanoes.

On Thursday evening, Aug. ^Sth,the annual meeting of Community

of the Central Railroad of New Jer- j «"?• *s D l s t r i c t D e p u t 5 ' G r u l l ( 1 M a 3 "sey. He is survived by two sisters, •• e r 'Mrs. Marietta Rogers, of Rockaway, j The committee in charge of. ar-and Mrs. Anna Wright, of Elizabeth, j rangements headed by Joseph W.

n ; Messier, of Basking Ridge, has an-,„, ., .. . . . . . .. nounced that the final plans haver " e " " • • • ( " ' « " " t U"™ | been completed and that everything

' ! is in readiness for the big day.Ban.ee (iooKle's Coif Course on the R e v w l l , i a n l R Blackmail, of Long-

new State Highway in Rockaway. had ( B r a n c l l j c i , a n i a | n of the Orand LodSer

a very successful opening last Satur- ; w j | 1 , | e U ] p I ) r i m . i l ) a l SI)eaker.day. August iith. under the able man- A m l ( l w a y a t U l e g r o u l u l s will heagement of Silvio Odiernn. The many ;„,„,„ , | u r i n R t h c af,Cnioon and in the

j enthusiastic golfers who played upon • e v P l l i l l B i a n d l l u M . e w i u b e a i)ageballthis new course were well pleased and ; p a m e 1 ) c t w c c l l ,,K, F a r Hills amithere is no doubt hut that - will be , , I c I u l l l a m , e a m s „,- , h p mter-Countythe most popular Junior Course in i ,_.caEl lp !]t ; i . : ] 0 ,,'(.1(K.k i n t h p after-tins section as more and more per-i n m ) 1 ) a n ( , 1 ) a n l , mncvrts f r o m :i to 5SOUK become aciilainted with its many ,U | ( ] _ ( ( ) ,, p m ))}. l | u > E s s o x C o u n t y .attractions. ] 0 ( , ( , P p l ] o w s . rjand.

II is tieautifully laid out and while :Athletic events for men liegfimnifftluTo is still somu work to bo dono.

it is raiiidly iicnring compU'tiou. It, , . , , , . line-hide a H0-yurd relay racy; ;i

is planned to hold tournaments everv iMonday night. Pi'ixos will bo award- j

led for the best scores.j There will be music and entertaln-linent by "The Vagabond Orchestra". For B i r I s fourteen years and underI of Dover, on Saturday night, August | t l101 ' '" w i " h(1 " c a t c h a l H l throw cou-

at J:30 o'clock in the afternoon will100-

yard dash: a Hi-pound shot put con-test; a tug-ol'-war and a novelty fat.

' man's race.

arrival of relatives from Jersey City. ciub~wilT\"»«" held "at the Club" House.Tuohil, a municipal employee there.(started to swim across the lake fromHertraml Island to Mt. Arlington, las: o t l l c r l m s m l ( , s 9 t r n n s ( u . ted.Sunday, August Srd, and declined the ;

Thls is a very important meeting,elected amiPour trustees will be

Kith, while you iu>lf.

(Hal I'ricc to HaKc in September

offer of friends (o accompany him . S ( ] | ( p S e I M l t n r W ( ) I , , f r KiiiruSPrt Asin a rowboat. lie was one of 800 mem-bers of a Democratic club which helan outing at the resort.



Anthracite coal will cost the MorrisCounty consumer at least $1 mere -A

I Ion in the full than now.A statement issued Krldny by Sand- ,

- .. Mayor, ers Wertheim. president of the minis n°n i l" '< I s"lle Serenaded furnishing-BormiRh Council, Friday even- ' Coal Co.. largest distributors In the ; t h e m u a i l ' a l u l l I l e n ' w i " '" ' " s n u u i

test; fur boys and girls there will be>a mixed potato race and for women,the events will include a novelty egKand spoon race and a scarf relay race..

N'o entrance fees will he ehargerf.

Dancing will be held from eighto'clock until midnight at the clubhouse with Howard S. Courtney's

j At a special meeting of 11

Wlilliam and Samuel flllbi'irt are | hie, on (he recommendation of At-; metropolitan aren, predicted increased " r c w < " ' k s ' 'Hsphiy at 10 p. in.building a house on the Gilbert gnr-ngo tract, Dover road, opposite theold "Barney Google" roadstand. Agarage In the rear of the new bulld-

torney Howard Barrett. Senator Jos- prices September 1. and local dealers Everybody welcome, no admissionoph G. Wolher, of Essex County was agreed that (he forecast is correct. o r l"""liiiig fee will he charged.engaged as attorney to represent the | Mr. Wertheim said, that beginning, oborough before the Interstate Com- j September 1, the price of anthracite ' The Missionary Society of the Pres-

Ing Is already completed. The house ' merce Commission regarding the j would be .10 rents more a Ion than al hyteiian Church will hold a tea at thewill be occupied by Mrs. Gilbert, now | abandonment of tbo Lacknwaniiii j present and that an additional charge resilience of Mrs. Emma Stonelvlng in the Flchter building, Main

street, and her family.train service from Denville lo Rock- • of .10 cents would he made between Friday. August 22nd. from three te-.away nnd thc substitution of buses. October 1 and November 1. five o'clock

Page 2: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK



i Kiimlly, »J>'I UIIH iM iinmt lniiiuriimi.iwhc-11 evidence i,r fliuini-iul re»poliK-iMIily l« required, tin- public Bhould

•nut fi>vw»ril identification cunts ur' iK.ii.Urs. Only the approved cvitlfi-I ciil,' iii responsibility furuiimed by the; insunuice company will )>o iiecei'tod.•I'his lertiiicute IIIUKI lit' reneWMd up-

j,.n «!»• expiration of the policy whk-liii ,-ovi-ra for thru* eoimeoullve year*from the (lute of tlie lust convictionor accident which made tlu> personconcerned subject to this tuw.

Tli* law »til\ IHHIUIIW many unfav-orable features, sutli a» that r taulr-lnfc cerllflcnles from l)Qtli parties toun accident, regardless ot tlit' fiiet

_ Unit one limy lu> entirely Innocent of(Editor's Note: Till" s c l H ' s o £ » r U c U ' s recklostuieas or wrongdoing: und Itby the Commissioner of Motor Ye- , , , ,m l i | , , . 8 iiit< vlcllm of « ciu-eleHshides Is being presented »y ""> l l o d t " driver, yi-i d « » not i.**urt- him mm-away Hecoril an Us P»rt ' " t l l ( ! c " m " peimulloii It the sillily driver Is un-palgn of education to rnniilluriw) mot-1 i l l i )Uvl.v!

oriBts with the laws which regula te cu ,mnil»oiy Insurance, m swim-their conduct or. tliu road.) ] iiuicliftt-ntion of H. may yi't be iouml

I ni'fi'MMliry. Mill Unit la another nmt-

VIH. Tllli I'MSANCIAL Kl1'.-

Hl'ONNllllLITYIcr. rwjlllrliiK ell direful Htutly. fur

I ' r o l e c l i

/JIVK I'rt

l l . l oo , c i m t u l n s i i n p e r f r c l l m a i . W l m t -

l i u i ; a l l u s i ' i s <il t h e l i ' lM ' i - i . ' ve r n m y lie Hie H l i n r t r o m l l l f i s of t h e

i,. i v r k l e w . In o n e IbliiK- | , . x i s i i i i t . . l a w In mecMiiK a . se r lo im n l l -

den all

, m - i f i m i l l y i d i i c e d oil

i l a w .


InipoHlin:- an unfair bumot«riHl>- wild commit<iut«! smother. The I'iniiiViility law intntut.- I""*rigorous, in fad. that N WIIH »li»"s l

uun-oi 'knhlc . It nccciiidii i tcd n v..:d

allioiuil "1' c l e r i ca l w o r k , liiveulip.n-

t lon , j l l i l tc tal in-iict-illlri1 mid cxpeli«e,

(jUlle out ol' p ropor t ion I " expelul l t l i roof l lmo linil effort and money to Mn"liulk of i-clttllvcly iiiiiiiiiMiriiiiit CUSCH

concerned.Thi! law urlRliuilly covered pructl-

cally pvery •violation nl tin- motor ve-htclu nnil traffic laws except illepnlparlclntr and compelled tli« prcsientn-tlon of evidence of finiuiclal reHpon-Rllilllty for miiiiy trivial offi-nses forwlik-h penulttcH of only u low dollar.*arc levied In the police courts.

The rotmlt WIIM In uddltloii to u flueo£ perhaps! $6 tlu> iiiHin-ed motoristwas compelled to produce iv certifi-cate from liis insuranre i-oinpnny,•whii'li, for lidiiu- it-jlsoli never clearto me, KUVO (he eonipany an excusefor elmi-Klng him an additional Idper cent of liiH prenilum when he re--nowod the policy and. in nmny oanes,deprlvoil him of wlnitcver meiil

l u i l l o n , I i n t e n d l o

'"' ! l imi t ol m y u b l l l t y .

ll to tin-

r e -duction he would otherwise have re-ceived.

It wau Kveat stnfi—for tho lnnur-aneo eonipailieB.

Tlio amendment to the law intro-duced T>y Senator AVolher. of ICywexcounty at my reuuest uialu-n Home im-portanl elluilnatloiiH. t>ut doe.s notdimlnhili in any way wliatever value

Wt >ght of ExperienceSurely With Solomon

W h e n W l l l l u m .l«-nnlni-..i I'.i 'yaii I 'u l -lin,li<i|e,l . John l tn l r i l , l y Ililk Id l i l l "nliiu.l ' inn I'vlni; h i s d a u i i b i e r , M a r yi:ili-»bi ' ili , In Ids ( I l lcuinm, l l ie y o u n piiiiin soiljjlil l ' , ' lnj:e 111 I h e ^U ' r lp l l l i r s .iilnl 1M'J:IIII :

".Mr. I l i i ird, 1 h a v e b e e n rci i i l lni :I 'riivi'i-lis a iionil d e a l l i ne ly , u n d Undl lml .Sebuii.ili s a y s , " W h o s o l lmlcl l i awi fe , l lnde l l i ii i-o.ul llilni, ' a n d o b t a i nI'lh fiivol- o f l he l . i i n l . "

Mr. I tnlnl , h c i u g so ine lb l i lK »f uIlllilb-iil Ki-buliir hlmst'ir. r e p l i e d :

" V e s , 1 I jel leve S o l p m o u d i d s a y

thai, bin l'alll tbut while lieUnit iniirrlelli Ooelb well, be thai imirrli'tli not doi'ili better."

This was dlsheiirtenlni:, elmekli'ilMrs. ltrynii, iccalling tliu Interview—It Is reperleil hi M. Ii. Werner's Id-oKiupby of her dlBtlngulshcd liuslmnd—bul Ibo young mini saw hie waythrough.

"Solomon would be the bcllcr au-thority npon tills point," rejoined Mr.Hrynn. "l>eeiniBe 1'anl WHS never nmr-lied, wlillu Solomon liml a number ofwives."

After this friendly tilt the ninUerwu» sallsfiietmily arrungf-ii-—KnlisasCity 'rimo«.

the law may in checkliif: reek-leSHneas and irresiioiiHllilIity. Undevthe amended law it is now \ipeessnryto provide evidence of ftnniu-lnl re-

.aponaibliity only for accidents Involv-ing damage of ? 11)0 or more anil forfour major violations, manslaughter,drunken driving, falling to stop afteran accident and reckless drlvinp.

All other offenses, while still puu-lahnble under the motor vehicle andtraffic laws and local ordlnnncra, nolonger render tile motorist liable tothe operations of the financial re-sponsibility law.

That, in brief, la the. effect of the"Wolfoer amendment.

Many Inquiries come to the Depart-ment of -Motor Whit-lea on vurlousangles of the finnnelul rosiiouslblHtylaw, and I should liko to take this


"Mind" Only Great -Needfor Immortal Writing

A discussion of l'ruf. I.useellosAhoreromlile on the .supposed "per-distent Assumption tliut tills Is Ihe dn.vof tbo short poem" reminds mo, writesa correspondent lo a columnist In theManclicstc-r tiiiardlan, of the scornwith which ttrownlne, bile In life, re-ceived n siifrccstlim from a publishertlmt wbnt the. pirtdlo would like rroinhim would be more short poems—more lyrics, "l'ooh," Bald HI-OWHIMK."l.yrles'i I could Klve yon buckets ofthem, but thoy'ro not worth tliu trou-ble."

Tennyson regarded "Mtivid" as thebest of his poems (though he was veryunwilling te. rend It rdond, because-, ifbe did so tit nil. lie UUed to rend Iiright through), but tlie fact tlu\t lii-dtd not write- auw-e Ions poems tlinnbe did wns probably vim- to n very en-rloua flash of Insight which eiuisedIdm to say once, "I enn execute likeShakespeare, but I biive nothing I"me." This confession uiuy tw regarded ns the antithesis of WordfcwoYth's(as reported l>y l.iuulO "Says he doesnot see mucli dltlleulty lu wrltlm: likeSluikespeure If ho hud a luhul to tryIt. It Is eleitr tlmt nothing is wutitlug

I O C I A W A I BBCOBPBoy Really Father of

I Mat, S«y» Thi. Write*! Boys lire iciilly la then of H«"' <lft(S

! if the inner «re conscientious parents,according to Kivderle Van de Water, In

' >V(iiniui'8 Home Companion.Fathers hi-i'ln. he explains, by us-



Enjoy theDistinctiveFragrance

of DUSKA!Do you know Ihut Uuska Per-rume gives people of moderatemeans the opportunities form-erly enjoyed only by wealthy?

#1.50—-Unit' OUMCP

Illlakn l'erfume lias mi elusive.I'lipllvilllIlK llltf.rlllH'e It l«IIKIII mid didlcale. yet eiidurliiB.

iin'l tell fi'iini ii (ii.'Bciip-vbnl II miHdls like whyyon come to your Hexiill



l'hon« 1«


simplifies canning

U the newer methods ofcanning advocated by homeeconomic experts, n modemGas Ranee is really part of•he recipe. Not only will youspare yourself considerable(lime, work and worry with anup-to-date model, but fruit»nd vegetable preserves will

opportunity of answrrlnK somethose most frequently repented.

In tlie first plnce. every owner of j Jm, Jj1(|'a motor vehicle which la Involved In *•''an accident Involving damage in ex-1 •cess of Jltid must comply with the! Mixture of Muny Tonguesrequirements of the law. reeardless of- I-<i U«'> "a spoken In this countrywho Is nt fault. It would bo imv^i-i |B "'-rived from ninny sources. Our..,.,,,. . , , . ,, i i u . i JJ.,,,1,,.1, i,ns n Snson base. Approxl-cal l , Impossible tor the department : ^iMy ^ . „ „ „ , ) f ,,u> w ( m | s „,to determine I,, every incident the re-1 ,.onversntlmiiil uso nro derived frommiouslhlltty of ciu-li driver, even If! i.i»tin. We Imve many literary nndthe law permitted it to ninlce this ills- i eecleshistlenl Liitln terms nnd teeluiltinctlon. j cut wonls (leriveil fnuu the (Ircek. ,\

Secondly, the snle, demollllon or1 -' 'cuter pint <,f our household ands or dlsposfiifr of aperson who

poellcnl words lire Suxon. There l< nl'reiicli Intliience nrlRlnnlly In

any other meatcar owned by n person who has he-1 '•"""'• ' " ' " " •,.,.„, , - , , . , , ' troduced by Iho conquest of me IMome subject to tho law does „,„ re-1 ,„,„, ( , r l w | n m , ,v A{-»Imn , , u , r,M1,

Ileve him of the necessity of vomr-ly-] , |m.,-,,r, the duke of Normandy. Tln-ivIng with Its reiiuircments. if the car j are also In our hins:uii!-'O numerousis sold, the i-cKiMtrattun must he ve- words brought by colonists from thevoked, and in order for him to retain Ncilierlnnils nnd also Spanish and Inhis driver's license he must file nil I < l l i m W1"' l ls-operator's pulley cerliriciite. I

Thirdly, a person not owninp- a m o - j A w i ' ° s » y ' n Blor .vehicle Hut subject to Ihe act be-! " - \mnn wl,, 'bus sense «.i.oll«l, to see

I simple thliiKs In their true Hsht. saysIV. !•!. T. lh-11, "turn's Ihe whole

retain their shape, colof andtt-Mure far better and flavorswill retain the oripinal zestand tang.

iThe imidatfJ oi fn utilizescookinu heat with greater effi-ciency and keeps the kitchencool and fresh as outdoors.

ot lonvietlon for (he Kuited oflenses. must rile evidence of rtii-ni«-la[ responsilitlity. However, it bewns driving at the lime of bis con-viction a vehicle owned by u memberof his immedliiic fiunlly. or a vehid-.-owned by his employi'r, t he depart-ment will accept evidence

world npsUh- down." V|» to tin- llnu-of t l i i l l l c o . cv.- l l I l l i H b e l l l a t i c i l l l l s b elleved small bodies fell fiisler thanbi-avy bodies, lint liallK-o cUndieil toIhe top of the- Leaning Tower otl'1-..i. Iw full two balls of dlffercm

and si.-.c, and tlu\v slrucU tlumom win accept evidence of liiuill-i , . l v u , ^ KIWUIUUUWKIV Tlmt «llrcliil responsiliiiliy In the name of Hie! ra.-t ivudiUUrtiU-.eil miithviiinllvs."owner, provided the certificate ,-s- '

|The Ovtn Control Diol is in-dispensable, since all carminecharts specify definite time andtemperature for each recipe.Plan now to stack your shelveshijh with tomatoes, pickles,jams and jellies—and installa Modern Gas Ranee with-out delay.

pcr-Ihe ,

tiihllshinp this evidence U iiccouipan-ied by a statt-ment advlsiuK ihe do-PurliMeiit | hilt tin, cerllVicnle beiufifiled in to cover the Viisi- of tson who lms become subjectlaw and slutlim that sueh person Iseither n relative or an employe.- ofthe i!-..iai-ed and Is ,„ ,oiuiiiii,. In |,|«employ, otherwis. ' . the convicted per-son must file tin operator1,, p,,li,-v cer-tificate.

Pleasant Time iu StoreTlie uinpiri' hud jii-l uuule u U:ul

(hvlslt'ii, 'ftie crnuil was ealliu-j: htm,-vU iiutncs and luirlln^ pop t»oul--s hibis dli't'eilou.

"Why don't you say soini-l111nv;;" MIEUnil Irate fan to n i|ii!,-t. sad.faced -speclaior u lio sal near Idm.

"My lime Is cenillii;." reidleil tluKti'iiniior. "Tlu« iiinplii- Is n rehiihvct' lo.v wife's mid she bus nsKed hli^to the bouse Cur dinner this eveiiin;;."



„ „ .- w i n " * »KH>"le l o

il,e ,-oulli by exumple, but they sooutin,! tlinl ihe youngBlvrs are cuu-hlug

cm In tl.e very tilings they preacH

' " \ s inonllm march past I <«>« mywelfisaenibllug lew," My» the writer,liesldrs cupnrgatlng my speech andiimllni! when women enter, 1 hav«cnulrcd- other virtues. 1 fold myInpkln lifter each meiil. I "•» l>ullJ-«ver ilia telephone. I «»> dressed lunic for fcreakfUBl.\cronni and I wipc-

Myl l l l l K tlmt



I bung up myout th« lull after

•ivltinmt iii-omptinc. «u<, «n.v-lie will llol be able lo MI;

i.liwrved bin father In « "iffense.

lty the lime be 1» iweniy tii(. pri-tly iiim-li like l>l lH 'v "" ' " " f l l l s

;,-. I Imve ln> Illusions 111 111"' dll1,-'1-oii lint 1 am cel-lliln of vlic tbiiiK:v ihe time In- !•> twenty I slniU I)'1 «ell bred well groomed, t.deranl, ,1111--m nimi uml I t-bull biive him tumill, for ll."

KAlter nil these years It Is revealed

,ut lien l-Tttiiklln—wlio i-;>id It wanurd for «n empty fiiek to slund on

.v,l. und u sllteh lu time wives nine,-'enrly t« bed «»«' <"lu'lS' ' " r l K"

e» n'idiui heuliby and vveallliym! wise" did not abide by his own

•eemiiiuendiitUms. 't'be ul>' Hen by noneiuis InvHl-Ulbly lui-lie.l In ut » O'clock

out ut 4. lie ilkcd to Kit up withbe boys-mul i!lii»-us well as anyme, umklne merry far Inlo Hie nlRlit.

lie did follow tin; "i'oor Ulclmrd"necepts In ymilli, however—nnd theyvorked. Early l» bed I l l u l ( '" l ' l y ' "Ise limde lilm hoaUliy and wenllbyIrst, Olid then wise enuugli to stay upnid see the fireworks afterword.—•'.xduinge.

No Dinner Bell

H n Been PostponedTlie daughter of the house Arrived

tome one night looking very mid."Whatcvcr'a the matter?" asked her

notlier."Oh. I thought John loved me," the

girl explained, "but now I know he'sit going to propose—at loust not for

lonio time.""Why, how do you know?" asked

lier mother."llecnuse ho sent me n hie box of

stationery with my Initials mono-sramnied on It—nnd there's enouglito hist me for six inonllis."

Daughter T«licn fo» Debt*One of the scandals of Lobola 19 tbo.

fact Hint If a man gets Into debt hisrcdltor can tnke nwny his daughtern pnyment. Many Klrls lima taken

are more children. They become theman's slaves until they nre nmrrlUKe-iblo, when they Join his wives. Fromlinbyhood almost they learn to regard'ilin ns their future lord. Their lifeIs Indescribable. South Africa, to-gether with tVI other nalloiiK, ngrccdto abolish slavery, but tbo "di-bt chll-ilren" seem to be overlooked, for thecustom prevails,

On ApprovalThe class was xtnndlnK by Hielr

desks and tho teiieber was wnlkln;;up nud down lnsiivetliiK the cliildren'sbooks.

On niipronchlns one of the boys,she twillwd ft nrlco. ticket ntlnvlivd tohis trousers.

"Tommy," she cried In a tone olnuiuzomeut, "do you know you luive« price ticket ou your trousers':"

The boy, however, showed no sur-lso lit belns told (Ids-, Instead he

calmly replied:"Yes. icaeher; they might have tuhark teniorrow1."- -London Answers

nnerto Summon Hungry Beei

t h s «m)

mlices don't carry wrtat watches «m)

ttiev don't have uny alarm dock, intlieir hives, but they ar« .lw«y« ontime for meal, just the same. M>tonly that, but U.i-y quickly l«wn »tchaiien m feodlng time nnd adjusttheir Bclieduks accordingly-

The time aeme of Wei "»* been InvenllgalRd H.V I. H*»»8 ot B o r l l H ;Dahlwn. Germany, who hm reportedbin result* to the nclentiflc JournalDie NaturwiMBiiBchaften. He t t outer.ucer« of sugar water at a given hourof the duy. In u couple of d»y» thebeen knew when to expect the "hand-out " nnd turned up on time, or evenn little before time. They Ui-pt » upeven when he Plopped offering treufood,

Then be chnnged tho liour und alsoIncrciiMMl the uuiiibw of feedings toI wo, nnd In some experiments to three.The been quickly learned tlie newM-lu-diile mul turned up expectantly atHit- right time- KuiiKHB <.'lty Star'sScience Service.

Pupultr CotillonThe cotillon IN a dance of French

origin, find Is performed to quidrlllciniiiilc. Ii was n fiiBhlnnnulo dunce atIhe court of (51mrlc» X. whore It hodliicii tidiiplcd from n peasant dnncf.At flrnt tut one, I lien for two perform-er*, II soon became n rondo dunce, inwhich form It wns Introduced IntoIOuglend. There nre hundred* of pon-nlble fljcureii In the modern dance,mid tbo flceeiworleH Hie moat elabor-

fJAVID HAK'IPlunibing tiMt H,

AU K«|ialr Wurk fiou.,,,

lolspbone lti,n,t.KOCXA » •. t

i'J ttt• V J.


Billiard and i-,.,.ilaudjr, tlKum, ( H

Luiuirdi Bldg, ;.],)KOCKAHAt,


i . i.

QKO. Ii. WI11T11AMl i b l & Funurnl

The cotillon la by n emailnumber of couples, who occupy tbofloor wlille tlie rest or the gutmts Hitnbout tlie ball room. These couplesnolect other* from nuiong thoseseated, nnd, nfler going through n

all lake N nnd nro replacedby oilier collides until the whole com-pany IHIH diimed Hint particular fig-ure. Another uielhod Is for each setof couples to dance a different figure.

Promincnl Felhimlan CityThe second largest city In the re-

public of Estlionla, Tartu, holda rankwith tlie capital, Tallinn (Hevnl), naad intellectual center of Estlipnluunationality. It wnn beffun In 1030 l>ythe Jtii«8lan Grand Dulte Yaroslow.son of Vladimir the Holy, who con-quered the Kstlies, nnd Ita celebrateduniversity wns founded In 1G32 byi;\ieluvns Adolphiix of Sweden. It linna library of more tlmn 200,000 vobnines, a famous observatory, nnd abotanical garden. For nearly 200years It was one of the princlpnl sealaof learning In Russia nud the chiefschool for lie Protestant clergy.

E. ANDKlttStjjoI'uluter

kince: 7G JackwiTc). BUI-M


Ctsriiful Btrvlce mid iirumiitgivun to oil cBlia, day Ur

J*uiierul Parlors—MainUOt'HAWAY, N. l.

[N1JIAN Sl'IUNG WA'l'KifAutilyzed UB the I'uroBt Spring ftt,produvud. Taken from u Hot!Spring. More utiiuuliuing ailrj

tihlng thun other wivt i'H

J II. BLANCHAHD At C0.~ManuCacturera Of

UOt'KAWAY HANU MAIIE AJ{with or without liaiidlcis

All kinds of Kdgo Toola and L»Mowera Sliarpcucd

Union Street l'lione .


JOHN II. CRANEContructor

Cnri>ont«r and ItiillderTi>]. setMain Street, Itocknwnr, K, J,

I ROOZTailor

lVall Btrcer, Ilocliiivvny, X ICleaning, ProSBing nnd PyolD(

n SpecialtyDone Promptly and Neatly s:

Guaranteed to glvo Sutlsfiuitloa

Venerable Flemish CityThe city of <Jhpnt In Flanders lms

existed from tlie. very earliest time,nnd no exact date enn be fflven for lt.ssettlement, nor Is tlie derivation of thoname accurately known. The site wasoccupied by prehistoric tribes nnd la-ter by the Celts nnd lleigll nnd Norvll.H is mentioned IIN early as the Sev-enth century. According to one au-thor, Ghent wns originally Onnd,which derives from ii Celtic wordmeaning "confluent," In reference tothe location of the city nt.tho conflu-ence of the rivers Scheldt und I.ys.

No WonderTwo strangers on a train got Into

conversation. The windows hnd Justbeen let down and the desultory chat-ter consequently turned to the siibjoclor ventilation.

"I ninfce it." snld one of the two,"nn Invariable prnellco to ndvlse peo-ple to sleep with their bedroom win-dow open nil the .vein- round."

"Un, hn!" lunched tlie otber; "1perceive, that you nre n doctor1."

"XVt nt nil!" wns the reply. "Totell you the truth, strictly betweenourselves, I'm i\ hur^lur!"






$3.25 for a $4.25 Pak MSelling Post "SO-20" Lend & 1 **

•nlnt WITHOUT SAL10SMKN, Jh *,o-house ownorB, saves $1 a 6'1 Ifluid results In bettor irnlnt in It' j ^i ways :

MORIQ WHITE LEAD—LKSS W—SHIPPED BEFORK IT SKTTITOnly $3.25 for n $f.2S pulnt. IWprepaid.

The saving ig yom'B. Write for Klculars; soil to yourself. >

I I . P o s t 1'iilnt Co,17J Wllllnm St.. N. V.


Main Streetliocknvtuy, New Jerscj

Everything in Itnrdware i?nlnt3, Oils, VnrnlelieH, llrnslics, *


l'DBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that tho umler»lgned, Collectov ot Tax-is of tho HnroURh of Hoclcawny, in tho County ot Morris, will sell at public

auction nt the Borough Hall, hi the liorough of Uocliaway, on the 10th day ofAURUHt, liKIO, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of mild day, the following describedlands:

Said hinds will bo sold to ninlto the amount of municipal lions chargeablenRuinst the slime on the fir.st day of July, 1M0, as computed In the followinglist, together with interest on sold amount from the first day of July, 1920, totlie date of sale, and coata of sale.

Said lands will he oold In fee to such person ns will purchase the sanio,subject to redemption at tho lowest rate of IntereBt, but in no case In excosa«f elKht percent per annum. The pnyment for the sale shall bo inndo beforetho conclusion ot the aalo or tlio property shall ho resold.

Any unreel of real property for which there shall bo no other purchasorwill he struck ott and Bold to tho UOTOUKII of Hockaway in foe, for redemp-tion nt elKht percent nnd the municipality shall have tho same remedies nndrights aa other purchasers, Including the right to bar or foreclose tho rightot redemption.

The snip Is made under the provisions ot tin net of tlio Legislature entit-led "An Act concerning unpaid taxes, assessments and other municipalcharges on renl properly, nnd provldinK tor tho collection thereof hy tliocreation and enforcement of llenn thereon", (Revision ot 1018) and tho nctuamendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.\'<-nr Nnmo 'j>ftx102ft Kdwln llccil, Klycvoft—House nnd Lot $103.08Watson I'rleliett, Main St.—House and Lot ;il.9Oll'xvay Park Lakes, Main St.—House and Lot <IB 7011. Crocrn & L. Werksmnn, IIlhcTnln Ave., House, LotJohn Howard, White Meadow Ave.—HOUHO und LotNonh Molt, Heirs, Cobh St.—HOUHO and. LotOrecen & Wcrknman, Stickle- Ave.—HOUHO & Lot . . .U'wny Vnrk Lukes, lt'wuy Pnrk Lnkes—Honso & LotIVwny l'nrl; Lukes, irwny Park Lukes—HOIIHU * Lot.Ins. Sumiwon, K'way Park Lakes—LotMrs. Mary Tox, U'way 1'nrk Lukes—LotI>. M, SiKutns, H'wny l'nrlt LnUes—LotRoceo lloschischlo, It'wuy I'uvk L-.ilies—LotVictor Vrestoii, H'way I'avk Lakes—LotM:iri;:iret llavelipin-t, lOlycrofl—Lot

l " d \ i , n I i t 4 t t i i • . « « . l ^ « u i l « w k « ^ ^ 1 ' . . . i n





Int.$ C.13

1.28• n.24










l i- i . i i6.7'(i.70.7fi.7






p , y 7 77 I l r , )At any time before sale tin- undersigned will receive payment of tho

amount duo on any property wlih the. liilei-cnl und costs incurred vip to th"tiiim of pnyment.

(liven wider my hand tills 2-lth day ot July, 1JI30.

PLOVR J. CHANS,Collector o£ Taxoa ot tbo Jlorouuli ot Uockawuy

CHILDFtEN -will fret, nnd otW',no nnparcnt renaon. Hut >nt

nlwnys Castorial As harmless nj'recipe on tlio wrapper; inilil aiidi", ,ns it tnslcs. Yet its Kentlc nrtion •sootho n younnstcr more surely «•n more powerful medicine. '

That's the beauty of Hii-- •*!*''cluUlrcri'a rcmcilyl It may 1>« Knon itiniest infant — na often us llll'r0Jneed. In coses of colic, iliariliw.,similar disturbnncc, it is invnli1-1'A co-itcd tongue calls for just n low*,to wi-rcl off conslipnlion; so ilar'",BiipKeslion of bud brcnlh. ^ ' ' I * ichildren tlon't ent well, don't leit*,or, lmvo nny litllo unset—I'"1). I'Jvcgctnblo preparation is usually ',that's needed.

Page 3: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK


" Wind AMIOllIC.A of WSU(Mini, M a r g a r e t lOlidnhl)

A ' l u i l ' i i 'l'<i Appi'iu' »l Bcrli ' iniilIKIIIIHI Tiirh

t l i t 1 i ' l x l l i i l i i i d In i\» m i i i i y y i ' i i n . ,

ul1 N o w . l e i F . e y ' * i n i v e M

f i » 1 i i i n w i l l c o m p e t e f o r Hid I l l l d

« t H i t s H l T l n i t l l l I n h i l l l l lit l l c l ' l r a m l

1 ' i u l t , L u k e I l o p u l c . o n g , N . . 1 . ,

ii.v e v e n i n g . A u g l l H t 2( l t l l .

Ttt« foitunntc young lm'y Hulotrliullo t l t t r (hlH tItlu will have (lit! oppor-tunity to meet the ve(iVeBvututlveH (if

111Kt; I'liliorlB III llortrund» l'nrh. mi tlio following Wodmw-

^lay ©VpniiiK I'm" tlio honor ol' becom-ing MltiH Ijilui Iloputcoiu; for MHO.

1'OUln KrauH Hiiyn, "OurHat tlilH year fur exceeds Hull

•Qt pWrlous youiH uiul mi Intermit tm;•Contest will ho tlu> roMiill. A most un-SuuRl fesituvc «( our coutiml thin yeui1

Hi iJjfc number of requests for ontry1»lR^ks from MorrlH, Warren anil SUH-

-4HW1Geunty glrln. II In evident that' t H to conduct a fair and (lig-

beftuty content urn iipproclnt-

L'0Q& of the, fe.utuvo. uttnu'lionH thlfctJpW Will liu HID pornoinil iippenninco.•t»i MISB Mnfgnrol Klulnlil, titled "MlimAlBertcn ol1 10I10", on Wednesday af-teriioon and evening, Augum guilt.Mlsu Kkdahl wan Hulected to repre-sent America an its most perfect tipoe-Imiui of beautiful wmminliood lu tin'International Hi-auty Pageant ut Jllo4o JttBievo t\\ September Up til thet i n t Bile nulls for South America, MiniBkdalll will "miiko a llmllod numliiir•<of'4^tirsonal appearances In the prln-

cltli'H of tlm Uiilliul Stutos. Itpardonable piido that tho Ilor-

S' lalunil Park management ranIts good fortune In being ableto Its patrons, "Amorlcn's

sttWbenutlful girl". She will npponr111, I?!* wondorful bulbing creations

i^Evening gowns thut will bo thoIlio world's bounties in SouUi

-America.Another fouturo this yunr will lin

the "Llttlo MIHH Luke Hopntcong",3iajbjlng beauty contest for little totatrotu fll\ to ten yonrn of ago. MISHAmorlcii will make the soleutlon IromA bavy of nilniaturo bonutloa promptly•at S o'clock in tho nftoriioon on Aug-

£ere»l N»mei Cor Small TowmTJsat many Americana litive trnv-

*lfitl in Europe might bo deducedtrotn tlip trails of European namestSWttSliout the United States. Paris«P8 Berlin ore each to bo found In

i' states, whtlo seven undevelopedons, ranging In HISIO from 100 topopulation, mlRht be visited innestle grand tour. Arkansas Is

_ j»$irou<J possessor of all three, nudJS (addition tins n Peklnc I'OLIIIK is4 S found In four other states also.


Patient Suicide• feetcr. Neb.—PlnctaK his chair on

t | * BuillnRton rallrond tracks, S. OJ%»nlnK, flfty-clglit, dlseournged after••Star's light for health, sat down and«jjMcd two hours until a fast mall" i n nnwil i,n,i uilli'il him.

tag ts r?

• [-, A SEASONED investment,

' * widely held by conservatlv«r7 Investors, Associated Oai

.,sr", sind Electric Company, i%

Qold Debenture Bondi, due

1963, yield it the present

market over S%%.

Write (or Circular

kuociated Gai and Electricrlttea Co., IncorporatedDover, New Jersey

dty tend m« full Informttlon on OoUtur« Dondi due

This Weekby AjtTHUK U K | S U \ N B .

Just u Little Sunlight.You Can't Breed Geniun.Sibiitlaixi Oil in New Linen.Mr. Guggenheim in the Air.

A little guultgbt turns fllterlugt l i r o u K h d i u i t buittmiHti CIOIUIH r v c t t n t l y .

BiiHincHM fu lh i r eH lu J u l y c u r r i e d

» m u l l f . r Hubi i l i i t iH t l i i iu f o r t h e B a m *

u i o u t l i it y o u r OK"-

O u o h u i u h ' u i l a n d ut<vt<iitm<u t l i o u -

Bttiul t l t u t Uiul b e v u UUc In U v t v c U v - c u t

l i a c k t o w i n k , i iuit i t o) ( h e m t u r H c u i y

I''uvil, Hit* ( t t l i cva lov t h o U o n t ' i u l Mi>-

tlirH ' I ' rucK l u i ' l o r y . 1 ' n i i u u i l a iu i o l l i o r

c o n t ' c n u i .Ill <llll> Of l i l l r i lH- ' i ! | l ' i l | ; , . i | | i ;,. t i l l .

imly BUVH l « lief l i i in l iuml ' . I\>' viMvlllftji;if; VUUH i l f l l l l r , H \ Ullt I'li-H [ i l l l \ t i .w h s c k un 'Uiin " l l r r i i ' t t r y t , , U,-; , i iuyy u u i H c i r , a n i l y o u a n ' ssiivi-ii,"

l- iuiiu ' l tudy (.uf.lii l u t-;iy Ihii t UiAl l i l i r hUH htl'-llH1!!':. iifl I lu l l l l l l l j Ul'fc'

l l i i f i i ' ly hni-n of (tin o w n foilrfi.

fciitj,tviid W t t s . m r . l.mi ui llu- );ri-ntI t l c h i i r d , d i e d r e c e n t l y . M I I I - I U I S I H ,j i t i r ivU-uUuvir . tu a m t u l h e i i ; w h o U»l i ,v t*f l u u h e l l e r h t i i n a a Ueln^H i'nu lie luv t t ,

UH WO lll'Cl-d llClll ' l- lldfKl'B, Will m l » \ l tl l u t t llu wiui it d l t i a p i i o l u U i i c l l t .

Hla fathei ' WUH the tlih<[ c.veuieutniu.'iU'llill. \lia limlller, ('oniniu \S'n;;-ner , was; u duli{;lilcr ol tlio {.nut mu-sician, l.hwt.

And, an u nnntleiaii, Irllefji inl Wiuvnor iniKiuiiled In notliliiv., tilihuu^li hedill W'l'ltc tllHM'iUI, liUll Wi\a n Illixler-ately ^ood conductor.

Clcnlun, ahjuirently, ''JluU luimieini.1*

Smuduvu. tm of Now Jevticy, uml ut-flllatud compaiiieH. cuverlug mtu-li oftlio couuLry, will iu-11 tirou, ul r,uH nta-tliins. ond at lower prlcoa.

Thin will annoy i-otullevn, <,n u tunullBCIIIC, but II WUH Inevltalile, DiKlrlhietlon at retail coHta too nuicli, c>nemull order IIIIUBO, CIIIUIIK retail iirlccii,sold iiioio tlroH ttiiiu any concern InAinorlca, except (ieueral Motors andJ'OKI. thut Bull tliein on tho cun<.

Ktnndard Oil, proHiuunbly, will nr-nuigo to tioll Mtaudard IUUUCK of tlreti,wliich cut rale deiUoi'M hitherto huvwnot. dono.

it 1H plain that retailing In to liudouo, moro and moro on t\ "MR hiud-IIOHH" banlH, aa provod by chain HUHOH,OIIO of them Hollliifv a billion n year offood HtuffN. AH luhor wan once forcedto cHtuhllHli unions, for Hclf ilofcuso,so lotall mercluuits may tlnd unloiiHnocessary.

Mr, Daniel (!uKji4inhelin. yunplyliiH;tundH for l'roteasor ltohert II. Cod-(lard's e\porlmontft with "rockot pro-pulBlon," rondci'M ouullc dorvlco. l'rn.foiisor (joddanl, of ('lurk University,phuiH hla rocl;(*t, not for liiunau Ilf^bt,but for Inforninlion about tl\e uppci'pint of Iho atinosiphoro In which wtlive.

At prenont wo aro llko Huh lu tiltdoopoat party ot the ocean, not know-Ing what IH nhovo u». unuhlc to liveIn tho upper layer!] of our ocoau ftlr,na ik'fp son llnli are uiuibUi to livenear tho mirfuce.

Our ntmoaphevo Is nbmit DO0 mllcndoop, or hinh. nud wo uro acijualnted\vitlv It only 20 mllca up tvom th©earth's aurface.

The Goddnrd rouliot. t>hot wpward byliquid Ruaoa, will come down aupport-ed by a. luiraclmle. IUIURIIIK snmnlesof upper air anil Information about It.Much is to bo letmuul tvbovo the"ozono holt," 511 to 75 miles up, andnbovo "tho celling" uudor which tliorndlo waves travel, thut lias been ho-lioved to bo a bolt ot ulr heavilyohargod eloclrically.

Men oURht to lenow tholr all" ocean.Some <lay, arounil-thn-worlil travelwill ho carried on rnr up Avhere thinaUnosiihcro will offer little roalataneoto n moving airship.

David llelttsco obllKes Mr. Cudl» bypickliiK the "fifty crentetit ni-lara ofall time," and inuny ot them aro nowliving, including (InorKO Al. I'ohun.fifty-two; Mary Audoraoa, yovonty-ono; Mlnulo Madilern Flslic, alxty-llvo: Maude Adams, fltty-elKut: JulluMarlowe, 8l*ty-four." Tho i\Ke» arosupplloil by Mr. llplusco, but tlieaothat havo EIOOU Cohan and tho ladiescan testify that at least twenty yearsshould bo taken from each.

Tho fact la that we have cliarmlnt;nctors and netreases hut not "Kreat"actors and actreuaen.

lUcliol, lK>rn in Switzerland, daugli-tor of a Jewish poddler, pitRsosnedgenius that could not bo extractedfrom nil tho American nctresseH thathave over lived.

Whnt tho Greek actors with theirmasks wore like, wo don't know. Jlntthero must havo been conaldeiabloKonlUB in tho succession of actorsthat caused ono of Knrlplilea' traKa-Ules to run in Athens for 500 yMrp.

Joan Tasaorand. to prove that holoved « girl, wrote her a farewell noto,Jumped to hla death from an airplane,bta broken body landing in the gar-den of IIIH mother's home.

Fools will make a hero ot liliu. Howould have boon moro llko a hero hadho takou euro of hla mother nud livedto provo that ho appreciated her,which 19 overy man's lli'st duty.

When proaporlty droop.1!, tlio carataya In tlio saraKo, New York Stato'aenormous ineomo from the gasolinetax Is much dlminlshod, nalcs fnlllnKoff 8.200,000 irallona in May. comparedto lnst year,

(® 1930. Kins- Feature) Svii,liutr, loci

Pottery of Roman EraDiscovered in London

I'uttrry miiile 1>; the UonmnB In theSecond century hut been recently nn-earthed duil»« tiniic vxeuvtulunn mml*In Iiondon's buslnetii district, lu ilmtiearl of the old city. A layer of unites»iu found by the workmen, who, din-ging deeper, discovered the wirtlumware urtlclea nhlch I1111I evidentlyfulluu tlicro during a Ure.

The pottery, which beura the murUiot burning, hn« lu ninny t'nse* thenames of Um mukera tituuiped on thevarious siioctuioin. tine liua the inline"I'utrlun," whune kilns are known totuive bton lu Uuul during Uiu ifl(;ii»of Dm ICuiperolB Tlajali and Iliiilriuu.Oilier potters Ulvulltlvd by e\|ieit» ui'eAlbut'lUH, Dauomaru^, Avltiibi, lllni^el-tun, Ue^Uius uud lut-uuUs. Ml tif tUesuwiMt* living und wurKltin In the Sec(Uul c e n u u y o f t h e I ' l u l N l l t i h e r a .

M a n y [ l u l s h e n l . s , SI . I IH^ t»f Uu> K i r M

c e n i l l l ) . h u \ r l iev l l l e m u l ( u t h e nus U*

o f I'ilif ' .iaiiil. M o M ul ' t h e ( l u l l e i y Un*

l.ci-li i i i ' n u l n - . l l o r e v l i l l i U l o i i i n I b e

t ^ i l i l l l i u l l iiiu.^eiiMi o f t h e c i ( \ o f l.i'M*

(lulu Ki ' \v Yivrl. T h i i c h ^hii ' .ni ' . l l io.

Eolbin H&lu Work onMilwaukee Mini's Home

Mllwiuil.ee. \V. \>\ Kchellln h a sMopped i-epnir work on Ills lioic-e.'i'luit IK robin rcilhl-eiiKl'n fiuilt.

lirlelilii> ers bad CMiupleted ti \e l ieeron Ilie lioll.se a s hU'.li UN Hie KeeelidHour when HibelUn ra i led 11 ba l l ,' r i i e re MUS ti robln'H ne.st en n bec-onil Ihior window ulll vvllli th ree e^f'."lu II.

Mr. Scbt-UIn would like to |!el Ibereimlr worU tleuc. lie does nul, how-ever, Intend lo permit 11 wall of lirlt-lilo Interfere with an event to whichu certain mother robin bus been look-Ini! forward l'or unite sonic lime.

CaEllen in the* Air"If you have huilt eUNtles In (he ulr,

your work need not be lost; that Iswhere (hey should bo. Now put theprops under them," nuld Henry PuvldTborcau. Helen Keller nny;< we cannot ulwayH rcallv.e our Ideills, lint \vconn always roalli'.o t»ur realities, andour ideuH UIIIHI be practical If we art*to make a religion of them uud liveby them. rbllllpH UroeUs expressed ulilgh Idi'tll In Ihese words: "\V« reduco life lo tbo pettiness of our dullyHvlUK. We Mboiild exalt our HvlliK totlio KTitudeur ot lll'»»."

D » t k Zai.i Ar|um*nlAn anesiilne debate bcttvpvn (wo

n»i\tlo wileh doet<n-» recently onded«diiiiiiloii»lljr m ToynteyutieiiB. NorlhBflHuiotand. Tbe witch doctors wero• rsuitiK about their powers hermit n«r««t crowd of nntlvn. RIIU the eldorof ilm two «l«te(l with coiiHlderuble*iuplu>«t« that lite other xvus "only 11boy" uiul etiuld n»l ponulbly bnvc thenowei-ii which liv lilmnelt elulmed tohave, lie added Hint If be (the elder)willed that th« other Bbmild die, hi>would die. The yoimiter man look upthe challenge and the older one point-ed at him with a stick nml said Kul-••nnil.v, "You will die." The young minithen rose lo his feel, miicuei, ' midfelt ttuilludl nome buvlHHl Nvlre uiulImimfdinitMy eiPlred. The other witchOoeinr wins uluced under nvival, butwas ri-leaseil after the poM imnienirMinlllllllloii wlilet, KIU.WOVI t | « i l h I,.\'V tine u, n s l i l eu i r e .

Ivy UnpouuUrI\v has tie lollk ttrell HM'il us tl S.MI1

bul ul1 closo uud uudylUK UU'eiiUiii Himll Is urn elulurt l lble (e Ihut II eol i ln ,' e i - y I'.oliin on us to how 10 UIH «\«lealerniliiHIe this "pes l l fe reus plant ."It Is H heaui II11I tiling, l \ \ ; t ts leavesHie eMiulsllolv Nbaped: Mi color IsMilUf.vlnK. Vel we m e luUl now uilook UlKill II a s 1111 enemy belli tobnlMlnr.-* tun] l i ees . All Ihe sumo, Itllow wnlls coveleil tliloK wllb IvyWhere 1 Used t,i leeitte blciU' liesls,which 1 i.hnll nlwiiys ret'.urd wlili affe,ildii . And I have known t reesBiiiellioieil by Ivy which were fur losspleasant lo tool, on Ihmi the c reeperwhich depr ived them of life. Momreal Family Herald.

Mongol Never Hurriedt'liiavans cannot be hurried, for

the Mongol talces bis mm time, t'en-turles- of experience hate luuKht himbow nuicli a camel can suceessl'ullydo, and lie will not push hi:, onlimilsbeyond llielr t*iiituriince. Camel enrn-vauti can penetrate to every uoolc andcorner of Mongolia, brlnthin out vulti-Blile products for o-,pori. The Mongolcaniol puller will tulde Ills caravanutrnlijlit across Die plain to any do-sired destination and there puck Illshinds and take com! cant of them, butoften ho will bo H yenr, or two orthree years, bringing: In the goods.—Frans AiiKiiat I.nrxou'ii "llorues andllusluess" lu Atlantic Monthly.


Good NewsFor the SmartShopper : : ::

Dollar DaysFriday andSaturday at

HH-l'J \\»>st Street Itovor

A special selllnK ovout of HOII-

sonal and rogttlitr uicrclumdlHO

tn all


Store-Widel»«rt Wool Ulnnkvts


$Hogularly jn.Oft—72xS4 lnelu-8 III Mlcolors with nateon bound ends.

MIHMI Hand nud Dfsft Towels

3 for 88cUand towels liave colored bordem; dlahtowela nre plain colors anil borierotl.

88cUeRularly ?J.!W—hemstllelied or plulnhorns, solid colors nud bordeioil.

Turkish Towels

3 for 880UoKUlarly .iHc-sniiw whlto with nttrae-tlve i-olovod liordera.

Shower I'.u

$2.88A rayon figured rubber-hod shower cur-tain that was $5.!>S.

ltnyoii l'njnmns

88cSlouvoloss with round or V-neck—Inplalu colors with contrasting trim!

ROO pairs Silk Hose

88cThis group Includes Vanity Fair nudOreenlolRh Brands, all colors and allslr.es. Regularly $l.r>0.


Of sdlk crepe and shantung with or with-out aleeves. wero M.'-'S,

Slipover Sweaters

$1.88A vlenrnnco ot t\\l sleeveless mid longsleeve awen-ters, were $t",l>S.


88cA croup of Bilk shnntung bags In nilpastel shades, wore $2,i)S.

lIutliliiMr Suits

88cOur entire stock of children's swimmingyults, wero to $2,SIS,

Iliitliluir Suits

$2.88Our entire stock of Women's nnil Missesbiithliu: anltH, wero lo Jti.HS.

Hen's Sliirts

88cCollars attached, solid colors, fancy andwhite. Some with Kvertlt collars.

Main Floor

SALEFor 2 Days Only

FRIDAY and SATURDAYAugust 15th and 16thIn these (wo glorious days of super-selling wonre offering to the nubile an opportunity tosave more money than ever before a hn^eAugust Clearance Sale erowded into two shortselling days with priees that will astonishyou he hero early Friday morning and seehow fur your dollars will stretch, they willsurprise you.

Sl'MMNU 8II.K FROCKS- a stunnliiK collodion ofsummer frocks containing nil the popular inaiorlnls andcolors. This uroup was priced to Ji'.l.Mi, ton QOWhile they last <?I.OO

ail.K Sl'MMKR FROCKS—this collection Is anothereconomy gmnp thai was priced at flO.OH nni\ $Ui.tH>. Inall the smart summer materials anil lu sines Q^A j i f tfrom 14 to i« ami SS tw r.« «pt.OO

A collection of summer wash frocks that are {l.L'R val-ues - featuring lawns ami piuues slr.es ftftit; to r.-t

Paytlme wash frocks of dimity and liatlsto—sices 1« to *«— KUcr.nlarly ?;.>,»S

V .Men's mid Hoys' Sweater*1 88c

Final clennnut ot lliews all wool solid col-or sweaters, all BUCS.

.._..„ Suits

$1.88Values to $4.!IS—men and boys models,all sines, ull colors.

Hoys' lilnen Knlekers

88crinltls nnd solid colors In slues S to 16,regularly $lTit>.

Hoys' Suits

2 for 88ctluaranleed washable, well mnd«, lightand dark shades, slues 2 to 6.

Main FloorCard Tnliles

88cSlue .10x30 frames finished In red, green,or mahogany.

K»K Uuirs

2 for 88clilt or miss patterns, slues 34x4S nnd27xS4, fringe borders.

Odd l'leces

88chump shades, scrap baskets and footBlools Unit were l« tl.SS.

Carpet Sweepers$1.88

Km-nit me—Second FloorWere regularly $.'!.UH lniulo of metal andfinished In umlioguuy.

Drlpto CdClVo I'ots

$1.88MaUe your own Kronen Oi'ln tone of these pots, were J4.HS.

Voiles with IOUK and elbow sleeves—HIIU-S 40 to R0—wore to f4.!iS

A brolien group of Children's .lncUots nndCoats- not all slr.es and styles were to ?!>.!'.r>

Chldreu's liresses of plain and printed flatcrepe and linens, were to Jft.Sift

@'| OO


Second Floor


1 qt. aluinhiumtty, tuihuvnatilo

88cnr, -I


88c or $1.88The $t.SS group was to $3.47—The SSegroup was ?l.oi>- nil shapes.

Ainlier Crys(«l Wnre

6 for $2.88Hoblets, sherbets or pin-felt chisses, goldrim around top.

23 pleee Ten Set

$2.88An Imported ten set In 7 different put-tenis, rvgnlnr prices $r>.»i>.

Downstnlis Store


Page 4: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK


Rockaway Record Benefit AtEntered I'ost Office, RocUawuy, N. J.


Issued Every ThursdayOSCAR PEER, President-Manager

BIDNEY COLLINS, EditorTelephone Connections

Office 220— Rorknway—House 255434-M Dover

Cffloe: Mftlu Street. Rockaway, N._J.

~T77UI7HI>AYTAU(UIST 14. 1930


Mr. Killlor.l>eiir Sir:

Six weilm huve passed since ther l t l c e t i H (if t i l l s I ' o i n i n u i i l l y m e t " I t h e

l l l l l l l l l ' l p u l b u l h l l n g t n d l m - U B s H " ' r e -

m o v a l " f t h e I ) . I . . & W . H . I t . f r o m

t h e H i i r m i K l i <if H n o k a w u y . N . . 1 . , m i d

w i n c e ( h u m - f i x w . i ' l i s i n i t l i l n i ! h i u -

t i t - v u < l m i i ' I " d e f i n i t e l y t ' l - e v t ' t i t It-*

n i n o v i t l .

•\ I ' o i u i n l l l i I- w n s t i | i i n > l i i t i ' d I " I n -

S e l ' V i t ' W l i t e L n e k s u i i l i n H " t t i r i j i h . ,

w h i c h . I " tilV n i l • iel i>f t h l n U l i i i ' . . w a n

i i b m i l t l l c l y .i u u i . t o o f t i m e i l u e I n t h e

i n e t t h a i t i n - I . a i ' l a w i t i n i . ' ! l i l t d ; i l t r i i i h -

' ' l l o d i t s I H - I l l l o i i w i t h t h e 1 ( ' . I ' , i i l i d

; i l l I h e | i l e m l l n i : « . l n t i l l s W o r l d w o u l d

n o t i ' i l l l " u t i l e o l f l o h l l s tci w i t l l i l n i w

w n h l p e l l l l u i i . h n l i l n r . f o r It-'- p u s s a K C .

S i n c e t i n 1 n m > i n i ) l m o i i l "V H i n t i - n m -

n i l l l i M ' . n o d i i t n liiisi b o o n I s s u e d u s t o

I t s l l i < n l l l l K > ' " i l l l I h e I ) . I . . * \ V . I t . H .

t l f r l e l l l l K . l u l l n n t h e o l h e r h l l l l i l , t i n '

m f f l o l H l H o f I h o D - . 1.. * W . H . I t . i i r e

K o l l l i ; l l h e i u l m i l l p r c p n r l i l K f o r a h u r t

n o r v k ' o I'm- t h i s H n r o i i K h .

l l » c e m « t u n i l ' H i n t t h l « < i u c s ( h m h i

• m e t h a t s h o u l d a p p e a l t o t i n - i n l i - i i ' ! i l

•.if e v e r y c l l l / e n o f I I I I H l l n r o l l g h , h e -

v i i U H e u f t i ' r a l l i t m e n u s d o l l a r s u n d

c e n t s t o I h e p r o p e r t y o w l l e l i i .

T U o M n y o r u m l < ' o u n < ' l l o f I I I I M H o r -

• O U K h W e l l ' o l e r t o d b y i t s p e o p l e t n

-curry nn Its husiIU'HS und to look af-t e r Ihe welfare of Ihe town. Theytook nil oath lo fulfill those dut ies tothe lieiil Hi' Ihelr llhlllty. und If t he\) . . ).. ft \V. It. 11. should will t h e i r»'HHO but'ofe Ihe I. ('. ('. wi thout rellltippoKltlnll I'rniii tile offlciuls of tillsItol'iui^li. then the people of tills coni-inuiiily will p luro t he full roKpimsl-lillity at the door of the Muyor ami'Council .

TMs. IS n o t ime tor pui ' leys or l iue r -VIOWH with Hie I).. I,. * W. It. R.—Itsl ime fur act ion. Tho pet i t ion Is nowwith Hie I. ( \ (', and that Coiiuulp-KIOII htm the lute ut' th is l l i i rnugh ntlmnil.

Is Ihe Muynr und I 'nunel l KOIUK ti>lul l III the t r a p net hy the 1)., I,. & W.51. It. orrit'liilii, (uml he fooled untilt he commiss ion Is set for n h e a r i n g ,a n d then It will he ton lute t o Ink"Mellon), o r 1H the Muynr anil Council:«aliiK tu tuUe some uet lon now, no HH;to he prepured , when t he diite of henr -iug IIIIH been sot, tn fight for the ln~lereal of thin eoninumlty, not only forflic present, hut the future ns well.

I sincerely hope that the officials*vf tUU IIOVOURII wlU maintain thoconfidence thai was placed upon themon the day of tlielr election as nffi-clnlH of the Ilnrough of Rockaway,-New Jersey.

SiKiicil.J. J. I,.

Since the nhuvo wua nlnccd tu type,tho Mayor anil Council have upiiotnt-ml Counsel, us inuy he seen tu uu-

• other column.—lOd.

iuul Council Should Acceptrr<>ftVr<Ml Piirk Site

Wo uiuK'vstunil tlmt tho vomiiilttooroiiHlatiUK of ('iituu'llme.n Scilauo.Hurt ami Stone, nre niukinp a thor-ough invraliKuttou of the offor madeliy tin* UHIVCMIIU' Oevolopment Co, toiliullniti1 about I l-:t acres of Hy hiiul;il HtK'kiiwuy Park haluiw fur n pub-lic park. Wo hope tho Mayor amiCouncil will sco fit to take fuvorablonet Ion (Hi thin proposal. It means aimaltlvo foiward flop tn tho develop-ment of the borough,

JUoi'Uuwny Is woefully In need ofpublic parks and recreation grounds.Thoi'e is »\ot iv siuKU* puhlic puvk lv\tho borough today. Money spent foriuich purpase la an luvp.MincnL whichItrotiucos hnmeiliiite benefits to thevhtlre community. Moreover, we un-clovataiul tlmt tho proposed site canlu* convortod Into un altractlvt* cominanity I'ontro at very low cost. Inview ol' all this, It SU'IMUK U> US thatthe Mayor ami Council should acceptthe offor of tlio Lakeside Develop-ment Co, nm\ tlnw put tbemaelvea onrecord as Itohifx in favor of civic Im-provement.

{'n\H of Tlinnks

Wo wish tn express our Hlnoevethanks uml appreciation to our inan>friends mill nelKhboiti for tholr kind-ness to us during tho illness and dcatli«f our brother John Hamilton.

We. wish to cancclnUy thank Rev.- Cooyimin, Tho Steninuu Sisters whoKiuiR so henutlfully, Mrs. HaroldMntthews who played tho orRnn. Un

'ilortilker Wltlinm, llnrry CordonCharlie, Leo, Mm. Krvln WutthowsMrs. Wm. OroBcbcl, and nil who don-


Cedar Lake(Continued from Page One)

)envilhT Scliool Audtorum • at S:30'. M.

"Sauce for the Coa l ings"

By Klglne W a r r e n

Ulrected hy Mrs. W. Lee Darby

Let us invite you to come with us

nd peep into the living room of—

Richard Taylor, the dignified fa th-

r—81grld Chr is t iansen .

Mrs. Taylor , the cu l tu red mother—

' lo ience Wil l iamson.

Hubert Taylor, the modern sou—

onephlue Jucobl.

Kllzuhfth Taylor, juat Beth—Mur-

Murtha 1/ee, II wise g r andmothe r—

turhiirn <'olwt'll,

lines Wurd. Boll's college, chum - -

(lllli Kills,

Muli! Kditli Horn.

Tin' fiii'lulu will he drawn lo do-

mo lap!ie of tho (IInner hour .

I'litmi Solo, Silver Spring, Ma.son—

Hrlril loii H<i.v Smecli. "Wlicurd of

w St rinj'.s".

I'iiilln Solo, Mtili'ciilu Klllile, l luhell-

rflu - Ituliih ('liri.'.liiian.

Kopl'illin Hiiliw — (»1 liend lit tho

tlvor. Cliiru I'lilwuidJi; (h) Illdiun

.ovo Call, Itnse Miirle--Ml"ii Vlvinn


•itelnn-uy I ' iuno; cunrleiiy of Crifl'lth

llro.'i., Newai'U.

(hpny IJ le , Ikot t - -My Iho Itomuii-

Toinir Knhi, Illu Rl tn—Palmer Chat-

Vlolln Hohi. llojvo Kaljo. l luhay—

rodorlck lOnile.

Sopruno Hohi. Cypsy Love Soiif?,

,'iolor l ie rhor t -Htliel Herlenhuok.

The Hells of St. Mary 's , Adams—Ily

ho llomiililoH.

litirltone Hnlo, Helecteil—Theodorelorrow leverett.Keleetlnii—Hoy Smeiik. "Wlzurd of

Contrulto yolo, l(1lddle mid I, (Jood-vi—Harriot K. Ilerlenbnck.Southern Moon. Strickland—By the

Tenor Solo, Until, Wilfrid Sandor-on—'l'ulninr Chatfield.

Violin Solo, Spiiulsh Dance, Rell-ld —Frederick Kurlo.Uuritone Solo. Selected—Theodore

•loviow Kvorott.Selection- Uoy Sino.ck. "WlKiird of

lie Strings".

Auf Wteitersehn, Romlierg—By theRomanies.

Arcompanist—Frederick A. Earle.nee Settings courtesy of Berry Hdw.

Co.. Dorer.

linker Theatre

Tonight will be the next to the lastipportunlty to see Richard Bnrthel-neas In "The Dawn Patrol". Fridayvlll conclude the showing of this plc-ure. "The Big Fight," based on thellelusco atage succesa is nnnouncedor Saturday. Dnderwolrd chnrncters•evealed in most realistic SOUIIIRS nre.nvolvcd In the IntrlguiiiK love atory>t a pretty manicurist and a celelirat-•d prize fighter. Loin Lime plays therole of Shirley, u manicurist whoselove for the Tlgev has to he sacrificed;« hsr nffeetlon for her brother. Whenhe latter la In danger, held us a pawnn nn underworld Intrigue, Shirley isonfroiiUMl with the dilema of betray-UK the man she loves in order to'esciie her brother from the clutchesif nn underworld paiiR. It has a ter-iflc climax in the most realistic prizeIKIU over aUigod for motion pictures.How abe nianaKos to preserve botloves forma the chief Interest. I,ola

lime, (iulnii Williams, Stephen Fct-hlt and Italph Inco head a large cast.Monday and Tuesday « picture 1

which I.on Chaney talks. This Is illsfirst talkliiR picture and ho is sup-ported hy a good cast In "The UnholyThree".


"SOUL" will bo the subject of t ULesson-Sermon In all Churches ofChrist. Sciential, on Sunday, Auguai17. 1M0.

The Golden Text is: "My soul sl>albe satisfied as with marrow and fat-ness; and my month shall praise thewith Joyrul lipg" (Psalms G3:5).

Aniong the citations which comprlsthe Lesson-Sermon is the followingfiom the Bible: "Bless the Lord. O m<anul, and foiRot not all Uls lienefits'Wlio forgiveth all thine iniquitieswho hcaleth nil thy diseases" (Psalm103:2, .1).

The Lesson-Sermon also Includethe following passnge from the Christlau Science textbook, "Science amHealth with Key to the Scriptures'by Mary Baker Eddy: "If Spirit, Soulcould sin or be lost, then being anImmortality would, bo lost, togethewith all tho faculties of Mind; but being cannot be lost while God exists(p. 215).

Cobbler Welcome Guestin Home* of Colonists

In the early days of the Autericanpolonies and for some year* afterthe Revolution It was the custom forcordwalners, or traveling cobblers, togo from house to hnu« for manymiles repairing the old boote andshoes of the family or making newones. Sometimes the cobbler wouldremain nt one house for two or three..eeks, receiving free hoard und lodg-ing while employed on the footgear ofmaster, mistress and children.

He carried with him not only hiskit of tools but also different kindsof leather. The men usually woreheavy cowhide boots, well greasedwith mutton tallow In Uccp out thewet, as rubbers were then unknown.The children wore calfskin and theyoung women of the family moroccoor kid, sometimes reil i.r hliic -midlied with fill; tnssi'l.-i. Tin- cord-vilnpr set up hi." bein-li In « cornero f I l lP l i lU ' l i e i i . mi l l w h i l e l i e l ini i i -n e r e i l n w n y <>i' » l l l ' ' l i " i l I n i l u s l r i m i s

Iv ill I l ls ivi i r l ; re .milei l I,Is c i w l o i n -w i t h t h e n e w s lie Iind ;::il l i e r c i l

h i s t r a v e l s . H e w.-is a w e l e o i n eg u e s t ill t h e a h M ' U e e o f n e w s p a p e r s .

I ' ]nocl i ('^<l^^^v, I l ie [ a t n i n i s K e v o -u l i o m i r y SJI.V. e \ ] i l i i i l e i l hy f ' o o | i i " r In

a n o v e l , w n s it e o i i l u a l n e r m i d K a l n c i li iu i -h v a l u a b l e I i i f i i r n i i i l l u n f o r ( i i ' i i -r n ! \ \ " a s l i ! n ; : i f i i while- jni rs-u I ni: I l ls

t n u l e ) - , inon^ H ie W e s t e l i e - i i e r f j i n n s .- N e w YorK T i m e s M; i ; - a / . i n r .

Bathtub Frowned On byPeople of Middle Ages

It wns tlic breist of Queen Isnliellnif Spain Hint she Imil hail but two

ImtliH, one ulien slie \MIS Imni a(nlme whtMi slie wiw inunUnl. IUU iihis.the pnnr (|neen, who liel'tieiuled Col-iinilms, aeeorillh),' te legend, was t;ivcnmini her afler her den III, In preparationfor lier Ivnrlnl. The ehildren of VA\ward I of Kntrliuiil were given bathsnil coi'liiin rellKiotis holliiays; they av-erngeil four a year. No wonder Vol-U\U'e ehnr'dclei'i'/.oil the Miilille fttrea ns"A Thousand Years Without a Until."

From the fiminus Roman liatlis ciilne[tuirtl of the rottenness of Ihe decay-\nx empire. V>ut It Is n question ofdebate whether or mil there was areason for (his, or JI mere eolneidence.When Ihe Barbarians iMilereil Koine,In Hie reign of feelile Houmlns Anvilstulus. they found him In the bnllis, :tsad Caesar conipjired to the hnrdy.Illllns of an early JIIHI sterner day.

Hatlilnu was considered so much ailn In early Christian days that thelirst Pope (Gregory had to Issue n doeree to permit eoiniinillleants to takeImtlis. The decren pi'iiiiltted them toa moderate extent, and only on Sundays.—Exchange.

Photographer's TroublesA photngrnpher, .compelled by the

pxlKoncies forced upon him by thephysiognomies of his customers, huntu neatly framed sign in his studiohearing the epigram of Oliver Crnm-ivell, spoken to the artist who paintedhim without the waits which are s»ldto have ornamented his countenuiice:"Piilnt me ns I am, moles and all, or.by my hulidmne, I won't puy for theportrait!"

To the gentle Insinuation proniul?nted hy this slcn. one of the photos-rapher's sitters added In pencil:"When 1 pay you. It will be for mak-ing me look handsomer than I nmWhen I wish to behold myself ns Ireally appear, I can always look In

,e mirror." , •

Darini"In 1S0O, a foshlonnble woman's

costume weighed no more than eidilounces," says a writer In Harper's I!n-znr. "Greek looking garments whichincluded the long, transparent chemise,slit open to ns lilKh ns the hip, wereworn oVer fle3h tights, nil underwearhaving been discarded. The result ofsuch folly was what doctors of Iheperiod described ns muslin dlsenses.otherwise cntnrrlwl complaints. A rocord exists stating that during the win-ter of 1S03 nlone CO.OOO women suf-fered from whut was nothing else butconsumption."

' Justice in AbyssiniaIn one respect the Abyssinian courts

would meet the approval of thatShakespearean character who urgedtho killing of all lawyers.' The legalprofession Is practically nonexistent InAbyssinia and each man tries bis owncase. For Important cases there areregular courts presided over by ap-nolnted Judges. The chief justice ofAbyssinia rejoices In the title of"Breath of the King." For minorcases, however. Impromptu courts nrccalled and nny passerby may be cnlledon to act as Judge.

Just a Taste .Three-jear:old Betty Lou, who lives

In n town, delights In trips to thefarm with her next floor neighbors.Itecently while on one of these tripsshe saw the pot lamb fed from abottle and was very much Interested.After the bottle was emptied shethrust her little hand through thefence to pet the lamb. She drew Ithnclt hastily. When nsked whether itlilt her she replied!

"No, It Just tasted my hand."

Malta Practice of GivingOlvlnc 19 inueli more Important In

life tlinn getting. And so'touch bet-ter. Let us. be the flrst to give 11friendly nod and smile, to speak Urat,Give Drst, and, If stfch a thing Is nec-essary, forgive flrs< and forget first.—Grit.

Ruin, of CIonn>»cnoUeVenerated by Irishmen

noumacnolse occupies a delightfulspot on a series of small eminencesupon the banks of the River Shannon.Only a small pnrt of the great abbeybull'rtlng is still traceable, but thereare numerous ruins of churches andother structures once conneeted withIt, some of them far oft* In the sur-rounding valleys.

The principal ruin is that of thegreat abbey church and cathedral,built In !W by Abbot Colman Conaill-ecli with the assistance of King FlunnSInnu, ton of Malachy I, in whosehonor the abbot erected before theentrance » great stone cross withIrish Inscriptions and sculptures rep-resenting Uibllcul scenes, u-ldcli hav»(Chen It Us name of Croslin-Scriiplra,"Cross of Ihe Scriptures."

Nem- H are two ruuiKt towers whichSllMvered 1 IK- combined pui'|ione of bel-fries In time of pence anil places ofl-fifuge iilid defense when dangerthreatened.

In the 'Jliirl.i-iilh und Fourteenthrcnluriea this church was rebuilt by'J'oimilK-eh Mad lei-moll, anil Is nowllimvil ns (He Teuiniml MacIJennott.The last of the Irish ldilfus. BmlerlclcO'Connor, lies near Its itltnr with hisfather Turlnnf;h.

Cloiimii<!iio(se iK rtill th« favorite,iiuriii! plnec of JrelaiKl, and many hun-Clreilh of rnithftll me laid to rest everyveiir In the snored dust upon whichSt. Kiernan trod, and utter Ulm so manygeneration': of tin- itreiit and holy menanil women of Nrln.—WashingtonBlur.

Rockaway Park CakesAn'all-year residential comnmnity with sumtner and win.

ter resort advantages.

Choice Lots at Advantageous Prices

Easy Terms of Payment

Lakeside Development Co. Inc., OwnersSee Local KepreNentatlres

I.,1. Mattliews&SonsMain Street

Tel,: llockaway 146

George E. FlnlierWall Street


F. (i. Lowers297 Main Stret-t

Tel. i Rockawuj \>

Leaders of TomorrowAsirkong Boys of Tod&y

He 1H a ppr.son who Is going tocarry on what you have started. HoIs tn alt right wher(> you are sittingand—whon you arc gonp—attend tothose tliSn '.-i y<m now thhik nrc so

iiorlanl.Von may adopt all the policies you

please, hut how they will lift carriedout depends upon him. Kvon If youmake leagues and treaties, he willhave to njiinape them. IIu will as-sume control of your cities, states nntlnation.

He Is going to move Jn and takeover your churches, schools, univer-sities and commercial undertakings.All your work is going to he Judgedami passed on or condemned by him.Your reputation ami your future nreIn his hands.

All your work (a for Ulm, says BoysCluh innffazlne, and the fate of thenation and humanity Is In liis hands.So It might he as well to pay himsome ntt-pntion •


My husband, 'Joseph Bolcar, havingo|t my bed and board, I hereby giveiG/tice, that I will not he responsibleor any debts he may incur.

ROSA BOLCARGeorge Avenue,

Rockaway, N. J.Dated, July 26, 1930.

CXG •txxxxj

Playhouse ;Xel. Dover 312

Toduy iind Friday—8 Show) '

Saturday—Free Watches at Hint

with Warner I)axt«rAlso "Tnrznn the Tiger"

JIoiidiiy.Tnesdiiy—2 Pictures

Denny inEmbarrassing


Myrnn Loy-Clms. Morton

^ ^ ^ m ^ KirbyWednesday Only

.Why Leave HomeNext Week—Tlmrs.-Frlday .

Will Rogers

So This Is London

"He Who Saves In

Summer Faces

Winter Well

—ami he: who sows the seeds of thrUt In tinintt!rc!?t-beuiing account each time he reeeives;his pay envelope or income check, is .sure toroup a suhHtantinl harvest when n reserve iuiulwill prove most valuable. We can help to in-crease the fund by paying your Intercut, com-pounded quarterly.


m% on Special Thrift Accounts Of$5.00 and upwards

$% on Checking Accounts of $500.00and over

The National Iron Bankof Morristown

Morristown New Jersey"SUBSTANIAL AS IT'S NAME"

Open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 9



imiiiiiimmmmirimii E t EPleasure Outing to Seashore



Rockaway 5:32 A. M. Hopatcong Juncton ..5:51 A.M.Dover 5:40 A. M. Kenvil B:57 A. M.Wharton 5:45 A.M. Ledgewood 6:00 A. M.

Returning leave Asbury Park-Ocean Grove, 6:40 P. M.. Add One Hour for Daylight Time


Dog Made Small Town FamousKarasjok 13 a small town In north-

ern Norway, above the sixty-ninthmeridian In the center of the regionUnown og Lapland. It lies a few mileswest of the confluence of the Karasjokand Tana rivers, the latter formingthe boundary between Norway andFinland.

The town's population Is made upmostly of Laplanders and Is the homeof the Balto family, made famous bynn Alaskan malnmute, named In honorof one of the members of the family.Balto was the lead dog of GunnnrKasson's famous team that carrieddiphtheria eerum on the last Cft mllelap In the OOO-mlle sletlge race fromNenona to Nome dining the epidemicof February, 1925.

Want Column - JMinimum charge for ads in this co! , 1unin 40c tor 25 words or less. Cisi',. <must accompany all ads. '

FOIt SALE—1 Automatic ElutrlcWater Supply Outfit, Vt HP A (' Mot-or. "Witt, Box 347, Denville.

Music Helps EfficiencyAs far back as 188G the head of a

southern factory, where cigaretteswere rolled by hand, plnccd good sing-ers In his workrooms to Increase cfli-clcney and contentment In the plant.There are today several hundredAmerican Industrial organizations thatencourage musical activities amongtheir employees. A survey conductedhy the National Association for theAdvancement of Music reports that S2companies allow the musical programsto be conducted on compnny time,while 132 allow them to he conductedhnlf on company time. Experimentsprove that under the influence of mu-sic more work is done and fewer mis-takes are mnde.

Put tha Safe FirstA rann cnlled on his stock broker

and found lihn grumbling about Incl:of business and recent financial com-plications In the city.

He was about to leave his odlce forthe day. As they were going out, thecaller noticed that the door of thosafe—a large, majestic piece of fur-niture—was open.

"Surely." said he, "you lock yoursafe for the night, don't you!"

"As a rule.yes," replied the bToker,'but as things nio at present, I wouldmuch rather that any. one should taketho contents than bronk tho safo!1.'—St. John Telegraph Journal.

FOB BENT—Four rooms and bullnquire of Mrs. Geo. Gartley. 1J>Church Street, Rockaway.

FOB SALE—Three-piece Lc.itlitrParlor Suite, price reasonable. I»quire of Mrs. Daniel Apgar, 134 M.iAvenue, Rockaway, N. J.

WANTED—60 PRETTY GHfl.S t>compote tor the title of Miss Buti-iriIsland on Wednesday evening. Aug-ust 20th. Beautiful prizos. Semi >ourname, address and telephone nuiiilit';today to Managers Office, BerlrardIsland Park, Lake Hopatcong, J. 5t!

I'iHl KENT—A 3-room flat in th«Fox brick building. Wall street; •7-room house, all Improvementssteam heat, laundry, Wall «tr«tPossession at once. Rockawn> Ilci1

Estate Company, George E. FMTreasurer. It'

BARGAINS—1 Round dining IOOB jtable $5, 1 old-fashinoed du1-«'$1.60, 1 sideboard $7,1 washst.intl !•'1 folding Romellnk bed $4, 1 iiul>°5'any table ?15, 1 floor lamp $12. 1 $*.ria chair $4, and other useful a i ln l "L. B. Young, 297 Main Street. ,

SEIII-LUSTBE— A ^Hams Paint. Used on your walls fwood work glvoa a hard, dura!1*-washable finish—with an egE3t'e11

eloss. Easiest of all paints to npptf'Hartley's Paint Store. 52 N. Susse'St., Doyer. S|[l

FOR RENT—Apartment In Qhouse on Main Street Lights,and Gas. Inqulro Floyd Hllor.

Look over your oftico Btntlonand see if there Is anything you nWe^do good printing In a hurry.

Page 5: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK

JfeV. AWU3T 14.

Laway RecordjtSLiAY, AUGUST 14. 1M0

Local Briefs(Uhy Mott, of Douglas roadmgue, Long Island, for two

nd Mn. Forrest Hawkins and[ of Keliar avenue, have gonehiugton for several days,

jjd Lunger, of Eastern Heights,JBvcral days laBt week at Wood-

guest ol Wllmar Poet.Li Chlarella, ot Queens, Long|ls visiting bis parents, Mr. and|homas Chlarella, ot Foundry


HOC &AWAY B PIV1A daughter has been born to Mr j

mid Mrs. Thomas James, of WhiteMeadow avenue.

Mr. and Mm, Gordon Flchter, otDover road, are spending two weeksat Green Pond.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Wllaon, ofHoagland avenue, have'left on a tripto Blnghamton, N. V.

Mr. and Mra. Charles Curtis anddaughter Dorothy, of Hill street, haveleft on a two weeks' motor trip toMaine.

Mrs. Lydla Pierson, of Halsey av-enue, is entertaining ber daugter-in-law, Mrs. Harold Pierson, of St. Pet-ersburg, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Davey andMISB Etta Davey, of Hoagland avenue.liave returned from u vacation atFire Island, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrn. William Crime, ofDover road and Mr. und Mrs. FloydHiler, of Muiu street, have reUii'niMlfrom u two-week's tuui- lu Maiuu andCuuadti.

Legion WorkNow Under Way

Program Of (ommunltj Service BrItockdeu Post

oi-riB Cuunty Y. M. C. A.• Girls opened August 2nd,cord reglatration. Ninety-twoat the Uamp.

TlioinuB Redmond, ot Mainund her daughter, Mrs. Sara

^ i,l Morristown, are' spending • W i l l l l i I 1 1 ,•„„„„„. SOII o l M l , iUi<irln Kingston, Vu. M r s J l ) l m (;„„„„„_ l)f Keller avenue,

June Shaw.has returned home . has returned from Notre Dunu: U>il-ii uilliig her vueatiim with her vurstly wliere lie hus been workingililit*. Mr. and Mn;. Titos. I on (he new .stadium for Hie last sixnl, of Main street. . | %v*'eks.

FVftfl C'l.lliinniid, of tlie uptown A.: Some good news come:-; from the& f, btoie. Is enjoying a vacation of , drown l)e|iartment at Dover. KrlililJ

With Ids family he Is tour- j and Kuturday of this week and nextYork and IVmitsyl hMonday will be Dollar Days at this

big btore. No store ill this vicinitycan give hetter merchandise or hetterbargains for n Dollar limn Hie Crown.


ing throw'li Newvanta.

Hi% uud I'K. Maurice Ilailey, of Eas-tern Heights, announce Hie engage-ment ol their daughter, Dura Adll-lalde Bailey, to Curl Marshall Post,JOU »f Mi. and Mrs. (ioorge Tost, alsoot Baston Heights.

Rockuuay Tennis Cluli teams were<taie*tad, -1 to 1, Saturday ftflernoim.by the Cheater Cluli teams at Plcu-

• courts; A mateh will lie playedSaturday with the Pleatlnnyteams at Hercules A. C. courts.

und Mrs. Howard Lunger nndspent I he weekend with Hoa-

ry H. Huiisewrglht who Is spendingthe Mtmmrr in upper New York State.Thljfr guests on the trip were Miss"GTR.ce Peer and Mr. Frances Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trimmer unddaughter, Iva, accompanied by Mra.Lavliilu I^nt have returned from a

' tour thru New York State. Massn-•ehu&etts, Connecticut. Vermont, andNew Hampshire. Many places of in-terest weie visited.

Mr, and Mrs. Robert Merritt uiyl""* of Jackson avenue, are on a

, trip through New York andBn. They will journey home by

Pennsylvania, expecting toGirard and visit Rev. and

l»o. S. Mott Doremus.ling worship, 11:00, at the First^erian Church will be conduct-Dims. A. Platt. The subject willLaborers Together with God."

jh School, 10:00 A. M.; Youngi's Society, 6:30 P. M.; Eveningfes nt Union Chapel, 7:15.

beventh annual outdoor socialKpworth League of the Rock-

[ Methodist Church was held onrday afternoon on the lawn of

IJ. Church. A number of the<5<rp Scouts from Camp Huilsonlr..~"Wfri?9' piesent during the nfternoon*8d\Biirlv evening.

C$tfef «C Police Alfred Rnrlck Istaking a week's vacation. He is mot-oring In company with Pete Arkle, ofifMtlstonn, and visiting many prin-•eitiUt resorts. During tho early part

: of the v, uek he was at Niagara Falls,' an<T?roin there went to Atlantic City.! AsviSfiv. Chlpko is substituting tor. MM as Rockaway policeman.

Mrs. Richard Garrison, of Kellarjiveaue. entertainod the Forget-Me-NoS Club Monday afternoon. The clubTJSX a membership of twelve and din-

! uers are held monthly; each member• t&Stilg their turn and providing| dirts.' Not only are the dinners great-' l,f* eajoj ed, but a most delightful at-

ipent. Mrs. Garrison provedto be an excellent hostess.

FWty-nine general hospitals in NewJarsray report 1G.155 pntients admit-ted-.(luring the mouth of June, 1930,•of which 40 per cent were admittedJSS private and semi-private patientsjJtuS 60 per cent as ward patients. OfUte ii)G,42S patient days of care givendttrtng tho month, 33 per cent wereTeaijered to private and seml-prlvate

and G7 per cent to ward pa-

State Trooper Williams seized auek containing five halt" barrels ol

alleged heer near Lake Ilopnteone,ast Friday. The driver of the truck.Viis Joseph Salerno, of Madison. Hewas taken before Recorder Thomaslaiinou of Rockaway. mid is beingleld under $1,000 bull for appearancebefore- the October grand Jury.

Five of the six boxing liouts at .lackMortenson'.s Outdoor Training ('ampat Millbrook, Dover. Thursday night,were won on knockouts. Wulter Rosedelivered the k. o. punch to LesterMallard in tlie fourth round of .theirmixup, while Maui'tcc- Laurie alsowaited until the lust session to foldup Uoli Laurie. Philip Castakli putmvay George Knipper in the first, andGeorge Schroeder did the same withii» opponent, Paul Lore. MauriceLaurie is known in Rockaway as a.:lurk In Silvle's Cash Market. He willbox with a Dover boy tonight ut theMillbrook Camp.

Henry Decker, Jr., of Mine Hill, Isback In the county jail again afterenjoying ten months of freedom, andmay be sentenced to a prison termfor breaking jail. State TrooperCharles Pfelffer, of the Netcong Sta-tion, arrested Decker in the vicinity


county institution Cor a term of sixmonths on n disorderly conductcharge on September 13 by RecorderGeorge McPeafc, of Washington' Town-ship. He walked away from the Jailfour days later while doing some out-side wo,rk and eluded capture untilThursday.

ot his home, Thursday night,young man was committed to

Notice ToDenville Residents

Willlum Everman, of Woodport, is

Special Meeting on Building Code ToRe Held August 20

The Building Code Committee otDenville Township have arrangedwith tlie Township Committee a Spec-ial Meeting to lie held lu the newschool bouse auditorium, main roadfrom Denville to Mt. Tabor, on Wed-nesday evening, August 20th, nt 7:30p. m., daylight saving time.

Both the Building Code Committeeand tlie Township Committee are desirous of having every one Interestedand especially nil taxpayers attendtho meeting. The Committee in chargeof the Building Code have worked unceasingly for severnl months In fram-ing the code. They have had sevorahearings, nnd noted many' amendme-nts suggested, which will be dis-cussed nt the meeting, nnd if foundadvisable will be incorporated in thecode.

It is probable this will be the lasthearing on tho building code nnd I'will soon come up for finnl passageand adoption. It has lipen nn easymatter to fvi\me it, and will withoutdoubt be a splendid thing in thebuilding up advancement of Denville.It is hoped tliero will be a large turu-

With Its introduction to the com-munity last Sunday, in the form ot aband concert by the Morris CountyAmerican'Lagion Band, Rockden Post,No. 175 started its program of com-munity service. The concert was at-tended by hundreds ot our towns-people and enjoyed und praised by all.Before the closing number, "The StarSpangled Banner", Commander Light-cap addressed the assemblage, tell-ing them of the UIIUM and purposes ofthe Legion and the work Hie Post willdo in the liniiiedliile future. Sincemany years hu\e passed .since Com-mander Liglitchp fhoxfteU orderi; toIlls oUiugiilioyH over there, !iis voicedid not carry lo all tin people. Therefore, we quote tuiuie of ins remark*><o tlmt all limy know what Itnckdun

'I''oi (Jod and country, we. iu;su-ciate ourselves together for tlie fol-lowing purpose: To uphold anil <lu-fi'iid the Coiisiimiou nl tin UnitedSiutes of America; to maintain lawand oider; to foster and perpetuatea one hundred percent Amel ieanlnin;to preserve the tnei 'leu and Inci-dents of our association in (he greatwar; t,> inculcate a sense of individ-ual obligation to the community, stateand nation; to combui the autocracyof both live clnsucH and the manses;to make right the master of might;to promote peace and good will onearth; to safeguard nnd transmit toposterity the principles of justice,freedom and democracy; to t'onao-rate and sanctify our comradeship•y our devotion to mutual hclpful-ICHS".

"That is the preamble to the con-titutlon of The Amercnn Legion, andt menus just what it says. Some yearsigo a lot of kids went over to Kuropeo settle nn argument they lnul over

there. We did the job and tunic buck—(hose of us who could. Hut we cameback and found a great deal of worklo lie done In our own country. Hock-ilen Post is taking up the work theLegion started some years ago, and.ve want your co-operation. We in-tend placing in the hands of everyschool child in Hockaway, Denvilleund Kockuway Townships, a copy ofhe 'Vlng Code" and nny grown-up.

who want a copy are welcome to itThis next school year Rockden Pontwill present to the deserving eighthgrade scholars In all our schools TheAmerican Legion School Award. Nextyear we hope to sponsor at least oneJunior Basebull Team. These nre tilethings we ave working on at present. |There will be niorfe to come in thefuture. The Post has only recentlybeen organized, and we have no fundsto tackle our job lu an elaborate man-ner. Our Americanism Committee hasa plan to raise funds to carry out theLegion program and we ask your co-operation when the plan is presentedto you."

Citizens will find the plan mention-ed by Commander Llglitcap in nextWeek's Record und are urged to co-operate with Rockden Post In its cam-paign to make our communities betterplaces to live in. Post members spenttheir evenings this week paintingtheir new quarters. We wish the co-operation with which these men workwould become contagloUB. They coulduse aomo chairs, und anyone havingany old chairs they no longer use canget rid of them by informing nny Leg-ionnaire when they may lie obtained,or deliver them to tho old Town Hull.

Members of Rockden Post will jointhe American Legion Posts of the en-tire Stato nt the official Inspection ofthe new Veterans' Bureau Hospital atMilllngton next Sunday. All postshaving bands or drum corps will havethem there. High officials of the Stateand V. S. Veterans' Bureau will beoii hand. Any veterans desiring to. nc-company the Post members nre invit-ed to communicate with CommanderLightcap not later than Friday evenIng. It will be necessary to take alonga basket lunch, since there are no res-taurant facilities nearby.

held under bail of $500 to await o u t t h u a encouraging the splendltlit,rt jury action on complaints

, , ;ing him with Illegal possessionolRJtlquor nnd gambling devices. He^a^ arraigned before Justice JosephJt"1 .Trengove, In Wharton, SaturdayaitHtnoon. State Troopers Williamsao4 Hanley, ot the Netcong barracks.TdTdfed Everman's place, Friday night,on a complaint charging him with

n disorderly house, butEverman asleep. However, they

cated the machines and, llq.uornew charges.

work being done by meu who are try-Ing to make Denville a most desir-able place to live.

"Men Without Wom-en" At Playhouse

Will Bolters Sext Week In "So ThinIn Lvudou"

A truly great picture in "Meu With-out Women" now showing at the Duv.*r Playhouse (today and Friday).

Madly tossing seas, hurled mount-ain high by raging, tempestuousstorms: a 90 mile gale driving its un-bound fury against all ships In Its de-structive path, thrUBtlng with themight, of a million giants to crush, UBa child does a paper boat, the steelshells In whfch men combat the ruth-less, Illimitable ocean—Away out,

»v the dropping-off pluce of thePacific, in the China Sea wliere mon-strous, inescapable lyphoniiH are born,sired by a dragon aud spewed at the

fid by venomous diiutflslerH ot tiiereptile hairi-d Medusa--! here a vessel

pluiijilnn ailing, trying t<, keepufluai. suddenly it )'ioi»-;h« into asubmarine which bun recently come

the iiiiriuie and is hidden fromsigln liy tin; huge waves, towertnj;liti--.li above tlie uteiunor's musts. Thesub sinks swiftly and tlie liner con-tinues its battle against tlie stormwhich has alreiuty torn uway itn vmlioiiuteunae. A report, many duys lute,with details so meagre tlmt they arenot absolutely dependable, hus finallyfiltered in thru roundabout Kuiirc.cs.Apparently the message WHS sentfrom tin- china Sea.

This is just a small part ot theIhrllling story of u (treat picture.

l''or Saturday. Warner Haxter willlie shown in "Tho Arizona Kid". Hewill he remembered as the Cisco KidIn "In Old Arizona". With this willlie shown "Tarzan tlie Tiger."

Monday and Tuesday two completepictures will be shown. Reginaldllenny in '"l'JmbarrasRlug Moments"mill Myrnu Loy in "Cameo Klrhy".

Thursday and Friday will bringWill Rogers In "So This Is London".

Tlie Kire Department bun beencalled out four times since Sundaylo extinguish brush fires.

Real EstateInsurance

BondsState Highway

Tel. 514 Rockan-ayResidence:

Near Pyramid Hosiery

BetterPermanent Waving

For Less

.00Guaranteed for G months

Cecil's Vapor Permanent is likea Marcel. Eacli wave is designed to compliment the Individ-ual. A Cecil Permanent witlhis patent process is famousfor its beauty and long lastingcharm. A shampoo, fingerwave, and cut is included witheach Permanent Wave.

CECIL'Sriione 402

Open evenings by appointmen80S Main StreetBO0NT0N, N. J.

Umbrellas Via Slot MachineForgetful people of Berlin, Ger-

many, no longer have fear of gettingcaught in the rain while their um-brellna nre somewhere else. Dy drop-ping the equivalent of 15 cents Into aslot mnchlno they get a folding emer-gency umbrella composed of a hoodof oiled paper and a handlo of wood.

A Balfour AnecdoteAn nrauslng anecdote la recalled

about Lord ISulfoiir nnd Lady Oxfordconcerning her rather sensational "Au-tobiography of JIargot Asqullh."

In It slie speaks of him In n not tookind manner.

Meeting him shortly after ltd pub-lication, she said, "I do hope you willforgive me for what I said about youIn my book." Lord Ralfour nnsweroil,"What book? I did not know you hadwritten one."—Weekly Scotsman.

Whi.ker.A large brnnch fell from a tree In

tho front yard of two-year-old Don."Whnzmt?" said he, pointing to the

twigs on the limb."Why, It'a the tree's whiskers," an-

swered his sister, with all the wisdomof her flvc years.

ALL good ideas endurPooling small savings t

provide funds to build homes—the world- old idea that iback of our highly successfiassociation.

RockawayBuilding & Loan

AssociationGeo. E. Fisher

Secretary i

We Make a$1.00

Allowance for your oldElectric Iron

On a new WestinghouseAutomatic or Adjustomatic


Prices$6.98 $7.75

L75S. H. Berry Hardware Co.

Telephone 1117More Hours: ?:Si) A. M. to «:l>0 1'. M. Saturdiiys 11:00 V. M.

Dover, N. J.


Lehigh Goal

Bituminous ConI

Tel. ltockowajr -108


Prompt Deliveries

Morris County's Loading "Tnlklng Picture" Theatre

3LVTINKE Kic and 2.1c EVENING 15c, S5c, 50c

LAST 2 HAYS—Today anil Tomorrow— THUHS.-FK1.


SATUllUAY—One l»ny Only

"THE BIG FIGHT"David Relaseo's Famous Play

Lon Chaney Talks !J!Zin "THE UNHOLY 3"


Junior Golf ????Have You Seen

The Most Beautiful and EnjoyedCourse in New Jersey

Shady Lawn LinksHill View Stand

Main Road, Denville. N. J.18 Sporty Holes of Healthful Outdoor

Recreation for Young and OldTOriJNAMIONT KVKltY TlU'ltNOAY

Valuable Prizes

25c Week l»ays—35c Sat., Sun. antl Holidays

Have your Job Printing done by ExperiencedPrinters.—The Rockaway Record.

Page 6: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK


Britieher Aided in OpeningRand Fields.

: I . f i n t i o i i . — " I t ' « n i l fn Uifi u u i i i r ! "l u i h i i l In c o n K" M ' M U ' I H C VWIN r x -

{tr i 'Msod t h o f 11 f a 11 y f I c i t l i i l oMip l iy ot itm i i i i w h o otic<> was r i c h he.vi . in! liltt h e i l i v u h i h o f t n t u i t t 1 t t m l w h o n e wl i s t ' s In t ' o inp lc l** i i m i Unit1 l,v p n i e r t . vI n n r i ' i t t n i o M U ' I I O I I el ' l l i e T I H U M m i l ,

Svuvly lifill u < t ' i t t m \ v n«i> Hi*1 m u m 'Of XiilllUi'l I IuiH\\ I HI II WHS ill 1 UlUlSi h r o i t K ' n ' i i l t h e w n r l i l us nm- ut' t in?ft HI r m i nil if.: |H'i>.'-.pcr!ni-s w !tu t l i s r m '-• • red llu> I'lrln-Ml K"l<) tl'lI'<>Ml I " ' I " 1

u u f l d , iitt- I:Mini f-'uhi t iHi ics u l i lct i)i:iv« jx'i'ii viihn'ri ill M,<XHM> ),04iu nut!w l i l r l i i , i i \ , ' ,\l.'l'lr<i l i w Ilim.-v Hulll i i l l rh | U I h • 'f I' IlK'K.V <>\\ 1 il-l'--

Found Wreck of Pauper,l l n i n \ v h i t l l I r ' c r U I I . v u ; i - I ' l H i t i d l l v -

i n c i n p e n u r y ; . l i i i ; : : > , u h i . ' ' i i i [ . . . \ w v \ \ .

\ w . r l d H I H I I n s i M , H i e l i t i n ! 1 l i n n <>( J IM l ' l l l l ^ i M ' i i M i l M H i r r J i i l t l i i . ' . l i ' ' t i i l f I h i ml H < V e l i . - - l . - i ( > \ ('|- [ i - l i i . J ' . u l h o h ; i ^ i i n *

J T J ; I T 1 M . n o I T S . ' t i l N i r i i f -•, t i n i l l 1 i > * - i ! Mi- -.111 l i t I Ml I o u r e _ \ [ i h i i n i I I " U j ' t 11- i l l ' - [ H I i ii n t i t s i i i r t n i i c .

U w i l . s l i r l l l l y 1 ' 1 ' l v y . n r . - , n y > I l i n li . o n i i t . n c r s w c i v i < m r t | p < l 1>.\ D M - J I H U I *J h i ; n e w s f r u i i i A f r l e u I . m l M r i c h j . n h li l f p n ^ i l , I h e i l r l i c . - . l } v \ , l i n O l i r r i i i l i s -n ' M T n f I i . v f o u r I t i i ' l l 111 ( I n ' U ! r ! l k l i ts i n i ' S i > r i h r T n i i i M V i i n i ,

S l m - l r . s c , f l u M o h ! X M ' I I H I I I . I > I - , H I I l oW l i r u n l i n i t l I n - f o r e n i n n y n n m i l i - *j j i c i i I ' r i n i i n i l I ' u f i i t ' r . ' - i u f [ l n > w o r l t ff » v v : i u i t * * s i t i i n t o i l i f - T n t n ; - \ i » n j .

G re tit Discovery Made..Mul Uum-.vbnll wim om' I.I' tin* \w

lot ' s ill' tlu? i usti, rich ninl IHIIIHIIM.Ami tUiKvi'vt'<U,v, lor with tils lUr^t*i'ti!iipnjiloiis Honey hull pmNptM'ti'il Intlu» wild riiviiu'tf tuul lutlmuu iiklvsh-ilJ.IIIIIIH.

Tlii 'u tlu> gt'cut tUscnvtMj' In the WitwiUfTNli'itnd d ls l t l r l was intnle. (mill,von^Imuc iu tc Ik-titt of H, wvi'c iVuml.

And In Hpli<> of Hie iiiiHHiiu ul' pre-vlmrn motul tin- Hiuul u i lu r s h u w •Ivcuup since. Hit*v were illHrovcriM] nearlyIIIIIf a ntury UR(», lUo tuuouiu HUUilioro, wai t ing to Im dun out, Is MillilKMisui'iMl In billloiiH hy iiilulni; (>x-jH'rlfl, lSnl lluiic.vhull 1H t h i n ^ In IIrenioto Mcctluii of llwt count ry , dcin'udfiiK for hl.H Llvfllluiod ii|ion a pension-of $ :U0 a wri'U.

Mow he losl IIIM tinlold \\'4>ntllt Isiiut kuou i i and l lnncyhull will nottoll. lit* p re fe rs nut to tllseuns thematter.

Lukes' Terrier( Acquires "Sea Legs"

Toronio, Onturlo.—I-'ivr yfur.s vtHtilliiiK (ho luluiul HIHIH ui1 \\w KVOIUlakt's have j,rlvtMi Tohy, fox iciiJurownod by 1'unL WLULum 'I'ulUu'lt olKingston, a ivnl Uiiirluci-'H HCU ton**.

Sliico lio first MM wall from Muut-ronl, uhr ro Ciipliiln Tullocli piiri'luisodliim, Toh.v IIIIM m»t over the uuuoylunlinblt of falling ovcrlioai-d and tmiik-allies Inlo (ho shlii'n hold.

Tuby'fl narrowost osi'ttpo occuniMl afi»W yPftVS HflO Wht'li Ids Hhi[> WJIM pUHM-Ing tlirmiKli I In* WVllnnd I'tinnl. Thofox tcrrtor tumlilcd ovi-r the «lde Juslaa nnoltu'r Hhip WIIH passing and wt'iitentirely muler tho other vcssol, nun-Inff lip 10 lio (ISIUMI out nnd romlnuoIlls Joitrnoys.

Unllko many HHIIOI-H, ToUy wa.s"altlpiHHl over" on the Nienaishlp Ulrch-ton, Cnptnln Tulloiii'N crafl, at theonil of every voynno.

Death Attempt Fails;; Couple Are Happy Now, Milwaukee.—Leonard Cli'liunicr, sev-enteen, nnd his tdxtcpii-ycnr-old girlbride, Sophie, luivo found llio blue-bird In tlie form of n sternly Joh.

Tlie younc linsliniid la ghnl now Unitpolice Interrupted Ids nlleinin to Killldmsplf nnd Ids wife liy ens nt theirhomo lien1. Tlio couple h iuc lioeomereconciled nnd the clouds of despond-ency hnvc llfteil.

Ordlnnrlly, n sulelde nt tempt meansprosecution In Milwaukee, Inn luyoung Cirlmnior'H case atlt hut ll lenmade nn exception. He wu« ivlensedon probation.

• Sophie wns Rind I" forgive, her hits-bund.

Gi'liumei', married only lust Se'iloni-bpr, couldn't mnnil the huril Bleddlnsot iinoniployniont. Hospoiidcnt, lieturned on the gns, tun n j discoveredl)y Ids wife In (lino to save Ids life.

Fisherman Lands Pikeand Hawk in Same Net

Stockholm.—To cnlrh u plUe unit nImwli In tlie Btlllie net is Kmnetlihn;whlv'h does not Imyrpen to inimy llsh-ormen, but Knrl Sohlmitii, of Tosnite.In tlie province of Vvrinlnnd, lins Jnataccomplished lite feiU.

A. IIUKC. tuul powerful pike wasontiKlit In Ida uet nml n Iniwfc, wiitoli-Ing the at tempts of the Huh to treeItself, swooped Oown In llio hope ofn meal. Hut Its cluvvs ticeimio tnniiteil

I In the mealies uml Solilimiu Iniuled Inn double catch. Tlio tiled wos UI\ unusually Inrito Kpet'lmcii, meiiMirln>;tnoro tlmn il.!M feet liclwci'u ilu1

wing tips.

Magazine SolicitorUses Strong Arm Tactics

IIIIIIIIK«, Mont.—A l>rus(iuo strangershoved n receipt for u ninenzlno Intollie Ttantln of twelvo-ycnr-old lilohiuil.Moore and denuindtMl $lt. Tho ^etulifitnnimered nml ttirnotl pule. "Allrlglit, If yon won't I will," he ox-clsilnn'il. He wnlkcd Into tlio house,

M l (lie child's penny bnnl; whiclieil nbout S;i uml d

Health and HappinauToo Lightly Regarded?

I ) , . , , | , i t , - i h , . j r r e u i m e r g e r s m i l l I ni i ' i ' i i n i l i r i i n l fliinnelni! n o c o m m o n l od n y , t h e K i ' i i l l o a r t o f p r o p e r , t i e a l l l i y ,l e i m i l i y n m l j o y f u l l l v l u g r e i n i i l n i i h eI d ^ e w l I I I I B I I I P H I I o n 1 ' i i r t l l , J o h n I ' l i l t 'o n c e t ' l i l l j i d e e h l l O H I n l l j t t e h l M i l l i i l -z l l l e , III n i l u r t k ' l e l l l l ' l ' c l i ' d l o b u s h i e r , *m e n .

l i i ' l l l I n l e r e K t 111 l l i e l r h e a l t h , h i l l t h e m; i r i - h u n d r e d s w h o l u u i t f l n * * t h i i l t h e ye n j o y n l i l ' l i l l e u c d I l i l l l i u n l t y n u i l l l i Ml l i e I n f i ' i K - i l o i i H o f f i i i i d i i n i e n t i i l l l v l m il i n h l l s . ( I n e l l n d n h e i l n i l l l l l l f l l i ' l l l i v r i lM' l io i m c N e d s II.H l i t l i e u s i m y l i o d y ; p r o -. l i i . e i s e f l i e n l l l i f i n i i t H w h o r i - K i d i i r l ye i i I i i i i j i l i h i i .IHI.1 e v e i ' . v l l i l r i K u n t i l l l i e l re i i i m e l ' l . v f i d l a ; J o b b e r * o f K y i n n i i s l i m i. ' i | l l l | i l i i e n l H I I I . S I . l i e i s o l i l l l e x p i ' l ' l l ' l i e ui.i I l i n l l e i l I n m i l l i l m i n i ' i i l j»t I»P!I n v i ' fII 1,'nlf I ' o i l i ' . r ; n m l r . ' M U ' l l i o l e l m e nU ' l m s e f r e - . l l n i l ' I-' n l i l i l l l i e d u n l v w h e nt h e y r e l l l ' i - 111 n i ; ' h l . l i d s l i e n l l l i n i ' l i .

T u n i n i l i ' h l o u d , l e u l i l l l i ' c e n i - . c.11 ll l e u l i l l i e - I , . ' ( I j i l ' e •• . . l i - . l ,1 111 I V I i i i .i n ; , i l u ' l r l u l l f r o m I ' l i r . p i ' l i . u - . )'U iMi-, m e n . l l i ' i i r l d i - e m i o , e i u i e i - i u m ld h d i e l i ' . i III l i l e l . H l . l i l l ' i ' . i ' l ' I M j ; l l l l l l l l i e l

Thl.- hi lNMii.il . ' i i l l l i l l>e eli.im-edmen i l i ' l i l , 1>.M'I ir I'liiiK ln-.i-.i-. Ifl i l h - i l l i - r . l l i ' - l l W i ' l l l d U > i ' t h e s i m p l e e \j , e i l i e l i l u f I I I U I I I L : H n l l l H l l p n v - . i t n i i ' 1 . 1

. M i l l m i l i n n - . I ! . I I !,v i l h ! ; ; l i " - K I ; I h e- , . . ( I n . • ' M l l l l i l l i l l ' . ' I H i l l l . ' c i i l l d i l l n l l *

i l i a l I n l i l i i ' l l N l . v c . i i l n I l " i i y .

lloaiiry of Mixttl ColorFad «>f Centuries Ago

T h e l n - l | : l i t i - i l o r e i l l u > - . e m i n i I n I h i '

l - ' i i i i i i i ' t ' i i l h c i ' i i l u r y r u n - . I M I l l i e I r e o f

e v e n ( i u i l l c e r , « l i o i l i ' i l a n - N t l u u " l l u -

» - l ' i i l . | i l l i ) J o f l l i e l r h i m e w h i c h l l l ' e l i e

p u r l e d n f t w o i - i r l n l ' - ; . w h i l e m i l l I n ! .

w l i l l i ' u m l I I I I I I K , i n - I d i i e k n i n l r e d n m l

u b l l f n n d l i l u e . u i n l i e l l i e w e i l l ' e l ' H

M ' c i n l l s I I I O I I K I I t i l l 1 I ' l r i ' " f rit. A n

I h n n y i > r o l l n - r H i i r h l i i l N c h n i u ' e l l i l i l

c n n l i o i e i i i t m l c i r i i s l l l l i e d o l i e l l l l l f e l '

l l i e l r l i i n l l i ' s . "

' I ' l i e f i l K l i l n i i o f w e n r l n i ; t w o c o l o r s .

" \ \ h l i ' l i r e n t l e l ' i M l l l l H ' e r t l i l l l I h e l e l -

lowshlp of llie lens" continued In s|ill.-of the rldleule n"<l willre of tlie |iuel-iii II tl rlirunlrliTs imill Urn middle <>|'the Slxtei'iilli cenlni'y.

The IOIIK hose or herlnlsi worn hyliersons of (uinllly lit tin1 lime weremade of the llnem rh'th 4>r velvet, ntnlthere Is reenlil of Henry III dl'llel'lIlKIII rcc imh's fur his ulster iMibelln,nlilcli were lo he of velvet embroi-dered with cold. Kiilllrd sloclilliKS,or, HN tlie>' were ei'U'Jnully called.sliK'Uln^ hose, were introduced IntoUrlliiln In Hie Sixteenth century, midthose of will; were considered rtuch tiluxury tlnil they were Ihcinnht n tires-ent lit for a liiiin, so we Ihul Sir 'riintn-n« tlresluim ["'esentliii; n pair of Innj:Spanish nllk hose lo Mdwurd VI.

Hvirtnl ait ArlingtonThe secret m-y of wnr has the power

to nutUevl/.e lUe htuiui of n wvnnnnbeside her IIIINIMIIIII In " wpnrule Bi'nveIn ArllnKlon KntliMvnl I'enieter.v pvnvld-ed the hushtllul was n I'nhitnlssloticdotUeer. In tlu> euse of vwltsUnl nieu.If u widow clcHlrc* to ho hurled wlihher luisttmitt nrri\nneuuli\tfi uutst heiiniile with the Wur ilepnrluienl totiuve the Kmve inuth1 .leev» OUO\»KU SUHint n riecond ensUet can lio placeduiion tliut of Hie wildlor; U\ otticrword^, the Holdlcr nnd h\n widow iiuisibo burled In the muuo crave. Therewould be no iinestlon Hint u fonnerlVo.sldent of the I'nlted Stulex, whowiw teehnlnilly rainiiuindor-ln-eliler orthe nrniy and navy, would bo renuvd-n^ n» n couimlsNloi'cd otllcer, tillboitKhneluully I'rewldtMii Tuft wns n civilianwho never held ti commlN.sbm.

Bridal Bouquet iIt la linporislble lo state wlien How-

MM «'er<> lli'Ht used ut n weddliiK, sincethis Is ti very nnclent custom, ornnueblossoniH wei^1 worn nml carried bybrides from llie curliest limes, IIH theyportend tuck nnd lmpplncHH. Spenserand Milton were of the opinion Hintthe orniiKO Wiis the (.'olden aiiiile pie-xented to Jupiter hy .Imio on her wed-dlnK dny. It wns eiislomnry for tlu.AIIKIO-SIIXHII I'llde to nlve her friendssmall ku(»ts nnd ribbons to wear orcnvry on the weddlnc dny. Tills ens-loin still survives In the boilipiot ofI be hrlilexiunlilri.

We!|hins SandAeeovill»K u> Ilif (eiloral nnd slnu>

laws n htiHliel of wind weighs i::npomuls U\ IUO^I of Un> Htnle.s; in Venn-sylvnnlu llio %velnlit Is 100 poundn toii buHlud, \ i « \ n v-HbK' yni'd of smulcontains L',(UH) ixainds.

Murks' Meclumlenl Enj;lneera baudbook gives tlio veluht «f dry, loosesand nnd isrnvvl ns SH) to 1ftr> poundsper cubli! foot ; HIIIIII nnd gravel dryand uuckctl, H"K1 to VM powmls; smiiland (Travel wet, US to 1^0 pounds.

Early Magai ine i'I'lie llrst niiiKiizlne puhllslied In

Aiuerlen wna Issued In l'lillmlel\ihtnI'Vlirunry 111, 17-11. It was tlio Ameri-can MuKiuIno, or a Monthly View ofllie rollt lrnl S la te of tlie llrlllsli Col-onies, published liy Andrew nrndford.Tlirec days Inter Henjninln KrunkllnIssued the (lenornl MiiKm-lne mid 1HS.lorlenl Cluonlole for nil the llrlllsliI'hiiitiillniis in Ainerlca.—Detroit News.

On«'i B e i t DomandoJNo Job la too small to tuke piilna

wl tb ; no tank la too little to do well.If you oui't drive a nail slralKlit,yow're K«»>B t» make n tlzi-.lo of huliu-IIIR a house. No iiiiui. jiuniis IntoKreivtuess; h f works Ills may aleudllvupward.—Urll.

NOTICENotice in he reby irlvvii tli»i the fol-

lowing ordlhMUue wu» In t roduced «mlpuHned (in flint l e u d m n by Ihe T o w nxlil|) C iumnl t l ee or the Towiiolilp oflfcuivltle, lit ii rvvuli i r inenlllln luddIn tliu Towimhlp Hull ove r tilt) I 'uelOffice on AUHUKI fltli. 11130, a n d w a sutittceU for second r end ing mill ftuul'IUHHUHH ut u ttpeclut meellUK u t «»UtTown»li l | i Commit tvt< in be he ld In t h «new School lloiiHe. on the road fromDt'nvlllo lo Ml. Tallin on AugUHt 20.ltl.Hu, til 7:,ill o 'clock p, 111. DttyllithtSIIVIIIK Time, ut which t ime Bad pluceall IIUI'HOIIH ItitoruHti'd In the pimrniRethereof will lie hoa rd c o n c e r n i n g t h eHume,

Hy o r d e r ot the Ti iwunhlp Commit -lee of Illii Towindi lp of l>envllle,

11AV111 II H(IFIKM), Clerk

AN OltDINANCI') I ' l tOVIWNU >'()HTMK r o N S T K U t ' T r d N <1K IHUUIH

SPII INi ; IKlAII l l t 'NN'INtl li'IKIMMAIN ^ ' I ' t tKKT KAHTKItl,V T i l TI II •'.IIKIIM.K (IXIOli 'I'lIK HOCKAWAYKlVDIt, IN ' t i l l ' : ' I 'UW'NriiHl' UlIIKNVII.l.l':. HIDKIilM COIUNTV. NV.W.IKltiiKV ANIl l ' ltl)VII>IN(l t'< >U '('I II'

!''INANl'li\M; TIIKHKdl'1 .III.; IT (MtllAINI' 'U Ir.v llie Tiiwiudil|i

Ciiunulllei ill tile Towunl l lp uf Ill'llvllle. lielnr. Ihe r.uveln In): Imdy there ,ol. llml :

I. t 'ui'hi. he i i i ' imned nml htld IIItlie Towni.lilii oV Denvll le nn the llovtlierly yind iioiillu't'ly i.Ide of lUiuiioudK\uiiU'. Uond luitutui-, f iolu MutuHi reel ea.sttTly to ihe llrldf.e over theIfliiekiiuuv I t lve i , lu j ieroi 'duuce withtile Ki'nd'e IOI lioivtiifore e»lllhli«heilli>' llie eve i l ion nml eoiK'tr l i i t tol i el'eiirliM on the KOUIII idde of wild id reel,mi Id i',riiilliiiv nml nei l lni ; id' eu i lm forthe iiDttli Hide unde r IIIIH iil 'dlnatieeto eontiil'lll us neii i iy u'i JHinHlhle Inthe nfiu'eunid envlw n« eltseled Hint

iiiuilrueled on the m>uth t.hle of IIIIMtitl-eet. Miild (Ul'liH lo emifut'lu withplllllli mill nprelfleiilloliii filed wllllthe I'lerli of till' Towiudl lp lillnWlIlKmild enrh.'i on mild idreet mill IIIHHtihowlne, the innle i lu l mill I ' hnn ie te rof the rlirbti lo lie Illxtiillod.

1!. The mi III riirliii slnill be eon-idrm-li'il III thp exiieline oV tile niljne-eul liinilnwiuii'ti llit'i'dtii In iK't'orilnni'i'wltli ll»> titutulv In uivvh enae miuU1

uml provided,U. lu eune the owner or ownot'ii of

nul l InuilM In front of null udjiieeutto, HIIId Htroi't IIIIIIIK wbleli tuilil eni'biim e lo ho loiiHtilU'ted, HIIHII full loeolnttruet lilul lay the iiniue wtt l l lu the. .me IIOHIKIIIIIHII In II milleo l i e ie lnn t -ler p rovided I'm', then the mild eurliHahull ho Inld unil linllt l>y tin1 T o w n -»lilp (Wimmltli'O of Ihe 'I'owiiHhlii of

vllU1, nt t l ie 1'iwt uud eMioutH1 vfthe o w n e r or ownorsi.

•!. Tim ownur or ownern of tlio InntluIn front of whleh HIIIII I 'lirhs HIIIIII lieMO I'liHKtrui'li'd and lulil Hhnll bo n l -lowed th i r t y (JIM* dnyn In wlileli tolieiforni the worli ro i in l red he rebyuml wr i t t en ov p r in ted nol leo of tin1

work reini lred alinll be sent hy mulllo s iul i owinir i>v i iwnnra IJ t h e i r l 'oslOffice addresH be lu iown; If notknown . U\en Uy \umtluw nui'h uulU'eon tlie premium! iit'l'eetod t h e r e b y orlenvlnit the aiunn with a n y oeetuuintir oi'i'iipunlH I hereof o r by pe rsona l

iiervlro If Hie o w n e r ov o w n e m arevetddoutn of the TownHlllp.

n, Thnl the sunn of Twnnty-KlvoHundred DOIIIU'H be provlilert nndriiitieil lo enver the eosit nt raiiHlruo-tloH «* »»«l I'wvlw or w> intteli thoriwtII.H tuny Im neeiwHury. Hnld mini to liofunded hy temporary Imnvoveuioutnotiw or lintnlH ot tiie TownHlllp torun lor n period not exeeedhiK HIK(Ii) yc:ii':i mid lieiirliiK Interest nt llrate not grea ter tluin HIX per iMintuin(i;1; I pur uiimiui.

Ii. TIIIK ordlnuiieo aluill (like effectus provided for by MVJV.

Ancient Mayan Carving!Throw Light on Hiitory

At Qulrlvun, In tliu republic uft.iialeimilii, thri'v #sl»l» • Dumber ofmoid luttroitluif ru!n«, iippaivnlly tintii'innlui of ttnijilt1" and u'ln-r pnblteliulldltigi, Thme m e iininy IndlvlduiilniiiuiilUlu, rrecied n» inoninnenni ofdin'erent Norm, •eul|iliir«il with liuiiiuiifiieen and llgnren. ami animal di'tilRnn.nn well av lilerufil.vi'liU'N, whleh uiilu1-U1III:1HI» bave not KH yet been uhle t«ileelplier Bpeiirulely. OUR "Ill'll monebears a dnte, In Mayan r|>ronolo|i»wbleli him been eoinpidetl (o eolneldewith OUJi A. U. of tlm tlri-iiorliin nil-eiiilnr. The curving uf I hi* i«nni|llili,wbleli la tlie InriiiMt of lht> Hiirvivlnureiuimutii, In Htlll elenr mid pert'eclilualdti> ll»w lonjj pfOeeHHlon of eeoluiles thnl Imx paxsed nver ll. luMerSptlovis nnd lepresentntlonrt ei> U>1

mill otllHl' lllolie.i lend In llie belief

I III (iilliteuiulll, The emu enki'N of il"1

! ,\ln,vim lndlmts were iH'olMihl.v the UVKIi i i l e i i i p t n t o 4 - t i i r k e i i r n , o r l i i n l ; e , n m l

i l U e - e e u k e s m e i . ( i l l ( t u l n y t i n ' u l i q v l e1 c f l l i e ( i l U l f i M U i l i i U l m i d A l e s l r u u i l l i ' L

V'.aglt- UuditjHiltHl ICingof I'Vathrt'tid Ci*ntuics

hi nil ui:eN nnd iiuimu: ninny nnihiliM the entile IIIIM hren eoiK'Idei ed lliel.il,,' of hlrds, In nnelelil luyl liulii|'.vhe «nn held Mured lo .love, who luldihuohiloll OHM- Ihe xea.volln ami held IIIIIIM tniiNp the Ij^lilnltie,. In eiii'l>' lil-lorh' linieH ninny nations |itiid ll Hie<!:il rev erenee, and the luMiiiUl ', I <rlhnvlllK the earlier e\nlli|ile of (lie I'er.•.Inli.s or AssyrlmiN, mude It llielr rn

I slj'.n. More niiHlero eoiinleleH l^ranee,j rriisslu, Italy, Mexico have chosen

Us thsm* to mlorn their rstmidanls. It| IVUM imtlinil, Iherefore, Hint Americaj should iidopl MM own thio MIICCIOM IIH

lls emblem. Since ITS-, when 11 wanformally chosen, tho en^le IIIIH beenselected to iippi'iir on the olllclal thu;sef HllnolH, town, Ketlllieky, MICIIIKIIII,New Vork, Koi'lh lMiKottt, liremin nndt'tuh. 111M IniiHio UIHO tlKUn'H on v m imi.s fluj;H, Atnmlai'ihi mid m'lil* of Ihet'nlted Sluti's, nf tbe nriuy midnavy, nnd of tbe PreHldent mul biscabinet, mul on several of our coins.- -Nn I me MiiKnr.lue.

NOTICENot lee Is hereby Riven Unit the fol-wliiK ordinance wan Introduced ivuiliMsod on fli'Ht riuiilliig liy the Town-

Blilp Coimnlttoe of Ihe Township ofDenvllln; at a roKXiuir imietliiK Heldn the Township Hull ovor the Tost

Office on July ittlU. l'.iSO, nnd WRBnoticed for seeond reaitlllK nnd tlnnllMkHHiictt nt » HiieeUvl meetlHK «t »»WTownship Comniittoo to be hold In tbenew School I Inline, on the road fromDenvllle to Ml. Tulior, on AUK list 20,11MI0, nt 7;:ili o'rlovlt p. in, DtiyllRhtSIIVIIIK Time, lit whleh t ime nml placenil perxoiis Interested In the liii.tsuRethereof will be henrd ciilieornliiK t>i»Miitne.

!ly ordov of tlve TowiiHUlp r o m w l t -o of the To\vnt*lil|! uf nonvlllv.

! DAVin 11. SOVlUl.ll . Olerk.


t!B IT t l l U U l N K l l liy the TownslilpCommittee ot tli* Township ot Dun-vllle:

1. That berenfter It Hhnll Ho nnlmv.fill to operate n minia ture Rolf cnumoor diivhiK lourso where ndmlHHlnnfee Is i'lnuK*Hl to pntrons for plnylnKiiild Knino. In tho TowiiHhlp of llpn-

vllle, unleBB a HCOIIHO therefor i« firstliml nnd nbtatnvd, Snlil llcenae innybe Kimited upon iippllentlon made tiithe Township Cmvunltteo, »«vh m>pVl-ciillon shnll ahow loentlon of snlilnimiHciuont, slae or grounda aud dl«-tnncn from the hl«bwuy and nnohother lntnrmntlon us shall ho requir-ed by the Towiwlilp Committee ot thoTownship of Donvlllo,

2. A llcenae lee ot One HundredDollnra i$l(MU Hhnll he paid for suchllcouHO, oncli lU.enao tii run f«r onoyear, rrom d»to of laaunnco. a*|d golf(oui«ea Hhnll cloae «t l l o'clock p. in.

!!. Any person, pornonu, firm orcorporation \lotntliiK thin ordinanceshnll he subject to n fine ot not lesstlmn $35.(1(1 nor moro than J50.D0 orImprisoned |n the County Jail for notmore tluui ten (10) dnya.

4. The almvn license may lie Rranl-•d nt tlie discretion ot tho Township-.ommltteo ot tho To«n«uip ot Don-vllle.

tl. This ordinance stmU take effectis provided tor by law.

;;; Sodom and Gomorrmhi:i Ruins May Be FoundJ Jerusnleiu. — Arclieologlcnl

'••' llnds In tlio Jordan valley which§ tiro proliubly tho ruins ot Siiituni<!j nnd Claniorrnh aro repelled liy<lv lliw d i r e c t o r o f e-xe-ivvutlons. lu§ Ihe nolshhorliood of tho Demi(l\ sen, conducted on behalf uf tho& lloiui) l'ontllh'iil l l lbll inl Instl-eji tute. Tho discoveries Include^ human tikeletons, Home of whichw iirohiitdy go buck to the lime, o t|J the ruins, s tone walls , subter-S> riuioiin Kinnnrlcs, brick ovens ,Si Jowela mid ceramic Hints.


'nrlrnll by Win. Ohelluu dt lo he e.xhtllillli'ii hi IM' ludd ul Ihe l.lllle llo|illliollK Viu'hl rill!, , , \ u r :n nM

Iiil .c llii|riilci'li|: M l r.xlillrlllou

The flint Uxhlhll Ion ol Ihe mi l It ofI,like llolilllt'OMK ill'll.'ds will be heldul the I.:il.,' llnputcoius Vuclit Club onWedweiuluy nnd Tliuvudny, Axu^n^t -**mil :.M, from L' lo Ti III Ihe nl'leriiooitmil ur.nlii lu Ihe evi'iilmt, from S to111 ii'i'loek.

The I'lxeciitlve ( 'ommlt tcc ronnltilrtof Mr. Henry ttuuford Noi ih rou , towhom till eouiniunU'iitloiiM may be nil-

'esuivd. ut I Inpntccrnjs V, (>,, Now .ler-•y; Mr. Winter W. Myem; Mm, Hoii-,

eoo l lnlhort anil Mm. Knrl It. Hebini-ter.

The lllteteMt sdiowil III tills K.Khlhl-llou, xvlik'h In the Hem of Itii Ulmlever held at the Kiilte, IHIM far t'Xceetl-

eNpeetutllvnn nlul 11 Is KoilUX abendwith lenpn mul titrldcti.

The exhibi tors now niimlier nbinit1110 Hie Hat IIIIH boon a su rp r i se tonil. Tlieiv will be niltt uml wate r IMII-orn, ett'liliiKN, ticuliitut'o, inlnlulureB,

Mimploa of herultlle a r t , llUiinlnulewrtvU, vioUevy, embriildery, pnintedchlun, i|iilltliiK, n | lver work, waxwork, ele, Some of the pnlutliiKs Imvewon gold ineduls. Some luivo beenoxIiltilUHl iihtimd. HeproduolloiiH oftlio work of it number of tlie urtlsUenjoy not only tmtliiiuil, hut world-wide circulation.

Uctl ut t h e t . n k e Hoimlcinii ' , Ait) t l

T h e t ' b l ld i ' en ' i i HIIIIWIIII> «l| | (, fl

pa i ( l iu l i i i In lc ru t i l , mi nl.io t in , fuf Home of t h e exh ib i to r : ! at an tn [;e.

' f i le uh jee l of t h e I'l.xlilhltliin | 41

idiuw w h n l a r c p r e n c u l i i t h i ,. J [

I'oliiny I .like l lop i i t cou iv Inn, ,t|i m

iMinlili1 fH'oryono to iMijuy n H[HJ,' $tview of their work. '

The nuiiilicr of exhibi ts luei i(! l<aim. •«

The llmiKliiK Cuininfiiee K (, •vriraed of Mr. .1. \V. IMKKIIIS, (i, *

ninn, Mr, Alva Nelnini it nil Mu i t

fXiiiiohi. Mr. IMKKIHH IH IIII Ait fs •

III Monloliilr nnd MioroiiKhls «mii|,lor hlu lnnl<, An old uddiltiK oil)IliiliutcouK which hi; 1n snlnrt! ,'will lie ol' m e n t Inlei'ctit lo nil nM» nt tho lOxhlbllloii.

Tickets Imve been wldeh iftImtod, but Hume fnllliiK lo seiursliI>IN may pay tlio ndmiUHlou tec oilI'ontM nt the door.

OThe rrcsbylei ' l t in (llitirrh tasi

tomn dotenlud the Methodist liimMondny ulnlii n t Ijllmrty Flelil, II4. .Onrl t im Deckel' WIIH 1111 the m« .for the ProHliytorluiiH and Hill tL;'for tlio Metliodlalu. Overtoil V« '.'hit a home run for tho PreauylMk •>Another Kama will lio played nil '•"•|orly Fluid n«xt Mondny IIIKIU j



i*TVDDAY we become dealers for

X Graham cars and, because ofour knowledge of the Grahambrothers and their product, weare deeply gratified to make thisannouncement.The Graham Eights and Sixes, led hythe four-door Town Sedan at factorylist price $845 and the UniversalSedan at factory list price $895, invpressivelyclimaxtheGrahama'.three-year program of quality and valuebuilding.These cars, in and of themselves,dramatically and conclusivelydemonstrate the Graham ideal thatquality is the best policy.They demonstrate that by strictadherence to quality standards inmassed production, motor cars can


rise above the common run in qualityand still be held down in price.

The visual evidence of the Grahams'achievement in this regard is presentin car-features, in sound engineeringand manufacturing, in the Graham-built chassis and the Graham-built *bodies, in the cpmplete protectiveequipment of shatterproof safety 'plate glass, provided by Graham af ;

the lowest cost ever placed uponsuch equipment, and in a gratifyingcombination of brilliant performance,with extraordinary fuel economy.

We are ready now to have you call-and inspect the latest Graham Sixesand Eights, and we shall be especiallyglad to welcome our friends and>customers in our new capacity ofGraham c-alera.

Allen's Service Station, Denville, N. J.

Page 7: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK

UST 14. 1930 B,O I) K A It A Y KB C O B P SEVEUf


Wedding Journey It Full ofTroubles.

, s i ^ t s on left «how» operator* lortlns tlcS<el» distributed by vacuum tubei teen overhead. Clrcl« In view.",;**' iwltchljoiii'd Imttnllatlon mid upper tnd lower rloht ihowi Isi-ne new "Outward" board being 'nitall*d- ,- &nd In service.

RETIRESa I t' xibono eurecr of more

'ii .VI'IUB, Minn Mlmitofit Kant Orange, him retired

H Ctte icrord for ooiillnuous tole-flHM'Mvvtco for New Jmwy women.

l^tiij iM*|jUn HB n telei'liono operatoriz fjMty|ri>, Imi'li I" JHH7, when there

ly iiliuul :ir>() telouliomra In theU)trl<-.t, which Juclntted all ofMant Omnge, South aruiiKc


wooil. T h e fact t lmt the re) limn 41,000 toleplionott in UHO

lamo nreu RIVOH H Htrikli.R IdeaoiuloiiH KVOWUI which both

Bo mid tho leloiihono indus t ry• ptM'loiU'Olt (UirillK tllO lllHt lllllf

Kvor ulort to rapidly rluuiK-litioiiH, Mis? Joiicfi (hiring hernm ot HtMVioo honimo OLIO ofinformed I\:K1 boat ltumv.i of

| H P |u.H>j>lo In (ho Orange oillco,different. mun:i:;(Ttt htivc

.]i:ii7',o nl Orange HIIHO MiyK^tm her HIU'VICOH UILMV. In

iv your al'tor nho hoejimo an[Or, MI us Junes WUH niailo i h id 'Or, and ton youi'H later nlio en-

tho eomnuivt i t l dop:ivt:mMit> BIIO \u\i\ (UM'Vi'il an fieri;, chiof'and RiMKu'tU t'liM'U.

EPDONE SERVICEFENDS TOephono UHom of Amoiini urnthlo l'or tho flrnt tlmo to talk

|tly to polntH within tho Arcticslnco trim sat lantk: telephone

fco linn b'.HMi extended to Includehorns in Kwotlcii, r r lor tu

slon tlu* ovtirnoiiH NOW loo tooii wim limited to tho thvoo vMlvnbckliolm, Gothenburg and Malmo.

tills now "farthest north" CM-|hed, the Hell Syi'.tent radio serhas bcoif connected with, an area

Mnj* from within tho Arcticin Knrono to nearly tho for*

parallel of nout.li latitudo InAmerica. H lnchulort almost

holo of western Unrope, all tele-loo In Argentina, in ten cities in^ and In Montevideo and Uruguay.•fTtow Swedish extension h:\n madeiJttlo a cull from tho nulled StatesSfinR an extreme, distance, of aboutJ inllen.

; common with nil telophono ser; to Kvtrnpc. mils to Sweden art-Sled through tho American Telo-Bo and Telegraph Company's ra-Jelepliono tUationn in Now Jersey,

Island and Maine. Tho cost ofll'oo minute conversation to any| t In Sweden in tho snmo an ("m

in, $:ii».7r>, with $12. "» forndditlonnl minnte.

len'n telephone- f-ystom i«Iho bent. In Kuropo. Its trie-

• total approximatelyfliH; about O.LIinl.OOrt people.

hen Iho Ilrltliih I'limo Mlnlslir!l '''!1 Spottiith homo at l.ossioIh ho koepn In touch with hlu stnif

10 DnwniiiK Street by to't-Culla for tho l'rhno Ministertnko priority.

State's Largest Toll CenterTaking Over Entire Building

Development of Jersey and Rapidly Increasing Use ofLong Dittance Service M&ktss Almost Constant

Additions to Equipment Necessary

IUCI'PHHIIIK ilnnlies »t Now Jerseypuoplo to talk to tho far ab well UBnciii' euritoi'B of tUo earth aro beingm«t by tt'Itiphouw eiiKlneoin who ro-ccntly huve completed it lai'Ko additionto Ions dlstnncG telcphono (Hiillpine.nthi New Jornoy'8 hu'K<'j)t voleo gutownyto tho world, located In tho nlno-storytelephone. bullUlnK at 281 WnshlnKtonBtroot, Newark.

ThroiiKli Iho narrow nnnunKowny pro-vided hy Hwllehbonrds In thin gruntlonK dlstanco cpnlor voices convergofrom all parts of tho stnto and fromnearly nil piirlH of tho civilized worldIn their almoat. InKlnntaniiou.i ]ouniey»about Iho Klobo.

Here Bpeelally trained operators nitan lilKlily (ipoclalb.cd sulden and di-rect thn way Tor tho thousands ofvoiced from far ami near which pulsothrouKh the humlicnn of feet, ofHwltehboards dally.

Hero, alHO,' skilled eaRlneerii areHtutloncd, oqulppcd with tbe moef.dollento of lestlni: iipiiuratUB. Theyart) tho watehdogH of tho IOIIK dls*tanco aervleo with dutleH to keep acoiiHtnnt vigil on tho vnat not-work otwlroa in order that mechanical or linotronbk'R shall not obstruct tho voicepnthwayn which n IIPIIIK provldod111 ever lncrenHliiK nuinbei'R.

Laroect Office In StateThis hulhllni; now contains the

Ini'KCHt IOIIK dlt.lancfl iHinter In NewJersey and one of tho most hnportnntIn tho nation ullhmiKh ten yearn a«othere wan not :\ separate IOIIK dis-tance switchboard In It or anywhereelse in Newark.

It was lliat Ion:; UKO when, the firstIODK distance hoard, a Himll affairoccupying u iiilnlmiiin of spr.ee, wasInslalled anionjr many laiccr Rwlleh-hoards which were provldlni; localtelephulK' Kcrvlee for Newark. Since,Hint limn telephone eiiKlneers havobeen luiM.v lmikln;: addlllons to equip-ment ulld tllo loni; distance aervleohas tvrowa HO rapidly that each addi-tion, no matter how Kononmsly con-ceived, ban never been mletiunte tocaro for growth for as lonj; as tboestlmalert planne<l.

Like the old fable ot tho camel thatstuck Its head In tho Arab's tent andMien went llpht on In and took thoplaco over, IOIIK distance switchboardsaro relentlessly pushing local tele-phone boarcla tint of their home In tboWV.KliliiKtnn street InilldliiK. The Unlit'listance equipment now occupies up-(iiNixlmately four lloora of tho build-iug and within the next two years allof tho local equipment will bo movedinto n new building; which is to heerected In Newark by tbo New JerseyHell Telephone Company to make allMinn floors of tho. present stnu'tnronvallnhlo for loac dlstauco expansion.

l'rom Iho very b?KlnnlnE, New Jer-sey has occupied an Important placoIn tho development of tho telephone.It was a Now Jersey man. Kdwnrd J.Hall, Jr.. of Kllrabeth, who was oneof Iho tour toundeiH ot tbo AmericanTelephone i'.:id Telor.raph L'ompany.h.-.ok In I'iSH. when tho telephone wasstill considered pretty ninch of a fadand when probably tho longest tele-phone circuit, in existence ran be-tween New York and Itoston.

Early Purpoos Is Realized

Hut tho possibilities of expansion,even then, woro apparent to thesemen au tho ui'ii'.lnal charter urantedlu the Hell System will tc'-tify. Thepurpose of fne euaipuny, as oulliuedill Hint early document, was to con-nect hy telephone lines e;u!i andevery city and tow'n In the, I'nit.ilSlates with each otlnr and witht'nnada and Mexico, and "!>>' cable andother appropriate means with the restot tbo knowa world as may hereafterbecome necessary or desirable in con-ilUPtlnK tho businesn ot this assoeia-lion."

Now Jersey's greatest lonft distancecontor, in Newark, may bo conaldorcd

a conciutu reulizutlon of that tmiiyexpression of purpoKO. From it dlmctlinen run to rite tun t cities, UB far northan MontroHl, Cunuiiii, IIK far Houth anCharlotte, N. C, and UH fur wont nsSt. LOUIB. MO. CUIIH are mutle fromthose BWltchbounlH to practicallyeverywhere in tho United States andu> Cuiuidn, nnd by connection with theLonK Linos lonK tllstnuco oillce at 24Walker Btreot, New York, tho talking

IKO for Now Jersey folk 1B extendedto Include Muxlco and thut part of theworld reached by transatlantic per-vice, UH well as oeoun liners whichure being equipped to provide ship-to-Hhoro telephono Eorvlco lu graduallyincreasing number1'. In 19-9 tho aver-ago Hpetul of IOIIK distance eunnec-tloiin betweon Newark and all distantpolntH was lowered to I1.- mlnntoH andrecently a connection between RanFranc! BOO, Cnl., and Newark wan OK-tnblleihed In one minute. With 'nddl-1

tlons nnd improvements which are beltij? mado to equipment almost con-tinuously it appears that the elementsof time and spnue are rapidly dtauppeaiing in transmission of tho spokenword.

Install New EquipmentWithin tho last fow weeks tho in

stallatlon of 64 new positions of longdistance switchboard haa been completed; a new system of pneumatictubes for the rapid distribution oftickets has been installed, nnd otheradditions and changes to tho long (lit-tunco equipment havo been mnde. InHtnllnlion of this apparatus has required nino months of work.

Newark long distance, operators n"outward" boards now handlu directljnil IOIIK distance culls orlKinnthiK Ii:New Jersey eor.t Munition bonndei;roughly by raHvati- on tho nortlWostlleld on the south, Summit on thwest nnd e»at as far an tho llurisnrriver. This oflke serves a (HY \vi\icurea us a switching conter alnco calbto distant places from practically alpoints in New Jersey may bo routethrough the "through" boards at thNewark otllco. HOCUUKO of this st;.(wide service, equipment additions aNewark aro mado with a view towar<improving the long distance servir(throughout tbo state.

Speed and neeuriicy arc the watchwords in tills wiili* ni'ovisiou of stivice and In the interest of the fcnnrr.a pneumatic tuho system has luvuplaced In service to facilitate t lit*handling of tickets rovermg long dlstanco calls. The so tube?* run to allpositions of the switt'lilioarUs nnd con-nect with a central distributing amisorting desk, which in turn is conneeteil hy tubes so that tickets mayho whisked away to u service observ-ing desk or to the desk where te.-itnro made for possible, lino trouble.These tubes nro kepi under twoinches of vacuum nnd when operatorsplaco tickets in them tbe smallamount of air entering with the ticketcarries it to tho desired destinationIn this manner tickets are distributedIn two or three seconds, \vhere:is inthe past such work IIIH been doim lvthe much slower medium of ^prri;1


Tho story of tbo development .thin long distance center to its y\\<-.cut position as tho fasteM. r.nnvii"tf lephono ofllco In New Jersey \* «:other intereatiiiK chapter in tin1 r< idid of unprecedented m'owtli v, hUhas taken placo in New Jorst-y duri:-the past docade. Records of tli'1 tK"'u-provide a Rtrikinir plctuvo <>".' iV.(luickeuing of biiRl'icr.s anil ^.u'i.tl 111In tho state; ;\s well as the substj'.ntiiiIncreases which havo been made i'population. Tbe amount of long dirtanco callim: in August of lii^t y* ;\was 'M per cent greater than i1

August of ln^S, nnd the incrcac^ :that tlmo as comparetl to AurrtuU i1927 was .TO per cent.

KeatHe. — Two young honeymooncouples wbo eloped from Culiforulftin-rived In Seattle lu time to be servedwith Kiimtnunses in * $1U,UOO damageaction—just 11 duya after their doublewedding at Fteno, Nev.

All the wuy from Wheeling, W. Va.,Albert A. lleuulsch motored to Oak-luud to claim bis scventecn-yciir-oldbride, Sylvia. With him be broughtills college chum, William B. Dawsonof I'iltsburi;h, I'a., who was to bavebeen "best iu;in."

Ii wiifi "love ut first sight" vt bca,)a\l>-oii met Sylvia*K girl ehmn andhe linn- deckled to inaUe It u double

el")ieinent niul wedding.Thing lo S*!ittlL' mi theii- dfiible

Iliiliex IIMftili | o Vl^lt HeiiiliSi'h'.s Uhelemid min t , . l i i - l lee of t h e Pe-uct- a iu j

i... .liibn I'.. W r i g h t , t h e holieyiiKMin-e lh \N^ie Htir^-leii by h i g h w a y pl t t rol-luen nl Xorlli l l eml on re<jlleht el uu-

o l i l l c s nl. l'^nstoil." \ \ i* couldn ' t hni i i ; inc why w e w e r e

d e t a i n e d . " iMlvlsoii t-ald, " a n d t h e n w efound that a ear we pasn*!d Sundayiwt\ pimped olT the highway immedi-ately altei wardfi. We. were supposedUi he responsible."

In the car, which dived down l; 30fool embankment, weio Mr. and Mrs.Joe Wilson, their eight year old daughler, Kiitbeilne, and Mr. and Mis. John.1. Cusworth. Mrs. CuRworlh, Mrs. IWilson jmd her daughter were KC-verely Injureil,

When atithorliieH decided not to filereckless driving charges utfulnbt theboneyinooiiei.s they continued theirtrip to Judi;e Wright's home. TbeWilsons and C'usworlliR, however, re-tained Atloniey John J. Sullivan tobring personal Injury actions againstOawsun, owner of the car.

Beautiful Subway IsGoal of Paris Chief*

Purls.—Tho municipal council of the"inoNl beautiful city in the world" IsBlowing worried lest the city fall shortof Its reputation due to tbe metro sta-tloii.s. They feel Hint subways shouldbe as handsome ns any of the museumsand monuments of l'nns, and to thatend they are talking of Improving theirunderground stations by installing or-namental stairways, Instead of them-eseut cement nnd steel arrangement.

The locnl advertising agencies willdoubtless rise In rage against this Ideaas the walls of the metro stations urecoveted for displaying .osiers whichexlol the products of I.a lielle France.However, Iho council has n goodchance of winning out In the end, usthe Parisians aro devoted to their cityand extremely proud of its beauty, findprobably will take this chance toenhance it.

Cat's Fur, Afire, SetsEntire Farm Ablaze

St. Omer, I'rance.—The flamingtorch ot a scurrying tomcat, his furnflnmc, caused tho destruction of anentire farm near here recently.

WnrmliiR himself contentedly by thehearth tire In the farmer's house, thecat was awakened by a spark whichInstantly set bis furry body brilliantlyallre. • r i m e d with pain, the little janimal dashed out of the house Intothe ndjnlnlng burn, where he dartedInto the midst of a hayrack, whichImmediately took lire.

Tbe barn was sooti a mass of ronr-Ing llanies which were not long luleaping to the main dwelling. Thisbuilding went up in smoke nml namesIn ii short time niul smaller adjacentstructures went with it. completing ]the demolition of the farm.

Airmen to PhotographCapital's Traffic Jams

Washington.—Perplexed Washing-ton ollicluls have sought army aircorps aid in solving the Capital's traf-fic nnd parking problems. Army air-men soon will soar over the congestedWashington area photographing con-dilKnis as they exist in an effort toobtain data which will assist in re-routing trul'.lo when new Kovornuiciitbuildings bousing thousands of el.'iksare opened for business.

First National BankMorristown, New Jersey



3% INTERESTOn Checking Accounts of $500 an I Over

41/2% INTERESTOn SaviiiKN Accounts of $5.00 and Upward

FRANK D. ABEU, PresidentWAHD CAMPBELL Vice-PrealdentIIENKV COKY Vice-PresidentKJiNNKTH W. THOMPSON Cashier and Trust OfficerKOiiEKT C. CASKEY Assistant Cashier and TrUBt OfficerMl AN ,v Q. MIL1JSN Assistant CashierDAVID !•'. WILLIAMSON Assistant Cashier

DIKKCTOKSt'HANK I). A BELL PresidentitOHIJltT 10. 1H1HKE LawyerWAltll CAMI'ISELL . . Viee-Presldent; Treaa. Morris Co. Savings BankHl'.'NHY COKY Vice-President1IENKY W. FOHI) BrokerAHTIIUH A. MARSTERS American Tel. & Tel. Co.UK. DAVID II. McxVLPIN TrusteeI). M. MERCHANT MerchantJOSHUA It. F.ALM0N LawyerTHOMAS VV. HTRKICTKK Simnis PetroleumHKTH 10. THOMAS, Jr Seth Thomas Clock Co.JIAltOLD II. VAN NATTA Morris Plains Lumber and Coal Co.EUGENE V H'ELSII Real Entats


The MORRIS COUNTY SAYINGS BANK21 South Street, cor. DellBrt Street


A Mutual Savings BankThe ONLY Savings Bank lu Morris County



Interest Paid Since 1928

4I/2% at the rate of

ABsets Over $13,750,000 DollarsNational and State Banks and Trust Companies are NOT Sayings

Banks, and Savings or Thrift Depositors in such institutions havo NOTthe special protection of the Savings Bank Laws of the State ot NewJersey.


SAM CIARDICorner Mnln and West New Streets, Rockaway

Cleaning and PressingOur work is done thorough and clothes made to look new

We also dye any kind of garment and do mendingFelt and Straw Hats Cleaned and made to look like new.

All Orders Called For and DeliveredTelephone Rockaway 421

How One Woman Lost20 Pounds of Fat

Lost Her Double Chin—Lost Her Prominent n i p s -Lost Her Sluggishness

Gained Physical Vigor — Vivaciousncss — a Shapely Figure

Henry's Lighter WorksSo Well It Burns Him

yt. l.miis, Mo.—Henry Hvinning-hoiiKe, despite iho thousands of jokesto the contrary, has n cigarette lighterthat works. It works too well, in {fact, for It set tire to Henry's coatsleeve niul be suffered burns to hisband nnd arm, necesMtutlnc ireat- •ment nt tbe husplial. i

If you're fat—remove llic cause!KRUSCHEN SALTS contain the

six mineral salts your body organs,glands and nerves must have to func-tion properly.

When your vital organs fall to per-form their work correctly—your bowel*ond kidneys can't throw off that wastematerial—before you realize it—yoa'regrowing hideously fat!

Try ha l f a t e a s p o o n f u l ofKHUSCHEN SALTS in a class of hotwater every morning—in three weekspet on the scales and note how manyTK>unds of fat have vanished.

Notice also that you have gainedin energy—your skin is clearer—youreyes sparkle with glorious health—yoi»feel younger in body—keener in minj.KUOSCIIEN will give any fal persona joyous surprise.

O t an 85c bottle of KRUSCHENSALTS I lasts four weeks). If even thisfirst bottle doesn't convince you thi3is the easiest, safest and surest way tolose fat—if you don't feel a superbimprovement in health—so gloriouslyenergetic — vigorously al ive^youcmoney gladly returned.

World Always Set to - . n !• r

Give welcome to joke Here s Instant Keuet.'!mi From Bunion Painsn Tf and Soft Corny

»Z •,;:- Z*:Z

TlNot Wor r i ed

Murrii'h, Knjjliiml. — I'un-iit iliseuschrinjrs IUI fi'jtr tu tin? lu%nllliy crn-tontirliin imrrol t'li:il luis luvn :l petlu t he liimsi-lmliJ <-f Mrs. Msiry Msirtinfor more Hum ."0 yeiirs. ;

S Lured by Bright Car; •;?> Wrecks It; Takes Life ;;^ Koehest i - r . N. Y.—rU'i - re 1V.-1;- <;'?' o r mlinii-i'd >i jTonil-IooKiu^ iu»- it-1 t o r n i r . I .cal 'LiS " " I " mi ox- !;^J p e n s i v e ro i l i l - le r purl iei l ill liis i.'(•J s t a t i o n , he ilnn<" it n sl iort ilis- ^J*; tnni ' i ! a m i cra-. l i . i l In to i'.ll I ron I;I•S pole, l'.i'loiv !.pe.'iiiloi-s could J*|(Wi reileli him i ' c i . e r slml and I°I* kllloil himself. J!

: i n l i e i r I n m i o l i l - f i i s h l o n e d U i i m d i ' i n .n n d i t I s s u i n e i l " i i M <li / . : -y < - i n - u l a -I l iMl t l i n l s \ v i " | . - ; l l u - v l n . l e c o u i u r y i ne n l i o e M l r i e 1-inj.s : : l : d I l i e n l l i i -~ " I T a ln t a n u c n t t o i l i e f u r i l i e - t c o n l i n i - s <•(I l i o j v s t t o H i t ' I ' . i r ' . i a r y s l a t e - ; n n dl . < u i d " l l .

T i n - n e w J . I U P , | ' i r h n p s . r m n e s o u ti i K ' d i - ^ l l . v a r . d l i u i i d l y i n a n e w s p i l l i c i 1

o r n i a u - a v i i i e . l l i-- " i n i . k l y M ' I / , M n : ; Ir r j i r i H l u c e i l i i )1 it l l i u u - a u d n n i i e . I iui \ t a i M u - a r s i n r a i l i o p r n L T a i n ^ ; il i ss n u i l u i H i o i l i n t i l . ' " m l ! . I O N " ; It | a - c <m i t " l l ' e v a u d e v i l l e ,;;:..,•. a i l d a! ' : rIt I s ^ : i | , ; u i s , . , | 1,1 | i ; n i ' . i i m i p c d >' ei h - e n n il t 'o . 'K- i t s , , | , 1 r,-; . n . ! - ; h y f . : : - : i -i n - i i ] . l a t h e d a i l y e , . ! i i : . - - i r i p s . i i;'c i ' i M - ' 1 . i t l i i ' v t T : : i l s a v . . : y I r . ' . a 1 1 M 'l i f t , r i l i h l i r r s p e a k e r s . 'I h c i v i s I u i i ' . t -I n : : s . , u i l U ' l l i n d r l a a n d a s I ' l i - J i l 1V.V

H i d l l i e : e i s n o \ ei- . M ;|::..,! ,i,-t i " l i . H i 1

I s a I r a l iM'lM'f:1!1 '"1 ." o f l . m i ' . a l l i ' v u h oe o l i t i - i h i i t e s l o t h o w o r l d a m i o i l J . o . c— I . o j - ' n n v p u r t IMiii:----- ' ! M ' •:::,:

Acllinlly Reduces the SwellinE—SoftCorns Dry Kiglit Vp and Can

lie rirkcel Off

Vex n tivo-ounce bottle of Moone'sEmcralil Oil ifiillsircnptlil today. Everywellstnckcd (lriit:{;ist h:is this, and it willTctliKC the innainmalinn, soreness, andpain nn:eh quicker than any remedy you( \<T used.

Y<mr hiininns may lio -o swollen andin!!ai:ird lhat you tliink Viu ean ' t pi»

tlicy are cul l in j : rif:hl inlo llie ile-h. Ynufei-1 ^iek all H U T nill i tlie pain anil tor-IM!C .".nil pray fur i m k k relief. \\ hal ' s t ol i r i lm ic?

'l'\Mi nr three appliral ipns of Meonr-'.*r n - . i u l d Oil .m.l ia hlli-en niinulos allIhl p.iia an.I - . . m a di-api^-aw. A fewiimn- .i|j:lii a l i ' iK at i> ;:nl.ii inlcrvals andthe s w l l i n i : n - d i n i " .

Ii. ;•. c... h i;i r!ll .11 hii.l lime a:..l II.. y just-M'lii la - h r i \ i l riplit up anil scale off.

p n ! " n i - ! - tnarnut t 'e Monne's EmeraldOil t i t :a l v . n r lcul truuhleri or niuney

Page 8: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1930/...Lidle. After Hi bake, athletic events tor-•uskct, and a noldiei j both nu n anil wome tutik place. TIIK

Dover.Miss Catherine l)aveui><<n. of Ran-

dolph avtiiuis is visiting reliUivis inMilton.

Mr. and Airs. Harry Young, of Ml.Hope, are the proud liari-nts of a babytioy which arrived last Wednesday atMiss Carpenter's Maternity Home.

Mrs. Hubert Campbell, of Munimmlliavenue, lias hud as her guest, Ju-rsister, airs. Anna Carberry, of JerseyCity.

Miss Alberta Walling, »i Sugar

ot Myrtle avenue, are onirip u> Cleveland, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Julia O. Skeltou. ot.Mount Hope aveuue, Have as tliei.-Kuesis. Mr. und Mrs. Krnest Vajirund Gt-orge Knapp. of Newark.

Mrs. Eleanor Oswald, of South Mor-ris street, is entertaining Mr. and Mrs.Osear >'. Helling, of San Francisco,former residents of this place.

Mr. und Mrs. M. F. Lougluiey, ofHii'liarils avenue, are spending sev-eral weeks with relatives in ButteeCity, Montana.

N Y is visiting » « «,»»..'. Miss KuUianui. Mounts, »t Thorap-Slizabeth Spargo, ot South Mor- j .un avenue, is visiting re l a t ive In

Heading. Pa.

Chrisloiiher Nickel, of Denver,Colo., lias concluded a

hoat, N. Y.. is visiting her cousin.Miss Bliz;rls street.

Mrs. John ICernK'k and daughter, otIielmoni avenue, are visiting friend'siu Brooklyn.

Miss Harriet (iuise, is spendingtwo weeks with relatives ui MorganBeach. I

Mrs. Chillies Clark and niolhti,Mrs. William Cray, are visiting rela-tives in Buffalo.

Miss tilorin Hemostlerfer, o( Phila-delphia, is visillnK her graiidiiureiiis,Mr. and Mrs. lieorge II. liralil, iuMount Hope avenue.

Aiinmimemem has liven made -itthe marriage of Minn Helen <i. IHimi.ol Tholnpsim iivemie, and Harry II.Thomson, cif Hooey street. Till' rero-mony was performed hy li>-v. Nnih-aniel Hrooks on Sntiirduy iil'lernoon.The attendants »prc Mrs. ThomasIlimcli, sister of the hride iiuil DudleyTliorsou, In cither «f tin- groom, fol-lowing u wedding 1 ii]> Uicy wvl! i t -side in their newly i-reeled Inline inElk avenue,

visit to hisIn-other Mic lute I Nickel uud is nowattending Hie national encampmentof the Vnited Spanish Wur Veteransin Philadelphia.

Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph James, of Lin-coln avenue, are entertaining theirdaughter, Mrs. Nornmn Haidaughter, Norniu, of lietroit.

Mrs. ISmineU Palmer, of Millbrouk,and Mrs. S. Palmer, of Crater avenueare •visiting in Canada.

Mrs. N. L. Dudley, of Miipl« Ter-race, is entertaining Mrs. J. DouplnsNeill, of Columbus, <ia.

Mr. ami Mrs. Albert Varady, of Yalestreet had as guests over Sunday, Mr.and Mrs. Oder and children, of Lynd-hurst. Miss Irene Nyitray, of NewYork City, is spending a few days atthe Varaily home.

Mr. and Mrs. Huwanl I''. Anderson,of Hunt s i red , are oil il motor tripui Washington and other ]mint8 ofinln cM.

Mr. and Mrs. llcortfc Coultllnnl ami.son. of l.ilicidn avenue, are HpelidlllKa few diiys with relatives in NewYork Slate.

Air. and Mrs. Louis Hperr.v, of illaseavi tue . ;in> on a motor trip to Canada.

Winifred lVdricli, of Keeondlas as her guest, Miss lOdilll

of (Jotildshoro, i'a.

Park In Safety White You Dine In ComfortAt The Denville Grill

^ ? foU!rP.MU S eTi^«: oDuIiVBleU

a;inenv?LNOr"in;-one--^y ,1.*6,

round trip, J2.20.

LUIKII or Dine, Have u Blt« or a MealAT THE

DENVILLE GRILLPhone Bockawur 130 fonUnuoiis 21 Hour ServiceState Highway Deiivitlc Park Denville, If. J.


.M iss


Rev. Andrew 1!. Wood, Pastor

Siiundiiy afteinooii a1 1 ot loel i aClam Bake will lie held on the churchKi'mnul.t. The lialie will he in charge

' " " l !o f 11. M. ItlKhUT well-known thruoutMorris County for his ability at oc-casions like this.

Sunday morning at <i:M ChurchSeliool CliiHses lor all <i£<'S.

At 1(1:-in Hev. Wood will prpacli, us-inK as it sermon silhjecl, "The -Sec-ond Alile".

At 7 o'clock Walter Freeiuun willlead the YOUIIK l'eople'a Meeting.

At 7:-15 Hev. Wood will preach on"1'i-nyer and Testimony Ahout Divinel^orgiveiiews".

Each Wednesday at 7:15 P. JI., aI music clutis in charge of .Mrs. and

Mrs. C. Fred Johnson and daughter. | Miss Louise .Mount.

Mexican Code of HonorStrange to Americans

In many tiiisin.ss phiees of the Cityof Mexicd, eiiM'lihu's a re chained tothe desk or wall to prevent eoine In-t ruder from curryiiiB them off. (Intho s t ree t s otiice ho.vi. niri-y lliou»aud~of dollars In ennvns hues "II tllelr(iiioulders from lianhs <" oftl<es. Itusl-ness men convey Hie day's re re lp lsto the hanks fliordy before 1 fie clos-ing hour. 'J'helr ImliilK In tills rc-s|H"'ttire known to ci ery crook In Mexico,yet It Isn't tmec 11 year Iliey nice:with a holdup, t ine's cook Is t rus tedwith from $10 to S'-'"> to (.'<> to the tniii-ket, und she re turns and accounts forthe money, yet while her employer 'sIllicit Is turned, she will shove fivecents worth of ten, coffee or sugarInto her pocket. To mice money Intrus ted to her to do the iimrkellm.:would he HilovliiK. luit In taking littlethings from the Wlchon supplies, sheIs followlnir the custom of the Hires.


Pliny Stirred to Wr»tl>Those who have watched some vol-

unteer fire companies lu action willho amused by the fnct that Pliny gotall wrought up ahout this matter ofnre-fljrlitltig back In ]()() A. D., writesJoseph T. ArnisfroiiK In the New Or-leans Item-Tribune. In n letter to theItoman emperor Trajan, Plluy deperilled ft fire at Xleoniedlu, wldcliconsumed several homes, the townhouse and the temple of iKifl.

Pliny Indignantly blamed this dam-age In part to "(he Indolence of thepeople, who manifestly stood Idle andmotionless spectators of this terriblecalamity.'1 He said there were In thetown "neither engineers, buckets norany single Instrument suitable for ex-tinguishing fires," and recommendedthat a compnny of 100 firemen beformed.







Two of the Finest GolfCourses in the State

Sunshine Miniature Golf Course opens their new course to thepublic—

Saturday August 16It is a complete course in itself and requires more of a real putt-ing stroke of golf than the miniature.

New Attractions and Improvements

Dont Fail to See the Alligator Exhibition

at 8:30 and 10:30 P.M.

Special Attractions for Sunday4:00 P. M. Parachute Jump by D. D. Hammond, winner of the AirCircus parachute jump at Teterboro Airport.

Special entertainment at noon and evening

SunshineMiniature Qolf Course


Denville Shack - State Highway - Denville, N. J.



Miss liernice Itelley, of IndianLake, hus gone to Uelmur, N. .). wheroshe will make nil extended visit wild

I Mr. and Mrs. Hubert lOwsild and son.

Dr. Harold A. Kot'icld, of (HliCHKO,is visiting His futher, and other rela-tives and friends of Tabor,

A nieetlUK of the llcliville CivicAiiMiciiilion W«B held in the newschool auditorium Monday evuniii)-;,when Mr. t'alvin Lawrence, chairniunol ihe llcliville Townsldp Committee,spoke.

Miss Id I si IVrsmi, of TaDor, willleave Saturday for KeHWick l'niii, N..1. where she will spend ten days atthe Victorious I.lfe Conference.

The Kockuwuy Iliver Country CluU| will he the scene ot an Annual Trl-I County Field Day, September 24th,| when the Moniatown Rotary Clubwill act as host for tliu Rotary Clubsof Dover, Hoonton, Duller, Helvldpre,Newton, autl Mutlison.

Mrs. licor^e Vanilerlioof and Stella,of ltichwoocl Place, aro siiending themonth of August as guests of Mr. undMrs. John (joctz, of Heinpstend, h. I.,and Mr. und Mrs. Fred Oordes, of.Woodiuere, U. I.

Sir. and Mrs. t'hurles W. IlodsorHhave been spending sometime withtheir daughter, Mrs. James Owen, ofNassau, N. V.

Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Flint, of Rain-bow hakes, have had an recent guestsMr. and Mrs. Charles Jewel, of Wee-hawken.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Moni», oi'Indian Lake, are entertaining Mis.'?Helen CJott, of Richmond, S. I.

Mrs. lCdward Jaeger, of Poconolload, is visiting in Center Lovell,Maine, with her daughter.

Mv. and Mrs. J, L. Railcllff, of Uain-liow Lakes, hnve as guests the lat-ter'a mother, Mrs. L. M. Beckwith,ami her aunt, Mrs, T. A, Waltron, ofLittle Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Strnng, ot Tabor,are enjoying a two months trip inEurope.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jaeger, ofPocono Road, have returned from amonth's trip to California.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Selden Walker, otCedar Lake, have had as guests Mrand Mrs. F. A. Earl and son, of New-ark.

A carnival is lielng held in River-dale Park this week for the heneflof the Denville Fire Department. TheDepartment was called out Tuesdayevening for a brush fire on Bald Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer,F. Hunt, oOrchard street, will have ns puestaSunduy, Miss liernice Roder, of NewYork City; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parker,of Irvinglon; Mrs. Alice Oarrabrant.of Newnrk; Mrs. Harry Roder,Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Barton MHunt, or tho Morvlstown Road.

Mrs. Klizaueth Stewart, of PallsaUPark, Jias been the guest of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. Stewart R. Peer,of Orchard street.

o -

Important VitaminIn testing foods for vitamin O In

tlic laboratory, guinea plfis nro fed nbnsnl diet complete except for thisvttundn, and tlien given lnensurertamounts of the food In question. Ifthe animal thrives and grows well,the food Is pvobnlily a good source ofvitamin O; If tlie nnlmal developssymptoms ot scurvy—sore, stiff Joints,n tendency to hemorrhage, sore gums,loosening of the teeth, und fragilebones, the food under teat probablyIs deficient In vitamin C. Similar(symptoms ore found in human beingswhose diet has lacked the foods thatsupply this Important vitamin.




Quality Always— -Teleplu

Sirloin Steak, lb. - -Chuck Roast, lb. - -Plate Meat, lb. - - "-Fresh Ground Hamburg,

Legs of Spring Lamb, lb. -

Shoulder of Spring Lamb, lb.

Breast of Lamb lb.

Fresh Fowl, 3</2lb.av.,lb.Fresh Eggs, doz.

1 lb. Roll Brookfield Butter, -

Dixie Bacon, Ib. - - - -LegsofVeaUb. - - - -Shoulder of Veal, lb. - - -Home Grown Tomatoes - 4 lb. for 25t

Tonkin & Hoffman StoriGENERAL MERCHANDISE jTolephoiif) orders given- special nttontloit.


Real BargainsNotlco Prices Ciuvfultj

CampboU'R Tomato So\i]iI! cms ."j

YuUan Coffee, lbRoyal Dessert Gelatine ..'P & G Soap, 7 cakes 2Gold Dust, large MjBabbitt Soap, 6 cukos...2

You will find our complete Hue of

GROCERIES and PROVISIONSfull and complete—all fresh new goods at prices to>'ew Orleans Molasses—Pure Apple Vinegar by tin1 s p

Taints mid (His—Linoleums and ltugs ;'Cypher's Chicken Feeds *

Everything a General Country Store stocks yon will ilii!>

Phone orders given careful attention

r ELMER D. SNOOK—REAL ESTATEEstates, Snnns, (Iwelllnns, lots and etc,

F«r snip, rent or cxduinuoLltl \\nntt><l

Cinder—GONGRETE BLOCKS—SandCINI>EJtS by truck or enr loud



Off. Tel. Worr. 11)28 — lies. Tel. 11)37 *t

Before Age of BalhtIn tho dnyB of Cromwell public batli-

Ing, no rantter how licnvlly nttlrod thobnthora were, wns strictly forbiddenMid our rmltnn forofntliers broivghtthis mle ovor to New Enjjlnnd withtlicm, so It Is very likely Hint on ivnrmdojs 800 years ngo wlint bnthers mightbe found on the beaches of Mnssnehu-setts wore Inillnns, with, perlinps nnoccuslonnl imclislWlng Puritan.

Another I'urltnn lnw wns tliut If nperson must bathe. It sliould lie In adark room, with no mirrors, nlone undat night.


Scranton-Lehigh, Old Company's Lehigfcand Plymouth Red Ash Coal

Strait & Freeman Coal Co.l'hotte 12 or 3-W

QEO. B. WHITHAMKinlmlnior & Funeral DirectorCareful servlco and prompt attention

given to all calls, day or night.Tel. Kockuwujr 75

Poneral Parlors—Main StreetROCHAWAY. N. 3.

Pliono 21« or 430 Itoclmivfl

• ' •

I ROOZTailor

W»H Street, Kook«wnyCleaning, Proaslng nnil

n Spoolalty''Vork Done Promptly and Neatly *

nuarontood to glvo SatlsfncllC