—— ' fjlup-our wsotl proud Town both ol tre ROCKAWAY RECORD II It * News, Adh. ur Job i'rliiiiiiK, pliouv ItiKfcaw*y 220, wi> are uJways glad Ui nerve ytiu VOL No. 34 Special 2c Legs of Lamb, (b. - - Shoulder of Lamb, Ib. - Forequarter of Lamb, lb. Breast of Lamb - • - Rib Pork Roast, lb. - • Hormel Bacon Squares - Rump of Veal, lb. - • Round Steak or Roast, lb. - - - 32c - - - 29c - - 23c 2 Ib.for 25c - - - 27c - - -25c - • - 35c - - - 42c Frosl) J'l'HN) Grueu Bonn*, ( i w i i lV|i|icri, Fresh Spliuicli, Lottims ('('lory, Ciiullfloiir Hagao's Cash Market MAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. NOTICE Savings Department Depositors Wo haw lmtallotl a Nnllunnl llookki>i>i)lti« Mnclilnn In our Snv- ln(TB D e p t r t m e n t uud lie rennet- nil ttunsadloiiK on y«»r Savlnss I'nw Hooka will be printed In iiluln lyi"' and InilcUlilo l«k. NEW PASS HOOKS \*i.i. HK issrwiv KINIU.Y IMIKSKKT oi.n BOOKS at your oonvonleucc. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROCKAWAV, Nl'JW JKUSKY $1S&,000 National Union Bank Dover, N. J. We cordially invite you to make use of our splendid new facilities it is our aim to improve our contacts with our depos- itors in every possible way if we can be of service, do not hesitate to ask us we will beglad to advise you. ^——— —— —————••——————-====s= KOCKAWAY. N. I.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1930 $1.00 PER YEAR Morris County Many Towns Will W.W. W. Class To Chamber Of Federation Meets Get New^ Buildings Visit Chinatown Commerce Meeting MI^IKII- |>UII, |>i| m,||,,,| S|>«ukrr. ! Hall Kallier Hrni'tNiiii IIIIIMIIIIIHUT Million for V » 'IVkplionc < <in«(rucM<m Kinirlli Alimiill llunquvl C)( thll i* Cmuilj Fi'dermlun (>r Holy Siu'ii.iU'H WIIH livid 111 Morrte- IHHI iitKlit ill tlio Cnmniunlty mill iiltlimmli Ihu weulher was luiri HiiMii wni-f uixiiii SMI m e n Tl , N nin i '' Clijfi int-iivni 7 (n> TixtstmitMt'r (if (tic fvcnlitg WUH H< v .Iti^pli U licwetHon, Spirit Util I ti KM mi ur Hie r«lomtt«n Father I.*'WI<|M(»II nuihoH in, td«tl loiuiLimusler II.s he lu^ nml very Important toust- Mwir-tvi mutiny of tilwiiyn knowing what to Hdy ul I hi proper matin 1 tit IUM! IKIW ii) HU,V It Thr piinitpul Hp«nitf>r tif tlie even- ing WUH Uic It! Id'V MatmljfHor Duf- l> \ it in (ienvTHl, II[ tln/'Ncwnrk dio- ci'Nr MoiiHigiior Duffy rutiftrtitulateri j thi* Holy Nunie Bort«tli>« of MOITIH I t oulit> mi ihi* Fiilviitlld work In llie , cn«H(> of ClirlKt (hut WUHciirrliMt 011 I I v Hi.'in In U f pu*l y.-iii nnd mild Ihut ^ II would lie 11 na In nil tK'ijuciiie lo tmve thin KpiWiitloti perform neater i mln in tin' comliiK y*>nv Hi 1 ajioke Uf ih«> ( u t l H i l i r KVIIU'IHM' lUitltl thai' | " lr " Teh. lorn of tlie New Jersey Hi-li 'lie Company Hppmv^l <<ntl nmtt-K railing for tin- cxpmiditiiri' tif approxliuiitHy lialf it million <li>llarH loiUiy (ThurHdny, Fv-U 27) fin- new tcl(>|».lioini pi nut count ruci Ion ' Ainniiy tilt 1 larger project* iippruvoil MITI' tlu> p u i v h n w of property al 224 2Hi |,voiiH nvc-nuc, Nfwurh, for ihe iTPdJoJi of a new i-ciitru) nfrii-c build ' IIIK to ran? for growth In i lu* tMiiilh- orn jmrt ((f t fie Ncwurh nrwi, [IJIIHIIK of tu'veriil in I leu of new i ithlc jtmi otli- i'i mi l« life HiufpiniMil lo provide for( I'M'iniMon In U f Onldwell, MVIIIRH- nm, ornngr. I'luinfU'ld. Fun wood and huiicllfti ccittrui nffUv illrttrlrtM pur rim HI' of property fur llw cnn strut 'lull ol' a now central ofl'lce In Vine- in ml, and \\w iitHtiilltiilun »t n. u fMjul)ntH i i)l In varlmih jiartH nf wtitir when- rapid ttruwlh 1H H)« ff»fl(ici»|f ' In* rcwTVn I'H^jirhy •!"• Tn (,,IUI-J Man) !ii(i>r«>Hi4Ml TM»IW To niKtlitn On MarWi tfUn.l A MOM-: «AV MAhK TH1I 1 Hller A|>|iolii|. (onimlttcm 'tin „„ .I,,, tin Th4> limird itpnrovi-rl «<x|K-tulIfur<* ci cHtiiiry for the pun liaHe of in«w mint I ufn re equiiitiii'iii al Hind en (.uldes WIII IU. KurnM,,,! H) Tom Noomin Tu Tnko INirtj Thn»utrh ( IIIIIIIWMII The W W W ClitHH u| i lie Klmt M K' CJmM-lr. of I»(IK-I, ntll HputiH»r il till! lo rtiitiiiiovwi MIHHUH lllH] rhiiuitdwii mi Hmurday t'VfiiliiK. Miinli 22nd LarKc roomy IUIHCK will •d friim l.hc 1'iihlir Service I TituiHiKu i. UiiM^rorv an- miriiiK a i-iiinfiii-iiihlt- trip tlicrr and relitrn TtckvtH a i r imw on HH1I> and run \u> H'Mun-d from any niiniluT nf Ihe clnm or rnmi Mr Lundy In CollHrd'H Kurn- Dmei 'Die mi tuber of noli) will l>.. limited to i.vtii IK. MIIII Is :m p«H«etifierrt to a Iteiv will lit. nn partly Wlvd 'rtn'infort', tlior.c who wi«h lo 1H' trip HIT urged 1t> Mwure iiri.»lilnnt, rolluwlllg COin- Siu lUlHi' mttk ll» lietN viu ly HIi I In i IIIMM nitty <let(>rm hie how inuiiy IIUH(>M In rlmrtpr Thi' hiiHew VMMli-itve Hit- Flint M K Churih rnnin, lllihluvidl and K* hind mid mid of it« humlile Mart by :t inn n Mitinri' Mini hit u li(t (ihJ<K't4Kl lo a wtrt-et nil ni'f miap liox orator TIIIU'tiling I lie Catltollc faith n n d 111 his oliJiM-tliMiw In 1 uncovered lit liim- Helf tin uuluiowi! flart' lor public s)iviikl!iK 'I'lilh \\!lh 11H> origin of llie l.oitKiK' nml tlune n n n n w HIM) moil mill women who nljihlly »tlve volun- tary stTvlu'S lii piilillr pi a i'on ox- potiiidfiitf ('{ttliollr (I'Mij'liMM jim) an- swerhm all (HicHtlunn win 1 HUT put to them throiiRli tunics( irnjufry or tn- derlHlmi Monsinn<ir Huffy told his ilMMierx Huil they owed Hi 1h«lr rmtnlry llie tiutrlntli' iliuy of lipitiR <MiW>n of trunk line equipment for the Dover, Homorvllle, T*mi(t llramti and Red Hank cvniral offiiew and for the now Horltuwiiy r^iitrnl offli t> now un- i ilci roiiHtriir! I mi at Henv|lh> Ther** ! v\ 4iH an itppropi la I inn u|t|>ni\iMl for itK'nllntU'ii In !!:<> llttfiiliolt ceiilrfi) nHI(«', ul Newark, of new equipment t <i Imiidie the hii'i-t'iiHtuf iiiiuihtM- ril" I'ILIIN 1'I'DIU d i a l (vU>phniH>H nnd of ol h rr new n|i|wrntun in tan 1 for Krowlh tioAdfiittt In tlii'ir lulili salvation uf Ihln cminlry rnunlrv 1" Hu> woiUI IN luMiuiMo the oi itny otliw msnit on the Several Candidates For Motor Job xlmrp. mid iiirlvi' ul (In. inl»»tDii nhunt !l (i rlui k, wlicri. tlu.y will liiinr 'Puni Xtwimit (itililcN n i l ] In- fticiiNlll'd h; lake III.' liarly Iliruuitll tin- luli-lcnt IIIK |IIII-(H ut Chlniitown (III tin. n>- lurn 1111v tin- ixu-ly will arrlvt. linnu- illiuut 2 In A M Tliiwi' Iriiln Hin-kiiwuy Whnrtoli, MmTUHiiniiii ami Kein-ll will mtioi at Ihi- ruvin]i Imi mi tin. v. 1 nrn trip Ihey will 1.. lakfti In UHTH rm|iin-t!vi. lloKlt Hilt IllllH 0 t|i|Kilnli.(l 'lYiil'flc . t'Kulur ruiintlily dlnimr «int ll "" llll '"» ••"'iB »! tin- Huukuwfty CIlllliilM i ur ('inimii.ri'e W»H ll«hl tut nlKlit IlL tilt- l'jniiniii Huntiiuraiit. an Main Sii-(.(<t The newly ( >lv Hlli-i, apliulnli.il IllltliM'H fin- (In. yi'iir Kluam-i. -J II Jaiikm.n, fhulniKin; William (itTird, Kdwiiiil Diiland. Mi'inliiiiBhip Wni t'l-uiie,, . chair- tiiun, t'wii H Myi-i-H, win r< Pr«»m«n. Woy» ami Mvnitn—Hllvlv Odloruo I'llHil'llKlli. Anthony J KI-RIIIK, Mm K III £1)11111 H.V IJIWH I. A Hll-all, I'lialrmin; Hiiyinn id J l'ark», SIIUH llllor, I'libliilt.v t)ndi.|i s folium, 8r,, iluilrniaii; John ('i-um., (l<. or ge B, Cruiniilon Hcii-lul Ma in Kiimnun. i-li«lrni*li; J llHcar JnliniKin, Sllvlv Otllerno. Knerudvo- IJ McirrlK Mchola, oh»lr- miui. John J dill, Frwl Knilliuiull. Tlu- |irt*uk.iii and mn-rotury nr© « x . ofli-lo iiieiiibem «f the nliovo com- UIIUH.H Thi' t'liiiin CoiiiiiilHtm roiiiirted thut lluiy an. BtUI wurkhiH <"> th« vlftlokl •)t tin iitiiEi.na i>r tin. noruugh who ntifrt'1-tHl IIMH In the Lake DtmnMrk CiminiuiiliuitlDiin Imvo lii'ou i'il trom uiuniituilurthu ronosrim whs an- loukliiK fur IU.BII-HMO loc»tlont Tur fiK-rurliiM nnil tlto Ctuunbor ftra wurklni; on tlitim 1 iMiilnavortng oliti lucatc hurt' Denville Realtor Is Kept Busy I In' living l>y I h e lim'l The Hcxl »iM>«lier vus Krv l-'iiilu'r Kin. •I).I (tnvr le I" i; "f tin 1 IclllnOBB. I'viMilnf Miner, Need O'l.eiii-j't I'liire l.i-ltiiy II (DllliiM, won of Mi- anil MIH HUlncy CiillliiH, hah htu'ii tiiipolnt- I'd triifill- tiianuRiM- of till' Htalulard I'liili'i'Kruunil Culili' Co, Division if (li'lKM-al t'alili' t'oriiointliiti, IVrth \lllliuy, N .1 , miri-wilhiii ThfUllltH II llarvry. who h:in horn made tlelltirul Ti-iifflc Mimaili'i of tilt, tirncriil Cnhl Chns. Vi. a I'miei To B* Wire WIII.M i'mifrv™«inini llnrolil (: rirvtf null) lald'S ovor tin 1 niricc nT Mnlor II,,. ,'nllBlmis purlins™ anil lilnli. of ] Vfllil. Ii' l'i.iiimlK«lnm«r. A|iill 1. Bur- , c,,,.,,,,,.,,, | <M1 »m, |,,.,i<lciuiii-t.'i-i. I n H i ilH- Holy Num.* SmlHv ami ilio n-llit-l'' 1 '"'"'" 1 vvllll "'» '- I" 11 - '"' >vln ll( ' Cncvlinr IIIIIIIIIIIB. New Yiirk City IIVIIB iluly of i.mh mcmhfi- of lhi. Hi.-IIloodi.il «Mli •• |t|>lIt-nltmiH fur |uwl- N1| . { l M m HUnu.,\ |,, , | i ipl ili-ly " " ' ' '''••' "' '"" .iilv id |i«i'[nrni IIIK rrlln- Imis I>]IIIK;II'..II» lilnisrU. lull U> lii'l|) spr..inl t!ii> fullli "I ("lirlxl 111 liln.ci wln'ii 1 tilt 1 nvi'rnK'' rl'Mtry limn rulllliH n-mli Tills run In 1 dune by each nit'in- lier ridi on)v iii'ofcsMljiK tin 1 }>rltn'l|il< l a of I hi' Mnlv Nnmr Socli'ly. hut llvln«- llu'in mllltnitlly so Mint IIIN ciiiiiliic't ,'iiiinni hi'l|i Iml l>o Mshliiliij cxnmiilv In Ills I'l'lUvwinrll Tin' ni'sl «pi>nk»r wn« Mr Martin Mool-i'. In i>dH.f or Ki'V FlltlliT Monrp, of SHIIII Mtuy'w In Wtiflrton Mr. lo the Standard IY.I.-I gnmiHl Culil In I'ltlMliurB In 1MU. Kroin th est rlerk In tin- ili'iuirlmt'iit h !finj4 .if uio(or \'<>lil<lf. rt'fr^lni Kontn ullli (ifri. r s In vni-U.114 OIIB III' till 1 Mllltl' The li'im nt Tulrlik 11 IVLi'iiry. of IOVIM- ,n am'ilt r.n- tin' .lnmrtiiii.nl :,., lirk ,„ 192; , , lnl | Brfei ., IVH cohruary Ui. thin ycni mm nuulv their triil'tl. niatuifier Th worked up to the pitHltton of chief will ci|iin' Api I] 1 mill II In IIII.IIM Ploixl Hint two riuiilldiiti's for tlu> IMHltloii nrc already In Hip field, with tlu> llki>llli<><»l Unit tin 1 ii' will lie mh- prti In » ftlmit linn' Mayor .liilm Hoarlio. (if Uovpr, U fio^klnfr Ili<> |K»Mltl<>i], II Is Hitld itml Henry Hli'pt.r. a rent PKtate an<l In- Mo..r.' Is olio of Ihe forum »|i..nkiT» j > uriini'.' lirnki'f. meitilier nf llie firm ,,f ill,' Holy Name- SwMy nml revenl-1 of Itaki-r "'"I ItleR.-r. Is nl.o H rnmll- lly nililrpss.'.! Hie Uicnl Fcderalloll. dale lie R|i»ki' IIIKI I'VPlllllR of llie vllal i Mr. O'l-i ii..i'i'«Blt.v of tin- liiy nwnilier» i-n-u|i- '"n 1 1 s l """ iriltlnil with tin' rlcriry 111 iml.'i' to Co Di ry, who hu» held lhe,l.o»- ; Am|l|y I* 111 l Ul Orn.-nil t'aUle CorpiWHtlon, of u'lilch tho Stiuularil rmlei'Kround I'n Me Cu., \s ii division, la tlie III rites I manufacturer of electric \vlrvn and cilhlex III llie I'nlted Stalls, linrlni; 1>1a nt H stiiltered throURhout tlie t'nlt- e<l dtatev, neuiiy it s.'ore 111 nil. The Standard I'lMlePKnmnd Culilc Co Division has factories tit 1'erlh ninlti' a unified offort for SUITOSS of the ninny very vital uixtfrlnklnux nf the Holy Num.' Society 111 Ihe flelil »f h'lliiliin. Hc\' T A Mnher. f.innerly pn^tor of Siilnl MnryV In Wlinrlon. «a« srlii'iliile.l to he nrwwnt but nwlnu to 111 h e a l t h , H win nvoMMiry fur Fntli- «• Mnhvr to rnneel hU engnni'iiient. Thefi' win keen dlimiipnliiinieiit atuouff all Ilios*' [irwetit heniuw Father Mnlier. funner Snlrltiinl l^t- rvrtor of Hie Federation, »•»« liopnlar will" everyliody. MI cttmmlHHlon- er. 1H a Detnoerai II U liellevetl that Iillt M() |ul(| Coiiirrennmnii Hofflilftti. who IH A Ite- pulillenn will fill the position wltli a member of that parly. Holh Mr KleK- < v r and Jiixiehc are nepulillcan.-* An •Irplam U buUt ta |0 up. Bat wh«n MOHtblnfCOit wrong, It conwi down with a «rath ofttn damaging yalnablt property. PLAY SAFE1 mtu nuatUHy wlik AiacMrr NMtmrv DAMAOI INMmANCB Tiihemilosl« Ciiiniuibtn Ta "kill two hlrds wllh one stone" I Id tlio Insk t'i>iifii»illn>; Ihe Morris County TuliprculiiKlH AsstK'lallon «.•- corillnB tn MIKH Anna 1. Kcti'li. rxecv- tlve seiretary, who Mules th.it "fol- ] j UIW-UII" letters reeenlly umllcd 'o I 27X1 county clilxens nre tiiten.led to 5 remind of the tinimrlanre of Hccount- ' InK for ClivlHtniHs s<'nls sent in Nn- vemher, hefore the tirgnuU.illoll Is [ too heavily Immersed In work of the spring (•nmpnlRn for the rrotectlon i I'ncle Sinn nn »oom>r ilolhereil llir ! of Children nKnlnst Tiiben-uloxls. In «ntl rcgletratlon hlanks which tht) TiilHTt'tilosls AHaotiallon N J. St. l.ouls, <nl Mr Collins .lltllt'H will cover supervision i.f truf- IU- matters ill all of ihcse plants II will he t>f Inlenwl li> innii.v local readers that llie wire and itxl mill of the Standard 1'it.ler^rounil CitMe fu plant ul I'erth Anihoy was liullt by M. HiMRhinds Wons C o . i.f llni-kuivny n nnniher of years ng.i (>ti«u> H)rnn>» Iteitl-tmllun- ArrUtnjr for Older Itnj* (enlprenee In 11)111 Ihe piinulntlon of Il, H k.i- way Hortninh was 1.HU2; In li'l,'.. 2,^24, In I!l2d, ;,(i. r .r.. The CPIIMIS v^lll h.. tilken aiinlli this year In April It Is thought we will ri'tuh u figure of nl len.Hl 3.RII0. Ill the Townalllp of HocklUvav there win a liu'Re decrtv)''.' In piijiiiljilion from 1910 to l!Uf>, due la the I.I...H.1- Mr Krni'si ScofleWI, foiinei'ty man- ager of the A * 1' Store tn DonVillS unil now mummer of ihu American ( 31 ore« Ium noli! IIIH rt.Htdniit'0 on My- or« Avi!., through tho ruul «at»t« ol- fl(« or ('hurled W Itoilgvm. Of D « l " vllle, to Mr Jesse WIIHOD, of DoVST, «llo will nciuiiy same. Mr lluiliiin-s also rveouily Bold <k hungalow on Illnehman Ave. prop- erly of Mr John Hownrd, to Mr. Q. Fowler, of I'nlon city, N. J., and Mr. Novnian C<M>k'« resliloiu'e on Rloh- wood T e m n e lo Mr (iuhhlim, ot J w - »ey City. Tim following iiropertleH wero n>nt- eil rlini Mr. Hodgcr*. The furni&r HUKIISOII IIOUBO at In- dian Luko to Mr K. K. MAcaulcy, foo^ tnerly (^f Hlcliwood Terrnue. Mrs llerlhu tialemhrowgkl hOIMW on AUKtistn Ave, to Mr Danltl Ma- hioliald. Mrs Wiilihers houne on Morrl Trail lu MIH M Vandlesen. Mr chntles Kelso's roslileuoo on lilt liwood Tcrratv to Mr. Hurry Qlp«, of SlrouilshiirK, I'M. Mr. Quuckellblish hoUHe on RlQh- wooil Tenii<-e tn Mr. Wm. Nljon, oT I lover Mr t'luyit Hllei'M ttuiigalow ott Itliliwood Terrace to Mr. Jas MaTtlB, of Kockiiwiiy Mr Floyd Hller'H lillliKulow on U M Moirlstuwn Kond tn Mr. Tho« Mur- pli\. ot Duver. o ( oiliniiuilty Kile onmont af tlie iflttertila mint mid , ithe fiirnilni! t>f l)"iivlllc township of the Seventh AnuutU County DLIpr | will Jiiln with 111.' Iwc.ily-elRht olh.r, wl||i , (i K ^ Ulk(i|i rnlm |||( , ,,, w ,,, hl| , Hoys' Conft'ronee to the Y. M <' A.'s county nnd cotmnunlly i\H*»tu'hit Ions A.'s ! nnd Sunilny Srh«oln of Morris County Minn tho slgnoil bltinkn ularled coining In In the County Y. M. C. A Ili-nd- iliinrlerB at Dover. Korknwny nnd llnno w were tlie first two low us to w>ml In their ilelcjrntes' credentl«.l«. This Coilfprcnce brliiRs lonether 150 older boys from orgniilird Sumlay acliool Claw.es, Y. M. C. A. (iroitps, Ill-V Clubs, Kntpliiyml Boys' clulw and other organisations, t'lnss or- Rnnlxntlona In th» HlKli SeJioolK have »l»o lieon Riven the privilege i>f send- ing dolegntee. ; E.J. MATTHEWS &SONS <« * « l | Main Street Bottawy, H. J. Tho Jlorrls County league of Worn- J en Voters, will hold a regular month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wll- lard V. King, Convent Station, on March 10th. Butlnou at 11 A. M.; luncheon U:SO;-speaking at II P M. by Mr a. Bttty Bullock, on "Birth Con- trol." In New Jersey affiliated with Slut' and Nnlional organizations 1 The Niuv Jersey caniiuilgii slogan I "To liiiard the r.irent nnd Protect I tlw Child" Will he lined hy the county j group nnd an effort ltil.de lo find parly ciist'w of tuberculoslH hefore an InfDcllnus stage of llie dlsonse ban linen rencheo In order tn protert the .vourig clilMron from Infection. Oini- pnlgn plntm contomplato tho use of ovary available publicity method Similar nnnual cnmpalgns conducted under the iiusplccs of Htnto nnd Na- tional TulwrculoHls Aitiioclutlons for the post two years w«ro aald lo have resulted In Increased I'lliiU- nlli'iiil- rnice and ndmlsslons to sanatoria. I In 1!H», J.S.'IS were enumel'i.ti'.l. In llilfi. .I.lifil. nnd In lli-t'. 'l.riil.1 In the Township of Denvllle. nhlth Is RrowliiK so ruiildly. there will un- doubtedly he a innrked increiise In I lillf) when the township wns lueor- | ponite.l the ceji-iiis figures were 1,1112. In 11120. five years hiu-r they were o 1 In- Community Five hroko own In a imlr nr cniiic.-. during Ihc l«<Bt w««k. Last Thursday ut Lincoln School I In- Lake Land Ftvo. of llover, WOTA di-li'llli'll .11 lo '.'1 Dggli) Culllnn, at Hi.- h u a l s led In the scoring with 13 luiinls and l:!<!e Voiint was ut»t with hi puluis. Friday nlijlil they liwt to the Morit- i In Ii l.ulh.-i League 27 tu at). TonlKht at Lincoln School, they will nieel the strong VVatsessIng M. IS, Five, of IMwlnftt'ld WntHCSHlllg lias lust nnt> one gnnie Illlu year ftiul UQK met some ul' the strongest loatna In the slnte. llame culled S: 40. -o- Nuiiu-ltii) Lenten Nenlcei In Doonton High School Basketball town d«feal«d Rockaway, Tu««dAyaf- ternoon (or the second time this year. The icoro w«a <3 to 33. Noted Woman Speaker lo He Al Den- \llle ( hurrh Mrs. Henry Frndkln, Intornsllonul chalrlady of the League of Women Voters, will address a mooting In the Denville Methodist Church, Wednes- day evening, March r>, at elitht o'clock Mrs. FrDdkln will take as hor sub- Jeot "The Part Woman Must Play In the Advanoemont of .World Peaco." The ladles of surrounding communi- ties are Invited to attend. A group of all business men, with . Frank \V. lliuiill-uii as fhnlrnmn nnd Amoft C. MorrlMoti on Secn>tary, aWI spontiorlng four uooiwlay l^onten Sor- virus to he hold April 14. IB, 16. 17. The Committee are i>liiiinln|t to BB- oure a prominent preacher In UlO , iiiolropolltiui urea to glv.< a t»rt«a oC four addresBcu. Thero will bo apoctal musical sei'vleoa Tho Dover Mlnhl- icrlaJ Assoctatlou lft cooperating tn thU new religious venture ami evo-y- one who has hoard ot the plan Is «n- uhuslutloally lnterodted and It la ««• ' pected that thero will b^ n hirgo at- tendanco at Iheso noon-day Mrvlott. ..

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    tre ROCKAWAY RECORD II It * News, Adh. ur Jobi'rliiiiiiK, pliouv ItiKfcaw*y220, wi> are uJways gladUi nerve ytiuVOL No. 34


    Legs of Lamb, (b. - -Shoulder of Lamb, Ib. -Forequarter of Lamb, lb.Breast of Lamb - • -Rib Pork Roast, lb. - •

    Hormel Bacon Squares -Rump of Veal, lb. - •Round Steak or Roast, lb.

    - - - 32c- - - 29c

    - - 23c2 Ib. for 25c

    - - - 27c

    - - - 2 5 c- • - 35c

    - - - 42cFrosl) J'l'HN) Grueu Bonn*, ( i w i i lV|i|icri, Fresh Spliuicli,

    Lottims ('('lory, Ciiullfloiir

    Hagao's Cash MarketMAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J.

    NOTICESavings Department Depositors

    Wo h a w lmta l lo t l a Nnllunnl llookki>i>i)lti« Mnclilnn In our Snv-ln(TB D e p t r t m e n t uud lie rennet- nil ttunsadloiiK on y«»r S a v l n s s I'nwHooka will be printed In iiluln lyi"' and InilcUlilo l«k.

    NEW PASS HOOKS \* i . i . HK issrwiv KINIU.Y IMIKSKKT oi.n

    BOOKS at your oonvonleucc.



    National Union BankDover, N. J.

    We cordially invite you to make use ofour splendid new facilities it is our aimto improve our contacts with our depos-itors in every possible way if we can beof service, do not hesitate to ask us wewill be glad to advise you.

    ^ — — — — — — — — — — • • — — — — — — - = = = = s =KOCKAWAY. N. I.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1930 $1.00 PER YEAR

    Morris County Many Towns Will W .W. W. Class To Chamber OfFederation Meets Get New^ Buildings Visit Chinatown Commerce Meeting

    MI^IKII- |>UII, |>i|m , | | , , , | S|>«ukrr.! Hall

    Kallier Hrni'tNiiii IIIIIMIIIIIHUT

    Million for V » 'IVkplionc< \ it in (ienvTHl, II[ t l n / ' N c w n r k dio-

    ci'Nr MoiiHigiior Duffy rutiftrt i tulateri j

    thi* Holy Nunie Bort«tli>« of MOITIH I

    t oulit> mi ihi* Fiilviitlld work In llie ,

    cn«H(> of ClirlKt (hut WUH ciirrliMt 011 I

    I v Hi.'in In U f pu*l y.-iii nnd mild Ihut ̂

    II would lie 11 na In nil tK'ijuciiie lo

    tmve thin KpiWiitloti perform n e a t e r i

    m l n in tin' comliiK y*>nv Hi1 ajioke

    U f ih«> (ut lHi l i r KVIIU'IHM' lUitltl t h a i '

    | " l r "Teh.

    lorn of t l ie N e w J e r s e y Hi-li

    'lie C o m p a n y H p p m v ^ l th« vlftlokl

    •)t tin iitiiEi.na i>r tin. noruugh who

    ntifrt'1-tHl IIMH In the Lake DtmnMrk

    CiminiuiiliuitlDiin Imvo lii'ou

    i'il trom uiuniituilurthu ronosrim whsan- loukliiK fur IU.BII-HMO loc»tlont

    Tur fiK-rurliiM nnil tlto Ctuunbor ftra

    wurklni; on tlitim1 iMiilnavortng

    oliti lucatc hurt'

    Denville RealtorIs Kept Busy

    I In' l i v i n g l>y I h e l i m ' l

    The Hcxl »iM>«lier

    v u s Krv l-'iiilu'r K in .

    •I).I (tnvr

    le I" i;

    "f tin1IclllnOBB.


    Miner, Need O'l.eiii-j't I'liire

    l.i-ltiiy II (DllliiM, won of Mi- anil

    MIH HUlncy CiillliiH, hah htu'ii tiiipolnt-

    I'd triifill- tiianuRiM- of till' Htalulard

    I'liili'i 'Kruunil Culili ' C o , Division if

    (li'lKM-al t 'ali l i ' t 'or i io int l i i t i , IVr th

    \llll iuy, N .1 , mir i -wilhi i i ThfUllltH II

    l l a r v r y . who h:in horn made tlelltirul

    Ti-iifflc Mimaili'i of tilt, t i rnc r i i l Cnhl

    Chns. Vi. a I'miei To B*Wire

    W I I I . M i ' m i f r v ™ « i n i n i l l n r o l i l ( : r i r v t f

    n u l l ) l a l d ' S o v o r t i n 1 n i r i c c n T M n l o r

    I I , , . , ' n l l B l m i s p u r l i n s ™ a n i l l i l n l i . o f ] V f l l i l . I i ' l ' i . i i i m l K « l n m « r . A | i i l l 1 . B u r - , c , , , . , , , , , . , , , | lii'l|)

    spr. . inl t!ii> fullli "I ("lirlxl 111 l i l n . c i

    wln ' i i 1 tilt1 nvi ' rnK' ' rl 'Mtry limn rulllliH

    n-ml i Ti l l s r u n In1 d u n e by each nit ' in-

    lier ridi on)v iii'ofcsMljiK tin1 }>rltn'l|ilo M s h l i i l i i j cxnmi i lv

    In Ills I'l'lUvwinrll

    Tin' ni'sl «pi>nk»r wn« Mr Martin

    Mool-i'. In i>dH.f or Ki'V FlltlliT Monrp,

    of SHIIII Mtuy'w In Wtiflrton Mr.


    the S tandard I Y . I . - I gnmiHl Culil

    In I'ltlMliurB In 1MU. Kroin th

    est r lerk In tin- ili'iuirlmt'iit h

    !finj4 .if u io (o r \'lil

    IMHltloii nrc already In Hip field, with

    tlu> llki>llli uriini'.' lirnki'f. meitilier nf llie firm

    ,,f ill,' Holy Name- SwMy nml revenl-1 of Itaki-r "'"I ItleR.-r. Is n l . o H rnmll-

    lly nililrpss.'.! Hie Uicnl Fcderalloll . da le

    lie R|i»ki' IIIKI I'VPlllllR of llie vllal i Mr. O'l-i

    ii..i'i'«Blt.v of tin- liiy nwnilier» i-n-u|i- '"n 1 1 s l " " "

    iriltlnil with tin' rlcriry 111 iml.'i' to

    Co Diry, who hu» held l h e , l . o » - ; A m | l | y

    I*111 • l U l

    Orn.-nil t'aUle CorpiWHtlon, of

    u'lilch tho Stiuularil rmlei'Kround

    I'n Me Cu., \s ii division, la tlie III rites I

    manufacturer of electric \vlrvn and

    cilhlex III llie I'nlted S t a l l s , linrlni;

    1>1 a nt H s t i i l tered throURhout tlie t'nlt-

    eiifii»illn>; Ihe Morris

    County TuliprculiiKlH AsstK'lallon «.•-

    corillnB tn MIKH Anna 1. Kcti'li. rxecv-

    tlve s e i re tary , who Mules th.it "fol- ]

    j UIW-UII" letters reeenl ly umllcd 'o

    I 27X1 county c l i lxens nre tiiten.led t o 5

    remind of the tinimrlanre of Hccount- '

    InK for ClivlHtniHs sr i lolherei l l l i r ! o f Children nKnlnst Tiiben-uloxls. In

    «ntl rcgletrat lon hlanks which tht) TiilHTt'tilosls AHaotiallon

    N J. St. l .ouls,

    , due la the I.I...H.1-

    Mr Krni'si ScofleWI, foiinei'ty man-

    ager of the A * 1' Store tn DonVillS

    unil now mummer of ihu American

    (31 ore« Ium noli! IIIH rt.Htdniit'0 on My-

    or« Avi!., through tho ruul «at»t« ol-

    fl(« or ('hurled W Itoilgvm. Of D«l"

    vllle, to Mr Jesse WIIHOD, of DoVST,

    «llo will nciuiiy same.

    Mr lluiliiin-s also rveouily Bold f l)"iivlllc township

    of the Seventh AnuutU County DLIpr | will Jiiln with 111.' Iwc.ily-elRht o l h . r , w l | | i , ( i K ^ U l k ( i | i r n l m | | | ( , , , , w , , , h l | ,

    Hoys' Conft'ronee to the Y. M ml In their ilelcjrntes' credentl«.l«.

    This Coilfprcnce brliiRs lonether 150

    older boys from orgni i l ird Sumlay

    acliool Claw.es, Y. M. C. A. (iroitps,

    Ill-V Clubs, Kntpliiyml Boys' c lu lw

    and other organ i sa t ions , t'lnss or-

    Rnnlxntlona In th» HlKli SeJioolK have

    »l»o lieon Riven the privi lege i>f send-

    ing dolegntee.


    lust nnt> one gnnie Illlu year ftiul UQK

    met some ul' the strongest loatna In

    the slnte. llame culled S: 40.

    -o-Nuiiu-ltii) Lenten Nenlcei In

    Doonton High School Basketballtown d«feal«d Rockaway, Tu««dAy af-ternoon (or the second time this year.The icoro w«a , at elitht o'clockMrs. FrDdkln will take as hor sub-Jeot "The Part Woman Must Play Inthe Advanoemont of .World Peaco."The ladles of surrounding communi-ties are Invited to attend.

    A group of all business men, with .Frank \V. lliuiill-uii as fhnlrnmn nndAmoft C. MorrlMoti on Secn>tary, aWIspontiorlng four uooiwlay l^onten Sor-virus to he hold April 14. IB, 16. 17.The Committee are i>liiiinln|t to BB-oure a prominent preacher In UlO ,iiiolropolltiui urea to glv.< a t»rt«a oCfour addresBcu. Thero will bo apoctalmusical sei'vleoa Tho Dover Mlnhl-icrlaJ Assoctatlou lft cooperating tnthU new religious venture ami evo-y-one who has hoard ot the plan Is «n-uhuslutloally lnterodted and It la ««• 'pected that thero will b^ n hirgo at-tendanco at Iheso noon-day Mrvlott. ..












    I mi

    REG'LAR FELLERS Jimmie's Troubles Didn't Start Yet By GENE BYRNES

    England Gets Laurelat Kissing Country

    Stockholm, Sweden. - It developsthat Enstland was I lie first Kr. fclsf>Ing country, fur they have dlscm ereOthat in Ihe early Seventeenth centurythe ambassador u> Hie court of Swfden, Rulstrode Whltelock, was espedaily requested by the queen lo tenchher lodlest "to kiss after the Knplishfashion," which he did very nhlipinnl)'considering that he was a strict Purltan. It Is recorded (lull hid pupils offered merely "a few pretty defenses."

    A century and more earlier Vene-tian visitors to England hud recordedhow the London Indies kissed eventheir roan friends when they metthem in tlie street, and Erasmus himself described the F.nBlish habit ofgreeting with n kiss as "praiseworthyheyond descrlotion "

    Smooth YourShavingTroublesAway!

    Klrnzo Shaving; Cream

    39 centsIts penetrating latbersoftens the beard close tothe Bkln and enables youto sweep It off smooth andclean.

    Gentlemen's Tale

    25 centsSoothes the skin and re-moves the shine. Slightlyscented and quite invis-ible on the fact. Sold on-ly at Rexall Stores.Sold only at Rexall Stores

    GERARD'SMain Sf. Ilockawar, N. J.

    Phone 1«

    For theSmall Investor

    Aisociat^d Gas and Elec-tric Company Class A Stockmoy be purchased on ourmonthly investment plan.Preseni price levels oreextremely attractive and theyield is over 8% in stockdividends

    To Subscribe, inquire of thesecurity representative at theAssociated System Companylerving you

    Associated Gos and

    Electric Securities Co* Inc.

    Forgetting OldWounds

    By L E E T E STONE

    A T A tiny corner cafe, half beltiogthe sidewalk and nearly lo shadowof the Madeleine, sat Dean Harvey,abstemiously sipping a cognac. Hebad been in iliat Uuie plaza. ID action.over a decade ago. Dean gazed at theheadless suict lu the corner alcove ofthe Madeleine. It stood there, ereean cried.

    In tlie dimness (he (wo oldstersslnred at each other, heads thrust forward.

    "Pal . . , B—I :*' sakt ihe onewho had come In with Dean. T.iecrouched figure straightened nnd asunny smile sought the gnarled fenturps. He laid aside the *lx shooter,rose find walked over to Deans till!friend wilh hand outstretched

    "Ye?—1 know 1 give yuh them threebullet holes In the hip, Jarfe' Ransome; but they're old wounds, pardner—old wounds. Lets shake. Jink ; forget them holes o' yours—an' go towork, eh?"

    A FKl .UB with n lood of harrelswill luke up must tin1 ruinl,And yet you'll llnd, if you will look,

    tie hasn't got n loud—Alttiouxh the pile Is mighty tall.'It nil Is empties, nfter ull.

    It rntllps down tlie v 'Inge street flndnuikes n lot of din;

    To hear liho you wutili] think it wnsa i-iri'nB coniiii' In.

    'J'u make n rucliet In lhe BlreetA loud of barrels can't be beut.

    The man who nlwuys looks BO wise.ttie runn who nevor Jot™,

    Who takes himself so serious In frontof oilier folks,

    It very often will lu-fnllIs JUKI an empty. »ftP r nil. __

    Tlio man who likes to nigufy und tnll;both long nnd lomi.

    The man onposlri1 evrjlhlns. mu.vdrtnv a little crowd—

    But they win nnd. the more hequarrels.

    It's Jusl a lorn! fif empty hnrrels.IE b> UcClur. Now.p.u.r Syndlcsta.-)

    Jesuit Gets Plane toVisit Alaskan Missions

    WnahliiKtini.—Urother u, J. Folter.S. J., AlnnUnn mlsRlonnry, \mn hoi-omfa "sky plliif In fact, llrmhrr I'elti'irecentl.v ohtnlntMl n llylni: llri'iix; InSao lrrnnclsi_'o timl then rium. i,, WnsliIngtnn to "Bell" his plan let tlie IIIRev. Mijgr. Wtlllttm llui;lu.», .UrocK-ro« the bureuii «f ('ntlinllc Indian nil*BlonR. With nn nlrplnno. lie i< |̂>ln',iieilho roultl visit tlie I? Indian nnstji InAIOSUQ. AS a reRtilt l imner Felii-rleft fur New York to ptirclinBe a plane,which ho will fly to his Alutkun posi


    Denver Man Drew His FirstSketch «n Bar.

    Denver, Lola—Twenty years ago ebearded and rugged Westerner took astub pencil from UU pocket, leanedover tue counter of a frontier snloon,and reproduced from memory o swork ra r»ecnKnltlon for this latespicture, •• Viewing the Ouks."

    Straw Not Forbiddento Children of Israel

    Whether or not the llrst briikmake,llve••""~ mhold a public wl"8 ' '" ' " «fiSchool auditorium J* %

    b. 28, at 8:00 o'clock.beautiful prizes o"*1'"' ,Hthat will make any " " ^family happy •» o f f e r e ' ,. "

  • •tbur Brisbanee Empire Fall7

    red Bu»ine»», Mam.\L, the Burglar.I Doet Thing*.

    ANI'.I'.LL, British memberllnmiiH prophesies the end

    I | n . , e m l , i . e But hla reaBon.


    The PercaleLadies

    8 n "

    s Mt»Brita1"

    ' Parliament have nodominions, and the

    3veniiiifint lias no real uu

    1 f ii' AIUUHK civilized men,ol uiw lias no authority In

    , of anu'her That does nuttroin sticking together ID


    i Canadian, Australian or South jmi price he would atl-

    tiib tluinlnlou tt) the '|S18le». Tlmt will tell you how (I he !"• i

    ||ta1n» empire did eollapia, It, a butl flny for hundreds of

    kjnwns sii railed Interior rates,• they are Interiors.

    i British rule India's populationen from 200,1100,000 to 3110,-

    Let Hriluiii withdraw fromy comiuilalon or otherwlBe, aiul i

    the Brltlsb-creuledI melt awuy. '.

    > anil disease would do theirIrlt Tim bonnreB ot "nutlet!" (fie blazlnr, young widows burn- ',Jre, beside, tlielr old husbands ' |p ID the sooil old way.

    savage Afghans would start the i(hat Brllnlii prevents and tarry

    r promise to "kill one half-1 hep and make Hie rent slaves ' ,

    3 tired Inisinesb mall, tired of:e(l wlnit I'p thinks nhont "eon- '

    | aid Hit1 Iniraodlatc future" comI words tome from Herbert II.

    , LliMilenant-Governor of NewMr. Lull man la a loltttoal • *

    He ECU his mon«y first, Oien|nlo pollii.'s. Some reverse that

    u. who knows uliout bu:-lils linn having Uaadlerl hundred*[lions of II. says recovery will

    few months. Absence. oCton and financial alrlninnm-a^ing. Ho aslts for

    I'.dcrshlp nml llberutteeoti111 li


    is u KOO ona that cnn I

    le [aMtest when any th ing goes

    (tier r,reiil industrialist wlinIto Mini lift." says, "We hi..' imilu- ii|> lor Uml

    w i c k e d llioujjhl Ntimelnjw "

    " \ \ ' e ' l l no lo c h u r . l i t o y e l l i e r i . . \ i

    S u n d a y If yuii n-,,ul,l Illte it . ," h.ln- I . .U

    I h e m u s s h e d r t i p p e , ! I h c m in l l n u

    d o u r . A n d nf c o u r s e Ihe.v acci- | .h ' i l

    w i l l i n g l y , g l u J l y . I't-Kity st .on run-lic « : i -

    n e i l r l y f n i n t l c . I ' n r i i w l . l l e > i n

    t h o t l g l i t o f n e u l e r t l l l g c l i l i r r l i , h i l l > h e

    r e u l l z o d H i n t s h e r o l i M m i l f o n ^ n

    t h e ' s t r a n g e h a p p y t h r i l l s h e p > ! w h e n

    B l . e S U W W i l l i n l l i f u l l e r s k n e e l i n g I n

    p r u y e r , d e v o u l . l i u i i i l . l e . u l l e r l y u n l l U e

    I l l s l i u s l n e . s t i s e l l ' U n i t !>lic k n e w » , ,

    w e l l i n t h e o l l l r e .

    " I t ' s l i l u a v H s o n i c e W> s e e y n n I n ' i e . "

    l i e w t m l t l s a y a l l l i o i l , . , . r , " n i n l i l . e - e

    a r e y o u r f r i e n d s ? S n y l m l t , . * ' • '

    y o u . "

    " U f s J u s t t i i - i n s n l , • ! • , " I"••iri:v T•.t• l

    l i e r s c l f , " h e c i u i M 1 I ' m u i n . - u i b i - r n f I l i e

    c h u r c h . H e a i i . t n I b e s u m e l l i l i i i i » u ,

    e v e r y b o d y . "

    I l w a s o n e S m u r , h i t n l i ; l i i i n n I M I T ;

    a f l r r w a r d t h a t I V u i i . i « . , » • c l l i n u n ,

    t l i o a w i n g o n l i e r H i l l , ' I r a n i | , , , r r l i

    d r e a d i n g t h e I ' n i i i h i R S u i u l i i y i n , , r u i n ;

    w h e n h e r l e l e | , h , . n e n i l i t f a n , l I, ,1 . ' I n ' . n l

    s l o o d M i l l « l i t ' l l s h e i v c o t t n l ' - ' t l ^^ .1

    l e r ' n v o i c e I l s I t r u n i c o v e r I h 1 ' \t H '

    " M a y I H i l l o v e r a f e w m i n i m V

    h e a s k e d , " t i n t n u i n e l i i i | « > r l , i i , l u n i t

    t o r s t o t a l k o \ e r w l l h j o u a l n n it l l i e

    business." . S u r e , " n n s w e r e i l l ' ' ' ( : ; ' .v \ t : i r , . l >

    " I ' l l b e r l t l i l h e r e w u l t i i i n l i . r t , . i l

    Q u l i ' k l y s h e h u n i ; u p i l » - •"••• ' > '

    a n d r u s b e d u p s t a i r s ' o t l n i n ^ e h e

    d r e s a a n i l p t i w t l e r h e r n o w . " N " »

    w h a t c o u l d h e w i l l i l Y" s h e « , n i , l . . ,1

    " A m I K o l l i B l o l o s e "i.v J f l . ? t ; . . ,

    c l o u s , i n y l i a a t l s a r e s o e n h l I i n n i

    k e e p c a l m . I f l i e w e r e u i U m l " " '

    h o w I f e e l a b o u t h i m I ' d I ' . l J n i p l '

    d i e ! "

    The slumnilnu of un aul'iiidoor, the quick rlnclns of II »rnoilKh mis to Ki't us t h e r e ' - a n d thenimitle us wulk a lull-" In the dnrk. Isa eniid psiiniple of «1ini I ineiin

    It's (lie pessimists who vet t i l ing,|,,ne While the surfiiee livers arefoment, the worriers are snfei:'mrtlU\£ Ihl'inselvi'S.

    An o|.llinlst, I tlnil, l» RMii'mlly nKu.v who wnnts to [nkv u cluince will,my iniiney.—Fred Itarton.

    (Cnnvricht t

    F i m o u i "Rock i t i "The llui'ky inouniiilns m e nn nsti-m

    hlntc f mountain riniBt's. which I'.-rmibe hncUhone of North America. Th.-.thec In Mexico nnd extend iiorihwin 0lo the westeniinost of llie Aleullnii I"Iniiil*. T i e length of the lloeky in 1tit I II chain from north to ttnuih Is some4,0(10 miles and Its wldlh hetween -innnml r.OI) uillea. Within Its borders HITaevernl mountnln syslems nnd ti l«i ««-DUinher uf liidlvltlu.il ranges. loRelhrrwith aevernl Inrge |dateatia, niinienni*vullcys, parks nnd canyons, ns well usmultitudes of poaka nnd ridge', ino»us>and button.

    -fl> ft npa.'o for irtii.d to l.liit.in II.Every I.Ktirl uf mull ttr ttuniuii,And tinwvvtir wlltl ur liiinutii.

    Or li,.\tuvrr lirliunivil wiih null.Nevfcr l.^urt miiy bi-ul wlllimn II:Anil tt.t, ihtrkvat heurt tu tti.utit ItHUB (.iiiiiullin.ii rotij HIIOUI It

    Afl.r • • . _l t , l«y


    A ST. I 'ATlt lfK'S day tell will hemost tl|M>ro|il'lato In celelii ntluiiof tho KOi.il old Hlllnl. AH gri-t'll Uhis fiiwirltv color untl ihu Hlinuirt.cKappropriate lo lila iiiitloiiiillly. Unitcolor nut] Hint design will help lomuko the ot'cuslon most titling.

    A di'lhious untl Itivlirorntl ig cii|.of ten U tt Hllmuliiut to both wll nmlnieriiiueiit. N't. cup of tea will 1111the NpeclllcnllollH that Is not wellIllllUe anil daintily srrti 'tl. I'resl.ltbolll-.l water, a hi.I [lot, untl a teaspoonful of ton for ruch person. I.elthe teu aland and draw or Moepwher,' II will l,e liepl hoi wit li beitl«T cuveli.il v \'h n eti/y, for four litlive minutes, ilkvonllni; In [lie strvin.'! Iidesired.

    Tllfi bl^t le,i In be nhlaitliMl may bespolleU in II.t1 miiklni;

    The tea lal.te slxtultl he Hpreiul Inthe dining room In l i e heal II I. emlimlilereil or lute clmli olio him. Thetnlilo may l»r de',.ruleil wllb sham-rocks cut out of tiei'ii pnper. or greenpuper may COM'I- the tublo tintler theItieo cloth. Nul ht.\es niny be boughtIn tho shops In tin' shape of Ihe ahum-rock und green lulls, plpra, cnntly |io-tntoes, and even Huh' llsurcs for ta-ble decoration. Kn.-l. year somi'lioilythinks of Romethlni; different. Howeter, one need not ilcspnlr If none ofIlieso urti nvalliil.le. for llie.v may heuiiitle nt home. 'Ihe candy piUnln.uiuilo of fonihliit, nioltletl In tlie Tonnof a poluto and rolled In eoi'tm. looksvery real. Tho eoloretl papers nf vn-rlmis kllnla that one nniy l.uy every.«hero, may he used In countless wuy»f,,r favors and ilerontlltin.

    U r a i i cnuillra set In low liolili-ramay bo used lo Illumine the table.

    Tho salad plates, slierhet cups, nndcandles may he of green, so tlint thec.lor scheme may be well carried outI 'enu with some white dower wlltle,*orate thfl cenler of Ihe table, or, I,'ope likes, the green carnations, thoughvery artlllclnl lu color, limy lie used

    Tho serving of the tea b a mutterf,,r the hosless to ileclile. The l«i»ttormal Is usually most elijoyeilThe hosless or some one she asksimiy pour; fitch will then help himself lo any of the siuulwtclies, cakest»r candles, anil Unit a corner andttmipaiili.il t " share his enjoyment.

    Sandwich tlllliifs. cukes, snlmls amininilles may all he of tin1 np|>ro|>rhuefiteea. One may serve u huffel sup|,.T, where all hi'l|> themseh I'S I,, jliiiite. napkin and food, fullowlaf |,l,,\vn to the tlesM'rt. |

    Does YourWill HxpressYour Present


    Matty thttijta ran IIH|I|HMI In n y»»«r to mukol tn u will tlftHlraMo, if i.ol Imponulvt' .

    (11 v tit mil i'Xt'iuiUii'ri. ullerml clrcunmiMiwi^ rv(Hilling t>l(lu*f inurt' or U>HH provtslonn

    A (liHiiiitoiil that itioui.a Hit much lo Ii

    Unir ut ix>nr«T wllli our (runt tifflcwrund itMirn On' iiftvaniuitt'H of a r»u|M«ruii< d*

    The National Iron Bankof Morristown

    MurrlNtomi New Jersey"SrilSTAMAL AS IT'S NAME"

    4l/i'< Interest CompoundedQuarterly on Speciul Thrift

    Acounts of $5.00 and up.

    3'; Interest on Checking Ac-count of $500.00 and over.

    Open Sami [luv Kvenlngs Irniii 7 in it

    A new Switchboardat "Anyvillc"

    "Anyvillc"—almost nny New Jerseycoivtnuinity you cun nnttM.—is jirow-lim. Its present telephone twitch*hoard ii sntislitrtory for today butcannot meet tomorrow's needs. Anilso n new nnJ larger switcKlxiard Isbciun Installed

    When the new switchboard 'stluni-sands of pnrts nrc fuivtlonlnn ns 11smooth working unit, not only willtelephone service be brouJcr antlbetter for people In Anyville, andthose who call them trom otherplaces, but all telephone service InNew Jersey und beyond It will hebetter because of the Increased effi-ciency nnd capacity ot the new equip-ment nt Anyville.

    Eighteen new switchboards wereplaced in service in New Jersey lastyear, nt\d 47 large additions weremade to switchboards tu care torgrowth.



    The MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANKSI Sntilli Stn-fl, rur. Dollnrt Strfft


    A Mut mil Sinlnir* Hank

    Tliu ONLY Sin I nits Itnnk In .Morris County



    Inlrrosl l'«hi Slnto lll'JS

    4l/2%at the rate of 4l/2%

    Over $li.i50,oofi nollnra

    National antl Stnlo Hanks anil Trust Cnmnanlos itr« NOT 8a»ln«, and SAVIUKH or Thrift lVpoaltorn In am-li Institutions ltav* NOT

    tho apodal |)roli SaviniiH llnnk Laws ot tilt Slato ot Nl«Jor»»y,


    "You h«v« to koip hu«b»iMj» andt l m proptrly InftaUd." n y t MatunMatilda, "to o f i r with tr i tm."

    ICwyrtilK >



    WANT COLUMN«l> NEWK KUH « AR OWKKHSRockaway RecordEnlurnil '"nut nfflin. H o i ' t n v w N i

    in SIM .1 rlilnK Mailer

    AN lNllli'rlCNt»ll'NT W1CICKLYIIMIINI Hvrrv Tliurnlny

    (>S('AK I'KKH. I'i'iwUlDlit MailllforSlflNKY rt l l . l . lNS. Killtor

    (IffUn I'SO Itiii'kiiwuy ll««»« 850»:u M imvpf

    Offim: MBIII SiriMH. Itm'kunii.v. N. J

    TiH'itsn.vv reimt'Aitv a;. vv.m

    Mr. A toll No I lillftir

    111 Ull Wl Ills' UttKt'H UlHlll 1IHROH t>f

    l n u t t t u ' t iu i t l u tv r litu'ii I H I I I I I M I i i l iuui

    t i l l - Alii ' l l (-iiiiuiilMHlun, ll« w o r k «li>l

    t i n I ' l i t l r i i m i i . t i n ' N u n h ' n i i i k | i Al i i ' l l .

    n o t ( n u t 1 lmn Hi*1 lul l imit Inn lit ' i ' i i

    Mtltfv t i l l ! ! Ml M>i'll Ii* II ivlr t l ' imM *»'

    Illi Ul l l l f t l ' r Hi ' l» l l t ' l l l lv l ' H i ' Illl-

    |ii>tirit l i o ro r i ' I l if |H'o|il«> uf tti«> H l u l o

    i w r t ' l y tin n min i I m v l n t t t in t m i m i t

    n u t loli nt IIIIIIMI' i l w i n l i i u n n Imii i l

    m i l l w l i n I* ilotoi-mliH't l I " »«'ix It H i m

    ui* m u t t i ' i t iuu diHii)[i 'iioiilik' tlu> tu t ik

    l i m y In* Ii IIUI.V IH> wri d o w n nn n fiii't

    t l m l M r Alii ' l l In mil r i i i i l lni i lil« t n a k

    tlffl'ntiulili ' Hi ' In nut llli* Htin of i t iun

    "Who w o u l d t i ik i ' i i lo i iMir i ' In u iH ' i i rUi -

    l u g t l \v e m u * in m l n i l w i l K « ( " " ' "

    Wild I l l l l l ' I'l I'll IIN.1III III It'll Mllll Illlll

    111 (lUlilli Mfi' W l l l i t m l l l i c wlitulnw of

    II iloiilil liv !« M U i ' h i r l i x l hy Hit' tils

    v o n i f o r i n u n In' t» o l i l i nv i l . In t l » ' illn-

    t'llllVgl' Ot 111* lUtU tl> \ HUKl' tO OtlUTH

    I t lui were nn n|illttiM' or u ii-fnnui'l'llt> W l i i | i t o I l i i ' p i l l r l l i ' t * . l i im i n a i l i ,

    I l l l l l m i l ' uf I I K ' i i i i l . i l i i i i i l t n i l n i t ' l i i>f

    n n w I n i m l i l K I l l i ' In S i ' " J i - r n v . i . n m l

    111 t i n * o v l n l i ' i i Hi II B V I M I I n n i i i > I»O,I I>1I-

    l l l t 'H t ' l i m i t ' * w i l l In t l u ' I ' t u l u u i l i t - h i m

    t i l l ' I l l l l n l i l l i i l l l l l I l l l l l l In I h i ' S t i l l i -

    T h i n i i » » s j n i j H ' r i n n n « i t . | t n ' , l l i l

    . ' i l I l n • I l n ' n . ' i l i n r M i A l i . ' l l m i t i n

    A l l t ' l l I ' o i l l l l l l l ' H l O I I Wl i l l l l l I l l l ' l II Ilill>

    l i m i t M r A l i . ' l l t o f t u r i l t l i v l « > v i > r i i u r .

    s h i p l i y t h o i r i ' i i l l o n o f p o i u i l u t ' tU»-

    m a m l II M r A M I i i , ' I . - I r v i n g l o

    l i r l n u n l i n i i l t l i l i | i i i | i u t a r i l t ' i i i n i i i l ln>

    4' t l l l l l l n u t i ln II . HII q u i r k l l l ' p flli> l i i i o -

    \)W l o I M I M I I l l M l i r t n l t y h u t l u 1 I s

    m i l t r y l t t n t o I n t u n u t i o i u i i u v i i o l l u -

    I ' t i l i i t t v i i t u i ' i n r t i i f o r h l n i s i ' i r HI a l l .

    w i t h t l i i i r w t i l t H u n i l i i ' t i ' h a s x p r i t t i u

    I n t e l t i l t* r i m v i H ' N U M o i n * o f m o l l l l P l ' i '

    I n U ' l y t i l l ' r u l l l i ' r I l l l l v i ' l -Mi l p r i - i l l i I I o n

    t h a i It Mi A l i v l l B i n ' s o n » » li«- w i l l

    l l v a i l i n i i l «'?II i n n - l , i ' l i i | i i n t u i t ' C i m r i i

    t i r t i f N i>» J i ' i H t - y T l u i l o p i n i o n N

    HOW h f l ' l 1,1 I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I M « I I , ' I o l l l i l

    n o t H I T N i n l i II l u i ^ s l l i l , . t i i i l t o i n t ' u n -

    t i l v v v y i v o - n l h T l n > r r I" t o m l i i B I n

    t i l I ' X l d t t ' l H r l l l l t ' l l t t y A R t ' lU 'Vt l l f lM'llUH

    t l l t l t S i ' l u i i t i i ' A I K ' I L l iv t h i n t i i v i 'H l I j in -

    1 l o l l xvl i l i It l u ' IH r t i t r v l h i r o n u s u Hi>r-

    •vll-o t o III , . | , t i l i l l< . IH f i l l i n g l i l l l l B t ' l f

    f o r t h e t l o \ t ' l ' t l o r H l i l | i u l i o v t i l i n y n l l u « r

    m a n In Hit' s i n u v

    "SiHmi thoi i n mint ilillitt'tit In IIIH

    litlMllti't'S. hi* Hlmll MIIIIMI lii'fntT klniTN "

    —Tlti- M o r r l s u i w u Ji»rHt')'mnn

    \ u«t'» tit U'li a m i t w e n t y luivi '

    I'linlliiK T H K AMICKU'AN IK)Y

    V O I ' T H ' S ( - I ) M I ' A M O N ' A« If l iy]

    lluilili Ililn » r l l - k l i « » ' " liiH(l»«ln»' i l i r |

    I'lci* t>i>y« t o il lmiiui pur t t i ol tliv Wtirlil J

    ltili'tHUui»ii tlu'tu li ' ctrHlitEV II»JOIIU'. j

    IOIH llifin «>x|ii>rl«>in i' i|ni>r I'UBtolllH

    itiitl ri'Vi'l In Iln' ntlvi ' l i lurt ' i* of fiMflgn

    1 HII 110""


    »' l»rr«i»«l l*r«p»rt)


    W4^>TE1»—t:»*li liuy«-r

    rivt '-niiiiii liolnw wliti 'ml

    VUHI iif tin1 ( I ' l i iml Ii H I "

    ii i t i i iu II lirU'C In tltslit •'

    1111 FlUKK'1 « l r « l . or I 1 ' " " 1 "

    II n a y . N J

    kn Quli'k


    lu, Itm-k-

    Sn'infiw'uwy >'«l«Ml.'iiii' iiuder, , .« , llnillD for Aillimiolilk' Pro|«'li.imuKt' liiKiirami mi nwuytnt t Imtk of (in cU ' i ihau t .

    mi t i u lNln i i In II l u i " m t l i i l ' rtirlit

    Arnli mliU>rH wi th tin* Kori ' lKn l . , ^ -

    loti mitt i i i i r t l i ip i i tc In iiiutiy o i l i e r

    i ' l l l i l l l l lR fXllI'llt'llCliH tlllll t'OlllP tO

    'rt.«a,.r» o( Till''. AMKIUCAN IKIY-YOI'TM'S cnMI'ANloN

    I II IH Silt 11 f'XlKM'li'llI'lW IIU tll^HO tllUt

    |Hltiii'ii(>i) ii hoy' i t witH. klii liln liiutK-

    , I l i u l l o n . Hli ' i inirtlit 'n IIIH t ' l m n i i ' l r r . d o -1 vwltip h id viiwivritttviHllliK o l l l iv w o r l t l

    in Mhlt.li lit, l i ve* IIIMI of tlit> nwiuU 1

    i luit inhi i l i l i It

    Tlu i l lioy lu wliii in y o u t i r i ' l u l p r -

    I'HIIMI Unit (ton. ni ' | i lu>w. r o i m l i i .

    nvl([lil)i)i ' . i.r. | iprltn)iK. tlii> s o n of a

    llllHllKXIH ilHHIK'Ultt* WtlUltt Kr*'Btly flk-


    t'll.MI'ANItl.N An iil lrui'l lv, . gitt t n n l

    liiMliliiii you r niiitli' "111 lit' u n i t t o th t '

    lioy |f \ m i r,MHU'«t It w i t h y t .u r ortliir^

    TIUMI t ' l i ' v i Unit' t l \ , ' tnwllinivn lirlnjrs

    ilif nuifrnxliit' in h u ilotir ih*, l.oy will

    n u m . nf vim t n i l i T i i l l v

    Siil if trrl l i l lon lirlro.s n i l 1 o n l y II'IM)

    for mil. yoiu mul »3 on for t h r w y « i r »

    A tn\r tiviU't i nn tiv pn io iv i l nt iln> of-

    fll l> Of Illlll Ill'IVMlHIlMM 111' HVtlt llll 'Wt

    in inihllKlit'i'ii. THK A M K R h ' A M IKIY

    \ i U T I I M COMI'AN'IOS' . niill W

    l . i i l i i i i l l i ' H l n l lU ' l re l l Mlil i lRiin

    Si 'I 'Mt, . on y o u r Mili i irr l l i t toil will

    s i t i t t w i t h vvhu l i fvv r liwuv > on np«H-

    pimloi. of lli« country to unmmmHim rnr owiiw* will now rwwlnil haul (UWIIIOIIHI riwl u mliilnium|r..IIIMI protwlon uudi>r thi-lr Properly liliiuntiKt' IN.lli'lyK rutht-r than tlu'»l.ii(KI nilnlnium limit wliU'h lias lirev B |lously IIWH In fori'f

    I'ropprly Haumge l'ollolUy holders will l)eu>'-ttt tiy tho Increased protortlon. Tlifii.lilliKiiuil ooverag* will apply to w -ikloniJi niTurrlng on or after tli« «•'ft'i'tlvp dfiU1 of th« ('liange.

    Acrordln« lo A D Meyws, Sr., loo»l r«'pres«titiitlve ot tli* HartfordAnulf i i t and liideinnliy

    iniyiiii'iit of »M>0. lialaii«i> e»»y lerim.III»PITI Ulvvrdule PBik loin 50x126.jfif.O up Cliurlen W Hoilgiii" Pliotie

    knway 11)0—41)1 ill2

    KOH SAl.K--Furniture of every de-HiTlplloii can be biragW ot very low-i.»t iirlreB You ntjeil look nowhereflat, you will find It here Our sunr-iiiitot' liark of any purchase. Buywlieri' you really save money. Openovpry day to 9 P. M. Parulppany SalesKooms. Uloumtleld Ave , Parelppany,N I I'lionc IloOllton 1644 t(

    KOH HM.f. OH HE NT—House of; rooum ull Improvements, garage»pnrp nn Wall St., Rockaway, also ahouse of 7 rooms, all Improvements,

    UiU iiMMim that a ear owner who be- , | . ( . , ,r ([nrouc at Ilockaway Parkromp* IIIVOIVIHI In »n Occident which | , l k l ,B Kithpr or both sold on easyrpnulle I" tlw rty of others l» proi«ct«d up to i i | c ( 1 Agem,y nockaway, N J. 28tf|fi Dm) His Insurance company afftw* __.to'pay up lo that amount for any los» FOR SALE Oil K K N T - T w o 6-roomfor which the assured may lie legally houses at Denvlile. N. J. All modernl luhl i ' - to pay nil CIWIK luxod agaliwl im|irnveiu«nts. Inquire nl B Edge-thf polity holiter In inn *"'> u"1' l o *uoil Roud, llenvllli? Park, or Tele-dvfotul lo tlw iviime of til* policy Hold- iiliolic llookoway 416-It tf

    I'OH l tK>T~Aparlment In Qulgley

    house on Main Street LlghtB, Water

    Itaker ThP»trf > n t ^ fl"d ( I a R I l l ( l u l r e Floyd H f I e r _ t f

    MIMl-LIISTRE— A Sherwln-Wil-(>* ('(wtcllo ono of lli« liiosi U a m B paiot, \}6e$ o n y o u I w a u 9 OT

    wood work gives a hard, durable,nushable finish—with an eggshelljflons. tautest of all paints to fljiplyHartley's Paint Store, 52 N. SussexSi., Dover. 36tf

    vr any cult u-liich mny result umlor H

    IVnpertj- Dmnnge claimo


    \»»»ll» >'or ttwr s

    NliuM.y pt't- it-iii of dip nlcoliol con-MIIIHHI an lli|iinr In the rnltpil Hliili^in pre-prohllilllon ilnys- \v»» conitlliiitMlIn Uw>r, ICvuniat'lUio Uiw îli, iwnWr of(ho Sntniilon Army lu the I'liltiulStattv*. MIIIII Sutiiliiy nu>rnliiK lu minihlroaM oppoAlnii tlio iiUMtlflpatlnii ofthe Vtvlstitail arl lo permit ttin sale ofUntil wlniMt »nd in'i'1- sin' mioki' )••forii l,r»Ou pt>i'«ioiitt at A tmu'dnit n(tlip l.vnstip for Pollllcnl Kilucnllon

    Thoap who tulvoriito tho salo oflight wine* nml hoor do not routineIhnt they an . ailvncntltiK "llui rpliirn( Wi p w c*»l nf the tlrnnkvnniw* M>aieJtldted liefort. iirohlhltlou," slu> Milil.Sill' nlmi dtH'larvd Unit nlno-ti'iillii. ofI ho tlriniki'iuii-sK dint vxlslvtl In theVnllvil Suite* lioloro prulilblllnn lino

    In tui rtflK W, pnt>Ua)itMi \i\?\ wvv'k.1 l»-flVfrHKi'r uifMilUms « lot i»f tlilujo,ittmiug ifh'in ihr niimlirr or i»la.vrnoil* It lotitii li iMitiil^l \o niut ra lUhltiw.^ir ,| lov.r of RtHMl, rltMui .-|"»r!

    Tvvw onm»Kl), vnv\\ ttitni U rntttUsIto '' 'li'll »U*U, liUl W \w\\ A \\\i\\\ WsiRllR,unit It t." uiuKirtttoud tiniotijt th«> otlu*rt oil ins nil*! |>l(tyoi'f« In Ki'iHTal, whyUn'i thiii tiiiiu sport iMiouRh lo Mt«ynut" Why. In tho rweiH nuic, did »: ortiilu plaviM- r«"*»I«r. thpn :iftor fivein ,«U u-iM'lc* n>iiif» lil.s it'ttm to bow)iiCiiliiM atimlh*r i-ortjiln iwim ° \Vn«linn (TIHMI. t Iran « | innsinnnsli l | i" NotIn my otn *unl I hor>- an- ituniyi.ilHTs who ihlnit i-ho Hnni4> an \

    11 U trui1 that tlu»rv \» nlw\\y» nfprliiiH |() K»l Hftor tlu1 II'IHUT. but why(to nftt'r tin1 ttMiilrr In nrtlor to IMMIO-f 11 HOIUO ol he r cvrt a I n ton in, w h Irh

    upimrvntly )m.s boon iluiu> in the pres-ent toviri\amo ii» srotit^ ur nvar-«rottt5 In howIIrid tli Itocknwrtv, butIhiM'i* jitv some ronl Rood liowloro, nndi\ lot who rtm do hotter tlmn (» 110-

    • UV^I'UR^ 1 do mM |>n»ton»l to 1«> n

    how)i>r. lull will do bettor tlmu U\M.An,\tMn>. 1 Iti-nvoriiff^r liu'liiiUM. who

    won hi do wluit WAR doni^ Iti rocontoase, rnnuol vn\\ him so U n lovpr ofttiHid, clorti) M|>orl and UH>) m :\i henrt

    \A- tnk-^n ntut liked


    Wllltur Coon ShoesSpecial MfiiHtirv-for llic liurd-to-

    fit foot—narrow hods,etc. lU'iil stjlc. (Jlorl-OIIK comfort. SUes 1 to\i, AVA V to KEK.

    popular KCUHMI Hturn np|)(lflr8 tomor-row nt tlM' Iliikor In her lalt'wl WarnIT UroB nll-tiilktnn nrodurtion, en-tttlft. "J.pnrU In Kxilc " Miss Cos-t«Uo. a» Vora Ivanova. ts faced with

    Jthr prohlom of marrying ih*1 man »'» wlih hath and Improvements; also a

    as tho wlfi1 of [) nobleman HittRusted alx room hcniB© in Dover, N. J. Rentwith her *vtH»U«M\ri 1*nul. n rerklcBJ" rtnsonablc Inquire of Mrs. Martha

    i young fnlversl ty student, d ie mar- Si>argot 139 Morris Street, Dover. Tel.: riot* Hnroii l*uln.a fl»d Hpondf a |>oare- Dnvor 434-W. BOtf: ful year In luxury Then follows ft

    , period, of Htrlfe, with hURl>and. wlf* ^ m _ ^ _ m m m m m _ _ ^ _ ^ _ m _ m _ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ mland former RWecthenrt finn.ly meet-

    Ing U\ n SIUVTIAU camp. Realis ingihat his beButiful wlfo ftill loveaPaul. Itnron Pa I in A solves tho prob-lem in an unusual and dramntlr way.DocUW-dly a pUturp worth seeingOther mpnihevs of tUo rast are Jamei*Kirk wood nnd (Irani Withers

    Saturday llu» attraction nl the Paki>r win be llic Warner hros Vltaphoiit'version i>f ihe famous melodr:ui)Ji.Tiger Roso " Monte Blue plays tin-

    roll of Sernwim IWlIn , of the Nmi)« n * the poutrtbutlon» have w u a l l yliMn given iln»|i|u> this. K1II> KIIIII

    "My father founded Ihv SAIVHIIOIIArnur alnndtiig nn 11 simp luix In friuitOt A aatoon and attacklns tho liquorllttfttc," *l\*> «wlar\nl. "Wv VIMUIII befalte to our pauaiii(>iit—Proven liy Integrity ami Ahiliiv.KiiriUnifs—Last fiscal year, 7 0 . 2 r ; net.IHvliltMitlH—%, paid 1st of every month , full amount paid

    In returned on demand at any time.Kii t lorspnients—Recommended by several (if tin1 largest

    banks In United States .Directors—No salary, stock ho ld ings only income.No Bonded—or Funded indebtedness .Uross Income— \ 2 r ' , e x p e n s e s — 8 8 ' , ilividemls. resent

    and surplus.Class "A" Common Stock—(fH«.;>0 per s l u m .

    Other securit ies taken in e x c h a n g e at nuirlvi't value.

    Let me prove to you the above s ta tements ami ilmiblf y°m


    F. G. LOWERREReal Estate and Insurance

    207 Main Street Tel. 685 Kocknwaj.

    Last Day Saturday

    Final Clearance

    Men's Suits andOvercoats

    $ 1 6 . 5 0 Values $25 and $30

    $ 2 3 . 5 0 Values $35 a

    34-38 Speedwell AVenue, Morristown

  • 27, 1930

    Record87, lB;:o

    |Loca[BriefsrB oliould not forget the

    luncheon given by Re-Friday evening. Cards

    . will follow the eau .

    w McCaffrey, of Frank-In nursing a broken leftlied butt week while skut-

    M Sire was enjoying the,er son when she fell,

    j barn on Rockaway avenue,'burned laei Pall, ha« been

    •veck Tlie ownerB de-i ot rating It was de-

    .^—tfj iue or Inclement weather.*\^K , w i n be held In the Sacred

    Franklin Avenue, on Sat-ing, under the auspices of

    ( l^tfgr of you"8 lttdk9B ol t h e S a c "^ ^ ^ t Church Dancing will s tar t

    p JJ. admission fifty ceuis.

    i ami Means Committee ofupter, 0. E. 8. .Will holddml. supper ln their anie

    evening, March 6, IromI |i you want a real meal tor

    fall to attend. AskLo attended the previous nu|>-

    I Am» M Clark, will be tlielaker ut the luncheon meeting

    in roiniiiltte of Morrislit the Arrowhead Inn.

    Friday evening. February1 Oil I1 M She was the speak-

    Inai Mother and Daughter\ III Dover Mrs. Edward Jen- |

    will pr&side at tlie

    I batdt' ol Manlllu Bay. one ofluundhiK victories In nnviil

    , will I"' [ought again beforeliitoiifis In tbe twenty-first

    1 of the World program, spon-Itiy Duiuiit Motors and nresent-|tlif N'ntlonul Broadcasting Coin-

    l SuiulHV. March 2. at 7:00 RWKAF iind thirty-eight nf-

    I stations In the United Stateslanada

    1 Nooiuin will arrive at Morris(Friday evening at 6:25. He will

    servlie lit 7:45 lit the MortisSchool. Everybody Is urged> early and the doors will be

    |ll 6:3li No tickets of admissione necessary but a collection willten. Tom Noonim nnd his partyi will be met ut the station by•eptlott (us

    I lull of imssengera, and the wln-|l«liis broken, not a person was

    Hi. Tlie Buick was a complete, all four wheels being sinnah-

    mt toe occupants escaped InjuryI false fog was the cause of the|ble.

    Allen, of Madison, secre-of the Morris County Carpenter's

    was arraigned before Recorder>Ph H Trengove ln Wharton, Fri-

    'sht on a charg* of embetxle-He was released under $1,000

    to await the action of the grand'• The complaint was made by°k B. Maseker, of Dorer. Mnse-•Ueged that Allen had notifiedof his dismissal from the carpen-

    I onion for failure to pay his dues.»ker however, declared Unit hefit the dues regularly and hailtoed his receipts.

    II Morrlslown and Dover Uie dog* ordinances aire being entorc-

    owners of dogs must haveIII licensed or pay a tine In Dov-">« Board or Aldermen have been•* lo draft an ordiDunce licens-*•»• "Nothing Is worse than ah»un e(1Sunday ul I,,,.., , „ .„ , ,„ , H oThey bad b,,.,, »•„, kl l l( t „, 1. l l. |1 | lmiAtaeml "' 'I ' l«d ,l,,,, lk „ m u "ture of I,,.,,,,,, .,„,, u!(. /( | | ( ut ( l i un B Beirlni

    party Several |found e^avl .-d

    ouri. lau-r ,h(,v u > n i,,ul ,,„ ,|u, n,)|)r (if

    tllBlr shark i.|Mlur,.|,ny IIW»»8 Til,.m e n w e r e ,- •,.„ „, , , „ . , „ „ „ „ „ , ^D a v i d lian Scientist.

    I II I. u l : >i H w t i i r , l ; i r , , . . h i v a t l n j .

    s l i m s c i e n t i s t , M h o h i t s r t ' c e n l l \ r e -

    l u n i e i l f r o m u v l > i t t o t h e I i l " f i l i a

    M i l l ' i t i c o l i i i l r . v t n t l i e J u n c l e n l I n

    i l l i i , b r i n g s l i m k t h e i i i l i ' l l i u ' e t i i e t l ' i t

    . I l o n e l u s t \ v l , l i i > r n i ' p s t i l l ' - v - I

    i d t h e J l i n u l e s u f l l i . i s , , I i

    I ' i ' i t o r J i i n i s l i t v I s | i l ; , l i n i l , i ; - I m i l i )

    t o r e l t i r n t o r i i i i t i o i i i ' h i s i i i M ' s l i :,

    l i o n s A s a r e s u l t u l l i i s s l i i l r i n , n l . i

    s i i i > i l l i s l s m i d s t l l t l c n l t o f l i i s l o i . v u r »

    H S l , i l l ^ i f I h e i t l l S S i i l l l I K I S l ' l > ! l l t ' I [ H I D

    i, I o n - l , , s t w h i l e r u n ' .

    I f s n h o w l i u i ^ l i ; U B t b e j l i ' i i

    l l i c r i ' V W l m t I s t l i e l r i i r i i i n ' . ' A ' ' t -

    l l i < ' . \ t l e s r e m l i l i i l s i> l A l e M i u i l i - i ^ u l

    e r i u i s . n h o e i i t e r i ' d l m l i : i t t l i t ' t t l i i r

    u o i ' i i f j i l l e l e i l s i l i ' i i ' s s i . , 1 , u f t r , i n r | ; s

    o v e r t h e P e r s i a n s m u l e l l i : i n J ' N O

    A l e v u i n l e r t h e C r i ' i l t . k i l l . : n l M M , -

    t u n . I n : t . ' 7 I i . t ' . , I n v t i i l i ' i l I m l i . i I t •

    r i ' , ' i i l , e . l t h e l l . \ i i . , - | i i ' S , i m w k i o n i n n -

    l l i e . 1 . 1 J i n . u i i i l t h e r e i l e f e t i l i ' l I

    h , . . l c p r i s o n e r I ' o r u - i . m i l i n l i t i n k i t ;

    I M i e n e o I n ' l i e n e l n i l i ' l l I I S f a r l l v t l i f

    I ; ; i r c t t . i x t i e r e t i l s n e i i r y l i u " p s n l i - i l

    t o ( i n i i - e e i i t l r l h e r . A l i ' V a n i l r r w a s

    t l l i ' l l f o r c e d I n i i r i l r r I h e r e t r i ' a l . m i l

    s o i l e d d o w n t h e . l e l i l i n " i l l i s o n f

    I n s t r o o i i s . u h i l e t l i e r e t n a i i n i T

    n i i i r c l i e i l i n i n n d M s l . m s n l n n a t i n -

    h i m l v . s . S n i n n e l i I s h | s t n r \ .

    A s u r m i s e , w l i l e l i a l i i u i « i »' " t *

    ' o n c r r t n i n t . v . s t l c f e s t s U n i t n ( • • • r l i < - i i

    • f t h o s e I m o p s w h i i ' l i w e r e n l i i h _

    »n t h e b a n k w e r e s o i v u r n m i ! n i n l ' I •

    ' I I nrteneil Unit rlii'V took mlvmil: -P,t lhr li'tnponiry reluxiition nl ,li~, i :,

    ' i o e n i l l s e i l liy A l c x n n i l i T ' s n b s i l i i i ' t.>

    lesi'i-t r rn in t l i e mi ' in c o l n i n i '1'iie.v

    l i . l l s e l t l e i l In t l i e p l ensa i i t I,mil in

    • li i . l i t h e y linil fminil t h i ' i n - i ' l " ' *

    It Is I h e l les i ' l ' tn l l in t s of l l . i - e O"l l

    I r l i e t i iiml Imr r i e i l froin p l a r e In I ' l . ne

    ,v II Mil Cl-ssllill of I l lMlders . I h a '

    ' m i l , , , . l a r o s l n v , ' . . n i ™ d s h e l i i i - I '.1

    n i b e M a r i a s . T h e y l ire mie " I H'i*

    .•linsl ( . r i l l i l l l i e | i e " | i l e 3 of Iml in . « ' ">

    , i m , | , , , , a b e e n II s o n n f Mll ' l i a m i

    "irwIlilcTnii ' i i t t o e t h n i ' l i ' s l s K

    Mar, I, 2 Hull Call DayMan h ii 'h'uinlly DayMan h 16 "NclglilHjr's Day "•W--II' li J:i Stewardship Daj "Man l, In 'Symphony Uuy "April (1 Recruiting Day "Ainil IH New Members' DuyA|irll 21, 'Kusler Sunday "VIKUUIIZI If,.!,!)!, (Mirlslians march-

    ins IniMiiid t,,Kelbei in the ChurchI .o> a It > i i u s a d e proKram- and ourown (Mini-ih ii unit In the great ad-VIUM (-

    Sl ia l i u p inn iiijide % r e c o r d c o m -

    m e n M n i i t , w i t h , m r n u i n b e r s a n d r e -

    S[Hllrr> ''

    SUall w ,. mi, cultivate our resourcesto llle lull"

    Shall we mil lie sure that we aremaking a thorough survey and work-ins of inn own field'1

    Are we going to let anyone offertlie crllh ism ni our people ut theclose o! Hie r rusude thut we did IHJItake full aiUunlHKe of every opjior-1 unity '

    l l le Miiiuluuieous effnrt of all thechurches i linllenge us to our largeBtunited endi'avor

    WV (iiiinot ftill If we meet llle clial-lenge

    T))e t'rllsjKie prelimiiiiirv "Sel- l 'pMeelniKs lire over Mure than K,20tlchurch officers, Sunday School, men,women and young peoples leadersha \ c liecn together lo think and planfor ihe (M'llsude

    Wlmt l< tin 1,'iiillty ( rosiid. i1' is mail) churclies of thi* region

    iiniiiim unilcr one leadership. In aileigln ueeks ' sltiiultaneoiis oliservanceof Ihe HMMHlt Aniiiversary season ofthe birthday of tile (Miristiiin Church

    The aims are for InrKesl possible( lunch iittelldance. Kieate-r efficiencyiti cli 'r "ii ttiHliacenn'iil. wider puhlic-ily in cliurch values, personal andpublic evangelism for the reaching ofunchurched thousands, more adequate.support of our churches in their up-lifting wnlii

    The Crusade In Hie sett Inn of Churchmembers nl work on their own prob-lems It Is an apostolic revival—be-

    ' ginning INSIDK Ihe cliurch.I Sunday morning is Roll Call Sun-day Urine your curds i>> cliurch sign-ed as this is the way we are KoillK tolake Hie attendance, vi'e want the ai-telldnnce on Sunday to lie as good anKasler Sliudii.v Tlie regular i | l la i l i r l \communion s e n i . e will he lielil Sun-ila> iiioniiliu

    Sunilay eM-nius will be Women'snight ami Hie sernmli nil! be es]>er-inily for the ladies

    At the I'rayer Service next Wednea-da> all the ladies of the visitationcomiiiitiees are asketl lo come and re-port

    Filled » itii thrills and amazing id- Jventure 'The Lust Zeppelin.' Tiff-any's all-talking production featuringCoiiway Tearle, Virginia Valll and Rl-cardo Curtcz upeued at Hit IMayhouB*Theatre jesterday Thus picture inbeing received with enthusiasm b>crowds all over the country and ishailed as one of the beet of the year

    Its dl.slinctlve features are Cou-way Teaile in hl« first lilg rule as atalking si i-eeii star, showing of uhuge Zeppelin in the anlan tic rogioua, a leat now being planned fortlie North p.

    AmoiiE the citations wheh compriseIhe Lesson-Sermon is the followingfrom the Bible: "Behold my servant.

    ! whom, I uphold; mine elect, ln whomI my soul dellghtelh; 1 have put myjsnlrit upon him: he shall bring forth| judgment to the Oentlles" llsnlali42:11.

    The Lesson-Sermon also Includesthe following passage trom the Chris-tian Science textbook, "Science andHealth with K«y to the Scriptures,"by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus wasborn of Mary. Christ Is the true Ideavoicing good, the dWlne message fromGod to man upeaklng to the humanconsciousness" (P. 332).

    OFTEN the wife is the onewho leads the way in mat-ters of thrift and arranges thefamily program so that regu-lar saving is possible. Madam,we welcome your account.

    RockawayBuilding & Loan

    AssociationGeo. E..Fisher



    Scranton-Lehigh, Old Company's Lehigh,and Plymouth Red Ash Goal

    Sttait & Freeman Coal Co.Phone 12 or 2-H 216 or 436 Rockaway

    Morris County's Leading "Talking Picture" Theatre



  • SIX


    WhyWeDoWhalWe Do

    by M. K. THOMSON. t%. B.


    THE iinit'tit-ui J»k« aims lo [>._c«fioine one in an embarrassing i»usieion.

    We nil #nju> Stilus u person tlirv«uoff hi* bttfli horse. Tli© situation Ureally humorous t>ec_tt$e the personoff baliuKc \f \lkv\y to 8a j and doridiculous things. It Is aluu.vs a U>[more FUD tu plaj pranks on one urtiolacks polsi» and Is easily eonfusrtl andarti foolish. Hoys e»j>ertallj delight10 pick oo one who U Itkt'ljr to eliastthem, ilimiltMiicg all sorts of terriblepun lab mem.

    The pracllral Juhf U often tin tiger-OU8 ami scnm*iiim*a futnl AuxinsFourth of ,Uily ra»titiiMti**» wu» a vlrUna of _ itriKfU-ul Joluv A slewingman wits too umrli of a tt*nij>ialtoiilor tome praeUetil J^Ker who jilaetnl afirecracker In tli« man's immtb andtouched off lUe -fuse .trutmtily *iili noother mutive ttuin to gvt ftom* funout of the euritrUvd am! em Uu missedconduct on tli* ,*art of ttie curelesssleeper. But th*1 explosion btvw outthe mans teetli and otherwise InjuredliliD severt-lj- so that he was removedto the hospital in a critical condition

    We usimlly refrain from Indulgingio practical Jokes bemuse ne regardthem as crude and dangerous. Outthe very need for suppression shows '(tmt there la an Impulse to IndulgeWe enjoy the practical Joke bemusethe ollnr fallow pays the bllla. It Is !alwnjs at his o_|iense. We don't enJoy It s bit when the luliles areturned.

    The other fellow nut only furnishedtis cheap amusement hut he nlso satisflea our sense of lni|u>rtuine tit thesame tlnip The fun ami elation Is luproportion to the euituirnihsiiit'ut t'lthe victim The f;n.»rnhle clrvumstances In which we Inid ourselves bycontrast tickles us mightily and nelaugh.

    {©by UrPlur* N«'w,ipa|*r SyiKllcit* i

    The Odor of theChrysanthemum*




    THE snarh Is pmhtihly the mwary heast on this continent,tliere Is no record M one ever tunbeen seen. They live in unsurveportions of the Sierra Nevada ruand spend tlielr time ehiisiiig purats out of litelr holes am) SU-JIUi«[r packs. The snnrk Is very fof toothpaste iuul simply cries fur lo&ode. hut usually lias to be mMi-m

    what It nin |»lck up In the wu.vof discarded tires »nd burnt out bearIngs.

    This Individual Is sniffing suspiciousJ j at a footprint of a pock rat.

    Be has au almond head fastened ioa single peanut bmlv with chewinggum. The ears are popcorn, the tailIs a clove, nnd the feet are split navvbeans. The legs can be toothpicks oranything like them. •


    Only $ 1 1 2Tube- _tn

    Do not even think of buyinftany radio until you see and hearthese marvelous new Philcos.New Ptiilco Console7-Tube , ScreenGrid, Genuine built-in Philco Electro-Dynamic Speaker;All-Electric; Single-dial control.

    The Cronies IBuy In ttadio

    Also Philco Screen'Grid Plus Radio,"the super-radio forpeople who wantsuper-pcrfonnancc • • •Lowboy Cabinet $149.50

    .^hone for FREE DemonstrationEasy Payments

    Kern & Rutan937 E. DlackweU S t , Borer

    Phone 14M Dour

    Jfore Mie open door of • florist*

    uiiti Urt-ail.tHl dc«*i't.v. The cool, dean,win;r> ,.«!(.i uf , i,r> Miud.cmums iweplio \i\$ ruisirlis iuitl Uroujjbt an Hv'ftv ivt.is tl(rti;)t It KtiEt Juvl t year asoHun lovely, guy llo&ullp Moore liaduiiii liiUi it ml she never wanted tos%̂ tmti rtgrtm.

    Tt»\> were cumins tiome to Hit*rrusti after « football l*we, tierttmul!, prvliy fuoe ufted to lila amongttie stores of nondescript counieiiiuefwtltat pres«\tie cru*lu«d UT U»« unUerttlng fe^t tlmi(ol lowed.

    sue tuul net IT Mtnmsl so gay or »u(uv lug 8 It© iMvs&tsj dose lo hi tu asIf for pruitH-tUm and Answered ihetouch of his luuitl on IUT Rnu wUli u

    Ht>t\\een H:e hulves. In the smiUIrfspite fruoi the excitement of 4heettm«\ fihe hail w Mspcred thai «liewould uiarry hlru. Afttr the 6time, a(the door of tiie rhic little apnrtiueuiUnit stn> »liart>d niih another girl, tidetitid said (hut 6t)i1 rtouldu'l—lliut burcnrtHT meant tuo much.

    Jo In) argued heuledly and old fusfcIIUHMIIV nbout women and ihelr ear*'t'rs- lie «iHiicti her terribly, safein M.t home, Just us tils wtfe. tieloved her (no murli io share her withan oak desk in a coliHitoodttri adver-tising House. Shf Iuul IUIII;II*MI Ulsdnlnfully tit his V!liopand order « dnzen in he sent to hernOdress. He left tlie adtln's.-* of hisOM'II it part merit ami tux led hottuvMiniiclitru) find Itnptiiletit,

    In two hours the telephone rani;und the flcrisfs vuloe unuounoed rei;M'truli,v (hat lln'ie "its no .Miv*Uosallf Moore Ihinc at the uvM-vs-lif bad i;tvcn timl that no one seemedTK know nht-rv she liud gone. Hint Ivl.oiilO ihoy du wlttt the (.hrisanihomunis?

    "i»h, send Vin to seme hospltn!." ordereii Jnhn Somer* tlreurily. "l»on'[r^rget to luke off my enrd."

    In a yellow'Waited ^eml-prlvnte roomof o city hospital. Uoaiillu Moore wasbiirruunded b> Uif sufl-foiiU'd trendof nurses.

    One of them, outside her door.listened respectfully to Hie doctor.

    "She should t>e pulling out of it,"he said ihoucul fully. *"lt was a prelty bud accident, of courao, but nuilUU bad."

    'Shedoesnt seem to enre aboui nn.vthing, doctor," whispered the nurse"She )vist lies there and doesn't try.'

    "Hasn't she an? people?'The nurse shook tier head,,"Well, try to simp her out of 11

    anyhow," ordered the young phynlclan. 'There Isn't ft reason In th*world »hc shouldn't pel well.**

    "Maybe a few of these Rood lookingflowers will cheer her up," voltinteered a pasalnj probntioner, atopptniwith an armfvii of curly yellow clirysanthemnma. "Left try 'em."

    She arranged them attractively t>eside the white 1ro--< bed of the 11 HI levKlrl who did not even turn her hendVet, after a while, their clean autntmfragrance began to penetrate her tlretsenses . . . stimulated her memory, . . K year ugo. The football sametli« close, nrea&lng crowds and Joinwho loved tier. She had been t ntnnjto send him nwny, but too proud eve>to call htm back.

    The ctirysuiuheniums awtpt he»mind clean of puln and Hatlcss^essOld he send these dower* In re-neemhrunce? There wrna no canl. Buiperhaps he had soul them as a sUenitoken of his love—If he lUll lovecher.

    "Xurse," she sttlU rulntty but n,ttlspirit. "Would you mind calitas urTrafulgnr C140 und asking Mr, JoinSoniers. If he's there, to come and so<me?"

    On t he way to I lie telephone t tunurse me I the little probationer a faitIn the hall, her tinns laden with auother hatch of bright yellow ehrysnn

    "ilore of 'em," she sighed. "Tineleventh dozen to coiuo In here to da;. . . some rich womno Bends thorn.*

    IRASol> and per-formance. And nt thla low price you can paymany months oiwrnltiiR i-onts with " " ~tin' snvliiKs

    19SS I1»NTIAC COIH»K-J«»t irnded on a nowt'hvvrolvt 81*. llody ajwl ui>ho)M«rlnK In i»r-ftui I'ondltlon. Low mlleaire. Owned by a veryfurefMl driver. With an O. K, that * 9 4 Ccounts Sporlally prleed at fdij

    19SS WHU'PBT COAOH-ThU car In In por-" * ' '"Oiidltloii tnd only luw heen driven 11000iiillen This la » wonderful buy litthin prlt-o of ".

    193« STtnKBAKKR POACH—111 vpry goodoomlttlon, li«» been carefully chocked andwith an D. K. that counts. Especial-ly priced at

    STAH SIX COACH—Just l»«u . . .In very good condition. This la awonderful opportunity at

    en li,mm




    CoachYour last chance to snvc$130 on a Bllghlly »si' M«J. sm, \, !>._ IMO


    ot Fieri Facias In my hands. I .halleijueo tor sal» at public Vendue atth» Court House In Morrlstown N Jon Wo«daj, iU TnrMt.innrili dar ofStawk. Mxl. A. !>, 1Kb, »"V"eeVth*hour, of 12 M. and 5 o'clock I\ M !that Is to »ay at 9 o'clock In Ut» af-ternoon of «ald day.

    All Iho tollowtui; tract or parcel ofl«n.| and premise* h««ltw(tCT p» r U c .ularly described, sltuato. lyini »Babf-ln« In the Township of DtnvlUe

    ot Morrb and StMe of New JersaylBEGINNING at » point In lha «nM

    Jim of Summit Miiua S . «r tB«taWim lota 101 and 101 la i35Block a M atvovn oa «»!« man: th.noeW westerly »lnt (he dWi n» «S5between » M lot* 101 and ijo along the dlvtdlnit ltn«

    tt Qlen »o>d M ehown on tatd

    How One Woman Lost20 Pounds of Fat

    Lo« Her Doable Chin—Lott Her PtomlDcnt nip«-Lart Her Sluggiihnee*


    It naVe ttt—remo~ tbe CIUMIWfcsaiKN SALTS »S2? «h.

    ••"• Jo« bod* oriant.Bane mutt have to fu»o-y

    Notice also ih»>In energfey« ipSkiewifid younger inKBUSCHEN w

    in bod,will gire »i>r

    SALTS (list, four »«ktint bottb doe.nt cnvinrt r» *»

    l l o r o U . l v «Urt-I""

    rtr »«OB« the The approximate anioii'*

    ' l f T u t l o n f^»110|4l


    lBOi * r

    rietown. N. J.

    AdtenleedlRookaww Record.

    p. F , » I l 8 4 J



    Abovt, th« BO N«w Jersey BellTtlephona men who ruihed to Buf-falo to aid ttorm repairs thereOther vlewi thow how •leet wreckedtelephone lines. Center look* likecable llnei, but It actually open tele-phone wire encased In thick lot.Lower center, the fate of many apoll, mapped off at the bate bystrain from weight of let.

    Police to Use Dictaphoneto Block Cruelty Ple»

    I tml l l l ' I 'K t . — 111 Ml-Ut'I Id r.H't 'BlilHf i l l i n g o f i l l l l ' t ' l l l l lH'IU hy |>rltttilHT|il \ i i u . nil j i l ' lhU tnnl i f - ' l i l Mi l l ' l i i i i l f l f ii ' i i i M r < . P l i ^ i l i r l i < ihu t -> h I h e p o l i c eI ' luli i t i luii c i i i i f i -Bhl i ' l i s wvrv c \ n » r U - i iFi ' ' i n 11 ion i. t l i f ito|- H | tn t l t ' i l

    t h e m u r k e r , w i i l c h u a s a pi iy r o l l

    c l l l M k . l im l r e t u r n e d it l u t l s u w n e r

    « o h e c o u U I pn.v off b i s m e n In I n s

    ( • ( i n t r i H t h i K biiHtneMH

    A l l n t l i e r l U H p e c K i r Hi iu l te i l a r o t

    l e c l e d l io i ik . » n w U n i t II l o o k e d I n n

    h n l k y . fn i in i l In II n UN' I n n i i i ' s n r i '

    p d l t c y fur $."1.111111, n tu l n i H i i a ^ i ' d

    l i f t e r d l f l l c l l l t l e n In r e t u r n It t n i n

    p r o p e r ( iwnei-H. ' H i e p u l l e y lun l

    b e e n t n k e n o u t by a ^, in nf Llili* f m n

    l lv u l i n li«il J I I - I i l l e i l . n iu l h i *

    p H i e i i t e k n e w i i i i l b l n i ; nf I b f I H I I I C V

    I t s e l f u n t i l It .1 l i n e s I III f i n Ky

    w n l k e i l In t h e i r f r o n t d o o r .



    Out* of tlio in oat hit (trout lug telfrnlunin john in :iiii c o u n t r y In n o w Infull HWIIIJ- In Un, n o r t h e r n p a r t o r t h e«tflt«. A f in iH ut 1 DO tun | i loyeB o t l h «Now J C I M ' V Hell ' IV luphouo C o m p a n yhiiH Rtm-inl tin) liioh of c h u i i R l n c t h on u m b e r r n r d * on 4HO,00(1 t d l e u h o n e ! 't h r o n g h u u i tli A I rit-iituu of t h o BtntoIn pr i ' pa iHl Ion fur ttm "nimllfl tul n u m -ber I>IIIH'H ' h i i r o d m l l o n nox t J u n e .

    A i t h a t iHim u rtllulu rovlHlon lu a l lthoHu it 'U' | ihniu* min i h u m In t iolnumuUf, ii n u m e r a l l>t>lnn mldml to t h eKMilral o t t tn) iniiiio lit (nul l c u a e , t h oc o m i u u i y t'XplaiiiH, So If you k e e p «l i r l va lu list of toU>phom> n u m b o r a , b er>rt>i>aivU lo elm tine n n u m b e r l i k e"Orui iKe H i m 1 in "OninffH 3 1 1 0 9 " o ny. iur I U I Un t m i y Ir lci id or b u s i n e s sii('(]iiiilnum you m i l In th i i l s e c t i o n .T h u urt ' ii i n v u l v e d cxinndH from Me-tnclmi i m i r t h u I moat lit t hn N e w Y o r kBtutB lliu>. utul f rom Ihe l i u i l aou Klvorw I'Ht ID HiUr In I MiiH'lli-n, I'll n 111 mi),iiiul M o u n t a i n View.

    T h a i |iur( of tliu «uih< 1 >* K row-Innno fa»t, uml IIH clmi ju t or Is b e e m n l n i ;Mo inci r o | ) o l l t an . t h e c o m i m n y hlulet*.Uml u r a h t v i a r i d e x t e n s i o n of d ia lh-•rvlch lo m a n y new d i s t r i c t * la bolniin l u n n e d ilnrliiK I In' next Tow y o n m . Th»>'innillfltMl n u m b e r p lun 1 ' is lit ' lnii I n l r o(' i, < i| i h i s \ t-i ir rto tlutt a imltltMl mi inbi'i'lnti w\« l f iu will IIH lu pxlHtouco .

    Public Service Corporationof New Jersey

    Dividend No. 91 on turn-•nun Stuck

    Dividend No. 4) on H'.iCumulativr Preferred StuckDividend No. 2*i on ViCumulative Prvfcrrtd StuckDividend No. 7 on $VOOCuinulativi Prvfvrred Stock

    Tin Houni of iMt'.'i'toi'h of I'lil.M.'

    ..r l a in*

    Mllur ' ' o i n n i n n Slu t 'k (MI H I .> ml I im Mit r r l i 31 lllllll All-•.!.• imviit i l . ' M t u v h :tl. 1»:tl)in.htiM'H uf ltMtiiil HI thnUI Its HUM IMVI'IMI:! ti> more than•1ft!*,ODD RtmreholtlPrx This mla l rcpre-m-nlH a relullvcly Uirtie IIHTIMI*U ufH.Hiiij ovrr ihu unmlifr of storkho)iU* at tlio tlmt' of t lw U s I(|\iurlt't ly it I vide ml Tlic owners ofI he nmipnny'H stoc" aw widely dl« rlb-uieil m*oRra]»hlvully, atul l iuhii lc ri'sl-dents or »'vcry stain In the V'uit*M1Sijilrs ami of more tluin Hfty fori'lsucoiini i Ion.

    Tlio uvoniKP number nf s h a l e s lu-ltlby slorkholi lf i ' s ilc-i'tvnstHl from I'O.Hus nf lln> SppteiiilM'r, l!12!t, rt-i-onl (hue.In -S 1!. lUildt'i's of llvi1 aliiiiV1* ur low-itici'riiMt (I nitiro th nn i!'i il ur i us th'1

    mul ]ui]i!ci\H of six to IriiUl l l sh t . |noci-li a l o n g n b e n m ot Unlit .

    Di'll'a npi inrntus o p e r a t e d hy ini'.in«"'« Mlvorod i i lnno m i r r o r »o i|. liwii«'l>talnnci'tl tha t It c o u l d be sot In vlhrullou by s o u n d w n f o s . T l io v l l n u t l i K"'rnir re f l ec ted n l luc lun l in i ; He1'1

    bsnn which wun d lroc to i l by n l e i "n& a parabolic mirror to ih ' , f n r t h e ( p i a r l i T .A ' - o f i J i i ' r i r r i . i l n - i o u l i l . t i f , a l

    | , | . < - | | l | | . r V M - . , ) ! ' M l i > S t O l ' U l l o l l l t ' f

    I H \ I I M ! t • • I I ! - ! I : I U I < u r U - M S m u l . i n p r n v i

    i n . i l l l v r - M I l l i r i l i s O f l l n ' t ' U ; i l l i t ' l ' l J " .

    . ' m n - n r 1 - s s . N u , , m > i i i i l l i U l : i u 1 h u l . N

    : i . i l i ' i i i Ii , i - I 1 , o f l i l t * t n l i i l » - ; i p l l ; i !


    The At la nt ii Tnii ispuiH H I H T Mlniiri,itil,a i.>«i'iUl> siit-rlllriMl Un mu-linr Inoi'tlt'i' to .stivf a siibtniu'lno tt>lu|ilinni'rjililo w h i c h Hi s In i lm Nnrrown ufN'ow York May l i c t w c t i i Fort l l a in lHonnnd Kort W a i l a w o r t h , T h o t)tcnm* i *'

    marlviMs mul lnthis i r l t i> ' y Hrll rui ' t t l i lciit .


    A $-iiut,nno,Mt»o i l c i l U I H r l o - i .. .

    ( i i n l y tiy t h o t n i h S i U Wltll Ir li •!•. ;> .

    t>. M i t e . T I U M U - J I l u n l l>i-tn u t u l i i >

    n i s s l o n f o r s o m e l l n i r , t inl It M ••

    u i i i l l l l u r l o y U C l u r k o , ln- tu l >i

    I ' l l l l i l o H l * o w o r a n i l I . I n h t C m i i . M . i i

    I U I H K u p t h o r t ' c t ' lv iM 1 i n h i s oilU o '

    l int l l r o i u l w i t y . N o w Y o r k C l t v , !!• i

    l U i n o u n c u m c t i t c o u l d lni m t u l o l l u i t t

    c o i u p i k t i y h u d a t - q u l r u d , t hn>u{ ; l i d o

    ( I r f u k ' r I i O i u l o t i a m ! C m m t U ' B T i u .,

    Llil., tho olitlru cuplml stock of itiottrltUli comiutny'8 RitltsliUurlcn nnd usulmtiuitlnl interest In others. Tli'»dual Involves tho control of HCVTII i'ftho lurgoitt Kngllah powor tuul Me li tcompanies and WAS mudc illrvctly wUUtho t a i i of Dtrkenheail, former L»i\lHigh Chnnoollor ot Urtat ltrttalu niitlSecretary tar Inilln. who will dtrrctthe nftalrs ot tho RrUlsh rompnuy nsits ohairraHn,

    s SALK

    IN ('MANCKRY OK NKW JKHSKYHot woe IIL Vn Um 11 no lira u x\, Com -

    pin Inn nt uml Jaintxt M. Bolttho AIU!l.llllan M. llolllho. hln wlfv, «t &1B.,DofivndtuitH

    FI. fu. (or unit) of mortgnptxl prom-Isos.

    H o i u r u n I) U M a y n t h . , A. I) . , 18.10.H. II. n n d K A. K l k l ^ l

    Hy v i r t u e of lli« a b o r o wi l l uf F lor lKtu'lan In my IUUKU, I Rluill oxposofor onto nt Puli l lc Voiuluo nt t ho Cour tHOUHV lu Morr l t t town, N. J , an Mon-ti »v, \\\v t en 111 IIHJ of Miurt'h n e x t A.1)., 11KIO iKtlnven Iho l iot im uf 13 M.

    i Hint :» o ' c lo rk V. M^ tliut IN to «ny ntoVIoek In t h e i . l ' ternoon of KUUI Any.All tho fulluwtiiK t r n r t or p a r r e l

    Of luiul and prtvinlHoH hoTulniifu>r j iar-tlculixrly deMrrilwd Hltuntt\ b i n s tuirib o l u g In tlio Borough of H o c k u w a yIn Ihe County of Mnrr.H HIM) S u i v ofNew Jei'Mey. UotitidtHl a n d (U'tuTllHulan fol lows.

    tho Hjuno l a n d s ami )iromlBononnvt'.ved lo Mlll tui M Molllho, uncl

    II. Itolltlio, lw>r huttlttmd hvM«ry AittuiN Hrudy, widow, liy i lnx lda tml Mny 10, 1 tt 17. rm'ordod In Uu*MorrlH ("ouuly r tn 'onl ol IUHMU Inbook 0-24. jinttvH 420, «tt'.. aiul ihon>-In (losrrthiMl us fo l lows:

    Iletnj; Hit' siiine IEIIHIH ninl p r o m i s e swonw>tMl to Mury A. Hnuly l n w W i n -

    ill liy Hnrlmrn WlnlwrechlMlby t w o doed». oiu> dulwl Dec in, UUr e c o r d e d In book O H , jwigt1 ldti. nndtho o t h « r J a n . 14. 11K1S r f o o r d w l InF-1P. patron 3S8, e tc . , and n l s o by tlootlfrom Win. (5111 ndm. t o M a r y Agu«»BriMly, M a r H . U i o . r w o r d o t l ' In book

    F i r s t T r a c t ! IU-HIIHIIUR In midof Nt>w 8ln»i»t In ttitld VtMnjr* of Hock-a w a y at H lmlnt In lino wi th tliv nor -t h e r l y wide of it lot of l and e o n w y w lby F r w t m i n Wood mwl \vlf*> to V. Mc-Cor ty ami r \m» thtmrt* (1) almiK ov c a s t n l i M i i ; I n I In* f i r m l i n e 1

    • i r f I h e Xii l i l w h o l e l o i . n n e c l u i l u . T o u r - .'

    ' t o o n H n k x i n H i e s e c o m l r o i n . - r t h e r e - !

    n f t l i o n c e ( ^ i S o u t h v , v , - i i i l . ' i t r e i w '

    w e s t u l i ' H C I n t lit* s t v o t u l l l n , - i»r s « M

    w h o l e l o t . i h o u i l i v e l e .M ! ( • 111.' S o u t h

    K n s t c o r i l ' T n f i h e c e l l a r w . i l l o f I h o

    • r t t t l t l J o h n W l n t r i ^ t h l . - d ' s h « r n a <

    n o w I m i l t , t l u ' i i f i - (!l> N \ . r t h s r v r n t y -

    n i n o d e c r e e * f n r t v f i v e i n i i i n i e ^ w e , s i

    I n l h u > w i l l ) t l i . - M U I I I I -\nt three luimlreil nqtiarvfoot of liuul more or U(•« Streets, Itucknnny

    Cleaning and PressingOur worU is iliino IIIOIOIIKII and clothes imnk' lo looli new

    Wo »l*o ilve miy khul of Kurinent mul do mendingFelt mid Struw Hnls Clemied nnd iniiili> to look like. new.

    All Onlrrs Culled For nnd Oellveretl'I eli'jilione Itoekmviij I'JI

    Special Vaccine CutsInfant Mortality in Two

    tho inortii l ' ty iinioiii: newr a n i s vlrhiuMy '-" l"*r ci'iiIIMMI In •JHV(HHi rvper lnv

    f.'I. AJhor l I'll •1101IC

    the Acndemy ol Sclt-noo.So sureossfnl tune those trulls hivn

    tliut ruMrur InslltiHO, of which !>">tor t'ulinetto Is miluiirri'tor, hns ereutt'il 1) sperlul Inhorutory for ItM |ire|iarailon. It will »c dlBlrllmtod free t.nhvslvhins ami mldwlvw.


    6 BEU.ANSHot waterSure Relief

    iELL-ANSFOR INDIGESTION254 «nd 754 Pk&Sold Eveiywhrntt



    Mrs Anliur Wiedman, of ihe FoxHill R«Bellevil It. UJB th*» jpiest of Mr andMrs KuKbell Apgar

    Mlsa y ilon Shaw, of the RqckawayRoud, 1H t ecuimruting ut her homefollowing «ti operation in a pt'ivttteBunltoriuni In Newark

    Mrs Elsie Holinger, of Mvrrls Ave.,la undergoing treutmtMH in the Mem-orial Hospital, Marrlstown

    Mrs (ivorge Murray, of Arlington,and Mr and Mrs. Norman Davis andBOO, of Lake Mohawk, wereMonday of Mi> William Nichols, ofthe Rockaway Road. Mrs Murray Isa a later of Mrs Ntcliols

    The Sunshine Society of Denvilleand Tabor, held an afternoon partyat the home of Mrs William PliU onThursday

    Mr. and Mrs FtaengeT, ot the FoxHill ROA4, recently welcomed intotheir hoin«- a new baby boy

    The W C. T U. of Denvillebold its regular

    willmonthly bu. iness

    meeting at tile home of Mrs NtnettaSofield. of Denvtlle Pork, Thursdayevening, March 6. Heporta from theLegislative meeting and luncheonheld at Trenton. February 24 will begiven.

    The regular monthly meeting of theDenvllle Civic AsBorlution was heldin the old schoolhouse Monday even-ing. The following nominations forofficers for another year were made,the election to take place at the Marchmeeting President. Win. E Keerte;1st Vice-President. Mortimer F. Huntand WHlliun Swayie; 2nd Vice-Presi-dent, Stephen It. Sofield and RobertRonan. Secretary, Mrs. Mildred dlz-OWB; Treasurer. Charles Kelso. The

    ies1 Auxiliary of the Undenomina-tional Clmrch at her home Monday• •veiling.

    Hugo Siebk«, Jr., of Rutgers Col-lege, has been spending a few duyeut his father's home on the Old Boou-ton Road *

    Mr and Mrs. W M Buuhnell, ofHempstead, L. I . were guests of Min

    1 UuulineH'B father, John H Hall, ofHie Morrlslown Koad, Washington*Birthday

    MTH (i. H. Griffith and son. of HieKin-hell Tract, have returned froma visit with relatives in Jersey City

    Mr and Mra LvRoy drove, of In-dian Lake, entertained over the week-cud, Mr and Mrs. Edwurd Ettlns, ofHostile.

    A meeting of the Sunshine Societywas held at the home of Mr&. GeorgeDickeraon, of Lackawannu Avenue,Tuesday afternoon of last week. Thefollowing officers were elected for


    Irving Tompkins; Treasurer, • MrsStewart R Chambers; Secretary, MIBSEdna Mount. The next meeting willbe held at the home of the new presi-dent, Mrs Harry Goble, of Tahor

    The Fnit Htll Road haB been thescene of many mired ant as and trucksthis week. This road is now beingImproved by the Township Commit-tee, crushed etones being used. Man-or Road Is also receiving the sameattention


    dauglitOllri H

    the ensuing year: President,Harry noble; Vice-Prealdent,


    Rev. Andrew D Wood, Pastor

    Church School classes for all agesat 9:30 Sunday morning The "Bun-ny Hop Can test" began last Sunday.

    The Happiness Which the SavlousBrings to Believers" will be the sub-

    Asaoolatlon voted to take »P * u h U l e jecl of Rev. Wood's sermon SundayTownship Committee the matter of somany dogs running at large and ds>-etiroylng property.

    DeWIH Meyers, J r . o( the Rorka-ivay Road, Is the owner of » newFord automoMle.

    Mrs. Walter Freeman, of MorrisAvenue, had as a guest Sunday. RevAndrew B Wood.

    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Growneyw«re called to Paterson last Fridaybecause of the death of Mr. EdwardVoogd, Mrs. Orowney's father. Mr.Voogd was 69 years of age. The fun-eTal Bervlces were held Monday, withburial In Paterson.

    Mrs. S. A. Rlghter entertained IheNeedlecraft Society at her home lastThursday.

    Mr. and Mrs. C. Wlntield Hall, ofthe Fox Hill Road, J H. Hall andH. Bkidmore, of the Morrlsfown road,were guests of the D L. ft W. R. R. ata dinner in the Y. M. C. A. at Hobo-ken, Thursday evening of last week

    Miss Alice Meade, of Wesley Place,Tabor, waa the guest recently of herbrother-in-law and Bister, Lieut, andMrs. James A Greenwald. Jr., ofL&kewood.

    Mr. and Mrs William Keeffe, ST..of Rlchwood Terrace, spent the week-end In Jersey City as guests of MrsGeorge Vanderbeek.

    Mr. and Mrs. Prank Goble, of My-ers Avenue, Denville Park, entertain-ed Friday the following guests: Miss-es Grace and Bessie Goble and Arth-ur Slade, of Port Jervls, N. V.

    Miss Mary Malone. ot East Orange,Mlas Mary Castle, of Elizabeth, Mrs.Margaret Cunningham, of Elizabethand Mr. and Mrs. Martin Powers andeon of New York, were week-endgueste of Miss Catherine Rowe, ofDenville Park.

    Mr. and MrB. Henry Ewald, Jr. andMiss Louise Sheppard, ot Jersey City,were week-end guests of Mr. and MrsHenry Ewald, Sr., of Diamond SpringPark.

    The Tabor Civic Association spon-sored a party Saturday evening In theHotel Arlington. Tabor, fur the bene-fit of its work. Mrs. Harry VanCamp-en, Mrs. Harry Qohle and Mrs. A. L.Daniels, had charge of the affair.

    Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Goble. of Dcn-vttle Park, has had as a guest the lat-tor'« brother, Rev. Orover Winters,ot Oakland.

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crowell, otEllinbetli, Hnd Raymond Sendeli. otErie, Pa., were week-end guests ofMr. and Mr8. Harry A. Sendeli, ofLake Arrowhead.

    Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Shepps,of Church Street, were guesu ot Mr.and Mrs. Twist, of Madison, Mondayevening.

    Mr. and Mrs. S. Ronald VanOrden,of Rlchwood Terrace, have welcomedinto their home a new baby son.

    Mr. and Mrs. Geyer, of East Orange,spent the week-end with the former'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Geyer, ofCedar Lake.

    Mm. John Stahl, or Glen Ridge, hasbeen visiting her daughter, MrS. •Wil-liam Spsnlcr, ot the Rocktway Road.

    XT*. Barton M. Hunt, of the Mor-rtatewn. Road, win entertain the

    morning ot 10:46.Spoclal musical numbers will be a

    feature of the morning service, withthe musical director. MIBS Annie U.Hall, In charge. Miss Hall hasned to have a fifteen minute musicalpreceding each Sunday evening ser-vice during Lent. Special talent hasbeen Becured to make this a real wor-ship period.

    A meeting of testimony and prayer,led by Rev. Wood, will be welcomedby many at the Sunday evening Ber-vice.

    Rev. Wood announces that themorning service will close promptlyat 12:00 noon.

    This congregation being a perma-nent incorporated body In the life ofDenvllle and being undenomination-al, invites all new comers to maketheir church home with us duringtheir years in Denville.

    A St Patrick's Covered Dish Lunch-eon will be held In the P. O. S. of A.Hall, Tuesday evening, March 18, un-der the auspices ot the Ladles' Aux-iliary.

    1 Mr uud IVirs William Cnuiipnm.of High Bridge, were week-encl KUt'hl*of the iutter'y par*>nUi, Mr ami >lr^

    i Frank Llndfrmun. of Maple Awnu'j Rev nnd Mrs H I) Leech, vvr,-llw week-end their eon ander-iu-law, Mr -and Mrs.L w h , f Newark

    Mr and Mrs John Miller, ol Hud-! son sirfcet, and Mr and MTB I'Uihpj Colmer and children, of MIHIWMI| Hpent the week end with relamts in[ Butler

    Harry Dlehl and (ius Beckei Mini' ents at tile University ot Pciiusvlvanla, spent the week-end wltli ihi1

    former's parents, Mr and Mrs FloydDlehl, In West Bluckwell streel

    Mr uud Mrs John R. Edwertls ofLincoln avenue, entertained over ill*?week-end the former's and sinitT in-)aw. Mr and Mrs. Thomas B Kd-wards, of Brooklyn.

    Special JubileeServices March 2-9th

    (list K|il»ro|ial

    SuiKlii). Mureh i IIWIli 3d A M Cliurclj School In chur,

    ol Kline] J i i u ^ Super UIUHHUMII

    10 •!.'• A M Hully Hull\ Ice Kpeelul Muwuion. ami reception nlIJ v C^MiMiiunlm]

    Oa.ll Set-Holy t'ommun-lllfMllllt'l'H FUIII-

    7 (Id Plittf and

    S (Id Vurilc lx;iljUeU gallon.Mcirrlstuv

    M Hllilc Koruin, Intt'riiMidSenior KpworLh ljuugueuW MASIlSir Niglil Masi'h will lif repityseiitcd bys liom luntr. Itockuwuy.n. Mt Lakes. IkKilltou. and

    MadlHOii SpeciHl niualc will be ren-dered at this Hervlce, Ur. Win M , 1DS0Women's IloJIy Night—Women's

    News, Va., is visiting her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Weiler, InMaple Avenue.

    Mr. and Mrs. William J. ParkerMcFarlan street, entertained MrMrs. William Smith, Mrs. Grace Ford organizations from all the Countyand O. Burt, of Newark, over the ^ have been Invited. Special musicweek-end. : Mrs. Henry Pradkln. Chairman of the

    Mr Mary Jewell, of Irondale road. '' International Association of Wonie.on Sunday, entertained a number of v " t e r a ' < Montclalr. will speak. "Therelatives to help her celebrate '•'""•« w o n l < i r i """• '" l n e »