2208 Federal Register/Vol. 68, No. 11/Thursdav. January 16, 2003 / Rules and Regulations under slah) law and {Ioe, s n(.fl inlll(lHI; any u(hlili( ,hal on for(:oal)h, dul v hovond Ihal rmtuired hv s|ah; law, il d(u)s n(fl (:•nlain an\. unt\m(h;d mandah)or significantly or uniquely affl;cl small g(.)vornnle.nts. ;is dt;scrihod in Iho I lnfun(h:(t Man(lah;s Rerfil.m AcI fir 11.1.(-)5 (Pub. L. "104--4). 'l'his ruh I ills()dlles ntll hays Iril)al implications blIc;Iust)il will nol h;ivtl il subshlnliill dil"Ocl ofl'•;(:l i)n (|no fir llllii'!; Indian h'ibt;s, Ill| Ih(: I'elal il.ulship I)()lvvt)Oll th( / I,'l:dorill g(!X't}l'llill(llll and Indian iril)os, ur tin lho <lislriliuli, ,n ill" plilA:ilr ;tl](I rt;sllonslbililh:s bl;lwotln Ih(} Ig;dpriil •t)vt;rnlllttfll and ln(lian ll-il)t.,,s, as Sl)ecil'h;d by Ext;t:uli\'t; ()r(ler 131 75 {115 I"R 1i724!1, bJovomhor 9, 21)00}. This ;ICI h ill }11,'411 (J( I!)S ill II hill, t; fl;(l!:l'a] islll impJi(:alions b(:cliuso ii (JIJt;s not ha\'(: subslanlial (lirecl offe(:ls on lhe •l;ih:s, I)il lilt rt)J;lli(mship holwol)n Ih*: ll,qli(lllii] ,g()vi;rnmtlnl and lh(; •hllt;s, ()r on tht! (lislrihuli•m of lll.Jwt;r and l't;Sp, ms|hi lilies among lho vari( il.ls h:vt;ls (iJ'•liVHl'nlllHnl. |is SlmVil]l)d in t'.'xl,'culiw; (Jrdor 13132 164 I"R 43255. Augusl 10. ] !)99). This a(:lil m mernlv apllrovt;s ;i shilt; i'ult; hlll)h•iTit;lllh]g ;i tg;(h>,ral standard, and (l()(.is ntii altm" the rtJlalionship or iho dislribulion of powor lind rt:splmsil)ililii;s oslal)lishe.d in lht; ChJan Ah" A(:I. This ruh; alsll is nol subiect Io Execulivo Order 13045 "'Pr(llu(:li,m id'(:hihh'on from Envirorlmentul Hoalth Risks and Saft;tv Risks" {1i2 FR 19B85. April 23, 19!t7), I)(;(:auso il is nol oconomical]\' significant, ha reviewing SIP submissi(ms. EPA's role is to alJpru\,u shilt) chtlict;s, i)rovidu(I thai tht;\, nl(!ol Iht) urih;ria t)l Iht; (:l(:an Air At:l. In lhis (:olltOxt. in Iho absonco of a pri(w (;xisling rt;(luh'(qnt:nl I't)r Ihl: ,"ghih; Io us,; voJunl:.trv (:l)ns(;i]sus Slilnditr(ls (V(]S), EPA has i111 aulhorilv hi (lisal)l'lr(Ivl; a ,SIp submission for l'ililurt: It) us\) V(],qJ. II would Ihus bit int:onsish;nl wilh itpldi(:abl,• hlw for EPA. when il rn\,iews ;i SIP sulimissi(u'l, hi us\; VCS ill phi(:\; (dit SIP sut)mission Ihal •flht:rwise salisfit+s lht! pr(wisions ,f Ihe |lit:an Air A(:I. Thus, lilt.; ri;quiri;nlt:tlls of st.:t:li()n 1 2((I) of lhl; Niililffla] 'I'(,(:hllid()gy 'l'ransfe.r and :\dvan(:•imtml Act nt'1995 {15 U.S.('. 272 note) do not apply. This rule dot:s not impt,se ;ill infiwmali(m (:-lh.;ction bur(h;ri under the pr(wisi,ulS of iho l•aporwork I{(;duclion Act t)f 1995 (44 IJ.S.(]. 3501 t,V m;'q.}. B. Ntihmi.•sion to Congress ond Iht,, Comptroller (h.,nend The (]tll]gre, ssilmal Ruview Act, .5 t I.,";.C. P,0I ot seq., its added bv lhe ,";mall Lli.lsint;ss Rt)gl.i]iihq'v IZn for(:(,.mt;nl I"airnoss Acl (:ll' 1996, gunurally prtJvidt;s Ihal hofi:)ro a ruh: ma\' lake offi;cl, Ihc il.•l)n(:v i)rilnlul<galing lilt; rull.; nlusl sul)mil ;t ruh: rel, u'l. which in(:lu(h:s ;t c:,Jpy {)t' lilt.', rulo, I,) oa(:h House; ,)t' lh(: [:(,ngn•ss and h) lhe (:omplrc, ll,;r (',enp, ral I)t'lll(l llriih:d ,'qlah)s. EPA will sul)nlil a ret)orl (:lJllliliIlillg Ibis ru]t: and (ilher rt)(luirt:(I informali•ln hi lhe I l.,q. lqt)nah;. Iht.' 1 I.,'4. H()i.lSO, o| Reprl;st;nhlli\'(;s, ;lil(I lh!: Crm]ptr,•lh;r (h;nt:ral IJf lho tlnih;(I ,'qhih;s prior hi imbli(:alii.m of lho rult.; in |he Federal Register. "l'his ruh: is nlil il "maior ru],.;" as defined hy ,5 I I.S.(]. 804(2). C. Petitions Jbr ]udiciul lh,vivn" I In(Ior s!!(:l i(in ;107(b)(1 ) o1" lh{: ( lit;an Air Act. lit,liliiins I'(ir judicial r,!vii:w (,1" lifts a(:li(m musl bt: fih:d in the tf[fih;(] ,'qlahls (:(lurl elf Apl),:als tR)r the at)prtq)riah• (:ircuil I1\" March 1 7, 211113. Filing a l)olilh)n for r(;(:onsi{h;raihm I)\, tile Adminish'alor ()f Ihis final ruh; (loos n()l afl'e.:l lilt! Iinal |Iv 4i1' this ruh; fq)u" 1110 imrlmsos of ju(li(:ialrt'vit;w nor cl()t)s il !Ixllt)ill] Ih!! limt; wilhin whi(:h a p,:tililm for judiciul review may b•>' I]h.:d, and shall rlol t)(isti)(.lil(.; th0 ofh;clivunoss ()f ,•.lJl:h rule, llr at:li(in. "l'his a(:li(in, appr()ving rt;visi()ns [iJ Pt;nns\lvania's cl)nlr(!l o| VO(:s fr(iFi slll\,onl(:h;aning (q)oi'alions, milv n( )1 bll challenged lah;r in l)r(l(:o(;(lings h)ont'•w(:u ils r0quirt,moills. (,•oo soot|oil 3071b)12}.} List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52 Environmt,mtal pr(>tecHon, Air p{)]lulicm control, hl(:()rl)oralil•n I)\' I'(I['IIrIII]CH. ()z!,n(). Reliorling ;tn(] i't)(:ord kt.'t;ping rt;tluirilml.lnts. I'laletl: Ile(:onibl•r :-I1,21102. 'rhoma• C. Voltaggio. :lcliny. tIoy.ionol Administrotor. Itogion Ill. 40 (3"R llarl 55 > is anlondt,d ;is fidh.)ws: PART 52--[AMENDED] 1. Tim itullllli'il\' (;ilali,m |or pu'l 52 (:,•nlinuos It., road ;is fi)Jh)ws: Authority: 42 !. [.S.C. 741)1 el s(• t. Subpart NN•Pennsylvania 2. Section 52.211211 is anaendt;(l by a(lding pttra•railh {c)(195) to ruad as f(Jllows: § 52.2020 Identification of plan. (C) * * {1 (.}5) Rovish)ns hi lilt; l)onns\,lt, arlhi Roguhtiiorls r(:,gar(ling VO(' (:t)nlr, iI u'equ irt;m,.:nts l'(•r sol\'m}t ch;aning ()p(;ralions, submith:d •)ll Februar\, 13, } 21102. by lhe ] enns\'lvuniu Dt,parlmenl i,l" Envi ronm(;llhl] Pl'(fl¢ct iun: {i} Incort)(n'ali(m by roft, rcn(:t;. (A) L,,Ih;r (if Fubruar\, 13. 2002. l'r, Jm tho Puilnsyl\,ania L)t;llarlmunl cJf En\irt)nm,,nlal Prnio(:litm Iransmilling lhe rt:vish,ns hi VO(] (:()1111"111 i'e(luirt;nlt'.nls i'•,r s()l\,t;ni c]t;anin,t I ii•t;ralions. {[]) R(;vislllns hi 25 PA C,,de. (:h;iph)r 121 and chaplor 12!). offcclivo Dect:mbor 22, :,'1)1)1. (1) A(hlili(ms :-in(] R(;visi(ms (ll' (iorhlilions for lorms in (:haplor 121. (;eneral Prnvisi(ms. se(:lilm 121.1. Dol'illili()ns. {/) A(hlilion t)l' Ihe I'ulh)wing h:rms: Airhms ch:aning s\,sh;nL Airtighl (:b:aning s\'slt;m. Ilah-h wipl,r (:]caning machine. {:url)(m adsorbt;r, Ccdd (:luaning m;lchint!. Dwt:ll. Dwell limt;. Extrt:mt; c]t;;ining st;r\'ico. Frt;t:l)(lal'd l't)l'rigorali()ll do\,ico, htling modt;. lmmersi(.1 (:old (:leaning ma(:hine. In- lint; \'al),)r c:h;aning mllchinn. R(;(ltl(:t:(I r(),)m drul'l. Reml)h) rost:r\,oir co](I (;]caning machine. Solvt:nl/air intt;rfact.:. ,'q<l]\'()lll (:h:itnillg mllt:hinu, SI)]\st.)lll cleaning math|n(! ;iuh)m;.tted 1)arls handling syh.:m, S(.d\'onl (:]t:aning inllchinlJ (]()w[I linit;. ,q(i]Vt;llt viipl,q' zon(;. ,'qUl)orht;ah;(I \,ill)or svslom. Vapor t:h.:aning inli{:tlhlt;. Vi.ili(ll' (:h;llning machine primary Coildtmst;r. Va[)or pressure. Vapor up (:onirol swilt:h, Working mtJdt.; (:nw;r. (ii) Re\isi.n ()1" file h!rm "'frt!ehlJurd rati,L" (2) R0\,isi,)ns Io (:haphw 129. S, lan(]ar(Is t'()r S,()ur(:o.•, Sour(:l;s of V{)(]s, se(:lhm 12(.).fi3. V()(] (]]oalling ()l)•,'rali(ms rt'l)lltcing tht; i:urrenl s(;(:lion 129.{i:1. (ii) A(hlililmal Malerial. Remaindnr of the ,qliih: subnlillal i)lwluinillg h) Iht; ro\'isi(ms lisle(i in f)ar;igraph {(:)(1!t5)(i) (if lhis se(:i |(in. I I"R 11or:. I)3-4J51 Fil ed ]- 15-03; 13:45 i.ilii] BILLING CODE 6560-50-P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [MD 137-3093,1; FRL-7436-9] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program--Request for Delay in the Incorporation of On- Board Diagnostics Testing AGENCY: I.•nvir()nmt;fihtl Prl)h;(:lion Aw.m(:y (El'A). ACTION: DiI'('cl final ruh;. SUMMARY: EPA is hiking (lirt:(:l fin]| ;i(.:|i()n !o apl)i'•v() rt;visi(.ins hi Iht: Mar\.'lan(I ,'•llllt: Iml)]Onlt;l]hlt]lq] ])l;ttl (SIP). Marvlai]d has ruquush.;d a si×- mllnlh ,•×h!nshm (d" Ih•: l"o(lera] doadlin(: Io hlcori_loralc t:lt;clr(uli(: chocks h.• tJl' ()n-h,•ard Diagncl.•lic (()LID| comlmh'.r s\,sl(:n'•s ()f 1 (.)(.)il-an(]-nHw•r v,:hi(:h.,s inh)

rmtuired Ilah-h Jbr ruh; • ma\',, ' (;, (• ' EPA• • • • •.)

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Page 1: rmtuired Ilah-h Jbr ruh; • ma\',, ' (;, (• ' EPA• • • • •.)

2208 Federal Register/Vol. 68, No. 11/Thursdav. January 16, 2003 / Rules and Regulations

under slah) law and {Ioe,s n(.fl inlll(lHI;any u(hlili( ,hal on for(:oal)h, dul v hovondIhal rmtuired hv s|ah; law, il d(u)s n(fl

(:•nlain an\. unt\m(h;d mandah)orsignificantly or uniquely affl;cl smallg(.)vornnle.nts. ;is dt;scrihod in IhoI lnfun(h:(t Man(lah;s Rerfil.m AcI fir 11.1.(-)5

(Pub. L. "104--4). 'l'his ruh I ills()dlles ntllhays Iril)al implications blIc;Iust)il willnol h;ivtl il subshlnliill dil"Ocl ofl'•;(:l i)n

(|no fir llllii'!; Indian h'ibt;s, Ill| Ih(:

I'elal il.ulship I)()lvvt)Oll th( / I,'l:dorillg(!X't}l'llill(llll and Indian iril)os, ur tin lho<lislriliuli, ,n ill" plilA:ilr ;tl](I

rt;sllonslbililh:s bl;lwotln Ih(} Ig;dpriil

•t)vt;rnlllttfll and ln(lian ll-il)t.,,s, asSl)ecil'h;d by Ext;t:uli\'t; ()r(ler 131 75 {115I"R 1i724!1, bJovomhor 9, 21)00}. This;ICI h ill }11,'411 (J( I!)S ill II hill, t; fl;(l!:l'a] islllimpJi(:alions b(:cliuso ii (JIJt;s not ha\'(:

subslanlial (lirecl offe(:ls on lhe •l;ih:s,I)il lilt rt)J;lli(mship holwol)n Ih*: ll,qli(lllii]

,g()vi;rnmtlnl and lh(; •hllt;s, ()r on tht!(lislrihuli•m of lll.Jwt;r andl't;Sp, ms|hi lilies among lho vari( il.lsh:vt;ls (iJ'•liVHl'nlllHnl. |is SlmVil]l)d int'.'xl,'culiw; (Jrdor 13132 164 I"R 43255.Augusl 10. ] !)99). This a(:lil m mernlvapllrovt;s ;i shilt; i'ult; hlll)h•iTit;lllh]g ;i

tg;(h>,ral standard, and (l()(.is ntii altm" thertJlalionship or iho dislribulion of poworlind rt:splmsil)ililii;s oslal)lishe.d in lht;ChJan Ah" A(:I. This ruh; alsll is nolsubiect Io Execulivo Order 13045"'Pr(llu(:li,m id'(:hihh'on fromEnvirorlmentul Hoalth Risks and Saft;tvRisks" {1i2 FR 19B85. April 23, 19!t7),I)(;(:auso il is nol oconomical]\'significant, ha reviewing SIPsubmissi(ms. EPA's role is to alJpru\,ushilt) chtlict;s, i)rovidu(I thai tht;\, nl(!ol

Iht) urih;ria t)l Iht; (:l(:an Air At:l. In lhis(:olltOxt. in Iho absonco of a pri(w(;xisling rt;(luh'(qnt:nl I't)r Ihl: ,"ghih; Io us,;

voJunl:.trv (:l)ns(;i]sus Slilnditr(ls (V(]S),EPA has i111 aulhorilv hi (lisal)l'lr(Ivl; a,SIp submission for l'ililurt: It) us\) V(],qJ.

II would Ihus bit int:onsish;nl wilhitpldi(:abl,• hlw for EPA. when il rn\,iews;i SIP sulimissi(u'l, hi us\; VCS ill phi(:\;(dit SIP sut)mission Ihal •flht:rwisesalisfit+s lht! pr(wisions ,f Ihe |lit:an AirA(:I. Thus, lilt.; ri;quiri;nlt:tlls of st.:t:li()n

1 2((I) of lhl; Niililffla] 'I'(,(:hllid()gy'l'ransfe.r and :\dvan(:•imtml Act nt'1995{15 U.S.('. 272 note) do not apply. Thisrule dot:s not impt,se ;ill infiwmali(m(:-lh.;ction bur(h;ri under the pr(wisi,ulSof iho l•aporwork I{(;duclion Act t)f 1995(44 IJ.S.(]. 3501 t,V m;'q.}.B. Ntihmi.•sion to Congress ond Iht,,Comptroller (h.,nend

The (]tll]gre,ssilmal Ruview Act, .5t I.,";.C. P,0I ot seq., its added bv lhe ,";mallLli.lsint;ss Rt)gl.i]iihq'v IZn for(:(,.mt;nlI"airnoss Acl (:ll' 1996, gunurally prtJvidt;sIhal hofi:)ro a ruh: ma\' lake offi;cl, Ihcil.•l)n(:v i)rilnlul<galing lilt; rull.; nlusl

sul)mil ;t ruh: rel, u'l. which in(:lu(h:s ;t

c:,Jpy {)t' lilt.', rulo, I,) oa(:h House; ,)t' lh(:

[:(,ngn•ss and h) lhe (:omplrc, ll,;r (',enp, ralI)t'lll(l llriih:d ,'qlah)s. EPA will sul)nlil aret)orl (:lJllliliIlillg Ibis ru]t: and (ilher

rt)(luirt:(I informali•ln hi lhe I l.,q. lqt)nah;.

Iht.' 1 I.,'4. H()i.lSO, o| Reprl;st;nhlli\'(;s, ;lil(I

lh!: Crm]ptr,•lh;r (h;nt:ral IJf lho tlnih;(I,'qhih;s prior hi imbli(:alii.m of lho rult.; in|he Federal Register. "l'his ruh: is nlil il

"maior ru],.;" as defined hy ,5 I I.S.(].


C. Petitions Jbr ]udiciul lh,vivn"

I In(Ior s!!(:l i(in ;107(b)(1 ) o1" lh{: ( lit;anAir Act. lit,liliiins I'(ir judicial r,!vii:w (,1"

lifts a(:li(m musl bt: fih:d in the tf[fih;(],'qlahls (:(lurl elf Apl),:als tR)r theat)prtq)riah• (:ircuil I1\" March 1 7, 211113.Filing a l)olilh)n for r(;(:onsi{h;raihm I)\,tile Adminish'alor ()f Ihis final ruh; (loosn()l afl'e.�:l lilt! Iinal |Iv 4i1' this ruh; fq)u" 1110imrlmsos of ju(li(:ialrt'vit;w nor cl()t)s il!Ixllt)ill] Ih!! limt; wilhin whi(:h a p,:tililmfor judiciul review may b•>' I]h.:d, andshall rlol t)(isti)(.lil(.; th0 ofh;clivunoss ()f,•.lJl:h rule, llr at:li(in. "l'his a(:li(in,

appr()ving rt;visi()ns [iJ Pt;nns\lvania'scl)nlr(!l o| VO(:s fr(iFi slll\,onl(:h;aning(q)oi'alions, milv n( )1 bll challenged lah;r

in l)r(l(:o(;(lings h)ont'•w(:u ilsr0quirt,moills. (,•oo soot|oil 3071b)12}.}

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52Environmt,mtal pr(>tecHon, Air

p{)]lulicm control, hl(:()rl)oralil•n I)\'I'(I['IIrIII]CH. ()z!,n(). Reliorling ;tn(]i't)(:ord kt.'t;ping rt;tluirilml.lnts.

I'laletl: Ile(:onibl•r :-I1,21102.

'rhoma• C. Voltaggio.:lcliny. tIoy.ionol Administrotor. Itogion Ill.

40 (3"R llarl 55> is anlondt,d ;is fidh.)ws:


1. Tim itullllli'il\' (;ilali,m |or pu'l 52(:,•nlinuos It., road ;is fi)Jh)ws:

Authority: 42 !. [.S.C. 741)1 el s(•t.

Subpart NN•Pennsylvania

2. Section 52.211211 is anaendt;(l by

a(lding pttra•railh {c)(195) to ruad asf(Jllows:

§ 52.2020 Identification of plan.

(C) • * *

{1 (.}5) Rovish)ns hi lilt; l)onns\,lt, arlhiRoguhtiiorls r(:,gar(ling VO(' (:t)nlr, iIu'equ irt;m,.:nts l'(•r sol\'m}t ch;aning()p(;ralions, submith:d •)ll Februar\, 13,

}21102. by lhe ] enns\'lvuniu Dt,parlmenli,l" Envi ronm(;llhl] Pl'(fl¢ct iun:

{i} Incort)(n'ali(m by roft,rcn(:t;.

(A) L,,Ih;r (if Fubruar\, 13. 2002. l'r, Jm

tho Puilnsyl\,ania L)t;llarlmunl cJfEn\irt)nm,,nlal Prnio(:litm Iransmillinglhe rt:vish,ns hi VO(] (:()1111"111

i'e(luirt;nlt'.nls i'•,r s()l\,t;ni c]t;anin,tIii•t;ralions.

{[]) R(;vislllns hi 25 PA C,,de. (:h;iph)r121 and chaplor 12!). offcclivo Dect:mbor22, :,'1)1)1.

(1) A(hlili(ms :-in(] R(;visi(ms (ll'(iorhlilions for lorms in (:haplor 121.(;eneral Prnvisi(ms. se(:lilm 121.1.Dol'illili()ns.

{/) A(hlilion t)l' Ihe I'ulh)wing h:rms:Airhms ch:aning s\,sh;nL Airtighl(:b:aning s\'slt;m. Ilah-h wipl,r (:]caningmachine. {:url)(m adsorbt;r, Ccdd(:luaning m;lchint!. Dwt:ll. Dwell limt;.Extrt:mt; c]t;;ining st;r\'ico. Frt;t:l)(lal'dl't)l'rigorali()ll do\,ico, htling modt;.lmmersi(.1 (:old (:leaning ma(:hine. In-lint; \'al),)r c:h;aning mllchinn. R(;(ltl(:t:(Ir(),)m drul'l. Reml)h) rost:r\,oir co](I(;]caning machine. Solvt:nl/air intt;rfact.:.,'q<l]\'()lll (:h:itnillg mllt:hinu, SI)]\st.)lll

cleaning math|n(! ;iuh)m;.tted 1)arlshandling syh.:m, S(.d\'onl (:]t:aninginllchinlJ (]()w[I linit;. ,q(i]Vt;llt viipl,q'zon(;. ,'qUl)orht;ah;(I \,ill)or svslom. Vaport:h.:aning inli{:tlhlt;. Vi.ili(ll' (:h;llningmachine primary Coildtmst;r. Va[)orpressure. Vapor up (:onirol swilt:h,Working mtJdt.; (:nw;r.

(ii) Re\isi.n ()1" file h!rm "'frt!ehlJurdrati,L"

(2) R0\,isi,)ns Io (:haphw 129.S, lan(]ar(Is t'()r S,()ur(:o.•, Sour(:l;s of V{)(]s,se(:lhm 12(.).fi3. V()(] (]]oalling()l)•,'rali(ms rt'l)lltcing tht; i:urrenl s(;(:lion129.{i:1.

(ii) A(hlililmal Malerial. Remaindnr ofthe ,qliih: subnlillal i)lwluinillg h) Iht;ro\'isi(ms lisle(i in f)ar;igraph {(:)(1!t5)(i)(if lhis se(:i |(in.

I I"R 11or:. I)3-4J51 Fil ed ]- 15-03; 13:45 i.ilii]



40 CFR Part 52

[MD 137-3093,1; FRL-7436-9]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans;Maryland; Motor Vehicle Inspectionand Maintenance Program--Requestfor Delay in the Incorporation of On-Board Diagnostics Testing

AGENCY: I.•nvir()nmt;fihtl Prl)h;(:lion

Aw.m(:y (El'A).ACTION: DiI'('cl final ruh;.

SUMMARY: EPA is hiking (lirt:(:l fin]|;i(.:|i()n !o apl)i'•v() rt;visi(.ins hi Iht:Mar\.'lan(I ,'•llllt: Iml)]Onlt;l]hlt]lq] ])l;ttl(SIP). Marvlai]d has ruquush.;d a si×-mllnlh ,•×h!nshm (d" Ih•: l"o(lera] doadlin(:Io hlcori_loralc t:lt;clr(uli(: chocks h.• tJl'()n-h,•ard Diagncl.•lic (()LID| comlmh'.rs\,sl(:n'•s ()f 1 (.)(.)il-an(]-nHw•r v,:hi(:h.,s inh)

Page 2: rmtuired Ilah-h Jbr ruh; • ma\',, ' (;, (• ' EPA• • • • •.)

Federal Register/Vol. 68, N(). 11/Thursday, ]anuary Iti, 2'o03/Rules and Regulations 29.09

Mary lan(l's m( )h ,r vt.•}l it:l(; um issh ills

inSl)(.'cli()n lind mainh;nlinct• filM)lirli•rlinl, EllA's ruh)s g()viirning 1/1%ti)rograms r(;(tuir()d shlh;s 14) ildd ()BD(-hi;{:ks t<)Iht;ir tiM lir()grlims by llinuary1. 7002. Hlil%'tJl, t;l-. Eiiz\'s Sitlnl} rub;

i)rliviih;s slah;s Iht; ()l)li()n h) submil il

i-(,qt.iesl 1111" th;la\, it( Ihis (l()ii(llhle hy u I1h.) onl; addili()nal \.'(;fir, I)I'ovi(10d eachshtle nl•lkillg such a requi)sl flit (I);htv

dtnnt,nsirlth;s hi EPA lhat such i.i (h.qa_vW•lS n(lct}SSill'y. Maryhin(i has r()(tut)sle(la slx-m(illlh delay lir(ivhh;d t'•11" hy EPA'srt;guhilh)llS {i.('., until |uly 1,2()112} ill(:iimme.n(:ing ()LID (:h(.:(:ks as part (it" itsI/M prognnn. EPA has r(;vit;wellMaryland's ro(tuest, und is propt)singthr•Jugh Ihis at;lion 11.) grant Mar\,land's

rt;que.sl I'•)r it six-month exlensll)n ()1' IheOBD Iost ing (.h;adl ine ili_ LicGtJrdanctlwilh Ihe requirem(;nls lif 1114; (]](11111 Air:\(:if.

DATES: This ruh; is effectiw; on March1 7. 2003 wilh()ul furlh(;r notice, unh;ss

EPA r(:(:eiv(.'s a(lvers)) wrilh:n t:(imnlenl

lly l".hruary I•I, 2t)O:i. If EI)A r(:c(:ivt:s

such (:,)mrnenls, it will I)ul)lish a limeh,withdrawal of ihu direct final ruh; in th(;Federal Register and int;u'm Ih(; i)ul)li(:thui Ih() rulu will not htku eft'(.;(.:l.

ADDRESSES: Written (:()mm(:nlfs sh(luhl

hi: maih,tl Io R()l)()rl Krlu134•,r. At:lingChii.'f, Air Quality Planning antiIn fi )l'lniil il in •ilrvictls liranch. Mail(:( )tie

3At)21, 1.1.& Envir()nmt;nht] Prc)h;(:li(in

Agiillcy, l{(;gion Ill. 16511 Arch SIFIIIJl,

I)hihi(h)llihla, P!;nnsylvania 19103.

COllies ,)1' lht) (lo(;um(;nls rt;h;vilnl h) this}t(:l ion are awtilal)le, for pub]it:hlsl)i)(:lh)il during n(irma] I)usiness

hours tit tht; Air I)rtAec[if)n Division.I I.S. Envirtmmenlal Pr/)te(:lil)n Agt;ncy,Rcgic)n !II, 16511 Arch SI rt;t;I,

Phila(h;llihia. l'()l'lnsvlvania. 1!1103.(:()l)it;s (if lh()s() reh;vanl (l(i(:umenls art;

list) ;ivllilltl)h) t'rl)m Iht! Miu-l'lan(t

IJt;lJ;lrlml;nl (if the Envir{.)nn-i(,nl, 2,500

li i-4 )l;n ing H igh wliy, liii ll i n-i( )re,

Miiry hul(l, 21774.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:]anel C. Kremor, {2!5} B14-2147, or bv(:-mail al kt•:,[email protected] INFORMATION:

I. Bat:kground(in April 5, 2001. EI)A's rt;vised I/M

])l'()gr•tna retjtiirt!mi)lllS rul).: wi.ts

tiul)lish(,'d in Ihe Federal Register(Amerl(lmt:nls h) Vehi(:h; Inslmcti(m antiMahllt:nttnt:c Program Rcquh't.>m(mls[n(:()rii()ritting the ()n-l)t);tr(] Diagn(,slicsCheck: l"inal Ruh; trill I:R 11115(i)). Therl:vised I/M re(luirt'ml;nis rule r(:ltuirt;sIf half (,l(;t:1fr+lili(: checks of lhe On-bnardDiagmJsii(:s sysh,qn (,f al)pli(:iil)h: 1996-an(.i-nl;w!,•r hill]fill" vuhit:l(.;s hi, ciJntlu(:tud+is [)art ,if slates' nl()h)r vt;hic:h •, I/Mprrigrams. This ri:vis(;il I/M

re(luirem4)nls rub) alililie.s ()nlv h) lhi,s(:

an:as rtxluircil It) iml)]t:m(:nl an tIMprogram under the Ch'an Air A(:I (if

1 !190. This ruh: (.'sllil)lish(.'s it (h)adlin(: ()1"

Jafluar3, 1, 2002 fur shth:s h.) lit)gini)t;rt'tJrnling ( )[]D checks tin 1 !)!){i-itni.i-

ncwe.r m,)(h.A ()liLl-(!qUil)lii;d vt)hich:s,

and hi ri;lluirl) ri)liah's h) lie [)!)rfornl(;(Ifill Illoso vehi(:h;s wilh nla]func.lionsi(hmlil]!;(I l)\' Ih(; ()LID ch,;(:k. Hiiwi;vlil',1fh,.: rl;visc(l i/M ruhl alsll lirovhh;sS(l\'l.Jl';il lilili4ins hi shih;s hi (h;]iiyh-ntih;meflhlli()n of ()L1D h;slhlg, un(h)r

certain (:ircumshtn(:(:s, I)(wi)nd lhepr(;s(:ribt.'(l lanuary 1,21R12 dcadlin(,'.()nt) such •)l)lion l)i't)vi(l()s f(,r at ,)re:-

lime, 12-mtmlh t:×tensi()n ()1" Ihe(h;adlinc f.r stab.;s to begin cnnduclingmanilahii'v {)B[) ch,:(:ks {I,)its ]ate its

]anuary 1, 21)113} pr(ividt)d lhc slatemaking lh(, rt;tlUt)Sl (:an show jusl CIILIS(.)

I() EPA for a (h:lav anti Ihai the rcvis(;(I

iml)lemenlali(m (hih: rt:lirt•.s(:rlls "'thebest the shth; (:an r(.,asi)nal)h' do".

EPA's fiflal rule i(hmlil'i(:.• fai:h)rs Ihalma\' snrv(: as a p,)ssihle iuslfificalfi,in f()r

still(IS Cil as+tit;ring making it reliui;sl h)

EI'A I<) d,;lay imp]croon(art, in of ()BD I/M prtigram checks I)+.)\,()n(I lhe lanuary2002 dca(lline, l)(,torll'ial fathersjuslifyirlg such a delay re(lUtiSi lhat arelist()(l in EI)A's rule int:lu(le: (:()nlra(:lual

in]t)(xlimenls, hardware or software(h.fi(:ien(:ies. (Ilia managem(;n! st)flware

(hd'icit:ncil.,s, Ihl,' ncl:(I I'()r a(hlilil,nalIrairiing fiir lhe ie.sling an(l r(;liairin(lush'it)s, an(t the n(..'('.(l f()r lluhli(:()(lut:ali()n ()r ()ulrt:a(:h.

Maryland hits suhmith;(l a SIPrcvisi()n I(1 fi)rmally requ(;sl anexh.,nsicin ()f Ih(; ()lid I/M test (]ea(lline,

per EPA's I/M r(;quiremenl ruh:.Marvl;md's SIP revisinn ]isis many (,fth(..> sam(; lit(hits Ihat arc lish;d in L"P:VsI/M ruh.' in ()r(h:r h) iuslill' Ih(; ,%.'hlh;'s

rmlut;st l;w cxtcnsi()n -f the ()BD It)slingdeadline.

Humtn(•t), (q" HIP ll•,vision

(in luly 9.21)1t2, Maryland submitl(;(I

a t'(wmal r,;\,isi(m Io +is SIP, whichconslJluh)s a r(;(luoSl t(.) (hilly. tilt;a(hlili(m (if (.)il-I)()iir(I (IJ;l<qnosli(: s.vsh)m(:h(,'(:ks of 1 !J.()[i-and-new(•,r vohich:s l,)

Mar\,land's ad-i)|t!(l and SIP-al)l)r()vt.'(l I/M i)r4)gram.

Mar\.htn(l'• SII) re\'ishm h! rl:(lU,:sl(h;hiv in a(lding ()lid lusting to ii [/M

pr()gram lisl s(:veral fa(:tl)rs lhat !;ffe(:l

Ihe •httt;'s alfi]ilv I()(:()[ltlu(:l ()lid

{(:sting rii Ihis limt',. Maryland's

iuslifi(:alh)n for ils r(;(lUl')sl ()fa (i-nl,)nlh

dehl\, includt;s ihv l'ulh)winl fat:h.)rs:

(1i Hardware ail(I s()tl\\'ili'(i issuesllt,rtaining In If he tr+tilsiti()n to newIi;ir(Iwltre iin(I h)sling (;qulpm(;nl,itlshtllalit)n of n(;w (:l)mmullicali•)ns

nelwc)rk, ;in(I (:()nslruclifm ()fri new (/ahi

iTiltnlt•eml-)llt systilm. AIsli, the limi.l h)

(h)v4dl) I) a nt:w fi )final a(:(:el)lai1(:() t(;slingt.)i'l)t:t;(lur0s l'•)r t;iluipmonl and (icy(lit)l)(lua]ily itSStll'ilnC(l st)(;(:ifi(:alit)ns Itn(I

lu'()t:t)(lur(;s l;)r lht: ()lid h:sl (:(lUil)nl()nlthat will be in(:()rl)()ratt.'d irlh)1file ,qhih:'s

WHIg( )i Ilg ItSSU I'an(:t,• au(]i I insl)tx:i ions ( )l"

the V()hh:h; Emissh)ns lilslm(:li()n])r(i,qr:-inl (VEIl') shill(ins,

{2) m.a]uali4)n i)l' \'al'i()US

I)l'l )gl';lln nl;tli(: (it)lions. ;tll(t lh(; design ()f

;in Dill.) [)r()•i'am lhal will lie (:(impalihh)wilh Ih(.; currt;ilt VEIP t)i'l)gi'am d(;sign

(3) the rlt)(;(I I() lrain Ih(: (i()fllrii(:h)r

inSlmclirm, nporaliona], antimlillao(;mt1[ll [)l•,rSOllll(11, so Ihal Jill <ifih(;st; p(;rs+ nnel have it th<lr()ughkn(,wh'.(tg() •)1' all liSt)eels (if lhe final{)lid i)ri)•rlim design +in(t ()l)erlllil)n,

(4) Ihu hoed fl)r ad(lilional edu(:illion

and Iraining (if lhe \,(;hi(hi repair(:t)mmunilfv in If hi; n(,w ()BD lesl

prlice(lures as well as Ihe r(;imir •)f OIID-thi h.,(l \.,ehi(:h:s,

(5) lht; need for ad(iiti(inlil ()Lilt't;i.it:]l

ail(I I)ubli(: t!(lu(:i-ilii)ll iri lu'(ler h)

increas0 puhlic fl(:c(•,|)lanc() of (Jill.)


II. Final ActionEPA is granl lg Iht; shile ()1"

Mar\,]an(l's re(luesl fin' a si×-m()nlfht;xl0.11sil)n or Ihe ()BD los(in!- dt,'a(iline.

imr Ih• gui(l•,'lint's eshiblish('d hv EPA inils •11111)11(1(}(1 Vt)hi(:h; Insl)e(:li()n +ui(I

Mainh.mlin(:(' Pr()gram R(:(luiremt,'nlsRuh•, I)ul)lishnd in Ihe April ,5. 2001(!(lili()ll (if Ih(', Federal Regisler ({il'i i"]{

18156). Ma•'lan(] has a(lequatelyiuslil](;(l a six-m(mlh cxlensi()n (if Ihu}Itnual•.' 1, 2002 Fe(h)ral {)lid I/M testing(l()iitllint•,. EPA Iherel',m; l)rolmses It)

•Filnlf i-I six-m()nlh ex.h•.nsi(nl (if lhe(l(.)+ldline 14) comm0n('t; ()lid |os1fing asi)arl i)l" th(,' Mar\,lan(I I/M i)]ro•r;tm t()

}Lily 1, 21)02. El):\ has (l()h)rnlin(;d thlillhis (h)hiyt;(t im[)h)menhilit)n scht:(tu]e

repres(mls the lim(;liesl imph:m(,ntationscht;(tuh; thai Mar\,land (:an t)erfi)nn,and is "lho hi;st lht; shirt; ctin rotlst.lnabk.(Ill".

EPA is publishing lhis ruh; wilh,ml

prior pr•lposal l)(.maust.• Iho ARoncyviews lhis as a non,r:()nlroversia]amendm(;nt and anti(.:il)ales no a(lverst',(:,)mm•;nl as EI)A's I/M programr(>.(luir()m(.mls r(igul;lli•)ns all-w" IheAdnlinislrah)r h)granl sut:h HI1

exh;nsi,)ll requt;sl if a slate im:,vid0s ii

iuslificalhm lhal m(Iuls lhi; fllch)rs sGIf(n'lh in EPA's I/M reguhlli()ns {6{i FR181,56).

H()wev()r. in lhe "Pr()p()se(l Rules"s•;(:lh)n •)t" h)day"s Federal Regisler, El),'\

is puhlishii'lg ii sel);U'ille d,)(:umenl lhalwill serve as lhe i)r(q)()sal h) appr,,vt) theSIP re\'isi(in if il(l\'Grst •, (:()him(}his ill'(:

t]l(Jd. This ruh; will b(.; cfft;cl.ive (in

March 17, 2003 wilhntil fLn'lhor nrlticeunh.)ss El);\ receives adverse t:ommeni

Page 3: rmtuired Ilah-h Jbr ruh; • ma\',, ' (;, (• ' EPA• • • • •.)

2210 Federal Register/Vol. 68. No. I I/Thursday. January 16, 2003 / Rule,s and R(:gulati(ms

hv 1,'ehruarv 18, 2003. ll' EPA receivesa(Ivcrse, comment. EI'A will publish atirol;Iv wilhdrawal in the Ig;dera]

Regish;r ntbrming the public: lhal theruh" will n,ll tako effecl. EPA willaddress ull publi(: comme.nls in astlhsequ(.u'll I'inal rub! based lit"1 tht)

imqlused ruh;. EPA will not insliluh; asecond cc,m menl imri(,d on this action.Any parlies inleresh.:d in (:t,mmentingmust do sL, at this time. Ph.'ase, n,Dlt• thati[" EPA reccivos advt;rse t:(}mmellt i)11 Hn

am t;lltinlenl, paragra] ih, ( )r s(;(:l i(m t )t"

Ihis rule anti if Ihal provisi(,n may besevered t'mm the remainder of the ruh.'.EI)A may adopt as final thtmo prtwisionsof the rule that art; rl(fl the suhicct or anadvursc comment.

HI. Administrative RequirementsA, (h:nem] Rc,quhz.mvnts

I !ndt:r Ext;cut ivt; Order 1286fi (58 I,'R51735, t)cmbe, r 4.1(.1(,t3). this aclic,n isn,,I a "significa,d regulal•wy a(.:ti(nl" andlheret',we is no! subje(:t to review t)\, lhe()ffice of Mal'lagef{lorll and Budget.l.'orlhis reHs(q'l, Ihis ;Iclion is ills() niflsubit;ct to Excwutiv(; (.)lXJUr 1321 ],"'At;It(ins C()nc:erning Rt,guhtlions ThaiSignifit:mltly Affe(:l Energy SUpllly,Dish'(hut ion, or I. Ise" {66 FR 28355, May22, 2OI)1 ). This ac:tion merrily ap[mwesslat t: law as nlt,'t;ling l.'utlm'ulr(:(luireml:nls ;trill imt)os(:s n() ;t(hlilit.nal

reqt, irenl(mls liey(ind Ihtise iml)(isi_:d byslate law. At:(:()rtlingly, theAdministrator certifies that this rulewill not have ;, signific:anl e(:()nomic

impact on u substantial numbt,,r o[' small(mlilies U.[ldt,'r lhe Rcgu]uh)l'y Fh;xihililvACt {,• [l.,('•.(:. 11{11 tel S('(t. ). Be(:ause thisrule approves im;-exisling roquiremt;nlstln(It;r slah: law and (h)es i'1()1 iml)()seail\' a(idili()na] cnlbrccabh, duh' [)ev(,)nd

thal required h\' stale law. it does nol1"( retain ;tnv unl'undod mandate ,wsignificantly or urliqut:ly affe(:l small,qovernmenls, as described in thelJnfun(h:(I Man(lah:s 1,h:fiwm A(:I ()f 1.q.q5

(Pub. L. 104-4). This rule als,, (h..'s nothay(; tribal impli(:ali(ms Imcaust.' il willn,)l have a sul)slantial direcl e.l'fe(:l cm(.in(•, t.lr int)ro Indian tribt.'s, tm therelali,,nship I)(dwt:ez'l the Ig;(lt;ra](;ovcrimmnl and Indian tribes, ()r (.ill thedistribution ()f power Hl'ldres pq nlSi hi lilit:s hel v,,'een t he lg:(h;ral(;(•\.ernmenl anti ln(lian t,'ibes, asSl)e(zified by Executive Order 13175 {1i5I"R 67249. No\,emb(:r 9. 2000). Thisa(:li{}n also does l]til hart: lg;(h;ralism

iml)lit:ali(ms Imcaus(.' il (h),;s not havosulJshullia] (lirect OITo(:Is u)3 tht; •lalt,'S,on the relaiionstaip between the nat i,malg()vt:rnmenl and I]le •hih:s, (u' t)n thedistribution of powur andresi)( ms( hi Ill ins :{llnt,ng, I he. va ric, tisle, ve]s 1)1' g, )\ernmenl. as Slm(:il'ied in

Ext,:uliw.' l')rdi•r 1 .'1132 (64 I"R 4:1255.August 1 O. 19(.1!}). This actic,n mereh,_at)llr, wes a state )'Llle impleme.nling aI"t.Mera] sta]}(lar(I, anti does not altt;r thertdatit)nship ()r the disiributi(,n (d' powurand rt;spcmsibililies eslablishe(] in IImCitron Air A(:I. This rub: ;tls•J is ncdsul)je(:t It) Exet:ulive Order 13045"])role(:lir)ri of Chihlren fromEnvir, umlenh|l Health Risks aq(I S;If{;l\'

Risks" (62 FR 1 (.)8a5, April 23. 1!1!)71.ht;t:ause it is )l(Jl (.'con,mitt:allysignil'icanl.

In reviewing SIP sut)missi(,ns, EPA'sI'O]l} is to al)prtiv0, start; choices,im)vi(h:(] lhal lhev meel lhe (:rih:ria ()I"

lh,: Ch:an Air A('t] In lhis (:(mh:xl. in theahsen(:(: (if a l)ri()r exist i ng requ irementf()r Iht: Slate h) use voluntary consensusslandaMs {VCS), El),.\ has n•t =.lt)lhtu'ilv

tO (lisalqW(we. a SIP sul)mission forfailure h) use VCS. II w, iuhl Ihus beint:(msislent with applit:ahh: law f.rEl)A, when it reviews a SIP sul)mission,h) use V(kq in I)lat:e ol'a SIP sullmissi.nthat ,,lherwise satisfies the l,r{,\isi(,ns (,flht.; Clean Air Act. Thus, th,.;ruquiremt.'nis •ti' sec:l ion 12(d) tit' theN;ilit )il;il Tei:hnrlli )gy 'l'ransfur ai'i(I,.\tl\,iln(ltJnl0nt At:t of 1995 (15 IJ.S.(].272 nolo)d,) not al)ply. This ruh! doesnot ilnlit)se 14)1 inl't)l'lnali•)n ('()liec:li()nhurdun unl(lt!r the lw, wisi()ns of thePape, rvvcwk Redu(:lion A(:I ()1'1(.1!15 (44tJ.S.C. 3501 t't slJtl.).B. Submission to Congross {rod theComptroller ( h?m'm]

The Ct,ngressiona] Review A(:I, 5U.S.C. 8()] vt st•t., its added by the SmallBtlSilless Regulatory Enf(ir(:llnlenlFairni}ss Act (it" 1996, ,g(lnt;rally i)riivid(;s(hal ]lell ire :4 rule lilt.iv lakl•. etTecl. I hea•ency i)roinulgalino the ru]0 inuslsuhmit a rule rep, irl, which intl]udes it

(:•,l).V nf lhe rub:. Io each House t)l" lhe(]oil.gross all(| hi the Ct)miilroller (lento'a]()f Iht; Unitt,d 81at0s. EPA will submil art.'porl ('tmlaining Ihis rule anti otherrt,qluired inflwmali•m to the I.I.S. ,%(;nate,Ih!: I.J.S. Housn of Rel)resenlalives. andlhe C(mll•lrolh•r (hmerill of lhc' t haiit.'tlStates i)ri,.ir in publication of Ihe rule inIhe Federal Register. This ruh: is n( ,I a"major rule" as defint:d hy 5 !. I.S.C.t1114(2).

C. Petitions .for ]udici(d Hvvh.'u"t/ndor se.(:lion 307(b){1 ) of Ihe (]lean

Air ,'\('I. i.)elilions f(w ju(li(:ial review ofIhis at'lion io exlend the d(;a(lline forin(:{irl)oralion of ()fl-t)()ar(I Diagn()sti(:s(:ht,'(:ks h J Iht; Marvhind I/M i re)gram by

six-mtmlhs nlusl E'i(,' filed in Ihe I Jriih;(]"Stah;s Courl of Appeals flu" the,

al)t)rt q)riah: (:ir(:uil I)\ March 17. 2003.Filing ;l i)elili{)n for reconsidcrulic)n byIhe ,.\(Iminislrahlr (if lhis I] ri:.i] l'uh,• (Itl0sn()l alTe(:l II1. fil'iallh, llf lllis rule f(w lhe

llLlrl)()ses ()1' judi(;ial revit,w nllr d()es ilextend iht; lime wilhiri whi(:h ;1 tn;lili(Ji'lfor jt)(li(:ial review mav I)t', fih:(I, ;i)'l(I

shall n()i p( )sl i}t me I h•' clTecl iv{mess r d'such rule or aclion. This acli(in inav IlOIt)e (:hal ]enged lah;r in [il'i)t:ee(Jings It)

,:n fim:e i Is rt:( I LI i rel]lt)l] I s. C,';t,'(,' se(:l i( ))3


List of Subje(:ts in 40 CFR Part 52Envirtmmeriht] I)roh,,{:ti(m, Air

i)()lluli(m conlr()l, (:arb{)rl m{)ri()xide,

hl(-orporation l)\' refer(;n(:e. Nilrr)gen(li()xi(I,',. {)Zil[]O, V(,lalih: ,irg;iliic(-�)nll)ou)'i(is.

I)iiled: I )t'('.elill)tH' "3, "'00'L

ludith I%1. Kaiz..'tutin,•d Ih•yionrl[ AdnUni•trtltor. lte,,dion III.

40 CI"R l)arl 52 is amt:n(h:(I ;is ft)lhtws:


1. 'l'ht; aultlt,ritv t:ihtlit)ll ftn" parl 52(:ontint,,',s Io r()a(l"as follows:

Authorily: 42 [J.N.(". 7401 et st.¥t.Subpa• V--Ma•land

2..qet:li{)n 52.1(170 is arn,;ndud hva(iding pm'aoral)h ((:)(179} h! read asl'.]lows:

§ 52.1070 Identification ot plan.

{C) • * *

(I 7!I) Revisions tl') lhe C,)de •)t'

Marvlanll Admhlish'iiliw, i Rt;oulalh)il{c()MAR) 11.14.08 pertahling Ic, therequt:sl for (h;hiv in Ihe in('orl)rq'ali(m IcJ]"()ll-lll)lir(I Dhignl)sli(:s le,'41ing in Iheslal(;'s Vehi(:h; Insp0(:th)n andMaiilh!llaFi(:e }lrogram suhn-lilh;(I ()n lulv9.2(.1(}2 t)\, lhe Marvlan(l Dellarlmenl ofll•c Envh'onmeni:

(J) Ii:l(;t.Jl'|)()ril[i(ll•i I)v rt;l't.'rellt;t:.{A) L(;ll0r tlf luly .q, 21}02 I'i'()nl lhe

Marvliu'i(I Dellarlmt,nl (ll" IheErl\,ironmt:rit lransmilting amt.ql(]mentsIt) ReRulalions .03..06..09,. 12. afld . 16under C{)M;\R 11.14,08, VehicleEmissions Inspt;(:tion Pr()gram.

(B) Addilions and revislol'ls t•,

COMAR, .06, .I),q, .12, ;il]d,16, effective June 10. 2002:

(l) Ad(h;d (,'()MAR Revist;d Cf)M-\I(

1}, .09F, .12(](1 } through(:1) inclusi\,u, and. 16D,

(ii} A(|(iili,mal Mah:rial.--Ru'mainth.'r,if the Slalo. sul)nlittal(s) pertaining It.)

Iho re\'isi, ms lish,I in paragraph(c)(1 7.q){i) of Ihis set:It(re.

3. Set:lion 52. II)711 is amt:nde(I I)\,

desi,2nating lhe (;xisling 10xl asparagraph (a)and adding parag)'allh (b)to read ;is l'o]h)ws:

§52.1078 Extensions.

Page 4: rmtuired Ilah-h Jbr ruh; • ma\',, ' (;, (• ' EPA• • • • •.)

Federal Register/Vol. 68, N(i. II/Thursday, Junuary 16, 20()3/Ruh:s and Regulations 2211

(hi "l'h.' Admhlislrah)r ht;relJv uxleil(Is

hv six-monlhs lhu (.JtJa(llillf,J bywhichMar\'land musl in(:{wtuwale nlalldahff•'h.>sl illg of st.;\:lind genm-alh in On-Ill nu'c{Diagl'li)sticls (()BD-II) uquipped m(it<.ir

\'l:hi(:l+:s as liarl (if ils inspe, i:ti(in andm:.lhlh',nanc:(: (I/M) Ira)gram. As a r,'su]l

<if Ibis dt,,a(ilirie, exh:nsi,ul. Maryland

nlusl nfiw ill(:()rl)or;.tl(; in:.srl(lilh)ry {)BD-

11 checks (tiw l().qirl-;sn(l-nt:wor ()BD-II

eqUipl}o(i vehi(:h/s) as an t,qem0nl of tho(]ommonweallh's I/M pr(igram h'i +illenhallcl;(l I/M program iirt;sss by July 1,')11117.

[I"R [)(ll:. ():1-855 I"iled 1-15-03; 8:45 ;ins]

BILLING COOl: 65fiO-..•-P


40 CFR Part 52

[OH155-1a; FRL-7425-8]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans; Ohio;Oxides of Nitrogen Regulations

AGENCY: [ lnited Stat+.;s Environmental])r()h,(:li(m Agency (USEI)A).

ACTION: L)irt/(:l finis] rule.

SUMMARY: On July 11. 2002. ()hi()sul)lnith;(I is lilsln which (:•)filahlt,'d ruh;s

hl (:-nlr,,l t)missilins ()f,•×idcs (if

nitI'ogun (NOx) from o]o(:tric gene.rutingun its {IZ( ',l I). non-E(;I Is and P• ,rilandCt.'me.nt Kilns. The plan and assoc:hitedruh;s i'(.'l)rt;s(;nl ;i slralegy sulimilh;(I by

ihu Ohio Envh'onm(;nla] I)rilh;cii(m

Agency (()hicl EPA) in rosptillS{; hitJb;EP.\'s ()ch)lmr 77, 1.1-1!lPi, N()x Slsth.ihlll)iem,.;nhltion Plari (SIP)Call andsut)sequenl h;c:hni(:al ;.sm{;ridmenls. This(lii'(;(:l fh'llil ruh,' sl(hlresses lira ach;ilum:yand a('c:(;lilal)ilily ill" iho ()hio plan.which vve heliovu will have is maj,)rimliaC:l in reducing Nl)x anti clz()nt.' in�)hiil and in areas &,wnwind fromm@,r .soun:us (if N()x umissions. I ISEIiAbelieves lhe Shih;'s lilan, whic:hinciudus a Nf)x trading progr•Lm, anenergy effii:ien(:v/renewabh', energyfeature ;li•(l ac:c:c;mmodah•s inn.\,alivoh+chi'l<ilcigy lirojec:ls, a(h;(lulih;lya(l(h't•sse.s Ihv. r•:(lUiromt;(lls of Ihe N()xSiP (bill ;ln(I m(;tllS Ihe l)udgell irusc:rilm(l for {)hill. 1. ISEIiA is takingfinal m;li(in h)dav Io ;lpilrlive the (.)hill

I,.'I IA pl;in.DATES: 'l'his ruh; is effei:iiw; {m March1 7.2(iil.<l, unless I ISl,.'PA r,;c;(,i\,esi'oh)vsiFll a(Iv(;rsr; wi'ilh;n (:t)mnlt.'llls I)yl,'ehruarv 1 II, 2003. If t ISEPA receivesii(Ix'lwse t:OITInlllnl, W(; will l)uiilish Sl

tirol;Ix: wilhdrawa] (if the ruh.' in Ih,..'Federal Register and inform lho publi(:Ihal ltll• rule will nc)l htk+; ,:ffe(:l.

ADDRESSES: ,%,,nil vvrilh;n (;()mli l(,'llls I+J:

I. Elmer Eh)rtzur. Chief. Rugu]ationI.}l;ve, hilmli;nl ,%:(:liim, Air iin(I Ra(liali(li'iOi\'isi(,n (AR-18]) Rogilln 5, tf.S.gnvirt)nmonlal ])rt•teclitm Agency. 77West Jackson Bou]evar(l, (]hi(:ag¢).Illinois, liiitil}4. You Ilia\' ()[)lilhl il (3it)y(ll' lht: ,qhsh,• [mp]tlm(,'nhlli(in Plan]'(!visiofl r(;ilU(.•sl at the ali()\'e aihlr0ss.Pit,'ast: h;h;lJh,Jil(; l(ihll Piiskt,'\'i(:z al {312)886--6084 if you inlend 1o visit lheRugion 5 o flUte.

Y[m ma\' inslmCl copies (if (.}hio's

submilhil +it: Regulatiun D++,\'ebqime.nt,%.'(I(.;1 i( ISl, Ai r lirl igrtlills Bran(:l'i ( AR-1 ill),112-;. IZiivir(ulrnoillsil Proh;(:li(nl Agt;llCV,R(:;gion 5, 77 VVost Jac:kson B(mh;var(t.(;hit:ag{ ,, Ill in< its 6[1111)4.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: JohnPaskt;vi(:z, Rt;gulatitln Ot,'velot)menlSec:ti(irl. Air Pr(igrams Branch (AR-181).I ;.•q. IZnvirorlnlont;![ Ps'ot0(:tion Ag0ncy,Chi(:ag(), Illin,lis. 1101iO4. E-MailAddress: poskovicz.john@(?pa..qov.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:"l'hrllughoul this (l(l(:urn(;nl. the terms"'VOU" r+;ft.'r to the r(;ad(:r clf thisl)r(iliUSt;d ruh,' ml(I/i)r hi s(.uri:t;s sul)ic(:ihJ lh0 Stale rule. an(t lhe 10rms "w(;".

"'US", ill" "()ill'" I'[!I'(;I'S hi I1SEPA.

Table Ill (]linlenls

I. Bit(:kgi'lnliidA. \VlllSl Reqllirt;ilit;lll.s l,t;(I hi Ille Shlle's

[";ulli(iilh.il o[ lit!' NO.x I,]niis:-Jion C(llill•)l I)laif:'

I.I. \'Vhlil Ri•lilirenil•nls Miisl Ohio Mt•el:'(;, Whal llavl, th•en tlie {](uirt Riiling,s

Regar(li ilg [ INl']llA's NOx l]niission ( ;oillri)l


II. ,%'llninlilrv (if Illi• Shih• Slit)lliill,ll

A. \'\;hen Was lhe Ohio t,:PA NO\ PlanSlllilllilled I111|m [ISI':IJA':'

B. Whal Are Ihe Ihisil: {]ilnilillneills (11" Ihe()hill EPA NO× Pliui'.•

C. lilies Ihl, Oliill I",l-).•l NO× Plan Meet IheI,'ederitl NO\ ,'-;hih:•wi(li• l.;nlissioii:-i lhidgel'.•

I1. VVliai I>iiblh: Review ()llll(irhiililh's \'i'P,r•-•

Pr(ivilled?l]. I,,VIItII (;liid<llit:l; Did tlSI'3)A Use h)

l'vi.lhidh, ()hill's NO:< (](lllh'ol Progr;nii,•

I,'. llot':.i lilt' Ohio Phin Mr;el I,'edt)rlil NO:<,

SIP I;lll Ri+(lliirtmienls.•(]. I71i;il l)el]('h'•n(:h•s \.gi;ri• Nlili+d in ihc

Ohio I:3)A N()× Plan?III. I.Ib;l';tJA At:lionIV, .\lhlliliislralive Rt#tlisirt•nlenl,•

I. Background

A. ll'httt lhJquinwniemts Led to the Shlle'sSubmittal of tho N( •. Emission ControlPhm?

On Oct,.ihur 27, 1(,!98, the USEPAi)r(imulgat(;d it regu]ati(m kn(iwn (is IheNOx SI'I ) ('Jill] ftlr num!',l'()us •l•st(;s.

inclu(ling lhe ,qtalt.' of ()hil.I. The N()xSIP Call requires lhi: subjeci Stales t<)

devuhll) NOx emissilln (:.nin,Ircgulatkms sufficiunt to i.m.,\'ide filr apre.scribo.�t N()x emission budge.t in21107.

Pre(:etling Ihi; lir(imulgali<,ri •ll'11SEP,Vs N()x SIP (:sill, Iht;rt; h;ul I)t:i:n

e, xh',nsivt• dis(:ussions b\' l,'t;(h.'ral, •lsih'..mill l•lcal OllvirlJllfilt:nlsl] f.igOllCiOS,industry, ;nld oi-ivironmulllal grt.ml)S

i'!,•,t•;-il'(lin• lhl: transp()rl (if(izllnP. in lhl:tlilSh!l'n I lnih,'(I •hlhls. Th,,lgilvh'llllml;nh-il (]l)l.Sll(:i] i)f.qhih;s {[.'.:(](),q)rtJc(..)mlnt)l'!dt;(l tho f()l'illa[ioll tJt'slnatiorial workgroup It) ;tsst;ss lht;

[)rot}ll.lnl and 1o dov(;hi I) ;s C(illStlI'ISLIS

U[ll)roa(:h t)a(hlressing the Iransporli)r{il)h',m. As ;I resull (if ECOS'rc:('( imme[!(.talil )n till(l h] l't)S|li illS(! h l i1

March 2, 1!1!i5, t tSEI'A mt:mc)randum.ltll; ()z()nl; 'rransl}(irl Asst*.ssm•;nl Crilup(()'I'A(;} was formed ll) (a iFl(lu(:l r{•.gil ii]al

tiz()n•,' Iriinsl){)rl ;lilsi]vsos illld h) di;\'eh) I)

•l rt•,(:omm01](lq;(I i)Z(jll0, IrallSt)os'l (:onlr(d

slralt;gy. {}'I'A(; was il parlrlorshipam(wig [ ISEPA, lht137 oash:rt'i Slates ;uld

lhe Dislricl (ffCidumbia, and industrial.a(:a(lomit:, arl(l (*,nvir( ,nmenlal gl'( ILl [)S.()"1",\(; was given Ihe n,•Sl){insibilily i.)]'

(:onducling iho iwci V(;SII,• (if ;-inli]yst)smwisilmed in iht: Milrt:h 2. 19(,)5.

I I,',;EI),\ mem<)randum.

(JTAC (:onducted a numher ofl't;gi(ma] ilZCIl'lO (]ftta {lna]yso,s fll'l(t

rl,,rional ()zone mo(h;ling an+tl\,ses usingllhllh)(:humical gri(I roll((cling, In July1 .q.q7. ()TA(; (:<)ml)h;te(I i ls work ;Sllli

m;i(lt; r0(:()mm0il(tliliolls h) the USEPAt:()[lcorsling the. rogiclfial omissionsr(.'(lu(:li(•llS llt,•t;(lt;d t() r(;(]u(.;t; Irtulsln•rtt•.([(IZ(il]t! ;iS ;ill ()hsla(:le Ill sill;,iillmils]l iri(h)wnwirl(l ill-(!iis. ()TAll n:(:l imml;n(h;d

•l pi)ssihle r;inl2,• llf reghlnal N()×umissi(.n re(lu(:lions hi SUl)llorl lh(;

(:(l[llr(-i] (if h'afisl)llrt0d •)z{•ll(;. [I;ts0d t)ri

()'l'A(Ts rt,q:lmlmendali+lfis and (sth(;r

int'•lrmlllhln, i,,"SEPA issuv(I Ihe N()x SIP(:sill rule on {}t:h•[)t,'r 27, 1998.6:1 l"R57356.

In Ihi; N()x SIP (:till. IlSEPAdeh;rminl;d that source.s and emitlingactivities in 2:1 iurisdiclions i (;mit N()xin iil]{ll)l_inls lhlil "signil](:anlly(:onlribuh,"' II) ()ZIII](? flr)nall;liilmGi]l oi"

iilh;rferl; with m;iisll!;nslnciJ (:if lht; t-hour(iz(inil national ambi(;nl ah" (lua]iiyslan(i;ir(Is (N:\/\O.•) in one or m(ir(;

(hlwnwind areas in violathm of CleariAir ,.\(:1 (CAA) se(:lion 1 l l){;i)(2)(D}(1)(1).I I,";IZPA i(h;ntifh:d N()x timissionr+:duclions by source so('lor lhat couldhi; ai:hi•;\'+•d using c(isl-t:ff+:l:liw;Snl,•ltSUl't!S iSSl(I St.!l sl;ih,'-w i(h; N()x,;mission t)udgc;Is for (;ach affi:c-h'.diurisdic:lion fi)r 20[)7 hased on lho

i ..•ltllilnnli. (.•)nnt•[:licut. l)ela'•vurt!, l)istrirl ol(;(lllLIIlt)ili. (;¢l)l'lJili. IIIhiois. In(Ihi]ili. Ke•itii('k•.

k.llil vl•nid. \ln.'.;slil!hlisl)lls. Mi('higiili. %1i:4:.ioii1i. \l!\vIt•f'..41•). \ow Y(irk. '•(Irlh ().ir()lhin. ()hio.

I)lu•i,:4vIVnld+i. Ilhode I:.dlilld. •(l•llli (:iilllillin.

l'l•liliq!•:41!l!. %,ql'•hiiii. \",•l!fll Vh'12.hlili. •liid •,'is('OhShl.