* _ » ' V ^^^ 4 . V .' L J__ _•_. J-fa lt _. L. ^ ''•'"•""" - ^..^ 1 ; 1 ,,^ ju , IHJWI )ii<i|i|ijii,i«n,<«.1..ii;'. ! »..i...- —. ....... »:<• in» • v • '.-•. -.""•" VOL. 2. J, MT86 'COfctLAKO COUNTY SfAifDAUD.-.l'tTKati/iY*,' OOTOiifefe W? 1868. CORTLAND ST AS BAM) Cortland, Tuesday.-Oct. 13,1868. " IiOCAX DIBBCTQBiT - Cortland Post Office. MAIL* Allium: Bultato. Albeuy, 8jraon*« and Northern Way, at . . . . - . - (!r.iti.ii, .it . . . . Ithaca, at M.m.i'iy, Wed- Thur*- inwli-h ann Pitcher, uesday ami Friday, at Norwich ami Pitcher, Tue»d*y, day and Saturday, el • - - Now York, Boston and Southern Way, 8y*racus», through mall, at. - - * ' " ' «arU bio**! ton, »t •'*.•.* Ithaca, at 9:60 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. BtOO " r*10 " 8:38 " Norwl. . • • . • t.U-i ';••< - and Pitcher, Monday, Weil- o open from onrlMl.to 9:00 A. V. 9:80 " 9M " 5:4o " 0:15 " 0:1.-. " fcOO P. M.- 8:40 •" m 1:80 A. V. to 8:80 1*. M. On Hun- Norwlc? and Pitch**, T*e*d»y, Thur»- day and Saturday, at - »__» - Virgil, Tu**d»j>, Thuriday and Saturday, Hyracn.e Way Mall at 1*80 P. M. HORACE A. JARVI8, P. X. Onto* ay, ftonV Time Tables Train* pan Vorilaml itation at follow*:— PaauMtr, moving aonth, 9.M A. M. 7: l() P. M. .. Mr 1 1S:00 M. north, 9:84 A.M. «:!» " 11:85 A. KA freight^ ' » ' » ' 11:85A.M. /Viaanuw train* on fA« AV*» Railway leave Bitty- hamton a*/allow* i H».TWA»p~At 8:40 4. M., 7:01 A. M., 1*48 P, M., 8(B0 Wa^lfi»t?A ? ( & A. M.. 8:80 A. M., (til A. M.. W> futeenoer traint on th* JV«# Tort Vnitral Railway ituSuracHM at follow*; *""*• P M lfVOO P M jiutor+'lt*!l-Ari* A. M.. 1:40 P. M., «:85 P. M. Sunday morula*, at Sits A. M. T»h*» afftct Monday, «4pt. 98,1858. CKuxoftes. •""<"•";""*• I'M*ABVI>BHI m •* f. SaooH. pMlor—^onth corner of IliensT -.4, Wilkint s P«4tnrnorth corner of Church and Railroad street*. Service* every Sunday at 11 A. U.andTX P. M U«.ta 8 Aa^ t ^..ir^^^^o^ U ofc r «h And fin streets. fourth Sunday* of each month. •»""«>»AI. -Jfcsii BoW*. Pastor south lid* of Court at reet, a few »tep» eaat of Mala (treat. Bervlcee evaryBnncmystn A. U.uAtJfT ; MarnooiaT- •*. C. Ouriit. Paator Now l.rlck Church ^every TBnndoy »j; ft A.M. and 1* P. M., -* P. CuifU. Paator—Now 1 Semoet every HandAy at 11 A. >lMlgt,!in, Paator ono mile eaat on the foad from Mill atroet to Port Service* every other week. Hotels. Hnmu'» Hoyni^JJj J. Sperry, Proprietor. Adjoin- M«..*m.*H Koua* Wm. S, ObptlaMt, Proprietor. Corner or Mala and Port Wataim atreeM, ConriaMD Houia l>. Raudtr, Proprtetor. Corner ofMAlu^OwtfcwdMmU. Lodges. CoRTi.aaoTii.ta tow»», No. 470, V. and A. M.>-M*et- lng» on the lat, 8d, and 6th Tueadaya of each month. LodM room oppoalte Cortland lloiiao. COIITI.AXU ItoraL Anon CKarvau. No. 194, T. and A. M. Muatlng* *n the «d and 4th Wedneaday* of each month. Lodge room oppoalto Cortland lloimu. UWOLM LOBB», No. 119, L O. of O. T.—Meeting* on Krlilay evening of eaoh week. Dogroo meeting* on the Wedneaday ovenlng following the laat moot- ing In each mouth. Initiation* avary week. Lodge room over J. 8. Himlroa' atore. Yoi'Nii Mm'a C-HHiaTiAN A*aooiATioH.-:Meetlruj*T>n Monday ovenlng of every week. In the room* ©con- pled by the Lincoln Lodq* Oood Templar*, over Houlrea' atore. . j, Union Meetings. At Tiiixtim village, on Saturday eyenlng, Oot 17, to lw addreased by Hon. Milo (k»»l- rlch, of Diyden. At Huliui, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, to bo addressed by "W. H. Warren and A. P. Waters. Cortland, MoGrawvllle, Traxton and Cuyler Tanners expected to be present Torcu-light procession. At Cortland village, Thursday evening, Oct, IS, to be addressed by Hon. D. McCar- thy. At Proble.on W^dnewlay evening, Oct. 14, —vto be addressed by Hon. I). McCarthy and John M. Couch, jffisrj. At Lapeer, (school house, near D. C. Squires',) on Thursday evening, Oot 16, to be addressed by A. D, Waters and Di, A. B. Miller. At East Virgil, on Wednesday evening, Oct 14, at the Church, to be addressed by Dr. A. & Millet and Gapt John T. Pratt. \t the Schodl Houso, near J. I). Calkins (west part of^Cortlandvllle,) on Saturday evening, Oot 17, to be addressed by Qeorge It. Jo it is iiml Lewis lit HI ton, of Cortland. At Ctnolnnatas, Monday ovenlng, Oct sJ(t, to be addressed by Hon. h. W- Hall, of Syra- . cuss. ,. At Cortland, on Tuesday evening, Oct '37, to be addressed by Hon. L. W. Hall, of Sy- racuse .;•• ' ^fv^': At Cortland Ylllago, ou Monday evening. Oct. 19,.'«o ha addressed by Oen. John O. Lec, WeutenanWGovottKJr of Cthlb. ,j At Marathon, on Toesday afternoon, Oct 20, to lio addromtfd by (Jen. Joha 0. Lee, of Ohio, and other^. \^l ';;,': 1 ' 1 ,.. At McOrawyllle, on, Wednesday eyenfng, Oct 31, (o be addressed byB. II. Duelland others. Tua LVBIAN bTBiL.-uWe.have Oie pleas- uroof announcing that SOJOIIHNKK TKWXH, tho "Lvblas Hy Ml," who Is lb town, passing' a fow day* as "the reslcktace of Dr. F.'GeOD- vK.ut, ha*, at the request of many citizens, consented to deliver a lecture at Messenger Halt on FHday evening of tMa, week. Though m*ay Of our readers have read the namf,lipt.tefy <e1t-JKttciW who 3<M0toUi&B really Is. 1 n 1868 Harriet lleecher StoWe rt> iilved a visit from tho "Sybil," and In her account of the meeting, as Riven lb the AU., 1'iHtie Monthly, says that when she "went In- to tli« room, the tall, spare form of a fAitl- Moodcd African vroman" .arose to greet her, and though then "aged and worn, she still /• items. Tlte absence of Judgo SMt*u jVOm our county during this campaign, wo felt in- clined to regrot, but scMngby a Jettcr whieh we publish elsewlWe, tlutt he fights fbr liie right wherever he happens to lie, we take the matter more philosophically, and cou- cludo timfwhaf la lost by Coriland County, N. Y., Is gained by Black Hawk'Oouniy, Iowa. The Union meeting last Wednesday eve- ning at Messenger Hall, was one of tho inoat eutliusiaatlo Union meetings wo have oyer seen in Cortland. Tanner Clubs w$ro:pr«a- ont from adjacent towns, forming with our clubs a torchlight procession of about 250 porsons, which paraded,through our streets to the pleasure and gratification of a crowd of spectators. The, hall not being tVblo.to hold the gathering, a meeiiug was organ- ized in front of the building, wWcl»,was ad; dressjsd by Alajor JKNOWJMW, of Albany, ,w)bio was ope of trie. Union soldiers during tho rebellion, and is doing- as good servHto 0%; the stump us he did .in the Held. The meeting in tho hall was addressed by Gen. J A MKH It. MCKKAN, of Saratoga, and Horn NATMAIT AxTAt*, who presented fails 4 and logical arguments In the plainest and most concise manner,' bringing;.repeated plaudits from the'audlettojS,,, .„..,'-' ••'',,;•',., " '' 9< iJ Hon. D. MOOAUTITV speaks at Mossonger Hall 'flunsday evening of tins week. The 1 'foundation of a dwelling house Is being laid lu the open or north; portion of the grounds, surrounding tho. n.aUleiicc of Uen. liiwvBM, ltANi>Ai,r,. • Tho tmlldmg la to bu built in a new style -the usual frame pnt VP.Wd a •v*a1l ; of'briok; laid ground that, tlie wliolo to cost, when, comp)eU;i,l, ftQ\n, eight to tcfi "tliVSMnid dollars." Tho con-' tract plan, &c., are In,: the hands pf G, ft,. Si'u A AT, ai eh 1 tee t, and as it Is to be finished tA the best modern stylt«, wo Judge It will lie the handsomest residence In llils vicinity. graph" and s'^rVosc^pe r>ri(st who lias been \ taking, the past season, sojourners at Sara- toga Bprlugs, has returned. to Ids rooms in the Masonic. Hall Blook, whore he will be etr*J*tr*adjf; tetphtaae any wawmay'visit fbr) anything in his line. , , 'i „., , bMfxu '• Messrs. IIIIKWKII ,#, t^iJNXfR yesterday had In active play tho lire engine, which was attached to : a : bored well; or rather fb%'m iono, tlnsre'bslng fmr pipe* about (wo"feet japartj drove twenty (J*^ lftio M»o .wtu'ftnd connected at the tcjp by a t}yllndc r . to which was fastened the hose. Meaning tho brakes, the ground in,th'e vicinity #'^»<jAjj Hooded jwlth water, thus demoBstrating thepi-actt- 0^11% of Rirnlgbtttg'ouft'.village with an noxhaustlble stfoply of 'filter in case of re. Tho oipeHment <s 'to' 'ber l Qj)cated lu the tvtHWD.ce of ^e. Boatctif Trustees. ' Yesterday we, Juid tho pleasure of greeting our old friend and former townsman, l>r. M. FRAN*, of Cliloago, TVUO is,stop|)hig in town for a few days. The Jjootbr Is 16pking woll —in fact, he. always doee-,but has of late bohavod w}tb,: : better, fn' (^Uort, he, is on Ills wedding tour, hevbjg ^prrendered his former antipathy to the married state to the conquering arJcdmpllshments of iajdaughler. Of Chicago, and, of course, includes his old homo in the route. The Doctor received the congratulation^, of ruftny 1 *frleiu^,who Join with us 1 In wfshinghlni/ahd hlslirldo all possible happiness. •'• r <' ' r - T i Mr. AI.VIN STI/U'I'KVANT has sold the Binghamton Stvmktrd office to.Prof. M. L. IUWI.HV, rermarly I'lincipal of Marathon Acadefny. 'l-K^nenlth of Mr.'SrtmTEVANT has been very poor sinporccofving hie Inju- ries at the OarrVRootr. disaster, and we can but regret that his condition Is such as to make his «rireihen<;,from active Uf^necWsi- ry. Mi. HAWI.HV is well known to fbfi readers of tlie Grwtland STAnDAitD|< as a fa- vorite ^ntjlbutoj' to Its pages, not only'of poetical gems, but of Interesting dr}r,W?»jpK>i*- donce, as well as the author of the ^'Sylves- ter Oles" letters, which, Judging from the numerous inquiries, concerning tliose liumor ous Epistles,' were" eagerly lookedfyr.!Of course, we extend our warmest hand to, the Professor, and gladly welcomd hlm^o^he editorial rania, j >htt»» ! ' ' "• ' I » ». ''" '' I ; "'.!;.','".," 'trivioitm 'Kama. i'".,.i Sf Harfo Br**' rine speelrnefi of the torrid ^one.*' Mr* Ssbwe say* farther, "J do'Hot re<SOlIect evpr to have been conversant with, any oaa who had. rnote of that silent and subtle power whloh we call personal presence than this woman. lu modern spiritualistic phraseolo- gy, she would be described as having, a strong sphere." SoJouKNfcB TKUTH for the first forty years of her life, was a slave, and though now SB years old,, has lull possession of her faculties, delights to converse with, any and; all, and b oven ready "to labor la love •orhumanUy'ssake." Wendell PhlWpa relate*'' the following anecdote of this re* markaWe woman: *' 'Vi Speaking of the power of ttachet to move and bearnbWtt a whole audience by a few simple words, he said he never knew btrtohe other human being that had that power, and that other was Sojourner Truth, lie related a scene of wWch lib was witness. It was at a crowded public meeting' In Fancull Hall, where Frederick Douglas was" one of the chief speakers. Douglas, had, boon describ- ing tho wrongs Of the black race, and as he proceeded, he gnaw more and more excited, and nnarlv ended by saying that they had no hope of justice from the whites, noposslblo hope except ifi thofr own right arms. It must. come . to Mood',. thoy must tight for themsolvos, and redeem themselves, or it would ney«r be done. ' • , Sojourner was sitUug, tall and dark, on tho very front seal, facing the platform; and In the hush' of deep feeling, after Douglas .sat down, she spoko out lu her deep, pecullsr voice, heart all over the house,—* "Frederlok, i* thdttoaaf" The enact.was perfectly electrical and thrilled through' the whole house, changing iu» by a flash tho whole feeling'of tho audi- ence Not another word she said or needed to say, it was enough. As the lecture is to be free'to all, we h'opo to see Messenger Hall filled, and it will be, if our t'ltiacns would like to hear a lecture as lull of earnest, impressive genius as any to which they have ever listened. by r P»y>f. r l WfaMfi x ^mMio. FaKKi'owN, W, Y., Oot.ia, j EDITOR STADDARD: Last fcfj4%djff eve" n|ng a larirc audience, Including the Tan- ners of Marathon alirf McOra'wVIlK and' ihe I'.ancofs of this place,• assembled at the Hap- tlstOhhrch. ;', ' , .' '•., , ' . ' .,..,,,..'J'-' 4 Orson A- KuineY^. of McGr'awville, was ide Chalrmafi of tbo meeting. After music delivered a vory offectiYeiipcech,satisfacto- rily comparing the Democratic party of Jackson's time to tho Republican j.ariy of tefday. 'dared by! P*)f.Mtirilvcsl11^ Hpu. R H. Ducil -vip, t% h^t^duoe^.lo tlajo audience. Opening his address by stat- ing •tKat'rn *«*fn Mli'plato ho predicted that If [Abraham Lincoln was again placed in tho tJiecutlve Ch^(,be^e,.»t^e^,ep»lngi'4ho back hone pP the 'Cpriiederacy would bo ibrokfe; anrf' ye^miW another prediction that if Orant bo elected Us ndniinlsUation w v uld be ^ess^v rt noace o au^^ m nm is:l hil( . 1>{ my items. |lAlt*0RD, Oct. B, 1808. M«. ; J'yurrpiu Oilr village, has ..been in time past the scorip of iin occasional row, brought on by a company of "roughs" who wore in tho habit if collecting from a dis- tant part of tlie-tewiirfor tho purpose of Imbibing that whlcai intoxicates. T o the. credit of the village, ] will say, however, that thoy wore noj paWi#£atc4 In'to any great exeent by otir immediate noighbors. This stato of thingp was broken up a year ago, giving us a quick ^pason, and tho inhab- itants of this vicinity had settled down into a feeling of security, looking with high hopes;tp the-future, < f>rni T/ ff' J'J . Biit a few dayi | ago.'a' eltlaen of J our village asked for the privlllgu of bring- ing In a few barrels of spirituous liquors and vending the same. Twqpty mon say to the Board of Excise that It Is their duty to allow the afojessJd;Ci|iffci^to:$lfltt an attractlvo placo, wherein* our young mon and boys may congregate and pass tho long winter evenings and .leisure days of tho com- ing year in tne company of those who arc In the habit of drinking intoxicating liquors. Those, Ifcuors-bf|courso, aroto be temptingly displayed In Dottles and decanters, that those of our sons - and brothers who have, from previous habits, or a hereditary tendency, an irrestible longing for stimulants, may be tempted to pay the price of Ijltelr pf*» jr^iBj Con. these twonty'men, who havo signed this application for license, look this matter full in the face without fooling somo slight upbraMpJ'fcf ( 4 e . W l o . j e e j ( i t y ^ «et ] together upon some eminence, on one of j these, beautiful Autumnal days, aud take In at ono glance this lovely valley—dotted hero jam) thorp/ with),co^ages; find think of tho 'qnfct thai noj*'VetgrW'liero, and of the pa- ronts who have jfolt happy for tho past year on account of tho removal of temptation : l'rom a loved son, dutiful and kind, hut too 'Wctt)t to resist tompfKtlou. i say'lot them jthlufe>fiithc r «,thjpg|ju)^ fhetf, »0f tI»ri>>C8- jence of Nature, dressed InJicr many colored Irobes, beautlftil, thougli solemnly Indicative " f W H W A . * * tbom^ojfel th^ .,ues- tlon: "Did we do right in helping to Intro, duco tho hydra-headed'monster Alcohol, Into asCettO'llKeitlinVr"''* nl «• ""''<<" ' " ",, ) Somo of thorn hav ( o so^is whoso footstep^. jaro already mpasurlpg"the do^ilwftfd path. jSonie ; have >i l(ttlb''p'rittrliigl5oy8, whose rosy jchec^s an'fl'siinny'Smile yet mako tho heart jot the fofytr glad;,.o^ ( he:.rcttt^,f);pm,hlsf' dally toil j and some have daughters lovely und lotellkfeui,; *nd j^.they s^&is'appU. atlon. '.:- :ii : iV -,, *o»j •••-_-•/,•-"!.;•, 1 appeal to you, neighbors—you who have aid by ybtir acts (hat aMlfense'lo'soll'Ihlox'-' crating liquors,' would be,» benellt to the in- labltants of this iilace, to • consider tlieso things. You thatrfiajre,aous.wUohavo air. toady started in 'tWrbadJ^ riifii.'do.ript, Certainly, wbih. to ruqjio.the course ol| your polovod soirmoA'sufoiy and rnpldl/down- Wardl You who have the lltylewsy-chcplcoil, (ads, - surely oa'nuot look them full in the 'a^'tttld W^inpJatQ ; tup, lqok of innocent roet «Kat'dwrtls there', 'andi^ yjlbsv,of the,'. ixperloncos qf tho past, affix your'sigaaturq,. o^trb^uniWtlMat^Hf-p^fcmiMlon In' ho way of those ll'^fc'^Itfnoconts. Should his'One already algnty}'"a^cVjbipllsli its'bb-.' [oot, iand, al'ler a lew years of temptation, on should see thoso little ones losing tho' ino^oiiJsMUeJcltt'a WWtetfW iiallMJbOnn- toqanco take its, phicoi could yeu place your haad andj'iu tho presence of (JpjJ and holy angels, declare yourself innocent of all this V | AWd SfiQUld ^psQ.fJauglVtei's, aftov you had patched over thnir moral and intellectual; ({rowth with all a parent's. solicitude, many rhqh who hail fallen into tyi)i|)tiitii)ii,aildyield 3 d through'the means you have provided by out' signature, could you witness their sult'er- lhgs; th$r.''cftgrac}ia^ without sell'-accusatloii'' •' i •"••'• " ' • ' | But, Tierhtpa .yeiu'wll'tolt •moUlflit I aim ,so. nju/^carrjod, .^way by an iptomporato s»al for tlio temporanco cause, tliat'I/look upon but one side of tho question -that I do (ot cjonsldftt'th^t th^yp,i^b''Arlni6(6tit laws The Freetown Pole Raising of '66. FllKKTOWN, Oct 10, 1808. EDITOU STANDARD -.—,It is rathor^&th.a.t ono Mr. HUNT, of Maruthpjj^; should mako all tho liilse stiitcmculs coiici'i'iiiiu; a certain pole raising iii this 'town years ago, and havo to heaoaJlHue Wanip of It when His well known here «ud ampng many prisons in Marathon that some individuals, not a thou- ,&and mites from this place, are at the bottom ofmb\vhole of U, pumping the Doctor up and supplylug him with-itom's. Theleadors of the Democratic party kriow that ttroy tl!d" hot obtiiln permissiori 'of tho Trusteee to occupy the'onureh on the,day. of polo raising. They used the house a fow days previous to make arrangements for the polo raising.'' But Mr." SWKATLAND, tho per- son Who litd charge of tho house, did not know that they wore to use It, and ho wont aMufhuT bhslhegs bavin*} tlie 5 It'o'y" W his pockot Cpnseqriehtly theyft>undt^e^puse idbkffti'afl' ft should have beon, and they had to raise tho windows and crawl iu and oMP the doors. Any poraim doubting this stalo"- ment van bo satlsfled by conferring with AM- ASA JONES, of Marathon, who wits one of tha'TrailbesJitithaltlvdi lA$' siVi.O' I Wedon'tsuvjpoio'fheBoOtp* knew that his statements hi regard to , the matter wore. false^Mt 1 Jtie should notbollevo overyjhing his follow-coniw tell him; they sometimes <ar3i,jtjdgttenfc * fir^l'S 6t^3'1iXK Now, pftptoi, _<?>»», up that yoy did au-ain thsi truth:0onsidofably. Thore is a» old say- lmr that "a lie well stuck to Is as good as tho «itMta>1V^toV<li*mtjltMa9bli*a-M' tg^a^OeeA-laioiM tenacity than you ; r^owjbp J rjsi k o an honest man believe that your version of tuai-pWo raising Is true. Come put and tell the truth; it SvflVljfe : 'the\fliW'»^';tc%mds ttfiWi^' a 1 good'HeWublioan'of you, if J yoii'cfo ; npkVo.te Ifof'GfanF .' ' artlcles'i, pleaso give us am peeohnt % oft the 1 1lomuxiratlc mooting in tliisplace In '04f that' I mlgiit be ihterestlng to sdmo of yovir frioiidfti'; ,,.,,., KKPUMMOAN:'. • I m iHOOK NOTICES, SU-NSIUNB/AND SHADOW IN NBW YOUK. % MalUiow Halo Shilth. lllus'tratcd: TO4 ppft Hnntord, Conn.; J. B. Bulr& Co.' 1868. *~ r , It Is riot always that we can rocbmuiond our readeiij to purchase books of real value icso^may be sp prosy, though ftill to' Ho forever unreal! Dr. s. M. Munxan ths»*(»f«naWawn We' , haV'e rfecbived {r^efoll6w1tag;^mvinl- catlon ftpm Dr, S.^.HuN'if. pfVar^ihgn, wirtcri'/ t # J ffie sake/qf,giving htm a fair ishow, we wjlllngjy publish. Wp, are glad 'that'die Doctor fools sufficiently sensitive on" .th«iiir»iP«hit«ta»*fonti.Ulrijselft;« J "IrtoenrVI IEDITOROK TUB,-C0KM.AHD ( COUNTY STAN- [ DAUD i, <*r.--r-I noticed some, two weeks ago an article published in tho STANDARD, .purporting to have been .written at Mara- thon, charging me with SHyJngitd: •Ono of my 'noighbois, In tho pl'csenco of four persons, "if G«(i/Grant ii ^ected.41"Ji wijj'iliof V *«»' •lo'wcd to take the Presidential chair.".. Also accusing mo of being Ono Of the leaders Of tho assassinating Uebocracy of -this town. {As tho aiithpr thijWgh iwfftf being exposed las a'ntftliClOus calumniator, concealed him- self b think ovon, for Of importing facta" on their (helves. But in the book whoso litlo we (pjoto above, tho judicious and critor- - prising publishing houso of > J.. B. Burr &, Co., who know how to cater tq the wants of tho publty tho people havo something at onco very valuable aud trmUt^e. Whoever opor.s the book to read will not permanently lay it aside till he'llssgdnoOver'every lino V r% n 'neiy-two chapter*, and ho cannot but teel tost lio ig. , m qre, tlmu paid for the cost of. tho book several'times over, in'the valuable ftcts, spiby incidonte, etc., with which tlw book fa nl|e.d, Ho will, In short, know NeW VOIR botteV'ttiaii the majority ot- her nativo cltlsjons; and to know Now York n all : hor. asrwtaj.her high, life and low me; Her good and evllj Iter -vast fortunes and her cjouutlosa mislbrtimesi how: her great nnatj^al loaders have won thoir honest successes, and how brilliantly vice shines; or sadly U wallows In Its Infamy beside them, Is & know i about i all thore lsto.be known of the aotlyo life of tho whole coun- Hy; f'w.flfnw YorkUinotonly the coraraori Clal center of America, but a wflaotlou of all the goodaindbadfbi the land. ;...;< . Tho.artkjja.on onr.jftrst page headed "Two Bharpors," | H from tliis book, and Is but. one pf tlip IncitJinU with wldp^lt-ahoonds,,,^. TaEWAiiJlETWiim'riw STATES, lira. CAUS- ES, iritAltAGTiMi, CONDUCT AND KKSULTS, by Hon. •(U.KYANBKIR H 1 . BT*AIKNS; ft tHO title of a valuable work just issued by'the Historic^ of tho liVtooiyil'^avhayb api'iihg ul) Hko-mwIU'orJhVs, iin«, thoy'6*au uow bo numbOWd ftmdst by hviltdreds; but allwA*. mo dosli , oiii* l> of ai'Hying' tit a bOrrect ufider-. staudrng of the causes, Twict a blbar history of thd tiytihWW «i« 'lato' v la'htentilblo%r, JftVo felt tl|f» want of a roltahlo history of,the Isaiho mm a Soiithorn sttndpcintTby s'oino | ropros'sntHlhye mim ofalio (3bqth. This want JJ i i5 b0U V tyty 8U Wflic<i bw ALKXAMDEM, H. : SlWiiftNU." Mr: BT'Brfiifiis was a most oawiost jpietetrtant^afranUt'j reoellloW,-'and" ithogreat.eiiw.'i •'! tji:M *iij *ti ;vri'> •»« T.l|e,,l)»i - e announcement tlmt this groat If, you want rygoc' all m I •>•••!,'.' anything pbrtalning to tho dry goods trfldo at the lowos', cash prlcb, Hist call at SJLAFTHK & SUMNEM'I , where you will find a fhll assortment and more arriving dairy.' •-' '•••" U 8* FOR SAUB-^-A very doal r ible )jouse and lot, in Cowiand village,' Th > lot oontalntf U acre land—tho buildings are new, comuioul- OUB, and well flnishcdT Wi 1 be sold cheap aud m>, easy terms. Enquln of FREDERICK. ' by^assuming a ttctj,tlo\i8'uape, | glej not ik if necessary fo reply to suoli an insidi- ous assailant f but 1 lind in your paper of klio'flth iHW., a ropOtltlb'n o f a portion of 'the same falsehood Wider another nature Although no person acquainted wltl .... . .... 3p . \rhloh render It necessary that a man whr/ snch laws, but I wouVi.-ask, did yoil over ikkow of a placo in whiph sucl^ laws wero etiforccd,'« , Hiat'afrri(Vu> was note'r kftowh to V no. wpuld boliovb Bac,li. piWiojpiis' roportf "un- lupporM by ' any proof, or the writers' mines, yot should l remain silent under tlieso lublicaliotis, some polilluul opponents . per-' 1 laps might Wllllrtgly glvd credit to thorn. I. iiereforo take this method to notjfy.you and' jho readers of tb^uflyAHPABiii that" thoso chavges uro false and libelous. And I chal- lenge those : Cowardly calumniators to pro- duce their evidence by a written statement 9f the four porsons present as to tho time and placo of that conversation, of tho pro- viso language used, and all that I said upon tho subject. _ I can assure yoil that,I never have for a Qiomdnt thought that If Gon. Grant should bo constltutioiially elected, tlii be aiurf pppqsiMo tjie Prcsiuflhtial < bo constltutioiially elected, that there would opposition manifeslc.il. to his taking chair. I. claim to bo a law dbldlhg cltlwu, and during thQ.lato civil.war I lVeory.gave' liiy lunuence as one of the Town Board, and voted on every occasion ih favor of raising money to .procuro volun- teors to help put down tho rebellion. ! ,,, Kospeclfully, . 8. M. HU«T. Marathon, Octj 13, 1868; uudor the J iniluen,c i e l of UquQi; .sp^d f tljop \ fact Is, If is Impossfblo for a communi- ty to harbor art avll of so great a'-magnlMdo. as a licensed grog-shop in its nddst without dlgWWrftltflWirJdrWs'J Jp fffliilijippy td say that I am not aToho i ilnion, for a n monstrance has been circulated Jn this,.vi- ci lity, ifc «WlrfcSi sl*tj»-twrj' nnmes haVO'Sl- rc tidy, boon attached, show big that-1 he peo pie s arc : : •alft(d ^^h:ti^%\^h MMtoi, as those, .oftlio risltiggenOratlOn; ••"' ' •'*" -s Bi&. ; I' } *gSL ot r citizens thrcmghorJt' , After^^.ad^ressas anottiet soag aV t»»J Marathon Olee Club, and the audience dis- persed. *The people of Freetown tender their thanks to the Matt ill wvlllo and Marathon "tdnnors for tho visit tlitrfjJalHl'iui; liftpffig" iiave the,lrrjprva8l03 of a pltfsyal dsvelyp- [ they will call again. . \„ , , ment which irt early lllo miist havo been a W e noticed thaV'majiy of ; tho houses lo. U,Vs plWsaltwariilaely fHBrftriated;spAklrtg ladles get youQullliug and Fluting done 8ddoor east of the Cortland House, Cort- land, N.Y. Mrs. R M. CoNKBXfcTV ' U19 , well for the loyal seutlmanta of.iita inhabit- ants. Kl!;',''/il.! •!• Saturday afternoon a match game of Base Hall' was plliyfd at this place Iwtweon tliq Atlantlcs of Motlrawvllle, and tho Young America,.! tho latter.' r^siijUnglu&vqr.of » l " t ° l Mro. l fa*l»TO^N.—The l^puubcans' ot Fra*- town held a large and enthusiastic meeting on | Snhuday , «veniaj>. last. That Tanners Cldbs *f MeGrawvlll* and Maratybh, an<T ; the Lancers of Freetown, wbre'lfi attend- mice, and made an imposing appearance Thp IneOtlng was organized,)»y calling Orson A.'Kinney, Ksq., of C'uttlandviile, to the Chair, after which the meeting was addressed by :George B. Jones and R» H. Daell, of Co«la»dV ' '>»V'.* li '--<«"• J a;..; i - i i.,ii i,.'i*y»u .....:, » ^t^j'. HESIDSNCB FOR S \T,K, - A desi nil il c I louse and, Lot for sale, situated on Mill street, in Co«lan,d, yiljage, Inquire of the under- •igied on the premlsos. •'"'' ••" u 'Htfoirn a i mAV^•8PlllNOJ»Bi , :,^ B ' ABM W* hAiAr-SJiuatesl two miles. ftom Cortland Vtll^f^ene'rhihrmL- -Tbrjt Watson, contalnlngiono hundred acres, formeriy pwnycj, by Eli.h ft iBallsbuiy. , tfor, furtpiM .particulars, Inquire of the owner on Uresis*.. •••.' ;;. i |. ! ifKMWto},,'•'; nlo-ot . l, :p|jovrtf|gJetter ^ ^|^d.V:Wb' of ens'm tho fall of ISfW/or soon after 1864,' jointly oJfla.t v Hr»- it wt ,,.,,-, ni >r, fjirtd', 'considolMg (t'as' rathor'portlhe'n't to tho times, and»tristtOw th^/tbridency and fei lbjgs^p^niaonttlej mMtm* Uas^Jrvjerult | to us for publication. We,copy it noariy.aa liifcslbloVi'oiuiMingi' iuerelyiaihe. rramo o r i h e i Dit, BuaBHii.ij,J. WHiTJH— Tills physician has established a reputation in tikis vicinity, and proved himself capable of performing a)l,he adyortjsc*. Ho has visited Cortland regularly at stated. periods, for years and prescribed'fOr hundreds of afflicted mortals. lie is no quack nor humbug ; but gives ad- vice gratis, and .holds no delusive hopes to tho sick. He dpes not protend to cure eyery HI that flesh is''.heir to, nor diseases In nil their yarlous stages; but is guided by com- mon souse and experience of many years of practice in Aid., pompkilnts, exclusively. Ho professor Wr no' nvorb IchoWlodgo 'than mjay bo acquired by any lntolligcnt physi- cian WHO will doyoto their Wjhblo energies only to ,tho trea'lrxHSni of. tr^0sO complaints. Di'. ' WHITE win bo at' tho Mossonger IIouso on Wednesday, tlio 2§th of pptpjjer. „i *#f . • . , :, i mfH Bobata»*'MAirAN , 8.»wSnow BeititS, ,M)ss Ciiry ; Now Englaha'fTi'agedies, Long- leuspiWUstt Au- s\yer, Anna Dickinson i Stories and Legends, Grace Greenwood j Storied'and Lights hv Italy;<fcc.,Groc^',Qrcen,w,ood; SmQkTngand . Drinking, Jos. Partbn; Gems from Tcnny- *son, oxli^blndloaii !uew and elogant editions oft Longfollow, Whlttlor, Tennyson, for gifts, ctd;. _ -New: hoojts always xocelvad soori hftor ""o. 1 Mossonger Hall Block, ..„v„..ihi ...... .'U15w2 iiti!.tSt. treat iJ >J ':ix;i.( Fpit i ..S,ALfl s - T v{P;ou80 and lot on North tirto hy any onO'wlshihgto kiiow ., I Near Poplor, Grove Ohorai bot.30 '04 Dear Mother & Brotiioral wlllritoyoua. few lines to lotyo'n61 ihalialft^al rttoyet wdndsdaM wfk hadfirjbNBto march tho next mpra*ig^y^rr*%^Mlr we marchexl about si.< miles to tho left of whore we was.en camped within half amile «if , tjle''*<fts wo halted and Rirind W lino of battle tlio bullets wd^if singing p,v T iV,o*|r, heads protty fast and thire weio two shells went oyer our heads you had better believe •ttwp.^'wpre, somo dodging about that time We Syeut to\vjnk ana throwod up some brost vro^ks.. pprp,, lino of sclrmishers on our front an'd thoy a had a protty hot time of It the wounded We^e^biout in^fiyery, mlnlt but none wore clle* rflrr*- troops"' drove the robs about four miles that morning we had to lay on our v The splendid rtw^tore.vji^e^esjtalde,; of Main street will be occupied by Messrs. ,TANN*R B^ku^|»ivsh|>jr,t;WMlr.; :TJ'>n look out for a new assortment CDNSTANTLT COMINO.—Thp new, firm of FlTeoERALii, Rtoa <fc Punbv are constantly, receiving ready-made Jlobt* alid shoes, nftfV iogs, Ac, iSsc, and are always prepared to do , cu8t)m^rk>fntliol*si,CU*ipAt ant molt fl >' • < ,. satlsfactpry msaHer*- >xtmf VW. /«V|TlM»l'AIIII publication, at No. X!ortlaud. *»« CHuWn street, 'finely located,.buildings M»L ( tivjolvc boorlng f fruit trees, Ac^'Ac. Foffot' titer int'ornuition iiiquiib oin the premises of } jil,5.tJfi o& CHAS. H. JONES. _ » • » i Tin.«MINUS, oiiiainents, lloweis and feath- e'rsj, of all varieties, at Mrs. L. BENEDi<W , 8l",i' GRBAT-'ItaVdknrrtoijfllrf. ^cBB'l-DANisr- oKit 4fc.BBo.,s.e l U pyercoai^cheaper,(ban my,, otllor bloUdng I hoiise In Cortland county, Call at thoir store located on Main street, ffrst door north,,pf Masonip^Hall,. .QortJand,. viiuige. 1 lavinuut ai ' M ; i^f v H.'|V.I /I * t * MRS. D. Oi«AitY/p^,,h^ying,xc]ft>pved to Acer former location in tho Schormorhorn 'Bio^k, and associated with Miss A. OROVER, of Syracuse, in the mllllneiy business, and. rtceived all the latest styles exlaat oTali ar- mllllnery business, t styles extant, of t tlole> thatappe|t))(i(^9 y+q tradp* is prepaiad to recoivo'tho ladles of Cortland and vicinl- PLANCHETTKatMAHAN's, i,7 ,heir •mlvorllacmonr. receive the ladles of Cortland and vicini- ty, and to Show II i en i u lull mill choice as - soronent of bonnets, hats t every variety of trimmings, ornaments, &e.,*&o., feeling cer- . i?. 1 "; th » t ^ e ar m »y>m w w»t #«dions.. ladies will find H to their intorcst to call. that DANZIOBR Bncjs. caa't bobtatdhdw selUngreadf-maAie' .,, of Ojoths,,, Tricpt>, rbs, &t.', in market, at prices that defy competition, can be had at TANNER 'I 581- ^' .-cm- :,•.;•• ; t».L ,'i,.-w.»8 «»«—e— WHOiAsAftst'RrjBiiER Bodr ANb SKOE ^ELVETS, satins, and ribbon's, of the most fashionable styles, at Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S. k4ea.^t>4Bi^tKai#edpliiiiltefeo tte*»tlil The^belt'" raortimg they commenced, nghtlng again our Beavers Co: mon Jtoolc. over a thousand, prisoners ou.r -• '' '••' loss was one hundred and nignty eight in ciled mid wounded wo expect that general Ijancodk-' wil take the danvlllo railroad in a' UfeW days as JUL. IS a shelling ituaw.wo ox- r peeted a'pratty* imKl Hghtbulein-Reg did DOB figt any at al ylstorday we wore orderd back to our encampment again We went about two miles on tno' doubblocuyck what { t incut L do not no albert has gone to the ipapUteitAtrei #al a gbod. miny iKrdWtsd* away there napsacks and some there blank- ets and one thins: ami the .ottuf there Js no other news now sSaflnaiof hovs ' 1O |# • • * » # '' hank a Jbw t wprd<*,»p.§o|k»iRrrtatflJ w a n t ' you to get mo some modiclno so that it will gat|ino,alok enough to go tp, the hosnUlo and /rwiiritydaJw scnd'mfF on'dugh to fJJrihon i cau'get a furlough, to. come home i guess you had, better go to Dr Hyde as ho Is a good denjockat and got mo. somo you w.ill no^iow. to ic't-tt ddh't yori say-a Word to'riny ono' about this 1 want you to\gfet>it-'rite away now do r)ot forget it for tho sooner tho better, c mimcni on the above is unnecessary, satatiatmM'fl (I '/ /•. HT( 'Statesman had dotcjpilncd towrito a book, i would, of IWelf,' b e ' sUfrtciellt to kludlo a lively, «nd*arlde-spread InterPSf Iff' "all sSfi-' :tionsqfU^giiintryi,hut.;,Wh|U t^is^pwn Ithat ho h a r onos'on as his theme the ono so fruitful as Hie lato Amerioan War. the ab- sorbing Interest of the subject together, with 'tho evident and singularWnesnr of tlio" Ah- ithor for Jta tiyatnwnt. unltoui awakening !a curiositylibtlifely' u^pnralieWci In" tKran- jnals.pf Aiaerioan, literature. I .It .piwsetits' oACavoful political analysis of jthe pagt, scnaratlng. rwl.fromOjpparetUcauses,, of the late unhappy conflict, mid gives those Interior lights and shadows 6f' the Great War-PNiav »1wMS#BjW liitfJt of^icBus,; who, (Watched tho^floodrtlda of,Revolution. from its nwntiiln-springs; and Wjilcu were" BO accessible 16Mr. StiiifnV^Sfrpriihlsppr', pltion as second officer of tlie Confederacy, 1 Tp v a, aufljo,,that/has becii«urfeltoa,wW| app<t,retitlu Mmfar jtmluotiam, it presents a change, pf (awi, both agreoable end salutary,: and au Intellectual treat of the highest or- ; dor. ' ',''•''-"," ••'•<W «»' This 'most"/valuable Wolk. Is sold only by! Subscription)* and the publishers: want an Agen^'inovety.Cpu^ty,^;;, ,/'; ; ., „ .,. l .',,, 1 „;' Now H»Jj»Vt, Fb«' i860 l''Tto;IrAfMfilv.; TEP ANNVAtt'ot: PftRKNOItOOX AND Pvsfba- NOMY containing nearly fifty portraits of dls- tingmshc(loJJara.ctprs—CJyilJ;icrt,,a,nd Savage. TbevfrUc basis off Education \ usbs of Cul- ture) Ho,w.f«> Stiuly Faces; a Convention' of theiFaoulics)' Nature's Noblferfien ;' BfnK noju Oleravnieu^^Pow.ei of. Eaemploi' Choice of.Tm-shlts, or, What.Cajh.I.sdo Best; Mu'throlncss, wit. Humor with Illus- ihatiou8; Heads of Yiotpr Cousin, Hepworth Dixon, Wiljtlo Collins, Rov. John Cuttt- mings,' author end pvojphdt\ Blltld Tom,' Artcmus WtS|d,: Alox. Diimasj MiD. Ritchio, Mr. Julian t.with Jndians, $iunibais, and otliors. Riolier lu Maltef and Illustration, than oypr before, everybody will want to rcaditi, Onwia8 cents. 8.R. WKLi«,<Pub- li8her,«8» M i d w a y ' New York. ,.,. • • ' "' > * •—-— ' OtA^-yjO^^^BtAMiNATiONSi I^BKH I—Dr. BUTTKRKI«!I# has visited Cortland for tho last four yettr* and has tfoatod sUccossfully ovor a thousand cases of chronic disease. His success is'based on a knowledge of the icauses of disease by clairvoyant sight, on a Hfo-Jong study of tho, constitution of man, the philosophy of tl-o. various forms of dls- esse ami treatment on natqrtd anrl physip- lpglcal principles. Tiiis.cburso of treatment Will euro -xny'phroblo dlseaso 6f Jong staud- iiig, if the disease lias not already sapped'tlie ,v|tal organs, Wa rarely, meet with, a faHurp 1 in dlsea'ao of the'Brain; Woaij; Spuibs, Rhdu- niausm, In toi^l': Ulcers, Supprossod Menses, Dropsy, F a l l % of the. W # b , Bexual.W^k- ness, .Weak Langs, Loss of Voice,' S^yitus Dauco, Dyspasia, Diabbtos,' Diseased Liver, Stricture, Ulceration' of.B,py*'Pjl»;;Pile^','. ; Hu- nlors ot tho Bloodt Stiff Joints; r*o., AC. iDr. BuTyB-o^pfLD Is, at tub.'Bpbi'ry House, Cprtlond, three days, /ojtce,,-])-, tw^ lyeeks. Wllloothsr*fThursday^ Friday ftbd SatuH I day t ;eopt,i'^:'an^:iov:, i g;; y ^ ^ NOTICE.—Tho Rov. A. B. EARL, the Evan 1 -' gblist, will'h»4da tfur^^dtlSlis'lJin^tlilwait KENT &. SPERRV i W ve a fill lino of Oven- coats, veiy cheap. . , ro|i, a •.a in ' ' I™ FANOV (Jopoa-rrFor anything in fancy goods, go to MIM.8, &, W> UREN'S. Tltey have Zephyrs, Coreets, Hoop Skirts, Ribbons, Colars, Ruipings, Fringes and everyjUilng else lsually, keptlu afaiioy goods store. " ' ^^ m ten shillings—the only placo in town makes. . X>''"£ •Bikiri,ita,' f^AasiMEniss .'& ^Lotita.—l*t u time- tb Ifeglii toUilukabeu; over edals.— MILLS & WARREN havo a la rgp assortment ?f %?Y er8 ! Meltons, (all s lades) gohulne Harris Oasslfiiores, clioapef «ian lover befere. Their Cloths always give good satisfaction. 'If •yWWaht f an£-of :5b' ) tenulnb 'Itarrls Ca^ljrxs^'^aUa^T^n^, ^ StMNSB'sv -8 : : .WArfttri^E*a\^A^l' IIJ l '"'* ''^1 WOVK,N TUCK SKIHTS.™B/ ILLS & WAR- a w have Just 'reoelved aho ;her v supply of those Skirts, Ladle 'li -rrnr 4 - OW 18 THE T'lMK h ffld"" wiib.Jhiilraiii » beWt * t h e price.'' ||MHiMSfc!.> Wrt s for Mlt'r.f & .WARHMN' aro dfyly rocplylug.'Drcsa Goods (the sombst and ohoaftestln tpau).. Buy,your , goodsi whoi* yoiu. can, m f j m best a n d mm lest Look fo Wo^.i.litemt.ajid go ; thoro before buy Ing fall goods, for they are 'cheaper now than ever lKsfori. *•-•- at the jpi»&t*d :Y'a?"Tae Ju.'ttti v., »Wt "• •'•',• !;''."•'•' . .... a.jviii.way.. '"'•"" """ • .... i,un>a|m V —?? Ft* NO. 15 VBKmm .atflci lobklai the im; _ Marine al ; KKNT&8|rj W\¥ ^o^obeapest, „ (( ,., <1 j/. If you want any _ .Slew Ailv«i'tlH«^s«MtH, Foreolosure Sale, The Coart Houso In Cortland villa; o. said county, on llie 26th day of Novombor, 1888, at ten dVIMSIn tho forenoon of .that day,. the neat eat .to premleoe dtrocted b; ' ' " IhurolnrT^rioedaf' ufland attusto In tlii: •WJI twei :il d'h tint wotft by hnidH nwnu HI tho aonth by fanda of Amoe and* of saldfnuivjllor, «iid:on tho north Hy*a«de of r^mMim^fr-'- • - nd'Mirveyof aaldlot.'thado bjl l i fubdlvUtoii filno,--whlch IH bounded on the north by iiiuls of Xhomtia .0. Iloldrldga. on the east by 'lamia Of l'etor Moraklo Ariel tho Bald Soloi non Hhoylllor, and Ontli« W««by lint) oriOtNo. 64; W rMnlXiffiB aerie of land, mole or lea*.; Dntetl C'ortl nill. Oct! 10,1*ia. (3-reat^ Ji^UQtli m Urn of watered f''iJh"V 'r',"lt> 'JVII' 1 ' i *" t'l'i'l' 1 GREAT INTEI i t',.' 'ii \ is ami, - '•«''r«'«ittf.'lT Wfs attik. «r- ' ' L •••-.wA'u.i^ltfgB James S. Sq u I res & ;|pij>., 1KR8' TtiaV rilBfJ00R88 OTOf THSTR hnmen*o eeaorUaeqt; iff ,, :,,.,,; .. , 4 . FALL! WINTER 61 (OBS WUch are attoadW-V••'•'«• '' . i i,' i«; .,''• ,/• •»(q . i ',- ff *i 'I ^^^•V., [.**a^,, ,i*^S.,7lvfra7a*ap ff.'. 'rwrr 1>4'/IV>U Jr«W (fill i?' )l .«« .»'. v' Bjr|ife 'fltrjwfcf'Oortltofl^otthXf. ' To tupply tb* lIliyhiK 1'nl.llc with tlio Stile* of IIKTZ T><\ MBHINOB, A/.1>A(>AN, MOltAWS, 1 Lmtoto), BMpttks^^q^m, V'. *.(T T7?r I'VlN^aUSTD. TO At# w S g N f i FABMS. W«W SBTTiKEMENT OF VINELAND. A litre OnportunUi otinaij atnxmgtM ot$ in U« QarOtn Statt of titte Jfrty. of 00 .iiu.i. . mile* of GOOD land, ntvl- of dinorent alae* to ault the pojroaaaer jMS.A^aVwnrAjfp*.!;.'. ' .'il* iu In nf 1^> Mricra ft. >«lll*Olll! It conttit* ded Into farnia r^«f>MKl)loa«i The laud |a aold at Ibe rate of SSS per acre for TO land pkyablf on4-nrarth caah; anrf f l the'rmimice by half-yoarly tiiatalliiient*, with legal Istoroat, within tho terin Of fon» yoara, upon farmrrjf: in acroa and Ourn half, the I upwards. Five-acre lot* aoll at from S160 to tSU., lota, at from $300 to *8S0, and town louTSl)» "rf*e»dSan,Tat $1801 . Kfveacre lota aoll at from |IB0 to $800 : t«n-*<>r* te, atfromS30O to *J1S0, and town lota ISO feet front h».o«ehsndr«dand.Sft»f»o,d»(!n>t $180to*»00- pavable one-half caah It la only npon farina oft lateet AND 800T0H PLAJDB, U I'rif *vili flu Oliafi »^J rib hli'titi Togethor with a full a**ortmeaa HIT •IVOl ; itWfta the beat makca of yf MOSCOW AND QE, CASTOR i BEAVER OVERCOATING , .... 1 '!.. 59- fcHoWS: A%'lost traltWftl 3 town of Harfytd, OkirtlaBMsi janflandt* aplerco--boi lomon Hhovl ir, oh tho ens urth by la ml. . {BjfflMBl "ot I ten*i1te 7 f land takim . ..orcc- liounil- , .lOlKpn Shovlllor, 'oi tor, on trie cast hy b?' ffWA WIIPf.rJHAbW 0j4OTHlNO|«OUrlB OF ! !,.. '•' ; ; ) . i v jif. nil): '•':• •I Bli'lliil' ' TTir ;•" 7 FBEJUOU TWIIaiLBD CL DTHS Jtui>' rife) allied ifntwf].'..; ji In oolon, and ltKAl, li AUK m AND GJ.oiti* '.Difii hi. ','t'ina bill ..ho. 1 ' i* ai •.•-:.'. ti.'J wm ill *j*prta*nt of the llKH'l' U«K8 In tbla oountr >."•>" ~'mmm ti >.>•. <•. ti Together with aj , , Aleo a 1 •Mciil ,l(v' il? 0A«Pa2TING, o f lij "" '"' OIL ClaOTHS, I MA^TWG, |IWQ$rj:4iPa iVjiiiv!?.: i. mu .l.A'.luil - .if .< > nil ... - p . h • .. 'ni 'Vii. ttbir J '>d: if" >nl)!i' 8HA\N ill PAISLEY •.in " : ,l! in i .iil'-iin ma^npflk ,f •j i-n. 'i j Bliifaket tat' Br'eakiatt BnjlMrl,, HOOD 8,,,,, l ' .- I ; n'll; i,a ' 3L.»adios» & Cifent»?.Jp'.ua«8 H A T.S':.£&#'.'$ A^'S'I Wall and Window Paper 'Ct' c <•> a-r ily >-'<i! i > ' • ' K. o c K: mid'* ii-.'' Lambs. '',';' l! '" Glass Ware E ...'I ;• Ir i III/; lit') GrooerieB, Rubbers, •: ,. •• i SlioeH, Y I are, Salt, Come SYRACtrS?!, i Would roapootftilly tiifaiih' Hie i(eo]ili> of (Ooareeand flnu,) all at Wholesale-end Refill. one and and all end eea, fpr youraelvea. . ... , 7>f- mlfea tronl l pu «W Va'fl- tuUfO -ISI'MI IttlBwOIL i!'..'.fi<iill' IWultti dv loam, anltaliieforcorn, *weot poutoca . lobaccu •H klnda 0/ragetabl* and root eropa, andtheSneat »™*a«b^&rfSfe ItM t/itfe ttaUtntntt utrt correct thirt would be M ut* in their being m<«l,. itl««m*W*r!»ti , T^*, , T.?*t •>±i Tr«^^« 8 wm.fs^Tflaw.V/ ..,- CSco Renorl* of Solon Hoblneon, Bad., of the Now York Tribune. *and of Dr. clina. T. Jackaoii, Ktate Goologlatof tfaaa., which will befyxuiahod IIIIJIIIHI^. | •' " , TH* JilAiKE'TB!, .... i tilt' rooHrsa it tan be ptli fifid-rriarkert ho***mo Any [ It Is gathered, and fbr what tho farmer aoll*, ho mMI tho hlgheat pno* j whilst groceries»iid other arliiloa ^•J!Sta l * , Wt!r« 0 iff!' , ^ o *«rrWie*' Wtlie Weal, v/httMseffabrCiMtilm a pittance, but fbr what ho {•jjj^y^twp|rfcwa. ^Jppathia hew tho a-v.il..-. ADVANTAGES. ,H* la wltMa a few,Wur*,/hyratlrtad, of aU.Uio groat cltleB of N o * Knirian." & onLrm.^.« !)«;land and the Middle]™ lend* and aa*oolato*;/ Ho im* hti'•'!, ilhIm: •ervloe, ami all tlio acnoois rornia ciuiaron, dlylne aerrloe, and all tlio adxanlaget of olvUiaatton, aidao fa natfalirrgetslty.' ! * " 'A.i! .•!' T»K OLtaJATJI >< tU iH'W •••* , V!? , !»i t ' uli ,tle wln tcra being aalulvlous/andpiKin,. :whl)«rthe rammer* are no warmer than WiSeWMft. : M!»W.lM»''WJ , l ,w t l li |h ' H.SwoaMb.^.ch^min $m&: w •rt^ii! »/f«W tiu/i; "(DMiaM'/irMrfoAT«n!r5d7^i W,/ O i H . / ' / o ;Oair*aMi*T«f»*;x».K»Trrl.''i' ; l»*>»»:» f "i Wair ni a I'nor* at-r naa'AOT SklrM A BTT/.kTi It K r»n a ' Ulapoaedll*Sl%»nd Ijolug yWOiont rail, Ihoy hadfewlfidiiconieiil*. Tho rafli *" . . . rr 10 , not, road fat-littles. I "in! hna In .-. brongh the property ^utAanort lline, •a are aliown over tho land In a carrli oartiage, frcn time Mini opportunity fin f^WrV,*!**!.**^^ Hmeto tet«A, thoutdMno mnnti/tuMcure their purchatee, allocation* art not 1(M XIJHM, rtfuftil. i.ri.i .. >>f •irTTT 7T "Tr ' P(JHVfcA.TlON. | ni iw -.mi In tho Autunui of 1801, the population of Vluohmd eonahited of four Ikmlllos.i It nuta<ll*l) con*Tilf3l>f ton thousand thriving and Industrious pooplo. .Thp. town plot lu t Im i-mit.-i- haa i. pi >j mint Inn of i li i. i- tliouaand people AI ti..< im-ini „,w „r IUCMHU. Vlneland will haves ptpuafioB 6f twrftity'lhoVsaiid pooplo by 1878. Isijirovoinonts are going .on. In all dU rectlo)iS;nNew'bWtWliijl^,utotda ami miihilthcforlv*' aro iii.liij. iini'lril, nml iiewAtrma.asd inviuuda l.-m a^KSta^IMrrAOTBafRNTfJ'.'' 1 '''' ,5 'l Upon tho Vlnokmd.tract «ro,olght««i ppbllcMbrMl* •.' and three privato Betillinflca. TI* MclfioilInt'C'oiifcr- OIIII' Is building at tlio prosont time ono of ilm Jeraost somlnarlos In fbe United Htatoa. Tlio btifiilliig will be ut foil, lung, on feci wld«, and' four storm, high. Therda^e, ;i , . ( , i , .. , . ,' ;, .' CUVUCUBS^ , \,, , •oortBlstliig ot MathodlBt, Piieabytorlaq, BaiitlBt, Epls- oopal Unlt4r<«u and oUicr.d<mamiiiSt1ona~Maaonic ami Oildfollow ordcrB, a I.ycoum. Public Ml)r*ry, anil v»rtoiui »epb)UpB fenUi.tell»cliiaHmpK)vo«)ioiit. P l / B U g ADOKNMENTS, •, ,,-,' ' . Vlneland 1* tho flrst place In tho world where agon- oral system of public adormnolit hi* HM|< adopted. All tho roada aro planted with ahaile Irooa, ana the lodtograai. Th* lionsot sctSkdT ~ roMlaldoa aeodo > graai. Th* lionsot set far* from tho roadsides,floworaanil Bhrulibery lu Iroiiljuaklng yiuoland already alio of the umat bi-aullfiil pfacOB lu tho country. MKAHllltlCH TO INSURB Triu KAUE. . I .if ii 'Ji'-' ' ' PUBLIC WEb- CORTLAND COUNTY' .;; :,ii.CINITyv .1 .ll'.fi AN© 1 VI: ,],,;// Tliajt thoy. hive opeiujd < 1808. XV. II. H«M. Ti r atti oH ^ ij'&i' 1 ^ tlan p<ftclbficjfji^),d to' a'aofc.'Uio.if^'nvai'sJbaof. slnnorsito Qo"ft '• A ^onoral attendance hj.^O-' sired. The mooting will <bo at the DaptlBt clrurcji,.; 1 , •' -f '• A. Wli.KS{is, Pbstoiv11 1 TBAOifUns' bts*iT*TS.T-THe S c h ^ Oomi' mlssitmcrs'pf JportlAtjid county 'will 'organize- a Teachers' Institute at Whcadon Hall, in "flie village of Horribr,' 1 cornhiehclbft'. Qbtbbbr' loian'd contlfiAln^ tVo tyebks.'• ,', " .,,, Tlie Btato ; ,3equifes such-Institute to be. hofd fbr tlio belter (nullification Of Oflnlnion tlcipate teaching lu* this county, during the; coming year are expected, to attend the Lai- stliute 1 flireiighrthe Wfird' Hetotioii: TVus'ticesJ are re^totcd apt to.quinjojr thoso.to teach'. ' iO oaiinot show a corilncat$ of attendance. i Where thoy offer for ealo a good asBortrntnt Of '' wh IAO^INCT.—Drc^iNsoN & MO^R'AW, at tho slgri of the golrjen bdotiiare selling evbry do- {sjbrlriUon of rubber boots, and: shoes at Now York, wholesale, prices at whftlosale. thereby i saving" all' the fielgh't 'tr^ul New York or Boston. They'isire cbnsttniiy receiving targe additions to their stock of boots and shoes, leather findings, kit tools and machinery,'ut whalee^otreiajl, .a^.pr^ea ..wliicli cannot, fallto glvo satisfaction. ifM'* ' BJONNEXS, h^tsj (Jockeys, iin' endless profu- sion, at Mrs, L^J[}«NBpiq<i;'B. , !• NkwGo^W^ilJKAP lY-^Ty^TJBYANivDpvp & Uo. are daily receiving large quantities of dry goods jiist- fJurChKsetl iij NOW Y<>rk for ca*li at "tho recoiit decline'in jtry>e*.. Thoy Would especfalty %*.11 the Mte*fl6ii bf cash buyers'to their iiniilc'ilsu stock of Cloths, ens- siinines, and goods' for gentlemen's wear. Also ladies' dross jcoods, aiiiong whieh aro black and. fapoy' i^e^ t sllks, rnbrinos, EPA- 'pross cloths, and many novelties la the way Of fashionable and seasonable dress goods and; fleas' ^ i f f i ^ s , shawls, carpets, ..oil c'.otW' nijrroijii ipurtain goods, «& Gp6d 4-4 brown Bhectings'ia}^ cents per yd. r and rnanylotier^g^oas'.'jp projJorMerir : Small profitsiand. qufck, roriirns j one prljse,a|l4,»<>' 'deviation/.':.'.'• ,'•..:, OiD ^d^'-'flajpsft(jMrs^L, BaNRRicr'A . inO ! ^l.»'. •••,ii4»',"'>*»»''''' '"- ''.'I''"' .-• ' Tho best assortment of Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers, ever bfougb,t to CbrtlAii(t;»t: ..KKNTIS: f^rHR'Rv's., . nil 1 '-«.'CA*VW D. E. WlIlTMORB, " '""IComm'is. ii fiomor, Sept 7,3868; i l L i i l i ' td I 0o»'i^oyGB»'BAisAit, the grokf]'popular Remedy tor Coughs, Colds, Croup, WJ&oop- ing Cougii and Consumption. 'Both sizes— ordinary 4 oz., also manlmOth family bottles - fbr sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No'family should bo ovor night without It lu tumhouso. «'• '-V -46yi KRUIT TitKas.—A largo and oxcelient as- sortment of fruit and ornamental trees,' flow :Ull / . I.. -IN- {, '(in .O i "IJ.-'I .'(JO l"l ...... ","V,V I 1 ni 1 p,iiU <U CORTLAVD VVflJm£ i'.;jtli<y - bocated •'•'' : , ,J,iui ;-iV .•'•niii'li . 1 *(Mfol. "ni i(|i ! >-)KHI!I Xltil'>:ft •wnlit ,'di ; door north of tlio Masonic Hall/' ! fi!n 1 •>>;. ;< .ftiin .•*;»:I'.i; .aiiflttateWBV''"''! lim.o .1 hi"! .idi.'in 1 .(iifl .1 ,. v , |.,:' . f- v-nt M)1 .I 1 ! .JIC'l ,'il BEA^T-lrf^E' Hi: 11 'Will - ' ' : «•»: .nit •! l,i .! •10 ). ui 1 mi :iiv »•» I.[I l.hovi :\':\ • : I ' '.'"J" J OLOTIHINa-1 -.v,A<..:iSV>:il vlundinailr/1 . •'•!.: FURtS . FUROO'OD! Fall mid Winter trade, 'consist DS «f Bla(.ln« In pari for tho I. Speadl0y> & Go. H A. T s , a-A.<*»*f»y I 10 i .ini-il/, ..'"'liiAT-^-' '"•' ' ismiiii.'. '). ui 1 li. im'.:' ...'.-' " ! " •TOTE HAVB i JU8T. | BbuGHT.A,.VBRX' J.AIK1K ill klmk f( •pirfAff- ' Fide 1 'mmim %&$&& MM, 1: : .'"jiit.Ti .jT'iJ ~ ' ••'' >lW 1.->rt Hn.lcete.1 from the lalgeal atock* In New t|orb Some elegant seta of , , i U> IT - '//« '•''" ••''•''' 1 ,' ; <Hpi , i .. SUWK1AN BQUilMKIi, A,i ( lanaltna*t.*ridk*«htorjk»f .(>' ''»<(' River Mink, Ffenoh Ooney, and Ohll dren'a Ft/ra>/, - !| BEAVEE, CONBY, *Nn^Nt|rTlirA x A i '••!•« »' flANi),HOpi>8, : At price* that De^j/ 06 IT The largest stock of ' I .... i.( .'•-» V/ncUiud I* theftrstaottloinpnt In the world wbo»* ded aieaaoroshovc beenalofted to BCCUre Ihi ' " ' mini lateresta of the nut mil Battler No property IH «eld but ttpoi era. . , .. ... rlpdii flio 0* that It shall be built upon within a year. tO hi'I'll 111 till! •i-nliihl OlO »u»Cyl*tiir. ffio oirpross cmicmlnii j|y provision evory part of tho country la ImproVcd Improvement of 0 the neighboring ti enco la.in.IJH'IHIJve' 1 Me 111111 01 f 1'lie I I t>ro|» . Mopowtjw) In Its,character,! T»|» prnvla I0n»cconhw, to a grekr extent, for the remarkable inprovement of one property enhances' tho value o( property.' Th this roBpecl tho Inflii- the neighboring • iracu* [ Th|* provlB .MU ......,..,,r w .. 1:1 -.-ni I'Mi'in, for the r.-iiiinkuiili BSccesa of Vlneland, and the prosjicrlty of the j.l.-i..-. people lliin.ii. THE TEMPERANCE PRl^QIPLB^, - Kvcry yoar H'laanb'inlltod to a voto of tlie whether any tavoru shall bo licensed to sell Tlio llcenso has novor boon carried, and no liquor Is sqld In Vlneliniil. I At the laet «loetlon there wa* not ode voto cast lu favor of liquor sellliig. a tiling that ' " ' 'occurred before. This laagreal h*s never probably 1 protecUon w famlUoa, and,K> ,tl>o,)nd,»Btflpua hSblta " HOTflrr. of tho new /fin iited city. to the nmikot. Every ad/ 1 .vantage and convenfonco for aettlera will Infrodil cep which will Inaure " T o AfAHUFAtrrokaBB/ Ape ipi.nl 1 >g lor esse*, being near Philadelphia, mnl Tho town affords, anno opoulng fnrynrlna* mairn- Irtjf ItiislficsBOB, being near Philadelphia, and luulalaiKiepopulalJoiiwhl'h leni la .inn,- om. of ilm iii.ihi iieuiiiiriii e country, and most agreeablo for a resl- 1 ll'illi tacturi |l«i sunfyuulleg oountry atfortts a good market 'I'lils seuloiiienl In urn place* I , douco. It 1* urn en to make it a ^RUir'ANt/VlNE ilfi. rnwi ACILI VIM'. growing cniiiitiy. aa tola eulle.ro'Is.the tnoet peoftttl-' ble andtho best adapf ' • ml convenfo 1 will Insure thq proaporlty of tl 'J'lii: hard tlmos tlirougliont thd coiiniry will bo tin ad- adVHidngi.'or I tldu- ' ryi a-ls tho place .... 1 bo 1.11 ail- valnago to tho aottlomunt. aa |t compels jieiqiie. to re-, 'toft to agriculture forla living. ,r ^ In Oils locality the ecUler upasoBBo*, |ho being nohrtrle friends ana old assoota- going thouaandH of miles Into* far- Ori; wIlllernCBS, |Dto willeli tho ,iC»'Baarles of elvlll/.n- Hon liavd hot W*an Intrnducod. add where, la case of Bliiauesa mill mlhfiiiiune, li U almost unpiMslble to ublnln (he asilitanco of (rleiulB. Thlt I* within a hours of New England and the Middle State*! lentadnyor mory.caii.bc annul Jn. New , Rhlladerjihla dr vlcfnit'" Buffalo, Wolf and Goon Hobos, ) :,','l,:/ ' |., Oilii'fJlli.-UI i*,nd,i.flpeaelectl 711,1111 • ) •litj '. uiin >'\ •1i.1l. I'll I t •!! yi' iJl'.Vi ^GENT8»f' , ' : (1 --( i.'|: 1 ,li'-i 1" ,:'l')'l>.l .'I :i -ill! nil i,C - ri ./li..:-! " , / : /!• '• »'««>.. J J' F^uruifthing Qoods, i'i"!i:n ir AT Lpmn ers, shrubs, small fruits, &c, rfec., for sale ofi reasonable torjfpb—corner of Tonipkins and Owegq streets.,. Call and see. kf n42t"i *i>» H\>'r;MEB.'toEAtty , ife.Co: Cok's DV^»SIACPBB,.W111 1 immediateiy iin tho. stomach ana bowels. 'Physic gyiflen, andall <wUb use.^, j6in,hi unbotinded praisij oflfflgasa't virtues., Sold 'by Drug- gists ovcrywhere. Price, $1.00. 48yl 1 l'.'ll i'iai.ii' ' » *i a " ' '• J ..i. -^\2 ~;,~V ... . 1... . .;:•<.-•*,• HOMB GYMNISIUM.—Tlio best thing, of tlio kind in oxistcnfco Is BACPN'B hqpio gymnttsU urn.. Cheap, quickly a'rrangcd, doraf>)o', orn- iiimuital as well as useful,i it Is an article that many,ouglit (qiiosscss, espopially. tiioso-fol- lowing sedentary occupations. By calling at this olllce, one can be seen and the manner m .'.ivi ',. *, ..I ..i ....... ..... VV ,„„; u of .using, explataed, PJ^OHStof&trMAirAN'b.' ;-n7" at prices belov -. l^otwitiistaridlng Messrs. TANNBR, .BIOS'; move Intombtrtow store soon, they are re- ceiving a /Ine assortment of dress goods. Cloths and fancy goods, which wW bo'sqld,; rtotfWo jnarket Value . ,118 •^IH— 1 J»* .•' i-J... ; ''<-- i !••• Messis. TANIOCR Bros, aro offering tho bal- ance of their summer goods at a groat mlue- tvm, to makb rwbi for tub 1>U trade. n8 ... ,' j .. ..,,:: iiiarli •,*-—-^-1- ' '• •ton 8Ai,B.--iThe elegant rcsulenco owned and occupied 1 By Rev. SAitVRia.F. BACON,. South Main street, a few doors below the Messenger. Honso. Immediate possession give*, if d^r&jir ,-, ;.;.;• J$w8'. . ';' " i •"<•" ,i '**' 1 " ' *"^ Lqok at those splendid leather-Traveling Bagsat-KKKTAfrnuRv's. •'• ' iVW^' Than any other JSitabUMnpU in the '• ;•'. .(• .'ir. OoittUj//l':il ([ '. H.'.l: ,; ' -ii. .;,.i'W '/.I '.,:: n < ;•"'»'•.,• / Jn .;,.. ,|>.i!',/;'i|,. ! I'.' ' : All their friends, nml the public generally, are In- ' '; vlteil lo call at their store niifl examine their ,';, j. Sttekbefdrdpdronalilng eliewhere,»no be convinced. , - .r.lVHVM.',. i *"" i.->i,'.. .i'.ilil ni wrlm!.'''')!''. a'Wsar I ^."I'y^i.W.'N" : JlI'lMKVi'i '1 :' •i<0M\'^i »lll '»' '<«« ii* . rati; r • '.."t' r.. n ludlsfl '•: '.'(If In I .'•.,. ;ii|-, nill;-.':'; tUwl '-•(.">t,it» >i\(i'tfll .:•',', i I 4i*HHU Hold Retail at WI10U - r\\ il'rtn!) ,, ooniand, bwim* •J?ffi m '"" K ^-X -^mm^^^eiwM^ M *9Bf mm it'.dj .. an styles of Oon.i.t1ngof| ; . |t „j^ u ; u , _ Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Plushes, '*r A$i * full nssorliiieiit 11 namonts. (ii*8a-MaklnBo*rriod.or4,k«ii tt*,bx*aehe*. Alt tho now I'attorne in DREBaEf, OiLOAKP, PAN-, N)lCltSKlit'j'.s,.Ac., &e.. ( k?pt coristantly on hand. < Mrs, - ' • - \ (I • 1 IN •;. n-vi» IIJM •atleffctory inaniu }a4t,o« of ('ortlsW DOWNXB* lnia obtained hlch will 1 She would (inINK, work npon which will be done to evdor 1n « Br. 8ho would bo glad to have tlm Snd.Vlcltiltycftll snil Boo Iter goods. nHm« Or been brouglit Into this *«ot On Of th* Also, a large stock of the beat Wt^f^>^^M^^aft Hood Trlinmlnga, A c , A c (i ill In and examine our goods. ,n»4,' 1 'ItM. HVKNJM.KY & Vomer Main and Oourt ,Vi otU,'ifOJtTA f. 0. OARMIOIi , I '•:, w i l l 'id Itrfilfl . T.l'.'l Ili'.iV jjjRomitTpR. ojr;, p.B fl/jUtf Furniture Ware Rooms, Would call the atloutlmi that he of the public to tho fact All U i II dm of Kurniljure And dona Ids own 1 )<!> 'In -Jiili 1 i; •id ..'• i.lihn! r if .7/ -ill .> : :vt>i*rMIri>-. i bin: initO orll tj»r »ii.' ••' '" >y$u<,.\'i r.r. JSviiXoattm V - And In a manner WAtaARItjD M oil! In eJiicoitT- ...'il'ii^iaiairoTHaRr .v h .\ll -iilJ !*f^*T^« ,KN " .. .11 JI ) /HI t>J,l ^inii llf'.f 0 I kidaiiJ*4»aWi^iifveo(IT •ta> Itftf/titii sbwittlL) l»:/«Jt Jai 10 * «lfc ' fl'lO>:'< vif i-nri' ••;< •.'; .o.H ifjn Vv.,, i-ri> n'f ON ira 1 '.til i/.>«JM»110t) PARLOR 8ET8 I ,7f.- -' Vl'/i d) Y<1 bii« M9*i& \V»U r uifJ j -siW (I*..:'H It'tJ'^ '.Riiiui:') oitJ Tto ftooiW (0*1 P^WiY^^^S^***, k. -li'Mi'Xfiul 'to .;>hitr/. iti /*Ic , OOBTLAND, N . T . a»; .<jliliUii|ii! ^oaAWtjlO^iM., York, B^MnVftllaSofyhla dr action of business or visiting friends, at but Itttte e: pohso. and without neglect of business. It la In a settled poDntfy, wb*ro no danger orrinkIs Innurrnd. '1'here is no great oxpoudlturcs of money required before It can be madq lo pay, as Is usually the casu. Another important coruilderaAon la ifiT ' Z> HEALTH The settler llSre/lnboW Ho da: Uy ;by tho»e dreadful jfoverft W . UJ ritorbf loslrf* his f.i.„ tie m?** a what essi'iillal thing In Ilm proAtshVs.eulllvatlon of a farm, 'OrlMi aro a* regular and periodical 'as 'the So^Jus, nml jiilro yean. 10 li.'cniiiii what 1* formed vcll- >as pf puc-Uilrd' of a j long tho women and onlldren. ' Good 'health' ilia mated, genera ami •si 8 nv oml the rlchest.Boll In ibe. may yield vary poor- ly if the *ottler1s unable to ekiiend upon It his l.ib.n ,. ot bla shivering with tho ague, ot IfoSn. ollod to lake trade at a heavy charge for his grain. lere all tho evidences of rcfttrcment and cultivation are at band. It Is not nceeesary fo ride fifty miles to a Hbur mill, over a rough rbad aad through a wilder- lies* country^ uora.ro Uie lyiuter* cold—tuey are short and Open. The scaaona commence veiy early, lu April the plowing Is finished (frequcn|ly commencing In March) and the seed lain. ( ' WhAT'VT8f«)ilS l VrTtt'SBB. "" Tim visitor iflll *ee as good crops growing In Vino- Una as he will seo any whore in the Union, not except' ing the West. The aoll 1B highly productive. Hun- dred* of farm* aro; under cultivation, lie will *oe hundreds of orclmrds nod vineyards lu bearing. )Io eai he driven through a hundred mile* of farms, or- chards and vineyards upon the Vlneland ti sol, ami old* *cono or beauty and Improvement not exccjl- n tho Union. The liilderalgned fiiriilalic* oarria- to tho»o who como to look ou the land, free qf ex- pense. A spade alwAys'accompanicB the carriage ami every opportunity la given for examination. The new land la cfujily clparod, and I hf flrat crop of. •wool ffetstdod Will pay forHid cost and the clearing Of tlio land,.aflcr,whlcU it will produce hffgpicroua (if wheat and grass, what has hocri dime can bo done. All the beautiful home* In vim limit li»ve linen taken from tne now land by tno habd of industry knd pa- tience. There aro hundred* of senior*-In, Vuiolaud, who came tbore with from two to Ave lnnnii <-d dol- larsJ that are nbw wmib lliniimniK Thttn mm, however, aro not Idlers or speculators, hul men pf Industry, Intelllgiiu.', pulieiieii sod uerTfV . l.iirr'i' pumnerB of people are purchasing, aud pie who desire the best location should visit the Hoace. t , ,, Improt«dUnd:rs«lso.*»r.»alo. •:('.« II ,i.h' j,J..ivrit T ?rrWW»HrNA '.• ' , * 'i cap bo bnuglit with or without timber- (he Itmlrttnal ffrjiottjaSsironriroi . .)„<T.V T ! .• W\ UiJ ... THB.^TLB..; . ., , .1 io title I* lndlsputabln. Wnrranlco deeds given obr"~" ... lloai Robinson' of all Incumbrances, wheu the uinnoy is paid, ling convenience* at liandi. convuniepccB ai iiandiv . i/ .• , M Letters prohiptly answered, 'Mid Reports of Solon and Dr. Ohaai T, .laok.on senl. lo K ctlior Willi the "Vlneland Rural." l'eri as full information will be aent relative to the,route, and bth«rpar1Ic«lar*,:whl(iHwin ; ne*itiifdtn Ihe'P*- ' persaont. Address, ; huii'diil "77T CHA8.K. LANIH8, Proprietor, .',, I • a l | (I.' i iv >'i eiVfnolasdV. OI|Q}ew J*f*ey. ' '' (r«SWf9fi PI^P* TW^-* ePU„o .•> J vKAI.KIt IN 'lul , II ljn i -.Uiti ..^•.I(|lrI»x•r'tiR^J J B3B'4l^il!T 9V1U1 M HH*H • l8M0&&f*P»' •f.JirjOTtoev'>,l'o»>u i ni ii.il jtli r.iv,< ihi I'.'Kf ,(><u;.l lo PlQkErfapv.\r,bnw i BLIND&j'•o-ri-vnn si>ii'i'j(llett«4.i.iw. „'„ D00jt8> ' , *^*** W , 1 M«ar the Paaaenger Depot, «Wg Bl CORTLAND, N. Y. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

r^mMim^fr-'-* of saldfnuivjllor, «iid:on tho nort •h Hy*a ... 21/Cortland NY... · Sunday morula*, at Sits A. M. T»h*» afftct Monday, «4pt. 98,1858. CKuxoftes. •""

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Page 1: r^mMim^fr-'-* of saldfnuivjllor, «iid:on tho nort •h Hy*a ... 21/Cortland NY... · Sunday morula*, at Sits A. M. T»h*» afftct Monday, «4pt. 98,1858. CKuxoftes. •""

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4 .

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VOL. 2. J,

MT86 'COfctLAKO COUNTY SfAifDAUD.-.l'tTKati/iY*,' OOTOiifefe W? 1868.

CORTLAND ST AS BAM) Cortland, Tuesday.-Oct. 13,1868.


• —

Cortland P o s t Office.

M A I L * A l l i u m :

Bultato. Albeuy, 8jraon*« and Northern Way, at . . . . - . - •

( ! r . i t i . i i , . i t . . . . Ithaca, at M.m.i'iy, Wed-

Thur*-inwli-h ann Pitcher, uesday ami Friday, at

Norwich ami Pitcher, Tue»d*y, day and Saturday, el • - • -

Now York, Boston and Southern Way,

8y*racus», through mall, at. - • -* ' " ' «arU bio**!

ton, »t • • ' * . • . * Ithaca, at

9:60 A. M.

4:00 P. M.

8:00 P. M.

BtOO "

r*10 " 8:38 "

Norwl. . • • . •

t.U-i ';••< - • • and Pitcher, Monday,


o open from onrlMl.to

9:00 A. V.

9:80 " 9M " 5:4o " 0:15 "

0:1.-. "

fcOO P. M.-8:40 •"

m 1:80 A. V. to 8:80 1*. M. On Hun-

Norwlc? and Pitch**, T*e*d»y, Thur»-day and Saturday, at - »__» -

Virgil, Tu**d»j>, Thuriday and Saturday,

Hyracn.e Way Mall at

1*80 P. M. HORACE A. JARVI8, P. X.

Onto* ay, ftonV

Time Tables Train* pan Vorilaml itation at follow*:—

PaauMtr, moving aonth, 9.M A. M. 7: l() P. M.


M r 1 1S:00 M. north, • 9:84 A.M. «:!»

" • 11:85 A.


freight^ ' » ' » ' 11:85A.M. /Viaanuw train* on fA« AV*» Railway leave Bitty-

hamton a*/allow* i H».TWA»p~At 8:40 4. M., 7:01 A. M., 1*48 P, M., 8(B0

W a ^ l f i » t ? A ? ( & A. M.. 8:80 A. M., (til A. M.. W>

futeenoer traint on th* JV«# Tort Vnitral Railway ituSuracHM at follow*;

*""*• P M lfVOO P M jiutor+'lt*!l-Ari* A. M.. 1:40 P. M., «:85 P. M.

Sunday morula*, at Sits A. M. T»h*» afftct Monday, «4pt. 98,1858.

CKuxoftes. •""<"•";""*• I'M*ABVI>BHI m •* f. SaooH. pMlor—^onth corner of

IliensT -.4, Wilkints P«4tnrnorth corner of Church and Railroad street*. Service* every Sunday at 11 A. U.andTX P. M

U « . t a 8 A a ^ t ^ . . i r ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ U o f c r « h And fin streets. fourth Sunday* of each month.

•»""«>»AI. -Jfcsii BoW*. Pastor south lid* of Court at reet, a few »tep» eaat of Mala (treat. Bervlcee evaryBnncmystn A. U.uAtJfT ;

MarnooiaT- •*. C. Ouriit. Paator Now l.rlck Church ^every TBnndoy »j; ft A.M. and 1* P. M.,

- * P. CuifU. Paator—Now 1 Semoet every HandAy at 11 A.

>lMlgt,!in, Paator ono mile eaat on the foad from Mill atroet to Port Service* every other week.

Hotels. Hnmu'» Hoyni^JJj J. Sperry, Proprietor. Adjoin-

M«..*m.*H Koua* Wm. S, ObptlaMt, Proprietor. Corner or Mala and Port Wataim atreeM,

ConriaMD Houia l>. Raudtr, Proprtetor. Corner ofMAlu^OwtfcwdMmU.

Lodges. CoRTi.aaoTii.ta tow»», No. 470, V. and A. M.>-M*et-

lng» on the lat, 8d, and 6th Tueadaya of each month. LodM room oppoalte Cortland lloiiao.

COIITI.AXU ItoraL Anon CKarvau. No. 194, T. and A. M. Muatlng* *n the «d and 4th Wedneaday* of each month. Lodge room oppoalto Cortland lloimu.

UWOLM LOBB», No. 119, L O. of O. T.—Meeting* on Krlilay evening of eaoh week. Dogroo meeting* on the Wedneaday ovenlng following the laat moot­ing In each mouth. Initiation* avary week. Lodge room over J. 8. Himlroa' atore.

Yoi'Nii Mm'a C-HHiaTiAN A*aooiATioH.-:Meetlruj*T>n Monday ovenlng of every week. In the room* ©con-pled by the Lincoln Lodq* Oood Templar*, over Houlrea' atore. •

. j, Union Meetings. At Tiiixtim village, on Saturday eyenlng,

Oot 17, to lw addreased by Hon. Milo (k»»l-rlch, of Diyden.

At Huliui, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, to bo addressed by "W. H. Warren and A. P. Waters. Cortland, MoGrawvllle, Traxton and Cuyler Tanners expected to be present Torcu-light procession.

At Cortland village, Thursday evening, Oct, IS, to be addressed by Hon. D. McCar­thy.

At Proble.on W^dnewlay evening, Oct. 14, —vto be addressed by Hon. I). McCarthy and

John M. Couch, jffisrj. At Lapeer, (school house, near D. C.

Squires',) on Thursday evening, Oot 16, to be addressed by A. D, Waters and Di, A. B. Miller.

At East Virgil, on Wednesday evening, Oct 14, at the Church, to be addressed by Dr. A. & Millet and Gapt John T. Pratt.

\ t the Schodl Houso, near J. I). Calkins (west part of^Cortlandvllle,) on Saturday evening, Oot 17, to be addressed by Qeorge It. Jo it is iiml Lewis lit HI ton, of Cortland.

At Ctnolnnatas, Monday ovenlng, Oct sJ(t, to be addressed by Hon. h. W- Hall, of Syra-

. cuss. ,. At Cortland, on Tuesday evening, Oct '37,

to be addressed by Hon. L. W. Hall, of Sy­racuse .;•• ' ^fv^':

At Cortland Ylllago, ou Monday evening. Oct. 19,.'«o ha addressed by Oen. John O. Lec, WeutenanWGovottKJr of Cthlb. ,j

At Marathon, on Toesday afternoon, Oct 20, to lio addromtfd by (Jen. Joha 0. Lee, of Ohio, and other . \^l ';;,':1'1,..

At McOrawyllle, on, Wednesday eyenfng, Oct 31, (o be addressed byB. II. Duelland others.

Tua LVBIAN bTBiL.-uWe.have Oie pleas-uroof announcing that SOJOIIHNKK TKWXH, tho "Lvblas Hy Ml," who Is lb town, passing' a fow day* as "the reslcktace of Dr. F.'GeOD-vK.ut, ha*, at the request of many citizens, consented to deliver a lecture at Messenger Halt on FHday evening of tMa, week. Though m*ay Of our readers have read the namf,lipt.tefy <e1t-JKttciW who 3<M0toUi&B really Is. 1 n 1868 Harriet lleecher StoWe rt> iilved a visit from tho "Sybil," and In her account of the meeting, as Riven lb the AU., 1'iHtie Monthly, says that when she "went In­to tli« room, the tall, spare form of a fAitl-Moodcd African vroman" .arose to greet her, and though then "aged and worn, she still

/• i tems. Tlte absence of Judgo SMt*u jVOm our

county during this campaign, wo felt in­clined to regrot, but scMngby a Jettcr whieh we publish elsewlWe, tlutt he fights fbr liie right wherever he happens to lie, we take the matter more philosophically, and cou-cludo timfwhaf la lost by Coriland County, N. Y., Is gained by Black Hawk'Oouniy, Iowa.

The Union meeting last Wednesday eve­ning at Messenger Hall, was one of tho inoat eutliusiaatlo Union meetings wo have oyer seen in Cortland. Tanner Clubs w$ro:pr«a-ont from adjacent towns, forming with our clubs a torchlight procession of about 250 porsons, which paraded,through our streets to the pleasure and gratification of a crowd of spectators. The, hall not being tVblo.to hold the gathering, a meeiiug was organ­ized in front of the building, wWcl»,was ad; dressjsd by Alajor JKNOWJMW, of Albany, ,w)bio was ope of trie. Union soldiers during tho rebellion, and is doing- as good servHto 0%; the stump us he did .in the Held. The meeting in tho hall was addressed by Gen. J A MKH It. MCKKAN, of Saratoga, and Horn NATMAIT AxTAt*, who presented fails4 and logical arguments In the plainest and most concise manner,' bringing;.repeated plaudits from the'audlettojS,,, .„..,'-'••'',,;•',., " ''9< iJ

Hon. D. MOOAUTITV speaks at Mossonger Hall 'flunsday evening of tins week.

The1'foundation of a dwelling house Is being laid lu the open or north; portion of the grounds, surrounding tho. n.aUleiicc of Uen. liiwvBM, ltANi>Ai,r,. • Tho tmlldmg la to bu built in a new style -the usual frame pnt VP.Wd a •v*a1l;of'briok; laid ground that, tlie wliolo to cost, when, comp)eU;i,l, ftQ\n, eight to tcfi "tliVSMnid dollars." Tho con-' tract plan, &c., are In,: the hands pf G, ft,. Si'u A AT, ai eh 1 tee t, and as it Is to be finished tA the best modern stylt«, wo Judge It will lie the handsomest residence In llils vicinity.

graph" and s'^rVosc^pe r>ri(st who lias been \ taking, the past season, sojourners at Sara­toga Bprlugs, has returned. to Ids rooms in the Masonic. Hall Blook, whore he will be etr*J*tr*adjf; tetphtaae any wawmay'visit fbr) anything in his line. , , 'i „., , bMfxu '• Messrs. IIIIKWKII , # , t^iJNXfR yesterday had In active play tho lire engine, which was attached to: a : bored well; or rather fb%'m iono, tlnsre'bslng fmr pipe* about (wo"feet japartj drove twenty (J*^ lftio M»o .wtu'ftnd connected at the tcjp by a tyllndcr. to which was fastened the hose. Meaning tho brakes, the ground in,th'e vicinity #'^»<jAjj Hooded jwlth water, thus demoBstrating thepi-actt-0^11% of Rirnlgbtttg'ouft'.village with an noxhaustlble stfoply • of ' f i l ter in case of re. Tho oipeHment <s 'to' 'berlQj)cated lu

the tvtHWD.ce of ^e . Boatctif Trustees. ' Yesterday we, Juid tho pleasure of greeting

our old friend and former townsman, l>r. M. F R A N * , of Cliloago, TVUO is,stop|)hig in town for a few days. The Jjootbr Is 16pking woll —in fact, he . always doee-,but has of late bohavod wtb,:: better, fn' ( Uort, he, is on Ills wedding tour, hevbjg ^prrendered his former antipathy to the married state to the conquering arJcdmpllshments of iajdaughler. Of Chicago, and, of course, includes his old homo in the route. The Doctor received the congratulation^, of ruftny1 *frleiu^,who Join with us1 In wfshinghlni/ahd hlslirldo all possible happiness. •'•r<' ' r-T i

Mr. AI.VIN STI/U'I'KVANT has sold the Binghamton Stvmktrd office to.Prof. M. L. IUWI.HV, rermarly I'lincipal of Marathon Acadefny. 'l-K^nenlth of Mr.'SrtmTEVANT has been very poor sinporccofving hie Inju­ries at the OarrVRootr. disaster, and we can but regret that his condition Is such as to make his «rireihen<;,from active Uf^necWsi-ry. Mi. HAWI.HV is well known to fbfi readers of tlie Grwtland STAnDAitD|< as a fa­vorite ^ntjlbutoj' to Its pages, not only'of poetical gems, but of Interesting drr,W?»jpK>i*-donce, as well as the author of the ^'Sylves­ter Oles" letters, which, Judging from the numerous inquiries, concerning tliose liumor ous Epistles,' were" eagerly looked fyr. !Of course, we extend our warmest hand to, the Professor, and gladly welcomd hlm^o^he editorial rania,

j >htt»» •! ' ' "• ' I » ». ''" '' I ; "'.!;.','".," 'trivioitm 'Kama. i'".,.i

Sf Harfo


rine speelrnefi of the torrid ^one.*' Mr* Ssbwe say* farther, "J do'Hot re<SOlIect evpr to have been conversant with, any oaa who had. rnote of that silent and subtle power whloh we call personal presence than this woman. lu modern spiritualistic phraseolo­gy, she would be described as having, a strong sphere." SoJouKNfcB TKUTH for the first forty years of her life, was a slave, and though now SB years old,, has lull possession of her faculties, delights to converse with, any and; all, and b oven ready "to labor la love •orhumanUy'ssake." Wendell PhlWpa relate*'' the following anecdote of this re* markaWe woman: *' 'Vi

Speaking of the power of ttachet to move and bearnbWtt a whole audience by a few simple words, he said he never knew btrtohe other human being that had that power, and that other was Sojourner Truth, l i e related a scene of wWch lib was witness. It was at a crowded public meeting' In Fancull Hall, where Frederick Douglas was" one of the chief speakers. Douglas, had, boon describ­ing tho wrongs Of the black race, and as he proceeded, he gnaw more and more excited, and nnarlv ended by saying that they had no hope of justice from the whites, noposslblo hope except ifi thofr own right arms. It must. come . to Mood',. thoy must tight for themsolvos, and redeem themselves, or it would ney«r be done. ' • ,

Sojourner was sitUug, tall and dark, on tho very front seal, facing the platform; and In the hush' of deep feeling, after Douglas .sat down, she spoko out lu her deep, pecullsr voice, heart all over the house,—*

"Frederlok, i* thdttoaaf" The enact.was perfectly electrical and

thrilled through' the whole house, changing iu» by a flash tho whole feeling'of tho audi­ence Not another word she said or needed to say , it was enough.

As the lecture is to be free'to all, we h'opo to see Messenger Hall filled, and it will be, if our t'ltiacns would like to hear a lecture as lull of earnest, impressive genius as any to which they have ever listened.

byrP»y>f.rl WfaMfi x^mMio.

FaKKi'owN, W, Y., Oot.ia, j EDITOR STADDARD: Last fcfj4%djff eve"

n|ng a larirc audience, Including the Tan­ners of Marathon alirf McOra'wVIlK and' ihe I'.ancofs of this place,• assembled at the Hap-tlstOhhrch. ;', ' ,.' '•., , • ' . ' .,..,,,..'J'-'

4Orson A- KuineY . of McGr'awville, was ide Chalrmafi of tbo meeting. After music

delivered a vory offectiYeiipcech,satisfacto­rily comparing the Democratic party of Jackson's time to tho Republican j.ariy of tefday.

'dared by! P*)f.M tirilvcsl 11^ Hpu. R H. Ducil -vip, t % h^t^duoe .lo tlajo audience. Opening his address by stat­ing •tKat'rn *«*fn Mli'plato ho predicted that If [Abraham Lincoln was again placed in tho tJiecutlve Ch^(,be^e,.»t^e^,ep»lngi'4ho back hone pP the 'Cpriiederacy would bo ibrokfe; anrf' ye^miW another prediction that if Orant bo elected Us ndniinlsUation wvuld be ^ e s s ^ v r t n o a c e o a u ^ ^ m nm is:l hil(. 1> my

items. |lAlt*0RD, Oct. B, 1808.

M«.; J'yurrpiu Oilr village, has ..been in time past the scorip of iin occasional row, brought on by a company of "roughs" who wore in tho habit i f collecting from a dis­tant part of tlie-tewiirfor tho purpose of Imbibing that whlcai intoxicates. To the. credit of the village, ] will say, however, that thoy wore noj paWi#£atc4 In'to any great exeent by otir immediate noighbors.

This stato of thingp was broken up a year ago, giving us a quick pason, and tho inhab­itants of this vicinity had settled down into a feeling of security, looking with high hopes;tp the-future, < f > r n i T/ f f ' J'J . Biit a few dayi | ago.'a' eltlaen of J our village asked for the privlllgu of bring­ing In a few barrels of spirituous liquors and vending the same. Twqpty mon say to the Board of Excise that It Is their duty to allow the afojessJd;Ci|iffci^to:$lfltt an attractlvo placo, wherein* our young mon and boys may congregate and pass tho long winter evenings and .leisure days of tho com­ing year in tne company of those who arc In the habit of drinking intoxicating liquors. Those, Ifcuors-bf|courso, aroto be temptingly displayed In Dottles and decanters, that those of our sons - and brothers who have, from previous habits, or a hereditary tendency, an irrestible longing for stimulants, may be tempted to pay the price of Ijltelr pf*» jr iBj

Con. these twonty'men, who havo signed this application for license, look this matter full in the face without fooling somo slight upbraMpJ'fcf ( 4 e . W l o . j e e j ( i t y ^ «et

] together upon some eminence, on one of j these, beautiful Autumnal days, aud take In

at ono glance this lovely valley—dotted hero jam) thorp/ with),co^ages; find think of tho 'qnfct thai noj*'VetgrW'liero, and of the pa-ronts who have jfolt happy for tho past year on account of tho removal of temptation

:l'rom a loved son, dutiful and kind, hut too 'Wctt)t to resist tompfKtlou. i say'lot them jthlufe>fiithcr«,thjpg|ju)^ fhetf, »0f tI»ri>>C8-jence of Nature, dressed InJicr many colored Irobes, beautlftil, thougli solemnly Indicative " f W H W A . * * tbom ojfel th .,ues-tlon: "Did we do right in helping to Intro, duco tho hydra-headed'monster Alcohol, Into asCettO'llKeitlinVr"''* nl « • ""''<<" ' " ",, )

Somo of thorn hav(o so is whoso footstep . jaro already mpasurlpg"the do^ilwftfd path. jSonie ;have>il(ttlb''p'rittrliigl5oy8, whose rosy jchec^s an'fl'siinny'Smile yet mako tho heart jot the fofytr glad;,.o^(he:.rcttt^,f);pm,hlsf' dally toil j and some have daughters lovely und lotellkfeui,; *nd j^.they s^&is'appU. atlon. '.:-:ii:iV -,, *o»j •••-_-•/,•-"!.;•, 1 appeal to you, neighbors—you who have

aid by ybtir acts (hat aMlfense'lo'soll'Ihlox'-' crating liquors,' would be,» benellt to the in-labltants of this iilace, to • consider tlieso

things. You thatrfiajre,aous.wUohavo air. toady started in 'tWrbadJ^ riifii.'do.ript, Certainly, wbih. to ruqjio.the course ol| your polovod soirmoA'sufoiy and rnpldl/down-Wardl You who have the lltylewsy-chcplcoil, (ads, - surely oa'nuot look • them full in the 'a^'tttld W^inpJatQ;tup, lqok of innocent roet «Kat'dwrtls there', 'andi^ yjlbsv,of the,'. ixperloncos qf tho past, affix your'sigaaturq,. o^trb^uniWtlMat^Hf-p^fcmiMlon In' ho way of those ll' fc' Itfnoconts. Should his'One already algnty'"a cVjbipllsli its'bb-.' [oot, iand, al'ler a lew years of temptation, on should see thoso little ones losing tho' ino^oiiJsMUeJcltt'a WWtetfW iiallMJbOnn-

toqanco take its, phicoi could yeu place your haad andj'iu tho presence of (JpjJ and holy angels, declare yourself innocent of all this V | AWd SfiQUld psQ.fJauglVtei's, aftov you had patched over thnir moral and intellectual; (rowth with all a parent's. solicitude, many rhqh who hail fallen into tyi)i|)tiitii)ii,aildyield

3d through'the means you have provided by out' signature, could you witness their sult'er-

lhgs; th$r.''cftgracia^ without sell'-accusatloii'' •' i •"••'• " • ' • ' | But, Tierhtpa .yeiu'wll'tolt •moUlflit I

aim ,so. nju/ carrjod, . way by an iptomporato s»al for tlio temporanco cause, tliat'I/look upon but one side of tho question -that I do (ot cjonsldftt'th^t th^yp,i b''Arlni6(6tit laws

The Freetown Pole Raising of '66. FllKKTOWN, O c t 10, 1808.

EDITOU STANDARD -.—,It is rathor^&th.a.t ono Mr. H U N T , of Maruthpjj^; should mako all tho liilse stiitcmculs coiici'i'iiiiu; a certain pole raising iii this 'town years ago, and havo to heaoaJlHue Wanip of It when His well known here «ud ampng many prisons in Marathon that some individuals, not a thou-,&and mites from this place, are at the bottom ofmb\vhole of U, pumping the Doctor up and supplylug him with-itom's.

Theleadors of the Democratic party kriow that ttroy tl!d" hot obtiiln permissiori 'of tho Trusteee to occupy the'onureh on the,day. of polo raising. They used the house a fow days previous to make arrangements for the polo raising.'' But Mr." S W K A T L A N D , tho per­son Who l i td charge of tho house, did not know that they wore to use It, and ho wont aMufhuT bhslhegs bavin* tlie5 It'o'y" W his pockot Cpnseqriehtly they ft>und t^e^puse idbkffti'afl' ft should have beon, and they had to raise tho windows and crawl iu and oMP the doors. Any poraim doubting this stalo"-ment van bo satlsfled by conferring with AM-ASA JONES, of Marathon, who wits one of tha'TrailbesJitithaltlvdi lA$' siVi.O' I

Wedon'tsuvjpoio'fheBoOtp* knew that his statements hi regard to , the matter wore. false^Mt1 Jtie should notbollevo overyjhing his follow-coniw tell him; they sometimes <ar3i,jtjdgttenfc * fir^l'S 6 t ^ 3 ' 1 i X K

Now, pftptoi, _<?>»», up that yoy did au-ain thsi truth:0onsidofably. Thore is a» old say-lmr that "a lie well stuck to Is as good as tho «itMta>1V toV<li*mtjltMa9bli*a-M' tg^a^OeeA-laioiM tenacity than you;r^owjbpJrjsiko an honest man believe that your version of tuai-pWo raising Is true. Come put and tell the truth; it SvflVljfe :'the\ fliW '»^';tc%mds ttfiWi^' a

1 good'HeWublioan'of you, ifJyoii'cfo;npkVo.te Ifof'GfanF . ' '

artlcles'i, pleaso give us am peeohnt% oft the 11lomuxiratlc mooting in tliisplace In '04f that' I mlgiit be ihterestlng to sdmo of yovir frioiidfti';

, , . , , . , KKPUMMOAN:'.

• I m


% MalUiow Halo Shilth. lllus'tratcd: TO4 ppft Hnntord, Conn.; J. B. Bulr& Co.' 1868. *~ r

, It Is riot always that we can rocbmuiond our readeiij to purchase books of real value

icso^may be sp prosy, though ftill to' Ho forever unreal!

Dr. s . M. M u n x a n ths»*(»f«naWawn We',haV'e rfecbived r^efoll6w1tag;^mvinl-

catlon ftpm Dr, S.^.HuN'if. pfVar^ihgn, wirtcri'/ t # J f f i e sake/qf,giving htm a fair ishow, we wjlllngjy publish. Wp, are glad 'that'die Doctor fools sufficiently sensitive on" .th«iiir»iP«hit«ta»*fonti.Ulrijselft;«J "IrtoenrVI IEDITOROK TUB,-C0KM.AHD ( COUNTY STAN-[ DAUD i, <*r.--r-I noticed some, two weeks ago an article published in tho STANDARD, .purporting to have been .written at Mara­thon, charging me with SHyJngitd: •Ono of my 'noighbois, In tho pl'csenco of four persons, "if G«(i/Grant i i ^ected.41"Ji wijj'iliof V *«»' •lo'wcd to take the Presidential chair.".. Also accusing mo of being Ono Of the leaders Of tho assassinating Uebocracy of -this town. As tho aiithpr thijWgh iwfftf being exposed las a'ntftliClOus calumniator, concealed him­self b think

ovon, for Of importing facta" on their (helves. But in the book whoso litlo we (pjoto above, tho judicious and critor-

- prising publishing houso of > J.. B. Burr &, Co., who know how to cater tq the wants of tho publty tho people havo something at onco very valuable aud trmUt^e. Whoever opor.s the book to read will not permanently lay it aside till he'llssgdnoOver'every lino V r% n'neiy-two chapter*, and ho • cannot but teel tost lio ig. ,mqre, tlmu paid for the cost of. tho book several'times over, in'the valuable ftcts, spiby incidonte, etc., with which tlw book fa nl|e.d, Ho will, In short, know NeW VOIR botteV'ttiaii the majority ot­her nativo cltlsjons; and to know Now York n all : hor. asrwtaj .her high, life and low

me; Her good and evllj Iter -vast fortunes and her cjouutlosa mislbrtimesi how: her great nnatj^al loaders have won thoir honest successes, and how brilliantly vice shines; or sadly U wallows In Its Infamy beside them, Is & know i about i all thore lsto.be known of the aotlyo life of tho whole coun-Hy; f'w.flfnw YorkUinotonly the coraraori Clal center of America, but a wflaotlou of all the goodaindbadfbi the land. ;...;< .

Tho.artkjja.on onr.jftrst page headed "Two Bharpors," |H from tliis book, and Is but. one pf tlip IncitJinU with wldp^lt-ahoonds,,,^. TaEWAiiJlETWiim'riw STATES, lira. CAUS­

ES, iritAltAGTiMi, CONDUCT AND KKSULTS, by Hon. •(U.KYANBKIR H1. BT*AIKNS; ft tHO title of a valuable work just issued by'the

Historic^ of tho liVtooiyil'^avhayb api'iihg ul) Hko-mwIU'orJhVs, iin«, thoy'6*au uow bo numbOWd ftmdst by hviltdreds; but allwA*. mo dosli,oiii*l>of ai'Hying' tit a bOrrect ufider-. staudrng of the causes, Twict a blbar history of thd tiytihWW «i« 'lato'vla'htentilblo%r, JftVo felt tl|f» want of a roltahlo history of,the

Isaiho mm a Soiithorn sttndpcintTby s'oino | ropros'sntHlhye mim of alio (3bqth. This want • JJii5

b0UV tyty 8UWflic<i bw ALKXAMDEM, H. : SlWiiftNU." Mr: BT'Brfiifiis was a most oawiost jpietetrtant^afranUt'j reoellloW,-'and"

ithogreat.eiiw.'i •'! tji:M *iij *ti ;vri'> •»« T.l|e,,l)»i-e announcement tlmt this groat

If, you want r y g o c ' all m I

• > • • • ! , ' . '

anything pbrtalning to tho dry goods trfldo at the lowos', cash prlcb, Hist call at SJLAFTHK & SUMNEM'I , where you will find a fhll assortment and more arriving dairy.' •-' '•••" U 8 *

F O R SAUB-^-A very doalr ible )jouse and lot, in Cowiand village,' Th > lot oontalntf U acre land—tho buildings are new, comuioul-OUB, and well flnishcdT Wi 1 be sold cheap aud m>, easy terms. Enquln of FREDERICK.

' by^assuming a ttctj,tlo\i8'uape, | glej not ik if necessary fo reply to suoli an insidi­

ous assailant f but 1 lind in your paper of klio'flth iHW., a ropOtltlb'n o f a portion of 'the same falsehood Wider • another nature Although no person acquainted wltl

.... . .... 3p .

\rhloh render It necessary that a man whr/

snch laws, but I wouVi.-ask, did yoil over ikkow of a placo in whiph sucl^ laws wero etiforccd,'«,Hiat'afrri(Vu> was note'r kftowh to


no. wpuld boliovb Bac,li. piWiojpiis' roportf "un-lupporM by ' any proof, or the writers' mines, yot should l remain silent under tlieso lublicaliotis, some polilluul opponents . per-'1

laps might Wllllrtgly glvd credit to thorn. I. iiereforo take this method to notjfy.you and' jho readers of tb^uflyAHPABiii that" thoso chavges uro false and libelous. And I chal­lenge those: Cowardly calumniators to pro­duce their evidence by a written statement 9f the four porsons present as to tho time and placo of that conversation, of tho pro­viso language used, and all that I said upon tho subject. _

I can assure yoil that ,I never have for a Qiomdnt thought that If Gon. Grant should bo constltutioiially elected, tlii be aiurf pppqsiMo tjie Prcsiuflhtial <

bo constltutioiially elected, that there would opposition manifeslc.il. to his taking

chair. I. claim to bo a law dbldlhg cltlwu, and during thQ.lato civil.war I lVeory.gave' liiy lunuence as one of the Town Board, and voted on every occasion ih favor of raising money to .procuro volun-teors to help put down tho rebellion. ! ,,, Kospeclfully, • . 8. M. H U « T .

Marathon, Octj 13, 1868;

uudor theJiniluen,cielof UquQi; .sp^d ftljop \ fact Is, If is Impossfblo for a communi­

ty to harbor art avll of so great a'-magnlMdo. as a licensed grog-shop in its nddst without dlgWWrftltflWirJdrWs'J J p fffliilijippy td say that I am not aToho i ilnion, for a n monstrance has been circulated Jn this,.vi-ci lity, ifc «WlrfcSi sl*tj»-twrj' nnmes haVO'Sl-rc tidy, boon attached, show big that-1 he peo pies arc:: •alft(d ^^h:ti^%\^h MMtoi, as those, .oftlio risltiggenOratlOn; ••"' ' •'*"

-s B i&. ;


*gSL ot r citizens

thrcmghorJt' , After^^.ad^ressas anottiet soag aV t»»J Marathon Olee Club, and the audience dis­persed.

*The people of Freetown tender their thanks to the Matt ill wvlllo and Marathon

"tdnnors for tho visit tlitrfjJalHl'iui; liftpffig" iiave the,lrrjprva8l03 of a pltfsyal dsvelyp- [ they will call again. . \„ , , ment which irt early lllo miist havo been a W e noticed thaV'majiy of; tho houses lo.

U,Vs plWsaltwariilaely fHBrftriated;spAklrtg

ladles get youQullliug and Fluting done 8ddoor east of the Cortland House, Cort­land, N . Y . Mrs. R M. CoNKBXfcTV '

U19 ,

well for the loyal seutlmanta of.iita inhabit­ants. Kl!;',''/il.! •!•

Saturday afternoon a match game of Base Hall' was plliyfd at this place Iwtweon tliq Atlantlcs of Motlrawvllle, and tho Young America,.! tho latter.'

r^siijUnglu&vqr.of » l " t ° lMro. l

fa*l»TO^N.—The l^puubcans' ot Fra*-town held a large and enthusiastic meeting on | Snhuday , «veniaj>. last. That Tanners Cldbs * f MeGrawvlll* and Maratybh, an<T;

the Lancers of Freetown, wbre'lfi attend-mice, and made an imposing appearance Thp IneOtlng was organized,)»y calling Orson A.'Kinney, Ksq., of C'uttlandviile, to the Chair, after which the meeting was addressed by :George B. Jones and R» H. Daell, of Co«la»dV ' • '>»V'.* li '--<«"•

J a;..; i - i i.,ii i,.'i*y»u .....:, » ^ t ^ j ' . H E S I D S N C B FOR S \T,K, - A desi nil il c I louse

and, Lot for sale, situated on Mill street, in Co«lan,d, yiljage, Inquire of the under-•igied on the premlsos. •'"'' ••"u 'Htfoirn a i mAV^•8PlllNOJ»Bi,:,^

B'ABM W* hAiAr-SJiuatesl two miles. ftom Cortland V t l l ^ f ^ e n e ' r h i h r m L --Tbrjt Watson, contalnlngiono hundred acres, formeriy pwnycj, by Eli.hft iBallsbuiy. , tfor, furtpiM .particulars, Inquire of the owner on U r e s i s * . . ••• . ' ;;.i|.! ifKMWto,,'•';

nlo-ot . l ,

:p|jovrtf|gJetter ^ ^|^d.V:Wb' of ens'm tho fall of ISfW/or soon after 1864,'

jointly oJfla.tvHr»-it wt , , . , , - , ni >r, fjirtd', 'considolMg (t'as' rathor'portlhe'n't to tho times, and»tristtOw th^/tbridency and fei lbjgs^p^niaonttlej mMtm* Uas^Jrvjerult | to us for publication. We,copy it noariy.aa liifcslbloVi'oiuiMingi' iuerelyiaihe. rramo or ihe

i Dit, BuaBHii.ij,J. WHiTJH— Tills physician has established a reputation in tikis vicinity, and proved himself capable of performing a)l,he adyortjsc*. Ho has visited Cortland regularly at stated. periods, for years and prescribed'fOr hundreds of afflicted mortals. l i e is no quack nor humbug ; but gives ad­vice gratis, and .holds no delusive hopes to tho sick. He dpes not protend to cure eyery HI that flesh is''.heir to, nor diseases In nil their yarlous stages; but is guided by com­mon souse and experience of many years of practice in Aid., pompkilnts, exclusively. Ho professor Wr no' nvorb IchoWlodgo 'than mjay bo acquired by any lntolligcnt physi­cian WHO will doyoto their Wjhblo energies only to ,tho trea'lrxHSni of. tr 0sO complaints.

Di'. ' W H I T E win bo at' tho Mossonger IIouso on Wednesday, tlio 2§th of pptpjjer.

„i • * # f — . • . ,

:, imfH Bobata»*'MAirAN,8.»wSnow BeititS, ,M)ss Ciiry ; Now Englaha'fTi'agedies, Long-

leuspiWUstt Au-s\yer, Anna Dickinson i Stories and Legends, Grace Greenwood j Storied'and Lights hv Italy;<fcc.,Groc^',Qrcen,w,ood; SmQkTngand

. Drinking, Jos. Partbn; Gems from Tcnny-*son, oxli^blndloaii !uew and elogant editions

oft Longfollow, Whlttlor, Tennyson, for gifts, ctd;. _ -New: hoojts always xocelvad soori hftor

""o. 1 Mossonger Hall Block, ..„v„..ihi...... .'U15w2

iiti!.tSt. treat iJ >J ':ix;i.( Fpiti..S,ALfls-TvP;ou80 and lot on North

tirto hy any onO'wlshihgto kiiow ., I Near Poplor, Grove Ohorai bot.30 '04 Dear Mother & Brotiioral wl l lr i toyoua.

few lines to lotyo'n61 ihalialft^al rttoyet wdndsdaM wfk had firjbNB to march tho next mpra*ig^y^rr*%^Mlr we marchexl about si.< miles to tho left of whore we was.en camped within half amile «if,tjle''*<fts wo halted and Rirind W lino of battle tlio bullets wd^if singing p,vTiV,o*|r, heads protty fast and thire weio two shells went oyer our heads you had better believe •ttwp.^'wpre, somo dodging about that time We Syeut to\vjnk ana throwod up some brost vro^ks.. pprp,,

lino of sclrmishers on our front an'd thoy a had a protty hot time of It the wounded We^e^biout in^fiyery, mlnlt but none wore clle* rflrr*- troops"' drove the robs about four miles that morning we had to lay on our

vThe splendid rtw^tore.vji^e^esjtalde,; of Main street will be occupied by Messrs. ,TANN*R B^ku^|»ivsh|>jr,t;WMlr.; :TJ'>n look out for a new assortment

CDNSTANTLT COMINO.—Thp new, firm of FlTeoERALii, Rtoa <fc Punbv are constantly, receiving ready-made Jlobt* alid shoes, nftfV iogs, A c , iSsc, and are always prepared to do , cu8t )m^rk>fnt l io l*s i ,CU*ipAt ant molt f l >' • < , . satlsfactpry msaHer*- >xtmf

VW. / « V | T l M » l ' A I I I I

publication, at No. X!ortlaud. *»«

CHuWn street, 'finely located,.buildings M » L (

tivjolvc boorlngf fruit trees, Ac 'Ac. Foffot' titer int'ornuition iiiquiib oin the premises of jil,5.tJfi o& CHAS. H. JONES.

_ » • » i

Tin.«MINUS, oiiiainents, l loweis and feath-e'rsj, of all varieties, at Mrs. L. BENEDi<W,8l",i'

GRBAT-'ItaVdknrrtoijfllrf. ^cBB'l-DANisr-oKit 4fc.BBo.,s.elU pyercoai^cheaper,(ban my,, otllor bloUdng I hoiise In Cortland county, Call at thoir store located on Main street, ffrst door north,,pf Masonip^Hall,. .QortJand,. viiuige.1 lavinuut ai ' M; i^f v

H.'|V.I /I * t *

MRS. D. Oi«AitY/p^,,h^ying,xc]ft>pved to Acer former location in tho Schormorhorn 'Bio^k, and associated with Miss A. OROVER, of Syracuse, in the mllllneiy business, and. rtceived all the latest styles ex laat oTali ar-

mllllnery business, t styles extant, of t

tlole> thatappe|t))(i(^9 y+q tradp* is prepaiad to recoivo'tho ladles of Cortland and vicinl-

PLANCHETTKatMAHAN's, i,7 ,heir •mlvorllacmonr.

receive the ladles of Cortland and vicini­ty, and to Show II i en i u lull mill choice as -soronent of bonnets, hats t every variety of trimmings, ornaments, &e.,*&o., feeling cer-

. i?.1"; th»t^ear m »y>m w w»t #«dions.. ladies will find H to their intorcst to call.

that DANZIOBR Bncjs. caa't bobtatdhdw selUngreadf-maAie'

.,, of Ojoths,,, Tricpt>, rbs, &t.', in market, at prices

that defy competition, can be had at T A N N E R ' I 5 8 1 - ^ ' . -cm- :,•.;•• ; t».L , ' i , . - w . » 8 «»«—e—

WHOiAsAftst'RrjBiiER Bodr ANb SKOE

^ELVETS, satins, and ribbon's, of the most fashionable styles, at Mrs. L. BENEDICT'S.

k 4 e a . ^ t > 4 B i ^ t K a i # e d p l i i i i l t e f e o tte*»tlil The^belt'" raortimg they commenced, nghtlng again our Beavers Co: mon Jtoolc. over a thousand, prisoners ou.r -• '' '••' loss was one hundred and nignty eight in ciled mid wounded wo expect that general Ijancodk-' wil take the danvlllo railroad in a'

UfeW days as JUL. IS a shelling ituaw.wo ox-r peeted a'pratty* imKl Hghtbulein-Reg did DOB figt any at al ylstorday we wore orderd back to our encampment again We went about two miles on tno' doubblocuyck what

t incut L do not no albert has gone to the ipapUteitAtrei # a l a gbod. miny iKrdWtsd*

away there napsacks and some there blank­ets and one thins: ami the .ottuf there Js no other news now sSaflnaiof hovs ' 1O | # • • • * » # • '' hank a Jbwtwprd<*,»p.§o|k»iRrrtatflJ want' you to get mo some modiclno so that it will gat|ino,alok enough to go tp, the hosnUlo and

/rwiiritydaJw scnd'mfF on'dugh to fJJrihon i cau'get a furlough, to. come home i guess you had, better go to Dr Hyde as ho Is a good denjockat and got mo. somo you w.ill no^iow. to ic't-tt ddh't yori say-a Word to'riny ono' about this 1 want you to\gfet>it-'rite away now do r)ot forget it for tho sooner tho better,

c mimcni on the above is unnecessary, satatiatmM'fl (I'/ /•. HT(

'Statesman had dotcjpilncd towrito a book, i would, of IWelf,' be' sUfrtciellt to kludlo a lively, «nd*arlde-spread InterPSf Iff' "all sSfi-' :tionsqfU^giiintryi,hut.;,Wh|U t ^ i s ^ p w n Ithat ho har onos'on as his theme the ono so fruitful as Hie lato Amerioan War. the ab­sorbing Interest of the subject together, with 'tho evident and singularWnesnr of tlio" Ah-ithor for Jta tiyatnwnt. unltoui awakening !a curiositylibtlifely' u^pnralieWci In" tKran-jnals.pf Aiaerioan, literature. I .It .piwsetits' oACavoful political analysis of jthe pagt, scnaratlng. rwl. from OjpparetUcauses,, of the late unhappy conflict, mid gives those Interior lights and shadows 6f' the Great War-PNiav »1wMS#BjW liitfJt of icBus,; who, (Watched tho^floodrtlda of,Revolution. from its nwntiiln-springs; and Wjilcu were" BO accessible 16Mr. StiiifnV^Sfrpriihlsppr', pltion as second officer of tlie Confederacy, 1 Tpva, aufljo,,that/has becii«urfeltoa,wW| app<t,retitlu Mmfar jtmluotiam, it presents a change, pf (awi, both agreoable end salutary,: and au Intellectual treat of the highest or-;

dor. ' ',''•''-"," ••'•<W « » ' This 'most"/valuable Wolk. Is sold only by!

Subscription)* and the publishers: want • an Agen^'inovety.Cpu^ty,^;;, ,/';; ., „ .,.l.',,,

1„;' N o w H»Jj»Vt, Fb«' i860 l''Tto;IrAfMfilv.;

TEP ANNVAtt'ot: PftRKNOItOOX AND Pvsfba-NOMY containing nearly fifty portraits of dls-tingmshc(loJJara.ctprs—CJyilJ;icrt,,a,nd Savage. TbevfrUc basis off Education \ usbs of Cul­ture) Ho,w.f«> Stiuly Faces; a Convention' of theiFaoulics)' Nature's Noblferfien ;' BfnK noju Oleravnieu^^Pow.ei of. Eaemploi' Choice of.Tm-shlts, or, What.Cajh.I.sdo Best; Mu'throlncss, wit . Humor with Illus-ihatiou8; Heads of Yiotpr Cousin, Hepworth Dixon, Wiljtlo Collins, Rov. John Cuttt-mings,' author end pvojphdt\ Blltld Tom,' Artcmus WtS|d,: Alox. Diimasj MiD. Ritchio, Mr. Julian t.with Jndians, $iunibais, and otliors. Riolier lu Maltef and Illustration, than oypr before, everybody will want to rcaditi, Onwia8 cents. 8.R. WKLi«,<Pub-li8her,«8» M i d w a y ' New York. ,.,.

• • ' " ' > * • — - —

' OtA^-yjO^^^BtAMiNATiONSi I^BKH I—Dr. BUTTKRKI«!I# has visited Cortland for tho last four yettr* and has tfoatod sUccossfully ovor a thousand cases of chronic disease. His success is'based on a knowledge o f the

icauses of disease by clairvoyant sight, on a Hfo-Jong study of tho, constitution of man, the philosophy of tl-o. various forms of dls-esse ami treatment on natqrtd anrl physip-lpglcal principles. Tiiis.cburso of treatment Will euro -xny'phroblo dlseaso 6f Jong staud-iiig, if the disease lias not already sapped'tlie ,v|tal organs, Wa rarely, meet with, a faHurp1

in dlsea'ao of the'Brain; Woaij; Spuibs, Rhdu-niausm, In toi^l': Ulcers, Supprossod Menses, Dropsy, F a l l % of the. W # b , Bexual.W^k-ness, .Weak Langs, Loss of Voice,' S^yitus Dauco, Dyspasia , Diabbtos,' Diseased Liver, Stricture, Ulceration' of.B,py*'Pjl»;;Pile^','.;Hu-nlors ot tho Bloodt Stiff Joints; r*o., AC.

iDr. BuTyB-o^pfLD Is, at tub.'Bpbi'ry House, Cprtlond, three days, /ojtce,,-])-, tw^ lyeeks. Wllloothsr*fThursday^ Friday ftbd SatuH Idayt;eopt,i'^:'an^:iov:,ig;; y ^ ^

NOTICE.—Tho Rov. A. B. EARL, the Evan1-' gblist, will'h»4da tfur^^dtlSlis'lJin^tlilwait

K E N T &. SPERRV iWve a fill lino of Oven-coats, veiy cheap. . , ro|i,

a • .a in — ' ' I™ FANOV (Jopoa-rrFor anything in fancy

goods, go to MIM.8, &, W> UREN'S. Tltey have Zephyrs, Coreets, Hoop Skirts, Ribbons,

Colars, Ruipings, Fringes and everyjUilng else lsually, keptlu afaiioy goods store. " ' ^ ^

m ten shillings—the only placo in town

makes. . X>''"£

•Bikiri,ita,' f^AasiMEniss .'& ^Lotita.—l*t u time- tb Ifeglii toUilukabeu; over edals.— MILLS & W A R R E N havo a la rgp assortment ?f %?Yer8! Meltons, (all s lades) gohulne Harris Oasslfiiores, clioapef «ian lover befere. Their Cloths always give good satisfaction.

'If •yWWaht fan£-of :5b ' ) tenulnb 'Itarrls C a ^ l j r x s ^ ' ^ a U a ^ T ^ n ^ , ^ StMNSB'sv -8

: : . W A r f t t r i ^ E * a \ ^ A ^ l ' IIJ l'"'* ''^1

WOVK,N TUCK SKIHTS.™B/ ILLS & W A R -a w have Just 'reoelved aho ;herv supply of those Skirts, Ladle

'li -rrnr4-OW 18 THE T'lMK


wiib.Jhiilraiii » beWt

* the price.'' ||MHiMSfc!.>Wrt s

for Mlt'r.f & .WARHMN' aro dfyly rocplylug.'Drcsa Goods (the sombst and ohoaftestln tpau).. Buy,your

, goodsi whoi* yoiu. can, mf jm best a n d m m lest Look fo W o ^ . i . l i t e m t . a j i d go ; thoro before buy Ing fall goods, for they are 'cheaper now than ever lKsfori.

*•-•- at the jpi»&t*d :Y'a?"Tae Ju.'ttti v.,


" • •'•',• ! ; ' ' . " • ' • ' . . . . . a . j v i i i . w a y . . '" ' •"" " "" • .... i,un>a|m

V — ? ? Ft*

NO. 15


.atflci lobklai the im; _ Marine al;KKNT&8|rj

W\¥ ^o^obeapest, „((,.,<1 j / .

If you want any _

.Slew Ailv«i'tlH«^s«MtH,

Foreolosure Sale,

The Coart Houso In Cortland villa; o. said county, on llie 26th day of Novombor, 1888, at ten dVIMSIn tho forenoon of .that day,. the neat eat .to premleoe dtrocted b; ' ' " IhurolnrT^rioedaf' ufland attusto In tlii:

•WJI twei

:il d'h tint wotft by hnidH nwnu HI tho aonth by fanda of Amoe and* of saldfnuivjllor, «iid:on tho north Hy*a«de of r^mMim^fr-'- • -nd'Mirveyof aaldlot.'thado bjl l i

fubdlvUtoii filno,--whlch IH bounded on the north by iiiuls of Xhomtia .0. Iloldrldga. on the east by 'lamia

Of l'etor Moraklo Ariel tho Bald Soloi non Hhoylllor, and Ontli« W««by lint) oriOtNo. 64; W rMnlXiffiB aerie of land, mole or lea*.; Dntetl C'ortl nill. Oct! 10,1*ia.

(3-reat Ji^UQtli m

Urn of watered

f''iJh"V 'r',"lt> 'JVII'1' i *" t'l'i'l'1

G R E A T I N T E I i • • t',.' 'ii

\ is ami,

- ' • « ' ' r « ' « i t t f . ' l T Wfs attik. «r- ' ' L

•••-.wA'u.i^ltfgB J a m e s S. Sq u I res & ;|pij>.,

1KR8' TtiaV rilBfJ00R88 OTOf THSTR hnmen*o eeaorUaeqt; iff ,, :, , . , ,; .. ,4 .

FALL! WINTER 61 (OBS WUch are attoadW-V••'•'«• ''

. i i , ' i « ; ., ' '• , / • •»(q . i ' , - ff *i ' I

^^^•V., [.**a^,, ,i*^S.,7lvfra7a*ap ff.'. 'rwrr

1>4'/IV>U Jr«W ( f i l l i?' )l • . « « .»'. v'

Bjr|ife 'fltrjw fcf'Oortltofl otthXf. ' To tupply tb* lIliyhiK 1'nl.llc with tlio

Stile* of


MBHINOB, A/.1>A(>AN, MOltAWS, 1 Lmtoto), BMpttks^^q^m, V'.


T 7 ? r

I'VlN^aUSTD. TO At# w S g N f i FABMS.


A litre OnportunUi

otinaij atnxmgtM ot$ in U« QarOtn Statt of titte Jfrty.

of 00 .iiu.i. . mile* of GOOD land, ntvl-i» of dinorent alae* to ault the pojroaaaer jMS.A^aVwnrAjfp*.!;.'. ' .'il*

iu In n f 1^> M r i c r a ft. >«l l l *Ol l l !

It conttit* ded Into farnia r^«f>MKl)loa«i

The laud |a aold at Ibe rate of SSS per acre for TO land pkyablf on4-nrarth caah; anrf fl the'rmimice by

half-yoarly tiiatalliiient*, with legal Istoroat, within tho terin Of fon» yoara, upon farmrrjf: in acroa and

Ourn half, the I upwards.

Five-acre lot* aoll at from S160 to tSU., lota, at from $300 to *8S0, and town louTSl)»

"rf*e»dSan,Tat $1801 .

Kfveacre lota aoll at from |IB0 to $800 : t«n-*<>r* te, at from S30O to *J1S0, and town lota ISO feet front

h».o«ehsndr«dand.Sft»f»o,d»(!n>t $180to*»00-pavable one-half caah It la only npon farina oft


AND 800T0H PLAJDB, U I'rif *vili flu Oliafi » J rib hli'titi Togethor with a full a**ortmeaa


•IVOl ; • itWfta the beat makca of yf



B E A V E R OVERCOATING ,....1 '!..


fcHoWS: A%'lost traltWftl 3 town of Harfytd, OkirtlaBMsi

janflandt* aplerco--boi lomon Hhovl ir, oh tho ens urth by la ml. . BjfflMBl "ot I


f land takim • . ..orcc- liounil-

, .lOlKpn Shovlllor, 'oi tor, on trie cast hy



! !,.. '•' ; ; ) . i v jif. n i l ) : ' • ' : •

•I • B l i ' l l i i l ' ' T T i r ; • " 7

FBEJUOU TWIIaiLBD C L DTHS Jtui>' rife) allied ifntwf].'..; ji

In oolon, and ltKAl, li AUK m AND GJ.oiti*

'.Difii hi. ','t'ina bill . .ho . 1 ' i* ai •.•-:.'. ti.'J


ill *j*prta*nt of the llKH'l' U«K8 In tbla oountr >."•>"

~'mmmti >.>•. <•. ti

Together with a j

, , Aleo a 1 •Mciil ,l(v' il?

0A«Pa2TING,of lij"" '"' OIL ClaOTHS,

I MA^TWG, |IWQ$rj:4iPa iVjiiiv!?.: i. mu .l.A'.luil - .if .< >

nil ... -p . h • .. 'ni 'Vii. ttbir J '>d: if" >nl)!i'

8HA\N ill

P A I S L E Y •.in ":,l! in i .iil'-iin ma^npf lk ,f

•j i -n .


j Bliifaket tat' Br'eakiatt BnjlMrl,, H O O D 8, , , , ,

l ' .- I ; n'll; i,a '

3L.»adios» & Cifent»?.Jp'.ua«8

H A T.S':.£&#'.'$ A^'S'I

Wall and Window Pape r


c <•>

a-r i l y >-'<i! i > ' • '

K. o c K: mid'* ii-.''

Lambs. '', ';' l ! '" Glass Ware

E ...'I ;• Ir i

I I I / ;


GrooerieB, Rubbers,

•: , . • • i




Salt, Come


i Would roapootftilly tiifaiih' Hie i(eo]ili> of

(Ooareeand flnu,) all at Wholesale-end Refill. one and and all end eea, fpr youraelvea. . . . . ,

7>f- mlfea tronl lpu «W Va'fl-

tuUfO -ISI'MI IttlBwOIL i!'..'.fi<iill' IWultti

dv loam, anltaliie for corn, *weot poutoca . lobaccu •H klnda 0/ragetabl* and root eropa, andtheSneat


ItM t/itfe ttaUtntntt utrt correct thirt would be M ut* in their being m<«l,. i t l««m*W*r!»ti ,T^*, ,T.?*t

•>±i Tr«^^«8wm.fs^Tflaw.V/ ..,-CSco Renorl* of Solon Hoblneon, Bad., of the Now

York Tribune. *and of Dr. clina. T. Jackaoii, Ktate Goologlatof tfaaa., which will befyxuiahod IIIIJIIIHI^. | •' " , TH* JilAiKE'TB!, • ....

i tilt' rooHrsa it tan be ptli fifid-rriarkert ho***mo Any [ It Is gathered, and fbr what tho farmer aoll*, ho mMI tho hlgheat pno* j whilst groceries»iid other arliiloa ^•J!Sta l* ,Wt!r«0iff!' ,^o*«rrWie*' Wtlie Weal, v/httMseffabrCiMtilm a pittance, but fbr what ho • j j j^y^twp |r f cwa . ^Jppathia hew tho a-v.il..-.

ADVANTAGES. ,H* la wltMa a few,Wur*,/hyratlrtad, of aU.Uio

groat cltleB of No* Knirian." &onLrm.^.« !)«;land and the Middle]™ lend* and aa*oolato*;/ Ho im*

hti'•'!, ilhIm: •ervloe, ami all tlio acnoois rornia ciuiaron, dlylne aerrloe, and all tlio adxanlaget of olvUiaatton, aidao fa natfalirrgetslty.'

! * " 'A.i! .•!' T»K OLtaJATJI >< tU iH'W •••* ,V!? ,!»i t 'u l i , t l e wlntcra being aalulvlous/andpiKin,. :whl)«rthe rammer* are no warmer than WiSeWMft. : M ! » W . l M » ' ' W J , l , w t l l i | h '

H.SwoaMb. .ch min $m&: w •rt^ii!

»/f«W tiu/i; "(DMiaM'/irMrfoAT«n!r5d7^iW,/

OiH./' /o ;Oair*aMi*T«f»*;x».K»Trrl.''i'; l»*>»»:»f "i

Wair ni a I'nor* at-r naa'AOT SklrM A BTT/.kTi It K r»n a '

Ulapoaedll*Sl%»nd Ijolug yWOiont rail, Ihoy had few lfidiiconieiil*. Tho rafli

*" . . . rr10

, not, road fat-littles. I "in! hna In .-.

brongh the property utAanort lline, •a are aliown over tho land In a carrli oartiage, frcn

time Mini opportunity fin

f ^ W r V , * ! * * ! . * * ^ ^ Hmeto tet«A, thoutdMno mnnti/tuMcure their purchatee, allocation* art not 1(M XIJHM, rtfuftil. • i . r i . i .. >>f •irTTT 7T "Tr '

P(JHVfcA.TlON. | ni iw - . m i In tho Autunui of 1801, the population of Vluohmd

eonahited of four Ikmlllos.i It nuta<ll*l) con*Tilf3l>f ton thousand thriving and Industrious pooplo. .Thp. town plot lu t Im i-mit.-i- haa i. pi >j mint Inn of i li i. i-tliouaand people AI ti..< im-ini „,w „r IUCMHU. Vlneland will haves ptpuafioB 6f twrftity'lhoVsaiid pooplo by 1878. Isijirovoinonts are going .on. In all dU rectlo)iS;nNew'bWtWliijl^,utotda ami miihilthcforlv*' aro iii.liij. iini'lril, nml iiewAtrma.asd inviuuda • l.-m

a^KSta^IMrrAOTBafRNTfJ'.''1'''' ,5'l Upon tho Vlnokmd.tract «ro,olght««i ppbllcMbrMl* •.'

and three privato Betillinflca. TI* MclfioilInt'C'oiifcr-OIIII' Is building at tlio prosont time ono of ilm Jeraost somlnarlos In fbe United Htatoa. Tlio btifiilliig will be ut foil, lung, on feci wld«, and' four storm, high. Therda^e, ;i, . ( , i , .. , .

,' ; , .' CUVUCUBS^ , \,, , •oortBlstliig ot MathodlBt, Piieabytorlaq, BaiitlBt, Epls-oopal Unlt4r<«u and oUicr.d<mamiiiSt1ona~Maaonic ami Oildfollow ordcrB, a I.ycoum. Public Ml)r*ry, anil v»rtoiui »epb)UpB fenUi.tell»cliiaHmpK)vo«)ioiit.

Pl /BUg ADOKNMENTS, • , , , - , ' ' . Vlneland 1* tho flrst place In tho world where agon-

oral system of public adormnolit hi* HM|< adopted. All tho roada aro planted with ahaile Irooa, ana the

lodtograai. Th* lionsot sctSkdT ~ roMlaldoa aeodo > graai. Th* lionsot set far* from tho roadsides, flowora anil Bhrulibery lu Iroiiljuaklng yiuoland already alio of the umat bi-aullfiil pfacOB lu tho country. MKAHllltlCH TO INSURB Triu

KAUE. . I . i f i i 'Ji'-' ' ' PUBLIC WEb-

CORTLAND COUNTY' .;; „ • :,ii.CINITyv .1


AN© 1 VI:

, ] , , ; / / Tliajt thoy. hive opeiujd <

1 8 0 8 .

XV. I I .

H « M .

Ti r a t t i oH ^ ij'&i'1^

tlan p<ftclbficjfji ),d to' a'aofc.'Uio.if 'nvai'sJbaof. slnnorsito Qo"ft '• A ^onoral attendance hj.^O-' sired. The mooting will <bo at the DaptlBt clrurcji,.;1, •' -f '• A. Wli.KSis, Pbstoiv11 1 TBAOifUns' bts*iT*TS.T-THe S c h ^ Oomi' mlssitmcrs'pf JportlAtjid county 'will 'organize-a Teachers' Institute at Whcadon Hall, in "flie village of Horribr,'1 cornhiehclbft'. Qbtbbbr' loian'd contlfiAln^ tVo tyebks.'• • ,', " .,,,

Tlie Btato;,3equifes such-Institute to be. hofd fbr tlio belter (nullification Of Oflnlnion

tlcipate teaching lu* this county, during the; coming year are expected, to attend the Lai-stliute1 flireiighr the Wfird' Hetotioii: TVus'ticesJ are re^totcd apt to.quinjojr thoso.to teach'.

' iO oaiinot show a corilncat$ of attendance.

i Where thoy offer for ealo a good asBortrntnt Of ''


IAO^INCT.—Drc^iNsoN & MO^R'AW, at tho slgri of the golrjen bdotiiare selling evbry do-

sjbrlriUon of rubber boots, and: shoes at Now York, wholesale, prices at whftlosale. thereby

i saving" all' the fielgh't 'tr^ul New York or Boston. They'isire cbnsttniiy receiving targe additions to their stock of boots and shoes, leather findings, kit tools and machinery,'ut whalee^otreiajl, .a .pr^ea ..wliicli cannot, fallto glvo satisfaction. i f M ' *

' BJONNEXS, h tsj (Jockeys, iin' endless profu­sion, at Mrs, L J[«NBpiq<i;'B.

, !• NkwGo^W ilJKAP lY- Ty TJBYANivDpvp & Uo. are daily receiving large quantities of dry goods jiist- fJurChKsetl iij NOW Y<>rk for ca*li at "tho recoiit decline'in jtry>e*.. Thoy Would especfalty %*.11 the Mte*fl6ii bf cash buyers'to their iiniilc'ilsu stock of Cloths, ens-siinines, and goods' for gentlemen's wear. Also ladies' dross jcoods, aiiiong whieh aro black and. fapoy' i ^ e ^ tsllks, rnbrinos, EPA-

'pross cloths, and many novelties l a the way Of fashionable and seasonable dress goods and; fleas' ^ i f f i ^ s , shawls, carpets, ..oil c'.otW' nijrroijii ipurtain goods, «& Gp6d 4-4 brown Bhectings'ia^ cents per yd.r and rnanylotier^g^oas'.'jp projJorMerir : Small profitsiand. qufck, roriirns j one prljse,a|l4,»<>' 'deviation/ .':.'.'• ,' •..:,

OiD d^'-'flajps ft(j Mrs^L, BaNRRicr'A . i n O ! ^ l . » ' . • • • , i i 4 » ' , " ' > * » » ' ' ' ' ' ' " - ' ' . ' I ' ' " ' . - • '

Tho best assortment of Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers, ever bfougb,t to CbrtlAii(t;»t:

..KKNTIS: f rHR'Rv's., . nil

1 ' -« . 'CA*VW D . E. WlIlTMORB,

" '""IComm'is. i i fiomor, Sept 7,3868; i l L i i l i ' td

I 0o»'i^oyGB»'BAisAit, the grokf]'popular Remedy tor Coughs, Colds, Croup, WJ&oop-ing Cougii and Consumption. 'Both sizes— ordinary 4 oz., also manlmOth family bottles - fbr sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No'family should bo ovor night without It lu tumhouso. «'• '-V -46yi

KRUIT TitKas.—A largo and oxcelient as­sortment of fruit and ornamental trees,' flow

:Ull / .


- I N -

, '(in .O


"IJ.-'I .'(JO l"l

...... ","V,V I 1 ni1 p,iiU <U

CORTLAVD VVflJm£ • i ' . ; j t l i < y -

bocated •'•'' : , , J , i u i ;-iV

. • ' • n i i i ' l i . 1

*(Mfol. "ni i(|i ! > - )KH I ! I


•wnlit ,'di

; door north of tlio Masonic Hall/' ! fi!n • 1 •>>;. ;< .ftiin

.•*;»:I'.i; .aiiflttateWBV''"''! l im.o .1 hi"! .idi.'in 1 .(iifl . 1 ,. v , |.,:' . f- v-nt M)1

.I 1 ! . J I C ' l


BEA^T-lrf^E' Hi: 11

'Will - ' ' : «•»:

.nit •!

l,i .!

•10 ).

ui 1 mi : i i v

»•» I.[I l.hovi :\':\ • : I ' '.'"J" J

OLOTIHINa-1 • -.v,A<..:iSV>:il

vlundinailr/1 . •'•!.:

FURtS . F U R O O ' O D ! Fall mid Winter trade, 'consist

D S «f n« Bla(.ln« In pari

for tho

I. Speadl0y> & Go.

H A . T s , a-A.<*»*f»y

I 10 i .ini-il/, ..'"'liiAT-^-' '"•' ' ismiiii.'. ').

• ui 1 li. im'.:' ...'.-' " ! " •TOTE HAVB iJU8T.|BbuGHT.A,.VBRX' J.AIK1K

ill klmk f( •pirfAff- '

Fide1 'mmim %&$&& MM, 1: : . ' " j i i t .T i .jT'iJ ~ ' ••'' > l W 1.->rt

Hn.lcete.1 from the lalgeal atock* In New t|orb Some elegant seta of , ,

i U> IT - '//« '•''" ••''•''' 1 ,'; <Hpi , i .. SUWK1AN BQUilMKIi, A,i(lanaltna*t.*ridk*«htorjk»f . (> ' ''»<('

River Mink, Ffenoh Ooney, and Ohll dren'a Ft/ra>/, - !|


A i '••!•« »' flANi),HOpi>8,:

At price* that De^j/ 06 IT The largest stock of '

I . . . . i . ( . ' • - »

V/ncUiud I* the ftrst aottloinpnt In the world wbo»* ded aieaaoroshovc beenalofted to BCCUre Ihi

' " ' mini lateresta of the nut mil Battler No property IH «eld but ttpoi

era. . , .. ... rlpdii flio 0*

that It shall be built upon within a year.

tO hi'I'll 111 til l! •i-nliihl OlO » u » C y l * t i i r . ffio oirpross cmicmlnii

j | y provision evory part of tho country la ImproVcd Improvement of 0 the neighboring ti enco la.in.IJH'IHIJve' 1

Me • 111111 01 f 1'lie I I t>ro|» .

Mopowtjw) In Its,character,! T»|» prnvla I0n»cconhw, to a grekr extent, for the remarkable

inprovement of one property enhances' tho value o( property.' Th this roBpecl tho Inflii-the neighboring

• iracu* [ Th|* provlB .MU ......,..,,r w .. 1:1 -.-ni I'Mi'in, for the r.-iiiinkuiili BSccesa of Vlneland, and the prosjicrlty of the j.l.-i..-.

people l l i in . i i .

THE TEMPERANCE PRl^QIPLB^, - Kvcry yoar H'laanb'inlltod to a voto of tlie whether any tavoru shall bo licensed to sell Tlio llcenso has novor boon carried, and no liquor Is sqld In Vlneliniil. I At the laet «loetlon there wa* not ode voto cast lu favor of liquor sellliig. a tiling that ' " ' 'occurred before. This laagreal h*s never probably 1 protecUon w famlUoa, and,K> ,tl>o,)nd,»Btflpua hSblta

" HOTflrr. • of tho new /fin

i i ted


to the nmikot. Every ad/ 1 .vantage and convenfonco for aettlera will b« Infrodil

cep which will Inaure "

To AfAHUFAtrrokaBB/ Ape • ipi.nl 1 >g lor

esse*, being near Philadelphia, mnl Tho town affords, anno opoulng fnrynrlna* mairn-

Irtjf ItiislficsBOB, being near Philadelphia, and luulalaiKiepopulalJoiiwhl'h

leni la .inn,- om. of ilm iii.ihi iieuiiiiriii e country, and most agreeablo for a resl-

1 l l ' i l l i

tacturi |l«i sunfyuulleg oountry atfortts a good market

'I'lils seuloiiienl In urn place* I

, douco. It 1* urn en to make it a

^RUir'ANt/VlNE ilfi. r n w i ACILI V I M ' .

growing cniiiitiy. aa tola eulle.ro'Is.the tnoet peoftttl-' ble andtho best adapf ' •

ml convenfo 1 will Insure thq proaporlty of tl

'J'lii: hard tlmos tlirougliont thd coiiniry will bo tin ad-

adVHidngi.'or I tldu- '

ryi a-ls

tho place . . . . 1 b o 1.11 ail-

valnago to tho aottlomunt. aa | t compels jieiqiie. to re-, 'toft to agriculture forla living. , r ^

In Oils locality the ecUler upasoBBo*, |ho being nohrtrle friends ana old assoota-

going thouaandH of miles Into* far-Ori; wI l l l e rnCBS, | D t o w i l l e l i t h o , i C » ' B a a r l e s o f e lv l l l / .n -Hon liavd hot W*an Intrnducod. add where, la case of Bliiauesa mill mlhfiiiiune, li U almost unpiMslble to ublnln (he asilitanco of (rleiulB. Thlt I* within a

hours of New England and the Middle State*! lentadnyor mory.caii.bc annul Jn. New , Rhlladerjihla dr vlcfnit'"

Buffalo, Wolf and Goon Hobos,

) : , ' , ' l ,: / ' | . , O i l i i ' f J l l i . - U I


711,1111 • )

•litj '. u i i n >'\


I'll I t •!! y i ' i J l ' .Vi

^GENT8»f',': (1 - - ( i.'|: 1

, l i ' - i 1 "

, : ' l ' ) ' l> . l

.'I :i - i l l !

nil i,C -

r i . / l i . . : - ! " , / : /!• '• »'««>.. J J'

F^uruifthing Qoods, i ' i" ! i :n i r

AT Lpmn

ers, shrubs, small fruits, &c, rfec., for sale ofi reasonable torjfpb—corner of Tonipkins and Owegq streets.,. Call and see. k f n42t" i • *i>» H\>'r;MEB.'toEAtty,ife.Co:

Cok's D V ^ » S I A C P B B , . W 1 1 1 1 immediateiy

iin tho. stomach ana bowels. 'Physic gyiflen, andall <wUb use.^, j6in,hi unbotinded praisij oflfflgasa't virtues., Sold 'by Drug­gists ovcrywhere. Price, $1.00. 48yl

1 l ' . ' l l i'iai.ii' ' » * i a " ' '• •

J . . i . -^\2 ~;,~V ... . 1... . .;:•<.-•*,• HOMB GYMNISIUM.—Tlio best thing, of tlio

kind in oxistcnfco Is BACPN'B hqpio gymnttsU urn.. Cheap, quickly a'rrangcd, doraf>)o', orn-iiimuital as well as useful,i it Is an article that many,ouglit (qiiosscss, espopially. tiioso-fol­lowing sedentary occupations. By calling at this olllce, one can be seen and the manner

m .'.ivi

' ,. *, ..I

..i ....... .....VV ,„„; u of .using, explataed,

PJ^OHStof&trMAirAN'b.' ; - n 7 "

at prices belov


l^otwitiistaridlng Messrs. T A N N B R , .BIOS'; move Intombtrtow store soon, they are re­ceiving a /Ine assortment of dress goods. Cloths and fancy goods, which wW bo'sqld,;

rtotfWo jnarket Value . ,118 •^IH—1J»* .•' i-J... ; ''<-- i !•••

Messis. TANIOCR Bros, aro offering tho bal­ance of their summer goods at a groat mlue-tvm, to makb rwbi for tub 1>U trade. n8 ...

,' j . . . . , , : : i i i a r l i . » • , * - — - ^ - 1 - ' '•

• t o n 8Ai,B.--iThe elegant rcsulenco owned and occupied1 By Rev. SAitVRia.F. BACON,. South Main street, a few doors below the Messenger. Honso. Immediate possession give*, if d r&jir ,-, ;.;.;• J$w8'.

. ' ; ' " i • " < • " , i ' * * ' 1 " • „ ' * " ^ Lqok at those splendid leather-Traveling

Bagsat-KKKTAfrnuRv's. •'• ' iVW^'

Than any other JSitabUMnpU in the '• ;•'. . ( • . ' i r . OoittUj//l':il ([ '. H . ' . l :

,; ' -ii. .;,.i'W '/.I '.,:: n < ;•"'»'•.,• / Jn

.;,.. , | > . i ! ' , / ; ' i | , . ! I'.' '

: All their friends, nml the public generally, are In- ' '; vlteil lo call at their store niifl examine their

,';, j . Sttekbefdrdpdronalilng eliewhere,»no „ be convinced. ,

- . r . l V H V M . ' , .

i *"" i.->i,' . . .i'.ilil ni wrlm!.'''')!''. a'Wsar I ^ ."I 'y^i .W. 'N"

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I .'•.,. ;ii|-, nill;-.':'; • tUwl '-•(.">t,it» >i\(i'tfll .:•',', i I

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,, ooniand, bwim* •J?ffim'""K ^-X -^mm^^^eiwM^ M *9Bf

mm i t ' .d j

. . an styles of

Oon . i . t1ngof | ; . | t „j^ u ; u , _

Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Plushes,

'*r A$i * full nssorliiieiit 11

namonts. (ii*8a-MaklnBo*rriod.or4,k«ii tt*,bx*aehe*.

Alt tho now I'attorne in DREBaEf, OiLOAKP, PAN-, N)lCltSKlit'j'.s,.Ac., &e..( k?pt coristantly on hand. <

Mrs, - ' • • • -\ (I • 1 IN •;. n - v i » IIJM •atleffctory inaniu a4t,o« of ('ortlsW

DOWNXB* lnia obtained hlch will 1 She would

(inINK, work npon which will be done to evdor 1n « Br. 8ho would bo glad to have tlm Snd.Vlcltiltycftll snil Boo Iter goods.


Or been brouglit Into this *«ot On Of th* Also, a large stock of the beat

Wt^f^>^^M^^aft Hood Trlinmlnga, A c , Ac

(i ill In and examine our goods.

,n»4,' 1

'ItM. HVKNJM.KY & Vomer Main and Oourt

,V i otU,'ifOJtTA

f. 0. OARMIOIi , I '•:, w i l l ' id Itrfilfl . T.l'.'l Ili'.iV

jjjRomitTpR. ojr;, p.B fl/jUtf

Furni ture Ware Rooms, Would call the atloutlmi that he

of the public to tho fact

A l l U i II dm of K u r n i l j u r e

And dona Ids own 1 )<!> 'In -J i i l i 1 i;

• id . . ' • i.lihn!


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-ill .> : :vt>i*rMIri>-. i

bin: ini tO orll tj»r

»ii.' ••' '" >y$u<,.\'i r.r. JSviiXoattm V - And In a manner •

WAtaARItjD M oil! In eJiicoitT-

...'il'ii^iaiairoTHaRr .v h.\ll -iilJ ! * f ^ * T ^ « , K N " .. .11 J I ) / H I t>J,l ^inii l l f ' . f

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P A R L O R 8 E T 8 I , 7 f . - -'


d) Y<1 bii« M9*i& \V»U r

uifJ j -siW (I*..:'H It'tJ' '.Riiiui:') oitJ Tto ftooiW (0*1 P ^ W i Y ^ ^ ^ S ^ * * * , k. -li'Mi'Xfiul 'to .;>hitr/. iti /*Ic

, O O B T L A N D , N . T . a»; . < j l i l i U i i | i i ! ^oaAWtjlO^iM.,

York, B^MnVftllaSofyhla dr action of business or visiting friends, at but Itttte e: pohso. and without neglect of business. It la In a settled poDntfy, wb*ro no danger or rink Is Innurrnd. '1'here is no great oxpoudlturcs of money required before It can be madq lo pay, as Is usually the casu. Another important coruilderaAon la ifiT ' Z>

HEALTH The settler llSre/lnboW Ho da:

Uy ;by tho»e dreadful jfoverft W.UJ ritorbf loslrf* his f.i.„

tie m?** a what

essi'iillal thing In Ilm proAtshVs.eulllvatlon of a farm, 'OrlMi

aro a* regular and periodical 'as 'the So^J us, nml jiilro yean. 10 li.'cniiiii what 1* formed vcll-

>as pf puc-Uilrd' of a j long tho women and onlldren. ' Good 'health'


mated, genera ami • s i

8 nv

oml the rlchest.Boll In ibe. may yield vary poor­ly if the *ottler1s unable to ekiiend upon It his l.ib.n ,. ot bla shivering with tho ague, ot IfoSn.

ollod to lake trade at a heavy charge for his grain. lere all tho evidences of rcfttrcment and cultivation

are at band. It Is not nceeesary fo ride fifty miles to a Hbur mill, over a rough rbad aad through a wilder-lies* country^ uora.ro Uie lyiuter* cold—tuey are short and Open. The scaaona commence veiy early, lu April the plowing Is finished (frequcn|ly commencing In March) and the seed lain.

( ' WhAT'VT8f«)ilS lVrTtt'SBB. " " Tim visitor iflll *ee as good crops growing In Vino-

Una as he will seo any whore in the Union, not except' ing the West. The aoll 1B highly productive. Hun­dred* of farm* aro; under cultivation, lie will *oe hundreds of orclmrds nod vineyards lu bearing. )Io eai he driven through a hundred mile* of farms, or­chards and vineyards upon the Vlneland ti sol, ami

old* *cono or beauty and Improvement not exccjl-n tho Union. The liilderalgned fiiriilalic* oarria-to tho»o who como to look ou the land, free qf ex­

pense. A spade alwAys'accompanicB the carriage ami every opportunity la given for examination.

The new land la cfujily clparod, and I hf flrat crop of. •wool ffetstdod Will pay for Hid cost and the clearing Of tlio land,.aflcr,whlcU it will produce hffgpicroua (if wheat and grass, what has hocri dime can bo done. All the beautiful home* In vim limit li»ve linen taken from tne now land by tno habd of industry knd pa­tience. There aro hundred* of senior*-In, Vuiolaud, who came tbore with from two to Ave lnnnii <-d dol-larsJ that are nbw wmib lliniimniK Thttn mm, however, aro not Idlers or speculators, hul men pf Industry, Intelllgiiu.', pulieiieii sod uerTfV •• .

l.iirr'i' pumnerB of people are purchasing, aud pie who desire the best location should visit the Hoace. t , , ,

Improt«dUnd:rs«lso.*»r.»alo. •:('.« II , i . h '

j,J..ivritT?rrWW»HrNA '.• ' , * 'i cap bo bnuglit with or without timber- (he Itmlrttnal ffrjiottjaSsironriroi . .)„<T.VT ! .• W \ UiJ ... THB.^TLB..; . ., , .1

io title I* lndlsputabln. Wnrranlco deeds given obr"~" . . .



of all Incumbrances, wheu the uinnoy is paid, ling convenience* at liandi. convuniepccB ai iiandiv . i/ .• , M

Letters prohiptly answered, 'Mid Reports of Solon and Dr. Ohaai T, .laok.on senl. loKctlior

Willi the "Vlneland Rural." l'eri

as full information will be aent relative to the,route, and bth«rpar1Ic«lar*,:whl(iHwin;ne*itiifdtn Ihe'P*-

' persaont. Address, ; huii'diil "77T CHA8.K. LANIH8, Proprietor, .',,

I • a l | (I.' i iv >'i eiVfnolasdV. OI|Qew J*f*ey. ' ''

(r«SWf9fi PI^P* T W ^ - * ePU„o .•>

JvKAI.KIt IN 'lul , II

ljni -.Uiti ..^•.I(|lrI»x•r'tiR^JJB3B'4l^il!T

9V1U1 M HH*H • l8M0&&f*P»' •f.JirjOTtoev'>,l'o»>u

i ni



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I'.'Kf ,(><u;.l lo PlQkErfapv.\r,bnw i

BLIND&j'•o-ri-vnn si>ii'i'j(llett«4.i.iw.

„'„ D00jt8> ' , * ^ * * * W ,

1 M«ar the Paaaenger Depot, «Wg B l CORTLAND, N. Y.

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