It is time for our tea-time transmission! Here in our readio studio, we have a special corner in our room where there is a round wooden table and 10 golden chairs. RJ Chat Feel free to join our Hey, I received an interesting e-mail that reads like this. “Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “What did I do to deserve this? Why does God let these things happen to me?” Yeah...Blame it on God Just listen. Here is the explanation: A daughter tells her mother how everything is going wrong for her. She failed her math exam. Her boyfriend just dumped her for her best friend.

RJ Chat

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Casual tea-time chat

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It is time for our tea-time transmission!

Here in our readio studio, we have a special corner in our room where there is a round wooden table

and 10 golden chairs.

RJ ChatFeel free to join our

Hey, I received an interesting e-mail that reads like this. “Sometimes, we ask ourselves: “What did I do to deserve this?

Why does God let these things happen to me?”

Yeah...Blame it on God

Just listen.

Here is the explanation:A daughter tells her mother how everything is going wrong for her.

She failed her math exam. Her boyfriend just dumped her for her best friend.

Oh my god! I know what must have happened. It so happens that her mother is her best friend.

Are you going to allow me to finish or not? Her mother then said, “Sit down and I will make you a cake. Would you like a piece of

cake?” The daughter replied “Sure mom, you know how much I love cakes.”

Does her mother know how much she loves her boyfriend? Can she make another boyfriend for her too? Are you saying that her mother

stole her boyfriend?

RJ Fox! Please let me finish!The mother then asked her daughter if she can eat the ingredients

separately. The daughter replied, “Are you kidding?”The mother explains, “God works the same way. When we go

through the ingredients, we won’t know what it would lead to. God will not let us fall and we don’t need to settle for raw ingredients . We can trust him to see something fantastic.”

And the mother goes on, “How God sends us flowers every spring and allows the sun to rise every morning. God can live anywhere but chose to live in our hearts. We send this message to those whom we appreciate, with the note “I hope your day is a piece of cake” and then as usual, Jesus loves you.”

Well, I have heard that he is ever-loving, but he never did come down to get engaged and be married to me. I have been giving him

so many missed calls but he never picks up and there is no voice mail too. Why is that the day is only a piece of cake and not the whole


Beautiful notes!!! God is not on voice mail because even if he answers you, you would have probably said, “You are kidding. Prove to me about what you said.” So instead, he sends you flowers every spring and sunrise every morning. How can you, RJ Fox, see these magnificent sights and not question who gave these gifts them to you? The day is only a piece of cake because it is really very simple if we understand God!

Why does he not send us flowers everyday then? Why only spring? Has God been attached to the fact that only spring is conducive for flowers to bloom? It is a long known fact that the sun just stays out. It does nothing like setting or rising. So what does the sun rise mean? Neither do I get any flowers nor do I attach any significance to it. And to me, spring is whenever a question “springs” up in me.

The God in me has no season. She is all seasons or Forever Spring. Even though I disagree with most part of your explanation, you brought up one other subject, “The demand for proof and validity”. It is a stupid world to demand when there is no basis or clue as to how to evaluate a proof. Humans think that it is the smartes t being on earth for having asked questions of validity or proof. Psychologically, I see this as being an insecure creature, putting demand across as a habit just to prevent itself from being called a fool, rather than being


We want God to appear but the world does not have any avenue left for God to make an appearance. It makes its own scientific and intellectual advancements and demands a miracle from God, and still will want scientists to evaluate and declare God as true. God should be someone who can heal an AIDS patient with a touch or a blessing Reiki palm. God is always someone who pardons them and finance them to continue doing whatever.

So it is a situation that even if God does appear, nobody has a clue on how to trust him or her. People as usual, will always allow events to happen and read it from the newspaper and then pray to God, after which he is being disposed.Though I am not a Christian, having done primary school in a

Christian convent and having read through the story of Jesus many times, I used to always wonder that if people liked Jesus, why did they allow him be crucified? I am sure that there were many people on the road when he was dragging the cross and throwing flowers, yet no one could volunteer to stop the atrocity. In fact, I would say that most of them wanted him dead and thus, they kept quiet and used the king and the law as their excuses.

Do people ever want God to appear at all is another question as to whether they accept God only if he appears in their religion. They say that Jesus is the Christ and the son of God. If followers of Christ are known as “Christians”, then obviously God was never a Christian. So will they accept God, if he is reborn in any other religion?

I simply see it as an illusion. All that glitters is not gold and any other thing only paves its way to the next. A spring gives way for summer which gives way for autumn which gives way for winter. Life will get stupid for me if I have to attach God to every micro breath and every sneezes. You need an eye through which the magnificence can be perceived and you also need a brain to register it. Who gave

all that and what should one do after attaching everything to God? What next? Keep sitting in a corner and thanking him all day and expect money to be gifted? Most of us see this as a magnificence since we are raised as cattle and habituated at home, without ever being allowed to see the larger picture of the world. But for someone who experiences the larger picture like an urchin or a shepherd, these scenes are just like home for the person and a day to day phenomenon. The birds and animals experience them and live as a part of them. So it is we who have to get out of this cage called “home” and start looking at the holiness of the world and not live in its narrowness.

Actually, God does send us flowers every morning but it is most abundant in spring that’s all. You did point out correctly that the climate is most conducive. However, there are many flowers that bloom throughout the year and if we look for it, we are sure to find it. The sun rises so that we can get a period of darkness to rest. Even though the sun stays stagnant in one place, the ear th revolves around it to give us a fresh view every morning and a fresh star t. I do not think that God will gift us with money if we sit and pray in a corner. But yes, we do have to thank God for the gift of Life itself.

We have free-will and we can choose how we want to live, but nothing comes for free in this world. I have a question, you said: “I simply see it as an illusion. All that glitters is not gold and any other thing only paves its way to the next...Who gave all that and what should one do after attaching everything to God? What next?” Point well taken, but if you think it is an illusion, how do you know that you even exist? What is illusion and what is reality now?

I agree with everything you said RJ Phlox! This is what we call “nature”. Are there any answers to why is it so? Why is there night and day? There are also places like Norway where nights are very short

whereas some places get extended nights. Has God got anything to do with it? True, I might be an illusion too, just an imaginary character, like a cursor on the computer. Whatever I thought is real is an illusion and whatever I thought as an illusion is the reality. It is as simple as you and me being worlds apart. Just communicate with all these words. Once the word is read and understood, its job is over. We too, are such words carrying a meaning to deliver to another. Illusion is not believing anything of what is being said, since we are not present in person. As to thanking God, there should be a limit especially when it comes to imposing it on others. In the “Piece of Cake” email, I feel that the mother cannot answer to her daughter’s questions and hence, uses God as an excuse to escape her ignorance in life.

God is a supernatural power that controls many things. Are we made to believe this so as to make us weary that there is someone out there to punish us for our wrong doings? Many times, I ask

myself questions and then try to find facts that can prove the existence of God. I heard that there is a temple in a small village in UP. It is Lord Shiva’s temple and the Shiva Linga changes its colour. It is of different colour during morning, afternoon and evening. If you go there with the intention of noting the colours of the Linga, you will never be able to remember once you enter the garbh graham. The same thing happened to me, until I am out of the temple, I will remember to carefully note down the colour but once inside, I totally forgot! Therefore, I believe that there was some divine force making me ignorant of the colours.

However, at the same time, I also found out that there is a scientific reason behind the changing colours of the Linga. There are stones that change colours according to the temperature. In Hindu religion, there are several miracles that can be seen in Holy places. The existence of pigeons in the cave of Amarnath and the ever-glowing flame in the temple of Vaishno Devi are some examples. Few people claim that there is still rasaleela going on every evening in the garden of Mathura by Lord Krishna and Gopis. Anyone who tries to peep through the garden either loses his eyes or life! There are no explanations to many things in life and nature and that sometimes makes us believe that there are divine powers taking care of those things.

I agree with RJ Phlox that there are flowers all year round. It is just that we need to see them with our eyes wide open. Spring has the apt climate for flowers and plants to grow. That is why when we achieve too many things inour lives or get too much happiness, we consider that as spring season. Spring denotes as the season that brings colours to nature and life and more happiness all around. A day is just a “piece of cake” because God has given us the whole cake to be our whole life. It has different flavours and we get to taste one piece a day to taste a particular flavour. The next piece, or rather the next day, will give us a new experience.

Well, the more we try to make sense, the more senseless it gets. Another beauty is that not many who know Shiva Linga and worship Shiva in the form of Linga, know that Linga is actually the Phallus. They also do not know why Phallus is worshipped as a deity. No one is being told about it, since it is a sexual organ and sex is a taboo in India.

Yes, that is one thing I always wonder about and still do!