Author: Diogo Matias Belo (ID: db86356) Academic Supervisor: Torben Smith Petersen Master Thesis - Semester 2 - 2011 Risk-return profile of Offshore Wind Investments An alternative for institutional investors Aarhus School of Business MSc Finance and International Business

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Author: Diogo Matias Belo (ID: db86356)

Academic Supervisor: Torben Smith Petersen

Master Thesis - Semester 2 -


Risk-return profile of Offshore Wind Investments

An alternative for institutional investors

Aarhus School of Business

MSc Finance and International Business

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Table Of Contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 6

2. Infrastructure Investments ............................................................................................ 9

2.1. The Asset-Classes Setting: Infrastructure ............................................................. 9

2.2. Offshore Wind Energy......................................................................................... 10

2.3. The financial gap of offshore wind energy .......................................................... 11

2.4. Investment Vehicles ............................................................................................ 12

3. Previous Research ...................................................................................................... 16

4. Hypothesis .................................................................................................................. 19

H1: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds have a long-term time horizon ................ 19

H2: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds require high initial capital outflows ........ 20

H3: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds present stable cash inflows ...................... 20

H4: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds are low-risk and low-return investments . 21

5. Data ............................................................................................................................. 23

5.1. General Assumptions: ......................................................................................... 23

- Investment Costs ......................................................................................................... 23

- O&M costs ................................................................................................................... 24

- Electricity Production .................................................................................................. 24

- Turbine Lifecycle ......................................................................................................... 25

- Discount Rate .............................................................................................................. 25

- Taxes ............................................................................................................................ 26

- Depreciation ................................................................................................................ 26

5.2. Country-Specific: ................................................................................................ 27

- Denmark (FIT): ............................................................................................................. 27

- Ireland (FIT): ................................................................................................................ 27

- Netherlands (FIT): ........................................................................................................ 28

- Sweden (TGC): ............................................................................................................. 28

- UK (TGC): ..................................................................................................................... 29

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5.3. Electricity Price: .................................................................................................. 29

6. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 34

Monte Carlo Simulation ............................................................................................. 34

Portfolio Financing ..................................................................................................... 38

Performance Indicators ............................................................................................... 41

- Return .......................................................................................................................... 41

- Standard Deviation ...................................................................................................... 42

- Time-length ................................................................................................................. 42

- Downside Risk ............................................................................................................. 43

7. Empirical Results ........................................................................................................ 44

H1: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds have a long-term time horizon ................ 44

H2: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds require high initial capital outflows ........ 46

H3: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds present stable cash inflows ...................... 48

H4: Investments in Offshore Wind Funds are low-risk and low-return investments . 53

Sensitivity Analysis .................................................................................................... 65

9. Further Research ......................................................................................................... 72

References ...................................................................................................................... 74


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

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Table Index

Table 1: Descriptive statistics of day-ahead trading spot electricity prices on of the last 2 years .............. 31

Table 2: Description of the variables used in the model and Condition on Microsoft Excel ..................... 36

Table 3: Performance indicator per characteristic of the investment explained ......................................... 41

Table 4: Duration analysis (All countries).................................................................................................. 45

Table 5: Statistics on the initial costs of each of the fund’s farms ............................................................. 46

Table 6: Standard Deviation of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund ............................................. 48

Table 7: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the Low scenario on electricity price

.................................................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 8: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the Intermediate scenario on

electricity price ........................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 9: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the High scenario on electricity price

.................................................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 10: Standard Deviation of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive

systems established by governments .......................................................................................................... 52

Table 11: Default Frequency of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund............................................. 53

Table 12: NPV of the European Infra fund according to the different electricity price scenarios .............. 54

Table 13: Default Frequency of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive system

established by governments ........................................................................................................................ 55

Table 14: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the Low scenario on

electricity price ........................................................................................................................................... 57

Table 15: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the Intermediate

scenario on electricity price ........................................................................................................................ 57

Table 16: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the High scenario on

electricity price ........................................................................................................................................... 57

Table 17: Annualized Rate of Return of the cash flows generated by the European Infra fund ................. 58

Table 18: IRR of the European Infra fund .................................................................................................. 59

Table 19: Annualized Rate of Return of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive

system established by governments ............................................................................................................ 62

Table 20: IRR of the Infra fund, without the incentive system established by governments ..................... 62

Table 21: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the Low scenario on electricity price .................. 63

Table 22: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the Intermediate scenario on electricity price ..... 63

Table 23: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the High scenario on electricity price ................. 64

Table 24: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the Low

Scenario on electricity prices ...................................................................................................................... 66

Table 25: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the Intermediate

Scenario on electricity prices ...................................................................................................................... 67

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Table 26: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the High

Scenario on electricity prices ...................................................................................................................... 67

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Risk-Return Profile of Offshore Wind


An alternative for institutional



This paper analyzes the possibility of Offshore Wind Farms being financed by private

institutional investors, by depicting a risk-return profile for this type of investments.

The model here designed is supported by a Monte Carlo simulation on 1000 cash flows

of 37 farms from 5 countries combined in a European Infra Fund. The statistical

analysis of the results provides evidence of the potential of this particular asset to meet

institutional investors’ profiles given three scenarios on electricity prices. Final results

indicate a low level of volatility (1,85%) added to low downside risk and reasonable

return potential (11,09%) revealed by average IRR, and complemented by an evidenced

duration of approximately 13 years in the worst case scenario. Comparing to previous

done on other asset classes, this performance is superior to that of bonds, equities or


1. Introduction

When Markowitz firstly defined a quantitative method for asset allocation, the exercise

led to a series of developments that ultimately brought us Modern Portfolio Theory.

Accordingly, diversification throughout the whole set of assets in the world would result

in benefits on the risk-return maximization process, but that would require identifying

and characterizing every asset in the planet in what can labeled as a Dantesque task.

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Ultimately, every deal made on earth would have to be registered including art, cars,

fruits or even food, in order to derive a risk-return profile and include the asset in the

complete investment opportunity set. This way every rational investor would be allowed

to find the optimal asset mix in which to invest his money.

With this paper I purpose myself to contribute to a better definition of the investment

opportunity set by studying the risk-return profile of a particular asset in which little

research has been conducted on: Offshore Wind Investments.

Infrastructure assets are just recently starting to be characterized in terms of a risk-

return outline and it is often argued as being a specific type of investment offering great

potential. As being one of the most crucial infrastructure investments nowadays,

Offshore Wind farms are becoming increasingly commercial and thus, demanding

larger and larger stakes of investors’ money in order to substitute pollution intensive

power plants such as coal or gas –based, or the dangerous nuclear plants. Europe has

defined it as playing a major role in the short-to-medium-term future production of

greener-energy but the current financial environment and the budgetary constraints on

several peripheral countries constitute major impediments to the full development of the

technology. A particular interesting solution to solve for this financial gap in Offshore

Wind is to allow for large institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance

companies, banks or wealthy individuals to see the benefits of this investment and

persuade them to allocate a share of their wealth to it.

In this paper I am going to develop a simplistic model to generate cash flows for 37 real

Offshore Wind farms out of 5 European countries, which will then be combined and

predicted with a Monte Carlo simulation that will allow for a more significant analysis

of the results. The objective is to be able to design a European Infra Fund which will be

the owner of the totality of the farms as of 2011, given the incentive systems presently

active in those nations. The fund’s performance will then be measured according to a set

of indicators that will allow for reaching conclusions on the risk-return profile of these

investments. In order to do so, a few assumptions have to be established in what

respects to the construction of the model itself and the parameters included, such as

Load Factors, O&M costs, Initial Investments or Electricity prices.

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According to 3 scenarios on average electricity prices, €55, €75 and €95 per MW/h,

final results reveal solid conclusions: Offshore Wind shows consistent 11-15% IRRs

throughout the 20 years investment period; it also leads to low cash flow volatility as

measured by standard deviation, with figures averaging from 1,70%-1,85% in the worst

case scenario, which is indicative of a very positive risk profile compared with other

asset classes such as Equities, Bonds, Real-Estate or Commodities. Furthermore,

duration analysis concludes that there is a natural long-term prominence for these

particular assets with figures around 13 to 17 years, and low probabilities for value

destruction for the investor – no default frequencies or negative NPVs in any of the

scenarios, given a 5% risk-free rate.

Finally, the analysis of the results proves the power of diversification achieved as the

average results of 1000 generated solutions reveal less volatility and default risk than

otherwise isolated analyzed countries.

Conclusions lead towards Offshore Wind Investments being able to establish

themselves as a substitute for corporate bonds in a strategic asset allocation context for

fund managers seeking guaranteed returns with low levels of risk for a relatively long

period of time.

The remaining of the paper is organized in the following way: section 2 develops on the

background setting of Infrastructure as an asset class and the Offshore Wind industry

dilemmas; section 3 reveals what was previously written by other researchers; sections

4 and 5 denote the Hypothesis and the Data used respectively; section 6 allow for the

understanding of the Methodology and section 7 announces the Empirical Results of

this study; finally section 8 sums up with the Conclusions and section 9 states Further

Research needed to complement the work here performed.

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2. Infrastructure Investments


Historically, equity and fixed-income have been the most predominant asset classes

when deciding on which securities to allocate wealth to. Nevertheless, different profiles

and the appearance of new products in which to invest have led investor to explore other

asset classes. This, directly related with the recent development and opening of

regulations and the need for achieving greater degrees of portfolio diversification,

allowed for the establishment of some fundamental alternatives. Amongst the most

traditional alternative investments there are Private-equity, Commodities and Real-

Estate. Some authors consider space for other modern alternative investments due to

very particular profiles, including Hedge-Funds, Managed Futures and Distressed

Securities. These alternative asset-classes are today approached with a substantial

importance as these specific markets are less efficient in terms of information, thus

presenting greater opportunities for generating wealth (Maginn et al. 2007).

Although there is no consensus among authors on whether to consider Infrastructure as

a different asset class or rather as a sub group of Real-Estate or Private-Equity, one

thing that is certain is that infrastructure deals have very particular characteristics.

Infrastructure assets are not clearly defined but usually they are considered to cover

essential services for social progress, in developed or developing countries, thus

reaching several sectors of the economy – transportation (ports, airports, toll roads and

tunnels), communication (cable networks, towers), social welfare (hospitals, schools,

courts) and utilities (energy distribution networks, water, waste, power plants) (Inderst


Since it is ordinarily up to a countries’ government to define which infrastructures are

most needed by the public, infrastructure assets possess natural monopolistic features

(Ramamurti & Doh 2004) due to legislation and limited competition resulting from the

large up-front capital investments required. Hence, these are assets typically featuring

low elasticity demands which imply also the generation of stable long-duration future

cash flows. As these assets have long but finite lives, they match investors with

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relatively predictable long-duration liabilities, such as pension funds or insurance

companies (Sawant 2010a). Inderst (2010) synthesizes some often pointed attractive

financial characteristics of Infrastructure Assets:

- long-term stable cash-flows

- good inflation hedge

- low sensitivity to swings in the economy and markets

- low correlation of returns with other asset classes

- relatively low default rates

- sustainability (renewable energy)

According to the OECD (OECD 2007) the combination of developed and developing

countries will demand for around EUR 48 trillion between 2005 and 2030 in

infrastructure investment. In developing countries there is an increasing need for these

assets due to population growth, which is particularly high in countries such as India,

Brazil, Angola or China. Bitsch et al. (Bitsch, Buchner & Kaserer 2010) imply that

more people automatically will use more the existing infrastructure but also, with the

expected level of population growth maintaining the same rates, there will be further

needs for new assets. In addition, even though developed countries present decreasing

populations, because of having started with the development of infrastructure much

sooner, they will further on continue to demand for replacing the aging infrastructure.

European economies and the US have been establishing the pace in technological terms

but, although progress enables evolutions it also requires supplementary spending, as

for example in the establishment of wind energy parks.


Europe established bold targets on green energy production for meeting the required

greenhouse emissions’ goal defined in Kyoto. As an example, in the UK, one of the

most determined European countries in terms of predicted wind energy investment, its

Renewable Energy Strategy defines a target of 15% gross final energy consumption to

come from renewable sources by 2020, almost 7 times higher the level of 2008. This

ambitious target imply 30% green power generation which would mean approximately

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additional 27GW of renewable capacity divided in 12GW out of offshore wind farms

and 11GW of onshore projects (Hurley & O'Regan 2010).

Wind energy is seen as playing a crucial part in the achievement of the specified targets

because of being one of the lowest-cost renewable sources (Loring 2007). Specifically,

Offshore Wind has a decisive role because of its superior efficiency due to higher and

smoother wind speeds, combined with the avoidance of negative visual impact or noise

and land limitations of onshore projects.

Although, approved Offshore projects in the UK are, at this stage, clearly beyond the

target line with already approved projects of 50GW, the roll-out rate of projects for

2009 was 0,3 GW and, in order to meet the targets stated above of 12GW, it would be

needed to complete approximately 1.1GW per year, that is almost 4 times more projects

being successfully set up.

The scenario of the industry presented nowadays is quite the same for the rest of Europe

and the path to follow in the future is still incognito.


Several limitations have been restricting the full expansion of Offshore Wind Energy:

for example, deficiencies on the supply chain (producers of wind turbines), project

planning delays and restricted accesses to grid connections have not been helping the

development of the market. However, the most significant barrier has been the difficulty

in securing pre-construction financing (Hurley & O'Regan 2010).

As usual, high needs for infrastructure funds are accompanied by the lack of financial

resources. Governments of emerging countries are presented with the dilemma of albeit

already difficult economic situations, soaring shortages of infrastructure force them to

act and provide for the needs of their people. In developed countries the situation is not

any easier: aging populations are a burden to several governments with public pension

systems and, also, they see themselves struggling with budgetary deficits as we are

currently witnessing with the sovereign debt crisis of the peripheral countries of Europe

(Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain…). Governments do not want to be responsible for

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raising taxes or collecting fees (Beeferman 2008) and they would rather prefer to hand

the development of such infrastructures to private entities.

In the specific case of the UK market, the above mentioned 12 GW of offshore power

would cost approximately EUR 44 billion until 2020, which reveals an extensive need.

Further, the offshore wind market in Europe faces large competition in regards to

funding requirements: among the energy sector, Ofgem estimates that in the UK alone,

EUR 220 Billion of investment are needed for the coming decade on several

infrastrcutures, averaging EUR 18 Billion per year – this is double the amount budgeted

by the 6 biggest utilities plus the National Grid in the UK for annual capital

expenditures, combined (Hurley & O'Regan 2010).

The concern with securing pre-construction financing in offshore wind developments is

very much associated with the risks, namely construction risks, and the current less-

than-optimal banking and investment climate (Hurley & O'Regan 2010). Offshore

projects have only been able to reach capital after an existing farm is up and running,

hence presenting a track record of its operations. This is a great difference in respect to

Onshore Wind Farms which have perceived less complexity in financing projects.

This difference in terms of risk between Offshore and Onshore Wind Farms is highly

representative of an important issue when evaluating Infrastructure as an asset class: the

heterogeneity of projects among the definition. As argued by Sawant (2010a), some of

the investment sectors comprised as infrastructure-related are fast growing industries

and exposed to high technology risk, thus leading to higher cash flow volatility on the

cost side. Sawant (2010a) points that alternative energies (wind, solar, biogas, etc…) or

information technology infrastructures are fast-growing but technologically risky assets

which can be better suited for venture capital investors’ profiles.


Private sector participation in infrastructure increased exponentially throughout the

1990s (Gausch, Laffont & Straub 2007). This is seen as the result of more private

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investors willing to explore the opportunities of this type of deals, together with the

recent reforms of developing countries (generally highly populated and with large needs

of these assets) to allow the private management of both pension funds and

infrastructure (Vives 1999).

There are several forms of investing in infrastructure differing in relation to the

minimum-capital requirement, time-horizon of the investment and liquidity (Bitsch,

Buchner & Kaserer 2010):

- One of the oldest methods is direct investment, which can translate in a long time

horizon, in some cases reaching 99 years (Beeferman 2008), thus involving large

liquidity, political and regulatory risk. The requirement of high-amounts of capital sorts

out this type of investment from smaller institutions, allowing only the participation of

insurance companies or pension funds, which have funding availability for surpassing

these investment needs. Amongst some of the more common structures of direct

investment there are, for example, Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Project

Finance structures.

- In order to overcome these high initial capital requirements, the traditional approach

by some pension funds has been to invest directly in publicly traded shares or bonds

of utility companies – in the case of the energy sector (Inderst 2010). Listed securities

provide for less liquidity risk and allow for achieving a greater degree of diversification

in a simpler mode. However, this also entails some problems related with the fact that,

by participating in the equity stake of these companies, institutional investors are

exposing themselves to the risk associated with operations, marketing and sales – the

whole supply chain of the utility company – which often is not in an investor’s interest,

generally simply looking for the infrastructure side of it.

- Finally, another alternative for investors is to opt on indirect investment through listed

and unlisted infrastructure funds. Infra Funds provide for a great diversification of

geography and business risk compared to investment in utilities’ stocks or direct

investments. Also, small investors with less capital available are not excluded from

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participating in infrastructure assets as capital requirements are smaller (Bitsch,

Buchner & Kaserer 2010).

In this paper we are going to focus on this last approach. Infra Funds were initially

designed in Australia in the mid-1990 but have grown remarkably since then in Canada

and, throughout the beginning of the new century, in Europe and Asia.

In Australia, the country which is probably most developed in terms of infrastructure

investment acceptance, superannuation funds (the same as European pension funds),

have driven significant increases in capital flowing to listed and unlisted infrastructure

or listed infrastructure companies. 116 unlisted infrastructure funds were recorded to

have raised a figure of about €83 Billion and, by the end of 2007, they were looking to

raise further €81 Billion. Unlisted funds counting is reaching 20 as of 2009 and marking

on a capitalization of €21 Billion. Figures from the end of 2008 reveal a volume of

approximately €52 Billion managed by 19 infrastructure managers for pension funds.

As a clear sign of the increasing importance of Infra Funds, Inderst states that about 150

pension funds around the globe acknowledged to have started investing in infrastructure

funds and to have established 2%, 3%, 5% or more to their strategic asset allocation.

However, the global amount of funds allocated to infrastructure investments is still

below 1%, out of the whole basket of world assets (Inderst 2010)

The reason for following such an approach is that it purely focuses on infrastructure

while not demanding commitments of large amounts of capital and providing for better

diversification than direct investments, thus annulling business risks, geography risks

and one entity full-control of the assets -related risks.

The Fund here designed is structured in a way that portfolio farms to which the fund

commits itself are decided by the board, according to the mandate, and a position is

established (in the ownership – equity). Then, as the underlying company created

specifically to control the farm (typically an SPV) receives the payoff from its

operations, cash starts out-flowing from the SPV to the fund, which will collect the

value received in its accounts and distribute it to each participant of the fund.

Throughout the procedure, and until the money has finally reached the participant – say

a pension fund, a bank, an insurance company or a wealthy individual – there will

certainly be fees or taxes to take into consideration, hence making cash flows between

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portfolio companies and fund diverse from those between the fund and its investors.

Although, being a reality, the complexity of tax systems among countries, the different

rates of taxation applied to different investors and the large range of fees collected by

fund managers makes turns that analysis into an aspect outside the objective of this

paper. Further adding, management fees charged by the funds will also not be analyzed


Particularly, I am going to analyze cash flow amounts generated by a fund composed of

5 countries and 37 underlying companies owning a total Offshore Wind Farm project

which will pay the respective amount to the fund and then this fund will distribute it to

its investors. The final objective is to understand with statistical significance what is the

risk and return generated for the fund if owning 100% participations in the 37 farms.

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3. Previous Research

Literature often points features which lean infrastructure assets for being a very

attractive investment, nevertheless previous research is far from being conclusive.

Besides, there are no studies on Infra Funds specialized in Offshore Wind Farms or

even in Wind Farms both Offshore and Onshore, which makes it hard to compare with

the analysis here performed.

Inderst (Inderst 2010) analyses Infrastructure investments as an alternative and starts by

stating its growing importance in the world. Inderst poses the question on whether it can

be seen as an alternative asset class or rather a different vehicle for investments in

Private Equity, Real-Estate or even Equities, by trying to define a risk-return profile

which would definitely allow for its inclusion in one of these classes, or else create a

new one. The analysis on performance is divided as of listed and unlisted funds: as of

listed funds, indices tend to show better performances than global stock market indices

until the late 2000s, when performance drops below the benchmark indices. Volatility is

seen as high, sometimes higher than those of general stocks and dividend yields are also

above average which is mainly attributed to the inclusion of utility stocks in the

analysis. As for unlisted funds, Inderst points out that the history of these particular

funds is quite short and data is reluctantly made public. Hence, the latter combined with

the wide variety in nature of unlisted infrastructure funds and the difficulty in accepting

a universal benchmark performance measure, leads to much less reliable conclusions.

Bitsch et al. (Bitsch, Buchner & Kaserer 2010) perform a much more detailed study and

focus specifically on deals on infrastructure in order to be able to qualitatively compare

them to non-infrastructure deals. This paper provides an important guideline for the

study here presented as it analyses cash flows returned to the investor and intends to

establish a risk return profile, although not looking for an analysis on a fund’s

perspective. Final conclusions reveal some support for infrastructure investment: default

risk seems to be lower for infrastructure than for non-infrastructure, even though no

evidence of more stable cash flows is found (conversely to what is often pointed).

Moreover, average and median returns seem to be higher for infrastructure deals both

measured by IRR and investment multiples. On the long-term nature of this type of

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investments, duration analysis shows no evidence of differences when compared with

non-infrastructure deals.

It is important to mention, however, that Bitsch et al. run a study based on the broad

range of the definition of infrastructure while I am going to focus solely on Offshore

Wind deals.

Both Peng & Newell (Peng & Newell 2007) and Finkenzeller et al. (Finkenzeller,

Dechant & Schäfers 2010) conduct studies based on a 10 years’ analysis limited to Q2

2006 and Q4 2007, respectively, and reveal that average annual returns on infrastructure

are higher than those of bonds, properties and equities, but volatility does not seem to

present the same consensus. While Peng & Newell find that volatility of unlisted

infrastructure (5,8%) is lower than stocks’ (11,0%), it is higher than for bonds (4,1%)

and direct property (1,5%), Finkenzeller et al., however, refer that the annualized

standard deviation of the returns for direct investment is 10,4%, which is higher than the

one found for bonds (4,1%), property (7,9%) and equities (9,5%). Inderst points out an

important critic to both studies by mentioning that the period analyzed is probably not

the most appropriate to infer any conclusions on risk and return, due to the reason of

being prior to the credit crunch of 2007.

In order to understand the extraordinary degree of variation amongst results from

previous authors, it is decisive to understand the findings of another study run by

CEPRES (CEPRES 2009) which is a center that collects information on private equity

deals, registering the cash flows generated, both in and out to the investors, among

them, on deals in which the underlying asset is an infrastructure (bridges, schools, toll

roads, power plants, etc.). According to this data center, realized direct infrastructure

transactions finalized by unlisted funds present an average and median IRR of 48,0%

and 14,3% respectively. This is incredibly different from those numbers from Peng &

Newell or from Frikenzeller et al, especially if one takes in consideration that CEPRES

numbers are IRRs and those by other authors are annualized rates of return, which do

not take into consideration costs on time value of money.

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Finally, two authors set a future path to follow by presenting very interesting analysis

on this topic. Vives (Vives 1999), makes a theoretical analysis on some of the reasons

which can lead pension funds to participate in infrastructure deals, mainly exploring the

option of project finance-based investment, much like the paper I am here presenting.

Vives, focus on the emerging market countries from Latin America and finishes with an

analysis on the implications for Europe and the U.S. of private participation in both the

mandatory pension system and infrastructure investment.

Also exploring the emerging markets’ opportunities, Sawant (Sawant 2010a) dissects

the possibilities presented by infrastructure project bonds. Although the analysis I am

presenting in this paper is based on the pure equity composition of capital, the usual

approach in the industry is still supported on syndicated loans, and project bonds might

present, in the future, a reliable alternative. Sawant concludes that the risk-return profile

is still not rewarding for investors, although revealing some interesting properties in an

investor’s point of view: low correlations with equity indices and very stable cash


As mentioned above, none of the studies conducted previously focus in this particular

type of infrastructure I am going to analyze here, which, although making it more

difficult to set comparisons, provides to this paper with added value for presenting an

alternative approach in the set of pension funds and other institutional investors

committing their money to infrastructure specific listed or unlisted funds.

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4. Hypothesis

In order to solve for the offshore wind financing gap, the technology has to make its

case to an international corporate investment context. Investors have to be convinced as

to the attractive properties of this type of deals, with the aim of establishing in their

mandates a strategic allocation position in this specific infrastructure. As Inderst (2010)

mentions in his article, there are some points often argued in favor of infrastructure


- long-term cash-flows

- stability/low volatility

- low risk and low return cash flows

- relatively low default rates

- good inflation hedge

- low sensitivity to swings in the economy and markets

- low correlation of returns with other asset classes

- sustainability (renewable energy)

It is difficult to determine what characterizes an asset class and this paper will not try to

establish infrastructure as an alternative or, even more, offshore wind energy

investments. The goal of this paper is to analyze that such investment characteristics

often postulated are real in Greenfield offshore wind projects from several European

countries if these were to be combined by a fund. Hence, the following hypothesis are



By definition, Offshore Wind Farms have to be long-term directed, with a minimum

expected years of living for turbines of around 20 years stated by suppliers. Most

recently some turbines have started being produced as to generate energy for 25 years


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Although having a life span of around 20 years, because of being a relatively recent

technology, there is still not enough evidence of how long exactly a turbine can last.

Nonetheless, even if one assumes that a turbine will go on to 20-30 years, it does not

mean that investors will hold this asset in their portfolio for as long as the total lifetime

of a turbine. Thus, as a crucial part of the assumptions, I am considering that a fund is

sponsoring each farm from its very beginning until it is shut down, which will be

approximately 20 years later.

Although the results might be very dependent on these assumptions, I am going to

perform an analysis of the duration of these cash flows as to establish its characteristic

and understand whether this type of investment is consistent with the profile of

institutional investors.



Investments in offshore wind farms vary broadly in terms of size, number of turbines

and its capacity. I am going to analyze the magnitude of the initial capital outflow

totaled by those farms studied in this paper and compare it to other securities. As it is an

expensive technology and it is a generalized procedure in this industry for suppliers to

deliver key-in-hand solutions, one would expect higher initial costs than for other asset


Given the study here conducted, capital outflows are dependent on the established

assumptions on initial costs per MW/h installed but real data is used to formulate the

total capacity installed, thus, these figures will be estimated with reasonable certainty.


As being one of the most interesting properties, stable cash flows are crucial for

investors such as pension funds or insurance companies which often present reasonably

stable and predictable liabilities as well. Hence, it is useful for this type of investors to

search the market looking for assets that produce cash flows matching their liabilities.

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As it is stated by Inderst (2010), it should be expected to encounter less volatility in

Infrastructure investments due to a reasonably inelastic demand and its monopolistic

features. Nonetheless, Offshore Wind Investment is a very specific type of asset which

presents technological risk and is exposed to weather characteristics and electricity spot

prices. Therefore it will be interesting to reach a conclusion on the risk profile of these

particular investments in infrastructure.



In order to understand the risk for equity investors, although studying the volatility of

cash flows, I am going to analyze the default frequencies of Offshore Wind

Investments. This will allow one to conclude on the likelihood of a project destroying

value to its sponsor. One should expect to see lower default frequencies than for other

investments, for instance in non-infrastructure assets.

Besides, I will measure the return achieved and compare it to other asset classes in order

to understand if one can state the lower payout this investment produces. Typically it is

argued that these deals provide low, bond-like returns, which is also consistent with the

argument that there is a smaller risk.

These results can prove themselves determinant for a fund’s board which is analyzing

whether to invest in an Infra Fund such as the one being constructed here, as they give

one an idea on what is the overall profile of these investments.

Further hypothesis testing would be of value for an institutional investor in order to

reach a complete conclusion on the risk-return characteristics of the asset – for instance,

its relation with the macroeconomic environment and the claim that these particular

investments provide inflation-linked returns. Nevertheless, any empirical evidence

depicted from the returns here generated would be pure coincidence as no links to the

economy are included in the construction of the model here designed. For example, the

actual consequences of electricity price variability could somehow transmit the effects

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of supply and demand influences which can be the basis for a link to Inflation Rates,

GDP growth and Public Equity Markets; also, actual costs in O&M activities carry the

influences of the macroeconomic environment such as the volatility in oil prices; but

neither of those real data indicators are introduced and thus, an empirical study would

not provide for reliable conclusions on this. However, Appendix E presents the material

necessary for a possible time-series OLS regression and the SPSS outcome which

reveals a jointly significance F-test that is not statistically significant, as predicted,

while each of the t-tests on each Beta also reveals no statistical significance. The

econometric study is conducted relating the average return attained by a sample of

several funds throughout several years with macroeconomic measures. For instance

from 1999 to 2010, one would collect data on annual GDP growth rates (GDP), annual

inflation rates (INFLATION) and average yearly return on a public equity market proxy


This would be one of the options on how to look for any relationships between the

variables. The other would be by looking at a panel data set which could study several

funds (or deals on individual farms, as Offshore Wind Funds are not available in a

statistically significant number of observations) throughout the years. Again, the study

would not make sense in modeled figures as the ones here presented, since any

correlation (or the lack of it) would not be a reliable conclusion on the actual numbers.

Further research on this particular aspect would bring significant value to the industry.

1 Data source: Nordea Statistics

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5. Data

For the specific purpose of running the study in this thesis, a set of data is generated.

The data generation aims to simulate an Offshore Wind Infra Fund that would collect in

its portfolio, from 2011 on, 37 newly established offshore wind farms and thus, after

analyzing its balance sheet, one can deduct the risk-return characteristics of such an

investment. By comparing its risk-return characteristics with those presented by other

asset classes, it will make it possible to understand how attractive it would be for mutual

funds, pension funds, insurance companies, banks or wealthy individuals to invest in the


In order to run the study, a set of data is generated based on the combination of cash

flows produced by 37 farms in 5 countries: Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden

and The Netherlands. The data is built on real figures for the number of turbines and

capacity installed in each farm. Nonetheless, the generation is dependent on some

crucial assumptions, both general and country-specific.


Five main parameters are identified by Morthorst et al. (2009) in analyzing wind power

economics: investment costs (including foundations and grid connection), operation

and maintenance costs (O&M), electricity production, turbine lifetime and discount

rate. In this paper I am going to follow this framework and search the literature in order

to find reliable assumptions for the latter parameters. Furthermore, I am going to

include taxes and depreciation as other crucial parameters for the computation of free

cash flows.

- Investment Costs

Morthorst et al. state that on average, investment costs on a new offshore wind farm

near-shore are expected to be in the range of € 2,0–2,2 million/MW. Therefore, for the

initial computation, I am going to assume an initial investment of €2,2 million per

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MW/h of capacity installed as to depart from a worst-case in terms of initial capital


- O&M costs

Furthermore, in their paper, Morthorst et al. use 16€ per MW/h installed yearly as

operations and maintenance (O&M) costs for the farms. The value for O&M costs is

stated to account for the average expenditure of insurance, regular maintenance, repair,

spare parts and administration. Some countries have predefined in their standards that

land rental is part of O&M costs while others have assumed it to be a cost considered in

the initial investment. Thus, to simplify the analysis, we are going to assume it to be

included, for all of the farms, in the O&M costs, using the assumed value of 16€ per

MW/h as an average.

Besides, O&M costs are modeled as being “pegged” to the load rate generated for each

year. The idea is that the effective number of hours per year that a turbine is working is

related with the O&M costs: the smaller the load rate, the more likely there was need to

perform maintenance as of increased downtime, reflecting it as losses in the economical

results. According to this methodology, the same random number generated for the load

rate is taken for a normal distribution of the O&M costs with a standard deviation of

one quarter of the average. The lack of modeling in this area according to previous

authors and a need for inducing variability in these costs stimulate for the need to create

the referred method.

- Electricity Production

Electricity production depends on the turbines’ capacity, the number of turbines and the

load rate. Besides the first 2 variables, which are given by the real data set of farms in

the 5 countries, for computing the electricity generation per farm, one as to assume a

load rate, which is the percentage of the total possible outcome a turbine can produce

that is effectively generated. This percentage varies according to wind conditions and

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down time, but according to the DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change

2011) a load factor of around 40% is acceptable as an average.

As it is a volatile factor throughout the lifetime of the turbine, to increase the reality of

the simulation, I am going to use Microsoft Excel 2007 to generate a load factor

following a normal distribution with an average of 40% and standard deviation of 10%

for each year. There is no evidence in previous literature on which distribution a load

factor of an offshore wind turbine follows, and thus, the normal distribution is applied

for the simplicity of the model, which should allow for some uncertainty regarding the

average mentioned above of 40%.

- Turbine Lifecycle

In assuming the life cycle of an offshore wind turbine, even though there have not been

so many turbines reaching its life expectancy of 20 years stated by the main supply

chain players due to the relative infancy of offshore wind energy, several authors use

the 20 years mark as the usual maturity for the device (Schleisner 2000) & (Morthorst et

al. 2009). Nevertheless, a sensitivity analysis on the life expectancy of a wind turbine is


- Discount Rate

The discount rate should reflect the risk the investor is taking when financing the

offshore wind farm. As this technology is still relatively new, the risks are considered to

be fairly high and those companies responsible for the project have to manage risks

regarding construction, technology failures, O&M costs and volume (wind conditions-


Also, the debate on an appropriate discount rate opens up the discussion to capital

structure decisions affecting the required rate of return, depending on the amount of

debt (leveraged position) and equity. As this is not the point of the discussion for the

paper, every farm is assumed to be completely financed by equity investors which,

hence, have all the risk in their hands. The only risk that is shared is the one passed on

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to insurance companies (costs of insurance included in O&M costs) and to suppliers

when setting up the farms (which usually commit themselves to present key-in-hand

solutions, although the price paid to turbine suppliers as the initial investment is already

taking into consideration such risks).

Morthorst (2009) assumes a discount rate range between 5-10, mainly required to

compute net present values (NPV), productivity indexes (PI), and other valuation

measures. For the purpose of this simulation, I am going to assume a discount rate of

5%, which is clearly above a risk free interest rate in Europe at present (Euribor 3

months equal to 1,556% as of 01-07-20112), but still reasonable taking into

consideration the risks involved in these projects.

- Taxes

Although tax rates vary from country to country, I am going to assume one “universal”

tax rate for the 5 countries used in this simulation as it is more interesting to see what

happens to risk and return when performing a sensitivity analysis on the model. Hence,

a corporate tax rate on the profit generated by each farm of 25% is assumed. One as to

bear in mind that there is also individual taxes to take into consideration when a

participant of the fund “cashes” its share or receive payoffs. However, that tax rate

depends both on the country of analysis and on the type of investor, as there are

different tax rates for pension funds or banks and other institutional investors, or even

on an individual investor. Due to the complexity of such analysis, it is behind the scope

of this paper to evaluate this issue.

- Depreciation

Depreciation is also considered in this simulation as it is part of Free Cash Flows’

computation. In this case, I am going to start with the assumption that, at the end of the

2 Data Source: Eurostat

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lifecycle of a turbine (20 years, by definition), there is no money from the remaining of

the farm, in the ocean, but there is also no costs from taking turbines down and shutting

off the farm. Depreciation can become a crucial variable mainly as it poses the issue of

whether a Farm should be dismantled in the end of its commercial life or rather

renewed, replacing old turbines by new ones and take advantage of the already

established grid connections and turbine foundations.

As a part of the free cash flow generation, the revenue stream is dependent on the

incentive system used in each country. The report developed by Mott Macdonald (Mott

Macdonald 2011) describes several incentive policies of various European countries and

resumes the main aspects of each system.


- Denmark (FIT):

For Denmark, the system is based on a tender offer on the premium feed-in tariff (FIT).

For being conceded the exploration companies make a bid for the premium tariff they

require and the most competitive wins. The most recent lease is based on a total amount

of spot electricity price plus premium tariff equal to approximately 84€ per MW/h

which applies to a maximum of 10TW or 20 years, whatever comes first (International

Energy Agency 2011).

- Ireland (FIT):

The Irish system for supporting Offshore Wind is based on a Feed-in tariff offered

through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for up to 15 years and maximum until

2024 (European Renewable Energy Council 2009). Since February 2008, the premium

tariff plus the spot price offered are set to the amount of 140€ MW/h. Nevertheless, the

framework establishes a contract for difference (CfD) which means that, throughout the

lifetime of the PPA, whenever the reference price on the spot electricity market is below

the PPA price, the support is indeed provided, but during times in which the sport price

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is superior to the PPA price, the payment flows backwards and the price received is still

the 140€ per MW/h mentioned above (RES LEGAL 2011).

- Netherlands (FIT):

In the Netherlands, the system is also based on a feed-in tariff in which a tender offer is

made by competitive bidders (Mott Macdonald 2011). As of 2009, there is a base rate of

186 € per MW/h up to 15 years and to a maximum amount of €2,645 Million in total to

the whole investment. In this particular system, the Dutch Government establishes a

fixed premium price which has an option for an higher price when spot markets are

above the FIT agreed upon (International Energy Agency 2011). Thus, it acts as a floor

on the price received, which can be higher if the spot market presents more favorable


- Sweden (TGC):

In Sweden there is a tradable green certificate system, a market-based subsidy system in

which the government establishes a requirement for utility companies to own these

certificates according to a legal quota on their volume of sales. In order to do so, either

utility companies (consumers of electricity) produce their own energy from renewable

sources or use the certificates’ market to buy them from someone who does. As the

system allocates 1 certificate per each Megawatt-hour of renewable electricity

produced, the system favors the cheapest method of producing electricity from

renewable sources.

According to a report by the Swedish Energy Agency (Jöhnemark, Östberg &

Johansson 2009), there is a 10-15 year support period which can go up to 2030. The

limitation is due to the fact that the 15 year support period is assumed to be the limit for

plants to be commercially viable. After this period, they should be able to produce

renewable electricity at a profit, without the need for the subsidy from certificates.

Green and Vasilakos (Green & Vasilakos 2011) state that a tradable green certificate in

Sweden was worth approximately €32 (300 SEK) in 2009.

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For the purpose of simulating the economical viability of an Offshore Wind project, the

percentage quota on sales established by law in Sweden is not relevant, but I am going

to assume the average price per TGC mentioned above, as it is a crucial part of the


- UK (TGC):

The UK incentive system is denominated Renewable Obligation Certificate (ROC) and,

as in Sweden, it is also a TGC system. Nonetheless, contrarily to what happens in

Sweden, the system is banded, which means that different technologies are allocated

different amounts of ROCs. Although a lot of divergence in terms of what is written to

be the incentive system in the UK, the ultimate revision as approved 2 ROC’s per

MW/h for Offshore Wind projects, with each ROC trading at an average of €54 (£48

GBP) per MW/h (Mott Macdonald 2011).

As a result, the mentioned incentive will be assumed when computing the free cash

flows of UK farms.

From the analysis of several articles and institutional reports, it is possible to affirm that

incentive systems are very complex tools. Several countries’ governments support R&D

for this technology through grants and funding, which will here be ignored due to the

complexity that is quantifying such incentive. Moreover, there are tax incentives and

levy exemptions for some farms of bigger proportions in a quantity of the countries

analyzed, but again the purpose of this paper is not to study the different support

systems for Offshore Wind projects in the EU.


Europe has long been preparing for a unified internal electricity market. This liberalized

electricity market aims for the introduction of cross-country competition according to a

uniform legal framework, in order to maximize production and trading efficiency. Final

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consumers will benefit from a unified system in which efficiency gains will secure

lower prices (Domanico 2007).

A web-based tool provided by Nordea, Nordea Statistics, part of the program e-Markets,

made it possible to gather data on electricity prices from Nordpool Spot for the last 10

years (from 05/06/2001 to 03/06/2011). Nordpool is an electricity power exchange for

several markets in the north of Europe, being today one of the most active regional

electricity markets in the world. It is the largest and with the longest history in Europe

and Wind Power is already traded on it (Holttinen 2005). Intuitively, electricity

exchanges reproduce the equilibrium between supply and demand, replacing the old

government influence in this market.

The data set returns Elspot prices in Euros for day-ahead trading in which, buyers

evaluate how much electricity they will need to meet the requirements of their

customers in the following day and how much they are willing to offer for those MWs

of power (bid price – hour by hour). The same way, sellers quantify the amount of

power they will be able to generate and at what price is it financially optimal for them

(ask price – hour by hour).

According to the legislation encountered for the 5 countries analyzed, the main goal of

the incentive systems is to provide initial support for this relatively new technology as

to develop its implementation. Hence, governments aim for its independency from tax

payers and self-sufficiency based on market equilibrium, for instance based on power

exchanges or bilateral contracts.

As the purpose of the paper is not to model electricity prices but instead to analyze cash

flows’ risk return on Offshore Wind Investments, 3 scenarios for the average spot

electricity prices, exchange traded, are built for the next 20 years: low (average

electricity price = €55), medium (€75) and high (€95) scenarios. These values are based

on a basic statistical analysis of Nordpool Spot prices (see Table 1) which indicate that

on average for the last 2 years, the average spot price was €55,50. Furthermore, the

analysis reveals a tendency, from 2001 to 2011, for prices to consistently increase,

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coming from an annual average of €21 in 2001 and reaching a value of 60€ (3 times

higher) in the first half of 2011 (see Figure 1). The analysis also reveals a standard

deviation of approximately €15 in the last decade which we are going to use for

computing a normally distributed electricity price throughout the life cycle of the farm.

Finally, the analysis also shows that, in the last decade, there were 15 days in which

electricity prices rose above €95, with an all time maximum of €134,80. Appendix A

contains further detailed statistical information on the breakdown of electricity prices

for the last 10 years.

Statistics 2011 & 2010

Min 20,67 €

Average 55,50 €

Max 134,80 €

Decil 10% 44,08 €

Decil 90% 71,87 €

Quartil 1 (25%) 47,49 €

Quartil 2 (50%) 51,30 €

Quartil 3 (75%) 62,97 €

Quartil 4 (100%) 134,80 €

Number of Observations 519

Standard Deviation 12,82 €

Number of days above 95 6

Table 1: Descriptive statistics of day-ahead trading spot electricity prices on of the last 2 years

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Figure 1: Illustrative graph on the path of electricity prices throughout the last 10 years and annual

average price

This increase in electricity prices is probably reflecting not only an increase in demand,

but also the awareness of the European population that there is a need to invest in

cleaner sources of energy, although the costs may be higher. The most recent nuclear

disaster in Japan led several European nations (such as Germany and Switzerland, for

example) to decree the immediate discontinuing of nuclear power investment and

further investment in other environmentally friendly fonts of power.

Government support through incentives and facilitated funding reveals exactly this idea,

as to spread the costs of a cleaner environment through society by having population’s

taxes as font. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that the future will likely bring a further

increase in prices until the extent that these renewable sources of energy, such as

Offshore Wind, become cheaper, due to technological development, and, ultimately

more efficient, driving prices to an inflexion point.









05-06-2001 05-06-2003 05-06-2005 05-06-2007 05-06-2009

Electricity Price Average per year

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As being a benchmark due to the high liquidity and volume traded, I am going to use

the scenarios presented above based on electricity prices of Nordpool and assuming a

future liberalized and further open European electricity market (even though countries

such as the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands do not trade primarily on Nordpool, it

serves as a proxy).

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6. Methodology

The simulation3 combines cash flows from farms in different countries in order to

simulate the risk diversification that can be achieved through a fund that combines

several farms, from different countries, in its portfolio. For instance, as we cannot store

electricity or wind (in comparison to other commodities such as oil, gas or coal), an

electricity generator owning a wind farm cannot control if the wind is blowing at

enough speed at a specific location, but can prevent shortages by offsetting the losses of

power in one location with the above average power generated at another.

After summing the cash flows produced by the 37 farms mentioned in the previous

section, one is presented with the cash flows the Infra Fund investors are going to face.

Nonetheless, this is not enough for stating with certainty, given the established

assumptions, that those will be the results for the sponsors. Thus, I then run that result

1000 times through a Monte Carlo Simulation.


The methodology of Monte Carlo Simulation certifies the process by assuring a

procedure for sampling random outcomes of the Infra Fund. Monte Carlo is based on

the Markov Process and accordingly, the return of the project (Infra Fund) is not

dependent from past performance and only the present value of the project matters for

predicting what will happen in the future.

John Hull (Hull 2009) describes the process as for returns on stocks, in which the only

dependent variable is the Stock Price itself (S) at present:

3 All the calculations here conducted were done using Microsof Excel 2007 and PASW Statistics 18, also

known as SPSS.

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Consequently, is the change in the stock price (S) in a established time interval ( )

and is a randomly generated number following a normal distribution with mean zero

and standard deviation 1. The parameter is the expected rate of return per unit of time

and is the volatility parameter. Given that

is the return of the stock and

represents the expected value of this return according to a unit of time, if is the

stochastic part of the return, then the variance of the stochastic component is .

Thus, the standard deviation of the return is (Hull 2009).

In our analysis there are 3 variables following a stochastic process which use the

expression = RAND( ) in Excel, hence, producing a random sample matrix of numbers

between 1 and 0. As stated above, for simplifying the simulation, all 3 variables O&M

Costs, Load Factor and Spot Market Electricity Price were assumed to follow a Normal

Distribution and therefore, the function =NORMSINV(RAND( )) executes the

necessary reproduction.

The model here developed depends on both stationary and stochastic variables (see

Table 2), being assumed as stationary the ones that tend to be more stable throughout

time, such as Corporate Tax Rate, Expected Lifecycle, Discount Rate or the Incentive

System from each country. Those which are observed as being highly volatile variables,

presenting different values on a daily basis (such as Electricity Prices and Load

Factors), I take as an assumption here the mean and standard deviation (constants) – as

argued on the previous section – per annum. Same for O&M costs, which, although not

making sense to state that O&M costs vary on a daily basis, its annual average is

volatile, thus, justifying the need for being a stochastic variable.

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For instance, Load Factor is assumed to follow a Normal Distribution with Mean ( =

40% and a Standard Deviation ( = 10%.

In this exercise ( time variation is assumed to be always 1 as the rates here

considered are already pre-established as being annualized.

By repeatedly simulating movements on the Load Factor, in the limit, as (the set of

random numbers generated between 0 and 1) are independent numbers from each other,

a complete probability distribution (Normal, in this specific exercise) at the end of the

time here analyzed, can be derived.

Variable Condition

Investment Costs (per MW/h installed) Assumption

O&M Costs Assumption

Expected Life Cycle (No. of Years) Assumption

Total Capacity Real Data

Total Possbile Outcome per annum (MW/h) = Total Capacity * 24 * 365

Initial Investment = Investment Costs * Total Capacity

Average Maintenance Costs (MC) = O&M Costs * Total Possible Outcome

Std. Deviation of Maintenance Costs = 0,25 * Maintenance Costs

Maintenance Costs (observed) = NORMSINV((1-LF);(1-Average MC); Std MC)

Average Load Rate (LR) Assumption

Std. Deviation of Load Rate = 0,25 * Load Rate

Load Factor (LF) = NORMSINV(RAND( ); Average LR ; Std LR)

Discount Rate Assumption

Corporate Tax Rate Assumption

Residual Value Assumption

Depreciation = (Initial Investment-Residual Value)/Expected Life Cycle

Electricity Price (EP) Changing Assumption

Std. Deviation of Electricity Price Assumption

Electricity Price (Observed) = NORMSINV(RAND( ); Average EP ; Std EP)

Incentive System Changing Assumption (Country Dependent)

Table 2: Description of the variables used in the model and Condition on Microsoft Excel

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The computation of Free Cash Flows of the European Infra Fund (EIF) follows the

following formula:


Corporate Tax rate

Depreciation amount of each farm

Total Revenues of each farm

Total Costs of each farm

Total Revenue is dependent on the formula:


Load Factor achieved each year, which follows a Normal distribution with mean

and standard deviation , besides being dependent, as mentioned above, on the

randomly generated

Output produced each year

Electricity Price, following a Normal distribution with mean and standard

deviation , and also dependent on (another randomly generated set of numbers)

Government’s Incentive per year, depending on the Output generated by the

farm(O); on the year the farm is running (t); and the support Fee (F) established by law

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Total Costs is represented by the equation:


Initial Investment

= Operation & Maintenance Costs, following a Normal distribution with mean

and standard deviation , and also dependent on (randomly generated)

It is important to mention that the set of final results here presented show only one of

the several possible outcomes for the Infra Fund. Each time Excel is asked to create a

new set of random samples , a new pattern of load factors will lead to completely new

IRR, Average Returns, Standard Deviations, Durations, NPVs and Default Frequencies.

There are some limitations that have to be considered taking into account the simplistic

nature of the model for generating cash flows: for instance, there are still no studies

stating a distribution followed by load rates or maintenance costs based on passed

observed cases of Offshore Wind Farms, and, even though there are several studies on

electricity prices, the complexity of those methodologies takes need for developing

another paper just to set ground on how to model that 1 variable for this study.


Portfolio Financing derives from project finance, in which the security for the

investment is the project itself. The typical deal is arranged through an SPV (Special

Purpose Vehicle) created for the specific purpose of owning and managing the Offshore

Wind Farm. As no company or person is liable for the money, the only guarantee

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investors have is the total cash flows the project will generate. According to Morthorst

(Morthorst et al. 2009), it works like “a giant property mortgage” in which the house is

collected by the investors if the payments are not repaid.

Project finance can be established for both debt or equity deals, in which the first thing

to do is to derive with reasonable certainty the likely cash flows that the project will

generate. In case of equity holders, the sponsors of the SPV will receive cash flows

according to the percentage ownership and are subject to the volatility of the profit

generated. For debt holders, the only difference is that repayments are designed to be

somehow stable throughout the lifetime of the loan. Equity holders hold a call option on

the profits and in some years they might not want to exercise the call (there will be no

more profit to distribute to sponsors as debt holders got the whole piece), but other

years, profits will grow and then equity investors will see the benefits of the call.

Analyzing figure 1, typically the SPV (here designated Wind Farm Ltd) owned by one

or several companies (joint venture), recurs to debt financing through a lending

syndicate consisting of one leading Bank institution (Bank A) which organizes the loan

and then searches for other banks willing to get involved in the operation (Banks B, C

and D).

Figure 2: Typical wind farm financing structure (source: Garrard Hassan at Morthorst et al. 2009)

A different approach for structuring the financing of such projects is Portfolio

Financing, already much in use and the one we are interested in for this study. In

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Portfolio Finance, the owner of several wind farms is financed itself identically to the

SPV in project finance, with the difference that it bundles together several farms,

usually separated by a considerable geographic distance, and dependent on a different

range of turbine types and suppliers. In here, the security is conferred by the whole

portfolio of farms. The idea underneath the conception of this type of financing is that it

reduces risks associated with this technology, such as design faults of a specific

supplier, fiscal incentives-country specific dependency or wind shortfalls in particular

years. The latter is a crucial aspect as it can be seen in figure 3.

By grouping together several farms in one portfolio, the average wind speed of the

projects provides a much more stable line than each of the projects itself. This is an

attractive feature for investors as predictability and low volatility are highly rated


Hence, portfolio finance itself provides a tool for reducing risk at the same time that

benefits financial institutions (banks) which usually prefer big deals, as the due

diligence they are obligated to perform does not change significantly.

In this study, I am going to perform an analysis based on an organization (or a group of

sponsors in equity terms) owning a portfolio of wind farms in different European

countries with installed turbines provided by several suppliers. Thus, the analysis will

allow one to reduce or perhaps even annul technological risk and political risk.

Figure 3: The geographical effect of portfolio financing (source: Marco et al. 2007)

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In order to be able to compare the results here obtained with the ones achieved by

previous authors, I am going to use a set of measures for defining the risk-return profile

of Offshore Wind Infrastructure Investments (see Table 3).

- Return

As of return, Internal Rate of Return – IRR – and annualized rate of return - a measure

of return which does not take into consideration time values of money, thus presenting

the return of the cash flow generated over the initial capital requirement on each year –

are going to be used. IRR is usually defined as the return which equates a set of cash

flows occurring at different points over time to zero. IRR is also a very widely used

measure, for instance in private equity deals, but also in measuring performance of

projects or deals by funds’ managers on taking a decision on which asset classes to

invest (Luckett 1984).

Characteristic of the investment

Performance Indicator

Return: IRR (Internal Rate of Return)

Annualized Rate of Return

Risk: Standard Deviation

Time length: Macaulay Duration

Downside Risk: NPV

Default Frequency

Table 3: Performance indicator per characteristic of the investment explained

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- Standard Deviation

Furthermore, standard deviation is used as a measure of volatility, which gives us a

proxy of risk. The calculation is based on all cash flows from each SPV (Offshore Wind

Farm) to the Infra Fund. For example, a small amount of capital generated by the

several farms here gathered in one year combined with an immense amount in the next

year increases the risk measure (Cumming & Walz 2009).

- Time-length

As of the purpose of analyzing the time horizon of Offshore Wind Farms’ investments,

the measure here used is annual Macaulay’s duration, which is a measure of the

project’s value volatility and the average time to discontinuity of cash flows (paid or

received). I am going to use Macaulay’s duration as defined by Fabozzi (Fabozzi 2010),

but adapted to a project’s specificities instead of a bond’s:


= Cash Flows at time t

= Residual Value

Duration presents interesting properties namely the fact that when all other factors are

constant, the longer the maturity, the greater the duration. Also, the lower the cash

flows, the greater the duration.

By the use of this measure it is also possible to compare this investment’s maturity with

the one presented by other assets competing for the money of institutional investors.

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- Downside Risk

In order to measure the downside (or default) risk, two measures here defined are also

used: first, NPV as it easily establishes a time value of money-adjusted measure for

defaulting. Accordingly, as I am assuming a risk-free interest rate of 5% in this paper,

and NPV will evaluate if the Infra Fund will add value for its sponsors, given that they

could at least invest their cash in a riskless alternative which would provide them 5%

return on top of the investment.

Moreover, a second measure is used which creates a multiple for each fund combination

according to the cumulated distributions returned to the investors as a proportion of the

cumulative paid-in capital. Bitsch et al. (Bitsch, Buchner & Kaserer 2010) use a similar

measure and thus, provide for a method to scrutinize those deals that return a multiple

smaller than 1, which would translate in a smaller amount of distributions returned than

capital invested by the fund to the owner of the several farms. Hence, a frequency

smaller than 1 means money lost by sponsors of the fund.

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7. Empirical Results

Using the data and methodology described previously the analysis leads to the

following results:



For testing the differences in time horizon, as mentioned in section 4, I am going to

analyze the duration of the cash flows generated by the Infra Fund composed by the

combination of 37 farms in 5 countries. It is expected that durations will be largely

dependent on the assumption established of a 20 years life-cycle for wind turbines

according to the suppliers’ technological information. Duration, which according to the

purpose of this paper, is appropriately defined by Davis (Davis 2001) as the average

time to discontinued cash flows.

As a result, based on Table 4, we can state that regardless of the electricity price

scenario assumed, the duration of the cash flows will be lower than the maturity of 20

years assumed. Moreover, duration is increasing together with electricity price: the low

scenario of 55,00€ on average per year, throughout the 20 years, produces a duration of

13,33 years, which is considered a long-term perspective investment, when compared

with investments in which the sight is established as to hold assets for a few months, 1

year or even 5 years; as electricity price increases, duration is also increasing and out of

the 1000 cash flow results produced by the simulation at a price of 95,00€, a maximum

duration is found for a fund with 19,26 years, which is fairly high.

Bitsch et al., (Bitsch, Buchner & Kaserer 2010) in their paper on infrastructure deals,

found that numbers are not significantly different from those of non-infrastructure deals.

Comparing the results, they found that in their analysis, deals on non-infrastructure

investments average a duration of 50,83 months, which translated to years means an

average of approximately 4 years. This is considerably different from the results here

presented although it is not a surprising result due to the long average life span of

infrastructure, as argued by Inderst (Inderst 2010), and the assumptions pre-established

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in this analysis. Metrick and Yasuda (Metrick & Yasuda 2010) affirm that deals done by

private equity-type funds usually present durations in the range of 10-12 years average,

which is similar to the numbers here presented.


Measure: Duration Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 13,3308 15,3679 17,7078

Median 13,3365 15,3599 17,7191

Standard Deviation 0,4169 0,4389 0,4626

Minimum 11,9392 14,2594 16,0814

Maximum 14,6412 16,8288 19,2601

Table 4: Duration analysis (All countries)

Moreover, durations with these proportions are suitable for institutional investors such

as pension funds and insurance companies looking for long-term directed portfolios,

mainly for those funds using immunization of liabilities as a strategy in asset allocation

decisions, as indicated by Davis (Davis 2001).

Pension Funds and Life insurance companies are usually crucial investors in long-dated

bonds, such as 20-30 years sovereign bonds and ultimately, as governments reintroduce

the ultra-long paper issuance (30-50 years), of even longer duration assets. This is due

to the new international accounting standards, which more clearly expose interest rate

risk on liabilities in the balance sheet, but also to the projections of longer-living

populations in Europe, indicating that demand for long-paper will continue

(Blommestein 2007). Blommestein also states that not only pension funds and life

insurance companies are frequent clients of such issuances, but also relative value

driven-accounts, such as banks, hedge funds or endowment funds (private universities).

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It is also frequently mentioned that infrastructure assets have higher capital

requirements than other types of investments.

As of the analysis here presented, assumptions lead to the formation of a fund composed

of 5 countries and 37 farms which in total require an up-front investment of € 6.867

Million. This is a very high figure mainly because we are here simulating a fund which

would buy 100% participations in 37 Offshore Wind farms, a technology on its own

already expensive. Furthermore, the high number of farms leads to an increased

expenditure. Even though the results here presented are based on the assumption of such

an expense, it is important to understand the set of data we are dealing with: for instance

each farm, based on real data, leads to an average initial investment of €186 Million,

although the maximum of the sample is €1.100 Million and the minimum is €4 Million.

Thus, there is a very large disparity among projects, as proven by the figure of standard

deviation (€223 Million) – see Table 5.

Each Farm

Average 185.608.648,65 €

Median 132.000.000,00 €

Maximum,00 €

Minimum 4.400.000,00 €

Standard Deviation 222.700.552,18 €

Table 5: Statistics on the initial costs of each of the fund’s farms

Notably, the data set is still composed of many small farms (see Figure 3), which push

the average and median towards small figures. These smaller farms were set as of the

beginning of this technology and therefore, as the industry is developing itself towards

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mature age, it is expected that larger fields will be created, of considerable commercial

size, thus, leading to larger demands of capital to set up one unique farm.

Figure 4: Frequency Distribution of Farms’ Initial Costs (in Millions of Euros)

Initial investments of this nature, requiring a high amount of capital, can only be a

possibility for institutional investors, which can, for instance, sponsor the creation of the

fund and then make it become available for everyone to invest in (listing the fund in a

public stock exchange) accessing a wider set of capital and loosening up the capital

requirement. Nonetheless, if the fund were to remain private, as it is drawn in this

analysis, it would mean a very large up-front cost for its sponsors.

Bitsch et al. (Bitsch, Buchner & Kaserer 2010) conclude that, on average, Infrastructure

deals present initial costs of about USD 22 Million (around €15,5 Million) which is

clearly lower than the €186 Million here stated. Nonetheless, their analysis includes not

only power plants (from renewable and non-renewable sources), but also bridges, toll

roads and other kinds of infrastructure investments. The most important aspect to depict

is that it is found that infra deals are more than double in capital requirement than non-

infra deals, meaning that, as expected Infrastructure investments require larger up-front


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Hence, one cannot reject the null hypothesis that Investments in Offshore Wind Farms

require high initial capital outflows.


One of the most important aspects in determining the risk-return profile of a particular

asset type is the variability of its cash-flows. As mentioned in previous sections, it is

often pointed that Infrastructure assets exhibit low cash flow volatility, much like bond


In order to conduct that analysis, I am going to use the standard deviation of the capital

generated by the Infra Fund as a measure for the volatility of the cash inflows of the



Measure: Standard Deviation Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 1,85% 1,76% 1,80%

Median 1,84% 1,76% 1,79%

Standard Deviation 0,27% 0,29% 0,30%

Minimum 0,98% 0,82% 0,84%

Maximum 2,77% 2,79% 2,66%

Table 6: Standard Deviation of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund

Cumming and Walz (Cumming & Walz 2009) conduct a study in which they also

analyze variability in cash flows by the usage of standard deviation, although scaled by

the initial investment required on each project. In the study here presented, though, the

initial investment is the same for all the cash flows analyzed. Thus, there is no point in

scaling the standard deviations encountered as the scaling factor would produce the

same results. This is due to the design of the fund, which is composed of the same 37

farms, with assumed initial investments established, which is then simulated 1000

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times, but without variation on the initial investment figure – the same fund, just 1000

possible results.

The analysis revealed on Table 6 is based on the computation of standard deviations for

each of the 1000 simulated Infra Fund’s cash flows for the 20 years period. Average

numbers show a relatively small figure, annualized, for each of the 3 scenarios of

electricity price, with the highest number being of 1,85% for the Low scenario.

Furthermore, the volatility of these figures is also relatively small, accounting for only

0,30% in the High scenario. The maximum figure here presented is of 2,79% standard

deviation per annum, which is still a fairly low number in terms of risk.

An overview of sovereign bonds performance in terms of volatility reveals that, out of a

sample starting from the year of 1973 and reaching all the way through 2008, the last

decades have been less volatile than the longer timeframes. Analysis of government

bonds show that overall, annual standard deviations record a figure of 4,8% – 5%.

Comparing these numbers to the ones presented by other asset classes’ profiles, one can

depict the magnitude of the standard deviation here achieved: Real-Estate, leads to

volatilities rounding the 15-16%, Hedge Funds for 8%-15% and Commodities 12%-

20% (Bekkers, Doeswijk & Lam 2009).

It is important to understand that this type of investment cannot compare to government

bonds and it will probably never constitute a substitute in terms of investment class,

mainly due to the potential risk of default that is taken as granted by investors as being

far smaller for a government as to fail to meet its obligations, than for an electricity

power project fund. Ultimately, one has to recall that the numbers here presented are

dependent on the incentive system guaranteed by governments themselves.

Nonetheless, Government Bonds provide a good benchmark for comparing all other

asset classes with, namely in terms of risk.

When comparing this asset with Corporate Bonds, it is crucial to distinguish between

low-grade and high-grade bonds: Kinn (1994) finds evidence, in a 28 years study of

both types of bonds, that standard deviation of the returns provided by corporate bonds

are in the range of 8%-10%, more precisely, 8,64% for low-grade and 9,42% for high-

grade bonds. These results are also clearly above the ones found according to the study

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here conducted, which, even when looking at the results on a sole country perspective

(see tables 7, 8 and 9), are still slightly underperforming in what respects the standard

deviation averages encountered.

In order to understand the power of technological and political diversification induced

by the Infra Fund here constructed, Tables 7, 8 and 9, show the standard deviation

figures constructed in this study, but through a country specific approach. Accordingly,

the study divides the farms in relation to the country they belong to and an Infra Fund is

assembled per country. Thus, the Danish Infra Fund is based on 13 Offshore Wind

Danish Farms, the Dutch is based on 4 Offshore Wind Dutch Farms, and so on.

The most important fact to take out of the analysis of the tables is that, when

constituting a merely national fund, in contrast to a European fund, results in terms of

volatility are much worst, specifically for the Dutch and Irish Funds. All of the figures

here presented are higher than those of the European fund, regardless of the electricity

price scenario.

Moreover, in some countries volatility becomes larger as the average electricity price

increases, such as Sweden and the UK; in the Netherlands and Ireland, however, the

study reveals an inverse relationship and standard deviations are decreasing as

electricity prices increase.

Figure 5: Diversification effect in the figure of standard deviation across scenarios on electricity price.











Low Intermediate High

Diversification Effect on the Risk Measure: Standard Deviation







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Figure 4 makes it easier to understand: the first line from the bottom (in dark-blue) is

the lowest standard deviation achieved and belongs to the European Infra Fund,

combining the 5 countries here analyzed.

LOW Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Standard Deviation DK IR NL SE UK

Average 2,27% 7,35% 8,40% 3,69% 2,35%

Median 2,25% 7,35% 8,38% 3,70% 2,34%

Standard Deviation 0,36% 0,98% 0,72% 0,58% 0,40%

Minimum 1,02% 4,59% 5,98% 1,85% 1,18%

Maximum 3,41% 10,35% 10,78% 5,63% 3,75%

Table 7: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the Low scenario on electricity price

INTERMEDIATE Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Standard Deviation DK IR NL SE UK

Average 1,96% 6,42% 7,34% 3,84% 2,55%

Median 1,96% 6,39% 7,34% 3,81% 2,53%

Standard Deviation 0,31% 0,97% 0,76% 0,63% 0,43%

Minimum 0,93% 3,35% 4,92% 1,86% 1,07%

Maximum 3,03% 9,68% 9,68% 6,02% 4,01%

Table 8: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the Intermediate scenario on

electricity price

HIGH Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Standard Deviation DK IR NL SE UK

Average 2,04% 5,79% 6,40% 4,10% 2,75%

Median 2,03% 5,73% 6,37% 4,08% 2,73%

Standard Deviation 0,32% 0,94% 0,77% 0,70% 0,46%

Minimum 1,01% 2,86% 4,13% 2,20% 1,59%

Maximum 3,04% 8,96% 8,85% 6,92% 4,51%

Table 9: Cross Country Analysis of standard deviation according to the High scenario on electricity price

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Conversely to what one would expect, an analysis on the fund’s performance given that

NO incentive system would be operational (see Table 10), leads to the conclusion that

standard deviations become even smaller. This is opposed to what is often argued by

professionals in this industry and government members when defending the support fees

established: one of the most crucial reasons for giving incentives to Offshore Wind

Farms, besides economical viability, is predictability in the cash flows outputted by the

farms, which are expected to stabilize with the inclusion of a fixed price for the power


Scenario: NO Incentive

Measure: Standard Deviation Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 1,04% 1,12% 1,20%

Median 1,04% 1,11% 1,20%

Standard Deviation 0,17% 0,19% 0,20%

Minimum 0,59% 0,49% 0,63%

Maximum 1,79% 1,75% 1,78%

Table 10: Standard Deviation of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive

systems established by governments

Nevertheless, this is a false argument as some of the incentive systems are not

establishing a fixed price throughout the lifecycle of the farm (or partially). Instead,

they provide for an additional fee on top of (volatile) electricity prices. This is the case

for the UK, Denmark and Sweden, which in this analysis are the single most

representative countries with 14, 13 and 5 farms each, totaling 32 farms out of the 37

composing the European Infra Fund. Thus, these countries, regardless of the support

system type – FiT or TGC – do not institute a fix price per MW/h generated, applying

instead an incentive to the outcome produced, which, as it adds up to the spot market

electricity prices, will not provide for more stable cash flows.

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Infrastructure investments are perceived as presenting low levels of risk, and therefore,

with Offshore Wind farms being an infrastructure investment, I am going to analyze if

this hypothesis can or cannot be rejected.

Several critics have been used on the power of standard deviation to measure and define

risk. For example, it is frequently declared that standard deviation does not reflect the

true underlying portfolio risk unless the data used is reflective of future performances;

also, statistical significance of standard deviation on cash flows is dependent on a large

number of observations; another important argument is that standard deviation only

takes into consideration expected risk and not potential risk (Wander & D'Vari 2003).

The first two arguments are surmounted by the nature of this simulation which is one of

predicting cash flows through a model for the future performance of a fund, based on a

large (Monte Carlo) simulation. The latter is overcome through the use of another

measure on downside risk: default frequency.

Recalling what was inferred in the previous section, the multiple generated by the 1000

simulations on the European Infra Fund provides the cumulated distributions returned to

the investors as a proportion of the cumulative paid-in capital. A multiple smaller than

1, would mean that there was a smaller amount of distributions returned to the investors

than the capital invested by the fund.


Measure: Defualt Frequency Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 2,4467 2,7993 3,2071

Median 2,4460 2,7985 3,2078

Standard Deviation 0,0688 0,0717 0,0785

Minimum 2,2319 2,4998 2,9067

Maximum 2,6534 3,0473 3,4613

Smaller than 1 0% 0% 0%

Table 11: Default Frequency of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund

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According to Table 11, the European Infra Fund does not generate any multiple smaller

than one. This is proven also by the minimum figures for any of the electricity price

scenarios. Another important aspect is that, given the lowest of the scenarios here

presented, the cumulated distributions of capital to investors more than double the initial

investment. At an average price of €95,00 per MW/h the return reaches 3 times the cost

of establishing the farm.

Although these results are good indicators on the performance of the farms, they are

based on the computation of annual free cash flows which do not consider time value of

money. Default frequencies reveal the total amount of Euros returned to investors at any

given point in time, no matter how far in time it happens. Therefore, Table 12 shows the

performance of the European Infra Fund according to NPV.


Measure: NPV Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 3.785.251.769,08 € 5.224.449.212,42 € 6.943.091.204,14 €

Median 3.783.842.067,64 €,14 € 6.953.491.307,40 €

Standard Deviation 306.503.792,63 € 316.767.008,62 € 347.340.042,64 €

Minimum 2.819.102.990,39 € 3.992.168.569,33 € 5.678.151.196,71 €

Maximum 4.719.053.604,80 €,67 € 8.022.855.224,08 €

Negative NPV 0% 0% 0%

Table 12: NPV of the European Infra fund according to the different electricity price scenarios

Results in Table 12 present the NPVs for the project of a European Infra Fund if

considering 1000 simulations of its free cash flows. NPV analysis allows for the

consideration of time value of money, which according to our assumption, is supposed

to be possible to reinvest the cash flows at least at a 5% risk-free rate. As predicted,

NPVs are increasing as electricity prices increase. Proving the good perceptions from

the previous table, also no negative NPVs are revealed by this measure, indicating solid


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Another approach that can reveal crucial findings is the one of NO incentive systems

included in the computation of Free Cash Flows (see Table 13).


Measure: Default Frequency Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 0,4364 0,9970 1,5190

Median 0,4376 0,9960 1,5191

Standard Deviation 0,0452 0,0531 0,0533

Minimum 0,2787 0,7829 1,3505

Maximum 0,5674 1,1563 1,7242

Smaller than 1 100,00% 52,40% 0,00%

Table 13: Default Frequency of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive system

established by governments

The results are self explanatory in what rspects to the importance of governmental

support. Looking at table 12 one can infer that only if electricity prices were to rise to an

annual average level of €95,00 per MW/h, the default frequencies would be zero. That

is, only in the highest scenario investors could be guaranteed to add value to their

money. The low scenario indicates that in all of the 1000 simulations, every result

would lead to a default frequency smaller than one, and only approximately 50% (500

cases) in the overall simulation would mean creation of value in the intermediate

scenario, although the average figure is also below one, but very close.

Finally, tables 14, 15 and 16 reveal the results on a country basis, which is indicative of

the success of each country’s incentive system. One cannot conclude that the incentive

system is good on the sole basis of the percentage of simulations which result in a

multiple above one. It is vital that the incentive system provides for the necessary

support of the technology without affecting the sole strive for efficiency – otherwise,

tax payers will bear the unnecessary costs of the badly used support.

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Firstly, and as expected, we can observe that multiples are rising as average electricity

prices increase, for every country. Moreover, if electricity prices were to follow the path

of the last 2 years (Low scenario), only 2 countries would present multiples smaller than

one: Denmark (with 13,37%) and Sweden (23,30%) . At an intermediate level for

electricity, only Denmark still presents farms with multiples below one and only 1,20%

out of the 1000 simulations. The high level shows no default frequencies.

These results are not surprising in the view that Denmark and Sweden, although

applying 2 different types of support, FiT and TGC respectively, present the most

modest incentives in terms of overall money added to electricity price. The Danish

system adds €29,00 per MW/h to spot market electricity prices, while the Swedish

system adds €32,00 on average. Other countries are more generous and provide for an

average additional €108,00, as the UK, or the Netherlands, which fixes a price of

€186,00 throughout the lifetime of the support system.

These differences are also reflected by the proportion assumed by the multiples for the

UK, which are much higher than the other countries in general, reaching return figures

of more than 3 times (Low and Intermediate) and 4 times (High) the initial costs. The

same for the Netherlands, which on the two highest scenarios is already returning 3

times the invested amount. Again, the analysis on the default frequencies does not take

into consideration for time value of money. Appendix A provides for a detailed

statistical description on the NPV results given a risk-free interest rate of 5%.

This disparity in terms of incentives creates the risk of investing in Offshore spots

which do not offer maximum wind conditions. Thus, investors’ funds will be deviated

from possible better places in terms of wind conditions in Denmark or Sweden, to be

placed in British less optimal farms.

Another way to interpret the results is to think of the externality provided by the green

source of energy constructed: the English population might value more the non-

polluting source of electricity than the Danes or the Swedes (although historical facts

and people’s characteristics do not suggest that).

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LOW Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Default Frequency DK IR NL SE UK

Average 1,0721 1,8253 2,8784 1,0894 3,1800

Median 1,0725 1,8170 2,8719 1,0909 3,1776

Standard Deviation 0,0684 0,2291 0,1909 0,1415 0,1084

Minimum 0,8765 1,0896 2,2309 0,6705 2,8390

Maximum 1,2671 2,5504 3,4362 1,5518 3,5372

Smaller than 1 13,37% 0,00% 0,00% 23,20% 0,00%

Table 14: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the Low scenario on

electricity price

INTERMEDIATE Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Default Frequency DK IR NL SE UK

Average 1,1862 2,0441 3,0481 1,6200 3,6637

Median 1,1856 2,0373 3,0499 1,6159 3,6632

Standard Deviation 0,0842 0,2412 0,1885 0,1573 0,1134

Minimum 0,8974 1,3365 2,4226 1,1074 3,3024

Maximum 1,4412 2,7885 3,6709 2,0774 4,0546

Smaller than 1 1,20% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%

Table 15: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the Intermediate

scenario on electricity price

HIGH Scenario: Country Analysis

Measure: Default Frequency DK IR NL SE UK

Average 1,5219 2,2292 3,1726 2,1197 4,1475

Median 1,5184 2,2371 3,1671 2,1155 4,1471

Standard Deviation 0,0923 0,2444 0,1895 0,1703 0,1230

Minimum 1,2359 1,4138 2,4730 1,4486 3,8133

Maximum 1,7950 2,9906 3,7392 2,6880 4,5908

Smaller than 1 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00%

Table 16: Cross Country analysis of default frequencies of cash flows according to the High scenario on

electricity price

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Once again the results here disclosed reflect the power of diversification as default

frequencies in the low scenario for the European Infra Fund combining every farm from

the 5 countries revealed no multiples below one. In the last tables presented we can see

2 countries which if standing alone, would not present the same level of certainty as if

grouped with other European nations.

Further scrutinizing the results comprising the performance of the Infra Fund designed

in this paper, I analyze the IRR produced by the Monte Carlo simulation and the

annualized rate of return.


Measure: Annualized Rate of Return Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 12,23% 14,00% 16,04%

Median 12,23% 13,99% 16,04%

Standard Deviation 0,34% 0,36% 0,39%

Minimum 11,16% 12,50% 14,53%

Maximum 13,27% 15,24% 17,31%

Table 17: Annualized Rate of Return of the cash flows generated by the European Infra fund

Beginning with the results on the Annualized Rate of Return achieved by this

investment (see Table 17), the returns increase as electricity price scenarios become

higher: the low scenario returns 12,23% to investors while the high scenario indicates a

return of 16,04%. The standard deviation of these results, throughout the 1000

simulations, are low and reach a maximum of 0,39%, meaning that we are presented

with secure figures. Recalling what was stated in the previous section, the annualized

rate of return is constructed based on the annual cash flow outputted divided by the

initial investment. This translates in a number that does not account for time value of

money, thus generally overstating the return actually generated by the investment, as the

capital initially invested could be returning at a risk-free asset at least 5% (assumption).

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Nonetheless, the calculation of annualized rates of return is useful in the sense that it is

often a measure used for computing the return achieved by other asset classes such as

equities or real-estate, particularly when the investment horizon is short-term directed.


Measure: IRR Low: 55,00€ Intermediate: 75,00€ High: 95,00€

Average 11,09% 13,04% 15,33%

Median 11,08% 13,02% 15,33%

Standard Deviation 0,50% 0,51% 0,56%

Minimum 9,47% 11,38% 13,68%

Maximum 12,67% 14,61% 17,01%

Table 18: IRR of the European Infra fund

In order to better understand the actual return achieved one shall analyze the results on

the IRR (see Table 18). The breakdown of the table allows one to understand the

Internal Rate of Return of the project which is the European Infra fund composed of 37

Offshore Wind Farms. The low scenario on electricity price, as expected, generates on

average, out of the 1000 simulations, the lowest figure in terms of return, 11,09%,

which rises to 15,33% in the high scenario of €95,00 per MW/h. Moreover, one can

depict that performance throughout the 1000 simulations’ results are fairly steady and

reveal a maximum standard deviation of approximately 0,56%.

This means that, supposing electricity prices would remain stable for the next 20 years

at an average €55,00, results on Offshore Wind Farms’ investments would provide with

guaranteed 10% plus returns which is a very good performance, given the low risk

encountered by measuring standard deviations of cash flows, which was, for the low

scenario, of 1,85%.

In an analysis of the compensation attributed by this rate of return, given the volatility

of the investment, the calculation of the coefficient of variation would return a figure of

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16,64%. Furthermore, given a risk-free rate of 5%, the low scenario conducts to a

single-period Sharpe ratio of:

Besides the positive figure in the result, indicating that the excess return is higher than

one unit of risk, the value of 3,30 leads to the interpretation that the risk premium is

more than 3 times the risk of investing in this asset.

When comparing the results here presented with the analysis conducted by Bitsch et al.,

they have concluded, as expected, that Infrastructure deals significantly outperform non-

infrastructure investments. Both papers done by Peng & Newell and Finkenzeller et al.

reveal returns of 14,1% and 12,1%, respectively, which are consistent with the

annualized rate of return of 12,23% here found for the low scenario on electricity prices.

Regarding the latter 2 papers, the biggest differences in terms of findings is related to

volatility. The results found by these authors situate standard deviation as being 5,8%

(Peng & Newell 2007) and 10,4% (Finkenzeller, Dechant & Schäfers 2010), which are

both much higher values than those here shown. This difference can be associated with

the assumptions here established in terms of electricity prices which in reality, over the

last decade, were subject to spikes in particular points in time, boosting prices up to

€134,80, and during 6 days in the last 2 years, the spot prices revealed trading at above

€95,00 per MW/h.

However, previous authors show evidence of IRRs reaching 34%-48% (CEPRES 2009),

which is a very different figure from the ones here depicted, and also from the 2 authors

mentioned before. Nonetheless, Inderst (Inderst 2010) states that pension funds are very

cautious in attributing target figures to return and volatility for infrastructure

investments. For instance, in the context of asset-liability modeling, values of 9%-10%

are attributed to return and 7%-8% to standard deviation. Again, this is somehow

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similar to the numbers for return presented in this study but significantly different in

what respects to volatility.

In order to better comprehend the Sharpe Ratio derived above, a comparison to other

asset classes is required. Hodges et al. (Hodges, Taylor & Yoder 1997) indicate that for

long-term periods of investment, Corporate Bonds, for instance lead to a Sharpe ratio of

1.02, while common stocks only reach a maximum figure of 0,903. Once again this is

an argument in favor of Offshore Wind fund investments, with these presenting higher

returns per unit of risk. Even so, one has to bear in mind that these results are driven by

the low values of volatility here revealed, which, according to other authors’ findings,

seem to be too low. Nevertheless, the fund here designed is purposely built to diversify

away some of the natural, technological and political risk, while at the same time

avoiding some of the market risk by being defined according to the assumptions pre-

established as being solely composed by equity and without debt holders’ participation.

Moreover, in Kinn’s paper (Kinn 1994) the author finds evidence of returns for high-

grade and low-grade returns averaging 6,57% and 7,99%, respectively. Given the

standard deviation already explored in the previous section of 8%-10%, the overall

picture is clearly less favorable for corporate bonds than for Offshore Wind

Investments. Deriving a reward/risk ratio indicates that reward reaches a maximum of

90% of the risk, thus largely surpassed by the performance of the assets here analyzed:

Only in times of declining interest rates, do corporate bonds seem to resemble the

performance of Offshore Wind Investments: although still presenting more or less the

same values of standard deviation, average returns dramatically increase reaching

Return/Risk ratios of 3,04 and 3,20 for high and low -grade respectively.

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Interesting to see is what happens to the numbers on both annualized rate of returns and

IRR when removing the incentive system (see tables 19 and 20).


Measure: Annualized Rate Return Low:

55,00€ Intermediate:

75,00€ High:


Average 2,18% 4,98% 7,59%

Median 2,18% 4,98% 7,60%

Standard Deviation 0,23% 0,27% 0,27%

Minimum 1,34% 3,91% 6,75%

Maximum 2,84% 5,78% 8,62%

Table 19: Annualized Rate of Return of free cash flows generated by the Infra fund, without the incentive

system established by governments


Measure: IRR Low:

55,00€ Intermediate:

75,00€ High:


Average #NUM! -0,04% 4,36%

Median #NUM! -0,04% 4,33%

Standard Deviation #NUM! 0,51% 0,42%

Minimum #NUM! -2,19% 3,06%

Maximum #NUM! 1,48% 5,92%

Table 20: IRR of the Infra fund, without the incentive system established by governments

As predicted, by removing the support system on every country included in the analysis,

all the scenarios show lower results. When looking at table 20 we can see that the

column of the low scenario of €55,00 does not state any values. This is due to highly

negative results. Only at the intermediate scenario we can see some improvements, still

averaging a negative 0,04% return, and even at the high scenario, results are not bright

with 4,36% average IRR in the 1000 simulations.

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Results for the annualized rate of return are significantly better but still below the risk-

free rate of 5% for the low and intermediate scenario, 2,18% and 4,98% respectively.

Thus, it is clear that if electricity prices were to remain stable for the next 20 years at the

level of 2010 and 2011, Offshore Wind Farms could not be financially self-sustained

and would always need governments’ support, unless in the unlikely scenario of

electricity prices doubling the present value and reaching prices of around €100,00 per


Finally, a country-by-country analysis of the returns leads to an appropriate perception

of the effectiveness of each country’s incentive systems and ultimately allows one to

conclude for the power of diversification (see Tables 21, 22 and 23).

LOW Scenario: Country Analysis


Average 0,74% 9,44% 17,10% #DIV/0! 14,93%

Median 0,75% 9,54% 17,10% #DIV/0! 14,88%

Standard Deviation 0,71% 2,18% 1,58% #DIV/0! 0,78%

Minimum -1,42% 1,85% 12,03% #DIV/0! 12,90%

Maximum 2,82% 16,24% 22,28% #DIV/0! 18,15%

Table 21: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the Low scenario on electricity price

INTERMEDIATE Scenario: Country Analysis


Average 1,72% 10,11% 17,25% 5,67% 17,59%

Median 1,74% 10,16% 17,22% 5,65% 17,56%

Standard Deviation 0,76% 2,07% 1,58% 1,29% 0,85%

Minimum -1,00% 3,76% 12,07% 0,96% 15,45%

Maximum 4,07% 17,86% 23,79% 9,08% 20,40%

Table 22: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the Intermediate scenario on electricity price

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HIGH Scenario: Country Analysis


Average 4,38% 10,68% 17,35% 9,26% 20,25%

Median 4,37% 10,64% 17,32% 9,21% 20,21%

Standard Deviation 0,71% 1,94% 1,56% 1,32% 0,89%

Minimum 1,99% 4,60% 10,56% 3,95% 17,58%

Maximum 6,50% 16,20% 22,29% 14,30% 23,25%

Table 23: Cross Country analysis of IRRs according to the High scenario on electricity price

As stated before, Sweden and Denmark are the 2 countries with the most modest

incentives to this technology: Danish and Swedish farms seem to not be profitable for

investors at the present level of electricity price (according to this model). Additionally,

Danish results seem to be only satisfactory at a level of electricity prices of €95,00. On

the opposite point, the UK and Netherlands are the ones with the most prominent

support fees, revealing solid IRRs at the low scenario (17,10% and 14,9% respectively).

A curious result evidenced by the analysis of the tables is that the two countries in this

sample that use a TGC system for supporting Offshore Wind (Sweden and the UK) are

the ones with the most notable variability across scenarios. Sweden reveals very

negative IRRs given the low scenario, then jumps to an average 5,67% return and

finalizes, at the high scenario, with 9,26% per annum, which is already a very good

number. Similarly, the UK presents average IRRs of 14,93%, 17,59% and 20,25% for

the Low, Intermediate and High scenario respectively. Oppositely, Ireland and the

Netherlands present much more modest ranges, irrespectively of good or bad

performances. Ireland goes from 9,44% to 10,11% and 10,68%; the Netherlands from

17,10% to 17,25% and finishing with 17,35%.

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These results might indicate that the TGC system confers higher volatility to

performance results of Offshore Wind Farms, being more exposed to variations in spot

market electricity prices, while FiT systems might concede higher stability to returns.

Figure 6: Diversification effect on IRRs across scenarios on electricity price

Figure 5 presented above reveals, once again, the power of the diversification effect.

Across all the 3 scenarios, there is a big disparity in terms of cash flows presented by

each country’s fund. By compounding the cash flows in a single European fund, the

results are smoother and within the range of 10%-15% IRRs.

Further results on the cross country analysis of Annualized Rates of Return are

presented in Appendix C.


In the future, the industry for Offshore Wind is expected to suffer some improvements

leading to higher efficiency gains both in terms of O&M costs and Initial investment

requirements. Both costs are expected to fall from the actual assumed €16,00 per MW/h

of total possible output annually, to an average of €13,00. Also, Initial investment costs

are predicted to decrease with the development of this technology to around







Low Intermediate High

Diversification Effect on IRR







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€1.800.000,00 per MW/h capacity installed (Morthorst et al. 2009). In order to

understand what would be the implications of such changes to the IRRs encountered in

this paper, I will perform a sensitivity analysis based on 5 hypotheses. Tables 24, 25 and

26 resume the findings.

Due to limitations of the computer used to run the calculations, it was not possible to

run the sensitivity analysis through the 1000 simulations on the results of the European

Infra Fund. Hence, these results are for the performance of 1 fund only and depart from

initial IRRs different from the ones presented in this section. Nevertheless, these

findings are still indicative of the variations on the IRR of the 37 farms’ fund given the

changes in those 2 cost drivers.

As we can see, when both initial investment and O&M costs decrease, IRRs increase (as

expected). Interesting to understand is the percentage increment in each scenario:

accordingly, in the low scenario the IRR increases less (4,42 percentage points more)

than in the intermediate (4,47) or high scenario (5,12). Thus, one can state that the

reduction in 3€ per MW/h in O&M costs and €400.000,00 of investment costs results in

a significant difference in the returns achieved - for instance, for the low scenario it is

almost a 50% increase in the IRR.

Present IRR: 10,43% 10,00 € 13,00 € 16,00 € 19,00 € 22,00 €

1.400.000,00 € 21,19% 19,59% 17,92% 16,20% 14,40%

1.800.000,00 € 16,19% 14,85% 13,46% 12,00% 10,47%

2.200.000,00 € 12,83% 11,66% 10,43% 9,14% 7,78%

2.600.000,00 € 10,37% 9,31% 8,20% 7,02% 5,78%

3.000.000,00 € 8,48% 7,49% 6,46% 5,37% 4,21%

Table 24: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the Low

Scenario on electricity prices

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Present IRR: 12,88% 10,00 € 13,00 € 16,00 € 19,00 € 22,00 €

1.400.000,00 € 24,39% 22,86% 21,29% 19,68% 18,01%

1.800.000,00 € 18,80% 17,55% 16,26% 14,92% 13,53%

2.200.000,00 € 15,10% 14,01% 12,88% 11,71% 10,50%

2.600.000,00 € 12,41% 11,43% 10,42% 9,37% 8,27%

3.000.000,00 € 10,34% 9,45% 8,52% 7,54% 6,53%

Table 25: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the Intermediate

Scenario on electricity prices

Present IRR: 15,78% 10,00 € 13,00 € 16,00 € 19,00 € 22,00 €

1.400.000,00 € 28,58% 27,10% 25,59% 24,05% 22,48%

1.800.000,00 € 22,10% 20,90% 19,67% 18,42% 17,13%

2.200.000,00 € 17,86% 16,83% 15,78% 14,70% 13,58%

2.600.000,00 € 14,82% 13,91% 12,97% 12,00% 11,00%

3.000.000,00 € 12,51% 11,68% 10,82% 9,94% 9,02%

Table 26: Sensitivity Analysis on O&M costs (x-axis) and Initial Investment (y-axis) for the High

Scenario on electricity prices

Furthermore, ranges of variation ceteris paribus, that is, holding one of the variables

here analyzed constant, lead to the conclusion that variations of €400.000,00 in initial

investment bring bigger changes to the IRRs than the differences of €3,00 per MW/h on

O&M costs. In a comparison of the low scenario the range of variation holding the

O&M costs at a level of €10,00, the IRR achieved with €3.000.000,00 in Initial costs is

approximately 13 percentage points smaller than the IRR at €1.400.000,00. Although,

this sensitivity analysis here conducted does not compare the two drivers using the same

unit measure, this can lead to the conclusion that the performance of Offshore Wind is

still largely dependent on the Initial Costs. Besides electricity price, which is a crucial

driver, as proved above in H4, also the values of Initial Investment are critical.

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IRRs here obtained are revealing the power of innovation. Accordingly, in such a

scenario of reduced costs for maintenance and construction, the whole return picture

changes which will certainly influence investors’ decisions4.

4 Although the construction of the several spreadsheets was prepared for further sensitivity analysis, for

instance, regarding duration and standard deviation effects relative to modifications of Turbine Life Cycle

years, Corporate Tax Rate and Load Factor, the capacity of the computer used is not sufficient to satisfy

the needs of the software and thus, the outcome is not reasonable. Therefore, the results were excluded

from the paper as they do not appear to translate reliable information. The main reason is that the numbers

I am departing from, according to a particular present scenario, are not revealed by the sensitivity

analysis, as they should. Also, some unreasonable variations appear with IRRs decreasing and then

increasing again according to higher Life Cycles, or higher Electricity Prices, which also does not make

sense. Nevertheless, the tables generated were included in appendix D and F (virtual format).

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8. Conclusions

The construction of the risk-return profile of Offshore Wind Investments here presented

is dependent on crucial assumptions, specifically on the cash flow generation through

the built-in model. Nevertheless some very interesting conclusions can be portrayed.

A European Infra Fund combining the cash flows of 37 real existing farms distributed

through 5 countries allows for achieving a higher level of technological, natural and

political risk diversification.

The returns obtained by the statistical analysis of the cash flows generated by the fund

indicate an average IRR of 11,09% given the average (present) electricity price of

€55,00, a figure that increases substantially with the raise of electricity prices.

Compared to previous empirical evidence, the number appears to be somehow

congruent. Some authors even refer the number as being reasonably close to returns

provided by stocks.

Furthermore, volatility of cash flows seems to be fairly low, reaching values of 1,85%

standard deviation per annum, which is lower than any of the figures presented for other

important alternative asset classes, such as Real-Estate or Corporate Bonds. This might

be connected to the simplified nature of the model generating the cash flows, but it is

also reflecting the pleasant characteristic of the fund as being country-diversified. An

analysis of a sole-country fund for each of the 5 nations here studied indicates much

higher standard deviations, which combined result in this lower value.

The analysis of the duration of the cash flows generated and the downside risk also

indicate very attractive features: results reveal a minimum duration of 13 years for a

buy-and-hold investor that keeps the investment throughout the whole lifetime of the

asset (20 years). Moreover, downside risk reveals that, even according to the low

scenario on electricity price, there are no default frequencies in the 1000 simulations ran

and no negative NPVs.

Even though these results might not hold for all the infrastructure assets it seems like

they hold to this particular one. This is one of the critics often pointed to the defendants

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of infrastructure as an asset class: that it is a very heterogenic class, with a large

variance of results in respect to risk-return profile for different types of infrastructures,

thus it is important to differentiate each asset type according t its particular specificities.

The numbers here revealed fit the profile of pension funds, insurance companies and

even banks as possible institutions interested in investing in Offshore Wind: long-term

durations matching their long-term liabilities, low probability of default, with relatively

steady secure cash flows, and interesting rates of return. Even so, it does not seem fair

to state that Offshore Wind Investments can be seen as substitutes of Sovereign Bonds

due to the widely accepted feeling of security brought by these assets and the statute

achieved by securities such as U.S. or German government bonds of such confidence

that these are often considered as the proxy for a benchmark of risk-free rate, that is,

zero risk. However, Offshore Wind Investments might be able to establish themselves,

in the future, as an interesting alternative for institutional investors, compared to the

properties featured by Corporate Bonds or Real-Estate.

The analysis of the profit margin per MW/h also suggests that wind can be an

economically viable source of energy, although, as things stand, it is dependent on

governmental support systems. Scenario analysis shows that, in the event of an increase

in the average wholesale electricity price, Offshore Wind generation can become self-

sustained in financial terms (although the increase would have to reach 2 times the price

practiced today).

Besides the high influence of electricity prices, Offshore Wind Investments’

performance is also largely dependent on the Initial Costs: a sensitivity analysis here

conducted suggests that if construction costs drop as predicted in the future, the IRRs

achieved might increase in about 50%, benefiting the prospective investment profile

even further.

If we consider the costs on the environment and public health that other non-renewable

sources of energy imply, than perhaps wind energy is already economically self-

sustained, as subsidies are reflecting an externality that is hard to measure in a

quantitative way. In order to explain these results, it is important to comprehend that the

technology is still quite recent and the riskiness of the construction phase of such farms

brings initial investment up to very high figures that drag down returns without

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governmental support. However, governments appear to be willing to bear this

technological and natural risks, instead of pollution or nuclear risks and, keeping it this

way, Offshore Wind Investments seem to be an attractive asset in which to invest our


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9. Further Research

On an academic perspective it would be interesting to develop further studies on how to

model the load rate of an Offshore Wind Farm according to real data provided by

already established farms. Previous researchers have developed methodologies for

modeling wind but load rates would take into account both weather conditions and

down-times for turbines. Thus, there is space for a higher knowledge in terms of this

particular parameter that affects the financials of this type of investment.

Also, O&M costs’ models are lacking in facilitating the analysis of what happens as we

reach the end of the lifecycle of a turbine. As of the infancy of this technology, many

farms haven’t reached a mature age and cannot provide real data for running such

studies. Nonetheless, in the next few years, as this type of data is being released a lot

would be gained with records revealing which distribution approximates the costs’

expense in Operations & Maintenance on Offshore Wind farms.

The most interesting study would be to run an analysis on historic deals by funds

investing in Offshore Wind uniquely taking into consideration the capital structure of

the special purpose entity owning each farm and the percentage participation of each

sponsor. CEPRES is a privately held center that collects private equity cash flow

information and classifies each deal according to type of business. Initial contacts with

this center assured me that this type of data could not be made public unless for

Governmental Institutions. This deal analysis, however, could provide for a clear idea

on the profitability of the investment, the amount of cash flowing in and out and its

uncertainty. It would also allow one to understand what has been the decision by many

fund managers about whether to buy majority participations or simply minority interests

in farms, hence understanding the ultimate objectives of these funds in respect to

assuming control over farms. Finally, a cross-section study regressing the average

returns of each deal on macroeconomic environment indicators such as GDP growth

rates or Public Equity Markets would have made it possible to further analyze the often

claimed low correlation with the general economy and the stock market. Also, the

inclusion of a variable for inflation could prove the link of these assets with inflation

rates, thus justifying the argument for the good inflation hedging properties.

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Moreover, little is known on the possibility of issuing bonds on portfolio financing

projects of Offshore Wind. Sawant (Sawant 2010a) tries to add something in what

respects to this topic but there is shortage of information due to the lack of classification

of bonds as being based on infrastructure assets or not, and furthermore, on which type

of infrastructure. Besides the heterogeneity among infrastructure investments, some

authors also indicate room for another distinction between Greenfield and Brownfield

investments, classifying also in terms of entry stage of participation. Offshore Wind

Funds partially financed through the issuance of bonds could also be organized in

indexes and provide for additional diversification potential.

Finally, Offshore Wind Farms are nowadays a reality only for Europe, the U.S. and

partially in Australia, but the remaining of the countries are lagging behind in the

development of this technology. Nonetheless, the future will lead to the development of

farms in emerging economies and other developing countries. Thus, it would be of

value to conduct a study such as the one here designed on the financial viability of an

Offshore Wind Fund in the developing world, given the political, social and economical

conditions of emerging markets with very large populations and high population growth

rates, which can boost the returns up perhaps without adding significant risk to these


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