Risk assesment for festival (need to finish)

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Risk assessmentThis will highlight all foreseeable problems that could occur whilst we are running and planning the festival and how to stop and deal with them.

Lost footage and material- this could be anything from a lost documentary or advert to a lost costume. To combat these with the costumes lock them up away from over students when not in use in a teachers office or cabinet. For the footage make sure all footage is backed up either in the server or hard drive and on the computer you are working on. Remember to save regularly. If this does occur options are to search for recovery options and talk to a technician about possibilities, find original footage and start editing again or worse case scenario have to start all over again. This can not alter the schedule so may have to be done in persons own time.

over- budget- this can be a really bad thing especially if the budget is not properly controlled. Everything that needs to be bought is submitted to the head of budget, e.g. lists of customising materials needed, then they check that this is affordable before submitting the order to the teacher who controls the order. The order must be made in time for the delivery to come and not put back the schedule. If we do go over budget options include returning unused goods, asking for more (not advised and shouldn't be needed), everyone putting in their own money (depending on how important/needed the thing is) and sacrificing or not getting other items. The budget should not be an issue through out this project it is for whoever is put in charge of that to maintain this.

Not on schedule- if we start running behind schedule this could really harm our festival. It could leave us with less rehearsal and production time therefore making the quality of the festival decrease. This should be monitored by everyone and everyone should make sure they are on schedule for completion for their own tasks each week. If we do start running behind this she be rectified as soon as possible. If extra time is needed after school it is that person responsibility to do so or let the whole team down.

Designs not ready- this should not happen because the designers should be making sure they have enough time to complete their garments before the festival, including time to dry. If this does happen there are two plans of action. If it is noticed that it wont be completed before the day the designer can work after school to finish and ask for help from other team members. The earliest possible the better. If the garment is still not complete on the day of the festival then the piece may not be able to feature on the catwalk show. If it is just a little wet it may still be able to based on the models preferences and how wet it is. This should be avoided as much as possible as it would be like a waste of time if it didn't get shown.

Show hasn't been advertised enough- we would be able to tell this from the number of ticket sales which should be checked each week from the day the tickets are printed. If it happens that on the day we still barely sold any ticket we will offer people the chance to come and watch it free but present a donation bucket at the entrance so they can make donations to Unicef on their way in or out. This way we still generate a donation sum that we cans end to the charity.

Lighting and sound problems- there are a lot of problems that could happen with the sound and lighting. If for some reason they are not working do not fiddle with the controls in the control box. Talk to the technician. If it is on a file that has been brought in go and check it on another computer and see if that rectifies the problem as it may be the way it has been saved. if this doesn't help you can try the technicians or someone who knows what may be the problem. All of this should be checked before the day of the festival to save time. Also have a back up option for example if you've saved it onto a USB save it onto a CD for back up.

People missing- if people are missing from the planning and production stages for whatever reason we should phone them if they are not in school and no one is aware of why and make sure they are up to date in their responsibilities or able to catch up in their own time and stick to the schedule. If we cant reach them we should talk to them at the earliest possible moment and they should make sure they are on track. If there is someone missing on the day of the festival we should follow the same initial protocol and in the worse case scenario another group member would have to take on their responsibilities so that the festival runs smoothly.

Someone hurt- if someone gets injured for whatever reason we have to follow the school health and safety procedures. Initially this means having someone that is first aid qualified available. Who will tend to the depends on the severity of the injury. We have some group members that have been trained and are able to attend to minor issues sufficiently without help but we will also have a member of staff available if possible in the hall or if not close by in the schools main office. We will also have a first aid kit inside the hall that will have plasters, bandages and the like ready for use.

Health and safety fire protocol- we have to be aware of the fire escape options inside the hall in the case of fire and also the schools fire protocol. In the hall there are 4 possible exits that we can use. The school meets up at their astro turf after fire drills so this will be our meeting point. We will have a list of all cast and group members in the running order so that can easily be assessed. In terms of the audience it would be tiresome to write down the names of everyone when they walk in but it is most likely that people will come with their friends so we will know when we ask if anyone is missing from asking everyone. We can have a rough estimate of the audience numbers if possible form the ticket sales and how many people we notice enter. One member of our group should be the last out to check that the hall is clear if possible. Hopefully this doesn't happen but all group members will be briefed on what to do if this does happen on the day.

These are all of the main possibilities that I could think of that we could possibly encounter as problems and I have outlined what I think would be the best courses of action so that we can spend as little time as possible trying to figure out what to do so we can make sure we get the festival running on the planned date.