VOL,. XXI NO. G. HICHMOND, V1UG1NIA. SATUKDAY. JAN U All Y 1(5, 1904. | 3 FKICE.ITVE GEKTS ©XE BAPTIST CONFERENCE IN KHHMOM). No More Division.Peace Has Come to Stay. On last Monday at the Fifth Street Baptist Ohurch another step in the right direction was taken. There have been three Baptist conferen^es in the city of Richmond. but now there isouly one, and the river of peace still flows. The old and che new conferences met last Monday to discuss the gronnds of Union. It was soon discovered th .t there was no need for anything except a motion to unite. Tbereupon Dr. Per- ry, of the Fifth Baptist Chnrch (Syd- ney), motioned that the two coufer enc9s having met in joint sest-ion would now be resolved into one conference The motion was carried. The following orricers were eleot- ed: President, Rev. Archer Fergmon; Vice-President, Rev. Joseph Perry; Secretary, Rev, W. T. Johnson, D. D ; Assistant Secretary, Rev. F. W. Wil- liams, B. D.; Treasurer, Bishop E\aus Payne; Corresponding Secretarv, Rev. Z. D. Lewis, D. D.; Conference "Report- er. Rev. W. F Graham A committee was then appointed to draft a new con- Btitution, whic 1 will be submitted next Monday morning when the conference meet at the Fifth Street Baptist Church. Now that the ministers and churches are all togetht-r again it is expected that the union will work to the material ad- vancement of the colored people of Richmond and the spiritnal advance- ment of their chorches, but it is not on¬ ly expected that the influence for good will be confined to Richmond, but it is boldly asserted and prophesied that it is the beginning of union between the General Association and the Baptist State Convention of Virginia, and also the Lot Cary Convention and tho Na tional Baptist Convention; for Rich¬ moud is undoubtedly the headquarters of Negro Baptists in America. There is no other city whose Ohristian popnla- tion is so largely Baptist. Of tbe forty thonsand colored people living in Ricli- moud, twenty thon^nnd of the' l bdong to the Baptist ohurch* b. Thara is a so a larger aaajieo of int« lUaaaaoa la taa Baptist ohaaaiio'i of Richmoud than la any other otft? where there is a lar a nuuiber of colored RapMsts. Fifteen ol tho colored Baptist stors of Rich nond are graduates from excrllent Lnstitu tions of leariAng, md that of itsdf places Richmoud l«r in the lead over many of our cities It is rumored that tho Foreign Mis- sion Board of the National Baptist Con¬ vention will soon be rvturued to Rich¬ mond. if that is done, thaooatoatVaiua twoen the two national ladies will he n-iuoved. for tlie r-.inoval of that Board in 1S!C) was tho cnuse of tha split of the National Bod>. Cool headed nieli. con- servative \nd fnnseeing are now at work seeking to bring the Board back to Richmond Rev. f>, B. Howurd. D. D., of Peters- burg. Va., and Rev. Henyr Madison. of MeKiaaay, Va., were praaaal and made timely addresses. A (ard. For four years has Roformers' Store, torner tfth and Olay Sts., eujoyed a most flourishing buslness at the hauds of our good oinaona »>f RfoawawMl and vicmity We liavo labored hanl to merit your patronage, and to -day wo realize that our etYorts have not been in vain. We have proven to tho public iu tlie past tliat WO OOaid conduet an up-to date business, and we laka this ¦¦aaaa of heartily thankiug you for your support. IHiring tiie preseut year it is our pur- pose to study more deeply than owr the best iuterest of our customers.to the end that they can bny no cheaper or better goods any where than from our Store. See our ad. la this taaae and call and iuspect our new stock just placed upon our shelves. Orders are delivered to you on short notice. The following ladies and geutlemen oooatitnte <>ur foroe: Ohaa. Briajge, As¬ sistant jfaaafaa; Wm. w. Baaaa, Head Salesman; Jno. Wm. Kemp, Assistant Salesman; Lewis Gardner, ('auvasser and fjhief Order Clerk; L. E. ChrisTian, Cashie.r; L. A. Edwar.is, Chief Book- keeper; Benj. Ladd and John Cary, Drivera. Most respectfully yours, Wm. S. Mfwajfjur. Manager. Oaaaan Klected. The following officersof MaceoLooge, No. 85 were eltcted Decemoer 15th, 1903 aad installed January 5th, 1904: 0. C, Sir W. H. Henderson; V. O , ' Sir E. W. R. Glenn; P.. Sir Nathaniel Bauks; M.ofW., Sir H. F. Jouathan; M. of F., sir W. S. Howurd. K. of R. & S., Sir Jno. S. Bell; If. of A., Sir Grant Roane; 1. G., Sir [aaaao Bray; O. G., Sir Jefferson Coleman; M. of Ex., Sir Jas. Woodaoa. The kink That Won't Come Back. You <an make your hair just as straight and smooth as you want to by nsing the Original Oaoniaed OxMarrow, and the kink that was there before will not come back. The Ozoaized Ox Mar- row also keeps hair from falling out, cnres dandruff and makes tlie hair grow. lt never fails. O^e bottle does it. Sold over forty years to ladies of refinement all over the couutry, giving perfect satisfaction. Send us 50 cents and we will ship yon a bottle expiess paid. Address Ozonized Ox Marrow Oo., 76 Wabash Avenue, Chieago, 111. FROM .NORFOLk. Tronhle on a Street-i'ar Emamipation (Ylchration. Nor'olk. Va., Jan. 13, 1904. A million dollars having been sub- scribed by the people of Tidewater Vir- giuia. including the many coiporatiou aud capitalist to perpetuate the charter of Jnmestown Expositiou, Congress will be the door at which the.se people are kuockingand an appropriation iu the millions is needed. As the Oougress is rej ublicau and Oongressmau Slemp i9 the only republican allowed in Congress ; from Virginia he is very much sought after and without his ass stance no ap- 1 propriation will not be available as the . expositiou is to ceh brate the landing of j the first white settlers in the country in j 1607. Of course the colored man will of . neeessity be the guest of tte nation. I One dollar and cost is what Justice . Taylor imposes on a colored for spitting J in a street car. This being the second , arrest under the ordinanee, although the habit- is commonly indulged iu. I A colored woman the other dav enter- ed a crowdod street car iu which s r- enil white men were itamliiiH, on the rear platform and owing to the sudden starting of the car she lost her balance, catchiug herself in falling atrainsr one of the men who rudely p. ahad against the car say ing: 'Ciet off of me nigger " j If this sjmic Bnam of white men wuuld j keep out of our hoiues aud let our girla , alone much of the race question would i regulate itself. One of the worst oiises of alleged cruely was aired in the Corporation j Conrt this week when a Mrs. Annie I Whaley was given five years in the peniteutiary for maliciousassaultmaim- j ing Lillio Davis, a girl about II vears old claimed by her as her niece. * She J owns Mrs. Whaley as her mother and iclaims that her father, a Mr. Davis, is still liviug iu Bunconat>e county. North Carolina, Mrs. Whaley and "husband have been livmg in No-folk about two years, coining from North Carolina. I A Bfltiaa of revival meetings are bi-ing held in St. Johns A. M. E. Church about three nights every week since the tirstoftheye.tr. The meetings are not well at-t-ended when the iniportance of revival meeting is coasidered. A fire ou North Okeefe Sr.. Huuters ville, today destroyed the homes of Metsrs. Jacob T. Odom, Isaac J. Ryals and Anthouy Briet house. A defective tlue iu the house of Mr Odom, where the fire origniati d, is supposed to be the cause of the tire. The famihes saved most of their elTeets. The bui!dings all were coverod by iusurance. Politics are still warm m Norfolk, but it is all one sided--all deinoerats The i us and the oats or the so-called go k! government aiul that bad ruig of whom it alleges pastmnsters of all thut is bad. and beyoud auything redeeming they ; have been beaten, nnd this time the good government wing did it in both voting and connting aud uo Negro was iu the wtxid pile eitlur. Mr. Richard H. Parker, of 54th Ave.. B, Huutersville, who has been eonfiued to his house through siekness, is so as to be out, iK'ing much improved. Mr. Archie Laughron, of 431 Cumber- land stnet. is out again after several \vi eks' siekness. Mr. Robt. N. Jones. of St. James St., died Satunlay. last, of quite a protract- ed illuess, ha\ ing l.vn contined to the house Bfaana faaat Bnnananr, Mr. Joues was pre-ident of the oinuiKupation ceie- brataon last year. His fumral took place BTOan St. Johns A. M. E. Church Tius- day, of which he was B consistent nieni- ber. The celebration of the Eniancipation in Januarv was the largest in many years. Mr. W. H. Tborough- good being chief marshall, assisted by an able eorps of assistants, and Mr Jas. E. Fuller being president of the ass.K-iation. The procession was divid- ad In live division.s with its chief assis- tant and headed by a hand of music (each division). The procession aaan fully twti nit'les long, parading the prin- eipal street.s of the city. After which tha aaaoaaaion was halted oa Bute street, arhata it waa raraaaynd by the praaidant and nfltrriah and dannaaajd. The exercisi-s took place in the Bute Street liaptist Churcli, which was well landatad and was a red letter day iu Negro Eniancipation. The whole race is nulebted to our many liberal white eaaployara who so kindly loand vehicles, horses and other things to assist the af- fair and la a thousand instances giving our people holiday, closing up many of their bnsiness houses. The prograinme rendered at the Bate Street Baptist C.-iun-h at 7:30 p. m. was as follows: j-iymn, "Coronatiou".Ohoir andcon- gregation. Soriptute Lesson.Rev. J. W. Wood. Prayer.Rev. M. Lewis. Anthem.Choir. Auuounoements and collection. Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Bau- ner.".Choir. . Report of Invitation Oommittee. Report of Committee on Receptions. Solo.Mrs. Mary K. Fisher. Reading of the Proelamation.Miss Mary L. Rankin. Solo.Julia Soutball. Poein.Lizzie E. Rainey. Solo.Mrs. Anna H. Davis. Oration- Rev. W. M. Moss. Hymu, "America".Choir and con- gregation. Doxology.Lined by Rev. R. H. Bowl- ing. Benediction---Rev. John E. Brick- honse. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pettis our sincere sympathy in the loss of their bright little boy, who died Jan. 8, 1004, at Radford, Va. T. -M. C. A. NOTES. The cla^s t<xik an active part in the explanation of the Sundav School aaoaon last Saturday. Prof. Me Williams was pleased with such intertst. Evervbodv is iuvited to take a part. Free. The Y. M. C. A. Conference had a very suceessful meeting last Fridav. The meiubership meeting is addiiig much life to the work. The meeting in the jail and alms- house are producing great results. Rev. Frank Davis gave the bovs an address last Sunday whieh will "be of great help to them. A father who loves his boys always knows what to say to other boys. The men took an active part in the open meeting last Sundav conducted bv Rev. W. H. Stokes, A. B.. B. D. All women and men are invited to the explanation on the Sunday School Lesson Saturday 5p.m. at our rooins Come. All mon for committee work are re- quested to be on tiruc Sunday. We hear that the m»n are rejoicing l>ecause they will have Rev. Z. D. Lew is, D. D., to address them Sunday 8:80 p. m. at the True Reforniers'" Hall Snoject: "The Man and the Hour." The doctor is a friend to men, so the men will tnrn out in full to meet their friend. Speciid musij l»v a quartette from th« Stcoud Baptist Chnrch. Prof. H. B. Purwell. pianist. Be oa time, men. Tell every man von meet. Baaaa are free. The watch word is 'Meet me at the True Reformers' Hall Sunday 3:30 p. m. J Meeting for boys Snudav 4 p, ni at the Y. M. C. A. roonis. Iiook ont for "The Search Light." Dr. D. W. D*vis is tbe man. Get ready, men. for the great battle that i> hO con.e otf verv soon. We know nothing hnr to fkrht from start to finish for the souls of men. Is Very Lonesonie. Baltimor*-, Md., Jan. 11, 1904. Dear Wife: Will yon please try to he home before March; as I am very lonesone and w 11 do yon OO harm, and 1 would like to have your direct address. If i had it 1 wonld send yon the aniount of money you ueed. Your belongings are all to- Seahar and «afe and have uever been sold. From your loviug husband, Jamks Hill. Ilalf Rates to Nen Orleans and Ke- turn viaSoiitbern Itailnay. On account of the Mardi Grass Car- nival nt New Orleaus. La., F.brnary lOth-ltith; Mohile, Ala., Fehrnarv 10,h- 16th; ivnsact la, Fla., February xoth- 16th, IS04, the Southern Railway will seli opaoial tickets from all stations on its liues to New Orleans, Mohile and Pensacola and return at one fare, plus Baa for tha roaad tnp. Thaoa tickets oa aele to eitiier of the ahove poioaa on February 9th to ISth, iu-lnsive, with return limit February tSth, 1!H»4, except that by deoositiug tickets With Ticket Agent at destination and payment of 5Cc the return limit will be extended to March 15th, 1904. Fure for the round triji from Richmond to New Orleans, 886.50; Mohile, ^>4 50; Pensacola, #24.50. The Southern Railway offara exception- ally giHid facilities for liaaihlllf the above iniints, having two fast limited trains daily, with through pullman and day coaches, and dining cars of the highest standard. For further iuformation apply tonear- est Ticket Agent of Southern Railway. C. W. Westbury. D. P. A. The Colored Tcleirraph .Mcssenirers. The Westeru Union Telegraph Obae- pany is uniforming its colored niesscn- gers iu this city and the feeling agaim-t the colored appointees is subsiding. This iunovation was brought about by the refusal of the white boys to carry messages at the revised rates adopted by the company. The colored boys are giving satisfaction and the service is said to be much improved. The Only Colored Belcgate. Mr. W. C. Walker, president of the | East End Protective Association of Newport News, "Va., was in the city this week. He is a delagate to the An- ti-Saloon League which has been in ses- . siou at the Second Baptist Church. He is the only colored delegate in the League, and he states that no discrimi- natiou has been m.de against him. | Southern Women Wanted. , Young women to do plain cooking, washing and irouing for faruihes in and aronnd New York. Nice homes and good wages. We send you tickets. Address, Hl'XTER, 321 W. 59th St.. New York, Enclose stamp. JfSBT" Agents wanted at once. lm-1-10 01 | LOST--White and black Fox Tei-rier, answers to the uame of Bobbie, number of metal 388. Liberal reward if brough t to 301 E. Grace St., Mrs. B. S. Smith. j Rank aaaaata Elected. The Board of Directors of the Mochanic's Saviugs Bauk of Richmond met rrmay night, 8th iu8t at 611 N Third Street. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. John Mitchell, Jr.; Vice- Presulenr. H. F. Jonathan: Ceshior, ThomasH Wyatt; Seeretary, Thotuas M. Crump; Rnnner. El 1111 L. Beuks. The President anjointed the follow¬ ing oeaanaiitaea, Kxoenrive: Rev Dr W. F Graharn, J. c. Fariey, Wilhaui Cusr lo, D. J. Chavers, Thomas M. Crnmp. The President and V:\-e-Presidenr are members of this committee ex nfflcio Real Estate: Col. John R. Chiles E R Jefferson, M. D.; aud Col. Thomas Smith. Auditing: Col. Thomas M. Crump J. J. Carter and Col John R. Chiles. The increase in the aygregate d.posits last year was *<;3,000 more than the year preceding. Theamountof fuuds in the Bank's hands both oash and invested is $43,000. The aggregate deixisits during 'he'past two years are $300 000. l'KKSOXAI.S am, HRIKKS. |-Mr. Wallace B. Christitm. of Washington, I). C, called on uh. He I was calh>d here on ao< onut of the death of his danghter, Ethel. ! -Rev. Samuel Madison, paator of Big Bathal Baptist Churth, of MeKin ney. Va , was in the oitv last week. He reports his church in a flourishing cou- dition, bnvmg t>een pastor there for 35 years. He condnoted services at Fifth Street Baptist Church last Suuday eveuing. -Miss Annie Scott. of New York, is in the city, the gu. sr of her brother, Mr. Jonlan Seott. ItM W. Lei«h street. She will be pleased to see her many friends. Mr aud Mrs. John A. Bmadley of Falls River. Miss.. cnlled on us. -Rev. Gaaaat Perkins, D. D., is in- disposei at his home tn N. 13th street. It is presumed that he eontraoted. a severe cold during his last trip to Buok- ingbam county, Va. -Capt. l'.< njainin Seott ii confined to his rooin at 018 Juc.ah street, but is improving. Prof. S. J. Sutton was honored by his friends at San Antonio. Toxas, Jan. 3d, 1!K)4. by the nct in nresentuig to him a handsome Morroivo leather Teacher's Hible. Prof Sutton has many friends m this city u: d the peo¬ ple of Texas are blessed* m having such a worthy son of the Old Dominion in their it'idst. A <;rand ataaaf tttn. On January Tth, 1904, at tht laaaaaaa] of Mr. and Mrs. Char.es Howurd, 140B West Leigh stnet, a m unl reception was tendered RaT. O. H. l'hillips, D.D., and his bride. who waa funierly Mrs Maggie Powell, of Nawpoii News, V*. Among those j.resent were Rev W F. Graham, I». I).; Rai W. T John- son, D I).; liev. Mr. and Mrs L R Frayser, Chief A. W. 1 lohnes and wife Mr. aml Mrs R. T. Hill, Miss Julia B. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Brauch, Mrs Arthur Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.t'ralle, Mr. and Mrs. Walt.-r tfinor, Mrs. Will- ie Burrell, Mrs. Henrv Lmket, Mr. and Mrs. .larrett BpottawnU, M ran.l Mrs. Jas. Heam, Miss Mo ln- Lewis, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Wataon, Dfa. P. H. Robinson, Mr aml Mrs. Shirley Willimns, Mr. and Mrs. C. Starlings, Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas Blackwell, Mrs. Piukey Pnoe, Mrs Irene Harris, Miss Nannie Crump, Miss Alice Lee. Mrs. Rook, Master Saniuol J. Stokes, Master Alvin Burrell. Dr. Cruhain and Chief llohnes furn- ished tha umusement by lelling funnv jokes. Mrs Amelia Howanl was greatly oheatad by the nnaaapaated arrivui (if harhnahand Crom PhRadalphJn All BBaaned to have anjojad them- selves to their own satisfaction nnd at a late hour all left for their honiBB ex pressiug their best w ishes for the bride aud groom's future happiness. .Myrtle Ledge's Entertainuient. Myrtle Lodge, No. 17, gave a fine en¬ tertainuient Monday night, 4th inst. It consisted of thanksgiving :iIlli meinorial exercises. Sir Rufus W. Brown was master of cereruouies aud Sir George W. Dandridge, caterer. Ladies were in attendance. Miss Norena Brown presided at the piauo. Prayer was offtred by Sir W. H. Trent and a tine address of welcoine was de- livered by Sir S. M. Wilson. Sir L. T. Crawford eulogized the dead. Graud Chancellor John Mitchell, Jr., delivered an address and Sir W. h! Brauch dealt with the past history of the lodge, while Sir. D. J. Mason dealt with the present history. Sir Andrew Johnson also spoke and Sir Jos. Haw- kins uiscussed the good of the order. Sapper was served iu the admirably lighted and convenient dining hall at 12 o'clock. It was a fine repast and every one seeraed happy. It is conceded that this was one of the finest entertaintnents evur given by a Pythian lodge in this city aud the managemeut is being congratulated. i-.aa**-^.- IV A N TID.Oooks and house-gi rls for this and Northern cities. Wages good. Transportation furnishtd. R. W. El- som, 417 E. Broad St. corn j* u2 It MABEL BECHTEL'S LOVER ACQUITTED David Weispnh.Tg Freed and Alois E^teiu Called For TriaL FAMILY AWAIT THEIR ORDEAL j aaUeateaa, Pa, Jan. 13..The series of trials to tix the rosponsibility for the murder in October last of Mabel Bechtel. the pretty 21-year-old silk mill girl of this city, was bcgun before Judge Trexlor, in tbe Lehigh county court. and before adjournment had been taken. oue of the accused, David Weisenberger, one of tha lovers of the unfortunate girl, was formally arraign- ed aml aeqaltted of tho murder charge. Alois Eckstein. Mabel Hechtel's fiam¦. , also charcd with complicity in the crirr.o. was called to the l>ar of tho court. and the slow work of BetoctlBg & Jury to try him was In progress when 1 court aajouraed. Alter Bckateiaa case is disposod of the agod mother of the dcad girl. Myr- tha. tha 17yar<ild danghter. and tlie two aoaa, Charlea and Joha, arfU hi I tried for COBipllclty in the sousational crlme. Thonias flaohtel. who was ar- rcst.d a few days after tho murder was dlaeorarea, aloaai atth taa ahore nanied persons, committad sui< ide in his cell the day a:t r he was ar- restod. Naaat in the hlatory of the county I bar has there hafBI so DMBCh intcrest diBplsyod in a trial as th» re is in the prescnt s.ries of trials. A great crowd was in attendanceall day wait- | Ing for the now eelebrat.d cas- start. Weiaaaberajar araa bo have been arraicned mrly in the day. but tbo ( whole proeeeding was blooked by the j trial of Baaeae Bloch, accused of the murder of a woman nam.d Katie Fntziugor. Imiuodiatoly after tho jury in tins aaaa hai awaaaaaly Had out of I tho crowde.I < ourt room to eonsidor Bloeha gu!lt or innoi.-mo. lMstrict At- tomey llfhteaaalaer eallad Wataaa> , herejar to the bar. No ttaaa was lost ln secui la| I jury. and while tha Baa* I of the taleeaaea arera being oaHed, Eckstein and memhors of his family enlored the court room. Mrs. BachteJ and her three Bocaaaad rhlalraa. ae- , companled by her two married daugh- ters. <lid not arrive until kstein had been called to fa» o the court. The jury sebcted to try Woison- bergcr. all of whoni were drawn witli- I out challoage, aara lrwin Daats, Mar- eaa Dlefeadarfer, Darld Waaajaakar, j lrwin J. Hrneh, Oliver F. Kerne. Charles Sell. l'rank H.iiick. Stephen B. Murray. Kobert Fonstoimakor, JaJMI Jacoby. William lUose and Milton H. Walt. Weisonberger was called to the bar and pleadod not guilty to the charce of acceaaory before and after the fact With iliis forniality over. ."ne district attornoy announccd that the coniinonw. alth at this time bad no evi- dence to conviet the dofondant. and asked that tha jury ronder a verdi.t of not guilty. Judge Traxler laatractad th^ jur\mon acoordlBgly, and Weisen- harcaf araa freed. Wlthoat Ihe loss of a minuto. Rca> stein'v, case was called, and tho bat- tie beiwaea the rtaaaaaaaieaalhi at- toruey nnd tha defendanfs comis. 1 was begun. Bckatefa'a attoraeya are former State BoaafOC Hnity Q. Stih-s and C. A. Gronian. Tbe eharges against Eckstein are siniilar to thoee lodfjed against his rival for the love Of Habel Bechtel. That tho caae affU be s ttbbornly tooghl i- ladtcated by j the fact that oal of the :: I man called to sorvo as jurors, 2»; w r excaaed or 1 challenged. Tlie eight men Belect ad ' are Lewis H. Petera, Cheeter Prlta, Saimiei a. Rabea >id, Charlea Hall, John S. Mosser, John F. Miller, Lewis A Rex and William Krum. Bloch Ccnvicted of Murder. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 13. . Eugene ! Bloch was found guilty of murder in j the first degree in the killing of Mrs. Katie Fatzinger at her apartments on j August 6 last. by cutting her throat | with hia razor, at which time Bloch j also made a desperate attempt at sui- I clde by cutting his throat and wrists. I The defense was that there was a mu- ' tual agreement of suieide, and that J Mrs. fatzinger cut her throat herself. j A motion for a new trial will bo made 1 later on. ASA S. BUSHNELL STRICKEN Former Governor of Ohio Suffers Two Strokes of Apoplexy. Columbus. O, Jan. 12..Former Gov¬ ernor Asa S. Bushnell was stricken with apoplexy just as he arrived at the Union Station to take the train for his home iu Springfield. Mr. Bush- naHs condition is critical. Physicians bold out little hope of recovery. Governor Bushnell had spent the day in Colnmbus. When his carriage arrived at the station the drlver open- ed the door and found Mr. Bushnell ftlmpst unconscious. Will GranL of B] i:. i. .. a'... ama aaft das. fa into tha carrinaa and Irove to a phy- Btelaa'i otlca and then to Qnm1 ib>< pital. Mr. BnahneUa tormar physt- cian. I)r. S.arling Loving, was sum- moned. P.overnor Bushnell surTered a soo- ond Btroha and is unp.blo to apaah or move. but caa recogniae hN famlly. His eonditi. n s;:<-h that the ond is expeeted niov.ienta i ily. Sensational Gold Strike. Colorado Sprincs. Colo.. .lan. 13._ The Btoe! armiatlonal gold strike in tho Crippla Craek dlstrtd in yaan was confirmed on troftclad Hill. From a Bfaca fto largrr than a man's body ore to the value of $25,000 was phippad, come of vhich aaaaja ttS.000 a toa. The strike lias CBOaad great aetivity !n the nottharn portlon of the district. 6TEAMER S1NKS IN WILD STORM Fifty-one Drowned W'.ien Within Three Miles of Shore. Septtle. Wash., Jan. 11..Th<^ BhaaaV er Clallam, nf tha Saattla-Vlctorla flcot. went town midway batWB n Smith Island and DuaajonnaBB, in the Btraita of Jnaa da Fuca. Futy-ono per- Boaa arero trowaed. Rrary aroaaaa aud child nhoard tha ciaiiam pertahad. The Clallam w:>.s ¦ Btauncfc new pas- senser boat. She lett Port Towns- nd for Viotoria. fa< Ing a torritie BOOthern gal<r Within Btghl of her destination a huge sea overwhelmed the littlo steanier. Baaaahtag in her dead li^-hts. flooding her hold with water, extin- jttahnu the Iraa baaaatt her bofler and plai ing her at tho aaBiay of a howling gale. The culmination of t^ie tragedy was postponed for several hours. Within three miles of shoro. and at a time when it Baaaarad rtirtain laat tiu GlaHnni aad Baan leart, ¦ taanarnta efTort was made to savo tha women and children in tho Itfahoata. They wer< Baaatd in the first bOal to leavo the ship. which Captain Lawrenee, a Yukon pilo«, Tolanlaafad to onaaaaaad the boat, which was nianned by deck- BaadS. The frail erait went down within sisht of the Clallam. and a see- ond lifehoal fillleil with Baali passcn- gers. and in eommand of Second O1T1- cer Currin, was probably lost a few minutes latcr. Aboard the Clallam watchers saw the waves sweep passen- gers from their hold on the s.-ats and hurl them into tho wat-r. Tliough the Ufeboat was rightcd later, UUfoat 8carch has tV.iled to lind a trace of her. More passengers antl memhers of tho crew were lost when a third iifeboat was swamped in an attompt to laumli the hoat. The tug Soa l.lon sighted the Hol- yoke and her tow about midnight and stcod by to assist. An hour and a half later iha lurched and disappeared beneath tlu- waves. By hcroie offorts the crews of the two tu.us saved the Uvaa of nearly all who remained aboard the Clallam. A few were swept away and perished in the blackness of the storm. BIDS FOR PHILIPPINE BONDS Harvey Fiske &. Sons Offer 107.577 For $7,000,000 Issue Accepted. Washinston. Jan. 12..Bids for tho Palllpplaa lriar lands honds wero Opanad at the war department. Tho htgheat bid for the purchase of the entire issue of $7,000,000 was from Harvey Fiske & Sons, associated with Fiske & Robinson and the Natlonal City Bank. of Now York. Their fij- Waa for all or none of the honda were ! 107.577, and for all or any part of the | honds 105.67. There were su bidd.rs ( in all and much highor figuros were { offored for small lots of the bonds. Harvey Flaha & Sons were award ed ' the antira issue. i This Bgnra undoubtedly Is lowor than the honds at first were expeeted to bring. It was stated at the insular hureau that the state of the money market, a general downward tendency in government ¦BCUllUaa, and, more than anything elso, certain limitatlons plaocd on. the availability of theso Phlllppine bonds in connectlon with their use by banks, which were not lmposed upon precedlng issues, un- - doubtedly have acted to keep down tha i bids. However, it is stated that the figure reallzed was in exoess of the es- ' timates of some of the Wall street ' financlers. . MORE BOODLING AT ST. LOUIS Combine Demanded $15,000 to Pass a Bill ln House of Delegates. | St. Louis, Jan. 13. . Investigation * Into the rumor that a new combine has been formed in the house of dele¬ gates to secure boodle money, has, it is alleged, produced the information thai a $15,000 nrihe was solicited to Insure the passage of a bill authoriz- lng the establishment of a pneumatic tube service for the transmission of merchandise, letters and express packagea between Union Station and the World's Fair grounds. It is alleged that tha attempt to se¬ cure tha bribe money waa made with¬ in the pa3t two months. A man who la now under penitentlary sentence fpr^conylctlon of parUclpatioB ln nat- urnltzatmn traada ls alleged to hav* actad for a count ilnian and solleitea" tho hrlbp froniV member of tbe flrnt raaajtractlag the proposed pneumatla tube ayateaa. It ls alleged that oontroversy ov«? the amount reaalted in an agreeni'-m on tlO.OOO, proTtdlag the bill wa» passed. SENATOR HANNA RE-ELECTED Ohio Le-iclature Returns Him With a Large Majority. Colaaahaa, o., Jan. 13..Tha OM« legfilatare, hy soparate ballot of 1 * hou:-< and senate. rotad to retur« hfarcaa a. Haaaa to the rjalted Stat » aeaate for a second term. Mr. Han- na's mnj-.rity was 90. His ra-eI«»o- < tion is la striking contrast to hh t olacttoa all years ago, when, after s ( most excitlaa poUtJcal coateet, bo aa- cared oaly the retatatto number al! j rotea to elect, 73, on joint bal.ot. the senate in Ita soparate ballot hav'nc. [ giv. n a majority of nno vote to Bob> ert E. McKlsacn, of Clerelxad i Reappcirted Colored Postmaster. Waahlagtoa, Jan. ll..The president har= reappcfated Rev. Joshua Wilsnn. ¦ oeejro miaiater, poaaaaastar at 81ot>i enco. S. ('.. despite protCBta by th« reetdeata. Wheo WUaoa was appoint od (bar years age there was no ob- jection made to him. Taft Confirmed. Waahlastoa, Jan. 12..The senate !a aaacatlte ¦waataa confirmed tha fol¬ lowing nominations: Williani H Taft, of Ohio, se. retary of war; Luke E i Wrtght, Taaaeaaee, ctvftl governor cf the Phlllpptae Islands; Henry C Ida. ' Varaaoat, vioe governor of tbe Phliip pifce Is;an.!s. B'RSTING TOILER KILLS S1X Explosion Tore Saw Mill to Plecev Hijiiinr; IVen ln All Directiona. TustMi. .\iich., Jaa. 12..The boller ln tha sawn.iii oaraad hy H. W. Karch of ataatatea, located at tfleka Laae. in Oocaola ooaaty, eaploSed and kuied six no n. lajarlai four othcrs. perna;* fatally. Tiie d.-ad are: Bort Leater. f.en Cbas< Ifarh Bradley, F. L. htat ris. Lrn taaJtaa and E. B. Fowera. All were marii.'d men. The eaplrwrioa occartad just as th« men were preparing to start up. and the lorea Of the explosion tore th« mil* to plecea, harllajj the mm in all # rectloaa. Portloaa of the miii wert thrown hur.dreds of feet. It la be- llcved the explosion was due to Io» water in the boiler. Declined to Go On Retired Llat. Washington. Jan. 12..Three offlcer? of tha army r vently hava decllnad to go on the retired Ust with Incroased ranU Thcae are Brlgadier Generai John f. Weetoa, ooaualatarj generai; Rrigadier Qeaeral A. \V. Greely, chlai Btgaa] ofScer, Bad Brigadler Genorai O. M. Randall, commanding tho d*> partmeut of Luzon. Each of these ot- ficers was tendered a major genoraloj on condition of his inimediate rstire- nnnt. and in each case the offer wa* declined. on the ground that tho ofncM " preferred active duty to promotion der such oonditions. Two Children Burned to Death. Cape Charles. Va., Jan. 12..Twr children. Noah and William White, aged 8 montlis and 6 years respectlve- ly. were burnod to death, and their brothcr Lewis narrowly escaped a alm- ilar death. The children had been left alone by their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Noah White, who were at work. Tb« mother retaraed ln time to sava the third chjld from the flames by enterlng tho luirning house just before the too! fell in. Driggs Sentenced to One Day. New York, Jan. 13. Ex-Congress man Edmund II. Driggs, of Brooklya, was sentenced to imprisonment of one day in Raymond strot Jail and to s fine of $10,000. Driggs was convicted of accepting money, while a congress man-eleet, for securing a government confract for the purchase of automatic era from the P.randt Dent cora paay for the poatofaca departmem. There will be uo appaali DEMOCRATS CHOOSE ST. LOUI9 National Convention Will Meet Ther Wednesday, July 6. Washington. Jan. 13..The Demo eratie national committoe furnished a surprise, selecting St. Louis as tha place for hold'ng the national conven¬ tion of 1904. The date flxed for tba convention was Wednesday, July «r at 12 o'olock. Previous to the meeting of the com- mittee it seemed a foregone conclu- sion that Chieago would be selected as the place of meeting, but politlcal exigencies entered into the situatlon, and a majority of the committee voted for St. Louis. For some hours previous to tbe meeting of the oommlttee thera was talk in the corridorg and among Democratic leaders that the conven¬ tion in Chieago might be aubject to the influence of a strong movement and a strong newspaper Influenca la favor of some particular candldata, _

Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1904-01-16. · 2017. 12. 16. · Thara is a so a larger aaajieo of int« lUaaaaoa la taa Baptistohaaaiio'i of Richmoud than la any other otft? where

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Page 1: Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1904-01-16. · 2017. 12. 16. · Thara is a so a larger aaajieo of int« lUaaaaoa la taa Baptistohaaaiio'i of Richmoud than la any other otft? where



No More Division.Peace Has Cometo Stay.

On last Monday at the Fifth StreetBaptist Ohurch another step in theright direction was taken. There havebeen three Baptist conferen^es in thecity of Richmond. but now there isoulyone, and the river of peace still flows.The old and che new conferences met

last Monday to discuss the gronnds ofUnion. It was soon discovered th .tthere was no need for anything excepta motion to unite. Tbereupon Dr. Per-ry, of the Fifth Baptist Chnrch (Syd-ney), motioned that the two couferenc9s having met in joint sest-ion wouldnow be resolved into one conferenceThe motion was carried.The following orricers were eleot-

ed: President, Rev. Archer Fergmon;Vice-President, Rev. Joseph Perry;Secretary, Rev, W. T. Johnson, D. D ;Assistant Secretary, Rev. F. W. Wil-liams, B. D.; Treasurer, Bishop E\ausPayne; Corresponding Secretarv, Rev.Z. D. Lewis, D. D.; Conference "Report-er. Rev. W. F Graham A committeewas then appointed to draft a new con-Btitution, whic 1 will be submitted nextMonday morning when the conferencemeet at the Fifth Street Baptist Church.Now that the ministers and churches

are all togetht-r again it is expected thatthe union will work to the material ad-vancement of the colored people ofRichmond and the spiritnal advance-ment of their chorches, but it is not on¬ly expected that the influence for goodwill be confined to Richmond, but it isboldly asserted and prophesied that it isthe beginning of union between theGeneral Association and the BaptistState Convention of Virginia, and alsothe Lot Cary Convention and tho National Baptist Convention; for Rich¬moud is undoubtedly the headquartersof Negro Baptists in America. Thereis no other city whose Ohristian popnla-tion is so largely Baptist. Of tbe fortythonsand colored people living in Ricli-moud, twenty thon^nnd of the' l bdongto the Baptist ohurch* b. Thara is a soa larger aaajieo of int« lUaaaaoa la taaBaptist ohaaaiio'i of Richmoud than laany other otft? where there is a lar anuuiber of colored RapMsts. Fifteen oltho colored Baptist j» stors of Rich nondare graduates from excrllent Lnstitutions of leariAng, md that of itsdfplaces Richmoud l«r in the lead overmany of our cities

It is rumored that tho Foreign Mis-sion Board of the National Baptist Con¬vention will soon be rvturued to Rich¬mond. if that is done, thaooatoatVaiuatwoen the two national ladies will hen-iuoved. for tlie r-.inoval of that Boardin 1S!C) was tho cnuse of tha split of theNational Bod>. Cool headed nieli. con-servative \nd fnnseeing are now atwork seeking to bring the Board backto RichmondRev. f>, B. Howurd. D. D., of Peters-

burg. Va., and Rev. Henyr Madison. ofMeKiaaay, Va., were praaaal and madetimely addresses.

A (ard.

For four years has Roformers' Store,torner tfth and Olay Sts., eujoyed amost flourishing buslness at the haudsof our good oinaona »>f RfoawawMl andvicmity We liavo labored hanl tomerit your patronage, and to -day worealize that our etYorts have not beenin vain. We have proven to tho publiciu tlie past tliat WO OOaid conduet anup-to date business, and we laka this¦¦aaaa of heartily thankiug you foryour support.

IHiring tiie preseut year it is our pur-pose to study more deeply than owr thebest iuterest of our customers.to theend that they can bny no cheaper orbetter goods anywhere than from ourStore.See our ad. la this taaae and call and

iuspect our new stock just placed uponour shelves. Orders are delivered to youon short notice.The following ladies and geutlemen

oooatitnte <>ur foroe: Ohaa. Briajge, As¬sistant jfaaafaa; Wm. w. Baaaa, HeadSalesman; Jno. Wm. Kemp, AssistantSalesman; Lewis Gardner, ('auvasserand fjhief Order Clerk; L. E. ChrisTian,Cashie.r; L. A. Edwar.is, Chief Book-keeper; Benj. Ladd and John Cary,Drivera.

Most respectfully yours,Wm. S. Mfwajfjur.


Oaaaan Klected.The following officersof MaceoLooge,No. 85 were eltcted Decemoer 15th,1903 aad installed January 5th, 1904:0. C, Sir W. H. Henderson; V. O ,

'Sir E. W. R. Glenn; P.. Sir NathanielBauks; M.ofW., Sir H. F. Jouathan;M. of F., sir W. S. Howurd. K. of R. &S., Sir Jno. S. Bell; If. of A., Sir GrantRoane; 1. G., Sir [aaaao Bray; O. G., SirJefferson Coleman; M. of Ex., Sir Jas.Woodaoa.

The kink That Won't Come Back.You <an make your hair just as

straight and smooth as you want to bynsing the Original Oaoniaed OxMarrow,and the kink that was there before willnot come back. The Ozoaized Ox Mar-row also keeps hair from falling out,cnres dandruff and makes tlie hairgrow. lt never fails. O^e bottle doesit. Sold over forty years to ladies ofrefinement all over the couutry, givingperfect satisfaction. Send us 50 centsand we will ship yon a bottle expiesspaid. Address Ozonized Ox MarrowOo., 76 Wabash Avenue, Chieago, 111.


Tronhle on a Street-i'ar Emamipation(Ylchration.

Nor'olk. Va., Jan. 13, 1904.A million dollars having been sub-scribed by the people of Tidewater Vir-giuia. including the many coiporatiouaud capitalist to perpetuate the charterof Jnmestown Expositiou, Congress willbe the door at which the.se people arekuockingand an appropriation iu themillions is needed. As the Oougress is

rej ublicau and Oongressmau Slemp i9the only republican allowed in Congress; from Virginia he is very much soughtafter and without his ass stance no ap-1 propriation will not be available as the. expositiou is to ceh brate the landing ofj the first white settlers in the country inj 1607. Of course the colored man will of. neeessity be the guest of tte nation.I One dollar and cost is what Justice. Taylor imposes on a colored for spittingJ in a street car. This being the second, arrest under the ordinanee, althoughthe habit- is commonly indulged iu.I A colored woman the other dav enter-ed a crowdod street car iu which s v» r-enil white men were itamliiiH, on therear platform and owing to the suddenstarting of the car she lost her balance,catchiug herself in falling atrainsr oneof the men who rudely p. ahad againstthe car saying: 'Ciet off of me nigger "

j If this sjmic Bnam of white men wuuldj keep out of our hoiues aud let our girla, alone much of the race question wouldi regulate itself.

One of the worst oiises of allegedcruely was aired in the Corporationj Conrt this week when a Mrs. AnnieI Whaley was given five years in thepeniteutiary for maliciousassaultmaim-

j ing Lillio Davis, a girl about II vearsold claimed by her as her niece.


SheJ owns Mrs. Whaley as her mother andiclaims that her father, a Mr. Davis, is

still liviug iu Bunconat>e county. NorthCarolina, Mrs. Whaley and "husbandhave been livmg in No-folk about twoyears, coining from North Carolina.I A Bfltiaa of revival meetings are bi-ingheld in St. Johns A. M. E. Churchabout three nights every week since thetirstoftheye.tr. The meetings are notwell at-t-ended when the iniportance ofrevival meeting is coasidered.A fire ou North Okeefe Sr.. Huuters

ville, today destroyed the homes ofMetsrs. Jacob T. Odom, Isaac J. Ryalsand Anthouy Briet house. A defectivetlue iu the house of Mr Odom, wherethe fire origniati d, is supposed to be thecause of the tire. The famihes savedmost of their elTeets. The bui!dings allwere coverod by iusurance.

Politics are still warm m Norfolk, butit is all one sided--all deinoerats Thei us and the oats or the so-called go k!government aiul that bad ruig of whomit alleges pastmnsters of all thut is bad.and beyoud auything redeeming they

; have been beaten, nnd this time thegood government wing did it in bothvoting and connting aud uo Negro wasiu the wtxid pile eitlur.Mr. Richard H. Parker, of 54th Ave..

B, Huutersville, who has been eonfiuedto his house through siekness, is so asto be out, iK'ing much improved.Mr. Archie Laughron, of 431 Cumber-

land stnet. is out again after several\vi eks' siekness.Mr. Robt. N. Jones. of St. James St.,died Satunlay. last, of quite a protract-ed illuess, ha\ ing l.vn contined to the

house Bfaana faaat Bnnananr, Mr. Joueswas pre-ident of the oinuiKupation ceie-brataon last year. His fumral took placeBTOan St. Johns A. M. E. Church Tius-day, of which he was B consistent nieni-ber.The celebration of the Eniancipationin Januarv was the largest in many

years. Mr. W. H. Tborough-good being chief marshall, assisted byan able eorps of assistants, and MrJas. E. Fuller being president of theass.K-iation. The procession was divid-ad In live division.s with its chief assis-tant and headed by a hand of music(each division). The procession aaanfully twti nit'les long, parading the prin-eipal street.s of the city. After whichtha aaaoaaaion was halted oa Butestreet, arhata it waa raraaaynd by thepraaidant and nfltrriah and dannaaajd.The exercisi-s took place in the ButeStreet liaptist Churcli, which was welllandatad and was a red letter day iuNegro Eniancipation. The whole raceis nulebted to our many liberal whiteeaaployara who so kindly loand vehicles,horses and other things to assist the af-fair and la a thousand instances givingour people holiday, closing up many oftheir bnsiness houses. The prograinmerendered at the Bate Street BaptistC.-iun-h at 7:30 p. m. was as follows:

j-iymn, "Coronatiou".Ohoir andcon-gregation.

Soriptute Lesson.Rev. J. W. Wood.Prayer.Rev. M. Lewis.Anthem.Choir.Auuounoements and collection.Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Bau-

ner.".Choir. .

Report of Invitation Oommittee.Report of Committee on Receptions.Solo.Mrs. Mary K. Fisher.Reading of the Proelamation.Miss

Mary L. Rankin.Solo.Julia Soutball.Poein.Lizzie E. Rainey.Solo.Mrs. Anna H. Davis.Oration- Rev. W. M. Moss.Hymu, "America".Choir and con-

gregation.Doxology.Lined by Rev. R. H. Bowl-

ing.Benediction---Rev. John E. Brick-


We extend to Mr. and Mrs. R. M.Pettis our sincere sympathy in the lossof their bright little boy, who died Jan.8, 1004, at Radford, Va.

T. -M. C. A. NOTES.

The cla^s t<xik an active part in theexplanation of the Sundav School aaoaonlast Saturday. Prof. Me Williams waspleased with such intertst. Evervbodvis iuvited to take a part. Free.The Y. M. C. A. Conference had a

very suceessful meeting last Fridav.The meiubership meeting is addiiigmuch life to the work.The meeting in the jail and alms-house are producing great results.Rev. Frank Davis gave the bovs anaddress last Sunday whieh will "be of

great help to them. A father who loveshis boys always knows what to say toother boys.The men took an active part in the

open meeting last Sundav conducted bvRev. W. H. Stokes, A. B.. B. D.All women and men are invited tothe explanation on the Sunday SchoolLesson Saturday 5p.m. at our rooinsCome.All mon for committee work are re-

quested to be on tiruc Sunday.We hear that the m»n are rejoicingl>ecause they will have Rev. Z. D. Lew

is, D. D., to address them Sunday 8:80p. m. at the True Reforniers'" HallSnoject: "The Man and the Hour."The doctor is a friend to men, so themen will tnrn out in full to meet theirfriend. Speciid musij l»v a quartettefrom th« Stcoud Baptist Chnrch. Prof.H. B. Purwell. pianist. Be oa time,men. Tell every man von meet. Baaaaare free. The watch word is 'Meet meat the True Reformers' Hall Sunday3:30 p. m.


Meeting for boys Snudav 4 p, ni atthe Y. M. C. A. roonis.

Iiook ont for "The Search Light."Dr. D. W. D*vis is tbe man.

Get ready, men. for the great battlethat i> hO con.e otf verv soon. Weknow nothing hnr to fkrht from start tofinish for the souls of men.

Is Very Lonesonie.Baltimor*-, Md., Jan. 11, 1904.

Dear Wife:Will yon please try to he home beforeMarch; as I am very lonesone and w 11do yon OO harm, and 1 would like to

have your direct address. If i had it1 wonld send yon the aniount of moneyyou ueed. Your belongings are all to-Seahar and «afe and have uever beensold.From your loviug husband,

Jamks Hill.

Ilalf Rates to Nen Orleans and Ke-turn viaSoiitbern Itailnay.

On account of the Mardi Grass Car-nival nt New Orleaus. La., F.brnarylOth-ltith; Mohile, Ala., Fehrnarv 10,h-16th; ivnsact la, Fla., February xoth-16th, IS04, the Southern Railway willseli opaoial tickets from all stations onits liues to New Orleans, Mohile andPensacola and return at one fare, plusBaa for tha roaad tnp. Thaoa ticketsoa aele to eitiier of the ahove poioaa onFebruary 9th to ISth, iu-lnsive, withreturn limit February tSth, 1!H»4, exceptthat by deoositiug tickets With TicketAgent at destination and payment of5Cc the return limit will be extended toMarch 15th, 1904. Fure for the roundtriji from Richmond to New Orleans,886.50; Mohile, ^>4 50; Pensacola, #24.50.The Southern Railway offara exception-ally giHid facilities for liaaihlllf theabove iniints, having two fast limitedtrains daily, with through pullman andday coaches, and dining cars of thehighest standard.For further iuformation apply tonear-

est Ticket Agent of Southern Railway.C. W. Westbury.

D. P. A.

The Colored Tcleirraph .Mcssenirers.The Westeru Union Telegraph Obae-

pany is uniforming its colored niesscn-gers iu this city and the feeling agaim-tthe colored appointees is subsiding.This iunovation was brought about bythe refusal of the white boys to carrymessages at the revised rates adoptedby the company. The colored boys aregiving satisfaction and the service issaid to be much improved.

The Only Colored Belcgate.Mr. W. C. Walker, president of the |East End Protective Association of

Newport News, "Va., was in the citythis week. He is a delagate to the An-ti-Saloon League which has been in ses- .

siou at the Second Baptist Church. Heis the only colored delegate in theLeague, and he states that no discrimi-natiou has been m.de against him. |

Southern Women Wanted. ,

Young women to do plain cooking,washing and irouing for faruihes inand aronnd New York. Nice homesand good wages. We send you tickets.


321 W. 59th St..New York,

Enclose stamp. JfSBT" Agents wantedatonce. lm-1-10 01 |

LOST--White and black Fox Tei-rier,answers to the uame of Bobbie, numberof metal 388. Liberal reward if brough tto 301 E. Grace St., Mrs. B. S. Smith. j

Rank aaaaata Elected.The Board of Directors of theMochanic's Saviugs Bauk of Richmond

met rrmay night, 8th iu8t at 611 NThird Street.The following officers were electedfor the ensuing year:President. John Mitchell, Jr.; Vice-Presulenr. H. F. Jonathan: Ceshior,ThomasH Wyatt; Seeretary, ThotuasM. Crump; Rnnner. El 1111 L. Beuks.The President anjointed the follow¬

ing oeaanaiitaea, Kxoenrive: Rev DrW. F Graharn, J. c. Fariey, WilhauiCusr lo, D. J. Chavers, Thomas M.Crnmp.The President and V:\-e-Presidenr aremembers of this committee ex nfflcioReal Estate: Col. John R. Chiles E RJefferson, M. D.; aud Col. ThomasSmith.Auditing: Col. Thomas M. CrumpJ. J. Carter and Col John R. Chiles.The increase in the aygregate d.positslast year was *<;3,000 more than the

year preceding.Theamountof fuuds in the Bank'shands both oash and invested is $43,000.The aggregate deixisits during 'he'pasttwo years are $300 000.


|-Mr. Wallace B. Christitm. ofWashington, I). C, called on uh. He

I was calh>d here on ao< onut of the deathof his danghter, Ethel.

! -Rev. Samuel Madison, paator ofBig Bathal Baptist Churth, of MeKinney. Va , was in the oitv last week. Hereports his church in a flourishing cou-dition, bnvmg t>een pastor there for 35years. He condnoted services at FifthStreet Baptist Church last Suudayeveuing.-Miss Annie Scott. of New York,is in the city, the gu. sr of her brother,Mr. Jonlan Seott. ItM W. Lei«h street.

She will be pleased to see her manyfriends.Mr aud Mrs. John A. Bmadley ofFalls River. Miss.. cnlled on us.

-Rev. Gaaaat Perkins, D. D., is in-disposei at his home tn N. 13th street.It is presumed that he eontraoted. asevere cold during his last trip to Buok-ingbam county, Va.

-Capt. l'.< njainin Seott ii confinedto his rooin at 018 Juc.ah street, but isimproving.

Prof. S. J. Sutton was honored byhis friends at San Antonio. Toxas, Jan.3d, 1!K)4. by the nct in nresentuig tohim a handsome Morroivo leatherTeacher's Hible. Prof Sutton hasmany friends m this city u: d the peo¬ple of Texas are blessed* m having sucha worthy son of the Old Dominion intheir it'idst.

A <;rand ataaaf tttn.On January Tth, 1904, at tht laaaaaaa]of Mr. and Mrs. Char.es Howurd, 140BWest Leigh stnet, a m unl reception

was tendered RaT. O. H. l'hillips, D.D.,and his bride. who waa funierly MrsMaggie Powell, of Nawpoii News, V*.Among those j.resent were Rev WF. Graham, I». I).; Rai W. T John-son, D I).; liev. Mr. and Mrs L RFrayser, Chief A. W. 1 lohnes and wifeMr. aml Mrs R. T. Hill, Miss Julia B.Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. .1. Brauch, MrsArthur Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.t'ralle,Mr. and Mrs. Walt.-r tfinor, Mrs. Will-ie Burrell, Mrs. Henrv Lmket, Mr. andMrs. .larrett BpottawnU, M ran.l Mrs. Jas.Heam, Miss Mo ln- Lewis, Mr. and MrsWm. Wataon, Dfa. P. H. Robinson, Mraml Mrs. Shirley Willimns, Mr. andMrs. C. Starlings, Mr. aad Mrs. ThomasBlackwell, Mrs. Piukey Pnoe, MrsIrene Harris, Miss Nannie Crump, MissAlice Lee. Mrs. Rook, Master Saniuol J.Stokes, Master Alvin Burrell.Dr. Cruhain and Chief llohnes furn-

ished tha umusement by lelling funnvjokes.Mrs Amelia Howanl was greatlyoheatad by the nnaaapaated arrivui (ifharhnahand Crom PhRadalphJnAll BBaaned to have anjojad them-selves to their own satisfaction nnd at

a late hour all left for their honiBB expressiug their best w ishes for the brideaud groom's future happiness.

.Myrtle Ledge's Entertainuient.Myrtle Lodge, No. 17, gave a fine en¬

tertainuient Monday night, 4th inst. Itconsisted of thanksgiving :iIlli meinorialexercises. Sir Rufus W. Brown wasmaster of cereruouies aud Sir GeorgeW. Dandridge, caterer.

Ladies were in attendance. MissNorena Brown presided at the piauo.Prayer was offtred by Sir W. H. Trentand a tine address of welcoine was de-livered by Sir S. M. Wilson. Sir L. T.Crawford eulogized the dead.Graud Chancellor John Mitchell, Jr.,delivered an address and Sir W. h!

Brauch dealt with the past history ofthe lodge, while Sir. D. J. Mason dealtwith the present history. Sir AndrewJohnson also spoke and Sir Jos. Haw-kins uiscussed the good of the order.Sapper was served iu the admirablylighted and convenient dining hall at 12

o'clock. It was a fine repast and everyone seeraed happy.

It is conceded that this was one ofthe finest entertaintnents evur given bya Pythian lodge in this city aud themanagemeut is being congratulated.


IV A NTID.Oooks and house-gi rls forthis and Northern cities. Wages good.Transportation furnishtd. R. W. El-som, 417 E. Broad St.

corn j* u2 It


David Weispnh.Tg Freed and AloisE^teiu Called For TriaL


j aaUeateaa, Pa, Jan. 13..The seriesof trials to tix the rosponsibility forthe murder in October last of MabelBechtel. the pretty 21-year-old silk millgirl of this city, was bcgun beforeJudge Trexlor, in tbe Lehigh countycourt. and before adjournment hadbeen taken. oue of the accused, DavidWeisenberger, one of tha lovers of theunfortunate girl, was formally arraign-ed aml aeqaltted of tho murder charge.Alois Eckstein. Mabel Hechtel's fiam¦. ,

also charcd with complicity in thecrirr.o. was called to the l>ar of thocourt. and the slow work of BetoctlBg& Jury to try him was In progress when

1 court aajouraed.Alter Bckateiaa case is disposod of

the agod mother of the dcad girl. Myr-tha. tha 17yar<ild danghter. and tlietwo aoaa, Charlea and Joha, arfU hi

I tried for COBipllclty in the sousationalcrlme. Thonias flaohtel. who was ar-rcst.d a few days after tho murderwas dlaeorarea, aloaai atth taa ahorenanied persons, committad sui< ide inhis cell the day a:t r he was ar-restod.Naaat in the hlatory of the county

I bar has there hafBI so DMBCh intcrestdiBplsyod in a trial as th» re is in theprescnt s.ries of trials. A greatcrowd was in attendanceall day wait-

| Ing for the now eelebrat.d cas-start. Weiaaaberajar araa bo have beenarraicned mrly in the day. but tbo

( whole proeeeding was blooked by thej trial of Baaeae Bloch, accused of themurder of a woman nam.d KatieFntziugor. Imiuodiatoly after tho juryin tins aaaa hai awaaaaaly Had out of

I tho crowde.I < ourt room to eonsidorBloeha gu!lt or innoi.-mo. lMstrict At-tomey llfhteaaalaer eallad Wataaa>

, herejar to the bar. No ttaaa was lostln secui la| I jury. and while tha Baa* Iof the taleeaaea arera being oaHed,Eckstein and memhors of his familyenlored the court room. Mrs. BachteJand her three Bocaaaad rhlalraa. ae-

, companled by her two married daugh-ters. <lid not arrive until K« kstein hadbeen called to fa» o the court.The jury sebcted to try Woison-

bergcr. all of whoni were drawn witli-I out challoage, aara lrwin Daats, Mar-eaa Dlefeadarfer, Darld Waaajaakar,

j lrwin J. Hrneh, Oliver F. Kerne.Charles Sell. l'rank H.iiick. Stephen B.Murray. Kobert Fonstoimakor, JaJMIJacoby. William lUose and Milton H.Walt. Weisonberger was called to thebar and pleadod not guilty to thecharce of acceaaory before and afterthe fact With iliis forniality over. ."nedistrict attornoy announccd that theconiinonw. alth at this time bad no evi-dence to conviet the dofondant. andasked that tha jury ronder a verdi.tof not guilty. Judge Traxler laatractadth^ jur\mon acoordlBgly, and Weisen-harcaf araa freed.Wlthoat Ihe loss of a minuto. Rca>

stein'v, case was called, and tho bat-tie beiwaea the rtaaaaaaaieaalhi at-toruey nnd tha defendanfs comis. 1was begun. Bckatefa'a attoraeya areformer State BoaafOC Hnity Q. Stih-sand C. A. Gronian. Tbe ehargesagainst Eckstein are siniilar to thoeelodfjed against his rival for the love OfHabel Bechtel. That tho caae affUbe s ttbbornly tooghl i- ladtcated by jthe fact that oal of the :: I man calledto sorvo as jurors, 2»; w r excaaed or 1

challenged. Tlie eight men Belect ad'

are Lewis H. Petera, Cheeter Prlta,Saimiei a. Rabea >id, Charlea Hall,John S. Mosser, John F. Miller, LewisA Rex and William Krum.

Bloch Ccnvicted of Murder.Allentown, Pa., Jan. 13. . Eugene !

Bloch was found guilty of murder in jthe first degree in the killing of Mrs.Katie Fatzinger at her apartments on jAugust 6 last. by cutting her throat |with hia razor, at which time Bloch jalso made a desperate attempt at sui- Iclde by cutting his throat and wrists. IThe defense was that there was a mu- '

tual agreement of suieide, and that JMrs. fatzinger cut her throat herself. jA motion for a new trial will bo made 1later on.

ASA S. BUSHNELL STRICKENFormer Governor of Ohio Suffers Two

Strokes of Apoplexy.Columbus. O, Jan. 12..Former Gov¬

ernor Asa S. Bushnell was strickenwith apoplexy just as he arrived atthe Union Station to take the trainfor his home iu Springfield. Mr. Bush-naHs condition is critical. Physiciansbold out little hope of recovery.Governor Bushnell had spent the

day in Colnmbus. When his carriagearrived at the station the drlver open-ed the door and found Mr. Bushnellftlmpst unconscious. Will GranL of

B] i:. i. .. a'... ama aaft das. fainto tha carrinaa and Irove to a phy-Btelaa'i otlca and then to Qnm1 ib><pital. Mr. BnahneUa tormar physt-cian. I)r. S.arling Loving, was sum-moned.

P.overnor Bushnell surTered a soo-ond Btroha and is unp.blo to apaah ormove. but caa recogniae hN famlly.His eonditi. n i« s;:<-h that the ond isexpeeted niov.ienta i ily.

Sensational Gold Strike.Colorado Sprincs. Colo.. .lan. 13._

The Btoe! armiatlonal gold strike intho Crippla Craek dlstrtd in yaan wasconfirmed on troftclad Hill. From aBfaca fto largrr than a man's body oreto the value of $25,000 was phippad,come of vhich aaaaja ttS.000 a toa.The strike lias CBOaad great aetivity !nthe nottharn portlon of the district.6TEAMER S1NKS IN WILD STORM

Fifty-one Drowned W'.ien Within ThreeMiles of Shore.

Septtle. Wash., Jan. 11..Th<^ BhaaaVer Clallam, nf tha Saattla-Vlctorlaflcot. went town midway batWB n

Smith Island and DuaajonnaBB, in theBtraita of Jnaa da Fuca. Futy-ono per-Boaa arero trowaed. Rrary aroaaaa audchild nhoard tha ciaiiam pertahad.The Clallam w:>.s ¦ Btauncfc new pas-

senser boat. She lett Port Towns- ndfor Viotoria. fa< Ing a torritie BOOtherngal<r Within Btghl of her destinationa huge sea overwhelmed the littlosteanier. Baaaahtag in her dead li^-hts.flooding her hold with water, extin-jttahnu the Iraa baaaatt her boflerand plai ing her at tho aaBiay of ahowling gale. The culmination of t^ietragedy was postponed for severalhours.Within three miles of shoro. and at

a time when it Baaaarad rtirtain laattiu GlaHnni aad Baan leart, ¦ taanarntaefTort was made to savo tha womenand children in tho Itfahoata. Theywer< Baaatd in the first bOal to leavothe ship. which Captain Lawrenee, aYukon pilo«, Tolanlaafad to onaaaaaadthe boat, which was nianned by deck-BaadS. The frail erait went downwithin sisht of the Clallam. and a see-ond lifehoal fillleil with Baali passcn-gers. and in eommand of Second O1T1-cer Currin, was probably lost a fewminutes latcr. Aboard the Clallamwatchers saw the waves sweep passen-gers from their hold on the s.-ats andhurl them into tho wat-r. Tliough theUfeboat was rightcd later, UUfoat8carch has tV.iled to lind a trace of her.More passengers antl memhers of thocrew were lost when a third iifeboatwas swamped in an attompt to laumlithe hoat.The tug Soa l.lon sighted the Hol-

yoke and her tow about midnight andstcod by to assist. An hour and ahalf later iha lurched and disappearedbeneath tlu- waves.By hcroie offorts the crews of the

two tu.us saved the Uvaa of nearly allwho remained aboard the Clallam. Afew were swept away and perished inthe blackness of the storm.


Harvey Fiske &. Sons Offer 107.577 For$7,000,000 Issue Accepted.

Washinston. Jan. 12..Bids for thoPalllpplaa lriar lands honds weroOpanad at the war department. Thohtgheat bid for the purchase of theentire issue of $7,000,000 was fromHarvey Fiske & Sons, associated withFiske & Robinson and the NatlonalCity Bank. of Now York. Their fij-Waa for all or none of the honda were !107.577, and for all or any part of the |honds 105.67. There were su bidd.rs (in all and much highor figuros were {offored for small lots of the bonds.Harvey Flaha & Sons were award ed '

the antira issue. iThis Bgnra undoubtedly Is lowor

than the honds at first were expeetedto bring. It was stated at the insularhureau that the state of the moneymarket, a general downward tendencyin government ¦BCUllUaa, and, morethan anything elso, certain limitatlonsplaocd on. the availability of thesoPhlllppine bonds in connectlon withtheir use by banks, which were notlmposed upon precedlng issues, un- -

doubtedly have acted to keep down tha ibids. However, it is stated that thefigure reallzed was in exoess of the es- 'timates of some of the Wall street 'financlers. .

MORE BOODLING AT ST. LOUISCombine Demanded $15,000 to Pass a

Bill ln House of Delegates. |St. Louis, Jan. 13. . Investigation *

Into the rumor that a new combinehas been formed in the house of dele¬gates to secure boodle money, has, itis alleged, produced the informationthai a $15,000 nrihe was solicited toInsure the passage of a bill authoriz-lng the establishment of a pneumatictube service for the transmission ofmerchandise, letters and expresspackagea between Union Station andthe World's Fair grounds.

It is alleged that tha attempt to se¬cure tha bribe money waa made with¬in the pa3t two months. A man whola now under penitentlary sentencefpr^conylctlon of parUclpatioB ln nat-

urnltzatmn traada ls alleged to hav*actad for a count ilnian and solleitea"tho hrlbp froniV member of tbe flrntraaajtractlag the proposed pneumatlatube ayateaa.

It ls alleged that oontroversy ov«?the amount reaalted in an agreeni'-mon tlO.OOO, proTtdlag the bill wa»passed.

SENATOR HANNA RE-ELECTEDOhio Le-iclature Returns Him With a

Large Majority.Colaaahaa, o., Jan. 13..Tha OM«

legfilatare, hy soparate ballot of 1 *

hou:-< and senate. rotad to retur«hfarcaa a. Haaaa to the rjalted Stat »aeaate for a second term. Mr. Han-na's mnj-.rity was 90. His ra-eI«»o- <

tion is la striking contrast to hht olacttoa all years ago, when, after s

(most excitlaa poUtJcal coateet, bo aa-cared oaly the retatatto number al!j rotea to elect, 73, on joint bal.ot. thesenate in Ita soparate ballot hav'nc.[ giv. n a majority of nno vote to Bob>ert E. McKlsacn, of Clerelxad i

Reappcirted Colored Postmaster.Waahlagtoa, Jan. ll..The president

har= reappcfated Rev. Joshua Wilsnn.¦ oeejro miaiater, poaaaaastar at 81ot>ienco. S. ('.. despite protCBta by th«reetdeata. Wheo WUaoa was appointod (bar years age there was no ob-jection made to him.

Taft Confirmed.Waahlastoa, Jan. 12..The senate !a

aaacatlte ¦waataa confirmed tha fol¬lowing nominations: Williani H Taft,of Ohio, se. retary of war; Luke E

i Wrtght, Taaaeaaee, ctvftl governor cfthe Phlllpptae Islands; Henry C Ida.


Varaaoat, vioe governor of tbe Phliippifce Is;an.!s.


Explosion Tore Saw Mill to PlecevHijiiinr; IVen ln All Directiona.

TustMi. .\iich., Jaa. 12..The bollerln tha sawn.iii oaraad hy H. W. Karchof ataatatea, located at tfleka Laae.in Oocaola ooaaty, eaploSed and kuiedsix no n. lajarlai four othcrs. perna;*fatally. Tiie d.-ad are: Bort Leater.f.en Cbas< Ifarh Bradley, F. L. htatris. Lrn taaJtaa and E. B. Fowera. Allwere marii.'d men.

The eaplrwrioa occartad just as th«men were preparing to start up. andthe lorea Of the explosion tore th« mil*to plecea, harllajj the mm in all #rectloaa. Portloaa of the miii wertthrown hur.dreds of feet. It la be-llcved the explosion was due to Io»water in the boiler.

Declined to Go On Retired Llat.Washington. Jan. 12..Three offlcer?

of tha army r vently hava decllnad togo on the retired Ust with IncroasedranU Thcae are Brlgadier GeneraiJohn f. Weetoa, ooaualatarj generai;Rrigadier Qeaeral A. \V. Greely, chlaiBtgaa] ofScer, Bad Brigadler GenoraiO. M. Randall, commanding tho d*>partmeut of Luzon. Each of these ot-ficers was tendered a major genoralojon condition of his inimediate rstire-nnnt. and in each case the offer wa*declined. on the ground that tho ofncM "

preferred active duty to promotion u»der such oonditions.

Two Children Burned to Death.Cape Charles. Va., Jan. 12..Twr

children. Noah and William White,aged 8 montlis and 6 years respectlve-ly. were burnod to death, and theirbrothcr Lewis narrowly escaped a alm-ilar death. The children had been leftalone by their parents. Mr. and Mrs.Noah White, who were at work. Tb«mother retaraed ln time to sava thethird chjld from the flames by enterlngtho luirning house just before the too!fell in.

Driggs Sentenced to One Day.New York, Jan. 13. Ex-Congress

man Edmund II. Driggs, of Brooklya,was sentenced to imprisonment of oneday in Raymond strot Jail and to sfine of $10,000. Driggs was convictedof accepting money, while a congressman-eleet, for securing a governmentconfract for the purchase of automatic

era from the P.randt Dent corapaay for the poatofaca departmem.There will be uo appaaliDEMOCRATS CHOOSE ST. LOUI9

National Convention Will Meet TherWednesday, July 6.

Washington. Jan. 13..The Demoeratie national committoe furnished asurprise, selecting St. Louis as thaplace for hold'ng the national conven¬tion of 1904. The date flxed for tbaconvention was Wednesday, July «rat 12 o'olock.

Previous to the meeting of the com-mittee it seemed a foregone conclu-sion that Chieago would be selectedas the place of meeting, but politlcalexigencies entered into the situatlon,and a majority of the committee votedfor St. Louis. For some hours previousto tbe meeting of the oommlttee therawas talk in the corridorg and amongDemocratic leaders that the conven¬tion in Chieago might be aubject tothe influence of a strong movementand a strong newspaper Influenca lafavor of some particular candldata, _