SATURDAY SEPT 15,1900 THE "JIM CROW" OAR. (Bt Kav. Waltib H. Bbocks, D. D.) Thia too ia done to eruah me, But naught oan keep ua baek ; 'My plaee.' foraooth.a aeetion 'Twixt' Bmoker, front and baek, While others ride in coachea Full large and fllleo with light. Ard tbia our Bouthern ChriBtiana Inaiat ia Juat and right. There Yellow man from China, And Red man from the plain, ?re aeated with the White mar, But I could not remain. However clean my perBon. My linen and my life, Taeyanar): "Your k-yar abead, Jim, Go tbar and take. jotr wife." We're airgled out from othera, A maik for ahafta of acorn, Here huddled, like taooed eattle, From e-r)y night tiil morn ; The golden rule'e rejected, .Who earea for aueh a tbirg ? Do they ahoee pri-judice o'errace Inflict thia bitcer eting ? Thia inBult almoat killi me. God, help me bear the wrong, Well. mintV tbe Btory of the weak Wbo falla before tbe atrong; Who fall .to riBein triumph. when God hia eword ahall gird. And tbe prouueatevil doer cbell trtnble at Hia word. A P YTHIAJN LODGE 1N8T11UTED. Giard Cbaneellor Mitchell at Newport Newa.A Fine Time There. Nbwpokt Nawb, Va , Sept. 10th. Grard Chaneellor John Mitchell, Jr., altbough indispoaed, arrived here Bat- urday evening acccmpacied by Col. Jeaae Scrugga. They inMituted Lily of the Valley Lodge at the Auditorium building. Ihia lodge was the reault of the effoni of Deputy Grand Chaneellor J J Booker and haa been organiaed ainoe the aeBBion of the Grand Lodge at Lynchburg, July 17th. The Grand Chaneellor waa loud in hia i raiuea of Sir Booker. Dr. Wm. K. Atkinaof Hampton. the Grand Medi «al Director wa. preaeot aa were manv other vitutine knighta from liamiton and Newport Newa. The follnw ng Blled the chaire: Giand Viee Chaneellor C. H. Green; Grand M.eter of Exehtquer J. E Byrd ; (irand Ma.ter At Arrr.a, jHaae Scruggt: Grard Keeterof R-corda and Beal. H. H. Mar.hall; Grand Prelate Gaai ar Kowlett; 'Jrand Vnu'er of Work W. T Bel!; Grand Innertiuard, J. P. Whiting; Grand Outer (Juard. John W. Jsmea. Tbe initiation of 23 eandidatea w.a the feature of the eveiting. A buuntenotie repaat waa aerved ar d all were loud in thfir r>rai«ea of t) e eje^llt-r t matii er in whieh e\ erj vbii g had been arranged. Granu Chanoeller Johr Mitchell Jr.. waa the gueat of Mr end Mrt-. Frtd. ( . Carter. by wb m he w.a apiendic'.ly entertained. He returned to Kicl- mor d ;t att-rday mornitg, beirg too ui well to remain lorjfer. Mi-H rai ala Robii aon of Hamptot ia viaiting Mra. Carter. lOURNAMENT AND CLOSING 8HQQT, One cf the moat erjoyable outinga of the whole pienic it-afon will be the ontirg of the City and Weat End Gun Club at Winddhle Park, Monday.Sept. 17th. 1900 ; from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. They have numeroua pr:/. a whieh have been aontnbuted b> city m«-r- ehanta and whieh will be given aa pnztatothe beet ahota at boih live and clay pigeona. They will alto bave musie, Binging and aatinging. Refreehn ents wil te furnished by Mt. Olivet Pulpit Club. who will bring down a large following. Arrangementa have been made for extra cara to aceotnmcdate the erowd. Round trip ticketa, includirg admia aion are only L'Oe.ts G W. Krm;g, Prea. M. R. ^abbbtt, Sec'y. BB B>«BB»- FROM MANCHE8TER. VA. Mrs. Annette Howard of German- town, Pa. has returned home after a very pleaeant atay with Mra. M. E Hateher and Alrs. Margaret Bailey The Samaritans and Daughtere of Samaritans ara rtqueated to attend a general ma*s nueiii g on next Wed- neaday night. 19th, at Samaritans hall The Deputies and Samaritans of Richmond are eerdially invited to at- lend. W. H. Hatohbb, Fkancis Qoodb, Deputies. It waa the Roae of Sharon Club and not the Union Bloom of Youth whieh ran the excursion to Danville, and on whieh a young man waa ahot. A SHERIFF IN TROUBLE. Xudierous Effeet of "Jim Crow" Car Law. Lykcubueq, Va., September 2nd.. When the east bound paaaengor irain of the Norfolk and Weatern railroad reached Abingdon thia morning, the aheriff of that plaee boarded the train with eight priaoners, aix of them whita and two colored. He took them into the car reaerved for white people and when the conductor on collecting tfeketa diaoovered what had been done, he inaiated on the two Negro priaoners being taken into the car for blaeks. Aa the aheriff eould not do thia with¬ out deaerting hia white priaonera, he had to leave the train some miiea thia aide of Abingdon, and return to the place whenee he started. ¦ ».» Read The Pabbt, k Great Bapti. t Gatheripg Here CONTINDED.FR0M FIRST PAGE. Baker waa murdered while defend- ing the United Statee xnail, and yet you deny to me the platform upon vhieh abould be heard the denouneing of murderera 1 atn delieate somewhat and it ia hard for ana but it ia my dufcy and I will Le h-ard.'' She told ut Mr. Baker telling hia b»y Linco n to put water on the ttre. He ><aid, "I eannot beeauae 1 am ahot." "That little boy ia not like ane of your children. He ia abot in the atomaoh and eannot retain hia food. His arm ia Bhattered. He never looka up. I aaked hiaa why he did not look up? He aaid that he eould not look up beoauae when he did look up he aaw bia father aa he waa murdered. I bave txpended $1,300 for that fam ily. It ia not the white people of thia eity who are againat you, it ia tne pol- itioiana. Biabop Arnett said that there abould ba more '*Jim Crow" eara. 4, BO 1STBBFXBKNCE 1BBBB. I am in the publie atreete, no one ean toueh me there but the poiloe au- thoritiea and they have not arrived' here yet and I have aaid nearly all 1 d»<-ire to aay I apnke in Cinoinaati and was invited in every eolored ehureh. I waa re ceived with open arma." She was aevere on thoae who had de olined to permit her to speak in tht eonvention. 'What intereat haa any politic. man in the Negro, but what he eat get out of him? All that yoc have tt do ia to ube the politieian for what you can get out ot him. Let the Negro do hia own busineaa The country haa been glad to get you aa a United States Soldier. What would have become of the Rcugh-Rid- ers were it not for you? Honor the United StateB flag, bu< make it honor you. The Negro is in this country to atay. and I am going to help bim to atay. MBVBB OB1VBM BHrOBK. You let a man put a hand upon that Baker fami'y in MaBaachuaatta and th* v will aufl>r for it. Stand upfor your tigbta. I have never been driven into the atreete before. It they ean¬ not hear me under the roof, they are poing to hear me apeak over it. Thia ia your buiineaa againat lyneh- ing; stand and litten to your eauae. G jd is with you. ALL AGAINST LTKCHINO. The whole eountry ia against lyneh- irg. She told of the lyoehing in the town of Tyler, Texaa. Hhe told of Hiliiard. that he waa atripped naked and pulled up ard down on an iron poat. beated to white heat. "God made the Negro." ahe exclaim- ed "I havt- met aome cowarda among thnm and 1 have met deflant onea among them. 1 bope now you will go baek to iour eonvention and be good cbildren. Mias Jewett ia for the Negroea and will atand by therr. This ia all I de- aire to s>ay." Many graaped her handa in ecataey .nd the ielegatea gathered in groupa ai d diecuaet-d the faiiure of tbe con ventuiti managera to hear what abe had to aay. Th« followirg attended the Conrer.- te-in: Mr H. Anderson. Norfolk, \V . f,apt. K W. Uould. Norfolk, Va. ; M. H. Harriaon, N< rfolk. Va ; Kev. U. Mareua. afaCMNt, (ia ; R«v. Robert M. Jottae, ftiehatoad Va.: I. 1* I'mwn. Rofl«n Htate, Waartington ; T. 8. Sand- -fln, Gut.don. Ark | Mr. H. F. Gamble ^harlnaton. W Va.; Rev. W. H. Hoimea, Waryland ; Rev. G W. Jor.ee. Kinkari. Oa ; Rt-v. U W. Calaway Kt. Depotit, Ala. ;R. W. Dandridgn, Rioh¬ mond. Va. ; Stept eu Brown, Martin. Fla ; Rev A. J. Brown. Gaineaville, Fla.; Mr. R. <\ Evana, Riohmond, Va.; Rev 8. J Jonea, Cr.lurnbia, Va.: Rev. L. C? Pieree, Oordpfc, G*.; D. 0, Hun- tPr anti aud, "'eadow Cr*ek, W. Va.; L. (1. Jont>a Lime 0*k, F.a. ;Miaa M. J Colt-8. Bruntswiek. (ia ; Mr*. J, B. Gar- nett. Brunawick Ga.; Mn. M. B. Oarn- tbera. St. Louia. Mo.; Miaa Julia ilit- ch*ll, Gi ifii , Gi.; Rev. Oharlea Mcr- ria, wife and onild, Weet N'tntm Mafa ; Rev E P Fox and wiie, Salem, Va.; Mra R. H. Boiling, Norrolk, Va. ; Rev Garland and wife. Williamaoort! Pa. ;R v. (t G. Taylor, Perry, Oa.; R*v. D. K. (rigler, Baltimore, Ml.; Miaa Kate E Anderaon, Waehingtnn, D. C. ; .1. R. Scott, Selnaa, Ala.; P. \V Simmona. Frogmora, 8. O.; Rev. G. D Smith, I.orin, Ohio; Prof D. V. Bo- hat.ni n, Hecderaon. Tenn ; D. J. Tur- ner, New London ; R. D. Wynn, New York; James H. Gordon, German town, Pa. ;H C Williama. Jaokaon- ville, Fla. ; J. H. May. 8t. Oaroline. Ky ; D. E Williama. Riohmond, Va.; «.. O. Gouins, Rook Port, Ind.; C. B. Young, Amenous, Ga.; Miaa M. H. Rurrongha, Waabington, D.O.; Miea C Fannie Blount, Wilmington, N. O.; Rev. N. W. Wallace. Gteenwood. Miaa.' Rev. W. M Gray, Savannah, Ga. ; Rev. J. K. A. Wilson. Eaat Lake. Ala.; Rev. Peter Everett, Piqua, Ohio; Rev. Mel ton N Sparka, Baltimore, Md ; Mra. M. E. Reid, Baltimore. Md.; Mra. Sa- rah F. Smith, Baltimore, Md. ; Mra. LulaA Dcewny, Baltimore, Md.; Mra Addie Depew, Atlanta, ba ; Mr G. W. Fisher, Williamaport, Pa.; Mr. 8amu»l L. Nollen, Naahville, Tenn.; Deaeon F. W. Jackaon. New York; Kev. G. W. Harriaon, Auguata, Ga.; Mrs. Sophia Seott, Waahington, Ga.; Miaa Willie M. Palmer. Auguata. Ga ; Rev. R. T. Winn, Baltimore. Md.; Mr. J. T Drew, Helena, Afk. ; N. B. WilliamBoo, Ma/ietta, Ga.; Rev. I. T. 8impaon, Opelika. Ala.; Rev. a Beanford, Wav- croaa. G».; Wm. R. Meadowa, Kon- tu3ky;MiasO J. Linkey, Naahville, Tenn.; Mra. M S. A. Wheeler, Koa ciuke, Miaa.; Mattie K. Boyd, Naah¬ ville, Tenn.; O. J. Mallory, Birmmg bam, Ala.; Aliee Alexander, Louia- ville, Ky.; R B. Fauntlerov. Big Rour, Tenn. ; Miaa Luoy Davia, tlderwythe, Greg Oo.t Texaa; Wm. Spraetin Brunawick, Ga.; John Brodatraw, New York City; Rev. G. B. Thompaon. Leitchfleld, Ky.; Mra R. J. Ratciiffe, Naahville, Tenn.; Rev. S. E. Smith, Owenaboro, Ky. ; Rev. Robert Mitch- ell, Frankfort, Ky. ; Mra. J. O. Walker, Ghioago, 111., B. E. Clemmona. Mem phiB, Tenn.; Mra. V. N. Broughton ; Naahville, Tenn.; Rev. O. F. Smith Grant Pariah La.; R. A. Jonea, Akron' Ohio ; S. J. Brigga. Baltimore. Md. - R T. Shell, Eulaula, Ala.; N. T. Biu- tron, Coeoa, Fla.: Rev. J. B. Brice Tarnon Springe, Fla.; W. H. Philippa, Phifadelphia, Pa.; Rav. Jeaaie Brax- ton, City; Rev. J. Story.Shelby, Tenn. T. W. Pariah, Olarkeatille, Tenn.; Rev C. P. M. Bigbee. Newport, Ky. . Rev. 8. E^Pierey, New Orleana, La.; Rev. T. W. Longwood, Hot Sprlnga, Ark. . O. Brewer. Saaford, Fla,; Bay. L. O. Suaon.^Opelouaat, -^^RgJ^JNJ. Nieholae, Keokuk, Iowa; Rev. J. H. Johnaon, Alapaha, Ga.; Rev. 0. B. Brown, Monaona, Ark.; Rev. J. B. Bolden, Pine Biuff, Ark.; Rev. 8. W. Smith, Priaeeton. N. J ; Rev. E. H Bolden. Maeon, Mo ; W. B Punie. Pel- ie.n. La ; Rev. M. J. Madd< x Savan- nah. Ga ; Mra. E W. Armatead. M >ut- gomery, Ala ; Rev Thomaa Bellinger, Greenaville. Ala ; Rev A. W. DeYam- part, Talladega, Ala. ; Lirzie Oreten den. Louiaville. Ky. ? Rev. Jeremiah P. Gregory, Haddon&Tea, N. J.; A. B. Flood, Dellu, La ; Mr. Jamea H. Fauc- tleroy. Kiehaaood, Va ; G T. Britt, Louiaville, Ky.; W. Parmon, City (TO BB OONTINCXD.) COLORED PEOPLE HONORED. (Washiboton Pobt.) Juat before Queen Vietoria left for the North, she invited her Negro god- daughter and former ward to eome and see her. The eolored lady in Iqueation beara the name of Mra. Randle Many years ago the then King of Dahomey gave a little alave girl, the daughter of a ehieftain. but oaptured in a alave raid, to the late Oapt. Forbaa. oom- manding a Britiah orui.ar. Captaio Forbea took the ebild to Eogland and preaented her to the Queen. The lat- ter beeame godmother to the girl. and had her welledueated at har expsnae, dowering her when ahe aubaequeatly married a Negro merohant at Lag' ¦ "f FROM HARTFORD. At tbe Union Baptiat Church laat Sunday R«v Gay preaehed an inter- eating anrmon to a large audienoein the morniog Rev I. V. Champ. stu- dant ot the Kiehmond Union Univer- «ity. nreached hia farewell aermon in the evoning. and will leave for the siMi'h about rJaturday, September 15th, 1900 The voung people'a aoeiety of B Y. P U waa whII attended. Topio. Luke 17:7 10; .ubj-ot, 'Our aimple duty." Tha meetiog was led by Mr. John Lee and Miaa Annie Robb. The greateat intertat of this aervioe waa tbe read- ing by Mra E. A Thonapaon of Rich¬ mond, Va.. proaident of the Woman'a Grooery. aubj-ct, "In union thera ia atrengtb " Mr. G Fr?d Freeman of 54 Sanford At., who feil from hia wbeel on Labor Day and reeeived quite a ahaken up U improving. Mra Frederiek Youag and Mra. John H Colden of New Haveo. Oonn., waa the gueata of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Q. Rogers of 146 CapKn St., tbe paat wsek. MrB. BeB« Holladay and soo, Mra. Emma L. Matiaon and aoo. Miib Lu- eille Gary. all of Portamouth, Va , are viaiting their relativaa at No. 28 Sao- ford St . Mra. Aliee Orton. R-v. Walter Gay will_|preaeh next ^unday evening from tbe Subject. "Honor of memory." All are wel eoma. Tbe raoorta that w< re read by Mr REV. A. JOHNSON, Board of Missions. tne name of Randle, Mra. Randle haa several children, tbe eldeat of whom ia a godehild of Prineess Beatrice, aad she was aeeompanieJ by tbem when ahe viaited the Queen the other day, and waa eaeorted by Biehop Jam*- b JobnBon, of Lagoa, recently .eonaeerat- ed aad a ooal black Negro. HIS BABO TO KIS«. The Queen gave har hand to kisa to the Biehop, and after aoeording the ume honora to Mra Randle and to the chilaren, kisaed them eaoh herself in the moat kindly manner. making all aorta of inquiriea about their wtdfare 'and life. and beatowing preaents upon eaeh member of the family. Queen Yictoria haa a very warrn epot in her heart for the Negro race, and thia ia by no meana the only inatanoe that I could mention of diatinguiBhed conaideration being manifeated by her majeaty for tbe oolored folk Thu* there is not one but aeveral eoal-black nngroee who have been knighted by the venerable Britiab aovereign, and whose wivea have the right of being addreaa- ed aa "my lady." one of the beat known of tbem being Sir bamuel Lewia, a fuK- blooded negro, who aa a member of the legialativa counail ot Sir-rra Leone, h-d been inveated by the crown with the dignityofa "knightof the moat dia- tinguiahed order. St. Michael and St George an hom r uaually reaerved for colonial governors, diplomttie envoya. G. Grant Williama, the delegate from Bartford to tbe Afro-Ameriean Buai- neaa Conventioa whieh waa held in Baaton Auguat 23rd and 24th, 1800 « ere very Intereating. Mr. Williama reporta about 400 delegatea preaant. Doo't forget that W. G. Wilaon. agent for the Riohnaond Planbt haa removed from 43 Waoater St.. to No. 30 East St., whare he bopea to see hia many friends and patronagea. Remamber that he aelia the gr«ateat ifro Aaaeriean journal in the United Statsa of Ameriea. Read for your- aelvea. Every cjlored man and wo- man ahould have thia journal in theit homea. W. G. Wilson. FROM NEWPORT, R I. The horae ahow ia over now and our city will aooD be looking dreary Av all of the riohbuga will be leavicg for New York and other citiea. the b >ata .nd traina are erowded. Itia great pl->aaure to aoe the New York boat iesve here, aa there are crowda both women and m«n from the hotela who leave evary night for all parta aouth and we*t Tue beach wiJi cloae Sat- urday. Mr Foater, who haa been viaiting his oauain, Joe Foater. left hera tn Bopa Lodge, No. 43, K. of P., haa REV. E. B. TOPP, af Mississippi, Ex-Missionary to Africa. generals and admirals. TRBATBD KIQHT IN rRANCB. Nor is it only m Eogland that people of eolor ara treated with this oonsider- ation. In France the only general who haa eovered himselt with military glo- ry aince the daya of tbe Franco Gar- man war, and who is now in auprema military command of Franee'a vast possessiona in the farOrient, ia Gan Dodds, a malatto. a faet whieh did not prevent him from being inveated with the Grand Crosa of the Legion of Honor, and with being oonaidered by the anti-military party aa the moat dangerous of all soldier candidatea for the Preaidency of the republic. At Madria I have aeen tbe entire guard turn out at the royal palaoe in honor of tbe blaek envoy of the Haitian re¬ publie, while at Lia^on I have been preeent when the late King aolemnly, and in the preaenoe of hia whole oourt, inveated three fuil-blooded Negroea, two from tha weat coast of Afriea and one from the east eoaat, with »he dig- nity of knighthood of the Order af Chriat. Moreover, one of the prioeipal paraonages of tbe Portuguese port in those days waa an aged eolored lady, who had been witb the Queen ever ainee her marriage, and who waa chief of her majeaty'B attendanta and maids besidee being her moat truated eoun- selor and influential adviaer. the Queec in turn havingher huaband, the late King Louis, entirely under her thumb and blindly subtniaaire to her wllL removei their Caatle hall from Thame St.up to the colored Odd Fellowa hall. Calepsarl St Miaa Mildred Thompaon, who haa b*en a long auff^rer and bore it all with patienee, died last Saturday. The funeral took plaee from the Mt. Olivet Baptiat Chureh of whieh ahe waa a member, Rev. E. Richardson officiat- ing. She leavea a mother, thre ^ aiatera and a hoat ol friends to mourn their losa. Her mother. The two Miaa Collina left laat week for Baltimore. Md. Mra. Virginia Col- liaa, their mother, aeoompanied them aa far aa New York. They will attend They will attend school thia winter. The death of an old and well-known cabman, Steven Tiddball, better known aa "Steve" oecurred here last Satur¬ day. FULTON NOTES. Notwtthatanding the iatense heat on last Sunday the churohes were well at- tended, At Riaing Mt. Zlon Baptist Chureh the expreasion meetiag at 11:80 a. m. waa inapiring. At 4 p. m. Rev. F. W. Williama adminiatered the Lord's sup- per to a large audlenee whieh aeemed fllled with the Boly dpirit. The burial of the little infant child of Mr. and Mra. Lewia Daniel took plaaa Tueaday, Sept. 11,1900 at 8 p.m. Rey. Erani Payne waa down aiaiting tiek taambtra laat weak. He aleo preaehed anordinatioo sermon to the feaeona at tbe Kiaing Mt. Zion BeptUt Clhureh, Wedneaday nigot, Sept 5th, 1900. Mra. Aliee Holtnea returned nome on laat Wednesdsy after a pleasant .Uy in Atlantie City. Misaea Virginia Boeeieux and Mary E. Sewell are eonvaleBeing. Bro. Charlet Harria ia quite aiek at his reaidenee. Graham St. ia un¬ der the treatment of Dr. R F. Tanuil. Tbe Bervioes at the Mt. C tlvary in Union L*» v. 1 Baptiat Churchea were at" terded largely on laat bunday. Rev. A. Ferguaon broke aread at hia obureh in Midlothian, fheaterfleld Co. Va. laat Suoday at 8: 80 p. m.' VIRGINIA:.In tha Law and Kquity Oourt of the City of Riehmond, tbe 10th day of September, 1900. Jeaeie Morton,.Plainti tl against Eugenia Morton.Defendant IM OHANCBBV. The (.bj»etof thia auit ia to obtain a divoree a vineula matrimonu by th . nlaintiff fr m «he defendant. And a' fldavit having been made and flled that the defendant ia a eon-reaidsnt of tbe State of Virginia. *he ia requtred t > appear here witbin flfteen daya after due publieation heraof and do what i- neeeaaary to proteet her interest here in. A eopy Teate : P. P. * imbtob. Clerk. Geo. W. Tbcmaa p. q. To Eugenia Mortoa: You are h*»reby notify that on th let day of November, 1900 at th oourthouae of Henrico Country. Va between the houra of 10 a. m and 5 p. m., of that day I ahall proeeed to tak» the depoBitiona of Thomaa Ellia and othera to be read aa evidence in nay behalf in a certain Snit ia Equity pending in the Law and hquiiy Court of the citv of Richmond. whereio I plaintifT. and you are defendant; if from any oauae the taking thereof bf not commenoed or if eommenred b«- oot eonoludad on that day the taking thereof will be eontinued from day to day or from time to time between the aame houra at aame plaee until com pleted. Jbbbx Mobtoh. Geo. W. ThomaB, p. q. By Oounael. -Mr. Wallaca P. Epps haa been visiting in Cumbarlaud and Buoking- ham countiea. ..Miaa Lena V. Iiham haa return¬ ed to the eity from Cumberland Coun¬ ty .Miaa Marietta I. Chilea returned to the city laat week from PhoebtiB Sbe made an extra trip their agaio oo Sunday laat and ia in the eity again. -Rev. Dr W. H. Brooks and |wif. of Waahington, D C are in the eity, the gueet of Rev. J. H. Holmes. D. D. "DRUNKEN JIM." Bad Interpretnt loaa in 1(1. Llfe of tbe Orlental Salnlatliiu "May Vonr Mtailutv SftfrliroH l.eaa." This orientul salutation is capable ol' tnoro than one interpretation. Tw< .inister falaUlnaenta thrcatened a mat whoae aurnanie. bequeathed to him by his father with other and less enduring leg-acie'a, was lo>*t in the sobriquet ol "l>runken Jinu." His shadow certain- ly grew afcurter, for hi* kneeabent, hif shoulders aiouched und his head poked as hia aoirit to look the world in the facagradually melted away. Again and agaRti, more often for the sake ol hia fannrly than for hia own, a friendly ttand waa vtretched to raisa him up "It breaka n»y heart to see them deai children atarvingc," a compasaionatt neighbox ana* a atrong temperance niii said aa aa argumeot for spending tim< aad rnoatj ia the desperate effort to save "Drunken JIrn"fro*n hinaself. The object ef bfs aaj-e waj not wbolly ia- HI8 8IIADOW CHRTAINL.T GItKW SHOKTER. appreciative; bnt he bad lo»t faith ir himself, hia wife had loat hope and hii children had lost io-»e for him. Hus- band and wifa lurtexied increduiousJy to the asauraucit that they might lay hold on the power ot God. Jim drd sigr the pledge onee. he aalds and for a good long while he kept lt and got 01 well with a coster's barrow. But hc had to ilcliver something at a brewery The atmosphera was full of drlnk, and a giaae of ale waa presaed upon him Farewell from that moment of terapo- tari cuiuvuieut to tha rtubululioo. ol REV. A. R. GRIGGS, Gencral Educatioual Agent, Dallas, Tcxas. They are attending the National Bap¬ tist Cmvention. Both are looking well. Rev. Dr. Brooks has been Spend- ing hia summer at Atlantio City, N. J. -Mr. Waiter W. Wallaoe. Manag- ing editor of the Colobbo Ambbican Xaoazinb, the leading high elaaa jour- nal of the oolored race, will be in our city thia week in ita intereat. Brauch offioe 100 E. Leigh St. Mra. Harriett Priee and Mhs Chria- tine Holmes of Waahington, D. C, were in tbe city last week. Rev. Dr. Waldron, our eateemed ex- general aeoretary of the Y M. C. A., now loeated at Jackaonville. Fla., wii. be in Richmond aoon and will preach at the Ebenezer Baptiat Church Sun- day, September 23rd, at 7:30 p. m The public is eordially invited to hear him. We return thanka to the T. C. 9. C. for an inrltation to their annual out- ing to Buokroe Beach iast Tutsday; Mr. R. J. Kyles, president. Rev. J. Milton Waldron, A. M., paa¬ tor of *;he Bethel Kiptiat Church, J.ck- aonville, Fla.. will preach at the Eb«n ezer Baptiat Church, Sunday. Sept. 23, at 7:30 p. m., under the auspices of ttie Aid Club No. 5, aubjeot, "The suprerae Duty of the Chriatian." Text, "To Grow in the Craoe and the Knowiedge of the Lord and Savior .Jesue* Ghrist." Come and hear the noted divine. WANTED.An experien.ed houee- girl. Apply t j 205 East Grace St. Wanted a Wlf*. Mlss Antique.You ought to get mev ried, Mr. Oldchapp. Mr. Oldchapp (earaeaUy).j a_,v. wished many timea lately that I had a wlfe. Misa Antique (delighted).Have vou, really ? Mr. Oldchapp.Yes. If I had a wife ahe'd probably have a sewing machine, and the sevring machine would. have an oil can, and I could take it and oil mj offlce chair. It squeaks horribly..N Y. Weekly. Ons of tha Laxarln. **I aee that the price of bathtubs hn» been ralaed," remarked Wcary Wrag plea, looking* up from the scrap ox bewapapar he had been reading-. Duaty Rhoedea yawned. "Oh, well, ha returned, "thosa wha want luxuriea abould have to pay for them, Ifa when thay put up the priog Of atter that tha publie natwallv _reah .*tittA"-^e«__ra Foet. m , rnralag ovar a new !eaf! Jim'sshadow on his own wretehed doorway aoon grew thinner as well aa ahorter, foj he gradually sank into a nameleaa prave. But he left behind him a shadow that aaaaaad as though it would nerei grow les*. It fell on his children, whos* pasty faces and spiritlesa manner were tha evide-aoe of paart etarration, and it blighted their proaptcta la lifa. That ona g'ass of ala had diaaatroua re- sults. Before offering intoxicating c'.rink to strangera, careless, gocd-na- tured person* would do well to con- aider St. Paul's adnaonition: "That ao man put a stumbliag block or an ocea- aion to fall in his brother'a way.".The Quiver. ALCOHOL CAUSES DISEASE. Indularence ln Aleabolla Drlnlu of Any Kind latlu Men for Avniy Dutj. It is not only in the tropica that tha uae of intoxicating liquora . **mild beer" no less than fiery whisky.ia condrucivo to diseasa by ao weakealng tha ayatem as to make ita natural d«- fease against the assault of diseasa lesa effeetUc. Any physician under- standa thia fact. One of the first question* asked by the examiner for a lifa lnaurance company ls whether the applicaut for a policy drinks In- toxicanta. If he doea tha risk ia re- gardad aa cou&iderably more hazard- oua, and aomc companiea take whiaky drlukors in preierenee to usoxs of beer. Ona trouble about the eilort to up- root tbe army canteen, and tha great- eat trouble, ia the fact that aurxav cffl- aase aheiealvea) are lnvetarata d-rlnk- eraw At Wert Polnt they are taaght the atrieteat aenae af peraoBal homor; to 11* ls an unpardcmable offeasa, while t*> cheat or to betray er to do anjthlne; "undcrhandea** ls ineoncelv- ahl*; but to drlnk la one of tbe nat¬ ural attributea of a featlamaal We mustadmir* tha hlgh aotlona of bonor and latef-rity that are thara-fnatrntid .would that we had mora*aV thexa ba the workadaj woTid.but at tbe eame tlma on* aannot hat ragrat the fafl- nre te realixe tbe TaaarafaJd *vC* flowv ingfroBs taa ua* ed tU-aea aad tbe fblV ure b* tae-aleate aaj liaan-ie that wQ taaeh ahe erabryw arsxy affiee* that he eaa be a hatta-r a-aaasr ky UtfUa tt aleaa, Thara waa faaaaatfy a aaatlan that a aaaa ew-ala aad aa a awe4 n< ffm aaaa wltheat aaaaj ei a eVua haa a, bad OUR WORDS. Ui.aift a Wondrrful R«vtlator og a Peraoa's C.ar.ct«r-4..r«t of Setf-Ma.tor?. Language ia a wonderful revelator. Tt showa peraonal and racial eondi¬ tiona and qualitiea. Young paopla ought to ba engaged in linguiatlo studiea. But I purpose givlng a faw practical and sp:ritual auggestiona rather than a technical treatise. Our words.the produot of our hearta and minds, tbe utterancea of our tonguea. Have you atudied tha Bibla with thia theme bafore you? Xotice the multiplicity of expressions as to thinking and speaking. No won- der, for these portray the man. Worda exbibit the ht:trt. "Out of the abundance of the heart tha mouth speaketb." If one's worda pertainlng to tha true and good ara aoon ex- hausted, this is an indeW that of aucb elements his heart supply ia acant. I would that our young people* might ba conscioua of tha fact that they ara known by their language. All tbeaa ahould uuderstand that pura worda carry with them atrength and reveal him aa a lovely charaeter wha. constantly usea Buch worda. It seema to me that the subllmest exprcssion of a pura heart and of* romplete self-masttry ia fouad in dia- cretion in apeech. Bacon aaid: "Dia- cretion in speeeh ia more than elo- quence." Solomon aaid: "Tha worda of a man'i mouth are as deep waters, and the well-spring of wiadom aa a flowing brook." Also: "The heart of- the wlae t«acheth his mouth, and add- eth learning to h{», ]ips." Jatj.es aaid: "If anj ni&n offencl not ln wohd, IhV aame is a perfeet man and able also to bridle the whole body.'* Behold tha process and the meaaura of perfee- tion! .Watch word, Wl»« and Wimt to R«ad. ( If you are taay, W*tea James. If your faith is beiow par, readT Patil. If you are impatient, alt down quit-tly and have a talk with Job. If you ara a little -t rong-headed, ga gad see Moses. If you are getting wenk-kneed, taka ¦ look at Elijah. If tbere is no song in your heart,. i:st«»o to David. If you feel chllly. get tha beloved diaciple to put his arm around you. K you are k>sing viglit of the fu¬ ture. cliaib up to ftevelation and get i fMBBaaa of th. promUid lacd.. Kaiu'a Ilorn. v i ..-.-i 1.1... She.Ita too bad poor Jack Good- fellow failed; he has so many friends, t <><>. (reflectively).He had!.Brook- lvn Life. AJB Aurri-minl. He ki*sed her suddcnly. -Will. 1 like th:it!" ahe rried. "So <lo I," he answered oalmly; and BjM let it go at that. Koxbury Ga- EXCURSION ABANDONED Excursion Advertised to St union for Septetn- b-tr 15th Ahandoned. Tlie Excursion to Staunton by the "Working Sous of Hope,' whieh had been ad- vertised to lcave Richmond Saturdry Night, Septeinbei 15th, will not be rnn on ac- count of a law recently passed in Staunton prohibiting excur- sions entering the city on Sunday. J. H. Coleman Manager. A. B. Hawkins, Sec'y. Irish Wit and American Fact. "What has America done so much for Ireland?" asked Dennis of his side partuer. *M "Why," said Larry, "they have made one side of their paper money, green." What has «%*____ SYDNOR & HONDLEY done for the people of Rich¬ mond and vicinity? They have collected one of the most attractiv* and beau- tiful stocks of FURNITURE to be found south of New York City, and at prices to suit the moderate, or lavish splendor. For anything in Fnrniture, Upholstery, Lace Cnrtains, Bric-a-Brac, etc, go to-^p^**^ SYDNOR & HUNDLEY. .Leaders. 711 & 713 Enst Broad St. United Aid& Insurance Company, SHAI.L BE HEREAFTER ....KNOWN AS<__ United Aid Insurance Co. Main Officr 506 E. Broad St

Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1900-09-15 [p 8]. · Mi-H rai ala Robii aon of Hamptot ia viaiting Mra. Carter. lOURNAMENTAND CLOSING 8HQQT, Onecfthemoaterjoyable outinga of the whole

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Page 1: Richmond Planet.(Richmond, VA) 1900-09-15 [p 8]. · Mi-H rai ala Robii aon of Hamptot ia viaiting Mra. Carter. lOURNAMENTAND CLOSING 8HQQT, Onecfthemoaterjoyable outinga of the whole


(Bt Kav. Waltib H. Bbocks, D. D.)Thia too ia done to eruah me,

But naught oan keep ua baek ;'My plaee.' foraooth.a aeetion

'Twixt' Bmoker, front and baek,While others ride in coacheaFull large and fllleo with light.

Ard tbia our Bouthern ChriBtianaInaiat ia Juat and right.

There Yellow man from China,And Red man from the plain,

?re aeated with the White mar,But I could not remain.

However clean my perBon.My linen and my life,

Taeyanar): "Your k-yar abead, Jim,Go tbar and take. jotr wife."

We're airgled out from othera,A maik for ahafta of acorn,

Here huddled, like taooed eattle,From e-r)y night tiil morn ;

The golden rule'e rejected,.Who earea for aueh a tbirg ?Do they ahoee pri-judice o'erraceInflict thia bitcer eting ?

Thia inBult almoat killi me.God, help me bear the wrong,

Well. mintV tbe Btory of the weakWbo falla before tbe atrong;

Who fall.to riBein triumph.when God hia eword ahall gird.

And tbe prouueatevil doercbell trtnble at Hia word.


Giard Cbaneellor Mitchell at NewportNewa.A Fine Time There.

Nbwpokt Nawb, Va , Sept. 10th.

Grard Chaneellor John Mitchell, Jr.,altbough indispoaed, arrived here Bat-urday evening acccmpacied by Col.Jeaae Scrugga.They inMituted Lily of the Valley

Lodge at the Auditorium building.Ihia lodge was the reault of the effoniof Deputy Grand Chaneellor J JBooker and haa been organiaed ainoethe aeBBion of the Grand Lodge atLynchburg, July 17th.The Grand Chaneellor waa loud in

hia i raiuea of Sir Booker.Dr. Wm. K. Atkinaof Hampton. the

Grand Medi «al Director wa. preaeotaa were manv other vitutine knightafrom liamiton and Newport Newa.The follnw ng Blled the chaire:Giand Viee Chaneellor C. H. Green;

Grand M.eter of Exehtquer J. EByrd ; (irand Ma.ter At Arrr.a, jHaaeScruggt: Grard Keeterof R-corda andBeal. H. H. Mar.hall; Grand PrelateGaai ar Kowlett; 'Jrand Vnu'er ofWork W. T Bel!; Grand Innertiuard,J. P. Whiting; Grand Outer (Juard.John W. Jsmea.Tbe initiation of 23 eandidatea w.a

the feature of the eveiting.A buuntenotie repaat waa aerved ar d

all were loud in thfir r>rai«ea of t) eeje^llt-r t matii er in whieh e\ erj vbii ghad been arranged.Granu Chanoeller Johr Mitchell Jr..

waa the gueat of Mr end Mrt-. Frtd. ( .

Carter. by wb m he w.a apiendic'.lyentertained. He returned to Kicl-mor d ;t att-rday mornitg, beirg tooui well to remain lorjfer.Mi-H rai ala Robii aon of Hamptot

ia viaiting Mra. Carter.


One cf the moat erjoyable outinga ofthe whole pienic it-afon will be theontirg of the City and Weat End GunClub at Winddhle Park, Monday.Sept.17th. 1900 ; from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.They have numeroua pr:/. a whieh

have been aontnbuted b> city m«-r-ehanta and whieh will be given aapnztatothe beet ahota at boih liveand clay pigeona.They will alto bave musie, Binging

and aatinging. Refreehn ents wil tefurnished by Mt. Olivet Pulpit Club.who will bring down a large following.Arrangementa have been made for

extra cara to aceotnmcdate the erowd.Round trip ticketa, includirg admia

aion are only L'Oe.tsG W. Krm;g, Prea.M. R. ^abbbtt, Sec'y.BB B>«BB»-

FROM MANCHE8TER. VA.Mrs. Annette Howard of German-

town, Pa. has returned home after avery pleaeant atay with Mra. M. EHateher and Alrs. Margaret BaileyThe Samaritans and Daughtere of

Samaritans ara rtqueated to attend ageneral ma*s nueiii g on next Wed-neaday night. 19th, at Samaritans hallThe Deputies and Samaritans of

Richmond are eerdially invited to at-lend.

W. H. Hatohbb,Fkancis Qoodb,


It waa the Roae of Sharon Club andnot the Union Bloom of Youth whiehran the excursion to Danville, and onwhieh a young man waa ahot.


Xudierous Effeet of "Jim Crow" CarLaw.

Lykcubueq, Va., September 2nd..When the east bound paaaengor irainof the Norfolk and Weatern railroadreached Abingdon thia morning, theaheriff of that plaee boarded the trainwith eight priaoners, aix of them whitaand two colored. He took them intothe car reaerved for white people andwhen the conductor on collectingtfeketa diaoovered what had been done,he inaiated on the two Negro priaonersbeing taken into the car for blaeks.Aa the aheriff eould not do thia with¬

out deaerting hia white priaonera, hehad to leave the train some miiea thiaaide of Abingdon, and return to theplace whenee he started.

¦ ».»

Read The Pabbt,

k Great Bapti. tGatheripg Here


Baker waa murdered while defend-ing the United Statee xnail, and yetyou deny to me the platform uponvhieh abould be heard the denouneingof murderera 1 atn delieate somewhatand it ia hard for ana but it ia my dufcyand I will Le h-ard.''She told ut Mr. Baker telling hia b»y

Linco n to put water on the ttre. He><aid, "I eannot beeauae 1 am ahot.""That little boy ia not like ane of yourchildren. He ia abot in the atomaohand eannot retain hia food. His armia Bhattered. He never looka up. Iaaked hiaa why he did not look up?He aaid that he eould not look up

beoauae when he did look up he aawbia father aa he waa murdered.

I bave txpended $1,300 for that family. It ia not the white people of thiaeity who are againat you, it ia tne pol-itioiana.

Biabop Arnett said that there abouldba more '*Jim Crow" eara.


I am in the publie atreete, no oneean toueh me there but the poiloe au-thoritiea and they have not arrived'here yet and I have aaid nearly all 1d»<-ire to aayI apnke in Cinoinaati and was invited

in every eolored ehureh. I waa received with open arma."She was aevere on thoae who had de

olined to permit her to speak in thteonvention.

'What intereat haa any politic.man in the Negro, but what he eatget out of him? All that yoc have ttdo ia to ube the politieian for what youcan get out ot him.Let the Negro do hia own busineaa

The country haa been glad to get youaa a United States Soldier. Whatwould have become of the Rcugh-Rid-ers were it not for you?Honor the United StateB flag, bu<

make it honor you. The Negro is inthis country to atay. and I am goingto help bim to atay.


You let a man put a hand upon thatBaker fami'y in MaBaachuaatta andth* v will aufl>r for it. Stand upforyour tigbta. I have never been driveninto the atreete before. It they ean¬not hear me under the roof, they arepoing to hear me apeak over it.Thia ia your buiineaa againat lyneh-

ing; stand and litten to your eauae.G jd is with you.

ALL AGAINST LTKCHINO.The whole eountry ia against lyneh-

irg. She told of the lyoehing in thetown of Tyler, Texaa. Hhe told ofHiliiard. that he waa atripped nakedand pulled up ard down on an ironpoat. beated to white heat."God made the Negro." ahe exclaim-

ed "I havt- met aome cowarda amongthnm and 1 have met deflant oneaamong them. 1 bope now you will gobaek to iour eonvention and be goodcbildren.

Mias Jewett ia for the Negroea andwill atand by therr. This ia all I de-aire to s>ay."Many graaped her handa in ecataey

.nd the ielegatea gathered in groupaai d diecuaet-d the faiiure of tbe conventuiti managera to hear what abehad to aay.

Th« followirg attended the Conrer.-te-in:Mr H. Anderson. Norfolk, \V .

f,apt. K W. Uould. Norfolk, Va. ; M.H. Harriaon, N< rfolk. Va ; Kev. U.Mareua. afaCMNt, (ia ; R«v. Robert M.Jottae, ftiehatoad Va.: I. 1* I'mwn.Rofl«n Htate, Waartington ; T. 8. Sand--fln, Gut.don. Ark | Mr. H. F. Gamble^harlnaton. W Va.; Rev. W. H.Hoimea, Waryland ; Rev. G W. Jor.ee.Kinkari. Oa ; Rt-v. U W. Calaway Kt.Depotit, Ala. ;R. W. Dandridgn, Rioh¬mond. Va. ; Stept eu Brown, Martin.Fla ; Rev A. J. Brown. Gaineaville,Fla.; Mr. R. <\ Evana, Riohmond, Va.;Rev 8. J Jonea, Cr.lurnbia, Va.: Rev.L. C? Pieree, Oordpfc, G*.; D. 0, Hun-tPr anti aud, "'eadow Cr*ek, W. Va.;L. (1. Jont>a Lime 0*k, F.a. ;Miaa M. JColt-8. Bruntswiek. (ia ; Mr*. J, B. Gar-nett. Brunawick Ga.; Mn. M. B. Oarn-tbera. St. Louia. Mo.; Miaa Julia ilit-ch*ll, Gi ifii , Gi.; Rev. Oharlea Mcr-ria, wife and onild, Weet N'tntmMafa ; Rev E P Fox and wiie, Salem,Va.; Mra R. H. Boiling, Norrolk, Va. ;Rev Garland and wife. Williamaoort!Pa. ;R v. (t G. Taylor, Perry, Oa.;R*v. D. K. (rigler, Baltimore, Ml.;Miaa Kate E Anderaon, Waehingtnn,D. C. ; .1. R. Scott, Selnaa, Ala.; P. \VSimmona. Frogmora, 8. O.; Rev. G. DSmith, I.orin, Ohio; Prof D. V. Bo-hat.ni n, Hecderaon. Tenn ; D. J. Tur-ner, New London ; R. D. Wynn, NewYork; James H. Gordon, Germantown, Pa. ;H C Williama. Jaokaon-ville, Fla. ; J. H. May. 8t. Oaroline.Ky ; D. E Williama. Riohmond, Va.;«.. O. Gouins, Rook Port, Ind.; C. B.Young, Amenous, Ga.; Miaa M. H.Rurrongha, Waabington, D.O.; Miea CFannie Blount, Wilmington, N. O.;Rev. N. W. Wallace. Gteenwood. Miaa.'Rev. W. M Gray, Savannah, Ga. ; Rev.J. K. A. Wilson. Eaat Lake. Ala.; Rev.Peter Everett, Piqua, Ohio; Rev. Melton N Sparka, Baltimore, Md ; Mra.M. E. Reid, Baltimore. Md.; Mra. Sa-rah F. Smith, Baltimore, Md. ; Mra.LulaA Dcewny, Baltimore, Md.; MraAddie Depew, Atlanta, ba ; Mr G. W.Fisher, Williamaport, Pa.; Mr. 8amu»lL. Nollen, Naahville, Tenn.; Deaeon F.W. Jackaon. New York; Kev. G. W.Harriaon, Auguata, Ga.; Mrs. SophiaSeott, Waahington, Ga.; Miaa WillieM. Palmer. Auguata. Ga ; Rev. R. T.Winn, Baltimore. Md.; Mr. J. TDrew, Helena, Afk. ; N. B. WilliamBoo,Ma/ietta, Ga.; Rev. I. T. 8impaon,Opelika. Ala.; Rev. a Beanford, Wav-croaa. G».; Wm. R. Meadowa, Kon-tu3ky;MiasO J. Linkey, Naahville,Tenn.; Mra. M S. A. Wheeler, Koaciuke, Miaa.; Mattie K. Boyd, Naah¬ville, Tenn.; O. J. Mallory, Birmmgbam, Ala.; Aliee Alexander, Louia-ville, Ky.; R B. Fauntlerov. Big Rour,Tenn. ; Miaa Luoy Davia, tlderwythe,Greg Oo.t Texaa; Wm. SpraetinBrunawick, Ga.; John Brodatraw, NewYork City; Rev. G. B. Thompaon.Leitchfleld, Ky.; Mra R. J. Ratciiffe,Naahville, Tenn.; Rev. S. E. Smith,Owenaboro, Ky. ; Rev. Robert Mitch-ell, Frankfort, Ky. ; Mra. J. O. Walker,Ghioago, 111., B. E. Clemmona. MemphiB, Tenn.; Mra. V. N. Broughton ;Naahville, Tenn.; Rev. O. F. SmithGrant Pariah La.; R. A. Jonea, Akron'Ohio ; S. J. Brigga. Baltimore. Md. - RT. Shell, Eulaula, Ala.; N. T. Biu-tron, Coeoa, Fla.: Rev. J. B. BriceTarnon Springe, Fla.; W. H. Philippa,Phifadelphia, Pa.; Rav. Jeaaie Brax-ton, City; Rev. J. Story.Shelby, Tenn.T. W. Pariah, Olarkeatille, Tenn.; RevC. P. M. Bigbee. Newport, Ky. . Rev.8. E^Pierey, New Orleana, La.; Rev.T. W. Longwood, Hot Sprlnga, Ark. .

O. Brewer. Saaford, Fla,; Bay. L. O.Suaon.^Opelouaat, -^^RgJ^JNJ.

Nieholae, Keokuk, Iowa; Rev. J. H.Johnaon, Alapaha, Ga.; Rev. 0. B.Brown, Monaona, Ark.; Rev. J. B.Bolden, Pine Biuff, Ark.; Rev. 8. W.Smith, Priaeeton. N. J ; Rev. E. HBolden. Maeon, Mo ; W. B Punie. Pel-ie.n. La ; Rev. M. J. Madd< x Savan-nah. Ga ; Mra. E W. Armatead. M >ut-gomery, Ala ; Rev Thomaa Bellinger,Greenaville. Ala ; Rev A. W. DeYam-part, Talladega, Ala. ; Lirzie Oretenden. Louiaville. Ky. ? Rev. JeremiahP. Gregory, Haddon&Tea, N. J.; A. B.Flood, Dellu, La ; Mr. Jamea H. Fauc-tleroy. Kiehaaood, Va ; G T. Britt,Louiaville, Ky.; W. Parmon, City



(Washiboton Pobt.)Juat before Queen Vietoria left for

the North, she invited her Negro god-daughter and former ward to eome andsee her. The eolored lady in Iqueationbeara the name of Mra. Randle Manyyears ago the then King of Dahomeygave a little alave girl, the daughterof a ehieftain. but oaptured in a alaveraid, to the late Oapt. Forbaa. oom-manding a Britiah orui.ar. CaptaioForbea took the ebild to Eogland andpreaented her to the Queen. The lat-ter beeame godmother to the girl. andhad her welledueated at har expsnae,dowering her when ahe aubaequeatlymarried a Negro merohant at Lag' ¦ "f


At tbe Union Baptiat Church laatSunday R«v Gay preaehed an inter-eating anrmon to a large audienoeinthe morniog Rev I. V. Champ. stu-dant ot the Kiehmond Union Univer-«ity. nreached hia farewell aermon inthe evoning. and will leave for thesiMi'h about rJaturday, September 15th,1900The voung people'a aoeiety of B Y.

P U waa whII attended. Topio. Luke17:7 10; .ubj-ot, 'Our aimple duty."Tha meetiog was led by Mr. John Leeand Miaa Annie Robb. The greateatintertat of this aervioe waa tbe read-ing by Mra E. A Thonapaon of Rich¬mond, Va.. proaident of the Woman'aGrooery. aubj-ct, "In union thera iaatrengtb "

Mr. G Fr?d Freeman of 54 SanfordAt., who feil from hia wbeel on LaborDay and reeeived quite a ahaken upU improving.Mra Frederiek Youag and Mra. John

H Colden of New Haveo. Oonn., waathe gueata of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Q.Rogers of 146 CapKn St., tbe paat wsek.

MrB. BeB« Holladay and soo, Mra.Emma L. Matiaon and aoo. Miib Lu-eille Gary. all of Portamouth, Va , areviaiting their relativaa at No. 28 Sao-ford St . Mra. Aliee Orton.R-v. Walter Gay will_|preaeh next

^unday evening from tbe Subject."Honor of memory." All are weleoma.Tbe raoorta that w< re read by Mr

REV. A. JOHNSON, Board of Missions.tne name of Randle, Mra. Randle haaseveral children, tbe eldeat of whom iaa godehild of Prineess Beatrice, aadshe was aeeompanieJ by tbem whenahe viaited the Queen the other day,and waa eaeorted by Biehop Jam*- bJobnBon, of Lagoa, recently .eonaeerat-ed aad a ooal black Negro.


The Queen gave har hand to kisa tothe Biehop, and after aoeording theume honora to Mra Randle and to thechilaren, kisaed them eaoh herself inthe moat kindly manner. making allaorta of inquiriea about their wtdfare'and life. and beatowing preaents uponeaeh member of the family.Queen Yictoria haa a very warrn epot

in her heart for the Negro race, andthia ia by no meana the only inatanoethat I could mention of diatinguiBhedconaideration being manifeated by hermajeaty for tbe oolored folk Thu*there is not one but aeveral eoal-blacknngroee who have been knighted by thevenerable Britiab aovereign, and whosewivea have the right of being addreaa-ed aa "my lady." one of the beat knownof tbem being Sir bamuel Lewia, a fuK-blooded negro, who aa a member of thelegialativa counail ot Sir-rra Leone, h-dbeen inveated by the crown with thedignityofa "knightof the moat dia-tinguiahed order. St. Michael and StGeorge an hom r uaually reaerved forcolonial governors, diplomttie envoya.

G. Grant Williama, the delegate fromBartford to tbe Afro-Ameriean Buai-neaa Conventioa whieh waa held inBaaton Auguat 23rd and 24th, 1800« ere very Intereating. Mr. Williamareporta about 400 delegatea preaant.Doo't forget that W. G. Wilaon.agent for the Riohnaond Planbt haaremoved from 43 Waoater St.. to No.30 East St., whare he bopea to see hiamany friends and patronagea.Remamber that he aelia the gr«ateatifro Aaaeriean journal in the United

Statsa of Ameriea. Read for your-aelvea. Every cjlored man and wo-man ahould have thia journal in theithomea.

W. G. Wilson.


The horae ahow ia over now and ourcity will aooD be looking dreary Avall of the riohbuga will be leavicg forNew York and other citiea. the b >ata.nd traina are erowded. Itia greatpl->aaure to aoe the New York boatiesve here, aa there are crowda bothwomen and m«n from the hotela wholeave evary night for all parta aouthand we*t Tue beach wiJi cloae Sat-urday.Mr Foater, who haa been viaitinghis oauain, Joe Foater. left hera tn

Bopa Lodge, No. 43, K. of P., haa

REV. E. B. TOPP,af Mississippi, Ex-Missionary to Africa.

generals and admirals.TRBATBD KIQHT IN rRANCB.

Nor is it only m Eogland that peopleof eolor ara treated with this oonsider-ation. In France the only general whohaa eovered himselt with military glo-ry aince the daya of tbe Franco Gar-man war, and who is now in aupremamilitary command of Franee'a vastpossessiona in the farOrient, ia GanDodds, a malatto. a faet whieh didnot prevent him from being inveatedwith the Grand Crosa of the Legion ofHonor, and with being oonaidered bythe anti-military party aa the moatdangerous of all soldier candidatea forthe Preaidency of the republic. AtMadria I have aeen tbe entire guardturn out at the royal palaoe in honorof tbe blaek envoy of the Haitian re¬publie, while at Lia^on I have beenpreeent when the late King aolemnly,and in the preaenoe of hia whole oourt,inveated three fuil-blooded Negroea,two from tha weat coast of Afriea andone from the east eoaat, with »he dig-nity of knighthood of the Order afChriat. Moreover, one of the prioeipalparaonages of tbe Portuguese port inthose days waa an aged eolored lady,who had been witb the Queen everainee her marriage, and who waa chiefof her majeaty'B attendanta and maidsbesidee being her moat truated eoun-selor and influential adviaer. theQueec in turn havingher huaband, thelate King Louis, entirely under herthumb and blindly subtniaaire to herwllL

removei their Caatle hall from ThameSt.up to the colored Odd Fellowahall. Calepsarl StMiaa Mildred Thompaon, who haa

b*en a long auff^rer and bore it allwith patienee, died last Saturday. Thefuneral took plaee from the Mt. OlivetBaptiat Chureh of whieh ahe waa amember, Rev. E. Richardson officiat-ing. She leavea a mother, thre ^ aiateraand a hoat ol friends to mourn theirlosa. Her mother.The two Miaa Collina left laat week

for Baltimore. Md. Mra. Virginia Col-liaa, their mother, aeoompanied themaa far aa New York. They will attendThey will attend school thia winter.The death of an old and well-known

cabman, Steven Tiddball, better knownaa "Steve" oecurred here last Satur¬day.


Notwtthatanding the iatense heat onlast Sunday the churohes were well at-tended,At Riaing Mt. Zlon Baptist Chureh

the expreasion meetiag at 11:80 a. m.waa inapiring. At 4 p. m. Rev. F. W.Williama adminiatered the Lord's sup-per to a large audlenee whieh aeemedfllled with the Boly dpirit.The burial of the little infant child

of Mr. and Mra. Lewia Daniel tookplaaa Tueaday, Sept. 11,1900 at 8 p.m.Rey. Erani Payne waa down aiaitingtiek taambtra laat weak. He aleo

preaehed anordinatioo sermon to thefeaeona at tbe Kiaing Mt. Zion BeptUtClhureh, Wedneaday nigot, Sept 5th,1900.Mra. Aliee Holtnea returned nome on

laat Wednesdsy after a pleasant .Uyin Atlantie City.Misaea Virginia Boeeieux and Mary

E. Sewell are eonvaleBeing.Bro. Charlet Harria ia quite aiek at

his reaidenee. Graham St. H» ia un¬der the treatment of Dr. R F. Tanuil.Tbe Bervioes at the Mt. C tlvary in

Union L*» v. 1 Baptiat Churchea were at"terded largely on laat bunday.Rev. A. Ferguaon broke aread at hia

obureh in Midlothian, fheaterfleld Co.Va. laat Suoday at 8: 80 p. m.'

VIRGINIA:.In tha Law and KquityOourt of the City of Riehmond, tbe

10th day of September, 1900.Jeaeie Morton,.Plainti tl

againstEugenia Morton.Defendant


The (.bj»etof thia auit ia to obtain adivoree a vineula matrimonu by th .

nlaintiff fr m «he defendant. And a'fldavit having been made and flled thatthe defendant ia a eon-reaidsnt of tbeState of Virginia. *he ia requtred t >

appear here witbin flfteen daya afterdue publieation heraof and do what i-neeeaaary to proteet her interest herein.

A eopyTeate : P. P. * imbtob. Clerk.

Geo. W. Tbcmaa p. q.

To Eugenia Mortoa:You are h*»reby notify that on th

let day of November, 1900 at thoourthouae of Henrico Country. Vabetween the houra of 10 a. m and 5 p.m., of that day I ahall proeeed to tak»the depoBitiona of Thomaa Ellia andothera to be read aa evidence in naybehalf in a certain Snit ia Equitypending in the Law and hquiiy Courtof the citv of Richmond. whereio IplaintifT. and you are defendant; iffrom any oauae the taking thereof bfnot commenoed or if eommenred b«-oot eonoludad on that day the takingthereof will be eontinued from day today or from time to time between theaame houra at aame plaee until completed.

Jbbbx Mobtoh.Geo. W. ThomaB, p. q. By Oounael.

-Mr. Wallaca P. Epps haa beenvisiting in Cumbarlaud and Buoking-ham countiea...Miaa Lena V. Iiham haa return¬

ed to the eity from Cumberland Coun¬ty.Miaa Marietta I. Chilea returned

to the city laat week from PhoebtiBSbe made an extra trip their agaiooo Sunday laat and ia in the eity again.-Rev. Dr W. H. Brooks and |wif.

of Waahington, D C are in the eity,the gueet of Rev. J. H. Holmes. D. D.

"DRUNKEN JIM."Bad Interpretnt loaa in 1(1. Llfe of tbe

Orlental Salnlatliiu "May VonrMtailutv SftfrliroH l.eaa."

This orientul salutation is capable ol'tnoro than one interpretation. Tw<.inister falaUlnaenta thrcatened a matwhoae aurnanie. bequeathed to him byhis father with other and less enduringleg-acie'a, was lo>*t in the sobriquet ol"l>runken Jinu." His shadow certain-ly grew afcurter, for hi* kneeabent, hifshoulders aiouched und his head pokedas hia aoirit to look the world inthe facagradually melted away. Againand agaRti, more often for the sake olhia fannrly than for hia own, a friendlyttand waa vtretched to raisa him up"It breaka n»y heart to see them deaichildren atarvingc," a compasaionattneighbox ana* a atrong temperance niiisaid aa aa argumeot for spending tim<aad rnoatj ia the desperate effort tosave "Drunken JIrn"fro*n hinaself. Theobject ef bfs aaj-e waj not wbolly ia-


appreciative; bnt he bad lo»t faith irhimself, hia wife had loat hope and hiichildren had lost io-»e for him. Hus-band and wifa lurtexied increduiousJyto the asauraucit that they might layhold on the power ot God. Jim drd sigrthe pledge onee. he aalds and for agood long while he kept lt and got 01well with a coster's barrow. But hchad to ilcliver something at a breweryThe atmosphera was full of drlnk, anda giaae of ale waa presaed upon himFarewell from that moment of terapo-tari cuiuvuieut to tha rtubululioo. ol

REV. A. R. GRIGGS,Gencral Educatioual Agent, Dallas, Tcxas.

They are attending the National Bap¬tist Cmvention. Both are lookingwell. Rev. Dr. Brooks has been Spend-ing hia summer at Atlantio City, N. J.-Mr. Waiter W. Wallaoe. Manag-

ing editor of the Colobbo AmbbicanXaoazinb, the leading high elaaa jour-nal of the oolored race, will be in ourcity thia week in ita intereat. Brauchoffioe 100 E. Leigh St.Mra. Harriett Priee and Mhs Chria-

tine Holmes of Waahington, D. C,were in tbe city last week.

Rev. Dr. Waldron, our eateemed ex-general aeoretary of the Y M. C. A.,now loeated at Jackaonville. Fla., wii.be in Richmond aoon and will preachat the Ebenezer Baptiat Church Sun-day, September 23rd, at 7:30 p. mThe public is eordially invited to hearhim.

We return thanka to the T. C. 9. C.for an inrltation to their annual out-ing to Buokroe Beach iast Tutsday;Mr. R. J. Kyles, president.

Rev. J. Milton Waldron, A. M., paa¬tor of *;he Bethel Kiptiat Church, J.ck-aonville, Fla.. will preach at the Eb«nezer Baptiat Church, Sunday. Sept. 23,at 7:30 p. m., under the auspices of ttieAid Club No. 5, aubjeot, "The supreraeDuty of the Chriatian." Text, "ToGrow in the Craoe and the Knowiedgeof the Lord and Savior .Jesue* Ghrist."Come and hear the noted divine.

WANTED.An experien.ed houee-girl. Apply t j

205 East Grace St.

Wanted a Wlf*.Mlss Antique.You ought to get mevried, Mr. Oldchapp.Mr. Oldchapp (earaeaUy).j a_,v.

wished many timea lately that I had awlfe.Misa Antique (delighted).Have vou,really ?Mr. Oldchapp.Yes. If I had a wife

ahe'd probably have a sewing machine,and the sevring machine would. have anoil can, and I could take it and oil mjofflce chair. It squeaks horribly..NY. Weekly.

Ons of tha Laxarln.**I aee that the price of bathtubs hn»

been ralaed," remarked Wcary Wragplea, looking* up from the scrap oxbewapapar he had been reading-.Duaty Rhoedea yawned."Oh, well, ha returned, "thosa wha

want luxuriea abould have to pay forthem, Ifa when thay put up the priogOf atter that tha publie natwallv _reah.*tittA"-^e«__ra Foet.

m ,

rnralag ovar a new !eaf! Jim'sshadowon his own wretehed doorway aoongrew thinner as well aa ahorter, fojhe gradually sank into a nameleaaprave. But he left behind him a shadowthat aaaaaad as though it would nereigrow les*. It fell on his children, whos*pasty faces and spiritlesa manner weretha evide-aoe of paart etarration, and itblighted their proaptcta la lifa. Thatona g'ass of ala had diaaatroua re-sults. Before offering intoxicatingc'.rink to strangera, careless, gocd-na-tured person* would do well to con-aider St. Paul's adnaonition: "That aoman put a stumbliag block or an ocea-aion to fall in his brother'a way.".TheQuiver.

ALCOHOL CAUSES DISEASE.Indularence ln Aleabolla Drlnlu of

Any Kind latlu Men forAvniy Dutj.

It is not only in the tropica that thauae of intoxicating liquora. **mildbeer" no less than fiery whisky.iacondrucivo to diseasa by ao weakealngtha ayatem as to make ita natural d«-fease against the assault of diseasalesa effeetUc. Any physician under-standa thia fact. One of the firstquestion* asked by the examiner fora lifa lnaurance company ls whetherthe applicaut for a policy drinks In-toxicanta. If he doea tha risk ia re-gardad aa cou&iderably more hazard-oua, and aomc companiea take whiakydrlukors in preierenee to usoxs ofbeer.Ona trouble about the eilort to up-

root tbe army canteen, and tha great-eat trouble, ia the fact that aurxav cffl-aase aheiealvea) are lnvetarata d-rlnk-eraw At Wert Polnt they are taaghtthe atrieteat aenae af peraoBal homor;to 11* ls an unpardcmable offeasa,while t*> cheat or to betray er to doanjthlne; "undcrhandea** ls ineoncelv-ahl*; but to drlnk la one of tbe nat¬ural attributea of a featlamaal Wemustadmir* tha hlgh aotlona of bonorand latef-rity that are thara-fnatrntid.would that we had mora*aV thexa bathe workadaj woTid.but at tbe eametlma on* aannot hat ragrat the fafl-nre te realixe tbe TaaarafaJd *vC* flowvingfroBs taa ua* ed tU-aea aad tbe fblVure b* tae-aleate aaj liaan-ie that wQtaaeh ahe erabryw arsxy affiee* thathe eaa be a hatta-r a-aaasr ky UtfUa ttaleaa, Thara waa faaaaatfy a aaatlanthat a aaaa ew-ala aad aa a awe4 n<

ffm aaaa wltheataaaaj ei a eVua haa a, bad

OUR WORDS.Ui.aift a Wondrrful R«vtlator og

a Peraoa's C.ar.ct«r-4..r«tof Setf-Ma.tor?.

Language ia a wonderful revelator.Tt showa peraonal and racial eondi¬tiona and qualitiea. Young paoplaought to ba engaged in linguiatlostudiea. But I purpose givlng a fawpractical and sp:ritual auggestionarather than a technical treatise.Our words.the produot of our

hearta and minds, tbe utterancea ofour tonguea. Have you atudied thaBibla with thia theme bafore you?Xotice the multiplicity of expressionsas to thinking and speaking. No won-

der, for these portray the man.Worda exbibit the ht:trt. "Out ofthe abundance of the heart tha mouthspeaketb." If one's worda pertainlngto tha true and good ara aoon ex-

hausted, this is an indeW that of aucbelements his heart supply ia acant.

I would that our young people*might ba conscioua of tha fact thatthey ara known by their language.All tbeaa ahould uuderstand that puraworda carry with them atrength andreveal him aa a lovely charaeter wha.constantly usea Buch worda.

It seema to me that the subllmestexprcssion of a pura heart and of*romplete self-masttry ia fouad in dia-cretion in apeech. Bacon aaid: "Dia-cretion in speeeh ia more than elo-quence." Solomon aaid: "Tha wordaof a man'i mouth are as deep waters,and the well-spring of wiadom aa aflowing brook." Also: "The heart of-the wlae t«acheth his mouth, and add-eth learning to h{», ]ips." Jatj.es aaid:"If anj ni&n offencl not ln wohd, IhVaame is a perfeet man and able alsoto bridle the whole body.'* Behold thaprocess and the meaaura of perfee-tion! .Watchword,

Wl»« and Wimt to R«ad. (If you are taay, W*tea James.If your faith is beiow par, readT

Patil.If you are impatient, alt down

quit-tly and have a talk with Job.If you ara a little -t rong-headed, ga

gad see Moses.If you are getting wenk-kneed, taka

¦ look at Elijah.If tbere is no song in your heart,.

i:st«»o to David.If you feel chllly. get tha beloved

diaciple to put his arm around you.K you are k>sing viglit of the fu¬

ture. cliaib up to ftevelation and geti fMBBaaa of th. promUid lacd..Kaiu'a Ilorn.


i ..-.-i 1.1...

She.Ita too bad poor Jack Good-fellow failed; he has so many friends,t <><>.

B« (reflectively).He had!.Brook-lvn Life.

AJB Aurri-minl.He ki*sed her suddcnly.-Will. 1 like th:it!" ahe rried."So <lo I," he answered oalmly; and

BjM let it go at that. Koxbury Ga-


Excursion Advertised toSt union for Septetn-b-tr 15th Ahandoned.

Tlie Excursion to Stauntonby the "Working Sous ofHope,' whieh had been ad-vertised to lcave RichmondSaturdry Night, Septeinbei15th, will not be rnn on ac-count of a law recently passedin Staunton prohibiting excur-sions entering the city onSunday.

J. H. Coleman Manager.A. B. Hawkins, Sec'y.

Irish Wit andAmerican Fact."What has America done

so much for Ireland?" askedDennis of his side partuer. *M"Why," said Larry, "theyhave made one side of their

paper money, green."What has «%*____

SYDNOR & HONDLEYdone for the people of Rich¬mond and vicinity?They have collected one of

the most attractiv* and beau-tiful stocks of FURNITUREto be found south of NewYork City, and at prices tosuit the moderate, or lavishsplendor. For anything inFnrniture, Upholstery, LaceCnrtains, Bric-a-Brac, etc, goto-^p^**^SYDNOR & HUNDLEY.

.Leaders.711 & 713 Enst Broad St.

United Aid& InsuranceCompany,


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