F AULK COUNTY RECORD Wednesday, August 22, 2018 – Volume 136, Number 34 Faulk County Record on-line - www.faulkcountyrecord.com e-mail [email protected] 85 ¢ Includes Tax – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – New teacher .................2 School census..............2 Lakeside fundraiser......3 Obituary .......................4 4 Generations ..............5 Sports ....................6 & 7 The Shops....................8 Meet & greet ................9 Legals.............10, 11, 13 Curious George..........16 Inside this issue: Another busy day at Quilter’s Corner The Quilters Guild from Aberdeen came to Faulkton on Thursday, Aug. 16 to attend a “Show & Tell” at Quilter’s Corner. Above are Virgene and Jim Wagner showing their quilting projects, which, of course, had a musical theme. For more photos see page 2. Faulkton’s elementary teachers are . . . ready! What a fun photo this is, sent to the Record by Melissa Hayes. Elementary teachers are ready for the first day of school, today! Wednesday, Aug. 22. Clockwise left are, Alicia Hammond - kindergarten, Kari Haber- ling - third grade, Melissa Geditz - fourth grade, Shae Stephenson - special education, Cortney Warren - fifth grade, Kyle Erdahl - sixth grade, Kathleen Melius - Title 1, Melissa Hayes - first grade, Supt. Scott Lepke, Nicole Aesoph - second grade, and Mallory Schlechter - pre-kindergarten. Visitors already arriving to see mural Jeremy Zell from Sweden is visiting with his mother Millie (Neilan) Zell of Huron. On Wednesday, Aug. 15, they came to Faulkton to visit with relatives and to see the new mural on the Faulkton Elevator. Artist Guido begins on west side of elevator We have a little girl on the west side of the Faulkton Elevator. Artist Guido van Helten took no time at all in getting the outline of the girl’s face and then filling in her features on his canvas. This photo was taken early Tuesday morning. If you are interested in donating to the project, checks can be made out to Snake Creek (a receipt can be provided for tax deductions) and dropped off with Dave Hedt at the Faulkton Retail Center. For additional in- formation contact Aussie Dave at [email protected].


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RECORDWednesday, August 22, 2018 – Volume 136, Number 34

Faulk County Record on-line - www.faulkcountyrecord.comee--mmaaiill iinnffoo@@ffaauullkkccoouunnttyyrreeccoorrdd..ccoomm

85¢ Includes Tax – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

New teacher.................2School census..............2Lakeside fundraiser......3Obituary .......................44 Generations ..............5

Sports ....................6 & 7The Shops....................8Meet & greet ................9Legals.............10, 11, 13Curious George..........16

Inside this issue:

Another busy day at Quilter’s CornerThe Quilters Guild from Aberdeen came to Faulkton on Thursday,

Aug. 16 to attend a “Show & Tell” at Quilter’s Corner. Above are Virgeneand Jim Wagner showing their quilting projects, which, of course, had amusical theme. For more photos see page 2.

FFaauullkkttoonn’’ss eelleemmeennttaarryy tteeaacchheerrss aarree .. .. .. rreeaaddyy!!What a fun photo this is, sent to the Record by Melissa Hayes. Elementary teachers are ready for the first

day of school, today! Wednesday, Aug. 22. Clockwise left are, Alicia Hammond - kindergarten, Kari Haber-ling - third grade, Melissa Geditz - fourth grade, Shae Stephenson - special education, Cortney Warren - fifthgrade, Kyle Erdahl - sixth grade, Kathleen Melius - Title 1, Melissa Hayes - first grade, Supt. Scott Lepke,Nicole Aesoph - second grade, and Mallory Schlechter - pre-kindergarten.

Visitors already arriving to see muralJeremy Zell from Sweden is visiting with his mother Millie (Neilan)

Zell of Huron. On Wednesday, Aug. 15, they came to Faulkton to visitwith relatives and to see the new mural on the Faulkton Elevator.

AArrttiisstt GGuuiiddoo bbeeggiinnss oonn wweesstt ssiiddee ooff eelleevvaattoorrWe have a little girl on the west side of the Faulkton Elevator. Artist Guido van Helten took no time at all

in getting the outline of the girl’s face and then filling in her features on his canvas. This photo was taken earlyTuesday morning.If you are interested in donating to the project, checks can be made out to Snake Creek (a receipt can be

provided for tax deductions) and dropped off with Dave Hedt at the Faulkton Retail Center. For additional in-formation contact Aussie Dave at [email protected].

JoEllen Wieseler is newguidance counselorJoEllen Wieseler is the new K-

12 guidance counselor at theFaulkton School District.She graduated from SDSU in

1984 with a bachelors in sociol-ogy and a masters in guidanceand counseling.JoEllen and husband Scot

farm/ranch near Orient andhave three children, Sr. Desiraeis 26 and lives in New York; sonRobin is 24 and will be marriedin October to Ashley Clemens;and Darin, 21; andAubri Hjorth,24, who lives in Watertown. BothRobin and Darin are involved onthe Wieseler farm. TheWieselersalso have a grandson, Kamden,16 months old.JoEllen previously was at the

Redfield School District as sec-ondary guidance counselor andat the Miller School District asthe elementary guidance coun-selor.“I am looking forward to work-

ing with the young students wehave at Faulkton,” she stated.She most enjoys babysitting

her grandson, reading, and at-tending sporting events.

Book discussion featuresRoseland’s “Cowman”Author and Faulk County

rancher/poet Bruce Roseland hasa new book published, “Cow-man” A story of life on the SouthDakota Prairie.Mark your calendar for Mon-

day, Aug. 27. At 7 p.m. thatevening there will be a discus-sion/reading of Roseland’s newbook “Cowman” at the FaulkCounty Library. After Aug. 27copies will be available at Faulk-ton Drug. The book is NOWavailable to check out at the li-brary.

Cowman and other books writ-ten by Roseland are available atAmazon.com and are availablefor sale in Faulkton.His new book “Cowman” is

dedicated to his late wife, Barb.His book starts out with his in-troduction “In the open wide ofprairie what we have is what yousee,” and continues on for morethan 100 pages of Roseland’spoems about the “Cowman”.The cover photo of his newly

released book is by Roseland’sson, Adam.

2 Faulk County Record Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018

FAULK COUNTY RECORD(USPS 188-240) Faulkton SD 57438

Published weekly byVal Ramsdell, 121 8th Ave. So.,PO Box 68, Faulkton, S.D. 57438Ph. 605-598-6525 – Fax 598-4355

E-mail: [email protected] postage paid atFaulkton, SD 57438.

Staff: Val Ramsdell, Jennifer Miller,Jim and Jody MoritzSubscription Rates

In Faulk, Spink, Edmunds, Potter, Hyde,Hand Counties & Mansfield 57460$41 per year – $23 six months –

$14 three months (includes 6% sales tax)

Elsewhere in South Dakota$43 per year – $25 six months –

$15 three months (includes 6% sales tax)

Out-of-State$47 per year – $26 six months –

$18 three monthsFaulk County Record On-linewww.faulkcountyrecord.com

$41 annually85¢ Single Copy (includes sales tax)

Postmaster: Send form 3579 to PO Box 68,Faulkton, SD 57438.Change of Address: Send your new ad-

dress at least four (4) days before the date ofissue which it is to be effective. Send it to theFaulk County Record, POBox 68, Faulkton, SD57438. Send old address with new.

Member:South DakotaNewspaperAssociation

ATTENTION:Because school has started,

we are short of staff atthe Pickler Mansion and

we will NOT be open WEEKDAYS.The Mansion WILL BE OPEN from 1 - 4 p.m.

this weekend (Aug. 25 & 26)and Labor Day weekend (Sept. 1, 2, 3)

At other times please contactJim Wagner at 598-6636

for a tour through Sept. 10.

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Sara Crum showed several of her quilts at Quilter’s Corner, one wasa quilt of valor and above, the Bronco’s quilt she made for her grandsonwho is a Denver Bronco’s fan.

Shirley Solheim of Frankfortdisplayed her quilting talents.

WeatherH L P

Tues., Aug. 14 . . .74 57Wed., Aug. 15 . . . .77 59Thurs., Aug. 16 . . .84 55Fri., Aug. 17 . . . . .85 58Sat., Aug. 18 . . . . .88 62Sun., Aug. 19 . . . .68 51 .14Mon., Aug. 20 . . . .74 51 .03Linda Bartholomew, Observer

The total amount of moisture in2018 is 11.63. Total moisture in2017 to date was 10.48.

School Census numbers upThe FaulktonArea Schools Dis-

trict census is up by 8, accordingto preliminary figures from theschool office.There are 309 students en-

rolled, compared to 301 studentslast year, 308 in 2016-17 and 300in 2015-16.Evergreen Colony is no longer

part of the district. Total studentsin the three colony schools thatremain (Blumengard, Brentwoodand Thunderbird) is 75.The Faulkton numbers K-8 are

161, same numbers as last yearexcept this year the number in-cludes Jr. Kindergarten. FaulktonHigh School numbers are 73,three students up from last year’s70.The largest Faulkton elemen-

tary classes are kindergartenwith 24 and sixth and seventhwith 22 each. The smallest is jr.kindergarten with 4, followed byfirst and eighth with 11 each.The largest high school class

are the sophomores with 22 andthe smallest are the seniors with13.A class size breakdown, com-

paring this year with the previousthree years follows:

Colonies 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19Kindergarten 17 13 13First 5 8 9Second 5 8 8Third 10 5 8Fourth 5 9 5Fifth 9 5 9Sixth 4 9 5Seventh 9 4 9Eighth 1 9 4Total 65 70 70 75Colonies 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19Blumengard C. 23 26 28 28Brentwood C. 17 18 19 18Thunderbird C. 25 26 23 29Total 65 70 70 75Faulkton JK-8 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19Jr. Kindergarten - - - 4Kindergarten 15 21 11 24First 15 18 21 11Second 17 14 21 18Third 23 18 15 20Fourth 26 23 17 15Fifth 11 23 23 14Sixth 20 12 23 22Seventh 22 20 10 22Eighth 18 22 20 11K-8 Total 167 171 161 161Faulkton HS 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19Freshmen 15 18 22 20Sophomores 17 16 17 22Juniors 17 17 16 18Seniors 19 16 15 13Total H.S. 68 67 70 73Faulkton JK-12 235 238 231 234K-12 all schools 300 308 301 309

Melius shot aperfect scorePictured at left is Eagle Eye

Chase Melius who received theonly perfect score at theHuntSAFE Course held on Aug.10 and 11.Chase received a youth hunt-

ing vest for his efforts, donatedby R & R Pheasant Hunting.We misidentified Chase in last

week’s story about theHuntSAFE Course. Our apolo-gies to Chase. He is the son ofKelly and Dawn Melius of ruralFaulkton.


Fundraiser held fornew irrigation systemDrawings were held at Lake-

side Country Club on Friday,July 27 for prizes in Lakeside’sfundraiser for the new irrigationsystem at the course.It was decided this year that a

new irrigation system wasneeded since the last four to fiveyears lines have continued tobreak in the 30+ year old system.The grand prize went to Cole

Cotton, winning a 2018 fullyloaded Yamaha golf cart.Other prizes went to Greg Pe-

terson - Snap-on toolbox;Michele Latt - moccasin Creek

golf; Peter Franck - Cabela’scooler; Mike Reed - free 2019 sin-gle Lakeside membership; KeithHanten - 2 Twins tickets; GloriaBode - Traeger grill; Sal Rose-land - Weber grill; Ryley Beidler- golf buddy rangefinder; Bran-don Tennant - chain saw; DaltonBaloun - weed eater; WandaHanson - leaf blower; Jodi Senn -Maven Bino’s; Larry Thares - 3hr. massage pkg.; Jarret Zim-merman - wine package; ShaneMachtemes - King Cobra driver;Mary Tolvstad - Callaway 3-wood; Jerry Kegler - taylor madegolf bag; Craig Martinmaas -JBL speaker; Nicole Bunker -

JBL speaker; Josh Beuton -Strata ladies golf set; Eric Bauer- Odyssey putter; Doug Stahl -Cleveland putter; Steve Wik -half hog; Syd Campbell - halfhog; Eric Brueggeman - quarterof beef; Eric Johannsen - quarterof beef; Hanne Jolley - Lakesidebean bag set; Ron Kaup - turkeyfryer; Dylan Rogers - golf buddygps; Mike Reed - BBQ cooler;Jackie Geiger - expresso ma-chine; Carol Stark - air compres-sor; John Brueggeman - blender;Marcia Hiles - cookware; SydneyHeller - Grand Falls vacation;Herbie Martinmaas - Crown andbeer.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 3

Application to exhibit at the October 20th, 2018. Arts and Crafts Festival in Faulkton, SD. Make checks payableto: Faulkton Area Arts Council. Send to Beverly King, PO Box 159, Faulkton, SD 57438. Fee is Non-Refundable.Please PRINT LEGIBLY on all lines and then sign this form below: Remember- items must be hand crafted by you.

Name: ________________________________________________ Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________Craft: (Detailed description): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address:_________________________________ City:____________________________ State & Zip: _________________Phone:_________________________________________Cell:_____________________ Sales Tax #______________________________________________E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________My signature verifies that all items I will be selling arehandcrafted/homemade by myself and not purchased for resale: (Signature)_________________________________________________Size of display space requested:8x8 ft. display space $50.00 _________________________________________ Add for 1 table $10.00 _______________________________________12x8 ft. display space $75.00________________________________________ Add for 2 tables $20.00______________________________________16x8 ft. display space $100.00 ______________________________________ Add for electricity $10.00____________________________________

Total amount enclosed $_____________________________Maximum space allowed per vendor (16x8) – I have my own backdrops: Yes ____ No ____ Size of my backdrop_____________

Faulkton Area Arts Council–– AArrttss && CCrraaffttss SShhooww RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ––

The 44th Annual Arts and Crafts Festivalsponsored by the Faulkton Area Arts Council willbe held at the Faulkton School & CommunityCenter (1114 Court Street) on Saturday, Octo-ber 20th, 2018. All types of artists and craftersare invited to participate by exhibiting and/or sell-ing their ORIGINAL HANDCRAFTED WORK.Items purchased for resale are absolutely notallowed. DO NOT bring items you have pur-chased for resale. Our show has a reputation for selling only

your Handcrafted items, please abide by ourpolicy.

The building will be open at 7:00 a.m. to setup your display. Doors will open to the public at10:00 a.m. and remain open until 5:00 p.m.Booths must stay set up and open until 5:00 p.m.

at which time you are responsible for cleaning upyour area. Any vendor who begins dismantlingtheir booth prior to 5:00 p.m. will not be askedback. All vendors who remain completely set upuntil 5:00 p.m. will be in the drawing for a CASHprize for vendors only. We do door prize draw-ings throughout the day and request that you pro-vide a door prize for us to give away or have adrawing at your booth.Gift certificates will be available to use if you

don’t have an appropriate door prize to giveaway.We reserve the right to place booths to fit our

show & to allow a limited number of spaces.For more information, please call or text

Beverly King at 605-380-8444 or email [email protected]


Quilter’s CornerFabrics – Notions – ClassesPhone 598-4425 – 127 8th Ave. S. in Faulkton

Stop in & see Lori for all your quilting needs!

NOW OFFERING Coffee Bar, SDSU Ice Cream

& Judy’s BakingHours are: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Notice P, Q & RThose vehicle owners whose last names begin

with P, Q & R need to renew their license plates byFriday, August 31.

Please note: bring your title, registration or post-card to license your vehicles.

Sherry Fix, Faulk Co. Treasurer

Good cooks for school’s open house and meet & greetThe Faulkton Fire Department members were the head cooks at the school’s open house and meet and

greet held Monday starting at 4:30 p.m. This was an early photo, however later there was a long line waitingto be served brats and burgers. Firemen pictured are, right, flipping burgers Shane Machtemes, KaseyKopecky, Casey Hlavacek, and Chad Homan serving up the brats and burgers.

Katie Hansen4-H Youth Program Advisor

Faulk [email protected] Office 605-598-6221It’s the first day of school. I can

almost smell the expo markersand hear thebrand new shoessqueak on thewaxed floor. Yourkids are probablyexcited, anxious,and sad thatsummer is over.Regardless of their feelings,everyone’s days are about to getbusier. “We have to get that done.

When school starts there won’tbe any time!” Sound familiar?Getting back into the school rou-tine can be tricky. Here are sometips to help you make it happen.

Bedtime RoutineIf bedtime has been flexible at

your house this summer, it istime to start making changes.Most experts agree that childrenneed between nine and ten hoursof sleep each night. Teacherscan’t educate tired kids. Doeveryone a favor and put thosekids to bed at a decent time!

Homework Time Figure out what time your

family wants to do homeworkeach night. Whether it is beforethey go to bed, right when theyget home, or somewhere in be-tween, it will be less of a fight ifit is part of the daily routine. Usethis as a time to discuss theirday and go over what needs to besigned, packed, or prepared forthe next day.

Free PlayYour child isn’t always given

the opportunity to play how orwhat they want at school. Theyare told what they can do most ofthe day. When they are at home,let them play!

Look AheadGet out that cozi calendar or

color-coded planner and men-tally prepare yourself for what ishappening the next day or week.Odds are you have a sheet tosign that’s crumpled in the bot-tom of somebody’s bag and a panof scotcheroos to make by Thurs-day. The beginning of the school

year doesn’t have to be a stress-ful time. A solid routine will helpyou save your family’s sanity!

Where did the summer go??

Going off to college?Get a school subscription


Wed., Aug 22 - Wed., Aug. 29Wednesday, August 22

Barbecue beef sandwich, po-tato salad, carrots and seasonalfresh fruit.

Thursday, August 23Oven fried chicken, sweet po-

tatoes, mixed vegetables, glori-fied rice and whole wheat bread.

Friday, August 24Spaghetti with meat sauce,

broccoli, garlic toast and orangesherbet.

Monday, August 27Spanish rice with hamburger,

green beans, mandarin oranges,chocolate pudding and wholewheat bread.

Tuesday, August 28Hot pork sandwich, cole slaw,

baked beans and orange sherbet.Wednesday, August 29

Cook’s choice.All meals include milk.

Wed., Aug. 22 - Wed., Aug. 29Wednesday, Aug. 22

Crispy chicken sandwich,baked beans.

Thursday, Aug. 23Cheeseburger mac, bread and

corn.Friday, Aug. 24

Cheese pizza, peas.Monday, Aug. 27

Chicken nuggets, dinner roll,mashed potatoes and gravy.

Tuesday, Aug. 28Doritos walking tacos, brown

rice, corn.Wednesday, Aug. 29

Italian dunker with dippingsauce, green beans.All meals daily include a fruit

and vegetable bar, low-fat white,skim strawberry and skim choco-late milk.

Dave & Kay Anglin tocelebrate 50th anniv.An open house will be held hon-

oring Dave and Kaye Anglin (atright) for their 50th wedding an-niversary on Saturday, Aug. 25.The celebration will be held from 4- 7 p.m. at Split Rock CountryClub at 407 11th St. in Ipswich.The open house is hosted by the

couple’s children, Dom, Mitch,Brett and Kent.If you are unable to attend cards

and greetings may be sent to thecouple at PO Box 186, Ipswich, SD57451.Dave and Kaye were married on

Aug. 24, 1968 at Holy CrossCatholic Church in Ipswich.The couple request no gifts


4 Faulk County Record Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018

We ask for your patience pleaseFaulkton AreaMedical Center


Currently we are undergoing a conversion from ourHealthland Electronic Medical Records to

Cerner Community Works.THIS CONVERSION IS ON MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 2018.For the first couple of weeks we will not be seeing as many

patients in our Clinic to allow staff the needed time to adjust tothe changes and to continue to provide the best care.

When calling to make appointments or when arriving pleasekeep in mind that wait times may be a little longer, but our

commitment to your care remains the same. We continue tostrive to meet the needs of our patients during this time

and want to keep you informed.PLEASE ARRIVE 15 min. before your appointment

PLEASE . . . . bring with you:Your current insurance cards

Your Driverʼs LicenseYour Current Medications includingPrescription and Over the Counter

With our conversion of data we did not convert any health insur-ance or demographic information so you will be required to fill outa new patient information form to ensure that all data that is putinto the new system is accurate and up to date. We will not beable to pull any of this information from our previous system soPLEASE make sure you come early to complete this informationand make sure you bring the appropriate identification.

When Christ ComesAbide in Him, that when He appears, we may . . .

not be ashamed before Him at His coming. 1 JOHN 2:28Almost two thousand years ago Jesus Christ won the decisive

battle against sin and Satan through His death and resurrection.Satan did his best to defeat God’s plans, but he could not winagainst God’s overwhelming power.

Yet the war continues, for although Satan is a defeated foe, he isstill alive and does everything he can to block God’s work. Butwhen Christ comes again, the war will be over. His victory overevil will be complete, and He will usher in an age in which sin anddeath will no longer rule, and cruelty and suffering will no longerexist.

For you who believe in Jesus Christ, the future is assured. To-morrow belongs to you! You await the distant trumpet announcingthe coming of Jesus Christ. In the meantime, let nothing discour-age you. Keep your eyes on Christ and live each day as if He werecoming tomorrow. After all, He might!

Hope for Today: Life may be uncertain, but for followers ofChrist, eternity is not. We win because we get Him! We just needto keep our eyes on the prize; Jesus is on His way.

Billy Graham

Dawn Marie MeliusIndependent Agent

“Your source for Service & Selection”

Office: 605.598.6570 Cell: 605.380.9464

• Farm • Auto • Home • Business • Work Comp

ObituaryEldon Swanhorst ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Eldon Erik Swanhorst, 87 ofRapid City and formerly ofSpearfish, went to the arms ofJesus on Thursday, Aug. 2,2018.Memorial services will be at

10:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 24,at St Paul Lutheran Church inSpearfish. Inurnment will fol-low at Rose Hill Cemetery inSpearfish. In lieu of flowers,memorials have been estab-lished to benefit Regional Hos-pice of Rapid City or St PaulLutheran Church in Spearfish.Eldon was born Sept. 6, 1930,

to Frederick and Erika (Russ-man) Swanhorst in FaulkCounty, SD. He went fromeighth grade straight to farm-ing. Eldon married MarcelleMelius in 1949. They lived inRapid City and Sheboygan,Wisc., before returning to buy afarm near Faulkton.In 1977, he retired from

farming, Marty from nursing,and they enjoyed life inSpearfish and Mesa, Ariz. Afterretirement, he stayed con-nected to agriculture workingwith and for state and federalgovernment agencies andserved on the Cenex board.Eldon could be seen riding hisHonda Goldwing on any street,highway or trail in the BlackHills and is riding the bestGoldwings now.Marty passed away in 2002

after 52 years of marriage. Hemarried Karen Kyllonen Holz-worth in 2003 and they had 15years together.He was preceded in death by

his wife Marty; his parents; sis-ter, Rosemarie Melius; brother,Siegfried; brother-in-law,Claire Melius and sister-in-lawBetty Swanhorst.He will be missed by his wife

Karen; son Lance (Sue) and sonMatthew; son Philip anddaughter Sadie; step-sons,Mark Holzworth, John Holz-worth and daughter Addison.He is also survived by sister-in-law, Joetta Swanhorst; broth-ers, David (Hedi), John(Donna), and Bob (Trish); andmany Swanhorst and Meliusnephews and nieces.Arrangements are with Fi-

dler-Isburg Funeral Chapelsand Crematory Service ofSpearfish. Online condolencesmay be written at:


“Show and Tell” at Faulkton Senior Living CenterDuane Rasmussen, left, is showing some of the Faulkton Senior Living residents, and Jackie Geiger and

her daycare children his electric fire truck. The children really liked that it was electric.

Senior NutritionProgram Menu


Faulkton SchoolLunch Menu

Falyn Hogg - Perry HempelDoug and Brenda Hogg of

Faulkton, announce the engage-ment of their daughter, Falyn toPerry Hempel, son of Perry Sr.and Gloria Hempel of Kimball.The bride-to-be is currently

employed atAnimal Health Cen-ter in Faulkton, and the groom iscurrently employed for CDHConstruction of Faulkton.The couple is planning a forth-

coming wedding on Friday, Sept.7, 2018.

Francis & Gladys Churchto celebrate 60th anniv.Francis and Gladys Church of

Aberdeen, and formerly ofFaulkton, will celebrate their60th wedding anniversary withan open house Saturday,Aug. 25.The celebration will be held from1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Sacred HeartParish Hall at 502 2nd Ave. SEin Aberdeen.Also at the open house a cele-

bration will be held for the 25thwedding anniversary of JoAnn(Church) and Roger Weisenbach.If you are unable to attend

cards and greetings may be sentto the couple at 314 South Con-gress, Aberdeen, SD 57401.Francis and Gladys were mar-

ried on Aug. 20, 1958.

Elwood & Sandy Schuldtto celebrate 50th anniv.A card shower is requested

honoring Elwood “Woody” andSandy Schuldt for their 50thwedding anniversary which willbe Thursday, Aug. 23.Cards and greetings may be

sent to the couple at PO Box 146,Faulkton, SD 57438.

Exercise is not only good for thebody but also for the mind. Theresidents enjoy this time and es-pecially if the weather is niceenough so they can exercise andplay ball out on the west patio.That’s where they were Mondaymorning, Aug. 13.In the afternoon you could find

them in the dining room withtheir bingo cards and all ready tohear what the free numberswould be. Joyce said it had to benumber 13 and 31 because it wasEsther Cooper’s birthday and shewas born in 1931. So that meantevery time you won a bingo youhad to say “Happy Birthday Es-ther”. Jon Rhoden was on handto help the residents and alsohand out the bingo bucks. Thefirst one to yell blackout wasAgnes Ireland followed closely byPhyllis Dockter and RosieHansen.Esther Cooper is still celebrat-

ing her birthday on Tuesday af-ternoon with her family andfriends. After singing “HappyBirthday”, ice cream and a prettydecorated cake was served toeveryone. Thank you to our spon-sor the Ada Faith Circle for thecake.Lifting weights up, down, side-

ways and back and forth to somespecial music is what the resi-dents were doing Wednesdaymorning. After this limbering upit was easier for them to toss orkick the ball to each other.Everyone loves the bingo game

so that’s what we do a lot of roundhere. Janet called the numbersand Maryann assisted the resi-dents and also handed out thebingo bucks. Number 31 waspicked again for a free number forEsther’s birthday. Birthdaysneed to be celebrated more thanone day!Thursday morning the weather

is still nice enough to have exer-cise out on the patio. The resi-dents love the fresh air whilestretching their muscles andplaying ball.Jackie and her Angels Among

Us came and entertained us allwith their cute little skit aboutThe Three Little Pigs. Such goodactors and actresses, they were somuch fun to watch.Later in the afternoon its shop-

ping day and the residents came

to the dining room with all theirwinnings to find items galore tochoose from. Sometimes they buystuff and then come back the sec-ond time and shop some more.Joyce is pretty busy counting themany bingo bucks and makingsure everyone has enough sacksto put their loot in.Maryann Bent and Joan Es-

chenbaum had the residents inthe Chapel to say the Rosary be-fore Father Christopher startedMass Friday morning. Everyonelistened as he told them thatJesus is the bridegroom and thechurch is His bride. He also toldthem that God has given us muchand will keep his promise to waitfor us. Hymns were sung withJoyce Arneson assisting at theorgan.In the afternoon it was time for

bingo with Joyce on the micro-phone and picking number 15 and38 for the free numbers. MorrisGeist just happened to turn 80 onthe 15th and so he must havebeen born in 1938. Bingo and 6-5-4 are his favorite games. Blackoutcame all at once for some of theplayers. Carol Raba was the firstone and soon we heard RoseHansen, Ed Moser, Hilda Holsingand Linda Liston all yellingblackout at the same time. Thebingo bucks were just flying.Chocolate sundaes were thenserved to everyone.Saturday afternoon everyone is

ready with their nickels and Mor-ris Geist is at the head of thetable ready with the dice and thescore sheet for the 6-5-4 game.Linda Liston was the top rolleronce again with rolling a 6 and a5 and a 4 time and again. She wasfollowed closely by Hilda Holsing,Carol Raba, Mary Ann Beidlerand Morris.

Pastor Thomas Carlson heldworship services Sunday after-noon. In his homily he told theresidents and their visitors to askthe Holy Spirit to fill you withGod’s grace and we need to thankJesus for all our blessings. He

also told them to address everyperson you meet with kindnessand love, generosity and patience.Everyone gathered in the din-

ing room afterwards for cookies,coffee and visiting.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 5

Thank you . . .The committee from Hope’s Park and Playground would

like to thank the approximately 20 men and boys whoturned out to help put playground equipment together andset it in place on our build day, July 26. We also sincerelyappreciate the 18 acceleration athletes and their coacheswho helped us spread fabric, pea rock, and wood chips tocomplete the surfacing on July 27. It made a huge projectgo swiftly. Also, a thank you to the women who helped feedthe workers and all those who helped with the ribbon cut-ting on the 29th. There were so many individuals who as-sisted us and for the sake of not missing anyone, wedecided not to try to list names. Your help did not go un-noticed! The build days banner at the Park has the signa-tures of those who worked the build days.The following names are additional people to be re-

membered through Aida Anderson’s Rock Project. We re-member: Susan, Jude, DawnMarie, Bailey, Grandpa Jim,Big Al, and Grandma Sharon.

Our Sincere Appreciation:Trevor, Judy, Dawn and Beth – Committee Members

Our thanks . . .Lakeside Country Club Board of Directors wish to

thank all those who were instrumental in helpingwith the fundraiser for the badly needed new irriga-tion system at the course. Your efforts did not go un-noticed. Also thanks to all those who bought tickets!

AnOpen Housecelebration will be held for

William George Myershonoring him for his80th Birthday

on Saturday, Sept. 1from 4 to 7 p.m. at the home of

Tom and Mary Myers240 East Kansas St., Spearfish

(His birthday is Aug. 29th)If you are unable to attendcards and greetings may besent to William at PO Box 547, Faulkton, SD 57438

A Bridal Showerfor Mandy

Reidbride-to-be of

will be held onSaturday,Aug. 251:30 p.m. atDot T’s

Travis Martinmaas

The couple is registered at Target

Our thanks . . .I want to thank the following people and businesses for

the meet and greet cookout at the school on Mondaynight: Nikki Melius for planning the event, the FaulktonVolunteer Fire Department for cooking the burgers andbrats, Northern Plains Cooperative for donating the platesand letting the school district use the picnic tables, theCity of Faulkton for moving the picnic tables; the Faulk-tonArea School District for providing the food, and to allthose who attended.We had a wonderful time meeting people. Thanks to

everyone! Looking forward to a great school year.Scott and Sarah Lepke

Engaged Faulkton SeniorLiving News

Four generations of WherrysFour generations of Robert Wherry’s family met recently. Above are,

left, Logan Wherry (dad), of Abilene, Texas; Robert Wherry (great-grandpa) of Faulkton, holding Cameron Ward Wherry, and Scott Wherry(grandpa) of Aberdeen.

Richland Church kicksoff “Clubhouse” programThe Richland Church will be

kicking off their children’s “Club-house” program on Wednesday,Sept. 5 at 7 p.m.The Fall Kickoff Party will

have a variety of inflatablegames, as well as snacks andgames for kids of all ages. Stu-dents will meet their new classteachers for the 2018-2019 Club-house year.Clubhouse is a ministry to

children ages 3 through 6thgrade at the Richland Church.Clubhouse meets each Wednes-day evening from 7 - 8 p.m. dur-ing the school year. Children arewelcome to attend Clubhousethroughout the year and invitedto come at any time. Transporta-tion is available.For more information, contact

Pastor Jason Dignan at605.225.7004.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 6



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Facts at a Glance . . .Get the facts. Abortion is forever.24-hour helpline. 1-800-99-ALPHA www.alphacenter.orgVote pro-life Nov. 4th!Sponsored by Cresbard Area Right-to-Life

The Trojans kicked off theseason in Langford on Fridaynight, Aug. 17. Faulkton wonthe opener 34-14 in a Lake Re-gion Conference football game.“It was a good start to the

year for our team. We had a lotof guys who haven’t been on thefield a lot on varsity in a game.We thought they all played well.We know we have some thingsto work on, but for the openerwe were happy with a lot ofthings we saw,” stated HeadCoach Shayne Geditz.“Our offense played really

well in the first half. We startedoff with a 6 minute drive andgot in the end zone. We thoughtthat our offensive line did a nicejob and our backs ran hard. Wedid a nice job of throwing theball in spots. We had a couple ofnice plays through the air. Inthe second half we didn’t playquite as well, leaving a fewpoints on the field,” continuedthe coach.“Defensively we were solid all

night. They were able to get inthe end zone before half. We re-

ally played the run well. Theydid complete a few passes, butmost of them were short passes.We didn’t always get lined upproperly, but that will come.For a first game out we werevery satisfied with how we com-peted on this side of the ball,”said Coach Geditz.“Our special teams did a re-

ally good job. We kicked the ballwell and covered it pretty well.We also did a nice job of catch-ing the ball in the punt returngame,” continued the coach.“It was a great way to start

the season. We will have towork hard this week to continueto improve our conditioning.We also have to work on makingsure we execute things. I knowthat we all have things we canimprove on going into week 2,”Coach Geditz continued.“We have our home opener on

Friday, Aug. 24 against Warnerat 7:00 p.m. Warner has a nicesquad. It will be a good footballgame on Friday night. Everytime we play them it is a battle.There is a junior high game that

will start at 5:00 p.m. againstWarner also,” concluded thecoach.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th TFaulkton 1-0 6 22 0 6 34Warner 0-1 0 8 0 6 14First quarter: FHS Derek Heitmann

run for 2 yds. TD.Second quarter: FHS Gage Martin-

maas run for 20 yds. TD. FHS DerekHeitmann run for 6 yds. TD, two-pointconv. run by Heitmann good. FHS TylerOgle run for 5 yds. TD, two-point conv.run by Wyatt Bush good. LHS Colin Freypass complete to Benton West for 29yds. TD, two-point conv. pass by Frey toWest, good.Fourth quarter: FHS Tyler Ogle run for

7 yds. TD. LHS Benton West run for 5yds. TD.Total offense: FHS 385, LHS 199Passing: FHS 99, LHS 79Rushing: FHS 286, LHS 120Receiving: FHS 99, LHS 79Penalties - yards: FHS 4 - 31 yds.,

LHS 8 - 50 yds.Turnovers: FHS 1, LHS 2First Downs: FHS 19, LHS 11Passing: FHS Derek Heitmann 12 att.,

5 completions for 99 yds; LHS Colin Frey16 att., 8 completions for 79 yds., 1 TD,1 Int.

Tyler Ogle on the carry with help from #46 Tate Schulte at right. Ogle had two touchdowns for the night.

FFHHSS ffoooottbbaallll tteeaamm wwiinnss ooppeenneerr

Alex Aesoph zeroed in on the tackle with left, #89 Gage Carter and#46 Tate Schulte.

#36 Gage Martinmaas sidesteps a Langford defender.

#89 Gage Carter on the passreception.

Faulk County RecordTo subscribe call 598-6525 today!

The following students gradu-ated after the spring 2018 ses-sion at South Dakota StateUniversity. The students listedbelow completed all require-ments for a degree and/or cer-tificate program and thoserequirements have been verifiedby the appropriate college.Megan Marie Haberling of

Faulkton, Cum Laude, bachelor

of science: College of Educationand Human Sciences.Tucker Stanley Bowar of

Faulkton, bachelor of science:College of Agriculture and Bio-logical Sciences.Johnathon Zeke Schlechter of

Orient, bachelor of science: Col-lege of Agriculture and Biologi-cal Sciences.

Venture Communicationsto hold annual meetingVenture Communications Co-

operative, a Highmore basedcommunications company, willhold its 61th annual meeting ofthe membership on Wednesday,Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the HydeCounty Memorial Auditorium inHighmore.A complimentary meal will be

served beginning at 5:30 p.m.Entertainment will be providedby the Company Cowboys. Themeeting will follow at 6:30 p.m.Items on the agenda for thebusiness meeting include com-ments from the board presidentand the general manager of thecooperative. Door prizes will behanded out during registrationand prize drawings includingthe grand prize drawing for agrill will be held after the busi-ness meeting. Venture Com-munications Cooperativemembers are encouraged to at-tend. If you are unable to attendin person catch the AnnualMeeting live on Venture TVchannel 11. Venture Communi-cations provides telecommuni-

cations services, high definitiondigital TV services, GigabitWiFi Internet services and wire-less cellular service in Centraland Northeast South Dakota.


Twisted PepperIt’s that time again for garden-

ers to bring in their “strange”produce. Above is a green pepperfrom the garden of Diane Geist.It looks a little like a characterout of “Veggie Tales”.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 7

★ Former Judge ★ Pro-Life Democrat ★ Father of 3 Army Veterans ★ PAID FOR BY TIM BJORKMAN FOR SOUTH DAKOTA

Tim isn’t a professional politician, and he refuses ALL money from PACs,

so doesn’t have a war chest. Please help spread his message! Cut this out and tape it to your car or pick-up’s rear window!





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Jr. high and varsity volleyball members for the 2018-19 school year are, back left, Lily Schaefers, ShaynaHeitmann, Molly Koens, Morgan Melius, Taylor Cramer, Grace Schlechter, Peyton Melius, Taylor Machtemes,Brooke Niederbaumer, Jori Melius, Kayla Senn and Ashly Senn. Center left, Morgan Gutenkauf, SydneyCampbell, Avery Deiter, Camryn Deiter, Ally Cunningham, Jazlynn Geditz, Isabel Aesoph, Jocelyn Ogle, EricaWaldner, Mckenzie Hustead, Emili Quinn, Abby Vetch and Abigail Wittmeier. Front left, Nevaeh Kee, AshlynSorensen, Aedyn Raethz, Trisha Cramer, Addison Melius, Leah Grabinski, Micah Martinmaas, Kelli Stoecker,Tegan Baloun, Hannah Cunningham, Olivia Hadrick, Gabrielle Kast and Aubri Haselhorst.

Volleyball season starts Thursday, Aug. 23!The first game of the season

for the girls volleyball team is to-morrow, Thursday, Aug. 23 atSunshine Bible, with the secondgame at home against SullyButtes on Tuesday, Aug. 28.“We have a strong core group

of girls who have been playingtogether for the past three yearsat the high school level,” saidHead Volleyball Coach MallorySchlechter.“The team has many hitting

options with experienced setters.We also have young talent thatwe can rely on to come off of thebench,” continued CoachSchlechter.“We are very excited for the

upcoming season. The girls havebeen working hard throughoutthe off season and are lookingforward to playing again. Wehope to improve from game togame throughout the season inorder to be playing our best vol-leyball come post season,” con-cluded the coach.Returning are,Seniors: Grace Schlechter,

Avery Deiter and Taylor Cramer.Juniors: Abby Vetch, Morgan

Melius, Lily Schaefers, Brooke

Niederbaumer, Jazlynn Geditzand Mckenzie Hustead.Sophomores: Peyton Melius,

Ally Cunningham, Kayla Senn,Morgan Gutenkauf, Jori Melius,Molly Koens, Taylor Machtemes,Abi Wittmeier and Erica Wald-ner.Freshmen: Shayna Heitmann,

Isabel Aesoph, Jocelyn Ogle,Camryn Deiter, Sydney Camp-bell and Emili Quinn.Head coach is Mallory

Schlechter and assistants areVanessa Bowman and ShaeStephenson.

Schedule6:30 JV, 8 p.m. varsityunless otherwise noted

Aug. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunshine Bible (A)Aug. 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sully Buttes (H)Aug. 30 . . . . . . . .Eureka/Bowdle (Bowdle)Sept. 4 . . . . . . . . . . .Hitchcock/Tulare (H)Sept. 6 . . . . . .Potter County (Gettysburg)Sept. 8 (9 a.m. V) Tournament (Arlington)Sept. 11 . . . . . . . .Leola/Frederick (Leola)Sept. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miller (H)Sept. 18 . . . . . . . . . .Highmore/Harrold (H)Sept. 22 (11 a.m. V) CSDC Tourney (Miller)Sept. 25 . . . . . . . . . . . .Langford Area (H)Sept. 27 . . . . . . . . .Aberdeen Christian (A)Oct. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ipswich (A)Oct. 4 (7:30 V) . . . . . . . .Northwestern (A)

Oct. 6 (10 a.m. V) . . . . . . . .Potter Tourney(Gettysburg)

Oct. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . .Herreid/Selby (Selby)Oct. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Warner (H)Oct. 16 . . . . . . . . . . .Edmunds Central (H)Oct. 23 . . . . . . . . .Wolsey/Wessington (A)Oct. 29, 30 & Nov. 1 (7 p.m. V) Regions (TBD)Nov. 6 (7 p.m. V) . . . . . . .Round 16 (TBD)Nov. 15, 16, 17 . . . . . .State at Sioux Falls

Three area spring graduates at SDSU

e-Subscribe to theFaulk County Record


8 Faulk County Record Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018

Heather Bode’s store J. Bloom is a direct sales jewelry company thatoffers personalized jewelry and accessories. She has some personal-ized items in the shop and several non-personalized options for pur-chase.

TThhee SShhooppss aatt 116633rrdd SStt.. DDeessiiggnn

Michelle Leach’s store By the Creek Boutique, offers boutique cloth-ing.

Emily Bauer’s The Steel Barn offers custom metal signs, artwork andhome decor.

Shauna Remily of R Duo Designs is shown here at her shop locatedat the Faulkton Retail Center, The Shops at 163rd St. Design Co.Shauna and husband Zach offer one of a kind crosses that are his owndesign. They have made a farmhouse table, queen size bed, twin sizebed with a trundle bed underneath, side tables, console tables, woodlanterns, and many more items, along with various wood wall art.

Bethany McBride’s TinyHouse Boutique offers scarves,jewelry, earings, head bands, etc.Everything to complete your out-fit!

Carrie Deiter’s shop 163rd St.Design offers handcrafted woodsigns and other home decor itemsare for sale.

Lori Brun’s Dakota Dream-catcher Photography offers vari-ous wall art and photography.Not pictured is Delilah Cotton of

Designs by Delilah Custom FloralArrangements.

Paper?We have

it on hand!Astrobrights and pastels

in 8.5x11" size andwhite copy paper in

8.5x11, 8.5x14 and 11x17.Ask about discount prices

for case lots.FAULK COUNTY

RECORDPhone 598-6525

FaulktonAlways on hand:White and coloredtagboard, 22x28"

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 9

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Getting ready for the new year . . .Faulkton School’s open house was held Monday from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

for grades pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Left are mom TracyOtter with her children, 4th grader Reese and Evan, who starts kinder-garten in Alicia Hammond’s class.

Kali and big brother Cody Niederbaumer were having fun with thePromethean ActivPanel in Melissa Hayes’ first grade room. This is theprogram used to teach lessons. It allows teachers to create engaginglessons that they can send from their device out to their personal com-puters. It keeps the kids engaged and accountable for their learning.Everyone has a voice and an opportunity to answer questions.Cody will be a first grader this year, with Kali in pre-kindergarten. They

are the children of Paul and Lea Niederbaumer.

Mallory Schlechter, pre-kinder-garten teacher is all smiles withone of her new students, Raylan,son of Luke and Shantelle Heintz-man.

MMeeeett && ggrreeeett ffoorr SSuupptt.. LLeeppkkeeA meet and greet was held for new Faulkton School Superintendent

Scott Lepke, along with his wife, Sara, on Monday evening at theschool. Above are Supt. Lepke with Leah Baloun and her children,Tucker, a third grader and Tiah, a first grader.

FCCLA project “True Trojan Teamwork”This year FCCLA will bring a new opportunity for Faulkton elementary

children in grades 1 through 6. Above are project coordinators, left, AbbyVetch, Jazlynn Geditz, and Brooke Niederbaumer. The project, “True Trojan Teamwork”, is going to introduce all aspects

of being a high school athlete to the young children in our community.Participants will get to choose a high school volleyball or football athlete.The elementary buddy will get to work alongside their chosen athleteand complete a community service project at Hope’s Playground onMonday, Sept. 10. All participants signed up to be a volleyball buddy willthen get announced as part of the starting line up during the Thursday,Sept. 13 homecoming volleyball game against Miller. On Friday, Sept.14, all football buddies will get to be a part of the starting line up at thehomecoming football game against Hitchcock-Tulare. Elementary bud-dies will get to eat lunch with their high school athlete and have a one-on-one experience. All proceeds from this project will be donated to Hope’s Playground.

“We are so excited to see the impact that our high school athletes willmake on the youth in our community and can’t wait to kick off our proj-ect,” said FCCLA member Abby Vetch.


Watch forchildrenand drive


July 2018 Imprest Expenses:Travel Reimbursements: CraigCassens $866.94, Kayla Roseland$791.88. Fees: Faulk Co. Sheriff$15, DCI $43.25. Supplies/Postage:Walmart $59.56, US Post Office$290.02, Dacotah Bank $100.August 13, 2018 Bill Pay-

ments: 2nd Gear $38,388 Equip-ment, A&B Business $3,000Equipment, Aberdeen Awards $26Supplies, Agtegra $286.53 Fuel,ASBSD $60 Fee, Bantz, Gosch,Cremer, Peterson $112 Legal Fees,Bauer’s Super Valu $367.94 Re-pairs & Supplies, BerMac $145.69Fuel & Mait., Brain Pop $2,395 In-structional Software, BSN$2,573.54 Uniforms & Equip.,Cardmember Services $2,838.22Supplies, Equip., Fees, & Inst.Software, Century Business$66.03 Services, City of Faulkton$85.35 Utilities, Delta Dental$2,817.98 Insurance, Downie’sPiano Services $200 Services,Faulk Co. Record $491.83 Publish-ing & Supplies, Faulkton School$2,166.65 Reimb. Imprest Fund,Hase Plumbing $408.16 Repairs,High Plains Technology $9,990.48Equipment, HomanAce Hardware$254.30 Supplies & Repairs,Houghton Mifflin $16,031.46 Cur-riculum, House of Glass $408.79Repairs, Infobase $451.76 Inst.Software, IPEVO Inc. $2,145Equip., Jake Runestad Music$16.45 Supplies, Johnson Controls$667.30 Repairs, Learning Inter-est $2,640 Inst. Software, Mc-Crossan Boys Ranch $6,233.70Services, McGraw Hill $26,195.11Curriculum, Menards $541.17Supplies & Equip., MobridgeSchool $600 Conference Dues,Moby Max $1,992 Inst. Software,Nasco $1,383 Equip., NASSP $385Dues, Northwestern Energy$2,283.20 Utilities, PlanbookEdu$589 Subscription, Reliastar LifeIns. $23.40 Insurance, Renais-sance Learning $5,895 Inst. Soft-ware, Reuer Sanitation $585Services, Scholastic $825.42 Sup-plies, School Specialty $78.22 Sup-plies, Schraeder Lawn Spraying$140 Services, SD Teacher Place-ment $420 Fees, SFM $456 Insur-ance, Shiffler Equip. $340

Supplies, Taylor Music $110 Sup-plies, Tennant Electric $319.10 Re-pairs, Time Management Systems$31.09 Services, Toennies Plumb-ing $97.84 Repairs, Training Room$686.62 Supplies, Venture Com-munication $455.12 Phone/Fax/In-terest Services, Richard Wahlen$65 Services, Wells Fargo $469.36Lease, Wells Fargo Securities$64,867.03 Debt Service, Well-mark $29,241.00 Health Insur-ance, West Music $1,129 Equip.August 2018 Payroll: GeneralFund: $162,423.30 w/ benefits,Special Ed. $18,852.03 w/ benefits,Food Service $2,605.67 w/ benefits,Pre-K $3,830.93 w/ benefits.Thrive Food Service Con-

tract. Hushka stated the foodservice contract with Thrive wasapproved at the last meeting butsaid a copy of the signed contractwas in their packets and wonderedif the board had any questionsabout it. The board did not.2018-19.36. Adult Lunch

Price.Hushka stated the state setthe price for adult lunches so theboard could now approve that.Motion was made by Aesoph, sec-onded by McCloud, to set the adultlunch price at $3.60 for the 2018-19 school year. Unanimous.2018-19.37. Propane Bids.

Motion by Kalkman, second byNelson, to accept the quote ofNorth Star Energy for propane inthe amount of $1.139/Gallon forthe 2018-2019 school year. Unani-mous.2018-19.38. Fuel Oil Quotes.

Motion by Nelson, second by Mc-Cloud, to accept the quote of Agte-gra for fuel oil in the amount of$0.02/gallon above laid in cost forthe 2018-2019 school year. Unani-mous.2018-19.39. Gasoline Quotes.

Motion by Kalkman, second byAe-soph, to accept the quote of Agte-gra for gasoline in the amount of$0.15/gallon above laid in costminus the federal tax, for the2018-2019 school year. Unani-mous.2018-19.40. After School Pro-

gram Agreement. Motion byKalkman, second byAesoph, to ap-prove the 1-year agreement with

the FaulktonArea Out of andAfterSchool Program. No changes weremade from the previous year.Unanimous.2018-19.41. Surplus De-

clared. The following registeredvoters of the district were chosento appraise the surplus property:Shayne Geditz, Craig Cassens andScott McCloud.ITEM, INVENTORY #, VALUE,followed by BOARD’S INTENT

30 Plastic Chairs N/A $0/EachDispose of

30 Upper Elem. Desks, N/A$0/Each Dispose of

25 Lower Elem. Desks, N/A,$0/Each Dispose of

Volleyball Standards (Nets), N/A$0/Each Give away or Dispose of

Motion by Aesoph, second byMcCloud, to declare the aboveitems as surplus property and dis-pose of the desks and chairs andtry to give away the volleyballstandards. If no one wants themthey will be disposed of. Unani-mous.2018-19.42. Emergency Bus

Pact. Motion by Kalkman, secondby Nelson, to participate again inthe emergency bus pact program.Unanimous.Budget Discussion.Mr. Lepke

stated there are still some new Sci-ence curriculum that needs to beordered as the first order missedseveral items. Lepke wanted tonotify the board that $15,000 couldpossibly be added to the capitaloutlay budget that will be adoptedin September.2018-19.43. Contract Amend-

ments. Motion was made by Ae-soph, seconded by Kalkman toamend Kari Haberling’s contractfrom MA Step 18 to MA+15 Step18 as per the Master Contract.(Total contract: MA+15 Step 18$50,500, Longevity $375.) 2018-19.44. Motion was made by Kalk-man, seconded by McCloud toamend Mary Schlechter’s contractfrom MA Step 12 to MA+15 Step12 as per the Master Contract.(Total contract: $47,500.) 2018-19.45. Motion was made by Ae-soph, seconded by Nelson toamend Melissa Hayes’ contractfrom MA Step 18 to MA+15 Step

18 as per the Master Contract.(Total contract: MA+15 Step 18$50,500, Concessions $2,062.50.)Unanimous on all motions.2018.19.46. Motion by Aesoph,

second by Kalkman, to have theSeptember board meeting on Sep-tember 12th at 6 p.m. due to home-coming activities. Unanimous.2018-19.47. Audit-FY18. Mo-

tion by Nelson, second by Mc-Cloud, to hire Kohlman,Bierschbach & Anderson, LLP toperform the district’s audit for fis-cal year 2018. Cost of the auditwill not exceed $13,000. Unani-mous.Superintendent’s Report. In-

Service Schedule. Mr. Lepke in-formed the board that thefollowing in-services will takeplace: August 14th at NSU for cer-tified staff, August 17th for newcertified staff, andAugust 20th forcertified staff in Faulkton. En-rollment. Lepke then told theboard the following enrollmentnumbers for this school year: Ele-mentary 128, Middle School 33,High School 83, and 75 at thecolony locations for a total of 319.Hushka stated the district’s en-rollment was 301 last school year.Upcoming Events. Lepke in-formed the board that the first dayof school is August 22nd, there isno school on September 3rd, andthere will be a staff in-service onSeptember 17th. SAVE Training.Mr. Lepke stated he is currentlyplanning an active shooter train-ing with 4 other schools. Accred-itation. Lepke said the SDDOEhas re-designed its accreditationcycle and our district is up for a re-view again this year. Lepke saidwe were last accredited only 3years ago so he has requested awaiver from the SDDOE and iswaiting to hear back. SDHSAADivision 4 Representative.Lepke then acknowledged and con-gratulated Mr. Cassens for receiv-ing the position of Division 4Representative on the SDHSAAboard. Superintendent’s EntryPlan. Lepke told the board that asurvey of the district’s strengthsand weaknesses was sent out to allemployees and once he compilesthe data he will present his EntryPlan to the board in September.School Website. Lepke stated hewould like to update the school’swebsite so it is more user friendlyto our community. He will updatethe board on the information hegathers on this. AccountabilityReport Card. Lepke wentthrough the timeline with theboard on the district’s accountabil-ity report card. He stated thestate will let this information outat the end of October and he willthen get that information out tothe board and public. NAEPTest.Lepke informed the board that thefollowing sites will participate inthe NAEP testing this year: Thun-derbird Colony, Faulkton MiddleSchool, and Faulkton Elementary.He stated students will be as-sessed in math and reading.Local Meetings. Mr. Lepke thentold the board that he plans on at-tending other local governmentmeetings as time allows. He saidthis will help him get to know thecommunity. Lepke also said he isplanning a BBQ grill-out. BoardRetreat. Lepke stated he wouldhave the board retreat handoutsfor the board to pick up after themeeting and if any of the publicwanted to look at what was cov-ered.Release Date for Junior

High Students. Cassens read thesemester test exemption policy inthe student handbook for a secondreading. Mr. Cassens recom-mended releasing junior high stu-

dents at the same date as non-se-mester test high school students.The board agreed.Secondary Principal’s Re-

port. Mr. Cassens stated thegraduation requirements arechanging and districts are givensome options. He said our districtwill be including some new thingsbut not everything. Cassens saidthe new requirements give dis-tricts some flexibility in Math andScience but still require studentsto have 22 credits to graduate.Cassens also stated currentlythere are 14 students enrolled indual credit courses for the 1st se-mester, and 13 students that willparticipate in the internship pro-gram. Cassens stated the ACT re-port card should be available forthe September board meeting.Building Committee & Proj-

ect Discussion.Mr. Lepke statedthe building committee has taken9 different school tours. Tomorrownight they will hold their 3rdmeeting. Several room locationchanges are being discussed. Theboard will meet at 5 p.m. tomorrownight to finalize the changes theywould like to see and then at 7p.m. representatives from HKGwill be there to hear these ideas.Mr. Lepke stated that Hushkalearned some new informationabout the bond election. In order tohave the bond vote on the generalelection ballot with the county, weneed to have our ballot language tothe county by tomorrow. Lepkesaid the district could still have itthe same day as the general elec-tion, in the same location, but wewould need our own 3-person elec-tion board at every precinct loca-tion. Hushka said Faulk Countyhas 7 precincts alone and thatdoesn’t include Hyde, Hand andPotter counties. The board de-cided since they aren’t quite readyright now, that the district willhold their own election once theyare ready. Lepke then thanked thebuilding committee for everythingthey have done. He said a lot ofwork has been done and in a veryefficient manner.Open Forum. No comments

were made.2018-19.48. Janitor Work

Agreement. Motion by Nelson,second by Aesoph, to offer a 2018-19 work agreement to Sylvia Sal-wei as a full-time janitor at$11.50/hour. Unanimous.2018-19.49. Adjournment.Mo-

tion by Kalkman, second by Nel-son, to adjourn at 6:53 p.m. All infavor, motion carried.Board Chairman, Jerry Weyand

Business Official, Lisa HushkaPublished one time at the total

approximate cost of $155.89.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Faulkton School Board Aug. 13 Proceedings

Jul-18 General Capitol Special Food Pre K & T & AFund Outlay Education Service Driv. Ed.

Beginning Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,517,719.70 810,462.14 504,765.46 24,298.77 41,177.50 109,636.81Beginning Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,468,413.73 810,462.14 504,765.46 24,298.77 41,177.50 85,665.14Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,305.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,971.67Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107,685.58 2,978.48 963.58 0.00 0.00 3,211.58Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205,976.76 188,601.05 19,274.13 2,659.84 3,487.18 11,793.75Ending Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,419,428.52 624,839.57 486,454.91 21,638.93 37,690.32 101,054.64Ending Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,370,117.86 624,839.57 486,454.91 21,638.93 37,690.32 77,077.39Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,310.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,977.25Receipts:State of SD-State Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,396.00Dacotah Bank - Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.63Insurance Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,635.66Rental Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.50Surplus Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625.00Hyde County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $880.55Hand County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,864.88 $329.83 $105.97Faulk County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $58,184.36 $2,648.65 $857.61Total Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $107,685.58 $2,978.48 $963.58 $0.00 $0.00

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 10No. 168, Aug. 22, 2018Faulkton Area School District24-4 Board of EducationMonday, August 13, 2018

6:00 p.m.The regular meeting of the

Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Boardof Education was called to order byBoard Chairman Jerry Weyand at6:01 p.m. in the Faulkton SchoolLunchroom.

Roll call of members presentwere Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman,Scott McCloud, Ryan Nelson, andJerry Weyand. Also present wereSuperintendent Scott Lepke, Sec-ondary Principal Craig Cassens,Business Official Lisa Hushka,staff members Jeremy Demeryand Vanessa Bowman, Jim Slu-

necka and Shane Hanson fromNorthern Plains, Terry Heinz fromNorth Star Energy, and Val Rams-dell from the Faulk Co. Record,and the following district patrons:Gloria Bode, Carrie Deiter, TammyMcCloud, Dawn Redden, DaveSpeck and Corrine Weyand. Thepledge of allegiance was recited.2018-19.34. AgendaApproval.

Motion by Kalkman, second byNelson, to approve the proposedagenda with the addition of the2017-18 Audit proposal added to5.10. All members voted aye. Mo-tion carried.Acknowledgments. Lepke ac-

knowledged the custodial staff andstated the school looks great andit’s ready for the new school year.

Conflict of Interest Waivers.No conflict of interest waiverswere presented.Open Forum. No comments

were made.2018-19.35. Minutes & Finan-

cial Approvals. Motion by Ae-soph, second by Kalkman, toapprove the following consensusagenda: minutes of the July 9,2018 meeting and July 23, August2, and August 7, 2018 specialmeetings, July 2018 FinancialStatement, July 2018 Trust andAgency Fund Report, July 2018Imprest Report, and payment ofthe presented bills for August 13,2018. All members voted aye.


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No. 167, Aug. 15, 2018CITY COUNCIL MEETING

August 9, 2018The Faulkton City Council met

in regular session on August 9,2018 in the City Hall meetingroom with Finance Officer EmilyBauer and the following councilmembers present: LindaBartholomew, Sheilah Fischer,Chris Geiger, Danny Ramsdell,Mark Toennies and Steve Wanner.Others present: Tim Bormann,Trevor Cramer, Troy Hadrick,Dave Hedt, Brent Koens, KellyMelius, Jody Moritz, Jerod Raethz,Val Ramsdell & Dave Speck.Mayor Slade Roseland called themeeting to order at 7:00 p.m. withall those present reciting the“Pledge of Allegiance”.2018.8.87 Minutes: Council-

woman Bartholomew made themotion, seconded by Toennies toapprove the minutes of the July 9,2018 regular meeting. Unanimous.2018.8.88 Financial Report:

Motion by Councilwoman Fischer,seconded by Ramsdell to approvethe finance report. Unanimous.2018.8.89 Claims: The follow-

ing bills were approved for pay-ment on a motion by CouncilmanWanner, seconded by Geiger.Unanimous. Payroll Total:$25,890.13 Mayor: $400.00, Fi-nance Officer: $3,182.70, StreetDepartment: $4,984.64, Water &Sewer Department: $5,304.67,Maintenance Help: $1,344.88,Rubble Site: $892.80, Carousel:$395.44, Pool: $9,323.05, OfficeHelp: $61.95.BAUER'S SUPER VALU


Raethz stated they are busy withthe sewer project. They are work-ing on getting the new scoreboardput up at the football field and stillspraying for mosquitos a coupletimes a week.Mayors Report: No reportPolice Report: The July ticket

report was given to the council.Deputy Sherriff Koens stated a

stop sign by the school needs to bereplaced, as it has faded. He alsosaid the speed indication trailerwill be moved closer to school.Economic Development Re-

port: Trevor Cramer with FAEDCreported that the Guido Van Hel-ten elevator mural is bringing a lotof attention to Faulkton, via traf-fic and website/Facebook visits aswell. Cramer stated they had ameeting for Phase II of SafeRoutes to School sideway project.This would connect the pool toHwy 212. Cramer invited the pub-lic to an August 20th meeting atthe senior center to discuss re-gional transportation. The newhouse moved into the WestsideAd-dition is moving along schedule.Mayor Roseland asked Cramer toexplain the sales tax revenue thehouse have brought into town.Cramer stated since the houseswere delivered to Faulkton, thecity receives the 2% sales tax rev-enue on those houses.

Old Business2018.8.90 Sewer Project

Change Order: Roseland pre-sented a change order in theamount of $892.50, motion wasmade by CouncilwomanBartholomew seconded by Toen-nies to approve the request.2018.8.91 Pay Requests. MayorRoseland presented the pay re-quests for the sewer project fromHelms &Associates for $35,855.60and Dahme Construction for$298,691.46. Motion was made byCouncilman Wanner, seconded byFischer to approve the pay re-quest. Unanimous. Raethz statedthey have about seven blocks ofdigging left. Currently they areprepping for asphalt and Jensen’swill be in town tomorrow to primesome streets for chip sealing.Raethz stated the current plan isto prime the trench where the dugup the street twice and then chipsealing over that. Raethz sug-gested they have the whole streetprimed once and then chip seal theentire street as well. Raethzthinks the entire roads needs to beprimed and chip sealed as the en-tire road has collateral damagefrom the heavy equipment onthem, not just the trench. Thecouncil agreed with Raethz.2018.8.92 Airport Environ-

mental Assessment Pay Re-quest: Roseland stated that theenvironmental assessment for theairport is about 64% complete andpresented the council with a payrequest from Helms & Associatesin the amount of $5,153.95. Mo-tion was made by CouncilmanGeiger, seconded by Bartholomewto pay the request. Unanimous.2018.8.93 Helms &Associates

Land Acquisition AssistanceAgreement: Motion was made byCouncilman Geiger seconded byRamsdell to enter into an agree-ment with Helms & Associates toassist with land acquisition.UnanimousRevisit Economic Develop-

ment Funding: CouncilmanRamsdell requested the council re-visit the funding provided for theeconomic development corpora-tion. Ramsdell said that if thereisn’t a funding source for economicdevelopment, everything that hasbeen done in the past years couldgo south. Dave Hedt spoke aboutwhat the economic developmentboard have done for him and theelevator mural project. Hedtstated he believes if an economicdirector position goes away, it willbe so much harder to get it back.Hedt also asked the question whyyou wouldn’t want to make theplace you live better. Troy Hadrickwith the FAEDC stated they don’twant all the hard work from the

past thirty years to go away. Hehopes the FAEDC and the city canwork together to find the best so-lution. Traver Cramer, FAEDC Di-rector, stated he has enjoyed beingthe full time director for the pastthree years. The developmentboards plan B now is a part timedirector. Cramer stated he is will-ing to work part time, but needssome stability to this option so hecan plan as well. Kelly Meliusstated everybody has the same endgoal, we just need to find a com-promise. Melius said they know itwill not be a full time position, justneed to figure out a part time posi-tion to provide continuity to the of-fice. He said Dakota Resourceswill help the development boardapply for a couple grants to helpwith some of the administrationcost of the office. Melius statedwithout a coordinator this fallsback on volunteers, who simplydon’t have the time. Dave Specksaid he has lived in town for sev-enty years and doesn’t want to seeFaulkton die. Speck stated theeconomic development groupneeds to open up to the people.Speck also believes the city coun-cil needs to have a lot to do withwhat is going on, a private organi-zation can’t run the town. Speckagrees we need something. Speckwould like to see the developmentboard open up their meetings forpeople to attend and ask ques-tions. Jody Moritz stated the de-velopment board members arepublicly elected, you can attendthat board meeting and vote forwho you want on the board.Mayor Roseland stated the councilshould look forward and not back-wards. Roseland said everyoneagrees that we need economic de-velopment in Faulkton, we justneed a plan. Roseland also agreesthat the city should be more incontrol of where the money goes.Roseland would like to see the cityand the development board get to-gether and come up with a planthat both sides agree on. Council-man Wanner agrees that we needsome sort of economic develop-ment, just not sure if there arefunds for a full time director.Councilman Geiger also agrees weneed economic development.Geiger would like to see the cityand development board work to-gether to form a plan. Council-woman Fischer stated she doesn’tbelieve there isn’t anyone on thecouncil that didn’t want to supportthe development board with some-thing. 2018.8.94 Economic De-velopment Additional Funds:After much discussion CouncilmanRamsdell motioned to add $10,000additional funds to the economicdevelopment budget, seconded byToennies. Councilwoman Fischerasked what if they developmentboard would need more money.Roseland stated the council coulddo a supplemental budget. Geigerasked if the council should put acaveat that if an agreement does-

n’t happen the additional fundswould not be used. The councilagreed. Mayor Roseland did a rollcall vote, Members voting aye:Ramsdell. Member voting nay:Steve Wanner, Mark Toennies,Sheilah Fischer and Chris Geiger.Abstained: Linda Bartholomew.Motion failed. 2018.8.95 Eco-nomic Development Addi-tional Funds: CouncilmanRamsdell motioned to budget anadditional $10,000 to economic de-velopment with a caveat that thecity and development corporationmeet to finalize a plan by Novem-ber 1st, 2018, seconded by Toen-nies. Mayor Roseland did a rollcall vote. Members voting aye:Steve Wanner, Danny Ramsdell,Mark Toennies, Sheilah Fischerand Chris Geiger. Abstained:Linda Bartholomew. Motion car-ried

New BusinessHistorical Society Mural

Sign: Jody Moritz with the FaulkCounty Historical Society was inattendance to ask the council’s ap-proval to place a sign relating tothe new mural that was painted ofthe Last Wild Buffalo Hunt inFaulk County. The council agreedto allow the sign.2018.8.96 2019 Budget/Appro-

priations Ordinance #45 (FirstReading): Roseland read for itsFirst Reading Ordinance #45 enti-tled, “The Annual Appropriationsfor the City of Faulkton, FaulkCounty, South Dakota for the fis-cal year commencing January 1st,2019.” Roseland mentioned theeconomic development line itemwill need to be updated for the sec-ond reading. Councilman Toen-nies moved, seconded by Fischer tohave the second reading on Thurs-day, September 6th, 2018 at7:00pm. Unanimous.2017 Audit Report: Bauer re-

ported the first draft of the 2017audit was emailed today. The cityneeded to complete a one yearaudit since they received morethan $750,000 in federal fundsduring 2017 with the sewer proj-ect. The final report will be com-pleted with a couple weeks andwill be presented to the council atthe next meeting.2018.8.97 Moving Permits:

Motion was made by CouncilmanWanner, seconded by Geiger to ap-prove the following moving permit.Unanimous.• Vista One Real Estate – 1205Oak Street – House• Faulkton Area Economic Devel-opment Corp – 1502 St. JohnStreet – House2018.8.98 Temporary Liquor

License. Motion was made byCouncilman Ramsdell, secondedby Fischer to approve the followingapplication for temporary liquor li-cense. Unanimous.• J&J Bar Recreation – Septem-ber 15, 2018 – Community Center– Wedding2018.8.99 Brown Bag Permit:

Councilman Toennies moved, sec-

onded by Bartholomew to approvethe following requests for a“brown-bag” permit as per SDCL35-1.5.3.FAMC – August 18, 2018 – City

Park – Employee PicnicFalyn Hogg – September 7, 2018

– Legion Hall – Wedding Recep-tionApplications are on file at the CityFinance Office. Unanimous.September Meeting Date:

September’s city council meetingwill be held on Thursday, Septem-ber 6, 2018 at 7:00pm at City Hallmeeting room.

Other Business2018.8.100 Executive Session:

Time: 8:25 p.m. Motion was madeby Councilman Wanner, secondedby Bartholomew to go into execu-tive session for litigation and/orpersonnel matters per SDCL 1-25-2. Out of executive session at 8:35p.m. No action taken.2018.8.101 Adjournment:

There being no other business tocome before the council, the meet-ing adjourned on a motion byCouncilman Toennies, seconded byGeiger. Motion carried. Time: 8:36p.m.Slade Roseland, Mayor

Emily Bauer, Finance OfficerPublished one time at the total

approximate cost of $125.65.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––No. 163, Aug. 15 & 22, 2018SALE OF SURPLUS


that the County of Faulk is offer-ing the following property for saleby sealed bids:1 Quincy single phase motor

with compressor1 Colman single phase motor

with no compressorBids will be accepted in a sealed

envelope clearly marked “CountyProperty Bids” at the FaulkCounty Auditor’s Office PO Box309 Faulkton, SD 57438 until 5:00p.m. on Friday, August 31st, 2018.Bids will be opened and read at9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September4th, 2018 in the CommissionersRoom at the Faulk County Court-house.The Faulk County Board of

Commissioners reserves the rightto reject any or all bids.For more information, contact

the Faulk County Auditor at (605)598-6224Dated this 7th day of August

2018.Kelly Toennies

Faulk County AuditorPublished two times at the total

approximate cost of $19.96.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 11

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Faulkton City Council Aug. 9 Proceedings


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12 Faulk County Record Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018

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Doing homerepairs, additionsand new homes.For a freeestimate

Contact Bob at 380-9720


Faulkton Senior Livingand The Meadows

. . . because the journey matters• Medicare, VA contract provider

• Offering PT/OT/ST services • Whirlpool tubResident Centered Care

605-598-6214 (Faulkton Senior Living)605-598-4376 (The Meadows)1401 Pearl St. Faulkton

Faulkton Grain & FeedBrandFeeds

• Grain Buying • Grinding • Mixing • DeliveryKeith Hanten, manager

598-6601 – Cell 216-6601

Cleaner Carpets!New: Portable machine with

van mounted power.� Residential � Commercial� Upholstery � Auto Interiors� Also tile and grout cleaningLocally owned and operated. You won’t be disappointed!

Rindi Hlavacek (605) 598-6568.For all yourLodging Needs

callPheasant Fest

in Cresbard. 605-324-3300

or checkus out at


THE AUTO SHOP“The New Age of Automotive Repair”Casey Hlavacek – ASE Master Certified610 8th Ave S., Box 236, Faulkton, SD 57438

605-598-4319• Computer diagnostics• Oil changes• Engine & transmission repairs

• Tires • Brakes• Electrical repairs/diagnosis• Steering & suspension• Any major & minor repairs

Farm • Crop • Home • Auto • Business • Life • Health • Annuities



234 8th Ave SFaulkton, SD 57438

Beverly King, AgentFaulkton (c) 605-380-8444

Brian King, AgentMadison (off.) 605-427-0641

Dan King, AgentSioux Falls (c) 605-380-8503

Scott King, AgentBrookings (off.) 605-692-0944

AGTEGRA� Agronomy Inputs� Grain Handling� Bulk Gas, Fuel &

Oil DeliveryFaulkton • 605-598-6500

Diane Hushka, Agent 120 8th Ave S

Faulkton, SD 57438 Bus: (605) 598-6727

[email protected]

American Family Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. American Family Insurance Company,6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 006441 – Rev. 11/15 ©2015 – 7618307



Advertise here!Call the

Faulk CountyRecord


Help for farmers and rancherswith land damaged by excessiverains or severe storms, such asfrom hail or flooding, is nowavailable through the UnitedStates Department of Agricul-ture (USDA) serving SouthDakota, announces Jeff Zim-prich, State Conservationist forthe USDA's Natural ResourcesConservation Service (NRCS),Huron, SD."Many agriculture producers

across South Dakota are in-creasingly incorporating covercrops to their operation," saidZimprich. "We see these recentunfortunate excessive rain or se-vere storm damage as an oppor-tunity for NRCS to help farmersand ranchers to try cover cropsthrough the EnvironmentalQuality Incentives Program(EQIP).""We are making funds avail-

able for those affected areas ofSouth Dakota. The sign-up fordamaged land and/or crops isopen now," Zimprich said."Through the EQIP, we are of-fering assistance for producersfor cover crops to provide pro-tection to the soil for the re-mainder of the season, plus anypractice that is needed to dealwith soil erosion caused byheavy rains or flooding."

"Our local NRCS field employ-ees are ready to help people withtheir resource concerns. Affectedag operators should contacttheir servicing office right awayand must apply before Aug. 24,2018 to be considered," saidZimprich. "To speed the assis-tance process, we will holdweekly batching periods endingeach Friday starting July 20with a final batching date inAu-gust."

––––––––––––No. 166, Aug. 22, 2018


NOTICE OFPUBLIC HEARINGTOADOPT FY 2019 BUDGETA public hearing will be held at

the meeting room at Blunt SeniorCenter, South Dakota on August23, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. (CST) to con-sider the proposed Water Develop-ment District budget for FiscalYear 2019, beginning January 1,2019.The purpose of holding this

hearing is to provide the publicwith an opportunity to contributeto and comment on the water de-velopment district proposed oper-ating budget for Fiscal Year 2019.Persons interested in presentingdata, opinions and arguments forand against the proposed budget

may appear, either in person or byrepresentative, at the hearing andbe heard and given an opportunityfor a full and complete discussionfor all items in the budget.The purpose of holding this

hearing is to provide the public anopportunity to contribute to andcomment on the Water Develop-ment District proposed operatingbudget for the Fiscal Year 2018.Persons interested in presentingdata, opinions, and arguments forand against the proposed budgetmay appear, either in person or byrepresentative, at the hearing andbe heard and given an opportunityfor a full and complete discussionof all items in the budget.Published one time at the total

approximate cost of $14.68.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Wed., Aug. 22, 2018Faulk County Record 13


�� Interior�� Exterior

�� Remodeling�� New BuildingCole Hogg

Call [email protected]

AnsonLaw OfficeElton R. Anson214 N. BroadwayMiller, SD 57362


BerMac Inc. Convenience Store

Phone 598-6603, Faulkton• Towing• Tires• Gas

• Diesel• Laundry• Car Wash

• Oil Changes• UnlockVehicles

CCoonnvveenniieennccee SSttoorree• Food • Beverages • Drinks

– 24 hour pay pumps –

Business & Professional DirectoryBusiness & Professional



• New & Remodeling• Framing to Finish

• Quality Craftsmanship• Free Estimates

Call Mike at460-1475

� Remodeling � Builds from Scratch� Concrete work � Pella Window Dealer� Telehandler (to do metal roofing)

Call Chad Roesler - Orient605-392-2470 or 970-590-0081


– Your Guy of All Trades! –

� SAVE on Postal Services –UPS, SpeeDee or FedEx

� SpeeDee is usually next day delivery� Large scale Laminating & Printing � CD/DVD Duplication & Imprinting� Customized Gift Wrap� Print Banners, Posters, Canvas . . . much more

123 8th Ave. S. in Faulkton – 605-598-4492




Call for Days, Evenings or Weekends

Call Lori – 216-4333

TENNANT ELECTRICResidential • Commercial • Agricultural

BRANDON TENNANT598-4298 or 769-2369

Contact us for yourelectrical needs.Serving Faulk County and surrounding areas


Licensed Professional Cleaner541-633-6596

[email protected] cleaning, post construction,

janitorial cleaningYou name it, we clean it!

Probate & Estate Planning / Business & Corporate / Real Estate / Mediation & Trial PracticeOffices in Miller and Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Office: (605) 893-2001 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.DakotaLawFirm.comFocused Experience in:

Estate Planning & Administration:• Planning for small to $25 million+ Estates• Assisting multi-family member ranch and farm operations

• Mediating issues involving large complexestate administrations

Business & Corporate:• New business Formation• Complex Partnership ResolutionsReal Estate Transactions:• Planning for the smooth transfer of land ownership

• Tax consideration Review

“We are Honored to serve you, your family, and your legacy.” Sincerely, Clay A. Anderson, Manager-Member*Please let us know if you would prefer that we come to your location for an onsite farm or business consultation.*

Jones aviation, Inc.PO Box 143 – 35323 Airport Road – Faulkton, SD 57438

605-598-6682 – Cell [email protected]

Jack Jones

CCoouurrtt SSttrreeeett CCllaassssiiccssHair, Skin, Nails & Tanning

Appointments & Walk-ins AvailableCall Morgan Gallagher at 598-6335 or 605-222-6697

207 9th Ave. South in Faulkton

Aid for land/crops damaged by storms

PublicNoticesProtect your

right to know!

EMPLOYMENT:OTR FLATBED DRIVERS NEEDED. Safetybonus, fuel bonus, health insurance and re-tirement program. Two years OTR experi-ence required. Contact Gary @1-877-468-5266.The Daily Republic, Mitchell, S.D., is seek-ing: MULTIMEDIA SALES CONSULTANTselling print and online advertisements.Competitive commission and bonus pro-gram, full benefit package. NEWS RE-PORTER to cover meetings, breaking news,features and general interest stories. Our ed-itorial team has a great reputation for award-winning work. Must have valid driver’slicense. Apply online www.forumcomm

.com/careers or call Lorie Hansen at 605-990-6382 for sales and Luke Hagen at 605-990-6366 for news.THE CITY OF DEADWOOD, South Dakotais looking for a Finance Officer. For info andjob description see cityofdeadwood.com orphone 605-578-2600, ask for Ronda.POTTER COUNTY is accepting applicationsfor Highway and Weed Superintendent.Contact Potter County Auditor for applica-tion and job description, 201 S. Exene StGettysburg, SD 57442. Phone 605-765-9408. Potter County is an EOEDIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY TECHNICIAN,Full Time (M - F). Kyle, SD Indian HealthService. Salary Range: $43,024 - $53,779http://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDe-tails/488590600 Contact: Janell Byrne 605-455-8223 or [email protected] FOR SALE:TWO YEAR OLD STICK BUILT ranch houseon five acres, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 1304square foot, main floor laundry, triple cargarage, unfinished basement, six miles fromRapid City. $299,900 call 605-877-1515.MISCELLANEOUS:FORESTBURG PRODUCE - Now Open-

Miller, North Highway 45-14. Sweet Melons,Muskmelons, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Squash,Cucumbers and Corn.BERG & SONS CUSTOMS is now bookingclients for the 2018 Corn Chopping Season.Family owned and operated servicing NDand SD regions. To join our route call: 701-213-0651 or www.bergandsons.comWANTED:SEEDING EQUIPMENT: Buying Valmar andGandy applicators used. Call Melissa atDaily Bread Machinery, 320-679-8483 or763-286-9693.NOTICE:ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewidefor only $150.00. Put the South DakotaStatewide Classifieds Network to work foryou today! (25 words for $150. Each addi-tional word $5.) Call the Faulk CountyRecord at 605-598-6525 or 800-658-3697for details.

FOR RENTHouse for Rent: 4 bedroom, 1 1/2bath. Call Bob for info 380-9720.

7-25-6tcFOR SALE

For Sale: Blank CD-Rʼs, DVD+Rʼs,8 GB flash drives, 8 GB SDHCcards. Faulk County Record.

8-22-1tpFor Sale: White copy/inkjet paper.$5.00 a ream (500 sheets) or by thecase (10 reams) for $45.00. We alsohave colored copy paper, pastelsand brites. See the Faulk CountyRecord at 605-598-6525.

8-22-1tp Want it noticed? Try a displayad in this newspaper!

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 14APARTMENTSAND HOUSEFOR RENT

Faulkton, South DakotaTwo bedroom apartments. Fordisabled, handicap and fami-lies. Utility allowance and rentalassistance available for eligiblepersons. Snow removal andlawn care provided. If inter-ested contact:Tom Edgar Rentals


MARTINMAAS ELECTRICCelebrating 22 years

in public service!1996 - 2018

– Pat Martinmaas –Certified Electrical Contractor� Residential � Commercial

� Farm � Industrial � Trenching� Refrigeration Service

�� 40 Ft. Bucket Truck ServiceReasonable Rates

103 E. 2nd Ave., Miller, SD 57362Home/Work 605-853-3001 leave mess.

Common SenseManufacturing

Kelly MeliusOwner

• Bale Feeders• Calf Shelters• Wire Winders• Feed Bunks• Continuous Fence• Portable Wind

Break• Free Standing Panels

Common Sense

A division of Common Sense Mfg.Wayne T. Vincent

Solar ManagerCell 765-4441

• Solar Water Pumping Systems

• Certified LorentzTechnician

• Residential & commercial solar systemsand electric in-floor heat

35791 160th St., Faulkton, SD 57438Office 605-598-4157


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Quality that just makes sense!

MMoowweerrss•Sales and Service•Cub Cadet Mowers•Parts and Repair

Vogel ServicePhone: 605-460-0131

Faulkton, SD

All types of repairs – bring usyour car, pickup or truck and

we’ll get you back on the road!

SONNY’S AUTO PARTS & REPAIRWe accept all major credit cards – Faulkton, SD • 605-598-4302

Hydraulic Hoses &Specialized Fittings

“Your Local Auto Parts Store!”

Employment Opportunityat Faulkton Area Medical Center

Faulkton Area Medical Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer & ProviderFaulkton Area Medical Center is seeking applicants for the following:

Laboratory Manager• LABORATORY MANAGER

Faulkton Area Medical Center is looking to fill the position of a Laboratory Manager.This individual must have a 4 year degree as a Medical Technologist including 2 yearsof experience in a moderate complexity lab and certifications in ACLS or AMT. Adher-ence to CLIA regulations is required, experience in laboratory compliance is preferred.Experience as a supervisor/manager is preferred. Duties include but are not limited tothe overall operation of the lab, record keeping, quality assurance/control and safetyand infection control practices. This individual must also be willing to assist in care of pa-tients and share call time with the other lab employees. Wage is negotiable based onexperience. For more information, please contact Faulkton Area Medical Center at (605)598-6262. Resumes can be sent to the attention of Human Resources at PO Box 100,Faulkton, SD 57438.

The above position will remain posted until filled.

The Faulkton AreaMedical Center

605-598-6262PO Box 100, Faulkton, SD 57438 www.faulktonmedical.org


currently seeking a PART-TIME DEPUTY AUDITORWages DOE. Please stop by the Auditorʼs office to

pick up an application or for more information contact (605) 598-6224. Applications will be

accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 24, 2018.Faulk County is an equal opportunity employer

Classified Ads$4.50 minimum up to 25

words; 4.25 for additional inser-tions; $.10 per word over 25words. Card of Thanks are$4.50 for maximum of 40 words;$.10 per word over 40.

Faulk County Dispatch/JailerWANTED

Shift work/8 hr. shifts. Wages DOE. Contact the Faulk County Sheriff’s office

for more information 605-598-6229

605-290-3517212StorageSD.comReserve, Rent, &

Pay Online!



$10 OR DONATIONCall 605-598-4163

South DakotaStatewide Classifieds

Send a collegesubscription.

A great way tokeep in touchwith home!

September thrumid May for $32


RECORDPhone 598-6525


Looking forpostal savings?We have white 6x9

envelopes that meetU.S. Post Office

requirements beforeoversize fees apply.

12¢ each or100 for $8


RECORDPhone 598-6525

Fax 598-4355Faulkton

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018 Faulk County Record 15

This week’s specialsWe now have Pretzel Buns!(Order with any burger for only $1 extra!)Wed..........Chicken Parmesan Sand

w/FriesThurs................French Dip w/FriesFri................Pickler Burger w/FriesSat. ............German Burger w/FriesSun ...........................Indian TacosMon. ............Mushroom& Swiss on

Sour Dough & FriesTues. ..Beef & Cheddar Melt w/Fries

HOURS: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.OPEN 7 Days aWeek!Take out orders: 598-4204Ask for your frequent buyers card.Buy 11 and get 12th meal free

Tornado Specialof the Week:


Shake ofthe month:


Faulkton AreaComing EventsPublished as a Public Serviceby Dacotah Bank – Faulkton

Aug. 22: First day of school!Sept. 5: Wednesdays: WON meeting.9 a.m. at the assisted Living, TheMeadows.Sept. 6: Faulkton City Council meet-ing at 7 p.m. at Faulkton City Hall.(Note date).Sept. 12: Faulkton School Boardmeeting, 6 p.m. at school lunchroom.(Note date).Autumn Leaves meeting at the Sen-ior Center the third Monday of everymonth at 12:45 p.m.Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetsThursdayʼs, 8 p.m., at the FaulktonArea Medical Center.Need a hand for help around thehouse? Rides need 24 hr. notice. Call605-380-2927, and we will match youwith the volunteer who will fit yourneeds. Offered by volunteers fromthe United Church of Faulkton, serv-ice is free to you!Cresbard Cemetery Board is seekingdonations to meet expenses. Theycan be sent to the board c/o KelseyHuss, PO Box 26, Cresbard, SD57435.The Faulk County Cancer SupportGroup is available to provide infor-mation and assistance to those withcancer in Faulk Co. and surroundingarea. For more information, or to findout meeting dates and times, pleasecontact April Sorensen at 605-598-6323.There is help: food pantry available atSt. Thomas Catholic Church, 1013Court Street, in Faulkton, sponsoredby the Faulk Co. Ministerial Assoc.phone 605-598-6590, 8 a.m. to 12noon Tues. thru Sat.Wednesdays: WON meeting. Weigh-in from 8:30-8:45 a.m., meeting 8:45- 9:15 a.m. at the assisted Living, TheMeadows.Medical equipment South DakotaCARES Loan Closet. For equipmentcall Joan Bent 598-4107.Area Literacy Council tutors availablefor persons who want to learn to reador read better. Phone 598-6236,Faulk County Library or 1-800-423-6665, SD Literacy Council.Every Tuesday, Penny Ihnen atUnited Church of Faulkton useeast entrance, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. S.D.Network against family violence &sexual assault.

Member FDIC

Faulkton 605-598-6211

BerMac 2MacAttack DeliPhone 598-6749 Deli 598-4175

• Gas • Diesel• Subs • Pop

• 14” or 16” Pizzas• Salads & Wraps

CCoonnvveenniieennccee SSttoorree• Food • Beverages • Drinks

Noon Hour Specials 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.Wednesday ................................Chicken DinnerThursday ....................................Beef & NoodlesFriday............................................Mac & CheeseMonday ................................................Meat LoafTuesday .............................Tacos or Taco Salad

Hot Days . . . Cool StampsStop in to the

Faulkton Post Office& check out our latest stamps.Thursday, Aug. 23from 1:30 - 4 p.m.

Featuring our Scratch & Sniff

Popsicle Stamps!FREE Cool Treat for Stopping In!

HOURS: Open 6 Days a WeekOpen at 5:30 p.m. - kitchen closes at 9:30 p.m.

Monday thru Saturday

$2.00 Pounders! Buy 5 and get the 6th FREECome on in and get a pounder

while they last!WE HAVE Bud Light - Busch Light

Michelob Golden and Ultras� � �

Stop in for a cool drink and pick up a meal-to-go or stay AND

check out our nightly specials!

Dot T’s - Faulkton - 598-6565

4th Annual Walkabout Par 3

TournamentSaturday, Aug. 25

Lakeside Country Club - Registration 1 p.m.Tee time 2 p.m. $50 per team

2 Person Best Ball Women, Men or Couples

(single golfers are welcome andweʼll find a partner for you!)

Proceeds will go to the elevator painting and

Lakeside Irrigation projects.

Play the course like never before!

Mark YourCalendar!

�� Book Discussion�� Signing

�� Reading of the“COWMAN”

by author Bruce Roseland

at the Faulk County LibraryMonday, Aug. 27

at 7 p.m.

PLAN TO ATTEND THEAnnual Picken on the Prairie

FALL JUNK MARKETat the BREEDING RANCH: 36836 155th Street, Chelsea, SD

(only 1 mile south of Hwy. 20) Watch for signs!Vintage upcycled seasonal decor, Boutiques, Food & More!Arts In The Park meets “Junk” Market!

605-252-8424 (vendors from all over!)

Saturday, Aug. 25 9 am - 4 pm

This week’s SPECIAL at

BerMac Inc. Shell is

PeachFlavor burst &

vanilla soft ice cream!

For all yourPrinting Needs


Phone 598-6525, Faulkton e-mail your news to: [email protected]

16 Faulk County Record Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018

Faulkton Area Medical Center


Your Health Calendar:


Cardiac Rehab

Tobacco Cessation Aerobics CPRNutrition Diabetes Education

First Aid Cancer Support Group

Leg Circulation Diagnosis

Ambulance - 911 Website - faulktonmedical.orgHospital - 598-6262 Clinic - 598-6239

Acute CareSwingbed Bone Density Scans IV Therapy

Sleep Studies

SpirometryNuclear Medical Heart Stress Tests

Lab and X-Ray

Audiology & Hearing Aid Rebecca Rich, AuDCall 1-866-352-8588Avera Cardiology SpecialistCall 598-6239


Richard J. Conklin, MDCall 605-622-5613 John Bormes, MDCall 1-800-255-7448Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy, Call 598-6239 Joseph Wyatt, MDCall 945-5259

Chiropractic John Carr, DC, ThursdaysCall 598-6239April Sorensen - 598-6262

Family/General Practice Sylvia Anderson, MD;Kenneth Bartholomew, MD; Jesseca Kast, CNP;Chris Ogle, PA-C; Tim Quinn, PA-C;

Foot Care Every Tuesday, Call 598-6239


Call Clinic at 598-6239 MammographyCall 225-1010 NE Mental Health

Oncology/Hematology Pain Management Heloise Westbrook, MD


Rehab Services


A Medical Minute from Sylvia Anderson, MD

Contact us!

Chronic Pain and Complementary Health Practices

Sylvia Anderson, MD Kenneth Bartholomew, MDJesseca Kast, CNPTim Quinn, PA-C Chris Ogle, PA-C

Dr. Carr - Chiropractic

August 23rd August 24th August 25th August 26th August 27th August 28th August 29th August 30thClinic - 9am-5pmClinic - 9am-5pm

ER - 24/7MRIs

ER - 24/7 ER - 24/7ER - 24/7

Clinic - 9am-5pmClinic - 9am-5pmER - 24/7

Clinic - 9am-5pm Clinic - 9am-5pmER - 24/7 ER - 24/7

Acute pain is an unpleasant sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible injury and the need to take care of yourself right away. Chronic pain is different. Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial injury or there may be an ongoing cause of pain. Chronic Pain most commonly is caused by arthritis, sore muscles or bones, cancer, headache, or sore back. People who suffer from chronic pain take various prescription and nonprescrip-tion medications; often, these do not provide adequate relief and have unwanted side effects. Other approaches to pain management, such as cognitive behavior-al therapy (which emphasizes the role of thought patterns), physical therapy, exercise, and various Complementary Health Practices, are also used. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) has compiled a database of what they consider to be scientific evidence of Comple-mentary Health Practices for Pain https://nccih.nih.gov. They have found evidence of benefit of pain control with Acupuncture, Massage, Spinal Manipula-tion, Yoga, and Progressive Relaxation. If you have pain that has not gone away in a reasonable period of time, it may be time to get a medical evaluation.

UltrasoundsEchocardiogramGO LIVE – New Electronic Medical Record Dr. Conklin - Oncology

Whitney Sleep Whitney Sleep Dr. Carr - Chiropractic

Local children were included during the production of CuriousGeorge.

Curious George was a greatproduction for children and adultsalike! Above are “Chef Pisghetti”holding “Cook”.

Everyone’s favorite curious lit-tle monkey is back once againwith a brand new adventure, as heclimbs and swings his way to sav-ing the annual All-You-Can-EatMeatball Day. Above “CuriousGeorge” dances with AnneMarieSmith.

The cast of Curious George: the Golden Meatball, are, Haven Brunes, Julia Friedrichsen, Tylan Glover,Rachel Morrison, Brian T. Shultz, Isaac Seaton, Briggs Tople and Claire Vetter.

The Faulkton Community Center was a “full house” for the production of “Curious George and the GoldenMeatball” held Monday, Aug. 13.