REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor, OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890. VOL. XVI NO, 26. "I Am with You Alway." ’Tis sweet to rend the promise He hath given To cheer our hearts along the pilgrim way, But sweeter far to know Its blest fulfilment, And humbly walk with Jesus day to day. To walk with Jcsub ! who shall tell tho gladness Of those whose dally life the Master shares? Who hear I i Ib voice, so full of love and pity, And rest on Him their burdens and their cares. And this is mine—tho joy of kbowing J csub, And walking in the sunlight of his smile; Mine Is the peace tbat floweth like a river, ..Deeper and broader growing all tho while. No more a transient guest my saviour cometh, To bless me but awhile and then depart; But with me now Ho evermore abldeth, And w.ith his own g!ad presence fills my heart. Sometimes, when busy with my daily, labor, . .Yet thinking oi the mighty love He bore, Some precious promise unto me He glveth,. Oft-read, perhaps, but never mine before. I know not why He gives his choicest blessings To one so undeserving as his son ; ' But, since He calls, with willing feet I hasten, Content and glad to hear him say," Well done,” Content to walk in paths of his own choosing, Since He will hold my hand along the way; : Content to know that I am journeying home* ward, ' ' And brighter grows. the pilgrim’s pat h each dny. Testimony in the Tabernacle. i; Last Sunday, June 22, although a cloudy ’day-after recent and heavy rain, was per - vaded in its spiritual atmosphere with the brightness * of the Sun of Righteousness, and the stimulating breezes from that celestial country called •' Bulah land.": . After two sermons during the forenoon, one at St. Paul’s Church, by Rev.-D. Pi Updegraff, and the other in the Taber* nacle.by R: Kelso Carter,* both gentlemen being visitors at Ocean Grove, and guests of Dr. D. M. Barr, at the Hygiea Hotel, the usual afternoon experience meeting called out a very large congregation of those described by the old prophet Mala- chi when looking down the future ages he exclaimed: “ Then, they that feared the Lord spake often one to another * * and a book of remembrance was written before him for those who feared tbe Lord, and thought upon his name.” It was evident even before the exercises commenced that the people had been greatly enthused by the morning devo- tions, and filled with the divine afflatus, were disposed to “ let. their Joys be known,” but the deliberate leader of the meeting, being in a sort of subjunctive mood, like the hyriraist who announced: “ My thoughts on awful subjects roll,” selected as his opening, hymn the doleful lyric of Dr. Watts (277) assuming that “ These c >ld hearts of ours” struggled “ in vain ” tb tune “our formal songs,” and were hopelessly prostrate in languishing hosannahs, with devotion in a groveling condition, about to die for want of breath —in fact representing a state of expe- rience which may have been common a hundred years ago, but as different from’ the average temperature . of an . Ocean. Grove audience as the moon is unlike green cheese, or the sentimentsof Charles Wesley are superior to the doleful incon* . gruities of that class of Christians who merely hope thut they have a hope,and lux- uriate in the privilege of living at “ this poor dying rate.” . The hymn however had to be sung, and would have proved A SEI0C3 SETBACK, but for the recuperative energy of ready faith which gave the “ hosannahs” a live- lier tone, and tided tiie meeting over the “ languishing” crisis, while Revs. George Clark and \\\ H. Meeker prayed until heaven and earth came together. The one hundred and sixteenth Psalm, then read by Dr. Alday, seemed to be more in unison with the spiritof the hour aud kindled at once the fervor of those who like David were ready to take TH E CCP. OF SALVATION, and offer thanksgiving and praise to Him who bad delivered their souls from death, their eyes from tears and their feet from falling. Bro. Browning said he loved the Lord for the very same reason the Psalmist gives, in the words read. He remarked ou the similarity of expression among all saved people through all the ages. Last Sabbath lie listened to converts from India, Ceylon and the Isles of the Sea, who were in this vicinity testifying that they had found Jesus and a full salvation through his precious atoniug blood. Bro. Meeker thought It a good plan to get in a word of testimony at the begin- ning of the meeting, for a little later there would be no chance. This particular sea- son of graduation exercises at the schools suggested some important lessons. Those who lost time or failed to improve oppor- tunities, didn’t come out so w ell; so we fill should be in a hurry preparing for our coming graduation day'.. . , ENTERING CANAAN*. A brother, referring to the sermon at St. Paul's in the forenoon, said it was his hapt py experience to have finished the wilder- ness journey. He entered in by faith and enjoyed the promised rest. Others testi- fied to the same effect, and later when Friend Updegraff asked all present, who had gotten in, to rise, It looked as if the Spirit of Caleb and Joshua had generally prevailed. Bro. Purdy had the congregation to join him in a favorite -hymn, “ My soul be on tby guard,”-&c., and said he was through with the battle now*.' He had not much to do or say, but he was.kept saved and sweet in old age. -1 The chorus, “ Blessed be the name,V &c., furnished to several an appropriate expres- sion of their present experience, and Bro. Erec, of Baltimore, related how fully Capt. Carter’s discourse- in the Tabernacle met the .Wants of his soul, “ My presence shall go with thee,” &e. * LONGING FOR HOME. Bro; Kennedy was familiar with bodily, suffering, and his greatest, alleviation and comfort was to get among the people of God, who were bound for heaven. He thought it probable that he might soon be permitted to go up and spend an eternity with Jesus..; . ; ■ 0 ’-- ■. ’ :■ : Sister Inskip led in a lively stanza, and said she aspired to be complete—not In herself, or anything else but Christ. She was wonderfully saved. THE CHOICE OF MOSES, as referred to in one of the morning ser- mons, stirred the heart of Bro. Sickler, also a stranger who commented on the passage, and Sister Cassie. L. Smith. She concluded that to suffer affliction with the people of God would result in great ad van- tage hereafter, when it came to the recom- pense of reward. There was a deep sig- nificance in* the declaration of God him- self, where he says, “ I have chosen you- in the furnace of affliction.'1. Sister Miller had come into the goodly land to stay, and a brother said he was- never so preciously saved from sin as at that moment. IT PAYS TO HONOR JESL’S. Amoug the many strangers who spoke was a venerable brother who evinced un usual familiarity with the words of Scrip-, ture. Ills experience was told with ah inspiring ring of confidence in the veracity, of God. \ ' .An Asbury Park Sister, who attended these Ocean Grove feasts of spiritual things, said she was timid to intrude, but nevertheless knew the mighty victories of faith. • - A BLESSED AND. BfcAUTl.VVL LIFE. This, Sister L. A Crane said, was what her early, and entire consignation intro- duced ber to. Her cup had been mingled with many and sore afflictions, but thanks be unto God, who always cau‘•etli ,us to triumph. Dr. Alday rose to meet .sotUe criticisms interjected on the hymn first announced, saying it might possibly suit the. case of some who were low down in religion and needed to be revived. To this end he asked friend Updegraff to. take the work’ in hand. FINISHING UP. The speaker in his terse and loving way, then reviewed the character of testi- mony given, and proposed to help. those who felt they had wandered about long euough and would like to get into a better experience at once. . It is about time,, be said, to finish up the .matter. Have you faith to go over’* This spiritual. Canaau was to him more than a place of good eating and drinking. It offered a sphere to do some good fighting—subduing all our enemies and not growing listless and inactive. Let us gird* on afresh, our armor, fora great season at Ocean Grovo this year. Arounu the altar the people then knelt down to wrestle for victory, some’ souls were blessed while they prayed and con- fessed Christ, and-Mrs. Palmer and Sister Bancroft, with a number of others, claimed large results under the promises of God. When the Hindoo priest is about to bap- tize an infant he utters the following beau- tiful sentiment: “ Little babe,-thou enter- est the world weeping, while all around thee smile; contrive to live that thou may depart in.smiles, .while all around thee weep.” Tbe faithful endeavor to do right and to bear quietly and with resignation wuat must.be.borne is of itself a fruitful source of happiness and serenity; but.a murmur- ing and discontented spirit may poison the richest blessings and turn them into bitter, evils. Fortune lost, nothing lost ;\yuraye lost, much lost ;•honor lost, more lost: jouMost,- all lost. Where Summer Bides, Down throug the mountain’', silver haze, Down through the song-tbrllled Wooded ways. And ’midst tho meadow’s drenched urasa, Tho feet of Summer swiftly pass. “ Stay : s t a y t h o yearning mountains cry. “ Stay! stay the drowsy grasses sigh. But on and on tho sweet guest fl lea With wind-blown hair and wide still eyes. On, on, until her eager feet * Abide amidst tho yellow wheat. • Lucy K. TUlty, In Harper'8 Wakly. Washington in Summer. After May Washington is in. all essen-. tlals a Southern city. HJouses change their aspect both outside and'inside, and a dis- tinct summer order reigns- Outside blinds are hooked to house windows, awnings fend off tlie sunV rays, and; floors and stairs bare, or, at the most, laid with straw mattings.- give a cooler* fresher, and: more spacious .air to .the interiors. Portieres, curtains and dust-inviting articles' disap - pear, and furniture '.slips itself into cool holland covers. Tiie White House, tlie Capitol, and the public buildings undergo, this change as much as private houses, and the city' is' in trim for its long summer siege. The doorstep becomes the draw- ing-room after dinner, and every one fol - lows this good- Southern fashion. The ladies wear white and light wash'dresses on.the streets, In hotel dining-rooms, and everywhere else, as Is not done to the same extent in any Eastern city to the north of it. The open street cars deal rheumatism, returns of la grippe, & nd summer colds.; but those who become seasoned to them and. survive; pronounce them a summer blessing. V ’..v.'"' ; , ■*. ;■ A Washington house Js li g^eat responsi- bility through -the • sum m er•:to; the Owner, who does not; cafe to or .cannot be:- in :it all the year round* * The most trusted servants, the “ perfect .treasures ” of but- lers, have furnished many sad and amus- ing stories by their cooly turning hand- some residences into colored boarding- houses for the summer. One Senator who left his house in charge of a faithful man, servant was suddenly called to Washing- ton in d deserted summer, and found a re- union of colored society on his doorstep, a colored planish vocalist, and several con-. Virsationalists enjoying the drawing-room, and quite the comedy of The Belles of the Kitchen being played without foot-lights. The great floating population of the bet- ter class, the people .without fixed homes, but with sufficient income for a life of lei- sure, complain that there is no place to go to in June. These are the people who go South in the winter and return slowly northward in the spring ; who help fill tlie watering-places in tbe summer, and at intervals make long stays on the Pacific coast and iu Europe. It is the boarding, houses and the pensions that they lilf rather than the great hotels, and to. Wash- ington they come in Increasing number- yearly: The greater proportion-of them are widows, and the women in mourning attire are two-t birds of the, whole class. For them June is too- lute to stay, in any of these Eastern cities,’and it is a season of loneliness, of carpenters, and painters at the watering-places. . It is.the tiding over of.tbeseJune weeks which.sends half of them, to Europe, where some place is•al- ways ready, and is never out of season, and ami the vagaries of the American ther- mometer are never approached.—E. Ii. .i. in.IIar}}er& Bazaar. The “ Y’s” Cjhimn. Miss Sallle: A. Moore, who is president of St. Malacby’s Ladies* Total. Abstain* edce Society in Philadelphia, and a Cath- olic lady,.has joined the W. C. T. L\, there*, by casting in her lot with the fast gather- ing. host who ' march under the banner, “ Xo sectarianism in religion, no section- :»lism in politics, no sex in citizenship, but each and all o’f us for God, and home and native lasd. Miss Moore is the first Cath- olic woman who ever spoke la public at a, convention. This sc? did before bishops and prelates at the Catholic Total Absti- nence Society’s annual meetiug-last year, having- been sent as a delegate to repre; ent 2,000 women: . Miss Moore is an able speaker and will be.a Valuable accession to the W. C. T .T . Dr. Marie L< Lakrzewska concluded a a series of. articles on “The American Wuuian,” in the I Youtens' Penny Paper oi London, with the following Interesting comparison: . . The American woman is by no means what she Is sometimes described in.Euro- pean literature* nor is she as idle iu her habits as she appears when seen as a tour- ist in Europe. An Englishman, an • ac- quaintance of mine, once said to met/. ‘ I have traveled a.good deal.and have studied a great many nationalities;' among them is one kind; of woman- who puzzles* me, namely the American. In Europe women display much more originality in manners and in dress, while in the United States all women present the same outward appear ance; but in conversation the European woman is tedious and monotonous; beyond the affairs ot the domestic circle, nothing can be talked about but the drama or mu- sic, and you receive no original views nor decided opinions, while the American wo- man is as varied in her conversation, and holds so strong opinions of her own, that I feel lost how to behave before so much loveliness in 'silk and lac ‘6 which covers the character of a man.5' .If this cannot be accepted as a truthful picture of all Amer- icans, it is certainly appropriated for the majority. . I, who have been actually aiso -1 ciated for. 30 years*' with them, can. sim ply: say, Jet us bend our heads in admiration for what .republican freedom can do for mankind, and especially for women.” R. Paradis9 "alley. : BV REV. E. II. STOKES, D. D. Having written a few verses on Para- dise Park, Ga., and now on Paradise Val- ley, here, I have thought some might Im- agine that I invent names to suit conven- iences. N ot so. I use simply the local- names existing in *the communities long before'my knowledge of either place. Paradise Valley, which' we visited yes- terday, lies at the. foot of Mt. Pleasant,; a spur of Mt. Pocono, Monroe Co., Pa; . When I left home this time, being some-' what weary, I resolved to write , nothing for print, but the following, concerning this sequestered vale, would write in defi- ance of my. resolution: I. .*• . O 'juiet vale, hemmed in by graceful mountains,- Thy rest is dreamful, robed hi jeweled blue: Where living streams gush forth from living fountains, Kiising the daisies, fresh with moring dew. . II. The rustic bridge. One rail Is rudely brbken ! Here toil retreats lu shaded rest, at noon; E‘.c comes apace, time’s monitory token, While in sweet sllenecsmiies tbe summer moon. III. Here, lovers come with measured paces slowjv; Ilere,; in soft tones, breathe :honied phrase^ ;■ ■-; ■■■ -sweet --Vv ■ ' Here:plight their faith, ih iorid affectIoht holy, ', .. While inellow music munnurs at their ieet. :',;V -'V V -:--i V*;. '■o ;f-‘ This dream oi dreamsVso real yet so fleeting,‘ . v.;: Comes to one llfe but oiice, then passes by ; Till, in immortal youth| with raptpres^iilbg^ \ The wui awakes to purer biiss-on high, . v. ; Contentment rc-Urus..* Pathways of loiviy duty, L’nfjld each day. as God ordains they should; • Each added day, unveils an added beauty, f- r And wibdom >peaks.througn nature's ioUtude V i,' The trodden road winds down through mystic hollows, . Tbeu up to suur.y glades w here laurels b!u<b ; Pai-i ancient barns inhabited by'swallows, Then eddy round into a holy hu^h. \ ' yn. ’ .." : How soit that little tuft of bright green m o^es How rough the*-.: pebole% to tne sho«Ie.»s feet;;, . So life is smooth,: or rough with.many crosses. Eu; all ic-juired to ma’ie our lives.complete. yin. , So peaceful ail J ‘Twould.seem as n’ to-morrow • Snould be as now, a soft and sweet refrain ; But, here, the church, with grave*? around, where sorrow ' . Ha* -bed her tears like silent -Summer ratn. ,x . - But see: A sunburst of a sudden dory,— ] . • Gilds all tiie landscape with a irolden glow : O, holy hope, haw blesst*! thy stoiy: . Sueh glddeniou' chance,shall all earth’s sorrows know, •• • • x, . This little cot, where kindly Christian L'reetlc^, Salute the stranger, like a swevt surj-rise: Types to tbe s'oul far more exultant m bet log*. Beyond thy gate#. O upj»«r I’aradi*!-;.';. - . . xi. ■ . k* , •. This way-side bloom, 'ail fa>hU>ntd by-our Father. ' *. • ' -. ■ . ^ To cheer his children.!n their homewanl way: Portrays how white-robed hosts In throngs sha!i • gather. .' ,*•. .. The home arrived to welcome iato day. ' . .... ••' xn. \ This deep repose, a holy rest revealing- * ^ Along through which these jaurmnring ware?s. roll;— With wordless prayers to* th-.- .rotuh wo:M ap- pealing, ’ Henceforth.no more, to brvak ;lds rest ui ?oul. Mt. Pbausht, //«., J'tu*. Graduating Days. The present week, commencing with last Sunday morning’s Diccalaureate ser- mon by. Hev.' Dr, Scuilder, in th.e.pulpl: o:‘ the Kirst M. E. Church, Asbury Pars, has furnished an interesting series-of school exercises, in wh if h.i>j:h#Grove and Park have' shown a commendable ptide anl pleasure. Yhe schools here. ure.celebrated' for their devotion to the purposes of thorough education; principals, teache;s and -cholar.s alike appear :»/ be actuate. 1 . j with the spirit of emulation In maintain* Ing the high reputation they have hereto- fore achieved for making tbe best possible record. We enjoyed the privilege of listening to Dr. Scudder’s very appropriate, and eloquent discourse, and have watched the proceedings of commencement week, with its prize contests, literary and musical exercises, and graduating ceremonies with peculiar gratification. Tbo only draw- back to all this is our inability to' print complete reports of tbe felicitous occa- sion, one which reflects the greatest credit on our School Board In their liberal devis- ing and judicious management. . ' ■ ' Mrs, Eobsrt Steele. This . “ elect lady” passed from . her earthly home in>Newark, ,'K.V. J., to tiie heavenly mansion on' June 10. When with us at Ocean Grove; her home was on the corner of Pennsylvania and Abbott, avenues. The spirit of this place was especially congenial to her soul,: and dur- ing tlie last months she bad' been looking for ward with unusual longing to tbe enjoy- ment.'of again participating In the Palmer meeting and in' the social services Of-f?t. P a u l ’s 7 Church.: Among ^the* surprises awaiting her when she entered the Golden Gate;was the meeting with Sisters'S. L. M iller andH . L. Field, as her. own serious illness prevented ner being Informed of the.death, of these friends. ' Her funeral services were conducted In- fc't. Luke’s M: E. Church; Newark, NV J., by.her pastor, Rev. A. Mann, Jr., and Hev. A. D. Vail, D.D, of White Plains, N. Y. .. Home Mission Work. The W. C. T. U. of Ocean Grove, ut their- business meeting teudered a vote of thanks through the Superintendent of Almshouse work,: to the brethren and all who have kindly aided in carrying on the meetings at the almshouse during the past winter and spring. Thanks are especially due to Rev. G. R. Snyder, who has greatly; assist- ed 'us in arranging for arid: securing per-, sons to conduct the same. He has stdod by us unflinchingly in our efforts to .bring alwut needed;reform. ■ Iso to those who have -furnished conveyances, ■chief ■ : of wiiom are Capt iMinton and ^Irsv{W.: M. Pawley,-; Of Asbury Park. ' The meetings are held each ^Sabbath ,afterhoon, ■Q n the second Sunday In the month the_ services are conducted by the Iadie's of the Union und ’friends.- Our State Superintendent, Mrs, S..J. Downs, has accompanied us on several occasions, and other visitors, who have kindly assisted and added interest to the occasion. We have felt the presence and approval of the Master its we have gone in Christ's stead to carry the *mes sage of ’salvation, und we know there are those there who had never before heard the story of Jesus aud hU love. They tell us the meeting is anxiously looked for- ward to, and the kindly grasp of the hand and- the lighting up* of the eye tell .the silent appreciation. While the chief aim is to minister to the spiritual need, :the temporal wants have not been overlooked. Through the; kindness of the Union and friends we have been able to give the in- mates ,glimpses of. sunshine and good cheer in many substantial forms (remind- ers. to some, ot better days;. Itockiug chairs have been, provided, the aged.'and iuiirm. One man'over Op years of age and very.intelligent, sits in a large chair kindly, furnished by Mr. J. A. Wain- wright. Another crippled woman enjoys with comfort one procured by the ladies,. Several copies of the Word of God in ex- tra, large tvpe bavc been placed'there, through tiie kindness and courtesy of Mr.. J. S. Yard, agent <»f . the..Monmouth Co. Bible.Society, for all of which the Super- intendent returns-thanks. And to the friends .who so kindly and generously, contributed to the entertainment furnished on our late visit-. ;'To the young ladies of Mrs. E. E. Boyd's ’Bible Class, who with other friends- furnished such beautiful cake. To the young men of- Col. Patter - son's Bible Cl“.t 5, who kindly contributed. To M r. San ford,; w ho, t h rou L*h his : wo 1 it- tie biys in our own class, again responded to the call. Aljove. all 1 to bur Heavenly Father would we render *our trIbute of prsdse for his guidance and the.opi&ning up of the way, as we have yone forward. Let.us'all remember, •* There are lonely hearts to cherish while the Jays :ire-going by,” and the.tim e is short.- - • *,; . ' -* M; A. , •*H o w. ^n O :e ? n a tea mi r Is Ma na?ed V; -is the subjwt oi an Article by W. ,T. lleqlerson, wi;ch will io:si the.iliasirued sapplement to Y'jutyj Ji-’jr'- foe June C ' 4.. To most j erson* coD’tecipistlDg ka.o^ean v.ora^e, ai w a s to ail yottag rcAder-, this artieie will cc.aTey valuable a sabjsct s o t geceraji .* wv!» utid*:rr*.o*>i. ; . PHOGRAMMB OF SPECIAL SL'MMF.Tl SEUVICES AT OCEAN OltOVE, N. •!., SEASON OF 1800. 1. Auditorium opening and Summer .Sabbath* school—June iffl.. •' 2. National Anniversary of American Independ- ence, Oration by Rev. James Moore—Friday, July 1,10..7) a. m. 3. W. C. T. U. of N» J„ Mrs.-S. J. C. Downs, pre - siding—Saturday, Sabbath and Monday, July .r»,Cand7. I. National Division, Sons of Temperance—Wed* ’ nesday, Thursday, Friday, July 9,20.11, k Ocean Grove Sunday-school Asvembly—Satur* " day, July 12, to Tuesday, July 22. 0, Chautauqua L. S. C'. and S. S. Assembly' Grad- uation day, Oration by Kev. J. M. Buckley, D.D.—Wednesday,.July 2::, J0.;^)a. m. 7. African Methodist Episcopal Church Jubilee— Thursday, July 24. S. Epworth League—Friday. July 23. 0. Principals qf Methodist Episcopal Semlnarie.s of tbe UnitedSiatesj-Saturday and Sabbath. July 2G and 27. 10. New Jersey Sabbat li Union, Rev. J. II. Knowles and Itev. W, J. It. Taylor, Monday, July 2«. 11. General Hospital Day, P.tv. A. liittenhouse D.D.—Tuesday, July'29. 12. National Temperance and Publication .Sofjlety, J. N. Stearns—Wednesday, July 'X>, to Sunday Aug. 3. 13. Ocean Grove Anniversary Sermon, In connec- tion with National Temperance Society—Sab- bath, Aug. 3,10.30 a. in., Sermon by Kev. a : B. • Leonard, D.P., Missionary Secretary 51. E. Church. / - H. Vonng Men’s Christian Association of Newark; N. J.—Monday, Aug. |. IC.SIa. rh. and 3 p. m. 13. Ocean Grove Memorial Service—Monday, Aug. i, 7.:» p. m, . , 10. Women's Home Missionary Society—Tuesday, An?. 3. 17. Interdenominational- liible Convention,' Dr. Munball—Wednesday, Aug. 6, to Sabbath ' evening, Aug. 10. IS. Dickinson College Day, Rev. Dr. Keed, Pres’t —Tuesday, Aug. 12. . 19. King's Daughters, Mrs. Bottdme-^Wcdnesday,. . Aug. 13. 20. Women’s Encouragement Meetings—Thursday and Friday, Aug. l t and 13, 21. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society—Satur- day and Sabbath, Aug, 10 and 17. 22. Annual Camp-meeting—Tuesday, Aug. 19, to Friday. Aug.‘29. Prof. J. R. Sweney wih conduct the singing dur- • ing too c'amp-meeting.- . . Ho\ine*s Meeting iu the TaV>emacle, conducted by Mrs. Dr. Paltner; Young People* h Meeting, led by Rev. C. II. Yatman; Jn addition to these Mr. Yatman will conduct the Twilight Meetings dur- ing the C'imp-raeeting, and also meetings for men every Sabbath at I p. m. . Surf Meetings every Sabbath evening during the season when weather will allow. E. H. STOKES, Pres’t Between the Lights, A little pause in life, while daylight linger-s Between the sunset and the pale moonrise, ' When dally labor slips from weary finger*,. And soft, gray shadows veil the' aching eyes. Peace, peace, the Lord of earth and heaven knoweth * • The human soul In all Its heat and strife; Out of Hi-,'throne no stream of Lethe /!?w*’tb. But the olear river of eternal U:e. •' • Serve lilrn in.dally work and earnest living. Anil faith -hall lift thee to Ilh suailt heights; Thea shall a psalm of trladnes^and thanksgiving Fill the.' calm hour that, e.ornes between tlie . lights. Mfxytzint. A minister devoid of tbe love of Chri-t. is like a Cunard s;eitmf*r with'her tires ex- tinguishing* in midocean. The whole machinery stops; the voyage is inter- rupted. The cram! aim of her construc- tion. i« defeated. We have a ln«»tionless hull instead of a thing of life and power, capable of transporting men across the. deep. The great baptism of love is the motive power in the life.of a minister. It kindles and inspires him. It sets the- whole machinery of his life in motion for Ibe service of humanity.. The wheels in his spiritual mechanism are alive; »m fire, and glow like those In- the vision of the prophet. Under this lofty inspiration In- activity is impossible., liy un inward ne- cessity he Is impelled to the woik of God. A burdenjs upon hiin, and'a woe Is felt, if he do not go out in labor for the salva- tion of men.— IUr^hl. Among tbe noteworthy articles in 11n r - ' P’t'i JJ'&tr to.be published June 27th will be u sketch by Mrs. Helen H. Ilackus, President of the Vasoar Aluuma.*, entitled “ Vxssar at Twenty-five.” Emma Moffett Tyng will’ contribute to the series of* papers on Exercise for Women, an article on .” Walking,” .to appear iu the same number. "•*•.'■ , Tb« Itev. J. <:». Wil.vvn, •A.'-M., li. I)., of Philalelphia, has received the , degree of Doctor of iJivinity from his alma mater, the Illinois-Wesleyan University, at tbe ; recent Commencement. Dr. Wilson is closing a very successful pastorate at TaU rnacle Church; Philadelphia. . The Kev. Charles E. Miller, pastor of First Methodist Episcopal Church; Brook- lyu; K. Y-,Was iiven the.degree’ of 0. D. by Wichita University, of the. Dutch Re* i formed Church, at the .fee'efit Commence- m e n t.' ' ..*■ liUliop Andrews will preach the Baccfi- laureate serm on at the Ocean'Grov*; .Sun- day-V;hool.V-setuMy ou .S lbbitb, J uly 20.’. at lOM'J a. ej ‘* . .

REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor, OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · The hymn however had to be sung, and would have proved ... THE CCP. OF SALVATION, and offer thanksgiving and praise to Him

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REV. A. W A L LA C E , D, D., Editor, OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1890. VOL. XVI NO, 26.

" I Am w ith You A lw ay."

’Tis sweet to rend the promise He h a th given To cheer our hearts along the pilgrim way,

B ut sw eeter far to know Its blest fulfilment,And hum bly walk w ith Jesus day to day.

To walk w ith Jc su b ! w ho shall tell tho gladness Of those whose dally life the M aster shares?

W ho hear Ii Ib voice, so full of love and pity,And rest on Him th e ir burdens and th e ir cares.

And this is m ine—th o joy of kbow ing Jcsub,And walking in the sunlight of h is sm ile ;

Mine Is th e peace tb a t floweth like a river, ..Deeper and broader growing all th o while.

No more a transient guest my sav iour com eth,To bless m e b u t awhile and th en d e p a rt ;

But w ith m e now Ho everm ore abldeth,And w.ith his own g!ad presence fills my heart.

Sometimes, when b usy with my daily, labor, . .Yet th ink ing oi the m ighty love He bore,

Some precious promise unto me He g lv e th ,. Oft-read, perhaps, but never m ine before.

I know not why He gives his choicest blessings To one so undeserving as his son ; '

But, s ince He calls, w ith willing feet I hasten, Content and glad to hear him s a y ," Well done,”

Content to walk in paths of his own choosing, Since H e will hold my hand along the w a y ; :

Content to know th at I am journeying home* ward, ' '

And b righter grows. th e pilgrim ’s pat h each dny.

Testimony in the Tabernacle.i; L ast S unday, J u n e 22, although a c loudy

’day -a fte r recen t and heavy ra in , w as p e r­vaded in its sp iritu a l a tm osphere w ith th e b r ig h tn ess * o f th e Sun of R ighteousness, and the s tim u la tin g breezes from th a t ce lestia l coun try ca lled •' B u lah la n d ." :

. A fte r tw o serm ons d u rin g th e forenoon, one a t St. P a u l’s C hurch , by R ev .-D . P i U pdegraff, and th e o ther in th e Taber* nacle.by R : K elso Carter,* both gen tlem en being v isito rs a t O cean G rove, and guests o f D r. D. M . B arr, a t the H y g iea H otel, th e u sual a fternoon expe rience m eeting ca lled ou t a very la rg e congrega tion of those described by th e old p ro p h e t M ala- ch i w hen look ing dow n th e fu tu re ages h e exc la im ed : “ T h en , th e y th a t feared th e L ord spake o ften one to an o th er * * and a book o f rem em brance w as w ritten befo re h im fo r those who feared tb e Lord, and th o u g h t upon h is nam e.”

I t w as ev iden t even before th e exerc ises com m enced th a t the people had been g rea tly en thused by th e m o rn in g devo­tions, and filled w ith th e d iv ine afflatus, w ere disposed to “ l e t . th e ir J o y s be know n,” b u t the delib e ra te le ad e r o f th e m eeting , be ing in a so rt o f sub junctive m ood, l ik e th e hy rira is t w ho an n o u n c ed : “ M y th o u g h ts on aw fu l sub jec ts ro ll,” selected as h is opening, hym n th e d o le fu l ly r ic o f D r. W atts (277) assum ing th a t “ T hese c >ld hearts o f ours” s tru g g le d “ in vain ” tb tu n e “ o u r form al songs,” and w ere hopelessly p ro stra te in lang u ish in g hosannahs, w ith devotion in a g roveling condition , ab o u t to d ie fo r w ant o f b rea th — in fac t rep resen tin g a sta te o f ex p e ­rien ce w hich m ay have been com m on a h u n d red yea rs ago, b u t as d iffe ren t fro m ’ th e average te m p era tu re . o f an . O cean. G rove aud ience as the m oon is u n lik e g reen cheese , or the sen tim en tso f C harles W esley a re su p erio r to th e do le fu l incon*

. g ru itie s o f th a t class of Christians w ho m erely hope thut th e y h ave a hope,and lu x ­u ria te in th e p riv ileg e of liv in g a t “ th is poo r dy in g rate .” .

T h e hym n how ever had to be sung , and w ould have proved


b u t fo r th e recu p e ra tiv e en e rg y o f ready fa ith w hich gave the “ hosannahs” a live ­lie r tone, and tided tiie m eeting ov er th e “ la n g u ish in g ” crisis, w h ile Revs. G eorge C lark and \ \ \ H . M eeker p ray ed un til heaven and ea rth cam e toge ther.

T he one hund red and s ix teen th P sa lm , then read by D r. A lday, seem ed to be m ore in unison w ith th e s p i r i to f th e h o u r aud k ind led a t once the fervor o f those w ho lik e D avid w ere ready to take


and offer th anksg iv ing and p ra ise to H im w h o bad delivered th e ir souls from dea th , th e ir eyes from tears and th e ir fee t from fa lling .

Bro. B row ning sa id he loved th e Lord for th e very sam e reason th e P sa lm ist g ives, in th e w ords read . H e rem arked ou th e s im ila rity o f expression am ong a ll saved peop le th ro u g h a ll th e ages. L a st S abbath lie lis ten ed to converts from In d ia , C eylon and th e Is le s o f th e S ea, w ho w ere in th is v ic in ity te s tify in g th a t th e y had found J e su s and a fu ll sa lva tion th ro u g h h is precious aton iug blood.

Bro. M eeker th o u g h t It a good p la n to g e t in a w ord o f te stim ony a t th e begin- n in g o f the m eeting , fo r a l i t t le la te r th e re w ou ld be no chance. T h is p a rtic u la r s ea ­son o f g raduation exerc ises a t th e schools suggested som e im p ortan t lessons. Those w ho lost tim e o r failed to im prove o p p o r­tu n itie s, d id n ’t com e out so w e l l ; so we fill shou ld be in a h u rry p rep a rin g fo r o u r com ing g raduation d a y '.. . ,

ENTERING CANAAN*.A b ro th e r, re fe rr in g to th e serm on a t St.

P au l's in th e forenoon, said i t w as h is hapt p y experience to have fin ished th e w ilder- ness jo u rn e y . H e en te red in by fa ith and enjoyed th e p rom ised rest. O thers te s ti­fied to th e sam e effect, and la te r w hen F rien d U pdegraff asked a ll p resen t, w ho h ad go tten in , to rise , It looked as if th e S p ir it of C aleb and Jo sh u a had g enera lly prevailed .

Bro. P u rd y had the cong rega tion to jo in h im in a favo rite -hym n, “ M y soul be on tb y guard ,” -&c., and said h e was th rough w ith th e b a ttle now*.' H e had n o t m uch to do o r say, b u t he w as.kep t saved and sw eet in o ld age. • -1

T h e chorus, “ B lessed be the name,V &c., fu rn ished to several an ap p ro p ria te ex p res­sion of th e ir p resen t ex p e rien ce , and Bro. E rec , of B altim ore , re la ted how fu lly Capt. C arter’s discourse- in the T abernacle m et th e . Wants o f h is soul, “ M y p resence shall go w ith thee,” &e. * •

LONGING FOR HOME.Bro; K ennedy was fam ilia r w ith bodily,

suffering , and h is greatest, a llev ia tion and com fort was to g e t am ong th e peop le of G od, w ho w ere bound fo r heaven. H e th o u g h t i t p robab le th a t he m ig h t soon be p erm itted to go up and spend an e te rn ity w ith J e s u s . .; . ; ■ 0 ’-- ■. ’ :■:

S is ter In sk ip led in a lively stanza, and said sh e asp ired to be co m plete—not In h erse lf, o r an y th in g e lse b u t C h ris t. She was w onderfu lly saved.

TH E CHOICE OF MOSES, as refe rred to in one o f th e m o rn in g ser- m ons, s tirre d the h e a rt o f B ro . S ick ler, also a s tran g e r w ho com m ented on th e passage, and S is te r Cassie. L . S m ith . She concluded th a t to su ffer affliction w ith th e peo p le of G od w ould re s u lt in g re a t ad van­tage he rea fte r , w hen it cam e to th e recom ­pense of rew ard . T h e re was a d ee p s ig ­n ificance in* th e dec lara tion o f G od h im ­self, w here h e says, “ I have chosen you- in the fu rnace o f affliction .'1.

S is te r M iller h ad com e in to th e goodly land to stay, and a b ro the r said he was- never so p rec iously saved from s in as a t th a t m om ent.

IT PAYS TO HONOR JESL’S.A m oug th e m any s tran g e rs w ho spoke

was a venerab le b ro ther w ho ev inced un usual fam ilia rity w ith th e w ords o f Scrip-, tu re . I lls expe rience w as to ld w ith ah in sp irin g rin g o f confidence in th e veracity, of G od. \ '

.A n A sbury P a rk S is ter, w ho a ttended these O cean G rove feasts o f sp iritu a l th ings, said sh e w as tim id to in tru d e , b u t n evertheless k new th e m igh ty v ic to ries o f fa ith . • -

A BLESSED AND. BfcAUTl.VVL L IFE.T h is, S is te r L. A C rane said , w as w hat

h e r early, and en tire consigna tion in tro ­duced ber to. H e r c u p h ad been m ingled w ith m any and sore afflictions, b u t th an k s be u n to G od, w ho a lw ays ca u ‘•etli ,us to tr iu m p h .

D r. A lday rose to m e e t .sotUe c ritic ism s in terjec ted on th e h y m n first announced , say ing i t m ig h t possib ly su it the . case of som e w ho w ere low dow n in re lig io n and needed to be rev ived . T o th is end h e asked friend U pdegraff to. ta k e th e w ork’ in hand.

FINISHING UP.T h e sp eak er in h is te rse and loving

w ay, th e n rev iew ed th e ch a ra c te r o f te s ti­m ony g iven , and proposed to help . those w ho fe l t th e y had w andered ab o u t long euough and w ould lik e to g et in to a b e tte r expe rience a t once . . I t is ab o u t tim e ,, be said, to finish u p th e .m atter. H ave you fa ith to go o v e r ’* T h is s p ir itu a l. C anaau w as to h im m ore than a p lace o f good ea tin g and d r in k in g . I t offered a sphere to d o som e good figh ting—su b d u in g all o u r enem ies and not g row ing listless and inactive. L et u s gird* on afresh , o u r arm or, f o r a g rea t season a t O cean G rovo th is year.

A rounu th e a l ta r th e peop le th e n kne lt dow n to w restle fo r v ic to ry , so m e’ souls w ere b lessed w h ile th e y p rayed and con­fessed C hrist, and-M rs. P a lm e r and S ister B ancroft, w ith a num ber o f o thers, c laim ed la rg e resu lts u n d e r th e p rom ises o f God.

W hen th e H indoo p rie s t is ab o u t to bap­tize an in fan t h e u tte rs th e fo llow ing beau­tifu l s en tim en t: “ L ittle babe ,-thou enter- es t th e w orld w eep ing , w h ile a ll around thee sm ile ; con trive to live th a t th o u m ay d e p a rt in .sm ile s , .w hile a ll a round thee w eep.”

T b e fa ith fu l endeavor to d o r ig h t and to b ea r q u ie tly and w ith res igna tion w uat m ust.be .bo rne is o f itse lf a f ru it fu l source of happ iness and se ren ity ; b u t.a m u rm u r­in g and d iscon ten ted sp ir i t m ay poison th e rich est blessings and tu rn th em in to b itte r, evils.

Fortune lost, n o th ing lo s t;\yu raye lost, m uch lo s t;•honor lost, m ore lo s t: jouM ost,- all lost. ’

W here Summer Bides,

Down th roug the m oun tain ’', silver haze, Down through th e song-tbrllled Wooded ways. And ’m idst tho m eadow ’s drenched urasa,Tho feet of Sum m er swiftly pass.“ Stay : s t a y t h o yearn ing m ountains cry. “ Stay! stay the drow sy grasses sigh.But on and on tho sw eet g uest fl lea With wind-blown hair and wide s till eyes.On, on, un til h e r eager fee t *Abide am idst tho yellow w h eat. •

Lucy K. TUlty, In Harper'8 W akly .

W ashington in Summer.A fte r M ay W ash ing ton is in. a ll essen-.

tla ls a S ou thern city . HJouses c h a n g e th e ir aspect both ou tside an d 'in s id e , an d a d is­tin c t sum m er o rd e r reigns- O utside b lin d s a re hooked to house w indow s, aw nings fend off tlie s u n V rays , and; floors and s ta irs bare, o r, a t the m ost, la id w ith straw mattings.- g ive a cooler* fresh er, a n d : m ore spacious .air to .the in terio rs . P o rtie res , cu rta in s and d u st-inv iting artic les ' d isap­pear, and fu rn itu re '.slips itse lf in to cool ho lland covers. T iie W h ite H o u se , tlie Capitol, and th e pu b lic b u ild in g s undergo, th is change as m uch as p riv a te houses, and the c ity ' is ' in trim fo r its lo n g sum m er siege. T h e doo rstep becom es th e d raw ­ing-room a f te r d in n e r, an d every one fo l­lows th is good- S ou th ern fashion. T h e ladies w ear w h ite and lig h t w ash 'd resses on .the stree ts , In hote l din ing-room s, and everyw here else , as Is n o t done to th e sam e ex ten t in any E aste rn c ity to th e n o rth o f it. T h e open s tre e t cars deal rheum atism , re tu rn s o f la grippe, & n d sum m er c o ld s .; b u t those w ho becom e seasoned to them and. survive; p ronounce them a sum m er b lessing . V ’..v.'"' ; , ■*. ;■

A W ashington house J s li g^eat responsi­b ility th ro u g h -the • s u m m e r•:to; th e Owner, w ho does n o t ; ca fe to o r .cannot be:- in :i t all th e year round* * T h e m ost tru s ted servants, the “ p e rfec t .treasures ” o f b u t­le rs, have fu rn ished m any sad and am us­ing s to rie s by th e ir cooly tu rn in g h and ­som e res idences in to co lo red b o ard ing ­houses for th e sum m er. One S en a to r w ho left h is house in cha rge o f a fa ith fu l m an, servan t was sudden ly ca lled to W ash ing ­ton in d deserted sum m er, and found a re ­union o f co lo red socie ty on h is doorstep , a co lored p lan ish vocalist, and several con-. V irsationalists en joy ing th e draw ing-room , and qu ite the com edy of The Belles of the Kitchen b e in g played w ith o u t foot-lights.

T he g rea t floa ting p o pu la tion o f th e bet­te r class, th e people .w ithout fixed hom es, but w ith sufficient incom e for a li fe o f le i­sure, com p lain th a t th e re is no p la ce to go to in J u n e . T h ese a re th e peop le w h o go South in th e w in te r an d re tu rn slow ly northw ard in th e sp r in g ; w ho h e lp fill tlie w atering-p laces in tb e sum m er, and at in tervals m ake lo n g stays on th e Pacific coast and iu E u rope . I t is th e boarding, houses and th e pensions th a t th e y lilf ra ther than th e g rea t ho te ls , and to . W ash­ing ton th e y com e in Increasing n u m b e r- yearly : T h e g rea te r p ropo rtion -o f them are w idow s, and th e w om en in m ourn ing a ttire a re two-t b ird s o f th e , w ho le class. F o r th em J u n e is too- lu te to stay, in any of th e se E astern cities,’ and it is a season of loneliness, of ca rpen ters , and pa in te rs at th e w atering-p laces. . I t is .th e t id in g over o f .tb e s e J u n e w eeks w hich .sends h a lf of them , to E u ro p e , w here som e p lace i s • a l­w ays ready , and is never o u t o f season, and ami th e vagaries o f th e A m erican th e r­m om ete r a re nev e r app ro ach ed .—E. Ii. .i. in.IIar}}er& Bazaar.

The “ Y ’s” Cjhimn.M iss S allle : A . M oore, w ho is p res iden t

of St. M alacby ’s Ladies* T o ta l. Abstain* edce Socie ty in P h ila d e lp h ia , and a Cath­olic lady ,.has jo in ed th e W . C. T. L \, there*, by ca stin g in h e r lo t w ith the fast g a th er­ing. host w ho ' m arch u n d e r th e banner, “ X o sectarian ism in re lig io n , no section- :»lism in po litics, no sex in c itizensh ip , but each and a ll o’f u s fo r G od, and h o m e and native la sd . M iss M oore is th e first Cath­olic w om an w ho eve r sp o k e la p u b lic a t a, convention . T h is sc ? d id befo re b ishops and p re la tes a t th e C atho lic T o ta l A bsti­nence S ocie ty ’s annua l m e etiug -las t year, having- been sen t as a d e legate to rep re ; en t 2,000 w om en: . M iss M oore is an able

sp eak er and w ill b e .a V aluable accession to the W . C. T .T .

Dr. M arie L< L ak rzew sk a conc luded a a series of. a r t ic le s on “ T h e A m erican W uuian,” in th e I You tens' Penny Paper oi London, w ith the fo llow ing In te resting co m parison : . .

T h e A m erican w om an is by no m eans w hat sh e Is som etim es described in .E uro- pean literature* nor is she as id le iu her hab its as she appears w hen seen as a to u r­i s t in E u rope . A n E n g lish m an , an • ac­qua in tance o f m ine, once sa id to m e t/ . ‘ I have traveled a.good dea l.and have stud ied a g reat m any n a tio n a litie s ;' am ong them is one k in d ; o f w om an- w ho puzzles* me,

nam ely th e A m erican . In E u rope w om en d isp lay m uch m ore o rig in a lity in m anners and in dress, w h ile in th e U nited S ta tes all wom en p re sen t th e sam e ou tw ard ap p ear ance; b u t in conversation th e E uropean wom an is ted ious and m onotonous; beyond the affairs ot th e dom estic c irc le , n o th ing can be ta lk e d ab o u t b u t th e d ram a o r m u­sic, and you rece iv e no o rig in a l view s nor decided op in ions, w h ile th e A m erican wo­man is as varied in h e r conversation , and holds so s tro n g op in ions o f h e r ow n, th a t I feel lo s t how to behave before so m uch loveliness in 'silk and lac ‘6 w h ich covers the ch a rac te r o f a m an .5' . I f th is can n o t be accepted as a tru th fu l p ic tu re o f all A m er­icans, it is c e rta in ly ap p ro p ria ted fo r the m ajority . . I , w ho have b ee n ac tu a lly aiso - 1 ciated for. 30 years*' w ith th em , can. s im p ly : say, Jet us bend o u r head s in adm iration for w ha t .rep u b lican freedom can do fo r m ankind , and especia lly fo r w om en.” R.

Paradis9 "a lley . :BV REV. E . II. STOKES, D. D.

H av in g w ritten a few verses on P ara­dise P a rk , Ga., an d now on P a rad ise Val- ley, he re , I have th o u g h t som e m ig h t Im­agine th a t I in v en t nam es to s u it conven­iences. N o t so. I use s im p ly th e local- nam es ex isting in * th e co m m u n ities long befo re 'm y k n o w led g e o f e ith e r place.

P arad ise V alley , w h ic h ' we v isited yes­terday, lies at the. foot o f M t. P leasant,; a spu r o f M t. P ocono, M onroe Co., P a; .

W hen I le f t hom e th is tim e , be ing some-' w hat w eary , I reso lved to w rite , no th ing fo r p r in t, b u t th e fo llow ing , concern ing th is sequeste red vale , w ou ld w rite in defi­ance o f my. reso lu tio n :

I. .*• .O 'juiet vale, hem m ed in by graceful mountains,-

Thy rest is dream ful, robed hi jeweled b lu e : Where liv ing stream s gush forth from living

fountains,Kiising the daisies, fresh w ith m oring dew . .

II.The rustic bridge. One rail Is rudely brbken !

Here toil retreats lu shaded rest, a t n oon ;E‘.c comes apace, tim e’s m onitory token,

While in sweet sllenecsm iies tb e sum m er moon.

III.Here, lovers come w ith m easured paces slowjv;

Ilere,; in soft tones, b reathe :honied phrase^;■ ■-; ■■■ - sweet --Vv ■'Here:plight the ir faith, ih iorid affectIoht holy, ',.. W hile inellow m usic m unnurs a t th e ir ieet.

:',;V - 'V V -:--i V*;. '■ o ;f-‘This dream oi dreamsVso real yet so f lee tin g ,‘. v.;:

Comes to one llfe b u t oiice, then passes by ;Till, in im m ortal you th | w ith r a p tp r e s ^ i i lb g ^ \

The w ui awakes to pu rer biiss-on high, .

• • v . ; ’Contentm ent rc-Urus..* Pathways o f loiviy duty,

L’n f jld each day. as God ordains they s h o u ld ; • Each added day, unveils a n added beauty, f- r

And wibdom >peaks.througn nature 's ioUtude

V i , 'The trodden road w inds down through mystic

hollows, .Tbeu u p to suur.y glades w here laurels b!u<b ;

Pai-i ancient b a rn s inhabited by'swallows,Then eddy round in to a holy hu^h.

\ ■' y n . ’ . ." : •How soit that little tuft o f bright green m o ^ e s

How rough the*-.: pebole% to tn e sho«Ie.»s feet;;, . So life is smooth,: o r rough w ith.m any crosses.

Eu; a ll ic-juired to m a’ie o ur lives.complete.

yin. ,So peaceful ail J ‘Twould.seem as n’ to-morrow •

Snould be as now, a soft and sweet refrain ;But, here, th e church , with grave*? around, where

sorrow • ' .Ha* -bed her tears like silent -Summer ratn.

, x . - ■ But s e e : A sunburst o f a sudden d o ry ,— ] . •

Gilds all tiie landscape w ith a irolden g lo w :O, holy hope, haw blesst*! th y s to iy : .

Sueh glddeniou' chance,shall a ll ea rth ’s sorrow s know,

•• • • x, . ‘This lit tle co t, w here kindly Christian L 'reetlc^ ,

Salute th e stranger, like a swevt surj-rise: Types to tb e s'oul fa r m ore ex u ltan t m bet log*.

Beyond th y gate#. O upj»«r I’aradi*!-;.';.

- . . xi. ■. k *, •.This way-side bloom , 'ail fa>hU>ntd b y -o u r

F ather. ' *. • ' -. ■ . ^To cheer his children.!n th e ir hom ew anl w a y :

Portrays how white-robed hosts In throngs sha!i• gather. .' ,*•. ..

The hom e arrived to welcom e ia to day . '

. . . . . ••' xn. \This deep repose, a holy rest revealing- *

Along through which these jau rm n rin g ware?s. r o ll ;—

With wordless prayers to* th-.- .ro tu h wo:M ap­pealing, ’

H encefo rth .no m ore, to brvak ;lds rest u i ?oul. M t. P b a u sh t, //«., J'tu*.

G raduating Days.T h e p re sen t w eek , com m encing w ith

last S unday m o rn in g ’s D iccalau reate s e r ­mon by. Hev.' D r, Scuilder, in th .e .pu lp l: o:‘ th e K irst M. E . C hurch , A sb u ry P a rs , has furn ished an in te re s tin g se rie s-o f school exerc ises, in w h i f h .i> j:h# G rove an d P ark have ' show n a com m endab le p tid e a n l pleasure. Y he schools here. u re.ce lebra ted ' fo r th e ir devo tion to th e purposes o f tho ro u g h ed u c a tio n ; p rinc ipals , te ache;s and -cholar.s a l ik e ap p ear :»/ be ac tuate .1. j

w ith th e s p i r i t of em ula tion In maintain* Ing the h ig h repu ta tion th e y have here to ­fore ach ieved fo r m ak ing tb e best possible reco rd . ‘

W e en joyed th e p riv ileg e o f lis ten in g to D r. S cudder’s very ap p ro p ria te , and e loquen t d iscourse, and have w atched th e p roceed ings o f com m encem en t w eek, w ith its prize contests, lite ra ry and m usical exerc ises, and g rad u a tin g ce rem on ies w ith p ec u lia r gratifica tion . T bo only d raw ­back to a ll th is is ou r in a b ili ty to' p r in t com p lete rep o rts of tbe fe lic itous occa­sion, one w hich reflec ts th e g rea te s t c red it on our School B oard In th e ir lib e ra l devis­ing and ju d ic io u s m anagem ent. . ' ■ '

Mrs, Eobsrt Steele.T his . “ e lec t lady” passed from . h e r

ea rth ly hom e i n > N ew ark , ,'K.V. J . , to tiie heavenly m ansion o n ' J u n e 10. W hen w ith u s a t O cean G rove; h e r hom e was on the co rn er of P ennsy lvan ia and Abbott, avenues. T h e s p ir i t o f th is place was especia lly congenial to her soul,: and dur- in g tlie la s t m onths she bad ' been look ing for ward w ith unusual lo ng ing to tb e enjoy- m ent.'of aga in p a rtic ip a tin g In th e P a lm er m eeting and in' th e social serv ices Of-f?t. P a u l’s 7 C hurch .: A m ong ^the* su rp rises aw aiting h e r w hen she en te red th e G olden G ate ;w as th e m ee tin g w ith S is te rs ' S. L. M ille r a n d H . L . F ie ld , as her. ow n serious illness p reven ted n e r be ing In fo rm ed o f th e .d e a th , o f these friends. ' H e r funeral services w ere conduc ted In- fc't. L u k e ’s M:E . C hu rch ; N ew ark , NV J ., b y .h e r pastor, Rev. A . M ann, J r . , and Hev. A. D. V ail,D .D , o f W hite P la in s, N . Y .

.. Home Mission Work.T he W . C. T. U . o f O cean G rove, u t their-

business m eeting teudered a vote of thanks th rough th e S u p erin ten d en t of A lm shouse work,: to th e b re th ren and all w ho have k in d ly a id ed in ca rry in g on the m eetings a t th e alm shouse d u rin g th e past w in te r and sp ring . T h a n k s a re especia lly d u e to Rev. G. R . Snyder, w ho has greatly; assist­ed 'us in a rra n g in g fo r arid: secu ring per-, sons to conduc t th e sam e. H e h as stdod by us unflinch ing ly in our efforts to .bring alw ut n eeded ;re fo rm . ■ Iso to those who have -fu rn ish e d conveyances, ■ c h ie f ■: of wiiom are C a p t iM inton and ^Irsv{W .: M . Pawley,-; Of A sbu ry P ark . ' T h e m eetings a re he ld each Sabbath , a fterhoon , ■ Q n the second S unday In th e m onth the_ serv ices a re conducted by th e Iadie's o f th e U nion und ’friends.- O ur S tate S uperin tenden t, M rs, S ..J . D ow ns, has accom pan ied us on several occasions, and o th e r v isitors, who have k in d ly assisted and added in te re s t to th e occasion. W e have fe lt th e p resence and approval o f th e M aster its we have gone in C h ris t's s tead to ca rry th e *mes sage o f ’sa lvation , und we know th e re are those th e re w ho had never before heard th e story o f J e su s aud hU love . T hey te ll u s th e m ee tin g is anx iously looked for- w ard to , and th e k in d ly g rasp o f th e hand and- th e lig h tin g up* o f th e eye te ll .the s ile n t app rec ia tio n . W hile th e c h ie f aim is to m in is te r to th e s p ir itu a l need , :the tem poral w ants have not been overlooked. T hrough th e ; k indness o f th e U nion and frien d s w e have been able to g ive th e in ­m ates , g lim pses of. sunsh ine and good ch e e r in m any substan tia l fo rm s (rem in d ­ers. to som e, o t be tte r days;. Itock iug ch a irs have been , provided , th e aged .'and iu iirm . O ne m a n 'o v e r Op yea rs o f age and very .in te llig en t, sits in a la rg e ch a ir k in d ly , fu rn ish ed by M r. J . A. W ain- w righ t. A no th er c rip p led w om an enjoys w ith com fo rt one p rocured by the ladies,. Several copies o f th e W ord o f God in ex­t r a , la rg e tvpe bavc been p la c e d 'th e re , th rough tiie k indness and co u rte sy o f Mr.. J . S. Y ard , agen t <»f . th e ..M onm ou th Co. B ible .S ocie ty , fo r a l l o f w h ich th e S u p er­in ten d en t r e tu rn s - th a n k s . A nd to the friends .w ho so k in d ly and generously, co n tribu ted to th e en te rta in m en t fu rn ished o n ou r la te visit-. ;'T o the young lad ies of M rs. E . E . Boyd's ’Bible C lass, w ho w ith o th e r friends- fu rn ished such beau tifu l cake. To th e young m en of- Col. P a tte r­son 's B ib le Cl“. t 5, w ho k in d ly co n tribu ted . T o M r. S an fo rd ,; w ho, t h rou L*h h is : wo 1 it- tie b iy s in o u r ow n class, aga in responded to th e ca ll. Aljove. a l l 1 to b u r H eavenly F a th e r w ould we ren d e r *our trIb u te of prsdse fo r h is g u idance and the.opi&ning up o f th e w ay, as w e have yone forw ard. L e t.u s 'a ll rem em ber, •* T h e re a re lonely hea rts to ch e rish w h ile th e Ja y s :ire-going by,” and th e . t im e is short.- -

• *,; . ' -* M; A. ,

■ • * H o w. n O :e ? n a tea m i r Is M a na?ed V; -is the sub jw t oi an Article by W. ,T. lleq lerson , w i;ch will io:si the .iliasirued sapplem ent to

Y'jutyj Ji-’jr'- foe Ju n e C'4.. To most j erson* coD’tecipistlDg ka.o^ean v.ora^e, a i w a s to ail yottag rcAder-, this artieie will cc.aTey valuable a sab jsc tso t geceraji .* wv!» utid*:rr*.o*>i. ; .


OltOVE, N. •!., SEASON OF 1800.

1. Auditorium opening and Sum mer .Sabbath* school—June iffl.. •'

2. National Anniversary of Am erican Independ­ence, Oration by Rev. Jam es Moore—Friday, July 1,10..7) a. m.

3. W. C. T. U. o f N» J „ Mrs.-S. J . C. Downs, pre­siding—Saturday, Sabbath and Monday, Ju ly .r»,Cand7.

I. National Division, Sons o f Tem perance—Wed*’ nesday, Thursday, Friday, J u ly 9,20.11, •

■k Ocean Grove Sunday-school Asvembly—Satur*" day, Ju ly 12, to Tuesday, Ju ly 22.

0, Chautauqua L. S. C'. and S. S. Assembly' Grad­uation day, Oration by Kev. J . M. Buckley, D.D.—Wednesday,.Ju ly 2::, J0.;^)a. m.

7. African Methodist Episcopal Church Jubilee— Thursday, July 24.

S. Epworth League—Friday. Ju ly 23.0. Principals q f Methodist Episcopal Semlnarie.s

o f tbe U nitedS iatesj-Saturday and Sab b ath . July 2G and 27.

10. New Jersey Sabbat li Union, Rev. J. II. Know les and Itev. W, J . It. Taylor, Monday, Ju ly 2«.

11. General Hospital Day, P.tv. A . liittenhouseD.D.—Tuesday, July'29.

12. National Tem perance and Publication .Sofjlety,J . N. Stearns—W ednesday, Ju ly 'X>, to Sunday Aug. 3.

13. Ocean Grove Anniversary Sermon, In connec-• tion with National Tem perance Society—Sab­

bath, Aug. 3,10.30 a . in., Sermon by Kev. a : B.• Leonard, D.P., Missionary Secretary 51. E.

Church. / -H. Vonng Men’s Christian Association o f Newark;

N. J .—Monday, Aug. |. IC.SIa. rh. and 3 p. m.13. Ocean Grove Memorial Service—Monday, Aug.

i, 7.:» p. m, . ,10. Women's Home Missionary Society—Tuesday,

An?. 3.17. Interdenom inational- liib le Convention,' Dr.

M unball—Wednesday, Aug. 6, to Sabbath ' evening, Aug. 10.

IS. Dickinson College Day, Rev. Dr. Keed, Pres’t —Tuesday, Aug. 12. .

19. King's Daughters, Mrs. Bottdme-^W cdnesday,.. Aug. 13.20. Women’s Encouragement Meetings—Thursday

and Friday, Aug. l t and 13,21. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society—Satur­

day and Sabbath, A ug, 10 and 17.22. Annual Camp-meeting—Tuesday, Aug. 19, to

Friday. Aug.‘29.Prof. J. R. Sweney w ih conduct th e singing dur- •

ing too c'amp-meeting.- . .Ho\ine*s Meeting iu th e TaV>emacle, conducted

by Mrs. Dr. Paltner; Young People*h Meeting, led by Rev. C. II. Y atm an; Jn addition to these Mr. Yatman will conduct the Twilight Meetings d u r­ing the C'imp-raeeting, and also m eetings for men every Sabbath a t I p. m . . •

Surf Meetings every Sabbath evening during the season when w eather will allow.

E. H. STOKES, Pres’t

Between the Lights,

A little pause in life, w hile day lig h t linger-s Between the sunset and the pa le m oonrise, '

W hen dally lab o r slips from w eary finger*,.And soft, g ray shadows veil the ' aching eyes.

Peace, peace, the Lord of e a rth and heaven knoweth * •

The hum an soul In all Its h ea t and s tr ife ;Out of Hi-,'throne no stream o f L ethe /!?w*’tb.

But the o lear river o f e te rn a l U:e. ’ • ' •

Serve lilrn in.dally w ork and earn est living.Anil faith -hall lift th ee to I lh su a ilt h e ig h ts ;

Thea shall a psalm of trladnes^and thanksgiving Fill the.' calm hour that, e.ornes betw een tlie

. lights. Mfxytzint.

A m in is ter devoid o f tb e love o f C h ri-t. is lik e a C unard s;eitmf*r w ith 'h e r tires ex ­tinguishing* in m id o cean . T h e w hole m ach inery stops; th e voyage is in te r­rupted . T h e cram ! aim o f h e r construc­tion. i« defea ted . W e have a ln«»tionless hu ll instead o f a th in g o f li fe and pow er, capable o f tra n spo rting m en across the. deep . T h e g rea t baptism o f love is th e motive pow er in th e life .o f a m in is ter. I t k in d le s and in sp ires h im . I t sets the- w hole m ach inery o f h is life in m otion fo r Ibe service o f hum anity.. T h e w heels in his sp iritua l m echanism are alive; »m fire, and glow lik e those In- th e v ision o f th e p rophet. U nder th is lo fty in sp ira tio n In­ac tiv ity is im possible., liy un inw ard n e ­cessity h e Is im pelled to th e w o ik o f G od. A b u rd e n js upon h iin , a n d 'a woe Is fe lt, if h e do n o t go out in labo r fo r th e salva­tion of m en.— IUr^hl.

A m ong tb e notew orthy artic les in 11 n r-' P’ t' i JJ'&tr t o .b e pub lished J u n e 27th w ill be u sketch by M rs. H elen H . Ilackus, P res id en t o f th e V asoar Aluuma.*, en titled “ Vxssar a t Twenty-five.” E m m a M offett T y n g w ill’ con tribu te to th e series of* papers on Exercise fo r W om en, an a rtic le on .” W a lk ing ,” .to ap p ear iu th e sam e num ber. "•*•. '■ , •

Tb« Itev . J . <:». Wil.vvn, •A.'-M., li. I)., of P h ila le lp h ia , has rece ived th e , d eg ree o f D octo r o f iJ iv in ity from h is a lm a m ater, th e Illin o is -W esley an U n iversity , a t tb e ; recen t C om m encem ent. D r. W ilson is c losing a very successfu l pasto ra te a t T aU

rnacle C hu rch ; P h ilad e lp h ia . .T h e K ev. C harles E . M iller, pastor of

F irs t M ethod ist E piscopal C hurch; Brook- lyu ; K . Y -,W as iiv e n the .deg ree’ o f 0 . D. by W ich ita U niversity , o f th e . D utch Re* i

fo rm ed C hurch , at th e .fee'efit C om m ence­m en t.' ' ..*■

liU liop A ndrew s w ill p reach th e Baccfi- la u reate serm on at th e O cean 'G rov*; .Sun- day-V ;hool.V-setuMy ou .S lb b i tb , J u ly 20.’. at lOM'J a. ej ‘* . .

' - ■ ' \V •’. ; ' ; , .1 ,-"< ; .•<'(;■.-■ ..'• . ;;■:

" s . ' O 0 B A 3 S T ' a - B O V S I R E O O B D , . O T X E S T f f i 2 8 , 1 S S O .



REV. E . H . STOKES, D; D.. Cor respoudlng Editor.

TERMS, POSTAGE PREPAID.One copy, four m onths....... ................. .fit)

'!■•,. •** s ix m o u th s , .................... .75Mi. " one y e a n . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1 .5 0

Club o f Are or moro, oue year, e a c h , . . . . . . . . . 1.00: Advertisem ents inserted a t th e ra te o f ten cents p e r lino, one tim o. • For. one, tw o o r th ree months,

: o r by tho y ear?a lib eral red u ctio n w ill be u ta d e . .

S A T U R D A Y , J U N E 28, 1890.



jM \<X

W i s


. j::;

-Vh 'v*

. Copies o f th e O cean, G rove K e cohd can alw ays be h ad lit the. book stove, 27 P ll-

, g r im P a thw ay . T h e store Is Open day tind even ing . . '

F if ty , cen ts w ill pay for. the O cean Cfrbve K e c o r d fou r month's from date. M ailed free to any address. P ostage stam ps w |ll be received in p a y m e n t. . • .»■

v.Mr. Sulger^ o f T ren ton , th e A udito rium trom bonist, has a rrived In tim e, for open ,

.in g day. M rs. S iilgcr and d au g h te r A da a re also h e re fo r th e season. ::-

■' B ishop Goodsell w ill p reach the open- ing serm on at the annua l cam p :m eeting , O cean G rove j X . J ., on 'W ednesday m oru-

; ing , A ug. 2 0 , fit; 10.30. / J“ S un lit Songs” w ill bo a . g rea t success

t h i s 1 s e a so n .. See ca rd of p u b lis h e r ; aud . send fo r specim en copies. T h e new book- is now on sa le a t Ocenn-Grove* ' :

•. T h e national ann iversary prn tlon w ill be delivered a t O cean G rove by t h e . Rov. Jam e s M oorev D. D.: P , E ld e r o f the X ew , B runsw ick D istric t, F rldny , July. 4, at ,10.30 A. M.‘ • ;••••• /

S erm on N o . 3, u n d e r the sam e gene ra l ti tle , “ T ra p s nnd T rappers,” p reached last Sabbath even ing at S t, P a u l’s C hurch , O cean Grove,-by P as to r B elting , w as on th e g reed o f gain , and d ea lt s\vltU lotteries; bettiiig , and o th e r n e fa rio u s’ m ethods of

• v io la ting th e : m ora l law . . I t . o u g h t to, ap . pear, as d id th e fo rm er iu our, colum ns,

: and i t .is no t im probab le , th a t we shall secure room fo r its adm on ito ry lessons in b u r nex t issue. " v - * V Y f

: • T h e C om m encem ent exe rc ises-o f P e n ­n in g to n S em in a ry . a re p rog ress ing w ith

' g rea t pub lic in teres t us we go to press. D r : H au lon p reached liis baccalau reate serm on la st S unday , D r. C lark , o f th e Christian

\Advocatc, de livered th e P h lJpm athean o ra ­tio n ou AVednesday, find P ro f .B o r i le u P. B row n, o f Boston U niversity , gave th e a lum n i o ra tion on T hu rsday . T h is is Pen-

. n lug ton ’s se m lc eu tenn la i y e a r , and the old in s titu tion has renew ed- its j'pu th . D r. H an lon , th e 'Indefa tigab le p res iden t, is expected- to 'opeiih iT ^^o ;> -G rO v< » ~BUd * class as,usual fp r l l ie season on n e x t S un ­d ay afternoon, a t 2 o’c lock v. 3i.

. A n /encourag ing s ig n o f th e tim es is the• rem ark ab le g row th o f those schools iiii- p a rtin g techn ica l k now ledge , q u a lify in g fo r th e p rac tica l;’ d u tie s o f ,11 fe; ? A u 1 In- stance of th is unp reced en ted success is th e P r lc k e tt C ollege o f C om m erce (fo rm erly B ryant & S tratton), P h ila d e lp h ia , located in th e handsom e new “ G ira rd B u ild in g ,” B road and • C h e s tu u t. streets.; W h ile th e value of the b u ild in g is one m illion doK

/.IaVs, the. tra in in g iu business and _short- ; hand g iven b y th is College is w'orth m ore

than do llars to, any yo u n g m an o r w om an desiring to m ake n. successfu l s ta rt in bus*I ness life.

D r. a tu lM rs. S tokes p ro longed tlie ir stay in the neighborhood o f *• P arad ise V alley,” M onroe coun ty , pa., un til T uesday of the p resent . w eek, and arrived hom e w ell

^ rested atid ^m uch * im proved in general h ea lth . H e te lls us,- in- connection w ith th e excellen t poem w e ‘p rin t th is we<k, th a t lie had uo in ten tion in go ing aw ay to w rite any th ing , but w e sUppose.he could not help h im se lf w heu environed w ith the scenery o f th e m ajestic P ocono. Mis ad ­m ire rs w ill th in k w i th 'u s th a t, he has r a re ly i f ever w ritten a be tte r descrip tive oem thau th is one. . '

T hom son P ark w ill p resent a g a y and festive scene on F r id a y 1 afternoon and evening , J u u e 37, on the occasion of the

' “ lunch tea” g iven bv, the L ad ies’ Parson- ^age A ssociation o f \§ t . P a u ly 5 l.l^ C h u rch , :

o f Which M rs. J o h n M . D ey is ;p re s id en t. T h e re w ill be a ,1 a rge ten t, pi e n ty o f seats and . tables, w ith eveu lng illum inations,’ and th e h n rd y gurdv across W esley Lake, w ill keep up the m usic gratis . This affair com es in at a ju n c tu re of tim e and c ircum ­stances w hen everybody w ill be able to a tteud , and m ake ' tlie occasion q u ite no ta­b le fo r its social .en jo y m en t. Let :G rove and P a rk tu rn out en m*met aud the effect w ith good w eather, th e silve ry moon aud

•the sh im m er o f .the lake , w ill be sublim e.I t w as a c h e e r in g ' Inc iden t la st Sunday

m orn ing to hear the fam ily and guests of the llow laud Hoo.use, jo in iu th e ir p arlo r devotlous u fter b reakfast, th e ir hap p y songs resounding over the ad jac^u t neigh- .librhood.' -Thts beatitIfu l custom , w e took occasion t o ; no tice frequen tly w ith com ­m endation .last S um m er. T he fo llow ing

. com prise th e advance guard ’ o f tbe ex- pected c ro w d : D r. C. L . ITaskins, S ara­toga S pr 1 ngs \ Kev. T hom as W ilsou, W im b

. ’s o r ,N ; J . ; X J . :W harton ,M orrisv ille ,^P a.;- X . J : Chenick, T re n to n ; 1)r; A . W al 1 ace ,5 . Oc k a n G r o v e K e c o r d ; M iss L aura Day,E uglU htow n; M iss H. Swope, P h ila d e l­p h ia ; Miss M. B. A very Aud M rs. M. E vans, X ew Y ork c ity r. M iss M- A llen and M isse d a H inm au. W ash ing ton , D. C

..Opening'Sabbath,PROGRAM;FOR,THE DAY.

Sundny,. J u n e 21), w ill be A ud ito rium and gene ra l o p en in g day ;at O cean G rove. A t 0.A; m ..: M rs. D r., P a lm er w ill resum e h e r holiness m ee tin g in the Tabernacle , to be continued , every day a t sam e ho u r duv- in g th e season. ; ‘ v: A t 9 A. m , K e v. C. I I . Y at m a n’s Y ou ng P e o p le 's .J le e tin g s ’ w ill com m ence iu- th e T em ple . ' ’•. A t iO 30 a", m ., . O p en in g S erm on in th e

A ud ito rium , by K ev. S .-F . U pham . D . D ., o f ;D rew ;T heo log ica l S em inary .

T h e O cean G rove Sabbath School w ill be reo rgan ized a t 2 p. M. P rim ary D e­partm en t in the TabernaCle, In te rm ed ia te nt A ud ito riu m , and D r. H an lon ’s B ible C lass in th e Y . P . T em ple . ■ :

S u rf M eeting nt C p. m . a t foot o f O cean IM thway. : * ■ ■ ■ • •

D r. F ra b k ; C hand ler, of th e F irs t P re s ­by te rian -C hurch. A sbury P ark , .w ill p reach at th e A ud ito riu m ’a t 7.80 Pi M.

E . I I . S t o k e s , President.

Song Sorvico.; O n S atu rday n igh t, J u n e 29, ju s t be fo re

th e open ing S abbath , M r. Y atm an w ill conduct a serv ice o f song in-.the T em ple . H e w ould lik e everybody to com e and slug if th e y can, i f no t, to lis ten . H e also invites those ’who ; p lay . in s tru m en ts to com e and b rin g tlie ir violins o r cornets ■with them : ’ \ ;■ !

Dioltinaon College, ■ ■• T h e V is iting C om m ittee , w ho b tteuded

com m encem ent exerc ises a t old D ick inson last w eek, rep resen tin g the X ew Je rsey . P h ilade lph ia , B a ltim ore ,W ilm ing ton , C en ­tra l P ennsy lvan ia, and. X ew Y o rk ;.E ast Conf erences, hiul a rpyid tim e a t .Carlisle, Pa., am id th e classic festiv ities of the occnsion, and un ite in nn ab le and com ­prehensive -repo rt o f th e m arch o f .lin- p rovem en t ■noticeable in every th ing abou t the in stitu tion , w ith eu log is tic tr ib u te s to the facu lty , re tir in g aud iucom iug m em ­bers, and the! lite ra ry , w ork done, and -so w ell d o n e ,'d u rin g th e year."' T lie popu la r board o f m anagem en t have placed us/who res ide In th is v ic in ity u n d er "special ob li­gations by co n fe rring on our w orthy p re ­s id in g elder,. Kev. Jam es M oore, the hono rary ti tle of D» D.< a n d upou G enera l •Jam es F . K usling , o f T re n to n ,; a sum m er res iden t o f O ceau G rove, th e title .o f L L .D . T ills is a Heserved. acknow ledg­m ent of th e p rom inence, d istingu ished m ilita ry and . lite ra ry services, and well-, know n ch u rch ly zeal- lu education and p atrio tism o f our. friend , G en. K usling. H u rrah fo r the, Mater! •

Hccord of the Week.F ro m .th is tim e fo rth , p e rh n p s ; uut 11 the

first w eeks in S ep tem bervthe pages o f the K e c o r d m ust prim arily , be • devoted to s u ch n a rra tiv e 6 f event? as re la te s to th e various depa rtm en ts in the local'w o rk o f O cean 'G ro v e . y-\ '

Social events, persom d m atte rs and tiie l in e o f corres])pndeuce;- w ith w hich th is pap e r is favored at all th e o th e r seasons of the y ea r m ust be held secom larv to the one g rand Idea fo r w hich O ceau G rove w as founded and has fo r tw en ty years been m ainta ined .

A lthough the form al open ing of the sea son is reserved fo r n ex t Sabbath , w hen its orgauized ac tiv ities w ill be set in motion, the re lig ious exerc ises com m enced lu an in fo rm al w ay last- Sunday, w beu ‘ th e re w ere people enough p resen t no r only to crow d St. P au l's C hurch , w here Kev; D. P. U pdegraff. of Ohio', p reached in th e m orn ­in g ;.an d Kev. I I . B elt lug, pasto r, In th e evening , but also to t i l l . th e T abernacle , w here Capt. R . K elso ' C a rte r d iscoursed at 10'30 a. M .,.am lau expe rience m eetiug o f « rea t in teres t w as held d u rin g th e after- noon. t . . *■

l>f th e la tte r,’so iue notes Will, be foutid ou rirst pauei bu t they fall to couvev- an ad e q u a te 're p resen ta tion 1 o f the ferveu t de.- votlonal s p ir it w h ich prevailed , g lv lug am ple assu rance of th a t genera l zest In sacred pu rsu its w hich , n o t only holds. Its own; but ac tually r is e s . param oun t to all p e tty com petitions, p leasure-seek ing idms.‘ and th e ' ever-present greed for m ak ing m oney, ■ w hich, fo rm ; th e shoais.and qu ick ­sand s I n our annual gat her! n gs h ere by the sea', .: . . . -

. A ll eyes now tu rn to th e daw n o f open­ing Sunday, and w e w ait for the tap of.the A udito riau i b.frll a t 0 ' a :.m ., w h ich shall se t T em ple aud T abernacle to s in g in g aud p rayer, h m ls ta r t a ll th e m a ch in e ry o f ,th is g rea t C h rittian en te rp rise—the grea test on ea rth , in -its sum m er ca reer o f m oral cul- tu re-and ,evangelistic w ork . ’

After Forty Years.A reunion o f the X ew Je rse y C onfer­

ence Class o f IS30 was held M ay 2Sth at the parsonage o f Kev. Thos.-S. W ilson, W indsor, X . J . E ig h t m em bers on iy are ' liv in g out o f .th e .o rig in a l class o f 13. S ix o f these are s till i n ’ th e effective ranks, and a ll w ere p resen t. T liey w ere Revs. TV S W il s o n ,;■ D r . ;,J; I I . F reem an ; T . I I . S m ith , J . W . Seran , P . C line and E dw iii w aters. T h e departed;-. •.•vrhAi-.were.Kcbu^ in e u io ra ted w e re> :J , ‘:;B .;;IJill, D . K eed;^J.‘ E, A dam s, A. I tu rd and J o h a F au i.' T h e c la ss .fu rn ish ed tw g U nited S tates chap ­lains. th ree au thors, tw o p res id ing elders, one I). I)., o n e p oe t and a d istingu ished lingu ist. T h e su rv ivors had a very genial tim e, atul th ree belong to the X ewaric Con­ference. .

Personal Mention.Tw o conven ien t, w ell'furrilslietl cottngos,

0 a n d . '7 i'OC<u>s. fo r re n t on good term s, A pvlv a t tills ollice.'

S m all co ttages are iu great ;dem nndt and th e re is a Uenuly ou O lin stree t, .wliich m ay be had on in q u iry a t 33 M ain avenue.

J l r . and M rs. G rahain , h a ilin g .fro m Canada E ast, h ave been . m a k in g ' th e ir b r id a l tr ip to O cean G rove, nnd-stopp ing w h ile h e re a t Iiay Cottage, on l ’itm an nve- uue, n ea r th e s e a . .

M r; am i M rs.' J o se p h A shton and P ro f W . S. S u ijter au d fam ily , bo th o f T ren to n , a re n ex t door n e ighbo rs on M t. Z ion, O cean G rove, tlie ir co ttages being 33 and 87, and both now occup ied for th e season. ’■

M iss M . A . H osk ins, X ew Y o rk C ity M ission; A lex . M cM illan , Ksq.l and w ife, St. J o h n ’s, N ew found land , aud M rs. S. E . Tom linson, M t. H olly , N . J ., a re aiuon; th e guests a t H odson H o u s e , S u rf avenue.

M r. and M rs,'J o h n T . R obin, N ew Y o rk ; J lr s . C. ,-V. B rtindage aud E d d ieB ru n d ag e , l’o rtchestor, N . Y .; N orm an P. V nnder- hoof, N e w a rk ; J . D y re D ungan , P h ila ­d e lp h ia ; M rs. T iffany aud tw o ch ild ren and M iss H a tc h e r , o f W ash ing ton , l ire guests a t tb e N e w a rk C ottage.

M r. J . A rner, w ho is at. h is cott-ige on M t. Zion, opposite th e T ren ton H ouse, found a- sm all w a tc h w ith ch a in nnd cha rm on tho beach a few days ago, and has advertised it on th e b u lle tin board at the post ofllce, b u t so fa r the. ow ner has n o t,p u t in lin appearance:

W e inv ite th e special a tten tion of.ladiea to M rs. MI L. N .-P u rtc 's card in th is pap e r and h e r specialty fo r p rom oting good hea lth and. com fo rt th ro u g h -the “ G rand M ovem ent System ." S iuce leav ing O cean G rove la st season, th is lady h as sp en t th e in te rv a l a t th e W om en 's College, P lillndel. ph ia , pe rfec tin g lie rse if in physica l science, aud. m ed ical 'a tta inm en ts, enab ling her to be u se fu l to jlie r sex. . . . . . , ,

A m ong the- guests so jou rn lug at. th e W averly are P ro f . K ershaw aiid fam ily, p rin c ip a l o f t h e G erm antow n A cadem y, and M r. B id d le B eeves and fnm ily, of D enver, Col. -Mr. R eeves lias m e t our old friend , \V lllisfo rd D ey, an d savs th e y a re m u ch p leased to n u m b er lilin arnoug th e ir citizens, aud a re try in g to induce h lu i to sing foi- th em a t G race M. E . C iiurch .

.D r. D .M ^ W oolley, a w ell-know n Brook- lyn p rac titio n e r, and physician In c h ie f o r t h e P eop le 's D ispensary o f th a t city ,, has t ik e n th e co ttage N o . 02 M ain avenue, cor* tier o f P ennsy lvan ia,, w h ere d u r in g h is S um iiier vacation he m ay be consulted as a specia list on diseases of th e nose, th ro a t and a ir passages also genera l p ractice . H is recom m endations a re flrst class.

M r. R‘. T u s t l n g , w ho opened a branch m usic store In O cean G rove last Suinm er, is k ee p in g h is iinsiness cen tra lized this' y ea r iu his la rg e new. estab lishm ent, cor­n er o f Cookm an avenue ind , B o n d street, A sbury P a rk , w here inuslc ui^oks, slieet m usic, pianos, organs arid, :oth<.-r;popular in s trum en ts are ..a lw ays on baud. A e has e leg an t p ianos to ren t, aud h is p la c e 1)? g en e ra l head q u arte rs fo r m usica l; people.

A p leasan t hom e w edding occurred at tbe new re.-ldence o f Rev. A. A . P helps, on B o n d stree t, o n th e jif te rflo o n p f J u n e •>1. . T iie con trac tin g parties w e reM r.Jo s . W a lk e r ,.a rising .business m an o f N ew ark , and M iss E l vena, th e e ldest dau g h te r: The ce rem ony was p e rfo rm ed )>v the bride 's fa ther and ev e ry th in g passed o il pleas, antlv . T iie guests w ere m ostly old friends from a d istance, and a fte r an e legan t re­past M r. and M rs. W a lker departed for N ew Y ork . B oston and o ther p laces o f In terest, aecoiup.auied. i»y th e best w ishes o f th e ir m any f r le u d s ,a m id .a -s h o w e r of r ice and o ld slippers.

T h e follow ing are guests of tbe W aver- ly : F W F o e lle r aud w ife, C P F oe)ler. Id a F o e lle r .M rs M D ashford, I . B lanche H opkins, 'W W Crosslev, w ife and son, N ew Y o lk ; .1 W N ash , w ife aud dau g h ­ter, B ro o k ly u ; I i E U ;i-C ham berlin , .Cran- b u rv : M r and J l r s G eo W Joyce , W ash- in g to u ; M rs D r P E W illiam s, M rs S J Laoiiig . I ia d d o u fie ld : I! lleeves, w ife aud ch ild , D enver, C o l: .M S chu ltz , w ife aud. son, Je rsey .C ity ; W m K ershaw ,and wife, N e ll ie , .and E a rn e s t K ershaw , G erm an­tow n; G eo H . M iller, N ew ark .

P eop le do not m ind a h o t day o r ^even- lug w hen D ay B ros.’ i c e cream gardens are ' 'open ' w ith , gen tle breezes,, p lay ing foun ta in ; and re fresh m e n ts alw ays cele­b ra ted fo r th e excellence o f th e ir q u a lity and th e e legance .of service. -M any have tr ied to equa l th e D ay B ros.’ c rea m s and Ices, b u t th e y can b y no a rt of Im itation be excelled . - T h e P itm an avenue estab, lishm eu t was opened ju s t in tim e , nnd all its appo ln tm euts are uow in first-class o rd e r . ' •

T h e W ilm ing ton H ouse, prom inently, s itua te on th e co rner of H eck and Central avenues, Is u u d er new m anagem ent, this season'. M r. W . S. T ow nsend, from the nelshViorliood o f W ilm ing ton , D el., Is th e p rop rie to r, and in th e selection o f such a com m odious anil a ttrac tive house, it is evi. d e n t h e unders tands th e p rim e Idea of successfu l business'. 'P e o p le now adays w an t-a ttrac tiv e accom m odations,,-aud he cau fu rn ish them th e b e s t ob ta inable.' H e is favorably know n in bo th P ennsylvania aud D elaw are , aud w ill be-pleased to show h is friends the ex tra , hosp ita lities o f the W ilm ing ton ou -the ir a ir lv a i at O cean Grove.

Notes, and Etchings.(i-Yoin The' D aily Journal.).

T he p rep a ra tio n s n ecessary to accom m o d a te i t s com ing th o u sa n d s o f peop le h av e .in yo lv cd a la rg e r o u tla y o f tim e, m oney a u d h a rd w ork th an over before, im p ro v e m e n t la the fea tu re of th e tim es, a u d tho g rav e s t of a ll qw estlona c o n fro n tin g th e fin an c ia l m en o f tho A sso c ia tio n is th a t o f Incom e eufflclont to m eet espouses. •

Oticc s ta r te d , th e re ap p e a rs to be n o chaucjj to slow dbw n, o r re tren c h In tho require* m ea ts o f the sew er, w a te r a n d '.l ig h tin g sys­tem s, on a ll o f w hich tho re s id e n ts h av e conie to d ep en d fo r r e r te c t • s a n ita tio n a n d social cpp ifo rt. ;

W ha tev e r may. h ave b een tbo cau se , rea e s ta te m en say tb o d e m a u d fo r su m m er c o t­tag es h as silddou ly d ro p p ed off, leav iug seve ra i a t ’this, d a te ten an tlees . T hese,: how ever, will, all b e p icked u p as soon as excursions b e g in io b rin g the peop le to tb e G rove a t re d a c ed ra te s o f r a i l ro a d fa re .

Tbo O cean G rove p o s t office w ill b o well m an n ed for th e em ergencies of th e seaspn . Tho effq rt to re ta in thoso .w indow c le rk s who havo a d a p te d them seives to tho buslu ess of a s s is ta n ts In fo rm e r y ea rs , w ill m ee t w ith p u b lic ap p re c ia tio n an d lessen the liab ilities to m is tak e ; -for It never req u ires m uch of an o v ersigh t a t th e p o s t ofllce to ra ise a flrst­c lass m isu n d e rs ta n d in g a l l around ., • I t is ra th e r ea rly ye t to" a tte m p t any p en c il etcb- lnga of c h a ra c te r am o n g those w ho ga ther th ree tim e s every d a y w ith e s p e c ta u t faces fo r th e lr m ail. T h a t th ere a re a goo d m auy s tra n g e rs .am ong . them ' is ev iden t • from tbe lack o f in fo rm a tio n they ex h ib it ' a s to the re­s tr ic tiv e ru le s o f th e co rp p ra tip n . S om e w ho forcot to call fo r t iie lr m all oq S a tu rd a y night, th ro u g h p re o ccu p atio n w ith a g reeab le friends on th e bo ard w alk , o r ^a v is i t to on o o f th e “ lu err j’-go-rounds ” acro ss th e lake, th in k i t “ too b ad M th a t th ey a re s h u t o u t o f tho post ofllce bu ild in g on S uuday . .If it w ere o p e n e i e ven fo r a a h o u r, th ey u rg e , i t w ou ld be a p u b lic accom m odation .

Oue lady , las t S un d ay , h u rrie d in to >>*pol- ley’s d ru g s to re w ith the o rd er, “ ihree'ivvo- ce n t s ta m p s , p lease .”. “ W a c a n 't let you have an y s tam p s to d a y ,”

was th e polite an d tlrm rep ly ,o f the. c le rk 'in charge .' \ t ;- '• : -Vv. '...; .

H av en ’t you g o t any S” .. •• O. yes, p len ty , b u t we a r e ,n o t a llow ed to eell a n y on S u n d ay s.” .. .

W hy, tbeu , d o .you k eep y o u r d ru g s to reo p e n ? ” . : ; ■ '. '. - .'• '-.

‘.‘ O nly to d tsp e u se 'm e d ie in e s th a t m ay be needed fo r .the sick . V ‘ i - {" * l-i

Then I c a n ’t g e t th ree s tam p s * .“ N ot here. W e m u st obey the rules.T he lad y .at first ap p eared a lit tle ra t t le d by

th e p ro h ib ito ry a m en d m en t, b u t w as u o t half a s m uch p rov o k ed , o r a t- le a s t d id u ’t show it, as the gen tlem an so m e tim e ago who slipped lu for a “ n ip o f s o m e th in g ” to n e rv e him ­se lf a g a in s t a s e a fog, a n d co u ld not. o b ta in even a g la s s of so d a w ater. -S u n d ay m ea n s a good deal a t O cean G rove, a n d all v is ito rs in o ne way o r a n o th e r soon find i t ou t.M r s . D r. P a lm e r h as b een a t h e r OceanP athw ay co ttag e to r a coup le o f wcvk*v' and ,to the gratified su rr r is e .o f h e r friends, reports h erself in b e tte r h ea lth a n d s tre n g th th a n she iias .en joyed for fo n r Or flvo y ears . She. w as ab le to w alk to St. P a u l’s la s t S ab b a th m o rn ­ing; a n d w as o u t a g a iu In th e a fte rn o o n ta k ­in g p a r t in - th e tes tim o n y m eeting , in which a lso ICev. M essrs. B ro w m n g , P u rd y , M eeker, S ick ler a n d C asp a r E rec, a n d a h o st o f .zea l­o u s w om en p a rtic ip a te d , am o n g w hpm w ere M iss C assie L . Sm Uh, M rs. L a u ra A . C rane, M rs. Rev. G .: C. B ancro ft, a n d som e o f the A s b ^ r : 'P a rk w hite ribbouers. ’ . ’

O f th e stVAngers. p re se n t th e re w ere se v era l good; c lea r t a i n t s , one a - ta ll , p o s itiv e and fluen t gen tlem an w ho q u o ted v e rb a tim one o f the P salm s of D av id , every verse o f which h it th e h a ll sq u a re o n .th e head . M r. Geo. W . E v an s, w ho was o n the p la t form , suggested to those a b o u t' him th a t tbe b ro th e r looked and ta lk e d lik 'e.a S co tch P resb y te rian e lder, who b a d th e o ld B ib le a t his. U uger ends.

j t is hard^tO ;guesS- a t :o n e ;0f th ese social relfgious love feasts , w h a t ’d en o m in a tio n pep; p ie .be long to . l u tb e m o ru lu g v u n d e r Capt- C a r te r ’s se rm on , a B ap tis t ladv f ro m , Mr. C on well’s ia 'rg e co n g reg a tio n , in P h ilad e l­phia, sa id she felt, lik e sh o u tin g , a n d a n E p is­c o p a lian th e p rev io u s S u n d a y w f s am o n g t hose-w bo p rom p t ly accep t ed a u i uvi ta t io u by th e Q uaker p reach e r to “ com e to th e ;a lta r .”

L; Ocean G ro v e peop le w ltb co ttag es to ren t, o r b o a rd in g bouses a s y e t a lm o s t em pty , have beeu w ish in g — p e rh a p s p ray in g —m an y of them a re o f the la t te r s tr ip e —fo r a good old- fash ioned h o t spell* wbicii.-m ight help to d e­p o p u la te th e c ities b y h u rry in g la rg e r c row ds to thc:;seashqre .'v Y esterd ay ’s tem p era tu re filled the b ill. T he th erm o m eter took a n u p ­w ard teu d eu cy a t a n ’ early h o u r, a n d c o n tin ­u e d r ising u n til th e m e rc u ry reached 9 2 ' I t m u s t .have been to o h o t to ■ travel,‘ fo r i then u m b er o f a rr iv a ls hard ly ; eq u aled espee ta -lio n s . .S h o u ld ih e p resen t sp e ll con tinue , how­ever, as o n e o f tlie w ea th er p ro p h ets sa y s it w ill u n til th e 4 th of J u ly , th o u sa n d s will h a s te n 'tb e ir p rep a ra tio n s , an d so o u 'iiu t In an app earan ce .Q u 'th e c e leb ra ted board -w alk . •

■ T he fam ous b a th in g m enj Ross a n d LUla* g ore, h av e been co m p a ra tiv e ly lonely u n til th e r e c e n t ‘h o t spell. W ednesday b ro u g h t a ll .th e p leasu re seekers to tlie Ipavillons, a n d p e rsu ad ed scores au d h u n d red s to v e n tu re in th e su rf fo r a n ocean 'b a th - T h is o p en s the way, for th e nioro tim id o n es; - w ho/ a f te r w a tch in g a few ad v e n tu ro u s b a th e rs t a k e so freely to th e b reakers, c a n ’t R esist the desire to .fo llo w su it. “ H o w .is the w a te r? ” was ask ed a p a r ty co m in g o u t in ra th e r d em o ra l­ized e tiq u e tte y este rd ay . ‘‘ W et s i r ; q u ite wet,V w as th e cau tio u s reply! >

T he e n la rg ed ' sw im m ing pool a t L lllagore 's w iil p rove to. b e 'a p o p u la r in s titu tio n th isseaso n , g iv in g th e lo v ers o f a d a lly d ip in theb r in y their accu sto m ed lux u ry , w heu th e su rf becom es to o d an g ero u s to v e n tu re .out; O ther ex ten siv e im p ro v e m e n ts h av e been m ad e a t th is e stab lishm ent, n o t the lea s t of w hich is a han d so m e su ite o f ro o ta s over th e ofllces. a s a d w elling place,, for th e p ro p rie to r , h is fam ily a n d som e o f his a ssis tan ts . A n excellen t r e s ta u ra n t is also one o f the a ttra c t io n s of th e place. ^

H on. J u d g e Storm , of S tro u d sb u rg , P a ., a u d Dr. J o h n JI. G oucher, o f B altim ore C ity, w ere am ong y es te rd ay 's a rr iv a ls a t tbe Atlan* t ic House.- i

Card of Thanks.T he w ife nud dau g h te rs o f th e la te Rev

O..C. B ancro ft de s ire to express th e ir h ea rt­fe lt th an k s to th e fr ien d s w lio sek ln d deeds nnd sym path iz ing w ohls have so g raciously aided in lig h ten in g th e d a rk hours o f bor­row . T o those w ho cam e to th e hom e, to th e C h ris tia n , .m inisters' w ho shared in b ring ing tr ib u tes o f ;lo v ip g rem em brance, and to a ll w ho have lu any w ay o ilered tlio g if t o f consolation , g ra te fu l acknow l­edgm ents are offered.

■ Dentistry.D r. S /G , W allace, th e ’experlenced oper­

a tiv e d en tis t of Cam den, N . J . , w ho has spen t several seasons at O cean G rove, lias reopened h is o fllce : in th e A ssociation bu ild ing fro n tin g on M ain avenue, on co r­ner nex t.to the L ad ies’ S tore, and is ready, to accom m odate a ll who w ho have fo r w eeks been aw aiting h is a rriv a l to have Im portan t w ork done. H e is up in all branches of the business, , and .Will give m ore o f h is personal a tten tion to h is pat- rons.th is y e a r th a n usual.

I From our R egular Correspondent.}

W ashington Letter. "Wasuixgtpx, D. C.,.June 18,1890.

A notable w edd ing took p lace la te ly In th e chapel o f th e C atholic U n iversity , be­yond S o ld ie r1 H om e. Baron V on Z ed tw it/j th e G erm an M in is te r to M cxico , was m ar­ried to M iss L in a C aldw ell, th e s is te r of th e lady w ho gave $300,000 to the bu ild in g of th is Institu tion^ aud w hose engagem en t too, aud final ru p tu re w ith P r in c e M urat, w as .th e sub jec t o f so m uch gossip som e m ouths s ince . .- ,v ^ . ' v ' •- T h is m arriage cerem ony lasted fo rty m inu tes, hud ; was jjerform ed in a chapel b u il t by tl ie b rid e ; A t th e close o f th e low ’’ m ass follow ing the cerem ony , the B ishop tu rn ed to the p a ir and announced to them th a t lie had received the blessing o f th e heaxl o f ' the.church* th e P o p e o f R om e, up o n tlie ir brldnLV ! v .T h e re .was a fea tu re o f . ttils " e d d ln g th a t was puzz ling to the u n in itia ted . T h e b rid e is a C atholic , th e groom a L u therau , and it is an alm ost u tiheard o f occurence fo r a m arriage betw een a C atholic and P ro te s ta n t to beso lem ized in a .C a th o lic church o r chapeli S o m e . exp la ined the fac t th a t such a m arriuge Could take p lace in a chapel w hich Is only dedicated , w liile it could no t ta k e p lace In a ch u rch w hich is consecra ted , b u t i t seem s a d ispensation was ob ta ined p e rm ittin g .the m arriage in. th e chapel because o f th e fa c t th a t i t was a g if t o f th e b flde to th e U niversity . '

R epresen ta tives o f the N ationa l P ro . h ibltory. A m endm en t C om m ittee fo r Con- .gresslonal w ork h av e been h ea rd in th e past few days In beh a lf o f’p roh ib itio n be­fo re th e S enate and H ouse com m ittees. T h ey also held a tem perance ' mass m eet­in g at th e M etropo litan C hurch , a t w hich s p eak e rs from various sec tio n s . m ade en . cb u rag ln g •• addresses. Som e of t h e . p ro ' phec les o f th e sp eak e rs w ere to the effect th a t p roh ib itio n w ill ' f in a lly 'sw e e p ' th e la n d lik e a m ig h ty cyclone; an d th a t th e recen t dec ision of th e Suprem e: Court was only h e lp in g the m a tte r along; R ep re ­sen ta tive P ic k ie r j ‘‘ from th e land o f th e Da.kotas,” ex pressed h im se lf as g lad ', tli e tem perance question w as in politics, and th a t It m ust stay ,in po litic s imtU i t w as

ettled . u E ach of th e old parties,” said lie, ‘.‘ m ust be crow ded Into th is question un til tliey can evade. It no lo n g e r.”

- A rtesian W ate r-

"P e rso n s u s ing A rtesianA V ater at O cean G rove a re h ereby notified 'th a t a W ater In specto r, has been d u ly appo in ted . l i e w ill visit- a ll p rem ise s ,’and any w aste of. saUl w ate r fouud ex is tin g ,. o r th e use. of law u o r s tree t sp rin k le rs d u rin g o th e r than -authprized hours, n am ely : 0 to 7 o’clock a . M:j and 0 to 7 o’clock r . m.,- u n ­less im m ed ia te ly stopped , w ill re su lt in th e sh u ttlu g off the w ater from the offend­ing prem ises.. e ; h . S t o k e s ,

Ct. W . E v a n s , President.. Secretary .

D U C X E E K X E S S - L iq C O lt f it A B IT —I na l l liie W o r ld t h e r e la l>nt o u e cU re ,

D r IX aiuet)’ G o ld e n S p e c if ic .

f i t c a n lie given in a cup o f tea or coffee w ith o u t th e K n o w led g e o f th e person ta k ­ing it; effec ting a speedy and perm anen t cu re , w hethe r the p a tien t is a m oderate d r in k e ro r .a h alcoholic w reck. Thousands o f d ru n k ard s have been cu red w ho have ta k en th e G olden Specific in th e ir coffee w ithou t th e ir know iedge , and to d a y be­lieve they q u it d r in k in g of th e ir own f re e w ill. N o harm ful, effect resu lts from its adm in istra tion ; C ures guaran teed . . Send fo r c ircu la r and fu ll particu lars. A ddress in confidence.. G olden Specific Co.,185 • K ace S treet, C incinnati. . . .

V,; ; Coial a n d W o o d , V-

T h e above a rtic le a t L . 31; T ay lo r’s yard ; as low lu price and.as good in Quality as the m arket affo rds.; M ain oftice, K aiiroad avenue, tfear fre ig h t depot. B ranch othces, S h ep h erd ’s grocery, E m o ry s tree t, A sbury P a rk , and A ppleby’s real esta te ofllce, O cean G rove. AU o rders p ro m p tly dellv- ered .;. ■■ ?■■■■.:■'■

Look out fo r hot w eather! ' N ow is th e tim e to bu v vou r Ice Cream F reeze rs. T h e “ G em ” (double ac tion) Is ac tually th e best. T ry I t . . G arden H ose frou i 0c. foo t up.. H ousekeepers’ H a;dw are*a specialty , V ou w ill find a com plete, s tock o f tlie above ai Jos. D.. N ew lin ’s H ardw are Ex- change, 173 M ain stree t, A sbu ry P a rk ,'N . J .

Jo sep h M cPherson , E sq ., o f T ren to n , N .J . , a m em ber of the Oceau G rove A ssociation , w ho is s till d isab led ' by para ly sis , is a t his co ttag e , c o rn e r o f C en tra l av en u e and Ocean P a th w ay .

' - ‘ . . /

Something New E very .Day, '.You m ig h t s a fe ly rep ly to every c a s u a l.

acquain tance w ho b id s j'Ou “ good m orn- in g ,” and asks y ou w hat’s new , by adv ising a ca ll a t AVainrlght’s store, O cean Grove. I t s tr ik e s one as a li ttle s iu g u ia r to see d oub le te am w agons loaded u p w ith fine fu rn itn re , s ta rtin g from W a ln rig h t’s rea r, doors fo r de livery In ad jacen t tow ns. T iie . reason Is, peo p le can ’t ob ta in such goods e lsew here a t th e p rices. F o r h o m e s u p p ly h is ca rp e t and m a 't ln g d ep a rtm en ts a re as w ell stocked and busy as ever. T h e co t­ta g e peop le as th e y com e In Im m ed ia te ly reg is te r a t W a ln rig h t’s, and leav ing th e ir o rders, a re falth fu iiyT ooked a fte r . F o r a n u m b er o f -weeks each S atu rday n ig h t show s a treu iendous advance in business o v e fa l l fo rm e r p receden t. I t is w onder­fu l how y o u r w ants are*an tic ipated , and eve ry th ing in th e h o u se-keep ing lin e te a d y for y o u here.

N ow is y o u r chance to buy th e b es t A d . ju s tab le Window* S creen in th e m arke t a t a very low \)rlce; A lso a n ic e lin e o f B ird Cages, D og Collars;..Table C u tlery , L aw n M ow ers and .H am m ocks and H ousekeep- 'e rs ’ H ard w are , Jo s . D. N ew lln , 173 M ain s tree t,. A sbu ry P a rk , N . J .

They Enow W here to go.T h e old custom ers o f fo rm e r years, w ho

h ave always, found i t . such a p leasu re to do th e ir sh opp ing .at H e n ry S te inbach ’s B rick C orner S tore, M ain s tre e t and C ook­m a n aventie, A sbury P a rk , a re .n o t slow to - v is it th e .“ S e a s id e P alace ” as so o n . as , th e y arrive, and ta k e an inven to ry o f co t­tage w ants o f fam ily outfit fo r a com ­fo rtab le so journ ! W h e th e r th e y reside In P a rk or G rove; i t is all th e sam e. N o p lace so /p o p u la r as tills fo r . all k in d s ’o f , lad ies w ear w lti i a constan t ru n 4 n th e m il­l in e ry and dress goods depa rtm en t. C lo th ing and foot gea r, are equa lly p o p u ­la r w ith th e gen tlem en , and - th e re is no^.’ le t-up .In th e ca rp e t lin e . tT he endless in ­ven to ry o f house fu rn ish in g s w h ich tlie dow m stalrs show room s , con ta in w'oUld.; m a k e th e fo rtu n e o f a fancy fa ir . S trange rs in m ak in g th e c ircu it o f A sb u ry P a rk on th e e lec tric ca ts w ill- be se t dow n a t th e - door, and shou ld alw ays look in , i f th e y • w an t to com pass all' th e .fine s igh ts to be seen in th is en te rp ris in g city., T h is beats th e m all. 1 .: : ' '■'

A .now e lec tric d y n a m o has b een a d d e d to . the p roductive m ach inery here to fo re used,,, a n d 'co n tro ls th e en tire ligh ting o f the A u d i­to riu m , T ab e rn ao le^au d T em ple.. -Tbe lam p s ' in e a c h . of th o se p laces w ere ligh ted last. S a tu rd a y n ig h t fo r a n h o u r u n d e r J a n i to r W . H . S tokes’ co n tro l, a n d th a t w ise a n d d ilig en t; official seem s, to bo sa n g u in e o f th e h ig h est sa tisfac tio n .' • .' ' • •’ •; ;

Something E ntirely N ew .

A n ad ju stab le door-plate, In w hich any nam e may- be placed a t a m om ent’s notice, b e in g m ade o f bronze and w h ite m e ta l , . handsom ely engraved . T h e p la tes are- m ade sing le fo r residences and double , for. oftlpes, &c. J o s . D . N ew lin , 17S M aiu S t., A sbu ry P a rk , sole agen t. • ' :



Do not- do it until you getmy. prices apd fete my stock. ■

R . A . T U S T I N G ,New brick stoic, C o r C o o k n m n A v c . a n d

l lu u d b i . ,A S n t 'U l P A IIK .I have the only Weber and Stelnvray Pianos to

ren t on th is coast. I t tvlll pay you to call o r com ­m unicate w ith m e.



. FOR RENT. .A sm all aize S Q D A B E P IA N O , S lo .

Inquire at United States Hotel. Ocean Grove.

W ANTED. ^I TCWT C I T C a t m oderate rental, for A I t i l I Q l 1 L Ju ly and A ugustin Oceau Grove. Owner has a double ten t to ren t forsam e

Eeriod or longer. Also 12-room cottage, corner “ each and McCUntock, 1 block from th e beach,

close to Auditorium. 8250 for season. Address • MRS. AGNE3 CRAWFORD, Ocean Grove.

For Sale Cheap.A n ic e .o le a u bed o f good F e a t h e r s ,

suitable for m aking pillows. Address **M. S. W.” Bos 10, Ocean Grove.

TO RENT. TERRACE COTTAGE, • ed B oard ingHouse, 30 Ocean pathw ay. Address o r apply to

. . * MRS. C. FLING, 1030 Arch St., Phtlada.

. TO LET.Before renting, look a t th e two furnished cot­

tages in.cholce location* 37 MAIN AVENUE, n e a r . the ocean, Post-office, Auditorium -and all desir­able poiuts. Eight rooms, with hot bath and hom e comforts, and new cottage on adjoining lo t ou Olln Street, w ith five rooms.

Inquire o f OWNER, 37 Main Avenue.

. TO RENT.A S N U G G E R Y , consisting o f T en t 1.4x10.

w ith back building 12x 111 1% story furnished.; Apply, to J . J ., 202’) E. York St., Philadelphia.

To Rent .Low for Season.* A N ic e P a r l o r O rg :'n ii, 5 octaves. Inquire at 55 Emburj- aveuue,' or address^ ^ ^ ^

• O O S A i a - Q - B O Y B ' . E ^ E i O O I ^ j D , . O l J j C S T E I 3 3 , 1 8 9 0


I ' iH A S . W , K A R S N E B , M , B ,

JP IIY N IC IA K A N D K |iR U K « 3 i .•• Graduate o f bath schools.

Sum mer office -Opposite Postofiiee, Ocean Grove.Pilgrim P ath way. co rn er Mt. Hermon Way;

B16 South 12 th Street, . ‘ . Ph iladelphia, Pa •' ’ Respectfully refers to Rev. E; H. Stokes. D. D„

Rev. A. Wallace, D.D., nnd George -W. Evans, Esq.,,Oceau Grove,,


( : ’g r o v e Hahnemann Cottage.Graduate o f Boston University School of Medi­

cine. class of ’75. Together with general practice, special attention will be given to diseases o f wo­m en and children.-

B R . M . G . c u r r i e ;

H O NI CE O PATH 1ST*Noi 122 Mt. Hernioii Way,

OCEAN GROVE.. N. J . Diseases of women a Specialty.

j y M. W O O L L E Y , 31. D „

* PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,92 M ain A venue, co rn e r of P en n sy lv an ia . Sunimer Office Hours—7 to 10. a . m„ 1 to 2 p, m.,

1 . and 5 to 7 P. M. , •Special a ttention to diseases of nose, throat and

a ir passages. . . .Physician in Chief to th e People’s Dispensary,

Brooklyn,City Office—310 Sum ner Avenue.

A. 8. BURTON*. D, 0 . 8. I; O, BUP.TOS, D. X>, 8,

Bu r t o n B r o s . ,R E S ID E N T D E N T IS T S ,

ASBURV PARK.Donu’s Block, cor. Cookman and Bangs Avenue.

New York Ofllce—03 West 3'3th Street.Office hours—9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Appointm ents

m ade by m all o r telephone,- Gas adm inistered. M anufacturers o f ZOZO,

L N. S E Y M O U R , D . D . S., -------DENTIST-------

Office 53*5 Cookman Avenua. opp. Bangs Ave­nue, M echanical work a specfdUy.

Difficult operations solicited

R S . H . L ; N . P U R T E ,T eachero f .M

The Grand Movement System.Box 102, Oceau Grove.

Mrs. Purto w ill give free parlor talks, both in tbe Grove and Park by invitation. She will a lso givo lessons In this sensible and thoroughly p rac ­tical system of m ovements for health , grace a n d beauty. Either- private o r In classes. Terms reasonable. Best o f references.

C 7 C O O f n C O C n O O A M O N T H can be tr.aUo O l J a w l l I v 4 U U * ~ w p rk liig f< jru 0 . personspfe-

, fc rnx i 'Who can tu rn l*h a Viur*r> unrt g ive th e ir ■wholo tim e to th ? liuslnes.*. 8 | >are m om ents m a y be p ro fitab ly : cmploywl also A feu- vacancies In to w n s an d citlea. i i f . Johnson & co., iouo 3ii.in St., Richmond, v».

F i f t h S e a s o n ,

Tower House,27 Webb A venue. Ocean Qrove.

MRS. A. GOODNOW, Prop'r.Only tw o ,o r th ree m inutes’ wa’k .irom ocean

batn iny grouuds. Delightful situation for health aud comfort. Special rates f»r season; choice rooms and new beds. . Ail sanitary arrangem ents first-class. Terras s raoderaie and satisfaction

. guaranteed. Terms for Ju n e So aud $7 per week. Will open Ju u e 1. Bax 115

Hickman Cottage,20 Webb A vo., Ocean Qrove.

One block from, th e b e a c h ; flue ocean view .' Sanitary arrangem ents completo. Pure Artesian water. Table first-class. Rooms large and nicely furnished. Board by day, week or season a t rea­sonable rates. F or A m ber inform ation address the proprietor.

Lock box 2181. MISS C. A. MITCHELL.

The Chautauqua,51 Broadway, Ocean Grove,

TENTH SEASON.Fine outlook comm anding th e ocean and F letch­

er Lake. Healthful local Ion aud hom e comforts. Open a ll the year.


Box 2010. Proprietor!?.

Thalassa House,25 H eck A ve., n e s t to M ain A ve,

OCEAN GROVE. N, J.Centrally located, one block from the beach,

with good ocean view. Two m inutes from post- office and Amlkorlum. Convenient to bathing,

* boating and llshing. Good beds, excellen t table and reasonable rates. Send for circular.

Box 29d. . COOPER & WILSON, Prop'ra.

The Mansion House,N . E .e o r . E m b u ry an d N ew Y ork

A ves., O cean G rove.This spacious and comfortable house Is now

open for the season, and will rem ain open all tbe year round. I t ts centra lly located, eonvenleut to the beach aud Auditorium: Large airy.room s,

, pleasant surroundings, hom e-llke comtorts an d moderate In term s. Address

Box 101. -* MISS A..BON3,\LL, Prop'r,

Marine Villa,eleg a n t location, OCEAN CROVE.

Every room overlooking th e A tlantic Oceau.• Fishing, Bathing a n d Boatiue.

Terms'Moderate. Box 2207,

MR-5.T. B. HUNTER,. Proprietor.

BALLARD V ILLA ,Cor. M ain and N ew Jersey Aves.

MRS. W. IL ZEPP having rented th is cottage for the season, is now prepared for th e reception of guests. Tbe cottage is new, large an d h an d ­some. Its location Is three minutes walk from tho Auditorium and six from tho sea, th e side­walks being completely shaded from e n d to end. Her tablo will be found satisfactory. The sleep­ing apartm ents are .'urnlshed .with every home


The Balmoral,Surf Ave. n ea r Central.

O ne b lock from o ceau .

f S S S ^ O c e a n G r o v e , N. J.Will open for season May 20.

Large rooms, completely furnished, good beds. Artesian water and perfect sanitary arrangem ents. Prices m oderate.

MRS. A: SCHESCK. Pron'r, .Box 333. .. Formerly o f tbe-Irvlngton

St. Elmo,M ain an d N ew Y o rk A venues,

O cean G rovo .Centrally located, one square from . Postofllce

a n d A u d ito riu m . Three m in u te s fro m beach. S e w Im provem en ts Just in tro d u c e d , including A rte sia n w a te r, im p ro v ed d ra in a g e a u d sanitary couven ieuces. G ood-board, co m fo rtab le b ed s a n d reasonab le term s. Open M ay 1st.

Box 2032. . 31 US. M. M. COMPTON, P ro p 'r .

Highland House,25 A tlan tic Avenue,

, Lot ruiiuing through to Sea View Avenue, OCEAN O UOV E. . :

One o f ihem osldesirftblelocations In tbeG rore . One block each from Ross’ Pavilion. Wesley Luke. Auditorium and Young People's Temple. Tills house has been enlarged and. fitted up w ith all modern conveniences—running .water, electric lights, toilet. etc. Perfect san itary - plUmbIng. The sleeping rooms are all good-sized and well fu rn ished ; spring beds, and hnlr maltrefses. Table a specialty; wholesome, w-eli-cooked f.wd nnd p lenty of i t , , Oilers every inducem ent for.the comfort and pleasure -of guests. Rates very, rea­sonable.' Opens Ju n e ‘2S,

Address 31? West 2M Street. New York, until Ju n e IS ; after that.Box 207*V Ocean Grove.. •

F. D. ROSECRAN3, Proprietor;

N O W H E A D Y .

The Clarendon*M t. T a b o r and- P ilg r im P a th w a y , o p p o ­

site Thornlcy Chapel and Arlington Square. -Delightful location; central to every point o f .

Interest. Good house, carplul managem ent. Reasonable term s. Special' rates for June and September. ■.. Box 2000. - MRS. MARY E. LUKENS, Prop’r.

Kennedy House,No. *2G W e b b A venue, O cean G rove.

.-'.'■V MRS. M. B..HERITAGE. ;One block from the beach ; fine oceau v iew ;

sanitary arrangem ents com ple te : pure Artesian w a te r; table firet-cluss,. Rooms large and nicely furnished.' Board by day, week or season, a t reasonable terms.. .

Lock Box 2101. • Address the Proprietor.

Camp View Cottage.68 M t. Carmel, Ocean Grovo.

N early opposite the Tabernacle an d Audito­rium . .Improved arrangem ents for convenience and comfort of «uests. Rooms aud board 57 to 810. Table board ut lowest rates.

MRS. A,. HINKLE, Proprietor.

Loomis Villa,S o d tb ea st cor. H eck an d ~ C en tra l Aves.

THE MISSES MCKNIGHT, Propr's.-Ceutral and convenient location ; best sanitary

arrangements.- Two blocus Oout the oceau. Oj»en for guests from May 1st. Reduced rates for May, Juue a n d September. Box l'J.

Dunham Cottage,72 Heels A ve,, Ocean Grove

Central location, well-furnished, and comfort­able iu all Its appointm ents.- Board at reasonable rates. Open Ju n e 10 to Sept. 10,! 18'j).

Box 220. ELEANOR JOSES, Prop’

Lawrence House.d o r . M ain a n d C en tra l A ves.,

OCEAN GROVE.Ceutral location and occon view. Terms rea­

sonable. Reduced rates'for Ju u e aud September.THE MISSES LAWRENCE;

MISS if . WHITE, Maug’r. - ' * Propr’s',

Bidgewood Villa,29 W e b b A ve,, b e t. .B each a u d 'C e n tra l ,


A pheerful and pleasant hom e location near the sea. , Comfort a u d ,convenience of guests a spe­cialty . Terms reasonable ,. Open from Ju n e 1st to Oct. 1st. ■. ■ . . •

B qx 166. • MISS M. J . HAMILTON, Prop’r.

New England Home,R em o v ed to S . AV. co r. B ro a d ­

w ay an d N e w Y o rk -Ave.K^w house *, bes^ san itary conditions possible :

choice accom m odations; woven wire spring beds and lm ir m attresses. “ ,

TABLE BOARD f i PER WEEK.0 |« « June 1. MARTHA J . MILLER, p rop 'r.

Interlachen Cottage,9 A tlan tic Ave., Ocean Grove.’

Now open under th e m anagem ent of MRS. S. L. PEARN.

Superb location nud conve'uleutly situ a ted . Magnitlceut .view o f ocean. Excellent table board. Moderate prices. A fine upright piano for use o f the guests.


A home-like rest, w ith good KeiVOjeated rooms, Artesian water, sewer connections; location,cen­tra I. Can be had by addrv--lug

MISS W. GRIFFITH.Box OWS. Ocean Grove, N. J.

Parvin House,N. W . Cor. M ain and Penna. Aves.,

' o c e a n g r o v e . • . . •Prom ineut location : every home comfort.

Rates S7 to gio per week. Reduced for Ju n e and September. WILLIAMS A: 1IAGG1S, ;

B o x 377.. • , . Proprietors.

The Lofhland,No. 11 H eck Ave., Ocean Groye.

. 31RS. A GASKlLL, Proprietor.Fifth house from th e ocean front. Most cheer­

ful and healthful surroundings. Home' comforts and reasonable term s for board.

MPJ3. sr. J . POPE. J llis M. B. KIBK.

Kirkwood Cottage,22 E m bury As-jnu

Near the beach. -LARGE ROOMS facing th e Sea./ TABLE BOARDERS. .

P . O. Box 2110. . ■ ' ’ .. ' '

Hayward AnnexesROOMS TO RENTFor the Seasou of lS'.S).

Apply on premise.* o r by le tter toMISS F. A. JONES, .

Box 4*»i, Ocean Grove


Employment Agency,'IT P il g r im P athw av, .

Directly opposite Ooban Grove PoitoSce. Help secured for families^ stores, corporati->n«,

lioardlng houses, hotels, d;c. Swedes an d Ger­mans a sp ecia lty ..

All comm unications prom ptly a ttended to by addressing as above. .

To be Sold at a Sacrificei>5-room' houso, furnished complete, including silver. -Sold on account of poor,‘h ea lth .. Has never hud an unprofitable saa^on.

Call on o r address, C. P. PRIDHAM.Box iXJJ, 87 Heck avenue, Oceau Grove.

S U N L I T S O N G S !The New Book for Summer Meetings at Ocean Grove.

' - ■ ~ E X S X 'X 'O K .S ;


Send for a Copy by Mail and learn tlie New, Songs before going.

Prise, 35 Cents, by m ail; $3 .60 per Dozen; $30 per Hundred

JOHN J, HOOD,1021 A R C H S T E E T , P H I L A D E L P H I A , P A .


This C harming Book, w ritten by MRS. ELLEN E. DICKINSON,, a M ember o f th e original " T ek," tells a Beautiiul Story o f ‘The King's Daughters," a Sisterhood now so popular throughout th e land, and in which all, tho rich and th e poor, are uniting “ In His Name.” Large 12mo., 27<3 pages. Fine Cloth aud Gold B inding. ONLY S l.O O * Postpaid.

Address W . B . J O X E S C O ., S i l v e r C r e e k , N . Y .SPECIAL OFFER se,I^ P EftI1 o rder for THREE COPIES, a t one tim e, 53.00, will

HOTEL GRAND,? O cean A venuo a n d O cean P a th w a y ,

OPEN f r o m ... J u n e t o O c t o b e r ;

O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

This popular aud well-known house Is located directly on th e ocean Jront. giving a full view o f the ocean from all Its rooms. The sanitary arrangem ents o f th e .h o u seare complete. A rtesian water, gas. and good beds throughout. The hou*e w ill he conducted uudet experienced m anagem ent in catering. Table a specialty.

Lock Riir i!lUt*,. •Lock Box 21 •


D. II. PAl'L,

I*. II. PAUL. Proprietor.


The E! Dorado,B roadw ay , f ro n tin g F le tc h e r L a k e n n d th e S ea, O c e a n G r o v e , X . J . .

Fifteenth Season. House in best possible condition. Flowing Artes! in well, airy rooms, broad ocean view verandas, and a tten tion fir.st-cla«s.

For term s, A*c , address •• „Box 2070. M1W. A. LOOM IS; Proprietor.

THE OCEAN QUEEN,N o rth eas t C o rn e r O ceau P a th w ay a u d O ceau A veuue, F ro n tin g th e Sea.

For salubrity, and a ll appointm ents su itable to an elegant and enjoyable In m e by the sea, the Ocean Queen Is still th e t-ivorlte. AU accommodations, including first-class table. Now. open.

Box 2015. " . \ ‘ MISSES FR A N K S A |) AMS, Proprietors’

T ZEE IE G - O S F O R D ,N o rth w es t C o rn e r E m b u r j p.ud C en tra l A veuuee, O cean G rove, N . !.

House specially adapted to lliose feeL’iug ft home v.it!i rellued surroundltigs. Open Juue 10. Ii9).

Bo* 2217. 51. J . HOLT. Proprietor.

THE CHALFONTE,N o. 9 O cean A venue, abo v e O cean P a th w a y ,’ O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

Im portant sanitary Improvements just completed. La tge Ocean front house in excellent o rd e r Rooms, tab le , i c . ; flrst-cksv No liner hituimon on th e coast.

Address Box 223, Ocean Grove. MISS A. M. BECKETT, Proprietor.

PROSPECT VILLA,. No* 10 M ain Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J .

Lnder new m anagem ent. This popular boarding hou«.e. hav ing been thoroughlv renovated, is open for th e season. It Is in full view o f th e ocean. ha> large verandas, pleasant' room% good beds, Artesian water, first-class table a u d moderatu prices.

£ox21'J. Address MRS. ARDREY A; HELSE, Managers.

THE CARROLLTON,28 Ocean Pathw ay , South Side, near Beach A venue, Ocean Grove.



IVY HOUSE,M ain Avenue near Beach, South Side, Ocean Grove

Enlarged to double its former rapacity . New three-story building annex . sp,ici>>ui nnd elegant dining room. Open through to Heeluavenue. Newly furnished rooms, ta'-telu-l «nd attractive ac­commodations. Opeu view to th e ocem . Rest saidtary improvements.

B o x l’ T. MRS. M. E. STCLL, Proprietor.

BEACH AVENUE HOUSE,Corner Beace and W ebb Avenues, Ocean Grove. N. J.

Oue.block from oceau ; uuobstructed v iew ; pleasant v e ran d as: pure Artesian w a te r ; first-cla-s tab le. Spscial term s for June, Ju ly , or season.

Lock Box ?2*»l. MRS. LOUISA HOFF, Prop'r,


The Aurora,S urf and A tlan tic Aves., Ocean Grove

Open May to October.

BONEDIN HOUSE west Coastof FloridaOpen Nov. 1 to May 1, each year. •

'• MISS M. A, BCLL, Proprietor.

Palace Cottage*69 E m b u ry A venua, O cean G rove, N , J .

MRS, C. R. TAYLOR, Proprietor.Pleasantly.located w ith in five m inutes walk of

ocean and Auditorium. Com foitable .rooms, good board, Artesian w ater and alVconvenlences. Open all the year,. Terms moderate. Box 143.

■ Bay Cottage,P itm au A venue, b e t . O cean au d B ea ch ,

O c e a n G r o v e , X . J .Thoroughly repaired and ut-wly refurnished.

Centrally located for batbiug, cam p grounds aud po.st-otllce: large, alr\- rooms, ocean view, good beds nnd excellent table. Terms m oderate.


Luray Cottage,C o ru er o! B each a n d A tla n tic A venues,

OCEAN GROVE. N. J .Open June I lth . Reduced rates during June

aud j-Bptember. Choice and healthfu l location, one block from the oceun. Close to Ross’ bathing: grouudi. Address ♦

Box v»)l. MRS. M. AGGINGS, prop’r.

Garford Villa,21 Webb Avenue, Ocean Grove,

‘MIsS CLARA VOOR1IEES, Proprietor.One block from the ocean beach. Homelike and

pleasant accommodations. Good board. Tefm» moderate. . Box 2-»L



Central, qu iet, home-like.

Right in the heart o f th e shopping and a m u ^ m ent d is tr ic t; convenient to everywhere..

31.50 PER DAY.

Bell Cottage,m SE WALL AVENUE. . ASBURV PARK. N .J .

• * ' Near th e Ozenn.Open all th e year for perm anent o r transient

guests. . Reasonable term s. ..MRS. P. A. SHUMAN, Proprietor.

Hodson Cottage,N o . 2 4 S u r f A v e n u e ,

Between Central and Beach, OCEAN GROVE. O P E S A L L TIIE YEAH.

A desirable location, witli hotae-ilke comforts, on the most reasonable terms. Rates during fall and winter mon-Vs uuusually low. Families ac­commodated a t reduced prices. ■

Box’to MRS.:E,. HODSON, Proprietor

The Windsor.,N. W. Cor. Central and W ebb Aves,,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J . .*■■ Under new m anagem ent th is finely located boarding house will open May 2g. It w ill be found central in location, convenient to b*ach and all pof nt-** o f In te rest; hom e-like iu accouimo da tions, aud m oderate iu term s.

Box 29V2 MRS, MARIE E. CURELL. P ro p 'r

Trenton House,C o rn er M t. Z io n a n d N ew Y ork A venue.• * . MRS. M. B. DAVISSON, Proprietor.

Central location—nearest Auditorium clrettr. Home comforus and reasonable term s. Now open for th e season. Box j i -j '>. .

.. Dnu ta, S, I,Open all the

Year,Perfect system o f d ralnage. .Pure A r- . tesian water. Steam h ea t. .Electric*

lights. ' Sun parlor.

CHAS. J . HUNT, proprietor


Delightfully situated o n PITMAN AVENUE, one house from the,beach, .

Its fine ocean view, large cooi veranda«, spring . beds, sa id tary plumbing, Artesian water, etc.,

oilers special inducem ents to perm anent and . transient guests.^ T able first-class, '.

Terms reasonable. v - '' .MRS. M. j . KILMER, •

n a n d P i tm a n Avenue, Ocean Orove.Lock Box

XLC o rn e r C en tra l a u d H cck A venues, ' O c e a n G r o v e , N , J .

, MRS. R. W. CLARK, (Phllada.) Proprietor.This well known a n d popular house tinder new and liberal m anagem ent w ill be open for season

o f I-JO on au d ufter June 1. Location central and very desirable for seaside enjoym ent. Near beach aud all places o f lute rest. Accommodations home-line and term s reasonale. * P. O. Box 2103.

O s b o r n H o u s e ,C oruer P itm an n n d C en tra l A veuue, . O ceau G rove, N . J ,

Location th " most desirab’e and co nven leu tlo all points o f in te test. Liberal aud careful m anage­m ent. Cheerful society aud bev. arrangem ents for h ealth und comfort. S ix th .season now open. '

0X2131. ’ MRS. A. ISRAEL, Proprietor. .

IRVINGTON HOUSE,Cor. B each a u d E m b u ry Ave. O o e a N’ G b o v e , N . J .

Oue block from the o c e an : th ree m inutes from Auditorium : superior h a ir m attresses, excellent table, line d in lug hall, electric lights, perfect san itary plum bing. • Accommodations for 75, with iv ery comfort and a ttendance to guests. A few choice rooms on llrst fioor.

Special rates for Juue a n d September. Box 317. - THOS; PRENTIS, Proprietor.

32 a n d 34 O cean P a thw ay ; so u th s id e .

•o ss ,O cean G ro v e , N , J .

This modern and beautiful house possesses advantages unexcelled. In best location, and completo facilities for seaside enjoym ent. Table service and a il appointm ent sfirst-claav •

Opeu as usual June U . * MRS. M. TYLEY, Proprietor,O f i 't tS . I lth St.. Philadelphia.

T - A lp h a ,N o rth S id e O cean P a th w a y , one d o o r fro m th e B each ,

/ . O c e a n G r o v e , N . J . ; ;

Delightful locatlou. First-class accommodations for perm anent o r transien t guests. Perfect sau itary appliance-*. Reduced tuv»$ for Juue a u d September. Open Ju u e 1st.

Box 393. ' M. M. RUSSELL. Proprietor..

GROVE HALL,F o rm e rly G rovo C o ttag e , P ilg r im P a th w ay , o p p . T h o m so n P o rk .

Three attractive buildlugfi, connected. On** o f the finest dining-room s In Ocean Grove. Every. desirable fen ture as to location an d solid comfort. Now open for ;he s e a ^ v - r “ r— -

B o x ‘,*133.. • . , M RSr E. A. IRELAND, Proprietor.

Norman .House,' : BatuHead*|ua:tots o f C. L. S. C. Alum ni. Thoroughly renovated au d refitted. -Special rates

- May, Ju u e and Septem ber. N ow opiti,

Lock Box . ■ • MRS. C. R. PRIEST, Proprietor


. T l i e JVEet r o p o l i t a nW ITH BROADWAY ANNEX.

WILL OPEN FOR GUESTS MAV l<-t. I>W. Rates for May. June aud 'September,' z t to ?7 per week. Ju ly ond August, populur prices. Enclose *tamp f j r Circular. Head-|U«irU-rs for Y. M .C. A .a u d Y.P. f t . C: E. worker*.

1*. O. Box CHARLES ROS3, Proprietor.

The*e fine hou-es a re -si'.nated :]>r) feet from the ocean atid Llilagore's Bathing Grounds, and frontiug Fieteher Lake, with a full open view irom every w indow : lacing Broad way, Beach und Abbott av en u es; has been thoroughly reuovated und partly refurnished. <i<>od h a ir m attresses, w ith tlr*t-ehiw tab le and *;ood uUeudauee. Will m ake .these h o u r 's the mosi desirable iu sum m er season.

L a k e s i d e H o u s e ,O cean Grove, N. J,IOO Lakt* Aveime.. *

Near New Jersey Aveuue Bridge.Coiomatidlng location on Wesley Lake Terrace. • Open view, o f Lake and O cean. Elegaut rooifli an d be>t accommodations. New au d experienced m anagem ent. Terms always reasonable; - ; ' .

P. O. Box 2173. Term s—May and June. ?.*» and v , per week.1. MRS. R. A. SWAN. Proprietor

B a t h . A _veiT u e H o u s e ,N. W . Oor. C entral and B ath Avenues. Ocean Grove, N. J .

Opeu for guests. Snlendid location—near th e A uditorium . Wesley Lake, A tlan tic Ocean and Ross's Bathing Grounds. Accommodations pleasant and term s reasonable.

. O. Box 3UL ' - ' MRS: M. F. MACPHER30N, Prop 'r


Improved accommodations, with am ple room aud every facility for the comfort o f guests. Scale o f charges alwuys m oderate. • House now open.

/ . R E \. S. IL A -^W , Proprietor.

N e w a r k O o t t a g e ,REMOVED T O .

No. 40 Ocean Pathw ay .delightfully

_ „ -located. 3unitary arrangem ents good,

MRS. O. H. TOMPKINS. Prop'r, Ocean Grove, N, J.

T h e Red S w iss and W estp ort C ottages, •located. 3*doors east o f th e Young People's Temple. Two blijcks from the sea. ...........................Terms.reasonable. - , : . ,

D e m a r e s t H o u s e ,N o. 8 D c e a u A venuo, O ccau G rove, N . J . .

DeUghtfvU’.y situated on th e beach. Unobstructed view o f oceau and Bathing PavriUons. A rtesian water, pleasant rooms, good b*>d-> und well furnished table. Convenient to Auditorium . Upright piano. Opeu Ju u e 1st to Oct. 1st. Reduced rates Juue aud September.

P. O. Box r J l t . ANDREW SCOTT. Proprietor.

T h e B u e n a V i s t a ,S. W . C'or. B each a u d H eck A ves., O cean G rovo , N . J.One block from occun. Cheerful and pU-a.-unt -urrouudlngf. A rtesian water, a iry and well-fur­

nished, rooms, table iir-t-clais, and every utteutioh given to tne convenience and comfort ot guests.

Box 131. ' MRS. J. DUFF, “Proprietor.

OCEAN VIEW HOUSE,Cor.. B roadw ay a u d C eu tra l Ave. O c e a n G r o v e , N . J .

Eleventh ' season. Oue o f the best locations, overlooking a'ce aud ocean. ConvenU nt to b a 'th in ground-> aud a ll points o f interest. Home-llke comfort*. Med.-rate rates.

•Box *0 J . ■ MBS. WM. A. W HITE. Proprietor.

"V T E W Y O R K & L O N G B R A N C H R .R .

TIME TABLE, JUNE 22, 18‘.H). .

Stations in Now York—Con (ml R. R. o f New Je r­sey. foot o f Liberty Street: ? . K. R „ foot of Cohrtland and Desorosses Streets ;N . J. South*

. c ru Hall way, foot o f Rector St.

LEAVE SEW YORK FOR OCBAS r.HOVE, &C. C entra lR . J{. o f N. J.-UV9..'8.1ft, IQ,lft, *11.15

a.m ., 1.550, *2.110. *8.B0, 1.00, *-l.vW,'ft.30, 0.10 p.tn. Pennsylvania—S.iW,7 lu, *».10a,m .,

*3.10, *3.40, 4.20. 5.20. 7.00 p.m.N. J . Southern—*1.00, *JMfy *4.30, 5.30 p. in. •Leave Newark. Broad St.’ Station, for OCenn

Grove. &c—'rt. m .i 1.35,4.02.4-‘Xu 5.30,. 0.25,p.m. : Market St. Stntfon—1,00,7.;®, 0.36 a.

m .; 12.20*; 2 55, S.30, 4 I I, 5.40, 7.25 p..in.LEAVE OCKANT.ROVE FOK NEW YORK, &C,

Central R. R. of N. J-0.10,>7.00,‘ 7.1S. *757, 0.40, 10.55 a.m ., 12.15,1 8Ti; 2.10. 4.10. 7.15, $.25 p . III.

Pennsylvania—6.4K *7,45, *S.20, S.45, IU0 a m.,. 1.10. *2.47, 4 25,5.30; 0.05 p. in.X. J . Souilicrn—‘ Gil'.l. *7 52, *S 35 A.m., 5.15 p.m. For Philadelphia nud Trenton via. Bound Brook

Route—(5.10, 7.57,0.40a.m ., 12,15:2.10.4 10p m. For Ocean Beach, Spring Lake and Sea Girt—6 25,

.0;i50, 0.40, 7.2S, 7,o0, 0.10, 0.30, 10.20,10,51,' 11.05а.m ., 12.1*5, 12 33, 1.05. 2.00. 2 50, 3.30, 4.00, 4.00, .4.20, 4.40, 4.50, 4 57, 5.12, 5.20. 5.3;?, 5.55, 0.00,б.03,-6.10, 6.15, 7.14, 7,20, 7.25, S.00, 8.5S p. m. Saturdays only 11.10 p. m.

F or M anasquari .and Poin t Pleasant— 5.50, 0 2.>,C.40, 9.1(5, 10 20, 10.54,11 05 a.m ., 12.05, 1.05,2.00, 2.50, 3 4.0i>, 4.20, 4.40, 4 50, 4 57, 5.12,15 00,5.55, 0 00, C.C5, 6.10, 0.15, 7.14, 7.20, 7.25,

• S.OO.^ftSp.ui. / .For P h iladelph ia via. Sea'Girt-*C,30, *7,2S, 7,50,

9 30 a.m .. 12.33, -ftt). 5.33 p.m.For Freehold via. Sea G irt-7;50, 0.30 a. m ., 12.33,

.4.00, 5.33 p.m. Saturdays only, 11,10 p.m.For Toms R lver-0 .25 ,0.10, 11.05 a. m., 4.40,. 4.50;

7.14 p .m , . ,For Camden and m term cdlato stations—0.2a a.m .,

• 4.40 p. m,•Express RUFUS BLODGETT, Stipt.H. P. BALDWIN, G. P. *t T. A. C. R .R o / K .J .

J . R. WOOD. Gcii’l Pas, Apt. P. R .R .

y E x y s v i / V A X i A u a i l k o a p : ~


For New York, Newark, Elizabeth, Rahway, Red Bank, Long Branch and prom inent interm ed- late stations a t 6.4$, 7.45, S 23, S.45/9.10 a . m.,-1.10, 2 47,.4.25. 5 SO. 0.05 p.m',

ForM ataw an, 0 -IS, 8,45/ 0.10' a. in., 1.10, 2.47, 4.25, p. m> '. '

F o r Lone Branch, 6,8iy 6.4P, 7.45,, 8.20. S.45, .0.10, 10.22,11.02 a.m ., 1.10, 2.2V ~ 47, 4.25, 5.25,5.30, 5.42, 6.20,6:4ft, 7.05, 0.05 p.m. ■

F or Philadelphia (Broad Street), Trenton, Prince­ton, Monmouth Junction, Freehold and Sea Girt *0.30, *7,28, 7.56, 0.30a. m ., 12,33, 4.00, .5 33 p. m.

Cainden, Burlington and Bordentown, v ia Tren- ton . 7.28,9 80 a.m ., 12.33,4.00,5.33 p.m.

F or Camden nnd P hiladelphia via Toms River,6 25 a.m ., 4.40 .p. m.

For Toms River, Island H eights and in term ediate stations, 6.25, 0.16, 11.05 a . m ., 4.40, 4.50, 714

. p . m.For Point P leasant and interm ediate stations, 5.50,

6.25, 0.16,11.05 a. m ., 2.00, 4.2J, 4.40, 4.50, 5.12, .6 05.7.14 p. m. ■

t r a i n s le a v e new Y ork (via Courtlandt and Des- brosses 8treet Ferries) f o r ocean geo ve.

At 3.80, 7.10, *0.10 r . m ., 12.00 noon, 2 30. 8.10 (ex­press,) 3.40 lexpress), *4.20; 5 20, 7,00 p.m'.

t r a in s l e a v e rHiLADELmu (Broad Street) roROCEAN GROVE.

At 4 05, 6.50, 825, 11.35 a.m ., 2.40, 3.30, 4.05 p. m. Saturday only, 5.00 p.m. Leave M arket St.,

,-. W harf v ia Camden m id Trenton, 6.10, 7,20,. 10.30 a.m ., 2.30 p . m, Saturday only, 1.80 p.m.

V ia.. Camden and Jamesbtirg, t.20 a.m ., 4.00 •, p. m. . Leave M arket St. W harf via; Camden

an d Toms River, S.30 a. m;, 4.00 p. m .•Express. •

J . R. WOOD; Gen’l Pass. Agent. CHAS. E . PUGH' Geu’.l Manager.

M O R R O W ’ S

BakeryS. Ice 'Cream Garden,A R E NOW OPEN. •WUHQTC

Call at th e ir counter o r hand in address Cor delivery wagon ; urove o r Park. .

m u m

Telephone Connection;



PLUMBER, P A R I S Human Hair Store,

611 Cookman & 612 M attison A vs., ASBURY PA RK .

OCEAN GROVE, N . J .Accommodations nod appointm ents firM-class ; services th e b e s t: Accommodates 350: will open v 1. HOT.__________ . _____________________ WM. P. DOLBEY. Ploptletor.

67 Mt. Tabor Way.OCEAJV GROVE, N, J .

P u m p s , S l n k o , T e r r a C o t t a a u d X e n tf P i p e s , O i\ m r n n l W a t e r F l x t n r e s .


Accommodation e n la c e d and improved.Great variety a n d best quality is always a spc*

Cialy o f Day Brothers.From the Newark establishm ent they arepre-

pared to fhrnish en tertainm ents in any p a rt o f thecountry.

Central A vp. from Pitm an Ave. to M cClivtockSt,Large assortment o f H um an H air W orks. Nat*

ural W ater Curls guaranteed,Ladles' H air Cutting, Shampooing, Hair. Dress*

iriR an d Curling by professional• F rench artists. • My. Circassian Tontque for’, th e growth o f th e

h a ir an d for rem oving dandruff; an d a ll • com­plaints of the scalp a n d n a ir , h a s been highly re­comm ended by th o best resident® o f A sbury P ark Park an d Ocean Grove. . ■ ,

No hum bug. Success in a ll cases; \ .. Ladies and gentlem en consultation free,

My Veloutiue for the face needs only a trial to be preferred to all. o thers in . the m arket. Free trial to all. ' . .


T O R E N T .. . A i ia n d s o w o C o t ta g o , w e ll f u r n i s h e d ;

'1 e\V Brussels c a rp e ts : two bay windows, splendid law n, Artesian water, aud closets oil upper aud ower floors, Apply to MRS. II. M. BLAKE,

' Cor. Abbott an d Pilgtim Pathway.Also a small cottage w ith seven roams on Clark

.avenue. Apply as above. ‘

Open all the Year. Turkish, Russian and all o th e r B aths aqd .M edicated Gases. S team in ,W inter

D. M. BARR, M. D., Proprietor. . / ; ; * 8ucce«M)rto :



. H aving b een ‘m anager for Mr. Cartw right for th e past e ight years—since the business waa first established here—I eel confident th a t tho workI h ave done w ill be. h e best reference I can offer. T a r P a p e r, S h e a th in g P a p e r, T w o a n d T h ro e

P ly Roofing P a p e r ; . 7 :.P. O. BoxS02. A8BURY PARK, N. J .

H e n r t c . W in so b , P re a ld e n t. . G eo .'W . e v a n » , V ice -P residen t. E d m cn p E . D a y to n , C ash ie r

For R ent Cheap.tf j it SIX ROOMS, 3 DOUBLE BEDS, Springs* 4 )1 1 0 Mattresses, pillows; Bolsters, Carpets, Stove, W ashstands. «fcc. Address OWNER, 1,661 Harrison St., Frank ford, Philn. M I L L I N E R Y

’ Organised J anuary, 1889. lPITAL, 950,000.00. - , SURPLUS, 8B.OOO.C

Transacts a general B anking Business, Igsues.Foreign and Domestic D iafts. ■• : • Prompt a tten tio n given to a ll m atters en trusted to us.

C O L L E fT lO N N M a B F . A N D P R O M P T L Y A C K N O W L E D G E D .■ D IR E C T O R S :



FOR RENT, 1 00 Slain St.'-‘• " U p s ta i r * * : -v


W e h a re now a tine assortment o f


Also Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Silks, Velvets . r • . and Gauzes.

Feathers Curled, Crfipe restored.

M isses W OOLSTON,

A m c o C o t ta g e to p r iv a te f a m i ly : a l to ­ge ther or in part. 52 EMBURY AVENUE. Well furnlrhed, w ith all improvements. 2% blocks from ocean and post oflice, ■

J74w , . Address C, Box 162.M A IN S T R E E T ,

ABbury P a r k , N ew Je rs e y .DEALEn

Stoves, Ranges, Hoatora, F iim acos, House-Furnishing H ardw are, Tin,

Sheet Iron, and Copper W are .

Tin-Roofing,Gutters Leaders• ;• A SPECIALTY/

Call an d exam ine our i ‘8 P I 4E N D ID ,*, F ire Place Heaters, Hotel, and F ancy Trays, .Casters, Smoothing Irons, Oil S toves,patent Eureka Coffee Pole, &c, - ..

Street Lamps and FixturesCONSTANTLY ON HAND.

T hank ing onr patrons for.pRst favors, 1 respect, fully Boliclt a continuance o f th eir patronage. Y

FOR RENT.& j Q r IN ADVANCE. 7 ROOMS FURNISHED. 4 ) 1 0 3 Artesian water nnd sewer connection.

■ : •- ‘ Apply '.>$ Heck Avenue, o r address " R. 5,” Box 10, Oceau Grove.

A. ALLISON WHITE,Successor to’ Jam es As Grilling «fc Co.

— O C E A N G R O V E -W E S L E Y LAKE.BE, - 10 Cents, ILDREX, 5 Cents, P H A R M A C YQ T O C K Q U O T A T IO N S

O reported up to 12 o’clock by.DeHAVEN & TOWNSEND,

^ - — -BANKERS---- - ■■iXs C f i e x i n u t 8 1r e e l , p h iln < l< * ]p lila .

. -.•••• June 17, 1690. "/ .* -b id .. .A SK EDU. S. 4>fs, c o u p o n ;- . .. . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . 103 lcojg

“ . ....... ..................... ...............102M '10-*!Pennsylvania R. R .................. ............P hiladelphia an d Reading R . R . . . . . . 22*.| . 22kLehigh Valley R . R .. . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . - bsw ■ 52s*!Lehigh Coal and Navigation C o . . . . . 52 52^|National Lead T r u s t . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 1Q"£ . 20 .N ev Jersey C e n t r a l 7\\ya .74 N orthern Paeiflc, C o m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ; 3GK

. *»• . , “ .... P rp rd . . . . . kiOregon T ra n s c o n tin e n ta l. .. . . . . . . . . . -iSU 4S5^Union Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gl% 65W estern Un Ion . . . . . . . . ; i . •' SiteRichmond Term inal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22? 1 22%Louisville J: N a s h v i l l e . . . . . . . . , . .^ . . sSliAtchison, Topeka A Santa F e . . . . . . . •10«Del. Lackaw anna «fc W este rn .... . . . . 143^ 14okNew York A N e w E iig lan d .... . . . . . . . 4 7 ^

Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on um unls* slon. Stocks carried On favorable tennfl.

Pitman &ve., opp. “ The Arlington,1OCEAN GROVE, N. J.Harry Smith,

Drugs, Chemicals, F ancy Goods, Sponges, Patent 'M edicines. Pharm aceutical Preparations, etc.;

Store closedtm Sunday* during church services.| m a k e r o f

T E N T S , ,M i H y .A w n ii ig s .E tc .71 Mt. Herman Way,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J .P. O. BOX 2220.


iS c w o ii o f 1SJ)0 J u n e I n i, .U K * . M . I* K D E R , P r o p ’r' AU sJ2es an d w idlhs on hand.

Custom W ork a Specialty. ■ - K e |» n lr i i? s S e n t ly Done V

1 3 3MCa,ixi S t . ,. • Ooppsite Ocean:Grove Gates,

A SB U R Y P A R K , N. j ‘

Teuts4 Flies aud Awnings m ade iu th e best pos- s-ible m anner mid at the lowest prices. \

All mildew-proof work guaranteed,A trial will eonviuee. ‘ : ;-.r :.. R e p n l r i u ^ P r o m p t l y A i t e m l e i l To*I m ake a spec laity o f S to re 'an d W indow Awn­

ings. Correspondence solicited, . S T O C K S BS TonCom m isislon.and carried on favorable term s

■ Being m em bers oif both th e Philadelphia aud New.York Stock Exchange, and having a Private Wire d ire c t from onr oflice to New York, we are prepared to execute orders left w ith us promptly and satisfactorily. Accounts received aud in te r­est allowed. :. >


4:28 C'bestnnt St., Thilad’a.


X 1ST S T J B A i T <D E 3 . ; PAINTING ;

i n fill i t s b r a u o h e s . B u i ld in g a n ti g e n e ra ] .... v • / r e p a i r s . a t t e n d e d to .

O . SICKLER,Real Estate Agent


C ottages a n d L o ts S old o r R en ted . ■;

F ire In s u ra n c e in R e liab le C om panies.

OFFICE—NO. 76 M A IN AVENUE,. - \ .‘i- Neftr Asiioclailon Ofilce. '.

To Rent for Season.Corner Cookman and New York'

pli'JL O Avenues—25x14 and 25x13..; Each (lining ten t .VxD, an d fr^me kitchen 10X10, furnished. Anesinn water. Sewer drained,

• G. S. BROADBENT. Easton, Pa. .S.—The whole for sale, lots and ail.

CHARLES LEMKAU,■ W holesale Commission M erchant iu .

Gri’oceiies, Tea, Coffee,BU TTER, EGGS, C HEES E.


nenrmmnilM jlBtjgmuiP A R T IC U L A R a t te n t io n g iv en to the Sale aud Renting o f property. Correspond­

ence solicited with- the owneis of eottages iu re­gard to securing tenants for the .ensniUE season. T h o se \vanting summ er homes or boardinghouses ore invited to apply by letter or call on . •

CHARLES P. PRIDHAM,.. Corner Pennsylvania and Heck Avenups,

/ : . "OceanGrove, N. J.


(Perm anently residing, a t Ocean Grove,)



Is always ready to furnish plans aud estim ates1 of cottages iu every size nnd style.

For good workmanship, and satisfactory terms, h e refers to all for whom be has erected cottages, both iu Ocean Grove a n d Asbury Park .du ring the past fifteen years. •. ,

Cor. Benson and Main Ave., Ocean Grove

(L a te ' I I B . B e e t l e A S o u )

UNITED STATES HOTELCorner M ain and Beach Aves., Ocean Grove.

■ Location unsurpassed. Grand outlook , to sea front. Accommodations am ple an d table firat-elass. The fam ily hotel o f Ocean Grove. - G uests,arriving every, day. u*m .- ORR, Proprietor.

48 Main Ave., Ocean Grove,Loans N egotiated an d Legal Papers D ra^n iRea'l Estate. Loans aud In­

vestments.C O L O R A D O . . - Correspondence solicited.

W. P. COOK,House :: Painter,

H . B . B e e g le , Notary Public a n d Commission* e r o f Deeds for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and

■;th e D istrict o f Columbia. ,N. H, KILMER;Contractor, Carpenter


Vftln S tre e t, A sb u ry P a rk , R . 4 .KING'S BRICK BUILDING,‘ A sp lendid aEsortment of

Qold and S ilver A m erican and Swiss W atclies..

G o ld n x l S t e e l S p e c la d e H . Theoretical arid Practical Repairer o f Chron-

; • ometers and Watches. ;

H E K K A L h T n E T E A R ,


C A R M A N & HO LB R O O K ,

: RESIDENCE-00 CLARK AVENUE.Paintingr Kalsomining,- Glazing, Graihiiig, &c., . ; ' . . ■*.-■ done at short notice. ;

' Address P :0 .'B o x 1S5, Ocean Grove, N. J.

G-tJO. K. HOUGH, Practical Tailor and Cutter,

. (L ate.ofPhiladelphia.) . .

X o . 3 9 P U ir r i u ) P a t h w a y , n e a r l y o p p . ‘ P o s t O il ic p , O c c n u G rtiV P .

Personi furnishing th e ir ow n m aterial caii have it m ade up iu th e latest style and mo$t satisfac­tory manner.- _■ -- .. My:

CUTTING, CLEANING,' REPAIRING, PRESSING:, n ea tly and prom ptly executed.



• Pianos and oreans tuued and .repaired! SINGER SEWING MACHINES,

C o r . B o m l S t r e e t n n d . Ifn tt iN o n A v e u u e . A n b u r y P a r k , X . JF.: ;


is prepared still to serve the people-of Asbury Park and Oeean ’ Grove w ith everything in ihe lipe o f Tents and aw nings.,;. Hotels tilted out with. lings o f every k in d , ; 'Tent* tlys m ade and repairing done to order. .• •

• -New.fuuiily toms promptly furnished,:and price, lists sent.on application.- .. ,Address c |n Q A l l f L O f IU V P I I . , ; Uasflii hand the largest and tincst hue of plain

and gilt wall papers, decorat ions, shades aud.tlx- ttires In the county, at. lowest prices. AlsoW a l l P i c t u r e X f o n l d i u ^ a iH l F r a m e « ;

. . P a p e r 11 nug-er^* S u p p l letf, E t c . ■, Fram es m ade to; order, at short notice. The best J\ew York a n d . Philadelphia paper hangers employed. Estimates furnished for paper hang­ing and kalsomining..' ’ . . . •

541, 543 and 545 COOKMAN AVE.,Adjoiniug Commercial Hotel, and opposite Ocean

. . Grove Bridge,; ■ ASBURY Pa RK. '.

Paintilie-■ and Griazin2;

F s ta l i l lN l ie d iu Sew "York i u lS O l .or a t RESIDENCE. MS SECOND AGENUE,

ASBURY PA UK. GOODRICH’S • • Patented Oc!vb-.r \Z. i m .Vf.This Cut shows th e exact size o f th e ♦*T,N T< lliK >*

; < P O B T R A > T f i m ade from a Cabinet only. Send.I j C a b i n e t P h o t o and .'IO O iitM -an d you will1 i receive one d o z e n ••Uniunes” and Cabinet re-1 j tu rned . No Stamps. \> , iff /N T A U F ^ K R ,| ‘ J ; , A sb n ry P a rk f N. J .

T W. 0. SNYDER’S 'jlVleat :: Market,i 331 COOK.11A.V AVENUE, •

’ } \ : N ear N. J . Ave. B r i d g e . - '•

V B eil, Veal, tfiinl), 3r«tton, f Ppultry, &c.

' ,j G iv e m a trlftl. •

CARMAN, ARCHITECT, ;‘Will Ai'ruish.plans and spec ideations for cottages o f all descriptions free o f c h a ise , and.estim atesof any o ther work prom ptly given,. W ork e ith e r iu Grove or Park.OiKco A d jo iu in g A ssocifttiou B u ik liu g ,

OCEAN GROVEj N. J . : *,Box TL: :. *; ;. ‘ .Vcnffo u t!\i* Pay-t

’ Leave orders 56 Heck avenue, and front oi ; Ladies’ Store,. Main avenue.

•NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER EXPRESS A ttention to baggage an d freight delivery a t de­

pot, and throughout the Grove. Trompt aud sat­isfactory as usual. . Orders promptly attendetl to. WILLIAM FIELD,

P A I N T I N G C O N T R A C T S : made and fatthfuliy. executed. All sorts .of repairing at*- tended to by.' v- v v.” :.

IjO C O LX w k i g h t:l:l M A IN A V E .V I E .

Best Meats, Finest Poultry■ A specialty o f Pure Leaf L aid and

■ Be6f Drippings..^ T e le p h o n e CQtinection. - ’

: and decorator in M.odern Art; ;i ; ;

02 M ain A venue, Ocean Grove, N. J." 1 Study to Plcnse. .

For Dropsy, Gravel, Bright’s, Heart, Urinary or L iver Disease?, Nervousness, Ac, Cure gwarafi- eed. Oifiee S<U Arch street,- Philadelphia. §1.03 e r bottle , 6 for 55.- A t d ru g g is ts.. Try it:
