Walking out of the 6,000-year-old grave of Bible Interpretation, Part 2 By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad (FinalCall.com) - The Simon Wiesenthal Center recently listed what it considers the top ten “anti-Israel lies.” At the top of the list was: 1. “Israel was created by European guilt over the Nazi Holocaust. Why should Palestinians pay the price?” The Wiesenthal scholars addressed this charge by stating: “Three thousand years before the Holocaust, before there was a Roman Empire, Israel’s kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…” In this case what is not said may be more important than what was said. In these articles we intend to show that the White people who call themselves Jews today have no Biblical, historical or archaeological right to run the Palestinians out of their ancestral homeland, but are hiding the real reason for the White race’s entry into the Holy Land. By using the argument that “Israel’s kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem,” the Wiesenthal Center left out what Zionists have been claiming as the primary reason the land of Palestine was chosen as the new homeland of the Jews: God gave this land to the followers of Moses after their exodus from their cruel captivity at the hands of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Instead, the best that the center’s scholars can come up with today is “… Israel’s kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…” So what happened to Moses, the Exodus and God’s Covenant with the Children of Israel? It seems as though the Simon Wiesenthal Center has been keeping up with Minister Farrakhan’s series of lectures titled “Who are The Real Children of Israel?” and the Final Call articles that brought actual facts and scholarship to bear on this theological and geo-political issue. Some of these who claim to be Jewish scholars seem to want to skirt the issue instead of confronting our scholarship. One article in The Final Call titled “Did the Exodus Ever Happen?” used Jewish scholars to point out the fact that there is no written record outside of the Bible or archaeological evidence in Egypt, the Sinai or even Palestine that confirms a mass “exodus” of Jews out of Egypt into Palestine at any point in history. In fact, the exodus story has been debunked by even Jewish scholars as an inverted story of an actual historical event in which the Egyptians were invaded by foreigners from Asia around 1700 B.C. These invaders were subsequently expelled from the delta region of Egypt by the Egyptian king, Ahmose. So now that the Zionists have given up on the Exodus hoax, they must rely on evidence of their ancestors once walking the streets of Jerusalem to claim ownership. Well, since my ancestors were in bondage in the southern United States for 300 years under chattel slavery and another 100 years under Jim Crow Black Codes, then the world should come together and force the U.S. government to give us the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina just for starters. Then because we were burned out of Tulsa, Okla., slaughtered in Wilmington, N.C. and mistreated in Detroit, Chicago, Newark, New York, L.A. and numerous other cities in America, we should be given a piece of those areas as well. Many of us not only walked the streets of these cities but also had to sleep on them as well, because we were homeless victims of economic exploitation and discrimination. So if the Zionists can no longer claim Jerusalem and Palestine based on Biblical references related to the Exodus and Moses’ Covenant with God, then why are the European Jews so adamant about going back to the Holy Land? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that all White people fall under the heading of Israel and that Black people in America are like adopted children of White people. There is a movement among White scholars that agree that all White people come under the name of Israel, but they claim this is based on the Bible story of the Assyrians capturing 10 tribes of Israel, not including Judah, around 700 B.C. and exiling them to the Caucasus Mountains. This tribe of White Israelites, later called Caucasians, spread from the Caucasus Mountains into Russia, Europe and the British Isles. Therefore, we must pose these questions: At what time was Israel (White people) in the Holy Land; when did they leave; and most importantly, why? An article in The Final Call titled “Myth or High Science? Is There Evidence of Mr. Yakub?” pointed out Volume 2, Issue 33 2011

Rethinking Bible History - Washington Monument Cracks in Earthquake

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This week's report includes: -Rethinking Bible History -Washington Monument Cracks in Earthquake -What Ben Franklin Thought About You The ADL Exposed by the ADL (Nathan Perlmutter: In his own words)

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Page 1: Rethinking Bible History - Washington Monument Cracks in Earthquake

Walking out of the 6,000-year-old grave of Bible Interpretation, Part 2

By Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad

(FinalCall.com) - The Simon Wiesenthal Center

recently listed what it considers the top ten “anti-Israel lies.” At the top of the list was: 1. “Israel was created by European guilt over the Nazi Holocaust. Why should Palestinians pay the price?”

The Wiesenthal scholars addressed this charge by stating: “Three thousand years before the Holocaust, before there was a Roman Empire, Israel’s kings and

prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…”

In this case what is not said may be more important than what was said. In these articles we intend to show that the White people who call themselves Jews today have no Biblical, historical or

archaeological right to run the Palestinians out of their ancestral homeland, but are hiding the real reason for the White race’s entry into the Holy Land.

By using the argument that “Israel’s kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem,” the Wiesenthal Center left out what Zionists have been claiming as the primary reason the land of Palestine was chosen as the new homeland of the Jews: God gave this land to the followers of Moses after their exodus from their cruel captivity at the hands of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Instead, the best that the center’s scholars can come up with today is “… Israel’s kings and prophets walked the streets of Jerusalem…”

So what happened to Moses, the Exodus and God’s Covenant with the Children of Israel? It seems as though the Simon Wiesenthal Center has been keeping up with Minister Farrakhan’s series of lectures titled “Who are The Real Children of Israel?” and the Final Call articles that brought actual facts and scholarship to bear on this theological and geo-political issue. Some of these who claim to be Jewish scholars seem to want to skirt the issue instead of confronting our scholarship.

One article in The Final Call titled “Did the Exodus Ever Happen?” used Jewish scholars to point out the fact that there is no written record outside of the Bible or archaeological evidence in Egypt, the Sinai or even Palestine that confirms a mass “exodus” of Jews out of Egypt into Palestine at any point in history. In fact, the

exodus story has been debunked by even Jewish scholars as an inverted story of an actual historical event in which the Egyptians were invaded by foreigners from Asia around 1700 B.C. These invaders were subsequently expelled from the delta region of Egypt by the Egyptian king, Ahmose.

So now that the Zionists have given up on the Exodus hoax, they must rely on evidence of their ancestors once walking the streets of Jerusalem to claim ownership. Well, since my ancestors were in bondage in the southern United States for 300 years under chattel slavery and another 100 years under Jim Crow Black Codes, then the world should come together and force the U.S. government to give us the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina just for starters. Then because we were burned out of Tulsa, Okla., slaughtered in Wilmington, N.C. and mistreated in Detroit, Chicago, Newark, New York, L.A. and numerous other cities in America, we should be given a piece of those areas as well. Many of us not only walked the streets of these cities but also had to sleep on them as well, because we were homeless victims of economic exploitation and discrimination.

So if the Zionists can no longer claim Jerusalem and Palestine based on Biblical references related to the Exodus and Moses’ Covenant with God, then why are the European Jews so adamant about going back to the Holy Land? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that all White people fall under the heading of Israel and that Black people in America are like adopted children of White people. There is a movement among White scholars that agree that all White people come under the name of Israel, but they claim this is based on the Bible story of the Assyrians capturing

10 tribes of Israel, not including Judah, around 700 B.C. and exiling them to the Caucasus Mountains. This tribe of White Israelites, later called Caucasians, spread from the Caucasus Mountains into Russia, Europe and the British Isles. Therefore, we must pose these questions: At what time was Israel (White people) in the Holy Land; when did they leave; and most importantly, why?

An article in The Final Call titled “Myth or High Science? Is There Evidence of Mr. Yakub?” pointed out

Volume 2, Issue 33 2011

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Walking out of the 6,000 year old grave of Bible Interpretation 2

recent DNA research which points to the advent of blue eyes on our planet at a time between 10,000 and 6,000 years ago; however, another group of geneticists were more exact and pinpointed the beginning of Black people in Europe being turned into a race of white-skinned people to 6,600 years ago—exactly the time The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Yakub began the grafting process to use the brown germ within the Black man to make a new race of albinos. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further taught us that it took 600 years to turn 59,999 Black people into a race of White-skinned people. At that time, these albinos entered the Holy Land and began to start trouble by causing the original inhabitants of the land to fight and kill one another. They were subsequently rounded up and made to walk across the hot Arabian desert to be put behind iron gates in the Caucasus Mountains, about 6,000 years ago. There they languished in their own ignorance for 2,000 years until Musa (Moses) was sent to civilize them once again in 2,000 B.C. or 4,000 years ago. Now, it is interesting that the Hyksos, which were a mixed group of Asians and Europeans, managed to walk back and ride back into Egypt around 1720 B.C.

So now we have historical evidence to show that there were indeed European White people who were once Black and once lived in the Holy Land. They have been trying to get back in ever since they were kicked out 6,000 years ago under not-too-favorable circumstances. They managed to get a hold of some of the writings or stories of ancient Black civilizations, and then twisted those stories to give them an identity that tied them to the Holy Land under false pretences. They invented the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the human psyche. They not only have claimed something that did not belong to them, but have hijacked history itself. White people have the

whole world believing that written history started only 6,000 years ago and everything that happened before this time was “pre-history” and of no importance to the development of civilization. This is why the European Jews, as exposed in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2 (TSRV2), are so persistent in denying that Blacks, the “cursed seed of Ham,” had accomplished anything of significance before they were brought into slavery in America from the “jungles of Africa.”

TSRV2 quotes the American Israelite, the most prominent and respected Jewish newspaper in America in 1913: “The negro, with the solitary exception of Australian and Polynesian, is the most backward of human races; his contributions to human progress have been insignificant…” If this is true, then why has it been necessary for Whites to burn down every library that they have found in the Black world?

As they “walked the streets” of the African world, they destroyed the libraries at Alexandria and at every

temple in Ancient Egypt. Now as they “walk” through the Middle East, they have destroyed the museums in Baghdad and now are burning books taken from the Palestinians in the occupied territories. They will continue to destroy artifacts that look “African,” as they “walk the streets” of the Holy Lands, to

surgically remove what remains of human history of the peoples before them. This is their latest attempt to hide the evidence of how they recently arrived on our planet 6,000 years ago. No wonder they get exited every time Minister Farrakhan speaks. The more he speaks, the more he brings their shame to light. (Dr. Ridgely A. Mu’min Muhammad, Agricultural Economist,

National Student Minister of Agriculture, Manager of Muhammad Farms. He can be reached at

[email protected])

George Washington’s Monument: Cracked from the Beginning?

The recent earthquake—centered in Washington, DC, at the very moment American and NATO oil thieves entered “the shores of Tripoli”—did major damage to the Washington

Monument, the iconic symbol of America. But the very concept was flawed from the start:

America’s father, George Washington (1732-1799), was one of

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George Washington’s Monument: Cracked from the Beginning? 3

the largest slave owners in American history. He laid the corner stone of the Federal District in the name of Freemasonry, and the 555-foot monument in his honor can not be exceeded in height by any building, in accord with District law. His home state of Virginia was the prime breeder of Black people for the domestic slave trade, and at one point the state exported 6,000 Black people annually—their biggest “cash crop.” In 1786, Washington held 216 Black Africans—116 workers, 92 children and 8 sick or injured slaves (he had many more over the years). This unusually high number of children who were unable to work the plantation indicates that George was heavily involved in the breeding of Black people for the slave trade. Washington gave them such names as:

Sall Brass Breechy Suck Lame Alice Virgin Jupiter Dorcas Winny Sucky Flukey

Hercules Giles Paris-boy Doll Cook Jack Sambo Opey Suck Bass House Sall Caesar Cupid

Though he often expressed what he

called a “repugnance” toward the institution of slavery, Washington recognized that the very country he founded was based entirely upon the free labor of the Black race:

• He accepted slaves as payments for debts, and bought them as needed; he proposed to exchange slaves for land.

• A visitor to his plantation

called Washington’s slave cages “more miserable” than the worst of Europe.

• He opposed the use of slaves as soldiers in the American Revolution because he thought (rightly) that armed Blacks might see the colonists as their mortal enemies. Indeed, at least 17 of Washington’s own Black captives escaped to join the British in 1781.

• He avoided speaking publicly about the issue of slavery, seemingly at all costs.

• He carefully made sure that the slaves he brought with him to the presidential office (then in Pennsylvania) would not use the state’s abolition laws to free themselves from slavery.

• When one slave absconded in 1795, Washington told his overseer to take measures to apprehend the slave, “but I would not have my name appear

in any advertisement, or other measure, leading to it.”

Black women captives of

Washington were subject to the sexual predations of those who visited the first president—and to the predations of George himself. Indeed, George has been linked to the rape of his female slaves, producing presidential offspring that predated even Thomas Jefferson’s. One of George’s guests seemed downright indignant: “[W]ill you believe it,” he wrote in 1784, “I have not humped a single mulatto since I am here.” Most despicable of all, both George and Thomas put the full force of the new United States government behind the French attempt to repress the rebellion of Black Africans in the colony of Haiti. Washington, in fact, said he would be “happy” to help his white counterparts in destroying the rebellion.

Only over his dead body did Washington “free” his 317 Black human beings (the number he owned had doubled since his American Revolution in 1776)—his will “emancipated” the Blacks on his Virginia plantation. In his lifetime Washington proved too cowardly to deal with the rank hypocrisy of America’s enslavement of an entire race of people and feared, as he had written to a friend in 1794, that “I shall be happily mistaken if [slaves] are not found to be a very troublesome species of property ere many years pass over our heads.”






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Page 4: Rethinking Bible History - Washington Monument Cracks in Earthquake

Sins of the White Fathers: Benjamin Franklin’s Hate

Boston-born Ben Franklin, the kite-flying colonial icon and America’s most illustrious Founding Father mused: “...Why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White...?” Though he preferred white indentured slaves in his own household (“We do not like Negro Servants.”), Franklin

traded Africans from his Philadelphia shop as with any other commodity. He advertised for sale, “a breeding Negro woman about twenty years of age. Can do any household work.” Another ad offered “A likely Negro wench about fifteen years old, has had the smallpox.” Franklin had no hesitation concerning the buying,

selling, brokering and arranging the chattel bondage of African human beings, whom he considered inferior. “Peter,” “Jemima,” and “George” forfeited their freedom to the Franklins throughout Ben’s 30 years as a slaveholder. “Peter” and another slave named “King” even accompanied the Franklins to England, where they were forced to “scrub the moss-covered gravestones of the Franklin ancestors.”

Franklin’s eventual anti-slavery leanings were based not on any moral awakening or newfound love for Blacks, but on the economic inefficiencies of the institution and its discouragement of white immigration and industry. Even when in his latter years he came to the revelation that Blacks were educable as children, grown Blacks, on the other hand, “were still a terrifying people.”

ADL Uses Min. Farrakhan to Raise Funds: REAL Hate Agenda Exposed

“The ADL, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, has built its financial appeal to Jews on its ability to portray the Jewish people as surrounded by enemies who are on the verge of launching threatening anti-Semitic campaigns. It has a professional stake in exaggerating the dangers, and sometimes allows existing racial or political prejudices in the Jewish world to influence how it will portray the potential dangers.” This is Michael Lerner’s description of the

deceitfully racist Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in his book, feebly co-authored by Cornel West, titled Jews and Blacks: Let the healing begin. Lerner is not the first Jew to accuse the ADL of Black-baiting for money. Former ADL directors have made similar charges. In its own publication, “Not the Work of a Day”: ADL of B’nai B’rith Oral Memoirs, Vol. 1,” former ADL director Nathan Perlmutter reminisces:

“A few weeks ago I had an expose’ on Jesse Jackson. Quite, by coincidence, I wasn’t aware of it, we had one of those mass mailings going out for fund raising. It was one of those mailings

to lists that were not our usual givers. The fund raising people tell me that in the several weeks following – these were small gifts, $20.00, $100.00, but there were many of them – we never had the response to a mailing that we had in our July, 1984 mailing. Why? I think there are several reasons. Probably, one that is far from being the last reason, is that in the last several weeks on matters that count to Jews, Jesse Jackson, Mr. Farrakhan, and the Democratic Party’s unresponsiveness, we were seen and heard from....I believe that one of the strongest things Jews have going for them is the anti-Semitic notion of Jewish power. It is the image of Jewish power that

is, in fact, our strength – not the reality of Jewish power.... Why is Jerry Falwell symbolically the devil, but not Jesse Jackson? Because we really have a greater animus against

religion, re Falwell, than we do against blacks who by definition are underdogs. In this kind of racist thinking who will be forgiven or who will be blamed is determined by race. Jesse Jackson gets away with rhetorical murder.

were seen and heard from....I believe that one of the strongest things Jews have going for them is the antipower. It is the im

ADL Racist NATHAN PERLMUTTER with Israeli terrorist Menachim Begin.


…ADL national leader Nathan Perlmutter (with his wife, Ruth Ann Perlmutter) put out The Real Anti-Semitism in America, alleging yet again that the United States was awash in a new anti-Semitism. The main purpose behind these periodic, meticulously orchestrated media extravaganzas is not to fight anti-Semitism but rather to exploit the historical suffering of Jews in order to immunize Israel against criticism. Each campaign to combat the “new anti-Semitism” has coincided with renewed international pressures on Israel to withdraw from occupied Arab territories in exchange for recognition from neighboring Arab states.