RESET Magazine Issue 3

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The third issue of RESET magazine brings you an exclusive chat with Kid British, tips on how to RESET your head from Phil Levine, a chat with The View and so much more...

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cONTENTS5 The MANifesto We asked you for your slogans for living, so here they are.

6 — 8 Art Attack One man’s answer to hair loss and why it needs to be seen.

10 & 11 For Who Magazine Mark Hendy tells us what happened when he wrote for a man’s mag.12 & 13 Is the Web the New Frontier? Phil Harper dares to dream.

15 — 17 Kid british Sim and Adio from the Manchester band open up.

19 Light from the dark How one man’s lowest moment was the making of him.

20 & 21 Topman cTRL MX Sessions With The View, Lykke Li and The Joy Formidable.

22 — 24 Obsessed Why photography matters, why digital sucks and why Metallica rock.

27 how To be....an Actor Hark! Where are my tights?30 dear dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip When beards start thinking.

Hello there...

Greetings. Welcome to Issue 3 of RESET

magazine. We’re a mixed bag this time

round and that’s just how we like it.

We’ve got Kid British telling us their own

Reset Moment, artist Phil Levine’s fairly

unique answer to hair problems, and dan

le sac and Scroobius Pip open up to your

questions. But we also explore just how

much men’s magazines really care about

our mental health, whether the internet

is the only undiscovered country left

and report from the frontlines of trendy,

otherwise known as Topman’s excellent

CTRL MX Sessions.

But what do you want us to talk about?

Who do you want us to interview? Or even

better, who do you want to interview?

Tell us at [email protected].

And remember, Reset magazine is your

introduction – if you want the hard stuff,

head to www.thecalmzone.net.

Editor: Martin Cordiner Reset Coordinator: Jamie Scahill Design: Because Studio Original design: TheoBaldFoxKid British Photography: Mike Kelly, www.mikekellyphotography.co.ukContributors: Kid British, Dan Ford, Gareth Brooks, Phil Harper, Mark Hendy, Andy Naylor, Phil Levine, Daniel Regan, Dan Bell, dan le sac and Scroobius Pip

Do you want to advertise in or write for RESET email us at [email protected] Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a registered charity No. 1110621Unit 304, 30 Gt Guildford St, London SE1 0HSTwitter http://twitter.com/TheCALMZone facebook http://www.facebook.com/theCALMzone

DisclaimerAll text and layout is the copyright of CALM. Nothing in the magazine may be reproduced in whole or part without thewritten permission of the publisher. All copyrights are recognised and used specifically for the purpose of criticism andreview. Although the magazine has endeavoured to ensure all information is correct at time of print, prices and availabilitymay change. This magazine is fully independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned herein.



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To celebrate the launch of RESET

magazine, we held some parties

in Manchester, Liverpool and

London. here’s what happened.....

Thanks to all who played,

contributed, and turned up.

Daniel Regan - www.danielregan.com

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Feel inspired? Share your Manifesto at


People need people


Don’t let the story of now write itselfGoggles

Not to dwell on missed opportunities but to recognise they weren’t for me and focus on the future Bhavisha

Love the life you liveDanni138

Stay calm, be true to yourself,

listen to transcendental music


I am a manDan Bell

History’s greatest minds have

considered truth and happiness

and still aren’t all that sure

about it. You’re not alone


Live for the moment (I’ll work on this a bit more)Desimon

What would Ron Burgundy do? Darren_james

I hold it to be the inalienable

right of anybody to go to hell

in his own wayMatt Gee

YOUR MAN ifestOWe asked for your own personal

guide to living.....


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When did you go bald? I went bald in my early 20s, it started around 21. I decided to shave it all off when I was 25. I never wanted to have that Bobby Charlton look and promised myself when it came close to that I would take it all off.

how did it make you feel? There is no doubt that when you first see hair shedding onto your pillow you do feel a part of your youth disappearing, it can be an insecure feeling. But then when you accept that it happens to most people and the fact my dad and granddad are/were also bald then it’s not that bad at all.

did you ever notice or feel like people treat you a certain way as a result of being bald? Yes, when I don’t have a design on my head there are certain elements of looking like a skin head or in many situations people will prejudge you depending on what your are wearing and what your hair/head looks like.


Where did the head designs idea come from? I looked in the mirror and wanted to have something on my head where my hair used to be. It wasn’t filling a hole as such but rather an interest in experimenting. I just thought, “what would it be like if I paint or put material on it” and so I did. I found a professional body painter/artist called Kat Sinclair and we just started creating designs.

I wanted to create something fun and fresh, referencing to past pop culture images such as Hokusai and Lichtenstein. However, from that I started creating my own ideas and designs, such as the 1000 Swarovski crystal head piece.

People’s reactions have been very intense. I had a wide range, from people wanting to ask all about the creation and reason for my displaying my designs to some just loving it and taking pictures. The most satisfying reactions are from people seeing my website who have a personal connection, because either they are a bit insecure about being bald or they have a close friend who’s felt that. They are inspired by what I have done with such a situation.

how do you cope when you lose your hair? It may have happened to you or someone you know and it most definitely happened to Phil Levine. he came up with a fairly radical solution....cALM caught up with him to find out how it happened.



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have you gone out in public with a head design on? What’s life like with a work of art on your head? I go out quite a lot with my designs. I sometimes wear them to work if it compliments the situation or a meeting. In a way it has become a part of me. I feel the same having it on my head as much as not having it on my head - the only difference is people react differently. In a way I feel the designs are inspiring and challenging to people, especially places like the tube in London. To see someone smiling or staring in amazement is very satisfying, I think it brings some unexpected enjoyment into someone else’s daily life.

has having such an unusual canvas influenced the type of art you make? has it changed the way you think creatively? I use to be the one supporting developing artists, through my art collective Lazy Gramophone and Two Penny Blue company, but looking at yourself as an artist is very different. I don’t think it has changed my direction of creativity but it has made me think about the art I make. I now have an exhibition in May and you definitely become humbled when you see how good other art is around you and you wonder whether you can get to that height. I believe I can.

In A wAy It hAs become A pArt of me

I have been doing it for 5 years. I stick out in the crowd so you seem to meet a whole manner of people. It has certainly got me into important situations to the point I have meetings from having the head design on, and they become business opportunities.

What do you think the head designs have done for you as a person? My designs came from within and made me not worry about how I was judged. They have now made me stronger as an individual because I believed in what I did, no matter how crazy friends and family thought I was. Since then it has inspired people and so I know it has been a good thing in my life and I feel no matter how small an impact it has made, I have done a little something that is worthwhile to society.

Philip will showcase his head designs at an exhibition in London through photography by Daniel Regan, documentary by Viviane Castillo and sculpture supported by Lifecast from 2nd May 2011 at NL Gallery in Soho, London. He’ll also be exhibiting at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London on 25 March. Head to www.thecalmzone.net for more.

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contact and more information

[email protected]

Suicide is the leading cause

of death of men aged 15-34

in the UK

cALM, campaign Against

Living Miserably

charity reg no 1110621

We’ve places in

Adidas half Marathon

6th March 2011

Virgin London Marathon

17th April 2011

Manchester 10k

15th May 2011

London 10K

10 July 2011

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For Who



When author and journalist Mark

hendy was asked to write about

mental health for a men’s magazine,

he began to wonder exactly what

they were doing it for....

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Mark hendy

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Welcome to the world of the Alpha Male. Socially powerful, physically strong, he is a figure of dominance and is in control of his actions and emotions. He is probably attractive, he is probably aggressive. He is Batman. He is Will Smith. He’s you, when you play Grand Theft Auto.

Also introducing, the Beta Male. He is almost incapable of everything. He rarely attempts to achieve, and when he does, he fails. He is worthless. He survives through a mixture of luck, and a capable mother or wife. He is Homer Simpson. He is Al Bundy. He might be the you who’s playing Grand Theft Auto.

Both are versions of masculinity. The portrayal of the Alpha Male sends the message that power is the answer to life’s trials, and handily, the Beta Male provides a safety net, in that it’s possible to grow into the affable slacker. You must be in control, but if that doesn’t work, don’t bother trying and let someone else do the work.

And so this is how men should act in society, how they should treat each other, as well as how they should treat women and children. This is what is reaffirmed every hour of every day. The media is not responsible for violent behaviour in men, but they portray it as a normal expression of masculinity, influencing both the expectations of society, and boy’s development. The fact that most heroes are either Alpha or Beta only compounds the idea that being sensitive or emotional are not desirable traits.

I don’t want to rid the media of these icons. I don’t want Batman to sit down and admit that he’s stressed and could do with some help. And I don’t want the slackers to put on a suit and find a job. But masculinity is rich, diverse. No male should have to fit a type to be accepted as a member of society. The best way for anyone to reach their full potential is to simply be themselves.

I recently wrote an article for FHM on the way that the NHS treat men with mental health concerns. I argued that it could be useful for service providers to consider the media image of the strong male when looking at helping men to come forward. Having problems does not make you weak, and it could be beneficial to flip the “strong being silent” image on its head. By portraying men who seek help as being brave and in line with the image of the masculine Apha Male, perhaps more would feel confidence in seeking help.

Every time I hear that a magazine or TV show is covering men’s mental health, I have a mixed reaction. It is something close to my heart, and I am a writer - so I am pleased that it is not brushed under the carpet as it once was, but there is a part of me that can’t help but feel some disappointment that there is a need to address these issues as special cases. Articles come and go, quotas are filled, but what changes?

Don’t get me wrong, my experience was a good one and an editor’s interest in mental health is a wholly positive thing. But surely we should be getting to the stage where it is discussed with as much frequency and normality as other topics.


Mark Hendy is the author of “Panic and the Inner Monkey” and “Coming up for Air”. His new book, “Piccadilly Line” is available soon. Check out www.markhendy.co.uk/books for more details.



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It was only two centuries ago that the people of Britain were living in a true age of discovery. Expeditions steered by ambition and a driving inquisitive force were sailing to find new land, new cultures, new foods. What a wonderful time it must have been, to pander to that inner male that shouts, “Go forth, good fellow! Discover all that is true and undiscovered!”

But those days are gone, and there’s precious little left to explore. Bruce Parry, Bennedict Allen, and Ranulph Fiennes are part of a dying breed of men, of role model. Richard Branson is going to put ordinary folk into space, but that’s just about being rich. That’s no more an adventure than taking out a bank loan! Can’t he hide the tickets all around the world in a cryptic mission of discovery? Come on Branson, throw us a bone.

What about the search for extra terrestrial life? Just thinking about it conjures images of monitors displaying uber-futuristic space imagery. “What was that?!” you might shout, from your darkened research bunker, “They’re trying to communicate! Watson, decode the signal and put it on screen!”

The reality is a far cry from our inner desire for adventure, it’s a slow and cumbersome process.

Even when something does happen, like you know, DISCOVERING A FRICKING SIGNAL, we don’t even hear about it.

Take Ragbir Bhathal, an astrophysicist at the University of Western Sydney, he actually heard one of these signals back in 2008. An actual real life signal from a planet other than our own. You’d THINK that would be interesting enough - breaking news, interruptions to television broadcasting, but we got nothing. Caution, procedure and process stood in the way. Way to ruin our collective sense of adventure, science.

So where do we turn to satisfy our desperate need for discovery? Around 15 years ago, a generation of young boys were presented with a new toy that claimed to harbour just about everything in the world… ever. “Wonderful!” we all shouted! “Adventure is just a click away!”

I remember this moment well. Back in 1997, a 12 year old me came downstairs to find my dad’s computer with the lid off, wires, transistors, and screws strewn across the desk. “So, I can go anywhere with this internet thing?” I asked him. “So they say” he replied.

Is the web the new frontier?_


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Phil Harper, when he’s not discovering

the secret of the universe by deciphering

tweets, is a Social Media Consultant and

full-time adventurer.

“China!” I typed, and sure enough, China was beamed from the other side of the planet, down some flashing fibre optic cables, through a 28.8kbps modem and onto my 256 colour screen. As the pixels revealed themselves line by line I waited with baited anticipation. There it was, a picture of a Chinese person eating noodles. My jaw dropped. I’m living in the future! Amazing! That was the beginning. This would be my adventure, my Everest. 13 years later and I’m still climbing, and I’ve discovered millions of people doing the same.

Collectively, we know that whatever is at the top of this mountain has never been discovered, and that makes this journey an adventure. Of course, my adventure doesn’t really involve climbing anything, it involves reading, finding, questioning, voting, and structuring information. It’s certainly a much less glamorous adventure than marching diligently to the North Pole, but I’d argue that at least my adventure serves a purpose.

The male mind looks at broken things and considers, “how might I fix that?”. We obsess over finding the answer, especially if it seems within reach. Now your intellect is no longer bound by your profession. Your ideas are no longer restricted

by your culture. You’re free to dream up anything, any concept, and any skill, and you can share that idea with the world with an instant feedback loop. Constant discovery – this is our adventure. We’re creating a new digital landscape for everyone to come and explore. So where is it leading us?

The pessimistic would argue that a generation of self-centred, paranoid young people will grow up in a world they no longer fit into. They’ll snap out of their digital delusion and try, but fail, to adjust to the world they tried desperately to escape from.

But for the optimistic the digital generation will climb to the top of the mountain. The old system will die and a new age of mass participation, ideas and enlightenment will begin. Wikipedia will be our bible, TED will be our church, and Reddit will be our democracy. If we just keep on going, we’re sure to get there. Aren’t we?




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TheKid is Alright

Let’s talk about being in the band. Many people imagine that fans look up to you, think it’s really glamorous. Tell us the real deal.

Sim: It’s shit man... hahaha!

Adio: It’s not shit. It has its moments when it’s glamorous and it has its moments when it’s not. The glamorous side might not be what other people deem as being glamorous. I class going on stage as a glamorous moment, know what I mean? But other people class glamorous as going to parties and being flash, when that’s not what we’re doing, it’s not what we’re about.

Kid british, a young band from Manchester that a lot of people are making the right noises about at the moment. Fans of the band range from musical legends Ub40 and The Specials to football icon Rio Ferdinand.

One of the tracks on the new EP Northern Stories is called Tib Street, so where better to meet Simeon and Adio for a chat than the street itself. Xfm’s Gareth brooks hooked up with the boys for a brew in North Tea Power...


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do people imagine you as having money, nice cars, clothes and all the rest of it?

Adio: People do, but that’s just not the reality. It’s what people have made around us, but we’ve not seen any of it. If people want to think that, then that’s up to them.

Sim: I think when you’re on TV and they see you on stage, they don’t understand how you can be poorer than them. There’s times that I’ve actually been on stage and I’ve looked out and had mad thoughts thinking, everyone in here’s richer than me. You’re looking up to me, we’re on stage and you’re supporters of this band. So we’re living this life, this rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle that you wished you lived, when really we’re just trying to make enough money just to eat. Sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s actually the truth.

Adio: We’re just enjoying the fact that people are still able to follow us and feel like they still wanna follow us.

Sim: Hopefully we won’t be like this forever. In reality, how we are now, we’re poor... hahaha.

RESET is that time in life when things have got too much, and you’ve had to press that imaginary RESET button and start again. have you ever had to do that?

Adio: A moment when everything got a bit much, was when my cousin died 2 years ago. I found that hard to get over. But I thought, you know what, stop thinking about it. I’m just gonna try and click on and do the best I can. That was probably that moment really.

Was that the first time that you’d lost someone close to you?

Adio: Yeah, first time. It’s something that you can never get used to, so when it hit me, I was stunned.

Sim: I think with Adio, that was obviously the first time he’s lost somebody. With me my skins hardened up to a lot of things. These guys will tell you, I’m more of a joker, I’ll try and ignore a lot of stuff because when I was 11 my sister was murdered. So from that, your skin hardens to little things. Like shit, I can’t afford to do this or, even with relationships when your Mrs is saying certain things to you, that’s not really important. Your skin

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hardens up to things, so sometimes I gotta press that RESET button and I need to see things from their point of view, you know what I mean? See how they feel, stop thinking about yourself and make things better for others.

It’s one of them isn’t it? I’m not saying it’s harder or anything, but Adio was older when his cousin was murdered. He’s going through now what I went through when I was young. Time is a healer, you never get over it or anything, but time is a healer.

What obsessions have you got, away from music?

Sim: I’ve just had a little boy, so right now, I’m obsessed with my little boy, man. Me and my Mrs live in separate towns, I see him about 3 times a week, so when I get to see him, that’s who I’m obsessed with right now.

Adio: I’m a single man and I’m obsessed with women, standard. Because, right now it’s time to enjoy myself and have a bit of fun. Also I’ve been getting into The Smiths ‘cause we’re doing something with The JD Set soon. Once I’ve clicked on one Smiths tune, I’ve been going mental on it.

And finally, let’s talk about heroes. have you got any?

Adio: If I was saying someone was a hero, it’d have to be my Mum. Seeing what she’s gone through, how she’s raised three boys and how she’s done it so well. If I was to say anyone was a hero, not like in a cheesy or cliched way, I’d definitely say my Mum.

Sim: Same here, same here. I’d have to say my Mum. If it wasn’t for our Mums, I don’t think we’d actually still be doing music, to be honest. We live on a council estate, she’s not making a lot of money, yet she’s making enough money for me when I’m struggling, to say it’s alright, know what I mean. She doesn’t give me any pressure, she knows that what we’re doing will eventually work. She’s gone through a lot of stuff and she’s still strong enough to look after me.

The EP Northern Stories is available as a free download from www.kidbritish.com


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I was 15. Sitting on a chimney top, crying, positioning myself to jump. I remember

looking down, 3 stories, seeing the metal prongs of the fence I’d land on. I braced

myself. It was a place I often visited, somewhere private, to be alone and view the world.

A lifetime of school spent as the retarded kid. Unable to say hello to anyone, too badly

damaged to ever have a normal relationship, let alone an intimate one. I hated being


I realised I was no longer in danger of any physical abuse, those people had gone. At

my new school I was just weird and quiet, too damaged to function. My family found

me moody, unfathomable and angry. Killing myself would have no impact on anyone,

no-one would give a toss.

But I hated being a victim and wanted to try living – to one day have a place to myself

and decide hour to hour how to run my life. To read, eat, do what I wanted. Even if I was

alone, at least I might find somewhere safe. Other people’s existence seemed happy and

fun. I wanted some of that.

So - run away, kill myself, or stay at school. I decided to stay, and to try and learn

how to hold a conversation. There was a guy in class, dim but open about it, self

mocking and sublimely casual. I’d ape him. If I fucked up, then I always had the

option to duck out.

I climbed down from the chimney.

And that’s what I did. Cautiously, over a period of about 10 years, I painfully learned

to talk with other people, make friends, even have real relationships. Now I’m married,

with children. I’ve a great career. I’ve travelled the world. I still get staggeringly black

periods of depression – but it’s like having a limp, you ignore it. There will be times (or

whole days) when part of my brain screams for me to kill myself, cut myself. They’ll be

with me till I die. But I know they’ll pass. As I get older other stuff gets added to the list, a

dodgy knee, a crap back.

I realise it’s made me formidable, able to withstand huge pressure and laugh - bring it on.

That moment on the chimney stack was the making of me.




If you have a story to share, we’d love to help you help others. Send it to us at [email protected].


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Andy Naylorwww.apolloefc.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/anaylorefc

Like many people I like to collect stuff. My personal favourites are various forms of nerd memorabilia, DVDs, Blu-Rays and, obviously (for those I haven’t yet met), computer games. I enjoy having a physical collection to peruse through and even have them on display on shelves. It’s just what I like. So, this new digital phase irks me somewhat.

My first issue is that I can’t buy a physical copy to add to my display. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate digital copies. Many a long hour has been spent watching movies on my iPod on what would have been a long, boring flight. Also, I am fully aware that the price of digital stuff should (we’ll get to this later) be cheaper due to not having to transport a physical copy or produce packaging for it. All good for your average consumer. I am not an average consumer, I am a collector. I like a physical collection. True, I haven’t bought a CD since about 2004 and I love MP3s and

Let me touch you, Lara

my iPod, but at least pretty much every music track you download can be bought as a CD too, a fact not necessarily true for games.

But my main issue is price and competition. On Xbox Live, the On Demand section has Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (EA) for £19.99. If you want a digital copy of the game then that is your only choice. After a very brief search on the net I’m able to knock £5 off that for a physical copy without even trying because retail outlets compete against each other. Xbox Live has no such competition. You simply have two choices, buy it at that price or don’t buy it at that price. Considering some games are digital releases only these days, the new Tomb Raider (Eidos Interactive) for example, the user is forced to buy from a monopoly and, quite frankly, it stinks.

Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a games collection to go admire - and touch.

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Why I Love Photography


daniel Reganwww.funnytimeofyear.com Anyone that has suffered with depression will understand. It’s that black cloud that hangs overhead, making it hard to do even the simplest of daily tasks. But there are ways to ease things. One of those is harnessing your creativity.

I started with journals. I used to lock them up in a security box. I’ll be a writer when I’m older, I always thought. Until I stumbled upon, back in the day (1997), my first 1 megapixel digital camera. I was quickly obsessed. I took it everywhere and documented everything - at school, the supermarket, trips with my family. I was eager to create a digital archive of every moment I experienced.

As soon as I began to learn about art - although I was and still am only really interested in photography - I knew that my life was going to change. The way that I interpreted events and experienced emotions was radically transformed because of the way that it inspired me to take photographs later on. The best

bit? No one could necessarily work out exactly what I was trying to say. Ah, the utter bliss of equivocality, the act of hinting at truths but never quite telling.

At 18 I was fully in the grips of a depressive meltdown. Bouncing from diagnosis to diagnosis since the age of 14, I was at university and utterly lost. I devoted the majority of my photography degree (and a large portion of my spare time) to battling my depression with creating art. As a self-harmer, I forced myself to photograph my cuts as a testament to the pain I felt. I documented relationships (both good and bad) and turned some of my darkest thoughts into pieces of art that no one but myself understood. All the while I still felt safe in my bubble of ambiguity, able to share how I felt, but never quite explain it explicitly.

I mostly use photography as my primary form of expression, which often doesn’t feel quite as scary as telling someone up-front how I feel. Many of my images are shaped out of experiences I’ve been through, conversations I’ve had and feelings I’ve felt at some point. In the truest sense art really does imitate life for me.








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Martin cordinerwww.twitter.com/McWrites I love Metallica. Love them like an old friend, and I’m overjoyed to be able to say it again. You can prove these things to yourself, if you’re ever in any doubt – pick something that was a massive part of your childhood and you haven’t enjoyed for ages and go back to it now. If you feel like you know it inside out but you also find yourself massively excited about it again, then you love it.

It’s a wonderful feeling. I was slightly worried that I’d think it was all a bit daft by now, having since discovered Nick Drake, LCD Soundsystem and being of an age where I find myself saying, “can we go somewhere quieter, I’ve got a headache”. But no, the blend of punk and metal that became angry, angry

thrash that so excited me when I was young and thick of hair still has the same effect on me now. In the early 80s rock had become horribly self-conscious, either air-sprayed LA commerce or snobbish post-punk. Metallica were earnest and just wanted to make a faster and heavier noise than those that had come before. Honesty and commitment were what I (and loads of other nervous loners) wanted and so suddenly this aggressive stuff became welcoming and inclusive.

Then they found bassist Cliff Burton who knew about Bach and harmony and they became fast, heavy and beautiful (check out the middle section of “Orion”). His tragic death in a bus crash in 1986 signalled possibly the end of their greatest period, but their albums Ride The Lightning and Master of Puppets (both Elektra Records) are enough to justify a place in the slashing, burning and gurning Hall of Fame. Long we’ve been separated, but never again Metallica, I promise.

Metal where the sun don’t shine


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We’re pushing places hard, so if you

want to join the team, and think you

can raise about £200, then email

[email protected] asap and

give the subject as London 10K.

be Part of the 10K Orange Team

London 10th July

Rather than get lost in the

thousands, we want our cALM

runners to stand out this year in

the 10K. So we want all our 40

runners to keep together in one

great tango orange phalanx -

our running vests are an

eye-watering orange.

Visually this will have a far

greater impact than having

runners dispersed across the

route, and with the ‘supporting

the campaign to reduce male

suicide’ on the back of our

florescent running vests.

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Claire Woolley – Make Up and BeautyClaire Birkenhead – Hair Stylist Faye Currie – Stylist – Purple HazeMark McNulty – Photography

We recently caught up with electro popsters

Picture book at LEAF in Liverpool. Topman were

kind enough to come down and do a photo

shoot with the band, so here’s their guide to the

latest trends. To read the full interview, head

to the www.thecalmzone.net


Greta is wearing Dress by Topshop £48, Head band, Necklace stylist’s ownAsh is wearing Jumper by Topman £38, Chord Trousers by Topman £44, Hair Accessories stylist’s own

Dario is wearing Shirt by Topman £26, Jeans by Topman £32, Jacket by Topman £84

Greta is wearing T-shirt by Topshop £20,

Leather Shorts by Topshop £68, Scarf by

Topshop £25, Bracelets stylist’s own

Ash is wearing Chord trousers By Topman

£44, T-shirt by Topman, Jacket by Topman £50

Dario is wearing Casual Trousers by Topman

£36, Hooded Top by Topman £40

Greta is wearing Dress by Topshop £120 and hair accessories stylist’s own

Ash is wearing Chord trousers by Topman £44, T-shirt by Topman £7, and Jacket by Topman £85, Sunglasses by Topman £20, Rosary beads stylist’s own

Dario is wearing Jeans by Topman £32, Polo T-shirt by Topman £36, belt stylist’s own

Dario is wearing Jeans and top

from Topman. Jeans £32 and top £44

Greta wears Dress by “tea and

cake” at Topshop. £30

26 RESET MARch 2011

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how to be... An ACToR

dan Ford


Fancy getting up on stage but don’t know where to start? Let real life actual actor man dan Ford tell you how.

1. Read

Everything. Plays, novels, whatever you can get your hands on, all the time, to yourself, and especially out loud given the chance. Auditions often take the form of a brief reading, sometimes even a “cold reading” (where you don’t have time to prepare), so you need to become adept at getting those words from the page through your brain and out of your mouth with ease.

2. Train At the highest possible level. In a saturated market with so few jobs, this can be your passport in. LAMDA, RADA, Guild Hall, Drama Centre and Bristol Old Vic are the top five. Don’t accept second best, as you’ll only do it once. Don’t worry about fees, schools audition on merit and have scholarships and bursaries. And don’t worry about your age. You can’t be too old (if you’re 17 or under you have to wait a little).

3. Learn your casting Surprising reality is that very few people in the creative industry have any imagination. This means you need to be “typecast” before you can be cast. Specialise - work out who you are and be the best version of that. Gobby

chav? Russian hardman? Pretty boy? It might mean getting down the gym, it might mean playing up your accent. Languages, ethnicity and special talents like musical instruments can all help you stand out from the crowd.

4. ListenPractical acting tip, this one. Listen like never before in your life. It’s the most simple, basic thing and the most easily forgotten when you’re on stage/set and there’s a million things to remember and do. Listening to the other actor and to yourself can be the difference between fresh, “in the moment” acting and acting that looks like acting.

5. be proactive as hell Don’t be shy. Don’t sit and wait. Don’t play the game. Circumvent the usual channels, talk to that person, pick up the phone, write that letter, knock on doors, actual physical doors. So many big names all have a story about how they landed their first big break out of either dumb luck or sheer cheek. You can’t do much about the first one but you can sure as hell make the latter work.

Dan Ford is performing in the Analogue Production “Beachy Head” which is on tour until 24th March.

www.twitter.com/TheDanFord www.analogueproductions.blogspot.com


Page 28: RESET Magazine Issue 3

We have a couple of competitions

to get your dancing toes movingCompetitions

check out the website

It’s summer! Or at least it will be by the time you pick up our next issue. We’ll be

bringing you our guide to the summer music scene, and along with who to catch we’ll

be giving you the chance to do just that with our festival competition.

We’ll also have more from Dan Bell as he unpicks what it is to be male in the 21st

century and dan le sac and Scroobius Pip will be answering your questions. We’re

also looking for you to bang on about whatever you like in Obsessed, so why not tell us

why you love what you love WHATEVER IT IS. Get in touch at [email protected]

and watch out for the next Issue in Topman in mid-May.

Enjoyed Phil Harper’s adventures and Mark Hendy’s musings? Want to go a bit further? Then head to the CALM website for more to inspire, provoke and entertain. Plus there’s, like, funny pictures of a guy mowing his hedge and stuff.Get involved at www.thecalmzone.net.

In our next issue....

Sankeys in Manchester have got a packed April

in store, what with two huge bank holiday

4-night weekends planned, including Jamie

Jones on Sat 30th. Named the World’s Best

Club by DJ Mag readers in 2010, this revered

accolade came in recognition of everything the

club stands for and represents.

Such inspiring drive and ground-breaking

vision is testament to all involved at Sankeys;

the club continues to further evolve, and 2011

will see Sankeys’ expansion and ambition

take it further than ever before.

Check www.sankeys.info

We have two pairs of tickets to give away for

any bank holiday party. Go to www.

thecalmzone.net/competitions to enter

Liverpool Sound City is an inspiring and illuminating music, arts and cultural showcase, set across the city’s most iconic venues with well over 300 bands expected to perform. Guests so far include Miles Kane, Black Lips, Jamie XX, Steve Mason, Frank Turner, Spank Rock, F***ed Up, Cast, Wretch 32, Willy Mason, Wave Machines, Idiot Glee and many, many more. LSC takes place from Thurs 19th - Sat 21st May – www.liverpoolsoundcity.co.ukWe have 2 wristbands to give away. Go to www.thecalmzone.net/competitions to enter

28 RESET MARch 2011

Page 29: RESET Magazine Issue 3

Would you like to write for CALM? Do you have

a photographic eye? We want good writers,

editors, interviewers, bloggers, tweeters and

photographers for our RESET Magazine, for our

website, and rumour has it, for our weekly radio


What’s your obsession, your passion - music,

sports, arts, gaming, fashion - or something

off the beaten track? Can you write about it,

picture it, tweet it, can you conduct a gripping


We’d love to hear from you, and in no time your

work could be on our website and in these very


Get in touch with Dan or Martin at

[email protected].




Page 30: RESET Magazine Issue 3

What are your favourite songs, either currently or ever?

Pip: There are too many good songs! I always go with “Lush Life” by Johnny Hartman and John Coltrane as my all time favourite but there’s a lot!

Dan: There are songs that last time I listened to them they were a favourite but I won’t go back and listen to them again in case it ruins the memory!

Which do you prefer, Family Guy or Cleveland Show?

Pip: The Cleveland Show looks like it has potential but Family Guy is consistent genius. One day we will all grow bored of its continuous high level of comedy though. Like we did with the Simpsons...

Dan: Family Guy, I just still can’t believe Cleveland got his own show?! Dude is alright like but it can’t work can it?

How long a day do you spend tending to your beards?

Pip: Not long at all. That’s the point of having a beard right? To not have to waste each morning shaving and the like. Although I probably fiddle with it throughout the day I guess.

Dan: Once a fortnight with a pair of clippers, if I spend more than 30 mins a month on my face I’d be surprised. Pip should spend more time on his, man looks dapper with a tight beard, not this scraggly effort he’s been rocking for a while now....

What do you do to keep fit? I’m trying to get into shape but I can’t afford a gym and my football mates are always too busy. Any suggestions?

Pip: Gyms can be great to motivate you (you’ve paid money so you feel you have to go) but there’s not much there you can’t achieve through going out for a run, doing sit ups/push ups/squats/etc. Home gym!

Dan: Have you seen me? No comment.



Got a problem that only Dan and

Scroobius can solve? Or just wanna

know what they’d say about it? Ask your

question at... [email protected]


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