Reserach Paper: Mass Shootings in America Are Becoming Increasingly Violent (Final Draft)

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  • 7/28/2019 Reserach Paper: Mass Shootings in America Are Becoming Increasingly Violent (Final Draft)


    Conley 1Nathan Conley

    Megan Keaton

    ENG 111-06

    09 July 2013

    Mass Shootings in America Are Becoming Increasingly Violent

    We all remember the tragic details of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy well:

    Twenty-seven people dead. Twenty of those were children; all were six or seven years of age.

    Six of the victims were teachers, ranging in age from 29 to 56. Then, of course, the final casualty

    was the gunman, Adam Lanza, the 20-year old who turned the gun on himself, only after he had

    barged into the school building and opened fire on dozens of unsuspecting children and staff

    members. It was the most horrifying of stories, but one that is, unfortunately, becoming a more

    familiar headline in todays American society. Of the 12 deadliest shootings in U.S. history, six

    have takenplace since 2007 (Plumer). With such alarming statistics, the research efforts to

    determine plausible explanations for why this type of behavior occurs have seen significant

    surges, yet they have not necessarily been successful and many questions still remain

    unanswered. In fact, in a police journal as recent as 2010 they admit that even though

    [i]ncidents of mass murder have gained considerable media attention, [they] are not well

    understood in behavioral sciences. Current definitions are weak, and may include

    politically or ideological motivated phenomenon. Our current understanding of the

    phenomenon indicates these incidents are not peculiar to only western cultures, and

    appear to be increasing. (Harris)

    Despite the scientific and psychological uncertainty surrounding this issue, its important to

    continue to strive to identify the solutions of these disturbing events. Therefore with that in mind,

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    Conley 2it is my goal to present research that pinpoints the four most logical solutions that could play a

    potential role in preventing these horrific tragedies.

    The debate continues to rage on in political circles regarding the link between these

    devastating acts and the availability of guns in America. Some blame loosely regulated gun

    control legislation, while others protect our Second Amendment rights by employing the

    popularized expression that Guns dont kill people. People kill people. Its important to note

    that, since 1982, the frequency of these events do not seem to be increasing, however the level of

    their destruction is rising at an alarming rate, as Plumer alluded to earlier. Mark Follman of the

    Mother Jones online publication conducted a detailed analysis of all mass shooting that have

    taken place over the course of the last 30 years in the United States. In his research he discovered

    that there have been two [incidents] per year on average since 1982. Yet, 25 of the 62 cases we

    examined have occurred since 2006. In 2012 alone, there [were] seven mass shootings, and a

    record number of casualties, with more than 140 people injured and killed (Follman).

    Legislation aimed at gun control, while well intentioned, sometimes isnt enough to prevent

    these horrifying events and, in some cases it may actually facilitate them. In the case study

    performed byMother Jones, handguns have played a prominent role in mass shootings. And,

    despite a very recent push for more stringent gun laws, since 2009 nearly one hundred laws have

    been constituted which make it easier for citizens to obtain and conceal handguns. Perhaps an

    even more telling statistic for the proponents of stricter regulation of firearms in the U.S. is that

    handguns have been involved in every single case of the previous 15 examples of mass shootings

    over the last four years and in all 62 cases, since 1982, in which handguns were utilized, 80

    percent of those weapons were obtained via legal measures. In 2004, President George W. Bush

    implemented a ban on assault rifles, yet seven shooters since the bills enactment have used these

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    Conley 3types of weapons to commit their violent acts (Follman). These sobering statistics paint a brutal

    picture, and while there may not be a constitutional way to completely remove guns from

    society, making it incredibly more difficult to obtain these deadly weapons needs to be

    considered. The ease with which firearms can be acquired is becoming increasingly concerning.

    Extensive background checks must be implemented in an attempt to prevent guns from getting

    into the wrong hands. Gun safety classes should accompany these purchases to ensure that

    handlers will have the education and capability to use them safely. Legislation that regulates how

    these weapons are stored within homes could also provide another barrier to weapons falling into

    these unintended shooters hands. These measures probably would not be able to completely

    resolve the issue by themselves, but it seems to reason that they could at least play a role in

    potentially preventing these tragic events.

    The mental condition of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes plays an incredibly vital

    role in this discussion. Guns are inanimate objects. The responsibility for crimes rests on the

    criminals and those who facilitate their crimes. In three of the previous mass shooting cases

    in the U.S., including the aforementioned Adam Lanza, the shooters have shown some sort

    of signs of mental illnesses prior to committing the violent acts. The failure to identify these

    individuals as potential risks and dangers to society has to be considered as one of the chief

    contributors. The de-institutionalization of mental illness patients in America dates back to 1960s

    and it has only grown more concerning as time has progressed. According to an article in

    Surgical Neurology International,

    This has happened not only because of the more recent drive for containment of health

    care costs, but also because of the decades-long, misguided mental health strategy of

    administering mental health care via community outreach and outpatient treatment. In

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    Conley 4many cases, these strategies have failed due to inadequate follow-up of and poor

    compliance by patients as well as legal restraints placed on families. (Faria)

    Some additional problems arise in the healthcare community, especially when dealing with

    privacy laws and the protection of information. Even parents who have children under their own

    health care coverage to do not have access to those medical records. While relaxing these privacy

    laws could also raise some additional doctor/patient confidentiality issues, it could also be

    beneficial, in that the parents would be able gain access to the medical records so they could be

    aware of when their children are showing signs of potentially harmful psychological tendencies.

    If identified at an early stage, they could possibly be identified and addressed before they reach

    uncontrollable levels and could maybe prevent these senseless brutalities from ever happening


    In David Kopels article entitled Guns, Mental Health and Newton, he states, In the mid-

    1960s, many of the killings would have been prevented because the severely mentally ill would

    have been confined and cared for in a state institution. But today mental-health treatment has

    been decimated. Kopel then cites the dramatic statistics released by the Treatment Advocacy

    Center in July 2012 which indicates that [t]he number of state hospital beds in America per

    capita has plummeted to 1850 levels, or 14.1 beds per 100,000 people. Therefore, while its

    important to protect patients rights to confidentiality, health care laws need to be put into effect

    that gives physicians the ability to exercise judgment and err on the side caution when assessing

    patients who are showing these violent tendencies. More funding for mental illness research can

    be appropriated and care facilities should be made more readily available for these risks, rather

    than letting them roam amongst the general public and resorting to hoping they dont eventually

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    Conley 5exhibit these violent actions on innocent people. While this is a very concerning thought, it still

    does not tell the complete story.

    There is an incredibly troubling phenomenon that seems to be linked to the recent surges

    in these violent mass shootings. The concept that the insane amount of media coverage paid to

    these tragic events needs to be curbed is one worth exploring as a potential solution. The 15

    minutes of fame argument can be applied and individuals who are sick enough to even entertain

    thoughts of carrying out these mass shootings see the attention garnered and view it as some sort

    of glorification or idolization of these appalling actions. This suggestion is a very sinister one,

    and perhaps even unavoidable, but the youth of America in todays culture seems to

    participate in this tireless desire to seek fame at all costs, even in death. It is not a big step

    to link extensive coverage of shooting rampages in both the press and the colorful electronic

    media as a major contributing factor in the pathologic and even morbid attainment of

    celebrity status even in death (Faria). While the media has sensationalized violence and the

    mass shootings of innocent victims, who are virtually all but forgotten soon after the fact,

    the shooters remain the most prominent and recognized aspect of these vicious events,

    which might actually be the most tragic detail of all. However, the solution in his case is not

    easily identifiable. This is an increasingly technological and media-savvy world. The news

    industry thrives on playing to todays impulse to have immediate and constant coverage of

    major human-interest events. There is a fine line between journalistic integrity/duty as a

    news organization and a reporter, and sensationalizing the coverage and all those involved.

    Privacy is a fleeting concept in American society and that might not be something that can

    be changed. However, there needs to be an emphasis placed on properly educating the

    media in how to cover these types of events in a way that does not sacrifice their duties to

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    Conley 6bring people the news, but also does not illicit the improper amount of attention that the

    people who commit these unspeakable crimes seem to be seeking.

    The final solution that will be explored is the need to regulate popularization of

    exceptionally violent video games. There is evidence that super-violent video games can

    have a terrible impact on impressionable minds. While the connection is disputed, very bad

    things have happened after troubled young people have played interactive blood sport for

    hours on end (America should know). Its no surprise to legal expert, James Alan Fox, that

    a connection between individuals who perform these insidious acts and what the nature is of

    what they choose to consume their minds with in their spare time. He states that violent

    people are often attracted to violent entertainment. However, what may be a bit surprising

    is with all the resources available to this country for the purpose of research, there remains

    almost no data or studies that could be used to support these claims. Earlier this year,

    Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, from Iowa, proposed a provision to authorize research

    into the potential connections between violent video games and mass shootings. Grassley

    attached the amendment to legislation designed to ban assault weapons. But, when the big-

    money gamers got wind of this, they petitioned government resources who objected to even

    the possibility that government would fund research into the link, if any, between virtual

    and actual carnage and Senator Grassleys efforts met a pitiful, predictable and,

    unfortunately, an all too common fate (America Should Know). There must be measure

    put in place that allow research to be conducted in order to at least determine whether or

    not there is a link to these types of video games and these violent acts that are committed.

    Regardless of how much money these big video game companies contribute to our economy,

    these concerns should be secondary, and the countrys priorities should be placed on trying

    to keep its youth safe, rather than fighting to maintain their rights to be entertained.

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    Conley 7Obviously, much still needs to be done in order to determine whether or not certain

    things like violent video games play any role, no matter how significant or insignificant, in

    these tragic situations. The business side of things and the amount of money involved

    cannot be discounted, but if this type of research could have a hand in preventing future

    atrocities and save human lives, isnt that a worthwhile endeavor? This country is at a

    crossroads and the path leading to devastation and destruction seems as though it is only a

    few steps away, and many have already been forced to stumble down the road of heartache

    and unimaginable sorrow. America has always been tabbed as a land of opportunity, but the

    opportunity to be met with a vicious act of violence, at any given moment in any given place,

    is becoming an all too fearful reality. Safety is an illusion. Government officials need to be at

    the forefront of these issues, rather than hiding behind policies or worrying about public

    image. Whether its gun control, video games, or health care, if the well being of their

    constituents is what truly drives their decisions, then protecting their lives should be of the

    utmost importance when shaping public policy. So far, on all levels,weve failed in these

    pursuits. In the meantime, as gun violence runs rampant in schools, malls, offices, theatres

    and even churches, the importance of our shared social responsibilities increases with each

    passing incident. If these tragedies can occur in these types of places, they could occur

    anywhere. The next time another catastrophe occurs, rather than reading about it or seeing

    some other community being spotlighted on the news, it could be right next door And

    thats certainlysomething worth thinking about.

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    Conley 8Works Cited

    America Should Know If Violent Video Games Lead to Violent Acts. The New York Daily

    News. The New York Daily News, 24 Mar. 2013. Web. 20 Jun. 2013.

    Bowers, Thomas G., Eric S. Holmes, Ashley Rhom. The Nature of Mass Murder and Autogenic

    Massacre.Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Springer, Oct. 2010. Web. 26

    Jun. 2013.

    Faria, Miguel A. Jr. Shooting rampages, mental health and the sensationalization of violence.

    Surgical Neurology International. Medknow Publications, 29 Jan. 2013. Web. 21 Jun.


    Follman, Mark. More Guns, More Mass Shootings Conicidence?Mother Jones. Mother

    Jones, 26 Sep. 2012. Web. 23 Jun. 2013.

    Fox, James Allan. Expert: Banning violent video games would do little to avert the next mass

    murder. The New York Daily News. The New York Daily News, 24 Mar. 2013. Web. 25

    Jun. 2013.

    Harris, John M. Jr., Robin B. Harris. Rampage Violence Requires a New Type of Research.

    American Journal of Public Health. Human Science Research Council, 19 Aug. 2011.

    Web. 26 Jun. 2013.

    Kopel, D. Guns, Mental Illness and Newton. Wall Street Journal. Wall Street Journal.

    17 Dec. 2012. Web. 22 Jun. 2013

    Plumer, Brad. Why are mass shooting becoming more common? The Washington Post. The

    Washington Post, 14 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jun. 2013.