RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Molecular adaptation and resilience of the insects nuclear receptor USP Arnaud Chaumot 2 , Jean-Luc Da Lage 3 , Oscar Maestro 4 , David Martin 4 , Thomas Iwema 5 , Frederic Brunet 1 , Xavier Belles 4 , Vincent Laudet 1 and François Bonneton 1* Abstract Background: The maintenance of biological systems requires plasticity and robustness. The function of the ecdysone receptor, a heterodimer composed of the nuclear receptors ECR (NR1H1) and USP (NR2B4), was maintained in insects despite a dramatic divergence that occurred during the emergence of Mecopterida. This receptor is therefore a good model to study the evolution of plasticity. We tested the hypothesis that selection has shaped the Ligand-Binding Domain (LBD) of USP during evolution of Mecopterida. Results: We isolated usp and cox1 in several species of Drosophilidae, Tenebrionidae and Blattaria and estimated non-synonymous/synonymous rate ratios using maximum-likelihood methods and codon-based substitution models. Although the usp sequences were mainly under negative selection, we detected relaxation at residues located on the surface of the LBD within Mecopterida families. Using branch-site models, we also detected changes in selective constraints along three successive branches of the Mecopterida evolution. Residues located at the bottom of the ligand-binding pocket (LBP) underwent strong positive selection during the emergence of Mecopterida. This change is correlated with the acquisition of a large LBP filled by phospholipids that probably allowed the stabilisation of the new Mecopterida structure. Later, when the two subgroups of Mecopterida (Amphiesmenoptera: Lepidoptera, Trichoptera; Antliophora: Diptera, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera) diverged, the same positions became under purifying selection. Similarly, several positions of the heterodimerisation interface experienced positive selection during the emergence of Mecopterida, rapidly followed by a phase of constrained evolution. An enlargement of the heterodimerisation surface is specific for Mecopterida and was associated with a reinforcement of the obligatory partnership between ECR and USP, at the expense of homodimerisation. Conclusions: In order to explain the episodic mode of evolution of USP, we propose a model in which the molecular adaptation of this protein is seen as a process of resilience for the maintenance of the ecdysone receptor functionality. Keywords: Nuclear receptors, Ecdysone receptor, ECR, USP, Mecopterida, Selection Background During the course of evolution, the maintenance of biological systems requires the conservation of vital func- tions. At the same time, living beings are facing constant changes in their genome and environment. These varia- tions, which are continuously challenging the fitness of the organism, are key modulators of adaptation. It is therefore essential to maintain a good balance between plasticity and robustness [1]. How does this equilibrium evolve at the genetic level? In order to tackle this import- ant issue, it is necessary to use a model system with a vital function that has been conserved during a given period of time, despite the divergence of the genetic modules that determine this function. The ecdysone receptor fulfils these requirements. This hormone recep- tor is a heterodimer composed of two nuclear receptors: ECR (NR1H1) and its obligatory partner USP (NR2B4), the ortholog of mammalian RXR (NR2B1,2,3). The acti- vation of ECR by ecdysteroid hormones triggers a gene cascade that controls development (embryogenesis, molts, metamorphosis) and reproduction in insects [2,3]. Both * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL), Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1; CNRS; INRA; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 32-34 avenue Tony Garnier, Lyon 69007, France Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2012 Chaumot et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Molecular adaptation and … · 2017. 8. 27. · RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Molecular adaptation and resilience of the insect’s nuclear receptor USP

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  • Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199


    Molecular adaptation and resilience of the insect’snuclear receptor USPArnaud Chaumot2, Jean-Luc Da Lage3, Oscar Maestro4, David Martin4, Thomas Iwema5, Frederic Brunet1,Xavier Belles4, Vincent Laudet1 and François Bonneton1*


    Background: The maintenance of biological systems requires plasticity and robustness. The function of theecdysone receptor, a heterodimer composed of the nuclear receptors ECR (NR1H1) and USP (NR2B4), wasmaintained in insects despite a dramatic divergence that occurred during the emergence of Mecopterida.This receptor is therefore a good model to study the evolution of plasticity. We tested the hypothesis thatselection has shaped the Ligand-Binding Domain (LBD) of USP during evolution of Mecopterida.

    Results: We isolated usp and cox1 in several species of Drosophilidae, Tenebrionidae and Blattaria and estimatednon-synonymous/synonymous rate ratios using maximum-likelihood methods and codon-based substitutionmodels. Although the usp sequences were mainly under negative selection, we detected relaxation at residueslocated on the surface of the LBD within Mecopterida families. Using branch-site models, we also detected changesin selective constraints along three successive branches of the Mecopterida evolution. Residues located at thebottom of the ligand-binding pocket (LBP) underwent strong positive selection during the emergence ofMecopterida. This change is correlated with the acquisition of a large LBP filled by phospholipids that probablyallowed the stabilisation of the new Mecopterida structure. Later, when the two subgroups of Mecopterida(Amphiesmenoptera: Lepidoptera, Trichoptera; Antliophora: Diptera, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera) diverged, the samepositions became under purifying selection. Similarly, several positions of the heterodimerisation interfaceexperienced positive selection during the emergence of Mecopterida, rapidly followed by a phase of constrainedevolution. An enlargement of the heterodimerisation surface is specific for Mecopterida and was associated with areinforcement of the obligatory partnership between ECR and USP, at the expense of homodimerisation.

    Conclusions: In order to explain the episodic mode of evolution of USP, we propose a model in which themolecular adaptation of this protein is seen as a process of resilience for the maintenance of the ecdysone receptorfunctionality.

    Keywords: Nuclear receptors, Ecdysone receptor, ECR, USP, Mecopterida, Selection

    BackgroundDuring the course of evolution, the maintenance ofbiological systems requires the conservation of vital func-tions. At the same time, living beings are facing constantchanges in their genome and environment. These varia-tions, which are continuously challenging the fitnessof the organism, are key modulators of adaptation. It istherefore essential to maintain a good balance between

    * Correspondence: [email protected] de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL), Université de Lyon,Université Lyon 1; CNRS; INRA; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 32-34avenue Tony Garnier, Lyon 69007, FranceFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © 2012 Chaumot et al.; licensee BioMed CentrCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

    plasticity and robustness [1]. How does this equilibriumevolve at the genetic level? In order to tackle this import-ant issue, it is necessary to use a model system with avital function that has been conserved during a givenperiod of time, despite the divergence of the geneticmodules that determine this function. The ecdysonereceptor fulfils these requirements. This hormone recep-tor is a heterodimer composed of two nuclear receptors:ECR (NR1H1) and its obligatory partner USP (NR2B4),the ortholog of mammalian RXR (NR2B1,2,3). The acti-vation of ECR by ecdysteroid hormones triggers a genecascade that controls development (embryogenesis, molts,metamorphosis) and reproduction in insects [2,3]. Both

    al Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativeommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

    mailto:[email protected]://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0

  • Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 2 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    partners of this hormone receptor have undergone adramatic divergence during the emergence of the Mecop-terida, a superorder of holometabolous insects, whichincludes Diptera (flies, mosquitoes), Lepidoptera (moths,butterflies), Mecoptera (scorpionflies), Siphonaptera (fleas),and Trichoptera (caddisflies) [4-6]. This acceleration ofevolutionary rate is correlated with structural and func-tional changes of the LBP of USP and of the heterodimerinterface between ECR and USP [7,8]. These results sug-gested to us that the maintenance of the ecdysone path-way was achieved, at least in part, through molecularadaptation of the USP LBD. We thus tested the hypoth-esis that selection has shaped this domain during theemergence of Mecopterida.Changes in evolutionary rates are commonly used to

    detect innovations in the function of proteins. It is gener-ally assumed that a slowdown of substitution rate iscaused by the action of negative purifying selection thatmaintains an important function. By contrast, an acceler-ation of evolutionary rate can be interpreted in twoopposite ways. It could be due to a phase of positiveselection on a new function, or to neutral evolution of afunctionless sequence. This simplistic approach raisesseveral problems. Indeed, the rate of evolution at a givenposition can change according to its interactions withother sites. Many interactions are compatible with differ-ent conformations of a protein with the same function.Therefore, within-site rate variation in time (heterotachy)is not necessarily associated with a change in function,but may simply reflect the epistatic nature of geneticunits [9]. In other words, the same site of a protein canfollow different evolutionary paths in a phylogenetic tree,and whether these variations are adaptive or neutral can-not be inferred solely from the estimate of evolutionaryrates. It is essential to take into account the inter-dependence of residues, within and between proteins.Consequently, new methods try to incorporate proteinstructural constraints into evolutionary models [10].Another important problem is to distinguish betweenpositive selection and relaxation of negative selection [11].Furthermore, the evolution of protein function involvesalternating periods of conservative evolution and of rapidchange [12]. As a consequence, evidence for positiveselection at the protein level are rare at a short time scalebut much more frequent when considering deeper evolu-tionary time [13]. Finally, non-adaptive processes such asvariations of the mutation rate or GC-biased gene con-version, can lead to an increase of evolutionary speed thatis independent of natural selection [14,15]. We are tryingto tackle some of these issues that are central for a cor-rect understanding of the genetic mechanisms of proteinevolution using the ecdysone receptor. Thanks to theavailability of crystal structures and functional data,the ECR-USP case provides clear biological hypotheses

    regarding the codons upon which positive selection isexpected. Using appropriate models, we could test ourhypotheses at different time scales by analysing evolu-tionary constrains either within extant insect families,or during three successive branches of Mecopterida radi-ation. Our results reveal the dynamics of evolutionaryforces acting on the LBD of USP.

    ResultsSequence variation of usp and cox1 in three insectspecies-goupsIn order to study the evolutionary dynamics of USP atdifferent time scales, we isolated sequences from severalspecies of Drosophilidae, Tenebrionidae and Blattaria(Figure 1; Additional file 1: Table S1). We have chosenthe first two families as representative of the holo-metabolous insects, with Drosophilidae showing theMecopterida “overacceleration” of USP [4,6]. Tenebrioni-dae belong to Coleoptera, which is the sister group ofMecopterida, while Blattaria are hemimetabolous insects.Both Tenebrionidae and Blattaria have a non-divergentUSP [4]. The 19 Drosophilidae species used in this studyspan an evolutionary time of 0.4 to 75 million years [16].The most ancient divergence time for the five trueTribolium species used in our analysis was estimatedbetween 14 and 61 million years ago [17]. Blattaria spe-cies may have diverged between 10 and 20 million yearsago [18,19].In order to compare the variable rates of USP evolution

    between these different insect groups, we used the genecox1, which encodes the mitochondrial cytochrome oxi-dase subunit 1. This gene is known to evolve under arelatively uniform rate in most taxa of insects [20]. Over-all, our data set consists of protein sequences for bothUSP and COX1 in 32 species of Drosophilidae, Tenebrio-nidae and Blattaria (Additional file 1: Table S1). Amongthese 64 sequences, 43 are new and were isolated for thisstudy. The alignment of these proteins provides 218 posi-tions (including gaps) for USP LBD and 410 positions(no gap) for COX1. As expected, the COX1 proteinsequences are very well conserved between these threeinsect groups (>85% identity), whereas the USP LBD ofDrosophilidae is highly divergent from the other species(�40% identity).The phylogenies that we obtained using alignments

    of concatenated sequences (1042 positions) of USP andCOX1 proteins are similar to those already published(data not shown). For example, we observed thatTribolium brevicornis is not closely related to the otherTribolium species, as shown by Angelini et al. [17],who suggest that it should be included into the genusAphanotus. We also observed the paraphyly of Peripla-neta spp., with Blatta orientalis located within this clade,as shown by other authors [18,19].

  • Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila sechellia Drosophila simulans Drosophila mauritiana Drosophila yakuba Drosophila santomea Drosophila teissieri Drosophila erecta Drosophila ananassae Drosophila malerkotliana Drosophila pseudoobscura Drosophila willistoni Zaprionus tuberculatus Drosophila hydei Drosophila virilis Drosophila grimsahwiDrosophila limbata Drosophila caribiana Drosophila funebris Lucilia cuprinaAedes aegyptiAedes albopictusAnopheles gambiaeChironomus tentansCtenocephalides felisBombyx moriManduca sextaHeliothis virescensChilo suppressalisPlodia interpunctellaChoristoneura fumiferanaChimarra marginataTribolium castaneumTribolium freemaniTribolium madensTribolium destructor Tribolium confusumTribolium brevicornisTenebrio molitorLeptinotarsa decemlineataXenos peckiXenos vesparumApis melliferaMelipona scutellarisBemisia tabaciLocusta migratoriaPeriplaneta americanaPeriplaneta brunneaBlatta orientalisPeriplaneta australasiaePeriplaneta fuliginosaPeriplaneta japonica Blattella germanica

















    Mecopteridaemergence(20-50 MY)















    branch Abranch Bbranch C

    Figure 1 Phylogeny of insects species used in this study. This consensus tree and the divergence times (million years) are based on thefollowing references: Drosophilidae [16,66], Diptera [65], Lepidoptera [67,68], Tenebrionidae [17], Blattaria [18,19,69] and insects [70-72]. Dotsindicate the species used for detection of selection in usp along different branches. Black dots: Drosophilidae; blue dots: Diptera (branch C);green dots: divergence between Antliophora and Amphiesmenoptera (branch B); red dots: emergence of Mecopterida (branch A); white dots:Lepidoptera; grey dots: Tenebrionidae; yellow dots: Blattaria.

    Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 3 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    The negative selection on the usp gene is weakerin Mecopterida familiesWe estimated non-synonymous/synonymous rate ratios(dN/dS or ω) by whole tree analyses using maximum-likelihood methods and codon-based substitution models[21,22] (Additional file 2: Table S3). We analysed threegroups of species that are characterized by a derived usp(Drosophilidae, Diptera, Lepidoptera) and two groups

    with a less modified usp (Tenebrionidae and Blattaria)(Figure 1).If we consider each group separately, the best model

    indicates that the main force acting on usp sequencesis negative selection: dN/dS is less than 0.05 for at least75% of the sites (Figure 2). We could detect rare neutralcodons in Blattaria (3/279), but not in the other groups(Table 1). Likelihood ratio tests contrasting positive

  • dN/dS










    Figure 2 Distribution function of dN/dS in usp for five extant groups of insects. The curves describe the estimated proportion of codonsthat have dN/dS ratios at a value less than or equal to a particular value on the abscissa. β distributions were compared by Kolmogorov-Smirnovtests. The β-distribution parameters were estimated for the M7 model, or M8 if statistically superior to M7 (see Table 2). Drosophilidae: red;Diptera: purple; Lepidoptera: orange; Tenebrionidae: green; Blattaria: blue.

    Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 4 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    selection models with nearly neutral models (M2a versusM1a or M8 versus M7) never conclude that positiveselection (dN/dS > 1) is acting on usp within these groups(Table 1). This notably explains the difficulty to adjustparameters of models M2a and M8, as shown by stand-ard errors associated to the estimation of p1, ω2 and ωs(Additional file 3: Table S4). The highly constrainedpattern also gives rise to an imprecise estimation (large

    Table 1 Likelihood analysis of the usp sequence datasets of f

    Model Drosophilidae Diptera

    M1a LnL (np) -5649.5 (31) -6946.6 (25)

    ω0 ω1 0.02 1.00 0.03 1.00

    p0 p1 0.98 0.02 0.98 0.02

    M2a LnL (np) -5649.5 (33) -6946.6 (27)

    ω0 ω1 ω2 0.02 1.00 1.00 0.03 1.00 1.00

    p0 p1 p2 0.98 0.01 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.01

    M7 LnL (np) -5610.8 (31) -6859.5 (25)

    p q 0.16 5.05 0.40 10.7

    M8 LnL (np) -5610.8 (33) -6857.1 (27)

    p q 0.16 5.05 0.43 12.9

    ωs 1.00 1.00

    ps 0.00 0.01

    LRT (p-value) test of positive selection

    M2a vs M1a 1 1

    M8 vs M7 1 0.08

    LnL: log likelihood. np: number of parameters. ω0, ω1, ω2: non-synonymous/synonymregime, respectively (with corresponding proportions of sites p0, p1, p2). p and q: shsynonymous rate ratios. ωs: ratio affecting a ps proportion of sites under positive se

    relative standard errors) of the two shape parameters ofthe β distribution for the two non-Mecopterida groups(Additional file 3: Table S4). This is coherent with thevery weak improvement of the likelihood between M1aand M7/M8 models for these two groups. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests indicate significant differences in thedistribution of site-specific dN/dS between insect groups(p-value < 10-7). As an illustration, the percentage of

    ive extant insect groups

    Lepidoptera Tenebrionidae Blattaria

    -4376.2 (12) -2113.5 (10) -1945.6 (13)

    0.03 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.00 1.00

    0.95 0.05 0.99 0.01 0.99 0.01

    -4376.2 (14) -2113.5 (12) -1945.6 (15)

    0.03 1.00 1.00 0.01 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.24

    0.95 0.03 0.02 0.99 0.01 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.00

    -4339.9 (12) -2112.9 (10) -1950.0 (13)

    0.15 2.58 0.06 3.13 0.01 0.31

    -4338.8 (14) -2112.9 (12) -1946 (15)

    0.16 2.85 0.06 3.13 0.02 2.09

    4.46 1.00 1.00

    0.00 0.00 0.01

    1 1 1

    0.32 1 0.02

    ous rate ratio that characterize a negative, a neutral, and a positive selectionape parameters of a β function describing the distribution of non-synonymous/lection in model M8. LRT: Likelihood ratio test.

  • Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 5 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    codons with a dN/dS above 0.05 is 20% in Mecopteridaand only 5% in non-Mecopterida groups (Figure 2). Sincesaturation was detected among Diptera usp, we per-formed a re-analysis of alignments simulated accordingto the estimated characteristics of the Diptera dataset (13species, 346 codons, same topology and branch lengths forthe phylogenetic tree, same codon usage, transition/trans-version rate ratio of 1.89, repartition of sites between tencategories of dN/dS according to the estimated β distribu-tion). The results showed a good accuracy in the estimateof the β distribution function (Additional file 4: FigureS1), indicating that the detection of this pattern is robustto the saturation in Diptera sequences. The confidenceinterval for the proportion of codons with dN/dS>0.05was less than ± 1%. In the same way, we confirmed thatthe weak precision in the estimation of the β distributionparameters for the Tenebrionidae and Blattaria does notalter their contrasted pattern with Mecopterida groups(data not shown). The Mecopterida specific regions areamong the less constrained of usp because, when theyare removed from the analysis, the Mecopterida curvesshift slightly towards Tenebrionidae and Blattaria curves(data not shown). To compare the evolutionary dynamicsof usp between groups, we used cox1 as a reference (410codons) (Additional file 5: Table S5). In Drosophilidae,the mean rate of non-synonymous substitutions of usp is3.4 times higher than for cox1. By contrast, usp accumu-lates less non-synonymous substitutions than cox1 in thenon-Mecopterida families (2.5 times less in Tenebrionidaeand 1.3 times less in Blattaria). Overall, by employing cox1as a relative molecular clock, the Drosophilidae usp geneevolved 8.6 times faster than the Tenebrionidae usp and4.4 times faster than the Blattaria homolog.These results suggest that negative selection on usp

    is relaxed in Mecopterida families, when compared tonon-Mecopterida families.

    Relaxation of negative selection on the external surfaceof USP proteinIn order to identify precisely the sites that present con-trasted patterns in selective constraints between thesegroups, we projected the site-specific dN/dS onto the avail-able 3D structures of USP protein (Figure 3). Three func-tional domains of USP are highly constrained in everygroup of insects: the DBD (Additional file 2: Table S3), theLBP and the dimerisation interface. By contrast, other partsof the protein have experienced more relaxed evolutionarypressure, especially among the Mecopterida families.The LBD of non-Mecopterida USPs are homoge-

    neously constrained. Only 9 sites (5%), located on theexternal surface of the LBD, have an estimated dN/dS ≥ 0.1in Tenebrionidae and Blattaria. The uncertainty in param-eter estimates (Additional file 3: Table S4) for these twogroups may hinder the computation of site-specific rates,

    but these sites are not homologous in these two insectgroups, except one position in helix H4 (Ser246in Blattaria and Thr241 in Tenebrionidae) (Figure 3A, B).The LBD of Mecopterida USPs shows very different

    patterns, with 63 sites (25%) having a dN/dS ≥ 0.1. Over-all, the relaxation of evolution is more pronounced inLepidoptera than in Diptera. Only one-third of these sitesare similar between these two insect orders. Most of therelaxed residues are scattered on the surface of the LBD(Additional file 6: Figure S2), a few of them being locatedin regions with a known or putative function. Forinstance, the hinge D domain and the following helix H1of the LBD exhibit a high proportion of relaxed positionsin Diptera and Lepidoptera (17/30 and 8/28, respect-ively), when compared to Tenebrionidae and Blattaria(1/31 and 0/31, respectively) (Additional file 2: Table S3).This region is known to have an allosteric effect on thecorepressor-binding surface of RXR and other nuclearreceptors [23,24]. A cluster of seven relaxed positionsis shared by both groups of insects in helix H4-H5,which is included into the putative coactivation surface(Figure 3C, D). In helix H12, the Lepidoptera sequencesare totally divergent from all other USP-RXR proteins.Contrary to ECR, the helix H12 of USP has no transacti-vation activity because it adopts a structure similar to theantagonist conformation observed for RXR [7,25-28]. InDrosophila and in Heliothis, helix H12 is locked into thisposition by the Mecopterida specific domain present inthe loop L1-3, between helices H1 and H3. Interestingly,several residues of this specific insertion are evolution-ary relaxed in Diptera, and even more in Lepidoptera(Figure 3C, D). A similar pattern of relaxation seems tooccur in the loop between helix H5 and the first betaturn (Additional file 2: Table S3), where there is a secondMecopterida specific insertion of 20–30 amino acids.This divergent region, only partly stabilized in the crystalstructures of Heliothis and Drosophila, is possibly impli-cated in contacts with ECR [25,29]. By contrast, the resi-dues that constitute the heterodimerisation interface areconstrained in Diptera and Lepidoptera.These results show that the main feature of the recent

    evolution of USP is a relaxation of purifying selectionin Mecopterida families. The LBP and the dimerisationinterface, which underwent important Mecopterida spe-cific changes in structure and function [7,8], are highlyconstrained at this time scale and positive selectionwas not detected. By contrast, an evolutionary relaxationmight have affected external surfaces involved in protein-protein interactions between USP and its coregulators.

    Positive selection on the usp gene during the emergenceof MecopteridaSince USP LBD underwent important modifications inMecopterida, we wondered whether some of these changes

  • A B

    S246 T241N-ter-H9


    H12 H12

    Blattaria Tenebrionidae

    H4 H4

    C D




    Diptera Lepidoptera

    Figure 3

    Figure 3 Mapping of evolutionary rates on USP structures in four extant groups of insects. Site-specific dN/dS were projected onto thecrystal structure of the USP LBD domain of Tribolium (2NXX) for Blattaria (A) and Tenebrionidae (B), of Drosophila (1HG4) for Diptera (C) and ofHeliothis (1R1K) for Lepidoptera (D). The values are distributed along a colour scale from blue (low dN/dS) to red (high dN/dS). Sequences notavailable for the estimation of evolutionary rates are in white.

    Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 6 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    involved functional shifts during the emergence of thisgroup. Assuming that evolutionary pressure is changingover time, we used branch-site models [30] to detect po-tential site-specific changes in selective constraints (posi-tive selection or relaxation of negative selection) alongthree successive branches of Mecopterida radiation.Branch A is the stem lineage of Mecopterida, branch B isthe subdivision between Amphiesmenoptera and Antlio-phora and branch C is the subdivision of Diptera into thesuborders Brachycera and Nematocera (Figure 1).In order to assess whether relaxation or positive selec-

    tion occurred along these branches, we applied tests 1and 2 from Zhang et al. [30]. While test 1 is significantfor all the three branches, test 2, a direct conservativetest of positive selection, is significant only for the two

    most ancient branches A and B (Table 2). It appearstherefore that positive selection has occurred on specificsites at the origin of the Mecopterida clade (21% of uspsites) and during the divergence between Amphiesmenop-tera and Antliophora (11% of usp sites). Subsequently,some sites (8%) evolved neutrally before becoming underpurifying selection within Dipteran suborders (Nemato-cera and Brachycera). Since the specificity of these testscould be affected by long evolutionary distances, falsepositive rates were computed, as a control, from there-analysis of alignments simulated with Evolver in PAML[12]. These rates were less than 1% for test 1 for the threedatasets. For test 2, we obtained false positive rates of 5%for branch A and 2% for branch B. Therefore, our detec-tion of positive selection is not significantly biased by

  • Table 2 Likelihood analysis of the usp sequence datasets along three successive branches of the Mecopterida radiation

    Model Likelihood Ratio Test

    No Shift Branch relaxation Branch positive selection Relaxation positive selection

    M1a (nearly neutral) modified branch-site modelA ω2 = 1 fixed

    modified branch-site model A test 1 test 2

    LnL (np) LnL (np) LnL (np) ω2 p-value p-value

    Branch A -11732.4 (55) -11713.2 (56) -11711.1 (57) 999 6.6 10-11 4.2 10-2

    Branch B -9769.8 (41) -9754.5 (42) -9750.9 (43) 97.3 8.0 10-9 6.8 10-3

    Branch C -6946.6 (25) -6938.1 (26) -6937.5 (27) 4.75 1.1 10-4 0.56

    LnL: log likelihood. np: number of parameters.

    Chaumot et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2012, 12:199 Page 7 of 16http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/12/199

    saturation of synonymous sites during the large evolu-tionary times considered in this analysis. The initial epi-sode of positive selection was dramatic, if we considerthe percentage of sites involved and the high values ofdN/dS for the site class under positive selection (ω2 ofbranch B in Table 2). Note that the value of 999 com-puted for ω2 along the stem lineage of Mecopterida(branch A) indicates the absence of predicted synonym-ous substitutions for this short branch (dS=0), so thedN/dS ratio (ω2) is undefined.The sites that experienced a functional shift along the

    three branches were identified by computing the prob-ability for each site to belong to the site-class that experi-enced positive selection (along branch A or branch B)or neutral evolution (along branch C), before becomingunder negative selection in extant groups (Additionalfile 7: Table S6). The projection of these posterior prob-abilities onto the 3D structure of the LBD of DrosophilaUSP reveals that most of these sites under positive selec-tion, or relaxation, are on the external surface of theLBD, notably on branch A. There is no known functionfor the majority of these sites. A minority of the posi-tively selected amino acids are located on two functionaldomains of the LBD that are the LBP and the heterodi-merisation interface: 36% on branch A, 15% on branch Band 21% on branch C. Among the residues with a knownfunction, there is a high fraction which is positivelyselected or relaxed on branch A (18/36), and less forbranch B (7/20) and branch C (6/14).The large LBP of Mecopterida USP is composed of two

    parts: a channel extending inside from the opening and adeeper pocket, which is similar to the LBP of RXR. Thetail of the phospholipid is buried inside this pocket, whileits phosphate head group is at the entrance. The aminoacids of the channel, from where the ligand penetratesinside the LBP, are under negative selection in the threebranches. By contrast, four residues that make contactswith the ligand at the bottom of the internal surfaceunderwent strong positive selection during the emergenceof Mecopterida (Figure 4A). This change of evolutionarypressure is correlated with the specific acquisition of a

    large LBP filled by phospholipids in Mecopterida. Inother insects, residues of the loops L6 and L11 fill thedeep unliganded pocket. Later, when Amphiesmenopteraand Antliophora diverged (branch B), the same positionsbecame under purifying selection (Figure 4B). Subsequently,one of them (Tyr372), followed a new path of relaxedevolution during the subdivision of Dipteran suborders(branch C) (Figure 4C). All Brachycera share a tyrosineat this position, while Nematocera and other Mecopteridahave a leucine. In the homologous position of RXR thereis a valine, which does not interact with the ligand.A similar evolutionary dynamic is observed for the

    heterodimerisation interface, where several positionsexperienced positive selection during the emergenceof Mecopterida, followed by a phase of constrained evo-lution (Figure 5). Importantly, among these positions,arginine Arg426 in helix H9 (Figure 5A) is known to beinvolved in the Mecopterida specific enlargement of theheterodimerisation surface [8]. On the same branch,positive selection is detected on three other residues that,albeit not interacting with ECR, are located within thecanonical interaction surface. The arginine Arg399 inhelix H7 was predicted to form an electrostatic inter-action with ECR in the ancestral Mecopterida model [8].This is interesting because this bond is not seen in thecurrent USP structure of Drosophila or Heliothis [25,26].Another noticeable residue is the glutamine Gln457 inhelix H10, which is variable in Mecopterida. Indeed, itshomologous position in non-Mecopterida USP and invertebrate RXR is a strictly conserved lysine that inter-acts with the partner of heterodimerisation. This bondwas observed in human and mouse RXR heterodimersas well as in the ECR-USP structure of the HemipteraBemisia tabaci white flies, but not in Tribolium [7,28].By contrast to the LBP and to the dimerisation inter-

    face, there is no clear evidence of positive selection inthe putative coactivation surface, simply defined hereby homology with RXR (Additional file 8: Figure S3).Although we could not estimate the evolutionary rate forthe whole surface in the three branches, it seems that thisdomain is rather homogeneously constrained. Only two

  • BA

    C D




















    Branch A Branch B

    Branch C LBP

    deep pocketchannel

    Figure 4 Selection in the LBP during the radiation of Mecopterida. Posterior probabilities for each site to belong to the site-class underpositive selection (along branch A or branch B) or relaxed evolution (along branch C) were projected onto the crystal structure of the USP LBDdomain of Drosophila (1HG4). Probabilities are distributed along a colour scale from yellow (p=0) to red (p=1). Sequences not available for theestimation of evolutionary rates are in white. The phospholipid ligand (LPP) is in green, with its tail on the right in the deep pocket. (A) Branch A,stem lineage of Mecopterida. (B) Branch B, subdivision between Amphiesmenoptera (Lepidoptera, Trichoptera) and Antliophora (Diptera,Mecoptera, Siphonaptera). (C) Branch C, subdivision of Diptera into the suborders Brachycera and Nematocera. (D) All the 32 amino acids of theLBP in the USP structures of Drosophila and Heliothis. Residues under positive selection or relaxed evolution in at least one of the three branchesare shown in purple.

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    residues in helix H3 have experienced positive selectionduring the emergence of Mecopterida (branch A), oneof which being also selected on branch B (subdivisionbetween Amphiesmenoptera and Antliophora).In conclusion, the structural analysis of the sites under

    selection shows that both the LBP and the dimerisationinterface of USP LBD have experienced modifications ofselective constraints during the emergence of Mecopterida.

    Did biased gene conversion contribute to the earlyevolution of usp in Mecopterida?Acceleration of substitution rates can result from otherprocesses than selection, such as GC-biased gene conver-sion (gBGC), which enrich the G+C content [15,31]. Wethus measured the G+C content of usp gene and foundthat it is higher in Drosophilidae (59.6%), when com-pared to Tenebrionidae and Blattaria (48.7%). The high-est average G+C content is at third codon positions,where the Mecopterida G+C bias is stronger (Table 3).As a result, the preference for codons ending with a Gor a C in usp is higher in Mecopterida than in non-Mecopterida for most of the amino acids (Additional file9: Table S2). Therefore, the nucleotide composition of

    usp gene in Mecopterida is biased. By contrast, the aver-age cox1 G+C content are similar in the three families(30-37%) and fall into the range of insect’s whole mito-chondrial genomes (13-35%, mean=24%) [32]. Since mostof the synonymous sites are at the third codon position,such a bias in G+C content may affect the estimation ofevolutionary rates of synonymous and non-synonymoussubstitutions of the usp gene. We therefore tested whetherthe increase of substitution rate observed in Mecopteridausp could be due, at least in part, to GC-biased gene con-version along branch A. First, the two ancestral sequencesfor the internal nodes at each extremity of branch A weredetermined by marginal reconstruction performed withCodeml within PAML software (Yang et al. 1997). Then,we identified the predicted substitutions along this branchby comparing these two ancestral sequences. We couldnot detect any bias in favour of AT!GC substitutions(p-value = 0.4). This means that the current bias in theG+C content of usp gene was probably acquired laterduring evolution. It is therefore unlikely that a phaseof GC-biased gene conversion had a significant effect inthe global increase of evolutionary rates observed in uspduring the emergence of Mecopterida.

  • A B

    C DR426







    Branch A Branch B

    Branch C LBP

    Figure 5 Selection in the heterodimerisation interface during the radiation of Mecopterida. Posterior probabilities for each site to belongto the site-class under positive selection (along branch A or branch B) or relaxed evolution (along branch C) were projected onto the crystalstructure of the USP LBD domain of Drosophila (1HG4). Probabilities are distributed along a colour scale from yellow (p=0) to red (p=1).Sequences not available for the estimation of evolutionary rates are in white. The lipid ligand (LPP) is in green. (A) Branch A, stem lineage ofMecopterida. (B) Branch B, subdivision between Amphiesmenoptera (Lepidoptera, Trichoptera) and Antliophora (Diptera, Mecoptera,Siphonaptera). (C) Branch C, subdivision of Diptera into the suborders Brachycera and Nematocera. (D) The hydrophobic core (helix H10) isshown in blue, the insect canonical interaction surface is in purple and the Mecopterida specific surface is in cyan (for details, see Additional file1: Table S1 of: [8].

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    DiscussionThe ecdysone receptor (ECR-USP) has undergone a dra-matic phase of mutations during the emergence of theMecopterida superorder [4-6]. This acceleration of evo-lutionary rate is correlated with structural and functionalchanges of the LBP of USP and of the heterodimer inter-face between ECR and USP [7,8]. These results sug-gested that the maintenance of the ecdysone pathway was

    Table 3 Average percentage of G+C content in codonsof usp

    Diptera Lepidoptera Tribolium Blattaria

    Codons 346 398 283 279

    First position 57,5% 59,0% 49,7% 57,9%

    Second position 38,7% 42,2% 35,3% 40,4%

    Third position 67,5% 72,8% 52,7% 48,9%

    All sites 54,6% 58,0% 45,9% 49,1%

    achieved, at least in part, through molecular adaptationof the USP LBD. We thus tested the possibility that thisdomain was under positive selection during the emer-gence of Mecopterida.

    Constraints and relaxation on USP LBDOverall, USP is highly constrained. The majority of thesites are under negative selection on all branches. Sim-ilar conclusions have been obtained with other nuclearreceptors, including RXR, the vertebrate homolog ofUSP [33-35]. This result is compatible with the ideathat USP could be a hub protein. Indeed, proteins with alarge number of interactions are usually under purifyingselection because any substitution may have pleiotropiceffects. At the same time, adaptations are allowedby relaxation in the interactive surfaces that establishtransient interactions between protein domains [36].

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    In the case of the LBD of USP, we detected a relaxationof negative selection within the Mecopterida, relative tonon-Mecopterida insects. Most of the relaxed sites,which are on the external surfaces of the protein, may beinvolved in protein-protein interactions between USPand its coregulators. It is therefore possible that theevolutionary plasticity observed on the surface of theMecopterida USP LBD reflects adaptability to itsdifferent partners. Unfortunately, the network of protein-protein interactions is largely unknown for USP andexperimental data are needed to go beyond these specu-lations. In fact, the complexity of this matter concernall nuclear receptors, for which the analysis of proteininteractions are largely restricted to the dimerisationinterface and to the small coregulatory groove [37]. Theuse of original evolutionary methods can yield a betterunderstanding of these interactive sites. For instance,difference evolutionary trace analysis has revealed anew functional site for steroid receptor located on a sur-face opposite to currently known protein-protein inter-action [38].

    Regions of USP LBD under positive selection duringMecopterida emergenceOur previous results suggested that the main func-tional shifts affecting USP LBD of insects occurredduring the emergence of Mecopterida, approximately280–300 million years ago (early Permian). We thereforeused branch-site models to detect changes in selectiveconstraints along this branch. Importantly, we also ana-lysed two more recent branches within the Mecopteridaclade in order to decipher the successive state of evolu-tionary forces acting on USP LBD. Indeed, the interpret-ation of changes in evolutionary rates must take intoaccount all the biological complexity of the protein, suchas the dynamic of the process or the distinction betweenfunctional modules. Using this approach, we were ableto detect positive selection at amino acids located onthe LBP and on the heterodimerisation interface of USPLBD.The episode of positive selection is correlated with the

    acquisition of a large LBP filled by fatty acids. In the basalinsect Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera), USP is able tobind 9-cis retinoic acid, like homologous vertebrate RXR,which natural ligands are fatty acids [39]. In Bemisia(Hemiptera) and Tribolium (Coleoptera), USP is unableto be activated by RXR ligands and acts as a constitu-tively silent partner of ECR. In fact, in these species, resi-dues of the loops L6 and L11 fill the deep unligandedpocket and, therefore, USP lacks a proper LBP [7,28]. Allthe four residues that underwent strong positive selec-tion during the emergence of Mecopterida are locatedat the bottom of the deep pocket, which is similar to theLBP of RXR. These residues make contacts with the tails

    of the phospholipid in Mecopterida structures. Later dur-ing the diversification of Mecopterida, the same positionsbecame under purifying selection. These results suggestthat the Mecopterida pocket was positively selected fora new function, which then became highly constrainedand remained largely unchanged until now. What wasthis innovation? We can hypothesize that the presenceof phospholipids allowed the stabilisation of the newMecopterida LBD. Indeed, this structure is characterisedby the acquisition of a new loop L1-3 that locks the LBDin a conformation similar to the one seen for antagonist-bound nuclear receptors [25,26,29]. In that perspective,phospholipids would be analogous to pharmacologicalchaperone, which are small molecules that help to main-tain the correct folding of mutant proteins [40]. Thisinterpretation is in agreement with a previous pro-position, based on an information-theoretic approach,according to which the ligand-contacting residues per-form a dual role: a functional role in ligand recognitionand a structural role as core residues [41]. Thus, thestructure of the LBP of USP was highly plastic duringinsect evolution, adopting three of the four states thatare known for nuclear receptors: nutritional sensor(basal insects), real orphan (Hemiptera, Coleoptera) andreceptor with a constitutive activity (Mecopterida). Thefirst evolutionary transition involved a loss of function,from a sensor to an orphan receptor [8]. Our resultshighlight the second transition, from an orphan receptorto a constitutive receptor, which could be seen as a gainof function.We also detected positive selection in the dimerisation

    interface during the emergence of Mecopterida. Thisepisode of positive selection is correlated with a lossof ability to homodimerise for both ECR and USP.Non-Mecopterida ECRs are able to homodimerise andare active without USP [42-44]. By contrast, even in pres-ence of their ligand, the ECR LBD monomers of Heliothisand Drosophila are very unstable in solution and needUSP for solubilisation and stabilisation [45,46]. Similarly,non-Mecopterida USPs are able to form homodimers,whereas Mecopterida USPs are not able to do so[7,42,47,48]. It seems therefore that Mecopterida USPacts as a chaperone-like partner for ECR stabilisation.We have shown previously that, during the emergenceof Mecopterida, a relaxation of evolutionary constraintsoccurred at a site that affects homodimerisation but notheterodimerisation [8,49]. This residue is the glutamineGln457 in helix H10, for which we provide here evidencefor strong positive selection on the branch leading toMecopterida (Figure 5A). This result confirms our firsthypothesis proposing that substitution of this site locatedin the core of the dimerisation surface may have induceda loss of homodimerisation for USP. Positive selection wasfound at those three sites in an independent study [50].

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    Importantly, if the homodimerisation ability has been lostin Mecopterida, on the contrary, the heterodimerisationbetween ECR and USP has been conserved by all arthro-pods and was even reinforced in Mecopterida. How canwe explain the maintenance of the functional interactionbetween ECR and USP, despite the challenging burst ofmutations that occurred in the stem lineage of Mecopter-ida? The heterodimerisation between ECR and USPdepends largely on a core of residues localised in helicesH9 and H10 of the LBDs. While the sequence of thisinterface is well conserved in all insects, in Mecopterida,the loop L8-9 of USP interacts with the helix H7 of ECR,creating a symmetric and larger heterodimerisation sur-face [8]. This novel surface is a consequence of theMecopterida specific structural divergences of USP,where the loop L1-3 and the presence of a phospholipid,which is in tight contact with L1-3 and H3, induce a 15°-torsion of a sub-domain of USP LBD towards ECR. If themaintenance of heterodimerisation depends on this newsurface, then positive selection should be detected at thisspecific enlargement on the stem lineage of Mecopterida.We have confirmed this prediction for two sites of USP:Arg426 in helix H9 and Arg399 in helix H7 (Figure 5A).The arginine Arg426 is involved in the Mecopterida spe-cific enlargement of the heterodimerisation surface, whilethe Arg399 was predicted to form an electrostatic inter-action with ECR in the ancestral Mecopterida model [8].In addition, we detected positive selection at the siteAsp452, which is located in the core interface and makescontacts with two residues of the helix H9 of ECR. It isthus possible that this substitution played a role in thereinforcement of the ECR-USP heterodimerisation. If weassume that the reinforcement of ECR-USP heterodimer-isation is a selectively favoured phenotype, then everyamino acid replacement causing a slight increase in inter-action would be selectively favoured. However, oncebinding is optimum, no further changes will be favoured.Thus, a phase of purifying selection would follow an initialphase of positive selection. We have confirmed thisexpectation by showing that the same four positionsdescribed above became under purifying selection duringthe diversification of Mecopterida. In conclusion, the di-merisation interface of USP has experienced modificationsof selective constraints during the emergence of Mecop-terida, followed by a phase of constrained evolution.Although our results suggested that coevolution has

    maintained the interaction between ECR and USP, wecould not detect any significant modification of evolu-tionary constraints in the dimerisation surface of ECR[8]. Recent random-sites model analyses confirmed theabsence of positive selection in ECR [50]. It seems there-fore that the helix H7 of ECR, which is implicated in thenew Mecopterida interface with USP, was able to adaptto its changing partner in a manner independent of

    selection. In order to explain the evolution of this do-main, it may be necessary to explore the role of molecu-lar drive, which includes all the DNA turnovermechanisms that change the genetic composition of apopulation, independently of selection and drift [51]. Thereis indeed a renewed interest in the evolutionary forces,other than natural selection or drift, that can induce co-evolution between functionally interacting genetic sys-tems in order to maintain essential functions [15,52].However, interestingly, six residues with elevated ω wereidentified in the core interface of Mecopterida ECR, sug-gesting that the dimerisation core of ECR, like that ofUSP/RXR, may also be under relaxed constraint in theMecopterida clade [50].Within the family of nuclear receptors, evidence for

    positive selection has been reported in a few other cases,such as PXR (NR1I2), CAR (NR1I3) and ERα (NR3A1)[33,53,54]. For example, positive selection was detectedat amino acids involved in ligand binding of the frogPXRs, which have lost broad specificity for ligands andgained efficient activation by endogenous amphibian-specific benzoates [55]. A recent study has shown thatRXR, the USP homolog, was under positive selectionimmediately following the first round (1R) and secondround (2R) of whole genome duplications in vertebrates[34]. Most of the positive selected sites were locatedeither in the LBD or in the N-terminal region, whichcontain activation domains (AF-1 and AF-2) and phos-phorylation sites that control RXR expression. Duringthis evolutionary transition, it seems that positive selectiondid not affect the LBP or the dimerisation interface ofRXR (except for one site of helix H9 on the post-duplication branch leading to RXRγ). The authors thusconclude: “The presence of positive selection/acceleratedrates in the paralogs, coupled with the evidences ofaltered expression of paralogous genes explains the pres-ervation of the additional RXR copies following genomeduplication” [34]. It would be interesting to analyse theevolution of the N-terminal region of USP and ECR, butthe structure and the function of these highly divergentdomains are largely unknown in insects.

    Episodic evolution of USPIn conclusion, our results allow to define three phases ofevolution for the LBD of USP in Mecopterida. We cannow propose a model to explain this episodic mode ofevolution. We have previously proposed that the ances-tral state of USP LBD was characterised by the absenceof a LBP and the ability to form homodimers as well asheterodimers with ECR [7,8]. During the emergence ofMecopterida, an unexplained acceleration of evolution-ary rate was probably responsible for the insertion of 11residues in the loop L1-3. This insertion is the primordialevent in our hypothesis, because it changed the

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    structure of the LBD in two ways. First, it increased thesize of the heterodimer interface. Second, it restored aLBP. However, this new pocket is very large and filledwith phospholipids, which is unusual for a nuclear recep-tor of the NR2B group. These modifications allowed theexploration of new functions, as revealed by the detec-tion of positive selection at these two regions during thefirst phase of Mecopterida evolution. The new LBP prob-ably allowed the maintenance of a correct folding for thewhole LBD, while the new extended surface of dimerisa-tion was associated with a reinforcement of the obliga-tory partnership between ECR and USP, at the expenseof homodimerisation. Therefore, the correlation betweenpositive selection and functional innovations suggeststhat the USP LBD underwent molecular adaptation dur-ing the emergence of Mecopterida. One limit of this kindof analysis is the difficulty to distinguish between positiveselection and relaxation of negative selection [11]. How-ever, the availability of crystal structures and functionaldata provide a priori biological hypotheses regarding theamino acids upon which positive selection is expected.Once the new functions are effective, no further changeswill be favoured. Thus, the initial phase of positive selec-tion should be followed by a second phase of purifyingselection. In agreement with this hypothesis, we foundthat the new functional domains were under strong nega-tive selection during the subdivision of Mecopteridabetween Amphiesmenoptera and Antliophora. This sec-ond phase of evolution explains the conservation of thenew surfaces among Mecopterida species. Finally, wecould characterise a third phase of evolution during thesubdivision of Diptera into Brachycera and Nematocera.On this branch, USP LBD evolved mainly under a relax-ation of negative selection, with neutrality at some sites.However, the new Mecopterida functional domainsremained highly constrained (except the tyrosine Y372 inthe LBP of Diptera). The alternation of selective and con-servative periods during the transformation of USP LBDin insects provides an example of the episodic model ofprotein evolution, a major mechanism recently revealed byapplication of new methods at the genomic level [12,56,57].

    ConclusionsThe function of the heterodimer ECR-USP in the ecdys-one response is conserved in all insects, includingMecopterida [58]. Therefore, although we cannot ex-clude the possibility that other biological functions havechanged with USP, it seems that adaptation of this pro-tein allowed maintenance rather than innovation. It is animportant property of living organisms to remain con-stant in the face of change. The concept of canalisationdescribes the capacity of a population to produce thesame phenotype despite genetic or environmental

    variability. At the molecular level, the capacity of a pro-tein to restore functionality after a mutational eventcould be qualified as “molecular resilience”. In the caseof USP, the insertion in the loop L1-3 was likely the ini-tial “trauma”, induced by a phase of increased mutationrate at the origin of Mecopterida. Resilience was probablydependent on the existence of pre-existing functionallyneutral mutations that accumulated in the LBD of USP.Once the insertion occurred, only a specific combinationof these permissive mutations became adaptive, becausethey could compensate for the structural changes inducedby the insertion. Epistatic contacts between and withinproteins are essential to allow a genetic network toassimilate new genotypes while remaining functional,because any loss of function could be deleterious [1,59].Like canalisation, molecular resilience would thereforeallow evolvability by accumulation of genetic diversitywithout modification of the phenotype. In that perspec-tive, the molecular adaptation of USP could be seen as aprocess of resilience for the ecdysone receptor.

    MethodsInsectsDrosophilidae species from the Gif laboratory wereobtained from different origins: Drosophila simulans(La Réunion, France), Drosophila mauritiana (Mauritius),Drosophila santomea (Sao Tomé), Drosophila teissieri(Congo), Drosophila malerkotliana (Madagascar), Dros-ophila (Zaprionus) tuberculatus (Ivory Coast), Drosophilalimbata (France), Drosophila caribiana (Martinique,France), Drosophila funebris (France).The species of Tribolium were reared on wheat flour

    with 5% of dried yeast extract at room temperature. TheUSDA-ARS Grain Marketing and Production ResearchCentre (Manhattan, Kansas) provided all the species,except Tribolium destructor, which was provided byDurdica Ugarkovic (Ruder Bosković Institute, Zagreb,Croatia).Concerning Blattaria species, Blattella germanica was

    from the strain maintained in the Institute of Evolution-ary Biology (CSIC-UPF), in Barcelona, whereas Blattaorientalis, Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta japonica,Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta brunnea and Peri-planeta fuliginosa, were kindly provided by PierreDeleporte (Station Biologique de Paimpont, Universitéde Rennes). Blattarian specimens were maintained in thedark at 30 ±1°C and 60-70% RH prior to RNA extraction.

    Cloning and sequencingWe isolated 43 new sequences using PCR with degener-ated primers. Most of the partial sequences for USP en-compass regions from the beginning of the DNA bindingdomain (zinc-finger 1 or zinc-finger 2) to the last helix(H12) of the LBD. Sequences of the mitochondrial

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    cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COX1, used as a refer-ence) are almost complete, including the twelvemembrane-spanning helices. Available sequences wereobtained from GenBank. All accession numbers are shownon Additional file 1: Table S1.Genomic DNAs of Drosophilidae were prepared as

    described previously [60] from either live stocks, orfrozen or ethanol-preserved flies from the Gif LEGSlaboratory. Partial usp (intronless in Drosophila) andcox1 sequences were amplified by PCR using a set ofprimers listed in Additional file 10: Table S7. For usp,two rounds of nested amplifications were performed withAmplitaq Gold (Applied Biosystems) in a Trioblockdevice (Biometra) as follows: first round: primersU50dbis/U31dbis; 45 cycles; annealing temperature 60°C;elongation for 1mn45 at 72°C; second round: primersU51dbis/U33dbis; annealing temperature 60°C; elongationfor 1mn30 at 72°C. Amplicons of the correct size werepurified and cloned into the pGEM-T easy vector (Pro-mega). For cox1, samples were amplified with primerCOIDIR (forward) combined with various reverse pri-mers using the following conditions: 45 cycles, annealingtemperature 50°C; elongation for 1mn30 at 72°C. Purifiedamplicons were sequenced directly without cloning. Forsome species, the data were completed with predictedsequences provided by the “Drosophila 12 GenomesConsortium” [61].Sequences for Tribolium USP were obtained exactly as

    described previously [5], using RT-PCR with degeneratedprimers. Sequences for cytochrome oxidase I (COX1)were obtained by PCR on total DNA. Primers are listedin Additional file 10: Table S7. All combinations of pri-mers were used in semi-nested PCR amplifications in50 μl volume with 10 mM Tris–HCl pH = 8.3, 50 mMKCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.25mM of each dNTP, 2.5 UAmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems)and 300 ng of each primer. Reactions were performed ina Biometra T3 Thermocycler, using the following protocol:2 min at 95°C; cycles 1–5: 94°C 1 min, 45°C 1 min, 72°C1 min; cycles 6–10: 94°C 1 min, 50°C 1 min, 72°C 1 min;cycles 11–30: 94°C 1 min, 55°C 1 min, 72°C 1 min; fol-lowed by terminal elongation for 10 min at 72°C. PCRproducts were cloned into a TA cloning vector (Invitrogen)and transformed into competent cells according to themanufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing reactions wereperformed using the ABI PRISM BigDye Terminator v1.1cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems).In the case of Blattaria, total RNA was isolated with the

    GenEluteTM Mammalian Total RNA kit (Sigma) andcDNAs were obtained as described [62]. For RXR ampli-fications, primers based on the amino acid motif con-served in all RXR/USP sequences located upstream fromthe DNA-binding domain (DBD) and from the ligand-binding domain (LBD) were used. PCR amplifications

    were performed using, as a template, cDNA generated byreverse transcription from polyA+ RNA obtained fromthe different species under study. Amplifications werecarried out for 30 cycles at 94°C for 30 s, 52°C for 1 min,72°C for 1 min, followed by a terminal elongation for5 min at 72°C. The amplified fragments were sub-clonedinto the pSTBlue-1 vector (Novagen) and sequenced. Forcytochrome oxidase I (COX1) amplifications, the strategywas the same as before. Primers are listed in Additionalfile 10: Table S7.

    Sequence dataset and insect’s phylogenyIn order to estimate the site-specific ratio ofnon-synonymous/synonymous substitutions (dN/dS or ω)through whole tree analyses, we used MaximumLikelihood methods and codon substitution models,implemented in the Codeml program from the PAMLpackage [21,63]. Codons of insect sequences of usp andcox1 genes were aligned using the program Muscleimplemented in SeaView [64]. Positions with gaps wereremoved. All accession numbers are supplied inAdditional file 1: Table S1. The predefined topology ofinsects phylogeny, imposed for the ML computations, isshown on Figure 1. This consensus tree is based on clas-sical taxonomic data, as well as specific references con-cerning the following groups: Diptera [65], Drosophilidae[16,66], Lepidoptera [67,68], Tenebrionidae [17], Blattaria[18,19,69] and insects [70-72]. We carried out statisticalanalyses with the R software [73].

    Detection of selective constraintsIn a first set of analyses, we characterized the patternof site-specific dN/dS ratios along usp sequences withintwo non-Mecopterida (5 Tenebrionidae, 7 Blattaria)and three Mecopterida groups (16 Drosophilidae, non-Drosophilidae 13 Diptera and 6 Lepidoptera), based onthe alignment of 283, 279, 377, 346 and 398 codons,respectively. In order to detect positive selection withinthese groups, we compared the likelihood of two pairsof site models: M1a/M2a and M7/M8 [22,74]. The nullmodel M1a (nearly neutral) assumes two classes of sites,with either ω0 ≤ 1 (negative or purifying selection) orω1 = 1 (neutral). The alternative model M2a (selection)adds a third class of sites with ω2 ≥ 1 (positive selection).The null model M7 assumes that ω ratios vary amongcodons, following a β distribution in the interval 0

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    for parameters, in order to test for convergence duringthe process of likelihood maximization by the Codemlalgorithm. β distributions were compared by Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. The average evolutionary rate of USP pro-tein was compared between Drosophilidae, Tenebrionidaeand Blattaria by using mean dN of COX1 as a reference[20]. Site-specific dN/dS values estimated along the uspsequence were projected onto the 3D protein structure ofthe USP LBD domain of Drosophila (1HG4), Heliothis(1R1K), or Tribolium (2NXX). Because saturation wasdetected among Diptera usp, we assessed the accuracy ofthe estimate of the β distribution function for this clade.For this, we re-estimated the β distribution parameterswith the same Codeml analysis (under model M7) from50 simulated alignments, which were generated with theEvolver program of the PAML package using the globalparameters established for the real usp Diptera dataset(number of sequences, sequence length, topology and branchlengths of the tree, β distribution function for dN/dS,Ts/Tv ratio, codon usage) (Additional file 4: Figure S1).In a second type of analyses performed with branch-

    site models from the Codeml program, we defined threesets of usp sequences in order to detect site-specificchanges in selective constraints along three internalbranches that are relevant to the early history of Mecop-terida: branch A is the stem lineage of Mecopterida,branch B delineates the two subgroups of Mecopterida(Amphiesmenoptera: Lepidoptera, Trichoptera andAntliophora: Diptera, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera), andbranch C follows the subdivision of Diptera intoBrachycera and Nematocera (Figure 1). We applied tests1 and 2 from Zhang et al. [30] to assess whether relax-ation or positive selection occurred along these branches.For this, the likelihood of three models were computed:the nearly neutral model (M1a), assuming constrainedand neutral residues with no shifts along the testedbranch; the modified branch-site model A, allowing somesites to undergo a ω2>1 for the predefined branch, thusconsidering possible positive selection; a third branchmodel with site-specific relaxation built in the same wayas the modified branch-site model A but with ω2 = 1fixed. As recommended by Zhang et al. [30], we con-sidered χ2 distributions with two and one degree(s) offreedom for the null distribution of the likelihood ratiotests 1 and 2 (respectively), which guarantees a conserva-tive test of positive selection (test 2). Although tests 1and 2 are claimed to be robust to the large evolutionarydistances [21], we controlled false positive rate witha simulation methodology as previously proposed byStuder et al. [13]. For this, tests 1 and 2 were appliedon 100 alignments generated with Evolver under the nullmodel of the test (M1a and modified branch-site modelA with ω2 = 1) using the global parameters establishedfor the real dataset (branch A, B, or C). Lastly, we

    identified sites that experienced a selective shift along thethree branches of interest. To this end, we used theBayesian procedure implemented in Codeml to calculatethe posterior probability that a given site is under relax-ation or under positive selection [74]. We projected theseprobabilities onto the 3D structures of USP DBD (2HAN)and LBD domains of Drosophila (1HG4).

    Additional files

    Additional file 1: Table S1. Accession numbers of sequences used foralignments.

    Additional file 2: Table S3. dN/dS of usp in Drosophilidae, Diptera,Lepidoptera, Tenebrionidae and Blattaria.

    Additional file 3: Table S4. Standard errors [SE] associated to theparameters of the models fitted in the likelihood analysis reported inTable 1.

    Additional file 4: Figure S1. Robustness of dN/dS estimates tosaturation in Diptera usp dataset. The accuracy of the estimate of the βdistribution function was tested by re-performing the Codeml analysis(under model M7) on 50 simulated alignments, which were generatedwith Evolver in the PAML package using the global parametersestablished for the real usp Diptera dataset (number of sequences,sequence length, topology and branch lengths of the tree, β distributionfunction for dN/dS, Ts/Tv ratio, codon usage). Bold lines are the same asin Figure 2: Drosophilidae: red; Diptera: purple; Lepidoptera: orange;Tenebrionidae: green; Blattaria: blue. A thin pink line was added for eachones of the 50 re-analysis of the simulated alignments.

    Additional file 5: Table S5. Comparison between usp and cox1substitution rates.

    Additional file 6: Figure S2. Evolutionary rates on the surface of USPstructures in four extant groups of insects. Site-specific dN/dS wereprojected onto the crystal structure of the USP LBD domain of Tribolium(2NXX, ECR-USP) for Blattaria (A) and Tenebrionidae (B), of Drosophila(1HG4, USP) for Diptera (C) and of Heliothis (1R1K, ECR-USP) forLepidoptera (D). The values are distributed along a colour scale from blue(low dN/dS) to red (high dN/dS). Sequences not available for theestimation of evolutionary rates are in white. Views on the left show theside of the LBD that is near ECR, while views on the right show the samestructure after a rotation of 180°.

    Additional file 7: Table S6. Posterior probabilities for each site tobelong to the site-class under positive selection (along branch A orbranch B) or relaxation (along branch C).

    Additional file 8: Figure S3. Selection in the putative coactivationsurface during the radiation of Mecopterida. Posterior probabilities foreach site to belong to the site-class under positive selection (alongbranch A or branch B) or relaxed evolution (along branch C) wereprojected onto the crystal structure of the USP LBD domain ofDrosophila (1HG4). Probabilities are distributed along a colour scale fromyellow (p=0) to red (p=1). Sequences not available for the estimation ofevolutionary rates are in white. (A) Branch A, stem lineage ofMecopterida. (B) Branch B, subdivision between Amphiesmenoptera(Lepidoptera, Trichoptera) and Antliophora (Diptera, Mecoptera,Siphonaptera). (C) Branch C, subdivision of Diptera into the subordersBrachycera and Nematocera. (D) The coactivation surface, defined byhomology with RXR, is shown in pink. The helix H12 is showed in green.

    Additional file 9: Table S2. Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU).

    Additional file 10: Table S7. Degenerated primers used to clone uspand cox1 genes.

    AbbreviationsUSP: Ultraspiracle; ECR: Ecdysone receptor; LBD: Ligand Binding Domain;LBP: Ligand Binding Pocket; DBD: DNA Binding Domain.


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    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Authors' contributionsAC, Fbo and VL designed the study. JLDL, OM, DM and FBo performed thecloning and sequencing experiments. AC carried out the detection ofselective constraints. FBr and FBo participated in the analysis of sequences. TIparticipated in the analysis of 3D structures. AC and FBo analyzed the data,interpreted the results and wrote the manuscript. JLDL, TI, XB and VLcritically revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.

    AcknowledgmentsDurdica Ugarkovic for Tribolium destructor and Tribolium brevicornis. USDA-ARS Grain Marketing and Production Research Center (Manhattan, KS) forTribolium freemani, Tribolium confusum and Tribolium madens. PierreDeleporte (Station Biologique de Paimpont, Université de Rennes) for Blattaorientalis and the species of Periplaneta, P. americana, P. japonica, P.australasiae, P. brunnea and P. fuliginosa. Support for this research wasprovided by CNRS, ENS de Lyon, ANR, the Spanish Ministry of Science andInnovation (projects CGL2008-03517/BOS to X.B., and BFU2006-13212 andBFU2009-10571 to D.M.) and by the CSIC (project 2010TW0019 to X.B.). O.M.is recipient of a pre-doctoral research grant from Generalitat de Catalunya.

    Author details1Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon (IGFL), Université de Lyon,Université Lyon 1; CNRS; INRA; Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 32-34avenue Tony Garnier, Lyon 69007, France. 2Irstea, UR MALY, Lyon F-69336,France. 3UPR9034, Laboratoire Evolution, génomes et spéciation (LEGS),CNRS, Gif sur Yvette 91198, France. 4Institute of Evolutionary Biology(CSIC-UPF), Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta 37, Barcelona 08003, Spain.5Groupe de recherche "immunopathologie et maladies infectieuses (GRI),Universite de la Réunion, Centre CYROI, Cyclotron Réunion Ocean Indien,Sainte Clotilde Ile de la Réunion 97491, France.

    Received: 4 June 2012 Accepted: 25 September 2012Published: 5 October 2012

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    doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-199Cite this article as: Chaumot et al.: Molecular adaptation and resilienceof the insect’s nuclear receptor USP. BMC Evolutionary Biology 201212:199.

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    BackgroundResultsSequence variation of usp and cox1 in three insect species-goupsThe negative selection on the usp gene is weaker in Mecopterida familiesRelaxation of negative selection on the external surface of USP proteinPositive selection on the usp gene during the emergence of MecopteridaDid biased gene conversion contribute to the early evolution of usp in Mecopterida?

    DiscussionConstraints and relaxation on USP LBDRegions of USP LBD under positive selection during Mecopterida emergenceEpisodic evolution of USP

    ConclusionsMethodsInsectsCloning and sequencingSequence dataset and insect’s phylogenyDetection of selective constraints

    Additional filesCompeting interestsAuthors' contributionsAcknowledgmentsAuthor detailsReferences