REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for appointment to a panel for the provision of Credit Verification Services (Investigations) to the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) 13 th December 2011

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for appointment to a panel for the provision of Credit

Verification Services (Investigations) to the National Asset

Management Agency



December 2011

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Table of Contents

1. Background............................................................................................ 3

2. Structure of Competition....................................................................... 3

3. Services Required.................................................................................. 4

4. Return of Tender Documents................................................................. 5

5. Communication...................................................................................... 6

6. Conflicts of Interest............................................................................... 6

7. Tender Process....................................................................................... 7

8. Pricing and Fees..................................................................................... 7

9. Completion of Tender............................................................................ 8

Schedule 1: Minimum Requirements........................................................... 11

Schedule 2: Award Criteria and Evaluation................................................. 13

Schedule 3: Format of Response.................................................................. 14

Schedule 4: The Services............................................................................. 19

Schedule 5: Standard CV Format................................................................ 22

Schedule 6: Draft Framework Agreement................................................... 23

Schedule A: The Services............................................................................ 37

Schedule B: Request for Tender.................................................................. 40

Schedule C: Form of Tender....................................................................... 42

Schedule D: Contract Order for Services.................................................... 44

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The National Asset Management Agency (“NAMA”) was established by statutory

instrument on 21 December 2009 pursuant to the National Asset Management Agency

Act, 2009 (the “Act”). Under the Act one of the purposes of NAMA is for it or a NAMA

group entity (“NAMA Group Entities”) to acquire eligible bank assets from the five

participating institutions (those credit institutions which applied to and were designated

by the Minister for Finance as “Participating Institutions”). The majority of assets

which will be acquired are property related loans and associated security for such loans.

During 2010 and 2011, NAMA acquired €74bn of assets from Participating Institutions.

NAMA’s statutory powers include the holding of such bank assets, the provision of

finance through credit facilities or equity and the enforcement of any security in relation

to acquired assets. NAMA has contractual enforcement rights under the applicable

security documents.

NAMA operates as an independent commercial entity under the aegis of the National

Treasury Management Agency. Its objective, as set out in Section 10 of the Act, is to

obtain the best achievable financial return for the State from the loan assets acquired by it.

Further information about NAMA and the NTMA may be found on www.nama.ie and



2.1 The Request for Proposal (“RFP”) includes the attached Schedules and all

supporting and supplemental information.

2.2 This competition is for services which fall under Annex II B of Directive

2004/18/EC as implemented by the European Communities (Award of Public

Contracts) Regulations, 2006 and is therefore not being run under the open,

restricted, competitive dialogue or negotiated procedures.

2.3 This call for competition to tenderers (each a “Tenderer”) involves the

appointment of a number of Credit Verification Providers (each a “Provider”)

under a framework (the “Framework”) substantially in the form as set out in

Schedule 6. The services are more particularly described in Schedule 4 (the


2.4 It is envisaged that NAMA will appoint approximately 10 (ten) Providers to the

Framework should a sufficient number of suitable tenderers apply. NAMA

reserves the right to appoint more or less Providers to the Framework should it

deem it expedient to do so in its absolute discretion.

2.5 Appointment to the Framework, if awarded, will be awarded on the basis of the

most economically advantageous tenders submitted, determined using the award

criteria, weightings and evaluation specified in Schedule 2 (Award Criteria and

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Evaluation). The successful Tenderer(s) will be admitted to the Framework

subject to the pre-conditions detailed in paragraph 9.4 (Pre-conditions to

Admittance to panel).

2.6 Appointment to the Framework does not constitute a commitment or guarantee by

NAMA to procure Credit Verification Services (the “Services”) from any

Provider on the Framework.

2.7 In operating the Framework, NAMA shall extend the opportunity to quote for

Services to the Provider(s) it believes, in its absolute discretion, best suited to

provide those Services. NAMA may take into account when choosing the most

appropriate Provider(s): relevant experience regarding the particular asset classes;

geographical location of the asset(s); appropriate track record; fees; availability;

and conflicts of interest.

2.8 The process for the eligibility and assessment of tenders is detailed subsequently.


3.1 Scope of Services

NAMA is seeking tenders for appointment to a panel for the provision of Credit

Verification Services to assist NAMA in verifying the accuracy and completeness

of disclosures made by NAMA debtors1 in order to provide NAMA with

assurance and verification as to the assets, liabilities and income of those debtors.

The Services are more particularly defined in Schedule 4 (The Services).

3.2 Duration of Framework

The Framework shall be for a minimum of 2 years, subject to annual review and

may be extended at NAMA’s sole discretion up to a maximum of 4 years.

3.3 Additional Services

NAMA may from time to time require Providers to undertake additional services

(“Additional Services”).

3.4 Sub-Contracting and Lead Provider

It is acknowledged by NAMA that Tenderers may have to draw on resources from

overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms in order to provide the Services as set

out in Schedule 4. NAMA will contract with the lead Provider who will be

responsible for the delivery of the Services. There must be a single point of

contact available to operate and communicate during Dublin working hours to

manage and coordinate the delivery of the Services.

1 “Debtor” means a person who is or was indebted to a Participating Institution under or in connection

with a credit facility.

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3.5 Other Providers

Nothing in the Framework or any other agreement will prevent NAMA from

appointing any other provider to undertake the Services.


4.1 Closing Date

The closing date for receipt of tenders is Monday 16th

January 2012 at 14.00

hours (Dublin Time) (“Closing Date”).

4.2 Return of Tender

Tenders shall be submitted by e-mail to the following address:

[email protected]

Tenderers’ submissions must be in the format outlined in Schedule 3 (Format of


Tenders submitted by e-mail are on the strict understanding that the security of the

information provided, the form in which it is received, and the timely receipt by

the Closing Date, is the sole responsibility of the Tenderer.

4.3 English Language

The tenders and all related correspondence must be in the English language.

4.4 Late Tenders

Tenders received after the Closing Date will not be accepted by NAMA under any

circumstances. The Tenderer is fully responsible for the safe and timely delivery

of its tender.

4.5 Tendering Costs

Tenderers will bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of

their tenders. NAMA will not be responsible and/or liable to pay for any costs,

expenses or losses which may be incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation or

submission of its tender, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tender


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5.1 Additional Information and Queries

Requests for additional information and/or any queries in respect of this

competition, Request for Proposals and draft Framework Agreement, should be

submitted by e-mail not later than 15.00 hours (Dublin Time) on 5th


2012 to:

[email protected]

It is the Tenderer’s responsibility to ensure that all queries are received by

NAMA. Copies of all queries submitted and NAMA’s responses will be made

available to all Tenderers no later than close of business on Monday 9th


2012 via www.etenders.gov.ie.

5.2 Clarification of Tenders

To assist in the examination and comparison of tenders, NAMA may request

Tenderers to clarify certain aspects of their tenders.

5.3 Presentations / Interviews

Following receipt of tenders, meetings may be arranged with one or more

Tenderers at a location in Dublin to be advised by NAMA, for the purposes of

clarification or to demonstrate the credibility of its tender. Tenderers should draw

no conclusion from the interview of only some Tenderers and not others, as some

tenders may require clarification and others may not.


Pursuant to section 45 (c) of the Act, any actual or potential conflict of interest, whether

professional or commercial, must be fully disclosed in writing to NAMA in the Tender

and on an ongoing basis throughout the tender process as soon as any actual or potential

conflict becomes apparent.

In the event of an actual or potential conflict of interest, NAMA will, in its absolute

discretion, decide on the appropriate course of action, which may involve the exclusion of

the relevant Tenderer from the process.

It will be a term of any contract awarded that the successful Tenderer indemnifies NAMA

for its additional costs and any other losses in the event that a successful Tenderer has to

cease acting for NAMA. NAMA may in its absolute discretion, decide to terminate a

contract because of an actual or potential conflict of interest or due to any actual or

potential conflict that was not disclosed by the Tenderer to NAMA either before a

contract was awarded or where an actual or potential conflict arose during a contract and

was not brought to the attention of NAMA.

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7.1 Right to Amend or Terminate the Tender Process

NAMA may in its absolute discretion:

(i) Change the basis of or the procedures (including the timetable) relating to

the tender process;

(ii) Reject any or all of the tenders;

(iii) Invite a Tenderer to proceed further at any stage of the tender process;

(iv) Furnish Tenderers with additional information in respect of any aspect of

the Services;

(v) Do such things or engage in such actions as it deems necessary to ensure

that the Services and the provision thereof, yield value for money; or

(vi) Abandon the tender process.

7.2 No Legal Obligations

Tenderers may not rely on anything contained in this RFP as a representation of

fact or promise regarding the future, nor as constituting the basis of a contract that

may be concluded in relation to the Services nor be used in construing any such

putative contract. No contractual relationship, implied or otherwise or any other

legal obligation will arise between a Tenderer and NAMA unless and until a

contract has been executed by NAMA and the successful Tenderer and any

conditions precedent to its effectiveness have been fulfilled.


Fees quoted (the “Fee(s)”) should be denominated in euro (€) and exclusive of VAT. The

VAT rate(s) applicable should be indicated separately. Should Fees not be denominated

in euro, they will be converted as of the Closing Date using the rate as published by

Bloomberg or such other source as NAMA deems appropriate at its sole discretion.

The Fees shall include expenses such as postage, photocopying, administration support

and all organisational overheads (but exclude VAT) but shall exclude third party legal

disbursements such as government fees and levies which shall be reimbursed at cost

against separately itemised invoices.

At no time shall Fees exceed that which are tendered, for the duration of the Framework

and shall be free from fluctuations in exchange rates and other costs and no price

variation shall be allowed for any rise or fall in the cost of labour, materials etc.

The Fees shall be free of any caveats or conditions, save as permitted under the

Framework Agreement. The treatment of Fees under the Framework is detailed therein.

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Tenderers should note that NAMA may publish the Fees of the appointed Providers.

8.1 Clarification of abnormally high /low fees

If it is considered that a Tenderer’s fee proposal is abnormally high or,

alternatively, is abnormally low, the Tenderer may be requested, in writing, to

provide details of the constituent elements of the tender which NAMA considers

relevant and any failure to comply with the above requirements within a

reasonable timeframe, if confirmed, will exclude the Tenderer from further



9.1 Minimum Requirements

Tenderers must be able to meet the minimum requirements as detailed in Schedule

1 (Minimum Requirements) in order to proceed further in this competition.

9.2 Form of Response

Tenderers’ submissions must be in the form as set out in Schedule 3 (Format of

Response) and must contain each element as set out therein. Tenders which do not

contain all elements of Schedule 3 may be rejected.

9.3 Tender Evaluation

Only those tenders which meet the minimum requirements as detailed in Schedule

1 (Minimum Requirements) will be eligible for evaluation.

9.4 Pre-conditions to admittance to the panel

NAMA will request the preferred Tenderer(s), as a pre-condition to appointment

to the Framework to produce the following:

(a) A current Tax Clearance Certificate;

(b) Confirmation that the Tenderer will comply with the provisions of section

45 of the Act (see www.nama.ie for a copy of the Act);

(c) Proof of insurance pursuant to this RFP;

(d) Evidence of compliance with any other legal requirements as may be

required; and

(e) Two satisfactory client references in respect of services similar to the

Services from a government organisation, major credit institution and/or a

significant corporate client.

Appointment to the Framework will be conditional upon and subject to ratification

by the Board of NAMA.

9.5 Unsuccessful Tenders

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NAMA will notify each unsuccessful Tenderer that its tender has not been

accepted. The lowest cost tender(s) will not necessarily be accepted and NAMA

reserves the right to reject any tender.

9.6 Interference

Tenderers who endeavour to influence, induce or interfere in any way with the

tender evaluation process or award decision shall have their tender rejected.

9.7 Confidentiality of Evaluation

After the official opening of tenders, information relating to the examination,

clarification and evaluation of tenders or award of the Framework will not be

disclosed to Tenderers or other persons not officially concerned with such process.

Information deemed to be confidential by NAMA will not be disclosed at any time

save as required by law.

Following the award of any contract under the Framework, NAMA may be

obliged to make public the Fees of the successful Tenderer(s). NAMA may make

such disclosure without consultation with those Tenderers. By submitting a tender,

each Tenderer expressly consents to such disclosure.

9.8 Alterations and Additions

Tenders may not be qualified and must be submitted strictly in compliance with

the RFP. Tenderers are not permitted to insert items in their tenders in addition to

those specifically requested pursuant to the RFP. If in NAMA’s opinion, any

tender deviates to a substantial degree from the requirements detailed in this RFP,

then that tender may be rejected.

Subject to clarifications, figures may not be altered or erased after the tender has

been submitted.

9.9 Complete Information

Tenders should be complete and all details requested should be submitted.

Incomplete tenders may be rejected.

9.10 Word Count/Page Limits

Tenderers should indicate the word count/page limit in such parts of their tender

where word count limits/page limits have been indicated. Where a word count

limit/page limit has been exceeded NAMA may elect, at its sole discretion, not to

give any consideration to (a) that full element of the tender where the word

count/page limit has been exceeded; or (b) that element of the tender exceeding

the specified word count/page limit. NAMA will award zero marks to the element

excluded from consideration.

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9.11 Tender Validity Period

Unless previously withdrawn, tenders shall remain valid for six calendar months

from the Closing Date (the “Tender Validity Period”). Prior to expiry of the

Tender Validity Period, NAMA may extend the Tender Validity Period for an

additional period of up to six months in its sole discretion from the day the Tender

Validity Period would have expired had it not been extended.

9.12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any award made pursuant to this process will be governed by and construed in

accordance with the laws of Ireland and will be subject to the exclusive

jurisdiction of the Irish courts. In the event of any conflict between the terms of

any contract awarded under the Framework and any applicable laws and

regulations, the latter shall prevail.

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Schedule 1

Minimum Requirements

A Tenderer must meet the following minimum requirements for its tender to be eligible

for evaluation.

1. Minimum Experience

1.1. Track record in performing the Services:

Tenderers must have been providing Credit Verification Services to at least 3

(three) major clients such as government organisations, credit institutions or other

significant corporate clients within the last three years. In no more than 1 A4

page for each of the three demonstrated clients, Tenderers must set out the

specific services provided to each client. The services must be of a similar nature

in terms of range and complexity as the Services required by NAMA. Tenderers

should indicate if the clients may be contacted as references.

1.2. Geographic Capabilities:

Tenderers (or overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms) must be capable of

performing the Services across multiple jurisdictions simultaneously. At a

minimum, Tenderers must have appropriate experience performing the Services in

all of the undernoted jurisdictions. Tenderers must demonstrate this by giving a

brief outline (no more than 1 A4 page) of the type of asset tracing services and/or

financial forensic review services carried out within the last five years in each


Jurisdiction Asset tracing investigations and/or financial forensic

review services undertaken


United Kingdom






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1.3 Minimum Required Skills

Tenderers must demonstrate (by completing the table below in no more than 1

A4 page) they have the required suitably experienced/qualified staff/specialists in

order to undertake the Services in each of the below required jurisdictions.


Asset tracing

& investigation







Other specialists

(Indicate specialism/Enter

N/A where not applicable)









2. Insurance

Tenderers must be able to show minimum professional indemnity (“PI”) insurance cover

of €2 million (or equivalent amount if in another currency) for each and every claim and

show that the geographical limits applicable to the policy are worldwide. A PI policy of

€2 million in the aggregate will not be accepted. Please note while this is the general

requirement for any Framework member, the Tenderer must be prepared to provide an

increased level of PI cover for large contracts on a case by case basis.

Each Tenderer must demonstrate that such cover is in place or that such cover will be

available if the Tenderer is successful. A signed letter/statement is to be provided with

the tender from the Tenderer’s insurance company as evidence of/or agreement to provide

such insurance should the Tenderer be admitted to the Framework.

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Schedule 2

Award Criteria and Evaluation

Only those tenders that meet the applicable minimum requirements detailed in Schedule

1, will progress to be evaluated under the award criteria.

Award Criteria

The Framework, if awarded, will be awarded to the Tenderers who receive the highest

aggregate marks by reference to the award criteria below.

Tenderers must score at least 50% of the allocated marks for each of award

criterion, Process/Execution Methodology and Proposed Team in order to proceed

and be assessed under the award criterion, Fees.

Award Criteria Marks

Process/Execution Methodology 40

Proposed Team 40

Fees 20

Evaluation of Tenders

1. Those tenders which meet the Minimum Requirements will be examined by a

designated evaluation group.

2. Tenders will be evaluated under each of the award criteria, on a relative basis with

respect to other tenders received.

Proposed Team

The Services must be performed by those personnel as identified in the tender or other

similarly qualified staff in overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms.

Decisions Final and Binding

All decisions of NAMA relating to the evaluation of tenders shall be final and binding

upon Tenderers.

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Schedule 3

Format of Response

1. General Information

The table below must be completed by the Tenderer. If the Tenderer plans to draw on the

resources from overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms, the lead Tenderer is

responsible for the delivery of the Services and is required to complete the table below.

1. Full Name

Sole Tenderer �

Lead Tenderer �

Address of Contact Office

Address of Other Offices

2. Previous Name(s) (if applicable)

3. Registered Address (if different)

4. Registration Number (if applicable)

5. Telephone

6. Fax

7. Single Point of Contact - Name &

details including e-mail address

8. E-mail Address:

Website Address:

9. Year Established

10. Legal Form

(Tick one)

� Company

� Partnership

� Joint Venture

� Other


11. VAT Number

12. Parent Company (if applicable)

13. Ownership Structure

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2. Minimum Requirements

Tenderers must include all those requirements as set out in Schedule 1 (Minimum

Requirements). As stated in section 9, paragraph 9.1 of the RFP, Tenderers must satisfy

these requirements in order to be considered further in this competition.

3. Award Criteria

3.1 Process/Execution Methodology - (40 marks)

(a) Tenderers must submit (in no more than 4 A4 pages) an explanation of how each

element of the Services as identified in Schedule 4 (The Services) will be

performed and delivered. Tenderers must set out their response under the

following headings which correspond with the Services schedule.

1. Identification of appropriate investigative strategy ;

2. Actions required to achieve the Primary Objective2 ;

a. Provision of asset tracing investigations

b. Provision of financial forensic review services

c. International reach/geographic capabilities (over and above

minimum requirements)

3. Communication and reporting to NAMA.

(24 marks)

(b) Tenderers must also provide four case studies undertaken in the previous three

years (anonymised if deemed appropriate) of previous engagements similar in

nature to that required under the Services. Each case study need not address all

elements of the Services but each element of the Service should be reflected in at

least one of the case studies. At least two of the case studies should cover multiple

jurisdictions. Case studies should be concise (no more than 2 A4 pages for each

case study) and address the following:

• The particulars and scope of the engagement including dates when


• The staff/specialists used to undertake the engagement and the number of

personnel assigned;

• The outcome;

• The time scale for conduct and completion of the engagement and whether

targets were achieved; and

• Reporting to the client.

Please note that NAMA may request sight of the corresponding report for each of

the case studies in order to verify the credibility of the case study.

(16 marks)

2 Refer to Schedule 4 (The Services) for a definition of the Primary Objective.

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3.2 Proposed Team – (40 marks)

Tenderers should provide an overview (no more than 5 A4 pages to include

diagrams, but excluding CVs) of the team that will be responsible for the

delivery of the Services. Tenderers should outline the following in respect of the


• details of the single point of contact/team leader;

• details of all resources proposed to provide the Services;

• the professional qualifications and relevant expertise of the core team which

must include:

- Asset tracing and investigations specialists;

- Computer technology experts;

- Financial forensic investigators; and

- Any other staff/specialists required to perform the services. (Tenderers must provide CVs for the core team in the format set out in Schedule 5.)

• demonstrate how the Services will be allocated and co-ordinated between the

different members of the core team and also how the team will liaise and

coordinate with overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms for all jurisdictions

(in particular in the UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the USA).

• Tenderers should also indicate their reporting arrangements to NAMA.

Note: Where Tenderers do not undertake all the Services in-house they must

provide details of all overseas offices, affiliates or partner firms proposed to

carry out that part of the Services being sub-contracted in any of the

jurisdictions identified in Schedule 1 Minimum Requirements.

3.3 Fees (20 marks)

Tenderers are reminded of the conditions detailed in Section 8 (Pricing and Fees)

of this RFP.

The fees will be evaluated using the formula below.


‘Tender Fee’ is the Fee in the Tender being evaluated.

‘Lowest Tender Fee’ is the lowest Fee received.

‘Highest Tender Fee’ is the highest Fee received.

‘Weighting’ is 10 for Ireland, 5 for the UK and 5 for Other Jurisdictions.




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Tenderers must complete all the tables below in euro (ex VAT). Please note that the

hourly rates must reflect hourly staff costs and organisational expenses (postage,

photocopying etc) but should not include outlays (Land Registry fees, etc).

Failure to complete in accordance with the tables specified may result in disqualification.

Table 1 - Ireland (10 Marks)

Grade Weighting Hourly Rate in Euro

(ex VAT)

Partner (Managing Partner/Managing Director)

(or equivalent)


Director (or equivalent) 20

Manager (or equivalent) 35

Junior (or equivalent) 40

Fee = Total weighted figure 100 €

Table 2 - UK (5 Marks)

Grade Weighting Hourly Rate in Euro

(ex VAT)

Partner (Managing Partner/Managing Director)

(or equivalent)


Director (or equivalent) 20

Manager (or equivalent) 35

Junior (or equivalent) 40

Fee = Total weighted figure 100 €

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Table 3 - Other Jurisdictions (5 Marks)

Tenderers must provide a fixed (blended) hourly rate that will apply to Services carried

out in the undernoted jurisdictions.

Jurisdiction Hourly Rate in Euro (ex VAT)






Fee = average hourly rate (total of hourly

rates divided by 5)


To be signed by the authorised representative of the Tenderer and submitted in pdf format

along with the completed tender.

I hereby confirm that the foregoing information is correct and accurate.

(The Tenderer by signing this document declares it has read and fully understood this

RFP and has raised any queries or clarifications it may have had arising from the RFP

prior to the submission of its tender)

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………….



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Schedule 4

The Services

The Services required by NAMA shall include but may not be limited to the following and

shall include all other services that are reasonably ancillary and incidental thereto:

Primary Objective

To conduct a Credit Verification Review (the “Services”) of NAMA

debtors’ financial positions to verify the accuracy and completeness of

disclosures made by those debtors to NAMA in order to provide

NAMA with assurance as to the assets, liabilities and income of those


Item Scope of Work

1 Identification of




With the benefit of information available to NAMA, and/or the

Participating Institutions, draw on own experience to determine an

appropriate strategy and scope of the Services in order to achieve

the Primary Objective efficiently and in a cost effective manner.

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2 Actions required

to achieve the



The Services may include, but not be limited to:

Asset tracing investigations

Develop appropriate strategies to identify and locate assets locally

and worldwide. Assets may be real or intangible properties and

may be held in offshore vehicles and/or in complex corporate


Identifying, gathering and analysing information from public and

discreet sources to provide a greater understanding of a debtor’s

assets and interests and to inform the overall credit management


Specific services that may be required to perform an asset tracing

investigation include but are not limited to:

• Review of publicly available data sources and asset registers

(including property, corporate and lifestyle registers).

• Review of corporate information obtained through public

records searches including audited accounts.

• Conduct enquiries into lifestyle, social and business activities of


Financial forensic review services

Apply investigative know how and forensic accounting skills to:

• Understand and analyse available financial and banking data to

ensure full understanding and visibility on a debtor’s credit


• Understand multi-layered complex personal, corporate and trust


In particular, provision of the following services may be required:

• Review of company books and records including bank

statements and primary ledgers.

• Conduct interviews with company management and professional

advisors including the debtor’s advisors. The Provider shall

document all such meetings.

• Provision of expert witness reports.

• Computer forensic techniques to support investigations.

• Provision of any other forensic/corporate intelligence services

ancillary to the above that may be required by NAMA from time

to time.

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International reach

• Ability to perform the above services on a worldwide basis

through an international network or partnering with other


3 Communication

with NAMA

Communicate findings to NAMA on a regular basis or as

otherwise agreed with NAMA.

4 Other services • The Provider must be available to attend meetings/conference

calls as necessary. The frequency of which will be case


• Identify where information is not publicly available and where

an individual’s consent is required to access same. Provide

relevant documentation to NAMA to enable gathering of

requisite consents.

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Schedule 5

Standard CV Format

1. Position in the Tenderer


2. Full Name:

3. Academic and Professional

Qualifications (including dates):

4. Membership of Professional


5. Other Skills:

6. Years in Current Employment:

7. Years undertaking work similar to

the Services:

Years undertaking work similar to

the Services with current


8. Key Qualifications:

(Précis of key experience and

areas of expertise)

9. Specific Expertise relevant

to the Services:

(In chronological order with start and

end dates specified)

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Schedule 6

Draft Framework Agreement

DATED the day of _______________ 2012



Grand Canal Street, Dublin 2, Ireland


(the “Provider”) having its principal place of

business at [●].


1. NAMA may require the Provider to perform Services from time to time pursuant to

this Agreement.

2. The Provider is engaged in the business of providing the Services and has the

necessary skill, knowledge and experience in that field.

3. In reliance upon that skill, knowledge and expertise, NAMA wishes to enter into

agreements with a Provider (collectively the “Providers”), wherein the Providers

agree to perform the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions as set out

in this Agreement if and when requested by NAMA in accordance with the procedure

set out herein.


1. Definitions

“Agreement” means this agreement and the Schedules;

“Change of Control” means a significant change either directly or indirectly in the

ownership and management of the Provider which results in a change in the management

policies, whether through ownership of equity, by contract, or otherwise;

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“Commencement Date” means [ ];

“Contract Order” means the terms and conditions of contract between NAMA and the

Provider in respect of specific Services which will be in the form set out in Schedule D;

“Fee(s)” means the fee agreed between the parties in respect of each Service identified in

the relevant Contract Order;

“Form of Tender” means the tender form issued by NAMA with the Request for Tenders

for Services to be completed by the Provider in the form set out in Schedule C;

“Force Majeure” shall in relation to either party include any event in Ireland or in any

other jurisdiction in which the Services are performed beyond the reasonable control of

that party including act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, strike,

lock-out, go slow, accident, fire, flood or storm which could not have been avoided by

taking reasonable precautions;

“Regulator” means the relevant professional or supervisory authority to which the

Provider is subject to or is a member;

“Request for Tender” means the request issued by NAMA for Services in the form set out

in Schedule B;

“Services” means the services, which shall, subject to Clause 3, be performed by the

Provider pursuant to this Agreement as set out in Schedule A;

“Term” means the duration of this Agreement as set out in Clause 2.

2. Duration

This Agreement will come into effect on the Commencement Date and will continue in

force for a period of 2 years, subject to annual review but may be extended for a

maximum of 4 years subject to the sole discretion of NAMA.

3. Tender Procedure

3.1 NAMA is not obliged under this Agreement to issue any Request for Tender or

award any Contract Order for Services to the Provider. Where a Request for

Tender is issued, NAMA is not obliged to accept the lowest Fee proposal or any


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3.2 If and when Services are required, NAMA may issue a Request for Tender specific

to those Services to such number of Providers as it considers necessary to ensure a

competitive process. NAMA may take into account when choosing the most

appropriate Providers, relevant experience regarding the particular asset classes,

geographical location of the assets, appropriate track record, fees, capacity,

availability and conflicts of interest. Each of the Providers so requested will

submit in writing a duly completed Form of Tender and other additional

information in accordance with the requirements set out in the Request for Tenders.

3.3 Each Tender received by the deadline date for receipt of Tenders will be assessed

on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender received. The award

criteria, comprising most economically advantageous tender will include criteria

linked to the subject matter of the Services required, including, without limitation

experience in relevant asset searches, fees, team and past performance (if any) of

previous Services. NAMA will establish award criteria in respect of each

competition for the award of Services in advance and each Provider will be notified

in the Request for Tender of such criteria, together with the relative weighting

which will be allocated to each criterion.

3.4 NAMA will not be liable to the Provider for any costs or expenses incurred by it in

complying with the tender procedure regardless of outcome including

abandonment of a tender procedure.

3.5 NAMA may in its sole discretion award a Contract Order to the Provider without

having issued a Request for Tender if it considers it necessary or expedient to do so

having regard to the time for delivery of the Services, availability of resources,

conflicts of interest and such other matters as it considers relevant.

4. Contract Orders

NAMA will issue an executed Contract Order for the Services, which will form part of

and be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Contract Order must be

signed by an authorised representative of NAMA and the Provider.

5. Material Change

5.1 NAMA may, at any time during the Term, review the technical, economic and

financial ability of the Provider to ensure that the Provider has the technical,

economic and financial ability to perform the Services.

5.2 NAMA may, from time to time, request the Provider to provide confirmation that

no material change in the technical, economic or financial capacity of the Provider

has occurred.

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6. Services

6.1 This Agreement governs the overall relationship between NAMA and the Provider

with respect to the provision of Services. NAMA is entitled, but not required, at

any time during the Term to procure Services under the procedures set out in

Clause 3.

6.2 In respect of Services for which the Provider has been appointed pursuant to a

Contract Order, the Provider agrees that it shall, at all times, act in good faith and

exercise the level of skill and care reasonably expected of a professional service

provider regularly undertaking services of the type provided under the Contract

Order. The Provider will carry out the Services with the necessary resources and in

reasonable time.

6.3 The Provider shall, as and when instructed by NAMA, be available to attend

meetings with NAMA staff at NAMA’s offices in Dublin as and when reasonably

required regarding the Services being provided and shall co-ordinate with such

other Providers of NAMA as instructed by NAMA.

6.4 NAMA may appoint one or more Providers. The terms of appointment of the

Provider shall consist of the terms of (i) this Agreement; and (ii) any other terms

set out in the Contract Order, which shall be at the sole discretion of NAMA.

6.5 NAMA reserves the right not to proceed with Services awarded under a Contract

Order at any time for any reason.

6.6 NAMA may request a Provider to undertake additional services (“Additional

Services”) which are reasonably ancillary to the original Services under a Contract

Order, should NAMA deem it expedient to do so at its sole discretion.

7. Key Personnel

7.1 The Provider agrees, in respect of any Services for which it is appointed under a

duly executed Contract Order, that the Services will be provided by the persons

identified by the Provider and no change in personnel will be made without prior

consent of NAMA.

7.2 Where any person identified by the Provider is absent for any period and their

absence impacts substantially on the performance of the Services, the Provider

shall, at no additional cost to NAMA, provide a replacement member whose

qualifications and experience are to the satisfaction of NAMA and correspond as

closely as practicable to the qualifications of that person whom they are required to


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7.3 The Provider shall remove from the provision of the Services any employee or

professional, technical or clerical staff whose performance is deemed

unsatisfactory by NAMA.

7.4 The Provider shall be responsible for making all deductions for tax, levies and

social insurance, as applicable, from the remuneration which it pays to its

employees and agents and the Provider agrees to indemnify NAMA in respect of

any claims or demands which may be made by the relevant authorities against

NAMA arising from the Provider’s non-compliance with its legal obligations

relating to any taxes, levies and other contributions relating to the performance of

the Services. 8. Indemnity

8.1 The Provider shall be liable for and will indemnify NAMA and its respective

officers, employees and agents from and against all direct losses, claims, demands,

damages or expenses (excluding any consequential losses) which NAMA may

suffer due to the negligence, breach of contract, breach of duty, recklessness, bad

faith, wilful default or fraud of the Provider and its employees or agents. The

Provider shall further be liable to pay the full amount of any deductibles or excess

amounts arising under the insurance policies referred to in clause 12.2, in respect of

each and every claim made.

8.2 The Provider’s liability under clause 8.1 shall not exceed €2 million for each and

every claim, save in respect of:

(i) death or personal injury or loss of or damage to property caused by its

negligence or the negligence of its employees or agents;

(ii) any other liability which by Law cannot be excluded or limited; or

(iii) any higher level of liability NAMA instructs the Provider to obtain pursuant to

clause 12.2 in respect of any appointment under this Agreement. The

Provider’s liability shall in that instance not exceed such higher level of


9. Payment, Fees and Expenses

9.1 The Fees for any Services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be set out in a

Contract Order. Without prejudice to Fees being a criterion under a Request for

Tender, the Fee bid shall not exceed, under any circumstances, the fee proposal

submitted by the Provider under its original tender to be admitted to this


9.2 NAMA may request the Provider to provide a quotation for:

• A fixed fee;

• An incentive fee based on a percentage of the recoveries made to NAMA;


• A hybrid fee incorporating fixed and variable elements.

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At no time, as part of a fixed Fee proposal or otherwise, may a Fee be quoted

where that Fee exceeds the fixed hourly rates quoted in any successful Form of


9.3 Where NAMA requests a Fee other than one based on hourly rates, the Provider

will provide the quotation within a reasonable timeframe specified by NAMA.

9.4 NAMA reserves the right to further negotiate Fees and seek further discounts after

selection of a Provider to provide services under a Contract Order.

9.5 The Provider shall maintain records of all Fees incurred in respect of the Services

in electronic format (or such other format specified by NAMA). The records

maintained by the Provider shall contain itemised details of all Services

undertaken, the applicable Fees and relevant dates. NAMA shall be entitled to

inspect the Provider’s Fee records relating to the Services upon providing

reasonable notice of such inspection to the Provider.

9.6 Fees shall include expenses such as postage, photocopying, administration support

and all organisational overheads.

9.7 The Fee shall exclude third party legal disbursements such as government levies,

Land Registry fees or any other government or otherwise set costs in respect of

searches ordered in any jurisdiction. Such costs shall be reimbursed at cost against

separately itemised invoices.

9.8 Reasonable expenses (outside that which are incorporated into the Fees) may be

approved by NAMA on a case by case basis. NAMA reserves the right, in its

absolute discretion, not to pay or reduce payment of expenses, where it deems such

expenses are excessive or unnecessary. All expenses claimed must be supported

by receipts or other vouching documentation. NAMA will not pay for expenses

which cannot be verified.

9.9 All payments under this Agreement shall be subject to the Prompt Payments of

Accounts Act 1997 (as amended by the European Communities (Late Payment in

Commercial Transactions) Regulations 2002 (S.I. 388 of 2002).

9.10 NAMA may publish the Fee of the Providers.

9.11 All payments for Services will be subject to Professional Services Withholding


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10. Representations and Warranties

10.1 The Provider represents and warrants each and every day of the Term of this

Agreement that:

10.1.1 it has all necessary power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its

obligations under this Agreement;

10.1.2 the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement has been

authorised in accordance with all necessary action on its part;

10.1.3 each of the obligations of the Provider under this Agreement constitutes its

legally binding obligation;

10.1.4 it shall perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement with all

independent professional care, skill and judgment to be expected of a

professional, qualified and experienced in carrying out services of a similar

nature, size and scope;

10.1.5 it shall perform the Services diligently and in good time and with all

necessary resources;

10.1.6 in performing the Services, the Provider shall not infringe the intellectual

property rights of any third party;

10.1.7 the Services shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws and

applicable professional conduct rules, standards, regulations and laws

which apply to the Provider;

10.1.8 all written information furnished by or on the Provider’s behalf to NAMA

in connection with or pursuant to this Agreement and any Contract Order

was true and accurate when given (and continues to be so) in all material

respects and there are no other facts or matters of which the Provider is

aware, after due and careful enquiry, the omission of which would have

made or would make any such information misleading, inaccurate or untrue

in any material respect, and all expressions of expectation, intention, belief

and opinion contained therein were honestly made on reasonable grounds

after due and careful enquiry;

10.1.9 if applicable to the Provider, it is regulated by or, as the case may be, is a

member of the Regulator;

10.1.10 save as disclosed to NAMA in writing, the Provider is not currently the

subject of, and has not been the subject of during the three years

immediately preceding the date of this Agreement, any enforcement action

by the Regulator (if applicable) or litigation by a past or present client; and

10.1.11 the Provider maintains and enforces a written code of ethics that comports

with the requirements of the Regulator (if applicable) and applicable law

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and which prohibits the misuse of material non public information by the

Provider and any person associated with the Provider.

11. Performance and Inspection

11.1 NAMA or any person acting on its behalf shall be entitled to inspect and review the

performance by the Provider of the Services and/or to arrange for an independent

party to inspect and review the performance of the Services during the term of the

relevant Contract Order.

11.2 If, as a result of any such inspection or review, NAMA is reasonably of the opinion

that the particular Services are or were not being performed in accordance with this

Agreement and the relevant Contract Order, NAMA may so inform the Provider in

writing. The Provider shall immediately take such steps as may be necessary to

comply with its obligations within the period stipulated by NAMA. Any

notification under this clause shall not constitute a waiver of any term or condition

of this Agreement and shall be without prejudice to any of NAMA’s rights under

this Agreement or otherwise.

12. Insurance

12.1 The Provider shall have and maintain all insurances required to be maintained by it

pursuant to applicable laws.

12.2 Without prejudice to Clause 12.1, the Provider shall have and maintain the

following insurance cover with a well-established and reputable insurance office or

underwriter of repute:

12.2.1. Professional indemnity insurance of €2 million (or equivalent if in another

currency) for each and every claim and show that the geographical limits

applicable to the policy are worldwide covering all of the Provider’s operations

under this Agreement and for a period of six years from the termination of this

Agreement without prejudice to any claims notified by NAMA prior to this date;

12.2.2 Public liability insurance covering all of the Provider’s operations under

this Agreement; and

12.2.3 Employer’s liability insurance covering all of the Provider’s operations

under this Agreement.

12.3 Subject to Clause 8, the Provider must in respect of any appointment under this

Agreement and upon NAMA’s reasonable instruction, increase the level of

insurance cover under the policies referred to in Clause 12.2.

12.4 Prior to the execution of this Agreement and at any time thereafter if requested by

NAMA the Provider shall provide NAMA with certificates of insurance (or letters

of confirmation from its insurance broker) which specify the levels and terms of

insurance cover maintained by the Provider. The Provider shall notify NAMA

immediately in the event of any lapse of the insurances or if the insurances cease to

be available.

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13. Assignment, Sub-Contracting and Novation

It is acknowledged by NAMA that the Provider may have to draw on services from

overseas offices or affiliates in order to perform the Services. The Provider will not

transfer or assign directly or indirectly any part of this Agreement or any Contract Order

without the prior written consent of NAMA. It is acknowledged by the Provider that it

remains responsible and liable for the performance of the Services at all times regardless

of who it appoints to carry out the Services or part thereof. The Provider shall

immediately put NAMA on notice of any Change of Control affecting the Provider.

14. Confidentiality

14.1 The Provider agrees to keep (and to ensure its employees and agents keep)

confidential all information, documentation and other matters arising or coming to

its attention (whether written or oral and whether disclosed to the Provider by other

means whether directly or indirectly) in connection with the provision of Services

and shall not at any time, for any reason, disclose or permit such information to be

disclosed to any third party except as permitted hereunder to enable the Provider to

carry out its duties and obligations under this Agreement or with the prior written

consent of NAMA or where required to do so as a matter of law.

14.2 The Provider shall procure that its agents having access to such information shall

be subject to the same obligations as the Provider and shall enter into a suitable

secrecy agreement in the form approved by NAMA, or, insofar as that is not

reasonably practicable, the Provider shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its

agents are made aware of and perform such obligations.

14.3 The obligations in this Clause are in addition to and not in substitution for the

provisions of section 202 of the National Asset Management Agency Act 2009.

15. Electronic Communications and Storage of Data

15.1 The Provider shall use commercially reasonable procedures to check for the then

most commonly known viruses before sending information electronically to

NAMA or to any other third person on behalf of NAMA while performing the


15.2 During the Term, the parties may from time to time communicate electronically

with each other. The Provider shall ensure that all electronic communications

containing commercially sensitive data or personal data are encrypted during

transmission unless otherwise agreed in advance by NAMA or its agents.

15.3 The Provider agrees that any storage of commercially sensitive or personal data

outside of its main network environment shall be on encrypted laptops only and

never on USB keys or other removable storage devices unless by specific written

agreement with NAMA.

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16. Conflicts of Interest

16.1 The Provider confirms that all actual and potential conflict of interests (whether

legal or commercial or other interests) will be disclosed in full in any Tender in the

form set out in Schedule C or otherwise prior to the execution of any Contract

Order and it will comply in all respects with NAMA’s requirements on

confidentiality and conflicts of interest.

16.2 In the event that an Provider declares a conflict or potential conflict of interest in

accordance with clause 16.1, NAMA may, in its absolute discretion, request further

information from the Provider on the interest, impose conditions on the Provider

which must be agreed in order to participate in a Tender competition (which may

include appropriate measures to protect the interests of NAMA) and/or may

exclude the Provider from the Agreement for the purposes of any Tender


16.3 During the Term, the Provider shall disclose to NAMA within forty-eight hours of

it coming to its attention, any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest

which it, or any of its affiliates, or any partner, officer, director or employee of the

Provider may have in performing the Services.

16.4 In the event of any conflict or potential conflict of interest arising during the Term,

NAMA shall, in its absolute discretion, decide on the appropriate course of action.

Where NAMA considers that the situation does not give rise to a conflict of interest

or that the conflict of interest is immaterial, it may permit the Provider to continue

to provide the Services. Where NAMA considers the situation to give rise to a

material conflict of interest, it may, at its sole discretion, permit the situation to

continue subject to appropriate safeguards being agreed between NAMA and the

Provider and NAMA being satisfied that those safeguards have been put in place.

Failure to comply with NAMA’s requirements in this regard may lead to

termination of any Contract Order and this Agreement.

16.5 The Provider shall be responsible for the observance of this Clause 16 by each of

its partners, officers, directors and employees.

16.6 The Provider agrees to indemnify NAMA for any additional costs and any other

losses, damage, expenses (including legal expenses) reasonably incurred by

NAMA in the event that NAMA terminates this Agreement/and or a Contract

Order due to an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of the Provider

which was not, but should have been declared to NAMA.

17. Audit of Services

The Provider shall comply with the terms of section 45 of the National Asset

Management Agency Act 2009 regarding professional standards and audits. NAMA may

engage auditors, from time to time, to carry out an audit of the books, accounts and other

financial statements of the Provider in so far as they relate to the Services and the

Provider shall afford access to the auditors to all such records, documents and accounts

relevant to the Services as may reasonably be requested.

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18. Data Protection Acts

18.1 The Provider shall ensure that it shall at all times comply with the provisions and

obligations imposed on it by the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 (the “DPA”)

and any other applicable data protection legislation.

18.2 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 18.1, in the event the Provider

processes data as a Data Processor (as defined in the DPA) for NAMA, it hereby

agrees and undertakes that it shall:

18.2.1 not process (including obtain, retain, disclose or transfer) any data save in

so far as necessary in order to perform the Services; and

18.2.2 apply appropriate technical and security measures to protect any such data

against unauthorised or unlawful processing (including obtaining,

retaining, disclosing or transferring) and against accidental loss,

destruction or damage in accordance with the requirements of section

2(1)(d) and 2C of the DPA.

18.3 The Provider hereby indemnifies NAMA against all claims and proceedings and all

liability, loss, costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith made or brought

by any person in respect of any loss, damage or distress caused to that person as a

result of the Provider’s unauthorised and/or unlawful processing or the Provider’s

destruction and/or damage to any personal data obtained from (or held by the

Provider or its personnel on behalf of) NAMA, save where such destruction was

carried out at NAMA’s request.

19. Termination

19.1 NAMA may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, terminate this

Agreement or a Contract Order upon serving written notice to the Provider to take

effect on the day of its service or upon such other date as may be specified therein

if, in the opinion of NAMA:

19.1.1 the Provider is incompetent or fails to perform any element of the Services

to NAMA’s satisfaction, or conducts itself or its staff in a manner which

NAMA considers to be incompatible with the performance of the Services;

19.1.2 the Provider fails to comply with any obligation of this Agreement or

Contract Order;

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19.1.3 any proprietor or partner comprising the Provider, it being a firm or

partnership, becomes bankrupt or makes any composition or arrangement

with a conveyance or assignment for the benefit of its creditors or any

application is made under any bankruptcy act to which any proprietor or

partner within the Provider is subject for a sequestration of its estate, or a

trustee is appointed by him on behalf of its creditors, or if the Provider,

being a company, enters into voluntary or compulsory liquidation (except

for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation) or has any receiver or

manager or administrative receiver appointed over any of its assets or

carries on business under an examiner or administrator;

19.1.4 the Provider is found guilty by the Regulator or a competent authority of

any fraudulent act or criminal activity or is guilty of gross negligence in

the performance of this Agreement; or

19.1.5 the Provider undergoes a Change of Control which in NAMA’s opinion is

not consistent with the Provider’s continued presence in the Framework.

19.2 On termination of this Agreement and/or any Contract Order by NAMA for any


19.2.1 the Provider shall do no further work to perform any Services (except as

instructed in writing by NAMA terminating the Agreement/Contract


19.2.2 NAMA may complete the Services (or part thereof) itself, or employ

others to do so, and may use or make available to others its rights to

materials prepared by the Provider;

19.2.3 the Provider shall be entitled to payment for such Services properly

completed in accordance with this Agreement and Contract Order up to the

date of termination less any amounts due or payable to NAMA pursuant to

this Agreement/Contract Order or arising from such termination or losses

incurred by NAMA as a result of such termination and such payments for

Services duly performed shall be the only payment to which the Provider

shall be entitled;

19.2.4 if the Provider has breached this Agreement/Contract Order, NAMA may

deduct from any amount due or to become due to the Provider its

reasonable estimate of the additional cost NAMA may incur in obtaining

the Services from another party because of the breach or termination;

19.2.5 the provisions of this Clause 19 (Termination) shall be without prejudice

to any other rights or remedies which NAMA may have; and

19.2.6 NAMA shall not be liable to the Provider for any losses suffered or

incurred by the Provider arising out of or in connection with the

Agreement for any reason.

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20. Force Majeure

20.1 Neither party will be liable to the other nor deemed in default under this

Agreement/Contract Order if and to the extent that such party’s performance of this

Agreement/Contract Order is prevented by reason of Force Majeure.

20.2 The Force Majeure shall be deemed to commence when the party declaring Force

Majeure notifies the other party of the existence of the Force Majeure, and shall be

deemed to continue as long as the results or effects of the Force Majeure prevent

the party from resuming performance in accordance with this Agreement/Contract

Order. If either party is delayed at any time by Force Majeure, then the delayed

party shall notify the other party in writing of such delay within 48 hours.

21. Waiver

No right or remedy given to NAMA under or pursuant to any provision of this

Agreement/Contract Order will, whether or not exercised and notwithstanding any

additional waiver, preclude the exercise by NAMA of any other right or remedy

hereunder, nor will it preclude the exercise by NAMA of any right or remedy to which it

might be otherwise entitled under common law or under statute.

22. Variations

Variation of this Agreement is valid only if it is in writing and signed by an authorised

representative of each party.

23. Severance

Each of the provisions of this Agreement is severable and distinct from the others and if,

at any time, one or more of such provisions becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the

validity and legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be

affected or impaired thereby.

24. Notices

Any notice given by NAMA to the Provider under this Agreement or a Contract Order

may be given by sending the notice by hand or by registered post addressed to the

Provider at the following address:

[ ]

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Any notice to be given by the Provider to NAMA may be given by sending the notice by

hand or by registered post addressed to NAMA at the following address:

Head of Credit and Risk

National Asset Management Agency

Treasury Building

Grand Canal Street

Dublin 2


Notice by registered post or by hand shall be deemed to have been delivered on the day of


25. Governing Law

This Agreement and any Contract Order will be governed by and construed in accordance

with the laws of Ireland. Each of the parties hereto submits to the non-exclusive

jurisdiction of the Courts of Ireland.

Signed for and on behalf of the

National Asset Management Agency

Authorised Signatory

Signed for and on behalf of


Authorised Signatory

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Schedule A

The Services

The Services required by NAMA shall include but may not be limited to the following and

shall include all other services that are reasonably ancillary and incidental thereto:

Primary Objective

To conduct a Credit Verification Review (the “Services”) of NAMA

debtors’ financial positions to verify the accuracy and completeness of

disclosures made by those debtors to NAMA in order to provide NAMA

with assurance as to the assets, liabilities and income of those debtors.

Item Scope of Work

1 Identification of




With the benefit of information available to NAMA, and/or the

Participating Institutions, draw on own experience to determine an

appropriate strategy and scope of the Services in order to achieve

the Primary Objective efficiently and in a cost effective manner.

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2 Actions required

to achieve the



The Services may include, but not be limited to:

Asset tracing investigations

Develop appropriate strategies to identify and locate assets locally

and worldwide. Assets may be real or intangible properties and

may be held in offshore vehicles and/or in complex corporate


Identifying, gathering and analysing information from public and

discreet sources to provide a greater understanding of a debtor’s

assets and interests and to inform the overall credit management


Specific services that may be required to perform an asset tracing

investigation include but are not limited to:

• Review of publicly available data sources and asset registers

(including property, corporate and lifestyle registers).

• Review of corporate information obtained through public records

searches including audited accounts.

• Conduct enquiries into lifestyle, social and business activities of


Financial forensic review services

Apply investigative know how and forensic accounting skills to:

• Understand and analyse available financial and banking data to

ensure full understanding and visibility on a debtor’s credit


• Understand multi-layered complex personal, corporate and trust


In particular, provision of the following services may be required:

• Review of company books and records including bank

statements and primary ledgers.

• Conduct interviews with company management and professional

advisors including the debtor’s advisors. The Provider shall

document all such meetings.

• Provision of expert witness reports.

• Computer forensic techniques to support investigations.

• Provision of any other forensic/corporate intelligence services

ancillary to the above that may be required by NAMA from time

to time.

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International reach

• Ability to perform the above services on a worldwide basis

through an international network or partnering with other


3 Communication

with NAMA

Communicate findings to NAMA on a regular basis or as

otherwise agreed with NAMA.

4 Other services • The Provider must be available to attend meetings/conference

calls as necessary. The frequency of which will be case


• Identify where information is not publicly available and where

an individual’s consent is required to access same. Provide

relevant documentation to NAMA to enable gathering of

requisite consents.

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Schedule B

Request for Tender

On National Asset Management Agency Letterhead

To: [insert Provider’s name and address]


Services Reference:

Further to the Agreement dated [ ] 201[] ,

the National Asset Management Agency (“NAMA”) hereby requests you to submit a Tender in

respect of the following Services:



by no later than ……………………………………………….201[ ]

1. The Services

The Services required are as per Schedule A (The Services)

2. Award Criteria

The Services shall, if awarded, be awarded to the most economically

advantageous tender comprising the following criteria:

[Insert required criteria]

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We look forward to receipt of your detailed Tender. Should you have any queries in

relation to this Request for Tender please direct such inquires to:

[Insert details of NAMA contact]

Yours faithfully,


National Asset Management Agency

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Schedule C

Form of Tender

[On the Letterhead of Provider]

Services Reference:

To: National Asset Management Agency

Dear Sirs

1. Having examined the Request for Tender for the execution of services (“Services”) we

enclose our Tender for the Services including:

(i) [●;

(ii) [●;

(iii) [●;

(iv) [●.

2. We offer to execute and complete the Services in conformity with the Agreement dated [

] 201 for the fee as set out herein (the “Fee”).

3. We confirm that any material change to our business model, management capabilities,

performance, key people, systems or operational standards has been notified to NAMA in

accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

4. We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to commence the Services and to complete the

Services as directed by NAMA.

5. We acknowledge that a binding contract between us will not be concluded unless and

until we have received written acceptance by you of our offer and the Contract Order for

Services (in the form attached to Schedule D of the Agreement) has been signed by you.

6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender that you may


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7. We declare the following conflicts or potential conflicts of interest (including commercial

and non-commercial conflicts) with respect to the subject matter of the Services (not

already disclosed to you in accordance with the Agreement):

Dated [ ] 201 �


duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of


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Schedule D

Contract Order for Services

National Asset Management Agency

[To be issued in duplicate]

To [Provider]

Re: [Services Reference] (“the Services”) Contract Order for Services

Date: ………………

1. The National Asset Management Agency (“NAMA”) hereby accepts the

tender submitted by you on………201[●] (the “Tender”) to perform the

Services as set out in the Request for Tender on the following basis:

1.1 unless and except to the extent that this Contract Order expressly states

otherwise, the terms and conditions of the Agreement entered into between

NAMA and you (as Provider) on [ ] 201[●] (the “Agreement”) shall be read

as a whole and deemed to form and be read and constructed as part of this

Contract Order for Services (together the “Contract”). The terms and

conditions of this Contract Order for Services shall prevail in the event of a

conflict with or ambiguity in the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

1.2 the following terms and conditions shall apply:

SPECIAL CONDITIONS [to be inserted on case

by case basis]

Time for Performance [insert details]

Team [insert details]

Fees & Payment Schedule [insert details]

Others [insert details]

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2. You are hereby appointed to perform the Services on the basis of the

foregoing conditions.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by NAMA to the Provider, the

Provider hereby covenants with NAMA to perform and complete the Services in

conformity in all respects with the provisions of this Contract.

National Asset Management Agency Provider