Report Over Haleeb Ltd

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  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd


    Report Over Haleeb Ltd. Company

    In respect to Sir Arshad Alam

    Staff: Taxation

    Opportunity to

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd


    Acceptance Letter

    For the kind attention of

    HonorableSir Arshad Alam

    Re: Request for the Presentation for Report.

    Respected Sir:

    Referring to your Presentation Setup I have make a report over HALEEB Ltd. Company, which has

    opportunity in Malaysia to launch new Product. This would be an interesting action for me to work for it.

    My 90% efforts are attached to it.

    Please give me a chance to present in a class as a good manner and attractive efforts at coming Tuesday

    date 22.05.2012.

    I believe you must assure me to avail this opportunity. Thank you very much.

    Your Respectfully.



    Arshad Alam

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    I have taken efforts over Haleeb Foods because large amount of time I

    spend in it to get information. Haleeb information are easy available ininternet + it is a first tetra pack milk in Pakistan which essure us to use tetra

    Pack. Altough I am very much satisfied with this

    I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & family member

    for their effort by whom I am here to know about right or wrong, behavior

    and manners. My Mother has dead but being have her prayer I always feelproud.

    I would like to express myself that I am keen interested in learning andcommunication. I make my self rules regulation wise thats why I am living

    as Bachelor.

    My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the

    project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

    Hope to see your favourable response.

    Thank you


  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    Company profile Executive summary New country Culture of country Social behavior of country Business opportunity New product Name Purpose of new product Stuff of new product Financial strategy Advertizing Distribution in the market Market survey Conclusion

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    aleeb food limited is start in 1983 in Pakistan, and haleeb food is very fimas

    in Pakistan . There so many branch in Pakistan like karachi, Lahore . Islamabab,

    Sargodha, rahim yar khan ect..

    Building are excellent reputation over the years, Haleeb food continues to be at

    the forefront of product and packaging innovation By the grace of God, it has

    to achieved market leadership in several food category with very strong

    portfolio , consisting of leading national and international brands, Haleeb food

    limited introduce , Candia, Dairy Queen, Tea mix , skims, tropico and good day.

    Haleeb food limited serving several export markets like, Bangladesh ,

    Afghanistan , south Korea and Malaysia

    Haleeb food limited is largest and growing company in Pakistan like, the

    2006 the haleeb food income profit is 35 million

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd


    Executive summary

    Now Haleeb food limited has developed a new product has (pine apple juice) his

    market name is (REFERSHERE)

    For these purpose firs we have conducted SWOT Analysis Company to see the

    company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. Then we have explained

    the purpose benefits and objective of our product

    Secondly we have made marketing mix strategy male product. We have divided

    market into different segments and decided to target young student of colleges,

    universities and schools belong to middle class family

    We will promote our product into through electronic media, print media, cable,

    internet and other sources. We have also conducted a market survey to know the

    opinion of public about our product and developed our product accordingly

    International certification

    Our company have certified into the following organizations

    HACCP ISO- 9002 ISO- 1400

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    New selected country is Malaysia


    Malaysian people are very educated and very under the follow the roles

    and also the Malaysian culture is very different because the deffernet

    country people live in where like chains, Indian, Bengali, indonishain and

    Pakistani so there are different culture and also like the new product

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd


    Social behavior of Malaysia

    The socioeconomic, social behaviour and dietary pattern

    of 100 Aborigines and Malays, aged 7 years and above from Kuala

    Pangsoon, Selangor Malaysia were studied by using pretestedquestionnaires. The individual's dietary intake was estimated using 24 hour

    recall for 3 days within one week which was chosen at random. The

    household's food consumption pattern was evaluated using food frequency

    questionnaires. There was no difference in the total income per month for

    both communities, as well as the educational attainment of the head of

    household and property ownership. The proportion of smokers among the

    Aborigines and the Malays was almost similar (33%) but the percentage of

    heavy smokers was higher among Aborigines compared to Malays. Onethird of the Aborigines regularly consume alcohol. The main energy source

    for both communities was rice, sugar and cooking oil whilst fish and eggs

    were the main sources of protein. More than 50% of the Aborigines take

    tapioca or tapioca leaves at least once a week compared to less than 20%

    among the Malays. There was no significant different in the intake of

    energy, protein and carbohydrate between the groups. However, the

    Aborigines take less fats and iron compared to the Malays. The difference

    in terms of smoking, drinking habit and dietary intake may determine the

    distribution of disease in both communities.

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    Opportunities are higher for our Product in respect

    to organize our product in Malaysia because of People are Educated, Richand have awareness more as compare to all Asian Countries. This

    developed country has GDP growth at very high Level.

    Our product meets the satisfaction of middle class people like university,

    colleges and school Student. This makes my hope that our product will get

    success in this country. Main point is that Our religious people live their,

    this would make easy more to get more about Malaysia

    Although being both Muslim countries. This is a good job

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    Our new product is PINE APPLE JUICE is market mane is (REFERESHER)


    The purpose of launching the REFERSHER juice is to

    give a new tastes in the people who are dirking almost every available to

    the market. We want to provide a fresh juice to the people so that theybecome refresh and healthy

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    If we want to introduce in new product in new

    country so we have required the following staff to successful our product in

    new market and new country which follows:

    ManagerMarketing managerFinancial managerHRM managerMarketing deportmentFinancial deportment

    Seles deportmentAdvertizing staffSurvey staff


    Our financial strategy is first open new plant in Malaysiain those plant have near the market and above the facilities are available in

    here like electricity, road and gas facilities. So for those facilities we have

    need to money.

    New plant (70000 ringgit) Staff salary (50000 ringgit) Advertizing ( 25000 ringgit) Transportation ( 30000 ringgit) Tax expenses (10000 ringgit) etc.

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    When we launch our product into new market so first we

    promote our product into the market. We give our advertizing the following


    Media News channel Film head

    Cable News paper

    Magazine Banner Singh board Bill board Internet

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd


    Market distribution

    We are distribute our product into the following methods

    Through airline Through busies Through Suzuki Through personal whale

    Market survey

    In order to learn whether people would like to buy a useour product, we have decided to conduct a market survey. First of all we

    have dinged a survey from that shows how we can fill full the requirements

    of the people.for this purpose we have surveyed different area of Malaysia.

    The contents of survey from is follows

    Do you packed PINE APPLE JUICE

    YES NO

    Which brand do you use

    What do you consider before buying a product Price Packaging Labeling Brand name Taste

  • 7/31/2019 Report Over Haleeb Ltd



    Simply is that if you work hard even try your best with best effort everything is in

    your hand. Our purpose gets completed and successful which make strength in

    our business. Business is simply an equation of

    Investment + Effort + Tolerance + Dynamic = Successful Mission