Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty

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  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty








    MBA (Full Time) 2008-10

    S !"#$$%& B'

    T #* H + #MBA II Sem

    In quest of perfection

    ShriRam Institute of Information TechnologyNational Expressway, Opp. Narrow Gauge Railway Station,

    Banmore( Near Gwalior)

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty




    Research Methodology

    Objecti e o! the study

    Com"any Pro!ile

    #ata Inter"retation

    $inding % Analysis o! Study

    Suggestions % Recommendations




  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    I T #* H + # Student o! Master in Business Administration III Semester !rom ShriRam Institute o!

    In!ormation Technology Banmore& here by declare that all the in!ormation !acts and !igures !urnished in this "roject re"ort entitle ' BRAND LOYALTY OF SHERKHAN (& based on my intensi e leaning conducted a

    S *%/ L#"#$%& G0 1#2*. The re"ort in underta)en as a"art o! research "roject accom"lished !or the

    "artial !ul!illment o! re*uirement !or the +ord o! the degree o! the Masters In Business Administration,

    I assure that this re"ort is the result o! my o+n e!!ort and it has not been submitted by me any +here else !or

    the a+ard any other uni ersity or any other degree or di"loma, All sources or in!ormation and hel" ha e

    been duly mentioned and ac)no+ledge,

    Tau*ir -usain .MBA II Sem/

    ShriRam Institute o! In!ormation Technology&

    Banmore 0+alior

    M,P, Ind

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    It +as a great "ri ilege !or me to do Summer Training at S *%/ L#"#$%&, G0 1#2*, This re"ort is th

    "roject o! not only my sincere e!!ort but the direct out"ut o! the ins"iration % moral su""ort gi en by

    management o! S *%/ L#"#$%&.

    $irst % !oremost I ta)e this o""ortunity to e1"ress my sincere gratitude to M*. A+ #+ U& 0 $ (B* 3

    M 4%*, S *%/ 1#"#$%&, G0 1#2* ) !or the allo+ance to do this "roject,

    I +ould li)e to my e1"ress my s"ecial % sincere than)s to M*. S *5 * 6 K (A++#+$ $ M 4

    S *%/ L#"#$%&, G0 1#2*) +ithout his constant guidance % assurance this training % "roject +ould not

    ha e been "ossible, I am indebted !or his continued su""ort % guidance & +hich shar"ened my ision on

    the "roject,

    I shall !ail in my duty i! I do not e1tend my sincere than)s to HOD D*. S * ! G2' 1 my res"ecte!aculty guide !or his aluable su""ort and suggestion !or the im"ro ement and editing o! this re"ort,

    $inally I e1"ress my sincere than)s to my !amily& !riends % others +ithout +hose hel" it +ould ha e been

    im"ossible to com"lete my study,

    Tau*ir -usain

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    As a management student& it is ery im"ortant to get ac*uainted +ith the "ractical )no+ledge o! the related

    !ield, In same +ay I ha e com"leted my summer training in S *%/ L#"#$%& 0+alior& 2hich has thelargest mar)et share o! security business,

    I! +e +ant to get the real )no+ledge o! !inancial acti ities& the tric)s to introduction o! the security "roduct&

    "osition o! the security mar)et and ser ices to !ace the e er3changing mar)et condition& beside all these

    things customer satis!action is essential in each and e ery ser ice sector,

    As a student o! !inancial management it +as really a great e1"erience to +or) in share )han ltd, The +hole

    training "roject +as educating and !ull o! e1hausti e "ractical )no+ledge, The +hole "roject has consisted

    +ith all the tools 4n5 techni*ues o! research "roject,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Meaning O! BrandBrands are a means of di erentiating a companys products and

    services from those of its competitors.There is plenty of evidence to prove that customers will pay asubstantial price premium for a good brand and remain loyal tothat brand. It is important, therefore, to understand what brandsare and why they are important.

    Businesses that invest in and sustain leading brands prosperwhereas those that fail are left to ght for the lower pro tsavailable in commodity mar!ets.

    #e!initions O! Brand

    Macdonald sums this up nicely in the following quote emphasizingthe importance of brands:

    it is not factories that make pro ts, but relationships withcustomers, and it is company and brand names which securethose relationships

    Je Bezos de nes brand as:

    brand for a company is like a reputation for a person! "ouearn reputation by tryin# to do hard thin#s well!$

    Interbrand " a leading branding consultancy " de nes abrand in this way#

    mi%ture of tan#ible and intan#ible attributes symbolized in atrademark, which, if properly mana#ed, creates in&uence and #enerates 'alue!

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Other de!inition8 name, term, si#n, symbol or desi#n, or a combination of these, that is intended to identify the #oods and ser'ices of one business or #roup of businesses and to di erentiatethem from those of competitors!

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    The American Marketing Association (AMA) de nes a brand as a !name"

    term" sign" symbol or design" or a combination of them intended toidentify the goods and ser#ices of one seller or group of sellers and todi$erentiate them from those of other sellers%

    Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not aboutgetting your target market to choose you o#er the competition" but it isabout getting your prospects to see you as the only one that pro#ides asolution to their problem%

    The ob&ecti#es that a good brand will achie#e include:

    'eli#ers the message clearly on rms your credibility onnects your target prospects emotionally Moti#ates the buyer oncretes ser *oyalty

    To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of yourcustomers and prospects% +ou do this by integrating your brand strategiesthrough your company at e#ery point of public contact%

    +our brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers" clients" andprospects% It is the sum total of their e,periences and perceptions" someof which you can in-uence" and some that you cannot%

    A strong brand is in#aluable as the battle for customers intensi es day byday% It.s important to spend time in#esting in researching" de ning" andbuilding your brand% After your entire brand is the source of a promise toyour consumer% It.s a foundational piece in your marketing

    communication and one you do not want to be without%

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    Stated in sim"le language& a research design is a "lan o! action& a "lan !or collecting and analy9ing data in

    an economic& e!!icient and rele ant manner, A research design could be constructed either to test hy"othesis

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    or to gi e a cause :e!!ect relationshi" to a situation, 2hate er be the nature o! the design& the !ollo+ing !our

    general rules should be !ollo+ed in "lanning a design8

    #e!ine the nature and sco"e o! the "roblem,

    S"eci!y the related ariable,

    E1clude the ariable not rele ant to the study,

    Start !rom logical hy"othesis,

    There are many de!initions o! research design& but no single de!inition im"arts the !ull range o! im"ortant


    Research design constitutes the blue"rint !or the collection& measurement& and analysis o! data,

    Research design aids the researcher in the allocation o! limited resources by "osing crucial

    choices in methodology,

    Research design is the "lan and structure o! in estigation so concei ed as to obtain ans+ers to

    research *uestions, The "lan is the o erall scheme or "rogram o! the research, It includes an outline

    o! +hat the in estigator +ill do !rom +riting hy"othesis and their o"erational im"lications to the

    !inal analysis o! data,

    Research design e1"resses both the structure o! the research "roblem3 the !rame+or)&

    organi9ation& or con!iguration o! the relationshi" among ariables o! a study :and the "lan o!

    in estigation used to obtain em"irical e idence on those relationshi",

    These de!initions di!!er in detail& but together they gi e the essentials o! research design83

    An acti ity :and time :based "lan,

    A "lan al+ays based on the research *uestion, A guide !or selecting sources and ty"es o! in!ormation,

    A !rame+or) !or s"eci!ying the relationshi"s among the study5s ariables,

    A "rocedural outline !or e ery research acti ity,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    S$%7+ # R%+% *3 D%+#4 89-o+e er& a !urther understanding o! the com"onents o! a design elicits th

    !ollo+ing ste"s8

    ;, S%1%3$#2 & &%5# #$#2 25 7*2!1%"89 The "roblem selected !or study should be de!ined

    clearly in o"erational terms so that the researcher )no+s "ositi ely +hat !acts he is loo)ing !or and +hat

    is rele ant to the study, Since human beha ior& as an interaction "attern & is the result o! arious !orces it

    is best to delimit the sco"e o! one5s study +hich rea"s am"le bene!its during the actual course o! data

    collection ,6o+ besides the o"erational de!inition o! the "roblem& the "roblem selected should be

    "racticable in costs o! time and money, I! the criteria o! alidity and reliability o! results are to be

    !ul!illed& such "roblems as are unmanageable by the researcher should not be selected !or the design,

    E,g, 'The study o! com"etiti e edge o! organi9ation8 stoc) bro)ing(,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    'Duestionnaire( +hen studied together +ill hel" in the choice o! suitable techni*ue, Once the collecting

    o! data is com"lete& analysis& coding and "resentation o! the re"ort naturally !ollo+,


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    The main objecti e o! this study is to "ro ide the com"etiti e analysis o! brand loyalty o! S *%/ an

    !ind out +hat !actors such as brand& bro)erage& research& and !acilities .So!t+are Trading "ortal/ meagerly

    in!luence the choice o! the customer !or stoc) bro)ing com"any and these !actors are really in!luenced the

    choice o! the customer, In the other +ords +ith the hel" o! this study +e +ant to there is nay lin)age bet+een the choice o! the customer !or stoc) bro)ing and the !actor such as brand& bro)erage& research& and

    !acilities .So!t+are Trading "ortal/ and ho+ much S *%/ is ca"able to !ul!ill these re*uirement, As

    $inancial management trainee during the training I tries my le el best to e aluate all the !actors +hich

    in!luence the choice o! the customer, I e aluate the ser ices on the ground o! Customer satis!action %

    $acilities "ro ided by the ser ices,

    S7%3# 1 O!:%3$#

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    The current study is based on "rimary data but secondary data ha e also been com"osed!rom arious "ublished and un"ublished sources as "er the re*uirement o! the study,

    The sources o! data collection are *uestionnaire sur ey and inter ie+ o! e1isting customerso! Share)han Bro)erage Ser ices Gtd,

    S "71# 4 U #$+89

    $or End Sur ey : @H customersSco"e3 Share)han Gtd,0+alior

    A 1'+#+ 25 D $ A & R%+ 1$89E & 3 +$2"%* :Indi idual Customer +ho ha e demat Account In share )hanP*#" *' & $ 3The "rimary data are those& +hich are collected through*uestionnaire& inter ie+s etc,S%32 & *' D $ 89The secondary data are those +hich are already collected bysomebody else and +hich ha e already been "assed through the statistical

    "rocess, The data also collected !rom the share)han literature annual re"ort etc,

    C2"7 ' P*25#1%

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    Share)han +as the retail bro)ing arm o! SS I& an organi9ation +ith more than eight decades

    o! trust % credibility in the stoc) mar)et,

    B +# %++ L% &%*+ #7 # 8


    SS I& a eteran e*uities solutions com"any +ith o er decades o! e1"erience in the Indian stoc) mar)ets,

    Those +ho !eel com!ortable dealing +ith a human being and +ould rather isit a bric)3and3mortar outlet

    than tal) to a PC& +ould be glad to )no+ that Share)han o!!ers the !acility to isit .or tal) to/ any o! its

    share sho"s across the country, In !act Share)han runs India s largest chain o! share sho"s +ith o er hundred

    outlets in more than H citiesK

    Share)han is also about !ocus, Share)han does not claim e1"ertise in too many things, Share )han5s

    e1"ertise lies in stoc)s and that s +hat he tal)s about +ith authority, So +hen he says that in esting in stoc)s

    should not be con!used +ith trading in stoc)s or a "ort!olio3based strategy is better than betting on a single

    horse& it is something that is s"o)en +ith years o! !ocused learning and e1"erience in the stoc) mar)ets, And

    these belie!s are re!lected in e erything Share)han does !or its customersK

    To sum u"& Share)han brings a user3 !riendly online trading !acility& cou"led +ith a +ealth o! content that

    +ill hel" you stal) the right shares, Share)han is one o! India5s leading bro)ing houses "ro iding a com"lete

    li!e3cycle o! in estment solutions in,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    I! e1"erience their language& "resentation style& content or !or that matter the online trading !acility& one +ill

    !ind a common threadL one that hel"s you ma)e in!ormed decisions and sim"li!ies in esting in stoc)s, The

    common thread o! em"o+erment is +hat Share )han5s all aboutK

    A"art !rom Share)han& the SS I 0rou" also com"rises o! institutional bro)ing and cor"orate !inance, The

    institutional bro)ing di ision caters to domestic and !oreign institutional in estors& +hile the cor"orate

    !inance di ision !ocuses on niche areas such as in!rastructure& telecom and media, SS I has been oted as

    the To" #omestic Bro)erage -ouse in the research category& t+ice by Euro money sur ey and !our times by

    Asia money sur ey,


    Share)han +as the retail bro)ing arm o! SS I& an organi9ation +ith more than eight decades o! trust %

    credibility in the stoc) mar)et,

    Amongst "ioneers o! in estment research in the Indian mar)et

    In ; > entured into Institutional Bro)ing % Cor"orate $inance,

    Geading domestic "layer in Indian institutional business

    O er 7S ? billion o! "ri ate e*uity deals,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    S *%/ L#"#$%&.

    R%$ #1 !*2/# 4 *" 25 $ % 4*2 7 I

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    O*4 #6 $#2 1 S$* 3$ *%8

    Share)han has sim"le organi9ational hierarchy +here there is a CEO is the to" o! the organi9ation, The main

    +or) o! CEO is ta)ing the decision !or the "ro!it o! their shareholder& em"loyee and their customer, A!ter CEO the ne1t stage o! hierarchy is Country -ead& the main +or) o! country head to handling the "roblem o! cluster head and moti ate them, The Cluster -ead is that "erson +hich +or)s to generate the business !romdi!!erent region under his cluster, A!ter the Cluster head the ne1t stage is Nonal -ead& the main +or) o! 9onal head are monitoring the acti ity o! branch and getting the business !rom the di!!erent branch, Branchmanager being busy +ith the +or)load o! o"erating and e!!icient !unctioning o! branch there is a territorymanager to ta)e the care o! mar)eting !unctions !or com"any5s "roducts, 7nder them are the relationshi"manager& assistant manager and sales e1ecuti e, The !unction o! a relationshi" manager relationshi" !romthe e1isting clients o! the branch and generate business by the hel" dealer& +hile assistant manager generatethe business by the trainee and the sales e1ecuti e is the "erson +ho direct deal +ith the client, The !ormalstructure o! the organi9ation is gi en in the !igure8

    H#%* *3 ' 25 S *%/ 8 9 C,E,O,

    Country -ead

    Cluster -ead

    Regional -ead

    Branch -ead

    City Sales Manager


    Sales E1ecuti es

    ;,,,,,,,, , < = , > ,,


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Share khan ServicesShare )han& one o! India s leading bro)erage houses& is the retail arm o! SS I , 2ith o e

    H>share sho"s in < H cities& and India s "remier online trading "ortal +++,share)han,com&our customers enjoy multi3channel access to the stoc) mar)ets,
  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    ;, O6GI6E SER ICES

    a, Online -ome

    b, $irst Ste"

    c, Classic Account

    d, Trade Tiger

    e, #ial 6 Trade

    !, Share Mobile






    2ith a Share)han online trading account& one can buy and sell shares in an instantK Anytime one li)e and

    !rom any+here he li)esK

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    One can choose the online trading account that suits your trading habits and "re!erences 3 the Classic

    Account !or most in estors and Trade Tiger !or acti e day traders, Classic Account also comes +ith #ial3

    Trade com"letely !ree& +hich is an e1clusi e ser ice !or trading shares by using tele"hone,

    $reedom !rom "a"er+or)

    Instant credit and money trans!er

    Trade !rom any net enabled PC

    A!ter hour orders

    Online orders on the "hone

    Timely ad ice and research re"orts

    Real3time Port!olio trac)ing

    In!ormation and Price alerts


    A uni*ue "rogram designed es"ecially !or those +ho ha e ne er in ested in shares,

    Through $irst Ste"& Share)han in!orms and handholds one to become a +$23/ " */%$ / + %*

    The Share)han $irst Ste" is a brand ne+ "rogram designed es"ecially !or those +ho are ne+ to in esting in

    shares, All one has to do is 27% S *%/ F#*+$ S$%7 332 $ and it ll guide one through the in estin


    S *%/ + 4 #&%

    Been in the business !or o er H years& Share)han can "ro ide one +ith the assistance and the ad ice li)e no

    one else could, It has created s"ecial in!ormation tools !or its customers& to hel" ans+er any *ueries one may

    ha e, All one has to do is sign u" to recei e all the tools one need to understand the mar)ets and in est in

    sharesK $rom the right tools and right in!ormation at dis"osal to the host o! ser ices besides training& one can

    trust Share)han to be true guide to the !inancial jungle,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    W ' $ % F#*+$ S$%7 7*24* "

    In the com"le1 +orld o! in esting in shares in India& interested beginners didn t ha e any "lace they could

    start out !rom, This is +hy share)han started the $irst Ste" "rogram 3 to assist and guide ne+ in estors +hen

    they ta)e their !irst ste"s into the +orld o! in esting in shares, This "rogram is e1"licitly designed !or

    beginners, One +ill not !eel unintelligent +hen as)ing *uestions li)e 2ho o+ns the Stoc) Mar)et or

    2hat is a stoc)3s"lit since our "eo"le are trained to assist those ta)ing their !irst ste" in the mar)et,


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    S$*% "# 4 Q 2$%+

    Personali9ed Mar)et Scan +ith '2 * 20 3 +$2"#6%& +$23/ $#3/%*

    S# 41% +3*%% inter!ace !or cash and deri ati es

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    One +ill need access to a com"uter& +hich has at least the !ollo+ing con!iguration8

    Pentium = PC& Minimum ;< MB RAM


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    T % P20%* & S7%%& 25 B*2/%* + T%*"# 1 2 '2 * D%+/$27

    The ideal tool !or acti e traders and jobbers +ho transact !re*uently during the day s trading session& S"eed

    trade enables you to ca"itali9e on intra3day "rice mo ements,

    S"eed trade is an Internet3based e1ecutable a""lication that "ro ides e erything a trader needs on O6E


    Instant order E1ecution % Con!irmation

    Single screen trading terminal

    Real3time streaming *uotes& tic3by3tic charts

    Mar)et summary

    -ot )eys similar to a bro)ers terminal

    Alerts and reminders

    Bac)3u" !acility to "lace trades on #irect Phone lines

    S# 41% +3*%% inter!ace !or cash and deri ati es

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    One +ill need access to a com"uter& +hich has at least the !ollo+ing con!iguration8

    Pentium = PC

    Minimum ;< MB RAM


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    T* &% # E #$' !' +# 4 7 2 %

    $ree +ith your Share)han Classic Account& the #ial3 n3Trade ser ice enables one to "lace orders !or buying

    and selling shares through tele"hone,

    TWO dedicated numbers !or "lacing orders +ith cell "hone or landline, Toll !ree number8 9 9

    ? , $or "eo"le +ith di!!iculty in accessing the toll3!ree number& it also has a Reliance number

    ?@ & +hich is charged at R+. . 7%* "# $%!or ST# calls,

    Automatic !unds trans!er +ith "hone ban)ing .!or Citiban) and -#$C ban) customers/

    6o +aiting time, Enter your TPI6 to be trans!erred to our tele"ro)ers

    One also get the trusted& "ro!essional ad ice o! our telebro)ers

    A!ter hours order "lacement !acility bet+een ,HH am and ,=H am

    Reliable ser ice& +here er you are


    All one need is access to a "hone 3 either a landline or a cell "hone8

    It ta)es a""ro1imately ;H minutes o! your time to "lace an order

    Currently !or Citiban) and -#$C customers& more ban)s to be added soon

    A!ter hour order timings8 ;;,HH "m to ,;? am

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    T* &% # E #$' !' +# 4 M2!#1% P 2 %

    $ree +ith your Share)han Classic Account& the Share Mobile enables one to +atch the li e rate o! stoc) on

    the screen o! the mobile and also "lace orders !or buying and selling shares through Mobile Phone in mar)et


    P*%*% #+#$%+ 52* S *% M2!#1% *%8

    Ja a enabled Mobile -andset,

    0PRS connection

    S *% M2!#1% 0#11 2$ 02*/ #58

    Mobile -andset does not su""ort JA A A""lication,

    I! user ha e 2AP connection o! BPG,

    $or all Reliance mobile user ,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



    isit Share Sho"sK

    G%$ %

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty




  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    O551# % T* 4

    2ith a bro)er& it becomes tedious to "lace orders +hen you are tra eling, Bro)ing houses do ha e tie3u"s

    and branches in im"ortant cities, Chec) about the a ailability o! such ser ices, The online bro)ing sites

    remo e this di!!iculty !rom trading, But chec) +hether an o!!line trade order can be "laced i! the site is not


    S%3 *#$'

    An immediate concern !or in estors using 6et trading !acilities is sa!ety, SEBI mandates security measures

    !or +eb trade& besides the usual user I# and multi3le el "ass+ords, -o+e er& it still "ays to chec) +ith

    e1isting clients about the +eb trade site, In absence o! such contacts& stay a+ay !rom lesser3)no+n sites, $or

    a !irst time in estor& it is "rudent to trade +ith the !acility bac)ed by good institutional su""ort e en i! it

    means sacri!icing some "ro!its, It is hel"!ul i! your on3line o!!line bro)erages ha e customer ser ice to

    ans+er *ueries,

    S #$ !#1#$'

    Online trading gi es !irst3time and lo+3 olume in estors an edge o er "hysical bro)er trading in terms o!

    con enience, Also& it is more trans"arent, Ban)s that o!!er trading "lat!orms ma)e !or seamless trading and

    "ayment o"tions,

    The entire transaction "rocess V !rom "lacing the order to ma)ing "ayments and deli ery V ta)es "lace

    seamlessly& and re*uires minimal !ollo+3u", The bro)erage and demat rates are determined by the !re*uency

    and alue o! trades, The e1isting slab structures o! bro)erages tend to !a or acti e traders, -o+e er& the

    costs are largely the same regardless o! +hether you are trading o!!line or online, Once you get the hang o! the "rocess you can shi!t to an o!!line bro)er& i! needed, 0i en the "resent cost structures& there may be

    some sa ings to be had by ma)ing such a shi!t,

    This could change i! the scale o! online trading "ic)s u", Then& online "lat!orms may be able to lo+er their

    costs, So )ee" a tab on +ho o!!ers +hat to use the cost3e!!ecti e trading "lat!orm,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    T221+ & +%*

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    W $ '2 %%& $2 3 %3/

    Chec) your client3bro)er agreement care!ully !or hidden clauses that may be detrimental,

    I! your current o!!line bro)er o!!ers you 6et trading !acility then you ha e to sign a !resh client3

    bro)er agreement +ith him, This agreement lists the rights and obligations o! both "arties in res"ect

    o! trades routed through the 6et, I! you sign u" +ith another bro)er& you +ill still ha e to sign t+o

    sets o! client3bro)er agreements8 One !or trades routed through the 6et and the other !or trades donethrough the bro)er s trading terminals,

    Assess the reliability& s"eed and robustness o! your bro)er s system,

    Chec) the res"onse time on the trading screen, The lag bet+een the "rice on the mar)et +atch

    screen and on the e1change should be less than

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty



  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    $inding $rom The Customers83

    The study o! the beha ior o! user has a ery im"ortant role in stoc) bro)ing !irm&as these users are the big mar)et !or stoc) bro)ing !irm, $ollo+ing are the main

    !indings !rom users8

    Q. I 0 #3 25 $ %+% F# 3# 1 I +$* "% $+ &2 '2 #

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Q. W #3 $'7% 25 $* 4 '2 7*%5%*

    O 1# % O551# %

    This !indings indicates that >HW users "re!er to online trading and rest o! the "re!er o!!line trading that is

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Q. W ' &2 '2 7*%5%* O 1# % $* 4

    T#"% C2 + "# 4 U+%* 5*#% &1' P1 3% C2

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Q. W #3 25 $ % 521120# 4 5 3$2* "2*% # 51 % 3% $2 +$ ' 0#$ '2 * %;#+$# 4 !*2/%*

    B*2/%* 4% R%+% *3 R%72*$ E;$* F 3#1#$# A332 $ 27% # 4 C *4%+ O$ %*+

    In this !indings +e obser e that

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Q. W#11 Y2 *%5%* '2 * +$23/ !*2/%* $2 2$ %*

    Y%+ N2

    This is an im"ortant "oint o! this all analysis because in this !inding +e obser ethe brand image o! share)han, In this *uestion +e as) the user that he "re!er her stoc) bro)er to other and the result come that >? W users say '%+ and only ;? Wusers say 2. -ence& this sho+s that the customer is loyal to share )han and he

    "re!er to other about her stoc) bro)ing !irm, -ence "ositi e message goes toother,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    Suggestions % Recommendations83

    Suggestions % Recommendations is a ery im"ortant "art o! this study it is basedon care!ul study o! all the !inding and their analysis and o"inions, $ollo+ing are

    aluable suggestion % Recommendations to increase the loyalty o! share)han



    S%1%3$ '2 * " */%$ +%4"% $

    Identi!y most aluable customers .+hat criteria /

    Identi!y customers +ho might become aluable

    D%+#4 *%1 $#2 + #79! #1 4 +%*

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty




  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    C2 31 +#2 89

    According to these results +e can say that customers are mostly satis!ied because its

    !eature&li)e any +here trading& easy to use ser ices& in!ormation a ailable& and because its

    being time sa ing& But to maintain or increase her "osition In a Mar)et its organi9es

    customer Moti ational "rograms !or e ery year and gi e )no+ledge to customer ho+ to

    sa!e stand in stoc) mar)et,

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    R%5%*% 3%+ 2* B#!1#24* 7 ' 89

    #onald R Coo"er and Pamela S Schindler .Research Methodology&Edition3=&"age no3=>

    'Share)han Securities( Share)han,Com, X htt"8 +++,share)han,com Y,

    Indian Journal O! Mar)eting .March

  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    A77% %+8


    D,; In +hich o! these $inancial Instruments do you in est into

    Shares Mutual $unds Commodities #eri ati es

    D,< +hich ty"e o! trading you "re!er

    Online O!!line

    D,= +hy do you "re!er Online trading

    Time Consuming 7ser !riendly Place Con enience All the Abo e

    D,> +hich o! the !ollo+ing !actor more in!luence to stay +ith your e1isting bro)er

    Bro)erage Research Re"ort E1tra $acilities Account o"ening Charges OthersZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    D,? 2ill Qou re!ers your stoc) bro)er to other

    Qes 6o



    Personal In!ormation



  • 8/10/2019 Report on Share Khan Brand Loyalty


    0ender8 Male $emale

    Phone 6o,8
