1 Report on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and School SafetyOrganized by CBM India Trust in collaboration with Sphere India Dated: 17 th to 19 th November 2015 Venue: Montfort Education Society, Guwahati - Assam

Report on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and ... · 2 Introduction: The training in mainstreaming disability in community based disaster risk reduction and school safety

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Page 1: Report on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and ... · 2 Introduction: The training in mainstreaming disability in community based disaster risk reduction and school safety


Report on

“Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and School Safety”

Organized by CBM India Trust in collaboration with Sphere India

Dated: 17th to 19th November 2015

Venue: Montfort Education Society, Guwahati - Assam

Page 2: Report on Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and ... · 2 Introduction: The training in mainstreaming disability in community based disaster risk reduction and school safety


Introduction: The training in mainstreaming disability in community based disaster risk reduction and school

safety was held on 17th to 19th November 2015 at Montfort Education Society, Guwahati in collaboration with

Sphere India. This training aimed at building the capacity of the partner schools and other partners to respond

to the humanitarian crisis that can arise in the aftermath of disaster as well increase their level of

preparedness for facing disaster and intervene accordingly in the best interest of children with disabilities and

affected communities. All together 42 participants attended the training representing schools from North

Eastern and Southern part of India working in disaster prone areas. Participants included 6 CBM staffs.

Total number of participants: 42 participants from partner schools who are CBM partners have attended the

training. The list of participants is enclosed as annex I.

Day 1

Session 1: Introductory Session

After registration of the participants the session commenced with

introductory remarks by Ms. Fairlene and Mr. Manoj Dash. Mr.

Manoj explained the objectives of the training programme. They


Explain basic concepts and terms in Disaster Management and need for School Safety.

Describe principles and framework for SFA DRR and Humanitarian Response.

Design the National School Safety Program.

Demonstrate CBDRR approach with HVCA for Schools.

Explain the Steps for preparation of School Safety Plan.

Describe the process for Mainstreaming Gender and Disability in School Safety process.

Explain the Structural and non structural measures for School Safety.

Conduct Mock exercise on the School Safety Plans.

Participants were given a chance to map out their expectations from the workshop. Subsequently efforts were made by the resource persons to ensure that most of the expectations were covered. The main expectations from the training have been summarized as below:

1. Basic concept of Disaster Management 2. Risk Factors of disasters and effective steps to safe

children with disability especially affected by disasters through physical and emotional support

3. How to Sensitize students about Disaster Management especially children with hearing and visual impairment

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4. Preparedness for School Safety with children with disability 5. New technologies/strategies to overcome impact of disaster in children with disability

Session 2: Basic Concept and Terms in Disaster Management

Resource Person: Mr. Kaustav Talukdar

Objective: Understand the basic terminology of disaster that

includes hazard, risk, vulnerability and capacities. Differentiate

between hazard and risk. Understand mitigation, preparedness,

response, rehabilitation and prevention.

Inputs: With the help of power point presentation it was

explained how hazard and risk differ from disaster. He explained

the participants the difference between hazard, risk, vulnerability and capacities. He also shared the do’s and

don’ts for various disasters including earthquake, flood and cyclone.

Output: The participants could now differentiate between disaster and hazard, risk and vulnerability which is

in accordance of standard terminology uses for the disaster

Session 3 Principle and Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

and Humanitarian response

Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Dash

Objective: To make participants aware about the principles and

framework on DRR and HR for the participants.

Inputs: Introduction was given on the collation of Humanitarian

organization such as WHO, UN organization in setting the

standard to address and preparedness for carrying out disaster

risk reduction activities. The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to

analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened

vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved

preparedness for adverse events was explained to the participants. Participants were also briefed about Hugo

Framework for Action (HFA) and Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction. These frameworks which are

supported by United Nations asks for prioritizing disaster risk reduction by establishing relevant policies and

programs, allocating resources, identifying and assessing disaster risk and improving early warning systems.

Output: Better understanding to participants on international mandates and framework on DRR. Similarly

participants acquired an idea on immediate measures to be taken by the organization to respond on

deliverables mechanism during the Disaster Risks such strengthen the capacities of Human Resource, brining

inclusive policies changes of the organization to the standards of national framework, allocating the

resources, step that are to reduce the effects during the disaster

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Session 4: Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and School Safety Programme

Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Dash

Objectives: To familiarize the participants with National School

Safety Programme (NSSP)

Inputs: The NSSP guidelines were shared stressing upon previous

disaster impacting children and infrastructure. He shared the

objectives and initiatives under NSSP. The key objectives of NSSP

are to initiate policy level changes for ensuring safe school

environment, to sensitize children and the school community on

disaster preparedness and safety measures, to motivate direct

participation of key stakeholders in activities that would help building towards a disaster resilient community,

to promote capacity building of officials, teachers and students, to carry out Information, Education and

Communication (IEC) activities in schools and associated environment, to implement non-structural mitigation

measures in select schools and to carry out demonstrative structural retrofitting in select schools.

Output: The participants were informed and understand the importance of School Safety as a preparedness

initiative for the benefits of children and society at large.

Session 5: Sphere Video and Minimum Standards

Resource Person: Ms. Neha Khara

Objectives: The session objectives were to introduce participants with Sphere Standards and handbook, its

origin and importance

Inputs: Documentary video on sphere standards was displayed and also discussion happened around sphere

handbook, humanitarian charter, core standards, protection principles and Minimum standards to ensure

right to life with dignity at time of disasters.

Outputs: Participants got a brief idea about Sphere Standards and Handbook. They could understand various

cross cutting themes to be included in any response including children with disability.

Day 2

The day started with the recapitulation by the participants sharing their

individual learning.

Session 1: HVCA Exercise and mapping of Schools

Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Dash and Mr. Kaustav Talukdar

Objective: To make the participants understand about various hazards,

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vulnerability and capacity to cope up with those hazards/disasters

Inputs: First, the mapping of schools was done with the involvement of participants and then the participants

were explained about on various hazards i.e. Accidents, Fire, Floods and Earthquake and how to assess the

vulnerability and capacity of these hazards.

Outputs: Better understanding of participants on HVCA and mapping of schools

Session 2: Steps involved in preparation of School Safety Plan

Resource Person: Mr. Kaustav Talukdar

Objective: To give an overview on SDMP concepts and

processes and to orient the participants on steps to be covered

under the planning process

Inputs: Participants were informed about the needs for School

Safety Plans and its objectives. The following steps involved in

the Institutional School Safety Disaster Management Planning

were also discussed:

Step 1: Sensitization meeting for awareness amongst the Teachers/Students/Management Step 2: Formation of the Disaster Management Committee Step 3: Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment Step 4: Preparation of Disaster Management Plan Document Step 5: Formation and Training of Disaster Management Teams Step 6: Dissemination of the plan to everybody Step 7: Conduct regular mock drills Step 8: Evaluation and Updating of the Plan to improve effectiveness and reporting to coordination group

Output: There was a better understanding and clarity among the participants on School Safety Disaster Management Planning and how to go about it for their schools. Session 3: Group Work and Presentations on School DM Plan Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Dash The participants were divided into 4 groups and then developed their school social map as well as school safety DM plan. Brief presentations were made by each group indicating the details for making disability inclusive DM plan.

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Day 3 The day started with the Mockdrill and Demonstration by Civil Defence on Rescue Operation in Schools. Various ways were demonstrated to successfully rescue the children post any crisis. In parallel to it, Fire Service team has demonstrated the skill to use Fire Extinguisher in case of emergency. Session 1: Post Mockdrill, the session was facilitated by Ms. Nandita Hazarika, Assam State Disaster Management Authority - Government of Assam. She emphasized on having disaggregated data for Children with Disability. This is important to understand no. of assistive devices required to rescue them post disaster and also no. of trained personnel required to support CWD. There is a need to strengthen capacity of Children with Disability to overcome with their challenges in protecting them post any crisis. Session 2: Structural and Non structural safety measures for Schools Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Dash Objectives: To understand safety of school from natural hazards – structural and non structural Inputs: Participants were informed about the structural and non structural safety of school and focus to be laid more on non – structural safety which can be managed with preparedness and training/capacity building. Participants have shared various structural and non structural issues to ensure school safety Outputs: Participants were more aware about the structural and non structural safety measures for schools. Last session feedback discussions

At the end of the training, the participants shared their

feedbacks, where were as follows:

- Participants found training very informative and

interactive especially video shared on Sphere Standard

- Participants expressed satisfaction on logistics

arrangement especially food and accommodation

- They find resource persons friendly and interactive

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Annex I

List of Participants

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Annex II

Training Schedule:

Pre-training Day 0 (16th Nov) Day 1(17th Nov) Day 2(18th Nov) Day 3(19th Nov)

Training Objectives, Training Module

9:00 to 9:30 am Registration Neha/Shakeeb

9:00 to 9:30 am Recap+ Tips Neha

8:00 to 10:00 am Mock Drill Session 9 Fire Services and Civil Defence

9:30 to 10:00 am Intro of course and participants, pre-test, expectations, ground rules, logistics Manoj

9:30 to 11:00 HVCA Exercise and mapping of Schools Session 5 Kaustav

10:00 to 10:30 Recap+ Tips Neha

10:00 to 11:30 Basic concepts and terms in Disaster Management and need for School Safety Session 1 Kaustav

11:30 to 13:00 Steps involved in preparation of School Safety Plan Session 6 Kaustav

10:30 to 11:30 Structural and Non structural safety measures for Schools Session 10 Manoj

12:00 to 13:00 Principle and Framework for DRR and HR Session 2 Manoj

14:00 to 15:30 Mainstreaming Gender and Disability in School Preparedness Plan Session 7 Nandita

11:30 to 01:00 Post test Feedback of participants Distribution of Certificates Manoj/Shakeeb

14:00- 15:00 Sphere Video and Minimum Standards Session 3 Neha

15:30 to 16:30 Group Work and Presentations on School DM Plan Session 8 Manoj

7:00 to 8:00 pm Interaction with the participants

15:00-16:30 CBDRR and National School Safety Programme Session 4 Manoj

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Annex III

Pre – Post Test Evaluation:












Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11

Pre Test

Post Test