Report of Airtel Ppt

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  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt


    Internship ReportOn

    “Performance Analysis of Inbound Call Management for Airtel Customer Contact Center ”

    Supervised By:

    Ashfaque A. Mohib

    Faculty of Business Administration

    Prepared By:aherul Bahar

    ID # !" $!%&"'

    Ma(or: )perations Mana*ement

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    $ueue management allo%s the call center to dynamicallymanage call &ueues %hile prioriti'ing customers and offer

    personali'ed ser(ices) Call"center managers %ish toimpro(e call"center performance* and need po%erfuldecision"ma+ing tools to (isuali'e* analy'e* and enhancecall"center business processes) his analysis treated the

    problem from an operations perspecti(e and concentratedon performance analysis in order to optimi'e systemutili'ation by creating a simulation model )

    Introduction of the +opic

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    o analy'e operational efficiency of the e-isting &ueuing model inAirtel Customer Contact Center for impro(ing accessibility andoptimi'ing system utili'ation)

    Broad Ob.ecti(e

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    0 o find out o(er all %ee+ly call trends 1Comparisons bet%een Attempted 2 Ans%ered calls3 and hourlynumber of agents a(ailable)

    0 o identify the parameters of the system* such as thearri(al rate* a(erage ser(ice time* ser(ice rate* %aitingtime and perhaps dra% a diagram of the system)

    0 o measure system utili'ation in terms of manning)0 o identify problems and recommend solutions for

    current &ueuing model)

    4pecific Ob.ecti(es

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    Major Findings from the Study

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    Airtel Queuing Model








  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    ,all Arrival -ate &./ calls per minute

    Inter",all Arrival +ime !.' minutes

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    +hey are: Mornin* 0% am to $ pm12 Super Mornin* 0& am to /pm12 3venin* 04 pm to ' pm12 Super 3venin* 0/ pm to ' am1and 5i*ht 0 pm to % am1.

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    ,all Ans6er -ate 071 %./ calls per min

    Inter",all Ans6er +ime 0 871 !.' min

    Avera*e hourly a*ents 9'

    Avera*e ourly ,alls ;er A*ent %

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    A(erage 4er(ice ime; !)78 min per call

    A(erage 4er(ice Rate; )56 calls per min

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



    A= 4?4 =M @ I I A IO ; About 5 D

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt



  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt




    !) 4ubscriberEs calls should be placed upon priority basis to theagents)

    !) It is important to pro(ide multi s+ills to all of the agents1Practice Cross"s+ills raining3)

    ,) Airtel can create customer self"ser(ice program by I

  • 8/19/2019 Report of Airtel Ppt


    Concluding Remarks

    he operation manager should loo+ at fi(e measures %hen e(aluatinge-isting ser(ice system) he a(erage number of customers %aiting in thesystem* the a(erage time customers %ait in the system* 4ystemutili'ation %hich refers to the percentage of capacity utili'ed* the impliedcost of gi(en le(el of capacity and its related %aiting time* the

    probability that an arri(al %ill ha(e to %ait for ser(ice)Operation managers can use this simulated &ueuing model by comparingoriginal (s re(ised situations) his study found the system performanceis currently satisfying the designated ser(ice le(el