Report ITU-R SM.2450-0 (06/2019) Sharing and compatibility studies between land-mobile, fixed and passive services in the frequency range 275-450 GHz SM Series Spectrum management

REPORT ITU-R SM.2450-0 - Sharing and compatibility studies … · Report ITU-R SM.2450-0 (06/2019) Sharing and compatibility studies between land-mobile, fixed and passive services

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Report ITU-R SM.2450-0 (06/2019)

Sharing and compatibility studies between land-mobile, fixed and passive services in

the frequency range 275-450 GHz

SM Series

Spectrum management

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ii Rep. ITU-R SM.2450-0


The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-

frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit

of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted.

The regulatory and policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional

Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies supported by Study Groups.

Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

ITU-R policy on IPR is described in the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC referenced in Resolution

ITU-R 1. Forms to be used for the submission of patent statements and licensing declarations by patent holders are

available from http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/go/patents/en where the Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent

Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC and the ITU-R patent information database can also be found.

Series of ITU-R Reports

(Also available online at http://www.itu.int/publ/R-REP/en)

Series Title

BO Satellite delivery

BR Recording for production, archival and play-out; film for television

BS Broadcasting service (sound)

BT Broadcasting service (television)

F Fixed service

M Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services

P Radiowave propagation

RA Radio astronomy

RS Remote sensing systems

S Fixed-satellite service

SA Space applications and meteorology

SF Frequency sharing and coordination between fixed-satellite and fixed service systems

SM Spectrum management

Note: This ITU-R Report was approved in English by the Study Group under the procedure detailed in

Resolution ITU-R 1.

Electronic Publication

Geneva, 2019

© ITU 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without written permission of ITU.

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Sharing and compatibility studies between land-mobile, fixed and passive

services in the frequency range 275-450 GHz



This Report contains several studies to assess frequency sharing between passive services (EESS and

RAS) and the fixed and land-mobile services in the 275-450 GHz range1. The compatibility studies,

based on the technical information available on land-mobile service (LMS) and fixed service (FS)

characteristics in Reports ITU-R M.2417-0 and ITU-R F.2416-0, seek spectrum that can be used by

LMS/FS applications without the need for specific constraints to protect passive service applications

(RAS and EESS (passive)). The passive service characteristics are based on Reports

ITU-R RA.2189-1 and ITU-R RS.2431-0.

Most of the studies concluded that in the bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 320-330 GHz, and

356-450 GHz only, no specific conditions to protect EESS are necessary, for systems operating within

the parameters given in the referenced ITU-R Reports. These studies did not seek to develop

conditions (such as power limits, shielding requirements and/or elevation angle restrictions, etc.) that

could facilitate sharing with EESS in other frequency bands.

Compatibility studies concluded that atmospheric attenuation independent of free-space losses at

275-450 GHz is not sufficient to provide compatibility between FS and RAS operations in the absence

of other considerations. Separation distances and/or avoidance angles between RAS stations and FS

stations should be considered depending on the deployment environment of FS stations.

1 Although RR No. 5.565 also identifies some frequency bands for space research service (passive)

applications, no studies have been performed.

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1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Approach ............................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Organization of the Report ................................................................................. 5

2 Related ITU-R Recommendations and Reports ............................................................. 5

3 List of acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................ 7

4 Regulatory information above 275 GHz ........................................................................ 7

5 System characteristics ..................................................................................................... 8

5.1 System characteristics of land mobile service applications operating in the

frequency range 275-450 GHz ............................................................................ 8

5.1.1 Close proximity mobile systems .......................................................... 8

5.1.2 Intra-device communications ............................................................... 11

5.1.3 Wireless links in data centres ............................................................... 12

5.2 System characteristics of fixed service applications operating in the frequency

range 275-450 GHz ............................................................................................. 13

5.2.1 Point-to-point fronthaul and backhaul ................................................. 13

5.3 System characteristics of the radio astronomy service operating in the

frequency range 275-450 GHz ............................................................................ 17

5.4 System characteristics of Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) operating

in the frequency range 275-450 GHz .................................................................. 21

6 Considerations for sharing and compatibility studies ..................................................... 26

6.1 RAS ..................................................................................................................... 26

6.2 EESS (passive) .................................................................................................... 28

7 Interference scenarios from land mobile and fixed service applications operating in the

band 275-450 GHz to the passive service applications using spectrum identified in RR

No. 5.565 ........................................................................................................................ 30

7.1 Interference scenarios from LMS applications operating in the band 275-450

GHz to EESS (passive) and RAS ....................................................................... 31

7.2 Interference scenarios from FS applications operating in the band 275-450 GHz

to the EESS (passive) and RAS .......................................................................... 32

8 Sharing and compatibility studies related to EESS (passive) ......................................... 32

8.1 Sharing and compatibility studies between LMS applications and earth

exploration-satellite service (passive) applications ............................................ 32

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8.2 Sharing and compatibility studies between FS applications and EESS (passive)

applications ......................................................................................................... 33

8.3 Summary of the sharing and compatibility studies related to EESS (passive) ... 33

9 Sharing and compatibility studies related to RAS .......................................................... 34

9.1 Sharing and compatibility studies between LMS application and radio

astronomy service ............................................................................................... 34

9.2 Sharing studies between FS applications and radio astronomy service.............. 34

9.3 Summary of the sharing and compatibility studies related to RAS .................... 34

Annex 1 .................................................................................................................................... 36

Annex 2 Extrapolation of building entry loss and clutter loss from Recommendations ITU-

R P.2108 and ITU-R P.2109 for sharing and compatibility studies ............................... 38

Annex 3 Measurement results of radiation pattern of antenna at 300 GHz ............................ 40

Annex 4 Sharing studies between LMS and FS applications and Earth exploration satellite

service ............................................................................................................................. 42

A4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 42

A4.2 Study 1: Static analysis between FS/LMS and EESS (passive) ......................... 42

A4.2.1 Maximum allowable single entry emission levels ............................... 42

A4.2.2 Maximum single entry emission levels of FS systems ........................ 45

A4.2.3 Summary of Study 1 ............................................................................ 46

A4.3 Study 2: Assessment of FS interference to EESS (passive) ............................... 46

A4.3.1 Assessment of single entry FS interference to EESS (passive) ........... 46

A4.3.2 Assessment of aggregate FS interference to EESS (passive)............... 49

A4.3.3 Summary .............................................................................................. 52

A4.4 Study 3: Compatibility analyses between EESS (passive) and FS/LMS in the

275-450 GHz frequency range ............................................................................ 52

A4.4.1 Analysis methodology .......................................................................... 52

A4.4.2 Characteristics of the EESS (passive) systems .................................... 53

A4.4.3 FS and LMS application characteristics ............................................... 55

A4.4.4 Simulation results ................................................................................. 57

A4.4.5 Summary of Study 3 ............................................................................ 67

A4.5 Study 4: Aggregate analysis of sharing between FS/LMS stations and EESS

(passive) between 275-325 GHz ......................................................................... 68

A4.5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 68

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A4.5.2 Received power level of EESS passive sensor .................................... 68

A4.5.3 CPMS deployment ............................................................................... 69

A4.5.4 FS deployment ..................................................................................... 69

A4.5.5 Received power level of EESS (passive) sensors ................................ 69

A4.5.6 Summary of Study 4 ............................................................................ 73

A4.6 Study 5: Compatibility analyses between EESS (passive) and FS in the 275-

450 GHz frequency range (Aggregate case) ....................................................... 73

A4.6.1 EESS (passive) characteristics ............................................................. 74

A4.6.2 FS characteristics and deployment ....................................................... 75

A4.6.3 Maximum FS e.i.r.p. in direction of the EESS (passive) satellite ........ 76

A4.6.4 Sharing studies with specific EESS (passive) system (ICI) ................. 81

A4.6.5 Generic analysis in all EESS (passive) bands ...................................... 82

A4.6.6 Summary of Study 5 ............................................................................ 90

A4.6.7 Annex 1 to Study 5 – Methodolgy used to derive number of fs links

on a population based deployment ....................................................... 90

Annex 5 Sharing studies between FS applications and radio astronomy service ................... 93

A5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 93

A5.2 Study 1: Compatibility between RAS and FS operations in the spectrum band

275-450 GHz ...................................................................................................... 93

A5.2.1 Assumptions and geometries................................................................ 93

A5.2.2 Results .................................................................................................. 95

A5.2.3 Summary .............................................................................................. 98

A5.3 Study 2: Compatibility analysis between FS and RAS in the 275-325 GHz

band ..................................................................................................................... 98

A5.3.1 RAS sites .............................................................................................. 98

A5.3.2 Protection of RAS stations from FS stations operating in the 275-350

GHz band ............................................................................................. 99

A5.3.3 Summary of Study 2 ............................................................................ 101

A5.4 Study 3: Protection of RAS stations from FS stations operating in the 275-450

GHz band ............................................................................................................ 101

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1 Introduction

WRC-19 agenda item 1.15 calls for studies to identify frequency bands for use by administrations for

the land mobile and fixed services applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz, in

accordance with Resolution 767 (WRC-15). Resolution 767 (WRC-15) invites ITU-R to conduct

sharing and compatibility studies between land mobile service (LMS) and fixed service (FS)

applications and passive services applications planned to operate in the frequency range 275-450 GHz

and to identify candidate frequency bands for use by systems in LMS and FS applications, while

maintaining protection of the passive services applications identified in RR No. 5.565.

This Report provides results of sharing and compatibility studies between LMS and FS applications

planning to operate in the frequency range 275-450 GHz and passive services (radio astronomy

service and Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)) applications.

1.1 Approach

The approach taken in these studies is to investigate the use of the frequency band 275-450 GHz or

portions within the range that could be used for land mobile and fixed service applications without

specific conditions, based on the system characteristics identified to-date.

1.2 Organization of the Report

Sections 2 to 4 provide background information in terms of related ITU-R Recommendations and

Reports, acronyms and abbreviations used, and relevant information from the Radio Regulations

(RR), respectively.

Section 5 summarizes the characteristics of land mobile, fixed, radio astronomy, and Earth

exploration-satellite (passive) applications identified to-date.

Section 6 describes specific considerations for sharing and compatibility studies for RAS and EESS


Section 7 describes the interference scenarios being considered in this Report.

Sections 8 and 9 summarize the results of the sharing and compatibility studies related to EESS

(passive) and RAS, respectively.

The detailed analyses are presented in Annexes to this Report, specifically:

Annex 1 summarizes the bands of interest for EESS (passive).

Annex 2 estimates the median building entry loss (BEL) and clutter loss being considered.

Annex 3 provides the antenna radiation pattern used in some studies in Annex 4 and Annex5.

Annex 4 contains the sharing studies between LMS and FS applications and Earth exploration satellite

service (EESS passive) applications.

Annex 5 contains the sharing studies between FS applications and radio astronomy service (RAS)


2 Related ITU-R Recommendations and Reports

Recommendation ITU-R F.699 Reference radiation patterns for fixed wireless system

antennas for use in coordination studies and interference

assessment in the frequency range from 100 MHz to about

70 GHz

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Recommendation ITU-R F.1245 Mathematical model of average and related radiation patterns

for line-of-sight point-to-point fixed wireless system

antennas for use in certain coordination studies and

interference assessment in the frequency range from 1 GHz

to about 70 GHz

Recommendation ITU-R P.452 Prediction procedure for the evaluation of interference

between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies

above about 0.1 GHz

Recommendation ITU-R P.525 Calculation of free-space attenuation

Recommendation ITU-R P.619 Propagation data required for the evaluation if interference

between stations in space and those on the surface of the earth

Recommendation ITU-R P.676 Attenuation by atmospheric gases

Recommendation ITU-R P.840 Attenuation due to clouds and fog

Recommendation ITU-R P.2108 Prediction of Clutter Loss

Recommendation ITU-R P.2109 Prediction of Building Entry Loss

Recommendation ITU-R RA.314 Preferred frequency bands for radio astronomical

measurements. This gives frequencies of spectral lines of

greatest importance to radio astronomy within the band

275-450 GHz. In this context, the spectral lines of carbon

monoxide (CO) at 345.777 GHz and 330.588 GHz are of

exceptional importance to radio astronomy

Recommendation ITU-R RA.769 Protection criteria used for radio astronomical measurements

Recommendation ITU-R RA.1031 Protection of the radio astronomy service in frequency bands

shared with other services

Recommendation ITU-R RA.1272 Protection of radio astronomy measurements above 60 GHz

from ground based interference

Recommendation ITU-R RA.1513 Levels of data loss to radio astronomy observations and

percentage-of-time criteria resulting from degradation by

interference for frequency bands allocated to the radio

astronomy service on a primary basis

Recommendation ITU-R RS.1813 Reference antenna pattern for passive sensors operating in

the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) to be used in

compatibility analyses in the frequency range 1.4-100 GHz

Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 Performance and Interference criteria for satellite passive

remote sensing

Report ITU-R F.2239 Coexistence between fixed service operating in 71-76 GHz,

81-86 GHz and 92-94 GHz bands and passive services

Report ITU-R F.2416 Technical and operational characteristics and applications of

the fixed service operating in the frequency band

275-450 GHz

Report ITU-R M.2417 Technical and operational characteristics and applications of

the land mobile service operating in the frequency band

275-450 GHz

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Report ITU-R RA.2189 Sharing between the radio astronomy service and active

services in the frequency range 275-3 000 GHz

Report ITU-R RS.2194 Passive bands of scientific interest to EESS/SRS from 275 to

3 000 GHz

Report ITU-R RS.2431 Technical and operational characteristics of EESS (passive)

systems in the frequency range 275 to 450 GHz

Report ITU-R SM.2352 Technology trends of active services in the frequency range

275-3 000 GHz

3 List of acronyms and abbreviations

BBU Base band unit

CPMS Close proximity mobile system

CPMS MT Close proximity mobile system mobile terminal

CPMS FS Close proximity mobile system fixed station

EESS Earth exploration-satellite service

FS IFOV Fixed service Instantaneous Field of View

LMS Land mobile service

MIMO Multiple-input and multiple-output (antenna)

RRH Remote radio head

RAS Radio astronomy service

4 Regulatory information above 275 GHz

In the RR there are no frequency allocations above 275 GHz.

The frequency bands for the use for passive service applications are identified in RR No. 5.565, as

shown below:

5.565 The following frequency bands in the range 275-1 000 GHz are identified for use by

administrations for passive service applications:

– radio astronomy service: 275-323 GHz, 327-371 GHz, 388-424 GHz, 426-442 GHz,

453-510 GHz, 623-711 GHz, 795-909 GHz and 926-945 GHz;

– Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) and space research service (passive):

275-286 GHz, 296-306 GHz, 313-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz,

409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz, 439-467 GHz, 477-502 GHz, 523-527 GHz, 538-581 GHz,

611-630 GHz, 634-654 GHz, 657-692 GHz, 713-718 GHz, 729-733 GHz, 750-754 GHz,

771-776 GHz, 823-846 GHz, 850-854 GHz, 857-862 GHz, 866-882 GHz, 905-928 GHz,

951-956 GHz, 968-973 GHz and 985-990 GHz.

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The use of the range 275-1 000 GHz by the passive services does not preclude use of this

range by active services. Administrations wishing to make frequencies in the

275-1 000 GHz range available for active service applications are urged to take all

practicable steps to protect these passive services from harmful interference until the date

when the Table of Frequency Allocations is established in the above-mentioned

275-1 000 GHz frequency range.

All frequencies in the range 1 000-3 000 GHz may be used by both active and passive

services. (WRC-12)

5 System characteristics

5.1 System characteristics of land mobile service applications operating in the frequency

range 275-450 GHz

5.1.1 Close proximity mobile systems

Close proximity mobile systems (CPMS) provide a means for large file sizes to be transferred in a

few seconds. Some examples could be systems such as kiosk systems or ticket gate systems, which

could be used for the purchase of a movie downloaded to a mobile device. These systems are typically

connected to wired networks and provide the wireless data to mobile devices in public areas such as

train stations, airports, etc. The distance between the user and the gate or kiosk terminal is typically

less than 10 cm.

The expected range of technical and operational characteristics for close proximity mobile systems

planned to operate in the band 275-325 GHz and in the band 275-450 GHz are shown in Table 1.


Expected technical and operational characteristics of a land mobile CPMS applications

in the frequency range 275-450 GHz



CPMS application Enhanced CPMS


Frequency band (GHz) 275-325 275-450

Deployment density (1) 0.6 devices/km2 0.6 devices/km2

Tx output power density (dBm/GHz) −3.8….6.9 −10.1…6.7

Max. e.i.r.p. density(dBm/GHz) 26.2…...36.9 19.9…36.7

Duplex Method FDD/TDD FDD/TDD

Modulation OOK/BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/















Average distance between CPMS fixed

and mobile devices (m)

0.1 0.1

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TABLE 1 (end)



CPMS application Enhanced CPMS


Maximum distance between CPMS fixed

and mobile devices (m)

1 1

Antenna height (m) 1…2 –

Antenna beamwidth (degree) 3…10 5…90

Antenna elevation (degree) ±90 ±90

Frequency reuse 1 1

Antenna type Horn Horn

Antenna pattern Gaussian Gaussian

Antenna polarization Linear Linear

Indoor CPMS fixed device deployment (%) 100 90

Feeder loss (dB) 2 2

Maximum CPMS fixed/mobile device

output power (dBm)

10 10

Channel bandwidth (GHz) 2.16/4.32/8.64/12.96/17.28/





Transmitter spectrum mask provided in Fig. 1 and Table 2 provided in Fig. 1 and

Table 2

Maximum CPMS fixed device antenna gain


30 30

Maximum CPMS mobile device antenna

gain (dBi)

15 15

Maximum CPMS fixed device output

power (e.i.r.p.) (dBm)

40 40

Maximum CPMS mobile device output

power (e.i.r.p.) (dBm)

25 25

Average activity factor (%) 0.76 0.2

Average CPMS fixed device power (dBm


20 20

Receiver noise figure typical (dB) 15 15

(1) Detailed information of deployment density is provided below.

The following spectrum mask, taken from IEEE Std 802.15.3d-2017, as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2,

is the mask used in CPMS study.

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Generic transmit spectral mask


Transmit spectrum mask parameters

Channel bandwidth


f1 (GHz) f2 (GHz) f3 (GHz) f4 (GHz)

2.160 0.94 1.10 1.60 2.20

4.320 2.02 2.18 2.68 3.28

8.640 4.18 4.34 4.84 5.44

12.960 6.34 6.50 7.00 7.60

17.280 8.50 8.66 9.16 9.76

25.920 12.82 12.98 13.48 14.08

51.840 25.78 25.94 26.44 27.04

69.120 34.42 34.58 35.08 35.68

Deployment density and activity factor of CPMS stations (Kiosk downloading systems)

Kiosk downloading system, which is mainly deployed indoors, will be used in the stations, airport

terminals, convenience stores. Since the number of stations and airports is much smaller than that of

convenience stores, the deployment density of kiosk terminals equipped at convenience store should

be used for sharing and compatibility studies and station and airport deployments will be ignored.

The total number of convenience stores in Japan is 55 129, but 19 571 convenience stores, i.e. 35%

of all stores, are distributed in Kanto area whose size is 32 420 km2, as shown in Table 3. This

concludes that deployment density in Kanto is 0.6 stores/km2 and that in Tokyo 3.28 stores/km2 which

is the maximum density of convenience stores in Japan.

The average number of customers of major convenience stores in Japan is about 1 000/day, but the

busiest store which is located nearby stations in Tokyo has the peak number of customers nearly

2 000/day. The following assumption is introduced for estimation of activity factor of CPMS kiosk


1 Average number of customers of convenience store 1 000/day





-F4 -F

3 -F

2 -F

1 F

1 F

2 F

3 F

4 F-F

C (GHZ) 0


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2 Percentage of customers bringing CPMS devices 20%

3 Downloaded 2-hour movies per CPMS customer 2

4 CPMS device throughput 6.9 Gb/s (see Table 4)

5 Intrinsic time of downloading by one customer 2.2 sec.

6 Total time of downloading 440 sec.

7 Typical opening hour of convenience store 7 am-11 pm (57 600 sec.)

8 Estimated activity factor/store 0.76 %


Numbers of convenience stores and stations in Kanto area

Metropolitan and


Number of convenience




Tokyo 7 183 2 190

Kanagawa 3 765 2 415

Saitama 2 833 3 797

Chiba 2 637 5 157

Ibaraki 1 315 6 096

Gunma 950 6 362

Tochigi 888 6 408

Kanto area (1) 19 571 32 425

(1) Kanto is the regional name including Tokyo metropolitan and the above six prefectures.


Estimated downloading time of magazine and movie

Content type File size (MB)

Download time (sec)


4.6 Gb/s


6.9 Gb/s


66 Gb/s*

Magazine 300 0.5 0.3 0.03

Movie (2 hour)

H.265 (Hi-definition) 900 1.6 1.1 0.11

5.1.2 Intra-device communications

In intra-device communications, high speed terahertz wireless links could connect two or more PCBs

or even chips on the same PCB inside a device, simplifying board design, inter module wiring

harnesses, etc. Typically, these devices will be shielded, preventing ingress and egress of THz signals.

The amount of shielding and the percentage of devices expected to be shielded were not available at

the time of this Report. Future studies should consider this information if it is available.

The expected ranges of technical and operational characteristics for wireless THz intra-device links

planned to operate in the band 275-450 GHz are shown in Table 5. The transmitter spectrum mask

and parameters are the same as those provided for the CPMS application in Fig. 1 and Table 2.

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Expected technical and operational characteristics of wireless THz intra-device links

operating in the frequency band 275-450 GHz

Parameter Value

Frequency band (GHz) 275-450

Deployment density 0.23/km2 (1)

Maximum device output power (dBm) 10

Maximum device output power (e.i.r.p.) (dBm) 30

Maximum Tx output power density (dBm/GHz) −10.1…6.7

Maximum e.i.r.p. density (dBm/GHz) 19.9…36.7

Indoor deployment (%) 50

Duplex method TDD, FDD, SDD

Modulation OOK/BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM


Maximum distance between devices <1 m

Antenna height (m) 1…3

Antenna beamwidth (degree) 15…180 (expected)

Frequency reuse 1

Antenna pattern Gaussian

Antenna polarization Linear

Channel bandwidth (GHz) 2.16/4.32/8.64/12.96/17.28//25.92/51.84/69.12/10


Maximum device antenna gain (dBi) 20

Typical expected device antenna gain (dBi) 6

Maximum device activity (%) 100

Receiver noise figure typical (dB) 10 (2)

(1) The deployment density is estimated as an average based on assuming that every one thousandths citizen

in Germany is using such a device. In highly populated cities the density could increase to e.g. 3.95/km2

under the same assumptions.

(2) Also systems with a noise figure as low as 8 dB have been reported in publications. This value is a worst

case of the published parameters.

5.1.3 Wireless links in data centres

The use of wireless links in data centres aims to provide flexibility by providing reconfigurable routes

within a data centre without extensive rewiring. The expected ranges of technical and operational

characteristics for wireless links in data centres planned to operate in the band 275-450 GHz are

shown in Table 6. This application is intended as a strictly indoor only application. However, the

amount of building attenuation loss to be used in the studies is not fully known at this time. See

Annex 2 for some discussion for building attenuation loss

A bandwidth of 50 GHz is necessary to achieve a data rate of at least 100 Gbit/s with a simple QPSK

modulation and enable compatibility with 100 Gbit/s Ethernet links. The transmitter spectrum mask

and parameters are the same as those provided for the CPMS application in Fig. 1 and Table 2.

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Expected technical and operational characteristics of wireless links in data centres operating

in the frequency band 275-450 GHz

Parameter Values

Frequency band (GHz) 275-450

Deployment density 0.07 /km2

Maximum device output power (dBm) 10

Maximum device output power (e.i.r.p.) (dBm) 40

Tx output power density (dBm/GHz) −10.1…6.7

e.i.r.p. density (dBm/GHz) 9.9…26.7

Duplex Method TDD, FDD, SDD

Modulation OOK/BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM


Maximum distance between devices 100 m

Antenna beamwidth (degree) < 25 (expected)

Frequency reuse 1

Antenna pattern Gaussian

Antenna polarization Linear

Indoor deployment (%) 100

Channel bandwidth (GHz) 2.16/4.32/8.64/12.96/17.28/


Maximum device antenna gain (dBi) 30

Maximum device activity (%) 100

Receiver noise figure typical (dB) 10

5.2 System characteristics of fixed service applications operating in the frequency range

275-450 GHz

5.2.1 Point-to-point fronthaul and backhaul

Figure 2 shows the network architecture of mobile systems, which support high-capacity transmission

between a base station and a mobile terminal. The fronthaul is defined as a link connection between

the base station’s baseband unit (BBU) and the remote radio head (RRH), while the backhaul is a link

between the base station and the higher level network elements. According to Recommendation

ITU-R M.2083 and Report ITU-R M.2376, fronthaul and backhaul are critical challenges to

accommodate the increase in data throughput of future mobile traffic. In order to meet the peak data

rate 10-20 Gb/s of the mobile terminals in a small cell, the transmission capacity of fronthaul and

backhaul may exceed tens of Gb/s substantially.

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Fronthaul and backhaul operation to be used for mobile system network

The 275-450 GHz range provides the possibility of short range, wide bandwidth, high data rate

capability for wireless systems supporting mobile terminals.

The proposed technical and operational characteristics of fixed point-to-point fronthaul and backhaul

systems planned to operate in the band 275-325 GHz and 380-450 GHz are shown in Table 7 provided

that sharing analysis will show that FS can coexist with the passive services. The transmitter spectrum

mask and parameters are the same as those provided for the CPMS application in Fig. 1 and Table 2.


Technical and operational characteristics of the fixed service applications planned to operate

Frequency band (GHz) 275-325 380-445

Duplex Method FDD/TDD FDD/TDD

Note: Other duplex in schemes

are possible

Modulation BPSK/QPSK/8PSK/8APSK/






16QAM/32QAM, 8PSK,





Channel bandwidth (GHz) 2…..25 (FDD)

2…..50 (TDD)

2…..32.5 (FDD)

2…..65 (TDD)

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TABLE 7 (end)

Frequency band (GHz) 275-325 380-445

Spectrum mask See § 5.1.1 See § 5.1.1

Tx output power range (dBm) 0….20 −10….10

Tx output power density range


−17……17 −28….7

Feeder/multiplexer loss range (dB) 0 … 3 0 … 3

Antenna gain range (dBi) 24 … 50 24 … 50

e.i.r.p. range (dBm) 44…..70 37……60

e.i.r.p. density range (dBm/GHz) 30……67 19…..57

Antenna pattern Rec. ITU-R F.699

(Single entry)

Rec. ITU-R F.1245


Rec. ITU-R F.699

(Single entry)

Rec. ITU-R F.1245


Antenna type Parabolic Reflector Parabolic Reflector

Antenna height (m) 6-25 10-25

Antenna elevation (degree) ±20 (typical) ±20 (typical)

Receiver noise figure typical (dB) 15 15

Receiver noise power density typical


−69 −69

Normalized Rx input level for 1 × 10-6

BER (dBm/GHz)

−61 … −54 −61 … −54

Link length (m) 100 … 300 100 … 300

Deployment Density See below See below

I/N protection criteria Rec. ITU-R F.758 Rec. ITU-R F.758

Estimation of maximum density of FS links

According to Recommendation ITU-R M.2101, the deployment scenarios of radio access networks

for IMT are categorized into four base station locations, i.e. rural, suburban, urban and indoor.

Suburban and urban scenarios are further divided into macro and micro locations whose coverage

areas are distinguished. The coverage areas of the micro scenario are included in the macro area.

The fixed service applications such as fronthaul and backhaul links are expected to provide a high

capacity link between BBU and RRH. The location of BBU may correspond to the macro-cellular

base station and that of RRH to the micro-cellular base station, in both urban and suburban areas.

However, due to the distance between the BS in suburban areas, the FS links operating in the range

275-450 GHz are assumed to be used only in urban environment whereas other links will be connected

through other RF bands which are already allocated to the fixed service.

The density of BS in urban areas is estimated to 30 BS/km2 in each of the frequency ranges expected

for IMT-2020 (i.e. 24.25-33.4 GHz, 37-43.5 GHz, 45.5-52.6 GHz and 66-86 GHz)2. The FS link in

the 275-450 GHz range will be used for ultra-high-capacity link for dense urban area only. Although

2 Document 5-1/36, “Characteristics of terrestrial IMT systems for frequency sharing/interference analyses

in the frequency range between 24.25 GHz and 86 GHz”.

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the percentage of dense urban area per 1 km2 is not specifically indicated in any ITU-R publications,

a ratio of 7% of BS is assumed in dense urban areas.

According to this assumption, the total number of BS in Tokyo metropolitan district is calculated by

7% of 120 BS multiplied by 619 km2, i.e. 5,200, as shown in Table 8, for the whole 275-450 GHz

band. The other major city in Japan is also included in Table 8. This calculation shows that a density

of 8.4 FS links/km² can be expected in the whole range 275-450 GHz, hence considering a density of

4.2 FS link/km² in each of the 275-325 GHz and 380-445 GHz bands for the evaluation of aggregate

effect of emission from FS links.

Although only based on some highly populated cities in Japan, this 4.2 FS link/km² figure is assumed

to be globally representative. Alternatively, another way of addressing the FS links distribution could

be to use population densities together with the above ratio of 0.0007 links /inhabitant (for the whole

275-450 GHz range), i.e. a density of 0.00035 FS links/inhabitant in each of the 275-325 GHz and

380-445 GHz bands.


Calculation of FS links in the 275-450 GHz range for some highly populated cities in Japan

Name of city Size (km2) Population (M) No. of FS links FS links / km²(1) FS links /


Tokyo district 619 9.37 5200 8.4 0.0006

Yokohama 437.4 3.73 3674 8.4 0.0010

Osaka 223 2.70 1873 8.4 0.0007

Nagoya 326.4 2.30 2742 8.4 0.0012

Total 1605.8 18.1 13489 8.4 0.0007

(1) The FS link density is estimated on the condition that all four proposed millimetric waves will be regulated

to use for IMT-2020 services.

Elevation angles of antenna

The antenna heights of the base stations in the urban area are estimated in the range 6-25 m. The

elevation angles of the antenna are calculated from the antenna height of FS stations and the distance

between FS links. Although the distance between the base stations in the dense urban area is also

indicated to be 200 m, the distance range of 100-300 m is assumed to be used for calculation of

elevation angle of antenna.

In the metropolitan area of Tokyo, the elevation angle is estimated to be less than ±12 degree taking

into account the above parameters as well as the surface deviation of Tokyo area.

In order to taking in account the different urban are around the world, it is assumed that a typical

elevation would be ±20.

Channel arrangement and spectrum need

According to spectrum need of IMT system in the frequency range between 24.5 GHz and 86 GHz,

one study result shows the estimated spectrum need of 18.7 GHz, and another study result was that

of 27.4 GHz which includes indoor hotspot system3.

3 Document 5-1/36 “Liaison statement to Task Group 5/1 – Spectrum needs for the terrestrial component of

IMT in the frequency range between 24.5 GHz and 86 GHz”.

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Taking into account these study results, the channel bandwidth of 24.5 GHz is sufficient to provide

high-capacity link for fronthaul/backhaul for IMT system. If the requirements are similar, the same

bandwidth of around 25 GHz may satisfy the initial typical deployment scenarios.

According to the previous discussion a total long term spectrum bandwidth of about 50 GHz will

sufficiently support the evolution of IMT traffic between BBU and RRH. The possible candidate

frequency bands for fronthaul and backhaul applications are 275-325 GHz and 380-445 GHz. The

frequency band 330-370 GHz may also be considered in the future, if and when parameters are

available for that range.

5.3 System characteristics of the radio astronomy service operating in the frequency range

275-450 GHz

Table 9 and Table 10 provide threshold levels of interference to radio astronomy analogous to those

found in Recommendation ITU-R RA.769, but for frequency bands of present interest. Entries just

below and above the range 275-450 GHz are provided for purposes of interpolation. Table 11 lists

the locations of eleven radio astronomy stations currently conducting operations in the band

275-450 GHz, and one site proposed to conduct such operations. The mean altitude of these sites is

3 500 m: most are above 4 000 m. Their local geography and more detail may be found using the

IUCAF world map of radio telescopes and radio quiet zones at http://tinyurl.com/yrvszk.

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Threshold levels of harmful interference to radio astronomy continuum observations


frequency (1)





f (MHz)

Minimum antenna

noise temperature



Receiver noise




System sensitivity

(noise fluctuations) Threshold interference levels




Power spectral

density, P


Input power




SH f


Spectral pfd


(dB(W/(m2 Hz)))

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

265 000 8 000 20 75 0.024 −274.8 −185.8 −115.9 −214.9

345 000 8 000 30 100 0.032 −273.5 −184.5 −112.2 −211.3

405 000 8 000 60 215 0.069 −270.2 −181.2 −107.6 −206.6

432 000 8 000 73 275 0.087 −269.2 −180.2 −106.0 −205.0

500 000 8 000 110 385 0.124 −267.7 −178.6 −103.2 −202.2


Threshold levels of harmful interference to radio astronomy spectral-line observations





spectral line



f (kHz)

Minimum antenna

noise temperature



Receiver noise




System sensitivity

(noise fluctuations) Threshold interference levels




Power spectral




Input power




SH f


Spectral pfd


(dB(W/(m2 Hz)))

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

265 000 1 000 20 75 2.12 −255.3 −205.3 −135.4 −195.4

345 000 1 000 30 100 2.91 −254.0 −204.0 −131.8 −191.8

405 000 1 000 60 215 6.15 −250.7 −200.7 −127.1 −187.1

432 000 1 000 73 275 7.78 −249.7 −199.7 −125.5 −185.5

500 000 1 000 110 385 11.07 −248.2 −198.2 −122.7 −182.7

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Radio Astronomy sites operating at 275-450 GHz

ITU-R Region 1

Observatory name, place,


Longitude (E),

Latitude (N),


(m AMSL)




Rx height






IRAM-NOEMA 12×15 m

Array, Plateau de Bure,





0 15 Isolated mountaintop plateau

in partial view of public


IRAM-30 m, Pico de

Veleta, Spain




0 31 Mountainside overlooking

nearby ski resort and the city

of Granada

ITU-R Region 2

Observatory name, place,


Longitude (E),

Latitude (N),


(m AMSL)




Rx height






LMT 50 m Sierra Negra,






7 51 Mountain top in line of sight

to numerous towns and

15 km from Mexico City-

Puebla-Veracruz highway

APEX 12 m – Atacama

Pathfinder Experiment,

Chajnantor, Chile




0 13 Broad flat high plain ringed

by mountains, accessible by


ASTE 12 m – Atacama

Submillimeter Telescope

Experiment, Chajnantor,





0 13 Broad flat high plain ringed

by mountains, accessible by


ALMA, 54×12 m+12×7 m

Chajnantor, Chile




0 13 Broad flat high plain ringed

by mountains, accessible by

road, 35 km diameter circle

centred on the given


NANTEN2 4 m, Pampa La

Bola, Chile




0 7 Broad flat high plain

accessible by public road

ARO SMT 10 m,

Mt. Graham, AZ,





7 11 Remote forested


JCMT 15 m, SMA 6×6 m

& CSO 12 m; Mauna Kea,





6 17 Isolated very high


South Pole 10m Telescope,

NSF South Pole Research





0 8 At the very South Pole

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Observatory name, place,


Longitude (E),

Latitude (N),


(m AMSL)




Rx height






Simons Array and Simons

Observatory, Chile

−67.7875°, −22.95861°


0 6 Broad flat high plain ringed

by mountains, accessible by


ITU-R Region 3

Observatory name, place,


Longitude (E),

Latitude (N),


(m AMSL)




Rx height







Yangbajing, Tibet China




0 4 Broad flat high plain ringed

by mountains, accessible by


HEAT, 5m, Dome A, South

Pole, China (proposed)




0 6 Top of the mountain at the

broad flat high plain, remote


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Zenith system temperature and atmospheric transmission at ALMA

Upper plot: Variation of system temperature at ALMA with frequency, including sky, atmospheric

and receiver contributions. The system temperature shown here is the sum of TA and TR in Tables 1

and 2 of Annex 1 to Recommendation ITU-R RA.769, and it is equal to the quantity T in equation (3)

of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769 (i.e. T = TA + TR = Tsys).

Lower plot: Atmospheric transmission as a function of frequency. The tuning ranges of Alma receiver

bands 7 and 8 are shown, as well as the frequency ranges mentioned in RR No. 5.565.

5.4 System characteristics of Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) operating in the

frequency range 275-450 GHz

Between 275 and 450 GHz, a number of bands of scientific interest for studies of

meteorology/climatology and atmospheric chemistry have been identified and are listed in Annex 1

of this Report. Meteorology/climatology sensing is focused mainly on the water vapour and oxygen

resonance lines and the associated frequency windows to retrieve these necessary physical

parameters, while atmospheric chemistry sensing measures the many smaller spectral lines of the

various atmospheric chemical species. In some cases, a single molecule is observed in several

different frequency bands due to, as an example, different frequency bands being sensitive to the

particular molecule at different altitudes.

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Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 provides the permissible interference levels for EESS passive remote

sensing systems. Table 12 provides an extract from that recommendation that covers the frequency

range 275-450 GHz. It should be noted that these protection criteria are aggregate levels of maximum

interference and have to be apportioned among all various sources, in-band and adjacent band. Under

WRC-19 agenda item 1.15 these criteria, where appropriate, will have to be apportioned between the

FS, the MS and potentially the unwanted emissions from FS and MS.


Extract of Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 showing the interference criteria

for satellite passive remote sensing in the frequency range 275-450 GHz





bandwidth (MHz)


interference level


Percentage of area

or time


interference level

may be exceeded(1)


Scan mode

(N, C, L)(2)

275-285.4 3 −194 1 L

296-306 200/3(3) −160/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

313.5-355.6 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, C, L

361.2-365 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

369.2-391.2 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

397.2-399.2 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

409-411 3 −194 1 L

416-433.46 200/3 (3) −157/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

439.1-466.3 200/3 (3) −157/−194(3) 0.01/1 (3) N, C, L

(1) For a 0.01% level, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 2 000 000 km2, unless otherwise

justified; for a 0.1% level, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 10 000 000 km2 unless

otherwise justified; for a 1% level, the measurement time is 24 h, unless otherwise justified.

(2) N: Nadir. L: Limb, C: Conical.

(3) First number for nadir or conical scanning modes and second number for microwave limb sounding


Concerning the different types of EESS (passive) sensors to be considered in these studies, they are

defined as follows:

– N: Nadir scan modes concentrate on sounding or viewing the Earth’s surface at angles of

nearly perpendicular incidence. The scan terminates at the surface or at various levels in the

atmosphere according to the weighting functions used to assess particular atmospheric


– L: Limb scan modes view the atmosphere “on edge” and its view terminates in space rather

than at the surface of the Earth, and accordingly have a weighting function value of zero at

the surface and has a maximum value at the tangent point height.

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– C: Conical scan modes view the Earth’s surface by rotating the antenna at an offset angle

from the nadir direction.

Figure 4 depicts these three types of sensors. It is further noted that the nadir type of sensors include

all different sensors implementations that have at least one nadir viewing component, such as

cross-track and push-broom.


Nadir, Limb, and Conical scanning modes of the EESS (passive) sensor

Table 13 provides a band-by-band summary of EESS (passive) systems to be considered in sharing

studies in the frequency range 275-450 GHz. The parameters necessary for conducting studies are

summarized in Table 14. The detailed characteristics of these EESS (passive) systems are provided

in Report ITU-R RS.2431.

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Satellite passive remote sensing systems for the bands in the frequency range 275-450 GHz4




Scan mode

Nadir, Conical Limb

275-285.4 L --------- Consider characteristics similar to

STEAMR (Note 1)

296-306 N, L Consider characteristics similar to

STEAMR (Note 1)

MASTER (LEO orbit, Section 6.9)

313.5-355.6 N, C, L

ICI (LEO orbit, Section 6.1)

SSM (LEO orbit, Section 6.3)

GEM (GEO orbit, Section 6.5)

STEAMR (LEO orbit, Section 6.4)

CAMLS (LEO orbit, Section 6.7)

MASTER (LEO orbit, Section 6.9)

361.2-365 N, L Consider characteristics similar to

ICI (Note 1)

Consider characteristics similar to

STEAMR (Note 1)

369.2-391.2 N, L

TWICE (LEO orbit, Section 6.2)

GEM (GEO orbit, Section 6.5)

GOMAS (GEO orbit, Section 6.6)

397.2-399.2 N, L Consider characteristics similar to

ICI (Note 1)

409-411 L ---------

416-433.46 N, L GOMAS (GEO orbit, Section 6.6)

439.1-466.3 N, C, L ICI (LEO orbit, Section 6.1)

NOTE 1 – For some of the bands for which parameters of current operating or planned systems are not

available characteristics based on systems with the same scan mode in other bands are to be used.

4 References to sections within this Table are in regards to sections in Report ITU-R RS.2431.

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Summary of technical characteristics of EESS (passive) systems in 275-450 GHz frequency range (see Report ITU-R RS.2431)



Altitude (km) 817 400 not available 817 35 684 35 684 not available 817 35 684

Inclination (degrees) 98.7 High inclination High inclination 98.7 0 0 not available 98.7 0

Scanning mode Conical

(Fig. 10)


(Fig. 11)

Conical or cross

track (Fig. 13)


(Fig. 15)


(Fig. 17)

Conical Limb Limb wide strip and

thin circle

combined scan

(Fig. 9)

Observation Zenith Angle

(OZA) (degrees) for

conical scan, or

Min. pointing altitude

(km), for limb scan


53 ± 2



not available Limb:


not available not available Limb:





RF Centre Frequency






325 319.5






340 299.75






RF Bandwidth




(Table 4)



not available 12




(Table 12)

0.05-18 (LSB) 16 11.5





Antenna type Offset reflector,

multiple feeds




not available Reflector


Filled aperture


Filled aperture


not available Elliptical Offset




Antenna Peak Gain (dBi) 55 46-48 (TBC) not available 70 not available not available not available not available 76

Antenna Diameter (m) ~ 0.5 not available not available not available 3 2 not available 1 × 2 3

Antenna Beamwidth


not available 0.64o


not available See Fig. 15 0.019o




not available not available 0.027°

FOV (km)

Footprint area (km²)


Area ≈ 200 km²

(Table 3)

FOV: 6.5 × 9.9

Area ≈ 50 km²

FOV: 5.8 × 8.7

Area ≈ 40 km²

(Fig. 6.2-2)

not available N/A

(See Fig. 15)

IFOV: 12

Area ≈ 110 km²

IFOV: 10

Area ≈ 75 km²

FOV: 20.5

Area ≈ 330 km²

FOV: 16.4

Area ≈ 210 km²


(See Table 13)


(See Table 17)

IFOV: 16

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It should be noted that Recommendation ITU-R RS.1813 is currently limited to the 1.4 to 100 GHz

range for its reference EESS (passive) antenna pattern equations. However, it is recommended by the

responsible ITU-R expert working group that the antenna pattern equations in Recommendation

ITU-R RS.1813 should also be used in the 275-450 GHz range for these studies.

6 Considerations for sharing and compatibility studies

6.1 RAS

The potential for interference to radio astronomy by proposed active service use of the frequency

band 275-450 GHz differs from other inter-service interference cases because of the particular

properties of the atmospheric absorption (see Figs 3, 4 and A5-1) and because of the geographic

location of radio astronomy stations using the band (Table 11). These stations are generally located

at elevations of 3 to 5 km in arid areas so as to minimize precipitation and atmospheric absorption

around and above the radio astronomy antenna.

In the frequency band 275-450 GHz modest-size active service antennas have narrow beamwidths

that are not feasible in lower frequency bands. Although narrow beamwidths and a predominance of

low elevation angles are expected for FS applications, selection of appropriate antennas and careful

planning of link directions may be necessary to avoid harmful interference to radio astronomy.

Above 275 GHz, propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere is strongly affected by the absorption

characteristics of atmospheric molecules, most notably oxygen and water vapour. While atmospheric

attenuation may offer additional protection to RAS operations at certain frequencies, due to the large

variation of atmospheric molecules as a function of height, there are transmission “windows”

approaching free space loss at higher altitudes.

Report ITU-R RA.2189-1 concluded that at the emission powers considered there, sharing between

radio astronomy and active services in the band 275-3 000 GHz is possible if atmospheric

characteristics as a function of height above sea level, as well as transmitter antenna directivity, are

taken into account. Harmful interference to radio astronomy facilities can be avoided through the use

of geographic exclusion zones surrounding RAS facilities. Direct illumination of RAS observatories,

primarily at altitudes comparable to or above those of the observatories, could cause interference to

RAS systems.

Apart from exclusion zones, two basic strategies are possible for protecting the RAS in these bands

from fixed service emissions. The first involves lower powers and narrow beam antennas, and the

second involves avoiding pointing toward RAS facilities. While this should be straightforward for

most fixed service point-to-point uses, it is not applicable to some other terrestrial applications such

as mobile use.

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Atmospheric attenuation computed over horizontal paths of 1 km at five different heights above sea level, as well as annually-

averaged and 10th percentile observing conditions at the ALMA and LMT/GTM radio astronomy observatory sites,

assuming the atmospheric properties of Table 1 from RA.2189-1


Horizontal distance at 5 000 m above sea level beyond which a transmitted signal at frequencies between 275 and 1 000 GHz

would not exceed radio astronomy interference thresholds from Rep. ITU-R RA.2189-1, highlighting need for a combination

of geographic exclusion zones and avoidance of direct illumination to protect RAS operations







275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500




n (




Frequency (GHz)

0m 300m 1000m

3000m LMT/GTM 5000m








200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000



m S



n D





Frequency (GHz)

-20 dBW

-10 dBW

0 dBW

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6.2 EESS (passive)

The total path loss from a low elevation angle Fixed Service link to a NGSO EESS satellite rising

over the horizon at the azimuth of the FS link is a complex calculation due to both the refraction of

the signal path as its height above the earth changes and the change of attenuation with atmospheric

pressure, temperature, and water vapour. Section 2.2 of Annex 1 to Recommendation P.676-11 gives

an appropriate algorithm for such calculations. However, the calculation does not take into account

blocking by natural or building obstructions, which would reduce or eliminate interference to EESS

(passive) sensors in some cases. Therefore, dynamic simulations of FS and land-mobile interference

into EESS (passive) sensors need to take into account the probability of natural and building

obstructions, which would reduce interference in those cases where obstructions would exist.

Similarly, any estimate of aggregate interference from FS systems will have to consider blockage of

some fraction of sources.

Figures 7 and 8 show average path loss from terrestrial FS transmitter at different elevation angles to

a satellite in orbit at a height of 817 km5.


Average path loss from a terrestrial point to a Satellite (H= 817 km) as a function of elevation angle

5 The altitude 817 km is a typical EESS NGSO orbit height. Results will vary a small amount for other


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3D representation of Fig. 7

Figures 7 and 8 are based on the sum of two types of ‘permanent’ (i.e. always present) losses:

– average losses due to atmospheric gases, and

– losses due to geometrical spreading of energy (free space path loss).

Losses due to atmospheric gases were computed using both the line-by-line method of Annex 1 and

§ 2.2 of Recommendation ITU-R P.676-11; and using the annual global reference atmosphere defined

in Recommendation ITU-R P.835. Based on this reference atmosphere, at the surface of the Earth,

the dry air pressure is 1013.25 hPa, the temperature is 288.15 K, and the water vapour density is

7.5 g/m3.

Losses due to geometrical spreading of energy (Free Space Path Loss) 𝐿𝑠𝑝 in dB units are calculated

in terms of frequency 𝑓 (GHz), and the propagation distance 𝑑 (km) as follows:

𝐿𝑠𝑝 = 92.45 + 20log(𝑓. 𝑑) (1)

For a satellite at an altitude 𝐻 and for an elevation angle φ, the propagation distance 𝑑 can be obtained

from equation (2).

𝑑 = √(𝑎 sinφ)2 + 2𝑎𝐻 + 𝐻2 − 𝑎 sinφ (2)

with 𝑎 is the equivalent Earth radius which is equated to 6 371 km.

In addition to the above losses, there may also be losses due to either scattering from or absorption

caused by precipitation.

Restricting FS links to low elevation angles may be an effective mitigation technique in limiting

interference to EESS sensors, however any restrictions on the elevation angle of the FS stations would

need to be a mandatory regulatory provision in order for this mitigation technique to be effective.

Further complicating this issue is the fact that there are multiple types of EESS sensors in use, each

with different beam-to-Earth characteristics. In some cases, these sensors look forward and in these

cases, main beam alignment between even low angle fixed links and EESS sensors may be possible

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(though offset by higher atmospheric attenuation). These possible interference scenarios and their

impact must be verified by sharing and compatibility studies.

For the FS and land mobile applications where low elevation angle transmission cannot be assured,

alternative protection strategies must be used to achieve compatibility with the passive services

identified in RR No. 5.565. This may involve careful selection of bands for active service applications

based on whether or not they are identified for EESS (passive) usage. Many of the bands identified

for EESS (passive) usage under RR No. 5.565 have modest bandwidth between those identified

bands. For instance, 286-296 GHz and 399-409 GHz are two bands of 10 GHz, which lie between

bands identified for usage by EESS (passive). Thus these two bands may be practical for active use

for types of systems where low elevation angle narrow beams antennas are not possible. In theory it

may be possible to design multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) antennas that both address the

link budgets of the intended use and also limit emissions at high elevation angles. However, this

technology is not presently available and as a result spectrum access cannot be based on MIMO

technology at this time.

Another method to protect NGSO EESS passive sensor operations that could encounter main beam

to main beam coupling with terrestrial active services when they are at high elevation angles would

be similar to techniques used in managing GSO/NGSO sharing for FSS communications satellites.

This method would predict alignment events that would threaten the NGSO EESS satellite

performance and modify the parameters of the terrestrial system during the time period of possible

interference. This method however puts all the risk of method failure on the EESS (passive) and

would require the use of a global database the details of which have not been defined. Furthermore,

this method has not been successfully implemented in regards to any two services, any geographical

scale, or any frequency range.

A final consideration for compatibility studies between the EESS (passive) and FS and land mobile

service is the need to consider aggregate interference from multiple active systems deployed and

radiating in the same bands. Such aggregation studies should consider both terrain and building

obstruction of FS and LMS emissions.

7 Interference scenarios from land mobile and fixed service applications operating in the

band 275-450 GHz to the passive service applications using spectrum identified in RR

No. 5.565

According to RR No. 5.565, the frequency bands 275-323 GHz, 327-371 GHz, 388-424 GHz and

426-442 GHz are identified for use by RAS applications while the bands 275-286 GHz, 296-306

GHz, 313-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz and

439-467 GHz are identified for use by EESS (passive) applications. The following sharing and

compatibility studies have been addressed:

1 LMS application operating in the band 275-450 GHz with respect to the protection of EESS

stations operating in the bands 275-286 GHz, 296-306 GHz, 313-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz,

369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz and 439-467 GHz;

2 FS application operating in the band 275-450 GHz with respect to the protection of EESS

stations operating in the bands 275-286 GHz, 296-306 GHz, 313-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz,

369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz and 439-450 GHz;

3 FS application operating in the band 275-450 GHz with respect to the protection of RAS

stations operating in the bands 275-323 GHz, 327-371 GHz, 388-424 GHz and 426-442 GHz.

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Frequency bands considered in the sharing studies

7.1 Interference scenarios from LMS applications operating in the band 275-450 GHz to

EESS (passive) and RAS

The two interference scenarios listed in Table 15 are shown in Fig. 10 and could be considered

between LMS applications and passive services.


Interference scenarios

Scenario Interfering Interfered with Propagation model (See Annex 2)

A LMS mobile terminal

fixed station

EESS sensor Rec. ITU-R P.619, Rec. ITU-R P.2108 (1),

Rec. ITU-R P.2109 (2)

B LMS mobile terminal

fixed station

RAS station Rec. ITU-R P.452, Rec. ITU-R P.2108 (3),

Rec. ITU-R P.2109 (2)

(1) The satellite-path clutter loss at 300-GHz band of 0 dB is extrapolated from this Recommendation.

(2) The building entry loss at 300-GHz band of 73 dB is extrapolated from this Recommendation.

(3) The terrestrial-path clutter loss at 300-GHz band of 47 dB is extrapolated from this Recommendation.


Illustration of interference scenarios between LMS application and passive services

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7.2 Interference scenarios from FS applications operating in the band 275-450 GHz to the

EESS (passive) and RAS

The two interference scenarios listed in Table 16 are considered between FS application

(fronthaul/backhaul) and passive services.


Interference scenarios

Scenario Interfering Interfered with Propagation model (See Annex 2)

A Fronthaul/Backhaul EESS sensors Rec. ITU-R P.619, Rec. ITU-R P.2108 (1)

B Fronthaul/Backhaul RAS station Rec. ITU-R P.452, Rec. ITU-R P.2108 (2)

(1) The satellite-path clutter loss at 300-GHz band of 16 dB with an elevation angle of 12 degrees is

extrapolated from this Recommendation.

(2) The terrestrial-path clutter loss at 300-GHz band of 47 dB is extrapolated from this Recommendation.


Illustration of interference scenarios between FS application and passive services

8 Sharing and compatibility studies related to EESS (passive)

8.1 Sharing and compatibility studies between LMS applications and earth exploration-

satellite service (passive) applications

Sharing studies between LMS applications and EESS (passive) are detailed in Annex 4.

Study 3 analysed the interference potential that may result from LMS applications operating in the

275-450 GHz frequency range to the EESS (passive) systems. The approach taken in these analyses

was to perform a single IFOV analysis of each type of passive sensor. This study found that

compatibility without the need for mandatory regulatory provisions was achieved in the

275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 320-330 GHz and 356-450 GHz frequency bands. This study also noted

that in the band 275-286 GHz LMS applications were found to be problematic for both conical and

nadir scanning sensors, however this band currently only used by limb sounders.

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Study 4 concluded that the bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 319-332 GHz and 356-450 GHz can

be used for LMS applications without any specific conditions. Indoor and outdoor use cases were

also studied to identify possible frequency ranges for CPMS application in LMS.

8.2 Sharing and compatibility studies between FS applications and EESS (passive)


Several sharing and compatibility studies were performed to seek frequency bands that could be used

by FS applications. These studies are detailed in Annex 4.

Study 2 is focused as on a single entry analysis of FS stations and an EESS (passive) for three different

pointing scenarios across the 275-450 GHz frequency range, as on an aggregate analysis performed

for FS elevation angle distributions ±20 and ±12 degrees. This study found that compatibility in the

frequency bands 275-286 GHz, 318-334 GHz, 350-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz,

397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz, and 439-450 GHz is possible.

Study 3 analysed the potential interference that may result from FS applications operating in the

275-450 GHz frequency range to the EESS (passive) systems. The approach taken in these analyses

was to perform a single instantaneous field of view (IFOV) analysis of each type of passive sensor.

This study found that compatibility was achieved in the 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 320-330 GHz

and 356-450 GHz frequency bands. This study also noted that in the band 275-286 GHz FS

applications were found to be problematic for both conical and nadir scanning sensors, however this

band currently only used by limb sounders.

Study 4 provides the aggregate analysis in the frequency range 275-450 GHz. This analysis evaluated

the compatibility between FS station and EESS (passive) sensors. This study concluded that FS

stations would not interfere with EESS (passive) sensors in the frequency bands 275-296 GHz,

306-313 GHz, 318-336 GHz and 348-450 GHz. Although the frequency range 275-450 GHz is split

into four frequency segments, a contiguous band of 50 GHz is achievable.

Study 5 concluded that the following bands currently identified for EESS (passive) in RR N° 5.565

cannot be used by the FS: 296-306 GHz, 313-320 GHz and 331-356 GHz. In the remaining parts of

the 275-450 GHz range, FS usage can be envisaged. These bands would be enough to accommodate

FS spectrum requirements of 50 GHz.

8.3 Summary of the sharing and compatibility studies related to EESS (passive)

Table 17 summarizes the bands proposed for use for FS/LMS applications by Studies 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The studies conclude that certain frequency bands could be used by land-mobile and fixed services.

While each study contains slightly differing results (as shown in the Table), consensus among all the

studies is that the following frequency bands could be used by FS/LMS applications without specific

conditions, while maintaining the protection of the passive services:

– FS/LMS applications: 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 320-330 GHz and 356-450 GHz;

These results do not include compatibility with the radio astronomy service, which is addressed in

the following section.

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Summary of the study results

Study Application Service

Compatible Bands for FS/LMS

(where no specific conditions to protect EESS (passive) are necessary)

Band 1 (GHz) Band 2 (GHz) Band 3 (GHz) Band 4 (GHz)

2 FS & LMS 275-296 306-313 318-333 356-450

3 FS & LMS 275-296 306-313 320-330 356-450

4 FS & LMS 275-296 306-313 319-332 356-450

5 FS & LMS 275-296 306-313 318-333 356-450

9 Sharing and compatibility studies related to RAS

9.1 Sharing and compatibility studies between LMS application and radio astronomy


No sharing and compatibility studies between LMS applications and the radio astronomy service were

conducted. However, Report ITU-R RA.2189-1 results are agnostic to the type of service as this

Report only considers the power level of a single transmitter and its separation from the RAS site.

Report ITU-R RA.2189-1 concludes that sharing studies at specific geographic locations are needed

on a case-by-case basis. For LMS applications, aggregate interference should be considered.

9.2 Sharing studies between FS applications and radio astronomy service

Several sharing and compatibility studies were performed to seek frequency bands that could be used

by FS applications. These studies are detailed in Annex 5.

Study 1 contains two examples under conditions typical of those encountered in the vicinity of sites

used for radio astronomical observations. The two geometries studied were: FS link and RAS on the

same flat plane, with the FS link azimuth angle and power varying, and FS link and RAS at different

heights, with the FS beam fixed at the azimuth of the RAS operation and with its distance and

elevation angle varying. Three frequencies are used in the studies: 275 GHz, 345 GHz and 412 GHz.

These studies concluded that separation distances, as well as azimuthal and elevation avoidance

angles may be needed to protect RAS sites, as atmospheric losses alone are not sufficient to ensure


Study 2 contains several calculations of necessary separation distances when considering the FS

station and the RAS site at a variety of altitudes. The study indicated that separation distances of

150 km are needed, and minimum separation distances are achieved at atmospheric absorption peaks.

These distances may be reduced if clutter loss is accounted for.

9.3 Summary of the sharing and compatibility studies related to RAS

Compatibility studies between the RAS and FS applications concluded that atmospheric attenuation

alone, independent of free-space losses, at 275-450 GHz is not sufficient to provide compatibility

between FS and RAS operations in the absence of other considerations. In the bands identified for

use by RAS applications in RR No. 5.565 (275-323 GHz, 327-371 GHz, 388-424 GHz and

426-442 GHz), separation distances and/or avoidance angles between RAS stations and FS stations

should be considered depending on the deployment environment of FS stations.

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For the case of operations at the same geographic elevation, it is necessary that FS beams do not point

too nearly toward an RAS site. The size of the avoidance angle will depend on the details of the actual

FS beam pattern that is used in any situation, among other variables. For the case of high-elevation

RAS operations in direct line of sight of FS operations at much lower elevations, FS beams may be

directed in azimuth toward the RAS site at frequencies near the higher end of the band or at

sufficiently horizontal separations, but should be studied on a case by case basis depending on the

power level of the transmitter.

Scenarios involving aggregate interference from multiple-entry FS deployments will require detailed

modelling based on the details of each situation and must be evaluated on a case by case basis.

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Annex 1


Bands of interest for EESS (passive) between 275 and 450 GHz (extracts from Report ITU-R RS.2194)








Spectral line(s)




scan mode

Existing or



Supporting information Meteorology –



(GHz) Chemistry

275-285.4 10 400 276.33 (N2O), 278.6 (ClO) 276.4-285.4 N2O, ClO Limb Chemistry (275-279.6), Window


296-306 10 000

Window for 325.1, 298.5

(HNO3), 300.22 (HOCl),

301.44 (N2O), 303.57 (O3),

304.5 (O17O), 305.2


Wing channel

for temperature




N2O, O3 ,

O17O, HNO3,


Nadir, Limb Window (296-306), Chemistry


313.5-355.6 42 100

313.8 (HDO), 315.8, 346.9,

344.5, 352.9 (ClO), 318.8,

345.8, 344.5 (HNO3),

321.15, 325.15 (H2O), 321,

345.5, 352.3, 352.6, 352.8

(O3), 322.8, 343.4 (HOCl),

345.0, 345.4 (CH3Cl),

345.0 (O18O), 345.8 (CO),

346 (BrO), 349.4

(CH3CN), 351.67 (N2O),

354.5 (HCN),





channel for





H2O, CH3Cl,


O3 , HNO3,


O18O, HCN,











Water vapour line at 325.15

(314.15-336.15, BW: 3 GHz, max.

offset: 9.5 GHz),

Cloud Measurements

(331.65-337.65, 314.14-348,

339-348, 314.14-317.15,

320.45-324.45, 325.8-329.85,

336-344, 339-348), CLOUDICE

(314.15-336.15), MWI (ICI)

(313.95-336.35) Window

(339.5-348.5), GEM Chemistry

(342-346), STEAMR (4)

(PREMIER) Chemistry


361.2-365 3 800 364.32 (O3)

Wing channel

for water



O3 Nadir, Limb GOMAS

GOMAS Water vapour


Chemistry (363-365)

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TABLE A1-1 (end)

Bands of interest for EESS (passive) between 275 and 450 GHz (extracts from Report ITU-R RS.2194)








Spectral line(s)

(GHz) Measurement


scan mode

Existing or



Supporting information

369.2-391.2 22 000 380.2 (H2O)




Nadir, Limb GEM, GOMAS

Water vapour line (369.2-391.2,

BW: 3 GHz, max. offset: 9.5 GHz),

GEM Water vapour sounding

(379-381), Water vapour profiling

(371-389), Polar-orbiting and GSO

satellites (FY4) for precipitation

over snow-covered mountains and

plains (near 380)

GOMAS (370.2-390.2)

397.2-399.2 2 000




GOMAS GOMAS (397.2-399.2)

409-411 2 000 Temperature

sounding Limb

416-433.46 17 460 424.7 (O2)




Nadir, Limb GEM, GOMAS

Oxygen line (416.06-433.46, BW:

3 GHz, max. offset: 7.2 GHz),

GEM Oxygen


GOMAS (420.26-428.76)

439.1-466.3 27 200 442 (HNO3), 443.1,

448 (H2O), 443.2 (O3),





458.5-466.3 O3, HNO3,







Water line (439.3-456.7, BW:

3 GHz, max. offset: 7.2 GHz),

Cloud measurements

(452.2-458.2, 444-447.2,

448.8-452, 459-466), CLOUDICE

(439.3-456.7), MWI (ICI)


Chemistry (442-444), Window


(4) Due to the instrument needs for the tuning of the local oscillator in order to achieve optimal measurement accuracy, the frequency band indicated for this instrument (STEAMR) exceeds the

one shown in the corresponding first column.

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Annex 2

Extrapolation of building entry loss and clutter loss from Recommendations

ITU-R P.2108 and ITU-R P.2109 for sharing and compatibility studies

This Annex estimate the median building entry loss (BEL) and clutter loss at 300-GHz band using

extrapolation of the results of Recommendations ITU-R P.2109 and ITU-R P.2108. Figure A2-1

shows the extrapolated building loss at 300-GHz band of about 73 dB in the condition of

thermally-efficient building and 27.7 dB for traditional buildings without considering additional loss

at the building façade for simplicity. However while the median value of BEL can be extrapolated

from the model, the entire distribution of the BEL would be needed in order to utilize this information

in the sharing studies; in its present form the BEL model can only give BEL distributions for

frequencies up to 100 GHz. In the future, further detailed information may be available about building

loss on these frequencies, avoiding the need to extrapolate values.

Figure A2-2 shows the extrapolated median clutter loss for the satellite path at p=50% with the

different elevation angles. However the median value of clutter loss cannot be used in the sharing and

compatibility studies; the entire distribution of the Clutter loss values for a given frequency and

elevation would need to be used. This distribution can be calculated from the Clutter model. Since

the clutter loss for the satellite path with an elevation angle of 90 degree is close to zero, the clutter

loss is not added for the studies between LMS application and EESS (passive). Figure A2-3 shows

the extrapolated clutter loss for terrestrial paths using Recommendation ITU-R P.2109.


Extrapolation of median building entry loss using Recommendation ITU-R P.2109












0.1 1 10 100 1000






Frequency (GHz)

Traditional Building

Thermally Efficent Building

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Extrapolation of median clutter loss (p=50%) for the satellite path using Recommendation ITU-R P.2108

NOTE – The entire distribution of the Clutter model would need to be used in the sharing and compatibility



Clutter loss for the terrestrial path extrapolated using Recommendation ITU-R P.2108

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Annex 3

Measurement results of radiation pattern of antenna at 300 GHz

This Annex provides the antenna radiation pattern used in some studies in Annex 4.


Measured characteristics of 30-dBi and 15-dBi antennas

a) 30-dBi Horn antenna b) 15-dBi CPMS antenna


Measurement results of horn antenna pattern whose antenna gain is 25 dBi

a) H-plane

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b) E-plane


Measured characteristics of offset parabola antenna with a maximum gain of 49 dBi


Measured characteristics of cassegrain antenna with a maximum gain of 47 dBi

-180 -90 0 90 180-20









Meas. F.699-7 F.1245-2 F.699-8

300 GHzD/=162

-180 -90 0 90 180-20









Meas. F.699-7 F.1245-2 F.699-8

300 GHzD/=152

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Annex 4

Sharing studies between LMS and FS applications and

Earth exploration satellite service

A4.1 Introduction

This Annex provides the results of four sharing studies (Studies 2, 3, 4 and 5) between EESS (passive)

and FS and LMS applications in the bands identified for EESS (passive) in the 275-450 GHz

frequency range.

The frequency bands under study are given in RR No. 5.565, namely: 275-286 GHz, 296-306 GHz,

313-356 GHz, 361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz and

439-467 GHz.

It should be noted that due to the fact that the bands 275-286 GHz and 409-411 GHz are limited to

the use of EESS (passive) limb sounders, they are already assumed, by principle, to be used for

land-mobile and fixed services applications.

It can also be noted that Study 1 depicts the initial static analysis of sharing between FS and EESS

(passive) and was performed before the FS characteristics were finalised. It was however felt as

valuable to keep it as a reference study.

A4.2 Study 1: Static analysis between FS/LMS and EESS (passive)

This study considers a static analysis between an FS/LMS station pointing directly toward an EESS

(passive) satellite and calculates the maximum single entry interference received by the EESS

(passive) sensor.

A4.2.1 Maximum allowable single entry emission levels

When considering the emissions from a FS/LMS source at a given point on Earth, composite

attenuation at the EESS (passive) sensor can be calculated by considering three factors:

– The free space attenuation AttFS, controlled by the slant path distance between the satellite

and the point on Earth;

– The gaseous attenuation AttGAS (see Recommendation ITU-R P.676), controlled by the

elevation at which the satellite is seen from the point on Earth;

– The sensor antenna relative gain Gdiscri, controlled by the angle at which the point on Earth is

seen from the satellite, compared to the pointing angle of the sensor.

It is noted that the attenuation of a signal originating from the Earth’s surface and emitted towards an

EESS (passive) sensor can be greater, on a time varying basis, than the sum of the composite

attenuation elements listed above when atmospheric refraction is taken into consideration. However,

it should be noted that the transmission path from an emitter on the surface of the Earth directed

towards an EESS (passive) sensor is as likely to be refracted towards the EESS (passive) sensor as it

is to be refracted away from the EESS (passive) sensor. As a result, atmospheric refraction has a

neutral impact on the results of this static analysis and can also be neglected in conducting dynamic

analyses that may need to be done.

The received interference at the satellite sensor receiver from a single terrestrial transmitter (with

radiated power P in the direction of the satellite) at a given point on Earth is then:

I = P – AttFS – AttGAS + Gdiscri = P – Attcomposite

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Attcomposite = AttFS + AttGAS – Gdiscri = “Composite attenuation”.

Taking the example of the 296-306 GHz band, Fig. A4-1 provides the results of composite attenuation

calculations between a point on the Earth and the three types of EESS passive sensors.

This analysis starts at point A (nadir of the satellite) up to point B, 2 000 km from A, this distance

represents the farthest an interferer could be from the nadir of a satellite at 817 km altitude when

considering the measurement area prescribed by Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017.

– Satellite altitude = 817 km

– Satellite sensor antenna gain = 60 dBi

– Satellite sensor antenna pattern (Recommendation ITU-R RS.1813)

– Gas attenuation at 301 GHz (Recommendation ITU-R P.676, Annex 2 (simplified model))

– Pointing altitude for Limb sensor = 25 km

– Nadir angle for conical sensor = 32.2°.


Composite attenuation of FS/LMS emissions into EESS (passive) for the modes N, L, and C

Given the assumptions above, one can note from this Figure that:

– The composite attenuation when considering Limb sensors is always between 230 and

250 dB;

– The composite attenuation when considering Nadir and Conical sensors reaches a minimum

at the sensor antenna incidence angle at Earth values of 150 dB and 154 dB respectively.

The composite attenuation will increase as a function of frequency and with increasing distance from

nadir (i.e. lower elevations angles with respect to the location of the device and the EESS sensor).

However, since the EESS (passive) sensors are deployed on NGSO satellites the elevation angle of

the device with respect to the sensor will change as the satellite orbits and the overall interference

will be dominated by the devices located near where EESS beam intersects the earth at the indecent

angle of the sensor.

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In practice, the total received interference to the EESS (passive) sensor will be the sum of all

interference calculated for all sources of interference within the visibility of the satellite, including

sources of interference received by the sensor through its antenna sidelobes. Considering the high

level of composite attenuation calculated for the Limb sensors, the experience shows that for the

calculation of the main beam is sufficient to describe the interference that would occur to Nadir and

Conical sensors, as the interference received through the sidelobes can be neglected due to the level

of antenna discrimination available.

On this basis, considering typical design of EESS (passive) sensors provided in Table A1-1, the

following Table provides the calculation of the allowable single entry FS or LMS emission levels

directed towards the EESS (passive) sensor in a reference area that would be necessary to ensure

protection of EESS (passive) sensors in the 296-306 GHz band.

It must be recognized that any sharing conclusion between the EESS (passive) and the FS and LMS

in the 275-450 GHz band has to include consideration of the aggregate interference caused by the FS

and LMS in a EESS (passive) footprint (reference area) in conjunction with consideration of the

Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 data availability criteria over the prescribed measurement area

would then need to be considered. Table A4-1 does not consider aggregate interference caused by the

FS and LMS, nor does it take into account the data availability criteria.


Maximum allowable single entry FS/LMS emission levels directed toward the EESS (passive)6

Parameter Unit Idx Nadir Conical Limb

Satellite orbit km 817 817 817

Antenna incidence

angle at Earth

° 0 53 N/A

Slant path distance

(centre of the


km 817 991

Free Space losses,


dB a 200.3 201.9

Atmospheric losses

(P.676), Att GAS

dB b 9.8 12.2

Sensor Antenna gain dBi c 60 60


attenuation, Attcomposite

dB d = a + b – c 150.1 154.1 230 to 250

Aggregate protection

criteria (RS.2017)

dBW e –160 –160 –194

Reference bandwidth MHz 200 200 3

Apportionment of the

protection criteria

(50% FS and 50%


dB f 3 3 3

6 The maximum allowable single entry FS/LMS emission levels that can be directed toward the EESS

(passive) is based on the worst case interference scenario that can be realized between the FS/LMS and the

EESS (passive) sensor.

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TABLE A4-1 (end)

Parameter Unit Idx Nadir Conical Limb

Maximum single entry

emission level directed

toward EESS (passive)

in the reference area

dBW/200 MHz = e – f + d –12.9 –8.9 33 to 53 dBW/

3 MHz

reference area

(footprint size for

nadir and conical,

visibility for limb)

km² 10(N)/20(C) 10(N)/20(C) 29.5 M

A4.2.2 Maximum single entry emission levels of FS systems

The FS parameters in the 275-450 MHz range are given in Report ITU-R F.2416 and reproduced in

Table 7 of this Report.

Taking into account a 0 dBW FS transmitter e.i.r.p., Table A4-2 provides calculations of FS e.i.r.p.

density (dBW/200 MHz) for the two extreme FS antenna gain values and all proposed bandwidths

from Table 7 and Table A4-2 above.


FS e.i.r.p. density (dBW/200 MHz)

FS bandwidth


Bandwidth factor

vs 200 MHz

e.i.r.p. density

(dBW/200 MHz)

for 24 dBi antenna

e.i.r.p. density

(dBW/200 MHz)

for 50 dBi antenna

2.16 –10.3 13.7 39.7

4.32 –13.3 10.7 36.7

8.64 –16.4 7.6 33.6

12.96 –18.1 5.9 31.9

17.28 –19.4 4.6 30.6

25.92 –21.1 2.9 28.9

51.84 –24.1 –0.1 25.9

69.12 –25.4 –1.4 24.6

The results of Table A4-2 in combination with the results of Table A4-1 show that the FS e.i.r.p.

density in 200 MHz exceeds the allowable single entry FS emission levels by:

• Conical instruments (limit of –8.9 dBW/200 MHz):

– 7.5 to 22.6 dB (for 24 dBi antenna);

– 33.5 to 48.6 dB (for 50 dBi antenna),

• Nadir instruments (limit of –12.9 dBW/200 MHz):

– 11.5 to 26.6 dB (for 24 dBi antenna);

– 37.5 to 52.6 dB (for 50 dBi antenna).

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A4.2.3 Summary of Study 1

This study indicates that the emissions of a single FS/LMS transmitter pointing directly at an EESS

(passive) satellite with a nadir or conical sensor would exceed the interference threshold level. This

demonstrates that when only considering the single entry emission characteristics of the FS/LMS and

the composite attenuation sharing between FS/LMS and EESS (passive) nadir and conical

instruments in the 296-306 GHz (and also in all the other bands in the 275-450 GHz range used by

nadir and conical instruments), sharing could be problematic. Consideration of the aggregate

interference resulting from the deployment density of both the LMS and FS has not been included in

this initial study. Path loss varies significantly with frequency and elevation angle and generally

increases at higher frequencies and lower elevations angles. As such, further analysis should consider

the operational elevation angles of such FS systems.

In addition, aggregate scenario analysis will need to be addressed, in further studies of Limb sensors.

As a result, the description of the FS deployment scenarios including densities of equipment per km²

in various environments (rural, suburban and urban) is also needed.

Sharing between FS and EESS (passive) in the 275-450 GHz range will require further studies,

considering both single entry and aggregate scenarios with the different EESS (passive) sensors types

and frequency ranges.

However, to formulate the final conclusions the clarifications about the following items are needed:

– The description of the FS elevation distribution expected in the band above 275 GHz;

– The description of the FS antenna pattern(s);

– The description of the FS deployment scenarios (densities of equipment per km²) in various

environments (Rural, suburban and urban).

Similar elements would also be required to address the sharing between LMS and EESS (passive).

Finally, compatibility of EESS (passive) in adjacent bands adjacent to proposed FS and LMS

operations will have to be considered in particular when dealing with very large bandwidth systems.

To that end, information about the relevant FS and LMS emission masks is also needed.

A4.3 Study 2: Assessment of FS interference to EESS (passive)

A4.3.1 Assessment of single entry FS interference to EESS (passive)

This study presents a static analysis between an FS station and an EESS (passive) satellite for three

different pointing scenarios across the 275-450 GHz frequency range.

The three scenarios considered for this analysis are shown in Fig. А4-2. Scenario 1 is when the

maximum of FS antenna gain coincides with maximum of EESS satellite antenna working in nadir

mode. Scenario 2 is when the maximum of FS antenna gain coincides with maximum of EESS

satellite antenna working in conical scan mode. Scenario 3 – FS station using typical elevation angles

according to Table 7 of the main body of the Report, i.e. some antenna discrimination is assumed.

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Interference scenarios between single FS transmitter and EESS


FS Parameters Used in Single Entry Study

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

FS station e.i.r.p. (dBm) 20 20 20

FS gain toward EESS satellite 24/50 24/50 10.8/–2.4

FS bandwidth (GHz) 2/25 2/25 2/25

EESS altitude (km) 400 400 400

EESS pointing angle α (degree) 0 45 45

Figures A4-3 through A4-5 contain the single entry interference levels in the frequency range

275-450 GHz. For these Figures, the frequencies that are highlighted in blue are used only by EESS

(passive) limb sounders. The maximum allowable interference level is indicated with dashed red line.

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Interference between FS station and EESS satellite working in nadir mode (Scenario 1)


Interference between FS station and EESS satellite working in conical scan mode (Scenario 2)

Figure А4-5 contains the interference analysis between and FS station and a conical EESS sensor for

Scenario 3, similar to Fig. A4-4 but for the FS station at a 20 degrees elevation angle (θ0 = 20°), i.e.

with antenna discrimination angle 21 degrees (according to equation (1)).

θ = cos−1((𝑎+𝐻)sinα

𝑎) − θ0, (1)


𝑎: Earth radius

𝐻: altitude of the EESS satellite

α: angle from the nadir direction

θ0: FS elevation angle.

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The antenna gain in the direction towards the satellite is then –2.4 dBi for 50 dBi antenna and 10.8 dBi

for 24 dBi antenna according to the reference radiation pattern from the current version of

Recommendation ITU-R F.699.


Interference between FS station and EESS satellite working in conical scan mode (Scenario 3)

with antenna discrimination

The single entry interference results for three considered scenarios permit to make a preliminary

conclusion about the possibility to provide sharing between FS and EESS (passive) in a number of

frequency bands due to the propagation conditions.

A4.3.2 Assessment of aggregate FS interference to EESS (passive)

For aggregate interference calculation the frequencies 399 GHz, 416 GHz and 429 GHz were chosen.

The following parameters of EESS satellite were used: beamwidth – 0.64 degrees, EESS satellite

antenna gain – 60 dBi, satellite altitude – 400 km.

The following FS system parameters were used: antenna gain of 24 and 50 dBi (reference radiation

patterns according to the current version of Recommendation ITU-R F.1245), bandwidth of 2 GHz,

transmitter power of 20 dBm. The FS density was taken as in § 5.2.1 (the same as expected IMT-2020

density). Elevation angle distribution was assumed as ±20 degrees (according to Table 7) and

±12 degrees. The percentage of simultaneously working stations is 100%, all are working on the same


On Fig. A4-6 the calculation results for three frequencies and two elevation angle distributions

(±20 degrees and ±12 degrees) are presented for 24 dBi FS antenna and on Fig. A4-7 – for the 50 dBi

FS antenna.

According to the current version of Recommendation ITU-R F.1245, for 50 dBi antenna the gain in

the direction orthogonal to the maximum is –13 dBi, and for 24 antenna it is –7.07 dBi.

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Aggregate FS interference with 24 dBi FS antenna gain to EESS satellite working in nadir mode


Aggregate FS interference with 50 dBi FS antenna gain to EESS satellite working in nadir mode

According to Table 12 in the main body of this Report, the maximum interference levels for these

frequencies have the following values:

429 GHz: –157 dBW/200MHz,

399 GHz: –158 dBW/200MHz,

416 GHz: –157 dBW/200MHz.

Thus for both FS antenna the interference level is not exceeded for chosen frequencies for all

percentages of time.

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Assessment of the frequency bands where the sharing is possible can be performed based on

Figs А4-8 and А4-9, showing the approximate values of aggregate interference levels taking into

account bands identified for EESS (passive). These values were calculated as:

𝐼𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟 = 𝐼𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒(θ0 = 0) + 10 lg𝑁 (2)

where 𝑁 is the number of FS stations.


Approximate aggregate FS interference to EESS satellite (passive) working in nadir mode

with FS antenna gain 24 dBi


Approximate aggregate FS interference to EESS satellite (passive) working in nadir mode

with FS antenna gain 50 dBi

Based on Figs А4-8 and А4-9, in the frequency bands 275-286 GHz, 318-334 GHz, 350-356 GHz,

361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz, 439-450 GHz sharing may

be possible.

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A4.3.3 Summary

According to Study 2 results the frequency bands 275-286 GHz, 318-334 GHz, 350-356 GHz,

361-365 GHz, 369-392 GHz, 397-399 GHz, 409-411 GHz, 416-434 GHz, 439-450 GHz were

determined as the bands where the sharing between EESS (passive) and FS is possible.

The 286-296, 356-361 GHz, 365-369 GHz, 392-397 GHz, 399-409 GHz, 411-416 GHz and

434-439 GHz bands are not identified for use by EESS(passive) and therefore can be used for land

mobile and fixed service applications without conditions.

A4.4 Study 3: Compatibility analyses between EESS (passive) and FS/LMS in the

275-450 GHz frequency range

The analyses in this section examine the interference potential that may result from FS and LMS

applications operating in the 275-450 GHz frequency range to the EESS (passive) systems that would

also operate in that frequency range.

A4.4.1 Analysis methodology

The approach taken in these analyses was to:

1 Select the worst case FS and LMS application characteristics.

2 Set an interference apportionment amongst the described FS and LMS applications.

3 Perform a single FOV analysis of each type of passive sensor identified to be considered for

each of the EESS (passive) frequency bands identified in RR. No. 5.565. The analysis is to

determine the necessary FS and LMS application device deployment density that would be

necessary to exceed the Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 interference threshold protection


4 Examine the resulting deployment densities for their ability to be realized.

5 Refine the studies as necessary based on the results.

Limb Sounders

Limb sounders do not point at the earth, rather, they point tangentially through the atmosphere. Thus

the worst case geometry for interference for Limb sounder is when interferers are at the nadir of the

sensor. The analysis deployed FS and LMS emitters at the nadir of the sensor and iteratively increased

the density uniformly to explore the sensitivity to device density.

Conical and nadir scanning sensors

The methodology used for conical and nadir scan sensors is similar to that used for the analyses

concerning the Limb sounders. The conical scan sensor has a fixed off nadir angle and therefore a

fixed slant path from an IFOV toward to sensor. For the conical scan sensors the FS/LMS interferers

were deployed in this IFOV. The nadir scan sensor has a variable of nadir angle, but the worst case

geometry is when the beam is at the nadir of the sensor, therefore interferers were deployed in the

nadir IFOV of the sensor. The interference seen by the conical or raster scanning sensor can be

dominated by a single FS emitter when main beam to main beam alignment between sensor and the

FS emitter occurs. This type of interference occurrence is described in § A4-2 in regards to conical

scanning sensors but this type of interference occurrence is also applicable to raster scanning sensors.

Therefore, the analyses examine at what level of FS emitter deployment density the data availability

prescribed by Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 is exceeded.

The antenna elevation pointing of the FS antenna is assumed to vary uniformly over the defined

antenna elevation range. The incident beam angle for the conically scanning sensor in a particular

band is provided in Table A4-3. The incident beam angle of the raster scanning sensor can vary

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between about 18 and 60 degrees. Since the antenna elevation angle for an FS application is assumed

to vary uniformly between 0 and 67 degrees in the worst case, the probability of main-beam-to-main-

beam alignment between the FS antenna and the raster scanning sensor antenna is the same for any

incident angle of the raster scanning antenna; therefore, for the purposes of analyses in this section a

60 degree incident angle is chosen for the raster scanning sensor. However, regulatory policies could

be used by administration to limit the elevation angels of FS sources in bands where high elevation

angles are not compatible with EESS (passive) use.

Monte Carlo simulations of the deployment within a single sensor footprint area are performed with

increasing deployment densities until the point where the resultant indicate that the data availability

criteria of Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 has been exceeded. This deployment density where

exceedance of the data availability criteria occurs will be then examined in terms of it being an

achievable emitter density. If it is considered to be an achievable emitter density, then further

refinement of the FS application deployment may be considered.

In examining the interference impact from LMS applications to the conical and raster scanning

sensors, the LMS emitter deployment density within a single sensor footprint is increased until the

point where the interference threshold level criteria prescribed by Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017

is exceeded. This deployment density where exceedance of the interference threshold level criteria

occurs will be then examined in terms of it being an achievable emitter density. If it is considered to

be an achievable emitter density, then further refinement of the LMS application deployment may be

considered. It is not considered necessary to perform Monte Carlo simulations of the LMS

deployment as the beamwidth of the LMS antenna is broad.

A4.4.2 Characteristics of the EESS (passive) systems

The EESS (passive) sensors to be used for sharing studies in the frequency bands identified for usage

by EESS (passive) in RR No. 5.565 are listed in Table 12 of the main body of this Report. The

characteristics of those sensors in Table 12 are provided in Table 13 of the main body of this Report.

A summary of the EESS (passive) sensor characteristics to be used in the analyses is provided in

Table A4-4 below.

Recommendation ITU-R RS.1813 – Reference antenna pattern for passive sensors operating in the

Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) to be used in compatibility analyses in the frequency

range 1.4-100 GHz, is used to derive the EESS (passive) sensor antenna parameters in the

275-450 GHz frequency range where those parameters are needed to perform the required analysis.

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EESS (passive) characteristics for the frequency bands identified in RR. No. 5.565

Frequency band (GHz)

275-286 296-306 313-356 361-365 369-392 397-399 409-411 416-434 439-467

Parameters Limb2 Limb3 Conical4 Limb5 Nadir6 Conical7 Limb8 Conical9,10 Limb11 Raster12,13 Limb14 Conical15,16 Limb17 Limb18 Raster19,20 Limb21 Nadir6 Conical22

Altitude (km)

817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 817 35 684 817 817 817 817 35 684 817 – 817

Nadir angle – – 45o – 0 o 45o – 45o – – – 45o – – – – 0 o 45o

Incident beam angle

– – – – – – – – – ~18o–60o – – – ~18o–60o – – –

Minimum pointing altitude (km)

6 3 – 3 – – 6 – 6 – 6 – 6 6 – 6 – –


Frequency (GHz)

280.5 299.75 301 320.0 – 325.15 363.0 363.0 370.5 380.197 398.0 398.0 410.0 425.0 424.76 453.0 – 448.0

Bandwidth 11.0 11.5 5 9.0 3 3 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 12.0 1.0 12.0 3 3

Ant. Peak

Gain 70 8023 55 8023 55 55 70 55 70 (3m dia.) 70 55 70 70 (3m dia.) 70 55 55

FOV (km) h = 5 v = 2.5

2.3 × 4.6 ~200 km² 2.3 × 4.6 ~30 km² ~200 km² h = 5 v = 2.5

~200 km² h = 5 v = 2.5

12 km² h = 5 v = 2.5

~200 km² h = 5 v = 2.5

h = 5 v = 2.5

10 km² h = 5 v = 2.5

~30 km² ~200 km²

2. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 3. MASTER 4. Derived from ICI characteristics 5. MASTER 6. Derived from Study 5 in this report 7. ICI 8. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 9. Listed as Nadir in Table 12, however a conical scanner is referenced. 10. Derived from ICI 11. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 12. Listed as Nadir, however a GEO raster scanner is referenced 13. Derived from GOMAS characteristics 14. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 15. Listed as Nadir in Table 12, however a conical scanner is referenced. 16. Derived from ICI 17. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 18. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 19. Listed as Nadir, however a GEO raster scanner is referenced 20. Derived from GOMAS characteristics 21. Derived from STEAMR characteristics 22 ICI 24. Extrapolated based on the antenna gain and FOV of STEAMR

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A4.4.2.1 EESS (passive) interference protection criteria

Table A4-5 provides the interference level and data availability thresholds to be used in evaluating

the compatibility of the proposed FS and LMS applications with EESS (passive) in the 275-450 GHz

frequency range. For the raster scanning EESS (passive) sensors the thresholds of the nadir and

conical scanning sensors are used as the operation of the raster scanning sensor and the resulting data

products are comparable to that of those sensors.


Extract of Recommendation ITU-R RS.2017 showing the interference criteria for satellite

passive remote sensing in the frequency range 275-450 GHz





bandwidth (MHz)


interference level


Percentage of

area or time


interference level

may be

exceeded(1) (%)

Scan mode

(N, C, L)(2)

275-285.4 3 −194 1 L

296-306 200/3(3) −160/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

313.5-355.6 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, C, L

361.2-365 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

369.2-391.2 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

397.2-399.2 200/3(3) −158/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

409-411 3 −194 1 L

416-433.46 200/3(3) −157/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, L

439.1-466.3 200/3(3) −157/−194(3) 0.01/1(3) N, C, L

(1) For a 0.01% level, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 2 000 000 km2, unless otherwise

justified; for a 0.1% level, the measurement area is a square on the Earth of 10 000 000 km2 unless

otherwise justified; for a 1% level, the measurement time is 24 h, unless otherwise justified.

(2) N: Nadir. L: Limb, C: Conical.

(3) First number for nadir or conical scanning modes and second number for microwave limb sounding


A4.4.2.2 Measurement area

The measurement area to be used for evaluating interference to sensors operating in the 275-450 GHz

needs to be evaluated to reflect the size of the instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of the EESS sensor.

This evaluation is in keeping with the “unless otherwise justified” phrase in Recommendation

ITU-R RS.2017, Table 1, footnote 1.

A4.4.3 FS and LMS application characteristics

Table A4-6 provides a summary of FS and LMS application characteristics used in the analyses of

this section. For all analyses performed in this section it is assumed that there is a 100% overlap in

the use of frequency with that of the EESS (sensor) used in the specific analysis.

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Summary of FS and LMS application characteristics (275-450 GHz)



(Fixed device)







Maximum Tx e.i.r.p.

(dBm/GHz) 40 36.7 40

275-325 GHz 380-445 GHz

67 57

Antenna beamwidth

(degree) 90 180

Less than

25 –

Antenna elevation

(degree) 90 0 45 0-65

Antenna gain range (dBi) 30 Up to 20 Up to 30 24-50

Antenna diameter [TBD] [TBD]* (1) [TBD]* [TBD]*

Antenna pattern Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian

Rec. ITU-R F.699-7

(Single entry)

Rec. ITU-R F.1245-2


Building loss

(where applicable) – – [TBD]* –

Bandwidth overlap with

EESS (sensor) (%) 100 100 100 100 (2)

(1) Antenna diameter is based on a typical gain of 6 dBi.

(2) The Point-to-point (fronthaul/backhaul) application operates over the 275-325 GHz and 380-445 GHz

frequency ranges. With these frequency ranges of operation this FS application will operate in a portion

of the 313-365 GHz and the 369-392 GHz frequency ranges identified under RR. No. 5.565 as frequency

bands where EESS (passive) will operate. However, the stated frequency range of these FS application

operations will avoid 100% frequency overlap with the EESS (passive) sensors that have been identified

as representative sensors operating I n those frequency ranges. For the purposes of the analyses in

Section 3, the centre frequency of the EESS (passive) sensors operating in the 313-365 GHz 369-392 GHz

frequency ranges will be modified to have a 100% frequency of operation overlap with this FS application

where a 100% is not explicitly indicated. This is done so that the potential operation of EESS (passive)

sensors at a different centre frequency within those two frequency ranges can be taken into account in the

results of studies.

A4.4.3.1 Enhanced Close Proximity Mobile System (fixed device)

The Close Proximity Mobile System (CPMS) application described in § 5.1.1 contains two

sub-systems: the CPMS application and the Enhanced CPMS application. For the purposes of

analyses contained in § 3, only the fixed device of the Enhanced CPMS application is considered


1 it is intended to operate over the entire 275-450 GHz frequency range;

Note by the Secretariat: The term [TBD] indicates that no values have been provided for these elements at

the time of the development of Report ITU-R SM.2450-0, which was approved with the understanding that

these values may be derived from other elements provided in the Table or may be provided in a future

version of the Report, as appropriate".

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2 it operates at the same power as the CPMS application;

3 the fixed device is assumed to operated simultaneously as the mobile device and the fixed

device transmits at an e.i.r.p. 15 dB higher than the mobile device and so the interference

contribution of the mobile device is considered to be negligible to the total interference

resulting from this application.

A4.4.3.2 Intra-device communications

The Intra-device communications application is more fully described in § 5.1.2. Although the

application is stated to be typically shielded there is no indication that the implementation of this

application will be shielded or under what circumstances it may or may not be shielded. Furthermore,

there is no current information on the degree of attenuation that might be expected from such

shielding. Another point that must be considered is that based on the description of the application in

§ 5.1.2, 50% of these devices are expected to be deployed in an outside environment. For these

reasons, it was considered necessary to evaluate the potential interference resulting from an outdoor

deployment of these devices with the assumption that no shielding has been implemented in the

manufacture of the Intra-device application product. The antenna beamwidth for the Intra-device

application was given as 180°. No antenna pointing information has been provided in the Intra-device

application description in § 5.1.2; therefore, for the purposes of the analyses in § A4.3, the Intra-

device application antenna elevation angle is assumed to be 0°.

A4.4.3.3 Wireless links in data centres

The Wireless links in data centres application is described in § 5.1.3. It is noted that this is an indoor-

only application so that the use of building loss attenuation is needed in order to perform analysis of

the potential interference that may result from the deployment of this application. This information is

not available in Recommendation ITU-R P.2109 for this frequency range. However advice from

ITU-R propagation experts suggested that the information could be extrapolated from the values of

the Recommendation ITU-R P.2109.

A4.4.3.4 Point-to-Point fronthaul/backhaul

The point-to-point fronthaul/backhaul application is described in § 5.2.1. Section 5.2.1 indicates that

the antenna elevation angle is a maximum of 20° based on the terrain elevation variations in Tokyo,

Japan. In order to assess the impact of the global deployment of this application a maximum antenna

elevation angle of 65° is considered. It is worth noting that Report ITU-R F.2239 dealing with FS in

the 76-86 and 92-95 GHz, considered FS elevation angles up to 65°.

A4.4.4 Simulation results

The following section provides the interference analysis results between the EESS system and the

various types FS and LMS applications that have been proposed under WRC-19 agenda item 1.15.

A4.4.4.1 Interference analysis of Enhanced CPMS (fixed device)

For this analysis, the measurement area of the EESS satellite was defined as the IFOV of the particular

sensor being simulated. Inside the IFOV of the EESS sensor CPMS devices were deployed randomly

and the density of the CPMS devices was increased parametrically starting at the deployment density

specified in Table 1. It is important to note that this analysis does not provide the percentage of time

that the protection criteria is exceeded.

The Enhanced CPMS and EESS characteristics used in this study are given in Tables A4-4 and A4-6

above. In this analysis the azimuth angle of the Enhanced CPMS devices was uniformly distributed

between 0-360°. However, it is noted that the antenna beamwidth of the Enhanced CPMS is given as

90° and the elevation is given as +/–90°. For the purpose of this analysis the elevation angle of each

Enhanced CPMS device is assumed to be matched with the incident angle of the sensor beam on earth

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as this will provide the worst case results, e.g. 90° for nadir scanning sensors and 37° for conical scanning

sensors with an off nadir angle of 45°. This assumption will be re-examined in the event that the initial

results do not indicate compatibility between the Enhanced CPMS application and the EESS (passive)

sensor operations.


Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from CPMS devices


Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from CPMS devices

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Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from CPMS devices

These results indicate that there may be incompatibility between CPMS devices and EESS (passive)

over some bands identified for EESS (passive) usage. Given this, an additional analysis was done re-

examining the pointing of the Enhanced CPMS devices. In the following analysis the azimuth of the

Enhanced CPMS devices was randomly distributed over 0-360° and the elevations angles were

randomly distributed over 0-90°.


Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from CPMS devices

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Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from CPMS devices


Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from CPMS devices

Based on the analysis above the following bands cannot be used by LMS applications without specific


– 296-306 GHz

– 313-320 GHz

– 330-356 GHz

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A4.4.4.2 Interference analysis of Intra-device communications

For this analysis, the measurement area of the EESS satellite was defined as the instantaneous field

of view (IFOV) of the particular sensor being simulated. Inside the IFOV of the EESS sensor Intra-

device links were deployed randomly and the density of the Intra-device links were increased

parametrically starting at the deployment density specified in Table 1.

The Intra-device links and EESS characteristics used in this study are given in Tables A4-6 and A4-4

above. It is noted that the antenna beamwidth of the Intra-device links is given as 180° and the

elevation is given as 0°. For the purpose of this analysis the elevation angles of the Intra-device links

are assumed to be fixed at 0° and azimuth angles were randomly distributed between 0-360°.


Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from intra-device links


Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from intra-device links

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Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from intra-device links

Based on the analysis above the following bands cannot be used for LMS applications without more

specific information as to the actual building entry loss and shielding values:

– 296-306 GHz

– 313-320 GHz

– 330-356 GHz

A4.4.4.3 Interference analysis of Wireless links in Data Centres

For this analysis, the measurement area of the EESS satellite was defined as the instantaneous field

of view (IFOV) of the particular sensor being simulated. Inside the IFOV of the EESS sensor Data

Centre links were deployed randomly and the density of the Data Centre links were increased

parametrically starting at the deployment density specified in Table 1.

The Data Centre links and EESS characteristics used in this study are given in Tables A4-6 and A4-4

above. For the purpose of this analysis the elevation angles of the Data Centre links were assumed to

be randomly distributed between 30-45° and azimuth angles were randomly distributed between


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Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from data centre links


Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from data centre links

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Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from data centre links

Based on the analysis above the following bands cannot be used for LMS applications without more

specific information as to the actual building entry loss and shielding values:

– 296-306 GHz

– 313-320 GHz

– 330-356 GHz*

It should be noted that the upper band of 330-356 GHz, was incompatible without regulatory

restrictions when densities of four links per km2 were considered. Although the minimum deployment

density given by the expert working group is .seven links/km2, four links/km2 is not viewed as an

unachievable value.

A4.4.4.4 Interference analysis of Point-to-Point fronthaul/backhaul

For this analysis, the measurement area of the EESS satellite was defined as the instantaneous field

of view (IFOV) of the particular sensor being simulated. Inside the IFOV of the EESS sensor FS links

were deployed randomly and the density of the FS stations was increased parametrically starting at

the deployment density specified in § 5.2.1 above. It is important to note that this analysis does not

provide the percentage of time that the protection criteria is exceeded.

The FS and EESS characteristics used in this study are given in Tables A4-6 and A4-4 above. For the

purpose of this analysis the elevation angles of the FS stations are assumed to be randomly distributed

between –20 and +20° and azimuth angles were randomly distributed between 0-360°.

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Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from FS links


Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from FS links

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Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from FS links

The baseline distribution of elevation angles (maximum of 20°) used in the analysis above was

provided by the expert working group. However, the maximum elevation of FS links in the range

275-450 GHz will not be regulated until such a time that actual allocations are made, therefore it is

necessary to consider that a certain percentage of FS links could be operated at higher elevations. To

that end, the analysis below was performed using the following distribution of elevation angles:

– 90% distributed between –20-25°

– 10% distributed between 25-65°


Interference received by conical scanning EESS sensor from FS links

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Interference received by Nadir scanning EESS sensor from FS links


Interference received by limb sounder EESS sensor from FS links

Based on the analysis above the following bands cannot be used by FS applications without specific


– 296-306 GHz

– 313-320 GHz

– 330-356 GHz

A4.4.5 Summary of Study 3

Based on the analysis above the following bands can be used by FS/LMS applications without specific


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– 275-296 GHz

– 306-313 GHz

– 320-330 GHz

– 356-450 GHz

It should be noted that in the band 275-286 GHz FS/LMS applications were found to be problematic

for both conical and nadir scanning sensors, however this band currently only used by limb sounders.

FS/LMS applications were determined to be compatible in this band due to this, however if other

EESS(passive) sensors are deployed in this band in the future this conclusion should be re-evaluated;

conical and nadir scanning sensors types will need to be taken into account if allocations are

considered in this band.

These results are based on the specific parameters provided by the expert working group, however in

the future if allocations are sought in the 275-450 GHz band further studies could be done to identify

regulatory provisions (such as power limits and/or elevation angle restrictions) that would ensure

compatible sharing between FS and EESS(passive).

A4.5 Study 4: Aggregate analysis of sharing between FS/LMS stations and EESS (passive)

between 275-325 GHz

A4.5.1 Introduction

The frequency bands 275-286 GHz, 296-306 GHz and 313-356 GHz are identified for use for Earth

exploration-satellite service (passive), and a lot of satellite passive remote sensing systems are

operated as shown in Table 13 of the main body of this report. This section provides the sharing study

results between FS/stations and EESS passive sensors, and between a specific application of the LMS,

CPMS kiosk systems.

A4.5.2 Received power level of EESS passive sensor

The received power of EESS antenna is given by the following equation:

𝑃𝑅 = 𝑃𝑇 + 𝐺𝑇 + 𝐺𝑅 − 𝐿𝐵𝑊 − 𝑃𝐿 − 𝐴


PR: power at the output port of the receive antenna

PT: power at the input port of the transmit antenna

GT: gain of the transmit antenna in the direction of the receive antenna

GR: gain of the receive antenna in the direction of the transmit antenna

LBW: bandwidth limiting factor

PL: “traditional” path loss between transmit and receive antennas due to geometric

spreading and terrain blockage

A: additional loss factor due to atmospheric absorption.

The parameters in the frequency band 275-325 GHz in Tables 7 and 8 are used for calculation of the

received power level of EESS (passive) whose characteristics are based on ICI in Table 14. The gain

of the FS antenna at the zenith direction is assumed to be –13 dBi in accordance with

Recommendation ITU-R F.1245. The path loss from a terrestrial point to EESS (passive) whose

altitude is 817 km is referred from Fig. 6. Although three altitudes of 0 m and 1,000 m where LMS/FS

antennas are placed are considered for sharing and compatibility analyses, the study results are

summarized by use of the altitude less than 1,000 m because major large cities whose population is

over 10 million in the world are located between 0 m and 1,000 m.

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A4.5.3 CPMS deployment

This section provides the technical and operational characteristics of CPMS applications to be used

for sharing studies between CPMS and EESS (passive) in accordance with Report ITU-R M.2417.

CPMS applications are used in indoor environment and almost all antenna elevation angles of CPMS

fixed devices for KIOSK and ticket gate downloading mobile systems are +90°. Those CPMS fixed

devices start to operate when CPMS mobile devices are closely placed on those devices. CPMS

mobile devices can also be expected to provide some shielding of the radiation power from the CPMS

fixed devices to the surroundings because of close proximity contact. Even though two devices are

faced very closely, the leakage power may be radiated from interspace between two devices.

However, this unwanted leakage power is not taken into account in this study. Although the antenna

elevation angle of CPMS mobile devices in operation is −90°, the worst-case scenario whose antenna

elevation angle of +90 is taken into account for the studies. Table A4-7 summarizes the technical and

operational parameters used for the sharing studies between this LMS application matching the

operating and deployment characteristics of KIOSK downloading mobile systems with EESS

(passive). The BEL of 28 dB for traditional buildings are used for the study in order not to

overestimate the BEL value at the 300 GHz band.


Summary of technical and operational parameters of CPMS applications

to be used for sharing studies

Parameters Values Remark

Frequency range (GHz) 275-450 CPMS application in Report ITU-R M.2417

Antenna elevation (degree) +90 Antenna gain of CPMS fixed device: 30 dBi

(see Annex 3)

+90 Antenna gain of CPMS mobile device:15 dBi

(see Annex 3)

Indoor CPMS fixed device

deployment (%)

90 The value of the enhanced CPMS application in Report

ITU-R M.2417 is applied.

Building entry loss (dB) 28 Extrapolation value based on Rec. ITU-R P.2109

(see Annex 2 )

A4.5.4 FS deployment

The elevation angles of the antenna are calculated from the antenna height of FS stations and the

distance of FS links. Report ITU-R F.2417-0 specifies the elevation angle within ±20 degrees of FS

stations in the urban areas where the height of FS station is in the range 6-25 m and the distance

between FS stations in the range 100-300 m. However, the possibility of links as high as 30 degrees

elevation should be considered as a worst case for the short distance dense-urban links at high

elevation, as proposed in Report ITU-R F.2239-0.

Although FS link density of 4.2/km2 is specified in the frequency range 275-325 GHz and

380-445 GHz in accordance with Report ITU-R F.2417-0, this FS link density is used for the sharing

studies in the entire frequency band of 275-450 GHz.

A4.5.5 Received power level of EESS (passive) sensors

Table A4-8 summarizes the parameters which are used for calculation of aggregate received power

of EESS (passive) sensors. All bands in the frequency range 275-450 GHz identified for use of EESS

(passive) sensors are assessed in accordance with § 5.2.

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Parameters of EESS (passive) to be used for sharing studies





bandwidth of






Aggregate effect

Limb 3 0 N/A

Pointing of 30 dBi antenna

of CPMS fixed device to

EESS (passive) sensor

(Worst-case scenario)


Pointing to 50 dBi antenna

of FS station to EESS

(passive) sensor

(Worst-case scenario)

Nadir (1) 200 90 Device density=0.6/km2

IFOV=30 km2 (ICI), 10

km2 (TWICE), 110 km2


Number of devices=18

(ICI), 6 (TWICE), 66


Activity factor=0.76%

Cumulative probability

distribution < 0.01%

FS link density=4.2/km2

IFOV=30 km2 (ICI),

10 km2 (TWICE), 110 km2


Number of

transmitters=252 (ICI), 84

(TWICE), 924 (GOMAS)

Distribution of FS stations:

Discrete uniform


Average antenna gain =

5.2 dB (ICI), 0.8 dB

(TWICE), 10.7 dB


Conical 200 53 Device density=0.6/km2

IFOV=200 km2 (ICI)

Pointing of 30 dBi and

15 dBi antennas of CPMS

fixed and mobile devices to

EESS (passive) sensor

Elevation angle=25.7°

Pointing to 50 dBi antenna

of FS station to EESS

(passive) sensor

Elevation angle=25.7°

(1) Received power to Nadir scanning mode sensor is calculated at 90 degree zenith direction only.

A4.5.5.1 Received power level from CPMS mobile systems

Figure A4-28 shows the study results which show the band 275-450 GHz is available for LMS

applications if additional losses such as the BEL applies and can be taken into account. The following

results are achieved from Fig. A4-28 (c):

a) The entire band 275-450 GHz cannot be used for CPMS applications in the condition of 10%

outdoor use, since there would not be any building attenuation loss to be taken into account.

b) The bands 296-306 GHz, 313-316 GHz and 332-356 GHz cannot be used for CPMS

applications if no additional losses are taken into account.

In summary, the bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 319-332 GHz and 356-450 GHz can be used for

CPMS applications without any specific conditions. However, the entire band 275-450 GHz could be

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used for CPMS applications if the specific conditions such as the building loss is applicable for CPMS

devices used indoors7.


Received power level of EESS (passive) sensors from CPMS applications

(a) Limb mode

(b) Conical scanning mode

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(c) Nadir mode (If building attenuation of 17 dB is not taken into account for the sharing studies,

the received power level exceeds the maximum interference level

in the bands 296-306 GHz, 313-319 GHz and 332-356 GHz.)

A4.5.5.2 Received power level from point-to-point fronthaul and backhaul

Figure A4-29 shows the calculated results of the received power level of EESS (passive) sensors. No

interference from FS stations is observed for the limb and nadir mode sensors. However, the received

power level exceeds the maximum interference level in the conical scanning bands 313-318 GHz and

336-348 GHz, and in the nadir band 296-306 GHz, as shown in Fig. A4-29 (b). In summary, the bands

275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 318-336 GHz and 348-450 GHz can be used for FS applications without

any specific conditions.


Received power level of EESS (passive) sensors from FS applications

(a) Limb mode

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(b) Conical scanning mode (The received power level exceeds the maximum interference level in the conical scanning

bands 313-318 GHz and 336-348 GHz, and in the nadir band 296-306 GHz.)

(c) Nadir mode

A4.5.6 Summary of Study 4

The bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 319-332 GHz and 356-450 GHz can be used by CPMS

applications without any specific conditions. The bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 318-336 GHz

and 348-450 GHz can also be used by FS applications without any specific conditions. For

compatibility of FS/LMS applications with EESS (passive), the bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz,

319-332 GHz and 356-450 GHz can be compatibly used by FS/LMS applications.

A4.6 Study 5: Compatibility analyses between EESS (passive) and FS in the 275-450 GHz

frequency range (Aggregate case)

This study contains an aggregate interference analysis between FS systems and EESS (passive) in the

band 275-450 GHz. The approach used in this analysis was to determine the maximum aggregate

interference power generated by the FS stations deployed in the FOV of the EESS sensor and then

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calculate the minimum atmospheric attenuation that would be needed to ensure the EESS protection

criteria would not be violated. This minimum atmospheric attenuation was then compared to the

actual values predicted by Recommendation ITU-R P.676 to determine which bands were compatible.

A4.6.1 EESS (passive) characteristics

Description of EESS (passive) systems in the 275-450 GHz is given in § 5.4.

For the specific ICI system, the following parameters are necessary to undertake the sharing analysis:


ICI characteristics

ICI sensor

Orbit type NGSO

Altitude (km) 817

Off-Nadir angle (degree) 53

elevation at ground (degree) 25.7

IFOV (km²) 200

Antenna gain (dBi) 55

The relevant ICI channels are:

– Channel 1: 314.15-317.15 GHz (3 GHz)

– Channel 2: 320.45-322.85 GHz (2.4 GHz)

– Channel 3: 323.65-324.45 GHz (1.6 GHz)

– Channel 4: 325.85-327.45 GHz (1.6 GHz)

– Channel 5: 327.45-329.85 GHz (2.4 GHz)

– Channel 6: 333.15-336.15 GHz (3 GHz)

In addition, in order to allow for a generic analysis in all frequency bands, five generic systems are

considered, as described in Table A4-10.


Generic EESS (passive) systems

ICI Type









Type (Low



Altitude (km) 817 400 817 35 684 35 684

Off-Nadir angle (°) 53 53 0 0 8.5

elevation at ground (°) 25.7 31.9 90 90 12.7

IFOV (km²) 200 50 30 110 890

Antenna gain (dBi) 55 48 55 79 79

NOTE – Cross-track sensors can be represented by both the “the Nadir type” and the ICI “type”.

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A4.6.2 FS characteristics and deployment

Description of FS systems in the 275-450 GHz is given in § 5.2.

The following technical parameters are necessary to undertake sharing analysis between FS and EESS

(passive) systems.

– e.i.r.p. ranging 30 to 67 dBm/GHz

– Antenna gain ranging 24 to 50 dBi

– FS antenna pattern F.1245

With regards to the number of FS links, the following assumptions are considered:

– Link density scenario= 4.2 links/km²

– Population scenario = 0.00035 link/inhabitant

Finally, for the FS link elevation distributions, the baseline case provided by Report ITU-R F.2416

has been used, i.e. 20° typical (Case 1), which is not saying that higher elevations will not occur.

Under the assumption that the maximum elevation of FS links in the range 275-450 GHz will not be

regulated, this study also considers the impact of a certain percentage of FS links operated at higher

elevation. To this respect, the example of Report ITU-R F.2239 has been taken as a reference,

depicting for the FS links in the 81-86 GHz the following elevation cases:


FS elevation scenarios from Report ITU-R F.2239

Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5

High elevation


0.39% of links

with elevation

higher than 20°

0.5 % of links

with elevation

between 30° and


± 30° (normally


Less than 2% of

links with


between 20° and


NOTE – It should be noted that since FS links hop lengths are more than likely being longer in the 81-86 GHz

band than in the 275-450 GHz band, the FS elevation angles in the 275-450 GHz band may be higher.

In order to calculate the aggregate impact of an FS deployment on EESS (passive) sensors, the

following methodology has been applied:

1st step: Determine the number of FS links in the EESS footprint:

– Option 1: density based (4.2 links / km²)

– Option 2: population based (0.00035 links / inhabitant) (see methodology in Annex 1)


Number of FS links within the EESS (passive) footprint









Type (low


IFOV (km²) 200 50 30 110 890

Density based (number of links) 840 210 126 462 3 738

Population based (number of

links) 1 030 393 228 874 1 903

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2nd step: Random deployment of the number of FS links with the following parameters randomly


– Azimuth (0 to 360°)

– Elevation (based on above distributions cases 1 to 5)

– e.i.r.p. (30 to 67 dBm/GHz)

– Antenna gain (24 to 50 dBi)

3rd step: For each case, run 1 000 different random deployments to determine the distribution of

maximum e.i.r.p. in the direction of the EESS (passive) sensor.

A4.6.3 Maximum FS e.i.r.p. in direction of the EESS (passive) satellite

The following sections present the maximum FS e.i.r.p. at the ground in direction of the EESS

(passive) satellites (expressed in dBm/200 MHz).

a) Single entry

The maximum FS e.i.r.p. is given as 67 dBm/GHz. Therefore, expressed in dBm/200 MHz, the

maximum single entry FS e.i.r.p. at the ground in direction of the EESS (passive) satellites is:

Max e.i.r.p. = 67 + 10 x log(200/1 000)= 60 dBm/200 MHz

b) Aggregate case for the ICI type sensor


FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for ICI type sensor (density based)






30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

FS e.i.r.p. (dBm/200 MHz)

ICI TYPE (density based)

Elevation case 1 Elevation case 2 Elevation case 3

Elevation case 4 Elevation case 5

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FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for ICI type sensor (population based)

Maximum aggregate e.i.r.p. from Figures above = 59.8 dBm/200 MHz.

c) Aggregate case for the TWICE type sensor


FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for TWICE type sensor (density based)

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FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for TWICE type sensor (population based)

Maximum aggregate e.i.r.p. from Figures above = 56.3 dBm/200 MHz

d) Aggregate case for the NADIR type sensor


FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for NADIR type sensor (density based)

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FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for NADIR type sensor (population based)

Maximum aggregate e.i.r.p. from Figures above = 38.6 dBm/200 MHz (not considering the peak from

Case 2)

e) Aggregate case for the GOMAS type (nadir) sensor


FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for GOMAS type sensor (density based)

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FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for GOMAS type sensor (population based)

Maximum aggregate e.i.r.p. from Figures above = 43 dBm/200 MHz (not considering the peak from

Case 2).

f) Aggregate case for the GOMAS type (low) sensor


FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for GOMAS type (low) sensor (density based)

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FS e.i.r.p. at the ground for GOMAS type (low) sensor (population based)

Maximum aggregate e.i.r.p. from Figures above = 64.2 dBm/200 MHz.

A4.6.4 Sharing studies with specific EESS (passive) system (ICI)

Table A4-13 provides the maximum e.i.r.p. at the ground in direction of the EESS (passive) satellites

(expressed in dBm/200 MHz) in order to ensure protection of the ICI sensor in the 313-356 GHz

band. The atmospheric losses have been calculated according to the model provided in

Recommendation ITU-R P.676. The difference in atmospheric attenuation between the different

channels described below is due to the variation in the water vapour profile versus frequency.


Maximum interference at the ground for ICI system


Frequency (GHz) 315.65 321.65 323.65 326.65 327.45 334.65

Type of sensor conical conical conical conical conical conical

Orbit altitude (km) 817 817 817 817 817 817

Nadir angle (degree) 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0

Slant path distance (km) 1 563 1 563 1 563 1 563 1 563 1 563

Free space losses (dB) 206.3 206.5 206.5 206.6 206.6 206.8

Elevation at ground (degree) 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7

Atmofpheric losses (dB) 22.4 48.4 90.3 92.5 65.2 28.1

Antenna gain (dBi) 55 55 55 55 55 55

Protection criteria (dBW/200 MHz) -158 -158 -158 -158 -158 -158

Apportionment (dB) 3 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the ground

(dBW/200 MHz)

42.7 68.9 110.8 113.1 85.8 48.9

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According to the analysis in § A4.6.3 above, the following maximum FS e.i.r.p. at the ground are


1) single entry = 60 dBm/200 MHz

2) aggregate = 59.8 dBm/200 MHz

Conclusions for ICI in the 313-356 GHz band

The above results shows that FS deployment will not be compatible with ICI operation considering

its channels 1 and 6.

On the contrary, it shows that compatibility can be ensured with its channels 2 to 5.

A4.6.5 Generic analysis in all EESS (passive) bands

For each frequency band, the difference in free space losses at the lower and upper bound frequencies

is assumed to be negligible. Analyses are hence made only at the centre frequency for each EESS

(passive) frequency band.

On this basis, it is proposed to calculate, for each band and all five generic EESS (passive) sensors,

the net maximum interference at the ground without considering the atmospheric attenuation.

Then, comparing this net level with the Maximum FS power at the ground (single entry and

aggregate) calculated in § 4 above, allows to determine the minimum required level of atmospheric

attenuation (at corresponding elevation) to ensure protection of the EESS (passive) sensors.

This level can then be used to determine the equivalent minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation

for comparison with the levels pertaining to each frequency bands determined according to

Recommendation ITU-R P.676.

a) Frequency band 296-306 GHz

Table A4-14 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 296-306 GHz band.

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Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (296-306 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (296-306 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 296-306 GHz band is not sufficient

to ensure protection of EESS (passive).

The 296-306 GHz band therefore cannot be used for the FS without specific conditions.

b) Frequency band 313-356 GHz

Table A4-15 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 313-356 GHz band.


Center frequency GHz 301 301 301 301 301

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 205.9 199.0 200.3 233.1 234.1

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -160 -160 -160 -160 -160

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 17.9 18.0 12.3 21.1 22.1

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 42.1 42.0 47.7 38.9 37.9

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 41.9 38.3 26.3 21.9 42.1MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 18.3 22.2 8.3


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 18.2 20.3 26.3 21.9 9.2


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Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (313-356 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (313-356 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in most of the band 313-356 GHz band is not

sufficient to ensure protection of EESS (passive).

However, the 320-331 GHz band (11 GHz width) could be used for FS applications.

c) Frequency band 361-365 GHz

Table A4-16 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 361-365 GHz band.


Center frequency GHz 334.5 334.5 334.5 334.5 334.5

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 206.8 199.9 201.2 234.0 235.0

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -158 -158 -158 -158 -158

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 20.8 20.9 15.2 24.0 25.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 39.2 39.1 44.8 36.0 35.0

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 39.0 35.4 23.4 19.0 39.2MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 17.0 20.7 7.7


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 16.9 18.7 23.4 19.0 8.6


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Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (361-365 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (361-365 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 361-365 GHz is sufficient to ensure

protection of EESS (passive).

The 361-365 GHz band could be used for FS applications.


Center frequency GHz 363 363 363 363 363

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 207.5 200.6 201.9 234.7 235.7

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -158 -158 -158 -158 -158

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 21.5 21.6 15.9 24.7 25.7

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 38.5 38.4 44.1 35.3 34.3

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 38.3 34.7 22.7 18.3 38.5MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 16.7 20.3 7.5


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 16.6 18.3 22.7 18.3 8.4


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d) Frequency band 369-392 GHz

Table A4-17 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 369-392 GHz band.


Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (369-392 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (369-392 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 369-392 GHz is sufficient to ensure

protection of EESS (passive).

The 369-392 GHz band could be used for FS applications.


Center frequency GHz 380.5 380.5 380.5 380.5 380.5

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 207.9 201.0 202.3 235.1 236.1

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -158 -158 -158 -158 -158

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 21.9 22.0 16.3 25.1 26.1

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 38.1 38.0 43.7 34.9 33.9

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 37.9 34.3 22.3 17.9 38.1MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 16.5 20.1 7.4


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 16.4 18.1 22.3 17.9 8.3


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e) Frequency band 397-399 GHz

Table A4-18 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 397-399 GHz band.


Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (392-399 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (397-399 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 397-399 GHz is sufficient to ensure

protection of EESS (passive).

The 397-399 GHz band could be used for FS applications.


Center frequency GHz 398 398 398 398 398

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 208.3 201.4 202.7 235.5 236.5

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -158 -158 -158 -158 -158

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 22.3 22.4 16.7 25.5 26.5

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 37.7 37.6 43.3 34.5 33.5

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 37.5 33.9 21.9 17.5 37.7MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 16.3 19.9 7.3


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 16.3 17.9 21.9 17.5 8.3


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f) Frequency band 416-434 GHz

Table A4-19 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 416-434 GHz band.


Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (416-434 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (416-434 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 416-434 GHz is sufficient to ensure

protection of EESS (passive).

The 416-434 GHz band could be used for FS applications.


Center frequency GHz 425 425 425 425 425

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 208.9 202.0 203.3 236.1 237.1

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -157 -157 -157 -157 -157

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at the



MHz 23.9 24.0 18.3 27.1 28.1

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 36.1 36.0 41.7 32.9 31.9

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 35.9 32.3 20.3 15.9 36.1MAX

Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(single entry) dB 15.7 19.0 7.0


Equivalent required zenithal

atmospheric attenuation

(aggregate) dB 15.6 17.1 20.3 15.9 7.9


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g) Frequency band 439-467 GHz

Table A4-20 provides the minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation required to ensure protection of

all types of sensors 439-467 GHz band.


Minimum zenithal atmospheric attenuation (439-467 GHz)


Comparison between required and P.676 attenuations (439-450 GHz)

This Figure shows that the atmospheric attenuation in the band 439-450 GHz is sufficient to ensure

protection of EESS (passive).

The 439-450 GHz band could be used for FS applications.


Center frequency GHz 453 453 453 453 453

Orbit altitude km 817 400 817 35684 35684

Nadir angle ° 53.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 8.5

Slant path distance km 1563 706 817 35684 40197

Free Space losses dB 209.4 202.5 203.8 236.6 237.6

Elev at ground ° 25.7 31.9 90.0 90.0 12.7

Atmospheric losses dB

Antenna gain dBi 55 48 55 79 79

Protection criteria


MHz -157 -157 -157 -157 -157

Apportionment dB 3 3 3 3 3

Maximum interference at

the ground


MHz 24.4 24.5 18.8 27.6 28.6

Maximum FS power at the

ground (single entry)


MHz 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0

Maximum FS power at the

ground (aggregate)


MHz 59.8 56.3 38.6 43.0 64.2

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 35.6 35.5 41.2 32.4 31.4

Required Atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 35.4 31.8 19.8 15.4 35.6MAX

Equivalent required

zenithal atmospheric

attenuation (single entry) dB 15.4 18.7 6.9


Equivalent required

zenithal atmospheric

attenuation (aggregate) dB 15.3 16.8 19.8 15.4 7.8


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A4.6.6 Summary of Study 5

Overall, within the 275-450 GHz band, the following bands currently identified for EESS (passive)

in RR No. 5.565 cannot be made available to the FS:

– 296-306 GHz

– 313-320 GHz

– 331-356 GHz

In the remaining parts of the 275-450 GHz range, FS usage can be envisaged.

Considering the potential FS targeted bands (275-320 GHz, 330-370 GHz and 380-445 GHz), the

following bands would hence be available for FS usage:

– 275-296 GHz (21 GHz width), allowing for a continuous FS spectrum block of 44 GHz width

together with the band 252-275 GHz already allocated to FS

– 306-313 GHz (7 GHz width)

– 356-370 GHz (14 GHz width)

– 380-445 GHz (65 GHz width)

These bands would be far enough to accommodate FS spectrum requirements (50 GHz).

The situation can be summarised by Fig. A4-47.


A4.6.7 Annex 1 to Study 5 – Methodolgy used to derive number of fs links on a population

based deployment

A4.6.7.1 Specific area of study

The area of study has been specified as follows:

EESS (passive) band in which sharing with FS is not possible

EESS (passive) band in which sharing with FS is possible

targeted FS bands

bands for which an FS identification is possible

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– Centred on Paris (France)

– 340 km East to West

– 161 km South to North

– Total area of 54 740 km²

This area is described in Fig. A4-48 below.


A4.6.7.2 Spatial distribution of FS links

Taking into account the above elements, the FS links are distributed in the study area.

For each km², the number of FS links is determined by multiplying the number of inhabitant by the

FS density/inhabitant (i.e. 0.000351), the final figure being rounded to the closest integer.

In total, 4 415 FS links are distributed in the study area. Figure A4-49 depicts the spatial distribution

of these FS links over the study area.

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A4.6.7.3 Distribution of FS links in the EESS (passive) footprints

For each of the EESS (passive) sensor, the number of FS links in the footprint is determined by

placing the footprint at the centre of the study area.

Figure A4-50 depicts the spatial distribution of the FS links over the EESS (passive) footprint, taking

the example of System “GOMAS (low)”. It leads to a number of 1 903 FS links deployed over its



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Table A4-21 provides the number of FS links within the footprint of each EESS (passive) system.










Type (low


IFOV (km²) 200 50 30 110 890

Population based

(Nb of links) 1 030 393 228 874 1 903

Annex 5

Sharing studies between FS applications and radio astronomy service

A5.1 Introduction

Report ITU-R RA.2189-1, which addressed sharing between the radio astronomy service and active

services in the frequency range 275-3 000 GHz, concluded that sharing between radio astronomy and

active services in this frequency range is possible if atmospheric characteristics as a function of height

above sea level, as well as transmitter antenna directivity, are taken into account. The Report noted

that RAS sites are typically located at high altitudes with significantly lower atmospheric attenuation

than at sea level, and highlighted the importance of case-by-case evaluation of sharing situations.

Direct illumination of radio astronomy sites by transmitters close to sea level, if geometrically

possible, would likely involve far greater atmospheric absorption effects, and therefore decreased

geographic separation requirements for a given transmitter power. This Report did not separately

consider LMS and FS applications, but only considered a single transmitter power level from a

generic active service. More detailed sharing studies, including aggregate impacts, may be necessary

if large numbers are envisioned. This Annex evaluates the feasibility of sharing between the RAS and

FS and LMS applications in the frequency bands identified for RAS use in RR No. 5.565 based on

the specific parameters provided in § 5 of this Report.

A5.2 Study 1: Compatibility between RAS and FS operations in the spectrum band

275-450 GHz

A5.2.1 Assumptions and geometries

For the FS (see Report ITU-R SM.2450 (“the Report”), Table 7, Section 5.2.1):

FS power output: 0-20 dBm

FS bandwidth: 24 GHz

FS antenna pattern: Recommendation ITU-R F.699-7, D/ > 100, peak gain 50 dBi

FS peak e.i.r.p.: 50-70 dBm

Assumptions used for propagation

Recommendation ITU-R P.676-11: a spectral line by line atmospheric attenuation calculation was

performed (see Fig. 5.1-1).

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Measured properties at the ALMA telescope at h=4.8 km were used to define input parameters to

Recommendation ITU-R P.676: T=273K; pHa = 551; e(pH2O) = 1.14. The measured zenith

attenuation at 345 GHz, combined with the procedure to determine the zenith attenuation from a given

ambient specific attenuation at frequencies below 350 GHz (Recommendation ITU-R P.676

Section 2.2), was used to derive the ambient specific attenuation (dB/km) at the ALMA site as shown

in Fig. A5-1.

Scaling to h = 2.8 km and to h = 0 was performed using standard dry air scale height 8.4 km and H2O

scale height 2 km as given in P.676 for lower elevations.

Line of sight geometries without clutter or building entry loss were used.

Radio Astronomy protection criteria (see § 5.3)

Input power thresholds from Table 9, col. 8 with linear interpolation in frequency

RAS receiver bandwidth: 8 GHz; only 1/3 of the FS power is received by RAS

NB: RAS protection criteria are referred to 0 dBi gain and do not depend on the orientation or beam

pattern of the RAS antenna.

Choice of frequencies

275 GHz to illustrate the high transparency at the lower end of the band. Considerations at this

frequency apply equally to compatibility with RAS operations in the immediately adjacent bands

below 275 GHz (Report section 7.2.7).

345 GHz because it is of paramount interest to RAS, being the rest frequency of the J = 3-2 transition

of carbon monoxide, CO

412 GHz to illustrate use of a frequency near the upper end of the band that is in an atmospheric



Two geometries are considered. At left in Fig. A5-2 (for the geometry) and Fig. A5-3 (for the

propagation results), RAS and FS operations are on the same plane on flat ground, the FS beam is

horizontal and varying FS azimuthal angles with respect to the RAS antenna are considered. For each

azimuthal angle the minimum distance is calculated that is consistent with the RAS protection criteria,

given the spreading loss, FS antenna gain and specific attenuation dB/km. At right in Fig. A5-2 and

Fig. A5-3, RAS operations are at height h and FS operations are at height 0. The FS beam is fixed at

the azimuth of the RAS operation and moves up and down. At each horizontal separation, the

maximum elevation angle of the FS antenna is calculated, consistent with the RAS protection criteria.

Where no compatible solution is possible, nothing is plotted.

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Atmospheric specific attenuation at two elevations

The curve for elevation 4.8 km was determined from the measured zenith opacity at the ALMA

telescope at that elevation. The curve for elevation 2.8 km was scaled from the ALMA result using

standard atmospheric scale heights.

A5.2.2 Results

A5.2.2.1 Co-height operation

Results are shown at left in Fig. A5-3 for the geometry illustrated in Fig. A5-2 at left where FS and

RAS operate at the same altitude: The ALMA and South Pole sites are large enough to make this

feasible and clutter is not present at these arid sites. The calculation is simple; the specific attenuation

(dB/km) is constant along the line of sight separating the RAS and FS operations and at each

azimuthal FS beam angle a root solver iterates to find the distance at which the compatibility criteria

are met, given the relevant beam pattern from Recommendation ITU-R F.699.

When the FS beam is directed at the RAS operation, large separation distances are required in all

cases. Separation distances below 10 km are possible when the FS beam is directed more than about

10o – 40o away from the RAS operation.

Figure A5-4 shows the effect of varying the input power to the FS antenna. When the FS beam is

oriented near the RAS operation, separation distances are large, path loss is dominated by atmospheric

attenuation and the required separation distance decreases slowly as the power is reduced.

A5.2.2.2 High-elevation operation for RAS only

Results are shown at right in Fig. A5-3 for the geometry illustrated in Fig. A5-2 at right. In this

arrangement, the radio telescope is at an altitude of h = 2.8 or h = 4.8 km and the FS operation is at

altitude h = 0. The FS beam is directed azimuthally at the RAS operation and the FS beam elevation

is allowed to vary up to a maximum value that is determined numerically and shown as the vertical

axis at right in Fig. A5-3. The attenuation is calculated by numerically integrating along the slant path

between the FS and RAS operations, using the standard scale heights for the dry and water vapour

components of the atmosphere in Recommendation ITU-R P.676.

300 400300 400





f [GHz]









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With increasing horizontal separation there is competition when the combined effects of increasing

free-space spreading loss and atmospheric attenuation are counteracted because the RAS operation is

seen closer to the boresight of a horizontally-directed FS beam.

RAS operations at high elevation are shielded from FS operations at zero elevation at 412 GHz: FS

and RAS operations are compatible at all horizontal separations and FS beam elevations. At 275 GHz,

FS and RAS operations are compatible only when the horizontal separation exceeds 60 km. In the

intermediate frequency the FS operation requires a separation distance slightly larger than 1 km for

the lower elevation RAS operation at h = 2.8 km.


Explanation of geometries used in Fig. A5-3

Left: Top view, for the geometry used in Fig. A5-3 at left. RAS and FS operations are on the same

geographic elevation, the FS beam is horizontal and directed at an azimuthal angle with respect to

the radio telescope.

Right: side view of the mountainside geometry used in Fig. A5-3 at right. RAS operations are at

height h and FS operations are at h = 0, the FS beam is directed at the RAS operation azimuthally and

the telescope is seen at a boresight angle 90- when the FS beam is horizontal.

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Results of calculations for the geometries shown in Fig. A5-2

Left: For the geometry shown in Fig. A5-2 at left where the FS and RAS operations are at the same

elevation and the FS beam is kept horizontal while variable in azimuth. The required separation

distance is shown as a function of the azimuthal FS angle with respect to the RAS antenna. Shown

are results at elevation 4.8 km at top and elevation 2.8 km at bottom, in both cases for frequencies

275, 345 and 412 GHz.

Right: For the geometry shown in Fig. A5-2 at right where the FS operation is at geographic elevation

0 and the RAS operation is at elevation h = 4.8 km (top) or h = 2.8 km (bottom) and the azimuthal

angle of the FS antenna is 0 with respect to the RAS operation. Shown is the maximum allowed FS

beam elevation angle at each horizontal separation: where no compatible solution is possible, nothing

is plotted. The frequency 275 GHz shows the most restrictive use. At h = 2.8 km, FS elevation angle

should be limited to 10 degrees for horizontal FS separation greater than 11 km. However, at

h = 4.8 km, height varies from 45 degrees (separation of 1 km) to about 10 degrees (separation of

about 20 km).Further results of calculations for the geometries shown in Fig. A5-2.

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Further results of calculations for the geometries shown in Fig. A5-2. The calculation at upper left in Fig. A5-3 at h = 4.8 km

and f = 275 GHz is repeated for FS input power 0, 10 and 20 dBm with 50 dBi peak FS antenna gain

The calculation at upper left in Fig. A5-3 at h = 4.8 km and f = 275 GHz is repeated for FS input

power 0, 10 and 20 dBm with 50 dBi peak FS antenna gain.

A5.2.3 Summary

Atmospheric attenuation independent of free-space losses at 275-450 GHz is not sufficient to provide

compatibility between FS and RAS operations in the absence of other considerations.

For the case of operations at the same geographic elevation, care must be taken so that FS beams do

not point too nearly toward an RAS site. The size of the avoidance angle will depend on the details

of the actual FS beam pattern that is used in any situation, among other variables. For the case of

high-elevation RAS operations in direct line of sight of FS operations at much lower elevations, FS

beams may be directed in azimuth toward the RAS site for all frequencies as long as FS elevation

angle is 10 degrees or less, up to 11 km or at sufficiently horizontal separations.

Scenarios involving aggregate interference from multiple-entry FS deployments will require detailed

modelling based on the details of each situation.

A5.3 Study 2: Compatibility analysis between FS and RAS in the 275-325 GHz band

As Report ITU-R RA.2189 indicated, the worst-case interference scenario is that transmitting

antennas of LMS or FS stations are directly pointing at a radio telescope, with both transmitter and

telescope at a high elevation. However, LMS stations output power and antenna gain are expected to

be much lower than that of FS applications. Given this the following sharing study focuses on

interference between outdoor FS stations and the radio astronomy service.

A5.3.1 RAS sites

Table 11 summarizes radio astronomy sites whose locations are generally on high mountaintop and

isolated areas. The distance, for example, between Granada (population 0.24 M) and Pico de Veleta,

Grenoble (0.15 M) and Plateau de Bure, Puebla (2.5 M) and Sierra Negra are 20 km, 60 km and

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90 km, respectively. 300-GHz fronthaul/backhaul may not be deployed in Granada and Grenoble due

to low population. The 300-GHz fronthaul/backhaul may be deployed in dense urban area of Puebla

because of high population, but the other two cities may not deploy the 300-GHz system due to the

lack of traffic. Figure A5-5 shows the terrain profile between Puebla and Large Millimeter Telescope

in Sierra Negra. There is possibility of line-of-sight propagation path whose distance is about 40 km.


Terrain profile between Puebla and LMT in Sierra Negra

A5.3.2 Protection of RAS stations from FS stations operating in the 275-350 GHz band

Figure A5-6 shows the minimum separation distances between the FS station whose output power is

20 dBm, antenna gain 50dB, as shown in Table 7 and a radio telescope. A similar

“close-to-worst-case” terrestrial scenario for interference to the radio astronomy service in Report

ITU-R RA.2189-1 is also used for calculation without both rainfall and foggy atmospheric

attenuation, but the altitude of both FS and RAS antennas is changed from 0 m to 4000 m for

evaluation of the separation distance. The minimum separation distance is calculated from

equation (1).

PR = PT + GT + GR − PL − Pclutter − A ≥ SH (1)


PR: received power of radio telescope site

PT: FS transmitter power shown in Table 2

GT: FS antenna gain shown in Table 2

GR: antenna gain of the radio telescope in the direction of the transmitter, which is

assumed to be 0 dBi in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R RA.769

PL: free-space loss in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R P.525

Pclutter: Clutter loss as shown in Fig. A2-3

A: atmospheric attenuation in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R P.676

SH: Threshold level of interference harmful to radio astronomy observations in

Table 9.

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The calculation results clearly indicate that the separation distance below 45 km which is shorter than

that between Puebla and Sierra Negra, and even that between Grenoble and Plateau de Bure can be

achieved, if the estimated clutter loss shown in Annex 2 is added in the calculation. However, the

entire distribution of the clutter loss is preferable for estimation of the separation distance. Since the

levels of interference harmful to radio astronomy observations at 265 GHz and 305 GHz are only

specified in Table 9, the levels between 265 GHz and 345 GHz are interpolated using linear

approximation, as shown in Table A5-1. It should be noted that the terrain shielding and the deviation

of FS antenna direction from the pointing direction to RAS station, as well as the change of an altitude

from 3 000 m to 0 m of FS station may further reduce the separation distance. Figure A5-7 shows the

separation distance without clutter loss.


Minimum separation distance including estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed

radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table A5-1

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Minimum separation distance without clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed radio

astronomy interference thresholds given in Table A5-1


Interpolation of threshold levels of interference calculated from Table 9




(dB(W/(m2 Hz)))




(dB(W/(m2 Hz)))




(dB(W/(m2 Hz)))

265 −195.4 (1) 295 −194.05 325 −192.7

270 −195.175 300 −193.825 330 −192.475

275 −194.95 305 −193.6 335 −192.25

280 −194.725 310 −193.375 340 −192.025

285 −194.5 315 −193.15 345 −191.81

290 −194.275 320 −192.925

(1) The threshold levels at 265 GHz and 345 GHz were provided from Table 9, and the others are calculated

by linear interpolation approximation.

A5.3.3 Summary of Study 2

Atmospheric attenuation is not sufficient to provide compatibility between FS and RAS stations in

the absence of other techniques. However, the terrain shielding, the deviation of FS antenna direction

from the pointing direction to RAS station, and the change of an altitude from 3 000 m to 0 m of FS

station further reduce the separation distance. These specific conditions are necessary for protection

of RAS station, on a case by case basis.

A5.4 Study 3: Protection of RAS stations from FS stations operating in the 275-450 GHz


Calculations were based on equation (1) contained in Study 2.

The detailed calculations for all considered scenarios are given in Table A5-2.

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Minimum separation distance including estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed

radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 9 (continuum observation)


Minimum separation distance including estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed

radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 10 (spectral-line observation)

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Minimum separation distance without clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does

not exceed radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 9 (continuum observation)


Minimum separation distance without estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which

does not exceed radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 10 (spectral-line observation)

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Separation distance calculation results








+ GR



distance (m)


loss (dB)

Free space

loss (dB)




Continuum observation


(altitude 0m) –214.45 –53 14 47 102.69 3.6817


(altitude 0m) –208.8295 –53 5.1 47 97.31 9.3321




–214.45 –53 14 47 102.69 0.4274




–208.8295 –53 5.1 47 97.31 2.2811


(altitude 0m) –214.45 –53 2660 0 149.68 3.6817


(altitude 0m) –208.8295 –53 680 0 141.09 9.3321




–214.45 –53 6635 0 157.62 0.4274




–208.8295 –53 1980 0 150.37 2.2811

Spectral-line observation


(altitude 0m) –194.95 –53 2 47 83.98 3.6817


(altitude 0m) –189.3295 –53 0.8 47 78.42 9.3321




–194.95 –53 2 47 83.98 0.4274


(altitude 3m) –189.3295 –53 0.8 47 78.42 2.2811


(altitude 0m) –194.95 –53 720 0 138.33 3.6817


(altitude 0m) –189.3295 –53 218 0 131.21 9.3321




–194.95 –53 930 0 140.56 0.4274




–189.3295 –53 320 0 134.54 2.2811

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It should also be taken into account that the probability that the maximum of FS antenna radiation

pattern coincides with direction towards RAS station isn’t high (for 50 dB antenna gain the antenna

beamwidth is 0.53 degrees according to Recommendation ITU-R F.699 and for 24 dB antenna gain

the beamwidth is 10.6 degrees).

Based on the presented results the preliminary conclusion may be drawn that the sharing between FS

and EESS (passive) may be possible in the frequency range 275-450 GHz taking into account

propagation conditions and with use of terrain shielding or deviation of FS antenna direction from

the pointing direction to RAS station.

It should also be taken into account that the probability that the maximum of FS antenna radiation

pattern coincides with direction towards RAS station isn’t high (for 50 dB antenna gain the antenna

beamwidth is 0.53 degrees according to current version of Recommendation ITU-R F.699 and for

24 dB antenna gain the beamwidth is 10.6 degrees). On Figs A5-12 and A5-13 the same curves as on

Figs A5-8 and A5-9 are given but for three FS antenna discrimination angles relative to the direction

on RAS station (10, 20 and 30 degrees).


Minimum separation distance including estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed

radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 9 (continuum observation) taking into account antenna


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Minimum separation distance including estimated clutter loss between FS station and radio telescope which does not exceed

radio astronomy interference thresholds given in Table 10 (spectral-line observation) taking into account antenna


Based on the presented results the preliminary conclusion may be drawn that the sharing between FS

and EESS (passive) may be possible in the frequency band 275-325 GHz as well as in the frequency

band 380-450 GHz, but in the frequency band 380-450 GHz it is simpler to obtain the sharing taking

into account propagation conditions.
