Report-INFID Conference and GA, Millenium Hotel, 2008

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  • 8/14/2019 Report-INFID Conference and GA, Millenium Hotel, 2008


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    I. INFID Conference

    1. Historical Background

    INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development) which was founded in June 1985 under the name INGI (Inter-NGO Conference on IGGI Matters) is an open andpluralistic network. Its membership comprises of various NGOs in Indonesia, IGGI (Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia) member countries, international organizations andindividuals with the firm commitment and shared concern to advance Indonesia. Since itsinception, INFID has been consistent in providing critical inputs and recommendations toIGGI member countries regarding distortions in the development agenda implemented inIndonesia

    INFID essentially is intended to facilitate communication between national and internationalNGOs, promote policies geared at alleviating structural poverty and building capacity withthe ambition to advance the lives of the poor and the less fortunate in Indonesia. Inaddition, INFID strives to ensure that the formulation and implementation of nationalpolicies on development in Indonesia including alternative policies on debt, investment andtrade measures favor the interests of the poorest poor based on the principles of peace andjustice.

    INFID therefore aims to create an environment that allows for the strengthening of democracy in Indonesia through greater public participation in accessing and controlling thedevelopment agenda in Indonesia. It is indeed unquestionable that INFID assumes a crucialrole in the social transformation movement in Indonesia. Its founders projected that arepressive political climate which Indonesia had experienced in the 1980s will be detrimentalto NGOs in Indonesia in efforts to shape government policies.

    In its formative years, INFIDs annual conference and Aide Memoire, that were outcomesof past conferences, were INFIDs primary lobby efforts. The Aide Memoire was presentedbefore IGGI members during an assembly in the Netherlands for its annual meeting held in

    June. INFIDs first four annual conferences were held in the Netherlands; 1985 in Amsterdam, 1986 in Noordwijkerhout, 1987 in Zeist and 1988 in Zeewolde. A modestsecretariat was then set up in 1986 to ensure the continuity of these conferences.

    INFIDs conference was then relocated outside of the Netherlands since the 1989 meeting held in April in Nieuwpoort, Belgium. Some 52 participants attended the event, of whom 22

    were from Indonesia. The 1989 conference in Belgium resulted in the Brussels incident where INFIDs aide memoire harshly criticized the human rights violation case of the WorldBank-funded Kedung Ombo reservoir which the government considered to have been anirresponsible act that blemished Indonesias image. At the time, the Indonesian government

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    was affronted by INFIDs criticism, declaring it improper for Indonesian NGOs to divulgethe countrys flaws to the international community. As a consequence, many NGOs inIndonesia were pressured into withdrawing from INFID.

    After the 5th conference in 1989 held in Belgium, the next conference was convened inBonn, Germany. During the 1991 conference in Washington DC, USA, Abdul Hakim G.Nusantara, then the director of the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute Foundation (YLBHI) wasacknowledged by the World Bank and delivered a speech before World Bank officers. Thefollowing year, INFIDs 8 th conference was held in Odawara, Japan. Indonesias laborsituation then became the focus of the 9 th conference in Paris, France held in 1994. In 1996,land and development was scheduled to be the topic for the 10 th conference in Canberra,

    Australia but due to the repressive stance of the Indonesian government, Australian NGOseventually called off the conference. The same topic however, was finally addressed in Bonnin 1998. The 12th conference was organized in Bali 1999 which was the first time suchconference was held in Indonesia. In October 2002, INFID organized the 13 th conference in

    Yogyakarta on "Inequality, Poverty and Impunity: The Challenges of Indonesia in the Era of Democratization and Globalization". Since early 2005, the position of Executive Secretary

    was changed to Executive Director, held by Ivan A. Hadar. Amidst the deteriorating developmental condition in Indonesia due to poverty, overwhelming debt and large-scalenatural disasters that occurred consecutively across the country, INFID organized the 14 th conference in Jakarta from 16 to 19 November 2005. In line with the situation faced by thecountry, the theme aptly chosen for the conference was Achieving Social Justice throughPoverty Eradication, Debt Relief and Civilian Supremacy in Post-Tsunami Indonesia.

    In the midst of global economic failure with grave repercussions throughout the world including Indonesia signs of Indonesias inability to achieve the MDGs (MillenniumDevelopment Goals) are clearly evident as a consequence of ineffective governance as wellas political and economic policies that exclude the poor. In addition, the fragility of

    Indonesias democracy marked by intensified intolerance amongst the people as well as theruthless power struggle of political contenders approaching the impending shift in power asgeneral elections draws close, became INFIDs concern for the 15 th conference onDynamics of Democracy and Economic Development in Indonesia: Reflection of thePresent and Looking Onward to the Future

    2. 15 TH INFID ConferenceCONFERENCE THEME:

    Dynamics of Democracy and Economic Development in Indonesia: Reflection of the Present and Looking Onward to the Future


    1. To review the existing political and economic aspects of democracy inIndonesia.

    2. To look at civil societys position vis--vis democracy and economicdevelopment in Indonesia.

    3. To formulate strategies for civil society to strengthen democracy in order toachieve the substantive objectives for the people.

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    4. To review and re-strategize the role of grassroots movements in developing peoples economy and democracy.

    5. To look at potential cooperation between civil society, government andprivate sectors in solving current issues, particularly: poverty, climate change,and MDGs as a whole.


    a. A document on the review of the current democratic situation in Indonesiaformulated by the Conference.

    b. A mapping of civil society and an assessment of its role in politics and theeconomy of Indonesia.

    c. Formulation of a strategy for strengthening civil society to supportdemocratic consolidation.

    d. Formulation of a strategy for developing and strengthening grassrootsmovements in support of the development of peoples economy.

    e. Formulation of a strategy of engagement and cooperation between civilsociety, government and private sector in solving problems related to MDGsparticularly poverty and climate change.

    TIME: 25 28 OCTOBER 2008PLACE:


    3. Conference Preparations

    Based on INFIDs articles of association, the organizing of the Conference and General Assembly (GA) is the responsibility of the Executive Board. The Executive Board meeting in April 2008 addressed the platform for discussion at INFIDS 15 th conference, as well as onmatters pertaining to the time of the event and the formation of the steering committee forthe conference and general assembly. The Executive Board meeting also proposed thenames of resource persons suitable to serve as speakers during INFIDs conference.

    Steering Committee for the Conference:

    1. Jhonson Panjaitan2. Titus Odong Kusumajati3. Rizal Malik 4. Saur Tumiur Situmorang

    5. Yogie (Yayasan Tanah Merdeka)6. Wiji (IDEA)7. Mathew Easton8. Don K. Marut

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    The Executive Board meeting in April 2008 also identified the following committeemembers for the selection of new Executive Board members:

    1. Bob Muntz2. Pongky Indarti3. Septer Manufandu (Foker LSM Papua)

    Subsequent meetings were more substantive and technical in nature. Substantive meetingsdeliberated on speakers for the keynote speech, seminar sessions, round table discussionsand offered a list of changes/inputs. Technical meetings on the other hand were held tocoordinate on all technical aspects related to the conference, the finalization on resourcepersons, participants to be invited and job delegation for INFID staff.

    Organizing Committee

    All INFID Secretariat staff are involved in preparations and implementation of INFIDs 15 th conference. The conference organizing committee consists of the entire INFID staff withassistance from one organizing assistant, of which are listed below:

    No Name No Name1 Don K. Marut 9 Jeckson Robinson2 Dian Kartikasari 10 Suwarno3 Wahyu Susilo 11 Lia Nurparida4 Florence 12 Nikmah5 Misnawati 13 Sabarno6 Sri Mulyani 14 Wasiton7 Yaya Suleman 15 Wagimin8 Wiwit Siswarini (assistant)

    4. Implementation


    Place and Type of Activity

    On 27-28 October 2008, INFID organized its 15 th conference at Hotel Millennium Jakarta. The conference focused on the theme Dynamics of Democracy and EconomicDevelopment in Indonesia: Reflection of the Present and Looking Onward to theFuture . The conference discussed on strategic issues for input to INFID membersparticipating in the General Assembly held on 29-20 October 2008 at the same location. Theconference allows members to better understand the agenda for INFIDs program focus forthe next six years and to help them reformulate joint action strategies among INFIDmembers. 150 representatives, consisting of INFID NGO members and networks,delegates from embassies and the World Bank attended the conference. INFIDs 15 th conference was made possible with support from Trocaire, Development and Peace, OxfamNovib, Oxfam Australia and Ford Foundation

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    INFID Conference is divided into two main activities; seminar sessions and round tablediscussions. Discussions on selected issues for seminar sessions were held in plenary meetings while RTDs were essential in encouraging in-depth discussions and in generating inputs/recommendations on issues previously discussed in seminar sessions.

    INFIDs 15 th conference was officially opened by Faisal Hadi, an Executive Board memberfor the 2005-2008 office term. The event was then followed with an opening addressdelivered by M. Dawam Rahardjo who highlighted on the interaction between democracy and the economy. Dawam Raharjo was of the opinion that democracy and economicdevelopment are two elements that affect each other. Indonesias pre- and post-independence experience had shown that inequalities in economic development tend toincite political upheavals. Unremitting poverty will provoke the people to start a revolution.Dawam further mentioned that Indonesias best option for the future is to regain thepeoples sovereignty and be bold enough to initiate shifts in paradigms related to economicdevelopment toward greater independence. He went on to say that economic independenceis possible if the government changes its paradigm on the national budget to no longer bereliant on debt, restore the peoples sovereignty on food, energy and financial matters.Indonesia urgently needs a second reformation.


    The final agenda distributed to conference participants is attached and contains thefollowing amendments:

    Opening Speech was delivered by Faisal Hadi (INFID Executive Board memberfor the 2005-2008 office term).

    Seminar session 1 featured only two speakers as another speaker, B. Herry Priyono was unable to attend the conference.

    Seminar session 2 also featured only two speakers as Sri-Edi Swasono was unableto attend and Satish Misra was represented by Prabowo.

    Seminar session 3 also featured two speakers as Eva Kusuma Sundari had toattend the working group meeting on the anti-pornography bill held inparliament.

    Q&A session during seminar session 4 had to be postponed to allow the Ministerof Defence time to present an introduction.

    The RTD in the second day had to be rescheduled as Minister of Defence Juwono Sudarsono who was expected to arrive at 2.30 pm, came earlier at 11.30am to present an introductory speech on Military Presence and DemocraticGovernance in Indonesia. This rearrangement had a bearing on RTDpreparations as the short duration between break and the RTD session allowedless time for the proper layout of the venue.

    Seminar session 5 was only attended by two speakers as towards the final day of the conference there was still no response from Martha Tilaar on her willingnessto attend INFIDs 15 th conference.

    Each RTD was initially planned to be officially opened by ministers according tothe appropriate theme, but only the Minister of Defence attended the event who

    was there not to open the RTD but to deliver a general lecture during the plenary

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    session. The ministers presence was indeed inappropriate for the RTD as it wasonly a small-scale forum.


    INFID conference was attended by some 185 participants representing INFIDmembers, INFID board and INFID networks. Of those present at the conference (185people), at least 31% are women and 69% are men. Based on the area of representation,

    8o% are from Jakarta, 5% from Java, 5% from Sumatra , 1% from Kalimantan, 2% fromEast Nusa Tenggara and Papua, 1 % from Sulawesi and 5% from the internationalcommunity.

    Presentase Kehadiran berdasarkan Gender





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    Presentase Peserta Berdasarkan Wilayah












    Nusa Tenggara danPapuaLuar Negeri

    Speakers (name of speakers, institution represented, topic/title of material andkey questions)

    Below are the name of speakers who were present during the seminar and RTD atINFIDs 15 th conference as well as key questions for each topic of discussion.

    Keynote Speech: Prof. Drs. Dawam Rahardjo

    Dawam Rahardjo replaced Vedi R. Hadiz who was initially slated to deliver the opening speech at INFIDs 15 th conference. Vedi was absent at the conference as he was in

    Australia and had to return immediately to his university in Singapore.

    Seminar Session I discussed the theme Democracy and State Sovereignty moderatedby Usman Hamid (Kontras).

    1. Prof. Dr. Mohtar Masoed, Lecturer at Gadjah Madas Faculty of Socialand Political Studies: Bureaucracy in Support of a People-Oriented Governance?:

    A Look at the States Role in Economic Development

    What is the role of bureaucracy in democracy and economicdevelopment? What type of bureaucracy is required to tackle current and future

    political and economic challenges?

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    2. Donatus K. Marut , Executive Director of INFID: Civil Society in International Interaction: A Necessity and Challenge for Civil Society To what extent can demands for changes at the global level be

    transformed into changes at the national and local levels? To what extent can changes at the national and local levels be reflected at

    the global level? Do actors of civil society in Indonesia have the capacity to participate in

    this relatively new opportunity?

    Seminar Session II discussed the theme Political Economy of Government EconomicPolicies moderated by Danang Widoyoko .

    1. Ahmad Erani Yustika, Ph.D, MSc, Executive Director of INDEF:Political Economy of Government Policies Economic policies during the New Order government. Reverse economic reform measures practiced in Indonesia.

    The speaker was a substitute for Dradjad Wibowo who had to attend to hisparliamentary duties.

    2. Prabowo, Strategic Asia: Corruption, Economic Growth and Anti Corruption Policy: Lessons for Indonesia

    What lessons can be drawn from todays anti-corruption movementand efforts?

    What strategy is required in the future in order to build goodgovernance in all levels in Indonesia to eradicate corruption?

    What is the role of civil society organizations?Prabowo was speaking on behalf of Satish Misra from Strategic Asia topresent Strategic Asias policy brief on corruption in Indonesia.

    Seminar Session III discussed on the theme Civil Society and SubstantiveDemocracy moderated by Antarini Arna

    1. Nur Imam Subono (DEMOS): From Civil Society to a Democratic Political Block: Problems and Challenges for Indonesia Does the public accept and respond to political parties?

    What is the publics perception of civil societys involvement in politicsat the local and national levels? What options are most suitable for actors of civil society?

    2. Masruchah , Indonesian Womens Coalition (KPI): Womens Position in Indonesian Politics: Reflection on Political Education for Women Are womens aspirations and interests being voiced or represented by

    women chosen in general elections?

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    What key challenges should be overcome to encourage more women inpolitics?

    Seminar Sessions IV discussed the theme Grassroots Movement moderated by Daniel Lasimpo.

    1. Erpan Faryadi , AGRA Coordinator (Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance): Reasons Behind Farmers Involvement in the Politics of Land Reform

    What are the failures of agrarian reform in Indonesia? What must farmers do to bring about agrarian reform in years to

    come? What are examples of farmers actions in tackling changes and in their

    fight to survive?

    2. Dr. Meuthia Gani Rochman , University of Indonesia: Corporate Social Responsibility as a Social Movement

    Why is CSR regarded as a social movement? The role and relationship of the government and civil society

    associated with CSR.

    3. Keni Mayabubun , FOKER LSM Papua: Investment and Land Appropriation of Papuas Indigenous Societies Are there other more effective strategies to improve the economic condition of

    indigenous communities in Papua? What is the role of civil society? What is the role of international bodies and the private sector?

    What are the failures of agrarian reform in Indonesia?Seminar Session V discussed the theme Peoples Economy: Challenges andOpportunities moderated by Wahyu Susilo

    1. Kholiq Arief , District Head of Wonosobo: Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: The Experience of Wonosobo District Experience of Wonosobo District in empowering micro, small and

    medium business units. Economic potential of Wonosobo District.

    2. Drs. Bambang Ismawan, MS , Founder of Bina Swadaya Foundationand Practitioner of Micro-and Mini-Finance: Micro-and Mini-finance: Financing for the Sustainable Livelihood of the Poor

    Experiences that can be shared on initiatives aimed ateradicating poverty through the availability of financing for thepoor and in ensuring the continuity of their institutions.

    What is your in-depth analysis of policies and programs onpoverty eradication?

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    Round Table Discussions: (Parallel Meetings)

    Round Table 1 discussed the issue of Climate Change and Povertymoderated by Chalid Muhammad

    1. Timothy H. Brown , Sr. Natural Resource Management Specialist, World Bank: Indonesia, the World Bank and Climate Change

    What are World Bank policies on climate change at the globallevel and in particular in Indonesia?

    How can these policies be implemented through partnerships with other sectors?

    2. Dr. Ir. Dwi Andreas Santosa, MS , Lecturer from the BogorInstitute of Agriculture: Lessons from International Negotiationson Climate Change: Neglected Farmers in Developing Countries What is your analysis of the process and substance of

    international negotiations on climate change? What can civil society, the local government and the business

    community do?

    3. Berry N. Furqan , Executive Secretary of WALHI: ClimateChange and Challenges for the Poor Analysis on the impact of climate change on the poor. What is the impact of mitigation and adaptation policies for the

    poor? What are the strategies devised by civil society for the poor in

    relation to climate change?

    Round Table 2 discussed the issue of Progress in Security SectorReform moderated by Dr. Makmur Keliat

    1. Matthew Easton , Human Rights First, New York: HumanRights and Security Sector Reform What is your analysis on security sector reform seen from the

    perspective of international human rights?

    What is your analysis on the integration of human rights intoU.S. foreign policy in relation to the support for the security sector?

    2. Lieutenant General (Retired) Agus Widjojo , Advisor to thePresident: Civilian Oversight of Indonesian Security Sector What is the conceptualization and operationalization of civilian oversight

    of the security sector in Indonesia?

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    What are the possible methods for the strengthening of civilianoversight?

    What are the requirements for civil society? What is the legal underpinning required for civilian oversight of the

    security sector?

    3. Inspector General Hasjim Irianto , SH, KADITBANKUM,Indonesian Police Force: Indonesias Police Reform What are the concepts and strategies for reform measures in

    the Indonesian police force? What policies have been adopted? Policies that need to be proposed in the future?

    4. Poengky Indarti , IMPARSIAL: Indonesia and ICCPR How is the implementation of ICCPR in Indonesia? What can be observed and learned from the implementation of ICCPR inIndonesia?

    5. Natsuko Saeki, Sophia University: Mineral Resources, Security Sector Reform in Indonesia: Japanese Role and Position

    Role and position of Japan in relation to mineral resources and security sector reform in Indonesia.

    Round Table 3 discussed the theme Bilateral, Regional andMultilateral Economic Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunitiesmoderated by Binny Buchori

    1. Sam Pormes (former Senator of the Netherlands): EuropeanUnion and Indonesia: What Mutual Benefits? What are EU policies toward Asia particularly Indonesia? What benefits can be derived by Indonesia in forging relations

    with the European Union?

    2. Dr. James Riker (University of Maryland): US Foreign Policy andIndonesia, focusing on the Barrack Obama Effect What is the latest debate and trend in U.S. foreign policy? What benefits and opportunities are available to Indonesia? What is the impact of US-Indonesia relationship in light of the presence

    of new US President Barrack Obama?

    3. Filomena Sta. Ana III (Social Watch, Philippines): ASEANRegional Cooperation: the Way Forward

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    What are the benefits and drawbacks of greater integration among ASEAN countries?

    Who benefits and loses the most from such integration?

    4. Robert Muntz (Green Party, Australia): Indonesia and Australia:

    a New Phase of Cooperation What new developments in Australian foreign policy and developmental

    cooperation particularly concerning Australias new Asia-orientedpolicy?

    Round Table 4 discussed the theme Food Crisis and Future FoodSelf-Sufficiency Policy in Indonesia moderated by Ayi Bunyamin

    1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tien R. Muchtadi, Ms (IPB). Indonesian FoodPolicy: External Challenges and Opportunities

    What is the food policy in Indonesia? How can Indonesia deal with external challenges and seize


    2. Fransiskus Welirang, MBA, General Manager of PT Indofood.Food Self-Sufficiency: The Role of the Business Sector How can the business community advance food self-

    sufficiency? How can the business sector contribute? What are the key challenges and opportunities in establishing

    cooperation between the business community and farmers?

    3. Dr. Bustanul Arifin (INDEF Economist): Indonesias FoodPolicy: Bringing the Farmers Back-in Does the food policy in particular and the agricultural policy in

    general still position farmers as the central actors? What can be observed and learned from food and agricultural

    policies in terms of domestic production and distribution inrelation to food export and import policies?

    4. Riza T. Tjahjadi , Biotani Indonesia Farmers Rights toInvention: Intellectual Property Rights of Farmers

    1. What can be observed and learned from infringements to theintellectual property rights of farmers particularly in relation tothe adoption of local wisdom and knowledge as well asproscriptions imposed on farmers in their efforts to innovate.

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    Round Table 5 discussed the theme Foreign Debt and DevelopmentFinancing moderated by Dr. Ivan A. Hadar

    1. Novel Anwar , Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency 2. Iman Sugema, Intercafe3. A. Prasetyantoko, Atmajaya University 4. Don K. Marut, INFID

    Speakers were requested to elaborate further on the extent to which theprivate sector in Indonesia relies on foreign funding sources and how this will affect national economy and the necessary governmentmeasures to control foreign financing, both public and private debts.

    Discussion on the Response toward Global Economic Crisis and itsImpact on Indonesia

    Discussions centered on the global economic crisis and its ramificationsspecifically related to capital markets worldwide and in Indonesia. Issues coveredthe insolvency of several established financial investment corporations in the

    world and in Indonesia, the stock exchange situation in Indonesia as well asgovernment policies in dealing with the crisis particularly regarding theplummeting share prices in capital markets and banking.

    Resource person:

    1. Yanuar Rizky2. Iman Sugema 3. Prasetyantoko 4. Dawam Rahardjo.

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    Seminar and RTD

    The conference is divided into two main sessions: seminar and round table discussion. Key topics of discussion raised in these sessions included:

    Central Ideas in Seminar:

    THE ECONOMY AND STATE SOVEREIGNTY Two options in world economic development is either to embrace the neo-liberal

    approach or follow the path of the democratic socialist. These two choiceshowever, are not entirely failure proof. Examples are the collapse of thedemocratic socialist-driven Russian economy and the failure of the U.S. economy in adopting the neo-liberal approach.

    Indonesia must choose its own bearing and the path forward for the country iseconomic democracy.

    The two pillars of economic democracy are:o The widest possible participation for all people.o Emancipation (liberating the people from poverty, exploitation and

    discrimination toward greater equality). Two factors that contribute to the U.S. economic failure:

    o political imperialism (world hegemony through military engagementincluding Iraqs invasion)

    o creation of a bubble economy known in Islam as riba (interest). To free Indonesia from the crisis, both political and economic aspects must

    undergo fundamental changes. The ontology of a self-reliant economy and politics essentially is dependent on:

    o Finance and capital,o Knowledge and technology,o Market or trade,o Food, energy and ecology.

    To return to the path that leads toward democracy, Indonesia must take a stepbackward in order to gain full speed ahead en route for economic revival that willelevate Indonesia into an emerging economic powerhouse.

    Indonesia must build its own pillars of economic independence:o Revert to a sustainable natural resource-based development strategy that

    underscores agricultural progress in its broadest meaning, covering field-farm-based agriculture, plantation, animal breeding, land and maritime fishery

    as well as forestry, as part of efforts to ensure food self-reliance andsovereignty, energy self-sufficiency and environmental replenishment.o Initiate social and economic transformations based on the combined

    principles of comparative advantage and competitive advantage throughtechnological edge and quality human resource.

    o To pull the country out from capital entrapment and the financial crisis,development in Indonesia must first release itself from any form of financial dependence which is the core of capitalism and move on to

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    alternative capital such as natural capital or natural resources, humancapital, financial capital, social capital, knowledge capital or intellectualcapital, cultural capital and spiritual capital.

    o Reach financial independence by creating a surplus budget system by exploring local funds through the banking and financial systems in

    replacement of foreign debt.o In this respect, a new national banking structure needs to be establishedby substituting the centralized banking system with a more decentralizedarrangement. Under this transformation, national banks will be replacedby regional banking headquartered in the capital of provinces withbranches at the district level and supported by micro-financial institutionsat the sub-district level.

    o Promote industrialization driven by micro, small and medium enterprises.o Build a network of cooperatives from the village to city levels including

    financial and marketing cooperatives as well as production, consumptionand service cooperatives. Micro, small and medium business units shouldbe strengthened with peoples economy empowerment programs.

    The economic democracy system is essentially a substitute for the market sovereignty system towards people-based economic sovereignty reinforced by two principles:economic participation and social economic emancipation supported by peopleseconomic empowerment with a regulated financial market system. This strategy isintended to eliminate all tendencies toward exploitation, discrimination andpredation which are the traits of a free market economy.


    State Sovereignty :

    Mochtar Masud : Bureaucracy is an inevitable part of the government. Democracy ensures that bureaucracy works for the people. The peoples

    grievance however is clear, as bureaucracy remains unresponsive toward theneeds and wants of citizens.

    Most bureaucratic systems place priority on doing the thing rightly instead of doing the right thing .

    Three models of government bureaucracy: activist, liberal and republican.

    It can be concluded that the public is active in the economic, industrialand commercial aspects while the government actively protects a strong and outstanding presidential leadership. A defence mechanism thatmaintains national economic development and is protectionist in nature.

    o Bureaucratic objective of each model: effectiveness as well as a strong and sustainable organization.

    The fundamental questions are:

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    o Has bureaucracy been truly responsive toward the demands of thepeople?

    o Has democracy allowed the people to participate in discussions on sharedconcerns and in the decision-making process?

    o A recurring issue is when matters related to democracy is being dealt with

    the use of technocracy.o What can civil society do to achieve democracy and change thebureaucratic system?

    International Cooperation

    Don K. Marut The government is a representation of the state in contributing to the

    formulation and reaching of agreements on governance at the internationallevel.

    Agreements at the international level bring consequences that are unfair forIndonesia and other developing or poor countries as they provide morebenefit and advantages to advanced nations.

    National interest should be protected by the government of Indonesia ineach and every international gathering.

    Indonesias national interest, in reality is not protected by the government ininternational negotiations. Every representative from governmentdepartments/institutions determine their own stance due to the absence of astandard formulation on national interest related to issues/topics being discussed.

    Reform measures in the UN firmly emphasized on the need to expand civilsociety participation in all fields. Civil society engagement in globalgovernance is not a choice but a necessity.

    Global economic and political powers however, have set up their ownNGOs aligned with their vision and objectives, and to vote for their causesduring deliberations at the international decision-making level.

    Civil society at the national and global levels must orchestrate their efforts inorder to shape global agreements that are more in favor of the commonpeople, uphold human rights and serve overall national interests (in theeconomic, political, social, cultural and environmental sectors).

    In Indonesia, however there are now efforts to control civil society inIndonesia, such as through the Home Affairs Ministerial Decree No 3/2008

    that requires the approval of the Home Affairs Department or the localgovernment if civil society plans to establish cooperation with civil societiesfrom other countries.

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    Political Economy of Government Policies

    Ahmad Erani Yustika

    The administration of the state requires legitimization in two aspects:pragmatic and ethical. Pragmatic legitimization in the economic sector refers to the presence of

    rational economic models such as economic growth, inflation target, incomepercapita and others considered capable of stimulating higher economicgrowth, curbing inflation, increasing income percapita and boosting export.

    One important political philosophy when discussing economic issues is onhow to create social justice where shared values such as social well-being orbetter income should receive higher priority.

    The economic strategy already introduced in Indonesia is to push forindustrialization and in pragmatic terms entail the need to strengthen

    economic variables. In ethical terms, it is crucial to observe the relationship between thegovernment as the agent responsible for producing regulations ongovernance including in the economic sector, with the people and theportion set aside for the people.

    Despite the encouraging progress toward democracy in Indonesia, there isstill the absence of truly credible legal institutions.

    The State has yet to assume an ideal role in relation to legal policies due tothe strong influence of capital in legal institutions.

    Market forces play a vital role in stabilizing the economy. Government-run companies are expected to thrive when competing with

    other state-owned enterprises in all sectors. The private sector is further encouraged through the lifting of restrictions on

    import licenses. Foreign investment and foreign debt are crucial instruments in stimulating

    domestic investment. Through proper economic policies, the agricultural sector and small-scale

    business units can become sources of benefit for the people. The assumption that a free market will proceed rapidly is indeed a fallacy. A significant portion of the economic sector should indeed be handed over

    to the private sector (private-owned companies). The issue here is not in thehanding over of economic activities to the private sector but on how toestablish a governance system for state-owned enterprises similar to themechanism adopted by private-run companies.

    Export-oriented trade policies have proven to be effective in increasing theefficiency and competitiveness of the people in a particular country and thushelp bolster investment opportunities and better growth.

    The government concentrates on making drastic changes to the ownershiprights of economic sources toward greater access to private property rights.

    There are many examples of this including in relation to water resource.

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    The agricultural sector is inclined toward liberalization by having no controlof prices and failing to initially set up robust production and distributionsystems and as a consequence a much lower bargaining position of farmers.

    Liberalization is extensively carried out on all commodities with implicationson economic reform in Indonesia. The sector affected by economic reform is

    the agricultural sector where its condition continues to deteriorate andprompts economic marginalization particularly on small-scale economicplayers including the case of traditional markets.

    Growth in the financial sector that fails to boost the real sector. In reality, thegrowth of a credible economic sector (agriculture, industry and trade) hasexperience a downward spiral from year to year whereas the non-crediblesector (finance, transportation, service and telecommunication) is marked by an incremental growth rate.

    Land reform should not be a discourse but must be dealt with seriously asIndonesia is now experiencing an imbalance in land ownership at a level of 0.7- 0.8%.

    To produce a statute that ensures equality in the relationship betweeneconomic actors. This concept in extremely relevant for the agriculturalsector where farmers are relegated to an inferior level compared to othereconomic actors.

    Transparency in the policy-making process is increasingly at a worrying stateas capital interests have become the key factor in influencing the shape andnature of policies where no other instruments can prevent capital frominterfering with the decision-making process.

    The need to develop a comprehensive social security mechanism that ensuresthe actual realization of social justice as embodied in the countrys politicalphilosophical mandate.

    Economic Growth and Anti-Corruption Policies

    Prabowo There are several short-lived evidence which concluded that corruption does

    not entirely obstructs economic growth rate. Democracy is not a given condition. Democracy continually evolves and

    transforms in line with challenges faced by a country. The transitional process leading towards democracy instead weakens

    economic growth.

    The anti-corruption movement at present is still incapable of effectively curbing corrupt practices because its agenda is now targeted more oncorruption with large-scale impact.

    Anti-corruption activities are now geared more toward the issue of accountability which in truth has become a severe problem. A whole set of problems emerge in relation to accountability particularly whenaccountability is regarded only as being accountable to accountants.

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    An open dialogue should be initiated on available resources that can helpdeal with these issues.

    Multi-loan projects are no longer permitted as they result in the breaking down of multi-year projects into at least five to six months each year to allow for checks and balances which will only create an ineffective governance

    system. A national debate on a broad scale has never been held to explore on ways tomanage and implement the democratic process.

    The partial interpretation of issues on democracy will only open upopportunities that will impede the achievement of good governance.

    It is now more important to address the need to empower civil society inattaining greater social well-being.

    Discussion Indonesia is currently still in the transition process and has yet to develop an

    appropriate concept or order to shape the future of the country. In any country, corruption cannot be surmounted in a short span of time.

    Even to this day, not a single political party has seriously and wholeheartedly showed support for anti-corruption programs.

    Democracy is not simply about freedom but also means effectivegovernance. If democracy fails to bring about an effective governance then adictator will emerge from this process of democratization.

    Our joint concern is to work towards ensuring that stakeholders share thesame vision to push for government policies that are more advantageous tomiddle-to-lower economic groups. A proposed strategy is to multiply investment for community empowerment which will allow the people greaterparticipation in the decision-making process. If this fails then we willcontinue to become witnesses to government measures and policies that willnever fend for the common people.

    Providing there are no tangible changes to asset ownership rights, then theexploitation of one economic actor by another will be unavoidable and hencepoverty will persists and hard to curtail. Projects intended to eradicatepoverty are cause for celebration for irresponsible policy makers as well asthose who profit from each poverty-eradication program.

    Efforts should be made to further encourage and empower civil society asthere will come a time when political parties will eventually crystallize andtargets must be set on which direction to take.

    Although systems may repeatedly change or altered in any form and shape,nothing can completely eradicate corruption.

    Absence of a new concept in the economic sector system in Indonesia.

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    Civil Society & Politics

    Nur Iman Subono

    Civil society in reality is:o Unorganizedo Fragmentedo Cynical toward political parties (non partisan)

    Four conclusions from the Demos research (presentation):o Democracy deficito Quasi representationo Oligarchic democracy o Ambiguous democracy

    The realities during one decade of reform:o Democracy is accepted as part of an instrument that help shape the

    political framework.o An end to the repressive tactics of the state.o Emergence of a new form of repression not inflicted by the state but by

    thugs and militias. Presence of a national political community. Presence of an adequate and functioning national political framework for the

    democratization process. Within the local political context, the presence of local communalism is

    clearly noticeable. In regional head elections and on the issue of the

    restructuring of local governments, ones identity as a member of a certainfaith- or ethnic-based community unmistakably counts. An elitist form of democratic consolidation that leads to the politics of order. Involvement in the reform of political parties or decision makers. Importance of affiliation with a political block.

    Womens Position in Indonesian PoliticsMasruchah

    Inequality in the role and position of women in politics. A gap acknowledged worldwide.

    These are injustices that prevail in all systems: bureaucracy, apparatus,political party, parliament, village representative council and others.

    In 2004, provisions on affirmative action and quota have been adopted in theLaw on General Elections, although these are non-binding in nature.

    Womens representation in politics remains insignificant as political partiesabide by a patriarchal system and voters are predisposed to elect malepoliticians.

    The strategy adopted by the civil society movement is to increase therepresentation of women:

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    o Political education for the people to shift the mind-set of the publicon womens leadership and womens political representation.

    o Hierarchical political education for cadres.o Encourage members to participate in strategic areas such as the General

    Elections Commission, Elections Supervisory Agency, political parties,

    development planning meetings and others. A common issue today concerns the emergence of a large number of womenpolitical cadres but who are defeated for the lack of financial means.

    The main challenge is on how to put an end to money politics including inthe recruitment of legislative candidates by political parties.

    Discussion The law provides the framework for the realization of political rights but

    citizens remain reluctant to make full use of available opportunities. NGO activists who enter political parties often do not set boundaries and

    thus many affiliate themselves with any political party without inquiring intoits history and background.

    Many political parties remain ambiguous and there should be institutions thatcan encourage political parties to become more democratic.

    The inclusion of civil society into the political domain should be regarded as anadvantage for democracy. Aversion and skepticism will only revive pastsuppressive practices and norms. Potential women in terms of number andcapacity must be encouraged to assume a greater role in ensuring democraticconsolidation.

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    DAY II


    Farmers and the Politics of Land Reform

    Erpan Faryadi The enactment of the Agrarian Law is in response to inequalities in land

    ownership. It was based on existing social class composition that started off the

    organizing of politics instigated by one party known as PKI through BTI. The organizing of politics according to social class brought about the

    radicalization of the 1960s. Our perspective in examining todays agrarian structure could either be the

    same or different from the standpoint of the 1960s. If such perception haschanged then the organizing strategy must also be adjusted accordingly and

    its political structure modified. Four factors that hampers the implementation of the Agrarian Law since1962 are: (i) the slow pace of government measures in exercising the right of the state to take control; (ii) the demands of the farmers community (organization) for the immediate redistribution of land and thus results in aone-sided course of action; (iii) anti-land reform elements have mobilized acontesting power with the ploy to circumvent and even thwart land reformmeasures which can also be considered as a one-sided action; and (iv) actsof violence between pro- and anti-land reform advocates.

    The dominance of landowners is the cause for land reform failures between1962-1965. The power of land proprietors has aborted plans to seize control

    of lands as the result of failed politics where the organizing of politics shouldbe able to produce a well-functioning political system. The struggle to bring victory to farmers is currently the supremacy of political cleavage instead of class politics.

    Three manifestations of the emergence of farmers movement notably in 3areas are plantation, forestry and mining.

    Forest concessions are intensely exploited by concession holders and as aresult have compelled farmers to band together in the hope of taking controlof forest areas or as a form of resistance particularly among indigenoussocieties inhabiting areas in proximity to mining sites.

    Restlessness among farmers is always evident in the weakening of theireconomy and in farmers politics.

    The agrarian structure of the New Order administration is a continuation andstrengthening of the colonial-era system which inevitably incited the farmersmovement.

    What remains dormant to this day is the potential of politicalmovements to capitalize on the farmers movement.

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    Investment and the Appropriation of Papuas Communal LandKenny Mayabubun

    Three factors that prompt land appropriation in Papua: Abundance of land and natural resource potential in Papua.

    Papuans are considered to be backward and dense people (in terms of healthand education and they are economically and politically deficient). Papua is perceived to be a backwater province.

    Supporting factors:a) Central government policy (development oriented towards economic growth

    as well as sector-based laws insensitive to the people)b) Local government policy (absence of sectoral-based laws on special

    autonomy; governors policy to build a new Papua do not include forinstance special provisions on natural resources)

    c) Papua as a frontier and conflict zone (military engagement) is often used asjustification for military presence that endorses the release of Papuan nativescontrol over their own communal land as is the case in Kerom.

    d) Investment (mining, oil palm and others); transmigration program;development of infrastructure and facilities as well as the restructuring of administrative areas where Papua now has 36 regencies from the previous 10regencies. Of the 36 regencies, more than half local governments maintaintheir offices in Jayapura and only make an appearance once a month. This isdue to the lack of office facilities and other supporting infrastructure.Establishing these administrative facilities require swathes of land which willin turn entail the need to take control of communal land. The situationtherefore is not only an investment issue but also a government policy.

    e) In favor of development and progress, the people and province of Papuamust be raised from the depths of backwardness and underdevelopment.For this purpose, Papua is in dire need of oil palm plantation, a transPapuanetwork, free ports, embankments and other vital infrastructure. Thegovernment believes that all these will elevate Papuas well-being.

    f) Natural resource exploitation has used up much of Papuas land notably by forest concession holders operating across the province particularly WestPapua. Almost 1 million hectares under the control of companies are locatedin Merauke and another 1 million hectares are spread over Timika and otherareas.

    Corporate Social Responsibility as a Social Movement

    Meutia Gani-Rochman Social movement involves masses of people rooting for change, thereforeCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of social movement.

    CSR is a corporate policy that takes into account its impact on the social andeconomic welfare of the people beyond mere considerations of productionprofitability.

    CSR is still much discussed and developed in business schools and throughpublic communication. As companies continue to grapple with the issue of

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    managing its own demands, CSR is far from becoming a fundamentalmovement capable of bringing constructive changes to the people.

    The role of civil society in most countries is confined to criticism, facilitation,partnerships and endorsements.

    CSR should evolve from being a voluntary act to an obligation.

    In many countries, CSR has forged partnerships with civil society. InIndonesia, this is not the case. Critique: CSR development associated with the theory of development. The case for Indonesia reveals that CSR is encumbered by many obstacles.

    Juwono Soedarsono, Indonesian Minister of Defence The governments vision on defence and security includes the separation of

    the Indonesian armed forces and the police force. Defence sector reform aims to ensure that the police and legal institutions

    are capable of serving the interests of both the privileged and the deprived as well as allow greater economic and legal access and fair treatment for all.

    The social and economic platform must be improved upon to allow the lessfortunate with proper access and capacity on par with the more affluent.

    The Department of Defence only supports the political agenda but placescivil rights at the lowest priority. Sub-district and village-level governmentsshould ensure effective administration based on economic strength.

    The Defence Department should demonstrate the firm commitment to helpstrengthen civil rights from the lowest level to the highest authority.

    In addition, there is also the urgent need to involve and empower civilsociety.

    Security is not measured from the number of tanks or armed weapons but onthe extent to which civil society feels secure.

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    Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Lessons from Wonosobo District

    Kholiq Arief, District Head of Wonosobo Advancing micro, small and medium business units require political

    commitment in decision-making at the government (executive) level and inparliament. This commitment should be reflected in concrete programs andbudget allocation. Priority on micro, small and medium enterprises alsotouches on the issue of supporting infrastructure, alternative sources of financing and improving human resource, all of which are geared ateradicating poverty.

    Promoting these business units will help raise the economic status of households, bolster the role of community-based groups for theadvancement of democracy and the economy including the role of women.

    Bambang Ismawan

    Small- and medium-sized enterprises as well as micro-finance are potent forcesthat can help support the economy of the people.

    A large number of departments carry out programs for small- and medium-sizedenterprises as well as micro-credit but are mostly project-based and non-sustainable.

    Some elements of civil society also run programs on small- and medium-scalebusiness units as well as micro-finance which can be developed further to help

    sustain the economy, promote democracy and become a driving force foreconomic resilience.

    Challenges Lack of understanding and knowledge on opportunities associated with

    micro-credit as well as small- and medium-scale enterprises as instrumentsfor empowerment.

    Low level expertise on financial management. Restrictions in accessing capital sources. Absence of a legal framework and the necessary regulations.

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    RTD I : Climate Change and Poverty

    Climate change is a certainty with serious repercussions to the people. Climate change is the effect of global scale development models that

    prioritizes purely on economic gain (investment, deforestation, agriculturalschemes) that contribute to global warming.

    Climate change may trigger a whole range of disasters: floods, famine,epidemics as well as geographical and weather changes.

    Tackling climate change necessitates fundamental policy changes on a globaland national scale related to politics, the economy, social, culture, agricultureand the environment.

    The importance of organizing efforts and education on climate change. Civil society at the local, national and global levels need to build solidarity in

    order to shape future policies that are impartial and emphasize on thenegative impact of climate change.

    RTD II: Progress of security sector reform

    Actors in the defence and security sector consider that reform measuresintroduced in this sector have had significant positive impact on efforts tobuild democracy and strengthen human rights.

    Civil society as the external party observing this sector sees a different pictureas there are no substantial changes and impact from the security sectorreform. This is apparent in widespread violations and or tolerant attitude of

    state apparatus in allowing the persistent repressive acts of non-state actors. Successful reform measures will influence democracy and the realization of human rights (particularly civil and political rights)

    It is crucial to establish a shared understanding on clear targets to achieveobjectives and the timeframe of security sector reform.

    The use of a benchmark in introducing reform measures. Strengthening of the role of civil society in carrying out security sector


    RTD III. Bilateral and regional ties Indonesia cannot exist on its own but is one of the many countries in the

    world needing regional and international relationships. Indonesia needs to prioritize within the geopolitical context. The financial crisis is recognized as the cause for the erosion in international

    solidarity as each and everyone are preoccupied with overcoming problemsfaced by the respective countries. It is important for civil society organizations to be mindful of this.

    This crisis is the result of the absence of regulation, but which type of regulation?

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    Indonesias bilateral relationship with Europe and the U.S. is importantbecause Indonesia plays a central role in forging such ties; thus the reason forus to enhance our bargaining position.

    We must soon view ASEAN as an institution that deserves advocacy by civilsociety organizations and also continue to provide public education and

    consolidation with the grassroots. Strengthen the people of Indonesia in assuming a broader role in bilateraland regional cooperation.

    Strengthen civil society to participate/intervene in dialogues as well as inbilateral and regional cooperation.

    RTD IV Food Crisis and Food Self-Sufficiency Food crisis at the global level is the result of economic policies that sides

    more with industrialization and unfair food trading. Food crisis at the national level (Indonesia) is actually due to the prevailing

    perception of rice as the only source of food when in fact there is also allkinds of tubers to rely on for food. It is therefore necessary to build fooddiversity.

    Ineffective policies related to agriculture, agrarian, water management andfood trading are implemented at the national level.

    The need for accurate policies to be free from reliance on food import. Dual choices in ensuring the protection of farmers intellectual

    creativity must be developed.

    RTD V Debt Initiatives have been carried out to ease debt burden through debt relief

    (illegitimate debt) and debt swap. Consolidation with civil society to align perception on illegitimate debt. The importance of conducting audits on central and local governments debt. The need to perform various forms of debt audits: thematic audit,

    performance audit and loan agreement-based audit.

    Special Discussion on the Economic Situation The global economic crunch which started in the U.S. is the result of the

    failure to pay off housing loans, financial miscalculations among others indetermining bank interest rates as well as information inaccuracies on thebusiness and financial situation.

    The collapse of the economy has forced the U.S. government to bailoutbusinesses on the brink of bankruptcy.

    In Indonesia, the economic crisis specifically in the stock markets hasresulted in the plunging of the share value of various companies.

    The Bakrie corporation owns repurchase agreements and governmentmeasures shield domestic investors by using funds from the nationalbudget.

    The crisis situation in the U.S. and Indonesia is different; where morethan 60% of the American population are engaged in share trading whilein Indonesia, only 2% are involved in stock buying and selling.

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    The global economic slump has resulted in lower export level forIndonesia and the price hike of commodities that rely on importedmaterials and components.

    5.Media Advisory

    Throughout the conference, INFIDs information officer has issued three mediaadvisories on:b. 15th INFID Conference: Dynamics of Democracy and Economic Development

    in Indonesia Reflection of the Present and Looking Onward to the Future.c. 15th INFID Conference: Indonesia at a Crossroadd. 15th INFID Conference: Is Indonesia Still a Sovereign State?

    The three media advisories are accessible at INFIDs website at

    6. Lesson Learned

    Preparations for INFIDs 15 th Conference was relatively brief with many valuablelessons drawn from the experience. Among the lessons learned from organizing theconference include:

    a. Link between the process and substance of the seminar with the round tablediscussion according to objectives spelled out in ToR: Discussions that examine the present situation associated with democracy

    and the economy. Discussion on the role of civil society in todays democracy and the

    economy. Initiatives to reformulate strategies devised by civil society to strengthen

    democracy in order to achieve objectives set out by the people. Initiatives to heighten the role of civil society based on counseling and

    assistance or membership aimed at reinforcing civil society movement thatcontribute to economic development and democratic consolidation.

    Initiatives to foster cooperation between civil society, the government andprivate sector in dealing with the economic crisis and todays democraticsituation particularly in tackling poverty and achieving MDGs, impact of climate change and security sector reform.

    Through these outcomes, ToR objectives can be achieved.b. Link between process and substance with the expected output includes: result of

    discussions and reviews in seminars and RTDs are reexamined and agreed uponas an organizational mandate.

    c. The majority of conference participants are from Jakarta due to budgetconstraints in providing adequate facilities for participants coming from outsideof Jakarta. Not all invitees from outside of Jakarta were able to attend theconference as INFID could only cover for one-trip expenses for members andother participants.

    d. Womens participation is disproportionate to mens attendance in the seminar. This is due to the small number of womens organizations in INFIDsmembership.

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    1. Activity

    The General Assembly (GA) is held once in every 3 (three) years. The agenda for the3rd General Assembly included:

    1. Accountability report of the Executive Board for the 2005-2008 period.2. Commission meeting of INFID members to discuss on issues related to the

    accountability of the Executive Board, programs and strategies for 2008-2011,institutional development and recommendations.

    3. Discussions on the structure of the new Executive Board and the criteria of Executive Board members.

    4. Selection of Executive Board and Supervisory Board members for the 2008-2011term of office.

    2. Process

    GA was officially opened by Poengky Indarti acting as the Chair of INFIDsExecutive Board for the 2005-2008 office term and followed with the election of

    Antarini Arna as the assemblys Chair, Kenny Mayabubun for Vice-Chair and Valentina Sri Wijiyati for Secretary.

    The assemblys agenda then continued with the accountability and financial reportsfrom the Executive Board for the 2005-2008 period and carried on with apresentation by Bob Muntz on the proposed new structure of the Executive Board.Recommendations covered the role and position of the International Board inINFIDs executive structure. Bob Muntz proposed that board members must comefrom organizations that are members of INFID. The Executive Board will carry out

    its role and function in compliance with INFIDs article of association which is tooversee the execution of the GAs mandate and the duties of the Secretariat.

    International board members shall act as advisors on advocacy substance andstrategy at the international level as well as to assist in international lobbying and willbe positioned as the Advisory Board.

    GA participants were then divided into four commissions where each commissiondiscussed on INFIDs narrative and financial reports (Commission I), mandateformulation for INFIDs 2008 2011 programs (Commission II), the institutionalaspect of INFID such as changes to the articles of association, membership andfinancial matters (Commission III), and recommendations on INFIDs end of theyear statements as well as on the results of RTDs (Commission IV). The result of each commission meeting is then reviewed in the plenary session.

    Once agreements have been reached during discussions on the result of commissionmeetings, the agenda then moved on to matters related to the procedure and criteriafor the election of Executive Board members for the 2008-2011 office term.

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    The selection of new board members could only be made after an agreement hasbeen reached on candidates who have met the list of requirements and INFIDsarticles of association. During this stage in the election process, the following twoissues took more time to deliberate on:

    Ensure that the number of women candidates meet the 30% quota fromthe composition of Executive Board and Supervisory Board members.

    Encourage greater representation from the regions in the ExecutiveBoard.

    The next agenda was the handing over of the mandate from the former ExecutiveBoard to the newly appointed members. The new Board then convened to decide onits Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer as well as to determine the Executive Boardmeeting for the 2008-2011 period which is scheduled to be held in early December2008.


    Outcomes of the General Assembly are as follows:

    1. Acceptance of INFIDs accountability report with the inclusion of notes andremarks.

    2. Agreement on the role and position of INFID as well as recommendations andstrategies for advocacy work for the next three years.

    3. Endorsement of three new INFID members: AMAN (Asian Moslem Action Network, Jakarta) RUMPUN (Ruang Mitra Perempuan, Malang) KPS (Kelompok Pelita Sejahtera, Medan)

    4. GA has reached an agreement to accept the proposal for the new

    Executive Board structure which will comprise of the Executive Board (9members) and Supervisory Board (3 members), all members of whom arerepresentatives from INFID members . Membership of the Executive Boardand Supervisory Board must consider an appropriate gender balance (at least 3

    women in the Executive Board and at least 1 woman in the Supervisory Board).5. Criteria for Supervisory Board: (1) has been a member of INFID for at least 3

    years, (2) has a good grasp of the organizations articles of association/bylaws as well as INFIDs strategic issues, (3) has never been involved in activities inconflict with INFIDs advocacy work, (4) is not an executive member of any political party.

    6. GA arrived at the decision to accept Bob Muntzs proposal where theinternational Executive Board shall only function as the Advisory Board(for advocacy issues) and to be appointed by the Executive Board with 3-5

    people from INFIDs members or non-members who meet the following criteria:

    a. Possess the skills and expertise on countries relevant to Indonesiasdevelopment;

    b. Will commit to meet at least once a year to discuss on the developmentand implementation of international programs;

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    c. Capable of providing recommendations and specific information oninternational events and developments when required;

    d. Able to collaborate on specific program activities appropriate to theinternational environment.

    7. Acceptance of recommendations for both national and international levels (in

    areas related to the economy, poverty eradication, environment and foodproduction, law and human rights as well as democracy and civil society).

    8. Executive Board members for the 2008-2011 office term are:1. Antarini P Arna (Vice-Chair)2. Sartiah Yusran3. Suryati Simanjuntak 4. Farah Sofa (Chair)5. Danang Widoyoko (Treasurer)6. Titus Odong Kusumajati7. Septer Manufandu8. Faisal Hadi9. Josef Purnama Widyatmadja

    9. Executive Board members (for day-to-day operations) consist of:i. Farah Sofa (Chair)ii. Antarini P Arna (Vice-Chair)iii. Danang Widoyoko (Treasurer)

    10. Supervisory Board members for the 2008-2011 office term are:1. Poengky Indarti2. Anton Pasaribu3. Risma Umar

    4. Reflection1. Due to thorough preparation and clarity in the formulation of the mandate execution

    report in the form of narrative and financial reports, the General Assembly hasapproved the accountability report of the Executive Board for the 2005-2008 period.

    This is in contrast to the previous accountability report in the 2005 General Assembly which was not approved, required corrections and had to be rewritten.

    2. Greater awareness on gender equality resulted in a balanced representation of women in the Executive Board where 4 in 9 members are women, while 2 in 3Supervisory Board members are women.

    3. Heightened awareness on equal representation based on region in the ExecutiveBoard has also managed to create a balanced composition with representatives from

    Papua (1 person) , Southeast Sulawesi (1 person), Aceh (1 person), Siantar NorthSumatera (1 person), Yogyakarta (1 person) , Solo (1 person ) and Jakarta (3persons). A representable mixture of members from different regions is expected tohelp ensure that strategic issues in the respective regions will be accommodated inINFIDs advocacy work.

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    Appendix :

    1. Term of Reference

    2. Agenda Schedule

    3. Official Report of Decisions from the Final Plenary Session

    4. Attendance List of Conference Participants

    5. Financial Report