Have you ever considered that what we normally call our “bad days” could actually be good days in disguise? Yes! Our bad days—days when we receive disappointing news, things don’t go as planned, we don’t get anything done, we are in physical pain, we can’t sleep well, we don’t have enough to eat, etc.—can actually be opportunities to trust more, love more, and offer our sufferings in reparation for our own sins and the salvation of others. The spiritual battle that has been raging since the great temptation, the great fall, and the subsequent promise of redemption, confronts us on a daily basis. It is imperative that we stand firm (as Ephesians 6:10-20 counsels us), trusting God in the midst of difficulty, trusting His Providence, trusting His wisdom, and trusting His love, despite everything. It is remarkable how often Sacred Scripture gives us glimpses into this battle. We see the main elements of the battle revealed in so many incidents of the Old Testa- ment. When God’s people lost trust in Him and turned to “other gods,” things went badly for them over a period of time. When God’s people remained faithful to Him in the midst of difficulty, things eventually went well. For example, in some of the daily Mass readings this year (2 Kings 11: 1-20; 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25), we read the story of the spiritual battle raging in the time of the wicked queen-mother Athaliah who tried to kill off all the princes of the royal family in a power struggle of revenge and control. But one of the princes, Joash, was concealed in the temple for six years, hidden from the rule of Athaliah, until at the right moment, the priest who was protecting him brought him forward to an- nounce him as king and to overthrow and kill Athaliah. This was accompanied by a renewal of the covenant and a pledge of fidelity to the Lord. A heavy price was paid for the rescue and restoration of King Joash and the renewal of the covenant—but that price was paid in vain. Apostate advisors convinced the king to forsake “the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and . . . to serve the sacred poles and the idols; and because of this crime of theirs, wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem. Although prophets were sent to them to convert them to the Lord, the people would not listen to their warnings.” In particular, the urgent warnings of the prophet Zechariah are mentioned, which boldly proclaimed: “God says, ‘Why are you transgressing the Lord’s commands, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have abandoned the Lord, he has abandoned you’” (2 Chr 24:20). A letter from Ralph Martin RENEWAL MINISTRIES The Most Important Job in the Entire World Page 3 Intentional Grandparenting Page 4 Mission to Eastern Europe Page 6 On the Road Page 8 Dear Fellow Disciples, Proclaiming Jesus through Catholic Renewal and Evangelization continued on page 2 September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo González Herrera, who found The Final Confrontation so important, he translated it into Spanish and submitted it for printing. It was available at the conference—and all of the copies ran out! It was reprinted for the priests’ retreat and was in high demand there as well.

RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

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Page 1: RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

Have you ever considered that what we normally call our “bad days” could actually be good days in disguise?

Yes! Our bad days—days when we receive disappointing news, things don’t go as planned, we don’t get anything done, we are in physical pain, we can’t sleep well, we don’t have enough to eat, etc.—can actually be opportunities to trust more, love more, and offer our sufferings in reparation for our own sins and the salvation of others.

The spiritual battle that has been raging since the great temptation, the great fall, and the subsequent promise of redemption, confronts us on a daily basis. It is imperative that we stand firm (as Ephesians 6:10-20 counsels us), trusting God in the midst of difficulty, trusting His Providence, trusting His wisdom, and trusting His love, despite everything.

It is remarkable how often Sacred Scripture gives us glimpses into this battle. We see the main elements of the battle revealed in so many incidents of the Old Testa-ment. When God’s people lost trust in Him and turned to “other gods,” things went badly for them over a period of time. When God’s people remained faithful to Him in the midst of difficulty, things eventually went well.

For example, in some of the daily Mass readings this year (2 Kings 11: 1-20; 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25), we read the story of the spiritual battle raging in the time of the wicked queen-mother Athaliah who tried to kill off all the princes of the royal family in a power struggle of revenge and control. But one of the princes, Joash, was concealed in the temple for six years, hidden from the rule of Athaliah, until at the right moment, the priest who was protecting him brought him forward to an-nounce him as king and to overthrow and kill Athaliah. This was accompanied by a renewal of the covenant and a pledge of fidelity to the Lord.

A heavy price was paid for the rescue and restoration of King Joash and the renewal of the covenant—but that price was paid in vain. Apostate advisors convinced the king to forsake “the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and . . . to serve the sacred poles and the idols; and because of this crime of theirs, wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem. Although prophets were sent to them to convert them to the Lord, the people would not listen to their warnings.”

In particular, the urgent warnings of the prophet Zechariah are mentioned, which boldly proclaimed: “God says, ‘Why are you transgressing the Lord’s commands, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have abandoned the Lord, he has abandoned you’” (2 Chr 24:20).

A letter from Ralph Martin

RENEWALm i n i s t r i e s

The Most Important Job in the Entire World

Page 3

Intentional Grandparenting Page 4

Mission to Eastern Europe

Page 6

On the Road Page 8

Dear Fellow Disciples,

Proclaiming Jesus through Catholic Renewal and Evangelization

continued on page 2

September 2016


Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo González Herrera, who found The Final Confrontation so important, he translated it into Spanish and submitted it for printing. It was available at the conference—and all of the copies ran out! It was reprinted for the priests’ retreat and was in high demand there as well.

Page 2: RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

But we need to take it a day at a time; we need to look to our own relation-ship with the Lord and our concern for the salvation of others. We need to re-member the promises of God—and the promises of Mary, which are so similar.

We should make Mary’s words to Juan Diego at Guadalupe our own. She is speaking them to us, right now, today:

“Hear and let it penetrate your heart,My dear little son.

Let nothing discourage you,Nothing depress you,

Let nothing alter your heart orYour countenance.

Do not fear any illness or vexationAnxiety or pain.

Am I not here, your mother?Are you not under my shadow

And protection?Am I not your fountain of life?

Are you not in the folds of my mantle,In the crossing of my arms?

Is there anything else that you need?”

— December 12, 1531 —

Dear fellow disciples, let us continue together, seeking first His kingdom and His holiness, and reaching out to others. Let us continue trusting in the Providence of God and in the promises of Jesus and Mary.

All of us here at Renewal Ministries are standing at your side in the battle.

Ralph Martin

Are we not seeing the same dynamic unfold in our own countries today? Are we not seeing a shockingly small num-ber of people overturn respect for God, the moral law, and the Church—leaving the majority seemingly powerlessness to stop this radical overturn of our coun-tries’ traditions?

And yet here is where the Gospel that accompanies these readings comes in. It calls for complete trust in the Provi-dence of God, repentance, reparation, and fidelity in the face of difficulty.

"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear . . . Can any of you by worrying, add a single moment to your life-span? . . . O you of little faith? . . . All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek fist the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil" (Mt 6:24-34).

Yes, there is a big conflict going on between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of evil. And yes, perhaps in punishment for worldliness and an excessive love of comfort, pleasure, money, acceptance, and fitting in—per-haps in punishment for calling virtue vice and vice virtue, for approving im-morality, and for accepting mockery of God and rebellion against His creative and redemptive purposes—our culture is beginning to be dismembered, as was Israel of old.

“But they conspired against him, and at the king’s order they stoned him to death in the court of the Lord’s temple” (2 Chr 24:21).

This was particularly heinous, since Zechariah was the son of Jehoiada, the priest who had protected him for six years, hidden in the temple!

The punishment was not long in com-ing. A relatively few invading soldiers defeated a much larger force.

“Though the Aramean force came with few men, the Lord surrendered a very large force into their power, because Judah had abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers” (2 Chr 24:24). After this disaster, Joash’s own servants turned against him because he had murdered Zechariah.

How reminiscent of other infidelities and their consequences!

Jehu, an earlier leader, had nobly cleansed the land from idolatry, but then succumbed.

“But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart, since he did not desist from the sins which Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit. At that time the Lord began to dismember Israel” (2 Kgs 10: 29-33).

continued from page 1

Please Pray..."Lord, do not let our loved ones leave this earth without knowing Your forgive-ness for their sins and being at peace with You, so they can know Your salvation." (Thank you to Vernon Robertson for this prayer, which is part of his book Seminar of Hope: How to Pray for Your Sons, Daughters, and Loved Ones.)

For all grandparents who desire to help lead their grandchildren to a closer rela-tionship with the Lord. May the Lord hear their prayers, increase their faith, and grant them the grace to persevere in love.

For the prayer intentions of all our supporters and their family members, especially as they face the challenges of illness and economic uncertainty.

The Most Important JobIn the Entire WrldDebbie Herbeck reflects on her meeting with Mother Teresa, whose canonization is Sept. 4, 2016.

Twenty-seven years ago, I was a young wife and mother, struggling in my voca-tion. I loved my husband, my two-year-old daughter, and my six-month old son, but the mundane and repetitive tasks of daily life, and the powerful messages of the women’s movement, made my hidden and often thankless life as a mother seem insignificant and unimportant.

I was thrilled when Peter announced one day that we had been invited to give workshops at a large family conference in Bonn, Germany. It would be a short trip, with our nursing baby in tow, but it would give me a chance to express some of the gifts I had previously used in full-time youth ministry. Little did I know, this trip was not going to be about what I could do for God, but what He wanted to do for me.

From the moment our plane was airborne, everything seemed to go wrong. Michael cried for most of the flight, slept when everyone was awake, and was awake when we all needed to be asleep. I was exhausted, with a horrible migraine. Our luggage was broken into, with jewelry stolen, and baby food jars smashed. To top it all off, when we arrived, the conference organizers an-nounced that they now only needed one of us to speak, and Peter was chosen. Amidst my fatigue and disappointment, I asked the Lord: “Why did I come? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just stay home?”

On the last day of the conference, as we made our way to the large auditorium to hear the keynote speaker, one of the helpers stopped us. “Excuse me, but I noticed you have your baby with you. Mother Teresa would like all the mothers

here with babies to sit on the stage with her as she speaks today.” Stunned, I followed her backstage and onto the stage with Michael, as Peter made his way to his balcony seat. A sea of white- and blue-clad Sisters escorted Mother Teresa down the center aisle and onto the stage.

I sat with fifteen other mothers and babies, just a few feet away from Mother. As she spoke about the dignity of the unborn child, you could have heard a pin drop. When the session ended, the same conference worker approached me: “Mother Teresa would like to personally meet each mother and baby.”

Before long, I was standing in front of Mother Teresa. As I bent forward to greet her, she pressed a Marian medal into my hand and blessed Michael with the sign of the cross on his forehead. Then a most amazing thing happened. She pulled me closer and her urgency compelled me to look in her eyes.

“Never forget,” she said, gesturing with a crooked finger, “that your job as a mother is the most important job in the entire world.”

Her words instantly pierced my heart, and I knew, without a doubt, that God had brought me to Germany to speak a word of truth that I was not able to receive at home in my kitchen. Over the years, her words and the subsequent reading I did about her life and calling became the bedrock truth and inspiration for my vocation as a mother of four children, a grandmother, and a spiritual mother to many more. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us and teach us what it means to be God’s love to a world that so desperately needs it. [Sketch Source: kkohdai.deviantart.com/art/Mother-teresa-and-a-baby-296759980]

THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL DESIRE is continuing to spread worldwide! Now being printed in • Korean

• Malayalam• Polish• Spanish

Coming soon:• Croatian• Lithuanian

Priests praying before Mass at the Touched by the Power of the Holy Spirit National Priests' Retreat in Spain. Ralph gave four talks at the general conference and eight for the priests. About seventy priests were in attendance.

Ralph with Fernando Poyatos, who translated Fulfillment of All Desire into Spanish. It is now in its third printing in Spain and all 500 copies at the Spanish National Charismatic Conference in Madrid, Spain, and all thirty copies at the priests’ retreat sold out quickly!


Page 3: RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

Danny and Claudia Abramowicz exemplify what might be termed intentional grandparenting.The two, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last month, are no strangers to service. Danny—who has had a long history with the NFL as a player, coach, and broadcaster—appears on EWTN’s Crossing the Goal, is ac-tively involved in evangelistic outreach to Catholic men, and wrote the book Spiritual Workout of a Former Saint. He also serves on EWTN’s Board of Directors. Claudia was a stay-at-home mom while raising the couple’s three children.

The two share simple priorities:

GOD first FAMILY second.

They cared for their two elderly fathers. And when the need arose, they gladly moved to a Chicago suburb to help care for three of their grandsons, ages seven to fourteen, while their daughter and son-in-law work. They also have a nine-year-old grandson who lives in Colorado.

“We knew God was calling us here and that we must serve,” said Danny. “Just because your kids get old doesn’t mean your job stops.”


The best way to have an impact on grandchildren’s lives is to examine how you live your own life, said Danny.

“It’s important to be genuine around your grandchildren, in order for them to trust you,” he said. “Just be yourself around them and let them be themselves around you. Then, they trust you.”

Even the decorations in your home communicate a mes-sage. As Danny said, “Our grandchildren see—there’s no doubt in their mind—that God is number one in our lives. There are no NFL pictures on the wall—it’s Jesus, Pope John Paul II, and Mary.”

“But we don’t push it,” he added. “We talk about sports, and Grand-ma cooks. Then, as we’re doing these things, we slip in spiritual aspects and how you live it in your life. We also just let them have fun with us. We go biking and let them see Granny and Papa can have fun.”

Claudia said, “You have to try to seize the moment to bring in the faith.” She finds many simple ways to bring the faith into discussions. “If I come across something—a song or an article they can relate to—I save it so we can we listen to it or look at it together.”

She added, “You can only give what you possess—a prayer life, virtues, knowledge of the faith.”

Danny’s oldest grandson recently chose him as a Confir-mation sponsor. He told Danny, “I knew you would take it seriously and you would hold me to it.” Danny said, “He didn’t make that choice in a day. He had to see something about how I live my life. How you live, how you treat other people, and what you do is an important part” of helping educate your grandchildren in the faith.

Perhaps the best by-product of this form of evangelization is that their “kids see and hear the message too,” Danny noted.


Danny and Claudia noted it’s important to respect your children’s roles as parents when building relationships with your grandchildren.

Danny explained, “The father is designed by God to be the spiritual head of a household. Whenever a function is at our home, I take the lead role. When we go to their house, I let them take the lead. This is where a grandparent’s role can be tough. It’s their house and their children. Our grand-children—they love us—but they have to have a sense that their father and mother are the head of their household.”

Claudia also keeps this in mind when she watches her grandsons. “For the past six years, I’ve taken care of these little ones,” she said. “I’ve had to realize that their home is not my home. I can’t organize things my way. I have to allow them to have the comfort of that home while I am aware of their needs and responsibilities.”

The couple also said it’s important to have a good relation-ship with one’s own children first. “We have to make sure the relationship with our adult children is right, and then the other relationships will fall into place,” said Danny.

Grandparents also can help support their children’s mar-riages, the couple agreed.

“We see the stress on marriage,” said Danny, who noted that they sometimes offer to watch their grandkids overnight. “We have to be observant as grandparents, especially if we live nearby. It’s critical to let them know the number one relationship is a husband and wife.”


Danny and Claudia also put a lot of effort into fostering their relationship with their grandson from Colorado, who they see two to three times per year.

Danny said that in order to be a long-distance grandparent, “you’d better be in social media—FaceTime, text, and send pictures. We dote over him, and they send us updates about what’s going on in his life. We have the option to talk, just him and us. When we’re around him, it has to be quality time.”

Claudia added: “We always try to hold on to the information we get about what he’s involved in, and bring it up with him. (Two of our grandsons) have similar interests. We share with them what each other are doing and what books they are reading. We want to make him feel a part of our lives.”

In fact, he is flying to Chicago to spend time with his grand-parents and cousins this summer.

“You have to work at it to maintain these relationships,” Danny explained.


Danny and Claudia also prioritize one-on-one time with their grandchildren.

“For birthdays, instead of gifts, we let them choose to go to something like the Art Institute or the zoo,” Danny explained. “We’ll spend the day together. We do a lot of listening and observing. They are three totally different kids. Once they feel comfortable, they will say things and get into discussions.”

Laying this groundwork enables the couple to talk about more serious topics with their oldest grandson. “He’s four-teen now, and we’ve got to speak to him in a different way,” said Danny. “We let him know we understand what it’s like to be fourteen, and also that it is important to keep your mind and conscience clear, and about the importance of Confession.”


Thoughts on passing on the faithby Danny and Claudia Abramowicz

C O M I N G S O O N !

Renewal Ministries will offer Danny Abramowicz’s newest book, Crossing the Goal: A Saint Goes Marching On, when it is released later this month. Watch our online store for details!

"This book is a reflection back on my life, my weaknesses, and how the Lord turned my life around."- Danny Abramowicz

To anyone with an older grandchild making potentially harmful choices, Danny offered the following advice:

"Pray for the child and ask the Holy Spirit to come down upon them. Sometimes a grandparent can have more influ-ence than parents at this particular rebellious stage. Remind them their parents love them. I would show them they are off track—through examples, for instance, of how in my own life I was off-track. And finally, love them back into the fold. That’s your best chance to break through."


Danny and Claudia both say their own faith has grown through being grandparents.

“Being a grandmother has helped me grow in reflection,” said Claudia. “I have to keep tabs—where is my faith? What is my demeanor for the day? Do I need to be praying for different virtues for today? Do I need to be praying for my grandchildren? I want to be a prayer warrior on their behalf. It keeps me on my faith toes.”

Danny added, “I’ve seen how grandparents can have a tre-mendous influence on the grandchildren and children’s lives. But the only way we can stay on target with this is to intensify our prayer time. Prayer is key. We can’t be afraid to evangelize in our families—but you can’t evangelize if you don’t have it in your heart.”

“Granny & Papa

can haveFUN!”

“...you’d better be in



Send Pictures.”

Keep the lines of communication open.”“

“We can't be afraid to evangelize our fami l ies—but you can’t evangelize if you don’t have it

in your heart.”

4 5

Page 4: RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

Eastern Europe Slovakia, Romania, & Hungary


SLOVAKIAWe met with Mayor Andrea Turcanová

shortly after our arrival in Presov, Slovakia. After her recent election, she helped rein-state the Fire Rally at a large, city-owned sports arena. Renewal Ministries first intro-duced the Fire Rally in the mid-nineties, and they occurred annually until 2007.

Renewal Ministries was invited to orga-nize a team for this year’s rally. Fr. Graham Keep, from the Diocese of London, in Ontario, Canada, and Tom Edwards were designated speakers. Other team members were Jean Thompson, Steve Harrington, and Bohdan Novak, from Slovakia. Bishop Stanislav Stolárik, of Rožnava, Slovakia, cel-ebrated the liturgy and expressed his grati-tude for the 5,000 people in attendance.

Our team held a morning of teaching in preparation for the rally. Fr. Graham gave the homily, and Tom spoke on principles of leadership from the Book of Joshua. We participated in a Jericho March, going seven times around the sports arena.

Reflections from the team... “It was electrifying to see so many young people eagerly praying for an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit. We who were gathered in an ‘upper room’ (with university students) praised God in a manner that seemed like we were made present to the very event of Pentecost. I experienced in these students a great commissioning that the Holy Spirit was giving them. They needed both the intellectual encouragement of solid teaching and the experiential encounter

with the living Lord Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is exactly what happened.” —Fr. Graham Keep

“Meeting many people of all ages who are living their lives with that hunger for our Lord and being able to walk with them and encourage them was a huge blessing.” —Jean Thompson

“I felt that God put us together from different countries and made us one. Everything fitted perfectly—our testi-monies, teachings, father’s homily, and our prayer with the people. I saw a new fire and a new passion pouring in people’s life and I hope that decision they made will bear much fruit.” — Bohdan Novák

“I had the opportunity to watch Jesus restore broken hearts, encourage those weary from the spiritual battle, and bring the lost home. This is what I saw: our God the Mighty Warrior saving people" (Zep 3:17). —Steve Harrington


Spreading the GOSPEL ROMANIATibi Majoros, the Romanian country

coordinator for Renewal Ministries, had invited our team to visit. In Oradea, Ro-mania, we gathered with people from Em-maus Ministries and several surrounding communities. Fr. Graham celebrated Mass, there was a testimony and talk, and then we moved into an extended time of personal prayer and empowerment ministry. Many had come with heavy burdens and concerns. We witnessed the Holy Spirit touching lives in profound ways.

The next day, we spent several hours producing programs for Ave Maria Radio, a powerful outreach to all of Romania. We produced a team interview and separate programs with Tom, Fr. Graham, and Jean.

We then departed for the city of Cluj—a three-hour drive. Our evening meeting was scheduled at a large university. These young Catholics valiantly gather as a faith community with an emphasis on renewal and evangelization. As Tibi explained,

these students get little support, are often mocked in class and sometimes are labeled in very

demeaning ways.

We gathered with about twenty students. Our meeting began with five skilled musi-cians leading praise and worship. For forty non-stop minutes, we entered into what could only be described as “high praise in the Spirit”—the room was rife with the presence of God.

Fr. Graham shared an ex-cellent teaching on baptism of the Holy Spirit, the catechism, and the past five popes’ power-ful support of the renewal. Tom shared a brief exhortation on “Stepping Out,” followed by a time of prayer and empower-ment ministry to these students who received it all like thirsty sponges. Jean had placed her display of “pro-life visuals” on a small table—and many of the students were attracted to them like magnets. They seemed to delight in the fetal models.

People told Tibi, “We need this fire here again.” He said he “kept receiving feedback about how amazing (the student event) was; the whole commu-nity was set on fire.”

By Tom EdwardsCountry Coordinatorfor slovakia

Tom is Renewal Ministries’ country coordinator for Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Tanzania. Tom began full-time ministry in 1974; it soon evolved into an interna-tional outreach of lay Catholic evangelization and mission with an emphasis on preaching and teaching Scripture. Tom and his wife, Pam, live in Florida and have two children, nine grandchildren, and a great-grandson.

Talented musicians kicked off the rally by leading the crowd in a tremendous time of praise and worship. A number of digni-taries attended the rally, including those from the mayor’s office and four members of the National Parliament—two of whom were dancing with joyous abandonment in the front row.

After the talks, hundreds of people streamed to the thirty prayer teams for personal prayer. Hundreds of teens and young adults committed their lives to Christ and worshipped with abandon. Mass was broadcast live on Slovak Catholic Televi-sion throughout the country. When I asked the mayor her perspective of the day, she answered, “Perfect!”

After the rally, we joined a man who has been a leader of the Light and Life Move-ment from his youth, in the days of secret meetings in the forest during the Commu-nist oppression. During the evening gather-ing, Steve and Jean shared moving testimo-nies, and Fr. Graham spoke on “Receiving the Holy Spirit.” As we moved into prayer ministry, the Holy Spirit descended gently upon many, with not a few moved to tears.

Jean, who has a powerful story based on years of fighting for the unborn, was invited to speak at a gathering of Slovak pro-life workers. She has participated in many of our Renewal Ministries’ missions in Eastern Europe and Africa. She represented the “pro-life” arm of our mission team and came prepared to preach and pray, while being well-equipped with posters, life-size fetal models, and other educational aids. Jean has also been active in prison ministry for many years.

Thanks to invitations from fellow country coordinators, Tom Edwards was able to tie-in his recent mission to Slovakia with outreach in Romania and Hungary.

HUNGARYRenewal Ministries’ Country Coordinator Deacon Zoltan Kunzabo, who

helped found the New Jerusalem Community in Budapest, invited us to par-ticipate in three very busy days of outreach. Country Coordinator Deacon Steve Thomashefski, and his wife Lucia, were also present.

Our first evening began with an hour of praise and worship before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Holy Mass, a testimony, and teaching. We were able to personally pray with many participants. We witnessed the Holy Spirit move profoundly in many lives, with blessings of healing and deliverance.

One afternoon, there was a mini-Fire Rally, with Bohdan sharing a mov-ing testimony about his conversion from a life of rebellion and addiction. A “call to the Cross” brought several people forward to commit their lives to Christ. Following Mass and a time of praise, the prayer teams prayed for people late into late evening.

We thank Zoli and Tibi for opening the door to our team and allowing us the privilege of participating in the movement of the Holy Spirit in Hungary and Romania!

[ [THE MISSION TEAM IN ROMANIA | PICTURED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT:Steve Harrington, Bohdan Novak, Jean Thompson, Fr. Graham Keep, Tibi Majoros, and Tom Edwards.

A university student holds one of Jean Thompson’s fetal models. The students delighted in them!

Hundreds of teens and young adults

committed their lives to Christ

and worshipped with abandon.


Page 5: RENEWAL · September 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ralph traveled to Spain in July, for the National Charismatic Conference and the National Priests’ Retreat. While there, he met Pablo

www.renewalministries.netP.O. Box 1426 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 phone 734-662-1730 In Canada P.O. Box 400 Station U Toronto, ON M8Z 5Y8 phone 416-251-4255

On the Road

Spread love everywhere you go: first of all

in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor...

Let no one ever come to you without leaving

better and happier. Be the living expression of

God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile,

kindness in your warm greeting.

Rome, ItalyICCRS Leadership Formation InstituteAug. 29-Sept. 2Dr. Mary HealyContact: [email protected]

Ann Arbor, MIi.d.9:16 Disciples’ NightSept. 1Contact: [email protected]

Brooklyn, MIi.d.9:16 Summit RetreatSept. 9-11Peter Herbeck, Pete Burak, Debbie Herbeck | id916.com/summit

Hartford, CTDeacons’ Study Day*Sept. 10Ralph Martin

Ann Arbor, MIThe Choices We Face Production*Sept. 6-16Ralph Martin, Peter Herbeck

Pittsburgh, PALegatus Leaders’ Retreat*Sept. 7-10Peter Herbeck

Pittsburgh, PALegatus*Sept. 15Pete Burak


UkraineSept. 7-19Donald Turbitt

EthiopiaSept. 19-28Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw

KenyaSept. 28-Oct. 5Peter Thompson_______________________

For more information about missions, contact Kathleen at 734-662-1730 ext. 132 or [email protected]

In the United States Episcopal AdvisorArchbishop Robert J. Carlson, St. Louis, MO

Chairman of the BoardDeacon Dan Foley

PresidentRalph Martin

Episcopal AdvisorCardinal Thomas Collins, Toronto, ON

Chairman of the BoardMonsignor Gregory Smith, Vancouver, BC

In Canada

Renewal Ministries is a Catholic ministry committed to renewal and evangelization in the Church. It seeks to proclaim Jesus Christ through its TV and radio outreaches, as well as through books, conferences, retreats, and other international evangelistic events.

Editor DesignHeather Schultz Emily Bachelor © 2016 by Renewal Ministries


Ann Arbor, MIHeart to Heart ApostolateSept. 15Debbie Herbeckwww.hearttoheartcwa.com

Brooklyn, MICountry Coordinator Meeting*Sept. 21-24Ralph Martin, Peter Herbeck, Sr. Ann Shields

Tampa, FLWomen’s RetreatSept. 24Sr. Ann ShieldsContact: [email protected]

Alberta, CanadaDeacons’ Retreat*Sept. 23-25Ralph Martin

Rome, ItalyCDF SymposiumSept. 26-28 Dr. Mary Healy

Alberta, CanadaPriests’ Study Days*Sept. 26-28Ralph Martin

Philadelphia, PAFlame of Love and the New PentecostSept. 30-Oct. 1 Sr. Ann Shields, SGLContact: www.flameoflove.us/conference

September 2016 ENGAGEMENTS

• Blessed Mother Teresaof Calcutta


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* Not open to the publicFor a complete listing, visit: RenewalMinistries.net/Events