Remote User Guide

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Genzyme Remote User Guide, v2.08.28.11

US Global Service Desk – 800.326.7002, ext. 24357 Page 2 of 64

Table of Contents CONNECTING TO GENZYME ................................................................................................ 3

Connection Matrix ........................................................................................................... 3

SecurID Token .................................................................................................................. 3

Types of Connections ....................................................................................................... 6

VPN (Virtual Private Network) ......................................................................................... 7

IP Dial ............................................................................................................................... 9

Working Effectively with Remote Access ...................................................................... 14

EMAIL ................................................................................................................................ 14

Microsoft Outlook 2010 ................................................................................................. 14

WebMail (When you are not on the Genzyme Network) ............................................. 16

Secure Email Delivery .................................................................................................... 20

Anti Spam Tool - End User Quarantine (EUQ) ............................................................... 21

Email Storage ................................................................................................................. 23

PURCHASING IT RELATED EQUIPMENT (laptops, peripherals, etc.) ................................. 31

Computer/Wireless Store .............................................................................................. 31

SECURING MY COMPUTER ................................................................................................ 32

Physical Security ............................................................................................................ 32

Passwords ...................................................................................................................... 33

Mobile Device Encryption - Credant Mobile Guardian ................................................. 37

CARING FOR YOUR LAPTOP ............................................................................................... 38

GETTING HELP ................................................................................................................... 39

How do I obtain support for my computer ................................................................... 39

IT TOOLS ............................................................................................................................ 49

SCCM (Systems Center Configuration Manager) ........................................................... 49

McAFEE (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Site Advisor) .......................................................... 50

APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................... 54

How to use Wireless in Windows 7 ............................................................................... 54

Important Phone Numbers and Addresses ................................................................... 60

Genzyme Approved Travel Agencies ............................................................................. 61

Links for Travelers .......................................................................................................... 64

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Connection Matrix

SecurID Token

The SecurID Token is a key-fob sized appliance with an LED numeric display on the front. SecurID

is a strong two-factor authentication device that allows access through the Nortel VPN Client to

Genzyme’s network while you are at home or traveling. The numbers that appear on the SecurID

change every 60 seconds and the Genzyme server keeps track of the current, previous, and next

number for each user.

You must use a SecurID Token in order to authenticate/logon to the corporate network


If you need And you have Use Materials Required

Full access to the Genzyme


A high-speed Internet

connection and your

Genzyme issued laptop

Nortel VPN Client

(see page7)

� High-speed Internet


(Broadband, cable

modem, DSL, Wireless,

Wireless AirCard or

Tethered Modem)

� Genzyme supported


� Nortel VPN Client


� SecurID Token

Quick access to email,

contacts, or calendar

Any computer with access

to the Internet


(see page 16)

� SecurID Token

� Access to the Internet

Full access to the Genzyme


An analog phone line and

your Genzyme issued laptop

IP Dial

(see page 9)

� Analog phone line

� Genzyme supported


� IP Dial software

� Nortel VPN Client


� SecurID Token

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SecurID Authentication

When you receive your SecurID token and this notice, please contact your local Service Desk to

activate your SecurID token. Your SecurID token is not ready for use until it has been enabled.

NEW TOKEN: If this is a new request, you will need to create a pin the first time you logon. The

steps are located at the bottom of this document. The Service Desk will also walk you through

this process if needed.

LOST, DAMAGED, or EXPIRED TOKEN: If this is a replacement token, we have retained your

original PIN. You can confirm this with the Service Desk as well. All tokens have an expiration date

on the backside of the token. You will receive an email from the Global Service Desk at least 30

days prior to your token’s expiration.

**Please return DAMAGED and EXPIRED tokens to the nearest Global Service Desk center:

Genzyme Global Service Desk

c/o Nichole McSorley

Siemens IT Solutions & Services

4705 Duke Drive

Mason, OH 45040

Genzyme Global Service Desk

c/o Graham Brierley

Siemens IT Solutions & Services

Siemens House, Penrose Wharf

Cork, Ireland

Creating a PIN:

Ensure you have an internet connection prior to following the steps below:

1. Double-click on the Nortel VPN

Client icon on your Desktop.

a. The VPN box opens

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2. Enter just the code from your Token

in the Token field.

Make sure your username (ie.,

niesa02) is in the User Name Field.

3. You will now be prompted to create

a PIN. It should be 4 to 8

alphanumeric characters. Enter it in

the Response field, and then click


4. Your Passcode is your PIN plus the

Token Code together, no spaces,

Click OK.

5. You will see the following message

indicating that you are being

connected to the Genzyme VPN.

6. A box will briefly appear above your

system tray to let you know your

connection has been established

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Types of Connections

There are multiple ways to connect to Genzyme – Wired, Wireless, Wireless Air Card, and

Tethered Modem. Each is described in further detail.


A wired/ethernet connection uses a network cable that is connected to the network port on your

laptop and is physically plugged into another network port on a router or a modem.


A wireless connection uses an internal adapter that is able to connect to a wireless access point

(WAP). WAPs could be home networks, hot spots (a venue that offers internet access over a

wireless LAN, i.e., Starbucks, Airports, hotels, etc.), corporate networks and educational facilities,

to name a few. It is required that you use your SecurID token when connecting wirelessly to

ensure a secure and encrypted connection.

For assistance in configuring your computer to use the wireless capabilities, please refer to the

“How to Use Wireless in Windows 7” document located in the APPENDIX at the end of this guide.

Broadband/Data Access Card:

An air card is a device for a laptop that allows you to connect to wide area wireless Internet

access. It enables you to have Internet access without having to rely on hot spot availability; or

access to a phone line for dial-up service. Genzyme offers air/data card solutions on the

Information Technology’s Communication Services Mobile Services page located on the Genie



Tethering is the option to use your Blackberry as a modem for your laptop. You create a

connection through the usb cable that comes with your Blackberry. A specific data plan is

required for this service. Genzyme currently supports this option through a Verizon service plan

only. More information can be found on the Information Technology’s Communication Services

Mobile Services , located on the Genie Portal.

Dial Up:

Dial Up connections use analog telephone lines. Genzyme provides the IP Dial product for such

instances. Please note: VPN authentication is required. Please see page 9 for further IP Dial


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VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Our VPN permits a secure, encrypted connection between our corporate network and remote

users through our Nortel VPN Client software. The latest version of the software (currently in

deployment phase; not everyone will see the same screenshots as below) provides end users with

the ability to select a different VPN location if they are traveling out of the country. The default is

set to your primary location. When you launch the Nortel VPN Client, the first field, Connection,

has a drop down menu. Here you can choose one of 3 Genzyme VPN locations:

Genzyme Americas – use when in the United States or Canada

Genzyme EMEA – use when in Europe

Genzyme APAC – use when in the Asia Pacific’s

Nortel VPN Client

Connect using Nortel VPN Client:

1. Start your computer and log in to it.

2. Establish an Internet connection. You can confirm that you have an Internet connection

by visiting a website such as Google.com or CNN.com.

3. Double-click on the Nortel VPN Client icon on your Desktop.

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4. The Nortel VPN Client window appears:

5. In the Username field, enter your User Name, in the PIN field enter your SecurID PIN, and

in the Token field, enter your current Token Code from your SecurID card.

6. Click Connect. **

7. A box will briefly appear above your system tray to let you know your connection has

been established.

**NOTE: If, after hitting Connect, you receive the following box, this means that you do not

have an established Internet connection. Please connect to the internet to resolve this issue.

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Disconnect from Nortel VPN Client:

1. Right-click the connection icon in your system tray (in the lower right corner of your


2. A pop-up menu appears. Click Disconnect VPN.

3. A message box will appear. Click Yes to end your session.

IP Dial

Connect using IP Dial:

1. Plug in a phone line to your Genzyme laptop.

2. Start your computer and login.

3. Double-click the Genzyme IP Dial icon on your desktop:

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4. The Genzyme IP Dial dialog box appears:

5. Your User Name should appear automatically in the Login Profile

box. In the Password box, type the default password: d1a1up

a. Note: You will be prompted to change this password upon

your first use of IP Dial. After you perform the initial

password change, you can change this password at any

time by clicking the Change button. The password you

select must start with a letter.

6. Make sure the boxes in the lower part of the window specify the correct place to call to.

See page 13 for more information.

7. Click the Connect button.

a. A message bubble will appear in your System Tray indicating that you are now

connected to the Genzyme network:

8. Next the Genzyme IP Dial window


9. In addition, every 30 days a new phone list is made available, and you will be given the

opportunity to either download it now or postpone the download for up to 30 days. The

download only takes a few moments. The download window looks like this:

10. You can still continue to work while the

address book is downloaded.

11. A Nortel VPN Client window opens. Enter your User Name, PIN, and SecurID Token Code

in the appropriate boxes.

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12. Click Connect. You will see this window as it makes the connection:

13. A message bubble will appear in your System Tray indicating that you are now connected

to the Genzyme network:

14. Click OK. You are now logged in with full access to Genzyme network resources.

15. Minimize the IP Dial window by clicking:

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Disconnect from IP Dial:

1. Right-click the connection icon in your system tray (in the lower right corner of your


2. A pop-up menu appears. Click Disconnect VPN.

1. A message box will appear. Click Yes to end your session. Disconnecting Nortel VPN

Client will automatically disconnect IP Dial.

How to change dial settings in IP Dial:

1. Double-click the IP Dial icon on your desktop:

2. Click the button at the bottom of the IP Dial startup window.

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3. The dialog box appears:

4. Edit any of the following specifications: a. Where are you currently located? Changing the Country, Area Code, and/or

Exchange will update the list of local access numbers.

b. Where do you want to connect? The IP Dial service is available world-wide, so you

can specify a different Country or Region (State).

c. What network access number would you like to use? Select a different local

number to connect to.

d. Select how you want to dial this access number. Specify any necessary Dial prefix,

or add Calling Card information.

5. Click OK when the necessary edits are completed.

Other Features of IP Dial:

The menu will show a list of all numbers (including dial prefixes) you

have previously connected to. You can edit these connections and reuse them simply by selecting

them from this menu:

You can select other local connection numbers by clicking the city menu (second-from-bottom).

A menu of other local numbers is displayed:

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The Traveling User check box toggles the appearance of the lower portion of the connection

window. It is the default setting. If you will only dial in from one location (for example, your

home), remove the check mark from the box to shorten the window.

The IP Dial default password is d1a1up. You can change this password by clicking the Change...

button, and you can save any password by putting a check mark in the box.

Working Effectively with Remote Access

If you are using a business application that requires you to stay connected for long periods of

time from a remote location, you should be sure to use a high-speed Internet connection. The

speed of a high-speed connection is nearly the same as the speed of being connected from within

a Genzyme office, and incurs no cost to Genzyme.

Access via an analog phone line, using IP Dial, is much slower than high-speed Internet or direct

connection. It also incurs more cost to Genzyme. Therefore, the best way to use IP Dial is to work

offline in your application (Outlook and some other business applications allow this feature), and

only use IP Dial to connect and synchronize. For more information about using Outlook’s offline

feature, please contact your local Global Service Desk.


Microsoft Outlook 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 is the current software suite standard. Included in this suite is Microsoft

Outlook 2010. Although mainly used as an email program, Microsoft Outlook 2010 includes other

features, such as a calendar, contact manager, task manager, journal and notes. The Outlook

2010 interface contains several window panes making mail easier to access and organize. This is

the first thing you notice when you open Outlook. See the diagram below.

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• To Attach a File to a Message: Click the Attach Item button in the Include group of the Message tab in the Message window.

• To Preview an Attachment: Click the attachment in the message preview in the Reading Pane.

• To Open an Attachment: Double-click the attachment in the Reading Pane. The file opens in its default program.

• To Flag a Message as a To-Do Item: Right-click the message, select

Follow Up from the contextual menu, and select a flag. Or, click the flag icon on the message. Or, select the message, click the Follow Up button on the Standard toolbar and select a flag.

• To Categorize a Message by Color: Click the Quick Click icon on the message. Or, right-click the message, select Categorize from the contextual menu, and select a color category. Or, select the message, click the Categorize button in the Tags group of the Home tab on the Ribbon, and select a flag.

• To Recall a Message: Open the Sent Items folder. Double-click the message, click the Actions button in the Move group of the Message tab on the Ribbon, and select Recall This Message. Choose to delete the message or replace the message with a new one in the dialog box and click OK. You can only recall a message if you are using MS Exchange Server and the recipient has not opened it.

• To Resend a Message: Open the Sent Items folder. Double-click the message, click the Actions button in the Move group of the Message tab on the Ribbon, and select Resend This Message. Edit the message and recipients as necessary and click Send.

• To Create a Contact Group: Click the New Items button in the New group on the Ribbon and select More Items > Contact Group. Click the Add Members button in the Members group on the Ribbon, select a name in the list, click the Members button, and repeat for each name to be added. Click OK, then click Save & Close in the Actions group of the Contact Group tab.

• To Create a Signature: In the message window, click the Signature button in the Include group of the Message tab on the Ribbon, select Signatures, and create the new signature.

• To Change a Message’s Options: In the message window, click the Options tab on the Ribbon and click the More Options dialog box Launcher. Here you can specify: if the message is important or sensitive; importance or sensitivity of the message; if you want to add voting buttons to the message; where replies should be sent to; if you want a read receipt; and if you want to encrypt the message or delay its delivery.

• To Move a Message to a Different Folder: Select the item, click the Move button in the Move group of the Home tab of the Ribbon, and select the destination folder. Or, click and drag the item to a different folder in the Navigation Pane.

• To Turn On the Out of Office Assistant: Click the File tab, select Info and click the Automatic Replies button.

• To Save a Message as a Draft: Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar in the message window. The message appears in the Drafts folder.

• To Create a New Rule: Click the Rules button in the Move group of the Home tab on the Ribbon and select Create Rule.

• To Manage Rules: Click the Rules button in the Move group of the Home tab on the Ribbon and select Manage Rules and Alerts.

Reading Pane

File tab

Quick Access Toolbar

Title bar

People Pane


To Do Bar

Close button

Navigation Pane

Status Bar



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WebMail (When you are not on the Genzyme Network)

Connecting to WebMail:

1. Connect to the Internet on any computer.

2. Launch a web browser and go to this address: http://webmail.genzyme.com

Click Log In Now

3. In the User Name field, enter your User Name (for example, usejo01)

In the Password field, enter your PIN and SecurID token number (do not include spaces

or backslashes). Click Continue.

You may receive a security warning box, click Yes:

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An Outlook Web Access window appears:

4. In the Domain\Username field enter your User Name (for example, usejo01).

In the Password field, enter your network password (this is the same password you use to

log onto your Genzyme computer) click Log On.

Disconnecting from WebMail:

***Important! Log off after you finish using WebMail.

If you close only the Web browser, there is no guarantee that your session is closed; others

could open the web browser and still see your email.

1. Click on the Log Off icon in the Outlook Bar on the right side of the screen.

2. Close your browser window.

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About WebMail

What you can do in WebMail

� Access your Genzyme email and calendar via a web browser from any Internet

connection (either within Genzyme, or from a non-Genzyme connection)

� Send and receive messages and attachments

� Send messages with formatted text (for example, cut and paste from Word or Excel)

� Flag Messages

� Select names from the Global Address Book

� Access the Drafts folder

� View and create appointments and meetings

� View another user’s availability when creating appointments

� Accept and send meeting requests

� Create, view, and access contacts and distribution lists

� Access Public Folders containing calendar or contact items

� Sort messages

� Use the Out-of-Office Assistant

� Recover a deleted item within 30 days of deletion

Limitations of WebMail: You Cannot…

� Use advanced Outlook features (voting buttons, categories, fax)

� Access personal folders (*.pst)

� Use Outlook menus (you must use the icon toolbar)

� Access another user’s tasks, email or contacts

� Book conference rooms

Things to be aware of when working in WebMail

� Click Refresh to display new mail and appointments

� Only one screen of messages can be viewed at a time; use the Page Box to navigate

� Inactivity for 30 minutes causes a timeout

Using Webmail: How to…

Check for New Mail

To check for new messages that have arrived since you opened

your Inbox, click the Check for New Mail icon in the toolbar.

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Read Messages

Double click on a message in the Main Window. Or, highlight a message in the Main Window and

view its contents in the Reading Window.

**NOTE: If your message doesn’t open, it’s possible you have a pop up blocker enabled. Disable the pop

up blocker and your message should be visible.

Address a Message

Creating a New Message

Click on the New Mail Icon:

The new message window opens. When addressing the message, you can type the recipient’s

name or partial name and click on the Check Names icon.

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Scroll through your Inbox

The Page box on the toolbar shows the number

of items (e.g., messages) being displayed in the

current page.

To display a specific item, highlight the number in the number box, type a desired item number,

and then press Enter. To scroll to the next or previous page, click the arrow to the right or left of

the Page box.

You can control the number of items to display per page through the Options button.

Delete Messages

To delete a message from the Inbox, highlight the message in the

Main Window and click the Delete button on the toolbar. Or, open the message and

click the Delete button on the toolbar.

Secure Email Delivery

Massachusetts Law requires email communications that contains personal identification data

(Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Drivers License Numbers, etc.) be sent securely.



� Section 17.04 (3) which requires “Encryption of all transmitted records and files containing

personal information that will travel across public networks.”

� Regulation went into effect on March 1, 2010

Outbound Genzyme (US Only) emails destined to external (non-Genzyme) recipients will be

automatically scanned for information that is subject to compliance obligations, such as Social

Security Numbers and Credit Card numbers. If an email is found to contain this information, it will

be forwarded to a secure Genzyme website. A new email that contains a link to the site will be

sent to the recipient. The recipient will click on the link to access the secure Genzyme site and

retrieve the email and any attachments. This ensures secure delivery from Genzyme to the

recipient. The recipient may also respond to this email securely by replying through the secure

Genzyme site.

In addition, outbound emails can be purposely marked for secure delivery if they are known to

contain sensitive business information. Simply add the key word “secure” in angle brackets

<i.e.> on the subject line of the email and the message will be diverted to the secure Genzyme

website to be retrieved by the recipient.

Additional information, including FAQs & Job Aids, can be found by clicking on this link:



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Anti Spam Tool - End User Quarantine (EUQ)

“End User Quarantine” is an anti-SPAM solution that allows Genzyme to quarantine email

messages identified as SPAM and notify you for review. If a message is NOT SPAM, you can

release it from quarantine; otherwise it will automatically be deleted after 10 calendar days.

Why do I receive multiple “Genzyme SPAM Release Notification” emails?

Due to the current design of the SPAM appliance (Ironmail) you may receive multiple SPAM

notifications if SPAM messages are sent to Distribution Lists. Also, if a user has multiple email

alias’ it is also possible to receive multiple notifications if SPAM messages are sent to more than

one email alias.

What happens when a message is quarantined?

The quarantine will be checked every day to see if you have any new messages; if so, a

notification will be emailed to you. Notifications are generated at 12am EST.

The message has a hyperlink to view your quarantined messages as often as you like until you

receive the next notification. You should always use the newest notification hyperlink you have.

A sample notification message is displayed below:

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What does the notification email contain?

A hyperlink you can use to access a list of all quarantined messages.

• Specific information regarding the quarantined message(s)

• Message ID – click this to release the quarantined message

• Sender – email address of the sender

• Subject

• Size (Bytes)

• Date

• Info

• Multiple Recipients – indicates if this message was sent to more than one recipient at Genzyme

How do I release a message from quarantine?

1) Click on the Message ID in the notification email. This will release the email only to you,

and, in the case of a Distribution List, the other members of this list.

There is a link in the notification email that allows you to view, release or delete all

current quarantined messages. See sample below.

To release quarantined messages, click in the box so each message will be marked. Click

on the Submit button to delete or release.

This system does not allow you to "read" the message prior to releasing or deleting.

Can I release a message from quarantine when using Webmail?

If you are using Webmail inside the Genzyme domain, you will be able to release the message

from quarantine. However, if you are using Webmail from home or a outside-of-the-company

location, you will have to forward the quarantined message to one of your colleagues to have it


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Email Storage

Genzyme uses a state-of-the-art, email storage solution for the E-mail environment (US Only).

This solution includes:

• Improved performance of the email environment

• Improved mailbox quota management

• Improved long-term retention of emails and files by consolidation into a single, scalable

integrated content storage system

• Compliance with Safe Harbor and Sarbanes-Oxley regulations

How does this affect me?

• Messages over 30 days old will be copied into (and accessible in) the Storage System

• After 30 days, your email attachments will move to the Storage System and be accessible

through a shortcut in your mailbox

• You may see one or more of these icons in your email lists:

• You can also view messages that have been sent to the email Storage solution in Outlook

Web Access (OWA)

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Viewing messages processed by the email storage system

Email messages that have been processed are represented in Outlook with a special icon known

as a Stub (or Tombstone) icon. In OWA, the icon appears when you open the message.

Whether you are connected to Genzyme’s network or working offline, you can open a processed

message in your mailbox by double-clicking it. The message opens in its own window. You can

also view the message from the preview pane.

When the message includes an attachment, the original attachment is not visible in the preview

pane. Instead a proxy attachment appears. In Outlook, the proxy attachment is named

ArchiveInfo.htm. In OWA, it is named Attachment Info.htm.

NOTE: You cannot open the attachment within the preview pane. You will have to open the


Open the message to display the original attachment.

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To save a message, open the message, select File > Save As and then select a location.

To save a message attachment, you can open the message, click the attachment’s file name,

select File > Save As, and then select a location OR you can open the message and select File >

Save Attachments.

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Searching for a message that has been sent to the email storage solution

You can search from your Outlook mailbox for processed email messages that are stored in the


1. Click the Archive Search button in the Archive Search toolbar


2. Enter search text in the Archive Search toolbar, then click the Quick Search arrow, or

a. If you cannot see the Archive Search toolbar, click View > Toolbars > HP Archive Search.


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3. Click the Archive Search folder in the navigation pane.

All three search methods display the Archive Search window:

You can search for messages using any of the criteria below.

Enter your criteria based on the fields above, and click Find Now to start the search. A list of the

messages that are found is displayed in the lower part of the window.

Open a processed message by selecting it in the list and double-clicking it.

NOTE: You cannot search for processed messages in OWA; however, you can open any items that

have been archived in your mailbox. The picture below shows the Archive Search folder (1),

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which is irrelevant for OWA. The date (2) on the highlighted message shows it is an older item,

and you can see the proxy attachment (3) in the Reading Pane. If you open the message, you will

be able to open the processed attachment.

Email Storage Cache (HP EAsE Archive Cache)

Email Storage Cache runs in the background when Outlook is open. When your computer is

online, it retrieves copies of processed messages from the email storage system (HP IAP) and

stores them locally to your computer.

When your computer is offline, you can still access processed messages that have been stored

locally. Simply select the message in Outlook and it appears just like any other message.

Email Storage Cache provides a status by displaying an icon in the system tray.

For more information, please click (or copy/paste) the following link:



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The Genie Portal is Genzyme’s corporate intranet. Genzyme’s Portal uses web-based software to

connect users directly to information on the network, on Genie, and on the Internet. It displays

communication about the company including Emergency Messaging and other important


You can think of the Portal as a group of “doorways” – thresholds that are open to various active

views of multiple applications, products, and services that you use most of the time. These

doorways are called “portlets.”

The Genie Portal Home Page:

• Displays communication about the company

• Employee or Product Directory search box

• Internal news and messages

To open Genie, click on the Internet Explorer icon. You must be connected to the

Genzyme network to access Genie.

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The table below explains each of the headings on the Genie Portal Home Page.

Area Description

My Pages Your My Pages display your personal views in the portal. This content area is fully

customizable by you; the employee. For example, you can add travel portlets and Genzyme

My Links portlet to your favorite web links. You can create up to six My Pages. You can give

any My Pages their own descriptive names.



The My Communities tab displays a list of all the Communities you are subscribed to. My

Communities are private sites within the portal designed for a specific group or project team

to facilitate collaboration.

Integration Company information related to the Sanofi/Genzyme acquisition.

Businesses Included here is general information about business units directed at all employees and

specific content and functionality directed toward members of that business group.

Departments This section includes all content related to the functions and staffing of corporate


International This section includes all content related to the European and International Genzyme groups.

Site-specific Info The Site-specific Info tab contains communities dedicated to individual Genzyme locations or


News This section includes internally and externally produced news and research from CTI.

Tools The content in this section includes groups of functionality, forms, pdfs, information and

applications that help all Genzyme employees do their jobs, manage their careers and access

their benefits. Tools content and functionality is oriented toward large audience groups at

Genzyme, including global and country-wide audiences.


The Employee or Product Directory search boxes allow you to search for information on

employees or Genzyme products.

To learn more about features of the Genie Portal, click on the following link or visit the Learning

Center (click on Departments, Learning Center) from the Genie Portal Home Page.



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peripherals, etc.)

Computer/Wireless Store

The Computer Store is located on the Genie Portal, within the Information Technology page. Here

you can order all computer related equipment (laptops, printers, etc.) There is a special section

titled ‘Recommended Remote Employee Accessories’ which contains items most commonly used

by remote employees. This area displays items such as privacy filters for laptop screens, the

Linksys wireless router, and Iomega external backup devices to name a few. IT recommends that

all remote employees purchase an Iomega external backup device to help ensure local data is

preserved in the event of hard disk failure, loss of laptop, etc.

E-Procurement is the Genzyme purchasing tool for online ordering of computer systems, printers,

accessories, software and mobile devices. Instructions on how to order can be found on the

Computer Store or by clicking here: Computer/Wireless Store

Mobile Services:

Blackberry devices, cellular phones and cellular wireless cards should be ordered directly on the

Wireless Store, which can now be found within the Mobile Services section of Communication

Services on Genie, or by clicking here: Communication Services – Mobile Services

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Physical Security


Your laptop may contain information that is costly or difficult to recreate if lost - and information

is valuable to our competitors. Here are some security measures to follow to reduce the risk of

laptop threat:

� When available, use lockable docking stations or security cables when you anticipate

frequent laptop use during business hours.

� Locked cabinets/desks should be used for overnight storage and other times when your

laptop will be idle for long periods.

� Unsecured laptops should never be left on your desk.

� Treat your laptop as personal property.

Traveling With Your Laptop:

� Never check a laptop as luggage.

� When going through security X-ray procedures, maintain visual contact with your laptop.

Hold on to your laptop until you are the next in line to pass through the metal detectors.

Should security want to observe its operation, follow their instructions.

� Never leave your laptop in a vehicle unattended.

� Laptops should not be used (nor documents read) in public where they can be shoulder


� At your hotel, if a room safe is available and large enough, use it to store your laptop

when away from your room.

� If a hotel safe is not available, use a portable lock or cable, or consider using the hotel's

luggage storage or safe facilities to secure your laptop when your room is unattended.

� At the ticket counter, keep your laptop on the counter at all times.

� Do not store your laptop in an overhead compartment.

� Do not keep sensitive proprietary information on the hard drive.

� Store disks containing sensitive company information in the hotel safe.

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Genzyme Network Password Standards:

Your network password expires every 90 days.

You cannot use any of the previous 12 passwords.

Strong passwords that cannot be easily guessed must be used on all Genzyme systems. To the

extent allowed by the system, the following standards must be used:

� The password must contain at least six characters.

� At least one character from three of the four following categories must be used in a


- The password contains upper case letter (e.g. A-Z)

- The password contains lower case letters (e.g., a-z)

- The password contains numbers (e.g. 0-9)

- The password includes special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./)

Active Directory (aka AD or network) Password Reset Questionnaire The Global Service Desk uses the answers on this questionnaire to verify who you are in the event

your AD (network) password needs to be reset or your account is locked out. You need to fill this

out only once.

You can access the questionnaire two different ways. You could type the following into the

Internet Explorer Address Bar, http://genie.genzyme.com/passwordverification , or click on this



1. Go to the Global Service Desk Page on Genie:

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2. Click on the question, “How do I complete the password questionnaire?”, located under

the EIT Services FAQs section (right side of page).

3. Click on the link provided in the answer to the question.

4. A log on box will appear. Type in your user name and your password (this is what you use

to log onto your computer). Click OK.

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5. The Form will then open and you will see your employee information is pre-populated in

the top section. If you have previously filled this out, you will see checkmarks in the two

questions you selected, along with the answer you provided.

6. If all the checkboxes are clear, please select 2 questions and type in the appropriate

answer. Then click on Submit. You can now close the Internet Explorer window.

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How to Change Your Genzyme Password: WINDOWS 7

1. Make sure you are connected to the VPN and all applications are closed.

2. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL and select Change Password

3. Type in your old password

4. Type in a new password

5. Confirm your new password

6. Click OK

7. You should receive the following message:

8. Click OK.

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Mobile Device Encryption - Credant Mobile Guardian

Why use Device Encryption?

• Over 1 million laptops go missing each year, causing an estimated $4 billion USD worth of

lost data.

• Data files stored on laptops and USB drives are much more valuable than the hardware


• To comply with updated data protection laws.

What is Credant Mobile Guardian?

Credant Mobile Guardian is an encryption software tool that protects sensitive data. Data files are

made unreadable to unauthorized access if a device is lost or stolen.

Will all files on my PC be encrypted?

All business files located in your My Documents folder and on your Desktop are encrypted. As a

Best Practice, all business files should be saved to these locations. Microsoft Office and Adobe

PDF documents located elsewhere on your computer will also be encrypted. Music, video and

picture file types such as MP3’s and JPG’s are NOT encrypted.

What will change on my computer?

After installation, Credant Mobile Guardian will load a new System Tray Icon. ( ) The software

will begin to encrypt all of the files located under your My Documents folder and on your Desktop.

Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF documents located elsewhere on your computer will also be


What will be the performance impact on my laptop?

You will notice some slowness the first day Credant is installed while it encrypts your files. The

duration of this slowness will vary depending on how many files are stored on the laptop. You will

be able to continue to work while the encryption takes place. Performance will return to normal

after the initial encryption is completed.

Can I encrypt USB Drives and other Removable Storage Devices?

When you attach a device to your laptop Credant will prompt you to protect it. Examples of

removable storage devices are Flash Drives, Thumb Drives, and External Iomega Hard Drives.

NOTE: DO NOT protect (encrypt) iPods, cameras and smart phones. Credant will prompt you to

protect these devices if you attach them to your laptop. You should choose not to protect these

devices, if protected it could cause damage to the device.

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Will laptop encryption require me to remember any additional passwords?

No, the product does not require any logins. The laptop encryption leverages the same

credentials you already use to login to the laptop and does not require you to log in again.

Are Macintosh laptops covered by this program?

This solution currently does not extend to the Macintosh platform, but there are other options for

encrypting those systems. Contact the Global Service Desk for more information.

How do I get help if I have a question with Credant?

Contact the Global Service Desk.



� Use a non-alkaline dampened cloth to wipe keys on keyboard and your screen.

� Use canned air to clean keyboard.

Extending Battery Life

� Decrease the brightness of your LCD. Dimming can save 25 percent or more battery life.

� Hibernate instead of sleep. Hibernating your pc will store a copy of the physical memory on

your disk and allow it to power down completely. Although starting from hibernate takes

longer than waking up from sleep mode; it will save more power.

� When battery indicator shows a low battery, charge immediately to keep from losing data.

� Power off the wireless card (Shift + F5 or the physical switch on front of laptop) if possible to

help save power.

� Avoid using the optical drive (DVD/CDRW) wherever possible.

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How do I obtain support for my computer

Global Service Desk:

The Global Service Desk assists Genzyme employees to solve computer issues either over the

phone or via submitting a case online through e-Clerk Self Service. The preferred method of

contact is online, however if the issue is urgent, please call immediately.

Should it be determined that your computer needs to be shipped into Genzyme for repair, please

take your laptop to your local Fed Ex facility for proper shipping.

Note: The Global Service Desk supports Genzyme-issued products only.

In the Global Service Desk area of Genie you can:

� Open a Global Service Desk ticket,

� Read FAQs of commonly asked computer related questions such as:

Contacting the Global Service Desk:

To contact the Global Service Desk, you can call, or open a ticket from the Genie Portal website.

By Phone:

Dial the US Global Service Desk at 800-326-7002 and enter the extension 24357 or 800-255-8745.


The E-Clerk site can be accessed a few ways. You can click on this link: https://servicedesk.siequence.com/ServiceDesk/Genzyme/default.jsp

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Or you can open your Favorites, click on the Favorites Bar Folder and click on the eClerk Service

Desk link:

Or you can gain access directly from the Global Service Desk page on Genie. To access the page

first navigate to the Genie home page. Then Click on Departments > Enterprise IT (EIT) Services &

Projects > Global Service Desk.

Then click on the link in the first box titled ‘Self Service’.

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Accessing E-Clerk for the First Time

The first time accessing E-Clerk, you will be prompted to validate your contact record. Simply fill

in your email address and click the “Look Me Up” button to continue.

If your email address is not found, you will receive the message displayed below. If this occurs,

you must contact the Global Service Desk to have your contact information validated. Once

corrected, you will be able to use the E-Clerk site for your next service request.

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Creating a New Case

To create a new case from E-Clerk you must first select the “Create a New Case” button from the

main page.

Upon selecting the “Create a New Case” button you will be presented with the screen below.

You should notice that there are three selection boxes for you to choose from when entering your

request. Choose the option that best fits the request you are processing.

Enterprise Applications – This selection contains a listing of the applications which are

accessible to all employees of Genzyme. For example, applications such as Ariba, Livelink,

Plateau, etc., would be found here.

General IT Services – This selection contains a listing of general IT services which can be

requested. You must first select US from the location listing, and then select the

application for which you need assistance. This section would be used to submit a case

for new account requests, PC hardware issues, Outlook issues, etc.

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BMRA Applications – This selection contains a listing of the applications that are specific

to the Biomedical Regulatory Affairs area of the company. For example, applications such

as Argus, CDW, Prisma/CTMS, etc., would be found here.

Once you have selected the appropriate category you will be presented with additional fields to

be completed. Make the appropriate selections and click on the “Next” button. In the following

example Outlook/Email has been selected under the General IT Services. Within this category the

Create a new Shared Mailbox option has been selected.

Next you will be presented with a form to complete before submitting your request. Complete all

questions and select the “Submit” button to process your request.

Note – The form on this page is specific to the category that was selected on the original page. It

is important to complete all information accurately to ensure that your request is processed


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Including Attachments with Your Request

In some instances you may wish to supply an attachment to the Global Service Desk. There are

two options that can be used to submit an attachment:

1. When submitting your request, note that you have an attachment to include with your

request. Upon receipt of your request, the applicable support team will contact you to

receive the attachment.

2. Store your attachment within Livelink. When you submit your request, note that you

have an attachment and provide the link within Livelink.

Once you have submitted your request you will be directed to the confirmation page. This page

will summarize the details of your request. It also informs you that you will be receiving an email

with your new case number.

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Below is an example of the email that you will receive once you submit your request. You should

keep a copy of this email until your request has been completed, as it contains your case number

should you need to follow up on the request.

Creating a Case on Behalf of another User

To open a case on behalf of another user click the hyperlink “Click here to change to another

person.” located on the main E-Clerk page.

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Enter the email address of the user and click “Look Me Up.”

You will now see the new user’s name at the top left section of the screen.

Once you have successfully changed the name above you can continue to process your request as

described in the “Creating a New Case” Section

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Viewing an Existing Case

You can use E-Clerk to view the status of an existing case that you have placed with the Global

Service Desk. This functionality can be used for any request regardless of whether it was placed

via the phone or via E-Clerk. To view the status of your request, choose the “View an Existing

Case” option from the E-Clerk main page.

If you have your case number, enter the number into the “Clarify Case #” field and click the “Find”

button. (Note – If you do not know your case number you can search by email address which will

return all calls placed within the last 30 days).

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If the case number is not found, you will receive the following message:

If this should occur, try your search again by searching only on your email address to view a listing

of all recent calls. You will be able to select the applicable case from the list. If you are still not

able to find your case, contact the Global Service Desk for assistance.

Once you have selected your case, you will be directed to the summary screen. In this view you

will be able to identify the current status of your request, as well as view any comments that have

been posted to date.

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SCCM (Systems Center Configuration Manager)

What is SCCM?

SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) is a Microsoft product that allows IT to manage

large numbers of Windows computers. It can perform hardware and software inventory, monitor

application usage, and deploy software to the workstations and servers it manages.

How will this affect me?

SCCM will only run in the background on your computer when mandatory updates are being

installed or if you specifically request software from the Global Service Desk. When updates are

being installed, you will see a balloon in the system tray and a window on the desktop. You may

need to reboot your computer after updates are installed.

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Windows Updates/Security Patches

What are Windows Updates?

Every month Microsoft releases updates for the Windows operating systems as well as Microsoft

software like Office and Internet Explorer. These could be for security or functionality purposes. In

addition to these monthly patches, Microsoft will occasionally release an “out-of-band” patch.

These are highly critical security updates that cannot wait until the monthly updates are next

released. All of these updates are mandatory as IT strives to keep our environment safe and up-


How many updates are there every month?

This varies from month to month and depends completely on Microsoft. They might not have any

updates in one month and then 10 regular updates and an out-of-band update in another month.

Why do Windows updates require me to reboot my computer?

Windows updates will usually require certain files that are always being used by Windows. It can’t

properly update these files until Windows stops using them, which only happen after shutdown.

McAFEE (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Site Advisor)

What is McAfee?

McAfee is Genzyme’s anti-virus, anti-spyware and site advisor solution. It provides real-time

scanning of any files that are currently being accessed on your computer as well as real-time

scanning of emails on delivery. Your computer is also scanned fully once a week. Look for the red

‘M’ icon in the system tray.

Will McAfee slow down my computer?

During real-time scanning, the performance impact of McAfee will be negligible and you can still

work on your machine. During a full scan of your machine, 20% of your resources will be

dedicated to it. This will cause a noticeable slowdown, but you can still work on your machine

with the remaining 80% of the resources. This weekly full scan takes place at 11pm in order to

avoid interfering with your work as much as possible.

Can I run my own scan whenever I want?

Yes, just go into the VirusScan console, via the Programs menu, and you can run a full, on-demand


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What is McAfee Site Advisor?

Site Advisor is McAfee’s solution for surfing and searching the Internet safely. McAfee estimates

that 5 percent of all websites are “risky” or “dangerous,” meaning they could install spyware,

adware, viruses, or try to steal your personal information. Site Advisor will block these attempts

and allow you to visit websites without worry.

Why McAfee Site Advisor?

We already use McAfee solutions for anti-virus and anti-spyware, so it will be very easy to

integrate Site Advisor with the existing products and to manage it globally.

How will this affect me?

Once Site Advisor is installed on your computer, you will see it embedded into Internet Explorer,

even when you aren’t visiting any websites. It will classify websites into four different categories.

1) Gray Websites:

When Site Advisor is gray with a question mark icon, it either means you aren’t visiting a website

or that the website you are visiting hasn’t been discovered yet by Site Advisor.

2) Green Websites:

When you visit a trusted website, like http://www.google.com, Site Advisor should look like this:

When Site Advisor is green with a checkmark, it means that McAfee knows about the site, has

scanned it, and has determined that visiting the site will not harm your computer. You can surf

the site without fear or any interference from Site Advisor. If you try searching through Google,

Site Advisor will rate the search results and display them:

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Notice that Site Advisor has placed icons next to each result. The results with green checkmarks

are safe to visit while other results might be more dangerous. If you hover over one of these icons

with your cursor, Site Advisor will give you a little bit of information about the site.

Site Advisor will display ratings for search results on Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and Ask.com. We

recommend using one of these search engines when searching the Internet.

3) Yellow Websites:

If you try visiting a website that Site Advisor has classified as risky, you will see this:

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Site Advisor forces you to click a continue button so that you cannot mistakenly visit risky sites

without your knowledge. It will also appear as yellow with an exclamation point icon. Do not visit

one of these sites unless you trust it and know that it will not harm your computer.

Similarly, if you visit a site with downloads, you will see this:

Site Advisor forces you to click an allow button in order to download a program. This prevents

hidden downloads from happening without your knowledge.

4) Red Sites:

When you visit a dangerous site it will look like this:

Site Advisor doesn’t even give you the option of visiting websites that it considers to be

dangerous. You are only allowed to click cancel. Notice also that the Site Advisor box in

Internet Explorer has turned red with an X icon.

What if I really need to visit a website that Site Advisor has blocked?

Call the Global Service Desk.

Will Site Advisor slow down my computer?

The performance impact of Site Advisor is negligible.

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How to use Wireless in Windows 7

Wireless networking is integrated into Windows 7 and can set be up quickly. Once connected to

the internet you must use Genzyme’s Nortel VPN Client (already installed on your laptop) to

establish a secure connection to the Genzyme network. This connection will provide you access

to your Outlook email and/or other resources.

Wireless home routers will allow an individual to create a wireless network in their home, connected

to their Internet Service Provider (ISP). Wireless routers are widely available at local electronics stores.

Genzyme does not provide wireless routers to employees; however, it is strongly recommended that if

you desire to establish a wireless network at home that you procure a Linksys router (WRT54G2), as

they have been extensively tested and work with Genzyme hardware and software standards.


Subsection A: Connecting at Home

Users of T60, T61, X60, X61 and T400


1. Ensure the wireless radio is on by

moving the slide button on the

front edge of the laptop over to the

right. This button is on the front of

the laptop, lower left side.

Users of the X200 X220

2. Ensure the wireless radio is on by

moving the slide button on the

front left side of the laptop over to

the right.

Users of the T410 3. Ensure the wireless radio is on by

moving the slide button on the right

side of the laptop over to the right

Users of the T420 4. Ensure the wireless radio is on by

moving the slide button on the

front right side of the laptop over to

the right

*NOTE: When not using wireless

(if traveling, if hard wired) turn the wireless

radio off to conserve battery power.

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3. Windows 7 automatically scans the

area for available wireless access

points. If you are in the coverage

area Windows 7 attempts to


4. The dark bars with a gold circle

indicate a network is detected but

not connected. Click the wireless

network icon in the notification

area of your taskbar.

5. If you have a wireless network setup

at home, your network name should

appear in the list. Select your network

name, click CONNECT. (Notice the

option to connect automatically it is

checked by default for secure


7. The computer will attempt to

connect to your wireless network.

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8. If your home network is running

encryption you will be prompted to

enter your wireless network’s

security key or phrase:

a. Enter your network


click OK.

9. The computer will attempt to connect

and you may see a Connect to

Network window depending on how

long it takes. The icon in the system

tray will change to look like this once

connected. The bars indicate signal


10. You can also click the network

icon. To open the full view.

11. Verify you have internet access by

opening Internet Explorer and trying

to access some web pages. Some

connections (such as hotels) might

require you to accept charges or ok

terms of use before your service is

actually activated. If the Genie Portal

is your homepage, this will fail since

you are not connected to VPN. If you

can get out to the internet, you are

ready to connect through the VPN.

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Subsection B: C onnecting while Traveling

1. If you are traveling and/or are in

a wireless hot spot, you may see

a window similar to this where a

wireless network is ‘unsecured’.

(wireless networks that do not

have security enabled will be

identified with a yellow shield


2. Highlight the network you want

to connect to and click CONNECT.

You may see a connect to network

screen depending how long it

takes to establish a connection.

(notice the connect automatically

box is not checked because this is

an unsecure network)

3. When connected the network

tray icon will change to look

like bars but with a caution

symbol to indicated unsecure


4. It is imperative that you

immediately connect to

Genzyme via the Nortel VPN

Client, so that your internet

connection is secure.

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If there is no Wireless Network Connection icon or you do not see the message Wireless

Networks Detected in your system tray, the following section will walk through the steps to set

up a wireless connection manually.


1. Click the Start button , type "manage wireless" in the search box, and then, in the list of results, click “manage wireless networks”

2 Click ADD.

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3. Select manually create a network


4. In the Network Name field type in

the name of your wireless


5. Select your Security Type (this was

determined when you set up your

router/wireless access point).

6. Select your Encryption type (this

was determined when you set up

your router/wireless access point).

7. Enter your security key

8. Click Next.

9. Click Close then click the x in upper

corner to close out the control panel


10. Reboot your system, and the wireless

network will be automatically

detected and connect if it is in range.

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Important Phone Numbers and Addresses




Tel: (617) 252-7500

Fax: (617) 252-7600

Toll Free: 1-800-326-7002

SECURITY (24 hours)

Toll Free: 1-855-562-4555

Local: 617-562-4555

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Genzyme Approved Travel Agencies

Belgium Antwerp

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Uitbriedingsstraat 66, 2600 Berchem

Tel: 02 258 84 00 Fax: 03 281 49 12

[email protected]

Canada Burlington

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

1455 Lakeshore Rd Suite G06, Burlington Ont L7S 2J1

Tel: 1 800 489 7780 Fax: 905 632 5893

[email protected]

Costa Rica (San Jose)

Los Yoses Travel Center, Los Yoses

Tel: 506 22800122 Fax:

[email protected]

Chile Santiago

Tel: 56-2-374 75 52

[email protected]

Denmark Billund

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Billund Airport, Passager Terminalen, 7190 Billund

Tel: 7650 2080 Fax: 7650 2000

[email protected]

France Cergy - Pontoise

(Genzyme SAS)

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Parc Saint-Christophe/Pole Pascal

10, Avenue de L'entreprise, 95861 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex

Tel: 33 1 34 24 47 31 Fax: 33 1 34 24 47 37

[email protected]

France Lyon

(Genzyme Polyclonals SAS)

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Imm le Britannia- allée B- 20 blvd E. Deruelle, 69003 Lyon

Telephone: 33 0 4 .78. 14. 16. 34 Fax: 33 0 4 78 14 16 12

[email protected]

Germany Kronberg

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Travel Service Center, Campus Kronberg 7, D-61476 Kronberg

Tel: 49 6173 5096 2355 Fax: 49 6173 5096 2399

[email protected]

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Greece Holargos (Athens)

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

204, Messoghion Avenue 155 61 Holargos (Athens)

Tel: 30210 6509400 Fax: 30210 6511712

[email protected]

India Gurgaon BTC

Centrum Plaza 1st Floor, Golf Course Rd., Sector 53, Gurgaon 122003,

Haryana India

Tel: 91 124 4747474 Fax: 91 (0)124 4747001

[email protected]

Ireland Limerick

Executive Travel Group Ltd

37 Roches St., Limerick

Tel: 353 0 61 481388 Fax: 353 0 61 414168

[email protected]

Italy Bologna

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Piazza dei Martiri 5, 40121, Bologna

Tel: 39 051 5885210 Fax: 39 051 250286

[email protected]


Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Balderas #33, 6th floor, col. Centro mexico d.f.

Tel: 52 55 52 41 55 65 Fax: 52 55 52 41 56 78 / 70

[email protected]


Genzyme Implant

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Gooimeer 10, 1411 DD Naarden, The Netherlands

Tel: 31 35 699 1490 Fax: 31 35 699 1491

[email protected]

Poland Warsaw BTC

Tamka 38, 00-335 Warsaw

Tel: 48 22 556 2260 Fax: 48 22 556 2233

[email protected] ; [email protected] ;

[email protected] ; [email protected]

Sweden Bromma

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Gustavslundsvägen 145, P.O.Box 14047, SE-167 14 Bromma

Tel: 46 8 734 14 00 (extended services, office 0771-112 113)

Fax: 46 8 734 14 85 (extended services office, +46 8 618 37 04)

[email protected]

(extended services office, [email protected] )

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Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Neugasse 7, CH 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Tel: 0041 41 729 41 80 Fax: 0041 41 729 41 88

[email protected]

United Kingdom Oxford

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

1st Floor, 12 Millers Yard, Cambridge, CB2 1RQ

Tel: 01223 446540 Fax: 01223 366 636

[email protected]


Carlson Wagonlit Travel

500 Kendall Street 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02142

Tel: 888-436-9885 / 617-374-7356 Fax: 617-591-5583

To keep costs down, US employees should use the online travel booking

system, Cliqbook, for basic roundtrip bookings. Access Cliqbook from the

Corporate Travel page on Genie.

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Links for Travelers

The following websites can be accessed from anywhere in the world to assist you in

making travel arrangements and successfully completing your trips goals.

www.Weather.com The Weather Channel

www.Travelocity.com Making travel reservations, fare watcher

www.Mapquest.com Driving directions and trip planning services

www.Kropla.com Helpful information for International travelers

including int’l dialing codes

www.Travlang.com Free translating dictionaries and access to foreign

language services

http://www.xe.com/ucc/full.php Universal currency converter

www.Timezoneconverter.com Access to time zones & info

www.Roadnews.com Tips for laptop travelers

www.CNN.com To access national news from CNN

www.Presenteruniversity.com Presentation tips

www.Youcanworkfromanywhere.com Tips to help improve the productivity of


www.About.com A major news, information and entertainment site

www.Seatguru.com Provides information on the seats for a particular


www.Jiwire.com Free and commercial hotspot locator