Remote Learning 2020-2021

Remote Learning 2020 -2021

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Remote Learning 2020-2021

Page 2: Remote Learning 2020 -2021

Welcome Hello! My name is Mrs. Roberts. This is my third year teaching for Corona Norco Unified School District. I’m looking forward to getting to know your child and getting this year started! Due to the new learning environment (Remote Learning) it’s important that we all work together as a team in order to help your child succeed. If you ever have any questions, please email, class dojo, or leave a message at (951) 736-3311 ext 75213. You can leave a message and I will return your phone call as soon as possible. We can also schedule parent conferences to support child. If you prefer to email me, I can be reached at: [email protected]

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Page 4: Remote Learning 2020 -2021

Remote LearningWe will begin our year in a remote learning environment.

What is remote learning?- Student - centered standards based

instruction- Graded weekly assignments in all

content areas on Google Classroom- Online interactive material- Opportunities for live meetings

through Zoom or Google Meets- Teachers utilizing different digital

platforms to enhance the online classroom experience.

What is expected of your child?- Active participation- Giving best effort in their learning- Student completed assignments

submitted on - time- Attend online meetings

Please note, unlike distance learning, remote learning is mandatory .All a s s ig n m e n ts d u rin g th is t im e will b e g ra d e d a n d re fle c te d in yo u r c h ild ’s

achievement a n d effort g ra d e s .

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Google ClassroomStudents will be using Google Classroom to access learning material and


Log- in using your child’s CNUSD Information

( DO NOT use a personal email address)

*We e kly a s s ig n m e n ts will b e p o s te d e ve ry Frid a y a n d a re d u e th e fo llo win g Frid a y.

To a d d yo u r c h ild ’s c la s s c lic k th e + s ig n a n d e n te r th e c o d e yo u r c h ild ’s te a c h e r

s e n t.

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Student Expectations

Check Google Classroom Daily

Be on time & prepared for our Zoom Meetings

Do your best on all your assignments

Follow all schedules & due dates

Demonstrate Digital Citizenship

Ask your teacher questions if you

have them

We Dare, Dream, Believe and Achieve to become LEADERS!

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Teacher Expectations

Regularly update Parents/Students

Be available for questions

(see office hours)

Provide daily interactive meetings

through online platforms

Provide feedback to students on assignments

Update Google Classroom with accessible

assignments within three days of the due date

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Parents Expectations

Provide a quiet place for students to work

Check Class Dojo for updates from your

child’s teacher

Create a schedule that works for your

child & family*click to see sample

Maintain frequent communication with

your teacher

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Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the internet, and digital devices to engage within society on any level.

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iReady Beginning of Year Diagnostic Tests1) Enter your child’s log in information onto Mycnusd Portal

Username: Student ID NumberPassword: Capital first letter of first name, lower case first letter of last name, birthdayEx. Jd142020 (John Doe, Birthday January 4, 2020)

2) Go to Mycnusd portal to access i - Ready3) Click on iReady Web icon4) Your child will complete “Math” diagnostic week 1 and “Reading” diagnostic week 2.*Please do not complete both assessments in 1 sitting, we recommend limiting your child to 30 minute sessions.

*Once your child clicks “Begin Diagnostic” please do not help or guide them in finding the answer as results will be inaccurate . Monitor to make sure they are taking their time so that their lessons and material on iReady will be at their current level.

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Step-Up to Writ ing Graphic Organizers:

● Circle Maps ● T- Chart (Informational)● OREO (Opinion)● Quick Sketch (Narrative)

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What does your child’s grade mean?

Grading Policy

95 - 100% O Far Above Grade Level

90 - 94% O- Slightly Above Grade Level

85 - 89% S+ Approaching Above Grade Level

75- 84% S On Grade Level

70- 74% S- Approaching Grade Level

69%↓ N Be lo w Gra d e Le ve l

Yo u r c h ild will re c e ive a c h ie ve m e n t a n d e ffo rt g ra d e s .

Achievement grades a re a n a c c u m u la tio n o f yo u r c h ild ’s wo rk a n d a s s e s s m e n ts in th e fo llo win g c o re

a c a d e m ic a re a s : *Re a d in g Ph o n e m ic Awa re n e s s*Re a d in g Wo rd Re c o g n itio n*Re a d in g Co m p re h e n s io n*Writte n La n g u a g e

*Ora l La n g u a g e*Ma th*Sc ie n c e / He a lth*So c ia l Sc ie n c e

Effort grades a re a n a c c u m u la tio n o f yo u r c h ild ’s o ve ra ll e ffo rt in a ll c o re a c a d e m ic a re a s a s we ll a s

th e fo llo win g :*Ha n d writin g*Be h a vio r*Fin e Arts

*Co m p u te r Ed u c a tio n*Ho m e wo rk*Ph ys ic a l Ed u c a tio n

3rd Grade

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Grading Policy 92- 100% ASuperior Grade Level

Achievement 90 - 91% A-

88 - 89% B+

Above Average Grade Level Achievement 82- 87% B

80 - 81% B-

78- 79% C+

Grade Level Achievement

72- 77% C

70- 71% C-

68 - 69% D+

Below Grade Level Achievement 62- 67% D

60 - 61% D-

59%↓ F Fa ilin g Gra d e Le ve l

*Yo u r c h ild will re c e ive a c h ie ve m e n t a n d e ffo rt g ra d e s .

Achievement grades a re a n a c c u m u la tio n o f yo u r c h ild ’s wo rk a n d a s s e s s m e n ts in th e fo llo win g c o re

a c a d e m ic a re a s : *Na rra tive *Exp o s ito ry *Sp e llin g*Writin g

*Ora l La n g u a g e*Ma th*Sc ie n c e*So c ia l Sc ie n c e

Effort grades a re a n a c c u m u la tio n o f yo u r c h ild ’s o ve ra ll e ffo rt in a ll c o re a c a d e m ic a re a s a s we ll a s

th e fo llo win g :*Ha n d writin g*Be h a vio r*Fin e Arts

*Co m p u te r Ed u c a tio n*Ho m e wo rk*Ph ys ic a l Ed u c a tio n

4th Grade

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ORAL PRESENTATIONSExpectations -Prepare Oral Presentation before presenting. Students should prepare an oral presentation that follows all the requirements within an assignment. They are allowed to read from a paper with notes or a draft of their presentation, while looking up at their peers/teacher for eye contact. It is OPTIONAL if students want to memorize their presentation.

During Remote Learning - Check Google Classroom for Oral Presentation Topic that Students will Prepare and Present for their Classmates using Flipgrid

Flipgrid - In order to get to know each other throughout remote learning, each student will be posting on Flipgrid.

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Click on a calendar to view

District Calendar School Calendar

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Office Hours Office Hours are not on zoom they will be

held through email or class dojo, google


EmailDojoClassDojo is a school

communication platform that teachers, students, and

families use every day to build close - knit communities

by sharing what's being learned in the classroom

home through photos, videos, and messages.

[email protected]

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Thank you for reviewing my digita l pa rent

informa tion presenta t ion!

Thank you in advance for your communication and support during this school year! Looking forward to a amazing year with your wonderful children!

Thank you,Mrs. Roberts