Relation extraction and scoring in DeepQA C. Wang A. Kalyanpur J. Fan B. K. Boguraev D. C. Gondek Detecting semantic relations in text is an active problem area in natural-language processing and information retrieval. For question answering, there are many advantages of detecting relations in the question text because it allows background relational knowledge to be used to generate potential answers or find additional evidence to score supporting passages. This paper presents two approaches to broad-domain relation extraction and scoring in the DeepQA question-answering framework, i.e., one based on manual pattern specification and the other relying on statistical methods for pattern elicitation, which uses a novel transfer learning technique, i.e., relation topics. These two approaches are complementary; the rule-based approach is more precise and is used by several DeepQA components, but it requires manual effort, which allows for coverage on only a small targeted set of relations (approximately 30). Statistical approaches, on the other hand, automatically learn how to extract semantic relations from the training data and can be applied to detect a large amount of relations (approximately 7,000). Although the precision of the statistical relation detectors is not as high as that of the rule-based approach, their overall impact on the system through passage scoring is statistically significant because of their broad coverage of knowledge. Introduction The IBM DeepQA question-answering framework allows for a wide variety of candidate answer generators and scorers that enable it to generate candidate answers and compute a match (or alignment) between the question text and the supporting textual evidence found for a given candidate [1–3]. The text analytics used in these modules rely primarily on surface-level information or the predicate-argument structure (PAS) [4] of the text fragments under consideration. In this paper, we focus on analytics that go beyond explicit lexical and syntactic information and instead detect implicit semantic relations in the text. Table 1 illustrates instances of such implicit semantic relations in Jeopardy!** data. For instance, the question BFThe Screwtape Letters_ from a senior devil to an under devil are by this man better known for children’s books[ contains an instance of the author relation, whose arguments are identified as Bthis man[ and BThe Screwtape Letters[. Detecting such implicit relations in the question text is very useful for question answering because it enables background knowledge base to be used to find potential answers to the question (for the examples in Table 1, the relations are from the DBpedia knowledge base [5]; thus, we can look up potential answers in this resource based on the relation detected). Another application of semantic relation detection is for passage scoring. Consider the question BThis hockey defenseman ended his career on June 5, 2008[ and a supporting passage BOn June 5, 2008, Wesley announced his retirement after his 20th NHL season.[ The question and the passage have very few keywords in common (especially verbs and nouns), and thus, any similarity between the two computed with explicit term matching-based approaches [2] would be low. However, if a relation detector can find that the question and the ÓCopyright 2012 by International Business Machines Corporation. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted without payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is done without alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copyright notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied by any means or distributed royalty free without further permission by computer-based and other information-service systems. Permission to republish any other portion of this paper must be obtained from the Editor. C. WANG ET AL. 9:1 IBM J. RES. & DEV. VOL. 56 NO. 3/4 PAPER 9 MAY/JULY 2012 0018-8646/12/$5.00 B 2012 IBM Digital Object Identifier: 10.1147/JRD.2012.2187239

Relation extraction and scoring in DeepQA - IBM11... · knowledge base), an appropriate scoring algorithm can arrive at a higher semantic similarity score. ... [Film] should not detract

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Relation extraction andscoring in DeepQA

C. WangA. Kalyanpur

J. FanB. K. BoguraevD. C. GondekDetecting semantic relations in text is an active problem area in

natural-language processing and information retrieval. For questionanswering, there are many advantages of detecting relations in thequestion text because it allows background relational knowledgeto be used to generate potential answers or find additional evidenceto score supporting passages. This paper presents two approaches tobroad-domain relation extraction and scoring in the DeepQAquestion-answering framework, i.e., one based on manual patternspecification and the other relying on statistical methods for patternelicitation, which uses a novel transfer learning technique, i.e.,relation topics. These two approaches are complementary; therule-based approach is more precise and is used by several DeepQAcomponents, but it requires manual effort, which allows for coverageon only a small targeted set of relations (approximately 30).Statistical approaches, on the other hand, automatically learn how toextract semantic relations from the training data and can be appliedto detect a large amount of relations (approximately 7,000).Although the precision of the statistical relation detectors is notas high as that of the rule-based approach, their overallimpact on the system through passage scoring is statisticallysignificant because of their broad coverage of knowledge.

IntroductionThe IBM DeepQA question-answering framework allows fora wide variety of candidate answer generators and scorersthat enable it to generate candidate answers and computea match (or alignment) between the question text andthe supporting textual evidence found for a given candidate[1–3]. The text analytics used in these modules rely primarilyon surface-level information or the predicate-argumentstructure (PAS) [4] of the text fragments under consideration.In this paper, we focus on analytics that go beyond explicitlexical and syntactic information and instead detectimplicit semantic relations in the text.Table 1 illustrates instances of such implicit semantic

relations in Jeopardy!** data. For instance, the questionBFThe Screwtape Letters_ from a senior devil to an underdevil are by this man better known for children’s books[contains an instance of the author relation, whosearguments are identified as Bthis man[ and BThe ScrewtapeLetters[. Detecting such implicit relations in the question text

is very useful for question answering because it enablesbackground knowledge base to be used to find potentialanswers to the question (for the examples in Table 1,the relations are from the DBpedia knowledge base [5]; thus,we can look up potential answers in this resource based onthe relation detected).Another application of semantic relation detection is for

passage scoring. Consider the question

BThis hockey defenseman ended his career on June 5,2008[

and a supporting passage

BOn June 5, 2008, Wesley announced his retirementafter his 20th NHL season.[

The question and the passage have very few keywords incommon (especially verbs and nouns), and thus, anysimilarity between the two computed with explicit termmatching-based approaches [2] would be low. However,if a relation detector can find that the question and the

�Copyright 2012 by International Business Machines Corporation. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted without payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is done withoutalteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copyright notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied by any means or distributed

royalty free without further permission by computer-based and other information-service systems. Permission to republish any other portion of this paper must be obtained from the Editor.

C. WANG ET AL. 9 : 1IBM J. RES. & DEV. VOL. 56 NO. 3/4 PAPER 9 MAY/JULY 2012

0018-8646/12/$5.00 B 2012 IBM

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1147/JRD.2012.2187239

passage share a common semantic relation, e.g.,ActiveYearsEndDate (also defined in the DBpediaknowledge base), an appropriate scoring algorithm can arriveat a higher semantic similarity score.In this paper, we first present a high-precision approach for

detecting semantic relations based on a handcrafted set ofpatterns over the PAS representation of text. We then presentan approach based on statistical pattern discovery andaggregation, i.e., Topicalized Wide Relation and EntityeXtraction (TWREX), which achieves much higher recallrelation detection by training support vector machines(SVMs) [6] on a large number of relations defined inDBpedia using training data from Wikipedia** [7].Our relation extraction and passage-scoring components

make use of several other DeepQA components, includingthe English Slot Grammar (ESG) parser [8], entitydisambiguation and matching (EDM) [9], predicatedisambiguation and matching (PDM) [9], and AnswerLookup [2]. We evaluate our relation detection at twolevels. At the component level, we measure how well ourapproach detects semantic relations in Wikipedia data, ACEdata [10], and Jeopardy! questions. At the system level, weevaluate the overall end-to-end impact of relation detectionon the question-answering performance of IBM Watson*.This paper begins with a description of our rule-based

relation detection technique. It then described our statisticalrelation detection and scoring algorithms. The next sectiondescribes how this paper fits in the DeepQA architecture.The last two sections summarize the experimental resultsand provide some concluding remarks.

Rule-based relation extractionA relation can be often expressed in multiple ways lexicallyand syntactically. For instance, an authorOf relationmight be expressed not only with nouns such as Bauthor[but also with verbs such as Bwrite[, Bcompose[, Bpen[,or Bpublish[; furthermore, these might appear in differentsyntactic configurations (such as passive versus active,e.g., BOriginally written by Alexander Pushkin as a poem[;

nominalized or verbal forms of the same underlyingpredicate, e.g., BThis FFrench Connection_ actor coauthoredthe 1999 novel FWake of the Perdido Star_[; or exploiting thesemantic load of complement slots to relational nouns,e.g., Bplaywright of FThe Maids_[, BFX-Files_ star[).There is effectively an unlimited number of ways to realize

a relation instance in text. In many cases, however, basicprinciples of economy of expression and/or conventions ofgenre will ensure that certain systematic ways of expressing arelation are repeatedly used [11] to the extent that patternscan be observed and categorized. The intuition behindrule-based relation detection derives from such observations,i.e., that a rule can be stated that will detect multiple instancesof a pattern.Lexical analysis of historical Jeopardy! questions gives

us lists of verbs and nouns in the arts-and-entertainment(A&E) domain that are strongly indicative of deep semanticrelations such as Bwrite[, Bcompose[, Bstar[, Bplay[,Bbiography[, and so forth; these are complemented by thesemantic type assignment to named entities such as BDavidLean[ (a Director) and BAutumn Sonata[ (a Film).The choice of relations for which we have hand-created

recognizers is not arbitrary. Words such as Bfilm[, Bauthor[,and Bnovel[ are prominently at the head of the distributionof lexical answer types (the kinds of entities thatquestions are asking about; see [9]); furthermore, in wellover 50% of questions asking for them, there is an instanceof a semantic relation over what the question is askingabout, which is potentially useful for structured lookup orpassage scoring.As simple examples of a relation, consider locutions such

as Ba Mary Shelley tale[, Bthe Saroyan novel[, BTwain’stravel books[, and Ba 1984 Tom Clancy thriller[. The keyobservation is that a simple pattern is at play here, interactingwith a system of semantic types ([Author] and [Prose], in thiscase; the fact that Bthriller[ is ambiguous between [Prose]and [Film] should not detract from the argument), and isdependent on lexical and syntactic context. The value of sucha pattern in an authorOf relation detector would be

Table 1 Examples of Jeopardy! questions and detected relations.

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determined by our ability to impose semantic constraintsupon the elements of candidate phrases and on the frequencyof occurrence of such locutions in the domain data.Typically, relation detection for any relations would besensitive to a number of patterns, each one, such as the oneillustrated here, fairly productive in itself.Pattern elements are typically syntactic constituents, and

a quality parser can reliably identify such constituents,as well as dependency links among them; an ontology oftypes can be used for semantic constraint checking. In ourcase, a deep syntactic parser (i.e., ESG), a mapper fromdependency trees to PAS, and a comprehensive semantictype system are essential enabling technologies, providingthe scaffolding for effective pattern writing [4]. Still,identifying productive patterns and then developing thecapability to normalize the different inputs to a canonicalrepresentation is expensive, and we have done this forrelations that are (A) particularly prominent in the domain or(B) are broadly manifested across all question data.In Jeopardy!, (A) holds for questions referring to the

A&E domain, broadly construed to capture relationshipsbetween animate agents and works of art (e.g., actors in filmsor plays; authors of prose, poetry, or music; and charactersin fictional works). Examples of (B) concern the moregeneric properties of many Jeopardy! lexical answer types(properties such as place or date of birth, nationality,alternative naming conventions, time stamping and temporallinking, and geospatial constraints). The followingexamples illustrate instances of relations for which we havemanually developed rule sets.

1. Robert Redford and this BPicket Fences[ star bothdebuted as soldiers in the 1962 drama BWar Hunt.[(actorIn, actorOf, timeStamp)

2. Born in Winsted, he practiced law in Connecticut beforehe wrote BUnsafe at Any Speed.[ (bornWhere,authorOf)

3. This Norwegian star of such movies as BAutumn Sonata[was actually born in Japan. (nationalityOf,actorIn, bornWhere)

4. The main library at the University of Northern Coloradois named for this alumnus who wrote an epic of Coloradoin 1974. (namedAfter, authorOf)

Example 1 contains three actorIn and two actorOfrelations (binding actors and films, and actors and characters,respectively), with the focus (the part of the questionthat is a reference to the answer; Bthis FPicket Fences_ star[ inthe example) participating in two of them. Example 2binds the focus as argument to a bornIn and anauthorOf relation: bornIn(focus:he,Winsted),authorOf(focus:he,Unsafe At Any Speed).Example 3 highlights three properties of the focus, namely,actorIn, nationalityOf, and bornWhere.

Example 4 illustrates a name-sharing association betweenthe focus and another named entity.Relation detection patterns are written in Prolog and apply

unification pattern matching over PAS [4, 12]. Unificationcan be traced to resolution-based theorem proving [13]and has been shown to be a particularly convenient andeffective way to manipulate directed acyclic graphs. As such,it was adopted in the natural-language processing (NLP)community as the underlying representational andinterpretational device for formal grammar specification andfeature structure manipulation [14–16]. The Prolog languageis, in effect, an efficient unification interpreter [17].We sought parsimony in rule specification by strongly

typing the relations and exploiting the lexical space ofrelation expression, as well as similarities in the syntaxof expressing different relations (where appropriate).For instance, in the A&E domain, patterns such as

authorOf �> np : ½Author� �> nadj

�> ½Prose�: == ‘‘thisWordsworthpoem00

have parallel versions for relations such as directorOfand composerOf

directorOf �> np : ½Director� �> nadj

�> ½Film�: == ‘‘aDavidLeanclassic00

composerOf �> np : ½Composer� �> nadj

�> ½Music�: == ‘‘thisPucciniopera00

Consequently, a metapattern for creatorOf can bedeveloped and, as appropriate, specialized, depending onfine-grained semantic typing of the pattern elements.In DeepQA, the rule-based relation detection module can

detect approximately 30 relations. On average, each relationis associated with 10–20 rules.

Statistical approaches for relation extraction andpassage scoringThe open-domain setting of DeepQA means that a large setof relation types must be covered in order to have asubstantial impact on overall system performance. Targetingjust a handful of relations would affect only a small subsetof the data and is unlikely to have a significant impact.In this section, we present our statistical approach for relationdetection, which is able to detect more than 7,000 relationsspanning a diverse set of topics.The organization of this section is as follows: We first

describe the internal representation of relation instances,and on the basis of that, we outline the approach toautomatically extract training data from Wikipedia andDBpedia. Next, we present Brelation topics[, i.e., the mostnovel part of our approach. The last two subsections discusshow relation topics are used in relation extraction andunstructured passage scoring. Figure 1 shows a diagram ofour relation topic-based relation detection component.

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Internal representation of relation instancesIn our statistical approach, each sentence expressing arelation is represented by a set of features, including:1) types of relation arguments; 2) syntactic features suchas subject and words in the dependency path betweentwo arguments; and 3) words in the whole sentence.For example, a sentence expressing ActiveYearEndDaterelation,

BSauve announced his retirement from the NHL in1989[,

is represented by the following features: argument1type[Person, Athlete]; argument2type [Year]; syntactic features inthe dependency path [subj, mod_vprep, objprep]; words inthe dependency path [announce (verb), in (prep)]; andwords in the whole sentence [Sauve (noun), announce (verb),his (adj), retirement (noun), from (prep), NHL (noun),in (prep), 1989 (noun)].In this representation, the two arguments are ordered,

with the subject coming first and the object second.If the order is not given, we consider both combinations.The YAGO (Yet Another Great Ontology) type system

[18] is used to assign types to the relation arguments. Givenan arbitrary entity, we retrieve its YAGO types using theEDM [9] or PDM components [9]. EDM maps the textualmention of an entity to an entity resource in a structured

knowledge base. Given the uncertainty associated with themapping process, it typically involves mapping to acollection of entities, each with an associated confidencelevel, i.e., roughly a measure of the probability of theaccuracy of the mapping. The knowledge base used in ourEDM algorithm is Wikipedia. The Wikipedia page URLs aretransformed into the corresponding DBpedia URIs, whichthen can be mapped to YAGO types. PDM is analogous toEDM. It is used to map the lexical answer type of an entity toYAGO types.The Slot Grammar parser ESG [8] is used to parse each

sentence into a dependency tree that shows both surfacestructure and deep logical structure. Each tree node has aword-sense predicate with its logical arguments, a list ofmorphosyntactic features, and the left and right modifiers ofthe node. On the basis of the ESG parse, we extract adependency path between two arguments. A dependency treeexample is shown in Figure 2. Note that there could bemultiple paths between two arguments in the tree. We onlytake the shortest path into consideration. Seventy-sixsyntactic features such as subject and object are extractedfrom the ESG parse for the given sentence and are usedin our feature set.Both the dependency path and the sentence features are

filtered for five parts of speech, i.e., adjective, adverb, noun,preposition, and verb (thus, there is no determiner in thefeatures for the above example).

Figure 1

Statistical relation detection module.

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Extracting training data from Wikipediaand DBpediaOur training data is composed of two parts, i.e., relationinstances from DBpedia and sentences describing therelations from the corresponding Wikipedia pages.

Collecting the training dataSince our relations correspond to Wikipedia infoboxproperties, we use an approach similar to that described in[19] to collect positive training data instances. We assumethat a Wikipedia page containing a particular infoboxproperty is likely to express the same relation in the text ofthe page. We further assume that the relation is most likelyexpressed in the first sentence on the page that mentionsthe arguments of the relation. For example, the Wikipediapage for BAlbert Einstein[ contains an infobox propertyBalma mater[ with value BUniversity of Zurich[, and the firstsentence mentioning the arguments is BEinstein was awardeda PhD by the University of Zurich[, which expresses therelation. When looking for relation arguments on the page,we go beyond (sub)string matching and use link informationto match entities that may have different surface forms.Using such techniques, we have collected 620,000

examples characterizing 7,628 DBpedia relations. Ourheuristic approach returns reasonably good results but bringsin about 20% noise (estimated by manual inspection) in theform of false positives. For example, if someone wasborn and died in the same place, the sentence we extractfor the birthPlace relation might actually express thedeathPlace relation instead. This is a concern whenbuilding an accurate statistical relation detector. To address

this issue, we have developed a keyword filter and anargument type filter to automatically remove some of thenoisy data.

Retrieving types for the argumentsTo get precise type information for the arguments of aDBpedia relation, we use the DBpedia knowledge base [5]and the associated YAGO type system [18]. Note that,for almost every Wikipedia page, there is a correspondingDBpedia entry that has captured the infobox properties asresource description framework (RDF) triples. Some of thetriples include type information, where the subject of thetriple is a Wikipedia entity and the object is a YAGO type forthe entity. For example, the DBpedia entry for the entityBAlbert Einstein[ includes types corresponding to Scientist,Philosopher, and Violinist, etc. These YAGO types are alsolinked to appropriate WordNet** concepts [20], providingaccurate sense disambiguation. Thus, for any entity argumentof a relation we are learning, we obtain sense-disambiguatedtype information, which is used as a feature in the relationdetection model.

Relation topicsSimilar to the topics defined over words [21, 22], we definerelation topics as multinomial distributions over the existingDBpedia relations. One relation topic example is asfollows: [doctoraladvisor (0.683366),doctoralstudents (0.113201), candidate(0.014662), academicadvisors (0.008623),notablestudents (0.003829), college(0.003021), operatingsystem (0.002964),

Figure 2

Example of a dependency tree.

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combatant (0.002826), influences(0.002285), training (0.002148),. . .], wheredoctoraladvisor is a DBpedia relation and 0.683366is its contribution to this relation topic. The length ofthis topic vector is 7,628, which is the total number ofDBpedia relations.All such relation topics are automatically constructed using

an unsupervised analysis of the correlations betweenexisting relations regarding one or a set of components(argument1, noun in the dependency path, etc.).Relation topics are defined at multiple scales, are humaninterpretable, are orthonormal to each other, and can beused as basis functions to re-represent the questions andpassages. We project each relation instance onto this relationtopic space, resulting in a set of features to represent theinstances in the topic space. The methodology to constructrelation topics, and features, is presented in [23].Some argument types and words occur in multiple

relations. They are used to model the correlations betweendifferent relations. The relation topic construction processextracts the topics from the finest level of the input data whileat the same time modifying the relationship between relationsto focus more on low-frequency indirect co-occurrences(between relations) for the next level.The main motivation for the creation of relation topics

is that we can project any relation instance candidate(including the candidates from unseen relations) onto therelation topic space. This step results in a set of relation topicfeatures that reflects the relationship between the givencandidate and the known relations. Such topic features areused in an SVM classifier (through the kernel function,see below) to detect relations from the relation instance

candidates or compute the similarity score between thequestion and the passage.

Relation detection with relation topicsIn this subsection, we describe our technique to do relationdetection. Our model (or classifier) that does relationdetection is trained using SVMs. SVM classifiers use a kernelfunction to model similarity among the instances. Our kernelfunction combines the relation topic features with threeother existing kernels that match arguments, dependencypaths, and the common words shared by two instances (seeFigure 3). Details about this kernel are presented in [23].

TrainingIn training data from DBpedia and Wikipedia, the argumentsof each relation instance are already given and the order isalways from subject to object. We train one SVM modelwith our kernel for each relation. The negative training setfor each relation is created by sampling the instances fromthe other relations.

TestingGiven a test instance, the testing procedure has the followingfour steps.

1. Detect argument pairsVFor Jeopardy! questions,the focus and each named entity in the question make anargument pair. For an arbitrary sentence, we use ESG toextract all predicate nodes, and any predicate node pairmakes a pair of relation arguments.

2. Detect argument orderVIn some situations, thedependency path tells us which argument is subject and

Figure 3

Features used in statistical relation extraction.

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which is object. Otherwise, we try both combinations.3. FilteringVTo mitigate the noise introduced by false

positives in our training data extraction heuristics and toprovide a way to balance the recall and precision, we havealso developed a keyword filter and an argument typefilter to filter out noisy relation instances.

On a relation-per-relation basis, we extract the mostpopular verbs, nouns, and prepositions (these are deemedmore important than the other words to detect relations)from the dependency path of each training positiveinstance. For any given relation, we add the words thatoccur in at least 10% of positive instances or at leastthree times in its positive training data set to a list to createa keyword filter. If a given test instance does not haveany key word in this list, it will be filtered out. We alsodesigned an argument type filter exploiting the YAGOtype hierarchy, which extracts the most common parenttype in YAGO for each argument in each relation. The filterthen rejects test instances that have at least one argumentnot under the corresponding common parent type.

We drop the test instance if it does not pass either thekeyword filter or the argument type filter (this step isoptional).

4. ApplyVApply all our relation detectors to the testinstance to extract semantic relations.

Unstructured passage scoring with relation topicsWhen the question and a passage share very fewkeywords, any similarity between them computedusing term-matching-based approaches would be low.In such situations, if a relation detector can find sharedrelations between the question and the passage, this canlead to a higher semantic similarity score.One way to integrate this idea in the DeepQA framework

is to use our relation detectors to find all relations expressedin both the question and each given passage. The numberof relations they share is then used to score the passage.This approach, however, does not work well in practicefor two reasons. First, the open-domain setting of DeepQArequires that a large set of relation types be covered.In our case, we have more than 7,000 relation modelsthat need to be applied to each given passage. Consideringthe huge amount of passages to be processed, thisapproach is not realistic in real-world applications. Second,many semantic relations are not covered in DBpedia. Ifa question and a passage share some significant relationsthat are not in DBpedia, the passage will not be appropriatelyscored. To address these challenges, we developed a novelalgorithm for passage scoring in DeepQA by integratingrelation topics extracted from Wikipedia and DBpedia data.The information extracted from relation topics is useful

for unstructured passage scoring. For example, if argumenttypes town, city, state, etc. often occur in the same relations(such as birthPlace and deathPlace), the topic

extraction approach will automatically learn a topic fromthat. When we align argument types town and city in therelation topic space, we will get a high similarity scoresince the projection results of them on the topic space areclose to each other. Words with similar meanings will bealso treated in a similar way. In the relation topic space,instances from related relations will be grouped together.Passages that only have relations remotely matching therelations expressed in the question will be still appropriatelyscored since the indirect relationship between relations isalso captured in the topic space. Using relation topics maysignificantly help score passages, and it potentially expandsthe information brought in by each passage from makinguse of the knowledge extracted from the existing relationrepository.In DeepQA, the passage score represents how well a

given passage matches the question and is used to rankcandidate answers derived from the passages. For thesake of simplicity, we assume that the question has onefocus and the passage has one candidate answer. In thefollowing question–passage example, the question focusis state and the candidate is state of Quintana Roo.

Question: It’s Mexico’s northernmost state, but part ofits name means Blow[.

Passage: Cabo Catoche or Cape Catoche, in theMexican state of Quintana Roo, is the northernmostpoint on the Yucatan Peninsula. It is about 53 km(33 miles) north of the city of Cancun.

To align the question and the passage, we first find pairsof matching terms, which are the terms that resemble eachother semantically. In this example, we have two pairs ofmatching terms [Mexico’s, Mexican, via stem: Mexico] and[northernmost, northernmost]. We assume that the focus andone matching term in the question make a semantic relation.We then assume that the candidate variant and thecorresponding matching term in the passage also make arelation. We project these two relation instances onto therelation topic space. The cosine similarity of the projectionresults is used to score the passage for the selected matchingterms. In this example, we have two matching pairs. The sumof two matching scores is used as the final passage score.Since the matching terms other than the focus–candidatepair are always quite similar to each other ([northernmost,northernmost], in the example above), we do not takethem into consideration when we compute cosine similarity.The passage score is used as a feature and is used forcandidate answer ranking [24].

Integrating in DeepQAThe relation detection component is used in several placesin the DeepQA pipeline.

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In the question analysis step [12], we attempt to identifyrelations between the focus and each named entity in thequestion. If a relation is detected, we invoke theAnswer Lookup component [2] to search against structuredknowledge base (such as DBpedia) for all instancesof the relation that contain the given named entity as oneargument. The other argument of the relation is then treatedas a potential candidate answer.Relation extraction, i.e., both on the question side and

on the content side, is used in supporting passage scoring,in particular, by components such as Logical FormAnswer Candidate Scorer (LFACS) [3] and by theunstructured passage-scoring component described in theprevious section.Separately, semantic relations produced by the rule-based

approach are also used by some other components inDeepQA. One use is in keyword search, where keywordsconnected to the focus by a semantic relation are weighed upin the search query [2]. Geospatial and temporal semanticrelations are used to query structured knowledge bases forstructured inference-based constraint satisfaction and scoringof candidate answers [25]. Additionally, the results ofrelations extraction over a large body of text are aggregatedin the PRISMATIC knowledge base [26], which is itself usedby a range of search and answer-scoring components.Semantic relations have been also enhanced to facilitateprocesses of semantic frame detection and frame slotinstantiation [25].

ExperimentsWe evaluate our approaches at both the component andsystem levels.

Component-level evaluationAt the component level, we performed six experiments tomeasure the relation extraction performance on Wikipediadata, ACE data, and Jeopardy! questions.

a)Wikipedia dataExperiment 1VIn the first experiment, we evaluate thestatistical relation detection approach trained on Wikipediadata (no filter) using a Wikipedia data set held out for

testing. We achieve an 81.18% F1 score in this experiment.Details about this experimental setup are in [23].

b)ACE dataExperiment 2VThe ACE 2004 corpus is the mostpopularly used benchmark data set for relation extraction.In the second experiment, we use ACE data to compareour approach against the state-of-the-art approacheson relation extraction, including convolution tree kernel[27], syntactic kernel [28], composite kernel (linear) [29],and the best kernel in [30]. The results are summarizedin Table 2. Our statistical approach has the bestperformance, achieving a 73.24% F1 score. Details aboutthe experimental setup are in [23]. The rule-basedapproach is not tested in this experiment since it isnot developed to process ACE relations.

c) Jeopardy! dataAs noted earlier, our statistical relation detectors aretrained on Wikipedia data. We now run four additionalexperiments (Experiments 3 through 6, listed below) to testthe relation detection on 3,508 Jeopardy! questions.We use recall and precision to measure the performance.Measuring recall is challenging since no ground truthinformation about what relations are expressed in eachquestion is given.

To create a data set to measure recall, we took thefollowing approach. From the question text of eachquestion, we retrieve all its named entities. Eachnamed entity and the answer (used to replace the focus)to the question potentially participate in some semanticrelations. We then check whether the answer is in theinfobox of the Wikipedia page corresponding to eachnamed entity in the question. If the answer is there, thenwe have a relation instance candidate. All such candidatesare manually verified to remove the false positives.Using this approach, we collected 370 DBpedia relationinstances. Precision is measured by manually checkingwhether the extracted relations are true. In this task, onlythe DBpedia relations that occur in the recall set areconsidered for precision computation. The results reportedin this data set are summarized in Table 3.

Table 2 Component-level evaluation of different approaches using ACE 2004 data.

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Experiment 3VIn the third experiment, we evaluateour statistical approach trained on Wikipedia data(no filter) using Jeopardy! data. The recall for this testis 54.28%. The exact precision is not known since morethan 7,000 relation instances are extracted and it isunrealistically time consuming to manually annotate all ofthem. We randomly chose 5% of the relation instancesfor annotation and find that the precision is around 25%for the sampled data.Experiment 4VIn the fourth experiment, we evaluate thestatistical approach with both the keyword filter and thetype filter active. The noise reduction due to filteringnow makes it possible to manually annotate the results.The recall for this setting is 45.71%, precision is 59.44%,and the F1 score is 51.68%. This shows that usingfilters can significantly improve precision withoutcompromising recall.Experiment 5VIn order to assess the effects of filteringeven further, we run a test to see how many positiveinstances are blocked by the filters; the result shows that83% of positive instances passed the filters. The mostpopular failure case is due to arguments specific toJeopardy! not being recognized by our filters. For example,the argument type filter does not know that Ba hit[may represent a movie since the Wikipedia data doesnot have such examples.Experiment 6VIn the sixth experiment, we evaluateour rule-based approach using Jeopardy! data.Note that the rule-based approach is not statistical(and, hence, no training is required) since it works byapplying pattern-based rules to text fragments.The relations identified by the rule-based approach do notnecessarily have corresponding DBpedia relations.The recall and precision numbers in this experimentare reported only on nine relations that can be easilymapped to DBpedia relations. These nine relations areactorIn, authorOf, bornWhen, bornWhere,composerOf, creatorOf, directorOf,nationalityOf, and performerOf. The recall forthese nine relations is 41.40%, precision is 83.25%, andthe F1 score is 55.30%. In comparison, the statisticalapproach with filters on the same nine relations achieved a

recall of 41.27%, a precision value of 57.79%, and an F1

score of 48.15%.

d)AnalysisThe experiments on ACE and Wikipedia data showthat our statistical relation detection approach hasstate-of-the-art performance at the component level.Since we do not have sufficient training data fromJeopardy!, the statistical relation detectors we use forJeopardy! are also trained on Wikipedia.

Compared with the F1 score from the Wikipedia test,there is a significant performance drop for the Jeopardy! task.This is due to several issues that cause a mismatch betweenthe training data obtained from Wikipedia and the testdata of Jeopardy!. First, the argument types in the Wikipediadata are given. In Jeopardy!, we have to use the EDM andPDM algorithms [9] to obtain argument types, and theaccuracy of these two modules presently is approximately70%. Second, most sentences in Wikipedia are instancesof straightforward prose, whereas many Jeopardy! questionsare vague and/or tricky or otherwise unusual. Third,some terms used in Jeopardy! are not used very often inWikipedia, e.g., the term Bhit[ (as a Bmovie[) discussedabove. We find that using filters improves the precisionand makes the relation detection models usable forJeopardy! tasks.Our rule-based approach is tested only on Jeopardy! data.

Compared with the statistical approach, the rule-basedapproach has slightly worse recall but, as expected, muchhigher precision.

System-level evaluationAt the system level, we evaluate the impact of relationextraction on end-to-end question-answering performancethrough candidate answer generation and unstructuredpassage scoring. We apply our approaches in the contextof two different configurations of the DeepQA system.The full configuration includes all components of DeepQA.The basic configuration includes all of the standard questionanalysis components, search, candidate generation,

Table 3 Component-level evaluation using Jeopardy! data.

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a simplified configuration for merging and ranking answers,and one answer scorer that checks answer types using anamed entity detector [9]. All experiments are conducted ona previously unseen set of 3,508 Jeopardy! questions.Performances are reported on the accuracy improvementfrom our relation detection approaches in end-to-endexperiments.

Candidate answer generation using relation extractionIn candidate answer generation, we extract relations betweenthe focus and each named entity in the question. If a relationis detected, we invoke the Answer Lookup component tosearch against structured knowledge bases for all instances ofthe relation that contain the given named entity as oneargument. The other argument of the relation is then treatedas a potential candidate answer. We measure the impactof this component to the system. The results are summarizedin Table 4. Under the basic configuration, statistical relationdetection, together with the rule-based approach, achieves0.2% accuracy improvement over the baseline system.Under the full configuration, the improvement is about0.54%. Neither difference is statistically significant.

Unstructured passage scoring using relation extractionIn unstructured passage scoring, we use the passage scorecomputed in the relation topic space as a new feature andapply it to candidate answer ranking. The impact of thisscore is reported in Table 5. Under the basic configuration,passage scoring using both relation topics and manual rulesachieves 2.43% accuracy improvement over the baselinesystem. Statistical relation extraction alone contributeda 2% improvement for this case. Under the full systemconfiguration, the improvement is approximately 0.6%.Both differences are statistically significant using McNemar’stest with Yates Correction for continuity [31].

Analysis of resultsThe overall system-level impact of relation detection oncandidate answer generation is not significant. There are

several reasons for this. First, relation detectors only fire on13.6% of the questions, and 82% of the questions in thissubset have been already correctly answered without usingrelation detection capabilities. This means that our headroomfor improvement is only approximately 90 questions.Although the relation detection module helps answer16 more questions in this subset correctly, the overall impactis still not significant. Second, DBpedia has incompletecoverage. For example, some U.S. presidents are not labeledas U.S. citizens in DBpedia. Issues such as this lead tomisleading information being supplied to the ranking model,which is consequently unable to generate some candidateanswers even when the relation detector returns thecorrect results. Third, the overall performance of our relationdetectors on Jeopardy! data is not satisfying because ofthe inherent mismatch between the Wikipedia-derivedtraining data and test data. This is also confirmed in thecomponent-level experiments.On the other hand, the overall system-level impact of

relation detection on unstructured passage scoring isstatistically significant under both the basic and fullconfigurations. In addition, we do not need to searchagainst the knowledge base at run time since the passagescore is computed in the relation topic space, which hasalready integrated the information extracted from theknowledge base. This significantly reduces the time and costneeded to detect relations in the DeepQA framework.

ConclusionThis paper has presented two approaches for relationextraction and unstructured passage scoring in DeepQAusing handcrafted patterns and statistically derived relationtopic models, respectively. The effectiveness of ourapproaches is demonstrated using multiple data sets at boththe component and system levels.At the component level, our relation detector

outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on ACE data,which is the most popularly used relation detection testdata set.

Table 4 System-level impact in end–end experimentsof relation detection-based candidate answer generation.

Table 5 System-level impact in end–end experimentsof relation detection-based unstructured passage scoring.

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At the system level, the candidate generator componentbased on relation detection does not have a significant impacton the system for three reasons: 1) Most questions that ourrelation detectors fire on have been already correctlyanswered, leaving us with little headroom to improve thesystem performance; 2) DBpedia has poor coverage on somerelations that are of relevance; and 3) the training data fromWikipedia and the test data from Jeopardy! are quitedifferent. More advanced domain adaptation approaches arestill needed to make the performance on Jeopardy! datamatch the performance on Wikipedia data.At the system level, our unstructured passage-scoring

component based on relation detection has a statisticallysignificant impact on the system, demonstrating that theinformation brought in by semantic relations is importantto open-domain QA systems.Comparing the two approaches in our framework, the

rule-based approach has high precision and is used inmany other components in the DeepQA framework. Thisneeds to be offset against the human effort, domainknowledge, and experience needed to create rules for newrelations. Statistical approaches learn how to extract semanticrelations from the training data and can be applied todetect a large number of relations. It is interesting to notethat, although the precision of the statistical relationdetectors is not as high as that of the rule-based approach,their overall impact on the system through passage scoringis statistically significant because of broad coverage ofknowledge. In the future, we will explore more advancedtechniques to combine the two approaches in the DeepQAframework.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency (DARPA) Machine ReadingProgram for its support under Air Force Research Laboratory(AFRL) prime contract no. FA8750-09-C-0172. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusion or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) anddo not necessarily reflect the view of the DARPA, AFRL,or the U.S. Government.

*Trademark, service mark, or registered trademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, orboth.

**Trademark, service mark, or registered trademark of JeopardyProductions, Inc., Wikimedia Foundation, or Trustees of PrincetonUniversity in the United States, other countries, or both.

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Received July 26, 2011; accepted for publicationDecember 8, 2011

Chang Wang IBM Research Division, Thomas J. WatsonResearch Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA([email protected]). Dr. Wang is a Research Staff Member at theT. J. Watson Research Center. His research areas include machinelearning (manifold learning, transfer learning, and representationlearning) and its application in natural-language processing andinformation retrieval. Before joining IBM in 2010, Dr. Wang receivedhis Ph.D. degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherstand did his dissertation on the topic of manifold alignment-basedtransfer learning.

Aditya Kalyanpur IBM Research Division, Thomas J. WatsonResearch Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA([email protected]). Dr. Kalyanpur is a Research Staff Memberat the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He received his Ph.D. degreein computer science from the University of Maryland in 2006. Hisresearch interests include knowledge representation and reasoning,natural-language processing, statistical data mining, and machinelearning. He joined IBM in 2006 and worked on the Scalable HighlyExpressive Reasoner (SHER) project that scales ontology reasoningto very large and expressive knowledge bases. Subsequently, he joinedthe algorithms team on the DeepQA project and helped design theWatson question-answering system. Dr. Kalyanpur has over 25publications in leading artificial intelligence journals and conferencesand several patents related to SHER and DeepQA. He has also chairedinternational workshops and served on W3C Working Groups.

James Fan IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson ResearchCenter, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA ([email protected]).Dr. Fan is a Research Staff Member in the Semantic Analysis andIntegration Department at the T. J. Watson Research Center, YorktownHeights, New York. He joined IBM after receiving his Ph.D. degree atthe University of Texas at Austin in 2006. He is a member of theDeepQA Team that developed the Watson question-answering system,which defeated the two best human players on the quiz show Jeopardy!.Dr. Fan is author or coauthor of dozens of technical papers onsubjects of knowledge representation, reasoning, natural-languageprocessing, and machine learning. He is a member of Association forComputational Linguistics.

Branimir K. Boguraev IBM Research Division,Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA([email protected]). Dr. Boguraev is a Research Staff Memberin the Semantic Analysis and Integration Department at theThomas J. Watson Research Center. He received an engineeringdegree in electronics from the Higher Institute for Mechanical andElectrical Engineering in Sofia, Bulgaria (1974) and a diploma andPh.D. degrees in computer science (1976) and computational linguistics(1980), respectively, from the University of Cambridge, England.He worked on a number of U.K./E.U. research projects oninfrastructural support for natural-language processing applications,before joining IBM Research in 1988 to work on resource-rich text

analysis. From 1993 to 1997, he managed the natural-language programat Apple’s Advanced Technologies Group, returning to IBM in 1998to work on language engineering for large-scale, business contentanalysis. Most recently, he has worked, together with the Jeopardy!Challenge Algorithms Team, on developing technologies for advancedquestion answering. Dr. Boguraev is author or coauthor of more than120 technical papers and 15 patents. Until recently, he was theExecutive Editor of the Cambridge University Press book series Studiesin Natural Language Processing. He has also been a member of theeditorial boards of Computational Linguistics and the Journal ofSemantics, and he continues to serve as one of the founding editors ofJournal of Natural Language Engineering. He is a member of theAssociation for Computational Linguistics.

David C. Gondek IBM Research Division, Thomas J. WatsonResearch Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA([email protected]). Dr. Gondek is a Research Staff Memberand Manager at the T. J. Watson Research Center. He received aB.A. degree in mathematics and computer science from DartmouthCollege in 1998 and a Ph.D. degree in computer science fromBrown University in 2005. He subsequently joined IBM, where heworked on the IBM Watson Jeopardy! challenge and now leads theKnowledge Capture and Learning Group in the Semantic Analysisand Integration Department.

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