Welcome to Networking Fundamentals Registered Students: 1. Sign in, pick up a syllabus On the wait list to add? 1. Sign in 2. Add your name and e- mail address to the wait list 3. Please take a seat that does not have a computer for now. 4. I will be able to let you know if you can add after class

Registered Students: 1. Sign in, pick up a syllabus On the wait list to add? 1. Sign in 2. Add your name and e-mail address to the wait list 3. Please

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  • Registered Students: 1. Sign in, pick up a syllabus On the wait list to add? 1. Sign in 2. Add your name and e-mail address to the wait list 3. Please take a seat that does not have a computer for now. 4. I will be able to let you know if you can add after class
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  • Welcome and Introductions Syllabus and Website overview Introduction to Networking What to do before the next class
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  • Who are you? 1)Tell us your name 2) Pick 3 things to share from the list below: My goal at LBCC is to ________________. I work as a ______at _______. People might be surprised to know that I _________. The best part of my day is when______. I enjoy learning about________. When Im not in school I _________. My major is____________. I feel I am a___________(visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) learner. I think networking is _______________________.
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  • Learn about networking Share your ideas and learn from others To be able to succeed through hard work and use of the resources provided
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  • Read the course syllabus in detail before next class Syllabus also on course website
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  • M126 Office Location: LAC, M126 Office hours: Mondays 6:006:30pm or by appointment If you cannot meet during those hours I am happy to make an appointment Class Policies: Communication
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  • E-mail: be sure to include the following in the subject line: Subject: COSN10 *If you dont already, composing e-mails in a professional manner is a good habit
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  • Class Policies: Communication Professional e-mails: open the e-mail with a salutation (such as Hi Mr. Pagn) complete sentences Avoid all CAPITALS and ????? avoid slang, text abbreviations end with a closing (such as Sincerely or Thank you) end with your full name
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  • Respect: It is essential that all students in class treat each other with respect. Learning can only take place in a positive environment and all students are expected to behave accordingly
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  • 1. Sidebar conversations and interruptions during class are unacceptable 2. Negative comments towards other students are unacceptable 3. Any talking during a test or student/guest presentation is unacceptable Violation of classroom policies will lead to disciplinary action.
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  • Allow others to finish their thoughts before adding yours (do not interrupt) Raise your hand Allow for a variety of opinions Be respectful when you disagree, focus on their comment not them as a person Participation guidelines
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  • Late assignments: 1 day late = half points possible Absence and Punctuality Policy: 2 absences forgiven 2 tardies forgiven Class Policies-Responsibility After that = loss of 5 points 4 absences = being dropped from the course
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  • Cell Phones: silent mode, not in sight. Texting or answering your phone in class will lead to -5 points Music devices: put away as soon as class begins Classroom computers: should be used for class purposes only Laptops/tablets/ipads not allowed (see me if you have a special need) Class Policies- Distractions
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  • ADA: American with Disabilities Act Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will result in automatic failure of the course Assignments are due the day they are listed on Class Policies
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  • Class Policies: Labsim Student price online $89 Must purchase by September 4 th Directions on how to purchase will be on website- Labs tab
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  • Class Policies: Lab book
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  • Check your campus e-mail and the class website regularlyclass website http://www.awteched.com Course Website
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  • Can be as simple as two computers in one room or as large as thousands of computers all over the world
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  • Why study networking? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3rqeNVv_cQ
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  • Quick Write-3 minutes 1.Write a few sentences in clear handwriting. ANSWER ONLY ONE of the following questions: 2.Do not write your name on the paper, some will be read aloud What is your biggest question about this course? What is one way you think learning about networking might help you in life? What is your biggest fear about this course?
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  • 1.Always introduce yourself 2.Every group member must contribute 3.Allow others to complete their thoughts, be respectful 4.Ask others for input 5.Focus and put in your best effort -Not a time to check cell phones -Not a time for restroom breaks 7. Listen for buzzer and when other groups share
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  • In a group of 4 1. Introduce yourselves 2. Select a recorder 3. On a scale of 1-10, how strong is this influence in your lives? 4. What are 3 ways it can be a positive influence? 5. What are 3 ways it can be a negative influence? 6. Would we be better off with or without this influence? Why? 7. Select 1-2 people to share your ideas (8 minutes) End discussions when you hear the buzzer and face the front
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  • 1. On a scale of 1-10, how strong is this influence in your lives? What are 3 ways it can be a positive influence? What are 3 ways it can be a negative influence? Would we be better off with or without this influence? Why? Select 1-3 people to share your ideas
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  • What you had to say: What is your biggest fear? What is your biggest question? What is one way you think learning about networking might help you in life?
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  • Go to http://www.awteched.comhttp://www.awteched.com Survey Locate the Survey tab and take the survey.
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  • COSS 271 Intro to Computer Security MW 5pm-6:20pm
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  • Walk to parking lot together Pay attention while walking Dont text while walking Long Beach Police Department - College Unit (562) 938-4534
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  • Read the syllabus and visit the class website Complete the Syllabus and Website Contract Make sure you signed the sign in sheet before leaving See me after class about adding
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  • Students who succeed in this class Come to class Pay attention and participate Check syllabus and website regularly Study for tests Do the labs