A monthly publication of the Church of the Redeemer— Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Vol. LVII December 2010 No. 13 Redeemer News Inside Formation Pg 7 Mission Pg 11 Music Pg 15 Worship Pg 18 Fellowship Pg 23 The Mission of the Gospel & the Gospel of Mission From the Rector’s Desk The Rev. Dorsey W. M. McConnell Dear Friends in Christ; A few weeks ago the Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, and I spent two days driving around Boston visiting sites for ministry. We spent time at the after- school program at Saint Stephen’s, time at the Epiphany School in Dorchester, time here with Fr. Marc’s confirmation class. Yes, of course, he lectured at Harvard, preached beautifully at our Evensong, visited over meals with our Vestry, our Uganda Mission Team and with the Black Ministerial Alliance of Boston, and met with the Bishop of Massachusetts and the Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School. But it is his time with the children I will not forget. I can still see him seated at a table full of ten-year-olds in the South End trying to fulfill Liz Steinhauser’s defi- nition of “quiet” so they could all get their snack, laughing with eighth-graders over Continued on Page 2 Upcoming Dates Advent Series I: It’s a Wonderful Life December 1 st 6:30 pm Supper, 7:00 pm Discussion Christmas Market December 3 rd —10:00-5:00 pm Market Dinner and Auction — 6:00 pm (tickets required) and December 4 th — 10:00-4:00 pm Christmas Caroling during Sunday School December 5 th —9:45 am Advent Series Part II: It’s a Wonderful Life December 8 th 6:30 pm Supper, 7:00 pm Discussion All-Parish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship Dinner December 12 th — 4:00 pm Carols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols December 16 th 6:30 pm Supper, 7:30 pm Service And more...See our calendar on page 26!

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Page 1: Redeemer News A monthly - Home | Church of the … monthly publication of the Church of the Redeemer— Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Vol. LVII December 2010 No. 13 Redeemer News Inside

A monthly publication of the Church of the Redeemer— Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Vol. LVII December 2010 No. 13

Redeemer News


Formation Pg 7

Mission Pg 11

Music Pg 15

Worship Pg 18

Fellowship Pg 23

The Mission of the Gospel & the Gospel of Mission

From the Rector’s Desk The Rev. Dorsey W. M. McConnell

Dear Friends in Christ;

A few weeks ago the Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, and I spent two days driving around Boston visiting sites for ministry. We spent time at the after-school program at Saint Stephen’s, time at the Epiphany School in Dorchester, time here with Fr. Marc’s confirmation class. Yes, of course, he lectured at Harvard, preached beautifully at our Evensong, visited over meals with our Vestry, our Uganda Mission Team and with the Black Ministerial Alliance of Boston, and met with the Bishop of Massachusetts and the Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School.

But it is his time with the children I will not forget. I can still see him seated at a table full of ten-year-olds in the South End trying to fulfill Liz Steinhauser’s defi-nition of “quiet” so they could all get their snack, laughing with eighth-graders over

Continued on Page 2

Upcoming Dates

Advent Series I: It’s a Wonderful Life December 1st

6:30 pm Supper, 7:00 pm Discussion

Christmas Market December 3rd —10:00-5:00 pm

Market Dinner and Auction — 6:00 pm (tickets required)

and December 4th — 10:00-4:00 pm

Christmas Caroling during Sunday School December 5th—9:45 am

Advent Series Part II: It’s a Wonderful Life December 8th

6:30 pm Supper, 7:00 pm Discussion

All-Parish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship Dinner December 12th — 4:00 pm

Carols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine

Lessons and Carols December 16th

6:30 pm Supper, 7:30 pm Service

And more...See our calendar on page 26!

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Page 2 December 2010

Letters Redeemer News

pizza in Dorchester, or using his famous “floppy glove” (ask Marc) to show our own thirteen-year-olds how Christ brings real life to us all.

It occurred to me several times how the life of this remarkable man embodies so much of the Gospel hope. A young judge in Uganda, thrown into prison by Idi Amin, released by a miracle, he came to the UK, completed a doctorate at Cambridge, and spent years of ministry in gritty urban settings before he was made Bishop of Stepney, then Birmingham, then York. He remembers hunger from his childhood. He knows what children struggle with, especially the chil-dren of the poor. And he knows those battles can be won, and won gloriously, through the power of Jesus Christ. He has experienced it himself. He came to faith in Christ through a missionary when he was ten years old, and in that moment he discovered the hope that has sustained him his entire life.

I cannot understand why the Church would ever choose to withhold this good news: the word of for-giveness of our sins through the Cross of Christ and new life through His Resurrection, this reality em-braced by faith, which alone has the power to bring human beings from despair to hope. And yet, in the Episcopal Church, our mission programs often make the mistake of providing hope for the body while overlooking hope for the soul. At our recent diocesan convention, for example, we saw a film made by four teenagers in an urban parish on the North Shore. It was about their lives, and it was very sad. They told the stories of their struggles, and bravely tried to af-firm a belief in their own futures. They did not once mention God. When the lights came up, everyone applauded.

Marc and I were shattered. It was the Church that had helped them make the film, the Church that had somehow suggested that merely telling their stories authentically would give them the confidence, the in-ner resources they needed to get through life. In these four lives, the Church had met the poor and had re-

fused to feed them with the bread of life. (John 6:35)

When I hear Liz and Tim at Saint Stephen’s lead their children in a grace before snack, or John Finley and Jen Daly help their children pray at Epiphany’s Eucharist, I hear the Word of Life, the Word that has power to drive back the darkness and grow us all up in hope. I hear the Word that changed a child in Uganda who could easily have gone another way, but who was chosen and lifted up to help lead a worldwide church and who graciously came and spent a few days with his American children in Christ. I thank God for our mis-sion partners, and I see how we are together linked in the Body of Christ to life-giving mission wherever it occurs.

This year’s Christmas offering will go to Beacon of Hope College, a ministry of our partner Pilgrim Af-rica, which provides a free boarding-school secondary education to the neediest children of Northeastern Uganda, most of them orphans, many of them former child soldiers.

I wonder if there is another John Sentamu among them, or two or three, waiting to be lifted up. And I think the same as I consider the children closer to home, in the tough neighborhoods of Boston, or even here, in Chestnut Hill. Perhaps we have a few John (or Jane!) Sentamu’s in our own Sunday School, run-ning around under Sarah Allen’s watchful eye, singing their hearts out for Mary Reynders.

Perhaps we will see them in a few years moving the world they inherit towards an era of hope, all be-cause of the Word they see preached and prayed and lived by you and me.

Faithfully in Christ,

From the Rector (Cont.)

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Page 3 December 2010

Redeemer News

Slowing down, but also celebrating From the Curate The Rev. Marc G. Eames

Dear Friends,

I have spent the past few years this time of year talking about Advent and have included some thoughts and traditions in which you might be interested.

Clergy often spend a great deal of time trying their best to fight the culture and make Advent a spe-cial season of its own. I do not disassociate myself from them. While I do not consider myself part of the more extreme version of this movement (sometimes called the Advent Police, they would never allow a Christmas Carol to be song before the 24th, for exam-ple), I am sympathetic with efforts to separate the sea-son of Advent from the season of Christmas. Clergy do spend so much effort fighting this battle that some-times we forget to concentrate on Christmas itself. Christmas is a wonderful time of year to be a Chris-tian.

This will be my daughter Maggie’s first Christmas and I know that I am far more excited for it than she is capable of being. She has a baby stocking that will soon appear on the staircase. She will soon encounter a tree, which we will try to keep standing (I success-fully knocked over my parents’ tree each of my first two years of life). We also will take out our nativity set and have the figures travel through our living room. I hope our wooden baby Jesus is not chewed too much. We will wake in the morning on Christ-mas, or more accurately, she will wake us up in the morning, and we will open a few presents. She will enjoy the paper and the box more than any toy or arti-cle of clothing.

Church itself will be different. Gretchen has at-tended the midnight mass since becoming an Episco-palian. Now, with Maggie, she will attend the family

service. I know this ping-pong can be a big transition for families. One of our recent Confirmands spoke to me about how exciting, but also how strange, attending the midnight mass was after attending the family service for her whole life.

Others have told me that they hate traveling dur-ing Christmas, because it is simply not Christmas without the Redeemer. Not all of these externals may seem to be very important, but they just are. I cannot completely explain as to why it is so important for us to attend one service over another, or to honor the birth of our savior in one building over another, but it just is.

Marking Christmas is very important. I am not going to suggest that we all have to love Christmas. This might not be possible based on our own pasts, but we should be willing to let it have some claim on us, especially when it comes to our prayer lives.

The incarnation signals to us that God is not afraid of getting dirty. God, in Christ, really lived as close to a normal life as God could possibly live. Jesus ate, drank, wept, slept, had trouble sleeping, had the flu, had really good hummus, had really bad hummus, had the best of friends, and had at least one terrible friend. Jesus knew what it was like to live a life like ours. This has a great effect on our prayer life. When we are mourning, we know that Jesus mourned. When we are disappointed, we know that Jesus was disappointed. When we are frightened, we know that Jesus was frightened. When we are in physical pain, we know that Jesus was in physical pain. We have a savior who understands what it is like to live life.

Continued on Page 5

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Page 4 December 2010

Letters Redeemer News

I know this informs my prayer life. Because God became flesh in Jesus, God knows how to save me, he knows how to comfort me, and he is there through all the small stuff. When I was studying in Israel, I lived on a farm, and I was under the mistaken impression that roosters woke up at dawn. I awoke every twenty minutes, or so, beginning at 2:30 with every cock-a-doodle-do. While Jesus might not have experienced Maggie’s version of the cock-a-doodle-do, I think he can relate.

Jesus is also a part of all of this holiday joy and struggle. I talk with Jesus in the car traveling down route 9, and not always in the “taking the Lord’s name in vain” way. I know Jesus is with me as Maggie

chews on the wrapping paper, and I know Jesus will be with my wife as she endures my Christmas shenani-gans during the family service (Gretchen gets enough of my drama at home). Jesus will be present, and I will invite God to be a part of all of my honoring and celebrating of this feast. Jesus knows our joys, suffer-ings, and the mundane things that take on greater sig-nificance this time of year. I encourage you to invite Jesus into your lives through your thoughts and prayers this Christmas season.

Yours in Christ,

From the Curate (Cont.)

Thank you! It takes a team of shepherds to canvass the flock for Stewardship. Thank you to this year's group of shepherds. You've made the work light and you were delightful to work with:

To all of you who were able to make a pledge this year, thank you. You have helped to insure the contin-ued day-to-day life of our beautiful church-its staff, its building and property maintenance, its Sunday School, its adult and children's music, its adult education and fellowship, and its mission work beyond Chestnut Hill. Bless you and all the parishioners of this church.

Michael and Debbie Aylward

Gina Cummings Anne and John Grandin

Charlie Kline

Christina Wood Baker Lloyd Dahmen Tori Hackett Helen Marston

Dr. Barry Berger Lucinda Doran Stern Jeff Hawkins Katie McEachern

Judy Bullitt Chuck Farber Randy Hawthorne Steve Mead

Douglas Chope Margot Finley Paul Henry Debby and Graeme Mills

Tim O'Brien

Josn Peteet

Chip Pollard

Hooker Talcott

Karla Todd

Mary Crown Rosemary Foy Sally Hurlbut Jim and Debbie Notman

Dick Tucker

Julia Woodard

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Page 5 December 2010

Letters Redeemer News

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Mathew 25: 40

This passage, in which Jesus or “The King” gathers the “Nations” to be separated as the Shepherd separates the goats from the sheep, reminds the Vestry, the Redeemer and all peoples, that the treatment of others will determine eternal life or eternal punishment.

The Vestry heard updates on attendance, Outreach and Mission, the Christmas Market, the Diocesan Convention, and Stewardship. In addition, it spent a major portion of the meeting reviewing; one, a comprehensive analysis of Clergy and Staff salaries and benefits including minimum Diocesan requirements prepared and presented by Junior Warden Lucinda Doran Stern, and two, a potential budget for the 2011 operating year presented by Assistant Treasurer Jeff Hawkins.


Parish participation has been very strong this fall across all measures, including attendance at worship services, fel-lowship events such as House Meetings and movie nights, adult and youth Bible studies, the November Evensong offi-ciated by the Most Reverend John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, the Classical Concert Series performances, as well as Sunday School and Children’s Choir. This points toward future growth and the Vestry is very grateful for the efforts of Clergy, Staff and the many volunteers who make it possi-ble.

At the same time, reports at the November 6th Massa-chusetts Diocesan Convention reveal declining attendance for most of the Diocese, and the need to close a significant number of parishes (3 of 185 closed in 2010). The Re-deemer, the fifth largest parish, will continue to play an im-portant role in the health of the Diocese and is an important partner with such parishes as St. Stephen’s.

Outreach and Mission

Oversight of Outreach and Mis-sion efforts of the Parish have been combined into one com-mittee. Chris Wilmerding is serving as Co-Chair and sev-eral parishioners have become new members of the commit-tee.

The committee is responsible for the Redeemer’s part-nerships and missions, including determining the recipients and allocation of the almost $35,000 in grants allocated to Outreach from the Church Service League from funds raised at the Christmas Market, recommending the recipients for the Christmas and Easter Offerings which in 2010 ap-proached $20,000 total, and coordinating parishioner in-volvement with its mission partners. Important recipients and partners include: St. Stephen’s in the South End (youth and education), Pilgrim-Uganda (health and education), groups in New Orleans, Epiphany Middle School, Nativity Preparatory School, and Ecclesia Ministries (shelter).

Stewardship and Finance

Based on the encouraging results of Stewardship, and the recovery of the Endowment to over $7,000,000, the final 2011 budget presented by the FPPC at the December Vestry meeting should keep the Redeemer on a path of achieving its long-term financial goals. These include in-creasing pledges to cover growing operating costs (70% of which are salaries and benefits), adequately compensating its Clergy and Staff, and decreasing the use of the Endowment for operating costs and saving it to cover the considerable cost of preserving the parish’s historic buildings.

As of the November Vestry meeting, 2011 Stewardship was on track to be up more than 5% from 2010 and should support modest increases in salaries and benefits. Final rec-ommendations will be based on most up-to-date stewardship results but on preliminary bases, the 2011 total budget will be between $961,000 and $970,000 or up 3-4% from the 2010 Actual.

From the Wardens Steve Mead and Lucinda Doran Stern

Vestry News: Stewardship pledging, attendance: strong increases

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Page 6 December 2010

Redeemer News

The 225th Diocesan Convention of Eastern Massachusetts

Answering God’s Urgent Call Together

The 2010 convention was held on November 6 at St. Stephen’s Memorial Church in Lynn. Attending from the Redeemer were the Rev. Dorsey McConnell, the Rev. Marc Eames, Steve Mead, Senior Warden, and delegates Arthur Pfaelzer and David Walker.

At the convention it was voted to repeal Canons 19 and 20 of the Diocese and to replace them with a new Canon 19 - Ecclesiastical Discipline. The new Canon brings the Diocese of Massachusetts in line with Title IV, Canon 20 of the Canons of the General Convention (the national church assembly) providing for the establishment of a Diocesan Disciplinary Board consisting of 5 elected Clergy and 4 elected Lay representatives. The Disciplinary Board replaces the Diocesan Review Committee, or Ecclesiastical Trial Court. In addition to the Elections for the new Disciplinary Board, elections were held for clerical and lay deputies to the 2012 General Convention and various other standing committees and positions.

The convention approved a Diocesan Operating Budget for 2011 of $6,297,212 which is down 2% or $120,106 from 2010. The 2011 budget is down $1.3 million from 2008, driven in part by declines in funds avail-able from the Diocesan Endowment. Parish Assessments which will provide $5,028,653 or 80% of the 2011 budget are down $160,000 from 2008. The Redeemer’s 2011 assessment is budgeted at $101,319 and is the fifth largest in the Diocese. The top five parishes of the 185 in the diocese, including the $485,746 assessment from Trinity Church Boston, provide $948,900 or 19% of the total.

The Bishops included a review of the state of the Diocese highlighting declines in parishioners and Sunday attendance. In 2010, the Diocese closed three parishes and one more will close shortly. Of the 185 parishes, just over 90 have annual budgets less than $150,000. The diocese has been identifying and coordinating the closing or merging of smaller parishes for several years.

For a more complete review of the Resolutions and other convention business, see http://www.diomass.org.

Reports were received from several committees including slavery and reconciliation, compensation and benefits, the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, and Life Together: The Diocese of Massachusetts Intern Program. There was a moving video produced by the youth of St. Stephen’s that focused on the challenges faced by young people in Lynn. Bishop Bud Cederholm gave a presentation on environmental stewardship and the diocese’s new Green Grants Initiative.

Bishop Gayle Harris presented a slide show of her recent visit to Israel and the West Bank and she described the involvement and support provided to the Diocese of Jerusalem by the Diocese of Massachusetts. Christians within Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and Syria, face many challenges concerning housing, medical care, education and general economic conditions. Finally, there was a hands-on demonstration of the new Diocesan web site, www.diomass.org.

David Walker, Diocesan Delegate

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Page 7 December 2010

Formation Redeemer News

Confirmation Class

The Confirmation Class had a won-derful November, which was high-lighted by a very special visit from the Archbishop of York John Sentamu. This month, the Confirmation class will meet three times. On December 5th, we will learn about the church year, the colors, and the calendar. This is all a continuation of our lessons on the traditions of the church. The class does not meet on the evening of the 12th because of the carol-ing night (though of course I invite the class to come along), so we will meet immediately following the service for a lunchtime class. The class will be dis-cussing Christian Ethics over sand-

wiches and sodas. We will finish our pre-Christmas meetings by having a Confirmation Christmas movie night. We will be watching a Christmas classic chosen by the class. December Confirmation Class Dates 12/5 4:45 Keeping Holy Time — Advent and the Church Year 12/12 11:30ish Confirmation Lunch — Christian Ethics 12/19 4:45 Christmas Movie Night — “The Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens

Youth Bible Study

The Youth Bible Study will meet twice in December and will focus on Matthew 8-9. In our sec-

ond section we will finish the year with a Bible Jeopardy which will include material from the first nine chapters of Matthew.

The Bible study is open to any and all from the sixth grade and up. We have a great group of students this year, but we always welcome more newcomers. Our discussions on the Gospel of Matthew have been very interesting this year, and we look forward to con-tinuing them in the new year. There will be no class on the 19th because of the Christmas Pageant.

December Bible Study Dates

December 5th 9:10 Matthew 8-9 Healings and the call of Matthew December 12th 9:10 Bible Jeopardy review of Matthew 1-9

The Archbishop of York met with the Confirmation class and a few Youth Assistants before preaching at Evensong on November 7th.

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Page 8 December 2010

Formation Redeemer News

Sunday School News

From the Sunday School Director

Sarah Allen

Our All Saints Festival Service was hop-

ping this year as we successfully navigated

the daylight savings time change and our own

Redeemer service time change!!!

Bravo to everyone who made it to the

church on time….As usual, there were 60 +

children in costumes depicting the charac-

ters in the classic hymn ”I Sing a Song of the

saints of God”. We all processed in and

around the Nave, sang the hymn, witnessed

the baptisms, and shared in the Eucharist to-


That afternoon, the Confirmation Class

and a few Youth Assistants met to learn

more about the Anglican Communion. The

Most Reverend John Sentamu, Archbishop

of York, joined us for some thought-

provoking and lively discussion. He said,

“pretend I am from Mars and describe to me

‘what is a Christian?’”. We are so blessed to

have had that special meeting with his Grace

before we went to the beautiful 5 pm Even-


On the 14th, Dorsey was in Sunday School

all morning!! He led children’s chapel and suc-

cessfully caught the attention of everyone

with his unusual prop… a 17-foot kayak! Dor-

sey spent the rest of the morning with the

4th/5th grade class. The children are so very

lucky to get him all to themselves. We are

hoping for another visit in the Spring.

Christa and Jeff

Hawkins graciously

hosted the ever-so-

popular Gingerbread

House project, also on

the 14th. After Sunday

School class, children

in K-7th decorated 15

Gingerbread houses and donated them to

the Christmas Market Auction. These

yummy creations successfully generate $ for

the Outreach budget. Special thanks to the

teachers, youth assistants and parents who

helped out with this exhilarating and sticky

activity. The parish hall was quite the hub

during coffee hour where everyone of all

ages was nibbling a bit of candy.

November 21st was the Thanksgiving In-

gathering. The Sunday School collected dry

canned goods for the Brookline food pantry.

Thank you for bringing in so much food for

others in need.

Blessings to you all for a special Advent



Sarah and all of us in Sunday School.

Here we go into December….There is a lot going on - please take note so you and your children can join us!

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Page 9 December 2010

Formation Redeemer News


December 5 9:45 am: December 5 9:45 am: December 5 9:45 am: December 5 9:45 am: The Sunday School travels by bus to sing for the

Sophia Snow House. These elderly residents adore meeting and listening to

our children. Upon returning and during coffee hour we will be creating Ad-

vent wreaths to take home and use throughout the Advent season. We will

also be selling Advent calendars.

December 12 9:45 am: December 12 9:45 am: December 12 9:45 am: December 12 9:45 am: Chapel + Sunday School

The pageant parts are distributed!!

4:00 pm: 4:00 pm: 4:00 pm: 4:00 pm: There is family Caroling in the neighborhood and a

fellowship dinner in the Parish Hall. Please join us as we joyously spread good

cheer to others.

SATURDAY, December 18 SATURDAY, December 18 SATURDAY, December 18 SATURDAY, December 18 Pageant Rehearsal

8:30 am speakers and readers

9:00 am all other participants

December 19 9:45 am: December 19 9:45 am: December 19 9:45 am: December 19 9:45 am: Children arrive in Undercroft

10 :00 am: 10 :00 am: 10 :00 am: 10 :00 am: Pageant

December 24 4 pm December 24 4 pm December 24 4 pm December 24 4 pm Christmas Eve Family Service

December 26 There is no Sunday School or childcare.

January 2 January 2 January 2 January 2 There is no Sunday School or childcare.

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Page 10 December 2010

Formation Redeemer News

The Teachings of Jesus Adult Bible Study

Sundays at 9:00 am in the Tripp Room

Led by

the Rev. Dorsey McConnell

Not held the week before Christmas

or over Christmas Break

The world’s best-known stories, parables, and homilies originally

given by the Master Himself.

Honey and Wine: A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Prophets

Men and Women’s Bible Study

Not held the week before Christmas

or over Christmas Break Men’s Bible Study ~ Wednesdays at 7:00 am

Women’s Bible Study ~ Thursdays at 9:00 am

© iStock photography/K

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© iStock photography/O

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Childcare will be available at 9:00 am starting November 28th. We hope that this will help parents attend Bible Study, choir practice, and other before-service events!

Questions? Contact Sarah Allen at [email protected]

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Page 11 December 2010

Mission/Formation Redeemer News

Seeking day-of helpers for the St. Stephen’s After-School Program Christmas Party

Friday, December 17th in the afternoon

Exact times to be announced

This party is tons of fun and involves setting up craft activities, serving food, and handing out special goodies.

Contact Judy Bullitt if you can help, [email protected] or 617-734-8841.

Advent Series 2010:

It’s a Wonderful Life Wednesdays, December 1 s t and 8 th

6:30 pm light supper sponsored by the

Church Service League (OPH)

7:00 pm Discussion (OPH)

Dorsey and Marc will show the movie and

review its spiritual highlights.

Please s ign up out s ide th e of f ic e !

Volunteer sign up sheets for Market positions are now up in the of-Volunteer sign up sheets for Market positions are now up in the of-Volunteer sign up sheets for Market positions are now up in the of-Volunteer sign up sheets for Market positions are now up in the of-

fice hallway. Please sign up for a shift to help make the Market run!fice hallway. Please sign up for a shift to help make the Market run!fice hallway. Please sign up for a shift to help make the Market run!fice hallway. Please sign up for a shift to help make the Market run!

For more information, contact Pam Awtrey For more information, contact Pam Awtrey For more information, contact Pam Awtrey For more information, contact Pam Awtrey

(((([email protected]@[email protected]@comcast.net) 617) 617) 617) 617----527527527527----5348534853485348

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Page 12 December 2010

Mission Redeemer News



FRIDAY DECEMBER 3RD 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.


10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.


ANDOVER SHOP – Traditional men’s clothing and accessories; ARUNA – Unusual Indian handcrafts; ASIATIQUE – Unique gifts, chic accessories and exquisite apparel; B DESIGNS – Elegant letterpress printed stationery and gifts; BALBIANELLO, INC. – Luxurious apparel of the finest natural fibers for men and women; BIRD DOG BAY– Whimsical, yet sophisticated men’s accessories; CIRCA DESIGN – Innovative and contemporary natural stone jewelry with a classic persona; DEAN’S SWEETS – Extraordinary Maine-made hand-dipped dark chocolate truffles; DEDE CADIEUX DESIGNS - Freshwater pearl and semiprecious stone jewelry; DESIGNS BY LILLIE – Needlepoint shoes, pillows and more; DISCOVERY TOYS – Award-winning educational and fun quality toys; DONNELLY KASTNER DESIGN – Custom designed pillows, throws and house-hold items; EVERYTHING IS ROSEY – Unique tabletop accessories and whimsical hostess gifts; FOUR LITTLE FISH – Funky, fun and comfy tees for kids and adults; GALATEA FINE JEWELRY – Fine and fun jewelry and accessories; GIGI & ME – Unique jewelry, accessories and gifts; HENLEY & SLOANE SHIRTMAKERS – Classic, English-style shirts, ties and accessories; INDAGO DESIGNS – Apparel and accessories with a French flair; ISABEL HARVEY – Fun, chic and trendy jew-elry; JACARANDA LIVING – Fine embroidered linens and hand-made gifts; JARDINIERE – Elegantly wrapped, delicious toffee; KOOCHI KU – Vibrant designs, lifelong quality jackets and accessories; KEDRON DESIGNS – Custom designed gifts for the home; JANET EGAN DESIGNS – Imported silk and cotton apparel and accessories for women; LIZA HENNES-SEY FINE LEATHER GOODS – Elegant leather totes, satchels and travel gear; MADELINE’S HOMEMADE, LLC – Home-made fudge sauces; MIATELLA STUDIO – Beautiful scarves and textiles by artists; MIJA JEWELRY – Timeless and delicate handcrafted jewelry for women and children; MY OILCLOTH, INC – Inspiring oilcloth handbags, totes and accessories; NOTABLES – Stationery, monogrammed gifts and accessories; PASSPORT PEARLS – Elegant baroque pearl jewelry; SARA CAMPBELL, LTD - Festive clothing and accessories for women; SEAM – Exquisite young girls’ clothing; SMATHERS AND BRANSON – Hand-stitched needlepoint belts and accessories; SOPHIA D – Playful and practical raincoats for little ones; TINI BAGS – Fashionable handmade purses, blankets and accessories; TWEEN HEADQUARTERS – Exciting clothing and accessories for tweens; …..AND OTHER VENDORS


LUNCH SERVED FROM 11:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. ADMISSION: $1.00

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Page 13 December 2010

Mission Redeemer News

Church Service League

Christmas Market 2010Christmas Market 2010Christmas Market 2010Christmas Market 2010

Please save your pruning clippings for the Christmas Market Greens’ table! We are particularly looking for:

• White pine • Holly • Boxwood • Leucothue • Any other surprises!

Bring your saved clippings to the Old Parish House at the church on Monday, November 29 and Tuesday, November 30th so that our lovely wreath-makers can have beautiful swags and wreaths ready for sale at the Market.

Questions about greens? Contact Tish Mead at [email protected] or 617-566-5147.

Advent Suppers The Church Service League is pleased to offer a l ight supper in conjunction with the Advent Se-ries. Supper will be served in the Old Parish House at 6:30 on December 1, 8, and before Carols by Candlelight in the Parish Hall on De-cember 16.

Please sign up outside of the off ice if you would like to attend.

All members are invited to help make wreaths dur-ing the Open Greens Workshop in the Old Parish House, Tuesday, November 30th through Thursday, December 2nd, from 10 am – 3 pm daily.

Can’t stay for dinner at the Market?Can’t stay for dinner at the Market?Can’t stay for dinner at the Market?Can’t stay for dinner at the Market? Please feel free to come to the Auction

Dinner Cocktail Hour without a ticket to shop and bid on our Silent Auction items. Market Cocktail Hour Market Cocktail Hour Market Cocktail Hour Market Cocktail Hour 6 pm Friday, December 3rd

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Page 14 December 2010

Redeemer News

2010 Christmas Offering Recipient Pilgrim-Uganda’s Beacon of Hope College

Pilgrim-Uganda is a small, non-profit, Christian organiza-tion whose mission it is to help the people of Uganda who have been victims of war, disease and poverty. To date, the majority of this organization’s work has been in and around Teso in northern Uganda. Founded in 2001, Pilgrim has fo-cused on helping some of the thousands of people who are living in refugee camps as a result of political unrest, war and strife. Pilgrim is wholly funded by charitable contributions and partnerships with international relief organizations.

The Redeemer’s Christmas offering will be designated to Pilgrim’s Beacon of Hope College, a Christian secon-dary boarding school for both girls and boys located in Soroti, Uganda. The school is attended by 500 former refu-gees and disadvantaged youths, many of whom are orphans and or former child soldiers. An additional 1,800 to 2,000 children each year seek an opportunity to attend the school.

Uganda Mission Trip 2011 Draft Itinerary

Thursday, June 23rd 08:15 Depart Boston for Entebbe, via London

Friday, June 24th, 07:45 Arrive Entebbe, picked up by Pilgrim staff, Travel to Jinja, the Source of the Nile Spend the night

Saturday, June 25th Travel to Soroti, check in to hotel, rest

Sunday, June 26th Worship at Cathedral and at School, meet and greet

Monday, June 27th Work in Soroti and environs: Possible projects— Art and Science Fair at Beacon of —Sunday, July 3rd Hope College; Agriculture projects with Saint John’s Apoyo, Farmers’ Co-ops; Mu sic with children’s choirs of village churches; Cathedral Week at Saint Peter’s, So roti; Medical/Surgical mission in Amuria; Making a Fundraising Recording for the Choir of Soroti Prison; Helping with the 4th Annual Trauma Conference; [Your Gift Here]

Monday, July 4th Drive from Soroti to Paraa Lodge, Murchison Falls (3 Nights in Game Park)

Thursday, July 7th Drive to Kampala via Masindi

Friday, July 8th , 09:05 Depart Entebbe for Boston via London

Friday, July 8th, 20:50 Arrive Boston

Interested in the 2011 Mission Trip? Contact Dorsey at [email protected] or 617-566-7679 ext. 11.

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Page 15 December 2010

Coffee Hour Redeemer News


In addition to our already-provided cookies and coffee (don’t worry, they aren’t going anywhere!), we invite you to bring a snack to share at coffee hour, starting Sunday, November 28th.

There is no sign up for this easy ministry, but we hope you will pick something up at the store that you can bring to church and drop off in the Parish Hall before the service.

Hopefully everyone will contribute something throughout the year that they would like to eat.

Good items include:

Questions or comments on this new addition to coffee hour can be sent to the office ([email protected], 617-566-7679).






Baked Goods

Hummus and other dips

Finger sandwiches

Cut-up veggies

Anything else easy to prepare and put out

Our coffee hour needs have grown and so we are looking for people

to help Lovey

This one-time commitment on a Sunday morning is a great way to give back�and you’re already at church! The job involves leaving the service early (at 11 or so) to help Lovey set

up food and pour drinks for coffee hour, help set out more drinks as needed, and help Lovey clean up afterwards. Clean up is quick and easy and you should be able to “go about

your day” by about 12:15.

Signup for this important ministry is in the office hallway. Contact the office with questions.

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Page 16 December 2010

Music Redeemer News

Carols by Candlelight A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols












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Page 17 December 2010

Music Redeemer News

Carols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols For many, this service is “the” traditional wor-ship experience of the Christmas season, despite the fact that it is a relative infant in this history of the Anglican tradition as its most direct origins are found in the late 19th century. The service is modeled on the very famous ver-sion sung in the chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, England annually. This “original” version of the ser-vice was instituted at King’s by Eric Milner-White for Christmas Eve of 1918. Minor changes were adopted in 1919, after which the basic structure of the service has remained constant. Milner-White gleaned the idea for the King’s service from Edward White Ben-son, who designed a similar service for Christmas Eve at Truro Cathedral in 1880. This service incorpo-rated nine lessons read by the various officers of the Church in succession “from chorister through bishop.” Truly a service “of the people,” it has found almost sensational popularity throughout the world, bridging the divide of culture and creed. In this service’s incarnation at the Redeemer, the story of the fall of man through promised redemption through the Christ-Child, is recounted with readings from the 1611 King James’ Version of the Bible, and various carols, choral and organ music. Since its inception, the service has always begun with a solo voice singing the first verse of “Once in royal David’s city”, as it is at the Redeemer. Then begins the successive dialogue of readings and music, which renew the ancient story of the coming of the Christ-Child. The sequence of readings and main carols (“Once in royal David’s city”, “O come, all ye faithful” and “Hark! the herald angels sing”) remain a constant, providing the pillars around which the rest of the music is woven. Omitting a sermon, it is the various works of music that expound upon the readings on which they are based, that form their own kind of homily, transporting the worshiper on a new journey through the ancient story. - Michael S. Murray, Organist & Choirmaster

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Page 18 December 2010

Worship Redeemer News



Sunday, December 5th

Holy Eucharist

10:00 am

Server: S. Westcott

Acolytes: L. Alexander, W. Farber

Lectors: E. Maynard, K. McEachern

LEMs: K. Murphy, P. Burnham

Ushers: R. Hawthorne (Head Usher) P. Bianchi, S. Cunningham, J. Grandin

Sunday, December 12th

Holy Eucharist

10:00 am

Server: Z. Mills

Acolytes: C. Chope, M. Weed

Lectors: F. Lloyd, L. Jones

LEMs: T. Allen, M. Finley

Ushers: D. Tucker (Head Usher), G. Mills, J. deJong, D. Brewster

Sunday, December 16th

Carols by Candlelight

7:30 pm

Server: S. Westcott

Ushers: D. Tucker (Head Usher), L. Bailey, TBD, TBD

Friday, December 24th

Family Eucharist

4:00 pm

Server: W. Paolella

Acolytes: M. Weed, J. Paolella

Lector: Youth Family TBD

LEMs: P. Burnham, S. Westcott, M. Finley, E. Davis

Ushers: G. Scott (Head Usher), M. Aylward, D. McEachern, D. Tucker

Sunday, December 19th

Morning Prayer and Pageant

10:00 am

Server: P. Burnham

Acolytes: L. Alexander, S. Mills

Lectors: R. Schmalensee, J. deJong

Ushers: H. Talcott (Head Usher), J. deJong, D. Schmalensee, R. Schmalensee

Friday, December 24th

Festal Eucharist

10:30 pm

Server: B. Mills

Acolytes: TBD, TBD

Lector: T. Contos, L. Doran Stern

LEMs: T. Allen, B. Reece, S. Westcott, L. Doran Stern

Ushers: C. Sampson (Head Usher), C. Lewis, D. Tucker, TBD

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Page 19 December 2010

Worship Redeemer News



Saturday, December 25th

Holy Eucharist

10:00 am

Server: Z. Mills

Lectors: E. Davis, E. Davis

LEMs: D. Hunter Mills, E. Davis

Ushers: S. Hurlbut (Head Usher) G. Mills

Christmas Pageant: Seeking Participants Save these dates. We hope your children will join us for the Christmas Pageant.

To participate, your child must be: At least 5 years old AND able to attend the rehearsal Sat, Dec .18th

On Sundays at 9:10 the Children’s Choir practices all songs.

Children who are not in the Children’s Choir and who would like some extra practice learning the Christmas Pageant songs are welcome and encouraged to attend rehearsals on Sunday mornings in the Old Parish House from 9:10 am – 9:45 am.

If you can help on the 19th and/or the 20th, we will need 1-2 parents for each of these tasks: 1) checking costumes (early December) 2) angel leader 2) shepherd leader 3) animal leader (Each “leader” is in charge of corralling the group at rehearsal and before the pageant.)

Please contact: Maisie Pollard [email protected], (617) 731-8171, or Laura Hindermann, 617-323-3433.

♦ Sunday, December 5th

Angel, shepherd & animal sign-up

♦ Sunday, December 12th

Rehearsal for Speakers and Readers

♦ Saturday, December 18th

8:30 am Speakers/Readers Rehearsal

9:00 – 11:30 am Everyone in Pageant


♦ Sunday, December 19th

9:45am Children gather in the undercroft.

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Advent & Christmas ScheduleAdvent & Christmas ScheduleAdvent & Christmas ScheduleAdvent & Christmas Schedule Wednesday, December 1Wednesday, December 1Wednesday, December 1Wednesday, December 1stststst and 8and 8and 8and 8thththth 7:00 pm Advent Series IAdvent Series IAdvent Series IAdvent Series I It’s a Wonderful Life: The Original Short Story and the Movie, featuring discussion by the Reverend Dorsey W.M. McConnell Preceded by a light supper at 6:30 pm Sunday, December 5Sunday, December 5Sunday, December 5Sunday, December 5th th th th 9:45 am Caroling Field Trip during Sunday SchoolCaroling Field Trip during Sunday SchoolCaroling Field Trip during Sunday SchoolCaroling Field Trip during Sunday School Led by Children’s Choir Director Mary Reynders Sunday, December 12Sunday, December 12Sunday, December 12Sunday, December 12thththth 4:00 pm AllAllAllAll----Parish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship DinnerParish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship DinnerParish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship DinnerParish Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship Dinner Led by Karla Todd and the Fellowship Committee Thursday, December 16Thursday, December 16Thursday, December 16Thursday, December 16thththth 7:30 pm Carols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons & CarolsCarols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons & CarolsCarols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons & CarolsCarols by Candlelight: A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols Preceded by a light supper at 6:30 pm Sunday, December 19Sunday, December 19Sunday, December 19Sunday, December 19thththth 10:00 am Morning Prayer and Christmas Pageant Morning Prayer and Christmas Pageant Morning Prayer and Christmas Pageant Morning Prayer and Christmas Pageant Led by Maisie Pollard and Laura Hindermann. No Sunday School. Child care will be provided.

Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, December 24December 24December 24December 24thththth 4:00 pm Family Eucharist Family Eucharist Family Eucharist Family Eucharist (Children’s Sermon, Children’s Choir and Parish

Choir) 10:00 pm Choral PreludeChoral PreludeChoral PreludeChoral Prelude 10:30 pm Festal Eucharist Festal Eucharist Festal Eucharist Festal Eucharist (Parish

Choir and adult sermon)

Saturday, December 25Saturday, December 25Saturday, December 25Saturday, December 25thththth 10:00 am Holy Eucharist

The Sunday School area will be available for children and parents who need a break from Christmas Eve and Christmas services.

Please note that that on December 26th and January 2rd there will be no 8:00 am service, nor Bible Studies, nor Sunday School/Childcare at the 10:00 am service.

Page 20 December 2010

Worship Redeemer News

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Due Sunday, December 12th

Did you know that this year the beautiful poinsettias, which adorn the Church of the Re-

deemer at Christmas, will be made possible by many financial donations from our parish-


Our Christmas flower donations are made as a lovely way to remember those who are special to us,

but gifts may be made “in celebration of” an event or important milestone as well as “in honor of,”

“in memory of,” or “in thanksgiving for” loved ones.

Names that are received by December 12th will be printed in the Christmas worship service leaf-

lets. This is an earlier deadline than usual, so please be aware.

We suggest $50 for the first listing, $10 for each additional one, but, of course will welcome ANY


We hope that you will contribute to the glorious celebration of Christmas at the Redeemer with a

memorable gift. The results of your generosity will be enjoyed by all who visit us at Christmas


Thank you.

Designation: ____________________________________________________________________________



Donor Name(s): ______________________________________________

Please fill in the form below and return it either to the Church office or by mail to

Mrs. Nina Moriarty, Treasurer of the Altar Guild, 214 Heath Street, Chestnut Hill,

MA 02467.

Page 21 December 2010

Worship Redeemer News

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Page 22 December 2010

Music Redeemer News

The Redeemer’s Christmas CD will be available again at this year’s Christmas Market.

The CD contains all your favorite carols such as: Once in royal David’s city, Hark! the herald angels sing, O

come, all ye faithful, God rest ye merry gentlemen, Angels we have heard on high, and many others, as well

as beautiful choral Christmas anthems, all recorded with our heralded choirs, and accompanied by our ma-

jestic organ, brass and timpani!!!

The CDs sell for $20.00 each. If you purchase the “Stocking Stuffer Package” (5 or more CD’s in the same

transaction) then you will receive 5% off – that’s quite a savings!!!!!!

This recording is a spectacular memoir of our Christmases together as a parish.


1-4 CDs $20 each * “Stocking Stuffer Package” (5 or more CDs ) $19 each

I would like to purchase________ CDs (which are ready anytime for pick up at the Church office).

Enclosed is a check for _________.

Name_______________________________ Address__________________________________

Phone_____________________________ Email___________________________________

Church of the Redeemer

Christmas CDs!!!!!






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On November 7th we

celebrated the baptisms of:

Mia Isabelle Bjorbaek

Theodore Hall Von Kohorn


Our hearts go out to the

families of the recently


• Lovett C. Peters

Page 23 December 2010

Fellowship Redeemer News

Inreach at the Church of the Redeemer Inreach is a sub-committee under the Church Service League. Inreach was originally a group of women who prepared casseroles for members of the parish needing food and a friendly smile be-cause of illness, a family situation, or just general support. The committee did all of the meal prepa-ration and the responsibility of preparing the din-ner rotated among the committee members each month.

The committee now looks at Inreach as a form of pastoral care ministry. It is still a sub-committee of the Church Service League, but all members of the parish are called upon when there is a crisis in a family or someone needs special care. Men and women are on the sub-committee and their function is to listen to those members of our com-munity needing support. A care chain is then set up and either meals are provided, or a support system is established. The goal of the committee is to reach out to as many members of the parish as possible and for those members to know the Inreach Committee is there to help them in any way large or small. Any member of the committee can be contacted at any time, de-pending upon with which member the parishioner in need feels most comfortable. Anne Grandin will be setting up the care chain, so all re-quests will eventually be channeled to her. In an emergency, Anne at [email protected] or 617-566-4406 would be the one to call. We work as a team and are always looking for new members who would like to be involved. We are confidential and always ready to help in a loving way.

Inreach Members

Carol Pfaelzer 617-738-7983 [email protected]

Pam Awtrey 617-527-5348 [email protected]

Cathy Brigham 617-734-9355 [email protected]

Anne Grandin 617-566-4406 [email protected]

Alyson Lee 617-412-0153 [email protected]

Megan Sampson 617-738-1072 [email protected]

George Foord 617-969-8360 [email protected]

Mary Crown 781-235-4143 [email protected]

Betty Swinton 781-235-9035 [email protected]

Marilyn Emilsson 617-527-6565 [email protected]


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Page 24 December 2010

Redeemer News Worship/Fellowship

Youth and Family Fellowship Caroling and Dinner

Sunday, December 12th , 4:00 pm On December 12th Youth and Family Fel-lowship will team up with the Fellowship Committee to storm the neighborhood with good cheer.

We will meet at 4:00 to warm our voices and then we will set off to do some old-fashioned caroling. We will have some nice warm cocoa available, and we will conclude the night by enjoying a hot meal together in the parish hall. It is going to be so much fun.

How often have you watched an old movie featuring caroling and said to yourself, “I wish we still Christmas Caroled!” Well, this is your opportunity to take part in a wonderful Christian tradition dating back to the middle ages. This event has been very successful the past two years and we look forward to another great night. If you are big singer or not, please come for fun and fellowship.

October 31st — and in loving memory of the Honorable Abbott Lawrence by Alan L. Rosenfield, and in loving memory of Francis Cabot Lowell by Alan L. Rosenfield

November 7th — and in loving memory of Sandra Moose Birch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz A. Ohrn, on their wedding anniversary

November 14th — and in loving memory of Viola and Harry Root by the Cummings Family

November 21st — and in loving memory of Judith B. Caner by her husband, George Caner, and in loving memory of Dr. David Lawrence Mincey and Todd David Mincey by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Farber

November 28th —for the blessings of Linnea and Emily and for the restoration of health to Carl Taylor, given by the Metcalf family, and in loving memory of Katharine P. Beal

Given to the Glory of God

The office will be


Monday, December

27th and will reopen

on Monday,

January 3rd.

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Page 25 December 2010

Fellowship/Calendar Redeemer News


1 Advent Series 1 of 2 - 7:00 pm*

3 Christmas Market - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dinner & Auction - 6:00 pm

4 Christmas Market - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

8 Advent Series 2 of 2 - 7:00 pm*

12 Neighborhood Caroling and Fellowship Supper - 4:00 pm

16 Carols by Candlelight - 7:30 pm*

18 Pageant Rehearsals - 8:30 am & 9:00 am

19 Christmas Pageant/Morning Prayer - 10:00 am

24 Christmas EveChristmas EveChristmas EveChristmas Eve

4:00 pm Family Eucharist (children and adult choirs)

10:00 pm Choral Prelude

10:30 pm Festal Eucharist (adult choir)

25 Feast of ChristmasFeast of ChristmasFeast of ChristmasFeast of Christmas

Holy Eucharist - 10:00 am

* Supper held ½ hour before

** Reception held afterwards

Redeemer Events 2010Redeemer Events 2010Redeemer Events 2010Redeemer Events 2010


Elizabeth Bachelder

Robert P. Bainbridge

Marjorie Fletcher Balboni

Sally Breul

Jon H. Burgin

Judith Ann Brentlinger Caner

Eleanor D’Amato

Evelyn DeCaro

Leslie Arends Eckel

Corliss Knapp Engle

Peter E. Gardiner

Marion Haffenreffer

Francis Bishop Haydock

Robert Hewett

Andrew Adie Hunter

Isabel Castello Lynn

Jose Matos

Anne Miller

Francis D. Neven

Ellen Waldron Peress

Lovett C. Peters

Allene Lummis Russell

William Vandervoort Tripp III

Arlene Vaughn

Elizabeth Reiley Bailey Zaldastani

Baptism Dates in 2011

January 9th —Baptism of Our Lord

June 12th —Pentecost

November 6th — All Saints’ Day observed

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Page 26 December 2010

Redeemer News


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

28 First Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal

9:45 AM Sunday School/Childcare Provided

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist

11:15 AM Coffee Hour and Silent Auction Preview

11:30 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal



AM Church



30 10:00 AM Open Greens Workshop

7:00 PM Outreach


1 7:00 AM Men's Bible Study

8:30 AM Morning

Prayer and Healing 10:00 AM Open Greens


6:30 PM Supper 7:00 PM Advent

Series I

2 9:00 AM Women's Bible Study

10:00 AM Open

Greens Workshop


10:00 AM Christmas Market

6:00 PM Christmas

Market Dinner and Auction

4 10:00 AM Christmas


5 Second Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM Adult Bible Study

9:00 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal 9:10 AM Children's Choir Rehearsal

9:10 AM Youth Bible Study

9:45 AM Childcare Provided 9:45 AM Sunday School Caroling

Field Trip

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 11:15 AM Coffee Hour with Advent

wreath making

11:30 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal

4:45 PM Confirmation Class

6 7 8 7:00 AM Men's Bible Study

8:30 AM Morning

Prayer and Healing 9:00 AM Sunday School


6:30 PM Supper 7:00 PM Advent

Series II

9 9:00 AM Women's

Bible Study


7:00 PM Redeemer Movie Night–

Featuring “Miracle

on 34th Street”

11 11:00 AM Memorial Service for Lovett C.


4:00 PM Parish

Choir Rehearsal

12 Third Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM Adult Bible Study

9:00 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal 9:10 AM Children's Choir Rehearsal

9:10 AM Youth Bible Study

9:45 AM Sunday School/Childcare Provided

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist

11:15 AM Coffee Hour 11:30 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal

12:00 PM Confirmation Lunch

4:00 PM Caroling and Fellowship


13 14 11:00 AM Staff Meeting

11:30 AM Wor-

ship Committee Meeting

7:30 PM Vestry


15 Redeemer News Deadline

7:00 AM Men's Bible

Study 8:30 AM Morning

Prayer and Healing

16 9:00 AM Women's Bible Study

6:30 PM Choir

Rehearsal 6:30 PM Supper

7:30 PM Carols by


17 18 8:30 AM Pageant Rehearsal--Speakers

9:00 AM Pageant

Rehearsal--All Other


19 Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM Adult Bible Study

9:00 AM Parish Choir Rehearsal 9:10 AM Children's Choir Rehearsal

9:10 AM Youth Bible Study

9:45 AM Childcare Provided 9:45 AM Sunday School Gathers for


10:00 AM Morning Prayer and Christmas Pageant

11:15 AM Coffee Hour

4:45 PM Confirmation Class

20 21 22 23 24 Christmas Eve 3:00 PM Children's

Choir Rehearsal

3:00 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal

4:00 PM Family

Eucharist 4:00 PM No Child-

care Provided

9:00 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal

10:00 PM Choral

Prelude 10:30 PM Festal


10:30 PM No

Childcare Provided

25 Christmas Day 10:00 AM Holy


10:00 AM No Church School/No

Childcare Provided

26 The First Sunday after Christmas 9:45 AM No Sunday School/No

Childcare Provided

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist

11:15 AM Coffee Hour

27 Office



Office Closed


Office Closed


Office Closed

31 New Year's Eve

Office Closed


New Year's Day

December 2010

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Redeemer News

Page 27 December 2010



is the beginning of the 126th year of the Church of the Redeemer, as well as the Liturgical year of the Christian Church. On that first Sunday in 1885 worshippers heard the same Collect as we do today, “Almighty God, give us

grace to cast away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light….” That first service was held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 29th with fifty to sixty persons present.

Now in 2010 we will have approximately 175 persons on the first Sunday of Advent. There were no stained glass windows in the Lee Chapel and few, if any, in our first wooden church. By 1954 we had eighteen stained glass windows, five of which pertain to Advent, the birth of Christ, and the few weeks following. The five are the Annunciation Window in the Morning Chapel, the three windows on the northeast side of the Nave – Gloria in Excelsis, Magnificat (incorrectly labeled Jubilate Deo), and Nunc Dimittis, and in the center panel of the Great Window above the Altar.

From the Archives

“...we will take heart for the future

Remembering the past.” T.S. Eliot

Take the time to look carefully at these Nave windows, espe-cially during Advent and Christmastide, for each panel tells the story of Christ’s birth both in word and pic-ture. They are beauti-ful windows, exe-cuted by three differ-ent studios – Kempe, Burnham and Rey-nolds. The center panel of the Great Window shows the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child and the figures surround-ing her show the fam-ily tree back to Abra-ham and Isaac, and David and Jesse.

The Gloria in Excel-sis window shows much of the familiar Christmas story. The center panel shows Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus in the man-ger, below which is the Lamb. The left panel shows the Magi with their gifts; the right panel shows the shepherds coming to Bethle-hem.

The Nunc Dimittis shows Christ’s presentation at the temple, Simeon hold-ing the Babe, Anna the Prophetess, and the lower panels the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt, and the dream which Joseph had to return to the land of Israel.

Marvel at all these windows in the church; replicas of these five can also be seen in the Parish Hall during December. The Advent season is upon us.

-Jody Castello

Page 28: Redeemer News A monthly - Home | Church of the … monthly publication of the Church of the Redeemer— Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Vol. LVII December 2010 No. 13 Redeemer News Inside


“A parish of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the

Redeemer exists to bring people to Christ, and to bring Christ to

all people, through worship, fellowship, education and service.”

Mailed monthly Sept. to June, Except Bi-monthly July-August TIME VALUE

Contact us Rector, The Rev. Dorsey McConnell (617) 566-7679 ext. 11, [email protected]

Curate, The Rev. Marc G. Eames (617) 566-7679 ext. 13, [email protected]

Organist and Choirmaster, Michael S. Murray (617) 566-7679 ext. 17, [email protected]

Parish Administrator, Laine Walters Young (617) 566-7679 ext. 10, [email protected]

Director of Sunday School, Sarah Allen (617) 566-7679 ext. 16, [email protected]

Director of the Children’s Choir, Mary Reynders (617) 566-7679 ext. 18, [email protected]

Financial Administrator, Sharon Gillespie (617) 566-7679 ext. 12, [email protected]

Facilities Manager, Elton Matos (617) 566-7679 ext. 14, [email protected]

Verger, Suzy Westcott (617) 566-7679 ext. 15, [email protected]

CSL Assistant, Lovey Cercone, (617) 731-3285 ext. 3

Parish Historian, Jody Castello, (617) 325-3409


Steve Mead, Senior Warden

Lucinda Doran Stern, Junior Warden

Nina Moriarty, Clerk

Dick Tucker, Treasurer

Jeff Hawkins, Assistant Treasurer

Philip Bianchi Martha Gangemi

Judy Bullitt Katie McEachern

Douglas Chope John Paolella

Gordon Cromwell Chip Pollard

Mary Crown Megan Sampson

Margot Finley

Debby Hunter Mills, ex officio Amy Weed, ex officio


The Rev. Judith L. Stuart, Episcopal Chaplain to Boston College and Northeastern University

The Rev. John H. Finley IV, Head of Epiphany School

Redeemer News Church of the Redeemer 379 Hammond Street Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (617-566-7679)

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