Realism (1)d

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  • 7/29/2019 Realism (1)d



    The Rebellion Against Royal Neoclassicism Begins

    After reading Chapter 8, you be able to

    * Explain how realism became a movement

    * Know what is romanticism

    * Know the characteristics of realism in acting and staging

    * Know the pioneer playwrights and their significant works

    * Define naturalism

    * Know the plot of Chekhovs Three Sisters

    * Know the three major American playwrights and their significant works

    The reasons for realism

    * Realism was a revolt against the neoclassic standards.

    * Rebellion against the contrived manners and elitist snobbery also fueled the attack

    * Theatre, they felt, should hold a mirror up to nature

    The first challenge to neoclassicism was


    * originated in the late 18th century and stressed strong emotion

    * Use of the Imagination

    * Freedom from classical correctness in art forms,

    * Rebellion against social conventions.

    * Epic adventures

  • 7/29/2019 Realism (1)d


    * Majestic style

    * Exotic locales

    * Grotesque villains

    * Survives today primarily in musicals and grand opera

    Characteristics of Realism

    * Realism sought a likeness to life

    * Realism remains today the dominant influence in the theatre.

    * Realist playwrights seek to have the audience understand their own struggles and to

    feel compassion for the human condition.

    Qualities of Acting and Staging

    * Actors seek to become the characters

    * Dialogue sounds like conversation

    * Scenery resembles the locale

    * Scenery depicts ordinary living conditions

    * Costumes represented status of character

    * Protagonist drawn from everyday life.

    * Protagonist may be perplexed and inarticulate in the face of conflict

    * Themes: Thought provoking moral and social questions

    Removing the fourth wall

    Watching a realistic play should be similar to looking in someones livingroom or house.

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    The fourth wall is missing for us to watch the characters.

    Realism remains one of the dominant styles of presentation today.

    * The unspoken purpose of every realistic play is exploring the mystery of life.

    * Characters in a realistic play are individuals we can compare thoughts and feelings

    with as they discover lifes meanings

    * The catharsis of this genre is that each member of the audience is to gain an

    understanding of his or her own struggles and feel compassion for the struggles of


    * Plays in this era were often referred to as problem plays since they focused on socialconcerns.

    Henrik Ibsen=Father of Realism

    * A Dolls House

    * Ghosts

    * An Enemy of the People

    Themes: Social concerns

    * Dolls House: Womens rights

    * Ghosts: Mercy Killing and Social Disease

    * An Enemy of the People: Political corruption

    Russian realism: Anton Chekhov

    * Chekhov worked with Russian director, Konstantin Stanislavsky and the Moscow Art

    Theatre, to create a series of plays dealing with the end of czarist Russia.

    * The Seagulls

    * Uncle Vanya

  • 7/29/2019 Realism (1)d


    * Three Sisters

    * Cherry Orchard


    * Extreme form of realism

    * A slice of life

    * Mans behavior is the result of genetic and social circumstances

    * Emphasis on character rather on plot

    Americanrealist playwrights:

    * Arthur Miller

    * Tennessee Williams

    * Eugene ONeill

    Americas first master dramatist:

    Eugene ONeill was so called because his were the first American plays to receive

    recognition abroad.

    * The Hairy Ape, Long Days Journey Into Night, Desire Under the Elms, The

    Iceman Cometh