Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th , 2013 Timothy Ferro

Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro

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Page 1: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro

Ready for what’s next.

The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers

SharePoint Saturday DC: RestonDecember 7th, 2013Timothy Ferro

Page 2: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


Agenda•My Background• Overview of Traditional Event Receivers• Changes from 2007 to 2010 to 2013—SharePoint 2007 Event Receiver Type Enumeration—SharePoint 2010 Event Receiver Types Enumeration—SharePoint 2013 Event Receiver Types Enumeration—SharePoint 2013 Remote/App Events• Demo• Questions• References

Page 3: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


My Background• SharePoint Development Team Lead / SharePoint Architect • Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton• Author / Speaker / Blogger / Tweeter• 6+ Years Architecting and Developing SharePoint Solutions•White Paper:

Utilizing and Visualizing Geolocation Data for Powerful Analysis• [email protected]•www.timferro.com•@timferro

Page 4: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


Overview of Traditional Event Receivers• An event receiver in Microsoft SharePoint is simply a method that

is called when a triggering action occurs on a specified SharePoint object. Triggering events include actions such as adding, updating, deleting, moving, checking in, and checking out. SharePoint objects that listen for events—that is, event receiver hosts—include objects such as site collections, sites, lists, and workflows. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg749858(v=office.14).aspx

• Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Events• Binding Event Receivers• Disabling Event Receivers

Page 5: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


SharePoint 2007 Event Receiver Type EnumerationContextEvent ItemAddedInvalidReceiver ItemUpdatedItemAdding ItemDeletedItemUpdating ItemCheckedInItemDeleting ItemCheckedOutItemCheckingIn ItemUncheckedOutItemCheckingOut ItemAttachmentAddedItemUncheckingOut ItemAttachmentDeletedItemAttachmentAdding ItemFileMovedItemAttachmentDeleting ItemFileConvertedItemFileMoving FieldAddedFieldAdding FieldUpdatedFieldUpdating FieldDeletedFieldDeleting SiteDeletedSiteDeleting WebDeletedWebDeleting WebMovedWebMoving EmailReceivedhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.speventreceivertype(v=office.12).aspx

Page 6: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


SharePoint 2010 Event Receiver Type EnumerationContextEvent ItemAdded ListAddingInvalidReceiver ItemUpdated ListDeletingItemAdding ItemDeleted WebAddingItemUpdating ItemCheckedIn WorkflowStartingItemDeleting ItemCheckedOut ListAddedItemCheckingIn ItemUncheckedOut ListDeletedItemCheckingOut ItemAttachmentAdded WebProvisionedItemUncheckingOut ItemAttachmentDeleted WorkflowStartedItemAttachmentAdding ItemFileMoved WorkflowPostponedItemAttachmentDeleting ItemFileConverted WorkflowCompletedItemFileMoving FieldAddedFieldAdding FieldUpdatedFieldUpdating FieldDeletedFieldDeleting SiteDeletedSiteDeleting WebDeletedWebDeleting WebMovedWebMoving EmailReceived


Page 7: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


SharePoint 2013 Event Receiver Type EnumerationContextEvent ItemAdded ListAdding GroupAdding RoleDefinitionAdded

InvalidReceiver ItemUpdated ListDeleting GroupUpdating RoleDefinitionUpdated

ItemAdding ItemDeleted WebAdding GroupDeleting RoleDefinitionDeleted

ItemUpdating ItemCheckedIn WorkflowStarting GroupUserAdding RoleAssignmentAdded

ItemDeleting ItemCheckedOut ListAdded GroupUserDeleting RoleAssignmentDeleted

ItemCheckingIn ItemUncheckedOut ListDeleted RoleDefinitionAdding InheritanceBroken

ItemCheckingOut ItemAttachmentAdded WebProvisioned RoleDefinitionUpdating InheritanceReset

ItemUncheckingOut ItemAttachmentDeleted WorkflowStarted RoleDefinitionDeleting EntityInstanceAdded

ItemAttachmentAdding ItemFileMoved WorkflowPostponed RoleAssignmentAdding EntityInstanceUpdated

ItemAttachmentDeleting ItemFileConverted WorkflowCompleted RoleAssignmentDeleting EntityInstanceDeleted

ItemFileMoving FieldAdded InheritanceBreaking AppInstalled

FieldAdding FieldUpdated InheritanceResetting AppUpgraded

FieldUpdating FieldDeleted GroupAdded AppUninstalling

FieldDeleting SiteDeleted GroupUpdated ItemVersionDeleting

SiteDeleting WebDeleted GroupDeleted ItemVersionDeleted

WebDeleting WebMoved GroupUserAdded

WebMoving EmailReceived GroupUserDeleted


Page 8: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


SharePoint 2013 Remote/App Events• App Events: Installed, Upgraded, Uninstalling• Remote Events: your cloud app can respond when a user adds,

changes, or deletes a list, a list item, or a web.• Remote event receivers and app event receivers work only with

cloud apps for SharePoint (that is, autohosted and provider-hosted apps). These receivers don't work with SharePoint-hosted apps for SharePoint.•


Hosting model Support for remote event receivers

Auto-hosted Yes

Provider-hosted Yes

SharePoint-hosted No

In SharePoint 2013, the code that runs when the event is triggered is served by a web service. […]if you register a remote event receiver, you also need to tell SharePoint which web service to invoke.

Page 9: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


Demo• SharePoint 2010 and 2013• Setting up SharePoint Event Receiver Solutions• Feature Activation Code• Event Receiver Code• Event Receiver Examples—Update Fields—Check Permissions—Alerts and Emails—Create Sites/Lists/Folders/Items—“Workflow”—Users Added to Groups

Page 10: Ready for what’s next. The Evolution of SharePoint Event Receivers SharePoint Saturday DC: Reston December 7 th, 2013 Timothy Ferro


References• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.speventreceivertype(v=of

fice.15).aspx• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj220048.aspx• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spitemeventreceiver.aspx• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn456315.aspx• http://www.learningsharepoint.com/2012/12/27/create-a-groupuseradded-eventreceiv

erspsecurityeventreceiver-in-sharepoint-2013/• [email protected]• www.timferro.com• @timferro