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______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | ___(_) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___| |_| | | |_ __ | | ___ __ _ __| |___ _ __ ___| |_ | _| | | '__/ __| __| | | | '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` / __| | '_ \ / _ \ __| | | | | | \__ \ |_| |_| | |_) | | (_) | (_| | (_| \__ \_| | | | __/ |_ \_| |_|_| |___/\__|\___/| .__/|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|___(_)_| |_|\___|\__| | | |_| Install Notes:1) standalone:- install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK58691-35070-25550-28046-23042- select the products you would like to install- after the installation finishes copy the folders %crackdir%\{bin,java,toolbox} to %installdir% overwriting the originally installed files- the installer does not create shortcuts or program groups, so you will have to manually create them or just start matlab via%installdir%\bin\matlab.exe(on first run the activation assistant will pop up, choose "activate without internet" and point to the license file %crackdir%\lic_standalone.dat)2) floating license (network license server):- install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK48344-28329-61387-36957-44648- select the products you would like to install (be sure to select the license manager!)- when asked for license file point the installer to the file %crackdir%\lic_server.dat- after the installation finishes copy the folders %crackdir%\{bin,etc,java,toolbox} to %installdir% overwriting the originally installed files(make sure the license server isn't running yet !)- start the license server via lmtool or by cmd-lineThanks to THE BiTTER END.