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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jsDOMenu Read Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Project Name: jsDOMenu * Development Status: Stable * Version: 1.3 (View changelog.txt for more information) * Release Date: 16 January 2005 * License: GNU General Public License (GPL) (View license.txt for more information) * Programming Language: Javascript * Requirements: o DOM compatible browser such as Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox/Firebird, Netscape 7, Opera 7, Safari 1.x, Camino 0.8 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6LicensejsDOMenu Version 1.3Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Toh ZhiqiangReleased on 16 January 2005Web Site: program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2of the License, or (at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.DescriptionjsDOMenu is a cross-browser navigation menu that is based on DOM. The menu will pop up when you left/right click in certain regions in your web page. You can also configure it to be absolutely positioned, fixed positioned (does not move with the page during scrolling) or statically positioned. It supports unlimited submenus, and submenu will adjust its position appropriately if the cursor is too near the edge. jsDOMenu is 100% HTML/XHTML valid, and is fully customizable through CSS. Horizontal menu bars are possible by installing jsDOMenuBar. Every menu item can have an icon shown before the display text. Tested and works in many browsers such as Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox/Firebird, Netscape, Opera, Safari, Camino and Microsoft Internet Explorer.FeaturesSome of the features of jsDOMenu are outlined below: * Tested and works in many browsers. Some are outlined below: o Mozilla 1.x o Mozilla Firefox 0.8 - 1.0 o Mozilla Firebird 0.7 o Netscape 7.x o Opera 7.23 - 7.5x o Safari 1.x o Camino 0.8 o Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 - 6 * Supports unlimited submenus. * Smart placement of menus and submenus. The menu will pop up at different place if the cursor is positioned too close to the edge, e.g. appears on the cursor's left if the cursor is too close to the right edge. * Font, colour, background colour, styles, etc, of menus and menu items are fully customizable through CSS. * Switch to an alternate stylesheet to change the theme of the menu bars and menus without reloading the page (works in certain browsers only). * 100% HTML/XHTML compliant. No document.write() or document.writeln() used. * Horizontal menu bars are possible by installing jsDOMenuBar. * Configure whether the menu should show/hide on which mouse click. * Configure whether the menu should be absolutely positioned, fixed positioned (does not move with the page during scrolling) or statically positioned. * Every menu item can have an icon shown before the display text. * Works in frames. * Released under GPL. You can help to improve jsDOMenu so that it works in more browsers!RestrictionsSome of the restrictions of jsDOMenu are outlined below: * Visitors must browse the page with Javascript enabled.Known IssuesSome issues regarding jsDOMenu have been listed below: * Menus may appear slowly after prolong usage without reloading the page or if the page has many submenus.DemoView the /demo folder for various demonstrations of jsDOMenu.Note: If your web site use jsDOMenu and you do not mind sharing with the rest, do send in your web address so that the Webmaster can include in the demo page.DocumentationView the /docs folder to learn how to install jsDOMenu and create the menus using simple Javascript codes.Note: If you can think of any better method/implementation, please kindly inform the Webmaster so that he can include it in the next release of jsDOMenu.DownloadThe latest version of jsDOMenu can be downloaded at bug, feature request, problem, comment, suggestion, etc, please post it in the forum at post in the above forum first before contacting the Webmaster. If your post is not replied for a long time (e.g. a week), or if you have some urgent matters, please contact Webmaster at [email protected].