Reading Skills

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communication skills,sociology,psychology

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READING SKILLSPURPOSE OF READINGThe following are four reading purposes, examined briefly. You may have one or more for any "reading event." Purpose 1: Read for understanding. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. These components depend on each other. Details help explain or support general concepts, and concepts provide a framework for remembering details.

Purpose 2: Read to evaluate critically. Critical evaluation involves understanding. It means approaching material with an open mind, examining causes and effects, evaluating ideas, and asking questions that test the writer's argument and assumptions. Critical reading brings a level of understanding that goes beyond basic information recall.

Purpose 3: Read for practical application. A third purpose for reading is to gather usable information that you can apply toward a specific goal. When you read a textbook preface or an instruction booklet for a new software package, your goal is to learn how to do or use something. Reading and action usually go hand in hand. Purpose 4: Read for pleasure. Some materials you read for entertainment, such as Sports Illustrated magazine, the latest page-turner by DaVinci Code author Dan Brown, or even novels by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. As Yale professor Harold Bloom points out, reading for pleasure gives you the opportunity to enlarge your life and to enter into "alternate realities." "Why read?" Bloom asks. "Because you can know, intimately, only a very few people, and perhaps you never know them at all. After reading [the Thomas Mann masterpiece] The Magic Mountain you know Hans Castorp thoroughly, and he is greatly worth knowing."

TYPES OF READINGScanning type of readingFor example, scanning a telephone book: You are looking for it quickly. You know what you are searching for (key words and names). You 'see' every item on the page, but you don't necessarily read the pages - you ignore anything you are not looking for. Thus, when you discover the key words being searched for, you will be unable to recall the exact content of the page. Skimming type of readingWhen you read quickly to gain a general impression as to whether the text is of use to you. You are not necessarily searching for a specific item and key words. Skimming provides an 'overview' of the text. Skimming is useful to look at chapter/section headings, summaries and opening paragraphs. The purpose of skimming: To check relevance of text. Sets the scene for the more concentrated effort that is to follow, if the text is useful.

Light type of readingReading for leisure tends to be 'light': Read at a pace which feels comfortable. Read with understand. Skim the boring, irrelevant passages. An average light reading speed is 100-200 words per minute. This form of reading does not generally require detailed concentration.

Word by word type readingThis type of reading is time consuming and demands a high level of concentration. Some material is not readily understood and so requires a slow and careful analytical read. People use this type of reading for unfamiliar words and concepts, scientific formulae. It can take up to an hour just to read a few lines of text.

Reading to study type of readingA method of reading for study is called the SQ3R the aim is to understand the material in some depth. The method involves five simple steps; Survey, Question, Read, Recall and Review. Survey: skim through to gain an overview and not key points. Question: devise questions you hope the text will answer. Read: slowly and carefully. Recall: from memory, write down the main points made by the chapter. Review: revisit your questions - compare these to your recall and establish how well the text has answered them; fill in any gaps by further reading and note-taking. Practice and speed reading