Customer Support Read today’s ezine or die! The World Class Marketing of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead – A Movie That Revived An Industry, Even In YOUR City and Mine, Right Now, This Very Week

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Customer Support

Read today’s ezine or die!

The World Class Marketing of

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead –

A Movie That Revived An Industry,

Even In YOUR City and Mine, Right

Now, This Very Week

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Marlon here.

Three million.

Five hundred twelve thousand.

Three hundred 17.

That’s 3,512,317 VIEWS on Youtube and 13,223 subscribers.

I have something incredibly USEFUL to study from a marketing


Amazing, in fact. I’m totally excited to tell you about it.

It’s about a movie that has started a REGENERATION of juicing all across

America and, I believe, quite likely around the world. And, I believe, it’s

still gathering steam.

I’m going to draw lessons from it step-by-step you can apply to your OWN


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It’s one of the best examples I’ve EVER seen of MANY marketing

principles, including the dramatic demonstration, problem-solution, proof,

emotion in marketing, and many more as I’ll illustrate today.

There’s also a fascinating integration of Twitter. And many spin off sites

and LOCAL spin offs, including one right here in my city of San Antonio,

which is about LAST to get new trends!

So if this has hit MY city, I dare say you’ll find out it has spread to YOURS


The short version is this Australian bloke was weigh overweight and had

serious skin problems. He flies to America with a world class film crew and

juices his away across America for 60 days…and talks to many fascinating

people along the way….

And then…the TWIST happens…great freaking movie and story. Awesome.

Before I get into that, a few quick notes:

WEEKEND SUPPORT? Just a reminder. I know we got in a few

support tickets last night and this morning. I take weekends off as do my

staff. Your tickets will be answered Monday morning.

There are 3 things you need in marketing to succeed at a high level that

transcend marketing:

1. Belief – You have to believe in yourself and in what you’re doing

2. Passion – Whatever it is you’re doing, you need passion, fire in the belly.

Without inspiration to action, you’ll never get it done.

3. Focus – I doubt I need to say anything about that.

With those 3 things in mind, I offer this story…

I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond this past week to buy a special kind of coffee

maker called an AeroPress, which is kind of like a French Press x 2.

Anyway, I spied a DVD case that you just couldn’t ignore:

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What a GREAT freaking picture.

So there is STEP ONE: The Pattern Interrupt

That photo breaks the pattern of what you’re used to seeing and demands

attention because of its novelty. But NOT novelty for novelty’s sake.

There’s a clear message INSTANTLY communicated.

STEP TWO: Instantly Communicate Your Message

There’s no doubt what the message here is.

Now personally, I’m SHOCKED a bit that the title worked. You would think

or assume that the only people who would buy this DVD would be fat, sick

and nearly dead!

What’s CRAZY interesting about it is NO!

On my Facebook group we have some enormously fit personal trainers and

one or two chimed in that they had seen the movie.

You do NOT have to buy the DVD by the way. The movie is free on Netflix

and Hulu. The link is on fatsickandnearlydead.com.

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The Director of the move had won an Academy Award for one of his other

documentaries. As a result, the production quality is off the charts. The

dude it’s about is a guy named Joe Cross who self financed the film with a

few friends as partners.

Step THREE: Tap Into Big Points of Pain

I guess it’s rather obvious from the title that Joe goes for the big pain right

from the outset. But LESS OBVIOUS is that during the movie, he taps into

other hot buttons:

* Skin allergies

* Weight loss

* Feet swelling

* Heart attacks

* Sleep apnea

* Fatique

* Swelling

What’s BEAUTIFUL is it’s done SUBTLY! What I mean is, the TYPICAL

mlm version of this would have said, “Do you have skin allergies, need to

lose weight, feet swelling, heart problems, sleep apnea, fatigue or swelling?

If you do, then here’s a CURE!”

Or whatever.

That laundry list just doesn’t sound BELIEVABLE.

In the movie by sprinkling references or examples of these throughout, you

don’t NOTICE that these different problems are being mentioned.

Step FOUR: Tap Into Emotion

Wow, the use of EMOTION in the movie is beautiful.

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When Joe describes his skin problems and health, he really paints a crystal

picture. Then, when Joe meets Phil, Bear and others, that pain is TURNED

UP and amped even further.

Step FIVE: Use Dramatic Demonstrations

This whole movie is one gigantic dramatic demonstration of the health

benefits of juicing.

There are a million people on the web involved in Yoga and other

disciplines who have talked about juicing for years.

But it’s one thing to say, “Hey, juice it up and you’ll feel better or heal your


It’s quite another to DRAMATICALLY DEMONSTRATE it in a way that

can’t be denied.

You don’t have to bring someone back from the brink of death to do a

dramatic demonstration. The point is to SHOW not TELL.


how much weight he lost, THEN you’ll see dramatic demonstration taken to

the extreme!

Phil weighed over 400 pounds. His story will blow you away. Obviously

THAT kind of dramatic demonstration isn’t easy to come by. But you CAN

SHOW not tell your benefits in the most dramatic way you can.

Step SIX: Build the Passion and The Sales Follow

I’m guessing Joe has sold a lot of books and probably juicers as a result of

his promotion, although from what I’ve seen money isn’t Joe’s motivation

here. He’s apparently a very wealthy businessman already.

What I mean though is this: In the movie he doesn’t even TELL the

BRAND of juicer he uses.

But I can almost guarantee you he’s caused an enormous surge of sales in

that brand the past few years. I’d be totally shocked if he hasn’t.

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I know Mike Filsaime bought one because he has a video on Youtube

showing him juicing his “mean green” based on the movie.

You’re going to laugh at this…

But I couldn’t buy one too fast after seeing the movie! And you know what?

I’m glad I did.

Step SEVEN: Create a Crusade

What’s also interesting is that he LINKS FROM fatsickandnearlydead.com

TO Jointhereboot.com (Join The Reboot dot com).

There’s a FORUM, recipes and a store with only a few items (which is why I

say I don’t think the primary motive here is financial).

This is a really nice, well put together site: http://www.jointhereboot.com/

Here’s what I also find intriguing:

MANY people are starting businesses off the back of this movie.

In MY city, we NOW have a juice bar. Not a franchise juice bar that only

serves fruit juice. I’m talking a REAL juice bar that has the veggie juices to

the max.

On their website they specifically mention the movie and that they have a

lot of people come in from it.

Farmer’s markets also get an indirect benefit. In the movie, he shows going

to a farmer’s market or two.

So today I’ll be checking one out in my city. I found out we have one every


Step EIGHT: Push People Into Youtube

One of the first things I did after watching the movie was go search

Youtube. And sure enough, he had 70 vids there and 3,512,317 views on his


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THEN I found the other PIGGYBACKING off the movie with their OWN

youtube vids.

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From the Youtube Channel you get SOCIAL PROOF from all the people

posting their juicing videos. There are a SLEW of people who posted videos

of their juice recipes and everything else under the sun.

Now, that’s pretty amazing. I don’t want to present that it’s easy to create a

sensation like that. It isn’t.

But if you CAN tap into a topic so passionate that people go on a crusade,

you’ve got a real winner on your hands.

Step NINE: Use a Catchy Phrase

He calls it “rebooting” when people go on a juice diet for at least 5 days.

I like that.


I think I’m going to hold a REBOOT for Internet marketing!

Now, here’s another guy who targeted the same market with HIS catch

phrase. He calls himself the “Life Regenerator.” And he has a fantastic

Youtube channel AND his website http://regenerateyourlife.org/ is pretty

drop dead.

I’m guessing he dropped some coin to have it done, although you COULD

do it on the cheap if you laid out the concepts in advance and hired the right


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That gentleman is NOT connected to Joe Cross or the Reboot movement.

In fact, he joined Youtube in 2007, so he may have predated it.

I CAN tell you I bet he’s gaining in a big way from the movie because he has

a DVD on green juices called “Green Juice Recipes.”

Anyway, the point is, people are PIGGYBACKING on the success of the

movie. Oh, if you’re hard core into juicing, there’s this dude named Brother

Echo who has some GREAT juicing videos!

Step TEN: Move People To Twitter

Here’s another SHOCKING thing.

I think the movie came out 2 years ago but his Twitter is STILL blowing up!

It’s one thing I want to delve into more is how he’s generating so much

activity on Twitter.

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I think it’s as simple as having this Twitter box on his site:

You also see this on the fatsicknearlydead.com site which is referenced at

the END of the movie:

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Here’s what the Twitter page looks like:

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That wraps up most of what I have to say about this from a marketing


He’s making one BIG MISTAKE:

He isn’t pushing his list building. I think he’s making a BIG mistake with


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In contrast, if you look at Dan with Regenerateyourlife.org, here is what you

see on the page:

That opt in is better executed than any I have. It’s a really pro site. For my

tastes there are way too many options on the site. But that’s a GREAT opt

in. I love it.

In contrast, to highlight the point, unfortunately Joe isn’t building his list.

However, he can push messages to his Twitter followers and Youtube list.

And I do think he has a list hidden in there somewhere. It’s just not as

obvious as it should be or as front center, unless I’m overlooking


My Personal Thoughts

The focus here has been on the marketing of the movie, which is absolutely

brilliant. Just brilliant.

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On the health side, Joe based his juice fast (or feast as some like to call it)

on the ideas of Dr. Joel Fuhrman:

Fasting is tough. And as the movie shows, has to be done under physician’s


However, his best selling book is based on eating a diet mostly of veggies

and fruits. If you have health issues, read this book!

I hesitated to write this issue.

Health topics are SO PASSIONATE with people (which is what makes it an

aweseome target market) that people send you juices, books, emails, letters,

support tickets…

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It’s exhausting! You BETTER Eat to Live if you’re gonna do anything in the

health market, because you’ll get bombarded with every mlm, juice, cookie,

diet, plan, program – in the world!

No joke.

Having said that, that IS what you want in a target market. Something that

taps into a REAL passion.

And health does that.

The OTHER THING that is AWESOME about THIS market is you are NOT

selling pills.

You’re selling the benefits of eating veggies and fruits.

That makes it about one million percent legally safer as a target market

than selling pills, creams or potions which are very risky legally. About as

risky as it gets.

Ain’t no longevity in selling pills and potions in the U.S. anyway.

But juicing, eating fruits and veggies, vegan lifestyle, etc. Who can argue

with it?

It’s FOOD. That makes it a billion times more attractive than pills and


What’s more, you help people FEEL GOOD! Joe has helped probably

thousands lose weight and I dare say cured heart problems with their diet,

skin issues and everything else.

Now, to be FAIR, there are MANY sides to these issues. I also LOVED the

new Four Hour Chef by Tim Ferris. GREAT freaking book. And he takes

about 1000% opposite view on all the health matters.

He doesn’t see any need for fruits at all! Lol

And he’s all gung ho on eating meats.

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To each their own.

Anyway, apart from all that, I hope I’ve turned you onto a world class

example of marketing, sparked a few ideas which is my intention here. Not

to give you complete tuts.

But on a Saturday morning to spark a few ideas in your brain.

If you got a tweet on it, I’m at twitter.com/marlonsanders – although I

won’t be on Twitter till late today or maybe Monday since I’m headed to the

Farmer’s market and the rockin’ juice bar I discovered:

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders



If you want to learn SOME of what I know, I have links below to a few of my

best products.

If you’re a serious newbie and want my equivalent of the $500 package that

I started with, go to http://www.thebigcourse.com/

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If you haven’t taken any action or haven’t done much yet and just need to

“jump” the learning curve, get that.

If you have ALREADY taken some action but failed or ran into obstacles

and want to go to another level with 1-on-1 coaching and access to

everything, that costs more. But if you’re serious post a note at

getyoursupport.com and ask Lisa to pass your note on to me.

If you can’t figure out how to get to getyoursupport.com or post there, you

don’t qualify! This is ONLY if you’re an action taker, not raw newbies.

If you’re a raw beginner or newbie, just START HERE.

And if you don’t have that much trust in me yet, then try out one of my

individual products below.


A Few Resources For You


1. Need traffic to your website or blog? Click here.

2. Need to create your squeeze page? Click here.

3. Need to design your website? Click here

4. Want the whole enchilada? Click here.

5. Want to create your own product? Click here.

6. 15 pre-made squeeze pages


7. Hot looking headline graphics templates

Get 'em here.

May the road rise up to meet you

and the wind be always at your back

and until we meet again

may God hold you softly

in the palm of his hand

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-- Irish blessing

Copyright 2012 Higher Response Marketing Inc.

All rights reserved.

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All you do is go to http://www.getyoursupport.com, click to post a ticket to

the support desk then Start a Discussion.

On WEEKENDS, we don’t typically have support. Now, to today’s


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Post to my Facebook Group

Join us. The group is growing like crazy. Just last night we added 30 or 40

people. We have many famous people popping in like Rusty Moore, Adam

Urbanski, Pat O’Bryan, Brian T. Edmondson, David Frey, Connie Green,

Terry Duff, Tia Dobi, Marc Harty, Frank Kern, Ross Goldbert, Martha

Giffen and many others! I know I’m leaving important people out.