
(read the BSR 2014-15 Fine Arts Catalogue) · 63 BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff ... Donszelmann and Tim Renshaw, ... del circuito culturale romano. Niente di tutto questo

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Fine Arts 2014–15

AcknowledgementsAntonella Salvatore and Inge Lyse Hansen, John Cabot University, Rome

Juliet Franks, The Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford

Sarah Linford, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Rome

Anna d’Amelio Carbone, Fabrizio Del Signore, Adrienne Drake, Niccolò Fano, Hou Hanru, Manuela Pacella, Armando Porcari, Carolina Pozzi, Donatella Saroli, Marcello Smarrelli, Carmen Stolfi

Giulia Carletti, Francesca Gallo, Stella Rendina, Anne Stelzer

Photography courtesy of the artists and architects, except: Roberto Apa (pages 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16–19, 22–37, 40–5, 48–51), Grant Hancock (pages 20, 21) and Don Hildred (pages 46, 47)

All works © the artists and architect

Editor: Marco PalmieriTranslations: Beatrice GelosiaGraphic design: Praline

Printed in Belgium by Graphius

Published in 2015 by the British School at Rome 10 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AH

British School at RomeVia Gramsci 61, 00197 Rome

Registered Charity 314176


ISSN 1475-8733ISBN 978-0-904152-73-9

The projects realised by Angela Brennan, Gregory Hodge, Susan Norrie and Mona Ryder have been assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its Arts funding and advisory body.

Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust

The Derek Hill FoundationThe Incorporated Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Scholarships

4 Preface: Christopher Smith

6 Introduction: Marco Palmieri

Exhibitors 16 Georges Audet 18 Angela Brennan 20 Nic Brown 22 Adam Nathaniel Furman 24 Paul James Gomes 26 Rowena Harris 28 Gregory Hodge 30 Alexi Keywan 32 David McCue 34 Gina Medcalf 36 Nancy Milner 38 Susan Norrie 40 Catherine O’Donnell 42 Gill Ord 44 Florian Roithmayr 46 Mona Ryder 48 Daniel Sinsel 50 Emily Speed

52 Biographies

63 BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff


4 FINE ARTS 2014–15

The community of artists at the BSR is not only the community of any given year, but stretches back across a century. I have been reminded of this through this year as the paths of current and past award-holders have crossed and intertwined. The last event of the academic year saw six former award-holders, Joey Bryniarska, Mick Finch, Louisa Minkin, Emma Talbot, Susan Trangmar and Martin Westwood, all currently at Central Saint Martins, returning to the BSR with other colleagues to talk about concepts of spolia and relic. Each carried their own memories of the BSR, and recalled connections made here; for example, Jacopo Benci talked about Michel Serres, an author he encountered with Susan Trangmar. Several current award-holders participated. It was a reminder that the BSR unites across time.

Another reminder of the success and interdisciplinarity of our former award-holders has come with news of Cornelia Parker’s trio of recent accomplishments: her critically acclaimed solo exhibition at The Whitworth in Manchester (which marked its reopening), her Royal Academy-curated installation at London’s St Pancras International Station and her Magna Carta (An Embroidery) project at the British Library, specially commissioned for the anniversary of the Magna Carta. As the latter was unveiled — or unrolled — Helen Sear opened her exhibition for Wales at the Venice Biennale. Thanks to the British Council, BSR award-holders were able to visit the Biennale’s vernissage this year.

Other highlights of this year include an inspiring lecture by Nathan Coley as part of the Craignish Trust Visiting Artist Programme, and lectures by Bernice Donszelmann and Tim Renshaw, Vanessa Jackson, and Joey Bryniarska and Martin Westwood, supported by a grant from the Arts Club Charitable Trust to the Abbey Council. We were also delighted to have been able to work with Christie’s to organise a fascinating study afternoon on collecting and the international art market. Marina Engel’s programme on architecture and the creative process concluded with a challenging exhibition and conversation between artists Alfredo Pirri and Thomas Schütte on the boundaries between art and architecture.

Marco Palmieri has built on the success of last year by assisting our award-holders with a number of external shows. Our own exhibitions have been expertly

La comunità di artisti residenti alla BSR non è costituita soltanto dal gruppo di ogni singolo anno, ma si prolunga lungo tutto un secolo. Questa realtà è stata confermata dal fatto che quest’anno i percorsi dei borsisti attuali e di quelli del passato si sono incrociati e intrecciati. L’ultimo evento dell’anno accademico ha visto tornare alla BSR sei borsisti degli scorsi anni, Joey Bryniarska, Mick Finch, Louisa Minkin, Emma Talbot, Susan Trangmar e Martin Westwood, tutti attualmente al Central Saint Martins, che, insieme ad altri relatori, hanno partecipato ad un evento sul concetto di spolia e reliquie. Ognuno di loro ha portato con sé i propri ricordi della BSR e si è ricollegato alle relazioni intessute qui; tra gli altri Jacopo Benci ci ha parlato di Michel Serres, un autore incontrato con Susan Trangmar. Molti borsisti di quest’anno hanno preso parte a questo evento, che ci ha dato così l’opportunità di ricordare come la BSR unisca le persone attraverso il tempo.

Un altro esempio del successo e dell’inter-disciplinarietà dei nostri ex borsisti, è arrivato dalla notizia di ben tre traguardi raggiunti da Cornelia Parker: la sua mostra personale, acclamata dalla critica, alla Whitworth di Manchester (che ne ha segnato la riapertura), la sua installazione alla St Pancras International Station di Londra, curata dalla Royal Academy, e il suo progetto alla British Library Magna Carta (An Embroidery), commissionato espressamente per l’anniversario della Magna Carta. Mentre si presentava la mostra alla British Library, Helen Sear ha inaugurato la sua esposizione alla Biennale di Venezia come rappresentante per il Galles. Grazie al British Council, i borsisti della BSR hanno avuto modo quest’anno di partecipare al vernissage della Biennale.

Sempre per quanto riguarda lo scorso anno accademico c’è da evidenziare, inoltre, un’interessante conferenza di Nathan Coley, parte del Craignish Trust Visiting Artist Programme, e le conferenze di Bernice Donszelmann e Tim Renshaw, Vanessa Jackson, e Joey Bryniarska e Martin Westwood, rese possibili grazie al contributo dell’Arts Club Charitable Trust attraverso l’Abbey Council. Siamo stati molto lieti di aver avuto anche l’occasione di lavorare con Christie’s per organizzare un coinvolgente pomeriggio di studio sul collezionismo ed il mercato d’arte internazionale. Il programma sull’architettura ed il processo creativo

Preface / Prefazione


put together by Marco and a team of interns, and are attracting ever greater audiences. Our June mostra was the BSR’s contribution to Rome’s International Festival of Culture, co-organised with embassies, cultural institutes and the other foreign academies. BSR art is clearly on the Rome cultural map.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of the trusts, foundations and individuals who co-fund our awards. It is as ever a pleasure and honour to thank the Australia Council for the Arts; the Australian Experimental Art Foundation (with Cibo Espresso, the Helpmann Academy and Arts SA); the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec; Creative Scotland; the Derek Hill Foundation; the Incorporated Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Scholarships; the Linbury Trust; the National Art School, Sydney; the Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust; and the William Fletcher Foundation (NSW, Australia); as well as the private donors to the Rome Prize in Architecture, including Robert Adam, Bob Allies, Tim Bell, Jeremy Blake, Peter Harris, Eric Parry, Hugh Petter and Robert Tavernor. This funding is absolutely essential, for the BSR receives no government funding for its Fine Arts programme, and contributes from its own resources to sustain a full studio programme.

We are extremely grateful to the members of the BSR’s Faculty of the Fine Arts and to other members of selection panels. They continue to devote much time and care to the selection of artists and architects, appointing people who, in addition to being excellent in their own fields, contribute significantly to the BSR’s interdisciplinary community.

We are determined to continue to build support for this remarkable community. As we enter our second century in the BSR’s current building, we are able at last to complete the renovation of the studios, begun by my predecessor, with new skylights, new double-glazed doors and windows, and better ventilation. With this behind us, our goal must be to create an ever sounder footing for a second century of artists at the BSR.

curato da Marina Engel si è concluso con una mostra e una conversazione tra Alfredo Pirri e Thomas Schütte sui confini tra arte e architettura.

Marco Palmieri ha confermato il successo ottenuto lo scorso anno aiutando i nostri borsisti ad organizzare diverse esposizioni esterne. Le mostre del nostro anno accademico sono state curate da Marco con l’aiuto di un team di collaboratori, e hanno attirato un numero sempre crescente di visitatori. La mostra di giugno è stata inclusa nel Festa Internazionale di Cultura di Roma, organizzata con le ambasciate, gli istituti culturali e altre accademie straniere. La BSR, con il suo programma di arti visive, è senza dubbio inserita del circuito culturale romano.

Niente di tutto questo sarebbe stato possibile senza il generoso contributo degli enti, delle fondazioni e dei privati che hanno aiutato a sostenere le nostre borse di studio. È come sempre un piacere e un onore ringraziare l’Australia Council for the Arts; l’Australian Experimental Art Foundation (con Cibo Espresso, l’Helpmann Academy ed Arts SA); il Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec; Creative Scotland; la Derek Hill Foundation; l’Incorporated Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Scholarships; il Linbury Trust; la National Art School di Sydney; il Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust; e la William Fletcher Foundation (NSW, Australia); e tutti i sostenitori privati del Rome Prize in Architecture: Robert Adam, Bob Allies, Tim Bell, Jeremy Blake, Peter Harris, Eric Parry, Hugh Petter e Robert Tavernor. Questi contributi sono assolutamente essenziali, visto che la BSR non riceve fondi pubblici per il programma delle arti visive e quindi deve concorrere con le proprie risorse per sostenerlo.

Siamo estremamente grati ai membri della Faculty of the Fine Arts della BSR e agli altri componenti dei vari comitati per la selezione dei borsisti. Tutti loro continuano a dedicare molto tempo e impegno alla scelta di artisti ed architetti, selezionando persone che, oltre ad essere straordinarie nei loro campi di interesse, portano il proprio considerevole contributo alla comunità interdisciplinare della BSR.

Siamo determinati a continuare a sostenere questa straordinaria comunità. Entrando nel secondo secolo dalla costruzione dell’attuale edificio della BSR, siamo finalmente in grado di completare il restauro degli studi per gli artisti, cominciato dal mio predecessore, con nuovi lucernari, nuove porte e finestre in doppio vetro e un miglior sistema di aerazione. Lasciandoci questo alle spalle, il nostro obiettivo sarà quello di raggiungere una posizione ancora più risonante per un nuovo secolo di artisti alla BSR.


6 FINE ARTS 2014–15

Introduction / Introduzione

This year, there have been numerous conversations in the British School at Rome about ‘Inspiring creative research’. With elegant simplicity, these three words promote a strong and important message that stands as a core value of the BSR; culture is a vital asset, which needs constant and attentive support. The aim of the Fine Arts residency programme is specifically to inspire creative research. Our award-holders’ exhibitions, their works, their lines of research truly stand out and impact various aspects of our collective creative culture, within Italy and in the rest of the world. This catalogue offers us a brief glimpse into the work produced during their stay and their numerous achievements.

Throughout the year, many people have contributed to fostering the work of our award-holders: the generous support of the funding bodies that make such residencies possible; the hard work of all the BSR staff; and the numerous curators and directors from galleries and museums around Rome who come to meet the award-holders in their studios, as well as visits by BSR Council and Faculty of the Fine Arts members. The numerous talks and lectures, as well as organised visits to sites, museums and galleries, provide inspiration for the resident artists, often taking their ideas and work in new and exciting directions.

The on-going architecture programme, Meeting Architecture: Architecture and the Creative Process, curated by Marina Engel, provides a series of exciting talks and conversations between architects and other eminent individuals from various sectors of the creative industries. Jacopo Benci, our Senior Research Fellow in Modern Studies and Contemporary Visual Culture, dedicated an event to Superstudio, the architecture studio founded in Florence in 1966: a screening of their two films — Supersurface: Life and Ceremony — was followed by a conversation between Superstudio co-founder and archivist Piero Frassinelli and Jacopo Benci.

Thanks to the support of the Craignish Trust, the BSR was able to host a talk by the artist Nathan Coley, with the title NEVER TRUST A LOVING GOD. The artist discussed many of his earlier and current works with the audience, exploring the ideas and lines of research feeding into his practice. He also visited many of the award-holders in their studios, developing conversations that were initiated by his talk.

Quest’anno alla BSR si è molto parlato di ‘Inspiring creative research’. Con elegante semplicità queste tre parole lanciano un messaggio forte ed essenziale che rappresenta il valore primario della BSR; la cultura è un bene vitale, che necessita di un sostegno costante ed attento. L’obiettivo del programma di arte visiva è esattamente quello di ispirare ricerca creativa. Le mostre dei nostri borsisti, le loro opere, i loro percorsi di ricerca, si distinguono e influenzano realmente i diversi aspetti della nostra cultura creativa collettiva, sia in Italia che nel resto del mondo. Questo catalogo permette di posare per un attimo lo sguardo sulle opere create durante il soggiorno romano dei nostri borsisti e sui risultati da loro ottenuti.

Nel corso dell’anno, molte persone hanno contribuito a promuovere il lavoro dei nostri borsisti: il generoso contributo degli enti che finanziano le borse di studio, il lavoro di tutto il personale della BSR, i numerosi curatori e direttori delle gallerie e dei musei di Roma che si sono resi disponibili ad incontrare i nostri artisti nei loro studi, e tutti i membri del Council e della Faculty of the Fine Arts che sono venuti in visita alla BSR. Fonte di ispirazione per gli artisti sono state le numerose conferenze e convegni e le frequenti visite a siti, musei e gallerie, attività che hanno spesso portato le loro idee e il loro lavoro in nuove e stimolanti direzioni.

Nel programma di architettura Meeting Architecture: Architecture and the Creative Process, curato da Marina Engel, sono state inserite una serie di interessanti conferenze e conversazioni tra architetti ed altre illustri figure provenienti dai vari settori dell’industria creativa. Jacopo Benci, nostro Senior Research Fellow in Modern Studies and Contemporary Visual Culture, ha dedicato un evento a Superstudio, lo studio di architettura fondato a Firenze nel 1966: alla proiezione di due loro film — Supersurface: Life e Ceremony — è seguita una conversazione tra uno dei fondatori e l’archivista di Superstudio, Piero Frassinelli, e Jacopo Benci.

Grazie al sostegno del Craignish Trust, la BSR ha potuto ospitare una conferenza dell’artista Nathan Coley, dal titolo: NEVER TRUST A LOVING GOD, durante la quale l’autore ha avuto uno scambio di opinioni sulla sua produzione passata e recente, e ha esposto le idee ed i percorsi di ricerca da cui nascono i suoi lavori. L’artista ha anche incontrato molti dei


December Mostra Installation view, 2014


8 FINE ARTS 2014–15

December Mostra — both imagesInstallation view, 2014


As a result of a generous grant from the Arts Club Charitable Trust to the Abbey Council, we had the privilege to welcome back Bernice Donszelmann and Tim Renshaw, Vanessa Jackson, and Joey Bryniarska and Martin Westwood, all former award-holders. In addition to giving talks, they spent time with the award-holders and made studio visits.

In June, Martin Westwood, together with Mick Finch, organised a workshop, Headstone to Hard Drive III. Spolia, Relic, Data. This ambitious one-day event brought together a large and distinguished number of artists, historians and art historians to explore the concepts of spolia and relic.

Important highlights each year for the Fine Arts residency programme are the three Mostre, which take place in December, March and June. These group exhibitions present the ongoing work of the current award-holders, introducing the outcome of their stay in Rome to the Roman audience. December Mostra included work by Adam Nathaniel Furman, Rowena Harris, Nancy Milner, Gill Ord, Florian Roithmayr and Emily Speed. During March Mostra, the following award-holders exhibited their work: Georges Audet, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Paul James Gomes, Rowena Harris, Gregory Hodge, David McCue, Gina Medcalf and Nancy Milner. The final show of the academic year, June Mostra, included work by Angela Brennan, Rowena Harris, Alexi Keywan, Nancy Milner, Catherine O’Donnell and Daniel Sinsel.

These three shows were made possible thanks to the hard work of all the artists, and the support of all the BSR staff. Further help was offered by the generous technical support of the Fine Arts interns: Giulia Carletti, Francesca Gallo, Stella Rendina and Anne Stelzer dedicated numerous hours to helping to install and invigilate the shows.

The Mostre offered many members of the Roman audience an opportunity to see and further explore the practice of our award-holders. These moments of exchange between the BSR and the city of Rome are important, but engagement with the city is not limited to these three exhibitions. Many of our award-holders, present and past, have exhibited in Rome throughout the year.

In January, former award-holder Eddie Peake (Abbey Scholar in Painting 2008–9) visited Rome for the opening of his solo show at Galleria Lorcan O’Neill. In February, Eddie Peake and Rowena Harris (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture) were included in the group show Conversation Piece | Part 1 at the Fondazione Memmo. In March the work of Ursula Burke

borsisti nei loro studi, portando avanti il dibattito nato dalla sua conferenza.

Come risultato di una generosa donazione da parte dell’Arts Club Charitable Trust all’Abbey Council, abbiamo avuto il privilegio di accogliere nuovamente i nostri ex borsisti Bernice Donszelmann e Tim Renshaw, Vanessa Jackson, e Joey Bryniarska e Martin Westwood, che, oltre a tenere le proprie conferenze, hanno avuto modo di incontrare i borsisti nei loro studi.

Nel mese di giugno, Martin Westwood e Mick Finch hanno organizzato un seminario dal titolo Headstone to Hard Drive III. Spolia, Relic, Data. Questo ambizioso evento ha visto la partecipazione di un gran numero di eminenti artisti, storici e storici dell’arte che hanno preso in esame il concetto di spolia e reliquie.

Ogni anno il punto di forza del programma di arti visive è costituito dalle tre Mostre, che si svolgono a dicembre, marzo e giugno. Queste mostre collettive presentano le opere dei borsisti e consentono di esporre al pubblico romano i risultati del lavoro svolto durante la residenza a Roma. Nella December Mostra erano esposte le opere di Adam Nathaniel Furman, Rowena Harris, Nancy Milner, Gill Ord, Florian Roithmayr ed Emily Speed. Durante la March Mostra abbiamo visto il lavoro di Georges Audet, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Paul James Gomes, Rowena Harris, Gregory Hodge, David McCue, Gina Medcalf e Nancy Milner. La mostra finale dell’anno accademico, June Mostra, ha messo insieme le opere di Angela Brennan, Rowena Harris, Alexi Keywan, Nancy Milner, Catherine O’Donnell e Daniel Sinsel.

Questi tre eventi sono stati realizzati grazie al grande impegno degli artisti e al contributo di tutto il personale della BSR, al quale si aggiunge il generoso sostegno tecnico di diversi stagisti che hanno dedicato molto del loro tempo aiutando nella cura dell’allestimento e durante la vigilanza delle mostre: Giulia Carletti, Francesca Gallo, Stella Rendina e Anne Stelzer.

Le mostre offrono al nutrito pubblico romano l’opportunità di vedere e studiare attentamente le attività dei nostri borsisti. Questi momenti di scambio tra la BSR e la città di Roma sono fondamentali, ma il coinvolgimento con la città non si limita a questi tre eventi. Molti dei nostri borsisti presenti e passati, infatti, hanno avuto durante l’anno l’opportunità di allestire mostre in altre sedi a Roma.

A gennaio il nostro ex borsista Eddie Peake (Abbey Scholar in Painting 2008–9) ha inaugurato la sua personale alla Galleria Lorcan O’Neill. In febbraio Eddie Peake e Rowena Harris (Sainsbury Scholar in


10 FINE ARTS 2014–15

March MostraInstallation view, 2015


March Mostra — both imagesInstallation view, 2015

12 FINE ARTS 2014–15

Painting and Sculpture) hanno partecipato alla mostra collettiva Conversation Piece | Part 1 alla Fondazione Memmo. Nel mese di marzo i lavori di Ursula Burke (Arts Council of Northern Ireland Fellow 2013–14) sono stati esposti nella collettiva Displacements. The Trouble With Being Human These Days alla galleria Ex Elettrofonica. A giugno, Catherine O’Donnell (National Art School, Sydney, Resident in Drawing) e Nancy Milner (Abbey Scholar in Painting) hanno partecipato alla mostra collettiva organizzata dall’Accademia di Romania: Spazi Aperti. Infine, l’anno accademico si è concluso, sempre nel mese di giugno, con la personale di Rowena Harris, Being both on and within, as I said, alla Gallery Apart.

Questo rapido elenco di eventi può dare un’idea del tipo di impatto che artisti, architetti e videomaker hanno sulla città durante e dopo la loro residenza alla BSR. Non c’è bisogno di dire che questo effetto si espande ben oltre Roma. Alla Biennale di Venezia, quest’anno, Helen Sear (Rome Awardee 1992–3 e attuale membro della Faculty of the Fine Arts della BSR) rappresenta il Galles con la sua mostra … the rest is smoke. Altri esempi dei risultati ottenuti dai nostri ex borsisti si possono trovare nel nostro Annual Review.

Il dialogo aperto con la città quest’anno è dimostrato anche dalle visite agli studi da parte di eminenti figure del mondo artistico internazionale: Anna d’Amelio Carbone (direttore della Fondazione Memmo), Fabrizio Del Signore (direttore di Gallery Apart), Adrienne Drake (curatore della Fondazione Giuliani), Hou Hanru (direttore del MAXXI), Manuela Pacella (curatore), Armando Porcari (direttore di Gallery Apart), Carolina Pozzi (editore di WheresArt), Marcello Smarrelli (curatore del Pastificio Cerere) e Carmen Stolfi (editore di WheresArt).

(Arts Council of Northern Ireland Fellow 2013–14) was included in the group show Displacements. The Trouble With Being Human These Days at the gallery Ex Elettrofonica. In June, Catherine O’Donnell (National Art School, Sydney, Resident in Drawing) and Nancy Milner (Abbey Scholar in Painting) were included in the group show Spazi Aperti at the Romanian Academy. The academic year ended with Rowena Harris’s solo show in June, Being both on and within, as I said, at the Gallery Apart.

This small selection of achievements provides an impression of the sort of impact that the artists, architects and filmmakers make in the city during and after their residencies at the BSR. Needless to say, their impact expands far beyond Rome. At this year’s Venice Biennale, Helen Sear (Rome Awardee 1992–3, and current member of the BSR’s Faculty of the Fine Arts) is representing Wales, with her exhibition … the rest is smoke. Further examples of the achievements of past award-holders can be found in our Annual Review.

The ongoing dialogue with the city has also developed this year through continuous studio visits by various significant figures from the art world, to engage directly with our award-holders: Anna d’Amelio Carbone (director of Fondazione Memmo), Fabrizio Del Signore (director of Gallery Apart), Adrienne Drake (curator of Fondazione Giuliani), Hou Hanru (director of MAXXI), Manuela Pacella (curator), Armando Porcari (director of Gallery Apart), Carolina Pozzi (editor of WheresArt), Marcello Smarrelli (curator of Pastificio Cerere) and Carmen Stolfi (editor of WheresArt).


June MostraInstallation view, 2015


14 FINE ARTS 2014–15

December Mostra12–20 December 2014Adam Nathaniel Furman, Rowena Harris, Nancy Milner, Gill Ord, Florian Roithmayr, Emily Speed

March Mostra13–21 March 2015Georges Audet, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Paul James Gomes, Rowena Harris, Gregory Hodge, David McCue, Gina Medcalf, Nancy Milner

June Mostra12–20 June 2015Angela Brennan, Rowena Harris, Alexi Keywan, Nancy Milner, Catherine O’Donnell, Daniel Sinsel




Roma mi amor III Ink on paper (map), 62 × 50 cm, 2015


The British School Room at Rome II Paper bricks, ink on paper (maps), dimensions variable, 2015


the name in so far as it names a thing, is nothing but the thing insofar as it is named by the name

Oil on linen, 220 × 183 cm, 2015


Stepping into the same river twiceOil on linen, 64 × 57 cm, 2015


There was a greenness in the air #3Oil on canvas, 14 × 14 cm, 2014


There was a greenness in the air #4Oil on canvas, 10.5 × 16.5 cm, 2014


The Roman Singularity: City in Ceramics and CapriccioPencil and pen, 3-D printed glazed earthenware, stoneware

and porcelain, dimensions variable, 2015



Roma Sub Rosa2 channel video installation, HD, colour, stereo, 9.20 mins; 4.55 mins;

book pressed roses and dried petals, Rome / Scotland 2015


Prego Selfie and Roma Sub Rosa — Installation shot

Prego SelfieVideo installation, 33 secs, HD, colour, Rome / Scotland 2015


Skin on skin (Outlines 1)Steel, concrete, fabric, silicon rubber

and found materials, 186 × 45 × 30 cm, 2014


Skin on skin (Outlines 2) — detailSteel, concrete, fabric, elastic rubber, cast silicon rubber

and found materials, 190 × 30 × 15 cm, 2014


UntitledAcrylic on paper mounted on pvc, 184 × 151 cm, 2015


UntitledAcrylic on paper mounted on pvc, 184 × 148 cm, 2015


The passenger no. 17Pen on paper, 62.5 × 53.5 cm, 2015



AbsolutionPinhole perforations on handmade paper, 49.5 × 32.5 cm, 2015


FACCIATA. FacadeBlacklight (UV) sensitive photograph, screenprinted on black & white

marble panels, ultraviolet floodlight, coin-operated timer switch, dimensions variable, 2015




Camerone 6Acrylic on canvas, 68.6 × 45.8 cm, 2015



Camerone 7Acrylic on canvas, 68.6 × 45.8 cm, 2015


UntitledOil on canvas, 60 × 75 cm, 2015



June MostraInstallation view, 2015




GarbatellaCharcoal on paper, 78 × 180 cm (triptych), 2015



VIAE VMBRAEGouache and graphite on paper, 40 piece work, 100 × 350 cm, 2015


Sotterraneo 1Oil on canvas, 180 × 125 cm, 2014



Sotterraneo 3Oil on canvas, 180 × 125 cm, 2014


EndstartMixed media, dimensions variable, 2014




Clouded ObjectAcrylic on leather, 27 × 18 cm, 2014



Occhio era quiAcrylic on leather, 27 × 18 cm, 2014


untitled (Ä)Oil on linen, coprolite, 9ct gold, 43 × 34 cm, 2015


untitled (S)Oil on linen, coprolite, 9ct gold, 32 × 26 cm, 2015


Garbuglio, Gomitolo, Gnommero, Groviglio, a series of studies in terracotta, drawings, watercolours and performances for film

that consider the physical experience of being in the architecturally-layered sites of Rome — details





GEORGES AUDETQuébec Resident, January–March [email protected]

Education1982 BArch, Architecture, Université Laval, Québec City

Selected one person exhibitions 2012 Labyrinthes, Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Montréal2009 L’Enchantement IV, Centre national d’exposition,

Saguenay2008 La Maison dans la maison, Est-Nord-Est, Saint-

Jean-Port-Joli Prelâ, Est-Nord-Est, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli2007–8 L’Enchantement III, Maison de la culture de Côte-

des-Neiges, Montréal2007 L’Enchantement II, Musée d’art contemporain

des Laurentides, Saint-Jérôme2006 L’Enchantement I, Joyce Yahouda Gallery,


Selected group exhibitions2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome2014 Procession, Maison de la culture de Notre-Dame-

de-Grâce, Montréal2013 Papier 13, Contemporary Art Galleries Association,

Montréal2012 Hospitalité, Biennale de sculpture de Saint-Jean-

Port-Joli2011 Il était une fois, Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Montréal IAAB Groupshow, iaab-Projektraum, Basel Traces from IAAB, Dock, Basel The Travelling Artist, Heidelberger Kunstverein,

Heidelberg2010 Cube, Coopérative Lezarts, Montréal Le Mur / The Wall Project, Transformations I and II,

Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Montréal

Residencies2015 Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Residency, British School at Rome2013 Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Residency, Finnish Artist’s Studio Foundation, Espoo / Helsinki

2011 Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Residency, Christoph Merian Stiftung — IAAB, Basel

2008 Est-Nord-Est, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

Public commissions 2012 Fragments pour un conte, a monumental mosaic

for an elementary school in Mercier, Québec

Grants1997, 1999, 2001, 2009 Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec1988–90,2004, 2006 Canada Council for the Arts

ANGELA BRENNANAustralia Council Resident Artist, April–June 2015www.roslynoxley9.com.auwww.niagaragalleries.com.auangelabrennan@ozemail.com.au

Education1992 BA, University of Melbourne 1982 BA, Fine Arts, RMIT, Melbourne

Selected one person exhibitions2015 Rustic Deities, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney2013 On a Round Ball, China Art Projects, Hong Kong2012 Stop Humming Glenn Gould, Niagara Galleries,

Melbourne2011 Infinity Plus One, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney To Whom Achilles, Swiftest of the Swift Replied:,

Orexart, Auckland2006 Every Morning I Wake up on the Wrong Side of

Capitalism, Monash, University of Art, Melbourne2005 Geranium Lake, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney1992 Oh Tango, Angela Brennan, 200 Gertrude Street,

Melbourne1989 Possible Worlds, George Paton, University

of Melbourne

Selected group exhibitions 2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome Mr President, Parkside Avenue Jimmy Nuttall’s

Apartment Show, Brooklyn, New York2014 Texts & Scrolls, Good Press Gallery, Glasgow No Fond Return of Love, ICAN, Newtown, Sydney Re-Raising Consciousness, TCB, Melbourne2013 Heavenly Stems, Neon Parc, Melbourne1988 Vasari Revisited, 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne

Selected awards and residencies2015 Australia Council Residency, British School at Rome2012 Mentor, Australia Council / Next Wave JUMP

Mentoring Program2008 Australia Council Studio, Milan2006 Studio Residency, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris2002 Red Gate Gallery Artists Residency, Beijing Art

Academy 1998 AGNSW, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris1995 Blundstone Contemporary Art Award, Hobart

Teaching2014–15 Lecturer in Ceramics, Victorian College of the Arts

Secondary School, Melbourne 1993–5 Lecturer in Painting, Victorian College of the Arts,

Melbourne1992 Lecturer in Painting, Prahran College of Art,

Melbourne 1991 Lecturer in Drawing, Ormond College, University

of Melbourne

CollectionsAllen, Allen and Hemsley, NSW; ANZ Bank; Art Bank, NSW;


Art Gallery of South Australia; Benalla Art Gallery, Victoria; City of Yarra, Victoria; Collection of Sir James and Lady Cruthers, Perth; Council of Adult Education; Deakin University Collection, Victoria; Deloitte Foundation, Sydney; Goldman Sachs JBWere; KPMG, Melbourne; LaTrobe University, Victoria; Leeuwin Estate, Western Australia; Monash University; Mont Blanc Art Collection, Switzerland; National Bank; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; National Gallery of Victoria; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston; RACV, Melbourne; TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria; The Arts Centre, Melbourne; The Vizard Foundation, Victoria; Trinity Grammar School, NSW; University of Melbourne; University of Queensland Art Museum; University of Western Australia Western Mining Collection, Victoria; World Bank, New York; private collections in Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA and elsewhere

NIC BROWNAustralian Experimental Art Foundation Cibo Espresso Resident, July–September 2014www.nic-brown.com.au

Education2010 Grad. Cert., Art History, University of Adelaide,

Adelaide 2008 BVA (Honours), Adelaide Central School of Art,


Selected one person exhibitions2013 Forestal, Mallee Garden, Adelaide Botanic

Garden, Adelaide2011 Nic Brown: Recent Paintings, Adelaide Central

Studio Gallery, Adelaide2010 Glasslands, Palm House, Adelaide Botanic Garden,

Adelaide2009 Somewhere Between Waking and Dreaming,

A Room of Her Own, Adelaide

Selected group exhibitions2014–17 Handheld, Country Arts SA, multiple venues across

regional South Australia2014 Heysen Sculpture Biennial, The Cedars, Hahndorf Florabotanica, Adelaide Central Gallery, Adelaide2013 FELTmaps, Vitalstatistix, Port Adelaide My roots will set off to seek another land, South

Australian Living Artists Festival, Adelaide Airport, Adelaide

Grounded, Adelaide Central Gallery in partnership with Fisher Jeffries, Adelaide

2012 Conversations in Ellipsis, SASA Gallery — University of South Australia & Adelaide Botanic Garden, Adelaide

The Kick Ass Painting Show, Fontanelle Gallery, Adelaide

Museum Interventions, Hahndorf Academy, Hahndorf

2011 Arts SA Curatorial Program, Adelaide Desiccated Magic, Format, Adelaide

Theirs Yours Mine, Light Square Gallery, ACArts, Tafe SA, Adelaide

2010 SALA Moving Image Project, Queens Theatre, South Australian Living Artists Festival, Adelaide

ArtWest, Renew Adelaide and West End Association, Worlds End Hotel, Adelaide

Structural Integrity, FELTspace Pavilion, Next Wave Festival, Melbourne

Hedgemaze, Prospect Gallery, Adelaide

Selected awards and residencies2014 Australian Experimental Art Foundation Cibo

Espresso Studio Residency, British School at Rome 2013 Arts SA Public Art and Design Grant, Adelaide Finalist, Adelaide Fringe Bank SA Award, Best

Visual Art and Design, Adelaide Finalist, Adelaide Fringe Eran Svigos Award for Best

Visual Art, Adelaide2010 Winner, SALife Emerging Artist Award, South

Australian Living Artist Festival, Adelaide Finalist, Best Exhibition by a Collective

(Hedgemaze), Adelaide Fringe Festival, Adelaide2009 Artist-in-residence, Carclew, KidZone,

WOMADelaide, Adelaide Winner, Watercolour Prize, Kidman Art Show,

Kapunda2007 Scholarship, Adelaide Central School of Art,


Teaching2015 Lecturer, Adelaide Central School of Art, Adelaide 2010– Collections Manager, Flinders University Art

Museum, Bedford Park

CollectionsCountry Arts SA; private collections nationally

ADAM NATHANIEL FURMANRome Prize in Architecture (incorporating the Bernard Webb Studentship), October 2014–March 2015www.adamnathanielfurman.com

Education2009 Postgraduate Diploma, Art and Spatial

Performance, Architectural Association, London2008 Diploma with Honours, Architectural Association

School of Architecture, London 2002 Foundation Diploma (with Merit), Fine Art and

Spatial Design, Central St Martins, London

Selected group exhibitions2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome2013–14 Designers in Residence at the Design Museum,

Design Museum, London

Selected awards and residencies2014–15 Rome Prize in Architecture (incorporating the

FINE ARTS 2014–15


Bernard Webb Studentship), British School at Rome2014 Blueprint Award for Design Innovation2013 Designer in Residence, Design Museum, London2008 Architectural Association Honours2007 Architectural Association Prize 2006 RIBA Bronze Commendation, President’s Medals 2005 Architectural Association Nicholas Boas

Scholarship, British School at Rome

PAUL JAMES GOMESCreative Scotland document 24 Fellow, January–March [email protected]

Education2011 MA, Film Directing, Edinburgh College of Art,

Edinburgh2001 MSc, Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University,

Dhaka2000 BSc, Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University,


Selected one person exhibition2011 Bengaals Vuur (Bengal Fire), Nieuwe Oogst,


Selected group exhibitions2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome2011 Degree Show, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh2002 JPS Group Show, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka

Selected film festivals2013 Where is Billet?, 13th RAI Film Festival, Edinburgh2012 Where is Billet?, 12th International Short &

Independent Film Festival, Dhaka

Selected awards and residencies2015 Creative Scotland document 24 Fellowship, British

School at Rome2012 Short-listed, One World Media Award for Student

Films, London

ROWENA HARRISSainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October 2014–September 2015www.rowenaharris.com [email protected]

Education2010 MFA, Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University

of London, London2008 BA (Hons), Fine Art, University College Falmouth,


Selected one person exhibitions2015 Being on and within, as I said, Gallery Apart,


2013 P.A.R.T.S, Coleman Project Space, London2011 Believing in Things, Van Horbourg Gallery, Basel Sculptures, Schwartz Gallery, London

Selected group exhibitions2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome And so we gape (solo performance event), curated

by Nero, Rome Conversation Piece | Part 1, Fondazione Memmo,

Rome March Mostra, British School at Rome Film Screening, Karst, Plymouth2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome Image Object, curated by Kirsty Ogg for Artuner C(h)roma, Indiranagar, Bangalore Chronoviser: Archive, South Kiosk, London Synchronise. Accelerate. Disperse. II, MJ Gallery,

Geneva 2013 The Starseed Transmission, Enclave Projects,

London Post Post, St James’s Church, Goldsmiths, London Believing (in) Objects, 134 Middleton Road,

London Hack the Barbican, The Barbican, London Systems Failure, The Contemporary at Great

Western Studios, London The Open Cube, The White Cube, London MC 1&2, Vanhorbourg Gallery, X Marks the

Bökship & Enclave Projects, Zurich and London2012 Cold Compress, Drei Gallery, Cologne Fustration, Flat Time House, London Today the Collection is, Bethnal Green Library,

London Punctuating (two-person show with Vera Kox),

La Scatola Gallery, London No More Icons, Rod Barton Gallery, London Syndicate 1, Food Face Projects, London2011 I Pity Inanimate Objects, Goldstein Gallery,

London KNOW HOW, Campbell Works, London SAGS, The Woodmill, London Site of Flesh and Stone, Uzay Galeri, Istanbul2010 New Contemporaries, The A Foundation and ICA,

Liverpool and London To Look is to Labour, Laden Fuer Nichts, Leipzig Say What, What Way, Shop@34, London2009 Off Modern, Corsica Studios, London

Selected awards and residencies2014–15 Sainsbury Scholarship in Painting and Sculpture,

British School at Rome2013 Atelier Salzamt Residency, Linz2010 New Contemporaries

Teaching2014–15 Visiting Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire,

Hatfield2011 Visiting Tutor, Camberwell College of Arts, London


56 FINE ARTS 2014–15

GREGORY HODGEAustralia Council Resident Artist, January–March 2015www.gregoryhodge.com

Education 2012 PhD Candidate (Fine Arts), School of Art,

Australian National University, Canberra2005 BFA Honours (1st Class), School of Art, Australian

National University, Canberra

Selected one person exhibitions2015 A Fabled Gesture, Canberra Contemporary Art

Space, ACT2014 Unfolding, Sullivan + Strumpf, Sydney2013 Slide, Sullivan + Strumpf, Sydney Introduction, Firstdraft, Sydney2012 Monsoon Crossing, TCB, Melbourne

Selected group exhibitions2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome The Infinite Everything, Egg and Dart, Thirroul2014 Mind the Gap, Casula Powerhouse, Sydney SSFA 2014, Sullivan + Strumpf, Sydney2013 Low Relief, Damien Minton Gallery, Sydney Future Proof, Canberra Contemporary Art Space,

ACT Art on Paper, Hazelhurst Regional Gallery,

Sydney2012 Word of Mouth, Canberra Museum and Gallery,

ACT You Give Good Colour, Sophie Gannon,

Melbourne Clean Living, Contemporary Art Space Tasmania,


Selected awards and residencies2015 Australia Council Residency, British School

at Rome 2014 Finalist, Fishers Ghost Art Award, Campbeltown

Arts Centre, Sydney 2013 Winner, Art on Paper, Hazelhurst Emerging Artist

Award, Sydney 2012 Australian Postgraduate Award2011 Studio Residency, Basso, Berlin2010 Finalist, Brett Whitleey Travelling Art Scholarship

Teaching2013 Tutor, Art Theory, School of Art, Australian National

University, Canberra2010–15 Sessional Lecturer, School of Art, Australian

National University, Canberra


ALEXI KEYWANWilliam Fletcher Foundation Scholar, April–June 2015www.australiangalleries.com.auwww.alexikeywan.wordpress.comalexi.keywan@gmail.com

Education2010 MFA, Printmaking, National Art School, Sydney2006 Honours, National Art School, Sydney2005 BFA, National Art School, Sydney

Selected one person exhibitions2014 Survey of Works, Sydney Grammar School, Sydney2013 Some Place Else, Australian Galleries, Melbourne2011 Anywhere / nowhere, Australian Galleries, Sydney2009 Facts and Fictions, Australian Galleries, Sydney2007 Excess and Decay, Australian Galleries, Sydney

Selected group exhibitions2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome Auditory Visions, Lismore Regional Gallery, Lismore 2014 Rick Amor Drawing Prize, Art Gallery of Ballarat,

Ballarat2013 Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards, Victoria Corporeal — a Print Exchange folio, Geelong

Regional Gallery, Geelong CPM National Print Awards, Tweed River Regional

Art Gallery, Murwillumbah South2012 Impressions, Australian Print Workshop, Melbourne Imaginary Worlds, Australian Print Workshop,

Melbourne Beautiful Soup, St Helliers Street Gallery,

Melbourne2011 Large Exhibition of Small Works, Australian

Galleries, Melbourne Nature of the Mark, Australian Galleries,

Melbourne Scholarships Exposed: Where Are They Now?,

Australian Print Workshop, Melbourne2010 Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing, The Croydon

Centre for Art, Design and Technology, Croydon2009 Windows on Pain, Carriageworks Art Centre, Ewart

Gallery, Parramatta Riverside Theatre and Arts Centre, Gosford Regional Art Gallery, Gosford East

Drawcard, National Art School, Sydney Summer Stock Show, Australian Galleries, Sydney2008 The International Exchange Exhibition of Prints,

Hongik University, Seoul Stock Show, Australian Galleries, Sydney2007 The Capitals Project, Hongik University, Seoul ABN Amro Emerging Artists Award Exhibition, ABN

Amro Limited, Sydney Agendo, Gardner Galleries, Melbourne The Hutchins Works on Paper Prize, Long Gallery,

Hobart The Prometheus Visual Arts Award, All Saints

Anglican School, Queensland2006 Three Graduates from National Art School,

Australian Galleries, Sydney


Drawcard, National Art School, Sydney2005 Graduate Exhibition, National Art School, Sydney Selected Graduate Drawing Students, National Art

School, Sydney Packsaddle, New England Regional Art Museum,


Selected awards and residencies2015 William Fletcher Foundation Scholarship, British

School at Rome2014 Copyright Agency Grant to undertake Photogravure

Workshop, Crown Point Press, San Francisco2013 Winner, CPM National Print Award, Northern

Rivers2011–12 APW Collie Print Trust Scholarship for Emerging

Victorian Printmaker, Melbourne2007 Winner, The Hutchins Works on Paper Artery

Student Award Commended, Willoughby Art Prize2005 Outstanding Achievement in Printmaking, Awarded

by Australian Galleries at the National Art School, Sydney

2004 Akky van Ogtrop Scholarship Award

Teaching2014 Etching Masterclass, Sydney Grammar School,

Sydney Art and Art History, Sydney Grammar School,

Sydney2008 Printmaking Lecturer, National Art School, Sydney

CollectionsCamberwell Grammar School, Melbourne; City of Melbourne Collection; Geelong Regional Gallery; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; Tweed River Art Gallery, Northern Rivers; University of Sydney Union Art Collection, Sydney; University of Wollongong

DAVID MCCUECreative Scotland document Fellow, January–March [email protected]

Education2002 BDes (Hons), Animation & Electronic Media,

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee

1999 BA (Foundation), Animation, Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham

Selected one person exhibitions2012 The History Room, The Phoenix Centre, Glasgow Triumphant? The Art of The Deal, Angelika Film

Center, New York 2011 Triumphant? The Art of The Deal, British Film

Institute, London Triumphant? The Art of The Deal, Churchill Theatre,


2010 Triumphant? The Art of The Deal, Menie Estate, Aberdeenshire

Selected group exhibitions 2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome2013 Drawing From Life, The Glasgow Art Club, Glasgow

Selected awards and residencies2015 Creative Scotland document Fellowship, British

School at Rome2014 Nominated, MACK First Photo Book Award2012 Creative Scotland Professional Development Award2009 Creative Skillset Professional Development

Investment2007 Reserve, British Antarctic Survey Artist in Residence2003–5 British Broadcasting Corporation Graduate

Traineeship, London2000 British Animation 2000 Award, Channel 4

Television, London

Public speaking and interviews2015 Public Presentation, Street Level Photoworks,

Glasgow 2014 Invited Speaker at HATTI, Glasgow University

MSc Museum Studies2013 Interview with US author Michael D’Antanio

of Macmillan Publishers 2012 Filmed interview with Montrose Pictures at the

Phoenix Centre, Glasgow You’ve Been Trumped (US Press Preview), The Core

Club, New York You’ve Been Trumped (US Premiere), Angelika Film

Center, New York 2011 In conversation with Director Anthony Baxter

at Glasgow Film Theatre 2010 Filmed interview with Midas Media at the Menie

Estate in Aberdeenshire2009 Artist’s talk at ‘Glasgow Ruckus’ Artists Forum,

Napiershall St, Glasgow

CollectionsPrivate collection (Aberdeenshire)

GINA MEDCALF Abbey Fellowship in Painting, January–March 2015 [email protected]

Education 1969 NDD, Fine Art Painting, Central School of Art

and Design, London Selected one person exhibitions2009 Unground, Chelsea Futurespace, London Unground, The Cut, Halesworth, Suffolk

Selected group exhibitions 2015 March Mostra, British School at Rome


58 FINE ARTS 2014–15

Hommage and Transcription, Kapil Jariwala, London2014 Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Art, London2013 ING Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London Bath Society of Artists Featured Artist, Victoria Art

Gallery, Bath2012 The Perfect Nude, Wimbledon Space, London HaHa What Does This Represent, Standpoint

Gallery, London Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Art, London2009 Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Art, London2008 ‘… Same As It Ever Was’ Painting at Chelsea

1990–2007, Arts Gallery, London2001 British Abstract Painting 2001, Flowers East,

London2000 Cultural Ties, Jariwala Westzone Gallery, London

Selected awards and residencies 2015 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School at Rome2008 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Award, New York 1984 New York State Council of the Arts Research Grant,

International Centre of Photography, New York1983 National Endowment for the Arts Research Grant,

International Centre of Photography, New York1969 Italian Government Research Scholarship, Museo

di Capodimonte, Naples

Teaching 1994–2006 Senior Lecturer, Kingston University, Kingston 1990–2013 Associate Lecturer, University of the Arts London,

Chelsea, London

CollectionsPrivate collections in the USA and the UK

NANCY MILNERAbbey Scholar in Painting, October 2014–June 2015www.nancymilner.com

Education2013 Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art, Royal Academy

Schools, London 2009 BA (Hons), Fine Art, University of Reading, Reading

Selected group exhibitions 2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome March Mostra, British School at Rome2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome Marcelle Joseph Projects; At Home Salon 2014,

Ascot2013 Royal Academy Schools Show 2013, Royal

Academy of Arts, London Form from Form, Matthew’s Yard, London

Selected awards and residencies 2014–15 Abbey Scholarship in Painting, British School

at Rome2013 Keepers Print Prize, Royal Academy Schools,


Artists’ Collecting Society Bursary, Royal Academy Schools, London

2012 Jerwood Purchase Prize, Premiums Interim Projects, Royal Academy Schools, London

CollectionsHiscox Collection; Jerwood Collection

SUSAN NORRIEAustralia Council Resident Artist, October–December 2014www.susannorrie.com

Selected one person exhibitions 2011 Notes for TRANSIT, Giorgio Persano Gallery, Turin2009 SHOT, Edinburgh International Festival, Collective

Gallery, Edinburgh2007 Havoc, 52nd Venice Biennale, Palazzo Giustinian

Lolin, Venice

Selected group exhibitions 2014 Rules of Play, La Biennale de Montréal, Montréal L’avenir (looking forward), Musée d’art

contemporain de Montréal, Montréal2011 Transit, Our Magic Hour, Yokohama Triennale, Bank

Art, Yokohama2008 Molten States, GSK Contemporary, Royal Academy

of Art, London

Selected awards and residencies2014 Australia Council Residency, British School at Rome2011 Solarun Hoass Documentary Award2007 Sally and Don Lucas Artist Residency Programme,

Montalvo2001 Artist in Residence, (dis)Location Project, ZKM,


CATHERINE O’DONNELLNational Art School, Sydney, Resident, April–June [email protected]

Education2014 MFA, National Art School, Sydney2006 BFA (Distinction), University of Western Sydney,


Selected one person exhibitions2015 Homefront, Penrith Regional Gallery, Penrith2014 A Notion of Home, National Art School, Sydney2013 Estates of Tomorrow, Flinders Street Gallery,

Sydney2012 Venetian Visions, Grafton Regional Gallery, Grafton2011 Catherine O’Donnell, Recent Drawings, Flinders

Street Gallery, Sydney C Block, Penrith Regional Gallery & Lewers

Bequest, Penrith Venetian Visions, Albury Regional Gallery, Albury


2010 Light and Shadow (New Zealand International Arts Festival), Pataka Museum, Porirua

2009 Light and Shadow, Blacktown Art Centre, Blacktown Dripstone, Elizabeth Farm, Historic Houses Trust,

Parramatta (with writer Naomi McCarthy)2006 Erasing the Darkness, Wallspace Gallery, Sydney

Selected group exhibitions2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award, Gymea2014 A General Map of Caves, Hawkesbury Regional

Gallery, Windsor Rick Armor Prize for Drawing, Ballarat Regional

Gallery, Ballarat2013 New Work, Flinders Street Gallery, Sydney The Edge, Annandale Gallery, Annandale Sextet, Delmar Gallery, Ashfield Middlehead, 33° 50’ S, 151° 14’ E, Mosman Art

Gallery, Mosman Story, Penrith Regional Gallery, Penrith Hazelhurst Art on Paper Exhibition, Gymea2012 Gold Coast Art Prize, The Arts Centre, Gold Coast Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award, Grafton

Regional Gallery, Grafton Catherine O’Donnell, Dianne Tanzer Gallery +

Projects, Melbourne Still Life, Parramatta Artist Studios, Parramatta2011 Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing, PLC, Croydon The Hutchins Art Prize, Salamanca Art Centre,

Hobart2010 Dobell Drawing Prize, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney Freehand Recent Australian Drawings, Heidi

Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne No Right Turn, Penrith Regional Gallery, Penrith Living Liverpool, Bicentennial Exhibition, Casula

Powerhouse, Casula2009 Kedumba Drawing Award, Wentworth Falls, Blue

Mountains Albury Art Prize, Albury Regional Gallery, Albury

Selected awards2015 National Art School, Sydney, Residency in Drawing,

British School at Rome2011 Highly commended, City of Hobart Art Prize,

Hobart2010 Highly commended, William Fletcher Foundation

Rome Art Fellowship Highly commended, Sunshine Coast Art Prize

(SCAP09) Highly commended, Works on paper, BSG Gallery,

Fitzroy2009 Albury Art Prize, International Art Residency Highly commended, Sunshine Coast Art Prize

(SCAP09)2007 First prize and highly commended, Blacktown City

Acquisitive Art Exhibition 2006 Deans Medal for Bachelor Fine Arts (Distinction),

University of Western Sydney Sydney, City of Village, Exhibition and Prize, Sydney

2005 Highly commended, Blackheath Art Society Spring Exhibition, Blackheath

2004 Highly commended, Contempo, Exhibition of Contemporary Art

2003 Highly commended, Blackheath Art Society Watercolour and Drawing Exhibition

2002 Highly commended, Holroyd City Art Exhibition Commended, Blacktown City Acquisitive Art

Exhibition, Blacktown

Selected residencies2015 Parramatta Artist Studios Residency National Art School, Sydney, Residency in Drawing,

British School at Rome2014 Artist in Residence, Penrith Regional Gallery, Emu

Plains2013 Bilpin International Ground for Creative Initiatives

(the Big C), Bilpin Artist in Residence, Penrith Regional Gallery, Emu

Plains2011 Artist in Residence, Nepean Creative and

Performing Arts High School, Emu Plains2010 Artist in Residence, Scuola Internazionale di

Grafica, Venice Artist in Residence, Casula Powerhouse 2009 Artist in Residence, Elizabeth Farm, Historic Houses

Trust, Parramatta Artist in Residence, Blacktown Art Centre

CollectionsAlbury Regional Gallery; Art Bank, Australia; Blacktown City Council, Blacktown; Kedumba Collection of Contemporary Drawings; Pataka Museum, Porirua; Penrith Regional Gallery; private collections

GILL ORDAbbey Fellow in Painting, October–December [email protected]

Education1981 MA, Painting, Manchester Polytechnic, Manchester1980 BA (Hons), Fine Art, Winchester School of Art,

Winchester1976–7 Middlesbrough College of Art

Selected one person exhibitions2015 Sotterraneo, Paintings from Rome, Studio1.1, London2009 A Country of Wonders, Studio1.1, London2004 An Experiment with Time, Studio1.1, London2001 Project Space, Debs & Co, New York2000 New Paintings, North House Gallery, Manningtree

Selected group exhibitions 2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome2013 Even Clouds, Studio1.1, London Ten out of Ten, Studio1.1, London2012 30 Artists, Studio1.1, London


60 FINE ARTS 2014–15

2011 Flight, Braziers Park, Oxfordshire2010 Bakers Dozen, CGP, London Painting Out, Studio1.1, London2008 Summary, Studio1.1, London2006 Zoo Art Fair, Studio1.1, London2003 29.09.03, Flaca, London2002 Inaugural show, K3, Zurich Superfluity, British Artists at the Academy of Art,

Art Academy of Latvia, Riga

Selected awards and residencies2015 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School at Rome2005 AIWA Workshop Lebanon2000 Wasanii Workshop, Kenya1990 Triangle Workshop, New York1984 Arts Council Residency, Hull1979 Hampshire Travel Award, Rome

FLORIAN ROITHMAYRRome Fellowship in Contemporary Art, October–December 2014

Education2005 MA, Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, London2004 BA, Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, University

College London, London

Selected one person exhibitions2015 Service, MOT International, Brussels2014 Matter of Engagement, Site Gallery, Sheffield2013 Florian Roithmayr, Treignac Projet, Treignac Assault, The Schtip, Sheffield The Y, Rowing Projects, London2012 Like Plugging In, MOT International, London 2011 You Want to Borrow My Shades, Don’t Complain

About Their Tint, Sunday Art Fair, MOT International, London

2009 Florian Roithmayr, The Russian Club Gallery, London2007 Eventually Everything Happens, Galerie Neue Alte

Brücke, Frankfurt

Selected group exhibitions2015 Things that Tumble Twice, Tenderpixels, London2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome Proprioception, Laure Genillard Gallery, London Hey I’m Mr. Poetic, Wysing Art Centre, Cambridge The Influence of Furniture on Love, Wysing Art

Centre, Cambridge Annals of the 25th Century, Wysing Art Centre,

Cambridge2013 Grand Magasin, French Riviera, London £5.34, Carl Freedman Gallery, London O Chair / O Flesh, Treignac Projet, Treignac Burg, Laure Genillard Gallery, London2012 I Don’t Feel Like It: the Indifference of Objects,

Camberwell College of Art, London Solid on our Source Planet, Wysing Art Centre,

Cambridge AHF at V22 Gallery, London

Centrefold 8: the Circle of Manias, 176 Zubladowicz Collection, London

2011 Fifteen, S1 Artspace, Sheffield 2010 2010, MOT International, London Bold Tendencies IV, Hannah Barry Gallery, London Continuous Movement of Idea, Galerie Nicolas

Silin, Paris Something Blue, Pilot Issue, Galerie Neue Alte

Brücke at Archive Kabinett, Berlin Something Blue, Landings Project Space, Oslo 8fold Publications, London. AA2A 2010,

Camberwell College of Art Gallery, London 2009 The Young Visitors to Ruins Do Not See Anything

But a Style, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Turin What Is Not But Could Be If, Part II, Galerie Neue

Alte Brücke, Frankfurt What Is Not But Could Be If, Galerie Neue Alte

Brücke at Caribic Residency, Frankfurt 2008 Kalender, Kornhäuschen Aschaffenburg Under:Construction, SC Gallery, Zagreb Feeling Gave Way to Structure, The Approach

Gallery, London Salon of Revolution, House of the Artist, Zagreb 2007 Slimevolume, Hotel Gallery, London, and Neue Alte

Brücke, Frankfurt Electro Harmonix, The Black Mariah, Cork Eventually Everything Happens, Galerie Neue Alte

Brücke, Frankfurt Die Blaue Blume, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz Auktion, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen When Something Becomes Nothing, S1 ArtSpace,

Sheffield Ice Trade, Chelsea Space, Chelsea School of Art,

London Aspen 11, Galerie Neue Alte Brücke, Frankfurt

Selected awards and residencies2015 Rome Fellowship in Contemporary Art, British School

at Rome2014 8Fold and Institute of Enquiring Minds, Munich Site Gallery Platform Residency, Sheffield International Archaeological Project Sudan, El Kurro2013 Treignac Projet, Treignac Convention T, Wysing Art Centre, Cambridge2009–10 Artist in residence AA2A, Camberwell College

of Art, London2007 Residency with city of Zagreb Department of Art

and Galerija Miroslav Kraljevich, Zagreb2006 Helsinki International Artists Programme (HIAP),


MONA RYDER Australia Council Resident Artist, July–September [email protected]

Education 1991 BA, Visual Arts, Queensland University

of Technology, Brisbane


1980 Associate Diploma of Visual Arts, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove

Selected one person exhibitions2014 Mona Ryder Prints 1970’s–87, Grahame Galleries,

Brisbane2009 Hook Line and Sinker, Alcaston Art Gallery,

Melbourne2008 Holding Zone, Horus & Deloris Contemporary Art

Space, Sydney Props for Barcelona Twostep, Kick Arts

Contemporary Art Space, Cairns Props for Barcelona Twostep, Perc Tucker Regional

Art Gallery, Townsville 2007 Barcelona Twostep, Horus & Deloris Contemporary

Art Space, Sydney2004 Rawhide, Peloton, Sydney1996 Have a Nice Day, Invited Artist, Gomboc Gallery,

Perth1995 Mother Other Lover, Queensland Art Gallery,

Brisbane1992 Return to Paradise, Gold Coast City Art Gallery,

Gold Coast1987 Mona Ryder: Recent Works, The Gold Coast City

Art Gallery, Gold Coast Passing On, Michael Milburn Galleries, Brisbane1985–6 Mona Ryder: a Survey Travelling Exhibition,

Queensland Arts Council1984 Mona Ryder: a Survey, University Art Museum,

University of Queensland, Brisbane

Selected group exhibitions2013 Blow Out, Kick Arts Contemporary Art Space,

Cairns 2011 21 New, Banyule Arts Space, Banyule City Council,

Melbourne2008–9 Head Hunters, Redeeming the Ruin: the Art

of Consumption, Banyule Art Space, Ivanhoe (travelling to venues, Victoria)

2008 Left Overs, a Sense of Fabrication of Things …, Shajah (UAE) and Toowoomba

‘Where Are You, Can You Hear Me?’, Horus & Deloris Contemporary Art Space, Sydney

2005–7 Pricked, Regarding Retro, Blacktown Arts Centre, Sydney, touring Queensland, New South Wales, Canberra

2005 Les Animaux Sauvage, National Sculpture Prize, National Gallery, Canberra

Sufferance, Artist’s Book Commission & Exhibition, State Library of Queensland, Queensland Craft Gallery, Brisbane

2004–8 3rd, 4th, 5th Fibre Art Biennale Exhibition, from Lausanne to Beijing, Suzhou, Shanghai

2002 Stretched ‘Grip’, NIE, Nan Yang Technical University Singapore, Singapore

1986 Biennale of Sydney, Penrith Regional Art Gallery, Penrith

1985 Australian Perspecta, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Queensland Works 1950–1985, University Art Museum, University of Queensland, Brisbane

Selected awards and residencies2002 Arts Queensland Development Grant to travel

overseas (awarded 1999)1996 Selected artist for maquette stage, Brisbane City

Council, Inner City Sculpture Award1995 Project Grant, Arts Queensland, for Q.A.G.,

Mother Other Lover1993 Individual Development Grant, Arts Queensland 1990 Caloundra Art Prize, Caloundra Regional Art

Gallery, Caloundra1987 The Andrew and Lillian Pedersen Memorial Prize,

Queensland Art Gallery1986 Gold Coast Art Prize (printmaking), Gold Coast Art

Gallery, Gold Coast Visual Arts Board Studio Grant, Residency at Vence,

France, and travel through Italy

Public art commissions2002 Arcadian Illusions, Cairns City Council, Water

Features, City Centre, Cairns2001 Atherton Shire Council, Atherton, Halloran’s Hill,

Kinetic Sculptures2000 Sentinels Attempting Flight, Griffith Artworks,

Griffith University, Logan Campus, two 3 metre external sculptures

1995 Crossover Guardians, State Government & Brisbane City Council, Statement sculptures (2–10.5 metre H), Thornton Street, Ferry Terminal, Kangaroo Point Boardwalk, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane

Books2001 Allen, T., Cross Currents in Contemporary Australian

Art (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)1996 Voight, A., New Visions, New Perspectives

(Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)1993 Drury, N., New Sculpture: Profiles of 40 Australian

Sculptors (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)1992 Kirby, S., Sight Lines: ‘Women’s Art and Feminist

Perspectives: Feminism in Australia (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)

Drury, N., A Visual Sourcebook of Contemporary Australian Painting (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)

Drury, N., Images in Contemporary Australian Painting (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)

1990 Drury, N., New Art Six, Profiles in Contemporary Australian Art (Craftsman House, Fine Art Press)

CollectionsAgnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston; Australian National Gallery; Banyule City Council; Brisbane City Council Art Gallery, Brisbane; British Library, London; Grammar School, Brisbane; Griffith Artworks; Gold Coast City Art Collection, Gold Coast; Griffith University, Brisbane; Ipswich Regional Art Gallery, Ipswich; KickArts Contemporary Art Space, Cairns; Parliament House


62 FINE ARTS 2014–15

Collection, Canberra; Perc Tucker Regional Art Gallery Townsville; South Australian State Library Queensland, Brisbane; The Hardie Collection, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane; PLC, Design Centre, Croydon, Sydney; Art Gallery, Brisbane; University Art Museum, University of Queensland, Brisbane; University of Melbourne Library, Melbourne; Western Australia Art Gallery, Perth

DANIEL SINSEL Abbey Fellow in Painting, April–June [email protected]

Education2004 MA, Painting, Royal College of Art, London2002 BA, Painting, Chelsea College of Art and Design,


Selected one person exhibitions2013 DINGDONG, Micky Schubert, Berlin2012 Daniel Sinsel, Sadie Coles HQ, London2011 Daniel Sinsel, Chisenhale Gallery, London

Selected group exhibitions2015 June Mostra, British School at Rome2014 Mirrorcity: 23 London Artists, Hayward Gallery,

London Somewhat Abstract: Selections from the Arts

Council Collection, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham

Somos Libres II: Works from the Mario Testino Collection, Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli, Turin

Selected residencies2015 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School

at Rome

Teaching2012– Associate Lecturer in Painting, Camberwell College

of Arts, London

Collections Arts Council Collection

EMILY SPEEDDerek Hill Foundation Scholar, October–December 2014www.emilyspeed.co.uk

Education2006 MA, Fine Art: Drawing, Wimbledon College of Art,

University of the Arts, London 2001 BA, Drawing and Painting, Edinburgh College

of Art, Edinburgh

Selected recent one person exhibitions2014 Littoral Zone, Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth2011 MAKE SHIFT, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield

Selected group exhibitions2015 Indefinable Cities, Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent

and Osaka Concrete Dreams, new public artwork for Art Across

the City with LOCWS, Swansea2014 December Mostra, British School at Rome Cities of Ash, g39, Cardiff Silence Unbound, Center for Artists Books, New

York The Land has Many Parts, Jane Deering Gallery,

Santa Barbara2013 Drawing Biennial, Drawing Room, London Head to Head (two-person show with Hayley

Newman), Castlefield Gallery, Manchester Tightrope, Sumarria Lunn Gallery, London Northern Art Prize Exhibition, Leeds Art Gallery,

Leeds STILL / Life, Ecologies of Perception, Tyntesfield

(National Trust), Bristol2012 Camp Out, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St Louis

Selected residencies2015 Public Arts Residency, Women’s Studio Workshop,

Rosendale, New York 2014 Derek Hill Foundation Scholarship, British School

at Rome Standpoint Futures Residency, London2012 Explore, Expand, Expose Residency, Salzamt

Atelierhaus, Linz2010 A Curriculum Residency, A Foundation, Liverpool

CollectionsArts Council England; Collection of the City of Linz; Edinburgh College of Art; Indiana University; Leeds College of Arts & Design; Library of Congress; Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collection; Rochester Institute of Technology; Royal Scottish Academy; Tate Artists’ Book Collection; University of Delaware; University of Northampton, Special Books Collection; University of West England, Centre for Fine Print Research Artists’ Books Collection; University of Utah; Vassar College; Virginia Commonwealth University; Yale University


Stephen ChambersMaria ChevskaPrue ChilesSacha CraddockPenelope CurtisCaroline DouglasRoger HiornsVanessa JacksonPenny JohnsonIsobel JohnstoneVivien Lovell (Chair)Tim MarlowHugh PetterThomas J. PriceKarsten SchubertHelen SearStephen Witherford


Christopher Smith, Director

LibraryValerie Scott, LibrarianBeatrice Gelosia, Deputy LibrarianFrancesca De Riso, Francesca Deli, Library AssistantsAlessandra Giovenco, ArchivistCecilia Carponi, Patrizio Gianferro, Packard Humanities Institute-

funded Library staff

London officeGill Clark, Registrar & Publications ManagerElizabeth Rabineau, Development DirectorKirsten Amor, Administrative Assistant

Rome officeNatalie Arrowsmith, Communications ManagerStefania Peterlini, Director’s Assistant & Permissions OfficerIsabella Gelosia, Accounts ClerkSusan Rothwell Smith, Systems ConsultantChloe Lewis, Administrative Assistant

ResidenceChristine Martin, Residence ManagerRenato Parente, Domestic BursarFulvio Astolfi, Maintenance OfficerDonatella Astolfi, Alba Coratti, Cleaning StaffLuca Albanese, Giuseppe Parente, CooksDharma Wijesiriwardana, Cook & GardenerGiuseppe Pellegrino, Residence Assistant & IT SupportAntonio Palmieri, Residence Assistant

Research and award-holder supportStefania Gerevini, Assistant Director (Humanities)Jacopo Benci, Senior Research Fellow in Modern Studies and

Contemporary Visual CultureMarina Engel, Architecture CuratorMarco Palmieri, Visual Art Residency and Programme CuratorRobert Coates-Stephens, Cary FellowGiulia Carletti, Francesca Gallo, Stella Rendina, Anne Stelzer,

Fine Arts Programme Interns

ArchaeologySimon Keay, Research Professor in ArchaeologyStephen Kay, Archaeology OfficerSophie Hay, Geophysics Officer, Southampton APSSMatthew Berry, Eleanor Maw, Research Assistants

BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff

Published by the British School at Rome, London

ISSN 1475-8733ISBN 978-0-904152-73-9