RE-FOCUS A Publication of Reformation Lutheran Church Volume 34 November 2014 Number 11 All Saints Weekend Saturday, November 1 & Sunday, November 2 All Saints Day celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. The custom of commemorating all of the saints of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. While All Saints day brings to mind all of those who have supported us in our lives of faith, we remember especially that weekend those who have been baptized and those who have died in this church community in the past year. During worship on All Saints weekend November 1 and 2 we will remember and name the following members of the Reformation family who strengthen and encourage us through their witness. Those who have been given new life in Christ through the promises of the resurrection: Kirk B. Anderson + Don R. Arnold + James J. Irlandi + Howard Leikvold Leslie Arthur Riggle + Virginia Schilling + Sylvia K. Stevens + Michael Thomas Wilson Those who have been given new life in Christ through the waters of baptism: Madison Hope Conyers + Diem Elise Moore + Ann Marie Lucille Reisdorf Melissa Rindt + Aaron Jeffrey Vonnahmen JOY! / Consecration Weekend Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2 Joy! /Consecration Weekend is a time within our congregation's life when we pause... when we pray, when we reflect, when we declare our intention to the support of God's mission through our people. Join us on Joy!/Consecration Weekend, November 1 & 2, when we’ll say “Thank You” to God for all that we have and for the many opportunities to Build our faith and our lives upon His Word…our Rock! We will also look ahead and commit ourselves, our time and our talents to God’s purpose here in Wichita and beyond. We will set our sights on the coming year of ministry and elect new leaders at our Semi-Annual Meeting during the learning hour at 9:45 am Sunday, November 2. Enjoy refreshments and fellowship before and after services at the Rock Café in the Narthex. We have the Word, we have the abilities, we have the heart…we just need YOU! “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

RE-FOCUSHammett. In following months, we will be discussing: December - A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg January - An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff Join our discussion on the

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  • RE-FOCUS A Publication of Reformation Lutheran Church

    Volume 34 November 2014 Number 11

    All Saints Weekend Saturday, November 1 & Sunday, November 2

    All Saints Day celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. The custom of commemorating all of the saints of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. While All Saints day brings to mind all of those who have supported us in our lives of faith, we remember especially that weekend those who have been baptized and those who have died in this church community in the past year. During worship on All Saints weekend – November 1 and 2 – we will remember and name the following members of the Reformation family who strengthen and encourage us through their witness.

    Those who have been given new life in Christ through the promises of the resurrection:

    Kirk B. Anderson + Don R. Arnold + James J. Irlandi + Howard Leikvold Leslie Arthur Riggle + Virginia Schilling + Sylvia K. Stevens + Michael Thomas Wilson

    Those who have been given new life in Christ through the waters of baptism:

    Madison Hope Conyers + Diem Elise Moore + Ann Marie Lucille Reisdorf Melissa Rindt + Aaron Jeffrey Vonnahmen

    JOY! / Consecration Weekend Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2

    Joy! /Consecration Weekend is a time within our congregation's life when we pause... when we pray, when we reflect, when we declare our intention to the support of God's mission through our people. Join us on Joy!/Consecration Weekend, November 1 & 2, when we’ll say “Thank You” to God for all that we have and for the many opportunities to Build our faith and our lives upon His Word…our Rock! We will also look ahead and commit ourselves, our time and our talents to God’s purpose here in Wichita and beyond. We will set our sights on the coming year of ministry and elect new leaders at our Semi-Annual Meeting during the learning hour at 9:45 am Sunday, November 2. Enjoy refreshments and fellowship before and after services at the Rock Café in the Narthex. We have the Word, we have the abilities, we have the heart…we just need YOU!

    “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like

    a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew

    and beat on that house, but it did not fall,

    because it had been founded on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

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    Give Thanks in ALL


    Pastor Kristin Neitzel Associate Pastor

    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give

    thanks in all circumstances;

    for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus

    for you.

    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    Each year, the graduating class of Wartburg Theological Seminary chooses a class verse. A line or two from Scripture that represents who they are and how they understand God. The class of 2007, my graduating class, chose these three short verses from 1 Thessalonians: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. If you have been in my office, you may have noticed these words embroidered on a banner that hangs on my wall. It is a beautiful gift, created for me as a seminary graduation gift by my home congregation in Wisconsin. Those encouraging words surround a cross that encompasses all good things…the beauty of creation, the four seasons, the gifts of Scripture and of bread and wine, God’s promises in the sign of the rainbow, as well as the promised Holy Spirit. Looking at that image, it is easy to be filled with joy, and to offer prayers of thanks for all that God has given us. Giving thanks isn’t always so easy, however. Circumstances change, challenges arise, and suddenly prayers of thanks are a little harder to come by. Whether a relationship is broken, a troubling diagnosis is received, a job is lost, or our lives are turned upside down in another way, our prayers of thanks can quickly be replaced by questions, anger, and cries of frustration.

    Maybe you are feeling a bit of that with our current situation at Reformation. A beloved senior pastor left. An interim came in to lead us during this time of transition, and it turned out to not be a good fit. And so here we are, in another transition in the midst of our transition. Some of you have expressed concern about what that means for us. Was there something wrong with us as a congregation that made the fit with Pastor Tom not work? No. The gifts and skills that Pastor Tom possesses and the needs of Reformation right now just weren’t a match. Will the call committee be able to keep moving forward? Absolutely. They continue to work on the Mission Site Profile and hope to have it finished early this month to submit it to the synod office. Many of you have expressed concern for me personally during this newest of transitions. I appreciate your concern, and assure you that we’ve got things under control. It is simply a time for us all to come together to make sure that God’s mission in this place continues as we share God’s love with one another and the world. Even in the midst of all of the change and upheaval, there are reasons to pause and give thanks to God. Not FOR the circumstances, but IN the circumstances. I’m grateful for the many ways that you have stepped in and stepped up. I’m grateful for the joy on your faces and in your hearts. I’m grateful for the ways that this will further strengthen this congregation, ways we perhaps cannot yet see. Most of all, I give thanks that God is with us through this all, guiding us, supporting us, and filling us with joy and thanksgiving. Rejoicing with you, always,

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    + A special thank you to the BTOL members who dug into their pockets for an unexpected shower gift for the baby girl born to Reformation members Basil and Irum Paul. The members collected nearly $200 for a baby crib for this young family. Anaya Paul was born August 28 and on September 1 other members of Reformation showered mother and baby with many lovely gifts. Be sure to welcome this young family when you see them in church. + Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Reformation’s High School Youth and Youth Ministry Team give a gigantic “Thank You!” to our amazing church family! Through your generous donations, time and energy to pick up large items, hours of organizing, pricing, haggling, and shopping, the Garage Sale fundraiser was a huge success, earning nearly $10,000! An extra special thanks to the incredible team of volunteers who set up and led the sale: Ellie Keppy and Marcia Werts, co-chairs; Jane Camenzind, Lori East, Rhea Hartley, Meegan Jowdy, Kimberly Lindemann, Carol Weaver, and Judy Winters. Funds will help support our 15 high school youth who will be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit next summer. We can’t thank you enough!

    Book Club Tuesday, November 11

    7:00 p.m.

    Please join us for our November Book Club meeting on Tuesday, November 11. We will be discussing The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett.

    In following months, we will be discussing: December - A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg January - An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff

    Join our discussion on the second Tuesday of the month at the Quarters at Cambridge Clubhouse located on the south side of 21st Street, approximately 1/4 mile east of Webb Road. For additional information, contact Martha Deines (214-4414).

    Yellow Bag November Challenge

    Baking Supplies

    Holidays are synonymous with baking and building memories. This month help make the season special for someone else by donating baking supplies to the Open Door food pantry. Take home a yellow bag and fill it with flour, sugar, baking

    soda, salt, vanilla, chocolate chips, and whatever else makes holiday baking special to you. Your donations will be delivered at month's end to Open Door. Please contact Christi Leewright Patry (214-1879) with questions, suggestions, or to partner in this ministry.

    Best Times of Life

    Monday, November 10, 12:00 p.m.

    Best Times of Life (BTOL) will meet Monday, November 10 at 12:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for our monthly luncheon gathering. Mrs. Jenny Davis, a retired Occupational Therapist, will be presenting a program entitled “Evacuation of WWII English

    Children.” Her presentation comes highly recommended. Bring your questions, a covered dish to share and your own table service. Please call either Jolene Dougherty (776-2068) or Doris Moden (636-8996) with your reservations and join us for tasty food, great company and an informative program.

    Women of Reformation Calendar All activities are held at the church unless otherwise noted.

    Nov. 3 Blanket Makers, 9 a.m. Nov. 5 WELCA Board, 1:15 p.m. Nov. 13 Rebecca Circle, 10 a.m. Hostess & Lesson Leader Donna Moyer Nov. 17 Blanket Makers, 9 a.m. Nov. 19 Dorcas Circle, 1:30 p.m. Hostess, Jan Barr at her home Lesson Leader, Barbara Everson

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    Budget Actual 2013

    Income 373,349 365,333 340,627

    Expenses 373,349 345,217 342.755

    Income Less -0- 20,116 (2,128)

    Average September


    2014 232

    2013 269

    Reformation Lutheran Church Financial Results

    As of September 30, 2014

    Musical Notes

    October was a memorable month for special music at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. On the first Sunday, the bells played two outstanding melodies--one Hebrew and the other Celtic, and both were accompanied by Ron Oliver on the clarinet. The second Sunday, Paul Reimers played guitar with the parish choir as they sang a Medical Mission Sisters song from the 60's which everyone seemed to enjoy. The third Sunday was the debut of our own teen string group: Sophie Bachman - violin, Nicholas Flores and Emma Kuttler - viola, Katie Hobart and Christian Acker - cello, and Bridget Greb - string bass. How blessed we were to hear the wonderful harmonies produced by this group of string players. They have agreed to play again the second Sunday in November, so you will want to encourage them in sharing their musical gifts with the congregation. The brass ensemble joined Nancy Martin playing organ and Barbara Orsak playing the piano for Luther's "A Mighty Fortress" to lift our spirits on Reformation Day. How blessed our congregation is to have willing musicians. Praising the Lord is truly an inspiration for our souls! Glennyce Reimers

    Use of the Means of Grace Beginning November 9, 9:45 a.m.

    Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has invited all congregations in the ELCA to consider the following question: Who is welcome and invited to receive Holy Communion in ELCA congregations? The recommended practice in the ELCA is that people who are baptized are invited to receive Holy Communion. Though this is the practice set out in the ELCA’s statement, "The Use of the Means of Grace", there is wide variety of practice throughout the ELCA (including here at Reformation). For three weeks in November, we will consider the question, and discern just how our foundations shape our views on this topic. Join us!

    First Communion Preparation Sunday, November 16

    12:30-3:30 p.m.

    Christ invites us all to his table! Any young person, regardless of age, who wishes to begin receiving communion is welcome to come and explore this awesome mystery! Children and their parents will learn more about communion in engaging ways, including baking the bread that will be used for worship on Sunday, November 23, when they cele-brate their first communion. If you believe your child is ready to receive communion, plan to bring them to the class. RSVP to the church office (316-634-0586) by November 13. If you have questions about first communion, please contact Pastor Kristin.

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    Fearless conversation is about an open dialogue, where people can discuss and relate to the Bible and to one another. Together, we are digging into grappling questions that may not have a "right" answer. We are exploring what the Bible has to say and discovering how that fits with our tradition and experience. Each question is designed to get people thinking and digging deeper. Here are a few of the questions we will tackle in November:

    What does it mean if Jesus really is God’s Son?

    Why did Jesus tell such confusing stories?

    Was Jesus racist, sexist – or both?

    As we discuss with each other and share our stories, we will get to know each other—and God—better. Please join us!

    Walking with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem Adult Study Time During Advent

    Sundays 9:45 a.m. Beginning November 30

    How could Mary possibly tell Joseph, her betrothed, that she was pregnant, and Joseph was not the father? How could she possibly tell him that the Child she was carrying was “conceived by the Holy Spirit?” How could Joseph possibly believe her? Would you have believed her? Do you now? What was it like for Mary and Joseph to tear themselves from their roots in Nazareth and move (on foot!) a hundred miles away just so their child could be born in Bethlehem, “David’s royal city?” What was it like to expect a Child who will be King at a time when the whole idea of king and government was far more bitter and hateful than it is even today? Would you want to bear a king? Do you want to serve Mary’s King now? How did Joseph feel when the only shelter he could find for Mary and the Child was a smelly barn? He was supposed to provide for Messiah, the King promised by God, the Savior of the world, but all he could offer was a feeding trough for a cradle! How could he live with himself when he had failed God? How do you? How did the shepherd keeping watch over his flock by night feel when the glory of the Lord shone ‘round about him? With what fear did he go to Bethlehem? How did the Wise Man feel when he was told by King Herod to go to Bethlehem to find the newborn King of the Jews? With what hope did he go to Bethlehem? What are your hopes and fears that are met the night our Savior was born? You can walk with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem in our adult Sunday learning time during Advent at 9:45 a.m. from November 30 – December 21 in the conference room. You’ll hear imagined dialogs between Mary and Joseph as they make their pilgrimage to Bethlehem, written by the Rev. Richard O. Hoyer, a retired pastor and member of Reformation, and performed by him and Jeanne C. Hoyer. Discussions will follow the dialogs.

    Fearless Conversations Wednesdays

    12:00 p.m. and 6:45 p.m.

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    Do You Have an Article for the Re-Focus?

    Please e-mail Debbie or leave in the office mailbox.

    Deadline for the December Re-Focus is November 15.

    Stephen Ministry

    How can you benefit from Stephen Ministry? Hopefully, should the need ever arise, you might be open to receiving the care of a Stephen Minister. Contemporary society tends to

    take pride in being self-sufficient. We often see needing help as a sign of weakness. From a Biblical standpoint, this is far from the truth. Paul did not write to only bear other's burdens. He wrote "bear one another's burdens." He isn't asking you to care only for other people, he also is asking you to let other people care for you. As a Christian, you are not expected to bear a burden alone.

    If you or someone you know would benefit from Stephen Ministry, please call Lotus Gerards (683-8602).

    Progressive Dinner Sunday, December 7

    Sign-ups for attending the Progressive Dinner will begin this month. Please look for the sign-up table and poster in the narthex between Sunday services. Cost will be $20 per person due at time of sign-up. This year the dinner is on Sunday, December 7. Appetizers will be served at several different homes and completing the evening with the dinner and entertainment at the church. Please contact anyone on the Fellowship Board (Carol Weaver, Joel Alderson, Sheryl Johnson or Ken Hobart) if you have any questions.

    Author Anne Lamott in Wichita Tuesday, November 18, 6:30 p.m.

    Watermark Books, in partnership with Grace Presbyterian Church, will host author Anne Lamott for a signing of her newest book Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace. The event will be held at Grace

    Presbyterian Church, located at 5002 E. Douglas. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. This is a ticketed event, and the ticket price is $23.95 + tax. The ticket includes a copy of Lamott's book. You can purchase your ticket by calling the bookstore at 316.682.1181 or by ordering online. Anne Lamott writes about faith, family, and community in essays that are both wise and irreverent. It’s an approach that has become her trademark. Now in Small Victories, Lamott offers a new message of hope that celebrates the triumph of light over the darkness in our lives. Our victories over hardship and pain may seem small, she writes, but they change us—our perceptions, our perspectives, and our lives. Lamott writes of forgiveness, restoration, and transformation, how we can turn toward love even in the most hopeless situations, how we find the joy in getting lost and our amazement in finally being found. Profound and hilarious, honest and unexpected, the stories in Small Victories are proof that the human spirit is irrepressible.

    Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie Social

    Wednesday, November 26, 7:00 p.m.

    Wednesday, November 26, there will be an opportunity to join in praise and thanksgiving for God’s abundant blessings in our lives. Plan to stay and enjoy dessert and fellowship after worship. This is a wonderful time to bring visiting family and friends. Again this year, we are asking each family who attends to bring a pie, pre-sliced, to share. We will in turn, share our extra pies with the Wichita Children’s Home.

    Don’t Forget! Semi Annual Congregational

    Meeting This Sunday, November 2

    9:45 a.m.


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