The role of The role of RDPs and FDPs RDPs and FDPs Alice M. Grimm Alice M. Grimm Dept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, Dept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil Brazil [email protected] [email protected]

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16

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The role of RDPs and FDPs Alice M. Grimm Dept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil [email protected]. 4. PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME 4.2. WWRP focus areas and activities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

The role of The role of RDPs and FDPsRDPs and FDPs

Alice M. GrimmAlice M. GrimmDept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, BrazilDept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

[email protected]@fisica.ufpr.br

The role of The role of RDPs and FDPsRDPs and FDPs

Alice M. GrimmAlice M. GrimmDept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, BrazilDept of Physics, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

[email protected]@fisica.ufpr.br

Page 2: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

4. PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME4.2. WWRP focus areas and activities4.2.5 Forecast demonstration projects/research and development projectsThe Commission:- acknowledges the importance of the FDPs and RDPs in responding to regional needs;-encourages Members, in collaboration with the WWRP, to strengthen the links between these projects and NMHSs to ensure that FDPs and RDPs are aligned to regional user needs and benefit operational weather and related environmental services and demonstrate quantifiable benefits to society; -encouraged Members to actively engage in and support FDPs and RDPs as these projects provide opportunities for regional research cooperation and capacity development.

Page 3: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Tetsuo Nakazawa – CAS 16

Page 4: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

3. ACTIVITIES AND PROGRESS SINCE THE 15th SESSION OF THE COMMISSION3.1 Report by the president of the Commission3.1.4. (…) The Commission acknowledged that the growing number of Research and Development Projects (RDPs) and Forecast Demonstration Projects (FDPs) provide a bottom-up mechanism through which regional research needs can benefit from the engagement of CAS and in particular the WWRP.(…)

Page 5: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

4. PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME4.1.1. Report by the chairperson of JSC OPAG-WWRPThe report highlighted the long-term objectives of the WWRP:……(c) To improve understanding of atmospheric processes of importance to weather forecasting through the organization of focused research programmes (e.g., WWRP Strategic Plan, RDPs);(d)To encourage the utilization of relevant advances in weather prediction systems to the benefit of WMO Programmes and Members (e.g., FDPs);……

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RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

4. PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME4.1.3. The Commission noted the development, implementation or conclusion of a number of Research and Development Projects (RDPs) and Forecast Demonstration Projects (FDPs) such as the Lake Victoria and La Plata Basin RDPs focusing on convection, lake and topographic effects; Typhoon Landfall FDP and North Western Pacific Tropical Cyclone Ensemble Forecast Project focusing on the testing and use of new experimental multi -model ensemble forecast products; the Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment targeting heavy rainfall events including that from embedded mesoscale systems. Further achievements include testing and refining winter weather nowcasting techniques during Science and Nowcasting of Olympic Weather for Vancouver 2010 (SNOW V-10) FDP/RDP for the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games and for Forecast and Research: the Olympic Sochi Testbed (FROST-2014) FDP/RDP for Sochi Winter Olympic Games in 2014 for which high resolution modelling is also planned, and the Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis-Central Europe (INCA-CE) Nowcasting FDP for public safety and risk management in Central Europe.

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RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

4. PROGRESS AND FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME4.2. WWRP focus areas and activities4.2.1 Nowcasting research and mesoscale forecasting research4.2.1.1 Lake Victoria RDP4.2.1.5 INCA-CE FDP, La Plata Basin RDP, RDP/FDP FROST 2014, TOMACS4.2.2 Tropical meteorology research4.2.2.5 Typhoon Landfall FDP, South China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment , North Western Pacific Tropical Cyclones Ensemble Forecast Project (NWP-TCEFP)4.2.3 Societal and economic research and applicationsSERA RDP: Understanding the societal and economic dimensions of weather-related warning systems

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Tetsuo Nakazawa – CAS 16

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Tetsuo Nakazawa – CAS 16

Page 10: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Tetsuo Nakazawa – CAS 16

Page 11: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

8. RECOMMENDATIONS ON JOINT ACTIVITIES8.1.2.4 The Commission recognized the substantial work carried out by JWGFVR for WWRP RDPs and FDPs (FROST2014 (WWRP FDP/RDP for the Sochi Olympics), South China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment RDP (SCMREX), Typhoon Landfall FDP). CAS FDPs and RDPs focus on demonstrating the potential of research models, tools and techniques in an operational setting and on the initial stages of the transfer of research to operations, while CBS SWFDP has demonstrated a concept-of-operations (“Cascading Forecasting Process”), which has become mature and rolled out in several regions as a development program. Synergies should be established between CAS FDPs/RDPs and the CBS SWFDP to maximize the benefits of innovative techniques. Presidents of regional associations recognized the importance of RDP and FDP in responding to the regional and national research needs related to weather, climate, water and environmental issues.

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RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

10. THE STRUCTURE OF THE COMMISSION AND LINKAGES WITH THE WMO STRATEGIC PLAN10.1.7 …the Commission felt confident that the restructured WWRP will be well positioned to carry forward the momentum achieved over the past ten years into the future. The Commission supported the working arrangement in which projects (e.g. S2S, PPP, HIW and FDPs/RDPs): (i) utilize the expertise contained within the WWRP Working Groups; and (ii) provide focus to the WWRP programme.

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RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RDPs and FDPs in the abridged final report of CAS-16final report of CAS-16

RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SESSIONAnnex 1 to Resolution 2 (CAS-16)TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE WORLD WEATHER RESEARCH PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE, WORKING GROUPS AND EXPERT TEAM The WWRP Working Group terms of reference are to:….(g) Provide advice and support on the planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of WWRP RDPs and FDPs aimed at advancing the science of the WG's field of expertise, and similarly advise and support, on matters related to the WGs’ fields of expertise, the three projects: S2S, PPP and HIWeather;

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Gilbert Brunet – CAS 16

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Gilbert Brunet – CAS 16

Page 16: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Gilbert Brunet – CAS 16

Page 17: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Gilbert Brunet – CAS 16

Page 18: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

Considering that:-RDPs and FDPs are important instruments “in responding to regional needs” and “provide a bottom-up mechanism through which regional research needs can benefit from the engagement of CAS and in particular the WWRP”;

-They are intended to improve understanding of atmospheric processes of importance to weather forecasting and to encourage the utilization of relevant advances in weather prediction systems;

as such: -the successful past and on-going projects should inspire other groups and offer opportunities of exchange between groups with similar interests and problems;

-the lessons learned and the solutions to problems faced should be useful also to other groups.

Page 19: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

Therefore:The RDPs and FDPs should be made more visible/transparent to the research and operational community, and so should the rules/criteria concerning their submission, CAS advice, approval, monitoring and reporting.

Obs.: There are good guidelines for developing and submitting a RDP, a FDP as well as a DC-FDP in the WWRP STRATEGIC PLAN 2009-2017, but few people know that they are there. There is information scattered among different web pages, in different documents and presentation files, but few people know where it is. There is no organized information about RDPs and FDPs accessible through one web link.

Page 20: RDPs and FDPs in the abridged  final report of CAS-16

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

Suggestions concerningRDPs and FDPs

A webpage for the RDPs and FDPs should be accessible through a link in the WWRP webpage or in the CAS webpage, with:- guidelines for developing and submitting a RDP, FDP or DC-FDP;

- rules/criteria for submission, approval, advice, monitoring, reporting;

- list of projects (past, present and coming) with links to information on each of them, including participants and contact information;

- information on past projects, including the approved project and a final report with the results, lessons learned, benefits, etc.;

- information on present projects, including the approved project, stage of implementation, partial reports, etc.;

- information on future projects, including the approved projects;

- links to the projects websites;

- other relevant documentation related to the projects.

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Include a link to information on RDPs and FDPs here,

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... or here.