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  • 7/30/2019 Random Notes (2)


    Sulphur: patient is very thirsty. Hungry feeling, a desire for food, but when he comes to

    the table, he loathes the food, turns away from it, does not want it. Cravings for alcohol,

    and an aversion to milk and meat; "drinks much and eats little." an all gone hungryfeeling in the stomach at 11 A.M., burning of the soles and heat in the top of the head.

    State of malignancy, Cancer. It is a venous remedy, has much vein trouble.

    Haemorrhoidal veins, emaciation of the limbs with distended abdomen (Calcarea).Flashes of heat to the face and head (Lachesis). When the flashes begin in the chest,

    about the heart, it is more like Sulphur, but when in the back or in the stomach it is more

    like Phosphorus. Aggravation from standing, after sleep, worse after eating, bathing.Hydrocephalus, meningitis, If the infant does not develop properly, if the bones do not

    grow, and there is slow closing of the fontanelles, Calcarea carbonica may be the remedy

    and Sulphur is next in importance for such slow growth.(Sulph>Calc). In old cases of

    gout, Sulphur is a useful remedy. Sulphur, like Silicea, is a dangerous medicine to givewhere there is structural disease in organs that are vital, especially in the lungs. Old

    abscesses. When there is a paucity of symptoms to prescribe on, In inflammatory

    conditions a purplish appearance of the inflamed parts, a venous engorgement. Sulphur

    follows most of the acute remedies well. sick headaches; flickering before the eyes, eyetroubles due to cold. catarrhal discharges, copious, sometimes purulent, sometimes

    bloody. The eyes and ears are no exception. Ulceration of the mouth and burning in theulcers. In the aphthae there is burning, stinging. White patches in the mouth.

    Hyoscyamus: Convulsions, very great dryness of the mouth, throat and nose,nymphomania. "Food taken into the throat comes up into the nose." Fluids come out of

    the nose, or go down into the larynx. The Hyoscyamus patient develops fear of water

    (hydrophobia). Even the sound of running water bothers him. He cannot swallow water

    due to severe constriction of the throat. According to Dr. Kent, Belladonna,Hyoscyamus, Cantharis and Hydrophobinum are all excellent medicines to treat this

    condition. I have found Stramonium and Hydrocyanic Acid capable of totally uprootingthis condition.

    Hydrocyanic Acid: Laryngeal spasm (constriction of the throat), asthma or whooping

    cough becomes unconscious due to the constriction of the upper respiratory passage, givealong with Hydrophobinum 200. Hysterical fits and epileptic seizures in women. Cramps

    in the abdomen after taking food. Hands and feet become cold, their jaws become tightly

    closed during a severe convulsion, they froth at the mouth, their lips turn blue.

    Hydrophobinum: difficulty in swallowing things, patient keeps on spitting continuously.

    Pain and discomfort related to the prolapse of the uterus.

    Natrum Mur: feels tired and weak, is deeply related to malaria. Concentration is lost.

    Break in the continuity of thoughts in the midst of talking is the symptom of Natrum

    Mur. However, if while listening, someone fails to understand or there is a delay inunderstanding, then, Plumbum will be more appropriate. Chronic effects grief, (Silicea is

    chronic of Natrum Mur), reading causes tiredness. Patient feels very thirsty. During the

    headache, the patient feels as if being hit with a hammer over various parts of the head.

    Light hurts the eyes. Movement aggravates more than in Bryonia. Constipation in

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    Natrum Mur is more severe than that in Bryonia. Chronic backache. Weakness in arms,

    legs and the knees. The skin around the nails of the hands (cuticles) becomes fissured

    due to dryness and the legs become insensitive. Does not like to eat bread or oily food.The patient feels very hungry but after eating food, he feels tired and weak. Despite

    feeling cold, the patient likes to go in the open air. Eczema, itching and inflammation are

    found mostly at the hairlines. Resembles Sarsaparilla is that the patient starts ageingprematurely. Pain along the nerves (sciatica). Urine may be passed involuntarily (stress

    incontinence). For bed-wetting at night, Natrum Mur with Kali Phos is very useful.

    Heartburn and the acidity increases, along with excessive salivation from the mouth. It ischronic of Apis (also Pulsatilla and Ignatia). Weakens after delivery, apart from Kali

    Carb, Natrum Mur is also very effective. Improves milk in nursing mothers, treatment of

    the emaciating, underfeeding and wasting disease of the children (Marasmus). Whooping

    cough with watering of the eyes, severe headache and also worsening of the cough onmovement. Irregularity of periods, excessive bleeding, leucorrhoea causing burning and

    itching, depression and sadness before the onset of periods, heaviness in the lower part of

    the abdomen getting worse in the morning, are all the symptoms of Natrum Mur. The

    gums become swollen and bleed. The teeth become loose and sensitive to cold and coldair.

    Psorinum: hair in young children start turning grey, people of cold constitution. Nasal

    cold recurrent is always hungry, especially at night. Headache alternates with nasal


    Rhus Tox: frequent passing of urine at night. The patient cannot sleep much. He

    remains restless. Headache as well as all other body aches. Skin diseases, Right-sided

    paralysis and joint pains, burning and inflammation leading to the formation of largeblisters. Neuralgias that become worse with rest and get better on movement. Severe

    diabetes. Symptoms become aggravated in humid weather. Fevers of remittent nature

    restless, chills and dryness of the tongue. Treatment of cellulites. infantile paralysis(Polio). The headache begins at the forehead and then spreads backwards to the nape,

    eye infections especially in the humid, sores and blisters inside the mouth that look raw

    and red, tonsils become inflamed and enlarged. Severe muscular strain or sprain can beeffectively treated with Rhus Tox and Millefolium. Constant irritation inside the throat

    and trachea. Failing heart resulting from the overstretching Rhus Tox is deeply relatedto paralysis when alternated with Sulphur.

    Phosphorus: mucous membranes, nerve fibres, glands and the brain. It also affects

    bones and bone marrow. Control of red bleed (arterial). It has no effect on dark coloured

    bleeding. Sulphur, the bleeding is dark. Treatment of tuberculosis and brain tumours,bone cancer, asthma. Patient is skinny and tall and is very kind and polite to others. Body

    temperature falls subnormal. Hands and feet become cold in the diseases of the bones,

    chest and kidneys. These are the symptoms of Silicea too and it can be alternated. InBryonia, crusts form on the lips, which fissure at their edges due to severe dryness.

    Phosphorus also exhibits these symptoms. Ailments ameliorate with heat, while the

    stomach and the head feel better in the cold. Belladonna patient feels comfort on lying

    down, whereas the headache of Phosphorus aggravates by lying. Milk, warms up in the

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    stomach after a little while and causes vomiting (Aethusa). Baldness and dandruff (Acid

    Phos). Natrum Mur, the hair becomes lifeless and split at the end. vision becomes foggy.

    Besides Phosphorus, a green halo around the candlelight is found in Opium also. Opiumcan also afflict and paralyse the optic nerve. Phosphorus is useful in the treatment of

    many eye diseases. Gradually progressive blindness (Causticum). Feels very thirsty,

    when the water becomes warm in the stomach, it induces vomiting. Nausea developingafter surgery. Kidney diseases, Diseases of the mouth, gums become diseased and there is

    bleeding. Foremost remedy to stop bleeding, Hoarseness (Carbo Veg, Causticum, Borax

    and Coca). In Carbo Veg, like Phosphorus, the patient loses his voice in the evening, butthe condition improves in the morning, patient loses his voice due to ulceration in the

    throat. In Causticum however the throat is hoarse in the morning and becomes better in

    the evening. Cough starts either on laughing or on talking loudly. The phlegm dries up

    and sticks in the throat causing discomfort and more itching. Rhus Tox and Hepar Sulph,can be useful remedies. Joints of the hands, arms, elbows and the feet, restless during

    sleep. Suffering begins before the actual change in the weather takes place. Natrum Mur

    and Nux Vomica, Potassium Permanganate is also an antidote of Phosphorus. Potassium

    Permanganate is very good in the treatment of extraordinary hypersensitivity. It is oftenused to prevent the numbness of extremities.

    Severe nasal catarrh, which can only be treated with Phosphorus. Phosphorus protectsfrom the ill effects of drinking and prevents fatty degeneration of internal organs. Lowers

    the level of cholesterol in the blood. Resolves nasal polyps, and adenoid glands problems.

    Bladder, prostate cancers and bone cancer.

    Plumbum: is a good remedy for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases associated with

    loss of albumin and sugar in the urine. Plumbum improves the function of the kidney

    tubules and helps retain both the albumin and the sugar. Very sensitive to cold. InPlumbum, the symptoms aggravate at night and with movement, while they ameliorate

    with local pressure paralysis of the finger joints. Constipation, paralysis. Complete loss

    of sensation. Treatment for muscular spasms. Besides this, if the hand becomesparalysed resulting in wrist drop. A blue line (lead line) appears on the gums below the

    teeth. severe abdominal pain as if the abdomen is tightly squeezed.

    Kali Bichrome: Stones in the gall bladder

    Kali Bichrome, Lycopodium, Cholesterinum and Natrum Sulph, all in 30 potency.

    Besides these, Mag Phos 30, Colocynth 30 and Diascorea 30 combined toghether may be

    used to relieve the associated biliary colic. rheumatic pains alternate with dysentery,treatment of permanent loss of voice. Kali Bichrome and Kali Carb are very useful in the

    treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs. rheumatic pains aggravate on movement, like in


    Lachesis: Violent type of sneezing in spring (Natrum Mur and Sabadilla), moving from

    the cold to a relatively warm country. Dulcamara is the only one remedy that can be usedin treating sneezing in any season. Bryonia is also of great use during the change of cold

    weather into warm weather. Worse after sleep. Very cold especially feet are ice cold. but

    hot water aggravates his symptoms especially the headache. Purple or darkish spots form

    on the body. Haemorrhage colour of the blood is dark. Lachesis, like Secale, there is a

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    tendency towards the formation of gangrene. In Lachesis, the patient is very cold and

    feels severe cold, while the patient of Secale feels intense heat and gets relief with cold

    applications on the affected areas. Varicose Veins (the veins become engorged andtortuous). Affects women during pregnancy (Aesculus. and Arnica). Head starts

    throbbing due to excessive rushing of blood. Psorinum is also a cold remedy but differs in

    that the head is also cold and does not throb. Ailment attacks the left side first (Ovaries,throat, headache moves to nape). Lyco starts on right, Puls and Lac Caninum are

    migratory. Gels pain starts on the nape and moves towards the shoulder blades in the

    muscles of the back. Feeling of tightness around the neck. In Glonoine, there is a similarfeeling with the addition of the feeling of tightness around the head and intolerance to

    wearing a cap. Hydrophobinum and Hyoscyamus, there is a feeling of constriction inside

    the throat while in Lachesis, there is no such feeling of internal constriction. He just

    cannot tolerate anything around the neck. Extremely suspicious they believe thateverybody is talking against them or that their food has been poisoned. Religious mania,

    loquacious, sore throat in winters (Psorinum- nasal discharge alternates). Extreme skin

    sensitivity. The mouth is dry yet there is no thirst. Fluids tend to get stuck in the throat

    (Lachesis, Belladonna and Apis). Belladonna also relieves a dry cough like that of aLachesis patient.

    Lycopodium: is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic. Symptoms travel from

    right to left or from above downward. The patient emaciates above, especially about the

    neck, while the lower extremities are fairly well nourished. Externally there issensitiveness to a warm atmosphere when there are head and spine symptoms. The head

    symptoms also are worse from the warmth of the bed and from heat, and worse from

    getting heated by exertion. The patient is sensitive to cold and there is a marked lack of

    vital heat, and worse in general from cold and cold air and from cold food and drinks.The pains are ameliorated from warmth except of the head and spine. In the rheumatic

    pains and other sufferings the Lyc. patient is ameliorated by motion. He is extremely

    restless. Aggravation from 4-8 P.M. Stomach: The Lycopodium patient is flatulent,distended like a drum. Cannot endure any noise. The noise of the crackling of paper,

    ringing of bells or slamming of doors goes through him and causes fainting, like Ant.

    crud., Borax and Natr. mur. The Lyc. patient cannot eat oysters just as onions are apoison to the Thuja patient. Oxalic acid patient cannot eat strawberries. Ulcerations are

    indolent with false granulations, painful, burning, stinging and smarting, often relieved

    by applying cooling things and aggravated by warm poultices. A very low state of the

    arteries and veins, poor tone and poor circulation. Numbness in spots. Emaciation ofsingle members. Deadness of the fingers and toes. Tired state of the mind, a chronic

    fatigue, there is a feeling of incompetence, a feeling of inability to undertake his task

    (Silicea). wants to feel that there is somebody else in the house, but does not wantcompany; does not want to be talked to, periodical headaches, and headaches connected

    with gastric troubles. If he goes beyond his dinner hour a sick headache will come on. He

    must eat with regularity or he will have the headache. Cactus has a congestive headachewhich becomes extremely violent with flushed face if he does not eat at the regular time.

    One distinguishing feature is that with the Lycopodium headache, if he eats something,

    the headache is better while the Cactus headache is worse from eating. The Lycopodium

    headache is < from heat, from the warmth of the bed, and from lying down, > from cold,

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    other symptoms are better by heat and worse by cold. Lean, emaciated boys are subject to

    prolonged pains in the head. The headaches are throbbing and pressing, as if the head

    would burst; capricious appetite, eating much, with unusual hunger at times and greatthirst, and yet losing steadily. The nose is filled with yellow, green crusts, blown out of

    the nose in the morning and hawked out of the throat. Inflammatory conditions with

    copious discharge, with red eyes, ulceration of the conjunctiva and lids, and granular lids.most painful eruptions of the ears, otitis media, abscess in the ear, associated with eczema

    about the cars and behind the ears. Much stuffing up of the nose is a chronic state of Lyc.

    Crusty nostrils with eczema, with oozing eruptions about the face and nose. The mucousdischarge is almost as thick and tenacious as in Kalium bichromicum. Wings of the nose

    flap with the effort to breathe in chest troubles. In Ant. tart. the rattling of the mucus is

    heard across the room and the patient is seen to be in distress, but if you see the patient

    lying in bed with the nose flapping and the forehead wrinkled, with rattling in the chest,or a dry, hacking cough and no expectoration, you will often find the particulars of the

    examination confirm your mind that it is a case for Lyc. Lyc. is better lay holding cold

    water in the mouth, but the usual Lyc. sore throat is better from swallowing warm drinks.

    It is a feature whereby it is possible to distinguish Lachesis from Lycopodium. Lachesisis better from cold and has spasms of the throat from attempting to drink warm drinks,

    Right hypochondrium swollen as in liver troubles. The stomach is worse by cold drinks,and often relieved by warm drinks. This patient has most troublesome constipation. He

    goes for days without any desire, It has troublesome hemorrhoids, but they are

    nondescript. Any kind of hemorrhoids may be cured by Lyc. if the flatulence, thestomach symptoms, the mental symptoms, and the general symptoms of Lyc. are present

    There seems to be the same inactivity in the bladder as in the rectum. Though he strain

    ever so much, he must wait a long time for the urine to pass. polyuria during the night.

    He must arise many times at night and pass large quantities of urine. One of the mostprominent remedies in impotency. dryness in the vagina in which coition becomes very

    painful. the breasts do not enlarge. It is also suitable in girls at puberty when the time for

    the first menstrual flow to appear has come, but it does not come the ovaries do notperform their function, in that respect it is very much like Calc. Phos.

    Gelsemium: The mouth is dry, yet there is no thirst. Illness two to three days after havingbeen exposed to the cold. If the illness comes on suddenly on exposure to cold then

    Aconite or Bell. Chronic type of diarrhoea with dry mouth and no thirst. In Gelsemium,

    the hands and feet become cold but there is no sweating, while in Glonoine, there is

    profuse sweating in addition to the hands and feet becoming cold. The stiffness of theneck causes great difficulty in turning the neck. The headache becomes worse on sleeping

    (like Lachesis). Tightness of the cervix of the uterus as well as the associated lightning

    type of labour pains radiating to the back. The patient believes that moving around is amust to keep the heart functioning or it will stop as soon as he sits down. Fear, stress and

    bad news are known to upset the stomach. This is also seen in Argentum Nitricum

    although other symptoms are quite different. Left-sided headache that becomes settled atthe nape of neck or radiates to the neck. In addition, Onosmodium may also be very

    useful. Both Gelsemium and Onosmodium combined can be used to treat migraine.

    Emotional stress and grief induce physical illnesses. There is drooping of the eyelids,

    which are difficult to keep open (ptosis). If this condition becomes chronic Gelsemium

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    will not be of much use any more. It is useful in the beginning of the condition. The

    vision becomes blurred. One pupil happens to be dilated and the other constricted i.e. the

    pupils are unequal in size. The eye becomes red and swollen. Vision is foggy or the fieldof vision becomes occupied with spider webs. Gelsemium is also useful to treat the

    neurological weakness of the eye muscles. Hands and feet become partially paralysed.

    The limbs quiver and feel drawn. The patient does not wish to walk for want of physicalenergy. In catarrhal diseases (affecting the inner linings/mucous membranes), the

    symptoms of Gelsemium resemble those of Natrum Mur. However, the patient of

    Natrum Mur is very thirsty and the patient of Gelsemium not thirsty at all. In Gelsemiumthe patient sneezes repeatedly.

    Arsenic alb: Restlessness and anxiety. Fear of death, tidiness. Diarrhoea - stools are

    frequent, black and offensive. Increased thirst for small and frequent drinks. In cases ofdiseases of the bladder, prostate and kidneys, where Arsenic alone is indicated but does

    not help, the addition of Phosphorus will help when given separately. patient is very

    chilly, feels better for heat (feeling of heat) except for stomach ailments and headaches

    which is better for cold. Pressure also relieves the headache, can have severe nausea andvomiting. The symptoms are worse at night. Offensive vaginal discharges with blood

    clots. The patients have mental symptoms of restlessness as well as general body pains.Arsenic will relieve all symptoms if indicated and gets rid of toxins from the body. In

    these cases Kali Iodide and Arsenic Iodide combined or given separately are also of

    benefit. In addition, Sulphur and Pyrogenum 200 given together is very effective in suchcases. The Secale patient feels hot while Arsenic Alb is chilly but are similar in many

    other respects. The patients have nasal obstruction with itchy nose, sneezing, clear runny

    nose and swollen neck glands as in hay fever. The patient gets breathless on climbing

    uphill and also when flying. Arsenic is a very useful remedy in gangrene. If the case doesnot respond to Arsenic Alb one should try other remedies like Silicea or Sulphur in high

    potency. The whole eye is inflamed. In Kali Carb the inflammation is confined to the

    upper eyelid, while in Apis it is the lower eyelid. the patient can have symptoms ofageing in Arsenic, but it is more marked in Sarsaparilla and Chinimum Ars. Retention of

    urine after labour - the best treatment is Causticum, but if it is ineffective Arsenic Alb can

    be useful. Hoarseness, Arsenic symptoms are worse in damp weather, after midnight, atthe seaside, after cold food, with heat and worse for hot drinks.

    Pulsatilla: always suspects that someone is insulting him. Yet, the patient is neither

    aggressive, nor violent rather; he becomes very sad, depressed and dejected. Eating alittle bit of cream or butter can upset the stomach (Carbo Veg). Patient does not feel

    thirsty; likes to eat cold food. Other than the symptoms of a burning sensation in the

    hands and feet, the symptoms of Pulsatilla are dissimilar to those of Sulphur. Theyantidote each other. Psoriasis appearing in the form of circular sunken brown specks.

    Veins may become distended and engorged with blood, blood may also clot inside.

    Varicose ulcers, chronic catarrh usually involves the chest producing thick phlegm.Complete cessation or delayed menses, problems associated with the menopause. In

    combination with Lachesis or Belladonna, Pulsatilla produces excellent results. Feels as

    if hot air is being blown onto her face. Pain in the shoulders and the back. Migraine is

    usually on one side, over the temple and the same side of the face. Multiple styes, ear

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    diseases, very thick discharge. Feeling of dryness inside the nasal passages. There is

    swelling of the conjunctiva and symptoms related to the nose and throat appears like

    Natrum Mur. Natrum Mur is the chronic of Pulsatilla, so if the symptoms happen to beof Pulsatilla but the patient does not respond to Pulsatilla, then Natrum Mur may be used

    instead. Sense of smell either decreases or is completely lost. Morning, coughing brings

    out a lot of sputum. It turns into a dry cough by the evening. If menstruation stops andthe nose start to bleed, then Bryonia should be used instead of Pulsatilla. If the nose

    bleeds during menstruation, then Pulsatilla should be used. In Pulsatilla, the symptoms of

    allergy become severe in the evening. Natrum Mur, the situation is just the opposite. Inthe morning, particularly around nine o clock in the morning, the allergy becomes much

    more severe. If sneezing ensues when the patient goes from a cold to a warm room, the

    remedy is Pulsatilla. However, if sneezing ensues after going from a warm to a cold

    room, then Sabadilla, Silicea or Natrum Mur should be used. Difficulty in sleeping.Shortness of breath and suffocation. Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla. In case a fever

    does not subside with Pulsatilla and the patient feels hot. Stomach ailments such as

    irritation, sour belches and distension of the abdomen with gas, etc. start within a few

    hours of eating food. Patient has a dry mouth yet does not feel thirsty. Graphites also isfamous for alleviating a deficient menstrual flow. However, Graphites suits the cold

    constitution, while Pulsatilla suits the hot constitution patients. Urinates very little andthere is a burning sensation and irritation. Tendency to abort in women. Severe

    abdominal cramping during menstruation. If such pain is only occasional then Pulsatilla

    is useful. However, if the episodes are frequent, then Natrum Mur should be givenpreference, shortage of milk production; strong clearing agent of the uterus. However,

    the remedy benefits only if it is used before the development of the puerperal fever.

    Once a fever develops, then only Silicea or Sulphur and Pyrogenum will be effective.

    Pulsatilla 200 is renowned for correcting the position of the child inside the uterus. Afterthe onset of the labour pains, a combination of Mag Phos and Kali Phos works much

    better than Pulsatilla in facilitating the delivery. Crookedness of the vertebral column

    (scoliosis) as it strengthens the muscles around the spinal column and equalizes their toneand strength on both sides. The problems of Pulsatilla aggravate with heat and on eating

    oily food. The symptoms are relieved on movement, in the open air and on eating cold

    food. When the hands burn hot and the feet are very cold and vice-versa, then Pulsatillacould well be very useful.

    Opium: clotting of blood inside the brain (cerebral thrombosis). In case of sudden

    rupture of the arteries in the brain (cerebral haemorrhage), Arnica and Opium giventogether in very high potency, works wonderfully well. The patient of Opium remains

    either asleep or drowsy. On the other hand, he may sometimes be unable to sleep

    altogether. In Coffea also the patient loses sleep and becomes hypersensitive. Reactivatesthe suppressed and inactive body defences like Sulphur. Cannot direct the food to the

    gullet, which may then enter the nose or the windpipe and cause severe choking.

    Vomiting during the pregnancy. Seasickness can be effectively treated with Chamomillaor Opium used alone or in combination. Cramps in his head, hands and feet. Hands are

    shaky and numb. Spasms of the extremities, headache begins at the nape of the neck,

    which then spreads downwards to both sides of the neck. meningitis, hysteria or epilepsy

    like fits, a severe bout of coughing, the face may become cyanosed, insensitive to pain.

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    Plumbum: Severe abdominal pain, a blue line (lead line) appears on the gums below the

    teeth. Muscular spasms, hand becomes paralysed resulting in wrist drop, sciatica, delayed

    response; slowly progressive sensory loss may end in complete loss of sensation. The feetand other parts of the body may gradually become insensitive and lifeless, painful part of

    the body ultimately becomes wasted. Paralysis of the finger joints (Curare). Severe

    constipation. Plumbum stirs up the kidney function. Loss of albumin and sugar in theurine. Cerebral haemorrhage, the face becomes congested with blood, and the pupils of

    the eyes become dilated. Dr. Kent states that the treatment should first be started with

    Opium and later Plumbum should be added to the treatment. Painful severe cramps of thelegs in the evening, which get relieved on movement and by application of local pressure.

    The patient is very sensitive to cold. The tendency towards severe body jolts and locking

    of the jaw, the paralysis of the muscles in the wall of the windpipe and the food pipe

    (oesophagus), resulting in the entry of the food into the air passage and choking due towater or food entering the windpipe or nose.

    Mezereum: violent itching and the patient rubs and scratches until the part becomes raw

    and then burns; itching changes place; As soon as he gets warm in bed or as soon as hegoes into a warm room, the itching begins. Formication, itching, biting. Vesicular

    eruptions upon the skin, running a certain course, itching, burning like fire; dries into acrust and disappears; Eruptions with much itching; dark, red rash with violent itching,

    biting, tingling, crawling, changing place by pressure, rubbing or scratching. Cases with a

    history of suppressed eczema or syphilis. Skin eruptions followed by ulcers; discharginga thick, white, offensive matter. Fissures in the comers of the eye; red cicatrices about the

    eyes where the eruptions have been; dry spots and enlarged veins about the eyes and

    nose; skin feels indurated. Granulations and ulcerations of the throat. Headaches through

    the sides of the head as if in the bone; feel as if the head would be crushed (closelyrelated to Merc. and Kali iod.). Headache extending from the root of the nose to the

    forehead (Merc. and Hepar). Pains in the head cause faintness (Hepar). Pains in the bones

    of the skull aggravated by touch; bones feel as if scraped. Head covered with thick,leather-like crusts, under which thick, white pus collects here and there, and glues the

    hair together. Neuralgias, sciatica, pain in the spine, in the brachial plexus and down the

    arms; neuralgia of the face; all following suppressed eruptions. The Mez. patient issensitive to warm air as far as the skin and. eruptions are concerned, but very sensitive to

    damp or cold weather as to the neuralgias. After the eruptions have given place to internal

    manifestations, the patient is chilly, sensitive to the changes of the weather, worse in

    stormy weather; worse after a bath, because he takes cold and his internal complaints areaggravated. Ulceration about the roots of the teeth; a scrofulous condition of the gums,

    which bleed, settle away from the teeth; the teeth decay suddenly. Inflammatory

    rheumatism, worse from the warmth of the bed and at night; worse from touch; pains rundown the bones; bursting sensation in the bones. They feel enlarged; tearing pains in the

    periosteum, necrosis, caries, fistulous openings discharging briny particles and large

    ulcers surrounded by pustules.

    Hydrocotyle: leprosy, Lupus - formation of blisters or sores and itching, the skin starts to

    become tense and then shrinks. Psoriasis and cancer of the cervix of the uterus.

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    Hydrocyanic Acid: severe abdominal distension and severe colic; asthma, epilepsy and

    whooping cough with constriction of the throat muscles. When given along with

    Hydrophobinum 200, it happens to work much better than the inhalers used in theallopathic system of medicine. Hysterical fits and epileptic seizures in women. There is a

    condition called Catalepsy, in which there is impediment of the blood flow to the brain

    and flushing of the face, after which the patient either loses consciousness or his memoryis lost. Hands and feet become cold, their jaws become tightly closed during a severe

    convulsion, they froth at the mouth, their lips turn blue, and there is a feeling of tightness

    and pain over the chest.

    Hydrophobinum: patient has difficulty in swallowing. The froth forms at the mouth and

    the patient keeps on spitting continuously. Pain and discomfort related to the prolapse of

    the uterus. Antidote: Hydrocyanic Acid

    Hyoscyamus: delirious and acts insanely, talks unabashed obscenities. Muscles become

    tense and contracted with tonic convulsions, extremely suspicious like the patient of

    Lachesis. There is no tendency towards committing physical violence which found inBell. Talks to himself, screams and may become totally unconscious. Fear of water

    (hydrophobia). He cannot swallow water due to severe constriction of the throat.According to Dr. Kent, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Cantharis and Hydrophobinum are all

    excellent medicines to treat this condition. In my experience, I have found Stramonium

    and Hydrocyanic Acid capable of totally uprooting this condition. Eyesight becomesweak due to the dysfunction of the nerves, severe convulsion with the locking of the jaw.

    Patient has no control over passing urine or opening the bowels (urinary and faecal

    incontinence). Urinary tract infections and inflammations. Severe griping pain in the

    abdomen. Dry cough, which worsens on lying down. The patient feels veryuncomfortable at night and cannot sleep. There is widespread twitching of the muscles.

    The patient does not like to cover himself. The suffering of a Hyoscyamus patient

    aggravates at night, after taking food and on lying down.

    Insulin: treatment of diabetes, irritatingly itchy eczema associated with liver dysfunction.

    Patients who tend to pass urine frequently or suffer from skin diseases, boils andabscesses. Lymph glands at the neck tend to develop pus; blood sugar is high, gout.

    Medorrhinum: Marasmus (the wasting disease of the children), asthma, chronic nasal

    catarrh, ringworm and special forms of warts not amenable to Thuja. Irregularity ofperiods, pain or nervous weakness. Patients feel extremely cold yet sweat profusely.

    Multiple joint pains and rheumatism. Sensation of pins and needles all over, along with

    Urticaria. The soles of the feet are extremely sensitive; skin conditions and dandruff. Thehairs are similar to those of Natrum Mur. Both of these remedies are related to

    gonorrhoeal diseases. In Natrum Mur, the hair becomes dry and brittle along with severe

    dandruff. In certain cases, Medorrhinum alone can cure these conditions. As in Apis,there are bags below the eyes. Black or brown spots appear before the eyes. Very high

    potency, is also useful in the treatment of chronic nasal catarrh. Useful if the patient feels

    extremely hungry and craves to eat insatiably when nervous, or similarly if his severe

    thirst becomes unquenchable. Extreme hunger is also known in Psorinum, but it mostly

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    bothers at night. Useful in the treatment of ascites (accumulation of water in the abdomen

    due to liver disease), as well as the swelling and inflammation of glands in the groins.

    Deafness, especially nerve deafness, in which the patient feels no pain. Teeth being verysensitive hurt on chewing food. Ulcers, having jagged margins, also form in the mouth.

    Medorrhinum has also been found beneficial in the treatment of chronic ankle pain. If

    phlegm becomes deeply seated in the lungs and is difficult to cough out, and otherhomoeopathic remedies have proved ineffective, then Medorrhinum may offer substantial

    cure. Kali Iodide and Arsenic Iodide are also useful for the expulsion of deep-seated

    phlegm from the lungs. Legs may feel very heavy due to pain in the back. The legsbecome stiff. Spasm impedes circulation. This remedy also shows sign of cramp

    especially in the calves of the legs. If a person feels cramps in the legs on standing for a

    long time, then Mag Phos 6X may also be useful. In Medorrhinum however, cramps also

    affect the under surface of the feet, which tend to be drawn and turn inwards. Worse inthe heat of the sun. Humidity and the seaside offer relief.

    Psorinum: Sulphur by nature is very hot, whereas Psorinum by nature is very cold. Hair

    in young children start turning grey. Eczema is marred with scabs (Graphites),underneath which very foul smelling pus is formed and the eczema continues afresh.

    Severe itching in the wounds, which bleed on scratching. Eyelids are swollen and sticky.The margins of the eyelids become red and swollen, as in several other remedies. If the

    disease becomes worse and the eyes become disfigured, Alumina or Alumen can prove to

    be ideal remedies, especially Alumina, which is very powerful and effective in thisrespect. If the eyes become inflamed and develop lumps, then Aesculus would be better

    than Alumina. Always hungry, especially at night. Headache alternates with nasal

    catarrh. In this condition, Bryonia and Rhus Tox are also effective. In Psorinum, the

    cough is dry. Phlegm does not form at all. Sores develop at the angles of the mouth.The tongue and the gums feel painful constantly. The teeth become loose and start to

    shake. Diseases of the prostate also effective against cancer of the prostate, though, for

    this disease, Silicea CM is the most effective remedy. Pericarditis, pulse is very weak anddifficult to feel. Sexual urge decreases and there is a complete loss of libido. This

    symptom is found in Graphites also. Apparently, by nature, Psorinum is a cold and dry

    remedy, yet the body temperature rises very high in the fever of a Psorinum patient. Apatient sweats as if steaming.

    Aconite:after it has been given, the croup returns we have Hepar for rattling. Dry, with

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    no rattling is Spongia, it is worse by heat but likes hot drinks (Veratrumbetter cold drinks). If the child wants to be covered or says that it ischilly, Hepar. If it says the room is too warm and kicks the covers off, itneeds Calc. sulph. Laryngismus stridulous is commonly found inwomen. Ign., Gels., Lauroc. and Spongia. Ign. and Gels. will cure eight

    out of ten cases.

    Cataract: main remedies- Silic., then Cann. Sat., and then Sulph.

    In his prescriptions for the treatment of cancer, Burnett alternated between anti-miasmaticremedies in high potencies and organ-specific medicines in low potency.