Exalted Rahu Rahu is the most mysterious and illusionary planet among navagraha and it is considered as an expert in Maya, according to Vedic Jyotish and even though some other forms of astrology do not pay much attention to Rahu and Ketu merely because of the fact that Rahu and Ketu cannot be seen and they also do not possess any physical properties like mass etc, Vedic Jyotish considers Rahu and Ketu very important when it comes to know about the past as well as the future of a native from his horoscope. Among navagraha, Rahu and Ketu are the planets which lay out the plan of our future based on our past lives and the rest of the planets among navagraha execute this plan and hence the influence and importance of Rahu and Ketu in a kundali or horoscope is of great value when it comes to know about the course of a soul’s journey from his horoscope. Like all other planets among navagraha, Rahu is also said to be exalted in a particular sign and there is a division of opinions when it comes to the sign of exaltation of Rahu which should be expected as Rahu is a planet of Maya and mysteries and everything related to Rahu should have one kind of mystery or the other attached to it. Some vedic astrologers take Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu whereas some other astrologers take Gemini as the sign of exaltation of Rahu and there is another small group of astrologers which takes Virgo as the sign of exaltation for Rahu which makes the situation very complicated as all other planets among navagraha are associated with only one sign of exaltation whereas Rahu and Ketu are associated with 3 signs of exaltation which creates complications while studying the influence of Rahu and Ketu in a kundali or horoscope. For the sake of this article, we will take Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu as Taurus among all the three above mentioned signs is the best choice for the sign of exaltation for


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Exalted Rahu

Rahu is the most mysterious and illusionary planet among navagraha and it is considered as an expert in Maya, according to Vedic Jyotish and even though some other forms of astrology do not pay much attention to Rahu and Ketu merely because of the fact that Rahu and Ketu cannot be seen and they also do not possess any physical properties like mass etc, Vedic Jyotish considers Rahu and Ketu very important when it comes to know about the past as well as the future of a native from his horoscope. Among navagraha, Rahu and Ketu are the planets which lay out the plan of our future based on our past lives and the rest of the planets among navagraha execute this plan and hence the influence and importance of Rahu and Ketu in a kundali or horoscope is of great value when it comes to know about the course of a soul’s journey from his horoscope. Like all other planets among navagraha, Rahu is also said to be exalted in a particular sign and there is a division of opinions when it comes to the sign of exaltation of Rahu which should be expected as Rahu is a planet of Maya and mysteries and everything related to Rahu should have one kind of mystery or the other attached to it. Some vedic astrologers take Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu whereas some other astrologers take Gemini as the sign of exaltation of Rahu and there is another small group of astrologers which takes Virgo as the sign of exaltation for Rahu which makes the situation very complicated as all other planets among navagraha are associated with only one sign of exaltation whereas Rahu and Ketu are associated with 3 signs of exaltation which creates complications while studying the influence of Rahu and Ketu in a kundali or horoscope. For the sake of this article, we will take Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu as Taurus among all the three above mentioned signs is the best choice for the sign of exaltation for

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Rahu, in my opinion and therefore I will discuss the benefic as well as malefic effects of an exalted Rahu in different houses of horoscope considering Taurus as the sign of exaltation for Rahu. When we say that Rahu is exalted in a horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Taurus, it means that Rahu gains maximum strength when placed in Taurus compared to its placement in all the other signs. An exalted Rahu is associated with many good things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of Indian astrologers that an exalted Rahu always works positively in a kundali or horoscope and it brings good results for the native which is not the case in actual practice and an exalted Rahu can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope depending upon the other deciding factors and overall tone of the horoscope. The word exalted simply relates to the strength of Rahu in horoscope or kundali and it does not relate to the nature of Rahu in most of horoscopes and accordingly an exalted Rahu placed in different houses of a kundali or horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending upon the nature of Rahu as well as the overall tone of the horoscope. In this article, we will discuss some of these benefic as well as malefic effects which can be experienced when an exalted Rahu is placed in different houses of a horoscope or kundali. Exalted Rahu in 1st House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Rahu placed in 1st house of a horoscope can do wonderful things to the native under and it can bless the native under its influence with as good results as any other exalted planet among navagraha can do. A benefic exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali can give a distinct personality to the native under its strong influence and such a native is likely to have a style of his own and he is recognized by this style in whichever field he goes. A benefic exalted Rahu in 1st house of horoscope or kundali can make the native very independent, philosophical, adventurous and such a native is likely to succeed in his life by

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virtue of these qualities. Such a benefic exalted Rahu can also bless the native with name and fame by virtue of his profession or by virtue of his ideas or philosophy but such natives usually do not care about such name or fame and they keep on doing what they have been sent to do. A benefic exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali is very good at producing top class scientists, explorers, philosophers, astrologers and other people of such kind. On the other hand, a negative exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali can make the personality of the native very negative and the native under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of Rahu may develop many negative traits in his personality which can hinder his progress in every sphere of life and accordingly he may have to witness very limited success in many spheres of his life. A malefic exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali can trouble the native with some physical as well as mental disorders and some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic exalted Rahu may have to undergo treatment for psychological disorders. A malefic exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope can bring very bad results when such a malefic exalted Rahu forms an Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope or Kundali and the native under the strong influence of such a malefic Rahu may have to face malefic results associated with Anant Kaal Sarp Yog. It should be noted here that Anant Kaal Sarp Yog formed by an exalted Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali is likely to be stronger than usual as the extra strength gained by Rahu by virtue of its exaltation will provide extra strength to such Anant Kaal Sarp Yog which can cause more and more troubles for the native under its strong influence. Exalted Rahu in 2nd House of Horoscope : A positive Rahu placed in 2nd house of a horoscope or Kundali can bless the native with attractive personality and such a native is also likely to

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do very good in the fields of business, finances, speech and some other fields. A benefic Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can produce top class businessmen, explorers, astrologers, mathematicians, doctors and other such kind of people and such a placement of benefic exalted Rahu can also bless the native under its strong influence with name and fame in his profession apart from blessing him with wealth and prosperity. A benefic exalted Rahu in 2nd house of horoscope or kundali can also bless the native with very good attitude towards living and enjoying the life. On the other hand, a negative exalted Rahu in 2nd house of horoscope or kundali can afflict the native with bad tastes of eating and drinking and many natives under the strong influence of such a malefic exalted Rahu are seen addicted to alcohol, smoking, drugs and other such vices which can make them suffer on the front of health, profession and finances among other things. A malefic exalted Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope or kundali can make the native engage in immoral or illegal professions and some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu become smugglers, drug dealers or they indulge in other such practices. At its worst, a malefic exalted Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can form a Kulik Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope or kundali which can trouble the native in various spheres of his life and the troubles caused by such a malefic exalted Rahu in 2nd house of horoscope have been discussed in the article named Kulik Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 3rd House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu placed in 3rd house of a horoscope or kundali can render very good skills of writing, speech and other kinds of creative abilities to the native and the native under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu can become successful as a writer, author, musician, singer and other professionals of this kind. A benefic exalted Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope or kundali can also bless the native with great courage and bravery and such a native is likely to use this

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courage and bravery to achieve success in his life and as a result, some natives under the strong influence of such a benefic exalted Rahu can shine in the fields related to army, sports, police and other such fields which require physical ability and bravery to succeed. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu placed in 3rd house of a horoscope or kundali can make the native too ambitious and stubborn and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu are likely to suffer from failures in professional as well as personal life. A malefic exalted Rahu in 3rd house of horoscope or kundali can trouble the native on account of serious differences of the native with his friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement face failures usually in the 2nd half of their lives mainly due to their overambitious attitude and due to the habit of not listening to their well wishers. At its worst, a malefic Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope or kundali can form a Vasuki kaal sarp yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native with various kinds of problems which have been discussed in the article named Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 4th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope or kundali can bless the native under its strong influence with a very good family, a life of luxuries and comforts and a feeling of security in many spheres of life. A benefic exalted Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope or kundali can give a life of ease and comfort to the native under its strong influence and many natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement lead an easy, comfortable and secured life even if there professional success is not very good which means that such natives are likely to get support from relatives, friends or other people and such a support can provide good value in their life. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope or kundali can cause serious emotional problems for the native and the natives under the strong influence of such a

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malefic placement of exalted Rahu are likely to experience emotional disturbance right from their childhood and many of such natives develop a sense of insecurity which keeps on bothering them throughout their lives. A malefic exalted Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope or kundali can give very bad results related to the health and professional life of the native and it can also give very bad results regarding the married life of the native. At its worst, a malefic exalted Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can form a Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope or kundali which can trouble the native on account of various problems which have been discussed in details in the article named Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 5th House of a Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu in 5th house of a kundali or horoscope can bless the native with top class creativity and as a result the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic exalted Rahu can become successful in professional spheres which require creativity. A benefic exalted Rahu in 5th house of a kundali or horoscope can make the native successful or very successful as an actor, photographer, musician or other professional related to creative fields and this placement of benefic exalted Rahu can also bring prosperity and fame to the native under its strong influence and some natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement can achieve great prosperity and a fame of national or international level by virtue of their creative abilities where the quantum of such fame and prosperity depends upon the overall nature of kundali or horoscope of the native under consideration. On the other hand, a malefic Rahu in 5th house of a kundali or horoscope can cause problems related to the higher education of the native and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement are likely to discontinue their studies due to one reason or the other. A malefic exalted Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope or kundali can also trouble the native with problems related to child birth and the natives under the strong influence of

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this malefic placement can experience delays or medical issues when it comes to produce a child and this issue can intensify in the case of female natives suffering from such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu. A malefic exalted Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope or kundali can also form a Padam kaal sarp yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various problems which have been discussed in the article named Padam Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 6th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can bless the native with hard working nature, courage and special abilities in some specific spheres and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of exalted Rahu can become successful as doctors, surgeons, advisors, lawyers, judges, people dealing in travel business or people dealing in import-export. A benefic exalted Rahu in 6th house of horoscope or kundali can also render qualities like diplomacy, manipulation and communication skills to the natives under its strong influence and as a result the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu can also become successful as politicians, diplomats, mediators and other such kind of people. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can cause serious troubles and problems to the native under its strong influence, on account of diseases, enemies and financial losses. A malefic exalted Rahu in 6th house of a kundali or horoscope can make the native suffer from serious diseases for a very long period of time and in some cases, the native may even die due to one such disease. A malefic exalted Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can also bring defame, financial losses and other problems to the native under its strong influence and some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu may have to face serious financial or personal losses, reputational losses and possible imprisonment by virtue of some court decision going against them. A malefic exalted Rahu

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in 6th house of a kundali or horoscope can also form Mahapadam kaal sarp yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native under its strong influence with various kinds of problems which have been discussed in the article named Mahapadam Kaal Sarp Yog.

Exalted Rahu in 7th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu placed in 7th house of a kundali or a horoscope can render a good social and public reputation to the native under its strong influence and such a native is likely to have a good public image for most of his life, particularly after the middle part of his life. A benefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope or kundali can bless the native with very good social and management skills and accordingly the natives under strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu can excel in fields which require social and management skills. Many natives having a benefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of their horoscope business have a tendency to start their own business instead of working for someone and many of these natives are able to do so if this fact is supported by rest of their horoscope or kundali. A benefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope or kundali can also bless the native with a post of power and authority which can come due to politics and it can also render name and fame to the native and such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu can also make the native succeed in jobs related to foreign countries. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope or kundali can cause serious problems in married life of the native and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu may have to witness much drama, arguments, separation and more than one divorce in their married life. A malefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope can also make the native excessively indulgent in physical pleasures, particularly in sexual pleasures and such a native may waste much of his time and money in order to fulfill his sexual desires which can become a cause for troubles in married life of such native and which can

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also cause some serious or even fatal sexually transmitted disease to the native under the strong influence of such a malefic exalted Rahu. A malefic exalted Rahu in 7th house of a kundali or horoscope can also form a Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog which can trouble the native with various kinds of problems which have been discussed in the article named Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu placed in 8th house of a horoscope or kundali can render a long lifespan to the native and as a result the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu are likely to live longer than the average lifespan. A benefic exalted Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope indicates good financial gains and support which the native gets from his husband or wife and such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu in a horoscope can also make the native successful as astrologer, palmist, scientist, secret service agents and other such professionals which are dealing with something hidden. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in married life of the native and natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu are likely to face much drama and many problems in their married life. Some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic exalted Rahu may have to completely depend on their husband or wife for a long period of time and due to this dependency, they may have to tolerate many bad words and bad behavior of their spouse. A malefic exalted Rahu in 8th house can also create criminal tendencies in the natives under its strong influence and as a result some of these natives may engage in criminal professions and they may have to go to jail on account of these criminal professions. A malefic exalted Rahu in 8th house can also form a Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope and it can create many other problems for the native which have been discussed in the article named Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog.

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Exalted Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu placed in 9th house of a horoscope or kundali can take the native to foreign lands for the purpose of permanent settlement and accordingly many natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu are seen settled abroad. A benefic exalted Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also make the native succeed in businesses which are connected to foreign countries and such a benefic exalted Rahu can also give very good results regarding the spiritual advancement of the native and as a result, some natives under a particular influence of such a benefic exalted Rahu are seen successful as spiritual leaders or spiritual philosophers. The natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of exalted Rahu are usually very broad minded and they can accommodate and adapt to almost every kind of people and circumstances which makes them successful in many spheres of their lives. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope or kundali trouble the native with serious problems related to his professional life and some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of exalted Rahu remain professionally unsuccessful or they may have to remain unemployed until very late in their lives. A malefic exalted Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also form a Pitra Dosh in the horoscope which can pose various kinds of problems for the native and such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu in 9th house can also form Shankhchood kaal sarp yog in the horoscope which can afflict the native with some very serious problems which have been discussed in the article named Shankchood Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 10th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope or kundali can bring great professional success to the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu are seen very successful in their professional life. A benefic exalted Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope or kundali can bless

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the native under its influence with special abilities which can make him an expert in some specific fields and many natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu become pioneers in their professional spheres who invent, discover or create many new things which were formerly not known to the world and these natives also earn name and fame by virtue of such innovations. Natives under the strong influence of benefic exalted Rahu in 10th house of their horoscopes do not believe in following trends and they are the ones who believe in setting trends, particularly in their professional spheres. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope can trouble the native with many problems which are usually related to his professional life and as a results many natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu in their horoscope or kundali may have to face big losses in their professions, they may have to face disgrace or defame by virtue of false allegations, litigations or scandals which arise from their professional spheres. A malefic exalted Rahu in 10th house can also form a Ghatak kaal sarp yog in a horoscope which can inflict many other problems to the native under its influence and these problems have been discussed in the article named Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 11th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu placed in 11th house of a horoscope or kundali can bless the native with very good financial gains and the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu can achieve huge financial fortunes which usually come early in their lives. A benefic exalted Rahu in 11th house blesses the native with very good social skills, adventurous spirit, keen business sense, risk taking ability and very good friends and the native rises in his life by virtue of these qualities and possessions. The natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu in their horoscopes are very ambitious and they can

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virtually do anything when supported by their horoscopes. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope or kundali can impart gambling tendencies to the native or this placement can develop criminal tendencies in the native and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu engage in gambling or criminal activities and even though they are very likely to see sharp gains in the beginning of such professions, but they finally witness huge losses and most of their money and wealth earned through illegal or immoral means is lost in the end. A malefic exalted Rahu in 11th house can also form Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can cause many other problems to the native and these problems have been discussed in the article named Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog. Exalted Rahu in 12th House of Horoscope : A benefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope or kundali can take the native to some foreign lands early or very early in his life and the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of exalted Rahu are likely to settle or even study abroad and many of these natives settle in foreign countries on permanent basis. A benefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope or kundali can make the native successful as a doctor, lawyer, astrologer, psychic and other such professionals and this placement of exalted Rahu can also bless the native under its strong influence with very good spiritual progress and in fact this is one of the best placements of exalted Rahu when it comes to spiritual progress and the connection with other worlds. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can trouble the native with many kinds of problems which may be related to his health, wealth, marriage and other spheres of his life. A malefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can make the native addict to drugs, alcohol or other such intoxicants and such a native may choose a life of total seclusion and he may not even care as to where the rest of the world is living or what his duties are. A

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malefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope or kundali can cause serious problems in the married life of a native and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of exalted Rahu are usually seen unhappy in their married life and though this placement of malefic exalted Rahu usually does not usually break the marriage of the native, but it can make such a marriage very miserable and torturous for the native. A malefic exalted Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can also form a Sheshnag kaal sarp yog in the horoscope which can cause various other kinds of problems to the native under its influence. These problems have been discussed in the article named Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Yog. Hence the placement of an exalted Rahu in almost all the houses of a horoscope can bless the native with benefic things and it can also trouble the native with malefic things depending upon the nature of such exalted Rahu and depending upon the overall horoscope of the native. Therefore no conclusion should be made about the benefic nature of Rahu merely by virtue of its exaltation and no conclusion should also be made about the malefic nature of Rahu merely by virtue of its placement in some particular houses of a horoscope. A thorough study of Rahu as well as the entire horoscope is necessary in order to calculate the final outcomes of the placement of an exalted Rahu in some particular house of a horoscope.

Debilitated Rahu

According to Vedic Jyotish, Rahu is said to be debilitated in a horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Scorpio which in simple words means that Rahu becomes weakest when placed in Scorpio compared to its placement in all the other signs. A debilitated Rahu is associated with many bad things by many

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astrologers and it is believed by a number of astrologers that a debilitated Rahu always works negatively in a horoscope and it brings bad results for the native which is not the case in actual practice and a debilitated Rahu can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope depending upon the other deciding factors and overall tone of the horoscope. The word debilitated simply tells us about the weakness of Rahu in a horoscope and it does not relate to the nature of the Rahu in most of horoscopes and accordingly a debilitated Rahu placed in different houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending upon the nature of the Rahu as well as the overall tone of the horoscope. In this article, we will discuss some of these benefic as well as malefic effects which can be experienced when debilitated Rahu is placed in different houses of a horoscope. Debilitated Rahu in 1st House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope can give good to very good results to the native depending upon the overall tone of his horoscope. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 1st house of horoscope can bless the native with some extraordinary qualities like quick wit, wisdom, good to very good speech abilities, a fast processing brain, very good power of observation, analytical nature and many other things due to which the natives under the strong influence of this kind of benefic influence can rise in various professional and personal spheres which require these qualities in order to succeed. Some natives under the strong benefic influence of such debilitated Rahu go to foreign countries due to their professions and some of these natives settle permanently in some foreign country whereas some other natives may keep on travelling to and from many foreign countries. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 1st house of horoscope can also make the native successful as scientist, philosopher, astrologer, analyst, explorer and other professionals of the similar kind. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope can trouble the native with many kinds of problems like

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some natives under this kind of malefic influence can suffer from some permanent disease which can appear right from the early years of their life and which can keep on troubling them, throughout their lives whereas some other natives may suffer from improper physical appearance due to malefic influence of debilitated Rahu in 1st house of their horoscope. Such a malefic debilitated Rahu can also make the native engage in some criminal professions and it can also make the native indulge in practices like black magic and other forms of paranormal activities which are practiced to harm other people and as a result these natives can suffer a lot in the end by virtue of the bad karmas done by them. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 1st house of a horoscope can also form Anant Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Anant Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 2nd House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good results in financial spheres and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of this kind of benefic influence can see good to very good results regarding their income, wealth and finances. The natives under the strong influence of this kind of benefic influence of debilitated Rahu are likely to get sudden financial gains many times in their lives and such natives keep on benefiting from many people and situations throughout their lives. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good speech abilities and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Rahu can do wonderful things by virtue of their speech power and their ability to convince and influence other people through their communication skills and as a result, such natives are seen successful in the professional spheres which require speech abilities and communication skills. Such natives are also likely to

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do very good in their studies and some of these natives can become toppers in their class or group of studies and such a placement of debilitated Rahu can produce scholars and highly educated and sharp people. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good social skills and the natives with such placement of debilitated Rahu are one of the most strongly networked and social people and such natives succeed in their life by virtue of their strong networking and social popularity. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can make the native indulge in bad habits of eating and drinking and it can make the native addict to some kinds of drugs or alcohols which can cause serious loss of health and wealth to the native and in some extreme cases of such malefic placement, the native may get infected with some serious and life threatening disease due to excessive and regular consumption of drugs and alcohols. Such a malefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope is very bad for the financial prosperity and social status of the native and many natives under the strong influence of such malefic placement are seen suffering a lot on financial front and some of these natives face heavy and long lasting financial debts which keep on troubling them for a long period of time. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 2nd house of a horoscope can also form Kulik Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Kulik Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 3rd House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good understanding of the hidden aspect of nature and as a result the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic influence of debilitated Rahu can become successful in the professional spheres which require the core understanding of hidden aspects of something like jewelers, architects, astrologers,

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palmists, doctors, therapists and other such professionals of similar kind who deal with some kind of secret knowledge. A benefic debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can also give very good results regarding the general appearance and health of the native and the natives under this kind of benefic influence are generally seen to have lean and fit bodies and they generally keep fit throughout their lives. Such a benefic placement of debilitated Rahu can also bless the native with great courage and bravery and this placement can also make the native travel to many foreign countries and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement can become successful as sportspersons or police officers whereas some other natives of this kind can engage in some profession which requires them to travel to many foreign countries on regular basis. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good communications skills and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement are generally very good at connecting to people and influencing those people in order to gain benefits from them. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can make the native selfish or very selfish and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this kind of malefic placement have a tendency to cheat other people, ignore other people or sacrifice other people in order to improve the chances of their own benefits and as a result, such natives are generally disrespected by the people and society as they are not trustworthy at all and at times, they can even sacrifice their own brothers and sisters in order to gain profits. The natives under such a strong influence of malefic debilitated Rahu generally have bad relations with their friends and siblings due to their selfishness and some of these natives may have to lose their friends or brothers permanently on account of this selfishness. Such a malefic influence of debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can also make the native engage in some kind of criminal activities or criminal professions in order to get quick financial gains and such tendency of these natives can

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land them in big trouble more than once in their lives as such natives may have to go to prison by virtue of their involvement in such criminal activities. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 3rd house of a horoscope can also form Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Vasuki Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 4th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good results regarding the professional spheres, name and fame and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this kind of benefic placement of debilitated Rahu have very good chances of becoming successful in professionals which have something to do with power, status, name and fame. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can make the native successful as a police officer, politician, minister, administrator, famous doctor and many other such professionals who deal in public, power and status. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good inclinations towards traditions, religion and spiritualism and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement can witness good progress in the fields like religion and spiritualism. Such a benefic placement of benefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with a life of luxuries and comforts and this placement can also make the native go and settle in some foreign country on permanent basis. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can develop negative personality traits in the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such malefic influence can become selfish, self centered, egoistic and very aggressive and they may have to lose many friends and relatives by virtue of these negative personality traits during their

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lifetime. Such natives can also develop a tendency to pick fight with every other person due to their egoistic and aggressive nature and such fights can cause serious problems, setbacks and losses, more than once in their lives. Malefic debilitated Rahu generally gives bad or very bad results regarding the health and marriage of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this malefic influence of debilitated Rahu are seen suffering from health problems and problems in their married life. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 4th house of a horoscope can also form Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 5th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the financial prosperity of the native and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement have good chances of making money through stock markets, trading, betting and even gambling to some extent. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu can also bless the native with very good results in his education and particularly higher education and this kind of benefic placement can also bless the native with a very good character and conduct and such natives are generally very caring and understanding towards the needs of the other people around them and as a result they earn good amount of respect in the society by virtue of their noble characters. Benefic debilitated Rahu is one of the best placements of Rahu in the horoscope when it comes to spiritual progress and connection with the spiritual and paranormal worlds and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Rahu have strong tendencies to engage in spiritual and paranormal practices and some of these natives see very good results and achievements in these fields and some of such natives practice in these spheres as their lifetime professions. The natives under the

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strong influence of such benefic placement can become successful as astrologers, spiritual healers, spiritual mediums, magicians, black magicians, saints, tantrics, and many other people of similar kind. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope can make the native lose money and wealth through practices like gambling, stock market trading and other such practices and the natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement may lose a considerable part of their earned money and wealth towards these practices. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope can also give bad or very bad results regarding the health of the native and the natives under the strong influence of this type of malefic influence generally suffer from permanent health problems or disease which in some extreme cases can claim their lives. Such a malefic influence of debilitated Rahu can also give problems related to child birth and this placement can also cause problems related to professional sphere of the native. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 5th house of a horoscope can also form Padam Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Padam Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 6th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can give good to very good results regarding the professional sphere of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic influence are seen successful in a wide variety of professional spheres. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can also take the native to some foreign land and accordingly the natives under a specific influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Rahu are seen going to foreign countries and settling there on permanent basis or on long term basis. The natives under the strong influence of this type of benefic influence of debilitated Rahu are genrally blessed with

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good speech abilities, analytical abilities, wisdom, sharp insight and the ability to make quick decisions and accordingly such natives succeed in professional spheres which require these qualities. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can also make the native witness financial gains or gains related to wealth which generally come as a decision of some court cases as these natives have a strong tendency to win court cases and litigations due to benefic influence of Rahu in their horoscope. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can develop criminal tendencies in the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement can engage in criminal professions and some of these natives can become notorious on international level by virtue of their engagement in top class criminal professions like drug supplying, smuggling, kidnapping for ransom and other such kinds of professions and such natives can operate their illegal business from some foreign country. Most of the natives engaging in illegal professions due to this strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Rahu in 4th house of their horoscopes are prone to get caught by the law at one point of their life and many of these natives may have to spend long period of time in jail or prison due to being convicted with some criminal offence. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can also give very bad results regarding the financial aspect, health and well being of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement are likely to suffer on all of the above mentioned fronts. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 6th house of a horoscope can also form MahaPadam Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Mahapadam Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 7th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope can give very good

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results regarding the marriage and married life of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of debilitated Rahu are seen marrying at proper ages or early ages and living a happy married life. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu in can also make the native benefit from this wife as well as his in laws and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement are seen marrying a wife who is the only daughter of his parents who possess good wealth and property and such wealth and property is transferred to the wife of the native and such in laws also keep on helping the native regarding his professional sphere and many other spheres. Some natives under the strong benefic influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Rahu in 7th house can marry a person of foreign nationality and such natives may permanently settle in some foreign country on the basis of their marriage. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good results in profession and such natives are likely to do better in business than in service and some of these natives become very successful in their business by virtue of some different and new idea invented by them. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu can give bad or very bad results regarding the marriage and married life of the native and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement are seen marrying very late in their lives whereas some other natives under the strong malefic influence of such placement of debilitated Rahu are seen undergoing more than one broken marriages which generally fail due to lack of mental compatibility between the native and his wife. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native on account of bad reputation which generally comes by virtue of some false allegation but which can also come due to some misconduct of the native or due to involvement of native in some kind of scandal. Such a malefic placement can also trouble the native on account of health related issues, losses through business and excessive indulgence in extra marital affairs which

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can destroy the marriage and married life of the native. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 7th house of a horoscope can also form Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Takshak Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 8th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the professional success of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement are seen successful as professionals like, doctors, police officers, army officers, bankers, people dealing in finance management firms, sports persons and many other kinds of professionals. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu can also take the native to foreign lands and it can also make the native become interested or successful in fields like astrology, palmistry, magic, black magic and other such phenomenon dealing with supernatural or paranormal worlds. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope generally blesses the native with a good health and a strong ability to recover from diseases and health related issues and as a result, the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement are seen living healthy and long life. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems related to marriage and married life of the native and accordingly many natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement are seen marrying late or very late in their lives and some of these natives are seen having bad or very bad marriages which keep on troubling them on account of one thing or the other. The natives under this kind of malefic influence generally get wives who are very argumentative and quarrelsome in nature and such wives keep on harassing and troubling the native on account of small issues. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope can also make the native suffer injuries and surgeries on account of

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health problems, diseases and accidents which can keep on troubling these natives, every now and then and in some extreme cases of this malefic influence such natives can get afflicted with some serious and life taking disease or they can die in an accident or they may be killed in some kind of fight or attack which is not planned and which happens suddenly. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 8th house of a horoscope can also form Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Karkotak Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 9th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the spiritual progress of the native as well as the gains coming from spiritual fields for the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such benefic influence of debilitated Rahu are likely to see good advancement in spiritual spheres and some of these natives may get a position of authority, respect and profit in some spiritual or religious organization. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu can also take the native to foreign lands or on permanent basis or it can make the native travel to many foreign countries on account of his profession and such a native is likely to benefit from such travels. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with success in spheres like politics and police force and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of such benefic placement can become successful as politicians, ministers, administrators, police officers, judges and other professionals of similar kind. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can trouble the native on various fronts of his life and such a malefic influence exposes the native to cheats and frauds and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Rahu are likely to suffer on account of people

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deceiving and cheating them many times in their lives and some of these natives may have to suffer serious financial losses or bad reputation by virtue of some misconducts which have been done by someone else and which have been planted on these natives. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also make the native suffer on account of health related issues and problems related to their professional spheres and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement are seen suffering from various kinds of diseases whereas some other natives are seen facing difficulties in their professional lives. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also form Pitra dosh in the horoscope which can trouble the native with various kinds of problems described in the article named Pitra Dosh and Malefic debilitated Rahu in 9th house of a horoscope can also form ShankChood Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named ShankChood Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 10th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope can bless the native with success in his professional sphere and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement are seen successful in various professional spheres as, doctors, engineers, analysts, discoverers, inventors, explorers, computer programmers and many other such professionals. Such a benefic debilitated Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with good results in the fields like supernatural and paranormal and as a result, some natives under specific influence of this benefic influence are seen practicing or advancing as astrologers, spiritual healers, spiritual mediums, numerologists, palmists, magicians, Vastu experts, psychics and other such kinds of professionals. Such Benefic debilitated Rahu gives good

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results in the professionals spheres which require group activities and such a benefic placement also blesses the native with very good social and networking skills and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of debilitated Rahu are likely to succeed by virtue of engaging in group oriented works and with the help of their colleagues and friends. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope can make that native prone to engage in illegal professions and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement can become involved in smuggling of some kind, drug dealing, gambling, kidnapping and other such criminal activities which make these natives earn bad name for themselves and their families and which can also make these natives suffer from some kind of punishment which has been given to them by some court of law by virtue of their involvement in criminal activities. The natives suffering from this kind of malefic placement of debilitated Rahu in 10th house of their horoscopes prove very tough criminals if they engage in criminal activities and some of these criminals prove a big headache for the law enforcing agencies of their country and many other countries. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope an also make the native suffer on account of professional setbacks and delays and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement may have to undergo various kinds of problems related to their professional spheres. This placement also gives financial concerns primarily due to poor management of funds and some of these natives may have to face serious financial crisis more than once in their lives. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 10th house of a horoscope can also form Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Ghatak Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article.

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Debilitated Rahu in 11th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding professional success, financial gains and overall status of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic influence are likely to be blessed with good professional success and good financial gains which can come from profession and which can come from some other sources also. The natives under the strong influence of this type of benefic debilitated Rahu are likely to form big organizations of people and they are likely to succeed as the leaders of such organizations where such natives lead from the front and rest of the people follow them. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with a position of authority and power in some government organization or some private organization and such a benefic placement can also make the native travel to many foreign countries on the basis of his profession. The natives having this kind of benefic placement of debilitated Rahu in 11th house of their horoscopes are likely to have good sense of business, good judgment abilities and they are well balanced and disciplined in their approach and all of these qualities help these natives in achieving success in their professional sphere. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope can cause problems in the married life of the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this type of malefic influence may have to face various kinds of issues in their married life like some of these natives may have to stay away from their wives for a very long period of time on account of their professional demands whereas some other natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Rahu may have to suffer from infidelity or loyalty issues from their wife’s side which means that the wife of such a native may engage in some extramarital affair and she may either bring disgrace to the native or she may leave the native due to such extramarital affair. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native on account

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of losses coming from his profession, unwanted and unavoidable expenses which can lead to financial crisis at some point of time, some health related issues and many other problems. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 11th house of a horoscope can also form Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Debilitated Rahu in 12th House of Horoscope : Benefic debilitated Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional success and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this type of benefic placement are likely to do well in their professional spheres and some of these natives can get a position of power and authority in some government organization. Such a benefic placement of debilitated Rahu can also take the native to foreign lands and accordingly some natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement are seen going to foreign countries and settling there on permanent basis. Benefic debilitated Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can bless the native with good qualities like wisdom, optimism, perseverance, leadership ability, the ability to properly assess every situation and many other good qualities and the natives under such a benefic influence generally use these qualities to climb the ladder of success. On the other hand, malefic debilitated Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in various spheres of a native’s life and accordingly some natives suffering from such a malefic influence may have to suffer from professional setbacks and downfalls whereas some other native suffering from such a malefic influence may have to face issues related to their marriage or relationship issues with their own parents or siblings. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can make the native egoistic, adamant and selfish to some extent and the native

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may have to witness various kinds of problems in different spheres of his life due to these negative qualities. Such natives generally do not care about the opinion of their well wishers and the ethics of good and bad once they have decided to do something and due to this reason, such natives are prone to see downfall from a top position, more than once in their lives. Malefic debilitated Rahu in 12th house of a horoscope can also form Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Yog in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of various kinds of problems which have been explained in details in the article named Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Yog and the interested readers should read this article. Hence the placement of debilitated Rahu in all the houses of a horoscope can bless the native with benefic things and it can also trouble the native with malefic things depending upon the nature of such debilitated Rahu and depending upon the overall horoscope of the native. Therefore no conclusion should be made about the malefic nature of the Rahu merely by virtue of its debilitation and no conclusion should also be made about the malefic nature of the Rahu merely by virtue of its placement in some particular houses of a horoscope. A thorough study of the Rahu as well as the entire horoscope is necessary in order to calculate the final outcomes of the placement of debilitated Rahu in a particular house of a horoscope.