szrBsssSitmtAJBt. THK NKWYORC MJN, , kaa cri'fcjii mtttm,t (ad Baa SM IV'f' MU4 4MikM adee A. IMfllll1l by fjarytan, a (a. ul uui a ouabttb ufirm rma win. M" "" "all. Few ttollere year. AMa fllaamlaaLa. aa..a... .... .- -- A M COPIKH PIS DAT. . Ttn wkmlt m 'J .baonUie. M .!. nte Mat m w; Hmika, til elndleonple, Mais. p4 .- - MM grew, to Inkandtag rcraortbees. "tub tun, 0mii f hi and Km RewTork. " ,J'- - TlHsMMllJ ,. BllFlClALrLOrVER MaKCRS Wanted n.u,n um , , 10 iir J end eslac 4 EH ITBSNTiCR WASTf.D-AL- SO IK. ' '" lbs mllll.erv and re.raali. A. ' Hrrt klutreB ma-i- t fr tn t velook e,'a,i lOl'at'tV lIiK-- M i CA 1 U Wa tThb e waruin. lid. iwr.lhim- - tt In eiajl f.iuHr i boi ik.br li aaeelh. old. 1 WAfllf tttaaafe. wob fne lee. ware., .tad re ee. (,e'lored4rrN4. T 'Ireeavf.at MM .ttVANTS V ANTtU, IMaED'ATLY All Era etaa seerta. uorwHIAli eie UUIA van lite .iraaltn... Iiua.a. I. aar a ..: tawe mumi uowia aa, auina enilaa, WiiBoUt If F wtavtorar, bv SPlnl'-- 1 Tlllarr at r m va. Ptaa WHC1S1 ICWISO UACUUEd WANTED, l Uiala " iwaaaiaaa VT1 nlai a Wl.nt haiaaa. ' taaiavf rtMhlnra, kr eneef tba J4aM.lD.rt.need , '! Bl OUT I aauCH all UBk Of aUleblaa. aaalna. Mlbaa. tonkin, anaaia ana taaranah ata t of n anii ( aiaobluai aoj ravta. aadr4 W) x4 aUana fat tl. Taaal aaoUnf (to iraara, Mai M aaataMI M V iiaaal at, oral la aklUim-M- EWlhU MAUiiJlL ttaVMlBU LaVUlK k. bar Is taataaa M aaaaara, Tkaalw rikaai !. lavaawta. afaflUtaaa anal jnallaa t&U ntiakat ml all Ika aai aia aal avar aart - - imnt tmamnrntaf to alasaa wMaj luruat ainai tat taaa aaa to k kafMf 4IW.at7 iiimw ?Lf a U4 AS af.ar al. ia.UH.laa. ifiritu AAcUaMBo-ffavirrK- D rxv Waj 7aHbllllakaMaaaaai atma. aarfa mU. Taraai aaa, aat vtatttaa oa all kteda rk. Uaaaoai aaan k laara Mm aaatalaoa traAs aaam at tax. m ruanaa, u la. aoi. 1UMm X, KT HUES WAN I.O-WI- TI1 A Frwh ' biaatof a'1. In a fatal I r, laanalfk- - c"tji aataraaa or arafMrad: tnt n at I A4 a bnia h llHnaallil b 44. Paat lit. 4 Uar, Kw York. Mnft.1 10KIT8 WAKTKD-- TO BILL PACK-- -- an tr atat In. at arlaaa aaa Iblri aithaaaaab aurebaaad . oll aa ar aoV va (Man a aaloloaafl) J, ImBAUIaIii;. IO UOon "U aa M.l.4aa 0KN1S WANTED, 108KLL ASArttrr oar-- r aataww fat TraraUra. 4 pair to 0. W K kT, rtlChaUamat. 1W,I 1LKBK WANTID-T- O ATTEND A V PaloA alorat ana vko baa a knowlalaa of Uatlac. an4 ean noma vll raaommida4. llb nma i ha aald. plf allka Fatal mwa.4Jl RA000HS WANTED F03TIIKU. 8. 'Armr-ttao- d. ., vita rallona aa4 elothli f la land.aea alUwad lo aaoh -- l Uar. for aartlc lira oolra at la Balann at ar I (.laxowlak at K. H. AUL4. rl al Liral M Caralrr, raarulUng oOaar. apa xaaarioi iirlU PAI'KS flT.A7.ltnl WANTED Kxtailnaead ltlataork oaaUim pa-- T alaiafi llluit. IISTJ anf.TiTaim w Aai Tin rmfxniATKLT. ) krUk irw, KM aatlaa aaam. Far tnm 111 la far aaonta, wra Doara, ainuuma. mm. alN ak'IMaatM AT1TVUS BAIf TUAHTIU BAT1HU0 BAH4, V cn AT AM fQCABB, . hnrf, ilaTS-- ti r- - otlrbr April fird. will draw iotrl filiimtdt Lf VSOTKBr SATUias BAJTK, No. 1 Tklr Uan,M. mm. naoatt.maaoorkafor.tli4 4frM arlll baar btavail troo Ibaldato. Bank n aaUrtmaa 1 tvaa M 9Ja ana an Maoaar, rf a LT.ilTH.Ba iau,,HIUjlia,l is.iia.ia Loet niLL having bank, oornib EV a lk . a4 IMin.i aaaa aaHr froaa 1 to 1 a. Waaiaaaaan ana Baamxaara anaj I a. aa. ua arai frua lu aaoat la tAeuO raeajraa, Intarart at oarataaf fcaar aan atu ba aila4 an nnofajMM oaar. warn uh "k"', " ia dtwaiinin tnmtm lat RICUABO a 'Cu. roiSD ATXjrus oatinob bank, LL fJOBMXB M AVB. IU IT. CHUTIUDim, IT PKB CklMT. UTIUallT alllMatofenaaMiglaU H M HMO- - aaOuoara, a. aaaiiaaMiiaiaoaiokkanaaitanitno AriOa will. ian niTnaii rmoa Aran. It. BankitwnallrCrm luwa,alMMi aiooaar, man. 1 - - uj auanaaaa avanln.a twntn A la 4 a'aloam. r riir E. ?'. rr" OtHXLI.abMry, hMMM'lM " rTNION DIKK 8ATTNQS BANK. 4 1 U Canal at, anr c. Tarlak : aa. Aato froaa llJ A, M. xlulfTOBlUtr. K;4nlufil10aaaU to J O.Ai. rafaroal l alx aar araX Intotaal aUowad aa i ramaafiMS ani nndar, and Ta oar aont oo Uffa I aiMTaWkanaiT4oaaaMlt41d,lS00l WOirC. Pirn tobJBIAaa-- KiOMX AND FOVIW. CEBTIFICAtKS LOST CERTIFICATK I lakxaartUa.ta No MI, iTaabamaf uoiuaiianaia. Kn. a U rabr (traa '15atlTiigttftha.aMat.aa-- f b ITjU aa. aaaU-i- ar anaarttAcakM. Marah, I., LOST-A- 10 U WARD LOST W4 la Uroakln, aa Baadar, Marab 11th. la Ilaa-- ar Clifton aH, a fold watch aad ekala Tka nr rfU raerlra . aboT raaajd It laarlnjtlailgl Baona,rraakiTa. (UM PKB8U.HAK1 flOTICEi". BOUNTI LaJI-ULDIE- K8'. SAILORS, elalim far kauntr land, aanaaona, mm, ii . araaaaikd br tna anbaarlbar la all aaaaa a fca. t Jid aUIn axlata, Parttanlar attoaUaajrtTaa alalaa. OAUflN W. aOfd..aW tSataVof Caanban Caaabaai aibil4Ug nOITNTT LANDS. 4c S3LDIZR3. O Mlloi. aad ota-- . aha ha. aarrad ra aar al tka .ka.latkatv wairaaaa bv aaalvlaa at fci van, can T" " "T. 7..S.. Ti I aaaao at. blo roltan. U.K. BaA(Wnf..iaKaay (or Unltai Mala, alalaia. akl tdaafldd DRAWDIO PIN. PKNSIONS-WTDO- WS aal P.b to, 1M, or (. 1 W, HlVUrn vkoaa Uad7baTa baaa UUad or dW tofila. markaaraaaaalhlaa totoaU adTaataa. kr raTtm a tka aabnrfaar m tka aantkaaal aaraar COAYKtj C0' AL FOR SALE-IDS- T LANDID, OF ajailai anainr, nua. aunakla in rurouaa, , atiiraa, and raaaaa, at Ik. loaaat (tab prloa, al aattkttakad aoal raiii. 1 D.lana.y at eori kat. (.ies.4 C0 COAL, COAL. 9 Jad BuSlaH1 VaUAADiriLL. 0.. OOAL. COAU tin. Bouaorr -- . aaa. LTB. taraaaad aad fiaa ha Haia: fuU .watt" of inoil Ika. antra nlaal ka 194 Wtoktojitoa AwtoTTtwrr . -- ibl-. aa am I aia. imj naaaaiTar, aa. laaavaau. UOtdaanU aahaaUa.llVTaaal SUPERIOR IN QUALITT J totaaaofthaaaalioldijitblaaltf, tadtraan4 hwh.1. Ina r.a,ll. n.a. Iilifllai.d AalliM.I alia.. Suggjg! tiS&tnTESbZ piOAL-- AE USUAL, 0V TUB BES ITJBMOTAL THE NEW T0KK DTTNO v AND rwjfn l aoaaaataaHri waai aa M Ttaana awaat .into aoJaka att tr- - MmiTflm ptmrnrimWYii, . r4nMra, bwl,laH,V TO LHT. OLACKSMITn AND WIUCtLWlIOaf AJ .bof to M, 1V WatlMkM,tratoaad M taraira M .AMak MeOABB. rrvoaAl H"aaL rHyNlRT8r.AT lO LIT OR LE4SI- -. "N 0 iar. 1 kauaa aoi.taiuiad I raoaM, bn ktna. aJ aall. f a ..-- ...-luT- ..r ..a ' alpa1rMI(aati.UMaUaLkara..v. I'M boon, and oUwr oat boUtlaaa. vOI b. tot la. ptrar.rarrarata. Tka alaM U wltbla 100 rarda at tha laatoia. fn-a- aalsb th aUlaabatb wt farrr bta taa rrom S alloal, a aa, oattlda'.v.k.fj. m, frt m flr Na N. rt birw li. V. rw titikttu. ttoul. r lialra 1 O. 4. POa r. 4 Co , Ontar Dun, .. .. .. . . i.i pwiar a i.r,a ivit.v. n 1 a 111 0C3" AbUQARDANTULirAT FuAT l ataHnn, Xoathvn RS.KJI m(a-a- m aa k fara d r.t: bnrta.a4aar(i.i vnaabnr.a loavf rntlv ArrtrtoA ll KtNMI ll,ldraaKIl'UrUlat tw.HOB tiat Ui prwln. e.l't,I HUUSX TO LET OR FOR 8ALI-- T0 .rwHil or I. tot bau . aad ..j. tl Vatnal ib. I. 6t. lata la.all.ofir a .Miakttura, Urinal JAA VT. fAULK. lit llr aaa... fc.'BiU aUtTaXlO Mtr-T- HE UITER 1'AKi BrMaa. at ar. .lUillta f "8 raniaa, ralb'a fcr a boarr InaSi m rr atlrit rita-- r la tratraranrdnr l!iailOr4a atrr. K.i.1. (s Apalf MB. VAtt AA-t- ll', 111 Canal at. al Brvlila.f. (,1.1,4 HOUSE TO I.nT FOR S;j-- A SUALL 2 his, altk banvma, andar rliar and atit. cmiUlnlna f room, wtti .u, r.rdaa la frmit, i;jcliutiat, rKardrin-l- . i'.bt awn froia U till 4, by .pplrlm at Kb CUutun at b.1 lit HOTEL AND UtLLlAKD SALOON TO Uto-- A Hot. I aadWOIod loon at ltNnulif.ii.it d t. M.tr aalltaa U II.. faai.boiiai.tMand ttlt'a'Ml.t r.Ml a.cbj houaj . tiutb h at, r nl 1fr aputaianki t. ! , laaa-- r.. Mulr. of r MNNKHH,.IU-Barro- a at. .larwr (4t, at iy'r oek A. U. aad a I'. If. and at i Wall at. W. Y , atll M C.l I HOUSE TJ CKT Ok LEASE ..N torma-T- h. I it try bilck dwaVlar ana aad irronara Mora on Broad n? , iwtk Mi taa kotia. la taaanwal mm anfl ha. aU tha raadarn taaroT.aaata Mna.ldf atordbaj. aa.. attains an tiarhar trcpaiaiai aUa alalia brick fard bmMkdldalia -- Ar.lr at P. Udiea. Mank.taaratlla, N. T ,1HCWA H. Aa, TV LIT Oh LEA3t ONH mbto bona, aad aaraan aa I'uualna aaa ant 1 va. ftukl .noaaa a.al f .rdan tn Uraadaar, Broak natrtlh alabtoa an axoalanl fruit aabuUialara. iW t 14 and t aalliai rroaa. fania raiiraaa. a l bau r.V.i". riajroat aaaaMa aaoaa,M ttat .""IF" i aaaa uavta a. what 14aa.lk LiT TO LIT OR LKA4K-- 25 FEET BT Ha iAMaaaJ . - - n.Ak.lla w wr ainw .Tia,- - ! aKlirraaajaj vtiBing Orptiro Aafimn,a tbl fi mftoa'fto-iArlm- busM Ib..uIpm it u Pinrtii .. fi.- - isTii iiMi 1 -, a avanKua av.iaa w.af utA, a)(ll(V r iaUT B00M- S- Adl tTXADTPOWKB BY JOHN OiCDU, )M WAlljUtTa rTl' Bib toklSI.Sla. UTANUFACTUBINO PREMISES TO LET I'Aabaap-T- h. aitotialra Muuftetailat Kwalaaa lo. MtndMVTaoatarat, torathar. aastrata, or la tor. aa may b. rrqnliai tka. U1 b. lat Trr law for ifciataar AMI. al II TTatamar K w aaoraaa 11a- - JOB THOMPSON. I.HM oooMSToLET wirn or wrrnooT l ptv.r. In Iba . bulMlaa, oaraar Matt and IbaUfMa Applr on tl rnmltaa, ClUt SHOP TO LET-- A LARGE SnOP. TWO tuitIM ft, paaialM lmiullalal. N. Tl tod It4 Charla. at. Abo a front bulidUm, lBit" Ia.1: kdtllt4U. Woul4naAaAOc4faadatora. Ir Hli. on tba pramtaaa. A.1MI CtX)RE AND ONE BOOM TO LET WITH O llTlQaaartniaaU,lf rratred, wlthlartaahtv .lidaw. mit.ala for .atfcaUonarr, or tntUlaarf ar t . lltht bmloaat, vitb Itataadlala liiinaa, If ra. ml a4. luqolra al 4M Uadaoa ik aa aaaiDlad h a hj.UJTfttra. a,tBi,o IKaM POWER TO LET 8TEADT pjwar. tHih larf. and am all. vail lltbtod raaaa. tprir to ABM. BAiTMOLr, U OoU jt. IM .Jota, d la taa. kWUaltT CTE.M POWER TO LET AT TUB EM- - O air ar. w a Itoat 4tb rt I raaB. ww.44. faatj aviM mm Ibaaaaat bona rrwar. errr.t.pt, CrTKAJf POWER TO LKAIK FOR A Trm - id nan, l.aatod aa WMblattoa M, msbw m. karlaaaaar knlldtaaa Mad Aaak la tri.k baa baaa I71- - -- T " -- f aiaaah. t ad oallto a k. naad Idt irrtadlaf tor aaftoad,a. aaBafi . all .aar ka toraaj lato a rlaaiaa m towaTdUiatotaaaaibarof aaaaa. Into frjotlaaha jKwTJta nicnrifaa to nrp AKaTrai ialb Wbaaur m wuana-a- , ttaiiakl i1 IbLfftoa-rC-Xi- to. A radnaad rain. Inatraottoa ritao. rartM. aaaaramaaaiaa ai tna B.T. iKWlMII MACUINB KMPOUTJM. DiMbMaoiM MBroadnr,rBrooaMrf. TO LET TO MANUFACTURERS, MA. A ahloliU and othara-Po- ar flasn, Chris, wall uihtod, wtta tba.aa. or awam annna aad ahaft. lur. UI M Mrrtof, t4TBaal. 4plr to J UT D0UO11TT, lM ltoawri mnmrtl aibl,t4aalal AdKnUBmAKi MVBUtWJM, RUSnES OF EVERT DESCRIPTION D al BHl SH FACT08 Y, IW Poarl at, Haraar bslldlaaa AllartMa. al raaanaabla prioaa, k.U iLtoaaTraUU. JOUM K. UsrrKUM P-- ar CARDS t 1 1 tba rira Fir Praai i 8,000 Urtt, baadMara uara. tar ao i anxia ltai at auau ataaa- kUMI. of J.b Prtatlaa HMntoaurwr. J?.W bTUBB4B,lltJAaaA BUI aaaa-ia- a kD ZELLTJ TarTara NERVINE POWDERS," hlove or traoMa deect. Mar ba itrmjaakiMwa to fna arlnkan la Onffta, TarUiur. Tf arraaaW parfaa07 banaJaa. Urrm r-- r aaia al Diaf ttora, aac Manat kad DtrtoWa toa. Sfc BEACHI BOOK nORB. IH aUbth atba 1TB Pnltoa aL BATTS-N- a. tit Broad at, Kawark, N. J. AJie or Ann. rait :a it Am nnl.f.ftiL. uTy? &m w1-- 6 rwaaiV1- - G BET'S ORRIS TOOTH PASTS I racB cvnti m box. 1 Ika bad danuulw for tba Taatb, arar prodaaad. Al a alwaarr and boautlfltf fttltlwari injur to ma raaaa or Uaraal It ataada onrlTauad. tl ba. no bam batar iba aublto orr fooxtora, ma, and durlnd Ual tbna not an. aurd of kaabaaa aaada,bul ootba aactrarr, ...rr ana ipaaki of It. marralloia iroaeruai hi U. MAMt Iprroa. All aba .alaa thidr taeU. aa tba took, af.lnavhlta knab, ahaold aol mit try lud thla utlela, aa a. ar. aoa&tfeal tna all! Dal lad It Id iba toaat OTrrrttad. Manuracrnnd and for aala, abolaaila and rntall, bf J. B, OABY, aoraar Mrrtaa tad rrankUn arai Proaklr, and t iaaanl An. aararriulbat.MMTaak. Aril for MlWamaharrS. J. I Bnaat, M twth luialat. for rato br Vrofdmt aaa aaaaraow KINDUNO WOOD JO CENTS FOB 10 proa aad aak k tba load altl , Uiardtootofaaalndit, Alliltoft OULUBB. .1111.' TXAKTBOOnOF EVERT IDBSCRIP. mm iwa AmLswrrS Br J. aaiila HAafrii AkfO c: WOI ton '-- viar -r-- T T EAKT ROOFS CUEED-MOOK- E'S .haapaataad bart la tba arid, rrtnalaal ofnia 15 Bio-tu- a, Braaoh.moM aDJanaayatii. ValUo ar.Braaklra. AUaadar ir pa prompUr tljandadto. 411 wart wkrxkataA SKIRT SPRINGS aUBT MATBBJALa, VABNaaadWAKPfl. aU,4.. TMOA A CVTVm. td Ottfl A CTRAW HATS-TA- KB NOTICE LADIES. O atoal t blooojar. of Btnw kaU b'MeriW, i cWatlon. to U lrto, tbVajT ataa? XxaaUiar Bli taotorr, IN Broom . MM frna Aitomar, Jn, QPICTACLEa GOOD AND CnEAP Wk aaazaartoaaad raatial aaAiaua. 4akla4af ffaa QPECTACLES GOLD, SILVER, AND O atoal naatoalaa, itoaMaaoM And rtowa, anan KawliwMauMa,aaato laaiarna, nrrartad aad aaflaaan. Bt tlANTMD 10.000 LADUta lt IaaJC annual faniHrMMwi waoiM mft kato alaaaad ka4 raaad k "ar. naaaraai - mmm . SfkTJant. '"JSJh r., "'- -' T H .M A mLm9m9mW2.m99mm2n!l1mm&m?m9mWimm SUN. NUMBER P069 . NKTf YORK MONDAY; APHII. 8. lfWl PRICE ONE CENT THE NEW YORK SUN"- - M0NDAT MORNING, APRIL . 1M1. AawlaAaa B In n gartoaaa. Tub political aarj,uf whtck dleUtad J, AU'Hlaa of fatfJora la IHtoi, U tha graatdlt nd molt ttcslucant araot of tha daf, kit .ar pw4 in laleraat tna ,j ij,, p,, Amtrkaa rT!utlon In which w. tr. larUrml. It Inron'l 0,tslKmplr wth a rllnlty aal lttret prtA'er Ihaa wouM U Accorded to It by tit OOCqitSt Cf A prOTihOa, 0f th ipnliatlon Of A klnndfin. WhtU (rootl man .rfrjrhtr. cm Bit fkil to frjnlrt At k ct tlitt trill al.VA'O foilf mti'.iV.i of Ih.lr laUow UlnAt la Ik. a) of h.ii.ni'T, It 1U t tVi tiiaa tim ha rrgarj! I.jr foraifu nitlau wltli a c.tUln Jo. poa of ! out fcf It wi'I matrjt itni d. Jop, rritA'l nd oIUcaII, a ro- -; whnt implr li mor tlun tlc tho ): of Catapa, And coraprUiiz onaieratth ptrt t ill the had on tha haMtabl kIvIm. With ronrnmnuto lAKtcitr anj (tA'.imtt. ahlp tli Rot.ian mparora hire li poriolr.i th nrcMitr of mnclptlnn th rf, rvl prrpand th waj for It by RTtlutllr .nUrn tha frWUfRtA of tha crown krrfd, and iacraa. (ok their Btimbar And inilu.nc. Th mttt (Mwcfful l'UeU to ba OTerctn wi th op. potlllwo of th nMi who orpou 1 1. tha lilltor end A moaanr giUlnjt to tbair prid, and dtitfsctir to thair prxtiniAry lntorasti. Th Mwty mAscIptd arfi will ant b Inllffer.nt to th fact that thy owe all thalr priyilral U tha faror of th Czr, and thai la RumIa, inotlitr Furtpiicointrii, will nt up tfcit (wntlmrmt of riiul lor and traditional lor klty to th ni(iln,j farailr i di1li9a.lt to it andwitood b Atnerlcmi. Tk ciKiditloa of rft In RumIa, hai y.r. 14 la amu Mceoodln nlgn. Tha ijttata wai oriirlnaily detlgno.1 to chak U non4!c ten. iarjcle. of then wikJrrlnu rictt, and they wr protoctad by Uwl whloh diprirad thair ownari of tho power to condemn them t death, At 4 prTobtad Um ir Ulog traforrl from th . Utta to which tfeay UloaKed. Out u lata 11 tba jearlSli, they could be lild And lArteraJ away with th land, and Pktb. th Great Mid ibat "K'lAt rnliery aroM In Uusiii, bactiM th pr.'inU cbuld b bought and i.ld like cat Ut." 1 be Emperor l'Atrt. RTaatly Ainetloratol th cMdltlon of thi aerf by limiting the tatk-wer- to b perf jrmul on the owneri eittte to threo days in the wot k j and It wte oftenato th lateraet, bothf the Mrf and the ma iter, to aommut thti lAbor, for monayj'piya Bat. Under thtd lyitera Ih tweallh And krartanc.or the aartl rapid! increMd,An 1 li . riM uuutbA imairrni'O for then't kltkrcoth wbol prlieof an tatilt to th' ImptotlilrDt muter t aroid peaainK under tl a aaetiooMra hlmmar to ..rarer Urkmattrr A Ilm Umpaiora favored thla condition of thlnitt, aal tuiely Kr tba Crown peaaanMauoi uukaial ptirilegealhtt Ih viaaalaon prlvat. wire alwaya daairoui to piai nnder the di ii.li.l.m of tbeC'xar, AlBxttrnta I, t ftl liti.1 the trAnaf.r, aaUUiahad loalllutiona to: he purrr of ler.rllnj; miney At high ntea of nurr.-- . to tba Dobl.a, ar.-u- by t"ir fer't .ad UnVr, and at th proper moment b weal I 1 ir and niMa Ih. aeuui la lb Cr.w Ua.. T hie aucctod ad on well that at tha fern. mancamant of th praamt J aar, oat of 42,00),. 000 of earfe, ona-hal- f balongad to th Crown. Iaoonqancof th hostility of tha par. aooi to whom Albxaitdkb II. waa bilged to ntrnat th dculla of mAocipAtlnn, tba ma. ra did not Uk aOTact until th l"th of March. In axchADgt) for lb rlr,ht of property In th arfa, thair owneri will recein an Indemnity, peyabl partly la bonda, aacand for a numoer of 1 eara on th aetataa of th crown, aad part. lyW monej, whJU at th urn tim their till to I heir landed property will b preeorvad. A earUln portion f land, howerer, beloit ao canlail M each aerf, togathar with th houto la which no lireA. fh purthaao of part of thla land la obligatory on th erf, at A fixed plica, and if b wlahoa A larger portion It mult be obtalnilby print treaty with tha proprie- tor. A consld.rAbl DWtinn are eiiiramid la trade, and tawee raguUtleoj do not, of couraa, tly to tbajp ii m A Gttmin'i Ttttmeny. A young Gorman aid thai he bad barn under iba pow.r of rraal taa.piatloo,botkb la4.o4 aaa. Him rary ertckad J.ou(r mea. In b!t( Inend abiui, ha fot al length Into one tf Ih charitable Initltutloae of l.Yark, la II they kali prayer asaeUafe. Al oaaof Ibter, hleaye araaed I b optntd to ae kuxMlf, and h kmeled to pray la hi owa txw, a eooa u he ooald l to II after the maNlaf . He auldfilBOlliklcrpaaoith.n. Sikcwanllalo a. ihapal all aloaa, aad Ikare he LnMlildiio aad welmed all hi alne t ) Old, an! bay re 1 film, forCbtlat'eiakejlo lorjlte bin. He had a won. daifulylewof Iba lore of Chrlat ta tlylp. VJiire his, whIU lhr oa hla knee, thi ww a Uatl not than an weak dt aad now he ka. uaapaaa, abla J iy, and hat k4 eter ilnce. rreytr aeoiruf DltMurjtQtnmli.X apeaker la Ik meetlag aald ha wae from PMuaylTkoU, aal wlabed lo ipaak of an. war. lo pryr fur Ik othar. lie eald hi want IbIoa place aad Urrairad, M liar you any preyer meetlag her !" "No,"lh po;' aaawered, - we are ao cold IbalwtlklnkllUofaoaaelolrylokar!!, W had prayet meatiag, but tl mat with ao miua oppcaition thai w nn 11 (p. Idwdtoma of Ik udfta of Ih placa cam ao4 brok 11 ap.a Thla waa truly dlatouraglag, tm datormlnad lo do what I could, I raaoirrd lo pray rayeelf and I eegagoi elhera to pray. W bagaa our prayer avMUagi We prayed lor Uoae atad.ato. Tola wa IbiM weak ag. Raw, out of M whe war eg" l breaking up taa.fcraiw'Braaar meeitag, II atttafuUy ooorartod, DacLDia or IlaArnntrsM, An Englleh Oaptlit mlaaioavy la Orlaaa, mike a tUtement la regard to tha great IdoU trouafaatlTAl of tbAt part of India. Ilia worda aret To aaay roaaambar nj nuntloniaa whaa al botaa, Ibal the Ual Hma I aetaa4a4 Ike J uggaraaah feaHral, tha car waa abandoned by the paopi and left a iba road. A fw day. go I waaito m acaepeAa4 eipewelto we Iwa eera,aad waa tola tuaa on la to old, aad, wtu rward 10 tha olkar, U aa aald Ih prprtor oould aol affj4 th ul fa lo Ik Brahin'nt. B u thla la All Miad. Taa troth la, thai Ik paople bare growa too wlee lo aeaka baart. of tl.iuaalfM bydrag.l.g Ik car, and Ikue I bare Ural ta aaa at aal 10 tha wieg ag aad JK(rblb fatau It the oae and nana place; aad alagalar tnougk I bar. war no baa of Jiweraain offaral for aala. Fornverly there weoa I labv tkaa tba god mutt be eadly cnia of fetor." HA cixbotmak BamtrLT ivtitid to apnl rw Sand y 1 And preath, In th aontharn put of New Jtntf, eent In rtaaat to th PoIIa. delphU iwon 1'jayar Mtottuc f prayer In lf of hi efforta. Thereetilt k 1UU1 ai fol kw-i- i Ta4ntoVl whealwea preachbg I could aal aolaaanlry la my The aesi day lita girl wa'Teywa aid came tone and tL "O.elr, what aiuatldito lor Jni.? 01 the nail day aickl cam., aol girl asd bnya, but aaa Bod wvmen. Inquiring altar Iba way of lll. on Iba next day elxtoaa earn, and a a lb day afur altralyawa,aalll lb parlor af tba panoa. aaa wnud aol hold ak.auinkarafanil.ua ami. MekUur ealfaMnai I Ufa tba tilaaa. aait uiavi.. ne-ito- a laver from lb patow Ulitog ma that la. qutrrre were UN enrnlag, aod thai aiaay oalat were aaoiug jaaua. Ab ImrTAsca op Faith. A hundred doL ltr bank-no- t, recently contributed at the Dlonmnald atreet church, Boaton, contained tba following Inaoriptloa To an wko aaau poaaaw tun lot 1 n. ueaabar Ibat Mrtohaa tok to IbwiaalTai wlaga. To pi. ml ovaar, Jaaoary 1, 1S41, Ihliiklaf klaiaalf worth eaeaikl thonaanda, agraaa to oaArlbut Ibid aaanum to Iba mttoleeary cenaai but wtabla tana waeka all waa goaa, uxt la falBlltar thla pladga be UUMaaoor naa. "Hathal giretk k the boar tothtletoa. Aa larmiL 8tt.ecr.r. A a uy lafldal eea Tr.m with a circle cf laiiiea, waa kltoptiOd to bring thrta tulola him In d.njiog tha exliu ktmof (Irrt. Htleg with pe r.eceat, he gar rant to Ml fealla.iof dlaaenolntmaot and .rxatton by kaying, ' I did Ml imaaln that In thla loon I aim hcal,l hay th kenaf of I Dot rWl.rtrg In Hod" " Tea ar not riaraa, elr," laid th ml treat f th mtnilon ray boras, my drat my cat, All bar that honor with y-- aaly ttreaa poor brute, hate U honor act t tif f thair Abame." I be P.palaitoa af tbeettalaaad tbaCMyaad C'aa.ly af Maw Tark, The Prealdant af tba See it haa nratontad t that l1y tba fallnwinoj ttnular etatamemt. h 'tloic the tV'Mllt'lon tf tba.l.l.ti. cnantla. rrcrirait fntn Jma . K'ntruri Fii., cf the Cennu Department, la I reevlutio. tf tie.Vr.u. Aitri .... Itlllt.o r'U tt'tof l'ICMy . Il.se llittMe ...10 8117 blvtue W fli Id ittnit . ..Ilea. taneaigiia. . Ok;hav.. . ..fl.lll Cj. i4fraai. ...ttTIT Ch.'HU.. , M!MU),wee T.U Cm.au tieiTloago bo,llf Crana.to. .. . 4'l.3 P ittum Unit CHna , 11 7.1" O mii fij m lltimrte... . IWiUii.l,.r 1I8M f, I.MI R rkmond I 411 Dlawra 4tttTlRfkia.il tiV4tt Kuwlaat C4 Vltt Mwraoe. IH.4I4 l 141 111 garuora M.TII !. . HMIlla'Dfi'lOl ... Ill.anl Pi.aaiia.. . . li Ma ao tokaria. Utile IMeiMjQujW 11(140 Geaette. li,iwo. H,13 OrMti. ... 31,3nalirn .l.H llMntltr. . . e4'Hw,a 41 111 . 4H.KI Hnl'ltao, .. 31 aSS-rao- a fA.Wt Tl t,TI Kie. f;l rnitAln. 11411 L w . HI'I t'a r..,,. .,, T'!,j:e l.''0ta0 . ... I IMC ey.,r.n . . , It 411 M.'leoa 41 rW. Mbtrilm 4SI I Hotro. lrnsen riya 41 tat y . 10 i; Wartoboator , V 4Tt ! Yitk. R1SI5 vraomlna St.VdT Mittaia .. Mlli T.to. JO.t'Jl T' r..-- : I,WTU r rtt tTioa or ma notfitrr or aaw ti ac, Wtnlt. WhiU. CWir.t, TM rutn U.iDO til 11,111 aennd 1411 ti IW Tbtid a I 111 t4 1.761 H.unk KIU46 d II VI4 Kibb vn.1.14 1,101 Will Sxlk IS.Iti Jit 9ii.M a.rh ID fit III M.vtt! Bgblb ID AM t.tCS 21 400 Ninth 43VC1 44 419 Tenia hh r.io ie.rt4 K. Tenth M4i 114 60 MO Twalfik KSiGJS Vfl IT PM Tbltkaaih, 13 410 POT II.VIT F.uitoMitb ITftil 1 til Jt.iwo PlAanJb Vlia-.- 'l TCI 515 5 II xuaa.it lirr.t C,(r 41 ITT 8nentetk TJU0 J' 9 TIVBI F. alumib TTfTO ri-- i M 4C, NiBetteatk, IT.evl ri .v. Twaatleb CO U0 1,414 rT.III TwMa.flr.l 4'Ml 3rd 49 01T Twtni.K.Dd CltWl 114 ttl,T2S Tottl TV3 5S1 lT.T5tT 8je,6.nT BlMkwali'. I.lasd... 4 Ml f) 4 nt Ward', lelaod 771 Tit B dloa'a laland 4 4 Klllel.laoJ B I lalanj,.,, 001 Mid Ktulalra lalaad Itli It 1,11 Toui eatta-- j ii.i3 m.oei BlarJadca af tha Dyttaa Bawatra. Authentic etaumenta ahow that there hare h.n no exaggeration la th. aejanota hereto for pobllahoil rwpcctlng thcmaitacrai com. mittad by the Druees la Syria. According to a docament prepared by the Central Commit- tee of Aaelatance In London, from Informatloo upplid by th. Turkl themeelv, th number of Chrlatlaal who loet their lire la 1,000, In. eluding wemea and children. Tha nuraher of women and young girle carried off and told te the Taika U ,OUO, Ih Dumber of Chriatlana of aU aecti redacad to rain by thea eyenta 1 70,000. On hundred and filly town aad yll Ugee, with ih church, monaitrie. and tcboola attached to them, were pillaged, burnt, or deatroyed. Th houaea of th Cbriatiani deatroyed at Damatcna are not included la tble return. Tha trial of the Draa chiefe la much tmbarraated by tba refuaat of maayaf th L'brletiani to teatify, unleaa guarr.ntond pro- tection from thYangeanrtiftlieir pereocutora. Bahayta. Datarla, the capltkl of th Itlanl of Jara, According to th jMcrlptlon of a naw'ptper correaptident, la a brilliant aperlmaa of ori- ental apl.ndor. Tba houwa, wnflh ar whit aa mow, ar placed two or tare hundred feet back from the alree', th Intervening epic being lUlea alia irtea, mar any .live wuu birds, andevety variety of plante and II) acre. Every houe baaaplazta In front decorate! with beauil'ul picture, elegant lampa, bird cagea, Ac , while rocking entire, louiigee, &c, of ill uicaat doacrlptKui furnlah luxurioua o conmodaUons for the family, who ait her mornlnge and cycnlnga. At night th city la on Llaze of light from lb lampe. The hotela hay ground, of eight or ten acre I In extent aroaud them, corervd with fine eliaue tr.es. with fountains, dower gudona, Ac ludoad ao numeroua ar tba troar, th city atiuoit reetmble a foreat, Ibe rovma ar t.ry high and apacloua wllb.ut carpete, aud but few curtain., Meala ar aerrd up In ah tut th earn atyl aa at tba flrat Uaaa h)tU In th Unitod Stater, althugb thehaMta of 11 ring Are quit diAerrnt. At div light coffee and tea are taken to the gueat'a room, and again At H o'clock, with light rufreahmeaU. At tadva breiktaat liaarred, an I Ataereo dinner, C.f fee and lei are alwaya ready, day and night. No buiinrn la duta In Uie middle vt tba day oa Accautt of the hoat. The nlihta and mornlnga ar cool a.d dellihlful ; blrda ar tinging all night. Tba thurrasinaUr aland, at akoat b2 degreea throagbout tha year. Th itlaad af Jara contain, a pnpulttion of 10,000,. 000 1 th city of llatavla, lnO.OOO. Tka lalaad bunda wiU tlgora, leaparda, anacondaa, an I polaonoai Intocti of all kinda. Th fineet frill la th world at produced la great r'ofmlon.ti Tba Cbaaaaaaa. An ofSeer la Africa thui wrltaa of the babili of thla aulmal: "Aa aome of hablta of tha (bAineleoo may not ba generally known, I will mention a few which ctra under mj wa ob. MrT.tloe, On merolog, I law cloa to my taat, a yery larg chameUoa, hanging on 4 bunb. I immediately aecured him, aad pre ylded a boa for bim. In Um court of a f.w daye he becam quite familiar, and haying aaen tbim before, I knew bow to gain hla affect'one, wtliP, la the fir it place, waa dona by feed-lo- g him well, and, In tba next placa, by acr.Whlng hi back with a feather. I oud to put bim on my tall at breAkf.et, aad la tha coara of a yery few minute I hare aan him devour at Uaat fifty fliea, catching them In th moat dextereua manaer, with hla long, ellmy tooguo) nor doai ha ever move from hie poaltloa, bet aa aara aa aa aofurtunata fly comae In reach, to aura ha la caught, aad wltn tha rapidity of thought, la tha forenoon I alwaya cava Um a large elica of bread, which which he devoured, aud be generally luppml on aa many fliea ad be could mtaag to ntraa, l.ttlng at defiance the "no- ble llamlet'a" theory of the chameleon 'a dealh. lromleea would net have aultad him at all, bo-l- at the and of each day conaiderably mere like a crammed capon thin an alr-fo- d ciAtoule-o- n. It la lot true thtt thil animal will change color according town tin it put on: but be will change ahad according ai be la pletMtor dieplaaaed. Ilia general hue 1 a bright green, who imall gold apoU over hla bodyi h At tkla (bade bn he la highly plaaaed, by being in th tun, or b4ug fe l,or eciatcbed, which be dellghtalo. When angry -- aal he la raaily made ao hla bae cbtnaet to a do.kr green, almott black, and the g'lld ipota are not to be aeen; but I nevrr could perceive any oth- er color on hla body but green la a variety of ihadee. Tba apoU enlarge very much when be la la good humor ae much, liulatal. at to give ayellow ting to the upper part of the animal, but in general they are merely little yellow epoU here And there, on the back aad ildte. Practical ItaadUad af flaatoei G.ldeleah The muilctl critic of two ef out taornlog coabtmporarie Judge of in range ana excel, lance of a prima oVaita'i voice by her capacity to cjyou, "Job work, Job work." Her upper reglaUr moin tha poet era l her lower, the pro. grammea. She la a pure aoprano. If her agent at once pay tba price aakel, aad a aaeiio-e- prano if ha makaa 4 bargaia. Uaha he all her weak dona at "owMoma, aba la aa great at uaouiTiaaaaarpacrotaga, ana IJaaunUJDi golf by Um BfUA NljtlngaU lud ao on to tha end. Oajlttl critlcioi ttna, tn A Itierai mm I eta. Twm. Trada la rrape aad t.aTA Tboro are an r two arlule of commerce tf Switrerland which we are Mr no I ngliaheiaei or American ar th.iht f "trailing In; and el ahek rriRht Iw ma U prtfluble, parhapt, for bh marebe bring forth a aboo laatly ttiore ae hera. (Jatbalica not twtog aUnwot to eat moat on Prin.y and mriue other d.ya In th year, and Catholic! being many la tuo laud, uamii. w nan are in irr.t demtnd, rroge and aotile belong to the genua deh, ami .re collactad in great bamUra for clulftefA ntooki I ran Among thorn who preach, but do not tcactica fatting. It la not neaetary teaajora the to deny tbemiwiltrra rasa, aa tber t.Jiuiiett ft except in Hiiiid.. duuli . t'it.i.1 inrtarj.i . a ertvt Unite of let.! and eneu.ij hear tho .itlteri, g ifthn'rio t Ai they eat, in pawn , ; .nni .urt- - k lie lrexportel to li n toe tjtumt. It J 0'ilr inrtt'l.t tii.t ettei, r.,,1 'irmorlf tier need to CafhtlHin widoulni .bet .), birltKth aciiril In i'!e pa pfttl enl rrjoi datl. In it p I, I if four rr.i l ' Khemtu d'.ptfcl if fnr'y thmwiil erallennl I tlnr'tix Uo.iiul pirigr fr.'e' -- ftl- la,f H N, .fail liarallava by ttaakan, In Miik jarlora (a N.w York it haa become luite common of Itie to Inquire, wton jubotng Siperlt (IVre.1 f.r dltcount, "How much con. (aper bare they mill" "How mull rent do they pay?" 'How many hurt", do thry kep?- - llow many new.nipere do they own alnik In, ar.il oil ?'' 'Ilua- - much aia their etore expenvef" "flew much cepitl hare Uie rlycrteo from their bealno.e to nut Into re. I ratata, bank atnrk, Inauranca or oilier atiMktf" "Mow much tlnn do they "pent awr from tliolr iniainoat. aa dlrrc'oraaf Inmir-anc- a compamea, iNiuka, rnurtlina, onir houal, ml nth r irmlitutione and corpnrationaf" "Are Ihey mtnaglng rattittoal campaigne, mtkina atunip rporihea, or eeiking ullic?" lio muih ata tha ienninal eapooMtiif tun patmrs?" "What amoant of aieeta hire the in proiottion to tholr lltli Utloa ?"' ' I) ie llieir buiineaa exceed twice Ihe amount of their act i re capital'' Do they attend to thair hu.ir.rA4 In all ltd drpartmnuta or tnare It Id tleikef" I'trlinent uration all. He. pa af Saaw. The Mttwlngixtract from a letter from St. Jidia, (N. 11., i dated March 21, aara the Wafbibgtio iHtrll. racer, ahowa that our eol. nlal arlghbori hat had a liberal lopple of anew i " Wa let. bad Ih. Keel fearful nnw.itnt .rar xptrtoticed In Ihle olooy .lore II aetliantaal. Toe" e la nowal leaelearan feat cf enow on the ltral andBMoep oliebly II will .wage eight fei. AllCjrui.utilcM.1 a with Ihe couuny lo cut off llr. mat a fraa llo.ion ere now due, and two or ihneo.t. n.elepo bafot wa gat Ihaaa, My letttr to Prtdaekk.ua bad tad i.ao.ad tbara, ai tkuti, b the f th ue r on the way, Thla I. a m.U rout. c4a etro borne in ll.ottaet.ot thla etir the ennw letwilr. Itfi'taen feet deep, aud phof reobtew ww.uteuplid yt.torday la getli.g the .ltraorila- - ry act.M lat.al.aled If The Gntttlt of Cambray giro, an amusing account of a party of la'.oxlcated hare. Fif-tee- n of three creatures ar said to hara entered the garden attached to a distillery la the neigh. bt rhood of Lille, and having eaten the bark of the hoop ar lom other substance aaturated with alcohol, performed vceedlngly fanUstlo trlcka, leaping, tumbling and arreamlng In the moat itraoidinary manner. The workmen, who were wltnoeiea ef the aceaa broke out into aala of laughter, but nothing frightened the harea, who btd got th.tr grog on board, and were full of Dutch courage) the while ef (bam were aubtoqoeotly mad prlsonere. Crimes. A kvbawat PBoao oibi. wa found dead near Farmville, Va., a few days alnra, Marly eaten ap by btuiarda. Ia A komabtio in of depreenion, Jahbs IIabvkt. cat his throat at rhilAdalohla on Ibursilay. A PiTTarirLD, Mass., deeply In debt, left hi. wife and three little children oeo. mlaea, acd hli ireJitora ia ihe larch by eloping with a aervant girl last week. A Dicikui IIoiun Aien Wirn were happily illerovrred on the traik, near Toiia-wand- a, oa Friday night by the engineer, the rowcatcWr atruck both, throwing them In diffireiit directions, bresking th wi man's leg. A GeBMAS HIJW Hit Bit Alls OCT At St. Louis on Saturday, and left recorded a. a rax. eon, the result or the I'reaidental election; be waa aura the cily would aeceda, ae he did net care to lave. Swan BrmAsi rmrorirn a domtloa party ut Handsale, Vt,, lut weak) a young girl diad from ibe ilTectr. Some of the mlai reanta bav lioen at re. ted ; others bav lied la dlun iy, on bearing of the poor Ictlm'a death. Tin Mate ad IIaih Mdilvico agalast the Captain of th steamer hhrov. port, at St. Louis, on Fili'ay, when the Utter drew his pistol and fired, blowing the mate's lower Jew j IT th dock band then fall oa th Captain and gave him I dreadful beating. LTriisntsiiii.E. wrrit tin thbiat cot, a men wai fcand In th. Sire.1 at 1'tuladelpbla oa 1 ueed.y. With much diflicully he whisper, ed that hi. mine w. J(ii Suitii fnm Long. a corair. New .leraey, ttd gnaped a few word! alxrot alijsi. and two men. His state Ii very crIUcal. Chablki D.an eab Aw.it with his tmplt-- er'a wife from Adrian, Mich., and wta traced te feneca Falls Isst week ; the hatband se. cared hla lit U boy. and a '.') gold watch whiih tbey hid stolen from him, and left the guilty couple to their fat. A oaxo or iirsrxauTE DcaaLAu burst Into a boas In Cincianatl on Tuesday oiht, and adzing Mr. Moosa'a revolver from th msntlcpi.ee, shot bfrn aa n was gettlxg out of bed. Bra. MaOkl raised an alarm, and tba thieves fed. Ihe wouaded atsn M hkely to recover. An ATBonori Ornunn was committed In St, Lou's laat week. Three men went to the bouse cf a colorrd woman, In a wtgnn, la open day, and loaded the wagon with JUMj worth o fuibltura, with which they drove olf. The po bee only found tke plunder after U bad baaa uld. A raaociori Watch Doo broke leoa at Chicago, on Tuady night, and attAcked a little child who waa paasiog aloag with Ita another) tba frantlo woman asiied the brute to sav bar child, and waa anockiagly manglod by the Infuriate animal. Tba neighbor! Anally tarn and slot th dog. Two IlcaoLAB rroke itto Into a hoaa la PhiUdelphU, la which Mrs. Stawabo, her daaghter 11, and ber lafant wore aleoe) they at onto wcat te the bed-roo- wnea Mra. Btewabo aoliel a rattle to ralae an Alaraj; one of th villains aeiiad her tb by throat, anl took Ih rattl from her. and both escaped. Th rattle waa found In tie yard a hkh th burglari pained tort ngh ia their retreat. Tub Ovikiaea or A Plabtattob, aaar Commerce, Mies., while standing near the a are cables, was aaaaultel lyfoar slaves front behind, on with A heavy cfat) regaining Ml feet, be drew hli knife and klliel tw of hli aaMulttrs, when, twjsmlng faint, tha other two overpowered him, threw nlsa to the pound, cboktd bim insensible, and than broke hia neck. The mardereri He eeroit theAr. kiDuie Klver, but a large party, accompanied by dogs, are la purtuit. A CoMniiratK Bcougrjaii, ahoitlls h!m-sel- Lamakitk, aaaaaalag to ba a ralslir. of the celebrated Frenchman, goea to a hotel, appear very 'dejected, calls for a room, aad register! his name. Kings his 111 aeoa after retiring, point to aa emp'y vial oo tke table, labeled 'two ounce of laudaaum," aad aski to lea a clergyman. A clergyman aod doctor are harried lu, emetics and conao-latU- n admlnlitered, and the young man la aaved, la penitent, and need a ooly to get home te begla a new life. A purs ra made up, the railroads fun Ish free aaa, aod the Toaug man goea oa bla way njoiiio , to act toe same tragedy at another pi toe, with th earn re bit. Ihle dodge we practiced at Sanduahy and Paytun, Ohio, by the aame ibap. The Mobtbeal Piriiia teem with aa aounta of cruelty shown to prlaoatra ia th i.n. ...!. rear. AlluJlna. tn tha Tala. V- -. V.I. IJlimiiUn. tha idaarAuaa aaa. "Poor boy bar been SogcW, tbara with rods cut green from the wooda (six doxea itrlkea acjl,) lUtyi tU Daatt WM.W4rk4dt Um r Uelba, litaraily cat oat rxacaa. and .tw tba poor Mfrerrre bevgad fur merry ' atk twt the pur.lahr.tat might ba Inflicavt apna their Uibe, .Ten that waa denied thorn, and tr Ui4ie dsllrrre.1 eo that they would atfike tha utra.ei. tuir ue arm ami arotmtt IK? man Tba Warden Handing try all the tram and ripeatwily .Inn; rrl.ri to 'atf ke bard.' Ona poor buy la aaliraler lenalrad eight Itabae, avarbe wa Mrfactry 1 tonal al. and rem ned la A aula of inconattetieoea for tw.ctyllr mraata after th tboegi wer rooeexl and h I WAJ tot dn aieni the troor. Another ber h.a I ; keen Jtuoan to faint three or feuv different ma from ealutuation and cruel treatment. It la a!to true that eereoaa have boon aalocia.1 t. tofl tt corporeal punlehcneot upon ptlaoear. againat wbom thry rrora wall koewn to harb f- -' geof ttrongett h.tiwl. Utheri hart bora t dr.rj to daik cillifer three raontba. c'ltlnl i tl.e ai: with tw fitt nf tnd ar rain a jae bordering nron la'tsl Calamities. UiVa .'it!'" ly. f. Ll.lrtt.tS.-.v- i ure . aiiruler in tk rria.yt.iAa chuich,'dll At ejr.cntn, A. 1 tn in lltL u'l. A Wi'Mib Lou a Kir, at Covington, K,, a TueaUy, by i.l lio ar wlear cat tnne in lb fir j 11m ball tatcrod bar rlkht cj a. Two CotJ.trita waaa uiLt.ne. aad a third Jeaparately wouudwl, by the .t.jelun of coal (aa, In a pet tbeyhailjutt entered to work, at Magea, Va., tm a.luid.y, la A rrr or l).rriot, prnlucexl by III healtli, Mra Miuiii. tie witaol a rer;arUbl mechanic, at New Haven Ut , drutrowt bar. aelf and baby on Wuiluoidty. Ilia Turjia M.a wkkRcratica nr Liaier-rio- , at St. ln, on BuiiiUt, one of thon, I'katipnirK llAaiKK, wte killed on tbo spot , hia brother who had tsken theltar in.il Ike' tree, taeapid unhwrt. A Nttfrrjeniriov nn Diti'DwiiiK lua Jiei trareptreil at Monirwu, C. K. K. Ktarai.iH baa beea tr.iked tlitro, bite ing aelndltd at llroamvUleiTeiaA, lutg aa ceab edatate, will lb txitaJiUoa traily apilyt Aa AbPRnT iMk.TiuAioa of tredicil ac. rnce, Dr K.J. r'nusrAti, rnciidcod hi lif. lo lilaieeenrrhia, at Uavtnport, Iowa on Friday Intrylnr: the cITitu of (.Llor.leof po'aaa or. hlmeelf, he tock too much, and died from the tfleita, A Itoar-- Rt.v Aw.ty wrnt t H'likij g lo men, near VTInoaa, Minn., on Setarday in going down a atocp hill, Iba bar nea gave w.y, and lh were thrown rati kciikuT Cami'Iixll wai iuManlly Ulle-I-. bli neck being broken i bla c inpaniop ec.Mvt. Arootta l'ri k, alter breakaaalku at hi. mntbae'a home ut Unit n Hirlega, mm., a few day again company with hi. brother Tnottat, retuimd ta the room armed with a deutile bar- relled gun, delilwrately took aim, and exo aim log, "you bava tbretteve.1 In kill me; I wll kill yoa fir.t," Cred and killed klr brother bl- atantly. 1 he murderer aad hli wife llwl. Foreign Items. Tn it Crate la to be taken la Frame during the preeent J car. Alt EtouiH MamrAr-rcna- n Invite, the null. lie to come and aee hla Inviaible wire fences. M. LAtarn5K having dlapoaed of hia pro- perty Ik Bfacon, la about to return to rriaud olfer hla worka for tale at hia own hoaaa. Amchvo m GaTVTLBva who roagre'iilt. ted aire. YaLvaRTtia va the lane of her trial waa Mr, YBLViaTOM, Ban. tm AiXttirDi Tim irufnuiVr that Iron ftttera forilata dealara areaoli by Liverpool merchant a. Tbkbb Ar 12,600 SinAaa Miuta of bog la Irelttul; of rearly a third of the whole lalaol, a great part of which might be reclalmoL AStojo RirLB Coara. The volunteer ri- fle cetp of Englaud new noiabera 110,000 man. In LrrriDoaT tbesx are no leaa than twenty tbouaand phyilclana aud e'ghteea hundred ur ferukin, Ar BxrLORrsn axraniTinw, partly acieatlllc, partly rportinr, la about to atari overlund flora t hanghao in China tofjlnila In th Himalaya mountaloa, opetilng up a nearly unkuown part t.f CenUal Aala. UiTuaaTO tub Dctcii H1VB (LAiMrti for ollabd th. honor ot the dlwcovery of Aua tr.li., In ICOli i reiout renearcbca ahow thai It waa dlKovered In 1011, hy a I'ortugueee, Majioxi. UoDmno m I'.aaMi. A Alpoir avalasouk or imvcvik T fell la tha Stvoy, recently 1 1 cottage, were lerf t away, 4M bead of cattle p.rlahed, and VOf.ralllca laductd to rula. 1 area per on were killed. A Lbaovk BAI HIE ponMED betwaea the large building fJrma in lndon. to avoid any future itrikeaon Ihe 0 hour." labor qtia.-lio-n thry will pay all tlulr .uid..jes at wr hour, and not at per day, Al heretofore. Tie Mk.xicas GovaksaaaT baa eent or- ders to Vera Crux for the immediate miwikt-tlo- n of th. blihopa,belletlnlbat the public ae. i ii It w la beat pret.itoJ by their removal from th countiy. Is lno'0, Titr Antny Womii or Fvrn.tjiii ntm'aiM ait million ( three of thorn a'x million labored for tb.lr aubaiatenre, aad two ol thiee million wo: unmarried, and depend- ent oa their ewnetertkni forrubsl-itance- . Tuk Wur ArittcAl lltraiS atata that a latin croei of mar Me, with th elmple letters I E. L.. now matks the .pot wher th ill fated and aconmpllihel " L E. L." repoeeaat Cap Coaat Caatle. PcBiTT or EtBcnow is EFotAirn. At'a receat trial la England, growing out of Ue Wakefield bribery caaea, it waa proved that rnmtctalt tr.te.men received auma vary In from tW to tSOO for voting for membera of I'arllamant. Ami pox CHAaa wai bad la Iinf.n r. b wax flrat otMervad in a charch.v.rd, when a crowd chaaid bim among the tomb a oma; It.yn.rd aoon tlaarod tha radinge, and tll.tanciig bla pack of human hounde, dlaap-pem- Tuptotat. rerttMBOr PBito"e employe.1 upon all rallwaya open and in courta of corv auui tic n la Ire'and In the year 1G0, waa '23,. Iflrl, leagtli of linea open at the end of Juua, 1X1,0, 1,11H longth ia eeuree of eonatructlaa, 8l. Taa Ubxicab Monaraa or Jcanca haa to em on a toor ef lnapectioa ef the nanneriea of tin capital. It l repot ted that ha haa found many in a very neglected and unhealthy run dttion, and haa taken tha ucieaaary itapd to !m-ro-ve their condition. Sivckal am Sanaa or ntntAjl axraaa who were burled alive, betweeo walla, in th CoBveiit ef St. Domingo, lo tha city of Mexl-r- a. ha.a biea recantl uaeovtracL." Thar are fettered band aod foot, aad hear evidence ef writhing wltn agony wnea uey orew ueir l.atbfeath. Tna roi.iownn tbbt Faixcnr itoit. waa recently told la a Pari a newspaper; a rich army coal rector met hla too la the atreet, hav ing an ail arm a rnnueei , pieim " 4 young wurnan; the father wa aavage ft hla enS keeping company with a workglrli the r!ledtaAt h. Intonded t m'J',mdh; tnoiielle; tba enraged father "'1 woaldcoovert all hla property Into cash, aad the ob rf-.- ld not have a penny. The aoa re- plied fiat he prefW r.d happineaa to wealth, when father, ixArp."' th i''.' ralclh!aeeoto atrlkhla aen, addanly hia hand dropped, and he lUg.ered and feU talo the arroi of tha erowd. which the nolle of iba dlaruaauea bad cnlleited. He waa a cornu. l.nt man, of a sanguine temperament, and hit aagtr bad killed him I Jaanti DrcBASAB AT Home. The Ex rraalceat, appear to onjov the quiet repja of rt'lea' larul. Since reeuaalng the dutie of pri- vate life, he ha evinced uo ditlacllnAtloo to mingle with loclety. Quit recently, tha eem mtetae which accompanied hlai oa the trip from VVaehlugtoa to Ltnctit.r, received aa iurita-tu- to vlalt tha home avaad, And war atr-talne- d by tha and Mill Laib 0 tboa aiipOWU HI CUUT.ie. um awu mw Mr, B. very freely expve hli diaappreval of tr coara of FiAiDMdexmfadrla, and d aoancei the tratton ta tovere terma. 1U d. Ua Ja.1 atrannaoal tha DolicV Ctirt Bad . darbut tba dee. of his Admlalstratlon, laaUtj thai it waa the only true oa to 4f M VU kawdalagj rf w - 'V HATl-f-O- F- OaaB. Ba awTlMW a" 1 1 k . awd'a-aeereP- Llfft, V a. taa, aa day, M aMaaa. tart apa fleatar; If ex tatta,' , 4U IV Maul Hoatkly Miatniaato af t--ar lawam T5, .T?-- 1 ef AVa. 94 trnTmrn' fclorfc. p. K. Take amead ea t.aday. ItUBcDan9t)ti8. Tif raara rrc-- or rgwamrAjni ariw. ., w. m. i. iwwi'iaai van taia i TflB WAMB ta vtra tT.raan 1,1 I. "a'"ji "., an iia csATgeoj ia raa) ctnuthani Outea IloUl. PoWVACia 9T THI POTT Tf. aaaaa Ca eikaa Francltoo vn redaetd, oa the 19th AprA t two dollar fer haJf-twa- letter, ntejiaal. lna raiarrrr or th 1'aaca Caop af New Jeraeyti reoorta-- l a a very oreraiatae: 9", Fr-n- r AnAn, Nawroar (R.I) har4r. lasa'dt' both. laget aat mnet formMabta frtrM In tba ctxatry. It coet aboat trp a, i dollari. Ii BSllk.Vr lCM ctievr-airxnt- rra. ntn t'.- - Wat s 'n ." J iar,! on Tiea-lar- . a- ' Me f.mTy, a& auateai aitii Vl io'.i. The t.Akour Brcovr ar Oolii rar poewa in lintiea toluui'ia, w.a lately fotjnd to fcba -- tan- aLJ w.igaed 4 s-- 4 awl waa weitl ". Tin mar mvotet.t op ibk WAjaroaa feivea Miens wad made In June l.r, bra inau vy uie Mine M uotnevneia;, Ike Um iww f.in.aa Comitock lead. ai lataH woaA.f ArrAaaTTiT orava at Vtolitirn, M.M.. laat weik. 'Ih friend. te "er.be' her, aad ah came back te Ufa; aaa died in reality two daya after. v Atr.niB TtooTY n ie ant itcnira k. wreck the mall car, burnt recendir imiuHKiiiip, a a. Mian ana euver creo. aoiii-ii- , ami iitiet. coDtaining viiuabl wrte, nav uuta oblAlnml. A Laot who will iot rEawirher aavaa 'o traraplre, h.a areeenteit the Christ Chapeh Cathecral, Moot real. G. K., with a nagniaoeat jim iiurloti aeiriia of wrought tilvar, laiga4 torn apcilinena of ancient church plate. The i.ati Sivatoii IliioniatcE ta Braacaa ian lb Summit of a mound In Lone Cea.iliry, Cal., vaMgh overlm ks the aurruvMal. itig louuitj. A Bkrument ia la coaree of wvttion over hi. grav. Ca.aiv M. Cut iia AnvxarreaD te mU at auction, ea tba lOih, bia atock farra aad heaaa. kold .prwintmntitt, preparatory lo leering for St. IVterthurg. Mr. Ct.tr will lall by tha ateaenrr of the 21th toe', KitCaxmib h nnwK ntotracrnin fi aaldT I Ie tt e bead waters of the Uila, led by a Maci. can guide, who knnea wher. tlie Uie got aiuantity of nturget., which they sold tuo luuina acni at aaoa. A .t att Manx nas aiEX fTacrrLATBTt aad has attrartid th attention of tho F.nliaa ttou a of Commons, that there are It), 000 Osav. atnexatUaUta in the city of Baagar. tiaiiie. llBAaTTRa Divoitrrahaa been a great boat. lea with tha Washington Territory 1tgtotay. turf. One dltorce bill peascd theCounciL aaal the woman married agala lfore it pasood tha I lour e, Girm" ma Atn ant iwrnnitin havlna; auule their appearance In New Orleans, tha anceaeary accompaniment, a pair of lramaea late white panta, the lirat of Ue aeaaoo, ntada their appearance on Tburaday. Heirwiai-oriT- , Co., Firb DarARTannrr haa dUbrndtil In ennwquence of the refuaal of thai city to allow them to elect their ownCbtof. I ha city has wai red that point, and now that inrl-- t i ii a payment of III") par year to aevafi conipoi.y befor they will serve. Tuera bkwaisi pota rotont foot of aaa gamred territory In lb Republlo. Tba orgsato-sit- n during the last lesietun of Congreaa, tt th three new Territories, to wit I (liiotsidsi, Nevada and Dacotah, haa wiped oat alt tha unorganized territory. A UTrLx liar er trrxcrtTB intellecf, who w.t i a only child, Iwing bantered and elleA a fool by a Kboolmale, a member of a largw family, retorted that It waa not half ae straagw that be wai one fool In hla family, ai that vaa other waa one of ten fool la bla. A Pabtt or Loan IsxAiin OEBTLimne hara imported from the vrestern pralriea. 8 brace of prairie fowl, to repair the extirpation of taeaa tiut has gon oa for mor than 60 years ef ta-- d acrlmlaat. elaugbter. When New Tork was a Dutch colony, this gam waa aa plentiful oat Long Island as l)i no a at th Weet. Tbe MotrnolT rArxat mention A ter-tlf- lc bombahell. Invented by II. L. St. JAknaa) of Mcblle, fir ihe exclusive nw of theConfeoV. eracy. It is a luogih.ll, with two compara. I nienta. so contrived that when It hits. It will extibaje and scatter a destructive bajwaaax II ild, which water cannot extinguish. TiikDimcATiov or tub Baltimore Hoaaa for the Friendless took pine on Tuesday evea. lag. The total cost of the bulldlsg la 1 ,TB 7C; the donations and bquits have amoant. to flx.'Wl 37; the payment nf taxes Ar., how. ever, leave the trustee f 1,800 short. Tba ear. vice ware of a highly lat.re.tiag chAractar. Tna StiiTua hoi n Tiram net la headiaaT the Hat of kagileh sarnamea, tha Jooese taU low, thea the Williams) Broanhta dropped to sixth, and Robloaoa baa sooe doern ta alovrDth. Every twentv-eiichl- h person ia Hcag). lanu i. eiiuer a cmita, iionea er rvuiM ittj one hundred and forty-elght- h la a Taylor, ana tteryroar nunurai arm thirty nan a Ataa The Scholabs of a Western j Ulc school, re rentlv adrptid the following rrsolntion anaai. kiomly t AeaWrvJ, That proant and raJjtar liMkuiies I a disgrace to any one who ase tt, that tba boy who atactic It haa 4 poor cheaaa if Incoming a man In a manly mmm, aad that Ilia young gentleman who la guilty ef nsiag It, la nut wcrtny the tame of sua la a moayaj case. The TrrjMBiE op laoopa bow serring la tha Pacific dlvlaint, under the command of Brlgaw JoBiesoa, I 3,rb Inclalmg Vt' Cf this number, 1,4.5 ma are sk. tioned in California. The remainder. Ltaw. Are dialributed tboughoul Oregou and WasaV Ingt on Territory. Thb riiurr OaoA" evib hbabd In pabUa worship In thla country, waa sent front Loadtsa n 17 II. j be organlat came out from Engtaaal lth I ho lo.trament, aa no person In tha colesrj waa to U found able to aaeunva It charge. Tho first organ aver built la thi country waa mad 'fey Edward Bacnrpm-D- who died ha Auguat, KM. Tba fact li itated on hid teaxhw stone. It mat wot bb aBWBBAtxT known that, tearla are feaid oa tbe California coaat, Tbe t'blaeee are the meet successful In th oaBaai lion of abtloaea, ia the shells of which pearl ate found. Two pearls have boeo found on taa Island of CatAlliiA which Bold for 1-- each. Tub city rAsaaxoaa bailwat of New Or- leans la rapidly approaching comrJeUea. About twenty.four mllei of alogl trjck asvj already laid t four or fire mile more will cea. plate the ayatem. Betw 130 and IW carat wUl be reqalred for the operaliou of the linae of thla nmb.r but eight have already been r teltcd. TtironoBB Hooa being In ccmjMny waero b .trrquaradtoaay romethlng humereaaat e.ery on present, on th entrance of a Mr, WiaiiB, delivered himself of tbe following I tleie tcaee Mr. TTTater, eolllctor ef laxea, lecvuejroia gfve bim whatever he.rwi I .Cta. tou Io glee It wiiboul any doaiaMry,-iro- r Ikoug bla aea,.' VTIutar hla acatoaa ara MrMffldry. TUB KT.TFaiT OP tbb Statb Dbpabb. Mkuvof Ibe ImmlgraMouto the United Stabat atlng the past vter thowit Axrrrala, raala, lie.o&O, aad 7(.ena ferntie; tax not atated. fS. lb number of death on tha voyage was 'ill, O.' lb whole number af piuuenger IS 01 ' were natives of the L'u ted S'ttset 13.001 af1 K.i lend; 48.Cx7vf Irelaad; M.716 of fjermaan' 715 if Prussia; 5.467 of Chiaa) Ltbe ef tiwal West Indlea) Greece and MalU iat laaaaj .f.w Etalaad seat .. Of the paiiaagera. llaUv. itl itatod they IntenJad to restda lathe UnlMl ' Suits; 3 (18 said noih'pg about It; 1.11. war livaial tlBrltlhArnerici8otoCtTJrithB. in.. euBaveKBE aaia aioaee at Dcooa. vlllo Va.. oo Wednesday aaoralag, aad asa ihas described by an eye wltnaa i ' It adoiitoa o the regi'larrlalilg-o- f Iba "gVceHoeva arb af dtytwocTUtractiana aompanled tha aaaiav, ldy. one at wkkh rocrrid is a t wtaeraoaaavav, .kilaLhaatberluira alnaa la a sou that Iy 4V, '''.r HWUtantlTom tkayaU bj.tr. AiiattmiiiiA aTkr arainfi nail im 1 h.laht. tha two radaallr retaWaajtmi talUBOv. arched the ? ' ttweattful fog voritir ' p.Mi atPUta, i

r., 'V T H SUN. - Chronicling America « Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-04-08/ed...ajailai anainr, nua. aunakla in rurouaa,, atiiraa, and raaaaa,

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Page 1: r., 'V T H SUN. - Chronicling America « Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-04-08/ed...ajailai anainr, nua. aunakla in rurouaa,, atiiraa, and raaaaa,



cri'fcjii mtttm,t(ad Baa

SM IV'f'MU4 4MikM adee A.

IMfllll1l by fjarytan,a

(a.ul uui a ouabttb ufirm rma win.M""" "all. Few ttollere year.AMa fllaamlaaLa. aa..a... .... .- -- A

M COPIKH PIS DAT.. Ttn wkmlt m'J .baonUie. M .!. nte Mat mw; Hmika, til elndleonple, Mais. p4

.- - MM grew, to Inkandtag rcraortbees."tub tun,

0mii f hi and Km RewTork.

" ,J'-- TlHsMMllJ,. BllFlClALrLOrVER MaKCRS Wanted

n.u,n um , , 10 iir J end eslac 4 EH

ITBSNTiCR WASTf.D-AL- SO IK.' '" lbs mllll.erv and re.raali. A.' Hrrt klutreB ma-i- t fr tn t velook

e,'a,ilOl'at'tV lIiK-- M i CA 1 U Wa tThb

e waruin. lid. iwr.lhim- -tt In eiajl f.iuHr i boi ik.br li aaeelh. old.1 WAfllf tttaaafe. wob fne lee. ware., .tad reee. (,e'lored4rrN4. T 'Ireeavf.at MM.ttVANTS V ANTtU, IMaED'ATLY

All Era etaa seerta. uorwHIAlieie UUIA van lite .iraaltn... Iiua.a. I. aar a ..:tawe mumi uowia aa, auina enilaa, WiiBoUt

If F wtavtorar, bv SPlnl'-- 1 Tlllarr atr m va. Ptaa WHC1S1

ICWISO UACUUEd WANTED,l Uiala " iwaaaiaaa VT1 nlai a Wl.nt haiaaa.

' taaiavf rtMhlnra, kr eneef tba J4aM.lD.rt.need, '! Bl OUT I aauCH all UBk Of aUleblaa.aaalna. Mlbaa. tonkin, anaaia ana taaranah atat of n anii ( aiaobluai aoj ravta.aadr4 W) x4 aUana fat tl. Taaal aaoUnf (toiraara, Mai M aaataMI M V iiaaal at, oral la


EWlhU MAUiiJlL ttaVMlBU LaVUlKk. bar Is taataaa M aaaaara, Tkaalw rikaai!. lavaawta. afaflUtaaa anal jnallaa t&U ntiakat

ml all Ika aai aia aal avar aart - -imnt tmamnrntaf to alasaa wMaj luruat

ainai tat taaa aaa to kkafMf 4IW.at7 iiimw

?Lfa U4

AS af.ar al. ia.UH.laa.

ifiritu AAcUaMBo-ffavirrK- D rxvWaj 7aHbllllakaMaaaaai atma. aarfamU. Taraai aaa, aat vtatttaa oa all kteda

rk. Uaaaoai aaan k laara Mm aaatalaoa traAsaaam at tax. m ruanaa, u la. aoi. 1UMmX, KT HUES WAN I.O-WI- TI1 A Frwh' biaatof a'1. In a fatal I r, laanalfk- -

c"tji aataraaa or arafMrad: tntn at I A4 a bnia h llHnaallil b 44. Paatlit. 4 Uar, Kw York. Mnft.1

10KIT8 WAKTKD-- TO BILL PACK----an tr atat In. at arlaaa aaa Iblri

aithaaaaab aurebaaad . oll aa ar aoVva (Man a aaloloaafl) J, ImBAUIaIii;. IO UOon "U

aa M.l.4aa0KN1S WANTED, 108KLL ASArttrr

oar-- r aataww fat TraraUra. 4 pair to 0. W K kT,rtlChaUamat. 1W,I

1LKBK WANTID-T- O ATTEND AV PaloA alorat ana vko baa a knowlalaa ofUatlac. an4 ean noma vll raaommida4. llbnma i ha aald. plf allka Fatal mwa.4Jl

RA000HS WANTED F03TIIKU. 8.'Armr-ttao- d. ., vita rallona aa4 elothli f laland.aea alUwad lo aaoh --l Uar. for aartlc liraoolra at la Balann at ar I (.laxowlak at K. H.AUL4. rl al Liral M Caralrr, raarulUng oOaar.

apa xaaarioi

iirlU PAI'KS flT.A7.ltnl WANTEDKxtailnaead ltlataork oaaUim pa-- T alaiafillluit. IISTJ

anf.TiTaim w Aai Tin rmfxniATKLT.) krUk irw, KM aatlaa aaam. Far tnm 111

la far aaonta, wra Doara, ainuuma. mm. alNak'IMaatM


TUAHTIU BAT1HU0 BAH4,V cn AT AM fQCABB, . hnrf,ilaTS-- ti r--

otlrbr April fird. will draw iotrlfiliimtdt

Lf VSOTKBr SATUias BAJTK, No. 1 TklrUan,M. mm. naoatt.maaoorkafor.tli4

4frM arlll baar btavail troo Ibaldato. Bankn aaUrtmaa 1 tvaa M 9Ja ana an Maoaar, rf a

LT.ilTH.Ba iau,,HIUjlia,lis.iia.ia

Loet niLL having bank, oornibEV a lk . a4 IMin.i aaaa aaHr froaa 1 to 1

a. Waaiaaaaan ana Baamxaara anaj I a. aa. uaarai frua lu aaoat la tAeuO raeajraa, Intarart at

oarataaf fcaar aan atu ba aila4 an nnofajMMoaar. warn uh "k"', "ia dtwaiinin tnmtm lat RICUABO a'Cu.

roiSD ATXjrus oatinob bank,LL fJOBMXB M AVB. IU IT.

CHUTIUDim,IT PKB CklMT. UTIUallTalllMatofenaaMiglaU H M HMO- -

aaOuoara,a. aaaiiaaMiiaiaoaiokkanaaitanitno AriOa

will. ian niTnaii rmoa Aran. It.BankitwnallrCrm luwa,alMMi aiooaar, man.

1 - - uj auanaaaa avanln.a twntn A la 4 a'aloam.r riir E. ?'. rr"OtHXLI.abMry, hMMM'lM

" rTNION DIKK 8ATTNQS BANK. 41 U Canal at, anr c. Tarlak : aa. Aato froaa llJ A, M.

xlulfTOBlUtr. K;4nlufil10aaaU toJ O.Ai. rafaroal l alx aar araX Intotaal aUowad aai ramaafiMS ani nndar, and Ta oar aont oo UffaI aiMTaWkanaiT4oaaaMlt41d,lS00l

WOirC. Pirn tobJBIAaa--


CEBTIFICAtKS LOST CERTIFICATKI lakxaartUa.ta No MI, iTaabamaf uoiuaiianaia.Kn. a U

rabr (traa'15atlTiigttftha.aMat.aa--f b ITjU aa. aaaU-i- ar

anaarttAcakM. Marah, I.,LOST-A- 10 UWARD LOSTW4 la Uroakln, aa Baadar, Marab 11th. la Ilaa--

ar Clifton aH, a fold watch aad ekala Tka nrrfU raerlra . aboT raaajd It laarlnjtlailgl

Baona,rraakiTa. (UM


elalim far kauntr land, aanaaona, mm,

ii . araaaaikd br tna anbaarlbar la all aaaaaa fca. t Jid aUIn axlata, Parttanlar attoaUaajrtTaa

alalaa. OAUflN W. aOfd..aWtSataVof Caanban Caaabaai aibil4UgnOITNTT LANDS. 4c S3LDIZR3.O Mlloi. aad ota-- . aha ha. aarrad ra aar al tka

.ka.latkatv wairaaaa bv aaalvlaa at fcivan, can T" " "T. 7..S.. Ti Iaaaao at. blo roltan. U.K. BaA(Wnf..iaKaay(or Unltai Mala, alalaia. akl tdaafldd


aal P.b to, 1M, or (. 1 W,HlVUrn vkoaa Uad7baTa baaa UUad or dWtofila. markaaraaaaalhlaa totoaU adTaataa. krraTtm a tka aabnrfaar m tka aantkaaal aaraar


C0'AL FOR SALE-IDS- T LANDID, OFajailai anainr, nua. aunakla in rurouaa,

, atiiraa, and raaaaa, at Ik. loaaat (tab prloa, alaattkttakad aoal raiii. 1 D.lana.y at eori

kat. (.ies.4


BuSlaH1 VaUAADiriLL.

0.. OOAL. COAUtin.Bouaorr -- .

aaa. LTB. taraaaad aad fiaaha Haia: fuU .watt" of inoil Ika. antra nlaal ka

194 Wtoktojitoa AwtoTTtwrr . --ibl-.aa am I aia. imj naaaaiTar,

aa. laaavaau.UOtdaanU aahaaUa.llVTaaal

SUPERIOR IN QUALITTJ totaaaofthaaaalioldijitblaaltf, tadtraan4hwh.1. Ina r.a,ll. n.a. Iilifllai.d AalliM.I alia..

Suggjg! tiS&tnTESbZpiOAL--AE USUAL, 0V TUB BES

ITJBMOTAL THE NEW T0KK DTTNOv AND rwjfn l aoaaaataaHriwaai aa

M Ttaana awaat .into aoJaka atttr- - MmiTflm ptmrnrimWYii, .r4nMra, bwl,laH,V

TO LHT.OLACKSMITn AND WIUCtLWlIOafAJ .bof to M, 1V WatlMkM,tratoaad M

taraira M .AMak MeOABB. rrvoaAlH"aaL

rHyNlRT8r.AT lO LIT OR LE4SI- -.

"N 0 iar. 1 kauaa aoi.taiuiad I raoaM, bnktna. aJ aall. f a ..-- ...-luT- ..r ..a' alpa1rMI(aati.UMaUaLkara..v.

I'M boon, and oUwr oat boUtlaaa. vOI b. tot la.ptrar.rarrarata. Tka alaM U wltbla 100 rarda attha laatoia. fn-a- aalsb th aUlaabatb wt farrrbta taa rrom S alloal, a aa, oattlda'.v.k.fj. m,frt m flr Na N. rt birw li. V. rw titikttu.ttoul. r lialra 1 O. 4. POa r. 4 Co , Ontar Dun,.. .. .. . .i.i pwiar a i.r,a ivit.v. n 1 a 111

0C3" AbUQARDANTULirAT FuATl ataHnn, Xoathvn RS.KJI m(a-a-m aa kfara d r.t: bnrta.a4aar(i.i vnaabnr.a loavf rntlv

ArrtrtoA ll KtNMI ll,ldraaKIl'UrUlattw.HOB tiat Ui prwln. e.l't,IHUUSX TO LET OR FOR 8ALI-- T0

.rwHil or I. tot bau . aad..j. tl Vatnal ib. I. 6t. lata la.all.ofir a.Miakttura, Urinal JAA VT. fAULK. litllr aaa... fc.'BiU

aUtTaXlO Mtr-T- HE UITER 1'AKiBrMaa. at ar. .lUillta f

"8 raniaa, ralb'a fcr a boarr InaSi m rratlrit rita-- r la tratraranrdnr l!iailOr4aatrr. K.i.1. (s Apalf MB. VAtt AA-t- ll', 111Canal at. al Brvlila.f. (,1.1,4

HOUSE TO I.nT FOR S;j-- A SUALL 2his, altk banvma, andar rliarand atit. cmiUlnlna f room, wtti .u, r.rdaa lafrmit, i;jcliutiat, rKardrin-l- . i'.bt awn froia U

till 4, by .pplrlm at Kb CUutun at b.1 lit


loon at ltNnulif.ii.it d t. M.tr aalltaaU II.. faai.boiiai.tMand ttlt'a'Ml.t r.Mla.cbj houaj . tiutb h at, r nl 1fr aputaiankit. ! , laaa-- r.. Mulr. of r MNNKHH,.IU-Barro- a

at. .larwr (4t, at iy'r oek A. U. aad a I'. If.and at i Wall at. W. Y , atll M C.l I

HOUSE TJ CKT Ok LEASE ..Ntorma-T- h. I it try bilck dwaVlar anaaad irronara Mora on Broad n? , iwtk Mi taa kotia.

la taaanwal mm anfl ha. aU tha raadarn taaroT.aaataMna.ldf atordbaj. aa.. attains an tiarhartrcpaiaiai aUa alalia brick fard bmMkdldalia --Ar.lr at P. Udiea. Mank.taaratlla, N. T ,1HCWA

H. Aa, TV LIT Oh LEA3t ONHmbto bona, aad aaraan aa I'uualna aaa ant 1

va. ftukl .noaaa a.al f .rdan tn Uraadaar, Broaknatrtlh alabtoa an axoalanl fruit aabuUialara.iW t 14 and t aalliai rroaa. fania raiiraaa. a l baur.V.i". riajroat aaaaMa aaoaa,M ttat

.""IF" i aaaa uavta a.what 14aa.lk

LiT TO LIT OR LKA4K-- 25 FEET BTHa iAMaaaJ . - - n.Ak.llaw wr ainw .Tia,- - ! aKlirraaajaj vtiBingOrptiro Aafimn,a tbl fi mftoa'fto-iArlm- busMIb..uIpm it u Pinrtii .. fi.- - isTii iiMi1 -, a avanKua av.iaa w.af utA, a)(ll(V


Bib toklSI.Sla.UTANUFACTUBINO PREMISES TO LETI'Aabaap-T- h. aitotialra Muuftetailat Kwalaaalo. MtndMVTaoatarat, torathar. aastrata, or lator. aa may b. rrqnliai tka. U1 b. lat Trr law for

ifciataar AMI. al II TTatamar K w aaoraaa 11a- -JOB THOMPSON. I.HMoooMSToLET wirn or wrrnooTl ptv.r. In Iba . bulMlaa, oaraar Matt andIbaUfMa Applr on tl rnmltaa, ClUt

SHOP TO LET-- A LARGE SnOP. TWOtuitIM ft, paaialM lmiullalal. N. Tl

tod It4 Charla. at. Abo a front bulidUm, lBit"Ia.1: kdtllt4U. Woul4naAaAOc4faadatora. IrHli. on tba pramtaaa. A.1MI

CtX)RE AND ONE BOOM TO LET WITHO llTlQaaartniaaU,lf rratred, wlthlartaahtv.lidaw. mit.ala for .atfcaUonarr, or tntUlaarf art . lltht bmloaat, vitb Itataadlala liiinaa, If ra.ml a4. luqolra al 4M Uadaoa ik aa aaaiDlad h ahj.UJTfttra. a,tBi,o

IKaM POWER TO LET 8TEADTpjwar. tHih larf. and am all. vail lltbtod raaaa.

tprir to ABM. BAiTMOLr, U OoU jt. IM .Jota,d la taa. kWUaltT


O air ar. w a Itoat 4tb rt I raaB. ww.44. faatjaviM mm Ibaaaaat bona rrwar.errr.t.pt,CrTKAJf POWER TO LKAIK FOR A Trm- id nan, l.aatod aa WMblattoa M, msbw m.karlaaaaar knlldtaaa Mad Aaak la tri.k baa baaaI71-- -- T " --f aiaaah.tad oallto a k. naad Idt irrtadlaf tor aaftoad,a.aaBafi . all .aar ka toraaj lato a rlaaiaa mtowaTdUiatotaaaaibarof aaaaa. Into frjotlaaha

jKwTJta nicnrifaato nrp AKaTrai ialb

Wbaaur m wuana-a-,

ttaiiakli1 IbLfftoa-rC-Xi- to.

A radnaad rain. Inatraottoa ritao.rartM. aaaaramaaaiaa ai tna


TO LET TO MANUFACTURERS, MA.A ahloliU and othara-Po- ar flasn, Chris, walluihtod, wtta tba.aa. or awam annna aad ahaft.lur. UI M Mrrtof, t4TBaal. 4plr to JUT D0UO11TT, lM ltoawri mnmrtl



RUSnES OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOND al BHl SH FACT08 Y, IW Poarl at, Haraarbslldlaaa AllartMa. al raaanaabla prioaa, k.UiLtoaaTraUU. JOUM K. UsrrKUM P--ar

CARDS t 1 1

tba rira Fir Praai i 8,000 Urtt, baadMarauara. tar ao i anxia ltai at auau ataaa-

kUMI. of J.b Prtatlaa HMntoaurwr. J?.WbTUBB4B,lltJAaaA BUI aaaa-ia- a


hlove or traoMa deect.

Mar ba itrmjaakiMwa to fna arlnkan la Onffta,TarUiur. Tf arraaaW parfaa07 banaJaa. Urrm

r-- r aaia al Diaf ttora, aac Manat kad DtrtoWa toa.

SfcBEACHI BOOK nORB. IH aUbth atba1TB Pnltoa aL

BATTS-N-a.tit Broad at, Kawark, N. J.

AJie or Ann.rait :a it Am nnl.f.ftiL.

uTy? &m w1--6 rwaaiV1- -


racB cvnti m box.1 Ika bad danuulw for tba Taatb, arar prodaaad. Al

a alwaarr and boautlfltf fttltlwari injur to ma raaaaor Uaraal It ataada onrlTauad. tl ba. no bam batariba aublto orr fooxtora, ma, and durlnd Ual tbnanot an. aurd of kaabaaa aaada,bul ootbaaactrarr, ...rr ana ipaaki of It. marralloia iroaeruaihi U. MAMt Iprroa. All aba .alaa thidr taeU. aatba took, af.lnavhlta knab, ahaold aol mit trylud thla utlela, aa a. ar. aoa&tfeal tna all! Dal ladIt Id iba toaat OTrrrttad. Manuracrnnd and for aala,abolaaila and rntall, bf J. B, OABY, aoraar Mrrtaatad rrankUn arai Proaklr, and t iaaanl An.aararriulbat.MMTaak. Aril for MlWamaharrS.J. I Bnaat, M twth luialat. for rato br Vrofdmt

aaa aaaaraow

KINDUNO WOOD JO CENTS FOB 10proa aad aak k tba load altl ,

Uiardtootofaaalndit, Alliltoft OULUBB..1111.'

TXAKTBOOnOF EVERT IDBSCRIP.mm iwaAmLswrrSBr J. aaiilaHAafrii AkfO c: WOI

ton '--

viar-r-- T


.haapaataad bart la tbaarid, rrtnalaal ofnia 15 Bio-tu- a, Braaoh.moMaDJanaayatii. ValUo ar.Braaklra. AUaadarir pa prompUr tljandadto. 411 wart wkrxkataA


VABNaaadWAKPfl.aU,4.. TMOA A CVTVm. td Ottfl A

CTRAW HATS-TA- KB NOTICE LADIES.O atoal t blooojar. ofBtnw kaU b'MeriW, icWatlon. to U lrto, tbVajT ataa?XxaaUiar Bli taotorr, IN Broom . MM frnaAitomar, Jn,QPICTACLEa GOOD AND CnEAP Wkaaazaartoaaad raatial aaAiaua. 4akla4af ffaa

QPECTACLES GOLD, SILVER, ANDO atoal naatoalaa, itoaMaaoM And rtowa, ananKawliwMauMa,aaato laaiarna, nrrartad aad

aaflaaan. Bt

tlANTMD 10.000 LADUta lt IaaJC

annual faniHrMMwi waoiMmft kato alaaaad ka4 raaad k

"ar. naaaraai- mmm


'"JSJh r., "'- -'

T H .M A mLm9m9mW2.m99mm2n!l1mm&m?m9mWimm SUN.NUMBER P069



AawlaAaa B In n gartoaaa.Tub political aarj,uf whtck dleUtad J,

AU'Hlaa of fatfJora la IHtoi, U tha graatdltnd molt ttcslucant araot of tha daf, kit .ar

pw4 in laleraat tna ,j ij,, p,, AmtrkaarT!utlon In which w. tr. larUrml. It Inron'l0,tslKmplr wth a rllnlty aal lttretprtA'er Ihaa wouM U Accorded to It by titOOCqitSt Cf A prOTihOa, 0f th ipnliatlon Of A

klnndfin. WhtU (rootl man .rfrjrhtr. cmBit fkil to frjnlrt At k ct tlitt trill al.VA'Ofoilf mti'.iV.i of Ih.lr laUow UlnAt la Ik.

a) of h.ii.ni'T, It 1U t tVi tiiaa tim harrgarj! I.jr foraifu nitlau wltli a c.tUln Jo.poa of ! out fcf It wi'I matrjt itni d.

Jop, rritA'l nd oIUcaII, a ro--; whntimplr li mor tlun tlc tho ): of Catapa,And coraprUiiz onaieratth ptrt t ill the hadon tha haMtabl kIvIm.

With ronrnmnuto lAKtcitr anj (tA'.imtt.ahlp tli Rot.ian mparora hire li poriolr.ith nrcMitr of mnclptlnn th rf, rvlprrpand th waj for It by RTtlutllr .nUrntha frWUfRtA of tha crown krrfd, and iacraa.(ok their Btimbar And inilu.nc. Th mttt(Mwcfful l'UeU to ba OTerctn wi th op.potlllwo of th nMi who orpou 1 1. tha lilltorend A moaanr giUlnjt to tbair prid, anddtitfsctir to thair prxtiniAry lntorasti. ThMwty mAscIptd arfi will ant b Inllffer.ntto th fact that thy owe all thalr priyilralU tha faror of th Czr, and thai la RumIa,inotlitr Furtpiicointrii, will nt up tfcit(wntlmrmt of riiul lor and traditional lorklty to th ni(iln,j farailr i di1li9a.lt to itandwitood b Atnerlcmi.

Tk ciKiditloa of rft In RumIa, hai y.r.14 la amu Mceoodln nlgn. Tha ijttata waioriirlnaily detlgno.1 to chak U non4!c ten.iarjcle. of then wikJrrlnu rictt, and they wrprotoctad by Uwl whloh diprirad thair ownariof tho power to condemn them t death, At 4prTobtad Um ir Ulog traforrl from th .Utta to which tfeay UloaKed. Out u lata 11tba jearlSli, they could be lild And lArteraJaway with th land, and Pktb. th Great Midibat "K'lAt rnliery aroM In Uusiii, bactiM thpr.'inU cbuld b bought and i.ld like catUt."

1 be Emperor l'Atrt. RTaatly Ainetloratol thcMdltlon of thi aerf by limiting the tatk-wer-

to b perf jrmul on the owneri eittte to threodays in the wot k j and It wte oftenato thlateraet, bothf the Mrf and the ma iter,to aommut thti lAbor, for monayj'piyaBat. Under thtd lyitera Ih tweallh And

krartanc.or the aartl rapid! increMd,An 1

li . riM uuutbA imairrni'O for then'tkltkrcoth wbol prlieof an tatilt to th'ImptotlilrDt muter t aroid peaainK undertl a aaetiooMra hlmmar to ..rarer Urkmattrr A

Ilm Umpaiora favored thla condition of thlnitt,aal tuiely Kr tba Crown peaaanMauoiuukaial ptirilegealhtt Ih viaaalaon prlvat.

wire alwaya daairoui to piai nnder thedi ii.li.l.m of tbeC'xar, AlBxttrnta I, t ftlliti.1 the trAnaf.r, aaUUiahad loalllutiona to:he purrr of ler.rllnj; miney At high ntea ofnurr.-- . to tba Dobl.a, ar.-u- by t"ir fer't.ad UnVr, and at th proper moment b weal I

1 ir and niMa Ih. aeuui la lb Cr.wUa.. T hie aucctod ad on well that at tha fern.mancamant of th praamt J aar, oat of 42,00),.000 of earfe, ona-hal- f balongad to th Crown.

Iaoonqancof th hostility of tha par.aooi to whom Albxaitdkb II. waa bilged tontrnat th dculla of mAocipAtlnn, tba ma.ra did not Uk aOTact until th l"th of March.

In axchADgt) for lb rlr,ht of property In tharfa, thair owneri will recein an Indemnity,

peyabl partly la bonda, aacand for a numoerof 1 eara on th aetataa of th crown, aad part.lyW monej, whJU at th urn tim their tillto I heir landed property will b preeorvad. AearUln portion f land, howerer, beloit aocanlail M each aerf, togathar with th houto lawhich no lireA. fh purthaao of part ofthla land la obligatory on th erf, at A fixedplica, and if b wlahoa A larger portion It multbe obtalnilby print treaty with tha proprie-tor. A consld.rAbl DWtinn are eiiiramid latrade, and tawee raguUtleoj do not, of couraa,tly to tbajp

ii m

A Gttmin'i Ttttmeny. A young Gormanaid thai he bad barn under iba pow.r of rraal

taa.piatloo,botkb la4.o4 aaa. Him raryertckad J.ou(r mea. In b!t( Inend abiui, ha fotal length Into one tf Ih charitable Initltutloae of

l.Yark, la II they kali prayer asaeUafe. Aloaaof Ibter, hleaye araaed I b optntd to aekuxMlf, and h kmeled to pray la hi owa txw,a eooa u he ooald l to II after the maNlaf . HeauldfilBOlliklcrpaaoith.n. Sikcwanllaloa. ihapal all aloaa, aad Ikare he LnMlildiio

aad welmed all hi alne t ) Old, an! bay re 1 film,forCbtlat'eiakejlo lorjlte bin. He had a won.daifulylewof Iba lore of Chrlat ta tlylp. VJiirehis, whIU lhr oa hla knee, thi ww a Uatlnot than an weak dt aad now he ka. uaapaaa,abla J iy, and hat k4 eter ilnce.

rreytr aeoiruf DltMurjtQtnmli.X apeakerla Ik meetlag aald ha wae from PMuaylTkoU, aalwlabed lo ipaak of an. war. lo pryr fur Ik

othar. lie eald hi want IbIoaplace aad Urrairad,

M liar you any preyer meetlag her !""No,"lh po;' aaawered, - we are ao cold

IbalwtlklnkllUofaoaaelolrylokar!!, Whad prayet meatiag, but tl mat with ao miuaoppcaition thai w nn 11 (p. Idwdtoma of Ik

udfta of Ih placa cam ao4 brok 11 ap.aThla waa truly dlatouraglag, tm datormlnad lo

do what I could, I raaoirrd lo pray rayeelf andI eegagoi elhera to pray. W bagaa our prayeravMUagi We prayed lor Uoae atad.ato. Tolawa IbiM weak ag. Raw, out of M whe wareg" l breaking up taa.fcraiw'Braaar meeitag,

II atttafuUy ooorartod,DacLDia or IlaArnntrsM, An Englleh

Oaptlit mlaaioavy la Orlaaa, mike atUtement la regard to tha great IdoU

trouafaatlTAl of tbAt part of India. Ilia wordaaret

To aaay roaaambar nj nuntloniaa whaa albotaa, Ibal the Ual Hma I aetaa4a4 Ike JuggaraaahfeaHral, tha car waa abandoned by the paopi andleft a iba road. A fw day. go I waaito macaepeAa4 eipewelto we Iwa eera,aad waatola tuaa on la to old, aad, wtu rward 10 thaolkar, U aa aald Ih prprtor oould aol affj4th ul fa lo Ik Brahin'nt. B u thla la AllMiad. Taa troth la, thai Ik paople bare growatoo wlee lo aeaka baart. of tl.iuaalfM bydrag.l.gIk car, and Ikue I bare Ural ta aaa at aal 10 thawieg ag aad JK(rblb fatau It the oae and

nana place; aad alagalar tnougk I bar. war nobaa of Jiweraain offaral for aala. Fornverlythere weoa I labv tkaa tba god mutt be eadlycnia of fetor."HA cixbotmak BamtrLT ivtitid to apnl

rw Sand y 1 And preath, In th aontharn putof New Jtntf, eent In rtaaat to th PoIIa.delphU iwon 1'jayar Mtottuc f prayer In lf

of hi efforta. Thereetilt k 1UU1 ai folkw-i- i

Ta4ntoVl whealwea preachbg I couldaal aolaaanlry la my The aesi day

lita girl wa'Teywa aid came tone and tL"O.elr, what aiuatldito lor Jni.? 01 thenail day aickl cam., aol girl asd bnya, but aaaBod wvmen. Inquiring altar Iba way of lll. onIba next day elxtoaa earn, and aa lb day afuraltralyawa,aalll lb parlor af tba panoa.aaa wnud aol hold ak.auinkarafanil.ua ami.MekUur ealfaMnai I Ufa tba tilaaa. aait uiavi..ne-ito- a laver from lb patow Ulitog ma that la.qutrrre were UN enrnlag, aod thai aiaay oalatwere aaoiug jaaua.

Ab ImrTAsca op Faith. A hundred doLltr bank-no- t, recently contributed at theDlonmnald atreet church, Boaton, containedtba following Inaoriptloa

To an wko aaau poaaaw tun lot 1 n. ueaabarIbat Mrtohaa tok to IbwiaalTai wlaga. To pi.ml ovaar, Jaaoary 1, 1S41, Ihliiklaf klaiaalfworth eaeaikl thonaanda, agraaa to oaArlbut Ibidaaanum to Iba mttoleeary cenaai but wtabla tanawaeka all waa goaa, uxt la falBlltar thla pladga beUUMaaoor naa. "Hathal giretk k the boar


Aa larmiL 8tt.ecr.r. A a uy lafldal eeaTr.m with a circle cf laiiiea, waa kltoptiOdto bring thrta tulola him In d.njiog tha exliuktmof (Irrt. Htleg with pe r.eceat, hegar rant to Ml fealla.iof dlaaenolntmaot and.rxatton by kaying, ' I did Ml imaaln thatIn thla loon I aim hcal,l hay th kenaf of

I Dot rWl.rtrg In Hod"" Tea ar not riaraa, elr," laid th ml treat f

th mtnilon ray boras, my drat my cat, Allbar that honor with y-- aaly ttreaa poor

brute, hate U honor act t tif f thairAbame."

I be P.palaitoa af tbeettalaaad tbaCMyaadC'aa.ly af Maw Tark,

The Prealdant af tba See it haa nratontad tthat l1y tba fallnwinoj ttnular etatamemt.h 'tloic the tV'Mllt'lon tf tba.l.l.ti. cnantla.rrcrirait fntn Jma . K'ntruri Fii.,

cf the Cennu Department, laI reevlutio. tf tie.Vr.u.

Aitri .... Itlllt.o r'U tt'tofl'ICMy . Il.se llittMe ...10 8117

blvtue W fli Id ittnit . ..Ilea.taneaigiia. . Ok;hav.. . ..fl.lllCj. i4fraai. ...ttTITCh.'HU.. , M!MU),wee T.UCm.au tieiTloago bo,llfCrana.to. .. . 4'l.3 P ittum UnitCHna , 11 7.1" O mii fij mlltimrte... . IWiUii.l,.r 1I8M

f, I.MI R rkmond I 411Dlawra 4tttTlRfkia.il tiV4ttKuwlaat C4 Vltt Mwraoe. IH.4I4

l 141 111 garuora M.TII!. . HMIlla'Dfi'lOl ... Ill.anl

Pi.aaiia.. . . li Ma ao tokaria. UtileIMeiMjQujW 11(140

Geaette. li,iwo. H,13OrMti. ... 31,3nalirn .l.HllMntltr. . . e4'Hw,a 41 111

. 4H.KI Hnl'ltao, .. 31aSS-rao- a fA.Wt Tl t,TIKie. f;l rnitAln. 11411L w . HI'I t'a r..,,. .,, T'!,j:el.''0ta0 . ... I IMC ey.,r.n . . , It 411M.'leoa 41 rW. Mbtrilm 4SI IHotro. lrnsen riya 41 tat

y . 10 i; Wartoboator , V 4Tt! Yitk. R1SI5 vraomlna St.VdTMittaia .. Mlli T.to. JO.t'Jl

T' r..--: I,WTUr rtt tTioa or ma notfitrr or aaw ti ac,

Wtnlt. WhiU. CWir.t, TMrutn U.iDO til 11,111aennd 1411 ti IWTbtid a I 111 t4 1.761H.unk KIU46 d II VI4Kibb vn.1.14 1,101 WillSxlk IS.Iti Jit 9ii.Ma.rh ID fit III M.vtt!Bgblb ID AM t.tCS 21 400Ninth 43VC1 44 419Tenia hh r.io ie.rt4K. Tenth M4i 114 60 MOTwalfik KSiGJS Vfl IT PMTbltkaaih, 13 410 POT II.VITF.uitoMitb ITftil 1 til Jt.iwoPlAanJb Vlia-.-'l TCI 515 5II xuaa.it lirr.t C,(r 41 ITT8nentetk TJU0 J' 9 TIVBIF. alumib TTfTO ri-- i M 4C,

NiBetteatk, IT.evl ri .v.Twaatleb CO U0 1,414 rT.IIITwMa.flr.l 4'Ml 3rd 49 01T

Twtni.K.Dd CltWl 114 ttl,T2S

Tottl TV3 5S1 lT.T5tT 8je,6.nTBlMkwali'. I.lasd... 4 Ml f) 4 ntWard', lelaod 771 TitB dloa'a laland 4 4

Klllel.laoJ B Ilalanj,.,, 001 MidKtulalra lalaad Itli It 1,11

Toui eatta-- j ii.i3 m.oeiBlarJadca af tha Dyttaa Bawatra.

Authentic etaumenta ahow that there hareh.n no exaggeration la th. aejanota heretofor pobllahoil rwpcctlng thcmaitacrai com.mittad by the Druees la Syria. According toa docament prepared by the Central Commit-tee of Aaelatance In London, from Informatlooupplid by th. Turkl themeelv, th number

of Chrlatlaal who loet their lire la 1,000, In.eluding wemea and children. Tha nuraher ofwomen and young girle carried off and told tethe Taika U ,OUO, Ih Dumber of Chriatlanaof aU aecti redacad to rain by thea eyenta 1

70,000. On hundred and filly town aad yllUgee, with ih church, monaitrie. andtcboola attached to them, were pillaged, burnt,or deatroyed. Th houaea of th Cbriatianideatroyed at Damatcna are not included la tblereturn. Tha trial of the Draa chiefe la muchtmbarraated by tba refuaat of maayaf thL'brletiani to teatify, unleaa guarr.ntond pro-tection from thYangeanrtiftlieir pereocutora.

Bahayta.Datarla, the capltkl of th Itlanl of Jara,

According to th jMcrlptlon of a naw'ptpercorreaptident, la a brilliant aperlmaa of ori-ental apl.ndor. Tba houwa, wnflh ar whitaa mow, ar placed two or tare hundred feetback from the alree', th Intervening epicbeing lUlea alia irtea, marany .live wuubirds, andevety variety of plante and II) acre.Every houe baaaplazta In front decorate!with beauil'ul picture, elegant lampa, birdcagea, Ac , while rocking entire, louiigee, &c,of ill uicaat doacrlptKui furnlah luxurioua oconmodaUons for the family, who ait hermornlnge and cycnlnga. At night th city laon Llaze of light from lb lampe. The hotelahay ground, of eight or ten acre I In extentaroaud them, corervd with fine eliaue tr.es.with fountains, dower gudona, Ac ludoadao numeroua ar tba troar, th city atiuoitreetmble a foreat, Ibe rovma ar t.ryhigh and apacloua wllb.ut carpete, aud butfew curtain., Meala ar aerrd up In ah tutth earn atyl aa at tba flrat Uaaa h)tU In thUnitod Stater, althugb thehaMta of 11 ring Arequit diAerrnt. At div light coffee and teaare taken to the gueat'a room, and again At H

o'clock, with light rufreahmeaU. At tadvabreiktaat liaarred, an I Ataereo dinner, C.ffee and lei are alwaya ready, day and night.

No buiinrn la duta In Uie middle vt tbaday oa Accautt of the hoat. The nlihta andmornlnga ar cool a.d dellihlful ; blrda artinging all night. Tba thurrasinaUr aland, atakoat b2 degreea throagbout tha year. Thitlaad af Jara contain, a pnpulttion of 10,000,.000 1 th city of llatavla, lnO.OOO. Tka lalaad

bunda wiU tlgora, leaparda, anacondaa, an Ipolaonoai Intocti of all kinda. Th fineet frillla th world at produced la great r'ofmlon.ti

Tba Cbaaaaaaa.An ofSeer la Africa thui wrltaa of the babili

of thla aulmal: "Aa aome of hablta of tha(bAineleoo may not ba generally known, I willmention a few which ctra under mj wa ob.MrT.tloe, On merolog, I law cloa to mytaat, a yery larg chameUoa, hanging on 4bunb. I immediately aecured him, aad preylded a boa for bim. In Um court of a f.wdaye he becam quite familiar, and haying aaentbim before, I knew bow to gain hla affect'one,wtliP, la the fir it place, waa dona by feed-lo- g

him well, and, In tba next placa, byacr.Whlng hi back with a feather. I oud toput bim on my tall at breAkf.et, aad la thacoara of a yery few minute I hare aan himdevour at Uaat fifty fliea, catching them In thmoat dextereua manaer, with hla long, ellmytooguo) nor doai ha ever move from hiepoaltloa, bet aa aara aa aa aofurtunatafly comae In reach, to aura ha la caught,aad wltn tha rapidity of thought, latha forenoon I alwaya cava Um a largeelica of bread, which which he devoured, aud begenerally luppml on aa many fliea ad be couldmtaag to ntraa, l.ttlng at defiance the "no-ble llamlet'a" theory of the chameleon 'a dealh.lromleea would net have aultad him at all, bo-l-

at the and of each day conaiderably merelike a crammed capon thin an alr-fo- d ciAtoule-o- n.

It la lot true thtt thil animal will changecolor according town tin it put on: but bewill change ahad according ai be la pletMtordieplaaaed. Ilia general hue 1 a bright green,who imall gold apoU over hla bodyi h

At tkla (bade bn he la highly plaaaed,by being in th tun, or b4ug fe l,or eciatcbed,which be dellghtalo. When angry --aal he laraaily made ao hla bae cbtnaet to a do.krgreen, almott black, and the g'lld ipota are notto be aeen; but I nevrr could perceive any oth-

er color on hla body but green la a variety ofihadee. Tba apoU enlarge very much when bela la good humor ae much, liulatal. at to giveayellow ting to the upper part of the animal,but in general they are merely little yellowepoU here And there, on the back aad ildte.

Practical ItaadUad af flaatoei G.ldeleahThe muilctl critic of two ef out taornlog

coabtmporarie Judge of in range ana excel,lance of a prima oVaita'i voice by her capacityto cjyou, "Job work, Job work." Her upperreglaUr moin tha poet era l her lower, the pro.grammea. She la a pure aoprano. If her agentat once pay tba price aakel, aad a aaeiio-e-

prano if ha makaa 4 bargaia. Uaha he allher weak dona at "owMoma, aba la aa great at

uaouiTiaaaaarpacrotaga, anaIJaaunUJDigolf by Um BfUA NljtlngaU

lud ao on to tha end. Oajlttl critlcioi ttna,tn A Itierai mm I eta. Twm.

Trada la rrape aad t.aTATboro are an r two arlule of commerce tf

Switrerland which we are Mr no I ngliaheiaeior American ar th.iht f "trailing In; and

el ahek rriRht Iw ma U prtfluble, parhapt,for bh marebe bring forth a aboo laatly ttioreae hera. (Jatbalica not twtog aUnwot to eatmoat on Prin.y and mriue other d.ya In thyear, and Catholic! being many la tuo laud,uamii. w nan are in irr.t demtnd, rroge

and aotile belong to the genua deh, ami .recollactad in great bamUra for clulftefA ntooki Iran Among thorn who preach, but do nottcactica fatting. It la not neaetary teaajorathe to deny tbemiwiltrra rasa, aa tbert.Jiuiiett ft except in Hiiiid.. duuli .

t'it.i.1 inrtarj.i . a ertvt Unite of let.!and eneu.ij hear tho .itlteri, g ifthn'rio tAi they eat, in pawn , ; .nni .urt- - k lielrexportel to li n toe tjtumt. It J0'ilr inrtt'l.t tii.t ettei, r.,,1 'irmorlftier need to CafhtlHin widoulni .bet .),birltKth aciiril In i'!e pa pfttl enl rrjoidatl. In it p I, I if four rr.i l 'Khemtu d'.ptfcl if fnr'y thmwiil erallennl I

tlnr'tix Uo.iiul pirigr fr.'e' -- ftl-la,f H N, .fail

liarallava by ttaakan,In Miik jarlora (a N.w York it haa become

luite common of Itie to Inquire, wton jubotngSiperlt (IVre.1 f.r dltcount, "How much con.

(aper bare they mill" "How mullrent do they pay?" 'How many hurt", dothry kep?- - llow many new.nipere do theyown alnik In, ar.il oil ?'' 'Ilua- - much aiatheir etore expenvef" "flew much cepitlhare Uie rlycrteo from their bealno.e to nutInto re. I ratata, bank atnrk, Inauranca or oilieratiMktf" "Mow much tlnn do they "pentawr from tliolr iniainoat. aa dlrrc'oraaf Inmir-anc- a

compamea, iNiuka, rnurtlina, onir houal,ml nth r irmlitutione and corpnrationaf"

"Are Ihey mtnaglng rattittoal campaigne,mtkina atunip rporihea, or eeiking ullic?"

lio muih ata tha ienninal eapooMtiif tunpatmrs?" "What amoant of aieeta hirethe in proiottion to tholr lltli Utloa ?"' ' I) iellieir buiineaa exceed twice Ihe amount of theiract i re capital'' Do they attend to thairhu.ir.rA4 In all ltd drpartmnuta or tnare It Idtleikef" I'trlinent uration all.

He. pa af Saaw.The Mttwlngixtract from a letter from

St. Jidia, (N. 11., i dated March 21, aara theWafbibgtio iHtrll. racer, ahowa that our eol.nlal arlghbori hat had a liberal lopple ofanew i

" Wa let. bad Ih. Keel fearful nnw.itnt .rarxptrtoticed In Ihle olooy .lore II aetliantaal.

Toe" e la nowal leaelearan feat cf enow on theltral andBMoep oliebly II will .wage eight fei.AllCjrui.utilcM.1 a with Ihe couuny lo cut offllr. mat a fraa llo.ion ere now due, and two orihneo.t. n.elepo bafot wa gat Ihaaa, Myletttr to Prtdaekk.ua bad tad i.ao.ad tbara, aitkuti, b the f th ue r on the way, Thla I. a m.U rout.c4a etro borne in ll.ottaet.ot thla etir the ennwletwilr. Itfi'taen feet deep, aud phof reobtewww.uteuplid yt.torday la getli.g the .ltraorila- -

ry act.Mlat.al.aled If

The Gntttlt of Cambray giro, an amusingaccount of a party of la'.oxlcated hare. Fif-tee-n

of three creatures ar said to hara enteredthe garden attached to a distillery la the neigh.bt rhood of Lille, and having eaten the bark ofthe hoop ar lom other substance aaturatedwith alcohol, performed vceedlngly fanUstlotrlcka, leaping, tumbling and arreamlng In themoat itraoidinary manner. The workmen,who were wltnoeiea ef the aceaa broke out intoaala of laughter, but nothing frightened the

harea, who btd got th.tr grog on board, andwere full of Dutch courage) the while ef (bamwere aubtoqoeotly mad prlsonere.

Crimes.A kvbawat PBoao oibi. wa found dead

near Farmville, Va., a few days alnra, Marlyeaten ap by btuiarda.

Ia A komabtio in of depreenion, JahbsIIabvkt. cat his throat at rhilAdalohla onIbursilay.

A PiTTarirLD, Mass., deeply Indebt, left hi. wife and three little children oeo.mlaea, acd hli ireJitora ia ihe larch by elopingwith a aervant girl last week.

A Dicikui IIoiun Aien Wirn werehappily illerovrred on the traik, near Toiia-wand- a,

oa Friday night by the engineer, therowcatcWr atruck both, throwing them Indiffireiit directions, bresking th wi man's leg.

A GeBMAS HIJW Hit Bit Alls OCT At St.Louis on Saturday, and left recorded a. a rax.eon, the result or the I'reaidental election; bewaa aura the cily would aeceda, ae he did netcare to lave.

Swan BrmAsi rmrorirn a domtloa partyut Handsale, Vt,, lut weak) a young girldiad from ibe ilTectr. Some of the mlai reantabav lioen at re. ted ; others bav lied la dlun iy,on bearing of the poor Ictlm'a death.

Tin Mate ad IIaih Mdilvico agalastthe Captain of th steamer hhrov. port, at St.Louis, on Fili'ay, when the Utter drew hispistol and fired, blowing the mate's lower Jewj IT th dock band then fall oa th Captainand gave him I dreadful beating.

LTriisntsiiii.E. wrrit tin thbiat cot,a men wai fcand In th. Sire.1 at 1'tuladelpblaoa 1 ueed.y. With much diflicully he whisper,ed that hi. mine w. J(ii Suitii fnm Long.a corair. New .leraey, ttd gnaped a few word!alxrot alijsi. and two men. His state Ii verycrIUcal.

Chablki D.an eab Aw.it with his tmplt--er'a wife from Adrian, Mich., and wta tracedte feneca Falls Isst week ; the hatband se.cared hla lit U boy. and a '.') gold watchwhiih tbey hid stolen from him, and left theguilty couple to their fat.

A oaxo or iirsrxauTE DcaaLAu burstInto a boas In Cincianatl on Tuesday oiht,and adzing Mr. Moosa'a revolver from thmsntlcpi.ee, shot bfrn aa n was gettlxg out ofbed. Bra. MaOkl raised an alarm, and tbathieves fed. Ihe wouaded atsn M hkely torecover.

An ATBonori Ornunn was committed InSt, Lou's laat week. Three men went to thebouse cf a colorrd woman, In a wtgnn, la openday, and loaded the wagon with JUMj worth ofuibltura, with which they drove olf. The pobee only found tke plunder after U bad baaauld.

A raaociori Watch Doo broke leoa atChicago, on Tuady night, and attAcked alittle child who waa paasiog aloag with Itaanother) tba frantlo woman asiied the brute tosav bar child, and waa anockiagly manglod bythe Infuriate animal. Tba neighbor! Anallytarn and slot th dog.

Two IlcaoLAB rroke itto Into a hoaa laPhiUdelphU, la which Mrs. Stawabo, herdaaghter 11, and ber lafant wore aleoe) theyat onto wcat te the bed-roo- wnea Mra.Btewabo aoliel a rattle to ralae an Alaraj; oneof th villains aeiiad her tb by throat, anl tookIh rattl from her. and both escaped. Thrattle waa found In tie yard a hkh th burglaripained tortngh ia their retreat.

Tub Ovikiaea or A Plabtattob, aaarCommerce, Mies., while standing near the aare cables, was aaaaultel lyfoar slaves frontbehind, on with A heavy cfat) regaining Mlfeet, be drew hli knife and klliel tw of hliaaMulttrs, when, twjsmlng faint, tha othertwo overpowered him, threw nlsa to thepound, cboktd bim insensible, and than brokehia neck. The mardereri He eeroit theAr.kiDuie Klver, but a large party, accompaniedby dogs, are la purtuit.

A CoMniiratK Bcougrjaii, ahoitlls h!m-sel-

Lamakitk, aaaaaalag to ba a ralslir.of the celebrated Frenchman, goea toa hotel, appear very 'dejected, calls for aroom, aad register! his name. Kings his 111aeoa after retiring, point to aa emp'y vial ootke table, labeled 'two ounce of laudaaum,"aad aski to lea a clergyman. A clergymanaod doctor are harried lu, emetics and conao-latU- n

admlnlitered, and the young man laaaved, la penitent, and need a ooly to get homete begla a new life. A purs ra made up, therailroads fun Ish free aaa, aod the Toaugman goea oa bla way njoiiio , to act toe sametragedy at another pi toe, with th earn rebit. Ihle dodge we practiced at Sanduahy

and Paytun, Ohio, by the aame ibap.The Mobtbeal Piriiia teem with aa

aounta of cruelty shown to prlaoatra ia thi.n. ...!. rear. AlluJlna. tn tha Tala.V- -. V.I. IJlimiiUn. tha idaarAuaa aaa."Poor boy bar been SogcW, tbara with rodscut green from the wooda (six doxea itrlkeaacjl,) lUtyi tU Daatt WM.W4rk4dt

Um r Uelba, litaraily cat oat rxacaa. and .twtba poor Mfrerrre bevgad fur merry ' atk twtthe pur.lahr.tat might ba Inflicavt apna theirUibe, .Ten that waa denied thorn, and trUi4ie dsllrrre.1 eo that they would atfike tha

utra.ei. tuir ue arm ami arotmtt IK? manTba Warden Handing try all the tram andripeatwily .Inn; rrl.ri to 'atf ke bard.' Onapoor buy la aaliraler lenalrad eight Itabae,avarbe wa Mrfactry 1 tonal al. and rem nedla A aula of inconattetieoea for tw.ctyllrmraata after th tboegi wer rooeexl and h

I WAJ tot dn aieni the troor. Another ber h.aI ;keen Jtuoan to faint three or feuv different

ma from ealutuation and cruel treatment.It la a!to true that eereoaa have boon aalocia.1t. tofl tt corporeal punlehcneot upon ptlaoear.againat wbom thry rrora wall koewn to harbf- -' geof ttrongett h.tiwl. Utheri hart borat dr.rj to daik cillifer three raontba. c'ltlnli tl.e ai: with tw fitt nf tnd ar

rain a jae bordering nron la'tsl

Calamities.UiVa .'it!'" ly. f. Ll.lrtt.tS.-.v- i ure .

aiiruler in tk rria.yt.iAa chuich,'dll Atejr.cntn, A. 1 tn in lltL u'l.

A Wi'Mib Lou a Kir, at Covington, K,,a TueaUy, by i.l lio a r wlear cat tnnein lb fir j 11m ball tatcrod bar rlkht cj a.Two CotJ.trita waaa uiLt.ne. aad a third

Jeaparately wouudwl, by the .t.jelun of coal(aa, In a pet tbeyhailjutt entered to work, atMagea, Va., tm a.luid.y,

la A rrr or l).rriot, prnlucexl by IIIhealtli, Mra Miuiii. tie witaol a rer;arUblmechanic, at New Haven Ut , drutrowt bar.aelf and baby on Wuiluoidty.

Ilia Turjia M.a wkkRcratica nr Liaier-rio- ,at St. ln, on BuiiiUt, one of thon,

I'katipnirK llAaiKK, wte killed on tbo spot ,

hia brother who had tsken theltar in.il Ike'tree, taeapid unhwrt.

A Nttfrrjeniriov nn Diti'DwiiiK lua Jieitrareptreil at Monirwu, C. K. K. Ktarai.iHbaa beea tr.iked tlitro, bite ing aelndltd

at llroamvUleiTeiaA, lutg a a ceabedatate, will lb txitaJiUoa traily apilyt

Aa AbPRnT iMk.TiuAioa of tredicil ac.rnce, Dr K.J. r'nusrAti, rnciidcod hi lif. lolilaieeenrrhia, at Uavtnport, Iowa on FridayIntrylnr: the cITitu of (.Llor.leof po'aaa or.hlmeelf, he tock too much, and died from thetfleita,

A Itoar-- Rt.v Aw.ty wrnt t H'likij g

lo men, near VTInoaa, Minn., onSetarday in going down a atocp hill, Iba barnea gave w.y, and lh were thrown ratikciikuT Cami'Iixll wai iuManlly Ulle-I-. blineck being broken i bla c inpaniop ec.Mvt.

Arootta l'ri k, alter breakaaalku at hi.mntbae'a home ut Unit n Hirlega, mm., a fewday again company with hi. brother Tnottat,retuimd ta the room armed with a deutile bar-relled gun, delilwrately took aim, and exo aimlog, "you bava tbretteve.1 In kill me; I wllkill yoa fir.t," Cred and killed klr brother bl-

atantly. 1 he murderer aad hli wife llwl.

Foreign Items.

Tn it Crate la to be taken la Frame duringthe preeent J car.

Alt EtouiH MamrAr-rcna- n Invite, the null.lie to come and aee hla Inviaible wire fences.

M. LAtarn5K having dlapoaed of hia pro-perty Ik Bfacon, la about to return to rriaudolfer hla worka for tale at hia own hoaaa.

Amchvo m GaTVTLBva who roagre'iilt.ted aire. YaLvaRTtia va the lane of her trialwaa Mr, YBLViaTOM, Ban.

tm AiXttirDi Tim irufnuiVrthat Iron ftttera forilata dealara areaoli byLiverpool merchant a.

Tbkbb Ar 12,600 SinAaa Miuta of bog laIrelttul; of rearly a third of the whole lalaol,a great part of which might be reclalmoL

AStojo RirLB Coara. The volunteer ri-

fle cetp of Englaud new noiabera 110,000man.

In LrrriDoaT tbesx are no leaa than twentytbouaand phyilclana aud e'ghteea hundred urferukin,

Ar BxrLORrsn axraniTinw, partly acieatlllc,partly rportinr, la about to atari overlund florat hanghao in China tofjlnila In th Himalayamountaloa, opetilng up a nearly unkuown partt.f CenUal Aala.

UiTuaaTO tub Dctcii H1VB (LAiMrti forollabd th. honor ot the dlwcovery of Aua

tr.li., In ICOli i reiout renearcbca ahow thai Itwaa dlKovered In 1011, hy a I'ortugueee,Majioxi. UoDmno m I'.aaMi.

A Alpoir avalasouk or imvcvik T

fell la tha Stvoy, recently 1 1 cottage,were lerf t away, 4M bead of cattle p.rlahed,and VOf.ralllca laductd to rula. 1 area peron were killed.

A Lbaovk BAI HIE ponMED betwaea thelarge building fJrma in lndon. to avoidany future itrikeaon Ihe 0 hour." labor qtia.-lio-n

thry will pay all tlulr .uid..jes at wrhour, and not at per day, Al heretofore.

Tie Mk.xicas GovaksaaaT baa eent or-

ders to Vera Crux for the immediate miwikt-tlo- n

of th. blihopa,belletlnlbat the public ae.i ii It w la beat pret.itoJ by their removal fromth countiy.

Is lno'0, Titr Antny Womii or Fvrn.tjiiintm'aiM ait million ( three of thorn a'xmillion labored for tb.lr aubaiatenre, aad twool thiee million wo: unmarried, and depend-ent oa their ewnetertkni forrubsl-itance- .

Tuk Wur ArittcAl lltraiS atata that alatin croei of mar Me, with th elmple lettersI E. L.. now matks the .pot wher th illfated and aconmpllihel " L E. L." repoeeaatCap Coaat Caatle.

PcBiTT or EtBcnow is EFotAirn. At'areceat trial la England, growing out of UeWakefield bribery caaea, it waa proved thatrnmtctalt tr.te.men received auma vary Infrom tW to tSOO for voting for membera ofI'arllamant.

Ami pox CHAaa wai bad la Iinf.n r.b wax flrat otMervad in a charch.v.rd,

when a crowd chaaid bim among the tomba oma; It.yn.rd aoon tlaarod tha radinge, andtll.tanciig bla pack of human hounde, dlaap-pem-

Tuptotat. rerttMBOr PBito"e employe.1upon all rallwaya open and in courta of corv

auui tic n la Ire'and In the year 1G0, waa '23,.Iflrl, leagtli of linea open at the end of Juua,1X1,0, 1,11H longth ia eeuree of eonatructlaa,8l.

Taa Ubxicab Monaraa or Jcanca haato em on a toor ef lnapectioa ef the nannerieaof tin capital. It l repot ted that ha haa foundmany in a very neglected and unhealthy rundttion, and haa taken tha ucieaaary itapd to !m-ro-ve

their condition.

Sivckal am Sanaa or ntntAjl axraaawho were burled alive, betweeo walla, in thCoBveiit ef St. Domingo, lo tha city of Mexl-r- a.

ha.a biea recantl uaeovtracL." Thar arefettered band aod foot, aad hear evidence efwrithing wltn agony wnea uey orew ueirl.atbfeath.

Tna roi.iownn tbbt Faixcnr itoit.waa recently told la a Pari a newspaper; a richarmy coal rector met hla too la the atreet, having an ail arm a rnnueei , pieim "4 young wurnan; the father wa aavage ft hlaenS keeping company with a workglrli the

r!ledtaAt h. Intonded t m'J',mdh;tnoiielle; tba enraged father "'1woaldcoovert all hla property Into cash, aad

the ob rf-.-ld not have a penny. The aoa re-

plied fiat he prefW r.d happineaa to wealth, whenfather, ixArp."' th i''.'

ralclh!aeeoto atrlkhla aen, addanly

hia hand dropped, and he lUg.ered and feU

talo the arroi of tha erowd. which the nolle ofiba dlaruaauea bad cnlleited. He waa a cornu.l.nt man, of a sanguine temperament, and hitaagtr bad killed him I

Jaanti DrcBASAB AT Home. The Exrraalceat, appear to onjov the quiet repja of

rt'lea' larul. Since reeuaalng the dutie of pri-

vate life, he ha evinced uo ditlacllnAtloo tomingle with loclety. Quit recently, tha eemmtetae which accompanied hlai oa the trip fromVVaehlugtoa to Ltnctit.r, received aa iurita-tu-

to vlalt tha home avaad, And war atr-talne- d

by tha and Mill Laib0 tboa aiipOWU HI CUUT.ie. um awu mw

Mr, B. very freely expve hli diaappreval of

tr coara of FiAiDMdexmfadrla, and daoancei the tratton ta tovere terma. 1U d.Ua Ja.1 atrannaoal tha DolicV Ctirt Bad . darbuttba dee. of his Admlalstratlon, laaUtj thaiit waa the only true oa to 4f M VU kawdalagjrf w



OaaB. Ba awTlMW a" 1 1 k .awd'a-aeereP- Llfft, V

a. taa, aa day, M aMaaa. tart apafleatar; If ex tatta,' , 4U IVMaul

Hoatkly Miatniaato af t--ar lawam T5,.T?-- 1 ef AVa. 94 trnTmrn'

fclorfc. p. K. Takeamead ea t.aday.


Tif raara rrc-- or rgwamrAjni ariw..,w. m. i. iwwi'iaai van taia i

TflB WAMB ta vtra tT.raan 1,1I. "a'"ji "., an iia csATgeoj ia raa)ctnuthani Outea IloUl.

PoWVACia 9T THI POTT Tf. aaaaa Ca eikaaFrancltoo vn redaetd, oa the 19th AprA ttwo dollar fer haJf-twa- letter, ntejiaal.

lna raiarrrr or th 1'aaca Caop afNew Jeraeyti reoorta-- l a a very oreraiatae:9",

Fr-n- r AnAn, Nawroar (R.I) har4r.lasa'dt' both. laget aat mnet formMabtafrtrM In tba ctxatry. It coet aboat trpa, i dollari.

Ii BSllk.Vr lCM ctievr-airxnt- rra.ntn t'.- - Wat s 'n ." J iar,! on Tiea-lar- .

a- ' Me f.mTy, a& auateaiaitii Vl io'.i.

The t.Akour Brcovr ar Oolii rar poewain lintiea toluui'ia, w.a lately fotjnd to fcba-- tan- aLJ w.igaed 4 s-- 4

awl waa weitl ".Tin mar mvotet.t op ibk WAjaroaa

feivea Miens wad made In June l.r, brainau vy uie Mine M uotnevneia;, IkeUm iww f.in.aa Comitock lead.

ai lataH woaA.f ArrAaaTTiT orava atVtolitirn, M.M.. laat weik. 'Ih friend.te "er.be' her, aad ah came back te Ufa; aaadied in reality two daya after.

v Atr.niB TtooTY n ie ant itcnirak. wreck the mall car, burnt recendirimiuHKiiiip, a a. Mian ana euver creo.

aoiii-ii-, ami iitiet. coDtaining viiuabl

wrte, nav uuta oblAlnml.A Laot who will iot rEawirher aavaa

'o traraplre, h.a areeenteit the Christ ChapehCathecral, Moot real. G. K., with a nagniaoeatjim iiurloti aeiriia of wrought tilvar, laiga4torn apcilinena of ancient church plate.

The i.ati Sivatoii IliioniatcE ta Braacaaian lb Summit of a mound In LoneCea.iliry, Cal., vaMgh overlm ks the aurruvMal.itig louuitj. A Bkrument ia la coaree ofwvttion over hi. grav.

Ca.aiv M. Cut iia AnvxarreaD te mU atauction, ea tba lOih, bia atock farra aad heaaa.kold .prwintmntitt, preparatory lo leering forSt. IVterthurg. Mr. Ct.tr will lall by thaateaenrr of the 21th toe',

KitCaxmib h nnwK ntotracrnin fi aaldT IIe tt e bead waters of the Uila, led by a Maci.can guide, who knnea wher. tlie Uiegot aiuantity of nturget., which they soldtuo luuina acni at aaoa.

A .tatt Manx nas aiEX fTacrrLATBTt aadhas attrartid th attention of tho F.nliaattou a of Commons, that there are It),000 Osav.

atnexatUaUta in the city of Baagar.tiaiiie.

llBAaTTRa Divoitrrahaa been a great boat.lea with tha Washington Territory 1tgtotay.turf. One dltorce bill peascd theCounciL aaalthe woman married agala lfore it pasood thaI lour e,

Girm" ma Atn ant iwrnnitin havlna;auule their appearance In New Orleans, thaanceaeary accompaniment, a pair of lramaealate white panta, the lirat of Ue aeaaoo, ntadatheir appearance on Tburaday.

Heirwiai-oriT- , Co., Firb DarARTannrr haadUbrndtil In ennwquence of the refuaal of thaicity to allow them to elect their ownCbtof.I ha city has wai red that point, and now thatinrl-- t i ii a payment of III") par year to aevaficonipoi.y befor they will serve.

Tuera bkwaisi pota rotont foot of aaagamred territory In lb Republlo. Tba orgsato-sit-

n during the last lesietun of Congreaa, ttth three new Territories, to wit I (liiotsidsi,Nevada and Dacotah, haa wiped oat alt thaunorganized territory.

A UTrLx liar er trrxcrtTB intellecf, whow.t i a only child, Iwing bantered and elleAa fool by a Kboolmale, a member of a largwfamily, retorted that It waa not half ae straagwthat be wai one fool In hla family, ai that vaaother waa one of ten fool la bla.

A Pabtt or Loan IsxAiin OEBTLimne haraimported from the vrestern pralriea. 8 brace ofprairie fowl, to repair the extirpation of taeaatiut has gon oa for mor than 60 years ef ta--d

acrlmlaat. elaugbter. When New Tork wasa Dutch colony, this gam waa aa plentiful oatLong Island as l)i no a at th Weet.

Tbe MotrnolT rArxat mention A ter-tlf- lc

bombahell. Invented by II. L. St. JAknaa)of Mcblle, fir ihe exclusive nw of theConfeoV.eracy. It is a luogih.ll, with two compara. Inienta. so contrived that when It hits. It willextibaje and scatter a destructive bajwaaaxII ild, which water cannot extinguish.

TiikDimcATiov or tub Baltimore Hoaaafor the Friendless took pine on Tuesday evea.lag. The total cost of the bulldlsg la 1 ,TB7C; the donations and bquits have amoant.to flx.'Wl 37; the payment nf taxes Ar., how.ever, leave the trustee f 1,800 short. Tba ear.vice ware of a highly lat.re.tiag chAractar.

Tna StiiTua hoi n Tiram net la headiaaTthe Hat of kagileh sarnamea, tha Jooese taUlow, thea the Williams) Broanhta droppedto sixth, and Robloaoa baa sooe doern taalovrDth. Every twentv-eiichl- h person ia Hcag).lanu i. eiiuer a cmita, iionea er rvuiMittj one hundred and forty-elght- h la a Taylor,

ana tteryroar nunurai arm thirty nan a AtaaThe Scholabs of a Western j Ulc school, re

rentlv adrptid the following rrsolntion anaai.kiomly t AeaWrvJ, That proant and raJjtarliMkuiies I a disgrace to any one who ase tt,that tba boy who atactic It haa 4 poor cheaaaif Incoming a man In a manly mmm, aad thatIlia young gentleman who la guilty ef nsiag It,la nut wcrtny the tame of sua la a moayajcase.

The TrrjMBiE op laoopa bow serring la thaPacific dlvlaint, under the command of Brlgaw

JoBiesoa, I 3,rb Inclalmg Vt'Cf this number, 1,4.5 ma are sk.

tioned in California. The remainder. Ltaw.Are dialributed tboughoul Oregou and WasaVIngt on Territory.

Thb riiurr OaoA" evib hbabd In pabUaworship In thla country, waa sent front Loadtsan 17 II. j be organlat came out from Engtaaallth I ho lo.trament, aa no person In tha colesrj

waa to U found able to aaeunva It charge.Tho first organ aver built la thi country waamad 'fey Edward Bacnrpm-D- who died haAuguat, KM. Tba fact li itated on hid teaxhwstone.

It mat wot bb aBWBBAtxT known that,tearla are feaid oa tbe California coaat, Tbet'blaeee are the meet successful In th oaBaailion of abtloaea, ia the shells of which pearlate found. Two pearls have boeo found on taaIsland of CatAlliiA which Bold for 1-- each.

Tub city rAsaaxoaa bailwat of New Or-leans la rapidly approaching comrJeUea.About twenty.four mllei of alogl trjck asvj

already laid t four or fire mile more will cea.plate the ayatem. Betw 130 and IW caratwUl be reqalred for the operaliou of the linaeof thla nmb.r but eight have already been rteltcd.

TtironoBB Hooa being In ccmjMny waerob .trrquaradtoaay romethlng humereaaate.ery on present, on th entrance of a Mr,WiaiiB, delivered himself of tbe following I

tleie tcaee Mr. TTTater, eolllctor ef laxea,lecvuejroia gfve bim whatever he.rwiI .Cta. tou I o glee It wiiboul any doaiaMry,-iro- r

Ikoug bla aea,.' VTIutar hla acatoaa araMrMffldry.

TUB KT.TFaiT OP tbb Statb Dbpabb.Mkuvof Ibe ImmlgraMouto the United Stabat

atlng the past vter thowit Axrrrala, raala,lie.o&O, aad 7(.ena ferntie; tax not atated.fS. lb number of death on tha voyage was'ill, O.' lb whole number af piuuenger IS 01 '

were natives of the L'u ted S'ttset 13.001 af1K.i lend; 48.Cx7vf Irelaad; M.716 of fjermaan'

715 if Prussia; 5.467 of Chiaa) Ltbe ef tiwalWest Indlea) Greece and MalU iat laaaaj.f.w Etalaad seat .. Of the paiiaagera. llaUv.itl itatod they IntenJad to restda lathe UnlMl 'Suits; 3 (18 said noih'pg about It; 1.11. warlivaial tlBrltlhArnerici8otoCtTJrithB.

in.. euBaveKBE aaia aioaee at Dcooa.vlllo Va.. oo Wednesday aaoralag, aad asaihas described by an eye wltnaa i ' It adoiitoao the regi'larrlalilg-o- f Iba "gVceHoeva arb af

dtytwocTUtractiana aompanled tha aaaiav,

ldy. one at wkkh rocrrid is a t wtaeraoaaavav,.kilaLhaatberluira alnaa la a sou that Iy 4V,'''.r HWUtantlTom tkayaU bj.tr.AiiattmiiiiA aTkr arainfi nail im

1 h.laht. tha two radaallr retaWaajtmitalUBOv. arched the ? '

ttweattful fog voritir ' p.MiatPUta,
