.. , .. , ... , " , , ./ .' ,. , '" t' '. ".- ... " •• '. .. ,. i .. , ' ,; , , " , A l - .- e."': ::.. •• '.. " •• ':': •• $ 0\ : '(;) ': , .,It .. . . . .. '. ... "' ... "-'1 :- -;-'",{ '"' , J ':>' - , . .. _ ......... ,,' .. ., ... r ' • " o . ., o " , I Carroll Nesbitt \ ';' t, " , '; , ; . I 1 .: ", , " , - -- I ' . ... ... ---................. -- .' I PUBLISHED WEEKLY I St.rbuc.k S.,ri'i.st ... WINNIPEG Cvlrus' I ... l1 ... VOL •. 31, FRIDAY, APRIL 22nd 1921. R. J. RICI:IARDSON, PUBLISHER, TREHERNE, MANITOBA , ' Member Canadian. Weekly NewlpapersA .. oclation SUBSCRIPTIONS, $2.00 PER ANNUM , .. :..,. .. :-: .. : .• : .. : •. : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .• .. : •• : •• : .. >.: .. :..: •• :-.: •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• :..: •• : •• : •. : •• : ... :. . " , . .:. W ' You cannot be on time un- less you carry a reliable time- piece. .' . 1. .1. .1. 1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. ,I. .1. ,I, .1. .1. .1. .1. ,I, By,your next Watch from us, ::: and get satisfaction. We':- carryall the makes' :!: of Watches in stock. :1: .1. .1. .1. , LOOK'! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! ::: Just in-Rebekah Emblems and Rings. ' Differ- :l: t l ent styles and prices. .1. i If your Glasses need repairing, bring them to us for quick and ::: reliable service. .1. .1. 1. A full line of WATERMAN and SWAN FOUN- .1. Xi. TAIN 'PENS in stock. '. .1 1. I D. Goodman Jeweler Treherne .... 'if ,. .:. y .' ••••••••• I!. •• ! ... J ................................................................................... : .. : ........ " ........ : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• :' ..... .................. . i.'I., '. HAVE YOUR EYES· EXAMINED by the most modern methods known to Optical . Science. , ", S. N. COCHRAN , . '- Graduate Optometrist of Carman, wiD be at Geo. T. Curry's Store from I . TUESDAY NOON TO WEDNESDAY NOON, MAY 3-4 , . ... , niE .01L' , GAS TRACTOR REBEKAHS VISIT CARMAN '; DEATH OF JAMES ENGLISH' .............. "",., I •• """'"""""''''*:11111*)11* !I!"''''''' ""., '''''' .... ",,.. "U""''''''' '" '" ""1'"'''' .,.\t.""" .. ",. "'""""",.. , ... ;t .. . , " , . On Thursday, Apl'lI 14th. Mesdames Grnham, Ruston. Gorbell,' Carr. t:Wln. , , Green, J. Smith. Sanderson, A. 1'0110n, Chrlst1Iaw. llIchllrdsou and Miss CrlLw, [0 I'd wenl :to Carman. whero,,: ware Invited to celebl'lIte Ule 9UI ,An- nlvel'sllry of Easter 1_lIy Rebekah Lodge No. 34. The I'ogular ,of the lodge W,IIS held, dUl'lng Which tP9k place the presentation of a pear! lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY- , .J eral o[ the Assembly. officers Winnipeg were present. also some . , Grand Lodge folks.llmd A. L. Simpson. ye Editor of the Western CllnadlL bild- fellow. Speeches were made by'ali oe tho o(I\cers fro 111 Wlnnlpog. Mrs. Gra- ham of 'l'rehel'lle. and onl! of Lho ladles [rom MiamI. EdlLor Simpson took- IL very mean advantage of some of the members of Dove Lodge. by aliudlng , ,to Lhem In his lengthy speech" th\1s eliminating time for Lhelr reply. lr,lt hlldn't been for his good looks. he would have gotten hImself InLo lous dl(I\culties. " CROCUS DAY POSTPONED " , , AT SUMMERLAND, B. C. Word was received from 'Summer·,: land n. C., of lite doath on Monday mOl'lllng of JIIIIICS gngllsh. one of thl!! ulstrlct's 1110neors. 11111nedlately upon receiving the Infol'llllLtion. his son. G. A. (Alox.) left for tho coast to be besldo his moth 01' In hOI' bereavc· • I mpnt. IIlr. resided In Treherne dis" trlct for thirty years. beforo leaving for British Columbia Inst fall. owing to failing health. He was born at AI'- nagh. Ireland, on June 6th. 185·1. com- Ing to Bruce County. Ont.. wllll illS parents when two yenrs old. He:cnme to Manitoba in the spring of 1879, 1'0- \ turning to Ontario the following, year , for his bride, who wns Miss Mnry Ann McNally, '. 'l'hree children wero born to thom. Robl .. deceased, Mrs, Charlotte Vance of Somerset, nnd Geo. Alexander oC Treherne. Mr, English was a member oC the Presbyterian Church. and the Orange I.odge. and was one oC the dlstrict's most successful Carmel's. 1Iis funeral will bo helu In Treherne early nen week. upon the ai'l'lval of Lhe widow lind 80n with the renllLlns. . : , Owing to the bllckward season, Cro- ANNUAL MEETING OF S]p>ringtimrne is Fllytiinne / Careful housewives, who have the health and comfort of the family at heart will prepare at once for The Annual War on the Fly. ' TIle first step is to have those Screen Door and Windows that are old and worn out. replaced. We have an assortment of Half Screen Windows that we we arc letting go for $1.00 each while they last. We a line of Doors at various prices are sure of being able to satisfy your needs. and Perhaps all your screens need is a little repairing. Per- haps some new mould. or a piece to reinforce. No need in the way of lumber is too and we will appreciate a demand for one lath. or a foot of screen mould. The main thing is to keep out the Flies . SATISFACTORY SERVICE THE CORONA LUMBER CO., Ltd. A. J. P. E$TLIN, MANAGER PHONE 57. TREHERNE, MAlt I • . ! cus Day. announceu 1'01' 'April 22. has been I)Ostll0ned till MIlY 2. ·'fhe Idea CURLING CLUB of, establishing the "day" Is to ll1tve Tho annual meeting of the TI'o- =============================== everyone weill' on \hat oocaslon, a slle- heme Curling Club was held in the "! _____________________________ II! clmen of Manllobll.'s.! tloml emblom. Bank o[ Commerce Chllmbers on Fri· :: The anemone pasqua lIower, common- day evening, April 15th. The club hss Iy called the prah;le crocus; Is found In had a vory successful season, with gravel' ridges. The r!ch some seventy members, and after have violet purple of, the 'flower's '1letals, Is Ing purchased cups for the Bonsplel, helghteneu by the bright yellow sta-' having still $200.00 In the treasury. mens In the centre. The lIower Is '6 The following officers were elected: , perennlnl. whos,e leaves whllher Patron:-,W. H, Splnks,-M. L. A. I' with the ripening of tbe seeds. I IIou. 'Presldent:-Donald McCoig. " . Prcaldent:-R. 'A.- Sandcl'8on. , ' I MI!THODIST CHURCH NOTES " Vlce-Presldent:-Dr. Geo. Bowman . '., I ,. , ' . , . Ser .. -Treas. :-, R., C. O!l', Sunday morning the Chaplnln :-Rev,'·J. C. Stewart. nnd Rebekahs WIll 'assemble for wor- Executlve:-Geo. Syer, Geo. Gra· ship in the MeUlOtilsl Church ham, Edw. Little. Wm. Grecn and . nillon ?f' of John Coulter. '. th? 'Qel,!lgate: -Pres .., R. A. .. .. .:t._: "Holy. ',holy. holy AI-' 'lIon. Life ·Mcmber:-Mr. JaR. All} mighty." cheson (the district's oldest resident.) Invocalion Many expressions of app.'cclatlon Hymn 362: "He UveUI long who IIv- w'ero voiced ovor the success oC the . eth well." Ilast sell.8on. and a v'?te of thanks Anthem by the, Choir made"to the retiring president. Mr. Scripture Lesson:. Lev. -XiX, 1-18. R. P. Morrison. and, to the secretary. Announcements A vote of'thanks'wau also mado·to the Offering" , .' " COrllmlttee who had charge of the an· HEALTH ... , _. r.,","ow: '"' .... W"tw .... '""" ..... What wiD give you Good Health? ? ? ? ? -Answer: - Good food carefully prepared plus good clean. healthy teeth is the foundation of a healthy body . What is the use of having good. clean. wholesome food placed before you if your teeth are half missing, or decayed. or your mouth with and pus from diseased gums. and rools which are' abscessed. . \ Call at our o(\lco'lInd get eXllert advice on the condition o[ your l1Iouth. Have mlsRlng teeth ropllLcec\ by goot! Sanitary Bridge Work. Have those decayml teeth fll1eH.' Have thoso roots extl'acLed without Pain. Ir It is piateK' you ,need. ask rol' prlcoR and data. on 0111' 'We-are Iho' orIginator, 0[,thI8:plalo. nllll::made 'Iil: , ·thls office. we' gual'imtoe Absolute SatisfactIon as to fit. comfort. dura- bility and lIOI'fect appeIU·1ll1ce. Write for Appointments. DR. PARSONS .: 'Fuhion-Craft Block WINNIPEG 258 Portage Ave. , Anthem· by' the,}qholr nual Donsplel:, Messrs. Geo. Graham. Hymn 368: "God send: us men whose Dr"Bowman. D. Goodman. R. A. Sand- aim' twill be,',". crson, Geo. T. Curry and R. C. Parsons Sermon by Rev. T. B. WIlRon. " Solo by' MisS 'Be'ryl Staples ',"',' Hymn 367': .'",\therii' cross' lhe 'crow- BASEBALL P!lOSPECTS ,; ded w'a}s of I_Ire." FOR TREHERNE ,Boned Ictlon , E'v'enlng Servlco:":"" A large "'meeling 'or baseball [ans 'Tho' Iitistor' will preach ,In the even- was held In the chambers of tho Dank Ing: Subject:' "Tllli, Lord's Ballle. or of Commerce on Tuesday evening. to nie Slain MonsLer,"':' " ol:ganlze [or the coming season.' 'l'he The United Frayer .Meeting will be llrospects for a good season first- held In Ute' Methodls Church. on Wod- class ball were never"better, as a new nesday, 27th. The Ilddress' will' be by league IV.lll be [ol·meu. whlph w!ll R J C St . t . slst of Treherne. Swan 'Lake, ,SOWOl'- ev. . . ewn.r .. " , , , Junior and Senior L(mglies;'mcet on set, Rathwell, perhaps Elm Cre,ek 'rhursday at 7 and' 8 p, in; "' . and Miami. - and many exhibllion . ..';", - .' ".,' gaDles gawes with otber. teams are , ! To Initending" ]B\Ulyers J. '( of'Real Estaite: If'you are thinking of locating on land this Spring, now is the time to make up' your mind. . Land is sell- ing on easier,. terms now' than it has been for three years: f have a good to pick from. , , '", .If you Houses.' ,tl.tat: you ":,-. : want 10 trade ,m on ,land. ,call on. me. Trades work bOth ways. ' ., . , is offered to the and the country' as a fit and creditable' addition to' tilt! whicl1'comprises the thoroughly dependable .'River Special" line;, and those desiring· a Gas Tractor merit as'sured"byjts builders that in ,the CHALM ERS C'H U RCH 'NOTES planned; . ..It Is likely that a "sec- ," .,. U', . ',: and'" ieague .will lie !!ormed. with an·, I am open for deals of any kind. Let me know what you have to sell or trade and I will try and it ',' ,'. ", - ,. ., ..... I I .. , .. t. .'" _ 't4". ... ...... _",4 MiO " , 'Auctioneer ' : Subjects:-' other ,team from Treherne In league Mornlng:-'''l'hq Worlu "Vlslon," w'llh"lndianfo'rd and' Matobettv.llle, Evenlng:-"O! Canada!". , thus giving the district a, good assort-. ·SabbnUI.school and Bible C1I1SS im- ment of. the popular, game. A Sports mediately after lhe m01'1ling service. Day will be held during June. In which '" '1'he ESUlIli' Mission Bund meets on prizes amounting to about '1000' will , Monday e,·ening. 'the 25th. nl' 7:30 In lie' altered. . ' UlO 'Bible Class 1'001ll. , ' The officers chosen (or the 1921 sea- Don·t.miss the "Les 1II1serables"nlO: Jeon'.al'e: . , ;. \ tlon ,plcturmi,on :"fh,ursdllY ,evenllll; .. ,·,'. Patron:-W. H. Spinks. M. L. A.(, '. Well worth doubl!l the pI·lce-35c. lind., lIon. J. Mills.. , , " . ':!'I'esldent;-Nels. Kearns .", .' " for' you. ' Money to_L_oan at Rates. " ;'-Treherne, Man. / " Sec.-Ti·ens.:-W. J. RuHton. 'I" " Commlttoe :-C .. _..... ' .. Geo: Wiechman. , , '. \ was "e,electeu Ma,scot' ,"U'"UILIUU lbat he does not. outgrow .D. and that hI! ,Is persqnally for any difficulties lie .may n 'anyone' up to' twice "hls .' . . , . , " ' " :1' I . .. •• .. .' •• ' . .. 00 •• .. ... : . ' . . . . '.' , '. .. . . .. . . .. .. , .$ • • .' . . . .

r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J

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Page 1: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J




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Carroll Nesbitt \

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I PUBLISHED WEEKLY I St.rbuc.k S.,ri'i.st ... i,n~-=",


Cvlrus' I ~n,,)'st ... l1 ...

VOL •. X~IJ;-NO. 31, FRIDAY, APRIL 22nd 1921. R. J. RICI:IARDSON, PUBLISHER, TREHERNE, MANITOBA , ' Member Canadian. Weekly NewlpapersA .. oclation SUBSCRIPTIONS, $2.00 PER ANNUM

, • ~ (H).~"':-<"".:..:..: .. :..,. .. :-: .. : .• : .. : •. : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .• :~: .. : •• : •• : .. >.: .. :..: •• :-.: •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• :..: •• : •• : •. : •• : ... :.

. " , . .:.

W att:c1h~s '

You cannot be on time un­less you carry a reliable time-piece.

.' . • 1. .1. .1. • 1. .1. .1. .1. .1. .1. ,I. .1. ,I, .1. .1. .1. .1.

• ,I, By,your next Watch from us, ::: and get satisfaction. We':­carryall the standa~d makes' :!: of Watches in stock. :1: .1. .1. .1.

, LOOK'! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! ::: 3· Just in-Rebekah Emblems and Rings. ' Differ- :l: t ~ l ent styles and prices. .1.

I~ i

If your Glasses need repairing, bring them to us for quick and ::: reliable service. .1. .1.

• 1.

A full line of WATERMAN and SWAN FOUN- .1. Xi. TAIN 'PENS in stock. '. ~i:

.1 • • 1.

I D. Goodman Jeweler Treherne ~l~ ~ .... 'if ,. .:. y .' ••••••••• I!. •• ! ... J ................................................................................... : .. : ........ " ........ : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• :' ..... ~-.~ .................. .

i.'I., '.

HAVE YOUR EYES· EXAMINED by the most modern methods known to Optical .

Science. , ", S. N. COCHRAN ,

. '- Graduate Optometrist of Carman, wiD be at Geo. T. Curry's Store from




, niE .01L' , GAS TRACTOR

REBEKAHS VISIT CARMAN '; DEATH OF JAMES ENGLISH' .............. "",., I •• """'"""""''''*:11111*)11* !I!"''''''' ""., '''''' .... ",,.. "U""''''''' '" '" ""1'"'''' .,.\t.""" .. ",. "'""""",.. ~l""'1l1fn"JRrtr.'""ml'f(lRl«mm~ • , .:\miO"i'Ht~;nm;u:YCOh,i ... ;t .. ii:H;f'~nt: '.ttOi,m,~~m:i'H"H~ir.n"tf1t{O'W . , "

, . On Thursday, Apl'lI 14th. Mesdames

Grnham, Ruston. Gorbell,' Carr. t:Wln. , , Green, J. Smith. Sanderson, A. 1'0110n, Chrlst1Iaw. llIchllrdsou and Miss CrlLw, [0 I'd wenl :to Carman. whero,,: ~I~y ware Invited to celebl'lIte Ule 9UI ,An­nlvel'sllry of Easter 1_lIy Rebekah Lodge No. 34. The I'ogular moCtl.n~ ,of the lodge W,IIS held, dUl'lng Which tP9k place the presentation of a pear! nll~~­lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-, .J eral o[ the Assembly. officers f~om Winnipeg were present. also some . , Grand Lodge folks.llmd A. L. Simpson. ye Editor of the Western CllnadlL bild­fellow. Speeches were made by'ali oe tho o(I\cers fro 111 Wlnnlpog. Mrs. Gra­ham of 'l'rehel'lle. and onl! of Lho ladles [rom MiamI. EdlLor Simpson took- IL very mean advantage of some of the members of Dove Lodge. by aliudlng , ,to Lhem In his lengthy speech" th\1s eliminating time for Lhelr reply. lr,lt hlldn't been for his good looks. he would have gotten hImself InLo se~-

lous dl(I\culties. "


, ,


Word was received from 'Summer·,: land n. C., of lite doath on Monday mOl'lllng of JIIIIICS gngllsh. one of thl!! ulstrlct's 1110neors. 11111nedlately upon receiving the Infol'llllLtion. his son. G. A. (Alox.) left for tho coast to be besldo his moth 01' In hOI' bereavc· • I

mpnt. IIlr. I~ngllsh resided In Treherne dis"

trlct for thirty years. beforo leaving for British Columbia Inst fall. owing to failing health. He was born at AI'­nagh. Ireland, on June 6th. 185·1. com­Ing to Bruce County. Ont.. wllll illS

parents when two yenrs old. He:cnme to Manitoba in the spring of 1879, 1'0-

\ turning to Ontario the following, year , for his bride, who wns Miss Mnry Ann McNally, '.

'l'hree children wero born to thom. Robl .. deceased, Mrs, Charlotte Vance of Somerset, nnd Geo. Alexander oC Treherne.

Mr, English was a member oC the Presbyterian Church. and the Orange I.odge. and was one oC the dlstrict's most successful Carmel's. 1Iis funeral will bo helu In Treherne early nen week. upon the ai'l'lval of Lhe widow lind 80n with the renllLlns. . :

, Owing to the bllckward season, Cro- ANNUAL MEETING OF

S]p>ringtimrne is Fllytiinne /

Careful housewives, who have the health and comfort of the family at heart will prepare at once for The Annual War on the Fly. '

TIle first step is to have those Screen Door and Windows that are old and worn out. replaced.

We have an assortment of Half Screen Windows that we we arc letting go for $1.00 each while they last.

We c~rry a line of Sc~ee~ Doors at various prices are sure of being able to satisfy your needs.


Perhaps all your screens need is a little repairing. Per­haps some new mould. or a piece to reinforce. No need in the way of lumber is too sm~1l and we will appreciate a demand for one lath. or a foot of screen mould.

The main thing is to keep out the Flies .



I •

. !

cus Day. announceu 1'01' 'April 22. has been I)Ostll0ned till MIlY 2. ·'fhe Idea

CURLING CLUB 1I!lIl!tEitlltiw.lI!lI!lIIl~lI!l\!!t!lI!H!l4IlI!iiill!mil!ll!lIllltll!lUlI!ilimmllElI!lIlmw.II!mw.lI!lliil!lliOOllil!lliIl!ll!llillalllIiIII

of, establishing the "day" Is to ll1tve Tho annual meeting of the TI'o- =============================== everyone weill' on \hat oocaslon, a slle- heme Curling Club was held in the "! _____________________________ II! clmen of Manllobll.'s.! tloml emblom. Bank o[ Commerce Chllmbers on Fri· :: The anemone pasqua lIower, common- day evening, April 15th. The club hss Iy called the prah;le crocus; Is found In had a vory successful season, with

,olu~(ers o~ gravel' ridges. The r!ch some seventy members, and after have violet purple of, the 'flower's '1letals, Is Ing purchased cups for the Bonsplel, helghteneu by the bright yellow sta-' having still $200.00 In the treasury. mens In the centre. The lIower Is '6 The following officers were elected:

, perennlnl. whos,e leaves whllher aw~y Patron:-,W. H, Splnks,-M. L. A. I' with the ripening of tbe seeds. I IIou. 'Presldent:-Donald McCoig.

" . Prcaldent:-R. 'A.- Sandcl'8on. , ' I

MI!THODIST CHURCH NOTES " Vlce-Presldent:-Dr. Geo. Bowman . '., I ,. , ' . , . Ser .. -Treas. :-, R., C. ~arsOfs.

O!l', Sunday morning the Od'd~ellofs Chaplnln :-Rev,'·J. C. Stewart. nnd Rebekahs WIll 'assemble for wor- Executlve:-Geo. Syer, Geo. Gra·

.~ ship in the MeUlOtilsl Church In'reco~- ham, Edw. Little. Wm. Grecn and

. nillon ?f' 1I!~. al1ni~el'sary" of Od~f~}- John Coulter. '. ,~owsl~lp:, f~I~Q:ov!~s:"11I th? .Pl'!W!·~',ll, ?~., 'Qel,!lgate: -Pres .. , R. A. Sal\de\'8~~,

~~~j~~;v),~e)-A~~~ic:~~~~~r;;: .. ';.~l':;f.~, ~j\:Itl3-mllt~!.;·\lblin:..:COu'.ter~ ~ .. ~~ .:t._: '~'~~7 "Holy. ',holy. holy Lord~'God' AI-' 'lIon. Life ·Mcmber:-Mr. JaR. All}

mighty." cheson (the district's oldest resident.) Invocalion Many expressions of app.'cclatlon

Hymn 362: "He UveUI long who IIv- w'ero voiced ovor the success oC the . eth well." Ilast sell.8on. and a v'?te of thanks ~as

Anthem by the, Choir made"to the retiring president. Mr. Scripture Lesson:. Lev. -XiX, 1-18. R. P. Morrison. and, to the secretary.

Announcements A vote of'thanks'wau also mado·to the Offering" , .' " COrllmlttee who had charge of the an·

HEALTH ... , _. r.,","ow: '"' .... W"tw .... '""" ..... ~~

What wiD give you Good Health? ? ? ? ? -Answer: - Good food carefully prepared plus good

clean. healthy teeth is the foundation of a healthy body . What is the use of having good. clean. wholesome food

placed before you if your teeth are half missing, or decayed. or your mouth lad~n with germ~ and pus from diseased gums. and rools which are' abscessed. .

~ \ Call at our o(\lco'lInd get eXllert advice on the condition o[ your l1Iouth. Have mlsRlng teeth ropllLcec\ by goot! Sanitary Bridge Work. Have those decayml teeth fll1eH.' Have thoso roots extl'acLed without Pain. Ir It is piateK' you ,need. ask rol' prlcoR and data. on 0111'

.,!~~.rfec~lon'Plate:'" 'We-are Iho' orIginator, 0[,thI8:plalo. nllll::made 'Iil: , ·thls office. we' gual'imtoe Absolute SatisfactIon as to fit. comfort. dura­

bility and lIOI'fect appeIU·1ll1ce. Write for Appointments.

DR. PARSONS .: 'Fuhion-Craft Block WINNIPEG 258 Portage Ave.


Anthem· by' the,}qholr nual Donsplel:, Messrs. Geo. Graham. Hymn 368: "God send: us men whose Dr"Bowman. D. Goodman. R. A. Sand- ~0IIlIlllllHIIlaK1IIi1llll~6t!11i1llIHill!llKlt!1i1lll!ltt1l1lf.~lilitjl!it1iiffi1'*lI6ti;MmO~iW.llIi1lmr.:lI!i!iil(r.:~;i!a~l!!

aim' twill be,',". crson, Geo. T. Curry and R. C. Parsons Sermon by Rev. T. B. WIlRon. "

Solo by' MisS 'Be'ryl Staples ',"',' Hymn 367': .'",\therii' cross' lhe 'crow- BASEBALL P!lOSPECTS ,; ded w'a}s of I_Ire." FOR TREHERNE

,Boned Ictlon , E'v'enlng Servlco:":"" A large "'meeling 'or baseball [ans 'Tho' Iitistor' will preach ,In the even- was held In the chambers of tho Dank

Ing: Subject:' "Tllli, Lord's Ballle. or of Commerce on Tuesday evening. to nie Slain MonsLer,"':' " ol:ganlze [or the coming season.' 'l'he

The United Frayer .Meeting will be llrospects for a good season o~ first­held In Ute' Methodls Church. on Wod- class ball were never"better, as a new nesday, 27th. The Ilddress' will' be by league IV.lll be [ol·meu. whlph w!ll c~!l' R J C St . t . slst of Treherne. Swan 'Lake, ,SOWOl'-ev. . . ewn.r .. " , , , Junior and Senior L(mglies;'mcet on set, Rathwell, a~d perhaps Elm Cre,ek 'rhursday at 7 and' 8 p, in; "' . and Miami. - and many exhibllion

. ..';", - .' ".,' gaDles gawes with otber. teams are

, !

To Initending" ]B\Ulyers


'( of'Real Estaite: If'you are thinking of locating on land this Spring, now is the time to make up' your mind. . Land is sell­ing on easier,. terms now' than it has been for three years: f have a good ~~lectiol1 to pick from. ,

, '", .If you I~~ ~e C~ty L~ts. Houses.' ~q~ipme.nt ,tl.tat: you ":,-. : want 10 trade ,m on ,land. ,call on. me. Trades work

bOth ways. '


. , is offered to the Far~ers. and Threshe\m~n,.of the country' as a fit and creditable' addition to' tilt! in~clliri!!ry whicl1'comprises the thoroughly dependable ~'Red .'River Special" line;, and those desiring· a Gas Tractor ~f unquestion~d~strength ~nd' merit a~e as'sured"byjts builders that It,~as ~:-superior, in ,the mark~t.

CHALM ERS C'H U RCH 'NOTES planned; . ..It Is ~Iso likely that a "sec-," .,. U', . ',: and'" ieague .will lie !!ormed. with an·, I am open for deals of any kind. Let me know what

you have to sell or trade and I will try and cli)s~' it ',' ,'. ",

• • •


,. .,..... ~ I I .. \.~ , .~ .. t. • .'" _

~_. 't4". ... ~. ...... _",4 MiO

" ,

'Auctioneer Impl~ments ' : ~'

'Sunday'~ 'Serm~ri' Subjects:-' other ,team from Treherne In league Mornlng:-'''l'hq Worlu "Vlslon," w'llh"lndianfo'rd and' Matobettv.llle, Evenlng:-"O! Canada!". , thus giving the district a, good assort-. ·SabbnUI.school and Bible C1I1SS im- ment of. the popular, game. A Sports

mediately after lhe m01'1ling service. Day will be held during June. In which '" '1'he ESUlIli' Mission Bund meets on prizes amounting to about '1000' will , Monday e,·ening. 'the 25th. nl' 7:30 In lie' altered. . '

UlO 'Bible Class 1'001ll. , ' The officers chosen (or the 1921 sea-Don·t.miss the "Les 1II1serables"nlO: Jeon'.al'e: . , ;.

\ tlon ,plcturmi,on :"fh,ursdllY ,evenllll; .. ,·,'. Patron:-W. H. Spinks. M. L. A.(, '. Well worth doubl!l the pI·lce-35c. lind., lIon. Pre~ldent:7R. J. Mills.. ,

• , " . ':!'I'esldent;-Nels. Kearns .",

.' "

for' you. '

Money to_L_oan at ~urrent Rates.

" ;'-Treherne, Man. /


Sec.-Ti·ens.:-W. J. RuHton. 'I" "

.r'.l~,a:n.llijinig· Commlttoe :-C .. Metca)[e.;;~~~~~::~~==i:=~=~;:;:~;:::;:~:::::;:: "rln'nl~i!lg; _ ..... ' .. ~~B~J~h~lit:~~~::; Geo: Wiechman. , , '. \ was "e,electeu Ma,scot'

''1~~':~~j;i~'~~r~ ,"U'"UILIUU lbat he does not. outgrow .D. n~i:,uinHl~rnll. and that hI! ,Is persqnally

'.t..'.al~l1lll.y. :~!YiI~r~t;i1:ucl.on;';':'~~~~!~~l~!~ for any difficulties lie .may ·'f".:".t.:,~'::'"',, n 'anyone' up to' twice "hls


• • • •

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' . . . . '.'


'. .. . . .. . . .. .. •



• • •

• .' . . . . • •

Page 2: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J


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" .

V ES." ,. met seemed to be' "'11 . "And is·that.cOr- .' abo,,:,,~ !t,!; {T~en I, s~"Y rour

rect what is said;. letter,,, ~n~"Kl}~~ you w~u!~ about Dr, Chase's Nerve! tel}'mWella~ut'klti"" h~" "i J Food ?" , , . ' " . e .' yqu no,w, o~ wea c

"Yes, it absolutely I. and: miserable' 1,1 was for is ': 'year" 8"in spite 'of all 'th'ecdoc-'

tru, e." I ~ tors could ,do for me. I I was ·"Bilt· why do you' recom.:.: 'nervous~" hTitilble~ !i restless

mend it 7" .' ., " and sleepless, JfhotightJlome-, "F,or two very good t:ea- times I would go out, of my

" sons, 1 First,· because 'it, fully mind·' ,from I' : I and de~ restored' " my . , health, ·;and ,.pressed) spirits, atrenrth when, I was, weak, "- ,tel,l y?~ h,ow wornou t arid' very . greatly You can

, '

discouraged, ana, second, be- . (There' is tl1e lwltlolle"'tn,.,,, cause 1 believe iUs a duty, as , all .the credit, is, due" well as 6 pleliSure td 'let Ch~8e's 'Nerve Fobd."· other women know 'about so ,,·!!I get your viewpoint now. superior a treatment." \ " .. J ; lLwouldlbe'a sin and a shame

"I never used Dr, 'Chase'S ffyou .did not tell others." I Nerve Food,. buHrgot-inter- .Dr .. C!t,a,s.e;s .. ~~r"v.e F~:" ested inl:that. Woman's)Ad- . :Q.Q !l~~~S'! all' de,al~t;R" or,. vert~~!ng., ~~P.~,~~ they ,Jl,ad, mans,?~~ "B~t~ /.~ ,Co., .,' and, nearly 'everV wbmanu'l I Toronto,!"· .. · .....

Treherne, Man. , -: COUNTRYMENI Established 1899. ,: . .

, $2.00 per year. , .. ,.How ,vould you 'llke 'to hilVe 'tho It. J.: RI~har_dson, ',' Editor nearest town a~ Winnipeg; the train

, ADVERTISING RA;rES . service consisting of one train n: week . (EUective Juno 1st, 1920.) 'the general exodus-of merchant, store'

Local, '62 'l~scrtionB' pet: ye~r,' 16c. keeper, professional_men, etc. What per column Inch.'" -- chance 'would you lJave of IlviIfk?

Translcnt DIMplay, 25c., per Incb. 'what would. your 1~1;I,d be worth, sa~ _ Legal, per lI11e, 12c.,8c.·8c. 75 miles from' 'town 1; (You would be

Lhiers, 5 lin~s or. less, 50c. (or first lucky'lt you got a dollar an acre' [or .. 11TS(!rti'EJ'" 2iill •. (or. each. subsequent It.)·~ Yet, -do you know that you are

lIIscrtfon.. '. '. ; , . grnduaily.helplng this state of atralrs ' . lJus,lneBs and' professional card!!, per , . .

.' .• $1 "0 Ca ds of Fraternal Or· to come ,to paSs, as willingly and open· • J 1l,II, .u. r I If It j t tl b del''' 'per year,} $5.00. . Auctioneers, • y aM' , ,wore us 10 rever,se, Y $12:00.' ,. ',',' , l ' " continually patronizing the mall·order

FOREIGN ADVERTISING: - All houses with orders 'ranglng [rom a v1llte; 17 'hc.,' per J column lncb. Set can of' tobiLCCO to' a cream separator.

, I',atter, 25c. per Inch, . Sevel'al of our leading politicians have Friday, Ap~1I '22nd,'192t looked WIUI alarm on the "Passing or


_ I } 'the VI11~ges," and have commented , , '-- Ulereon In 'Very' drastic' terms: ,Taken


as It Is' now, the farmer expects to sell his produce' (excluding' - grain, of course)' to the local' merchant... Old you ever try to work that stunt with a M'all Order House? Try It and see! Yet, because the price of certain com, modltles here Is slightly !IIgner than at the M.' 0.' H., you rnnt· and rave about "profiteering" being Indulged In. If It were possible [or the local mer· chants to buy In quantities as largo and as often as the ·M. O. H., they could sell just as cheaply.

We realize of course, that there' are some things that cannot be bought here at any price, on account of the very small demand. In those cases It Is perhaps' permissible to send away (or the article dCRirell, but IICC dincre· tion, - fol\cs, UBe discretion. If y01:

, don't wish to aboll:;h the small town~, with the ensy; ready lind accesslbln uJaritot, patronize the advertisers (" the columns of the local ncwspapcrn 'I'hey have Il message ]'01' you en f'1 week, imd are quoting you' prices thn are consistent within the present statp of atralrs. /

Know Th!t - .... ~ . ' ....... ' ........ .,.~ ............

,J :GinlilWe 'Cisto'tia'

I;~i!i .Alwa~ Iii! 'Bears i the


F'ur ·l'bi rty




. Stay with· the home ' IndustrleR ' they'll stay with you.

'The'raln'w~s-pourlng-down;"" ) \ o"?·~ The moon. was shining. brlgh t, ' • • • !l!il!lll!ll!ll!llllflllllllt!iIIltilllill!l!.lIIilil!l .. !IIlIII!IE!I ... I!IE!IHII .... IIII ....... • .. • ...

--And everything 'that you could see 'Ontario's Far~er Government Is In ." I , It was midnight on tile ocean, )",ot a stroet car was In sight; '.elle sun was shining brightly , 1

W~s hidden out of ~Ij;ht. ,: ' ;"l~i ~f '. a pitiable plight regarding Hydro·)lll· FARM IMPLF:MENTS AND LLJ BRICANTS While the organ peeled I!otat<i~s, tII.i....n , ectrlc. Thel'e'\s a power commission ;\nti It rained all day that night.

J t was summer night In winter, 'Phe rain was snowing Cast, ' A barMoot boy with shoes on f;tood sltllng on the grass.

I.ard was rendered. by the choir; . "'*"1IIi' which lis Independent of the govern· LUBRICATiON. COSTS AND FUEL COSTS m:e the two , While the sexton rung the dishrag, e e e mant so [ar as borrowing money and .!iI. ~ Som'eone 'set' the chilrch',on fire. A LITTLE PEPI," building hydro'electrlc stations and ,. ch:ef features in the upkeep of your Car and Tractor. !Ii

"Holy .iiinoke!" the) preacher shouted, Business men, manufacturers aii' distributing lines Is concerned, and all -' . m ,In.the raln'he.lost h.ls'halr; , that have nnythl~g to sell, rem~mber expenditure of $36,931,000 'Is planned Now you have the-opportunity of purchasing these at m Now' his head resembles .heaven- that what steam Is to an engine, A1). for this year. Every farm In the pro· I: : ! Wholesale Pri,ces-~~gh qual~ty ass~red because they are the ~1 II was evening, and the rising Bun

. "'as ~etUng In the west, And tho IIltlc fishes In the trecs Vlere' huddling In their neat.

For there Is no there., VERTISING Is to a business, a fixed vince Is mortgaged to supply the ; product of the Bnbsh-Amerlcan· Oil Company, formerly the in '-nOU\EIRU Enterprise factory or an Idea. money [or /lydro·electrlc construction, ..

When a man Is sick, ho does not lie but 'only only one per cent. of the de· ,.; Winnipeg Oil Company, for which I am the agent. Try me. ;~ ~~:.;,::~::::~:~:~;;:.~~~=:~~~~:~~;.~ .. down 'and say, "Now I th lnk .I'li quit veloped power Is used by farmers; the m·,.l. I "Everytli'ing in Farm I~plement." . ~ • • " :, . ,'I _, and dlo." He sends for a doctor, gets other 99' per cent. Is used by Toronto "

GASOLINE AND LUBRICATING OILS FOR ANY PURPOSE'!, up and goes on aga.in; . lind other big centres which are even lti. I

. . R·. D. BOOTH

'. ' , . \.' .' , . I " ... , ',\'/ When II factory or business Is sick, strenuously ?bjegtlng

to paying to the ill

W f II .'> r r I \ ',' l' th I Id t I dl province, which owns the "natural( i" . "

'.' ~' carry a u .Iine of oils arid grcreses for, ydu~_~[:',g#s ,I! ownor S}OU nq.c ose down, s· rtgJll 'to, ,tlie wl\ter' power,o a tax of $2 : ' Agent for the Cock.hutt Plow Co.

t I . AI I'" . 'd ebarge hjs men and let It die.;. He, I ' '

eng me, ractor or mac uncry. " so" gaso me'm vanous gra es ah'duld send' for' the doctor,; which Is per horse power. If a I the people In' 'MAIN STREET . .

to SUJ't your purpose, ' " ~ J lhe province WAre rec, elvlng equal'ser- , .. '. J .. , '-1- .", the RIGHT'KIND OF AN ADVERTIS-" ." ,.. •

NOTE.' -Gaool'lne and' 01'1 by ··the· "barrel arc sold for' lNG, MAN, 'lind he should take the vice from the Hydq), tile tax ~)roposed •••• ""," ••• 111 lUI _.11 II •• 1111 I lIIi IIIl11i01l1tl1 w i would be unnecessary, b~t when one

CASH ONLY, " ' 'inetllclne prescribed, which Is th~ pel' cent oC; the population recclves RIGH'I' KIND OF AN 'ADVERTISING, the benefit 'nnd 100 per cent pay, or

, TRrnEttNE "~"f~("l/j

<'11 "I; ,qllall I "

MEDIUM.' . at least guarantee the expenditure, Our Mej:hnnical Department is ready to ,overhaul your. Gas ~Erl; • Specials. -in , , 'gine of Car. and,do the job'right. . Ignition expert on· the Our Tire Repair Department will·make New'Tires out of

ol~ ones, \york Gua;anteed. " I ~. ' . ~

"Remember 'tliat'there' Is NO SUB- the tax would appear reasonable. And STITUTE" FOR· ADVERTISING,' jusi the power monop~lIsts of a provincial as thel'll'ls no substitute Cor fresb all', heritage will win. out. In 'the mean· fresh 'water or sunlight. . . time the Farmers' Sun Is putting up

.' ;' ,c .• " ••• '_, ' • :'a strenuous 'flght.-Sourls Plalndealer. " A.\'F.· Nelson ·~um!>u'I .. :pppular mu· ,. ,

FRNE' CRGARS Pres-to-Lite Battery Ser,vice Station. . New batteries in stock', \

''" . . ... .' ~ . ... .... .. • ' , w II'! •

. The FairbDks-Morse' Ughtin, and' Power PliDt.' the

) handiest and most practical plant made. Don't buy a plant ',until you have seen it.',·. !' .• ,... ,

.AND WE SELL ,THE " ," .. , , I

it •. dan,

sic "master and' life Insurance sales: ': • • • man' of Trtlherne, ,once" was a noted .Tlmes ac!)Ounts al'e dde when reno

I • , '(.... j ~ ~ • walker. At one ·tlme he participated dered. This paper has,to pay Its bllls In 'a' walltlng race. - Thl}re were many' every month, or quit business. ~e entrants, and Nelson·had a hard time trust that our customers, a few o[ or'1t 'wl~nlilg' by a nose, . But he was whom are careless 'In thIS matter, will

!. . ' consider the next statement Crom this dlsqualifted-becaus!l bls' nose was office a request to pay .. Unless this' Is .,t:~~nlng. '. ,,I done, .the "cash with order" system

. ' ",". / e •. e .• ,!, '. will be made Imperative. Iii' saldkthat ctalk 'Is' cbeap.·. A"

ir~:iil.tlc'e:' at 'the proposed telephone rates dlsJ)lilJttils IIIU810n:· Talk Is going

• I I'

,The Times Is producing a splendid

Davis' Pr~motbr; 3' for 25c.

, Irene Presniiil'~; 10i. each " I ~ ,.- ..... '

-, Tuckett's Marguerite. lOC:!each, ,

T ucketfs 'Club ,Sp~~ials; 2 for'i5'i.

Pathfinder Panetelas,- 2 for 25c:

I ' Pathfinder Perfectos, 15c. 'ea~; . ...j .,'~'Jt ~ ,\ •• ~'. '\' '_ , .... r}~\~" ~

BERT 'BARKWELL,' Proprietor' • ;. Main·.:St. ,

' .. J


tie anything' but cheap. , "':; .~. -/ , .'


advertising ,fOlder. fol'. a' jeweler In a neighboring town,' where there Is a newspape~ The business comes to '~K .• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~i4~~

, •

o· 0 .. , '

'. . .' ,

. . . ~.' •

. . •••

• 00

• 00 0

'.the minds of

• .' • o


the plant properly equipped. , .,

, .: . TiMES' ADLETS

\' ,-.', FOR SALE I . I' .

hay. Apply to ." l ..

. .' C. Turnbull, 94·1,3 Rathwell

o • '. • • o •

o o

• • : ' . • • • • . . ' ..

• '. t .....

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., ... .' . '



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Page 3: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J







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~~. ;;:::===:;---== ~ ..-~ mE $'"-' r = r&D .TH It. ':1 M!A, t~tii ~'U.I !.' M~N. .4im_m":v_aa=_"",,, __ mn_· ..•• ___ .... _ .. : · .. • ..... ,. .. u .... · .. ' .. azm ..... _;(Ii .... " .. 'zo:;··,.m"'· .. o ... z .. S' .. " ... · .. p1"'m .. ''''m .. ·lAr .. ,. .. tn ..... '''''' .... '"!'_ ..... ~!''' __


i!llI""""'" ea1'. lu)l~:.), . '"Ir.IIt" .. G :\!.:~::) i,,· .. !l.)~.:'- . ifNI'S'"

rulie'Jt ~!:l~ure of Style and ~-':Y.~~1is~l!l!~;{ij~f.:;

Quality Ilosslble at the

;!~~)r(~§lil~1#''YB~!~Y: Include mnny Items that are ~arrlcd here: . • !,' • •. • \' <

Y"IjIi,!!JIJI.e, RIlIM',rlo,I"J. U!~IUUU mllny or UIC new features that wlllinterest, ;, ... ~:.:.".\ "' .1 I. '\.i.W,.J • .aI!,Aid...\jjJI'

REIMElmtlcr. We alm·to'please YOU'I j.

Mrs: L. Walter nnd her· little daughter are visiting ,the cormer's sis· ter. Mrs. S. W. Flack.

'\ . Mrs. GllJicon,oc. Toronto arrived· last

week on an extended visit to her sIS, ter. ;\Irs. R. McCulloch.

lIIrs. Tabberner of Winnipeg arrived last weok' on 11. visit to her cousin. Mi·s. E. R. lIIcNeel.

, , . City visitors IRSt week were Mrs.

Cowlc. Mrs,' Amc's, ]\fIBS Gronenschlld · . , 11. Grecn. Sr .• Ilnd A. Ollvcr.


J. F. Gill. wICe and boys returned • I

Crom UlOlr vo.callon In North Dakota last 'vcelt.

";-;;;~;;;;';';';'-;;;;;;;"'~~~"'~~~'~;;"~'i-: ~.-;;.-;.' -' ----~'~''\'i'I':''',~, "':,~,~, ~~-.~, ~, ~~~, -- Willett Staples came up from the V.f.;'" ,:~q r.'J.q , IVl'R.S. ',. ,sMl1ff elly on FrItIIlY. i '

. -_-.--_.. . .. Stanloy Gmham's bay team tipped . "',.') ,:~,Hc.~,)'! .... (t ~ MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS the Hcales at 3,000 pounds this week,

· .: " "'." ;:?!r :';::~.(J:31J,'· . "Phone 94 - ' . -. !reherne '. lit .tho Corona Lumber Yards. .#..,.J.....,:... ....... J.! .... 0 #.JI&."'f...... _ ....... .A...!'~'"tt2· • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • ,'. -- -. .. • • • .. .. • • • • • • • ,. ~ , . -'"W'":wi'o~'v ~~r..'.,-rv .~ v·~.··." .... -.-.... •·.··.·· ....... ·· .................. · ..... · .. ······." ................... ~...... A II II h I

• '; .. , '" ~ •• ' ~ 'I' • \e orHe overs In the district r~.rJ;.:,' I,::'~ 'ijrrl~~~ :p) ~ ';'J~\!, \' . wore In Tl'chol'ne on- Snturdny,-:wel-

~+t-oror.""'~-A..ff-~'J"'~J_' • 'Ja' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • ... •• cOlnln'" to IllR new hoo',e "Sand' y JOh'n 'Y .,0,.. 'II" 7r!~ .. -rr.-_T.-tr"fIIT"'fTV·.~ ... ...,..· ... i?·.-.... " ......... ,,· ............... 1'· ............ 1' .......... /1' ............. :. ~ • I -

:1: son." tho 'blg 'Clydesdale ,stlllllon 're· . ..::: eenlly acquired' by ,the' Treherne .Far>

~rm~~c~~ ... 1 •• mers· Clydesdale Club ,from Andrew ~ ~r",1e<!\ioI ':~: Graham ... noland. ~ S1\lIdy·,)s a' four,

"';' year·old. and a ,glance IlL his pedlgr.ee ~~~.:i~iii~·I:I:· proves' Ulat .the,r,goosl, 'breodlog, he

~:' shows. ,Is the ·rllgular· ,thing, .. He Is ~ {. big brown fellow. and should be. popu· '1' lar nmong horsQmen. '1'

',,';1:: i~~ii~~~~~~~~~f.~!.~~l;~\ve girt for. that friend or' yours:' 'A useful ~ The new 'cars' ha've"started lo'move bonds of friendship cldser. 'One dozen :1" .0uC Both the Central,'G!lrage arid the I:;. one or all 'mounted on' book mn'rks~ only .~ East End Garage repert' several salcs

,2.00. Vlalt. ::: within tho PIlSt' two weeks::" Most ... r-" .• :;"~ust'PhOt()gtiiliull'can be made from ~Y)'1l1m ',[riapsliot . (single {. everybody WIlS out . tryIng their last

,j!guJ;IIl ;0'" trom\1Ij gtoitp) ',by enlargement or by redudng to the size oC ~:, year's model lllst Sunday. "l'I~;i.tii 2.l!lt;'lind~W9)uhteU on' n. bellutlful colored hookmark. of dlrrer, '1' " , " ' "', ) " II 'eilt obalgns •. at;'~:~ .. .n dozen.' .. ' :1: P. T, Johnson ~~1J; s'o~n" haye) his

.Jtll,~lhll,,~''''''l,lI!i 'r" .' ., ,', ..... f new quarters equlpped',Cor l ~ecordlnj; , .. ~A. ~.,S~NDE~Ii!l?· '. ,.., . Pllolographer TRElfERNE :;: the human, v,olce or 'loCIl}lY 'played. mu: 1~"'~"'IJ.t./._~: . ' '., .' , " '.' sic on phonogi'llph records: Hts sound, •.. 9.);:-4~:.: .. X~X .. :.-: ... J4: ...... !M ...... ~..: .... < ....................................... ;,. ..................... :..:........... .' .. r J' ,) P • '" ..,.

• •• we' _. ___ ............... _ .. ~ ~ • • • •• • •••••••••• ~." • • • • • • •• • ••• proof roonl W!,-B, .co,nst:~cte;~ ~a~~hqlr <, I '" I , "\ 1'" . • • for this purpose, , Permanent' records

. :,) t" ~ 1"'0.'; I j, ...... , ~ ,,\ ., . ~ I , ," l I \ I' , \ 0 0 , ............................................ +v+. . '. may be made Crom the mattrlces pro·

'. "For, Men, Women', Childr'en QUANTITY!' ') .., QUALITY

, • ;. • 1 ) ., ' •• •

• ECONOMY .!liI!!IIlIIHU ••• iI!iI! •• lI •• :tE'''''''''''''''...".,..,." .. ",'''''',.;"".,· •• ·9f»'''"''''',.,''',,,!I'''''''''''''~ .. , .. ''''''''''·''':''''':'''·'':I:' .. :t·'' .. ''''I' ... u·l· '. .~"""i;'iot".~"""'Offi~"i'O"K .. Of" Oo'h.~nim;"'~"'. OO'¥O~; ... ;to.'KOiroi""~.;"' .•• Oi;);; .... ~ .. ~t:aOi'i:n: .. ~:;



, WHO BUYS CAREFULi y;..:... ,. . . ... ' , ' ,

Shrewd. 'careful' shoe,buying ,enables us to

cater to your' most efonomical desires.

We have 'alre~dy received 'shoes at next

j ~all' s prices. .' I. '''1' i: t ~ \, ' '. '" ' ,.' 0 II

.. ';. :1us~·~!!.!>~~ Men:s Fine Welts at $6.00,

:, $7 .O~, '8.00 .,and. 9.00, in black ~nd mahogany

col~rs .. You ·canl)ot· help buying if you look

~rtlpm' over. 'They will talk for themselves.

See our WOMEN'S OXFORDS. in black.

brown and white, also Pumps and Slippers.

The 'pri~es ,wi,il, s,uit !a~y. purse.


50 pairs' Men's good strong English Calf

Farm Boots-nice medium weight. All sizcs .

will not last. Long at this Short pricc' of $5.45 .


For Ten Days we will givc 20 per cent Dis­

count o.n all our Boys' Misses' and Children's

"Classic'.', and other makes of Slippers, Boots

and Shoes. Come now while the stock is com-


AU our goods are based on Today' s Mar­

ket Values, which are low;


3 Tins "Stop,On." black only, .for 25c:

Belter ,have, a set of TEAM HARNESS. Our

Sto~k will not last long at To-day' s P~ice,. Our Experience is at Your Service •

!lI!4iII!a .... !IIiIIlIIH.IIII11!t1l1!!llIlIIlIIlIIiI!~.lI •• !I! .. ~lIIl1iQiIIlIIlII!IOOiI Alillil!llOOlIIlI!!lmHlIiIIlIfll!lI!lI!lI!lI!lIIl1111f

JJo·Ro SCOTT ,,,. I j - -

'II <a' .. ,. . . •• <. duccd In Mr. Johnson's plllnt. ,,";, HI.· t'\t(.~,·.,,'1 5) <C'~IJI:~" '

,~A ,,~~~~~ ~ ~n~ 111m. Towns~d/ofC"~SS,R~'r,=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• ,"" ,I e Slpell[.thc week-end~wlth her sister. . ,. -------- ,,----

:~I :: ... 1 .. ~'i't(\. tlrl~ 1,., " 0')' , • ' Mrs, W. J. nus ton. !II!'liiI!iI!itIllI!lillEl4!HillliI!ilillillflliHiI!~!IIiIE!I!iI!iIiil!!IIll!ll!ll!_iIf.I!!IIiI!mll!lI!ilill!iI!i!!i!a!!iml!lIii1;ilill!llmmm;i!mm!ll; ilii!!iI!itll!Hl!ll!llH\!!IH!!I!!lmmtlll!*!ll!i!!it! ,. Purity, , ce,'l,CJe.ami:arid,Cones. Fruit. Sundaes and soft Drinks . '''',Il ,,,, .;;

" .. ,IIIS{ ur:~p~:iL::"'{(1~'\:I"" Mr·'" All' H' ,. ':' Ml's .. Harn,ss and.chlldre.n returned :. ill "lat\)')':i~'le't!·~l".?fIjMP..~.'" ",:' ea~ .. a~ .' '. ours . i from Crystlll City this week. : .,'. ' TIi,re'l.~ ill : bl,l, '"!),'l/JJ.(1~.liigarsf\~~,~ai'e~~~~,! T qbacco, ,~a"-~Ie~~ -~tc. ... .: ¥/li!

I:W:'I':,~',~~~!"f; )"~)'lrlo!tTable' and.C?unter Service. Il!.r~iIl~a~~a~u~~e~:a~;::o~~ai!~~~~~" : .,'.' m . ~ rj, -:" Sh'.;~ \ P - Winnipeg (sisters of deceased) Mrs, C/{"" 'Sf [:.J 'L , :~J:"':~~~!.'::':~!'::':'~;~" '0' ~~o. . Ing,:. rop.:. Bowie and Jas, Ferris of Portage, ,. '. . - ;"; ',,' ,:L,'/ i

.,,_!:;I\'I'.III=I ... 1.;1, ,) .. ,l·' (cousins) were present·a~ the funeral . ,_.. . 'I.jO~ .\~~ tl;:,~l; <l'.r. Trehern~" Man. ' of the late Jas. Ferris. . . ' '. .~ ... ",,' . ___ , ...... _ .... _~ .... ___ ..... ,. • ~ 0 ' 0- ' .... ·~~'.ul!e'·.'·~······ ... • .. ••··· ..... • ........ • J. O. IIogg nnd.wlre'retumed last. '1'511 271i"': ·C) '~',~;ti1, "'''''r:.'II'.' ' .. ' -~. :weok from Victoria, 'where they spent. 1 • OJC' 1: '. I pt '" r~ ,.,/.i~~t.o~.~,-" "'ilnt:.~,li.:. )'~'. t • • "" " ". ," ,. the winter. .I,~ , , ~ ~~.~..:~ ... :+.~:.-:..:.H;.: .. :..: .. :..:..:-<~:..:..H< .. :OO}.:..: .. : .. :..:..:.<..:-·: .. : .. :..: .. :. , The, Olrls of the S'enlor League are' . ,\ ,;,~ .-, . '. ., . ill

- ---~'''~''';r-,~'7'-;-;'''' . I . .' making carnations' to sell on May 14ti)'J t" " Iii t • ~ • 1..'" t. I or, 0 ers, ny t, un ay',. e . f i! I I l • m

";,'<'11,",1 .... {:, , iYi,lJ·,r.l"" < .... I Don't COI'get ,the' date. get your jlower. I " iN ,," .'i,:~., ~·P:;:1~ ... ,r:·. r.l.l·~Ica·! (oj. Hi . . tl '" ~' : ' f ]\f' 'th' • D . S· d th "'1'5th 'r' ac or' ii!

", .JAlr. /,'.1'. 'i9' , 1.1 fI;Ji. y' i ~;~ ,: I . m · ~~~~ 1::. :~." I,~J!,"L. ';'.' \;..;., . ,: \J!''''' .... ..... JOh":' T. noss. recel!l1>: purehas.ed" ,.:; " . .., • iii from Andre.w Gr.!1ltnm. or Roland., a,' . The Cllse .15-2T,pulls. three 14-inch, plows in At gen,eral hauling .Lhis tractor pulls from llj

, " registered Shorthorn bUll., which. Will· .' '. . , , • • • I 5 lk \ A·I,;I.{t.~ .• t(i, f' . L - k' . d and' bring up to standard ]\fr, Ross' fine' I hard SOil and under 'favoravabl~ .condltlons. 0 to I tons depending on grade and condition 1K '-'Dlg: .reSn:'~stoc . JUst reCeIVe , herd :or cattle. .: handles !4,b~tto~s .. ; It. operates a I OLfoot. dou-' of fooling.. Pulls a Case No.2 road grader or ~l ., .' ~i~a~~\.~ .• ".~ " , . :. 0 , .. , , ,._. .. I ' Chi.ude··' or~gan Is wonde~n'~ who'!:.' : ble: action'"disc ,harrow.- or"two 22~shoe drills". two .or three road drags. Drivcs an 8x IS rock !~

."" ~"~~I:~~~~g' ~ aaranteed : standard': . plel~ed: up: hIs, ~Inged', 'endboard"iQ;qti .' '.!WQ f-fO.G~.~in~~~~. an~ ~i~iJa'f draw-bar opera- crusher and revolving screen. Docs the work iH , •. ,,,:) o ... ;.I,r' .. " .. '","", _ ., Sllturday. when he lost It on the way . ,~Ions. On the .belt.lt.dnves a, Case 26x46 thresh ordinarily requiring from 6 to 10 horses. iii M,,"'~.' 1,< .• ;,.~ ',";<'~':.l:~ . to town ," ,. . .' . " Iii

r ., •. _ , :;' • " , ,""'. .'. , .. ' .. 'er· wiVt feeder and wind stacker, a Ca~e 16-inch Choose the tracldr built by a co\lccrn mlli

~C'o·"·I'o"~I·~t·~~ra· 'no:l'J:C'Hat br"lt"e" fo·'·r .. ·· r'es't"o' r' IOn-g' . . MUn'ay Lounsbury ·Is, In ,bad. "lIe . . -'siIOlfiller, "witli ;40-foot blower., pipe a six roll whose reputation you know to be excellent and '.: J,l.1;~if.! , t:J.:.: -', "Ioat'a':shawl,on the rORd.between·hls . • "r . ' .. :, :'-"':,:'!," :.',' '.' """ .

'., ,'~p".,~~.... , .. " ... , " ' ' home and town, ami wants the finder . husker shredder or other machme requIrIng Slm- with sufficient financial responsibility to make l'

.:I:~ 'l?."H't!!.~lt-;vtfflJ.b;)J:l·';"(r I '. 01 ",., , .. I"Y~~:"r;'~~<J" 3:5~' to call him up., . ilar power. .. its guarantee worth something to you. iii S~f.~~~"f~~~ ~f; w.: 1~T1S1m~ .ar·,:.ar,tIc es,' C~ ~~e'corotia ~umber'co. has undo'ii/d.·,' " M.O.B'·I·I,LF.'.·~B, ','., ~O.TOR OIL, in ~arrellots~ While it lasts will go $1.80 per gallon. m

" ", • ". <:11 :":, ' • ed seveml cars of building material - i" " m 'G··--t:~i~.:t~i1~;~J7"Vt~~(~·\" "I~'" "':\llt~I:" ~,)~" I::f' ~"d" ~durlng the,'~ast two' weeks. " '11. .C. METe,AI FE DEALER 'The -Central Garage' TREHERNE m

e ,~fh;:.;:".,~-;opll~r car y Wnl e HIS qo . ''''The' Women's -Instltute-" of' ~re." .I,.:J.I .. : -,' ''/-".j '/lJI.);:, ~I'.!""" , ..' "". ,: "" ' 1* ~. __ •• _,._ ~_." ." .• ,,,_.,.:_ .... , ., 'I' h Is' I fif k ... "' ........................ "' ................................................ !IIlI! ... · ........ III"' ............ ··,,""'y!"''''''''''' ....... '''''''''..,'''· ... i!!1l .. 1i.,.,,'·''''''~·''''''',.'''~ ... ·''',.·2'·'''''''''I·w I. , . , ;.. t ~ , ' ..... ','. ' j erne ,. propar ngi.a tY-"'Page,'~·COO· MiKMMFMM. MM ~M MMM MMMM,,!MMmacM* FW:Mmow ac~'i'n"acMm:r:":mnm: ... :rn,nr.m::r;m:r;:.~ •. i : .... ~i"t."' .. K.i~ .... ;'.;I~ihn:: ... 't ... : .. -o:: .. ~ : •• '

o ~ !'~"h'''P.''I'''W''··''h ".Ji"th\r)I . .I· L t d,·'t.·,·.book,ocrecIPesthe.ladleshavetrled; . " . ' l~"S\,;arce,.,. ,/A, eave e . ngn -;, ope and w'Ill:'put'lh'Q 's·ame··oii'sale 'at an' ::'-, , ' .. : '.".' J,' ," .:' ,

,W~ I,d! ·1:r.l1"~ ~. .-\<, '", •. " : ',' .' \ early date. The"work 'Is; beln'g, pro.' A sale.of'Home,Cooking wlll be hel<1 .We: Are Selling ",-c,_t. IO ."" 'I")' .... \,..,I~:J~lt I' I' fl, ".' ..', I • b U '" A. S · "'~: .. ~:" • ." ~,' _fl' ";"'" . .' .- j'~. ' '. . du'ced at the Times office. \ y: Ie' ,n" of! t.:Mark's 'on, S~tur' ,

S:t"~O' P'!;~, K·~'f~l~~,!£:.n(·"d: ·A,11:stockfdOds ·now on hand '.' I' .. /, ,'.,.~:, .' " .'1, I daY,Aprll<30th,ln Mr. Goodman'H'new

t. iIi(:. ~, n .' "11 b Id \It / 'h""'I'f' . . ~~ now eome~ ~. W.,?, Clegg •. and store •. from 4, to 7 p. m. Tea.wlll.he ______ ._ ....... _~ ',' . WI .e SO at a .pnce In a eo~vlnclng,\manne~, claims that- 'Bel'ved'also. , '

...... ~', ''il''l:~ ;'"" ~O· ',,'" .' '. .," : . "-, ,: neither :A.. ,J; P.:Eatlln<.nor J. S .Z. :': .. " ,on .. ".". ' ,'" " • , .,,'iI,"''''f'''r:1 .... ) f",~' ":, " ".' ....... ': > '. ' .. '. '... ,'. Pnllner has the noisiest. LIzzie In town A,meetlng o[ the ,buslness·men will

.,t.l .j~~~ ',,-~.,;, l' . .:. ,'(0)11-. \, . and asserts tlil,ii' his' own" Hank has beillelll.;~t. R: .A,: ·S.ana~r~on:s, plac~ or,. ,<,t"..!('J\&;, ,,~jflLelr,nce·"~JNLalr-lAl1\acy,~· the 'greatest-assortment Qr harmonious . busln.llss\~t, 10 ·a.m. .• Wedn08«!ay. April '~'?"':I ;;OJ "W\) .. 8''';,'--' .'l<- """ ,.w,'" :f: ' >,,·n.J.A.iI..l. >-_" ' .. ' ... ' and Inharmonious. rackets.' . '27~".(or.t~ arrapge rdr'the,half,holl·.

~~':ttOVl\'lFUMEDTON Propiietor ' .... ,','" .. ', .: ." -••. " , daY:~B com~if:llu~mer:, ,. . " , .• ~ 1\1:. ,··~!~r' , &'1_, • , " • .-l I' R. C. Parsons has purchased [rom ' ... ' .. , " '.' -, '.', . DkutacisT & ':STATIONER .-C. ' AI. POIIODi':hlli 'rilsldence iln':Sm'lih St.:' :,~~rt::.~~~k.We,l1.; I~ "~~~I!lg,,:~ni~kerS)

• 7'"' ,-'-;7"., . ;',. _ ,!\. ", '. I • , " '. Mr .. P,arsons wll,1 ,t~ko ... p,I?s~e~s.~I??,_on·., sit ·up· and .take' notice. with, hIS' new" ";HH1~Hf\~r.. i~ U9;';, TREHERNE~.'" , " . October lat. ]\fr.'P.ollon .wl1\:prObablY,.:;.»rlces on hlgh.grade cigars and t!lbae·

• Villi.:',:"'. 11!)1:1 .:llllQ.~.":' . <, " ' build· a netf residence during the·/lum· co •. If •. you enjoy a gpod .smoke. reud 1'';"' ... ,\ " '. '" .' , • I "'. " . " . his 'ad' ,,' . ,

~~~~~~~~~~~~";:~~~~~.~ ... 'tt~t'~~~~:~~}:: .. ~~t~~.~t~~,, mer. 4 .~, .-. -". ... '0 • ,0, .;~'~=~i,i~iliiij~~iiii~~;~:::::::=:=::=:~=:;~: :~B;l~\·,::,:o,/ ~~~li':i5·~h.:·tk·'~~.K·~td:·: 'Th~' new ~elePhoii~ t.~d· will ~~on' Mrs .. Millard Ranson •. a ,daughter. bo produced: .. Several 'have already ..•. ; . ,,, .".,., , . ."" ;" ''': ' called for copies::: fAdvertl!ilng BlPBee

E!::f-Her~after_ the ~·,Treherne.llwfll be somewbat 'limited· ulis 'year. will retail no card IhlPOl'but nO'rals~ In' theinite will be made nor i ,..a. .. j ,t" \"'~~ •

no re-:::;' .. for 'all under :"p",oSe!/I"I\~Jt!le

, .. ,

sldlew:a: kIng around , .reDlUrinlt, bOIlI'~

o •

, ... Chea,per '~ileage You ,may get,extraordinary mileage out of anyone tire-but that's not the way to ·fig·ure mileage.~... "',,:: ",

Get the average of mileage given by a p:~ir of tires or a set-and y?U 'will get. nl!arer to the actual cost' of mileage to be chargt;d to, th,e up~ecp of your.qar., .

I" ,,, • .'V " ,I ,- I ' ,

I, •. l::bi,o,,-\".' ',"'f ~

t'5 Just .ecause'we'vc taken-the trotible' to figure values that.way,·that'we recom- I

mend Ames Holden' "Aut"-'Snoes." , '

\ye kngl'( t~~Yl n~~i J:iYI!,'g.re~1 ;mile~'llc over the' .'. w,orst ~~~Mn;~~7 C\H!!'try .r1!1~' t1,e!~ ,:'!lvc~\Ige': prrformance t~ave9~!1.0\doubt ia our lJunds that, A~es I-fbld6n .'~Ailto:Shoe's .. I\Vll1 'givc"you ··th'c· , cheapest.mileage-yoll can-buy. ' -And "theY'are

, gi.J:·ra~eed without tithe or' mileage linilts.' Drop in' and!lct UL. show you and tell you abo'.lt . .


• • • •

• • • .. . • • • • • •• • e • • • . ' . • • • ! •. . .

•• • . ~ .

• • • .. . .. e. . e...

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.. : . ••• " . . o' • . ' . '. .. . •

• . -0 • ' . . • ~ '.t., .. •

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.. . .' ... • • • •

• . , o • " ., • o . . o . 0.- .• .. . .. . . •

• • • . .' • • • . . • • • •

Page 4: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J

. .

• • •

• •

. . •

• • . . .


. ,

. , •

• •••• ~'

, .' " o· •

, i •

. . 'I!'~ ~ • t '

, . ..... .

• • ~

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• • . , ,

, ': . r ,

" • -. '

I • .' '{ \ ~ ~="""-"'''''E_'"'''''' __ ' _ ... ____ : ___ ;..._~ __ .. ' __ _..:"'--~-..:.-~. -- TH£ TIMEt, TRIHF.AN£; MAN,

~"':":+e+:oo)O)O~*X+~O+HUOUOoooooooot"'uo·ioo'o/ RA'1'HWELL RUMOR8 ,/


h s

',i.~, SMly'H' ,'IS ST~O' H"E· NEWS If10u:~atc~n.edarep~lrlng,tend SAVED, FROM , •• . ' . ' It to me b>, ,,"all~ It will be r.palred . '

~' , . /' .' , . .• " In the Ihorteat pG •• lble time, and re· LIFELON' G MISERY :~." The House of (lyality , turned. tG: 10U b), "".gl.tered "1 all. " .;,. , , " \.' ,Tt1 our quick .,ervlc:e. ' ,., . , '" ' D. GOODMAN • Jeweler Treherne <' .:. I •

:i: -" JUST ~ECEIYED __ ~l - 'Robt. J-orbes, Sr. returned",hom" ;.: il X this week atter spending a week vlsl, :~ ·A nice shipment of Spring and ~er Yo' es. 'tlng ,rlend~ at Graysvlllc.

~: 5 yard.ends at from $1.00 to $3.50 per yar<l ' ':' Curtain Scrl'lDS ud Mullins ',.' ,"'" -MilS Iv" Napper. of Tl1teon'ls the

, ,'" -- guest of M,r. RlId ,Mrs. Jas. Coles.

.. . .

,. "-'Y-=l ~~~-.-=' '~~1 , ..

• ~ ,

. AUCTIONEERI , (~te ,12.00 per Year,'

,I i • • ,1


/ (~t. '1.50 ;per Year.) _AUCTIONEERING- .. '~', :,"

J am nOw living In Treherne, and DR. J.'LAURIE LAMONT I.A., MAN. anyone having' anything to dlsp,?se of ~'I ' M.B. Ch. B., EdlnbUrcb publicly or privately should see, me " Phyalelall ud Sllrc_ ' as I 'have bad several years of eSper- 'Provincial Coroner· lence, and,have always alven tbe very timce Bo),ne at.' n ..... best of satisfaction In every partleu- • '. , . . , lar. Try me. DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW

T. J. GIBBONS - The Auctioneer' , -; Pbyslclan aDd ,sureeCIII.

Manitoba Medical ~ CoUec.' Graduat .. '

A~CTIONEERING I Office Smith St.~) PhOlW 111

, J guarnrltee satisfaction. Salel con- DR. G. A. BOWMAN V.I .. B.V. ac. ducted anywhere. Cill on revene _Honor Graduate ~~ronto UnlveH1tr ticket. Farm lands for sale. Office In Smith'. Livery Stable, W E ST'APLES Treherne Broadway, Tteherne, MaD.

:i',. .' PriDti at 35c. to SOc. per yard. " . , ' Mrs. Driant who has been the guest ." :i: ' Heavy,:12-foot LiDole~, per yard. $1.50 (~ of Mr. anii Mrs.· W. Draper for the ,,'. SpleDdid line of Men'i,Work Shirts, Gloves, Hau '\ past few keeks leit Cos the city on.

, ~: and Caps, all at new prices, Monday. : 'J . OCERIES Miss Hllda.Swan Is vlsltlng b~r par-

• • Llcenled AuctlGneer ResIdence Phone ~ No: II



,~, "\-. FU~L STOCK Q~'iFR~H.GR • ~ ents a(St.' Claude.

,~ Corn, Peas a.tld Beans at 20e. pet tID. ' Mrs. c.' E. Kitching and children

W, G, Henry, LiceDled AuctioDeer (Rate ,7.60' per Year.) Post.office address, Lavenham. ,Phone ..!-_____________ _

via Portage la Prairie on a reverse cbeck. Satisfaction auaranteed. Sales conducted In any' part of the

R. C. PARSONS, B.A. Barrister. etc. ..., i Choice SOCkeye Salmon. liz's, 30c, l's 60c. were pasBellgers to the city on ,Wed·

., lIesday.

:f .Gold Standard Baking Powder. 25c. Magic. 30c. Edwin Wilson returned home Init I Black Pepper, p,er to. 40c. Corn Starch, 2 for 25c. week atter several montlls' sojourn at MRS. M. 01. 'GORSE ,

'Province. HENRY" AIKENS'

Omces: RaUway Ave" Treherno, Man. Solicitor for the ;'Canadlan Bank of Commerce, Balik ~ot Hamilton, anll

,'" J . b 2 f 25 the coast. "- . t elly Powders, all avors, or c. ' , ~ 7,' ',_, 5 Ins. Seedles~ Raisins, "Plume" brand. $1.75 Elmer Scarrow of Smithers, B. C.,

, . 8928 Ullion st., Vancouver, B.O, "I suffered with all the symptoms

or F'em'a1J Trouble, wlth'chronlc COli­ltipation :and constant Headaches. I, had palM 1_' _" in rhe back and

, Portage 457-3 ,tile r>iUIIlclpallty ff Soutb NorColk

------~----------~----UCENSED .AUCTIONEER F',H. MITCHELL, BA X Is tile gul!st of his parents, Mr. nllll

~ YOURS FOR SERVICE,; .. ' Mrs. W. N·. Scarrow. Dates way be arrRllged at the Tlmel AttorneY·at.Law

Office, Tr~herne, or by teleph~ne on 'Omce ~t A. MarUd: Aaellcy,BrOadway, • ' •• ___________ ~---~------------ ' Ii . J.. W. J. Muntgomery was a passenger

,0:. to the c.ltY, on' M. onday. ~

~ .ides of 1M bod" I tried variou • remedies without relief, and then put

I myself ullder a d~ctor's care and he advised me to have an' operation. I refused.

reverse ticket. I guaralltee aatltfac· TreJi,etlie. ' tlon., , W. TURNER • , Holland Man. Phone. A {6i39-6830 _____ -.-________________ ,WALLAR, MONTEITH, KANE & Co.

.:-$:' Tim ... Llnere-3 tim •• for ,1, ~aah. .:.

'J. GRAHA~, Llc:enled Auctioneer Barrllter. & 8GllcltGr • , ROI.endale, Man. 3rd floor Allan, Killam &: McKay DC.

. ' . .:. ./


i, Ph 39 'CAST,O R IA . ~ .Rathwell, Man. one ,. _ F; Infanta)md Chndren ,

Then, I stuted talt\ng 'Fruit·a­tlves'; alld from the outset, I felt better, and aIW mediciM Iwu compleleif ,~l~d me ot aU my misery and .u/fcrillg. My weight was only 143 poullds and now It III 168 pounds. 1 omfree of paita alld headaches and tbe terrible COllstipation; and whatsaved me from misery Is the splendid frul\ mcdicille, 'Frult-a·t1vcs'." -

. Sales conducted In any part of the WlnnipeC Man. ,Provllice. Terms very reaaonable, J. F. Wallar, L. L. D. C. L. Monteith

Phone 416·RI-4, Portaae, OIl Revene P. Kane, B. A. Ticket .

Satl.faotlon GuarantHd. • ~ •• :.(t.:.,: •• :,<,,:,,;,,:,,: •• :,,:,,:~.:,,:"''''...:-<-~:~(t 0 Q 0 00 oc 0 0 c .. a.o 0 Ie 0 c t+Qt<..:- In U •• ' For Over 30 Y •• rs

E' Alwaya beatll .~ ., C" MELVIL~E E. 8TAPLES, LL. B.

Barrliter, SollcltGr, NGtary Public, etc.

:_':":"~:::::::::::;;;;;:;::~l";;":;:;;;;;;::::::::::~,--._ Slgn:::'~e ,of _,~~ LICENSED AUCTIONEER I guarantee satisCaction. Sales coI\'

ducted anywhere. Dates can be ar· ranged at my shop.

OFFICE:, 721 M~lntyre Building TelephGn. N1857



A GOODPiano is a fine thing toow.n; , but a good Play,er Piano is ,better. '

. The,Player staiD~s ready' at all. trmes for hand playing or for repro-ducing, as desired. ~ , .

, It is interchangeable in a'momef)t fl~om O:1e instrument to the other. ,THe member of your family who cannot read a note of music (but who may ~e a very musical ,person,. nevertheless) can play the music of his choice. Another member who 1S skilled in mu';ic can come next and play just as if it were a piano. And, for the rising generation it makes easier the; ,road to .. a successful musical education.

The \Vi11i~ms Player is a C':madian-"'made instrument, throu'gh ana through "

-made by Canadian craftsmen who would refuse to doranythin'C but their beGt. . . ~ ~


CaMJa'~ OI,uJt dml LQ,.~tjf flau Mali", OSHAWA' :. , .. 'ONTARJO,l

" , \ ,



---Another farm has recently changed


. H. Cobbln and Stanley WrIght reo turned from the city M'onday last. '

, ,

w: Drew . contemplates' taklng'a course In St. Jolin's Ambulance Work, first aId to the Injured, bandages being his sp,eclalty! '

. MRS. M. J ,'GORSE. liOc. a boJ:~6 £or,$2.50, trial size 250.

Phone 111 ... At all dealen or sent postpaid by FruU.a.t1'~ IJmlted Ottawa, Ont.

-Jas. Sharpe

I Ratbwell


OTHER TABLETS NO'~ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Salell con· " ducted anywhere. Call OD ReverslI



" "

MORRISON & popp Burletere, SGllcltGre, et ...

403.0405 HurGn & Erie Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN.

J. W. MGrrl.on, LL. B, John PGPP, LL. B.

SollcltGrl fGr J. F. McKenzie, Ltd.; Manitou Reme­dies, Ltd.; Dawson', Road Pack·Comp· allY Ltd.; Aslloclatell Implemellts Ltd:, ' Red RIver Drainage &:' Improvement AsSOCiation, etc. Phone N 7445. Who Is the man that 'stated be got

some six pe'r cent.? We' thought that only applied, these days, to assurltles. '

, '

Only :Tablets wit,h "Bayer Cross" ~=======::====~ are Ge<luine Aspirin Ll·Very Stable ========== IN8URANCE AND FINANCIAL

Rate ,7.50 per Vear H. Wilcox, we are Borry to say, does\'

1I0t seem to be making much progress ..

A couple of nabobs took tlie pros· prospectilll: tour recently, and after considerable taiatlon' df phone wire, at last; were located, ~eturnlng long n£; .

" . '"

ter Bchedule time. \ ., , ,.., ""', , . : •. ' , ",,', If you: do'n't . ~ee the' "Bayer Cross"

. Considering. all ' the .maledlctlo~s on. the tablets, you nrc not getting btirled at the heads of all those, In' Aspirin~nly nn acid imitation. ' authority ra, Illcome 'Tax, we rather Genuine "Bayer Tablets' a'' Aspirin" Imagine they wUI' have a wanner, c\1· are nmv made In Canada ?y a Calla,!ian _ " • Company:- No German mterest what-

,mate to ~ontend with than Can~QII; m ever, all rights beiog purchased from the the futur.e. , . United, States Government,

" A IIrst·clasH Livery and Feed Business; good and rel1abl~ Horses; styllsh ~Igs; every­thing up·to·dat.e .

• ' I.

.Prompt and obliging' Service. Special attention to Commer-cials. '

Phon. 117

J. COULTER Fire llillurance Aaent

JSHuer of Marriage Llclllliell TREHERNEl MAN.

ALFRED ,MARTIN , .. "Real Eotate,' Mortgage and· lnsur&llC8·

Agent. ' Representlne several of the beBt LoaD and Insurance Companies. Commla­sloner, OFFICE • Broadway.

, Durhig the war, acid imitatloJls were , " Now that the 'Phone rates' are to Bold a8 Aspirin in pill boxos allli various I' 'be Increased, it Is about time that the' other containers. The "Bayer Cross" is' ______ .l.' --------

, / W. J. WALDON

Alent for Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Waterloo, Ont., &ll.d Bubcrlbers on,the dividing· line got your only 'way of knowing that you arc J' "'H' S' -o;th

some recogllizance. Until the present g,e,ttlng g~nuine Aspirin"prm'e,! safe by .'. ml h ' be tab oed Can'd some en-' ml\llons for Headache, Neural~la, Colds, '- Phone 117.

we ~ve, en, a. . Rheumatidm. Lumbago, NeuritIS, and for terprlslng DivIding L~ner, IlIstitute a Pain generally. ' petltlon~ It being a waste of paper and Hlindy tin boxes of' ~2 tabletll-also Ink to write Individually as 'one knows, larger sized "Bayer" Jlackagea, can be from experience?, ,~ '"," . bad a~ .dr~g stores, . "-


Aftplrn{ IS the trade mark (registered in Canarla). of Bayer Manufacture of 1I01l0ac:cti,Yacldester of SaUoylieaeld.,


'AD Oki&b~;Ua -editor te{IB of an old '..;.,---__ ----------

;.=,.===;;;;, ::;.==..~' ~.T~~ I!0TE~ , ,

The belt accomodltlon alGng the Line. Juet the pllee to get • GGGd, SqUlr. Meal and a CGmfortable Bed at a Moderat. Rate. '. ,

; Jndlan:who came'lnto ~Is oIDce',to sub- " GENERAL MERCHANDISE All Kind. of' , :scrllitl for the 'paper •. : The Mltor'took. ' , . CIGARS' CIGAREl'TE8

, the, milJi'lY" tben'. t~e Indian, wanted a, We. offer yo~ s,ervlce and quality at TOBACCOS, --recelpi,':,Tl!e editor' trled,~o talk'hlm v,er>: I'easonabl" ,prices. _. PHONE YOUR: RESERV,A,TION-out, of: It:J"Mr. 'InCl,lan' Ins.lsted, on, get· Our stbck Is well·kept, clean wbol~ ,

H. C. DAY • • '" " ·,Pr~prl.tGr tine .thtfrecelpt." Arter making It. the Bomt. Try us for your nw:t ordcr, editor wanted to',know why he was SU ".' '"'' penlstent abOUt', WRllting ,a ,receipt: DRAPER ·BROS. The,Corner Store The : "Me die sometime; , ,,' PIJGne 32

anls'Si. peler ask If '1 - , ",' - RATHWELL; :,g'J()dl'll~dlan,i" say, '.rYes."· He' .'

.;;';'ft ..... ," I say. " ... .;.;,;, .... ..;...", .... --,.;..,..;... ............ ---.... -.. n ... ·.'.;"n editor - ,

\,rhon. '.UI " ,

~.- ~"" .

Bi.A~SMiTHING·: r' hafe ope~ uP the black., , .

I ' \ - •

smith shop ned Smith~ Lif· ery, ~heie I am, now' r~adi

" , I

for buiin.,.. Give me' a trial 1/'," .' , \ ...

"; ,'~::,F. BOWLEs', . . ,I

t I'

Brltl.h Amerloa In.urance Co. Merchants' Casualty Co,. W1DllIpeg

W. R. GREENWOOD , 'rreh.rn. :

Agent for Monarch Life Assurance Co. of TorOllto'and WlDAlpeC.

••• me. befor.· you ,bu)l PretectiOft.

FRATERNAL SOCIETlE8 (Rate ,Ci.OO per Year.)

t " --,--------~----~----~

TREHERNE LODGE NO. 51 A.F. &. A.Moo "-

Meeta Friday on' or 1 before the full moon at the Masonic Hall. 'rrehcrne. VIsltlllg Brethrtljl oordlally, welcome. R. W. Bro. JOhD,; Coulter, Secretar)'

J .. W. ClIi", W.' M. ,"


Treherne Lodge ,No.' •• moetl In the Masonic Hall evQr1 Thursday eveJlIJlI at 8 p. m. All,OddteUowa In ,oed standllli are welcome .

1. WInn,', N. G. H. A. Adair, Sec. , ,


Meeta In Masonic Hall Monda), oa or before (ull moon; at 8 p. III. VlalUq brethren always :welcome. ' " " ' , ' .. '

Chief Ranger ~ 1. Corllett , . .' ~

, • DOVE REBEK~H L:ODGE, 'N(i~u'{" Meets the 2ndi~d .~ Tuesday ot~

f eacla month.~' t!'e, ,M~lIlc Hall. at! 8 p. m •. Vlsltln, ',\brethrell and .llIterl, alwayt welcome." ..' , .

" Mrs. Je •• ,e Graham, N. Q. :' "Mr •. 1. AJ Rlchardaoll, Sec. ,} . ~ t, I ~,1


O. \,>Ne. 1730


.. . -•

• •

I· ••

• , .. Ii)

: ..

Page 5: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J






' . ... .... -..


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• .' . • · · •

, .• " .,' 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS .

.' . •

'," •. 'SIR JOJIN HENDIUE. n:.c.lIt.G .• C.V.O., President· . .-. ""1 C~RUS 'A, DIRGE, Vlce·Presldent' .• ", •

. ~..;, ," ., \ 'Ii> S: AlImRosEJ .. c. a.-DALTON, I ROBT. HOBSON W. E. PIIlN I, PITBLADO, It.C. VI. p,. RILEY\

, J. :rURNBULL .. : _ W.:A. WOOD '" A. V. YOUNG - "~' , ", 1 .J. P D'FlLL, General Manager. \.

, ' 1 t'.F. ·E. KU.VERT, "Veslern SUPcrlntendeht '. . _'. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT ':. '

Blllance Ilt credit at Pront anll Lo..s,j\,oCo'unt, 28th Feb~unry, 1920 ...... : ........ " ....... : ...... :,,; , Pronts for twel"e month. ended 28th Februnry. 1921, nCter deducting charges oC mnnagement,. : :i) :I~~e~~ril a3~~r:d. ~,~. ~?~.~~I.t~: .~~?~~~.?~ .~~~~~~~l,I~~~.~~~: .~~~ .. ~~~~~: .. ~~~~~~I.~~. ~?~ .. ~~~. ~,~~ '888,018'.21

~. Premium on No\v Stock ....••.••••••••••.•..•..•••••••.•••. ~ .•••.• ' ...••.••...• ~ .•••••....• ; •••••••••• _-:~.-:9D ... ,1._1_0_.00_ , . .' '/ ' ';.72.378.01 , , . ...! :. ", Ii".)o:" I I 1'-' ._ ••• ,0 • \..1.' ". • "

DISPOSED OF AS FOLLOWS: ". , . ;., . . 'Quarterly Dlvldends.at rnte at 12·'per~oent. per ann Ilrn ..•• : ...... " ••• ". r .... ····, 651.166.29 " Two bonuses of 'I.: oC 1 pcr ccnt. ench .... " ... ", .............. " .... " .. " .. ".. .. 47,412.45

• ~')" ... ~ ~ • ,.. ... '" to. ,.... .', ~ f:' •. 1 •• , I • " '( -. Total distribution to shnrcholders of 13 per cent. for the year •.••...••• , .•.••.•....••.•.......

To Fe'rislon', F.und{lAnnunl ;--As8cppment , ..•• ,', ,0, '1' ••• 't'.o •••••• I ••••••••• ·,.··············:·········· t 'For':-'Obmlnton 'OovcmmenttTaxoa ' ................. , ~ :', 0°' •• 1 ..•••.•.••• ; •• •• .' ••.••••••••••••••••.•••.•••

Transferred to Heserve Fund;r:From Current Pronts ..........•••..•..••...•...•.•.• $ 150,000.00 . . . ~~ • '. t f;...trro'rn' PremIUm fon'~New Stock ................ ! •••• • . 499.110.00 . 649,1~0.OO

...................................................... , ••••••• ••••• 139,28".9G ------­• 1 •• 12,378.01' Balance of Pronts' aarrled forward. . . '. - , ': "

. If' !' .,' -:.~ ,,., . .., ,.' RESERVE' FUND· ,'Ba,lapco 28th February. 192-0 •••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• ••••• •••• • 4,200,000.00 .... Premtum' on New Stock ••••••• '.! .... : •••••• :: 0 ,~ • ,.0-' ••••••• '. ~ : • ' ••••••• -1 ••• ' ••••••••••• , •• , • • • • • • •• • • • • 499.110.00

Transferred from Profi~ .•••• t ••••••• -•••••••• ~ ••••••• : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '. • •••.• • • • • 160.0.90',°0

~ • I ~ • " '. ' " 4,849,lio.00 , !., (. . ... • ...




LIABILITIES . .I/o TO THE PUBLIO: ..... .' . ; NoteR at tho Bank In. cJ~culatlon': .... ,,:.'· 6,.93,378.00 De~slts not benrlng Interest ,17,990,910,08 '

, 'De\i>8ItR_ benrlng .Intcrest. . -. . Including Intere.t

. AssETS· , 0;',581,'41) Gold and Current Coin , .....•...•••••.••• -, .. Dominion Government Notes ..•....•.•• - 8,198.111.00 Deposit In Centrnl GolC)' Reserves .•.•.. ' 500,000.00 Notes at Other ,Bnnks' ••.•..•.. ...• ....• .' 645,068.00 Cheques on other Bnnks .: ..... < .....•• , 2,701,696.71 • Bnlnnces due by other Bnnks In Cnnada. 168,185.04'

nccrued to dnte oC ' .tntement ••••.• ,.,.... 60,r.2~:G6i:oo

Balancca . due to other DIl'n". I.n Cnnndn Balancos .,due. ',to DlUlks.,,1nml.: Banklllg

, Correspondents In the united Kingdom , Balances, due .wooDnnk ... nnd Bnnklng,

Correspondents el.ewhere ..•••.•.... Acceptances under Letters· or Credit

68,626,571.08 41,270.68.

I • • ~

, 2.0,726.00

.23,240.94 , .66,802.07

',' . '

'" " 75,186;986,65 . , j ~4 .t . . . -, .

.. ~ , . '1 •

., , .. . .. .. , ..

, .

, ..

, ..

• , '. TO THE SHAREHOLDERS: : Capltnl Stock pnld In ...•... , ....•••.• , ~ .• ,998,220.00

, , :- ReRcrve Fund- .' ••• > •. ,. ,' •...•..••.•••• ,.. . 4,849,110.00 Balance of Pronts carried forward...... 139,264.95 DIvidend No."127'pnynble,lBt March, .1921 .174,276.27

~ ('Former Dlvtdends unpaid ••••••••••••••• 646.63 , 86,348,503.60

Bnlnnces due by' Bnnks nnd Banking 12,018.85 Correspondents In the.Unlted Kingdom Bnlnnce. due by Bnnks nnd Bnnklng

Correspondents 'elsewhere •.••..... , •.. _.:...._8_78 .... _04_5_.9_. , , 14,027.69"00

Dominion nnd' Provlnclnl Government Securities, not exceeding mnrket value

Cunndlnn Munlclpnl nnd British, Foreign, nnd Colon In!' Public Securities ... : ....

Rnllwny 'nnd 'other Bonds. Debentures n\ld 'Stocks, not exceeding mnrket valuo ' •• , •.• ; •.•••.•• , .••.• 0 ••••••••• ,'.



Cnll nnd Short Loans (not exceeding . . thirty dnys) In Cnnndn, ~n Bonds,

, ,Stocks. etc. • •.••..•.•...... f'" ••••• • 6,686,446.94 , . . $ 29,601,193.09

· Other Current· Lonns nnd Discounts In ' CnnarIn (less rebnto oC Interest) . ~. 50,4i6,647.20

. Real Estnte other than Bnnk Premises.. 691.077.99 • Overdue 'Debts,' estlmnted loss' provided j Cor .. " .... " .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 206,563.01 Bnnk Premises,' nt not more thnn cost, --

: . , Ie •• amounts written art ........... 3.104,765.78 'Other Assets not IncludedJn the Cor~golng, 646~463.56 Dep\lslt .wlth ,the Minister or Flnnnce tor 225,000.0'

the purposes or the Clrculntlon Fund U Liabilities oC' CUI!tomers under Letters : I

oC' Credit' as pe,. contrn .••..••..•.• ' 456,802.07' ,. .$,85,348.503.50

. " JOHN' S: H~~DRlE,' 1>re~ide~~' ,', " . '" - J. P: BELL; Go'hernl Mannger. , 1: ..... , j ) • I , '" ' " .• '.1 ,_ .. "". ,'AUDITORS' REPORT , ".

lit lecenla.c. wMIl thl ,,,"III,n, CJf'lub-lICtlonl'19 and 2001 Mation 56 of the Bank Aot. t91a.~ WI rIIDortto th'ilharthtld," .1 falioWl: WI "." lulfft.1II thl '.blw Dalahal .Shiet ;dd compilred lit -wIth tho bookl and ,,,.uchen at Head omCI and w th the clrtlfled muml

fN1II thl IIr .. ehlt WI hi'" obtained all th,~lnform.tlon and explanatlono that we han nQulrc~. and .,. of "'., opinion th.t thl tranucUI ... If thl.B,,,k •• lllohltlJ,VI coml \In(It..I,,,f notloe haYI been within the pow en of the Bank, ..' . , ".

• WI "ave Cheeked thl"allh .nil Virtftld .. th.".Ilaorltlel"nprelentina ,the Inyeitment. or.tho Bank •• t Itt ChIef OtnDl a'ftd prlnel.al Branch"


at. lIIatl 8thif' lh" thlt.I' the "rlncltlqn at the Chief Omel on thl 26th ·February, 1821. and found that the)' 'were In lan .... lnt ,with til • •• trlll 10 thl , •• k. 01 thl Bank relillng thoret..· ' . . 11th 8 k . ~I"-'.Uf""I."" the Ba'."ce.8h .. ,.11 pro,erty dmwn USi '" III to exhibit a true .lInd correct Ylew of the date of the a.a" • ! •• ./ f'ccordln. t. tb. lint .. aur In'ormatlan and the expillnatloni ulven tD UJ. r"1 al Ihown bY the bookl Df thl] Bank. }



To the Editor Treherne Tim~s,

Treherne" Man.: ./

Denr Slr:- , ..

{ 1 would like throu'gh; the ~olumns' of 1

-. your paper to express my feelings' nbout district nursing; or tile welfare •

. ,of .the' chlld~en. Now I must say I am /

." not In. (avor of 1.'1IIs district nursIng at

' .. all .. There Is. no one moro anxious , than.I am to soe that my children get

along well both at qome and nt school nnd also to see,. thnt they are clean .. nUd. kept tidily, dressed.

Recently at a meeting addressed by . D~. Fraser on district nursing, I toolt

notice of several thln'gs he spoke of . whlcl~ might be tru6 enough jn somo

• cases; such as children· being sent to school sick with mesles 01' smallpox •. 01' having dirty Ileads for other ch11l1·

, ren ~o cntch .... Now, I thlnl( nnyone III tholr right mind would know If lIui clilldl:en WCl'e sick In any, wny wltil­out.a district nurse, and ,nlso knoW enough to keep thelll awny [1'0111 oUler children until they· were completely recovered' agnln, and 1 .mlgh to say nbout the dirty hends that DoG. l~raser claims he foun'd, and. also tile dirty

, houses, that h'iJ should have sent these -people a can of Snap 01' a Iew oars o. 'Royal Crown Soap-also,,1f necessary, • a can of lnsljmt Louse l.;:iller; 01' J[

'he had told us the names of tilese Ilea· pie, we ~could send the necessnry arl:-

~cle!! ourselves. He ,claims thnt these nurses come to the house to show tho

'mothers how to wash and dress babies, nnd children, 'whlch would mako any·' one bellevo" that the woman today doesn't know anything at nil. Does he not think that OUI' mothers Ulltugh t It to us when we were younger, ana . that we, will teach our girls also, 'when the), are old enough to know? In fnct, I believe most women In this district know more Ulltn they' get credit for

. knowing, and I would aiso like to Bny that the farmers and farmers' wives' .

.; payout for this or tilat or something else till the Inst dollnr' Is always palO out, and they never think It Is time to - .. ' . \' speak for, themselves ana try' to CUt



I ,

, r

. ---....-, .......... - ..... r:. · .. _· .... ·-r




All the Latest Light

Fantastics My Mammy and Do You EYer Think

of Me, Fox·Trots, YerkeI;' Jnznrimba • , Orchestrn AS3i2, $1.00

BrIght Eyes and I.ovc nird, F~x"rrots, 'rho Leo F. Reismnn Orchestra

A1.?66, $1.00

Honolulu Eyes, 'Medley Wn1.z, 'Feathe'r Your ~cst, anJ Grlevlnll Prhiee', Dance Orchestrn anJ JUlie, Medley Fox-Trot, 4.rt Hickman's for You, Medley Fox·Trots, The Orchestra. A.1343, $1.00 lI_ppy Six A3S~5. 11.00

. -and a few of the best songs My Mammy, Columbin Stellnr Qunr- ROAe of My lIenrt Snmuel Ash aod

. tette IlnJ I'm Mlssln' Mammy's Brolltlflll Hnwn'lI Cnmpb~II' and


'KinIn', 'I'he Harmonizers, Mnlc Burr ' .!ISS6,Y, $1.00 Quartette _ A3.'77, 11.00

Broadway Hooc, Peerless Quartette I ana lIIother's Lullaby, Sterling '1'1 io

.!l3,'S,', $1.00

I:m a Lonesome Uttle Raindrop .• nJ Marllle, 'Frank Crum't

Ass.'!!, $1.00


TREHERNE, MANITOBA down the expen.s~. , H, .the farmers . \ don't speak (or themsel ves nobody· I!'i.;.".:,====...."===..".=";,=,.,..=,.,.;,..;.,~==,,,,.=="'--=· ",.=-=,..,.....".."..,,..,,,.,... else will spenK"for ·them. 'AIl 'for my- AN AGRICUL TU RAL SU RVEY Cttjlll(ht Is 10 havo nickel coins' but

no Illun ts bOlln~1 10 accopl mOI'e thnn $10 or sllch coin In pnym<Jl)t of It dobl. '\'110 11lIbllshor of Ihls Impel' walvos nil rights In lhls l11attm', nnd will accopt ony Bum'regardless.

self, I take_ a great Interest In the ' . children, and 'nm glad to see how well IN MA!'IIT.OBA

they are getting alo~g, and I krio\v An Ilgrlcultu1'll1 survey of MlIlllJoba other women_ are the saine. 1 think will be unde,rtnlwn by the Dellnrtllient It Is the' duty of all par'erits to take nn of .Agrl\!ultl!~'e and lhe Agrlcultul'lll Interest In their ohlldren, but after nil Cpllego. 1£ Is proposed to IInrl out the Is ~ald and done, I, WOUldn't I!ke yl ·re· exnct"'condltlon of ngrlculture ·In Iho celve a letter from the district nurso, 'Ili'ovlnce, and 011 this Information rio' saying that something was not right, vise remedies for ,putting the Industry

• • •

, '. ~ • •.• •. I'" _ " .'. • " . C, s. SCOTT. F.C,A ... 1 C. S. S,ott," Co, "AUDITORS HI~IIt.n., t.th'''feh;~ 1921.' t '1 ~ ..... ~ (t~;. , ~1);': I • E~ S. READ, C,A .• of Qeorge A. Touoh. • Co. . -- •

l~====~~'~i~"~'~I=='='~'='=='='=';:=='='==~=========\="~'~" ~r .~============================================~ :~".' .,.,-';j-

and that I had' to 'corfect It In·a cer- on n Delto!' nnd more proJltablc bIlSIH. lain way, of.'she 'would,see that It wns Formosl of the 'rIlI'm ~Iroblems of Mnn· done. I don't think It· Is right for tho It.'oba Is' the situation In tho exlremo councillors of tlio~dlfferent wards to souui-we'~tern nred. Crops In Ihlll area take .thls upon~themBelves, a"" even 'hl\ve been a partlnl fl\lIure for 80veral Ole school. trustees. I think It s!Jould 'yoars, rust, drought, woccls lind gI'llSB' be'brougtit before the people at a mun- .hoppers comlilnlng to croalo con(lI· Iclpal election, and then I( the lIl!ljor- tlons I)nder which growing allyth,lng Ity of the. people" want district nursing' 'wns a continual and I'Ilrely succosst'ul 1 have nothing more to say. against It. struggle.-Agrlcultural Gazelle.

It !s clai)uOlI thnl novor In tholr hla­tOl')' havo tho mull 01'(\01' dopllrtmonts of tho depllrlmont stores of tho big cilles sur(orod from lacl( of buslnoss aR .Ihey Im"r) dono dUI'lnr,- lho past [ow months. 'l'ho C(tURO Is Raid to ho duo to I.ho clearing salns pul on all ovor tho .country b1 Iho morchanLs. Much or Iho goods offered br the countl-y mol'­chanls was bough I. Bovel'lll year~ ngo, hoforo Iho high prlc('.~ 11I·ovalle,l. and are offered ntlt price loss Ihnn tho do­parlmenlnl slores can buy now whole· sale.



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Page 6: r ' • ~~(~.~ , Jplace the presentation of a pear! nll~~ lace lind IL largo bunch of Ame('lcan Belluty roses to the llew AllllellllllY President. , 1111'S. Munn' o[ Cllrlllan. SAY-.J

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~·~7~.,~."."~~~,~"""" •. "'''''''''''''~"""",,,,,,,~,,~ _____ . THITIMI, TRIH!'N!,~AN~ ... ------~----.. (--, .. --------------~----------~~----~\ .... ~~aM~~., "'<-<--0.'. .. ADVA~TAGE8 OF THE SILO ANNOUNCEMENT I • :i ., . ;' " • ('H":+'''Oo<+X-~:+IHo<I+G,,"'''''''''++''''''~~~I+4~~-tt

i··~:Uston's Cash Store I By W, W.~FRASER-~Ive Stock Com·'- I wish to annQUDce that OD April i .. Curry's G' en' eral" s.tore.· oc' • m1 I I' M It b . 23rd I shall discontinue my dental <. ~,' , . ' S~ oner or aD 0 a ,..," .' .... A S D I ",' pmctlce, having sold Ollt to Dr. R. O. 'I . " . i quar~ ea on 'the Corner Tbe very many IldvlI.Dtages attach· llurton pf Glenboro, who wlil conduct i ~.THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH IS 'AT.D~,Y! ,. r, WI: lu the U~e u. Ult! lUlU tL8 a u.u:Uhd • bOUI offices, Le.,: 'rreherne and Olen. ), .

· ~ . ot plovldlns 10011 lor la','e stoCK wu. .. e boro. I bespeak for my successor the f ' . J.. H ' . < '. It IJlIII~pcn~able; UlId lbm'elole a: HIIO same generous conslderlltlon and pnt· i GROlf"'ll1C'RRES t ' ere's Re'a' I News" , shoullI De on every larm. ron age that I have enjoyed In the past, 1. ~.u::. :t, .. • Promotel I:.conomy in Feeding nnil I give my assurance that'he will s: . '.,' . : . Xi In a'sllo:a very larg" ... Uloum 01 .eed well merit, the same. . 7.' Oil ° d ' "

'. DRESS VOILES CIW be stored Ilway III tL swull space. There re~aln a few small balances ;z: are s itn gOIng own • - i: : The quality or the feed. Is better tban, outstandlng,- and I respectfully ask t . • t... A lovely assortment of Dress Voiles in Dress Ends, or by Ie cured III aDY other w'I1Y; aDd such. tha'~ settlement be made WIUllri' the ::: Wh b f f ' th

0;'. the yard, from $1.00 up. Let us -how them to you, -, 'h I . t' f d I h . 7. ,en you uy rom us, you are sure 0 ,get\1ng em at ., " roughage p.s straw Is wort at east nex. ew ays. ave taken a posl· X ' l

" ~.;'. ." HATS .l ~D CAPS 100 per cent. more when red together' tlon with the National Lire Assurance 6 the low~st I;>ossible market prices. What is our loss 1,1 your gain. 1. "" with sllag~ than j[ It Is fed alone or' Company of Cannda as Gcneral Agent ,~ " ' . ;Jr, ~: •. wlUI other dry feeds. Concentmteti' and District Manager for the terrltorv s: SOAPS .1. Spring is here-so is o~ stock of H~ts '/!oDd Caps for feeds, sucb as grains, also produce from Elm Creek to Stockton and shail '1· \ . SS .!. Men, Boys and Children. . '. much better results wben' fed In· com· devote my whole time to. that work, ~' Lux, 3 packages for ....................... _ ...... - ........................ __ ......... -._..... c ~: blnatlon with silage than If fed 'With nnd continue my residence here. so ; Lennox, 18 bars for ...................................... _ ......................... __ .......... $1.00 1 WAISTS ." dry feed only. . -. thar 1 can always be seen at my resl· .. T I • So 11 ba f $1 00

· ::: \ ' '\ ' •. The' stockman finds the prices of denee or office. -:- ay or s rax, rs or ......... _ .......... _ .... _ ........................ _ .... $ • :1: Ladies' Waists in all the newest styles in Georgette, mill feeds very high, and the use of Dr. Hurton will be here on TUesday::: Dingman's Electric, 11 bars for ..... _ .... .:: ... _ .... _ ..... _..:.._ .. _.- 1.00

.•.•. Crepe-de-Chine and Voiles at fr,om $3:00 up to $14,00. silage Is the best means yet disco· evening, May 3rd, and all of that week :? Polar White, 12 bars for _ ........... _ ..... _._._ ..... _ ..... _ ..... _._ .. _$1..:

vered to reduce the amount ·o( mill, and In the Intervening period the or· 'I' , * LADIES' SPRING COATS ';.; leed which must be puchased.· fice will rcmaln closed. :i: See UI for your CARDEN SEEDS and flEW SEEDS, We CAlI .. , , Avoid. Waste .. -.. ,.' Very sincerely yours, ::: lave you money thil yeu, ~: Ou' r Styles are exclusl·v-,'--{\,· all'ty an~, PrIC' e1s' 'a'~e' rl'ght, '" The silo enables the farmer to use .' A. W. MYLES. 'I· ~: ~.. ~' what otberwlse' would be almost WILStO' :tl: .. STEWART'S AND WAGSTAFFE'S JAM .1. . GARD~ SEEDS ". . . I ; products. It Is Btated ~haL the only THE TELEPHONE QUESTION :1: ·1' weeds' kllown In Manitoba" 'wblch S: Pure Raspberry Jam in 4-tb tins ............................... ~ .................... $1.25 :'.:: We carryall llie 'Ieadirii brands of Garden Seeds, in- :~ would not ma~e sllalle are French· The PI'oposed 'at of I r:;: Pure Strawberry Jam, in 4~tb. tins .... _ ............. _ ...... _ ... : .......... _$1.25 ':. I d .:' weed and" ragWeed;, all the oUlel'8 . I e nCrel\Se or.. ) . :i: cuing Steele-Brigg·s. McKenzie's, Ferry's and Rennie's. :l: make excellent Bllage. >1 telelJhontl Bervlce Is'meetlng with pro· :;: Try a tin for a change . • :. We also have numerous' lines of Bulk Garden Seeds. ':' Permit. U .. of Sunflower. nounced opposition from 'pnoDe sub· .:' .:. For Field Seedl, leave iii your Order, :1: SUl\ftowers, \vblch will produce very scrlbers all over ,'Illlllltooa, anti If the :i: ::: .'. heavy crops, can be grown for ens I· '!'elephone U'ommlsBloner puts the new:!: ::: GROCERIES t lage where corn will not succeed. ll' rate 11Ito eliect, Which llmounts to all' ~: .'. ;S Is a well.known fact that sunllowers proxh~lately 6b pel' cent, of an advILDce ,;, ::: When buying Groceries, look for quality and freshness. ;. will withstand several niore degrees It:,lS Qulle 'llI'ooable that a "ery cOllslu· :1: ::: We have the quality, and for freshness our stock cannot be ;z; oC frosLboth In spring and fall, than erable nuwbel' oC telepholle subscrl· -:­' •• :,:, beaten, as we get I'n our' gr' ocerl'es every wee'-. Compare tIle' ~l corn wll1 stand. But without the silo,' bel's will discontinue the service. 'l'he :f

II. no use call be made or sunllowers. people or ~lan1toblL ure open to convlc· 'I· • :. followmg list with those lliat you can get anywhere else: - • Prevent. LOlli by the Element. lion on the matter of rates, but It will :i:


8 11>: sacks ...... _ ....... _, ........... 45c. 20- to sacks .................... _ ...... 8Sc. 40 tb sacks ................ _.: .................... _ .. : .......................... _ ....... _ ..... ~ ........ $1.65


Donalco, Gold Standard,' and Braid's Special. AlJ good black tea' at per t1> ............ : ............... _ ............................................. _ ....................... SOc •

:5: S d dR" . 5 tb L $1 90 Feed may be put Into the silo both be' mighty dlltlcult [01' the Commls· 'I· .:' ee e aISIIlS. In - paCKages .................................... • slonel' to give good and sufllclent' r 'I' P . 5 I~- t "PI " b d 90c

S dl R ,. '. 5 t~- L '. $19' damp and Quite green. Therefore'Uw eu· 'I· runes 10 - IJ car ons, ume ran ......................................... - • :;: ee ess' alSlns, I~ - IJ pacKage~ ..... -.... _................. . 0 • anxleLy about having th'e elements In· Bons for adopting II new scale of rateB 'I' BI k F' . 5 tb· t "PI .. b d SSC • ,.. d B' .. cl b . . . , I d l' I I 't' ac Igs In - car 005, ume ran ........... -......... ~............ .

I ~: ;)0' a ISCUltS In woo en oxes contammg !~r:t!~~I~~O~~ l:lIa;Z!~:dth:~ t:~\~:: ~I~~ ~r:e~~·~~I~I~e c~sts'~~~.o~\:~I;e:e:r~ :E Raisins, s·eeded. 5- tb cartons, "Plume" brand ....................... :$1.90

:~: 'Corn Sta~ch. 2 for ~~~~~ ... ~ ... ~:.~ ... :.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~.~.:~ "i wasl~ dO~ t~:s S~I~d bottoms; this Is ~~~t t~~o~~·o~~:.~~. ml;h:lI~u~~~:~l tillBe ::: TRais!nts, se~de21,)ntb5- tbt. cartons~, "Plume" brand .................. $12·09~

:!: Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, regular sizes, per tin ...... 20c. aV~)(:enae R:duce'd' by Co-operatlon ,'Why Buch a ,lUf\lll?" H it Is a cas~ :i: ~ma. oei lib (2 . lOS .... · .......... · .............. · ...... · .. · .... · ........ _ .................. ·20.· :;: L d (D . .) 3 t"- t' . 90 ' Tbe COB't of machinery for pJ'oduclng of attributing It to high operating ex.'~ rn 10 - lOS .............. _ ........................................................... _............... C I ar a vies - IJ In ............................................................ C. I tit II d f It I 'r. P 2 tb ti 20' ::: Sugar (while present stock lasla only,), lack, $13.00 and bandllng crotis for the'sllo call be IJenBeS, as s a to 0, s remllrk·.. eas, - ns ......................................................... _ ..... _ ............. _................. \ ,I. 0 . k $200 10 tt. f' 25 reduced-'I! groups of'farmers will jolrt able that tbe situation was not dealt :~ Pine,apple, 2~ tb tins, ............... _ ...... _ ...................................................... 45 :i: mons,. per sac, . ,or us. or ............... :........ c." 'togetber' In thelr'purcbase and owner· with long ugo. On the othel' hUIHI, ',' R b . 2 tb t' 45c .!, R II dO' 20' It> .. k' $1' 00' sbIP:'" ,'" .". . ',"', j j" . there Is an an IDdlcutlon that tile reo 'l asp ernes, ~ inS ..... -.......................................................................... • .'. 0 eats, 10 - sac s .............................................. ,. , , I ~ j dJ f I 'I' Str wb r . 2 t"- t' 45c .1. G II S d dB' k' P de 5 tb . .' . $1 15' ",:. '. 'Typei"o,XSIIO'(" '. " '. 1I ustment 0 sa aries will be con· 'f. a e nes, - IJ In ...................................... _......................................... • ,I. 0 c. t,m' ar a 'mg ow r, - .tm, ............... ,.. ~" . l' 1" II . , ... ", II I Blde\'ed to keep pace with other reOul: 'I' Ch r' 2 tb t' 45c ,I. AI at th . , Botb Slav" s OS' anu cement· s os . 'j' er les, - In ...... _ ............................................................ -.................. . 'i' so sever 0 er pncei toknumaieroul to ~eDtion, .at ,current, a~e giving goo)' saOsfabtion. The silO tthlons

C' atid 'l iL 11IllghhL be suggedstetld that :I( Pears, 2~ tb tin ..... _ ........................................ ~ ......... ,._ ............... , ................ 30c.

.. I I' mu et v aes.; . T.' .,'" r. " partially ""constructed ,-: 'below the e om~ ss on ave gmBpe Ie Oil' .. L b d PI' 2 tb 30 ~: NEW. SEASON'S MAPLE SYRUP /. iirou'ud h3vel' Is ,"g\vlng ;'kooil satlsfac. ,Portunlly. to Jump In and get thelr'~ om ar ums, - tins ................ _ ............... : ................. _.................. c.

· :i: . 'tlon In places wJiere'dralnage Is goodi feet wet before tbe water gets "chilly" :!: OVERALLS AND SMOCKS' t. Pure Maple Syrup in quart bottles .............................. $1.00 '&nd,'owlng to avoldance'of the nece-' If we are not mistaken, thosQ at the * W . I h be . Y h . $2/:" 'j' Yz gallon tins, $1.75. ..GaIJons ....... : .......... $3.50 ':ity of carrylng'tbe'litruct(ire 80 hl;,'H head ·of Manltobl\ Government Tele· s: e carryon y test at one pnce. our c olce.................. .;)\1 '.' H . 5 n:;.. 'J'" ... ', " .... , .. ',:.j.' "$2 25,,1 it"1s regarded by 'm'any as preferab1>' IJhones will find a good many BubBcrl· :(

a"",._" ~: oney, In - pa\S, ........ : .. ::;. .. ~ ...................... :: ............ .!.. ..... , . X t'i,tth'e"silo'that lti:'entlrily above.tn<' bel's'wlll take tile stand, "I'm from~, STORE CLOSES AT 6.30 EVERY EVENING'EXCEPT SA,UIWAY :i: f ground' level: Hd •. .'. ,.~ • "'~i Missouri-show me! "-Ex. .,.

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i' W • .r~"RUSTON:"',1 ;"'~~I'd;T~~\SDO.,,,~, ',COMMONICATION i-. G-,E-O-,R-G-E-.T-.-'C~U~JR-.R-Y-t Phone S2 . >1);" l:l : ..... ':"' .. '.... T~~~NE 'j Contrlbu~ed ,by a:·.poet".who wrlte& TO~~:r~~;~rwo; ~~~ft~;~~~-' f PHONE 102 J'~EuERNE .,;'''' " \ : PHONE lQ6 .............. ~ •. +4~~ ....... ~~ ...... +4~~ ...... ~~. , 1./111'.11 !U. IJHllil'. ver"e, l!uU PlU'uy \I... 'A Bhort time ago, Lloyd Oeorge, In (")O'~~~~><--M(>(O+C*C><--C+(>(O+C+CI+'C+M. (>(o+~.>,>.: .. :.:.

"lUu .. e~y·IIH1JI .. "UI·~U. addressing the BrltlBh Parliament, ",. , "'T'" " • 15' • "hent 'tim' es are dull and tne cloudB

, • h Bald:


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, . . ..' . .. . ..:, ':, a~o(J(IIII'j{:l:tlle ''hld'itor's 'dog IB Bure to ~'i:,,;n:;"nii;filmmi)!!!I!i!i;!Illlii!ii!mi41;~.Iit1l11li1l11 •••• lII ..................... ,. lillr·lt. Bhe'B a devil to run when . "Gentlemen: This world·wlde trou· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


.- .

'" .. ,,(. . . . ", . uiere's nothing In sight; but lI'embles ble IB faBt grQwlng beyond human ':: .... fir- :, t' ., ;. :, coiltrol, but I Bee before me a govern· iii ,K'~.ti<o>nunncen S' =" '. ',., . .~< !n~a~~~te:a~:~:~i.~~·~;~~,I~e:'::o:~~i~: ment tbat IB founded upon JUBtlce; a ,.;: .. ", '." i . '. , . " .' 'd .. ·· Sb I ' "d 't' b" ',,' n to thh government In which all religious pre·

. ,!"ee 8. e B goo 0 an" 0 " judices and' racial distinction ,_ shall Have you decided to 'erect"a; suitable Monument to complete i·\iniNlig'·· board," and'·tbat ;In \tselr' 18 ' cease. I Bee growing up before me a . your Cemetery. I.mpi·oyements. Our cODllJlete' BtOCIt· ·of- .. Memorlal., worth 'h~r 'roiliJ,';"n:'bCr'Cblte ,was a8

, government In· which the much to be Coplngl, Fences, Corner Po.t •• Marker. etc. la now ready to meet your bail :as liei-'bark"wo'U1d be,"gliJry '(or deBlred condlt.on'shall be attained of

i:; 'demands. Our Quarries offer you ~he finest quality of materlal~:to ;tie the sinner that liiri'c6l&1iteted she. T.he the universal. fatherhood of Ood and ill found In Canada. Our Workmanlhlp will justify our wide range 'of caiv'es (young cattle) on the streets brotherhood 'of men. ,1 Bee riSing be. :r: experience. Our Price. will please you. Our aim Is to satlsfy:....:evili:r ·wo~}~)ilke J~I\:/~Ei·'l·liueS"' ~o lay their fore me'a government that IB founded 'I' customer, a friend.' ' .complalnts In 'no modest thymeB. But upon Justice and whose worklngB are .. " like llii,'sex"sne'belongB to, her bark 'it .c 11 I f P I Now I. th C t Time to Order.' based upon love. This government .. ' Ii a or wr te me or r COlI. • • e, orrac " 111 lier ~~'Ide': ~t~~ a: worry at times" comeB not .from the feeble hand of

· S. W. EVER' EST : " T h' . b.ut ~ho should complain, when It man, but from the power of the AI· · , I ;- . re eme ,eaBes her conscience and Boothes her 'mlghty OOd." I •

.'. ,: ' ................................ 111 ............. 111..... brain. : .. d' 'd .' . d' tb Can we find today a man who Is coJ. , ". ." 'i ' ' . . '. " " l~ we ,all h~ a og .an ., ey ~er~ te~ted? . Has the ort.rel,leated state.

-!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=======~=. !!!!!!==!II!!!!!!:!!!!!!:I!!!!!_!I!!!!!!:~:e!!II!"''''''':'~... all til!! ~~me,: l1~e : Ule . editor B cr ttm, ment from pulVI t and press that when ..... I .. IlIII .... lIIltIi .. llIIli_ .. _ .. ~f!IH .. I!I .. _IlIIIIIlIII ...... IlIIIIIIH_ ... '-':. so easy: to' tam~! :~e 'mo~le1l would the Oermans were vanquished, war ". . , s~( cleal' n.orth of the. to:,,:n; (or Who would. ceaBe proven true? Rather the

FreIL··i'an' d"'C' ed" would endan~r his life on' the 'str~et reverse. AU the world Is now making . D ur \. " . It I f I 11 d 1 1m e d to f" , ' W 1 ema eS.,a ~un' I ~'r a y ready 'for more war more Btrlfe In.

Choice Lamb Carc .... on Hand. l!ree~.. '. ::: ': '.' "":""':' . tet'nnl and eXletl1aJ. '_, .,. , Oylleri ~SeUOD,_ ' You Jt"OV!,'Mr., Edltor~' I~.bas j~t, 'The 'Oreat Preacher said: "They .• .• . , .:. dawne~, on ~e ~hat your dog mus~' be shilll Bay IJeace', peace, buL there shall

PORK! r VEAL I MUTTON! a 'PO\I,l~clan. . .She . ce.rtalnly ·Is no be no peace," . 1t was well Bald, for

COLD MEATS ' . VEGETABWI • s~teslllan, an~ I will prove It ·to you. that 'tIme seems to be upon us now., " •. '. An o!d Je,!, ·.was In d()ubt·aB'to Wh!1t The whole cry seems to be for money,

, , ,

LARD,.~TC,! ,to make of bl.ll·so~;. ~~refore ~e tried. from' the pulpit, the banks; loan com. WE BUY ,. this n~vel 'pI~n. He placed· a: table 1J11nle8;' governmentB-ln fact, every.

W. Clegg -i.

In tbe ,centre of ' the room, and on on~ 'where you turn. The fabric of the corn4!'r'o,r It be placed a Blble, .. on an· world"see'ms to be, built on the shift.

. oth~r ~orner,be placed.a .gun; on ·an· ing·san().a·nd the winds are starting to 0.t1~.~~. a' dol!ar . b\l1, and on: the', other,. blow. How shall the structure stand? a:b~ttJe of brandy. (NOTE: tbls must Surely It begins to rock as w'e look , ..

'!bave. ;l!appened 'some time ago:>.· .. ;"" , at it· from the. stn'ndpolnt o( reason. 11ii;~:},t,,"~;;;=~#:;#:====================:====~~~~1'77"';.... .',\";'''No:w,'' 'be sal~ to 1tacb~l~ his, Wife,. Tbe people's money Is being thrown ~ "U Isaac takes th~ plp!.e;,ve· vll1,~ake away wlthouL thought or Judgement

l~x1~,~?:t:;~~~~~~~~~~~-~~r-(~~~II!I~~~~,.~~~i··f~01!l hl~ a !abbl;,1f be takes the gun, 'by the, political' leaches wbo graft II ':ve vlll, make from him a. sol~ier;, If he their' fat living from the puppets tbat ,·.tllkE·,S' the b~I~, ve ~11!·.make from 'represenl"UIII people In parliament.

• •• • .. .

. , , • •• • • •• ". . .'

•• . " . ,,' ~ • • , .. • ,0 ••

'DIUlK.er, and If.. he ta~es i·the " '. a man like' Lloyd Oeorge can ;'blraila~. make froJU blm'a'vlne, 'doWnfl!-Il' of .the present sys·

• @ .' • • .1&. ::." ...... . .,. .0 '0 • . " . ...... . . . . .

.. '.' It Is time for us to awaken

, .. ••

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conditions that confront

, . . . . '. .. . , ,e •

, . •• ,.

. .

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T·R,E]1· RNE, Flour Mill,'

For ,ood, 'wholelome' Bread and Paltry, ItaYI with the leaderl.

-. TREHERNE flour:

• , . ....

T reherne Flour is now ~Iea:ched by an electrical process th~t is' absolutely narmless, which ages ,~nd 'purifies it, making it ~I,l~~" tifully. white, pure and ~holesome. ' ':,

· We' are",always in' the market for wheaL

· We are gristing every d3Y, Bring in your wheat in quan~tie. · and take your 'Rour as you req~re it, .

• • •

c ... Wiechman .\ '" '\ . ' " ,"" • n •

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