Quotations on Muslims in India

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  • 8/14/2019 Quotations on Muslims in India


    QUOTATIONS ON MUSLIMS IN INDIA http://www.themodernreligion.com/quotations_muslims_india.htm

    1 of 5 11/16/2007 2:45 AM

    Islam - The Modern Religion


    Dr. Z. HAQ(Copyright 1990, 1997, All Rights Reserved)

    Pandit Jawaharlal NehruDr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya

    Humayun Kabir

    N.S. Mehta

    Prof. K.M. Panikkar

    Babar (Mughal Dynasty)

    Dr. Gustav le Bon

    Sir William Digby

    Brooks AdamsMuslims in India - An Overview

    Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (India's Prime Minsiter 1947-64) in The Discovery of India, 1946, p. 218, 225.

    The impact of the invaders from the north-west and of Islam on India had been considerable. It had pointed out and shone up the abuses

    that had crept into Hindu society - the petrification of caste, untouchability, exclusiveness carried to fantastic lengths. The idea of the

    brotherhood of Islam and the theoretical equality of its adherents made a powerful appeal especially to those in the Hindu fold who were

    denied any semblance of equal treatment.

    ...his (Babars) account tells us of the cultural poverty that had descended on North India. Partly this was due to Timur's destruction,

    partly due to the exodus of many learned men and artists and noted craftsmen to the South. But this was due also to the drying up of thecreative genius of the Indian people.

  • 8/14/2019 Quotations on Muslims in India


  • 8/14/2019 Quotations on Muslims in India


  • 8/14/2019 Quotations on Muslims in India


    QUOTATIONS ON MUSLIMS IN INDIA http://www themodernreligion com/quotations muslims india htm

  • 8/14/2019 Quotations on Muslims in India


    QUOTATIONS ON MUSLIMS IN INDIA http://www.themodernreligion.com/quotations_muslims_india.htm

    5 of 5 11/16/2007 2:45 AM

    Ibn Battuta, an Andalusian who was born in Morocco, served as a Magistrate of Delhi (1334-1341) during the reign of Sultan

    Muhammad Tughluk. It is conceivable that Ibn Battutas description of Muslim India inspired Ferdinand and Isabella who had taken over

    the last Muslim kingdom of Granada, Spain in 1492. That same year Columbus received the permission in the Alhambra palace (of

    Granada) and made his famous voyage bound for India in search of gold and spice but he landed in the Americas.

    Quotations on Islamic Civilization

    Quotations on Moorish (Islamic) Civilization

    What Non-Muslims Say About Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    Taken from the "Islamic Civilization"

    Copyright 1992, 1997 Dr. A. ZahoorAll Rights Reserved

    The "What's New?" Table Islam - The Modern Religion