Quickstart LV - Atlas Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH 1 / 2019

Quickstart LV - Atlas · 2019. 6. 6. · Excel interface Bidirectional interface with which data can be transferred from LV to ... E.g. Calculation according AD 2000, but materials

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Page 1: Quickstart LV - Atlas · 2019. 6. 6. · Excel interface Bidirectional interface with which data can be transferred from LV to ... E.g. Calculation according AD 2000, but materials


LV - Atlas

Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

1 / 2019

Page 2: Quickstart LV - Atlas · 2019. 6. 6. · Excel interface Bidirectional interface with which data can be transferred from LV to ... E.g. Calculation according AD 2000, but materials
Page 3: Quickstart LV - Atlas · 2019. 6. 6. · Excel interface Bidirectional interface with which data can be transferred from LV to ... E.g. Calculation according AD 2000, but materials

Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH -1-


Overview 3

Options in version 8 ....................................................................................................................................... 3

Free software included .................................................................................................................................. 3

Activate license 4

Activation of the software license (*.LIC file) .................................................................................................. 4

What is a license file ......................................................................................................................... 4

Activating the license ........................................................................................................................ 4

Starting the program 5

Program start ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Selection of calculation module ..................................................................................................................... 5

Module selection by text search ........................................................................................................ 6

Module selection by quick start ......................................................................................................... 7

Basic setting for materials - ‚Project‘ module ................................................................................................. 8

Terminology .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Program operation / program settings 10

Basic data input ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Quick Navigation ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Entering values ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Standard input ................................................................................................................................ 10

Enter value ranges .......................................................................................................................... 11

Definitionsdateien verwenden / Variablen vorbelegen ..................................................................... 11

Two-dimensional parameter study on input mask............................................................................ 12

Input of geometrical data in graphics ............................................................................................... 13

Conversion of units ...................................................................................................................................... 13

General ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Entering a value in a different unit ................................................................................................... 14

Change displayed unit .................................................................................................................... 14

Setting the unit system globally (SI units / US units) ........................................................................ 14

Changing values ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Connect modules by Drag&Drop ................................................................................................................. 15

Expert mode ................................................................................................................................................ 16

Cancel running calculation .......................................................................................................................... 16

Help - menu ...... with loads of possibilities .................................................................................................. 16

InfoBrowser and Help System ..................................................................................................................... 17

Help System ................................................................................................................................... 17

Saving 19

Standard ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

Saving as database file '*.mdb..................................................................................................................... 19

Printing 20

Print settings ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Basic settings .................................................................................................................................. 20

Print to ............................................................................................................................................ 22

Template/Cover .............................................................................................................................. 23

Extras 25

LV Scenario Manager .................................................................................................................................. 25

Modul DOKU ............................................................................................................................................... 26

Integrating RTF or DOCX files ........................................................................................................ 26

Create revision list .......................................................................................................................... 26

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Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH -2-

ZUSA module Connecting and summarizing values ................................................................................. 27

Service and Support 29

Call LV consultant ....................................................................................................................................... 29

Hotline ......................................................................................................................................................... 29

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Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH -3-


Options in version 8 >>> The detailed description of the individual options can be found in the ATLAS manual.

1. Templates and covers can be changed directly for the current print job

2. Templates and covers are saved with the ATL file

3. Output directly to PDF also possible with cover sheet and template (without the need to use RTF)

4. Variable monitor for observing individual variables

5. Preset variables at module start – Definition files 6. Free selection of units for calculation and documentation,

(metric / anglo-saxon) globally adjustable

7. Values can be entered with the unit. Conversion is done immediately.

8. LV Scenario Manager for ‚ what-if scenarios ‘.

9. Graphically supported input directly on the input mask. Graphics can be printed

10. Improved presentation of equations in mask and printout

11. Unused sections of the mask can be collapsed and extended

12. ZOOM in input mask

13. Graphically display mathematical dependencies of variables

14. Value ranges for variables can be specified in the mask and controlled with sliders.

15. Parametric study directly from the target variable

Free software included Excel interface Bidirectional interface with which data can be transferred from LV to

Microsoft EXCEL and vice versa.

Scenario Manager Create 'what-if' scenarios using Drag&Drop in MS Excel.

ZUSA module Summary of texts and figures of the project

DOKU module Integration of additional texts in the documentation

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Activate license

Activation of the software license (*.LIC file)

What is a license file

The type of the license (floating network, single user with unlock number or hard lock installation) is saved in a license file, (LIC file), which you receive by email.

The license file has the same name as the program package it is made for (e.g. ATLAS.lic).

The license file contains the following information: 1. Unlock information of purchased modules (displayed in black in the treeview of the module selection) 2. Unlock information of all modules (alphabetical listing of modules) you can use, by paying a small fee

(FEEZING) or you can unlock at a later point of time by purchasing them (displayed in light gray ). 3. The type of licensing (single user, network, hard lock)

1. Your client number

Activating the license Es sind keine Administrationsrechte erforderlich! Select „Help / Activate license ‘, select a valid license file and confirm with OK. Or: „Help – About“ - „ Activate the license “

After having activated the license, you can archive your license file anywhere.

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Starting the program

Program start

Open the Windows 'Start' menu and start the program by selecting 'Programs' / 'Atlas' / 'ATLAS' .

Start the strength calculation software by 'Programs' / 'Stress' / 'STRESS'.

Selection of calculation module The module selection appears immediately when the program has started.

When you already have started a module, you can call up the module selection via “Atlas/Chapter” or by right-clicking the symbol and selecting “New module” or you can use the plus button in the project overview.

You can find the correct module for solving your problem in many ways:

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Module selection by text search As a rule, the first hit is the best hit.

Start the module by double-click or by using the green start button.

Using the filtering options, you can refine your search.

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Module selection by quick start Find the module for your task by selecting the according categories and symbols.

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Basic setting for materials - ‚Project‘ module At first program start of the strength calculation software, you have to specify the delivery standards for your materials.

When you start a calculation module in the strength calculation software, the Project module is started automatically. The delivery standards are already entered in this module, but you can change them individually for every project. Enter the regulation you want to use for the calculation and the regulation for the material definition. E.g. Calculation according AD 2000, but materials according DIN EN 13445-3

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Terminology Module A module is a stand alone program dealing with a specific subject, e.g. the GA module 'Heat

transfer for flow in tubes' or B1 module 'Cylindrical and spherical shells under internal pressure'. A module comprises all necessary variables for the solution of a partial problem. The according equations are documented.

Module package

A module package is a combination of several modules, which exchange information (related variables) dynamically. That means when you enter for example the inlet temperature in a module, this information is transferred to all relevant modules.

Event An event happens if you enter or change a value: An event starts the immediate calculation within a module or complete module package.



A statement can be made for any variable.

If a value is not existent, e.g. there is no nozzle in a torispherical head, you need to make a statement! No nozzle => Nozzle diameter = 0.

Skipping this input field would mean not to make a statement. The module would try to calculate this value by using other statements.


Function keys 'Options' menu 'ATLAS' menu

F 1 Help

'Module' menu

F 3

Display Graphics

F 4

Display material database

New material can be selected or documentation of material can be displayed or printed

F 5

Reset module

All data is deleted and module is restarted

F 7

Refresh module

All equations in the module are recomputed

F10 Key shortcuts are displayed

The 'Toolbar' can be switched on or of in the menu 'Options' / Settings / Appearance .

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Program operation / program settings

Basic data input Many modules require a selection of one or more basic options before you can enter design values.

The DROS module (Flow measurement with pressure difference devices according to EN-ISO 5167-1/A.) for example needs to know if you want to calculate orifices or a Venturi nozzle.

Quick Navigation Most modules have a Quick-Navigation Menu, which flies out when you click on the Quick Navigation Bar.

Here you can jump directly to the specified section in the input mask and you can easily expand or collapse all sections of the mask. A right click on the navigation bar or a left click on any spot of the mask hides the navigation menu.

Entering values

Standard input Fundamentals Due to the modular structure of the LV ATLAS there is a unified user interface in every module. There are no specific input values and defined output values. Every value on the mask can be input value. After each input the program checks if it can calculate other values by using the last input data. To distinguish between the values entered values are displayed in black and calculated values are displayed in blue .

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Given is a rectangle with width a and length b.

As soon as you have entered both values and left the input field, the area of the rectangle is calculated.

If you change one of your input values a or b at any location on the input mask, the new value of the area is calculated immediately. If you overwrite the result of a calculation, in this case the area of the rectangle, a list with all dependent variables is displayed. In this list you can select which value you want to define as a new target value. Example: Area is given, and the width is our new target value:

The unique Equation Solver by Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik GmbH is an essential part of the LV ATLAS program system At first sight, the operating procedure of the equation solver might be unfamiliar. However it provides the user with a state-of-the-art tool for designing and optimizing all kinds of process engineering apparatuses and equipment.

Enter value ranges You can also enter ranges of values directly into the input fields. Format must be 'NUMBER to NUMBER' (Ex: 1 to 4).

The individual values can be changed by using the slide control with the left and right arrow keys. All dependent values are calculated instantly.

Definitionsdateien verwenden / Variablen vorbelegen Frequently used variables may be

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predefined at module start.

Save the module as definition file after having entered the variable.

Next time the module is started the variables are preallocated with the values you have saved.

Please note:

‚Use definition file’ must be activated.

Two-dimensional parameter study on input mask You can start a two dimensional parameter study directly from the target variable on the input mask. Enter the parameter values in the following way:

Example: Enter 1,1.1…2 for the Total Mass Flow It means: 1 = starting value 1.1= second value


The dot (.) is the decimal separator.

This leads to the size of the steps. In this case 0.1. The sign "…" means go on with all further steps until the end value.

2 is the end value

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A parameter study is performed automatically for all dependent values.

Input of geometrical data in graphics In many modules, the geometrical data can be entered in the graphics directly on the input mask. The graphic can be printed for documentation. This feature serves also as input control as predefined values are displayed in the graphic..

With this feature, the LV modules fulfil the requirements of the EN 13445 for the documentation of pressure vessel calculations.

Conversion of units

General The conversion of units of a value is activated by

• Single mouse-click on the unit on the input mask • Key combination SHIFT - Cursor Up / Down • Right mouse-click menu 'Conversion of units' on an input field

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Entering a value in a different unit Activate the conversion of units as described before and enter the value in your desired unit. The conversion is done automatically. The displayed unit on the mask does not change..

Change displayed unit

Use the option buttons to change the unit that is displayed on the input mask.

The checked button determines the unit in which this variable is always displayed.

Setting the unit system globally (SI units / US uni ts) Via 'Options / Settings / Appearance you can set the unit system. Changes require a restart of the program .

Changing values 1. Input values (displayed in black ) may be changed at any time. All equations related directly or

indirectly with this value are calculated at once. 2. Calculated values (displayed in blue ) may be overwritten, but then the equation system is over-

determined. If this equation consists of only two variables, the system calculates the other and treats the changed value as input value.

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If more than two variables determine the equation, the user has to decide which former input value shall be calculated from now on.

A new window 'Clear variable' is opening.

In this window all values which are related by equations and rules to the last input value.

The value which has to be cleared for calculation is selected with the mouse (double click) or with the cursor (up and down key plus ENTER)

Connect modules by Drag&Drop

Every module requires several input data before the calculation is performed. With LV software you need to enter these data only once. You can connect the variables of different modules. / B1 to B9.

Drag the tab from B1 to the input mask of B9. You will see a connection cursor. Only suitable units are automatically connected.

Let go the mouse button and drop the values into the B9 module. The modules are now connected.

If you now change the values in one module, the values are automatically updated in the other module.

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Expert mode After program installation the expert mode is inactive by default. In 'standard mode ' only standard input fields are displayed. Calculated values or values from a database cannot be changed. Advantage of Standard Mode: As a newcomer user you are not able to make many mistakes. The equation system is always defined.

Advantage of Expert Mode: You can overwrite calculated variables with an input value to enable the program system to compute backwards to a value which was an input value before.

By selecting 'Options' / 'Settings' / Calculation you can activate or deactivate the 'expert mode' or single components.

Cancel running calculation With the <ESC> key you can cancel a running calculation. As there are my iteration steps to cancel you should hold the escape key down until the program lets you enter a new value.

Help - menu ...... with loads of possibilities Many modules have their own help file which you can find in the 'Help' menu under 'Help for...'.

Help for the general features of the ATLAS program system you can find under 'Help / Help topics' .

Blue / white question marks in mask

If there is additional information available on a specific variable, a question mark is shown

When clicking on the question mark, the additional information is displayed in the Info Browser.

Call LV consultant

If an LV user has complex questions concerning a calculation which are difficult to describe on the phone he can call an LV consultant. An engineer dealing with your subject will connect to your PC via TeamViewer.

A PC to PC connection will almost always result in a solution presented by LV.

Update... 24 hours Within a service contract you can update your software by pressing one single button. You can decide when or if you want to be reminded to update your software. Before starting the download the available version number is displayed. Acivate the license

Reading the license file (.lic) to unlock the program

About Here you will find information about your version number mask version number and customer number.

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InfoBrowser and Help System Next to the input mask you may display an area with additional program information or the help system.

The additional information is variable-specific. Program messages and the variable monitor are shown in this area.

The blue light bulb disables or enables the InfoBrowser.

Help System The help system is a true online help, shown in the InfoBrowser. An active Internet connection is required! The help system is fully responsive, i.e. it adjusts completely to the sitze of the InfoBrowser window. By double-click you can undock the help sytem from the program and display it on another screen for example. The next double-click docks it into the program again. General Help The general program help and the latest bug fixes are shown.

Help for current module

This item shows the help files for the current module. When switching to another module, the help file does automatically change as well, if there is a help file availabele. The help system includes additional information or hyperlinks to other pages or references to PDF files. PDF files are shown in the InfoBrowser if the correct plugin or the Acrobat reader from Adobe is installed.

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Message list

Program messages are classified in two categories. Critical messages and hints

Go to Options / Settings/ calculation and tick the entry 'Suppress multiple messages'

New messages are then not shown multiple times as pop-up, but only once and then summarized in the message browser.

Variable Monitor

While designing an apparatus you can observe changes in a variable with the 'Variable Monitor '. (Right mouse click on the variable).

Materials (Strength calculation software only) The materials database is fully integrated into the program and can be accessed via the 'Materials' tab. The materials used are listed here. With a double click a selected material can be transferred into a new module ! You can search for materials and create favorites. The material server can be undocked by double-clicking for more comfortable operation.

Navigator Here you will find information about the active variable.

The variables of the connection are displayed.

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Standard All started modules including their alternatives and comments are saved with the menu item "Save" in the "File" menu. The dialog 'Save file' is displayed:

Backup files get the extension "ATL".

Saving as database file '*.mdb Calculations within the ATLAS program system can be saved as MS Access database file. This file format saves the data as tables. The meaning is specified in the column and row names. This gives access on the ATLAS calculation.

Other software is able to read and change this data.

The database format enables you to integrate saved calculations into the present project. Save standard solutions or frequently occurring calculations as database.

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Print settings

Basic settings

Selection of the chapters to be printed Mark the chapters with CTRL + pressed left mouse button.

Print Registers / Cover

Cover A cover is added to your documentation. You must specify the cover in the print menu under Print – Table of Contents (TOC) Selecting "Table of contents" creates a table of contents in the printout. It consists of the headlines of all the chapters to be printed, indicating the page numbers. Remarks from the notepad are used as prior headlines. The module name and description are quoted in brackets. The Table of Contents contains also a legend, which shows how the different type of values are displayed. Input values, calculated values and estimated values are displayed differently for an easy identification. Material documentation If material data has been integrated from the database into a project, these data are documented in the annex. A separate documentation sheet is created for every material, different geometrical data, temperature or operating pressure. Program annotations A table of annotations is created on the last page of the document. It comprises all annotations and messages displayed by the program during the calculation.

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Page number of 1 st page and print group name Here you specify with which number the numbering of the pages should begin. This can be useful if you manage the documentation as a document part. In addition, the group name can be printed.

Printing range Equations from the input mask are printed by default. You may select not to print the equations.

Graphics from the input mask may be printed..

Language Select the printout language if the according masks are available or purchased.

Start printout The chapters / registers marked in the list are printed out starting from the top when you confirm with OK. The print sequence corresponds to the order of the index cards in the input mask.

Save options All settings made (except the printing language) are saved. The print options are also stored in a saved ATL file (incl. print language).

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Print to You can choose to print as a DOCX file, RTF file, PDF file or an installed physical printer.

Use template file for header and footer Here you enter a template file that already contains your letterhead and footer (bank line). The data from the calculation is written into the text body. The header and footer are not changed. The template file is saved with the ATL. It can be set separately for each print. Insert user-defined placeholders You can use the $placeholder$ format to type any placeholder into the template, which you can then fill with values in the printing form. The value is printed at the place of the placeholder.

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Cover A cover sheet created by you is placed in front of the calculation. The cover sheet can be edited in the integrated cover sheet editor for the current print. The cover sheet is saved with the ATL file. Output format

Print to physical printer Set the local or network printer you want to use. All installed printers of your system are offered. >> IMPORTANT: Do not use a PDF printer here!

Create PDF file

Creates a PDF file with your template file and cover sheet (if selected).

Create RTF file (Word)

Creates an RTF file with your template file and cover page (if selected) that you can process in MS Word or other Office programs.

Create DOCX file

Creates a native Microsoft Word file. DOCX was introduced with Word 2007 and is now the MS Word standard file extension.

Display If the checkbox is activated, the generated file is opened with the linked standard program (e.g. Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word). Creating an Automatic Table of Contents with WORD MS WORD can create an automatic table of contents for you in the created RTF file. You can then insert any amount of additional text or graphics and automatically update the table of contents. Insert any text and graphics into the documentation (RTF file) The documentation can be done in an RTF file, which can be edited with MS WORD. The LV programs write an editable RTF format into which you can insert any additional texts and graphics.


The default template is opened with the editor (Template.tx).

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The templates are in .tx format and you can only edit them with the internal LV editor. The default template is only a suggestion. You can easily change the logo and enter your company name in the header or footer. Adjust the appearance according to your requirements. >> Everything you write into the body of the templat e will be overwritten when printing. Note The place holder $Title$ will be replaced by the actual file name of the ATL calculation file in the printout. If you delete this placeholder the name will not be printed in future printouts. You may also load your own templates as RTF files in the editor and edit them. The template can be adjusted to fit to your standard company paper with printed header and footer. >> Adjust the height and size of header and footer to fit your paper size.

Load existing company templates The following file types can be loaded into the LV editor and then saved in TX format for the LV program. This allows you to adjust the documentation to existing company templates.

Insert place holders With the ‚Insert‘ command you can insert the following standard place holders into the template:

Page number

Title Actual file name as title

Date The current date is used for printing.

Fix Title Fix title. Independent of the file name of the calculation file.

Fix Date One time fixed date.

For inserting user-defined placeholders see the Print to paragraph

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LV Scenario Manager

With the LV Scenario Manager, you can easily

create 'what-if' scenarios by drag&drop in MS Excel.

Über Modul – Szenario Manager öffnet sich die Szenario-Vorlage Datei ( LVSzenario.xltx ) im LV Programmverzeichnis.

1. First assign a scenario name, e.g. scenario 1. 2. You can freely select the variable name. The variable number is transferred by Drag&Drop from the LV

program into the Excel field. 3. Now enter the value for this variable. 4. Then enter the desired output unit for this variable. If you do not enter anything here, the unit used for

internal calculation is automatically used. 5. Proceed in this way with all variables you want to vary and create as many scenarios / variants as you like.

These are saved as EXCEL files (.xlsx). Start the scenario manager from the Module menu. The Excel file is now completed and the corresponding result files (ATL, PDF, RTF) are written to the output path.

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Modul DOKU

Integrating RTF or DOCX files

The DOKU module allows you to integrate as many additional text as you want into your documentation for later printing.

Complete RTF or DOCX files can be included and revision lists can be built.

Create revision list Changes to a file can be displayed very easily and automatically. This revision list can be printed with the calculation.

Select the DOKU module and press the

Button 'Create revision list' .

Search for the previously saved original file without the existing changes and confirm with OK.

The revision list is created

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ZUSA module Connecting and summarizing values

The ZUSA module enables you to summarize text and values in your project.

With ‚Write variable’ (right mouse click) you can mark all relevant variables for the summary.

Switch to the ZUSA module , activate the target variable and press the right mouse button.

By „Link with...“ all source variables are offered.

With a double-click the values are linked.

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The " noted variable " is only offered if the box

"Show only valid connections only."

is deactivated!

When you now change a value in a module all linked values are updated automatically. Your documentation is always up-to-date.

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Service and Support

Call LV consultant

Select 'Call LV consultant' from the 'Help' menu.

Please make sure you can establish an internet connection.

Confirm with OK

Call LV and let your consultant know your ID and your password

Hotline Our hotline is essential in our customer service. Our engineers who have developed the LV programs and who work with this software every day are your contact persons. Scope of service

1. For our customers a free of charge hotline for questions concerning operation of the program is provided for 30 days from date of purchase.

2. After that time we offer support at a very competitive price, covering technical as well as specific


3. Within a concluded service contract, usual user requests are included. You can reach the LV team Monday to Friday from 09.00 am to 4.00 p.m. by phone.

Phone: + 49 - 721 - 97 82 20 Fax: + 49 - 721 - 78 21 06 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.LV-soft.com