How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 5 Evaluation

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How did you attract/address your audience?

Page 2: Question 5 Evaluation

The main image that I have used is friendly and inviting

without being too cheesy which is what I wanted to

achieve. My focus group agreed with me saying that they

like the image however when printed it does seem to be

pixelated which could be down to the manipulation of the

image. The use of the one image engages the reader

more so that the front cover does not look too full and

packed. This was supported by the respondents in my

questionnaire and focus group.

My masthead is bright and stands out on the page against

the image and the sell lines. However the focus group did

bring up that even though the magazine is aimed at both

men and women they felt that the masthead was too pink

and girly and would therefore turn off men buying the

music magazine.

The colour scheme that I have used played a big part in

attracting my target audience of 16 - 24 year old male and

females. However from my focus group it did appear that

the pink was to feminine for males and that the colours

could be made to stand out more. I chose to use a variety

of colour so that it would target both male and females.

The grey calms the page down against the contrasting gold

and pink used.

The use of the pronoun “your” attracts the target audience

because they are addressed as being spoken to directly.

The pronouns are a useful way to engage with the target

audience subtly and make them feel part of the magazine.

The use of the header at the top of the front cover attracts

the target audience due to the bright colour and the way it

describes the genre of the magazine - British music.

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The rule of thirds that is used in my contents page helps to

attract the target audience through the different elements

on the page. The use of rule of thirds made the contents

page easier to read.

I decided to keep the colour scheme throughout the pages

that I have created. This helps to engage with the audience

as they know that the magazine pages belong together if

they were separated. Again from the focus group feedback

it has become clear that I have used too much pink and

that it is not masculine enough for my target audience.

I have used a group image of the boys looking casual so

that the magazine doesn’t send a message of aggression

towards the reader. I varied with the shot types to make

the page look more exciting .

I have used a subscription box at the bottom of the page

to attract the audience to buy the magazine and save

money as my target audience will either buy the magazine

regularly or just for a one off, therefore with the use of the

subscription box it will engage with the reader to want to

purchase more as they will save “36%”

I have created an editorial with an informal copy so that

the audience does not feel intimidated by the magazine

and be forced not to read on.

I have included sections on the right hand side so it is

easier for the target audience to read and locate what page

they want to look at . The mode of address is friendly and

informal so creates a personal relationship with the target


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I have used a consistent colour

scheme that is attractive to the

as there is a continuity created

and the magazine comes

across as professional.

Having a large image on the

right hand page makes the

page look interesting and eye

catching. It is a different shot of

Hannah compared to the front

cover image and the mise-en-

scene of the image creates a

liveliness to the magazine

instead of just a plain white

wall like the front cover image.

My focus group before the

production desired just the one

image so I kept there needs in


The “EXCLUSIVE” in the top

left hand corner of the double

page spread can appeal to the

reader as they are seeing

something no one other than

the magazine readers will see and therefore make them happy

The use of the free flow article makes attracts the audience as they feel apart of the interview, like they are there. I chose not

to complete a question and answer article as from my research they are more formal and my aim was to not make the

magazine too formal. The focus group like this style of article due to the range of quotes and the magazine speaking.

The heading on the double page spread attracts the audience the moment that they turn the page as it is bold and stands out

due to the drop shadow behind the text.