8/10/2019 Quarterly Rolling Report in Report Painter http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/quarterly-rolling-report-in-report-painter 1/10 Quarterly Rolling Report in Report Painter - Variable defnition and Use created by Hemamalini Sridharan on Aug 1, 2012 11:39 AM, last modifed by Hemamalini Sridharan on Aug 1, 2012 6:32 M !ersion 2 inShare Applies to: "#$% &e'ort ainter re'orts being de(elo'ed in SA )$$ 6*0* Summary:  +his document ill hel' in creating a -uarterly rolling re'ort .both cumulati(e and non/cumulati(e in &e'ort ainter* +he -uarters or hich (alues are to be dis'layed being dynamically decided based on the in'uts 'ro(ided in the selection screen* Introduction #n standard SA, the 'arameters eriod and "iscal 4ear are a(ailable or use in re'orts* Hoe(er the 'arameter 5uarter is not 're/defned to be readily a(ailable or use in re'ort 'ainter re'orts* usiness ould li7e -uarter on -uarter re'ort or fnancial analysis Objectie  +he document is a ste' by ste' guide in setting u' all the re-uired (ariables, re'ort element defnition, element name defnition and selection screen or creating a -uarterly rolling .cumulati(e and non/ cumulati(e re'ort* Pre-re!uisite  +he document re-uires the reader to ha(e a basic understanding o creating re'orts in re'ort 'ainter and 7noledge o creating (ariables* Scope  +he document does not co(er ho to create a re'ort 'ainter re'ort rom scratch or does not e8'lain ho to defne (ariables* +he sco'e o the document is restricted to enabling the reader to create a re'ort ith (alues or multi'le -uarters or res'ecti(e years, hich are both dynamically determined based on the -uarter and year entered in the selection screen* "usiness Re!uirement "inance de'artment ould re-uire not only a year on year com'arison but also multi'le 'eriod e(aluations and also a multi'le -uarter e(aluation* hile the rolling year'eriod re'ort can be created using the 'redefned (ariables a(ailable in SA, the multi'le -uarter re'ort re-uires us to create our on (ariables or identiying the -uarters and the years related to the -uarters* #n this document, the business re-uirement or creating an ; -uarter rolling re'ort or alance Sheet .$umulati(e and roft < =oss Account .non/cumulati(e is being considered*  Solution "ollo belo ste's to achie(e the business re-uirement* >ote: "or detailed documentation on Ho to create !ariables to be used in &e'ort ainter re'orts, 'lease see ?&elated $ontents@ at the end o this document here another document detailing ho to create the (ariables is reerenced* Step #: $reate t%e & 'Quarter( Variables and t%e independent ariable )QUAR*+R >otes: 1* +he frst (ariable <5A&+)& is a (alue (ariable and it gets its (alue rom the in'ut gi(en in the selection screen* All other (ariables are ormula (ariables* 2* +his is an inde'endent (ariable hich is not directly used in the re'ort but used indirectly (ia the other ormula (ariables* 3* hen you e8ecute the re'orts re'ort grou', &e'ort riter creates the in'ut feld Quarter  or the inde'endent (ariable <5A&+)& B (alues 1, 2, 3 or C can be entered in the selection screen de'ending on the out'ut re-uired*  

Quarterly Rolling Report in Report Painter

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8/10/2019 Quarterly Rolling Report in Report Painter

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Quarterly Rolling Report inReport Painter - Variable

defnition and Usecreated by Hemamalini Sridharan on Aug 1, 2012 11:39 AM, last modifed by Hemamalini

Sridharan on Aug 1, 2012 6:32 M!ersion 2inShare

Applies to:"#$% &e'ort ainter re'orts being de(elo'ed in SA )$$ 6*0*Summary: +his document ill hel' in creating a -uarterly rolling re'ort .both cumulati(e and non/cumulati(e in&e'ort ainter* +he -uarters or hich (alues are to be dis'layed being dynamically decided based onthe in'uts 'ro(ided in the selection screen*Introduction#n standard SA, the 'arameters eriod and "iscal 4ear are a(ailable or use in re'orts* Hoe(er the'arameter 5uarter is not 're/defned to be readily a(ailable or use in re'ort 'ainter re'orts* usinessould li7e -uarter on -uarter re'ort or fnancial analysis

Objectie +he document is a ste' by ste' guide in setting u' all the re-uired (ariables, re'ort element defnition,element name defnition and selection screen or creating a -uarterly rolling .cumulati(e and non/cumulati(e re'ort*Pre-re!uisite +he document re-uires the reader to ha(e a basic understanding o creating re'orts in re'ort 'ainterand 7noledge o creating (ariables*

Scope +he document does not co(er ho to create a re'ort 'ainter re'ort rom scratch or does not e8'lainho to defne (ariables* +he sco'e o the document is restricted to enabling the reader to create are'ort ith (alues or multi'le -uarters or res'ecti(e years, hich are both dynamically determinedbased on the -uarter and year entered in the selection screen*

"usiness Re!uirement"inance de'artment ould re-uire not only a year on year com'arison but also multi'le 'eriode(aluations and also a multi'le -uarter e(aluation* hile the rolling year'eriod re'ort can be createdusing the 'redefned (ariables a(ailable in SA, the multi'le -uarter re'ort re-uires us to create ouron (ariables or identiying the -uarters and the years related to the -uarters* #n this document, thebusiness re-uirement or creating an ; -uarter rolling re'ort or alance Sheet .$umulati(e and roft< =oss Account .non/cumulati(e is being considered* 

Solution"ollo belo ste's to achie(e the business re-uirement*>ote: "or detailed documentation on Ho to create !ariables to be used in &e'ort ainter re'orts,'lease see ?&elated $ontents@ at the end o this document here another document detailing ho tocreate the (ariables is reerenced*

Step #: $reate t%e & 'Quarter( Variables and t%e independent ariable )QUAR*+R

>otes:1* +he frst (ariable <5A&+)& is a (alue (ariable and it gets its (alue rom the in'ut gi(en in the

selection screen* All other (ariables are ormula (ariables*

2* +his is an inde'endent (ariable hich is not directly used in the re'ort but used indirectly (iathe other ormula (ariables*

3* hen you e8ecute the re'orts re'ort grou', &e'ort riter creates the in'ut feld Quarter  orthe inde'endent (ariable <5A&+)& B (alues 1, 2, 3 or C can be entered in the selection screende'ending on the out'ut re-uired* 

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,escription *able


InternalVariable ormula

,e/aultValue $omments

5A&+)& !alue 5uarter "AD="=)E+ &MAE >o >A 1

F5A&+)&F !alueis rom Selectionscreen



a 5uarter 1 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5uarterF >A  

52"ormula 5uarter 2 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F51F G 1 +H)> F51F /1 )=S) C >A  

53"ormula 5uarter 3 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F52F G 1 +H)> F52F /1 )=S) C >A  

5C"ormula 5uarter C "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F53F G 1 +H)> F53F /1 )=S) C >A  

5"ormula 5uarter "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F5CF G 1 +H)> F5CF /1 )=S) C >A  

56"ormula 5uarter 6 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F5F G 1 +H)> F5F /1 )=S) C >A  

5I"ormula 5uarter I "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F56F G 1 +H)> F56F /1 )=S) C >A  

5;"ormula 5uarter ; "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

#" F5IF G 1 +H)> F5IF /1 )=S) C >A  

Step 0: $reate t%e #1 Period Variables 2it% respect to eac% !uarter 


Variable *ype ,escription *able


InternalVariable ormula



511 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarter1 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F51F J 3 /2 >A  

513 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter1 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F51F J 3 >A  

521 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarter2 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F52F J 3 /2 >A  

523 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter2 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F52F J 3 >A  

531 "ormula

eriod 1 or 5uarter

3 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F53F J 3 /

2 >A  

533 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter3 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F53F J 3 >A  

5C1 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarterC "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F5CF J 3 /2 >A  

5C3 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarterC "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5CF J 3 >A  

51 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarter "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F5F J 3 /2 >A  

53 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5F J 3 >A  

561 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarter6 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F56F J 3 /2 >A  

563 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter6 "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F56F J 3 >A  

5I1 "ormula eriod 1 or 5uarterI "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5IF J 3 /2 >A  

5I3 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarterI "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5IF J 3 >A  

5;1 "ormulaeriod 1 or 5uarter; "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es

F5;F J 3 /2 >A  

5;3 "ormulaeriod 3 or 5uarter; "AD="=)E+ &MAE 4es F5;F J 3 >A  


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1* +o define the From 'eriod and To 'eriod in the &e'ort ainter re'ort, e need to defne theormulae or the From andTo 'eriods or each o the 5uarters defned in Ste' 1

2* +he From 'eriod or each -uarter created as ?eriod 1 or 5uarter >@ and the To 'eriod oreach -uarter defned as ?eriod 3 or 5uarter >@ 

Step 3: $reate t%e & iscal 4ear Variables 2it% respect to eac% !uarter 


Variable*ype ,escription *able


InternalVariable ormula $omments


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 51 "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es F0"/&400F

F0"/&400F!alue is romSelectionScreen


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 52 "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F52F K F51F +H)>F5141F )=S) F5141F /1  


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 53 "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F53F K F52F +H)>F5242F )=S) F5242F /1  


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 5C "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F5CF K F53F +H)>F5343F )=S) F5343F /1  

54 "ormula "iscal 4ear or5uarter 5 "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F5F K F5CF +H)>

F5C4CF )=S) F5C4CF /1  


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 56 "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F56F K F5F +H)>F54F )=S) F54F /1  


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 5I "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F5IF K F56F +H)>F5646F )=S) F5646F /1  


"iscal 4ear or5uarter 5; "AD="=)E+ &4)A& 4es

#" F5;F K F5IF +H)>F5I4IF )=S) F5I4IF /1  


1* +he "iscal year or hich the re'ort is e8ecuted is etched rom the selection screen

2* +he "iscal year or the other I columns de'ends on the "iscal year and the 5uarter entered inthe selection screen

3* Standard SA (ariable <0"/&400 ca'tures the (alue o "iscal year entered in the selectionscreen


Step 5: $all t%e ariables defned in Steps #6 0 and 3 aboe in t%e elementdefnition o/ t%e report 

Step 57A8: $umulatie "alance S%eet Report"or the alance Sheet re'ort, the From 'eriod is alays 0 as the re-uirement is a cumulati(e re'ort* +he balance sheet re'ort has to dis'lay the balances o D= accounts as o the end o the res'ecti(e-uarter and that balance should already include the o'ening balances at the beginning o theres'ecti(e year*Lefne the elements o the re'ort as belo 

Report ormat

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 +lement ,efnition /or $olumn #

>ote that the fscal year is the (ariant <5141 hich is the year 'ertaining to the -uarter <51 andthe From eriod is 0 and the +o eriod is (ariant <513 hich is the 3 rd 'eriod in -uarter <51 

*e9t aintenance /or t%e +lementLefne the te8t or frst column as belo* +his carries the (alues entered in the selection screen or the5uarter and "iscal year* All columns ater this carry (alues or the -uarter earlier res'ecti(ely*

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+lement ,efnition /or $olumn 0

>ote that the fscal year is the (ariant <5242 hich is the year 'ertaining to the -uarter <52 andthe From eriod is 0 and the +o eriod is (ariant <523 hich is the 3 rd 'eriod in -uarter <52>ote that the From 'eriod here is not chec7ed as a (ariable* #t is a constant (alue*

 *e9t aintenance /or t%e +lementLefne the te8t or second column as belo* +his carries the (alues or the 5uarter 'rior to the -uarterentered in the selection screen*

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"ollo the 'attern and defne the elements and the te8ts or all the ; -uarters in ; columns in thealance Sheet re'ort*

Step 57"8: .on-$umulatie Proft and ;oss Report"or the <= re'ort, the From 'eriod is also (ariable unli7e the alance Sheet re'ort* +his is because o the business re-uirement being to assess the 'erormance o the organiation or a 'articular -uarterand com'are the 'erormance on a -uarter on -uarter basis*

Lefne the elements o the <= re'ort as belo Report ormat

+lement ,efnition /or $olumn #

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>ote that the fscal year is the (ariant <5141 hich is the year 'ertaining to the -uarter <51 andthe From eriod is (ariant <511 hich is the 1st 'eriod in -uarter <51 .unli7e the static 0 in thealance Sheet re'ort* +his ill ensure that the fgures dis'layed are not cumulati(e but 'ertaining toonly one -uarter and the +o eriod is (ariant <513 hich is the 3 rd'eriod in -uarter <51 *e9t aintenance /or t%e +lement

Define the text for first column as below. This carries the values entered in the selection screen for theQuarter and Fiscal year. All columns after this carry values for the quarter earlier respectively.

+lement ,efnition /or $olumn 0

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>ote that the fscal year is the (ariant <5242 hich is the year 'ertaining to the -uarter <52 andthe From eriod is <521 hich is the 1st 'eriod in -uarter <52 and the +o eriod is (ariant <523hich is the 3rd 'eriod in -uarter <52* +he fnancials results that ould be dis'layed in this column'ertain to the -uarter 'rior to the -uarter entered in the selection screen *e9t aintenance /or t%e +lement

Define the text for second column as below.

"ollo the 'attern and defne the elements and the te8ts or all the ; -uarters in ; columns in the <=re'ort*

Step <: Selection Screen = ield QuarterAter creating the re'orts as abo(e, include both re'orts into a ne re'ort grou'*

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Mention the library, +able, Lescri'tion in the &e'ort Drou' Lefnition

Assign both the alance Sheet and the <= re'orts to the re'ort grou'

 +he &e'ort riter ill ensure that the feld ?5uarter@ is dis'layed as an in'ut feld in the selectionscreen o the re'ort grou' hen e8ecuted .re'ort code ill be regenerated and the feld ould beincluded based on the act that the inde'endent (ariable <5A&+)& is indirectly used in the re'ortsand the those re'orts are assigned to the re'ort grou'

Step 1: +9ecute Report

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Related $ontent"or inormation on ho to create !ariables to be used in &e'ort ainter re'ortsreerhtt':*sdn*sa'*comirNscngo'ortal'rtrootdocslibraryuuid;01I6e;/;a3/2d10/cbbc/9cc;111IIc6O5uic7=in7Pinde8<o(erridelayoutPtrue<C;063;962

"or inormation on other (ariables that can be used in &e'ort ainter &e'ortsreerhtt':hel'*sa'*comsa'hel'QCI0hel'dataenbd22ea0C3c611d1;2b30000e;29becontent*htm